#doula support
harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
Birth Doulas: Empowering Support for Expectant Families
Shaina Tranquilino
December 12, 2023
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Bringing a new life into the world is an incredible journey filled with joy, anticipation, and sometimes, uncertainty. During this transformative time, many women seek additional support to ensure a positive birth experience. Enter birth doulas – compassionate professionals who provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational assistance before, during, and after childbirth. In this blog post, we will delve into what birth doulas are and explore their invaluable role in empowering expectant mothers.
Understanding Birth Doulas: A birth doula is a trained individual who offers non-medical support to expectant mothers throughout the entire childbirth process. These dedicated individuals are typically experienced in various birthing techniques and possess extensive knowledge of the physiological and emotional aspects of labour and delivery.
Their Role: 1. Emotional Support: Birth doulas provide unwavering emotional support during pregnancy, labour, and postpartum periods. They assist expectant mothers by actively listening to their concerns, fears, hopes, and dreams surrounding childbirth. By offering empathy and reassurance, these caring professionals help alleviate anxieties while fostering confidence.
2. Continuous Physical Comfort: Doulas employ an array of comfort measures to ease discomforts associated with labour pains such as massage techniques, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, positioning suggestions, and more. Their presence ensures that the mother's physical needs are addressed consistently throughout the birthing process.
3. Advocacy & Communication: One significant aspect of a birth doula's role is to act as an advocate for the mother's preferences and desires when communicating with healthcare providers or medical staff. This may include discussing pain management options or ensuring the mother has access to accurate information about procedures being performed.
4. Informational Support: Birth doulas empower expectant mothers by providing evidence-based information on various aspects of childbirth like different birthing positions or breastfeeding techniques. They ensure that the mother is well-informed, enabling her to make educated decisions regarding her birth plan.
5. Partner Support: Birth doulas also extend their support to partners or other family members involved in the birthing process. By guiding them on how best to assist and comfort the labouring mother, doulas help create a harmonious environment where everyone feels included and informed.
Benefits of Hiring a Birth Doula: The advantages of having a birth doula during childbirth are numerous:
1. Increased Satisfaction: Studies have shown that women who receive continuous support from a birth doula report higher levels of satisfaction with their birthing experience.
2. Reduced Interventions: Research indicates that with the presence of a doula, there is often a decrease in interventions like cesarean sections and epidurals, leading to more positive outcomes for both mother and baby.
3. Emotional Well-being: The emotional support provided by birth doulas significantly reduces stress levels for expectant mothers, promoting overall emotional well-being throughout pregnancy and beyond.
4. Lowered Risk of Postpartum Depression: Women supported by birth doulas tend to have lower rates of postpartum depression due to the consistent guidance and nurturing they receive during the vulnerable post-birth period.
Birth doulas play an essential role in ensuring positive experiences for expectant mothers during childbirth. Their unwavering support, knowledge, and advocacy empower women to navigate this transformative journey confidently. By providing physical comfort, emotional reassurance, informational assistance, and acting as an advocate, these dedicated professionals contribute significantly to creating fulfilling and empowering birthing experiences for all involved.
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giiwedinongkwe · 2 months
I have a website!
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caradoulasupport · 6 months
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Matrescence - becoming a mother, no ‘bouncing back’ required
Becoming a mother for the first time is a great transition in your life, a rite-of-passage. And not only the first time, but for each time that you become a mother you transition again into a new version of yourself. Each transition is just as significant as the one before. In Western cultures, the focus is largely on the baby that has been born, however the mother is also born each time she gives birth, and this "becoming a mother" piece has largely been left out of our culture entirely. In the same way that we nurture and care for a new baby, we would really do well to remember that the new mother also needs to be nurtured and cared for during this transition.
This critical transition period is Matrescence, and was first coined by an American anthropologist in 1973, Dana Raphael. And although this was first written about in the 1970’s the concept of matrescence has gone completely unacknowledged and unexplored in the medical community, until very recently. There is still so little known about the psychological and physiological effects of becoming a mother - how it affects the brain, the endocrine system, cognition, immunity, the psyche, the microbiome, the sense of self. At a time when a woman is going through a significant rite of passage and is going through massive changes in her physical state, her status within her wider group, her emotional life, her focus, her own identity and in her relationships with everyone around her, she is expected to transition through this stage with ease.
