#chin chow
jeanharlowshair · 8 months
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Screenland Magazine, September 1934.
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roseillith · 7 months
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brody75 · 2 years
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The Seventh Curse (1986)
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platinummice · 1 year
Pretty sure buttercups aren’t all that poisonous
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pacingmusings · 2 months
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Seen in 2024:
Chu Chin Chow (Walter Forde), 1934
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ulrichgebert · 2 years
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Die Geschichte von Ali Baba und den 40 Räubern mit Gesang, Tanz und Wasserballett (Ok., es ist kein richtiges Wasserballett... aber immerhin mit Fontänen), Romantik und Abenteuer und Fritz Kortner als vorgeblichen Mongolenprinz (oder was auch immer) Chu Chin Chow. In Wahrheit ist er der Räuberhauptmann. Was wollen wir mehr?
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princessbrunette · 3 months
linecook!jj hand feeding you something but you just start sucking on his fingers :///
you sit outside beneath the canopy of the restaurant, the bustling sounds from inside fading beneath the gentle blowing of the breeze and distant ocean. you were visiting jj at work, not because it was a particularly slow day and he needed the company — infact, it was busy, you just missed him so much you thought you’d swing by.
he shoves out the back doors, a cling-film wrapped plate in his hand, wiping the other on his apron that was tied around his waist.
“‘sup babe, can’t stay out here for too long. it’s busy as shit and my manager is on my ass but,” he leans down, pressing a sloppy wet kiss to your lips only worsening your needy mood. “hi.”
“hi jayj, what have you got?” you eye the plate and he smirks, whipping off the cover. “chocolate covered strawberries for m’lady. our supervisors goin’ on maternity leave so she brought ‘em in for everyone. try it.” he plucks one off the plate as he plonks down on the bench beside you at the table, scooting right up so you could feel the warmth of his body radiating against your side.
he lifts a strawberry and brings it to your mouth, cupping beneath your chin with the other. “say ah, duchess.” he smirks, letting you chow down on the sweet treat. your lashes flutter with a quiet moan making him subconsciously lick at his lips, eyes on your mouth. “mmmhm. good, right?”
“yeah.” you smile, cheek bulging with the fruit. he goes to pull his hand away but your brows furrow, hand shooting up to keep it there. “keep feedin’ me.” you whine in complaint, and his eyes linger on you for a moment— feeling bad that you were clearly feeling submissive and needing him while he was on shift.
“easy babydoll. open up.” you finish chewing the other strawberry and he brings another to your lips. this time, when he’s finished feeding you, your fingers delicately wrap around his wrist, clashing with the beaded bracelet you’d made him looped around it. you begin to kitten lick the melted chocolate off his fingers, before giving in and starting to suck on them with a quiet moan.
his brows jump up, eyes darting around for a second for any on-going watchers, letting you suck away. “sweet jesus, babe.” he mutters under his breath as he gets lost in the moment. he jumps when the shrill voice of his manager cuts through the moment, her holler carrying from inside.
“maybank, get back in here. we need you!” she yells and he gently eases his fingers out with a sigh.
“oh shhh—” he whips his head around as he senses her appear at the doorway with raised brows. “shhh—abadoobaba…” he sings half heartedly, not wanting to break her rule for not cursing when there’s customers around.
“inside, now.” she nods before disappearing and he huffs, standing up.
“thats uh, for you to keep.” he gestures to the plate of strawberries before looking down at you under his nose. “and i’m sorry i couldn’t stay longer. i’ll see you tonight, yeah?”
you nod, eyes all glazed over from the moment you just shared and he bends at the waist, pinching your jaw to give you a parting kiss. he presses his lips to yours, before pulling away just a tad, lips still brushing against eachother — eyes still closed. “‘know i love you babe but if you ever make me hard at work like that again i’m pulling the belt on your ass. i’m serious”.
he pulls away, observing your sweet doe eyes and adjusts the apron round his waist. “lucky i’m wearing this thing, huh?” he lets a smirk slip before backing away, jogging back inside. “see you later, cupcake!”
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deepouterspacecandy · 4 months
Twice the Forever
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Abby is a worrier.
Whenever Isaac separates you two, whether it’s during a daily work assignment or trips away from the stadium, she can’t help but fret.
It gives her tension headaches, and she’d do just about anything to keep you constantly under her watch. You’re strong as hell, but this world is a bitch and anything can happen in a split second. With the multitude of deaths and bites from the infected that she has witnessed over the years, it would be foolish to disregard it as a potential threat.
Until she hears your voice, or her eyes meet yours across the chow hall, thoughts of you will swirl in her mind, causing her stomach to twist into a million anxious knots.
When it’s only the two of you, she breaks free from her reserved demeanour and attentively examines you, pulling you close to her chest and inhaling your essence with each breath.
If she discreetly sneaks off to the bathroom while you and your squad are engaged in conversation in the living room, discussing your harrowing two-week supply run, to release a quiet sob of relief in front of the mirror, chances are you will remain blissfully unaware.
As time passes, her love for you only intensifies, making her heart ache with a bittersweet longing for your safety.
“I don’t want you going on runs anymore,” Abby says, nuzzling into the space between your chin and your collarbone. “I hate it so much.”
