#chili juan
dailymckinnon · 5 months
Main Dishes - Sloppy Juan Recipe
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Give your sloppy joe sandwich a Mexican twist with chorizo, cilantro, chili powder, and cumin.
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lizaminnelson · 6 months
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Sloppy Juan Recipe Give your sloppy joe sandwich a Mexican twist with chorizo, cilantro, chili powder, and cumin. 1 teaspoon ground coriander, 4 Italian-style hoagie buns split lengthwise and toasted, 2 tablespoons chili powder, 1 green bell pepper diced, 1 jalapeno pepper seeded and minced, 1.5 tablespoons chipotle chili powder, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, 1 pound ground chorizo, 1 head cabbage chopped, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup diced green onions, 1 cup water or as needed, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 8 eggs, 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 pound ground beef, 1 tablespoon garlic basil spread, 1 yellow bell pepper diced, 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 lime juiced, 1 orange bell pepper diced, 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1.5 cups mayonnaise
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wrandonbu · 9 months
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Sloppy Juan Recipe With chorizo, cilantro, chili powder, and cumin, you can add a Mexican twist to your sloppy joe sandwich.
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philipharrison · 1 year
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Sandwich - Sloppy Juan Give your sloppy joe sandwich a Mexican twist with chorizo, cilantro, chili powder, and cumin.
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ignorancelive · 4 months
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berriblossom · 11 months
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Jing Yuan x Fem!Reader |Suggestive stuff, sex but not very descriptive, fluff, lazy evenings with the General. mentions of marriage, and cooking lessons.
Jing Yuan was a well-received man among the Xianzhou Luofu, not only as the general within the seat of Divine Foresight but also as the general of the Cloud Knights, and a beloved one at that. But even with the dozing general's behavior within the past few weeks despite his occasional need to rest his eyes, some of his dear soldiers found him a bit off.
The general seems out of it, even more than usual. His eyes would drift off, his voice would sound as if he was hardly present, and his sleeping habits? Usually, it was a few naps here and there, but the Divine Commissioner Fu Xuan pondered if the general was going senile. He would completely knock out on his desk, barely speak, and only mumble about needing to head to the market about something.
Was he trying to prepare a feast? When Fu Xuan asked Yanqing the general's junior, "What in the world is going on with the general? He is needed immediately for some reports and a few details about the Xianzhou!" The sage mirrored Yanqings already confused face. "I don't know where he is.." Yanqing offered with a shrug. The poor boy didn't know either. Where was Ying Juan?
"Now add more water. Not that much!" You semi-shouted. Jing Yuan faulted his movements and stopped adding the water from the pitcher. You checked the large pan to see if the mixture was too diluted or not enough. Taking the wooden spoon you tasted it a little more. "Add some more chilies and some more salt." The general listened to your command accordingly and added a few more grounded chilies and a pinch of salt. You sprinkled some sugar into the tomato-based mixture. Giving it a taste some more, you handed the spoon off to Jing Yuan.
With a satisfied grin and lick of his lips a signature grin formed on the lips of Jing Yuan. "Is this is? Do we add the eggs now?" The excitement bounced off him and made you smile back too. Shakshuka isn't a fairly hard recipe, but it's somewhat new to the people of Xianzhou. You handed him three large eggs and let him crack them into the pan. Letting the egg whites warm and finally cook to a good temperature you quickly set the table and prepare some plates and other sides made earlier.
Jing Yuan smirked as your eyes lit up as you congratulated him on successfully creating another dish. It wasn't that he couldn't cook, he was partially and ok-cook. However, your family has owned a restaurant within the ship and it was becoming popular due to the somewhat foreign dishes presented to it. So much as so, the General of the Cloud Knights asked you to personally cook for him more often. Was this his way to get an excuse to see you more often rather than the beautiful women behind the counter of one of his favorite new places to eat? Yes. Yes, it was. Was he ashamed? Nope.
However, when you instead asked if you could teach him to cook some of the dishes since he was so adamant about eating your food. So badly you felt like he needed to learn how to cook. Hence how the deal was formed. Jing Yuan would spend a pretty penny on getting some ingredients that he had to hunt for on the Luofou, including certain spices, herbs, and even certain types of milk. Every night he would welcome you into his home and fill his kitchen with all the ingredients on the list you would send him. In return, you'd teach him and even let him have some recipe cards or coupons for your family's restaurant. Plus he got to spend more time with you. But night after night and lesson after lesson, Jing Yuan didn't want to let you go.
Each time you'd hold him tight and compliment him on his growing skills or your star-like eyes when you'd taste his newly refined dishes was enough to make the general feel a lovesick grin on his lips. The nights he wanted to ask you to stay a little longer, to taste more of the food he wanted to give you. He wanted you to hold him close again, smile at him with those lips he wanted to taste the food off from. To taste you fully was a wish he buried within his chest and mind every night when you two would bid farewell until the next evening. For nights he would lay awake and wish you were next to him. His heart couldn't;t take it every time you'd smile, or how when you want to know something is too hot, you'll stick your tongue out like a cute puppy.
