#childbirth support
harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
Birth Doulas: Empowering Support for Expectant Families
Shaina Tranquilino
December 12, 2023
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Bringing a new life into the world is an incredible journey filled with joy, anticipation, and sometimes, uncertainty. During this transformative time, many women seek additional support to ensure a positive birth experience. Enter birth doulas – compassionate professionals who provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational assistance before, during, and after childbirth. In this blog post, we will delve into what birth doulas are and explore their invaluable role in empowering expectant mothers.
Understanding Birth Doulas: A birth doula is a trained individual who offers non-medical support to expectant mothers throughout the entire childbirth process. These dedicated individuals are typically experienced in various birthing techniques and possess extensive knowledge of the physiological and emotional aspects of labour and delivery.
Their Role: 1. Emotional Support: Birth doulas provide unwavering emotional support during pregnancy, labour, and postpartum periods. They assist expectant mothers by actively listening to their concerns, fears, hopes, and dreams surrounding childbirth. By offering empathy and reassurance, these caring professionals help alleviate anxieties while fostering confidence.
2. Continuous Physical Comfort: Doulas employ an array of comfort measures to ease discomforts associated with labour pains such as massage techniques, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, positioning suggestions, and more. Their presence ensures that the mother's physical needs are addressed consistently throughout the birthing process.
3. Advocacy & Communication: One significant aspect of a birth doula's role is to act as an advocate for the mother's preferences and desires when communicating with healthcare providers or medical staff. This may include discussing pain management options or ensuring the mother has access to accurate information about procedures being performed.
4. Informational Support: Birth doulas empower expectant mothers by providing evidence-based information on various aspects of childbirth like different birthing positions or breastfeeding techniques. They ensure that the mother is well-informed, enabling her to make educated decisions regarding her birth plan.
5. Partner Support: Birth doulas also extend their support to partners or other family members involved in the birthing process. By guiding them on how best to assist and comfort the labouring mother, doulas help create a harmonious environment where everyone feels included and informed.
Benefits of Hiring a Birth Doula: The advantages of having a birth doula during childbirth are numerous:
1. Increased Satisfaction: Studies have shown that women who receive continuous support from a birth doula report higher levels of satisfaction with their birthing experience.
2. Reduced Interventions: Research indicates that with the presence of a doula, there is often a decrease in interventions like cesarean sections and epidurals, leading to more positive outcomes for both mother and baby.
3. Emotional Well-being: The emotional support provided by birth doulas significantly reduces stress levels for expectant mothers, promoting overall emotional well-being throughout pregnancy and beyond.
4. Lowered Risk of Postpartum Depression: Women supported by birth doulas tend to have lower rates of postpartum depression due to the consistent guidance and nurturing they receive during the vulnerable post-birth period.
Birth doulas play an essential role in ensuring positive experiences for expectant mothers during childbirth. Their unwavering support, knowledge, and advocacy empower women to navigate this transformative journey confidently. By providing physical comfort, emotional reassurance, informational assistance, and acting as an advocate, these dedicated professionals contribute significantly to creating fulfilling and empowering birthing experiences for all involved.
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frogs-with-tea · 8 months
I think a lot about Zoro being scared out of his mind about childbirth, and how after is all said and done he considers it one of the worst things he's experienced. Since Zoro is a character who's all about control over the body, strength, and stoicism, childbirth would be hard for him to cope with.
And I think about how he has to open himself up to the love and support around him so he can get to the other side of it
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denouemente · 3 months
there is something so tragic to me about rhaenyra losing everything and everyone important to her and people act surprised when she has the audacity to react to it!!
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Sorry for the unusually real and personal chaplain thoughts, but I need to put this into the ether, because it needs to go somewhere that isn't just inside me: days where I go from sitting with a family in the grief of miscarriage to joyfully celebrating and blessing the arrival of a long-awaited healthy child with a different family (in the span of half an hour) are days where the spiritual and emotional whiplash of my job really smacks me in the face.
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spock-smokes-weed · 8 months
my hand slipped and i drew a whole page of sketches of zosan labor and delivery...
I always worry when i draw stuff like that ppl are gonna think it's too weird... even if I think it's peak hurt/comfort
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king-cowb0y · 2 years
abled people suck actually. y'all don't get what eugenics means y'all shouldn't be allowed to use the word eugenics is literally 'trying to "improve" human population by getting rid of "undesirable" traits' which is literally trying to keep disabled people from existing/having kids.
telling somebody that they shouldn't have kids bc they're disabled and those kids might have that disability is being a eugenicist. it's that simple
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forestmossling · 18 days
okay, no, hear me out. god is not a woman. god is the women. who created humanity as a whole? women, who gave birth to it. who created artisanry, who were the first storytellers, who created the first arts and were behind forming morality of the growing children? women. who were the first people tasked with transformative creation - cooking food, weaving clothes? women. who first comes to mind when i ask you who is the kindest person in your life, the one who unconditionally supports you in times of hardship, who guides your moral compass, whose disappointment you fear most, who inspires you to grow and be better? your mother? maybe your sister? your girlfriend, your wife, your female friends? so, like, women. (okay, i understand that this is more of a personalized experience and isn’t the same for everyone, but, you know, just as a concept, as a general societal expectation).
we don’t need to create a random man who creates and bestows grace, wisdom and kindness upon humanity, when we already have women and they’re absolutely wondrous.