“If only,” you say, savouring Abby's warmth as you wrap your legs around her under the soft blanket of your shared bed. “Isaac will never go for it.”
She lifts her head to catch your gaze and her lower lip trembles.
“How am I supposed to do this?” she asks, and her soul overflows. The heartbroken expression on her face leaves you momentarily taken aback.
“Hey,” you murmur, tucking a blonde wisp of hair behind her ear. “I’m okay. We’re okay. Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise.”
“I can’t imagine life without you.”
Her presence is so intertwined with your existence that envisioning this world without her seems unimaginable to you, too.
She lays her weight on your legs, and you squirm and wriggle, causing her brows to furrow in confusion. Finally, you manage to slip your hand into your pocket.
You feel the smooth surface of a slender, gold band. Something you discovered on your last supply run through the sketchy, overgrown strip mall that you admittedly, only survived by the skin of your teeth.
You take the ring out and carefully lay it on your chest.
Her voice barely above a whisper, and her eyes filled with tenderness, she breathes, “Mine?”
You’re shaking all over when you say, “Only if you want it to be—and I really, really hope you do.”
Abby flips onto her back, twirling the ring between her fingers and holding it up to the dim light above your bed. A small, crooked smile tugs at the corner of her mouth. She pulls back the covers, and there’s a beat of suspense as she disappears into the darkness of your room for a few moments too long.
Your heart races, pounding between your ribs. The urge to call out to her overwhelms you.
When she returns, she cradles a weathered velvet box in her hands, its softness contrasting with the roughness of her skin.
“You’ve completely sabotaged my game plan,” Abby chuckles, her eyes welling up with tears. “But what else is new?”
“I can’t even believe you right now.”
With a sudden burst of energy, she yanks you towards the end of the bed. As she gets you on your feet, she surprises you with a sweet, lingering kiss to the tip of your nose before dropping to one knee.
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pudgeroni · 1 month
waking up 100 lbs heavier than you were when you went to sleep. your giant ass making even elastic shorts give you a muffin top from how tight they are. your rounded belly lightly jiggling as you move, half of it hanging out of your tee shirt. your face softer and forming a double chin. throwing on the biggest clothes you have (tight but at least not showing any skin unless you raise your arms) and realizing as the day goes on nobody is surprised by how huge you have become, as if you've always been this size. picking up an XL milkshake, 40 nuggets, and 2 L fries because you're hungrier than you ever remember being. absentmindedly rubbing your newfound belly as you chow down in the car on the way to the store for clothes 4 sizes bigger than the ones you were wearing yesterday.
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celestialprincesse · 2 months
If you’re not taking requests then just ignore me! But could you maybe write something for Soap and Ghost both wanting the same girl and she opts to not choose 🥰 I’m dying to read your smutty take on this
I'm like chowing down on your brain right now this is so scrumdiddyumyum 🎀
nsfw ⭐️ mdni
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Johnny wanted you first. The, moment you hopped down from the helo and into his life, he wanted you. Everything about the way your eyes glittered in the early spring sunlight to the way your errant baby hairs practically begged for him to sweep them back behind your ears, everything about you. You'd been called in as a temporary spotter for a few missions, but he earnestly, foolishly hoped you'd stick around. Just for a little while.
He'd also foolishly hoped that he'd be the only one to want you. In the beginning, he thought he was.
But of course, fucking Simon had to ruin everything. Of course. He has a tendency to not realise what an Adonis he is, with his towering six foot frame and muscles for days, no, weeks. Simon, and his innate ability to have every woman in the same room simpering.
He'd noticed the switch in a debrief. Normally cold, callous Simon guiding you through the door with a hand on the small of your back, pulling out your chair for you with such cool, casual confidence. Normally such an action would mean nothing. Nothing would change between them or the team. They'd never liked the same types or gone for the same women. You, unfortunately, were a perfect blend of the things they both absolutely adored. Just chirpy enough to keep up with Johnny's boisterous personality, mellow enough to relax with Simon. You were just bratty enough to give Johnny the fight he fight he always craved, submissive enough to know when Simon wanted you to stay in line. You were dangerously perfect.
You also had a tendency to come in early in the mornings. Like your teammates. More specifically, Johnny and Simon, that is.
Simon always came in early after the gym, to not only get to the teabags first, but also settle into his morning work routine before the others arrived.
Johnny would in as early as possible to try and get the first appointment with the physio whenever she dropped in.
For you, it had actually been a one off. You'd left your charger in the common room yesterday, and wanted to make sure your laptop wasn't dead for briefing minutes.
The quiet arguing begins the common room door had been unexpected to say the least.
Johnny's delicious brogue grew thicker as your ear pressed to the door, eyebrows furrowing as you attempted to gain an understanding of their conversation.
" - cannae understand why you won't jus' leave her alone."
"She seems perfectly fine with my attention." Simon drawled back, and you'd be lying if you said it didn't have your knees weak with the thought alone.
In your not-yet-eight-AM delirium, you'd barely even registered that the door wasn't all the way closed. Until you'd barrelled into it. With your full body weight. The string of colourful expletives which passed through your lips as you went crashing into the threadbare rug had been enough to snap Johnny and Simon from their boyish row.
"Speak of the devil." The amusement dripping from Simon's voice had you cringing.
