#chimeric fox
thedohnut · 1 year
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I LEGOified the party from @moriafriend’s dnd campaign!
From left to right you have:
My duo of Stick (chimeric fox) and Rust (kenku)
@narsh-potatoes‘s Gozzi (tiefling)
@genderfluid-puddle-of-soup’s Lyshell (tortle)
And @anxiousartist0’s Asterius (minotaur)
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hi Vod'ika! Congratulations for the followers!
An idea au medieval + mystic au: the jedi are sorcerers, the sith idk warlocks and the kaminoans alchemists who made the clones as mythical "extint" beings (unicorns, dragons, basilisks, rocs, kelpies, thunderbirds, griffins, amphithere, cerberus, phoenixes cofcofnobodydiesinmydreamlandactuallyallarephoenixesaucofcof, pick your poison, etc). So much races there is NOT almost two clones of the same races and they have to teach themselves about their "tics", soul/mates, powers.
...Actually all this was coming to ask you something romantic diabetic angsty soulmatey loveyoubutdontwannahurtyou maybe smutty with some commander but. chop. I let myself happy in the chimerical knighty knights angsty tall dark handsome beings and its 5am I've been awake for more than 32 hours and I wanted to share the idea.
Immortal Flames
Summary: Your life has always been rather…normal. Average, even. You go to school, you go to your internship, you go home, and that’s it. The only thing special about you is how average you are. And yet, three years ago, you were kidnapped from your life by a Sorcerer who calls himself Sideous. And you’ve been his prisoner ever since. Luckily, you’re not alone here.
Pairing: Commander Thire x F!Reader
Word Count: 2407
Warnings: Spice, suggestive
Prompts: Mystic AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So I didn't follow your prompt to the letter, but I think I'm happy with how it turned out. I hope you like it too!
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Over the last three years, you’ve learned how to view your cell as your home. When you first arrived, the room had a bed, a wardrobe, and an attached bathroom and that was it.
Since then, you’ve managed to gather things to make your cell more homey.
Books about the world that you live in now. Broken trinkets that you pulled from the trash and repaired to use as decoration. Maps of this new world. Some plants that had been tossed for not thriving, but seem to be doing well enough under your care.
You’re not happy.
You can’t even claim to be content.
But you’re okay.
Well, as okay as you can be seeing as you were kidnapped and enslaved by a sorcerer.
Absently, you flip through one of your many books. Carefully, because the pages are falling out, and have been since you found it, you flip to the section dedicated to the variety of magical creatures that are common.
Phoenixes, Dragons, Harpies, Selkies—
Creatures you never thought existed, and yet, over the last three years, you’ve met all of them.
In fact, you even work with some of them.
Marshal Commander Fox is a dragon, though he rarely takes his true form. He can’t due to the cold iron manacle wrapped around his wrist. He told you that it traps him in his human form.
Commander Thorn is a Selkie, or so he told you with a wry little smile. He also admitted that Palpatine stole his coat to keep him in his human form, claiming that his selkie form wasn’t useful enough.
Commander Stone is a Harpy. His wings are stunning, longer than you are tall (and while you’re no Amazonian, you’re not petite either), and the most stunning tawny color. Tragically, his wings are clipped on a bi-weekly basis so he can’t fly away.
You asked him, once, if having his wings clipped hurt, and he just smiled at you and tugged on your bangs, without answering.
Which, really, is an answer in and of itself.
And finally is Commander Thire, a phoenix. Like Fox, he’s stuck wearing a manacle keeping him from transforming. Unlike Fox, however, there are some aspects to Thire that are clearly magical.
Like his eyes, which alternate between vibrant orange and glittering gold, depending on his mood. And the way that he’s always warm.
You’re not ashamed to admit that you’re closer to Thire than you are to the others, largely because he doesn’t look at you with pity. Fox always looks guilty when he sees you, Thorn and Stone look at you like they’re at your funeral.
It doesn’t make for an easy friendship, to put it mildly.
You look up from your book when there’s a knock on your door, and then it swings open. A small smile lifts your lips when you see Thire standing in the doorway.
“Morning, cyar’ika,” He says cheerfully, his golden eyes shifting to a flickering orange color. 
“It’s not morning, Thire.” You reply as you close your book to slide it back into its place on the rough-looking shelf, and then get to your feet, “You just got stuck working nights, so your sense of time is skewed.”
“I prefer working nights, it means I don’t have to deal with anyone.” He steps into your home and shuts the door behind him. Absently he flips the lock.
