#childrens safety
tss-nonstop-nonsense · 11 months
An Important Perspective on KOSA
Please, for the love of god, get this where it needs to go to KEEP IT FROM HAPPENING*
Hey, ya'll can call me Adrian. I'm a person who's online all the time, not just because I'm a young person and that's what we do, but also because Youtube is my and my family's job.
HOW is it that there are bills being proposed to protect children online, but that very same bill will NOT protect me from predatory MCN's trying to capitalize off of a minors likeness, will NOT protect me in the case that my image is used by my parents without my consent, and will ADDITIONALLY try to hurt me as a trans and gay person.
The best way to 'protect the kids' online is to NOT LET THEM HAVE PHONES (and NOT POST THEM ONLINE!!). You cannot expect the whole world to be child friendly to your standards.
If you support KOSA I beg you to reconsider, and actually look into what the bill will really do to the internet. If you're reading this on tumblr then congrats! You should agree with me because if KOSA is passed WE WILL NOT EXIST ANYMORE.
If you want to support a real bill, a strong bill that will actually help monetized kids on the internet and give kids like me and countless of my friends the right to the money we generate AND the right to sue for that money, I beg you to please call Governor pritsker in Ilinois about SB 1782, OR call washington state about hb 1627. Additionally contact local lawmakers about making a similar bill in your state.
Have a good day, and remember,
this won't make kids more safe. This will make adults feel more safe. If you believe that the internet is indoctrinating kids into the lgbtq+ community, but you still post video clips of your kids online, I ask you to consider what is worse. A trans kid, or a kidnapped kid. A world where you have a gay kid or a world where you're childs likeness is seen by creepy men and used in ai or even where AI of their voice is used to scam you.
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meandmybigmouth · 3 months
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ahhh Religious beleifs it's all around the world and no where is a CHILD SAFE?
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sortanonymous · 4 months
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breadmecoshy · 6 months
Kokichi in its usual manifestation
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I like both the dynamics of Shuichi x Kokichi and the dynamics of Kaito x Kokichi, but with regard to Kaito and Kokichi, I can never bring myself not to think that Kokichi was REALLY afraid of Kaito, and Kaito REALLY gave him a reason to be afraid of him
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 74
When a new black-haired blue-eyed person appeared in the manor, one could easily be forgiven for thinking that Bruce’s adoption problem had struck again. So color many a batkid surprised that no, this kid isn’t a new sibling, no he didn’t get grabbed from the street, and actually he’s here for Alfred. Apparently Alfred never found it important to mentioned that he has a husband- that the kid kind of implies isn’t human what with the casual way he says he himself is half human- and that this kid is apparently their child. For once it’s Bruce’s turn to come home to a surprise sibling. 
Danny on the other hand just learned that his Clockpa has a semi-mortal partner who has offered to take him in, (in another dimension even! And there’s aliens!!) while the ancient takes care of some stuff at home. And yeah it’s in a rich-manor but Sam has proved that not all rich people are evil, and based off of Mr Pennyworth’s stories the Waynes weren’t bad either. Though based off of the others’ reactions perhaps he should wait to mention that there wasn’t one new family member but three…
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decibelcoatl · 11 months
KOSA will grant the government unprecedented control over the Internet and censor it in the name of "protecting the children" unless every single one of us stops them. Not only would it increase online surveillance of all users through age verification and parental monitoring tools, but it would also allow attorney generals to wipe out content that they deem "harmful" to minors, including race, gender, and sexuality...either for any reason or no reason at all. Even worse, President Biden himself has urged Senate to pass this horrible bill, along with COPPA 2.0!
I've done everything I can up to this point...signed the petitions multiple times, signal boosted, even made a few calls despite not being from America...and I'm exhausted. Things are looking very gloomy, and the only thing I can do now is pray for a miracle. If they're that butthurt over data collection and banning sites, there's no doubt that they might also destroy mine and anyone else's Tumblr, Twitter, DeviantART, AO3, etc.
For any Americans who haven't done so, and do not want their livelihoods destroyed by KOSA, PLEASE sign the petitions and call your Senators while you still can! And if you're not American (like me, who's Canadian), PLEASE sign the petitions and spread the word while you still can!
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tubchunk · 7 months
wdym that everyone who stayed back on the island stayed back for love. wdym everyone that ran to save themselves also did it for their love for each other. wdym people tried their best to save the people they'd spent two weeks fighting cuz at the end there was love THERE WAS LOVE.
thats what the qsmp has always been about. it's love. all kinds of love. and what you're willing to do for that love. its love its love its love
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jensorensen · 1 year
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Height of Folly
According to Consumer Reports, 526 people died in "frontover" accidents in 2020, many of them children. Often these deadly events occur in driveways or parking lots. You can watch an NBC News report on the issue here (below the petition) that shows kids lined up in front of various trucks and SUVs. Or if that link expires, you can watch it here.