"Laptop? I -" You'd barely managed to stammer before Johnny had you back up on your feet, a concerned look on his face as he went to pick up your (thankfully) unscathed laptop.
"Didnae realise you were one to eavesdrop, hen." Johnny cooed into your ear, a wonderfully warm hand gripping your chin to tilt your head this way and that, making sure you'd not been hurt by your fall.
"Might as well tell her whilst she's here, hm?" Coaxed Simon as you were guided to the squishy old couch in the middle of the room.
"Tell me?"
"Ask you, really." Simon again, with an indifferent shrug.
"We're - we both like ye a lot, hen." Johnny wouldn't dare crowd your space, no matter how strong the urge to reach for your hand, give it an encouraging squeeze.
"I like you too?" You'd vaguely heard yourself mumble, although the sound seemed so disjointed - foggy as you sunk into the depths of your feelings for both men. Equally.
"I like you both, too." Both men nodded as you reiterated what they'd suspected.
"No problem with that." Johnny encouraged, seeing your slightly flustered look, skittish and edgy, having been thrown into such a situation unwillingly, and this early in the morning. "It's twenty-twenty-four. Definitely no the weirdest shite I've seen happening."
"Like - sharing?" You stammered awkwardly, gaze flickering between Simon's understanding one, and Johnny's eager blues.
"S'pose we could give it a try." Simons gruff voice filled the room, tamping down the anxiety bubbling away in your tummy.
"Would you -?" You'd pointed a finger between the two of them, wordlessly indicating the direction of your question, without having to actually speak it.
"For now? No." Simon seemed to have, surprisingly, already thought the entire thing through. Always two steps ahead.
"But we don't mind sharing, so long as yer comfortable with that, hen."
And now, not even a month later, you're sat in the backseat of Simon's car, lips locked with Johnny's in a fervent kiss, your hand stroking eagerly around his shaft, whilst Simon's fingers curl up against the velvety walls of your pussy, his nose bumping the base of your jaw as he nips and sucks at your neck.
You've found that Simon barely needs to be touched to cum, perfectly contented to touch you and taste you until he finishes still straining at his jeans, whilst Johnny is far more hands-on, needs your help, to know you're there. That it's you and no one else.
The two of them are actually getting on surprisingly well in the confines of your relationship, too. The jealousy still rears its ugly head occasionally, but the two men are perfectly happy to push that aside and work together. Especially if it means hearing your pretty moans stifled by Johnny's lips as you cum on Simon's fingers.
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I took like four melatonin before writing this, so sorry if it's nonsensical in parts!! It's also like not actually that smutty but!! Oh well!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 3 months
Apple Seed 3: Ew....
Vaggie: (holding Charlie's hair and rubbing her back) How are you doing, hun?
Charlie: (panting) I'm good! I'm- HRK!!! (throws herself back into the toilet bowl and pukes)
Vaggie: (sad smile) Sit tight, babe. I'll be right back with some cool water and crackers for when you're done.
Charlie: (head still in the toilet, holds a thumbs up. Once the sound of footsteps fade, she flops against the wall in a seated position with a groan) No one told me this would be so gross...
*Sniff!* *Sniff* *Sniff!*
Charlie: What's that smell? (Sniffs the air like a dog and starts drooling) It smells so good~ (Follows the scent through the hotel to Alastor's room) Oh, no....
*Sniff!* *Sniff!* *Sniff!* *Droooooool*
Charlie: (whines and gently knocks on the door)
Alastor: Come in!
Charlie: (Opens the door and goes green at the sight of a dead, semi-rotted deer on Alastor's table) Oh, noooooooohohohohooo.......
Alastor: (stops cutting a chunk) Charlie, dear, what a surprise! How might I be of service? Is there a chance it could wait until I finish my lunch?
Charlie: (horrified by the dead animal and how the sight makes her stomach rumble, falls to her knees in dismay) NOooooOOoOoOooo!!!!
Alastor: (sighs) Very well. What is so important that it requires my immediate attention?
Alastor: Oh..... *DING!!!* Oh! Silly me. Would you like a piece?
Charlie: (watches in horrified starvation as a blob of rotted blood drips from the buck's mouth and plops onto the hardwood floor) Don't do it, Charlie. Don't do it, Charlie. Don't do it, Charlie. Don't do it, Charlie.
Vaggie: (walking the hotel halls with a glass of water and bag of saltines in hand) Charlie? Babe? Where did you go? (Sees Alastor's door open and bristles) MOTHER FUCKER!!!! (kicks the door in with her spear drawn) ALASTOR!!! What do you think you're.... do-.....-ing.....
Charlie: (sitting on a chair in the corner and chowing down on a whole hindquarter of the deer, shaking her head as she shreds the flesh with her teeth and growling like a puppy)
Vaggie: Hooooooo-oh (covers her mouth as a sour taste spreads across her tongue and her face pales)
Alastor: (slightly taken aback by how Charlie ripped the deer leg clean off) ...........I do believe we found something she can stomach.
Charlie: (wailing as she swallows a whole chunk and goes in for another bite) Don't Look At Meeeeeeeee!!!!!
Charlie: (brushing her teeth furiously, causing toothpaste foam to spill all over her lips and chin) Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew!
Vaggie: (Stomach gurgling sickly as she stands in the doorway with dental floss and mouthwash in her hands) I'm just... happy we found something you can- *burp* (covers her mouth and swallows down bile) -can stomach...