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betteradvice · 2 months
Self-Care Tips for Single Moms-to-Be
Self-Care is not Selfish
If you’re embarking on this pregnancy journey solo, you’re probably feeling a mix of excitement and “oh my gosh, what have I gotten myself into?” Don't worry, this is absolutely normal so let’s chat about some self-care tips that’ll help you from the get-go.
Creating a Support Network
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First things first, you need a squad. You know that saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”? Well, it takes a village to support a pregnant single mom too!
Start by reaching out to single parent and pregnant & single organizations. They’re like your best go to, offering information, support, and pointing you in the right direction for services you might need.
Don’t be shy about connecting with other single parents, either online or in person. Trust me, they get it. Arrange playdates (yes, even before your little one arrives – it’s never too early to start building those connections), join local meet-ups, or dive into online communities. It’s like finding your tribe, but with more stretch marks and weird cravings.
And hey, if you’re feeling ready to dip your toes back into the dating pool, there are even apps designed specifically for single parents. Just remember, there’s no rush – your priority right now is you and the little one.
Mental Health Matters
Being a single parent-to-be can be tough on your mental health. In fact, a whopping 89% of single parents experienced anxiety at some point. That’s a lot of worried minds right?
But here’s the thing – taking care of your mental health isn’t just good for you, it’s crucial for your little one too. It’s like putting on your own oxygen mask before helping others on a plane, except the plane is your life and the oxygen is your sanity.
Consider setting up the support group we just talked about and joining peer-led support groups or workshops. They’re great for boosting your emotional wellbeing and even strengthening that parent-child bond before your baby arrives. Plus, it’s a chance to meet other parents who get what you’re going through.
And remember, it’s okay to ask for help. Whether it’s asking a friend to watch your other kids for a few hours so you can have some “me time,” or reaching out to a therapist, taking care of your mental health is not a luxury – it’s a necessity.
While we’re on the topic of self-improvement, pregnancy can be a great motivator for breaking bad habits. Whether it’s nail-biting, procrastination, or mindless scrolling on social media, now’s the time to work on those behaviors that aren’t serving you or your baby. It all goes towards mental health.
Daily Self-Care Rituals
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Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Self-care? I barely have time to pee in peace!” But hear me out. Self-care doesn’t have to mean day-long spa retreats (although if you can swing it, go for it while yo can).
It’s all about finding those little moments in your day to recharge. Maybe it’s savoring that first sip of your morning coffee (or your favorite sugar-free mocktails if you’re avoiding caffeine), taking a few deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed, or stepping outside for a quick dose of fresh air and sunshine.
For the working moms, try turning everyday tasks into mindful moments. That shower you’re rushing through? Make it a mini-meditation. Washing dishes? Focus on the warmth of the water and the smell of the soap. It’s about bringing intention to these small moments.
I always found Coloring books to be surprisingly soothing when you approach it with the right mindset. The key is finding what works for you and making it a consistent part of your routine.
Fitness and Nutrition Essentials
How do we keep that beautiful body of yours healthy and strong? Exercise during pregnancy isn’t just good for you – it’s great for your baby too! Aim for about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week. That might sound like a lot, but you can break it up into smaller chunks.
Walking, swimming, modified yoga, or stationary cycling are all great options. Just remember to listen to your body and check with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine. And if your usual workout involves extreme activities, maybe save that for after the baby arrives.
As for nutrition, focus on eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy. Your body needs extra nutrients now, especially folic acid, iron, calcium, and protein. But don’t stress if you can’t stomach kale smoothies – do your best, and remember that prenatal vitamins are there to fill in the gaps. For those really short on time, consider batch cooking and meal preparation.
Time Boundaries and Priorities
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Time management as a single mom-to-be is like trying to fit a week’s worth of laundry into a tiny washing machine – it takes some creative maneuvering! But with a few strategies, you can make it work.
Try using the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your tasks. It’s a fancy way of saying “figure out what’s important and urgent, and do that stuff first.” And don’t be afraid to set boundaries with work, family, and friends. Your time and energy are precious commodities right now. For total control over your time and the option of having a practical checklist to run through to keep you on track and less anxious, download my eBook – Single & Expecting: Pregnancy Checklist for Solo Moms.
Time blocking can be a game-changer too. Schedule in your self-care activities, medical appointments, and baby prep time just like you would any other important commitment. And here’s a pro tip: apply Parkinson’s Law by setting shorter deadlines for tasks. You’ll be amazed at how much more efficient you become!