Keep this work sustainable by joining the Sorensen Subscription Service! Also on Patreon.
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blackpearlblast · 30 days
I send to you while my heart is wracked with pain. How did I reach this point? I feel like a beggar after being a lecturer at the finest universities and a trainer in prominent international institutions. And here I am now, sitting in a tent, holding my phone to reach out to those who possess genuine humanity to help us overcome this disaster. I am Abdullah Mohammed from Gaza. I am married with three children, and my wife is pregnant and about to give birth. The situation is worsening day by day. I hope you will share my story and assist me in leaving Gaza and protecting my children. Gofundme Link | PayPal Link
this is a legitimate campaign which has been verified by @/el-shab-hussein. the donation links are embedded in the ask above, please help them!!
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fandomsandfeminism · 3 months
Is there anything more bone-chilling as a woman who teaches in a middle school than when a male coworker starts to complain about kids breaking the dress code? (Or not EVEN breaking the actual dress code since ours is really lax, but breaking the dress code in their mind)
It's never good.
It's never a good time.
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themostsanebug · 3 months
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sortanonymous · 1 month
Welp, here I go again...
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UPDATE: KOSA was not added to the bill, losing by a resounding 85-12. We've won the battle, but the war is not over! Don't! Let! Up!
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birdb1tch · 2 months
thinking about how in freshman year coach daybreak quite literally tried to kill kristen to bring the apocalypse (AMONG MANY OTHER THINGS) and upon being told this her own parents turned their back on kristen and said (paraphrasing), “thats not true and you cant prove that.”
thinking about junior year where kristen’s parents SAY shes always welcome to come back anytime and in an effort to keep the peace she says “thank you, thats very kind” HER OWN PARENTS!! ITS NOT KIND, ITS THE BARE MINIMUM! but mac and donna will never see it that way, because to them they didnt fail kristen, she failed them.
ALSO thinking about adaine’s parents who so obviously had no real love for adaine until she had use as elven oracle. and even then it wasnt love, it was a power grab. parents who start a war and leave without you. parents who only cared about power to the extent that they would be angered by adaine revoking aelwyns diplomatic immunity.
arianwen who truly could not understand that adaine was talking about when she called her mother cruel, and angwyn who thought he could “fix” adaine BY CASTING LIGHTNING AT HER
anyway, big long post about the parallels between these specific Bad Parents (and literal bad parents)
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pallanophblargh · 10 months
Wrangling the Children onto some fresh leaves. The Cecropia Kids are over 40 days old and still growing, and I’m starting to worry they won’t pupate in before I leave on vacation . Granted, I’m sure everything will be ok but it’s in my nature to worry over multi-legged invertebrate children. I just love larvae.
(Forgive the frass, I cleaned it out shortly after getting all the cats onto fresh food)
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twelvemartha · 4 months
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Oh god, they'll never know. I... I'll just have disappeared. And they'll always be waiting. Call them.
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sparksinthenight · 4 months
My letter to Biden about KOSA
You can use the following letter as a template to send to your representatives. Or you can write your own letter.
Dear President Biden,
My name is ______ and I am a ______ in _____. I am writing to you to ask that you please oppose the Kids Online “Safety” Act. This act harms children, especially queer or abused children , and allows children to be indoctrinated into their parents’ worldviews.
Children, especially teenagers, deserve the freedom of the current internet. They deserve to listen to many different viewpoints, to hear the stories of many different people, to learn about many different experiences. They deserve to meet many different people and learn from them. They deserve to interact with many different forms of art expressing many different viewpoints. This allows them to form their own ideas and opinions about the world and become their own people. It broadens their horizons and makes them more open minded.
If parents are given control over what children learn about on the internet, then many parents will ensure that their children are not exposed to any views that contradict their own.
This will make it so that future generations can no longer learn more than and become better than older generations. The only thing making our society progress is younger generations learning more and becoming more accepting than older generations.
LGBT+ children under KOSA will often be stopped from accessing resources that help them learn that being LGBT+ is okay. Many children won’t be able to go against their parents’ homophobia and learn to love themselves. This will lead to many mental illnesses and suicides.
Also, abused children often go to the internet to access resources that teach them that what is happening to them is bad and they deserve better, and to access resources that help them escape. Their parents of course will not allow them to access these resources under KOSA.
Thank you for reading my letter and please take my concerns to heart.
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