After a year of your imprisonment here, you were allowed some modicum of freedom, in the sense that you are no longer locked in your cell at night, and you have the right to lock the door when you want to sleep.
You’re grateful for the privacy, even if everything else sucks.
Thire walks over to you, pausing only long enough to set his helmet on the table, and he slides his arms around you in a loose hug. He rests his chin on the top of your head and you slide your arms around his waist.
“How was your day, cyare?” He asks.
You press your cheek against his chest plate, able to feel the warmth of him even through the metal, and you shrug. “Uneventful, I guess. Dooku was here, and you know how exacting he is.”
Thire’s arms tighten around you slightly, “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Palpatine would never allow it, you know I’m his most prized possession.” There’s a hint of sarcasm in your voice, but you’re completely serious. Palpatine’s acquisition of you involved a, seemingly impossible, feat of magic.
After all, how else would he have been able to kidnap a college student from Manhattan, when Manhattan doesn’t exist in this world?
Thire sighs and you feel his lips press against the top of your head, “You’re not a possession.”
“He disagrees.”
“Yeah, well. Palpatine can take his opinion, and shove it up his—”
You feel his chuckle, and he pulls away so he’s able to look at you. There’s something soft on his face, and, when he brings his hand up to cup your cheek, you lean into his touch.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask.
“Like what? This is how I always look at you.”
“Is not,”
“Is too.”
Slowly Thire leans in and bumps his forehead against yours, and his free hand moves to cradle your cheek as well.
“I promise,” He murmurs, “I will get you out of this.”
You blink at him, honestly surprised, and then you sigh and press your hands over his, “I don’t want to go anywhere without you and the others, Thire.”
He sighs, and his breath fans across your face, “Cyare,”
“I have no idea how to survive in this world, Thire. I need you.”
His eyes close, and a laugh, almost helpless sounding, falls from him. “We have so many brothers who can help you. Who can take care of you—” He tries.
“No. I want you. Only you.”
You’re surprised when you see his eyes change color, speeding through a wide variety of colors before settling on a vibrant blue. Vaguely, you remember your old science teacher telling you that a blue flame is one of the hottest flames out there. 
“Thire? Are you okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You’re eyes turned blue,”
He looks surprised for a moment, and then he lightly bumps his nose against yours, “That makes sense.”
“Does it?”
“Yeah,” His smile is still soft, “It does.” His thumbs smooth against your cheeks, and he scans your face for a moment, “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”
Your face heats, and you avert your gaze shyly, “I’m not sure why, I’m just me.”
“Just you is just perfect.” Thire murmurs, he gently pulls your gaze back to him. Quickly, he glances at the clock sitting on the desk next to his helmet, and then he leans in and catches your lips in a soft, almost chaste, kiss. 
You lean into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as he breaks the kiss, and then dives right back in to kiss you again and again.
“Let me love you, cyare.”
And, really, how could you say anything other than yes?
Every touch of his hands against you is reverent. Thire slides your clothes off and drops them to the side, his gaze never leaving your face, as if he doesn’t want to see anything other than the look on your face.
When he drags his lips down your throat, he whispers how much he loves you, how much he wants you to be his.
When he lays you down in your bed and positions himself over you, and you thread your fingers through his hair to pull him closer, he kisses you as if he needs you to forget everything that isn’t him.
And when you’re both bare and he’s easing himself inside you, and you gasp out that you love him and never want to leave him, he smiles at you and threads your fingers with his own. 
He keeps himself flush against you, not leaving any space at all, as he breaks you down and remakes you, over and over.
At the end of the night, as he spills his release deep inside you, and gasps out his love for you against your lips, there’s a minor burning in your wrist, where yours is pressed against his.
The birth of your soul mark, a golden phoenix taking flight.
Thire has an identical mark on his wrist. And, even blissed out as he is, there’s no mistaking the look of guilt on his handsome face.
But before you can ask him what’s wrong, he kisses you and tells you that he loves you, and soothes you to sleep with the gentlest touch of his magic.
The last thing you hear before you fall asleep is Thire’s voice, “I love you so much, cyare. And I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.”
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Commander Wolffe has been having a bad time over the last five years.
First, there is the problem of the war. Second, there’s the fact that his twin, and several younger brothers, have vanished and no one knows where they are. Third, there’s the fact that there was a strange surge of magic three years ago that, apparently, still hasn’t caused anything.
Needless to say, Wolffe has been in a perpetual bad mood for a while now.
“Hm,” He glances at his General, a Wizard named Plo Koon, who seems to be watching the forest around them with no small amount of interest, “Commander, I think we are going to stop here.”