Remember, self-care isn’t selfish – it’s essential. By taking care of yourself, you’re taking care of your baby too.
This journey of single motherhood might not be what you expected, but it’s going to be amazing. You’re strong, capable, and you’ve got this! Just take it one day at a time, be kind to yourself, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride.
And hey, if you ever feel overwhelmed or unsure about anything, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Whether it’s for emotional support, practical advice, or even questions about legal ramifications of certain decisions, there are people and resources out there ready to support you.
So here’s to you – growing a human, preparing for motherhood, and doing it all with grace (and maybe a little morning sickness). You’re a superstar, and your little one is lucky to have you.
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kids-worldfun · 3 months
Pregnancy Care Education: How to Navigating with Confidence
Pregnancy is a period of great change and expectation. It’s an adventure that causes happiness, enthusiasm, but also doubts and fears in equal measure. In order to confidently navigate this crucial stage we need to be well-informed about what should be done and what must be avoided during pregnancy. My Dvija presents some insights into pregnancy care as well as give some practical advice on how…
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carma-bis · 5 months
Friendly 101 reminder that the romans dgaf about whether you were gay or not. Because women were required by law to have 3 kids if they wanted citizenship. That's it. A populace was guarenteed thus they didn't need to police that level of sexuality (we could argue theyre policing it way more heavily nowadays even if theres no law saying men have to, we're so far gone that they dont need to). History matters. It impacts every day of our current life.
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Pregnancy Classes in Calgary for Empowered Expectant Parents
Unlock the journey to parenthood with our Pregnancy Classes at Calgary Birth Essentials. Our comprehensive services include expert-led childbirth education, personalized birth planning, and practical parenting insights. Dive into prenatal yoga for physical well-being and join engaging workshops on breastfeeding and newborn care. Connect with a supportive community, gaining valuable knowledge and building confidence for a positive birth experience. Elevate your pregnancy at Calgary Birth Essentials, where we prioritize empowering expectant parents with the essential tools for a smooth transition into parenthood.
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getsoulside · 8 months
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And my parents wonder why I haven’t had children yet in my 30s…
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ghada-hassan · 19 days
Urgent need for help
I hope you take a minute to read my story and help me.
Hello, I’m Ghada, the mother of the two children, Ahmed and Adam
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I was left from Gaza to receive treatment in Egypt.
After 7 October my home was destroyed and we lost everything we have
Five years ago, I had a stroke in the left foot during childbirth. I still suffer from pain until this time. During the diagnosis, it was discovered that I have a genetic factor that causes blood clots and needed lifelong treatment.
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For my son Ahmed, he is seven years old, he was diagnosed with electrical charges in the brain and because of that he suffers from excessive movement and distraction.
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I hope you help me and support for treatment needs (for analysis and radiology).
On the other side I also need living needs of living in Egypt ,and the cost of rent the apartment and studying needs for my sons .
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Arw you really the author John Green? The same person who wrote The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska?
Yes, but I published one of those books 19 (?!?!?!) years ago and the other 12 (!?!?!?!?) years ago. What have I been up to since then?
My brother Hank and I started Good.store, which delivers high-quality socks, coffee, and soap to your home and donates 100% of its profit to charity. Through good store, we've raised over $7,500,000 to support efforts to radically reduce maternal mortality in Sierra Leone, where as recently as 2019, one in seventeen women could expect to die in pregnancy or childbirth.
(In fact, technically I am here on tumblr as an unpaid intern for the awesome coffee club, which you should really sign up for if you like ethically sourced coffee that tastes delicious and doesn't enrich billionaires.)
I wrote the novel Turtles All the Way Down and then had a little existential crisis and wrote a nonfiction book called The Anthropocene Reviewed, the latter of which is my first book for adults and my first attempt to write as myself.
I helped produce made a movie adaptation (streaming now on Max!) of Turtles all the Way Down.
I helped raise my kids and supported my spouse as she wrote her book You Are An Artist and created a PBS show about art called The Art Assignment.
I ran the educational media company Complexly and the merch company dftba.com while my brother had cancer.
I bought around 2% of a fourth-tier English football team called AFC Wimbledon. Wimbledon are different from most football clubs because they are owned by their fans, each of whom gets one vote in the club's leadership regardless of how much money they put into the club.
I became obsessed with tuberculosis, the world's deadliest infectious disease (it will kill over a million people this year despite being curable), and how TB both exemplifies and reinforces human-built structures of injustice, which is the subject of a book I'm writing that will come out next year.
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wellhealthhub · 1 year
Navigating the Postpartum Journey: A Comprehensive Guide
Congratulations on the arrival of your precious little one! As you embark on this profound journey of motherhood, it becomes imperative to delve into the intricacies that define the postpartum period, a phase as transformative as it is tender. Embarking on the Postpartum Passage The postpartum phase, often referred to as the fourth trimester, signifies an interval of remarkable shifts and…
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