Speaking of animals, Mimi loved you! You'd spend a good thirty minutes just relaxing and cuddling Mimi, Jing Yuan from his kitchen would peak out and check on the two of you. At first, you feared the lion but the moment you realized she was similar to her owner in a more special way. It was keen that the two of you would be close. Which was a win in Jing Yuan's book. The times you'd gather at the table with him, handing her some food specially made for her (cat food but make it for lions oml), Jing Yuan didn't think of a more perfect situation with the two of you.
This night after the shakshuka was finished, Jing Yuan helped you make the table and set the table again, but this time he felt it would be the last time. The tone of the evening wasn't as light or as airy as before. This time he could sense a bit of sadness behind your smiles, a bit of anxiety behind your voice. Tonight it would be the two of you again, Mimi was off in her own world with her bowl of food, but even when you greeted her it was different. You sat down beside the general and begin eating the portions he served you, his eyes watched you analytically. He was trying to figure out what was on your mind.
Why not ask, then?
"Something wrong with the food dear?" The nickname came out of habit, more so than Jing Yuan would want to say. You shook your head quickly, and you snapped out of your somewhat of a daze. "No, not at all, I just..ah.." You looked around trying to avoid his golden gaze. A large warm hand held yours gently.
"Hey, [Name]..darling look at me. What's wrong?" He leaned forward a little and tried to use his other hand to direct your chin to face him. Your eyes met, Jing Yuan's eyes were full of life but seemed drained. Making you feel a bit more guilty. While the general was beyond enthralled with your eyes. The color was something he could see a thousand times but yet on you, as your eyes...it was the most beautiful color. To him, it was a work of art, an artist full of life perfectly and personally colored them, full of shape and raw natural beauty. Your lips pulled into a frown as you answered him finally.
"I just feel guilty, you seem a little more distracted lately because of the little lessons and such...plus your sleep is being thrown off because of how late I come by and I don't want you sacrificing sleep or your position.." You were silenced when Jing Yuan's chuckle sounded through the space. (Mimi's small snores also combated that, but let's not ruin the moment)
Jing Yuan took in a breath. Both his hands were now holding your face in place, and his soft smile bloomed against the light of the dining area lamp. The warm colors of his eyes were like little stars waiting for you to make a wish on them.
"You are in no way a bother to me, my job, or my sleep. Matter you make them seem better. I was the one who asked you to cook for me personally. You had more reason to teach me to cook those dishes. Your laughter, voice, and smile make me want to spend all the hours of the night with you. Every night, as of fact."
Jing Yuan, for that time, didn't care really about anything other than your smile. He wanted to know what you wanted of him so he could give it to you. "Please let me indulge a little for tonight...my dear?"
The warm, strong hands held you close as he felt your body press with his. The shakshuka? Forgotten on the table. The stove was off, and the food could get cold, but right now, he wanted to taste, feel, and bring life in your warmth. Your lips connected first as a small peck, a little easy test for what was to come. Then the kisses became more hungry, groans, moans, and the daring touches of his hands moving any which way you wanted them to.
Jing Yuan kissed along your face, down your jaw and neck. His hands slipped underneath your shirt and held the skin of your abdomen and stomach against his sturdy frame. His eyes focused on you, and you only.
When you whispered his name as a pleas for him to continue he corrected you once.
"For tonight and hopefully for every night beyond this, call me Jing Yuan, not general. This time I'm not here for the lesson but for you. My dear, let me get a single taste of you and your love along with mine."
Guiding you beyond the table and into a different room, Jing Yuan layed you down along the bed, his sheets were soft and warm, his hands were a contrast due to the rough nature they were accustomed to. But his touch on you was gentle.
Throughout the night, your moans, his words of love, and admiration gave a bloom of love. Within Xianzhou, the people live beyond what would be considered normal, so marriages were scarce, but at this moment he wanted, no needed you to be his. Every morning to have you by him, with your presence, and every night, he would hold you tenderly while he slept at peace.
"Please, my dear [name]! please stay a little longer with me. Just a bit..."
He would groan into your ears, his voice velvety and his words sweet as honey. Food aside, he wanted to have this course again and again until the time finally came for it to end. But for tonight, and so forth until that day comes, you are his, he will forever be yours.
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AN: Sorry, this was a long one oof.
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burningvelvet · 7 months
Let me tell you about John “Foul-Weather Jack” Byron, Captain James Cook, a doctor named James Lind, and also a different doctor named James Lind, and how they all knew each other, helped to cure scurvy, and inadvertently helped to inspire Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein (1818) and Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) -- a long-winded history ramble
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John Byron next to a first edition copy of Frankenstein.
John joined the Royal Navy at 14 and by the ripe old age of 17 had proved himself by surviving a deadly shipwreck off the coast of Chile. The voyage was part of George Anson's famous circumnavigation of the globe done to seize Spanish ships. Only 188 men of the original 1,854 crew members survived; several, including Byron, were taken as prisoners by the Spanish. Recollections of the voyage were sensationalized and it was depicted in stories like William Cowper’s poem The Castaway. John Byron published his own successful memoir, The Narrative of the Honourable John Byron (1768).