“Here? Why?” Wolffe asks. 
“I have a feeling that this is where we need to be.”
Honestly, Wolffe just wants to go home and see what, if anything, Cody has learned about Fox, but he’s not about to go against his General. “Fine. I’m going for a walk before I bite someone’s head off.”
“Of course, Commander.” General Koon replies kindly, before he turns to another one of his brothers, Comet, probably. Based on the minor sensation of static that makes his hair stand on end.
Wolffe shakes his head and heads into the forest, following the scent of fresh water. If nothing else, he can soak his sore feet in the water.
He slows to a stop as he approaches the lake.
A woman is kneeling next to the water, and though the water almost drowns out all noises, Wolffe can hear her sniffling and her muffled sobs.
He takes a step closer, his sharp gaze taking her in. 
Her feet are bare, though he can’t smell any blood, so she’s either been careful to avoid briars and rocks, or she hasn’t been out here long. Her skirt does have dust on it, but no mud, so she couldn’t have been out here for more than a night.
It rained two nights ago.
The wind shifts, blowing her scent right into his face, and Wolffe freezes. 
She smells like Thire and, more faintly, like Fox, Stone, and Thorn.
He moves to approach her but carelessly steps on a branch, causing it to snap under his boot, and she whirls around. Her eyes are wide with terror and rimmed red, and there are tear stains on her face.
She scrambles to her feet and backs away from him.
And Wolffe sees, clear as day, that if he lets her run off he’s never going to see his twin again.
“Wait! Wait, wait.” He holds his hands up, showing that he’s unarmed, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Now that she’s standing, Wolffe can see clear signs that she must have been a slave somewhere. That, or she was a hostage. It would explain her terror.
She takes a step back, her eyes darting from one side to the other.
Wolffe holds his hands out, and then slowly, without taking his eyes off her, tugs his helmet off. “My name is Wolffe, I think you know some of my brothers.”
Her lower lip wobbles and her tears return with a vengeance.
“It’s alright. Everything is going to be alright. I promise.” Wolffe says as he approaches her, and thankfully, this time, she doesn’t run.
Quickly, he ushers her back to the camp and all but shoves her on General Koon, who is much better equipped at dealing with emotional women, especially emotional, traumatized women, and he makes a tactical retreat.
Later, several hours later, after the woman was tended to, and was allowed to tell her story to General Koon, Wolffe returned to his General’s tent.
The woman is asleep on a spare cot, bundled up in several different blankets, with her soul mark clearly displayed on her wrist.
General Koon gazes at the slumbering woman for a moment, and then gently ushers Wolffe out of the tent. They say nothing for a time, and then General Koon looks at him, “Do you remember the burst of magic three years ago?”
“Of course. But it didn’t seem to do anything.”
“The magic brought her here, to this world.” General Koon says quietly, “She won’t tell me her name, but she said that she’ll tell us what she can about the man who kidnapped her.”
Wolffe is quiet for a moment, “And my brothers?”
“According to her, they’re being held together. She thinks that they worked together to get her out.”
General Koon is quiet for a moment, “Thire is a phoenix, correct?”
“You saw the marking on her wrist.”
Wolffe exhales slowly. Her being Thire’s chosen soul mate would encourage them to help her escape. Only—
“She was crying.”
“Yes. Thire used magic to make her sleep and then smuggled her out. She’s rather upset about it. Enough that she won’t talk about it.”
“She’ll help us get them back?”
“I think that nothing would make her happier.” General Koon pauses for a moment, “I need you to send word to the Council. Tell them about what we found and what she’s willing to discuss with us.”
“Yes, sir.”
General Koon nods once, “I have to go back to watching over her. She’s been a slave for the last three years and isn’t from this world. She’s going to need help.”
Wolffe watches his General retreat into the tent, and then he turns to send word to Cody. For the first time in years, he has hope that he might see his twin again.
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taterforlife · 1 year
I ship a chimeric lord of chaos with a tiny Pegasus pony powered by friendship. I ship an alien/human boy who has a gem bellybutton with a knight scholar. I ship a green inventor who once hated Christmas and lives in a mountain with an overworked mother of three. I ship an imp assassin with an owl noble AND an imp jester with a rooster-esque Sin. I ship two 10-year-olds who battle against adult tyranny. I ship a rabbit cop and a fox hustler-turned-cop. I ship a troll queen and a troll hermit.
Now I ship fire and water.
What's next???