Charlie: WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE THAT!!!! (spits and takes the floss from Vaggie before running it through her teeth like a chainsaw belt)
Vaggie: Babe, it's okay. (Watches as Charlie throws away bloodied floss and hands her the mouthwash) Rinse. Last step before I feel comfortable kissing you again.
Charlie: (drinks a cap of mouthwash before swishing another cap around I her mouth, trying to talk while gargling and getting liquid everywhere) No one told me pregnancy was going to be this gross!!!!
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disneeznuts · 1 year
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(tadashi hamada x reader)
Summary: knees brushing under the table
Lectures were the worst part of college. You were absolutely certain of that.
No way anyone would want their professor, who sounds like Bette Midler, to drawl on and on for an hour about some chemical equation that could be explained in three steps.
Your palm held your chin as drool almost slipped past your lips while you lightly dozed off. Even though the lecture was god awfully boring, you were grateful it was a big class so you could get away with checking out mentally.
For the most part anyway. (We don’t talk about the time she called on you while being in the middle of chowing down a bad if chips that you were most definitely not supposed to be eating.)
There was another component that added to your boredom however. Somebody was late.
Mr. Tadashi Hamada decided to stay up doing god knows what and sleep through his alarm today. The frantic text he sent you was proof of the incident as he rushed to explain his circumstance.
I lost track of time- blah blah I didn’t realize- yada yada ada.
Excuses for days he had. Though even if he was to miss half the class you did promise to catch him up on what he missed.
What were friends for?
…ha friends.
The door creaked, drawing most of the students attention to the entryway, where the man himself winced at the noise. A hushed ‘sorry’ passed his lips before he hurriedly went down the stairs. The teacher made a snide indirect comment as he plopped into his seat next to you.
With a lurch you were coherent once again.
“Morning sunshine,” Tadashi teased, leaning in close to you as he sat his bag down on to the floor. Humming gently you rubbed your eyes. Looking over you looked down to the teeth shining past his lips.
You never understood how they could be so white.
A hand went up to pull the baseball cap off his head as Tadashi used his other hand to tousle his hair. Puffing out his cheeks a much needed breath released from his lungs and he slouched back into his seat. The movable desk top was pushed down in front of him while his legs spreaded to a comfortable position.
Biting your lip you almost jumped at the contact his knee made to yours. The steady weight of it leaned against you but you made no move to remove it. If Tadashi didn’t want it there then he would remove it himself.
Tapping his nails on the wood the boy leaned over you, craning his neck to look at the notes you had written down. Wordlessly you picked up the book and handed it to him.
“Thanks,” he breathed out, reaching with his hand to take it, his fingers brushing against yours in the process. Another zing coursed through you. But you didn’t speak anything about it as Tadashi scanned over the words and your scribbles. A smile of slight amusement coming over his features as he looked at your doodles. However he frowned at a certain sentences.
Shifting closer his shoulder pressed against yours, holding open your notebook and pointing to the questionable phrase.
His words were slightly muffled as the feeling of warmth from his arm and knee burned through your body.
“Sorry what was that-,” you went to apologize but were cut off.
“Shhhhhh,” a rather irritated individual hushed whipping her head to look back at you. Another apology was voiced as you smiled uneasily.
“What did you mean when…” a quiet gasp left your lips when Tadashi’s breath was felt across your skin.
This was new. Tadashi has never been this touchy. He’s always been one to give simple high fives or fist bumps of gratitude. Or maybe a little side hug in the right occasion. But he’s never been practically cheek to cheek with you before.
But he’s just asking for some notes. Just asking some questions. Just asking for some help from a friend.
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kissingfinelines · 11 months
High School! Nanami headcanons
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(ac: mineco000 on twt!)
(emo nanami x gn! reader)
A/N: If no one else is gonna pump out emo kento content ig I’ll do it :/
Gets teased constantly about being emo (mainly by his peers Gojo, Geto, Haibara, etc.) It’s all in good fun and it doesn’t really get to him but when he catches feelings for you it makes him wonder if he’d be your type.
He wonders if you’d like boys like him because he’s noticed that outgoing fun guys like Gojo are typically seen as more attractive.
You’re oblivious to his crush on you because he’s always quiet unless he has something worth saying. But Haibara noticed immediately because…
Nanami is usually quiet but does small gestures that show his true feelings towards someone. Like whenever you talk Nanami gives you his full attention but when you look at him he immediately turns away and just nods. Haibara notices this and giggles about it.
He’s always telling Nanami to shoot his shot w you!
H: “C’mon I’ll set up a date and everything! We could go to a cafe [as a group of 3] but then I’ll lie and say I left my stove on or something. Then I’ll leave and it would just be the two of you!”
Nanami says it’s the stupidest idea he’s ever heard (but he considers it for days.)
He doesn’t try to flirt with you because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable (but he practices what to say to you in the mirror and Haibara caught him one time 💀)
NK: “So um, Y/N, what… kind of music do you like?” He mumbles to the mirror, awkwardly fixing his hair. He tries to imagine your response in his head.
“Oh, I love the same music as you, Ken! Take me to a concert so we can rave and make out!” Haibara teases from the doorway, making his voice high pitched. He wraps his arms around himself and makes kissing sounds.