The novel's full title deserves attention for it's 18th century pre-Byronic melodrama: "The Narrative of the Honourable John Byron (Commodore in a Late Expedition Around the World) Containing an Account of the Great Distresses suffered by Himself and his Companions on the Coast of Patagonia from the Year 1740, till their Arrival in England, 1746. With a Description of St. Jago de Chili, and the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants. Also a Relation of the Loss of the Wager Man of War, one of Admiral Anson's Squadron." I can only imagine that had his grandson Lord Byron's memoirs been published instead of burned, their title would have borrowed from his grandfather's by including something similar to "Containing an Account of the Great Distresses suffered by Himself . . ." but I digress.
I do not digress. The beginning of his preface opens with this gem (I've swapped the 18th-century "long s" for a regular one):
"But here I must say, I have been dubious of the partiality of my friends; and, as I think, justly fearful lest the world in general, who may perhaps find compassion and indulgence for a protracted tale of distress, may not give the same allowance to a luxurious imagination triumphing in a change of fortune, and sudden transition from the most dismal to the gayest scenes in the universe, and thereby indulging an egotism equally offensive to the envious and censorious."
Which brings to mind Francis Cohen's criticism of Lord Byron's Don Juan: “Lord B. should have been grave & gay by turns; grave in one page & gay in the next; grave in one line, & gay in the next. And not grave & gay in the same page, or in the same stanza, or in the same line… we are never drenched & scorched at the same instant whilst standing in one spot" (letter to John Murray, 16 July, 1819). And (not the most entertaining part, but to keep things brief) part of Byron's retort: "I will answer [Cohen] who objects to the quick succession of fun and gravity — as if in that case the gravity did not (in intention at least) heighten the fun. His metaphor is that ‘we are never scorched and drenched at the same time!' Blessings on his experience!" (letter to John Murray, 12 August, 1819).
John went on to be considered one of the greatest naval commanders of his era, commanding several ships as captain during the Seven Years’ War and beating the French as leader in the Battle of Restigouche. He later set the record for fastest global circumnavigation at the time while commodore, became a notable explorer, became a commander at multiple Royal Navy stations, and was appointed Governor of Newfoundland in Canada for three years. According to Wikipedia, “his actions nearly caused a war between Great Britain and Spain.”
It seems like he basically just did whatever the hell he wanted. We can see that the apple really doesn't fall too far from the tree. Everyone in the Byron family was kind of crazy. See: psychologist Kay Jamison's Touched By Fire, a novel on the mental illness of famous writers, half of which is focused on Lord Byron (as it should be) and includes an extensive psychological analysis of his whole family tree, which in a short summary brings me back to my previous point: everyone in the Byron family was kind of crazy.
John's health declined after sustaining storm-induced injuries and an unsuccessful attack against the French at the Battle of Grenada. He died at 62 with six living children. His grandson, the poet Lord Byron, borrowed inspiration from John's life and the shipwreck descriptions in his memoir while he was writing the shipwreck sequence in his magnum opus Don Juan.
In an epistle to his half-sister (Epistle to Augusta) Byron mentions their grandfather thus:
"A strange doom is thy father's son's, and past / Recalling, as it lies beyond redress; / Revers'd for him our grandsire's fate of yore— / He had no rest at sea, nor I on shore. / If my inheritance of storms hath been / In other elements, and on the rocks / Of perils, overlook'd or unforeseen, / I have sustain'd my share of worldly shocks, / The fault was mine; nor do I seek to screen / My errors with defensive paradox; / I have been cunning in mine overthrow, / The careful pilot of my proper woe."
On to the Scottish doctor James Lind! He's important because he developed the theory that citrus fruits treated scurvy, and in attempting to prove so he conducted the world's first ever official clinical trial. In his tests, he used the survivors from this famous shipwreck. This likely included Byron himself, being one of the few survivors and having reported the healing effects of citrus in restoring men who were on the verge of death. Needless to say, the discoveries and implications of Lind's clinical trial had an unprecedented impact on the fields of nutrition and medicine, and all of history, particularly in the Caribbean. In 1753 he published his Treatise on Scurvy.
Lind's theories on scurvy influenced the famous Captain James Cook, who implemented these ideas and proved their efficiency by how few men he lost to scurvy compared with every other Captain at the time. When Cook circumnavigated the world on his first voyage, no one died of scurvy. This didn't help with malaria and dysentery, which nearly wiped out his whole crew at one point on a journey to Indonesia. Aside from Anson's shipwreck, Cook's voyages were the other major instance of what I would call "social experiments at sea, or, fuck around and find out: scurvy edition" which led to the development of scurvy research.