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alhilton · 2 days
Worldbuilding-ish question! Since this is a popular topic in xenofiction fanbases, I figured I'd ask what colors and patterns you'd think of first when someone considers making an "edgy" or "special-looking" fan character for any of the Hunters Unlucky species. Coden and Storm's pale gray and Roup and Teek's gold have already been noted in the books and you've touched on piebaldism in creasia before, but I'm wondering if there might be more, maybe especially among the species that seem to be more popularly-read as less visually diverse, e.g. telshees and curbs. If I wanted to make a fan character that looked really wild and unique without being utterly impossible, what sorts of looks would you highlight for that?
(Note: I'm not actually making any fan characters based on this question, but it's a consideration I really enjoy chewing on in a more general sense with both what I read and what I write in my own time... I definitely do think it would be cool to see some flashy-looking fan characters with rare traits around in the tags, though!)
Oh, let's see... Ferryshaft could probably come in most colors that foxes or dogs come in. Farmed foxes (sadly) come in an immense array of improbable colors. Creasia could probably come in most colors and patterns cats come in. In both cases, the variety of colors that already occur reveal that there isn't heavy selection pressure for color currently acting on the population. There was in the past, but creasia have gotten so much smarter than their prey, and ferryshaft have become so good at *not* being prey, that there isn't as much selection pressure for color as there once was. For curbs, the ones living on the plain would come under a lot of pressure to have colors that blend with grasslands. However, I've already mentioned that some of those living in the mountains look different. Dazzle's curb frienemies, Eclipse and Abyss are melanistic. Eclipse might even be chimeric. I describe them as "unusually dark in color, black in places, with white streaks and brindling. One had a completely black face and the other had a striking two-toned face, half black and half white." There's also one in Thrive (not yet published) called "Brokenstripe" because her stripe pattern is broken and might, in fact, look like spots. The mountains have more varied terrain, and I would think you'd get different colors. As for telshees, hmmm... I think of them as being mostly devoid of pigment. They frequently travel to great depths and dark places. But perhaps a pigmented one might pop up now and then. Or maybe they shape-shifted and got some color leftover, lol. They are magical animals, so less bound by the laws of biology.
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fenmere · 2 months
An Earthling returns from the Sunspot to talk about it
from the second book of the Tunnel Apparati Diaries, the Sun Also Hatches, by Goreth Ampersand of the Inmara (coming mid October)
“Well. Maybe tell us more about it,” Peter suggested. “What was the Sunspot like?”
I leaned back in my chair and stared at the ceiling and huffed a breath, tears brimming in my eyes, and went over the events of the previous day in my head. Just visualizing them.
There were two days to pick from, really. One where I had talked to Karen and where I’d watched from the side as Sarah took us through an afternoon with friends and having dinner and writing. And one in which I’d been somewhere else entirely. And they both felt as real, as a part of my life, as each other.
And since Peter had asked about the Sunspot, that came more naturally to the front. Those memories were ever so slightly more vivid and ready to relive.
“I met so many people,” I said. “And not all of them were on the Network or in nanite exobodies.”
“What are nanite exobodies?” Abigail asked.
I held up my left hand, looking at it, and said, “Well, like thi – Ah. Hm.” I let my hand drop into my lap and said, “As you can see, I have a whole new set of reflexes already. Especially when I’m thinking about the Sunspot.” Then I explained, “It’s the same thing as the nanites we destroyed last year, that were in the ground, in the communications probe that we never dug up. Only, the Sunspot is full of them. And people use them to make bodies they can walk around in. Like in, uh, I mean, so many movies.”
“Oh. OK.”
“I had one. I was shown how to make it almost right away, so that I could feel more real,” I told them.  I decided not to derail my first point by saying that I’d been my draconic self. I wanted to, but I also wanted to describe the people. So, I said, “Anyway, not everyone had one of those. There were still living people, in living organic bodies. And they were all different.”
“No, I mean. Ashwin has explained it, and I think they’ve told you about it, or we have. But I don’t think we’ve really gotten the idea across. Metabang’s book kinda does, but there’s so much it takes for granted, having lived there itself the whole time,” I rambled. “No. This was bigger than a furry convention.”
“Heh,” Peter chuckled.
“At a big furry convention, you’ve got like fifty wolves and fifty dragons, and a smattering of birds, opossums, foxes, and unrecognizable fursuits, and then just a bunch of humans wearing ears. There, on the Sunspot, every person looks like they’re from a different species. Every one of them chimerical. And they’re all just walking around, visiting each other, enjoying their days, and making all sorts of artwork.”
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emcandon · 1 year
ok alright i've got one:
tenbeasts! is there a, ah, list of them? or is more of a "i'll name one when i want one" thing? or any associated spicy lil tidbits?