Nanami threw a pillow at him and jumped him.
But when he is alone with you…
For example, if it’s just you two on a mission, he’ll try to make small talk even though he hates it.
He’ll bring up anything he knows you like (shows, movies, music, etc.) because even if he knows nothing about it, he likes watching the way you light up when you talk about your interest.
If you’re walking next to each other and your hands touch he won’t visibly react but he will scream internally.
If you flirt with him even as a joke, he won’t know how to react and he will blush like crazy. His face will be so red you’ll ask if he’s having an allergic reaction.
Constantly fights the urge to look at any part of you
Finally confessing…
If you confess first:
He’ll ask if you’re joking. Even if you confirm that you’re not, he’ll ask 10 more times.
He’ll start to smile but quickly cover the corner of his mouth with the neck of his uniform jacket.
He finally makes eye contact with you and softly says “I like you too.”
He’d like to kiss you on the spot, but thinks it’d be more romantic to wait for the first date.
Instead, he asks to hold your hand. When you accept, he holds it tightly, wondering how he got so lucky.
If he confesses first…
It would probably be after a long mission. It’s late at night and you’re both pretty beat.
You’d be covered in scratches and cuts, bleeding lightly. But to Nanami, you’re still the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.
Without thinking, he’d reach forward and wipe a drop of blood from your chin.
When you ask him why he did that, he’d just shrug and give a small tired smile. He’s usually stoic, but how could he not smile after a job well done?
And in all honesty, he’s just glad he didn’t lose you.
It’s late and you’re both exhausted, so he suggests going to a local bakery he loves and insists that he’ll pay.
It doesn’t matter if you order a pastry or a sandwich, he’s happy to treat you.
On the walk back to campus, he watches as you eagerly chow down on whatever he bought you. He decides to use whatever adrenaline he has left to confess his feelings for you.
NK: “Hey, there’s something that’s… been on my mind for a while. I’ve tried to ignore it but, it’s pretty difficult to do when it’s about someone like you.”
He rambles on how about how much he likes you. His words sound like a poet but they’re basically verbatim with the lyrics of his favorite song.
Once he’s done he goes quiet and looks at you. “So… what do you think? I don’t expect you to feel the same, but if you do…”
When you tell him you feel the same, his knees go weak. He can’t even believe the words you’re saying.
“I’ve always liked you, Kento.” You laugh, placing a hand on his arm.
“You’re lying.” Nanami’s eyes are wide with surprise.
“I’m not, I swear! I thought I made it obvious. Even Haibara noticed.”
“He what.”
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daisynik7 · 9 months
Hi, hi, hiiiii!! first of all, I hope you are doing fine! So, um, if it's alright with you I have two requests. One with Eren and the second with Geto.
for geto's I picked Try by Nelly Furtado, (https://open.spotify.com/intl-fr/track/1kS9d4x0ftbfq65eaBGSCT?si=2533cca641954131) a fluff/comfort with a bit of smut (of course) where Geto feels a bit guilty for not being as ingaged in the relationship as reader because of all the stuff he had been through and how bad it affected it (he is madly in love with reader, but, you know). so when he vocalizes his thoughts and feelings reader (who is just as in love and crazy about him) comforts him and makes him understand that she's willing to take all what he has to offer, with no pressure at all and that she will never give up on him and helps him get better. it's kind of, I'll be by yourself and support you while you fix yourself vibe.
aaaand for Eren Iris by goo goo dolls, a fluffy fluff with smut about the moment Eren realizes how deeply in love he is with reader and that he's ready to do anything for her.
No pressure of course!! and thank you so much!
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Pairing: Suguru Geto x f!reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
cw: no curses au, modern setting au, descriptions of anxiety and depression, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut – PIV sex (cowgirl), cunnilingus, fingering
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting a song for my y2k karaoke party @ichinosejager13! Ily so much, thanks for always being so supportive of me. I appreciate you so much and I hope I did your idea justice! I haven’t written much for Geto, so it’s been fun doing something a little different. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated. Thank you for reading! MDNI interact banner by @/cafekitsune.
The Eren request will be coming soon in a separate post! 
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Geto lies in bed beside you, sleeping peacefully with his hair spread loosely on the pillow. 
You twirl a strand of it between your fingers, marveling at how soft it is against your skin. It’s the longest it’s ever been, split-ends frayed at the tips. When’s the last time he had a trim? Must have been months ago, so long that you don’t even remember. 
You study his face, noticing the dried streaks of tears on his cheeks, the dark circles under his eyes. It’s only now that you recall last night’s heavy conversation, the reason behind his somber expression. 
The two of you eat dinner in silence, poking chopsticks into greasy take-out containers from your favorite Chinese restaurant. Geto sits across from you, staring blankly at his chow mein, barely putting anything in his mouth. The light bulb above you, the one illuminating the dining table, flickers. Out loud, you say, “Need to change that out.” 
It’s meant more as a reminder for yourself, not to your boyfriend. You notice him throw the container haphazardly on the table, breathing staggered. “I’m sorry.”
Confused, you set down your food, focusing on him. “Suguru?”
“I can’t do this. You don’t deserve this,” he mutters.
More perplexed, you stand up, stepping towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Sweetie, what are you talking about?”