As an aside, there is a famous town in Australia named Byron Bay. That town was named by Captain Cook in 1770 as a tribute to John Byron. Cook was sailing around on the HMS Endeavour doing even crazier colonial shit, and he likewise died as the result of his sea travels. He was killed in a scuffle on Hawaiʻi Island which transpired after he had casually tried to kidnap King Kalaniʻōpuʻu-a-Kaiamamao in broad daylight, planning to ransom him out of revenge for the theft of one of his boats, although Cook himself had stolen their sacred wood first after they had been so nice to him. This is what I've gathered from reading a bit about the confusing affair, but the main point is that Cook got what was coming to him. The Journals of Captain Cook were published to major success, contributing to the history of English travel narratives. But Cook is a pretty well-known historical figure so I can't go into his chaotic life any more than this, lest I be writing forever.
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Lord Byron in an Albanian oufit he bought while traveling for 2 years, & Captain Cook thinking about navigation. The backgrounds make them look part of the same painting, no?
Back to the Linds: interestingly enough, the scurvy-studying physician James Lind had a younger cousin who was also a physician named James Lind, as well as a scientist/philosopher/teacher. While teaching at Eton, this Lind became a tutor and mentor of a young Percy Bysshe Shelley, and had such an impact on him that Shelley refers to Lind in several of his works. Shelley especially enjoyed Lind’s experiments regarding galvanism - the study of bringing things to life with electricity. It is widely believed by scholars that Shelley’s conversations and rememberances about Lind at Lord Byron's Villa Diodati were some of the primary inspiration for Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein (1818).
For further reading on Shelley's Lind: The real Doctor Frankenstein? by Christopher Goulding via Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. Lind's Wikipedia page has a section devoted to Frankenstein.
Percy Shelley described his Lind:
". . . exactly what an old man ought to be. Free, calm-spirited, full of benevolence, and even of youthful ardor: his eye seemed to burn with supernatural spirit beneath his brow, shaded by his venerable white locks, he was tall, vigorous, and healthy in his body; tempered, as it had ever been, by his amiable mind. I owe to that man far, ah! far more than I owe to my father: he loved me, and I shall never forget our long talks, where he breathed the spirit of the kindest tolerance and the purest wisdom . . ."
A tie-in to vampire literature: Lind is also thought to be an influence on Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897), which was influenced by (Lord Byron’s doctor) John Polidori’s novel The Vampyre, the first ever vampire novel, which was inspired by Lord Byron’s short vampire story Augustus Darvell, which was written at the same time as Frankenstein during their infamous ghost story competition at Villa Diodati. Augustus Darvell was inspired by Byron's travels through Eastern Europe, and was likely in part inspired by (another famous Romantic poet) Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s gothic poem Christabel, which Byron terrified Percy Shelley with after reading it aloud at the Villa Diodati, and which Byron loved so much that he helped Coleridge publish it through his own publisher. Christabel began in 1797 but wasn't published until 1816 for this reason.
To continue on vampires: Byron's enemy, the famous poet Robert Southey (who Byron roasted in Don Juan, among other works, and basically cancelled him as a result) also wrote a poem called Thalaba the Destroyer (1801) which is sometimes considered to be the first true depiction of a vampire in English literature. He also wrote it while traveling. Shelley (and Keats) both loved this poem, and so it also *could have* inspired some of the conversation at the Villa Diodati if Shelley had related the vampire theme to Christabel or Darvell. Southey is also the first English writer to write on Haitian zombi folklore, which would later become the zombie of modern horror. Southey was also reportedly in love with Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, the mother of Mary Shelley and philosopher who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), one of the most influential proto-feminist texts.
I relate these connections to demonstrate how small the literary world was at the time; so small that all the writers pretty much knew each other. In 1801, the English population was about 11 million, and in 1899 had grown to around 37 million due to industrialization (source: Black, Joseph, et al. "British Literature: A Historical Overview." The Broadview Anthology of British Literature, Broadview Press, vol. B, 2010, p. 70).
That's nearly the current population of London alone, but around 75% of that 11 million English population in 1801 was rural, whereas at the end of the century the national population was about 75% urban (source: same as prior), again due to industrialization. London in the early 19c was much less populated than today, and the amount of people who were educated or even merely literate was also much smaller than today. So really, it makes sense that all of the artists/writers/scientists/aristocrats knew each other. But it's still insane to see examples of how small the world really is and always has been.
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The front-facing portrait is of Scurvy Lind, the shadow portrait is of Galvanism Lind.
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The Shelleys: the King and Queen of Romanticism.
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Southey, Coleridge, Polidori, Stoker: some early Kings of Vampirism (as represented in popular British literature).
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belladovah · 2 months
URL Song Game 🎧
I was tagged by @jellymeduza, thank you!