As the author of the recently published book "Matrescence", Lucy Jones, has alluded to - each time that I write the word "matrescence" a red squiggly line immediately appears below it as if to say - this is not real, it doesn't mean anything, it's made up! But it is very real, and the only way to make it even more real is to bring more and more awareness to it, to speak about it to everyone you know. Maybe people will use the argument that they don't want to scare new mothers with horror stories, or that everyone has to go through it for themselves. But there is a huge difference between scaremongering a new mother and presenting her with a term and an explanation for how she is very likely feeling anyway. And if women were to even grow up hearing about this normal transition that happens on entering motherhood, have evidence based information on how it affects your thoughts and emotions, your hormones, your relationships, your sense of self - how much better would they go on to cope with the reality of motherhood if it happens for them? Instead of getting completely side-swiped by a wave of unknowing, of being lost and totally adrift in what we have come to understand as modern motherhood.
The sense of social isolation that can stem from women being ashamed of what they are experiencing and not realising it is actually normal can even trigger feelings of postnatal depression. There are such complicated feelings that can co-exist - having a sense of worry, disappointment, guilt, competition, frustration, anger or even fear alongside the joy of new motherhood. And it is now thought, according to reproductive psychiatrist Alexandra Sacks, who has reintroduced the concept of matrescence in a New York Times article in 2017, that just even knowing that and being aware of what matrescence is can prevent women from getting ill. If you can watch the TED talk given by Alexandra Sacks in 2018 describing matrescence, it will astonish you.
Talking about matrescence and all the parts of motherhood- including the parts that may carry shame for us - is the only way to help mothers feel less stigmatised and more normal in all aspects of becoming a mother. Of course experiencing matrescence without a support network, and without understanding the complexity of what is happening in your brain as a new mother only adds to feelings of not being enough, not being a “good” mother and a sense of failure that can lead to a diagnosis of postnatal depression.
But the question is how much of maternal mental illness is biological and how much is an understandable response to the design of modern parenthood?
One way to claim back the rite-of-passage of motherhood is to surrender to it, embrace every part of it and honour the transition that you have gone through as a mother and as parents. Planning for this postpartum period and putting the framework in place that allows you to be nurtured as the mother is fundamental to the process of matrescence. It is time to honour this monumental transition and enter into motherhood empowered, nurtured and with the confidence that the changes that are happening are normal and expected.
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maraeffect · 8 months
also, i recently asked my tarot deck about guardian angels and if i have any. and since then, i've been seeing 444 SO MUCH. over the past year or 2, i've noticed seeing 444 more than any other angel number. really seeing it almost exclusively. but! it's ramped up SO much lately. i really don't think it's a coincidence idk. literally as soon as i start digging deeper into spiritualism, death, and the afterlife...i start seeing little signs from the universe everywhere. it's odd.
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doulakatie · 2 years
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There are so many benefits to hiring yourself a doula for your birth. Studies have shown that having a doula not only decreases your risk of a cesarean by 50% but decreases your length of labor by 25%, you are 40% less likely to get pitocin, and 60% less likely to ask for an epidural. Doulas help you to change positions, use touch and massage to help you relieve pain, and researchers believe that the simple presence of a doula in the birthing space decreases the chances of a provider even suggesting a c section.
It it worth mentioning that c section births are beautiful and valid. If you've had a birth with an epidural, pitocin, or c section, these numbers are not to make you feel like your birth is "less than" however there are risks associated with interventions. Hiring a doula is a good way to help minimize those risks because their expertise will decrease the likelihood of intervention occurrence.
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ahhsweetdeath · 1 year
Started a patreon for my design/modeling/death work stuff! I wanted to share with you, but also ask if after taking a peek at it…should I add anything else? Let me know in the comments, please!