THERE IS IN FACT A LIST. Kept for my own reference, though often misplaced. Some slots are immutable and others are still open to revision!
Basics: There are ten divine beasts, though the number and exact animals are somewhat up for debate depending on who you ask and where they're from -- e.g., downworld apocrypha might say that there are in fact only nine, or that the number varies between eons. Overall analogous to the Chinese zodiac.
The tenbeasts are chimeric combinations of the divine beasts in the most common roster, so there are five distinct types that Iterate Fractal, er, mass-produced, so to speak.
The divine beasts:
??? varies too much btwn my lists to say with certainty. Moth? Bear? Deer? I'll decide at some point. (OR MAYBE I WON'T!!)
The tenbeasts derived from them:
Sentinel-fowl (peacock + serpent) [canon]
Dragon-children (salamander + carp) [canon]
Company-cat (cat + monkey) [canon]
[Winged fox] (fox + bat) [probably pretty canon]
??? some kind of ox-forward beast of burden (ox + ???) [working on it]
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sonicasura · 1 year
C Virus Leon S. Kennedy
Since I done a Feral Plagas Leon, why not move onto C Virus? This is gonna be much different than most portrayals of those infected in the virus or any C Virus!Leons. He's quite eldritch here and eldritchness isn't something I tend to hold back on. Let's get started.
Traces of the various viruses and parasites Leon came in contact over all his adventures lay dormant which leads to the entire C Virus becoming something else, something self aware. He cocoons after RE 6 events once any possible infection is deemed negative to everyone. Leon unconsciously goes to an abandoned mall and the process takes place.
It takes a week for him to come out as this new strain of C Virus is planning an effective evolutionary route. An 'ultimate life form' spiel with temporary mutations for emergency cocoons and planned permanent ones once it deems Leon stable enough to handle it. He comes out bearing insect traits as the base which leads to a titanic chimeric final evolution.
Feral episodes are a mix between feeding frenzy and 10 cats who just been given catnip. Any episode dealing with food stems from Leon's body preparing to cocoon for a permanent mutation. The splurge diet depends on what species is going to join this incomplete chimera and vitamin sources. Avian? Leon is hunting a mix of bird species from pigeons to harpy eagles.
Catnip cat episodes are basically the zoomies on steroids. It's best to have a remote control drone for Leon to chase as you are most likely to drop from exhaustion with any physical exercise before the man is even half way tired. Luckily his shit ton of energy tones down the closer he is to his final mutation.
Despite either kind of feral episode, he's harmless unless threatened. The worst Leon will do is maybe eat an asshole Karen's spoiled dog. If threatened, he'll respond with either lethal or nonlethal force depending on the threat in question. Zombies and other mindless infected aren't off the menu either. This strain will take any virus it can gets its hands on to the point Leon's revulsion to the thought is muted.
Very very clingy and is addicted to positive affection especially physical. Leon's true emotions are on full display during a feral episode as his C Virus strain deems his normal unhealthy behavior an issue. He needs to be mentally healthy too than just physically for any new evolutions.
Make sure you have something to do as Leon ain't letting ya out of his sight during a feral episode. Just a huge mess who purrs, chirps and chitters like a needy kitten. Leon is fully aware of his behavior so he's always embarrassed especially if he done any dumb shit such as chasing a laser pointer light.
There's a total of six stages for his 'evolution' not including the base. Only when Leon is halfway through does he gain the ability to shift into his human form. Although it lasts for four hours before the man has to change back but the time limit triples with each stage.
Leon's behavior and speech leans more on the primal side. He makes nests to sleep or rest in, fox dens for housing if there isn't a safe place to stay, even using animalistic terms. Pack for friends and family, mate for lover, whelp for children. Absolutely territorial when it comes to those he trusts or cherishes.
Leon chitters, purrs or nuzzles if he notices someone in his pack is distressed. This usually happens when words feel useless. Licking is an uncommon sign of affection from him. Leon courts like a bowerbird as his infected nature makes him a hoarder. Any interesting item often lines any nest he makes and he gifts his absolute favorites to whoever he's courting.
Molting is a rare occurrence but it does happen around late summer. Any husk left behind bears no viral traits nor DNA and serves as a very powerful fertilizer instead. It decomposes in minutes if not preserved. One molted skin can restore an entire forest to a healthy habitable state even if its heavily radiated or scorched earth.