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Edge of a Revolution - Nickelback
Legendary - Skillet
Lost in the Echo - Linkin Park
All I Want - A Day to Remember
Darkside - Bring Me The Horizon
Out of Pocket - Black Stone Cherry
Victorious - Skillet
Arlandria - Foo Fighters
How You Remind Me - Nickelback
I had a hard time picking so may as well mention what else I thought of: Blind Man - Black Stone Cherry, Bailando - Enrique Iglesias, Best of You - Foo Fighters, Bleed it Out - Linkin Park, By The Way - Theory of a Deadman, Bring Me To Life - Evanescence, Big City Lights - Black Stone Cherry, Empire - Bring Me The Horizon, La Camisa Negra - Juanes, Love Isn't Always Fair - Black Veil Brides, Love Is Hell - Theory of a Deadman, Like I Roll - Black Stone Cherry, Lonely Train - Black Stone Cherry, Alone in a Room - Asking Alexandria, All I'm Dreamin' Of - Black Stone Cherry, All Summer Long - Kid Rock, Animals - Nickelback, All Or Nothing - Theory of a Deadman, Again - Black Stone Cherry, Do This Anymore - Nickelback, Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers, Die for You - Black Veil Brides, Old Town Road - Lil Nas X ft. Billy Ray Cyrus, Obey - Bring Me The Horizon with Yungblud, High Time - Nickelback, Hey Baby, Here's That Song You Wanted - blessthefall, heavy metal - Bring Me The Horizon, Hero - Chad Kroeger, Hell and High Water - Black Stone Cherry, Have Faith In Me - A Day to Remember
Tagging: @joplayingthesims, @kooli-sims, @hugelunatic, @plumbtales, @atomtanned, @morepopcorn, @kayleigh-83, @anibats, @teaaddictyt, @antisocialbunnysims, @twentyfourfirst-sims, @letomills, @lordcrumps, @noodlebelli, @timberllania, @osab. It's only an invitation, so no pressure. :)
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klausie · 1 year
My Talking Slimy: cat Juan pet
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Talking friend - ASMR game: virtual pet loves to talk. Super slime simulator 3d
My Talking Slimy 🐛 - virtual pet & virtual slime simulator offers endless entertainment! 😃
My Talking Slimy can really talk 🗣️, making it a truly interactive experience.
😍 This fun and interactive game is perfect for children of all ages. 🤗 With over 24 different activities such as mini games, customization, squishing, talking, kicking ASMR buddy, My Talking Slimy 🐛 is sure to keep your child entertained for hours on end. 🕰️
It's like a new ASMR tamagotchi plus a slime simulator, providing a unique and fun experience.
Various customization options are also available. 🛍️ You can dress him up in a cat outfit 🐱. The following customization options are also available: cat 🐱, dog 🐶, bird 🐦, pig 🐷, cow 🐄, monkey 🐒, slime 🐛, pirate 🏴‍☠️, pinocchio 🤥, pig 🐷, ninja 🗡️.
You can create your own virtual pet in the form of a slime and name it whatever you like: Tom, Jimmy, Goo, Jelly, Kitty, Boo, Angela and so on. You can feed your buddy apple 🍎, worm 🐛, ginger 🌶️, chili 🌶️, burger 🍔, sushi 🍣. It's like a real tamagotchi style baby.
The following mini-games are available: ASMR slicing ninja 🗡️, slime plank 💦, virtual pet music and dance 🎵, DIY stair master 🏃‍♂️, Jelly jetski 🛥️ and many others. 🎮 You can choose many types for your talking slime: cat ears 🐱, cow nose 🐄, hair hank 💇‍♂️, cat teeth 👄, and more than 7 outfits. Build and craft your talking slime 🛠️.
Get a talking friend for free and have hours of fun with My Talking Slimy! 💬 This game offers endless entertainment and customization options, making it perfect for children of all ages.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to own your very own virtual pet 🐛 and play mini-games with it too! 🐱🐶
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albonoooo · 5 months
the lovely @hrhgeorgerussell tagged me to share 10 songs i've been listening to a lot lately, thank you <3 since i'm not really a playlist person, i just picked randomly from the spotify-generated 'on repeat' playlist (in no particular order, because it would be impossible to arrange this ridiculous mix into a logical order anyway).
mr doctor man by palaye royale
eat your young by hozier
mermaids by florence + the machine
de selby (part 2) by hozier
calm like you by the last shadow puppets
dámelo by juanes
bullet with butterfly wings by palaye royale
hard to beat by hard-fi
buttons by the pussycat dolls
the adventures of rain dance maggie by red hot chili peppers
zero pressure tags (feel free to ignore!!): @wanderingblindly (the number one influence on my taste in music atm) @jennarations @ocontraire @liamlawsonlesbian
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kaelidascope · 6 months
So we have seen most of the major players for team RWBY and JNPR, will Juane appear as well? Just a crack thought or did I miss him/forget?