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panb1mbo · 1 year
i was on my doula shit and i helped someone find emergency treatment for their health issue and while i'm still monitoring the situation i was a big girl and shelved the anxiety and imposter syndrome threatening to take me out faster than a "vaccine optional" policy at a southern megachurch so i wouldn't make a situation about me and my feelings when it wasn't about that at all. anyways all of this to say i DID IT i raw dogged the mental illness, didn't need the xanax or the inhaler. could have used a water bottle tho. forgot that bitch. win some lose some. and i got paid in weed n unmeasurable human connection <3
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sacredliminalspaces · 6 months
Current Offerings~
•Birth Support & End of Life Care
•Postpartum Nourishment, Healing, & Ritual
•Womb Ceremony
*In-person availability Mid-September to Mid-October 2024 in DC/MD/VA - Online 1:1 and birth partners support reopens, 4/12/24*
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Consultation is free 🩵.. schedule here: https://calendly.com/halobirthsupport
or email, [email protected], for more detailed information
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Pregnancy Classes in Calgary for Empowered Expectant Parents
Unlock the journey to parenthood with our Pregnancy Classes at Calgary Birth Essentials. Our comprehensive services include expert-led childbirth education, personalized birth planning, and practical parenting insights. Dive into prenatal yoga for physical well-being and join engaging workshops on breastfeeding and newborn care. Connect with a supportive community, gaining valuable knowledge and building confidence for a positive birth experience. Elevate your pregnancy at Calgary Birth Essentials, where we prioritize empowering expectant parents with the essential tools for a smooth transition into parenthood.
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myhubcitydoula · 1 year
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Experience Nurturing Care with Doula Support Services in Jackson TN
https://www.myhubcitydoula.com/ - At My Hub City Doula, we provide nurturing care through our comprehensive Doula Support Services in Jackson, TN. Our mission is to empower and support families during the journey of childbirth. For more information visit our website at myhubcitydoula.com.
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harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
Unveiling the Profound Role of Death Doulas: Nurturing End-of-Life Transitions with Compassion
Shaina Tranquilino
December 10, 2023
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In a world where conversations about life and death can be uncomfortable, a "new" profession has emerged to provide support and guidance during one of life's most delicate moments. The role of a death doula, also known as an end-of-life doula or death midwife, is gaining recognition for their invaluable contributions in helping individuals navigate the dying process with dignity, compassion, and emotional support.
Understanding Death Doulas: A death doula is a trained professional who assists patients and their families in embracing the final stages of life. Just as birth doulas offer assistance during childbirth, death doulas accompany individuals through the journey towards their inevitable passing. These remarkable individuals are not healthcare providers but rather compassionate companions who bring comfort and solace during this profound transition.
The Role and Responsibilities: 1. Emotional Support: A primary responsibility of a death doula is to provide emotional support to both the dying person and their loved ones. They create a safe space for open dialogue, listening attentively without judgment, while allowing everyone involved to express their fears, concerns, hopes, and desires surrounding end-of-life matters.
2. Education and Advocacy: Death doulas play an essential role in educating families on various aspects of the dying process. This includes providing information about available options for care, advance directives such as living wills or do-not-resuscitate orders, and facilitating discussions around spiritual beliefs or funeral planning. By empowering individuals to make informed decisions aligned with their values, they help ensure that end-of-life wishes are respected.
3. Practical Guidance: Alongside emotional support, death doulas assist with practical matters such as organizing paperwork, connecting families with community resources or hospice services if needed, coordinating home-based care arrangements, or offering advice on pain management techniques.
4. Legacy Work: Death doulas recognize the importance of preserving one's legacy and ensuring that personal stories and wisdom are shared with loved ones. They encourage patients to engage in life review activities, such as writing letters, recording videos or audio messages, creating memory books, or facilitating conversations that allow individuals to leave behind a lasting legacy.
5. Grief Support: The role of death doulas doesn't end with the passing of a loved one. They continue to provide bereavement support for families, offering guidance through the grieving process and connecting them with appropriate resources, including counseling services or support groups.
Benefits of Engaging a Death Doula: The presence of a death doula can significantly enhance the dying experience for both patients and their families. By fostering open communication, reducing anxiety and fear surrounding death, promoting self-determination, and providing continuous emotional support, they enable individuals to find peace, acceptance, and comfort during this challenging time.