Base C Virus Leon can produce webbing from his mouth, hands and feet. These webs can contain healing(green) or paralytic(yellow) properties based on the color. Leon is able to spit acid mainly for melting any obstacles and material for nesting purposes. He retains any abilities from previous stages but they're more refined than the original.
Once he reaches his final stage, only way to kill him is by melting him down until nothing remains. Death by old age leads to a rebirth cycle akin to the immortal jellyfish and a phoenix. Leon's old body will crumble into fertilizer like substance similar to his molted skin albeit with his new infant human form hidden inside. A reset where memories of his past life return at eight years old while the metamorphosis begins at 18.
Extreme heat that is equal or greater than lava is required to effectively melt Leon down. Acid irritates his hide, crushing just makes it harder to move while long drops are a concussion and broken bones at best. He can regenerate from a small piece around an inch in size within two days. If the fragments belongs to a vital organ then its six hours to one day depending on the part. (Heart and brain are the quickest.) Basically its best to kill him before the final stage.
Leon will have a major existential crisis about the whole thing. Although he resolves to use his new infected status to combat anymore B.O.W and biological terrorist group by himself if needed. Leon will try to keep a down low but possible slips are bound to happen. Especially when his friends discover he's alive.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the wake of Raccoon City. Please enjoy this little song to vibe with: My Demons by Starset.
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miradawhissu · 8 months
So thought a bt making a XFOHV Animal Au so here's their species
One is a Unicorn
Two is a Kirin/Qilin ( it's a legendary hooved chimerical creature) (originally a bat)
Three is a Rhino
Four is a Vampire Bat/Fruit Bat
Five is a Horned Owl
Six is a Possum/Honey Badger hybrid (originally a cat)
Seven is a Hare
Eight is a Tapir (originally a bear or a wild boar)
Nine is a Hamster/Husky Hybrid
Ten is a Guinea Pig (Originally a horse)
X is a Fennec Fox (orginally a bat)
Eleven is a Giraffe
Twelve is a Goat
Fourteen is a Vulture
Fifteen is a Bear
Sixteen is a Canary
Y is a Cat
Infinity is a Alicorn
Underdash is a Ferret
All the Zeros are just different animals like birds, rodents, and wolves
That's It Lel
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andromerot · 2 years
u guys would go crazy for ekaterina aconite roskova ok. "i am the anglerfish, the wide-eyed, light-bearing harvester of the unfathomable sea, chimerical monster, woman made god. i am the eater-of-men." / "if it was your choice to make me and then discard me, to mold and replace me with that green-eyed etin, that snake bitch, then it is my choice to take your name and devour it. take your rule and devour it. take your kingdom, and devour it." / "i cured for two slow centuries until my skin was hard and dark and sunken, until my organs, pickled in the curative peatland brine, were small ossified things, like petrified wood washed up on a shoreline. my handmaiden was the woman who washed my body and offered me, kindly, tenderly, to the seeping water, the waiting mother-of-all. my steward was the man who slit my throat." / "i was born. i was. i am. i dig, i breathe, i drink, i dream, i wait, and wait, and wait. until i do not wait. until i rise, and bring with me the fury of the black earth, the poison of the waiting pitch, until i say - i was born to take my father's throne from you, anna" / "i may not have been his daughter, but I could observe. how he behaved when you were here, and when you weren’t. you were a calmness, a respite. [laughs] perhaps it made me envious." / "the school was often cold, often unpleasant, but i had friends, i listened to music - i smoked a cigarette, i drank a can of warm, flat beer, i kissed a girl with hair the color of fox fur - and i was seventeen years old and i did not want to die."
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Sketches with Xia Feng (girl cat with three tails, huan half-blood werewolf) and Mao (single-tailed fox half-blood)
Mao is a little afraid of chimerical animals (especially if they are giants) such as a ram here and in ahui 24/7 when she sees how calmly Xia Feng treats them easily and calmly
And other strange animal or from mythical demons or animalsXD. The main factor if the giants can harm and the unreal.
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colorfullyminded · 2 months
Silly Game Time: You have decided to bioengineer a chimeric abomination against nature using two random animals. HUZZAH FOR MAD SCIENCE! Use a random letter generator and look up an animal that starts with that letter for the first one. Then repeat the process for the second one.
Post a picture of your two animals! Combine their names to find out what this new species is called.
I got an I, so Iguana
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And an F, so Fox
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Combining them together, we have the Iguox!
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alchemisland · 2 months
Gaelic chieftains called to war
Praying away the sun
Wearing no plate
Neither glistening nor glimmering
Shriving before all-knowing Dagda
Lorefather seated at Síd in Broga.