He continues to stare into his lap, voice low and eerily monotone. “I can’t make you happy anymore.”
“What do you mean? I’m so happy. I really am.”
“How can you be happy with someone like me?!” He sniffles, tears dripping down his chin now. “Broken light bulbs, dinners in silence, a fucking loser who can’t even get out of his own fucking house. Who could ever love someone like me?”
Your heart aches, throat tight with emotions. It’s devastating to hear him talk this way about himself, to hear how low he’s sunken into the abyss. For as long as you’ve known him, Geto has always been forward about his struggles with anxiety and depression. He’s been an advocate for medication from the start, making it clear when you first started dated that he was on them. A few months ago he decided to wean off the pills, confident he was in a much better place. You supported his choice, encouraging him to do what he felt was best for himself.
He began to spiral about four weeks ago, when he was laid off from his job. That same week, he learned that his parents, who he hasn’t contacted in years, have passed away. A couple days ago, Satoru Gojo, his oldest and closest friend, walked out of his life for reasons Geto is still trying to comprehend. It was hit after hit after hit, and finally, he was knocked out.
But that doesn’t mean you won’t try to pull him back up. 
“Suguru, I love you. I love you so much, I promise you. I’m going to be here for you, no matter what,” you say, squeezing him.
Finally, he looks at you, defeated and in need of comfort. “You won’t leave me like everyone else did?”
You take him into your hands, kissing his forehead. “No, sweetie. I won’t.”
“And you’ll love me even when I’m broken?”
You nod with your nose nuzzled to his. “I’ll love you no matter what. You’re not broken. You don’t need to be fixed.”
You wrap your arms around him, holding him tenderly as he sobs into your shoulder. “I want to be better. For you. For us,” he cries. “I’m trying my best, I really am.”
“I know you are. I know you are, Sugu,” you say, stroking his hair. “I don’t need anything more than that.”
You spend the rest of the night consoling him, listening to him share every emotion and thought he has in his head. The guilt of his parents’ death, the shame he feels being unemployed, the confusion at the sudden departure of Gojo. You don’t have answers to any of the questions that plague his mind, but he doesn’t expect you to. You offer as much comfort as you can, holding him in your arms, brushing away the incessant tears falling from his face, kissing every inch of him as if you were kid, thinking it would heal any of his boo-boos. Eventually, the two of you fall asleep together in your bed, snuggled under the blanket, cradled in each other’s arms. 
It's been almost an hour now, listening to his steady breathing, watching the delicate flutter in his eyelashes, hoping he’s having a tranquil rest. You press a soft kiss to his forehead with no intention of waking him up. Yet, he slowly opens his eyes, a faint smile forming at his lips when he realizes it’s you.
“Good morning,” you whisper. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
“Don’t be. You’re the best thing to wake up to.” He locks his fingers with yours, shifting his body to face you. “Have you been up for a while?”
You lie, shaking your head. “No, I just woke up.”
He brushes the outline of your lips with his thumb, smile growing. “Liar. You’ve been watching me sleep.”
You giggle, nestling into his chest, hiding your face. “Okay, you caught me.”
His chin rests on the top of your head, his arms surrounding you in a loving embrace. “I’m sorry about last night.”
“I told you, Sugu. Stop apologizing –”
“I know, I know. Still, I want to make it up to you somehow.”
You untuck yourself from his chest, peering up at him. “You don’t have to.”
“But I want to. Whatever you want, I’ll do it.”
“I just want you, Suguru. Just you.”
He smiles, shimmying down the bed to meet your lips with his. “I can give you that.”
It happens quickly; Geto strips you naked in a matter of seconds, positioned between your thighs, hidden beneath the covers. He starts to lick your clit gently at first, teasing it until it’s swelling on his tongue. You shrug the blanket off enough to see his face, indulging in your arousal, eyes gazing at you, lips curved in a naughty little smirk. He makes sure to eat you out noisily, sucking on your bud with a loud smack every time he draws it from his mouth, slurping the slick leaking from your slit. Soon, his fingers are inside you, the tips curled at your sweet spot, stimulating it until you’re gushing all over his face. 
He collects all your cum on his tongue, swallowing it. “Fuck, you always get so wet for me, he moans, kneeling in front of you. He shoves his underwear down his legs, stroking his stiff cock in his fist. “I want to make you feel so good, baby. Give you everything I have.”
“You always make me feel good,” you whimper, reaching for him.
Holding your hand in his, he brings it up to his mouth, brushing your knuckles against his lips. “I love you so much, sweetie. I wish I could show it better.”
“You do,” you assure him. “You always make me feel loved.”
“Are you sure?” he asks, surrounding you with his body, rolling you on top of him. 
“I’m positive,” you reply, smiling at him. You lean down to kiss him while you straddle his lap, teasing your swollen clit along his shaft. 
“I love you so much,” he breathes out, closing his eyes, relaxing into the mattress as you pleasure him. “You’re always so good to me.”
You sink down on his cock, adjusting to his size slowly until your ass is pressed to his pelvis. He’s buried deep inside you, your pussy squeezing him tight. He plants his feet on the bed, thrusting up into you at an even pace. 
“Honey,” he hisses, wrapping his arms around you, picking up speed. You barely move as he fucks you earnestly, bed creaking noisily below you, fingers pressed firmly to your clit. He flicks it with the wide pad of his thumb, staring at you with a hazy expression. “Come on my cock, baby. I want to watch you squirt all over me.”