Death is an inevitable part of life, yet it remains an often avoided topic within our society. However, death doulas are working diligently to change this narrative by bringing light and compassion into end-of-life experiences. With their skillful guidance and unwavering support, these remarkable professionals foster an atmosphere where individuals can approach death on their own terms while finding solace in knowing they are not alone on this profound journey towards eternity.
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giiwedinongkwe · 2 months
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8th week of Clear Awareness
This week has been hard for me.... It's clear he's not coming back even though deep down I don't want him to come back. I always encourage mothers to keep a peaceful discord with their co-creators. You are housing both his and your energy inside of your being. I remember I use to lean into him and just the smell of his pheromones would send me to a euphoric state. I can no longer find peace in this bond since my body has been telling me something is wrong.
When you get to certain age as a woman, you become supremely aware of your body. So when my body is secreting heavily and there's an acidic smell I knew something was off.
Mental Prompt: "I am embracing the changes within and around me. What positive mindset shifts can I make to navigate this new phase of pregnancy?"
I am immensely proud that I listened to my body eventhough my PCP felt I may have been overreacting. I encourage all women, especially women of color to be invested in self-advocacy, especially in the US healthcare system
Emotional Prompt: "I acknowledge and honor my emotions as they arise. How can I create space for emotional well-being during this time?"
During this week I tested positive for 2 STI's. My co-creator not only walked away from his responsibility but he also left me with STIs that endangered mine and the baby's health. I honor that fact that my first reaction was anger. I was angry at myself, just as much as him. I tend to be hard on myself, so I parented myself through this hard realization that he felt the need to stray from our short relationship and infect me. Creating space for myself is what was needed during my week of healing
Physical Prompt: "My body is a vessel of love and growth. How can I practice self-care and prioritize my physical health this week?"
I made sure to do all my chores that required me to leave my room before I started my medication. I made sure to cook healing foods as I undergo my round of medication that is known to be harsh.
Spiritual Prompt: "I am attuned to the sacredness of life. How can I nurture my spiritual well-being and connect with the divine during my pregnancy?"
I nurtured my spiritual being during this time by remaining faithful to my prayer sessions and secure in my faith that although I may feel physically and emotionally vulnerable that I am continually blessed by the universe.
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shownusfool · 1 year
i should become a doula. id love to just help baby mamas out after pregnancy, plus it means i get to hold little babies!!!
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greensagephase · 19 days
Expectant Father!Miguel
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader Summary: Sweet Miguel who's a daddy to be and trying his best to support you and prepare for the baby's arrival! Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: none, just fluff Masterlist
Imagining a Miguel who after BTSV grieves and heals from his loss and trauma. He opens up and falls in love with someone, you, a Spider-Woman from another universe. The two of you eventually get married and after a few years of a beautiful marriage life, the talk about children comes up once more. You both talked about it early on in your relationship, of course, especially with Miguel losing Gabriella. You wanted to make sure that Miguel was open to the idea of starting a family in the future.
Even after marriage, the topic came up a few times here and there. Each time, Miguel always reassured you that he was open and ready for whenever you both decided to begin trying. And so, the talk eventually started again after a few years of enjoying your marriage. You both discussed it and reassured each other that you were both more than ready to start, so at last, Miguel and you begin trying!
Surprisingly, or may not so much, you soon begin to show symptoms and before you know it, there’s Miguel and you in your shared bathroom with pregnancy tests. Miguel holds your hand as you both wait for the result, both feeling nervous because this could be it. Trying to ease your nerves and his racing heart, Miguel peppers your forehead with kisses, whispering sweet words of reassurance.
“Te amo [I love you].”
“Don’t stress if it’s false symptoms, mi vida [my life]. We’ll keep trying.”