Oh sorry hun! Juane doesn't make an appearance in this one </3 I did joke with a friend though that if he did exist in this AU, he'd be the waiter at the Chili's Blake and Weiss always go to lol The story goes he tried to shoot his shot separately with Pyrrha and Weiss and didn't realize they were dating at the time. Now they just go to specifically see him and give him an unreasonably large tip to compensate for dealing with them all night long lol he doesn't mind
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black20viking · 1 year
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Bacon Burger
Chili's, San Juan, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
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spacefinch · 2 months
Pokemon Masters sync pairs that I think should exist
Cilan and Simisage
Chili and Simisear
Cress and Simipour
Arven and Mabostiff
Alexa and Helioptile
Professor Cozmo and Solrock
Crispin and Blaziken
Amarys and Metagross
Cyllene and Abra
Dana and Virizion
Dendra and Falinks
Sina and Glaceon
Dexio and Espeon
Drayden and Drudiggon
Drayton and Archaludon
Ingo and Chandelure
Emmet and Eelektross
Hassel and Baxcalibur
Ilima and Gumshoos
Johanna and Glameow
Juan and Whiscash
Professor Juniper and Cinccino
Jupiter and Skuntank
Kabu and Centiskorch
Katy and Spidops
Kieran and Hydrapple
Carmine and Poltchageist
Cedric Juniper and Samurott
Malva and Talonflame
Mars and Purugly
Matt and Sharpedo
Milo and Eldegoss
Opal and Galarian Weezing
Perrin and Noctowl
Poppy and Tinkaton
Rika and Clodsire
Larry and Flamigo
Brassius and Arboliva
Byron and Bastiodon
Ryme and Houndstone
Iscan and Basculegion
Palina and Hisuian Arcanine
Sabi and Hisuian Braviary
Mai and Wyrdeer
Lian and Kleavor
Arezu and Hisuian Lilligant
Calaba and Ursaluna
Melli and Hisuian Electrode
Ingo and Sneazler
Gaeric and Avalugg
Juliana and Miraidon
Florian and Koraidon
Saturn and Toxicroak
Shelly and Carvanha
Tabitha and Numel
Trevor and Florges
Tulip and Espathra
Time and Garganacl
Wattson and Manectric
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meret118 · 4 months
Chili extracts have been used as painkillers for centuries or longer, stretching back into the pre-Columbian era. In 1552, a pair of Mexican natives, Martín de la Cruz, a healer, and Juan Badiano, a teacher, collaborated on a guide to Aztec herbal remedies now known as the Badiano Codex. It makes extensive use of the analgesic properties of chilies. One remedy for inflamed gums was to make a compress: boil the roots of several kinds of pepper plants along with a chili paste, wrap the resulting stew in cotton, and press it against the afflicted area.
Elsewhere, native Americans rubbed hot peppers on their genitals to dull sensation and prolong their sexual pleasure—something early Spanish settlers also tried, to the dismay of prudish priests accompanying them. In nineteenth-century China, chili extracts were used as a local anesthetic for men about to be castrated to serve the emperor’s court as eunuchs.
It was capsaicin’s pain killing potential that the chemist Wilbur Scoville was trying to exploit when he developed his eponymous heat scale a century ago.
. . .
the milky sap of the resin spurge, a cactus-like plant that grows in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. Moroccans slash open the plant, let the sap run out and dry, and harvest and sell the resulting resin, which contains the most powerful chemical irritant known: resiniferatoxin, or RTX for short, a form of supercapsaicin. Pure capsaicin rates at 16 million Scoville units; RTX rates at 16 billion, a thousand times hotter. Touching resin spurge sap causes severe chemical burns; swallowing more than an eyedropper full is fatal. Yet when greatly diluted, it has powerful medicinal qualities.
In the first century AD, Juba, a North African king who was married to a daughter of Marc Antony and Cleopatra, had a terrible case of constipation, and his Greek physician Euphorbus prescribed some sap that had been dried, ground up, and cut with water. (The word “spurge” derives from the French word for “purge.”) This ancient laxative worked so well that Juba named the plant “Euphorbia,” after his doctor. Centuries later, Carl Linnaeus followed suit and named this genus of plants Euphorbia, and this particular one Euphorbia resinifera. Today, the resin is used to treat nasal blockages, snakebites, and poisons
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Okay, this time this is my grand update for my little about myself, and I remaked it by removing some of them and replaced by featuring other characters/people who I'd love to choose.
A sequel to the previous page I made before A little about me. And another A Little about me (Remake).
Sadly QUIETTALEOfficial is no longer activated here anymore for a certain reason
(A link to one of my previous references that inspire me.) www.deviantart.com/destinywith… www.deviantart.com/destinywith…
The ones that I did not add into the template, that are similar to the ones in my reference sheet.
My name is "Destiny" (but my real name is "Daniel")
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Alignment: Good
Element: Light, Enchant and Neutral
Personality: Good, Kind, Friendly, Insecure, Heroic, Helpful, Honest, Caring, Pure-hearted, Remorseful, Good natured, Brave, Nervous (sometimes), Gentle, Supportive, Thoughtful, Selfless, Accidental, Sufferable (when something wrong with him), and Well behaved (like always a lot).
Family/Pet/Relationship (I mentioned them because I don't want to use my families' real names.)
My brother
My mother
My father
My 3 cousins (female)
My 2 uncles
My 2 aunts
My grandmother
My grandfather (deceased)
My grandaunt
My granduncle (deceased)
My other relatives.
I have a French Bulldog ever since we got him on 4th June.
No love interest just yet.