Highest casement descried
Ancient hyperbole starchasing
Charting firmaments blaze-gazed
Bending royal Boyne thereby parades
Men from lost continents
Atlantean fashion and knowledge
Heart center in our missing province
High kings crowned
Stone screaming sent up
Steel shivering with summoned fire
Shimmering in flaxen chieftain’s hand
Long simmering, long suffering.
Long-haired dale men reared
On fox milk and stonesucking
Stoop from steeds kneeling by rockeries
Alive with mockeries of wild garlic
Healing herb stocks, to pluck Michaelmas Daisies.
To war to war to war
Tomorrow no thing to adore
Whore who pries eye’s diamond from today
Daycent portion of muscle-contorting mushrooms,
Foreshortening flesh, cleaving distance
Dissolving density, messing with measure and propensity
Delinearizing agent ameliorating
Mycoidal alchemy highlighting destiny’s imminence
Enabling men to whip quickly, ripping from rigid armatures
Becoming creatures of pure havoc and harm, ten or one armed
Flexile chimerism born of root and charm, word and leaf.
Throat-clappered bells
World’s truss replays tenfold
Sky backpeeling to announce victories fated
Naming today’s ever-changing favours.
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kagrul · 4 months
Silly Game Time: You have decided to bioengineer a chimeric abomination against nature using two random animals. HUZZAH FOR MAD SCIENCE! Use a random letter generator and look up an animal that starts with that letter for the first one. Then repeat the process for the second one.
Post a picture of your two animals! Combine their names to find out what this new species is called.
I got an R and F and decided to be a tad boring and go for “Raven” and “Fox”
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Feasibly it’d be a Rox or Foven/Faven, but I choose to call this a Rambunctious and Mischievous Little Beastie
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chrispy-chimkin · 1 year
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An overdue piece of art for @thedohnut !! This is the animal companion for a DnD character they have, which is a little chimeric fox that can blend into the background chameleon style! It was nice to finally make a bigger piece after so long, and it was quite fun to draw.
Full body/No camouflage!
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trickstarbrave · 10 months
OKAYYYYY HERE ARE MY IDEAS FOR THE PASSERINE VIDEO.... jesus this is going to be a hell of an undertaking isnt it.
things in brackets are the visuals i have in my brain. lyrics are passerine by the oh hellos
Like carillon bells, the house of Augustus rings [morrowind shot] With the echoing hymn of my fellow passerine, they took to it [mournhold shot] Like a fox to a burrow [split screen, almalexia doing divine duties], like an eagle to an aerie [sotha sil with gears] And my god, it's getting hard to even hum a single thing [vivec overlaid between split screen, floating and cross legged, sad]
Cause you were the song that I'd always sing [hope in his eyes, a light coming in] You were the light that the fire would bring [golden ghost of nerevar smiling] But I can't shake this feeling that I was only [vivec close up, sad but longing] Pushing the spear into your side [reaching his hand out before it cuts to the hand bloodied and back] again [closed into a fist]
See, my birds of a kind, they more and more are looking like [ordinators, masks off and serious] Centurions than any little messiah [masks on with nerevar's face, nerevar in the bg with his back turned] And as I prune my feathers like leaves from a vine [vivec floating again, spear in hand, still chimer] I find that we have fewer and fewer in kind, but [vivec is now duocolored in more elegant clothing, flame on his head]
My palms and fingers still reek of gasoline [he looks horrified and glances at his hand, which is now covered in blood] From throwing fuel to the fire of that Greco-Roman dream [cuts to him holding his spear looking at a bloodied hand, chimer again, in the heart chamber with blood on the spear, still looking at his hand] Purifying the holy rock to melt the gilded seams [two shots of the tools of kagrenac, bg black with text] It don't bring me relief, no it don't bring me nothing that [vivec covers his face, once again in god form, more upset]
You were the song that I'd always sing [flashback to vivec playing the lyre and singing by a campfire] You were the light that the fire would bring [second shot is nerevar smiling happily at his music, hand on his shoulder] But I can't shake this feeling that I was only [nerevar looking at the heart of lorkhan in the chamber] Pushing the spear into your side again [silhouette shot with the spear through his chest] And again and again [black with text]
[the tribunal making their pilgrimage to red mountain. vivec has on wraithguard, preparing in the heart chamber. then, from the lava, crawls out a horrifying figure, terrifying the three]
When he comes a-knocking at my door [dagoth ur, mask off and just his eyes showing on his mangled face] What am I to do, what am I to do, oh lord [vivec horrified] When the cold wind rolls in from the north [mournhold, seht and ayem are arguing with vivec silent in the bg looking concerned. the other two blur, revealing him in better detail] What am I to do, what am I to do, oh lord [close up shot of vivec's worried eyes, before they close at 'oh lord']
When he comes a-knocking at my door [vivec city, tribunal worshippers crying begging for healing. vivec sees the figure is a corprus monster] What am I to do, what am I to do, oh lord [vivec terrified, teeth grit] When the cold wind rolls in from the north [shot of dagoth ur over red mountain in the sky] What am I to do, what am I to do, oh lord [ghost fence]
When he comes a-knocking at my door What am I to do, what am I to do, oh lord [vivec is still floating, cross legged, looking worried with eyes closed, as images from previous scenes flash] When the cold wind rolls in from the north [someone walking up the steps] What am I to do, what am I to do, oh lord [vivec's eyes snap open as the door opens]
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mask131 · 2 years
Green spring: The wolpertinger
Category: Bavarian folklore
Remember when I made a post about the Dahut/Dahu, during my very recent Cold Winter series? Well meet his German cousin: the Wolpertinger! Also called the Wolperdinger, Woipertinger or Woiperdinger. Just like with the dahu, the wolpertinger is a completely fictional creature that was invented to mock people, as a sort of “running joke” that became part of the folklore.