After what feels like forever, the tests reveal the results…
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Expectant Father!Miguel, who tears up and wraps his arms tightly around you before kissing your face out of pure love and affection when the pregnancy test turns out positive.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who can’t sleep that night out of excitement! Miguel holds you close to his chest while you sleep soundly, planting tender and sweet kisses to your head to avoid waking you up as he thinks about the new and beautiful change in your lives, unable to believe that this is happening. He’s going to be a dad!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who wants to tell the whole world that you’re pregnant, but who agrees not to say anything for the first trimester, just in case. Despite wanting to scream the news to all of Nueva York, Miguel also loves being able to keep the news to yourselves. It’s your little secret!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who wants you to have the best midwife, doula, ob/gyn, or whoever you wish to treat you during your pregnancy. Miguel wants to make sure you and the baby will be well taken care off during and after the pregnancy in all aspects, especially medically, so he does research like his life depends on it with you to choose the right professional. This is especially important to him because he’s aware of how often women are disregarded when it comes to their own health, so Miguel wants to make sure that whoever you both work with, takes your concerns seriously.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who goes with you to every single appointment. No matter what. Miguel will schedule things around the appointments in order to go with you because he’s not missing one. His eyes soften up every single time he looks at the screen, seeing your baby moving around. He holds your hand, smiling and filled with happiness as the professional explains the progress. He may not say it at every appointment but he always thinks about how you both, “made that” happen.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who holds the ultrasound pictures after the appointment in his hands, looking longingly at them. At home, he asks if it's okay to frame them so they can be added to the wall of photos in your living room. He personally hangs it up!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who already keeps a stock of your favorite snacks in his lab, but now that you’re pregnant, expands it. As your pregnancy progresses and you start getting weird cravings, Miguel stocks up on a mixture of food items to be ready.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who will go anywhere and everywhere to get you food when you get cravings, no matter how weird they are. Miguel will travel the multiverse, even at 4am, to satisfy the cravings you and baby have!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who gains weight during the pregnancy, too! He doesn’t mind at all, but instead smiles every time he remembers, feels, or sees the new extra weight because “estamos esperando, mi amor [we’re expecting, my love].” He’s proud of it and he doesn’t let any little joke or comment about it get to him!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who massages your swollen feet to ease your discomfort! He tenderly massages them and rubs lotion to keep them soft. Talking about this, Miguel will do your toenails if you don’t get them done professionally. He surprisingly does a great job and he finds that this is another great way to continue pampering you in the future. Miguel also helps you put your shoes on, tying them when it's necessary when you find it too difficult as your pregnancy progresses.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who always tells you how beautiful you are, but especially now that you’re pregnant. Miguel thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous with your pregnancy glow, that's how he sees you, but he also knows that you could easily get ideas about your body not looking good or feeling self-conscious, so he makes sure to tell you often how stunning you are. Miguel wants you to know he loves you no matter what your body looks like!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who buys you the prettiest maternity clothes! He doesn’t care to spend money on clothes or anything else because he wants to you to feel beautiful and comfortable all throughout your pregnancy. Every time you go shopping, he always wants to buy you something, even when you tell him that you have enough clothes but again, Miguel wants you to feel beautiful and comfortable. Plus, Miguel is sure the maternity clothes will come in handy again in a few years!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who holds you tenderly and whispers in your ear how beautiful and strong you are when you have those moments of self-consciousness. He gently reminds you it’s okay to feel that, he knows your body is experiencing changes, but he also reminds you that in his eyes, you’re absolutely beautiful. “Eres una diosa, mi amor [you’re a goddess, my love]”, he whispers.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who starts reading books about parenting and babies! Miguel is an avid reader (you cannot change my mind about this; the man loves to read, but with so many duties as the leader of the Spider Society, our current Miguel doesn’t make much time for it, but he’s def a bookworm), so it’s no surprise that a neat pile of books always sits on his nightstand, but the difference is that his books suddenly turn from science and fiction genres to books about parenting, children, and childbirth to educate and prepare himself as a father. As the pregnancy progresses, Miguel stays up late reading while you’re curled up at his side, sleeping soundly. He rubs your back tenderly with his free hand, partly to comfort you in your sleep but also because physical touch is one of his love languages. Miguel takes little breaks here and there just to admire your sleeping figure, wondering what he did to deserve you and the life he has with you.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who loves cooking to spoil you! He already enjoyed cooking for you before but now he finds double the happiness because he knows you’re eating for two! Also, Miguel will cook anything and everything for you; from your favorite dishes to new ones you’re suddenly craving, even if he’s never cooked it before.