On demand, you approach your climax, riding your orgasm out on his lap until you’re spent. He keeps himself inside you as you collapse on top of him, catching your breath. His hands trail up to your back, massaging soothing circles against your skin. 
With his mouth grazing your ear, he whispers, “I’m going to be better a better boyfriend to you. I promise. I’ll do whatever I can, so I don’t lose you.”
You turn your head to face him, smiling. “You won’t lose me, Suguru. I’ll always be here for you.”
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8-dermestid · 26 days
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(🪳/ 🐌 / 🐛) more thoughts and full spreads with (extra wee doodles) under the cut!!!
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Pilbert Caterpillar (🐛)
- i really like pilby…. a while lot i think they are incredible, their autism. yaya.
- i wanna draw a bunch of regretevator characters chowing down on burgers and things i think pilby would order a whopper every time even tho it nearly sends them into a coma every time
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makes me lol every time, i love bugs so i may consider adding more insectoid traits in the future…
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Split (🐌)
- oohoho…. wahaha, listen….
- snails (/ bugs / insects / other small critters) communicate with pheromones nd things… Bive + Split can do this too
- sometimes they tap their antennae against each other nd just know what the other is feeling without having to verbally communicate
- great for autism nd bein nonverbal sometimes i live for nonverbal communication, i wish antennae were real on people…
- if i ever did a more critter-oriented design for Split it would def be based on the Pacific Banana Slug (Ariolimax columbianus) or mayhaps even the California variety… i just need her to be based on a bug, fat, yellow slug. that is all.
- as for the burger post i think Split would order one of those bug, fat burgers that always falls apart after about three bites, sooo much sauce (she likes brown mustard)
Bive (🪳)
- I just keep making her coat longer, say goodbye to her feetsies waahaa
- assigning her a cockroach!!!!!!!! she would be the madagascar hissing cockroach (G. portentosa)…. i like the idea that she just shrieks when being touched, such a howler
- she eats like a messy beast, ketchup and mustard all over her coat and chin, eats with her hands bc she does not trust forks
- She is so autistic and psychotic, i love this bug, her antennae buzz and flick around as she walks and ooh… mayhaps i will give her a cane or some other mobility aid
91 notes · View notes
madelynraemunson · 9 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club series)
(strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!x reader)
Chapter 005: All That and A Can of Worms
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Chrissy offers you some insight about Eddie over brunch. You ask Steve how he’d feel about a threesome. Eddie asks if you want to go on another smoke break in his van.
* = somewhat smut
** = smut
↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014**, 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
word count: 4.6k
warnings — mutual pining, angst, tension, casual hookups, profanities, NURSE…billy’s out again, talks of abuse, manipulation
“You’re good at impersonating someone who cares. You had me for a minute there.”
Being annoyed and sexually frustrated at Benny’s Diner at 9 AM is not how you want to start your day. But anything for your new — and very hungover — friend, Chrissy.
You would think Miss Cherry still had the munchies from last night just by how she’s inhaling her breakfast potatoes. You sit there and drink your piping hot tea, all while Chrissy spills hers.
“I don’t know,” Chrissy shrugs. “I just think Crypto currency is shady as hell, and the fact that Jason is doing it full time is a red flag.”
“And you’ve been seeing him for how long?”
“Like two weeks,” she answers. “I was gonna invite him to the thing but I don’t think Eddie would’ve liked him.”
“Yeah,” you agree. “I feel like BYOB is more on the…intimate side anyways. Eddie’s close circle.”
Chrissy nods in agreement as she continues to chow down, paying no mind to the adorable ketchup stain she acquired at the corner of her chin.
You can hardly contain it anymore.
“What can you tell me about Eddie?”
Chrissy’s munching ceases. She’s slowly chewing now, attempting to read you.
“Depends…” she squirms. “What do you wanna know?”
“What’s he like?” you wonder. “Did he ever have a girlfriend? Is he someone who’s emotionally available?”
Chrissy thinks for a moment.
“The last serious partnership he ever had was with Isabelle,” she cringes. “But we won’t go into that.”
Isabelle. Okay, you’ve got something.
“Is she the lady friend?”
“No, Lady Friend was just some random chick,” Chrissy shakes her head. “Isabelle was like… serious serious.”
Suspicious now, Chrissy automatically is inclined to ask,
“And you’re asking me this because…?”
Chrissy has been nothing but welcoming ever since you started at Hellfire. The friendship you two have built you feel is something very strong. You trust her enough to know about last night’s scandal with your boss.
“Some things happened last night.”
Chrissy’s eyes widen. “Omg. Like what?”
“Well…” you exhale. “When you went home with Argyle, Eddie gave me a ride home.”
“Go on…”
“We got pretty stoned and then things got heated. Right before we were about to do anything he flat out dipped on me! Blamed it on not wanting to fuck under the influence. I get it, but… something is telling me there’s more to it.”
Just as you expect, Chrissy’s eyes widen in shock. Laughing at the wild news she just received, she requests a quick backtrack. Acceptable reaction.
“Hold on,” she stops you. “We skipped a few chapters. I…thought you were banging his roommate Steve.”
“I am.”