There are actually traces of the Wolpertinger existing as a folkloric being, since Bavarian legends about the beast were recorded in the 16th century, but the actual “existence” of the wolpertinger started in the 19th century, when taxidermists began creating “stuffed wolpertingers”. Originally these fake animals were created as a nod to the local folktales, to be bought by Bavarian families as a weird little decoration or as a tool to help storytelling when the wolpertinger legend was told to children… But the “stuffed wolpertinger” fad grew unexpectedly fast, as people found a new use for these fake bodies: selling them to tourists and visitors of Bavaria… This was the start of the fame of the wolpertinger. Whenever people wanted to scam or mock foreigners, when someone was ignorant of everything about Bavaria or obviously gullible and naïve, a stuffed wolpertinger was presented to them, and the beast was described as a part of the local fauna everybody knew about – and the “victim” was incited to buy the stuffed body as a souvenir of their trip to Bavaria. This “good joke” lasted to this day, as you can still find dead wolpertingers for sale on markets or in souvenir shops across Bavaria.
The wolpertinger actually has several different names depending on the part of Bavaria you are in: Oibadrischi, Rammeschuksn, Raurackl… And equivalents of the wolpertinger also started appearing in other regions of Germany: rasselbock in the central regions, dilldapp in Hesse, elwetrisch in the western lands… To this proliferation of names corresponds a proliferation of appearances: for you see, the whole point of the taxidermized wolpertingers was originally to just put together various animal elements to create a fantasy beast fitting the elusive and mysterious tales of a strange creature. As a result, each taxidermist did a different wolpertinger, and the creature had no fixed or “canon” appearance. The only thing people could agree on was three facts: the wolpertinger is quite small in size, it has a chimeric appearance mixing elements taken from other species, and it is a carnivore. The most famous and widespread description of the wolpertinger presents it as a hare with antlers, wings and fangs – most illustrations of the beast go with this description. However there are many other depictions of the little critter: a horned and winged squirrel, a half-hare half-deer creature with a cockscomb, a chicken with antlers, a mix of a fox and a duck, or a cross between a marten and a pheasant… There are so many different descriptions of the wolpertingers that people started explaining that the race probably started out as the union of opposition species, creating bizarre hybrids, that then found mates among each other – and now each individual is unique, bearing traits of all its ancestors species, randomly organized on its body.
Beyond all this, the only two other facts the storyteller will always be certain of are the wolpertinger’s habitat (the forests and mountains of Bavaria), and its diet: meat… to be more precise human meat. Indeed, part of the joke if warning tourists and travelers that if they wander carelessly and alone in remote and wild areas… they might get attacked by wolpertingers. And the warning usually comes with tales of imprudent tourists who got devoured alive by these little, but ferocious, beasts…
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If you are American, the idea of a horned hare will probably bring to mind another name: jackalope, which could be considered another folkloric cousin of the beast.
The dahu in France, the wolpertinger in Germany, the jackalope in Northern America… Other names you might look into are the Swedish Skvader (a half-hare half-bird creature invented in the 20th by a taxidermist out of hunters tall tales), or into the “wild Haggis” (the critter of the Highlands whose flesh is the dish called “haggis”… or at least that’s what joking Scots might tell a particularly naïve tourist). And of course… who could forget the Australian “drop bears”?
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