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who has to keep his emotions in check during the first trimester because you both agreed to keep your pregnancy a secret to avoid raising suspicions. You both agreed to keep it a secret until the first trimester just in case there are complications, which thankfully do not come up. Despite both of you agreeing to behave normally, people at HQ begin to wonder why Miguel is suddenly extra smiley. Some spider members ask him about it, which makes him realize he’s not doing too great of a job acting normal (but like, you can’t blame him! Miguel is just so, so, so happy that you’re going to be parents!). During the first trimester, some spider members dare ask why he’s so much more cheerful, so he always hits them up with, “Can’t I just smile?” He then puts on a grumpy face for show and to quiet down the suspicions, even though he’s so happy he’d buy a holographic billboard to announce your pregnancy to the entire population of Nueva York if he could, which financially he can, but he’s certain you wouldn’t appreciate that too much.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who no longer bothers to hide his happiness and excitement once the first trimester has passed and you announce it to your friends and coworkers at HQ because the pregnancy is going well. He doesn’t care to hide his excitement when someone asks him how you’re doing or if he’s ready for possible sleepless nights.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who truly, and I mean truly, doesn’t care about the baby’s gender! You guys talk about it as the weeks go by, wondering and guessing for fun, but Miguel truly doesn’t care. Whether it’s a girl or a boy, Miguel is going to love, cherish, and protect that child until his last breath!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who is over the moon when your baby bump starts showing! His gaze softens every time his eyes land on it, his heart elated with happiness. Miguel loves to cup it in his large hands, filled with awe that a little being half him and half yours is growing in your tummy. He obviously knows how the process works but either way, Miguel is always filled with such awe as he caresses and cups your bump.
Expectant Father!Miguel, whose eyes widen and mouth parts the first time he feels the baby kick. He looks at you, his expression one of love and tenderness while he feels the soft kicks under his hands. He kisses you sweetly before he kisses your bump and whispers softly, “Mi familia [my family].” He laughs softly as baby keeps kicking and jokes about having “un futbolista [a fútbol player]” in the family, which only seems to fuel the kicks. This is how you both discover that the baby loves listening to him talk.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who talks to your tummy every day once you both discover that the baby loves listening to his voice. Miguel talks about how excited he is for the baby to arrive, about how loved they will be by both their parents. He often reminds the baby that, “I’ll always protect and love you.”
Expectant Father!Miguel, who is involved in a very part of putting together the nursery because he’s so excited about it. You catch him smiling to himself very often while you both work on the nursery little by little over the months. He builds the crib, making sure that it’s assembled properly for the baby’s well being, and every other piece of furniture that needs to be put together. Talking about furniture, Miguel makes sure there’s a bookcase included, one you both slowly fill with children’s books. He helps hang up the picture frames you both decided on with cute photos appropriate for a baby nursery. He buys the most comfortable chair/couch for the room so that you’re both always comfortable while tending to the baby. You try to keep a budget for the room, but Miguel tells you to not worry about that! Miguel has more than enough money to provide for you and the baby, and he doesn’t care to spend it on the two of you, so he has no budget when it comes to setting up the baby’s room because he wants to make sure you and the baby have everything that’s needed!!
Expectant Father!Miguel, who goes with you to every class you attend to prepare for the baby’s arrival. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the middle of the day. Just like how he schedules things around doctor appointments, Miguel also fits these classes in not only to make sure he’s there as a supporting spouse but also to learn and be prepared to assist and support you when the baby arrives.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who smiles warmly when members from the Spider Society throw you a surprise baby shower. He looks at the cute and small clothes with affection, filled with some amusement as well when he sees some of them are spider theme.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who reads to the baby and you because he learned from somewhere that this is beneficial for children. He does this late in the evenings when you’re both cuddling on the couch, his hand tenderly caressing your stomach. Due to his gentle voice, he usually lulls you to sleep right there on the couch. If you don’t wake up soon, Miguel carries you to bed.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who also plays music for the baby and you. Again, he read something about this having benefits, so he’ll play different genres but usually it’s calm tunes you both choose to play.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who sits with you to decide on a name once you find out the gender of the baby. You ask him about his opinion on the choices you’ve both selected, but he can’t settle on one. He never realized how hard it’s to choose a name, something your child will have forever. You think it’s cute how his eyebrows furrow in deep thought as he contemplates on his personal choice.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who sits on the floor while you sit on the chair you decided on for the nursery while the two of you pack the hospital bag when you’re in the last few weeks of your pregnancy. He checks the bag about a thousand times to make sure you and baby will have everything that’s needed while at the hospital, trying to make sure neither of you have forgotten something.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who makes sure your place is clean right before the baby arrives so that when you come home, the place will be spotless. He also makes sure that all the devices for the baby, such as the baby monitor, are ready to go.