Favourite Songs/Musicians
Friday Night Funkin songs (e.g. Mashup)
Owl City (Fireflies, Good Time, When can I see you again)
Ellie Goulding (Outside, Lights, Burn, Easy Lover)
Calvin Harris (We Found Love)
David Guetta (Titanium)
Taylor Swift (Love Story)
Katy Perry (Roar, Fireworks)
Panic at the Disco (High Hopes)
Imagine Dragons (Enemy, Believer, I'm so Sorry)
Skillet (Standing in the Storm, Out of Hell, Legendary)
Little Mix (Black Magic)
Clean Bandit (Symphony)
Michael Jackson (Thriller, Bad, Billie Jean, Beat it)
One Direction (One Thing)
Fifty Fifty (Cupid)
The Script (Superheroes, Hall of Fame)
Jubyphonic (Butterfly and Halloween cover)
Pretty much anything else I love.
Favourite Food
Fish & chips
Red apples
Ice cream
Favourite Drinks
Orange juice
Hot chocolate
Bubble tea
Oreo milkshake
Friends (Like I mean true Friends I communicate with them mostly)
Marta Ceccanti / @martaceccantiworld 
Rosaline Faith Heartglow / @innocent-angel-girl
Bria D./Hatari / @kuukuualchemistjuku 
Ced / Ced145 
Chey / @asktheminecraftcrew
Vabessa / Vabessa2006 
Otto / TheCoreoftheStar/@ottos-core (however I decided to leave them not being tagged so much since they're not on DA anymore)
Kylie / @kylievershion
Deli / @delicatethefox 
Samantha / SweetieSammyCakes 
Molly / Mafu0Mol 
Gianluca Ruger / @gianlucarugergr
Jedidiah Daigle / Reaperental 
Desue / DesueDraws 
Colleen (DesueDraws) 
Scarlet / RedHeartSunset 
Neoshi / NeonFluffyMoon1 
Norman / NormanTheWolfman2002 
Carno / CarnoProductions 
Chelsie / ChelsTheMutant667 
Juan Jose / JJproduction297 
Dylan Jewelson (@innocent-angel-girl) 
Spinel (@innocent-angel-girl) 
Candy (Precure)
Mylai the Ghostfire (Ced145) 
Gingerbrave (Cookie Run)
Edd, Matt and Tom (Eddsworld)
Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Gilbert the Jemling (@Princess-Faithra) 
Steven Universe
Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Blake Belladonna (RWBY)
Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Red and Yellow (Larva)
Sailor Moon
Aang (Avatar)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin')
Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin')
Flippy (Happy Tree Friends)
Kevin, Stuart and Bob (Despicable Me)
Strawberry Cookie (Cookie Run)
Wizard Cookie (Cookie Run)
Custard Cookie iii (Cookie Run)
Chili Pepper Cookie (Cookie Run)
Steve (Minecraft)
Felonious Gru (Despicable Me)
Mario (SMG4)
Meggy Spletzer (SMG4)
Melony (SMG4)
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10)
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel)
Hercules (Disney)
Luigi (Super Mario)
Sonic the Hedgehog
Po (Kung Fu Panda)
Emmet Brickowski (The LEGO Movie)
Invincible/Mark Grayson
Finn Mertens (Adventure Time
Jake (Adventure Time)
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
Close Friends
Jayson / @jj2k20
Maia / JustAGirlOnDA 
V.C 2.0 / @v-c2-0
Emma / @emmazworld69420
Arwen Bourne / @ArwenTheCuteWolfGirl 
Zero Experience / Zexperience 
Fancy Graphics / @fancy-graphics63
Vincent / @vincentlopez
Anthony / AnthonyDraws04 
Lengieal / @lengieal 
Mark / Mark-Born 
Zoe Drake/Popping Candy (@kuukuualchemistjuku) 
Sally / SallyVEVO 
YazFly / xXYazzyChanArtsXx 
Amity Hsu / Amity-Hsu 
Remmy / RemmyTheSpaceManX101 
Spring-o-Bonnie / Spring-o-bonnie 
MsTwirlePoofs / MsTwirlepoofs 
Kate / KATEtheDeath1 
Xem / XemTheKillerDoll 
Don / DonCon206andHedgie 
Raspberry Flash (SweetieSammyCakes) 
Stan Marsh (South Park)
Kyle Broflovski (South Park)
Kenny McCormick (South Park)
Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls)
Osmosis Jones
Thomas the Tank Enginge (Thomas & Friends)
Clotted Cream Cookie (Cookie Run)
Financier Cookie (Cookie Run)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
Pure Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Run)
Alice (Alice in Wonderland)
Gandalf (Middle-earth)
Splendid (Happy Tree Friends)
Woody (Toy Story)
Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)
Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer)
Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer)
Lightning McQueen (Cars)
Mater (Cars)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls)
Link (The Legend of Zelda)
Samus (Metroid)
Donkey Kong
Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony)
Spike (My Little Pony)
Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony)
Tiger Lily Cookie (Cookie Run)
Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Hollyberry Cookie (Cookie Run)
Dark Cacao Cookie (Cookie Run)
SpongeBob SquarePants
Patrick Star (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Goku (Dragon Ball)
R.O.B. (Nintendo)
Wildberry Cookie (Cookie Run)
Crunchy Chip Cookie (Cookie Run)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Optimus Prime (Transformers)