Expectant Father!Miguel, who holds your hand as you’re about to have the baby and refuses to leave your side no matter what! He quietly and sweetly tells you how much he loves you, how strong and beautiful you are. He knows his words of encouragement might do little to ease your pain and discomfort, but the words spill from his mouth regardless because he truly believes what he’s saying. He brings your hand to his lips before he kisses the back of it with misty eyes, filled with so many emotions.
Papa!Miguel, who wipes his tears when the nurse hands you the baby for the first time. He gazes at you with so much love and affection while you hold your baby for the first time, noticing how gentle and natural you are at motherhood. He saves the image in his mind, knowing he'll remember that moment for the rest of his life.
Papa!Miguel, whose eyes spill more tears when you hand the baby to him so he can experience holding his child for the first time, too. His soft gaze captures every detail of his child’s face, searing it into his memory forever. He notes how light and small they feel in his arms, the warmth from their little body, and the beautiful scent coming from his child. He turns to look at you, smiling, and in that moment, he wonders if he’s dreaming all of this. If so, Miguel silently wishes that he never wakes up from this beautiful dream.
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Finally got to post this one; it's been in my Notion vault since April 💀but anyway, thank you for reading!
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dondeeee911 · 6 months
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How would your FS treat you while you are pregnant? 🧸🍼
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   I’m getting that your FS could be a highly respected person with an active life or career. Someone who never really considered children, until they met you! Their fear of fatherhood could make them somewhat indecisive at times, but that’s only because they want to be and do perfectly in your eyes. Your person would want to make sure you are comfortable with ALL your needs met. A yes man? ouuu okay! This person would take pride in providing and protecting you at all times, making sure you and the baby have a healthy pregnancy, and many many luxuries at that! I’m talking spa retreats and romantic dates on the occasion; did someone say baby-moon or push gifts? I think we know the vibes lol. Aww, I see your FS purchasing parenting books, maybe a parenting class, or asking close relatives with children for advice. It’s a scary but exciting journey with you, but they are willing to be that perfect lover and father all in one. They’re always busy and you could long for quality time. Just know it hurts him more to be away from you than to be with you and the little one. 
Pile 2
  You both could have suffered from an actual loss of a child or numerous miscarriages. This pregnancy is seen as a miracle, a situation that wasn’t necessarily planned but ordained, either way, it’s made you and your FS closer than ever. A lot of time will be spent at home and around close family. I see that you two come from supportive backgrounds, having relatives who are willing to pitch in and help, whether that be emotional, finacial, or just taking over the normal house duties that were left unattended to. Your FS would admire the unique changes in your body, foot rubs, back massages, and reassuring affirmations letting you know how strong and great of a mother you are to be. Relax, lay down, you don’t have to do much sweetie; everything will be taken care of. He would want to do a lot of home renovations for you just so that you could feel renewed and satisfied in this phase of motherhood. A lot of faith and prayer goes into this relationship when it comes to the support of your health and the baby’s. One of you could want to take a more holistic approach or an at-home birth. Doula maybe? 
Pile 3
   Your FS will love it when you get all dolled up! They think pregnacy makes you look so adorable they can’t help but spoil you. There might be a day your person decides to take you dress shopping, buy you new makeup, or arrange these cute little photoshoots! He would love to wear matching outfits or pair up similar attire for the day. How attentive is your person!? He could be into decorating or hosting themed pregnacy parties for you and your friends. A collection of home films and photos will be taken of you while you immerse yourself into this newfound you and motherly energy . Oh, how he admires you! As long as you’re happy and looking like his sweet little angel, that’s all that matters. 
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