Enemies/Rivals (obviously the ones that I mentioned who are targets of me and trolls that hurt my friends, but don't worry, I didn't tag them anyway)
Dreadlock ("Overall Arch-Nemesis" and evil counterpart)
Mucida, Neplacut and Brute ("2nd/secondary Arch-enemies")
Vulgarous the Portentous Dragon
Queen Mahogany
Rosera Doubt Heartbreaker (@innocent-angel-girl) 
Violent Marta (@martaceccantiworld)
Aubri A./Zatari (@kuukuualchemistjuku) 
Queen Aria (@kuukuualchemistjuku) 
DarkCed (Ced145) 
DarkChey (@asktheminecraftcrew) 
Midnight Darkness (Vabessa2006) 
Teeth (@ottos-core)
Keli (@delicatethefox) 
Ahtnamas (SweetieSammyCakes) 
Vinnet the Ghostfire (Ced145) 
Dark Gianluca (@gianlucarugergr)
Princess Nora (@martaceccantiworld) 
Bowser (Super Mario)
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Cookie Run)
Dr. Eggman (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Scar (The Lion King)
Storm King (My Little Pony)
King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)
Sideshow Bob (The Simpsons)
Tord (Eddsworld)
Hades (Hercules)
Diesel 10 (Thomas & Friends)
Salem (RWBY)
Niles (SMG4)
Mommy Long Legs (Poppy Playtime)
Russ Cargill (The Simpsons)
Pain and Panic (Hercules)
Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Cinder Fall (RWBY)
Dark Meta Knight (Kirby)
Ganondorf (The Legend of Zelda)
Mayor Shelbourne (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs)
Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots)
Dr. Octopus (Marvel's Spider-Man)
Lasombra (Hey Arnold!)
Francis (SMG4)
Thrax (Osmosis Jones)
Fliqpy (Happy Tree Friends)
Scanty and Kneesocks (Panty & Stocking)
Horned King (The Black Cauldron)
Tricky the Clown (Madness Combat)
The Auditor (Madness Combat)
Ridley (Metroid)
Queen Chrysalis (My Little Pony)
Lord Tirek (My Little Pony)
Cozy Glow (My Little Pony)
Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)
Matcha Cookie (Cookie Run)
Carnage (Spider-Man)
Pomegranate Cookie (Cookie Run)
Licorice Cookie (Cookie Run)
Poison Mushroom Cookie (Cookie Run)
Balthazar Bratt (Despicable Me)
Thanos (Marvel)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Master Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts)
Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Infinite (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Black Hat (Villainous)
Kavaxas (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Megatron (Transformers)
Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run)
King Ghidorah (Godzilla)
Neutral/Grey Area (Neither do I trust them, but do sometimes help out)
Beavis and Butt-head
Hank J Wimbleton (Madness Combat)
Peter Griffin (Family Guy)
Eric Cartman (South Park)
Randy Marsh (South Park)
Deadpool (X-Men)
Johnny Bravo
Panty and Stocking
Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
Lumpy (Happy Tree Friends)
Discord (My Little Pony)
Phantom of the Bwahpera (Super Mario)
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Credit me when using
Do not steal my art without permission
Do not trace my art
Do not report without a reason
No pedophilia
No Incest
No rip-offs
You have to be 13 or over to access my page
No homophobia/transphobia
Remember what you do, don't post images from other disgusting websites that you're not meant to visit
Definitely no sexual/erotic Roleplaying
(NOTE: I do not own everything, except my persona, Simphoni, Seyvert, Eila, Rikadiah, Dreadlock, Mucida, Neplacut, Brute, Vulgarous, Queen Mahogany, and Technaz, All Credit goes to Everybody else and rightful owners that I used and mentioned.
Also, if I didn't add you here, forgive me, and please don't you ever say, "Where am I?", "Why am I not in it?" or "Please include me", because that would make you look yourself like an egotist and I'd be quite annoyed if you lot don't read the section that I written here, it's my choice and it's my decision to what I like to do. And please respect everything what I added.
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gogomeaty · 5 months
@skylightdistraction @zonkutonshorrifyingpeenie; thank you both for the tag! (。ゝ(ェ)・)-☆
Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people! (Im doing it twice bc I got tagged two times but that's just me lol)
Good time - Alan Jackson /
Gee - Girls' Generation
Oh Ana - Mother Mother /
Out Of Control - She Wants Revenge
Great Milenko - Insane Clown Posse /
Go Forth and Die - Dethklok
Otherside - Red Hot Chili Peppers /
Once in a While - Rosegarden Funeral Party
Más Que Tu Amigo - Marco Antonio Solis /
My Favorite Game - The Cardigans
Egotistic - MAMAMOO /
El profe - MIRANDA!
Amárrame - Mon Laferte ft. Juanes /
Aerials - System of a Down
Twilight - Bôa /
Tender Lover - Babyface
You Can't Take Me - Bryan Adams /
Ya'll Want a Single - Korn
Tagging (no pressure): @twigg96 @nsfwitchy2 @ir0n-moon @robinsnest2111 @impsynia
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