The entire restaurant, it seems, goes quiet. You could hear a spoon clink against some plates from the other side of the establishment.
You try to shush Chrissy. “Dude…”
“Sorry,” Chrissy covers her mouth. She lowers her voice to an aggressive whisper. “Damn, girl! You’re a little hoe.”
You can tell she’s joking.
“Can you blame me though?” you chuckle.
“No,” she shakes her head and giggles. “I really can’t.”
You nod in agreement with her as she mouths “Sooo hot” regarding both Eddie and Steve. Then Chrissy grows serious again.
“Now that we’re here…can I tell you something?”
“Sure,” you shrug. “Anything.”
“As someone who’s…hooked up… with Eddie before…” she begins. “I do think that his behavior towards you is a liiittle strange. He’s typically not hot and cold. He’s usually very forward.”
The plot thickens. It would make sense that those two were a thing, given the sexual tension they had last night when Eddie gave Chrissy the edible.
“Wait you and Eddie hooked up?”
“Yeah…” Chrissy confirms. “He used to smoke me out a lot when I first started at Hellfire. One thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together a few times.”
You start to feel like an idiot.
“Chrissy…I’m so sorry,” you start.
But your friend flails her hands around insistently.
“Don’t be sorry! Oh my gosh. It naturally died down anyways!” she exclaims. “'Think it had to do with the excitement of a new face. Eddie eventually got too busy and I started seeing other guys.”
“Oh,” you dial down. “I still feel like I’m breaking girl code in a way.”
“Don’t be sorry girl!” Chrissy repeats. “When it comes to me, you’re not! I actually think everyone needs to experience that man at least once.”
That man, being Eddie.
You jaw pops open.
“I’m serious girl,” Chrissy sighs. “He’s just that good.”
“You’re lying.”
“Eyes rolled back,” Chrissy gushes. “Everything. OOH! Girl, he is just so respectful but rough and it’s, ugh…”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing.
“It’s sex from another dimension.”
You and Chrissy squeal in excitement as she gives the details, reenacting most of the ordeal on her poor breakfast potatoes. It's revealed to you that Eddie loves catering to the female body, loves taking charge, and lives for a woman’s reaction. That alone is good enough to make him cum. It all makes you think about the dream you had and if it would be anything close to that.
“Well anyways,” Chrissy concludes. “Eddie’s one of the most chivalrous guys I know. Fucking a girl while she’s not sober is just not how he rolls. He probably freaked out.”
“I understand that,” you tap the table in thought. “But something was still off though. I barely had time to process it. Before you know it, he was dumping me at my house as if nothing happened.”
You fill Chrissy in on more of the details, chugging your tea like it’s a bottle of hot vodka. Being hot and bothered with nothing but a wet dream to get you by until you see one of them again is not a good combination.
“I would talk about this with Eddie and Steve,” Chrissy politely suggests. “And soon. I can feel the…frustration…radiating off your very strong grip…”
You nearly slam your teacup on the wooden table. Chrissy flinches.
“You’re telling me you two haven’t fucked when you were both high before? I mean like come on, that’s what gets people in the mood most times.”
“You may be onto something,” Chrissy squints in thought. “We were high almost every single time. So why now the sudden change?”
You say to Chrissy verbatim everything Eddie said to and about you last night. How he was fucking his fist yesterday to your moans. How he was telling you how much he wanted to fuck your brains out while being inches away from your face. How he had the opportunity to have you but chose to run from it the moment you showed interest. Nothing about it made sense.
"Leaving me high and dry after all that?" you reiterate. "I'm almost certain that never happened with you."
“But I also wasn’t hooking up with Steve at the same time,” Chrissy points out. “Maybe this deal might be breaking guy code in a way.”
Or the Munson Doctrine.
The phone rings, ushering your convo with Chrissy to a standstill. Your heart has been trained into thinking it’s Billy, especially since the eerie phone calls and messages have started up again. You’re overpowered by nausea and suddenly want the check.
The name that pops up on your phone causes you to breathe a sigh of relief.
“It’s my sister,” you announce. “Let’s keep it PG.” You tap the green phone button to accept the call. “Hey!”
“Hey, I was wondering if you can spot me $100 a month,” Max requests. “At least until I find a job.”
“Good morning to you too,” you mutter.
“Pleeeaaase!” Max begs. “It’s for the Y.”
“A membership at the Y is $100 a month?!”
“Yeah Hawkins is a fucking shoebox, I’ve learned,” Max mutters. “The city needs a lot of funding to keep things open. So will you do it?”
“Only because I love you,” you sigh. “But you better be looking for a job.”
“Scouts honor,” Max promises. “Thank you, sis. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Has Billy been reaching out?”
You swallow hard.
“Yeah," you choke. "Has he been texting you?”
Billy called again this morning. And again and again. Surprisingly, there was only one voicemail. But it was the same spiel.
"Hey, it's me," Billy greeted you in his voicemail. "Answer the fucking phone, please! I miss you and Max. You guys are lucky I'm giving you another chance."
His words just boil your blood. If anything, it should be him earning another chance from you and Max. Not the other way around.
"I'm worried about you guys. Y'all have never left the house for this long. So if this is your way of proving a point, all this manipulation projection, you guys won. Just please come back home okay? We can talk it out and ground ourselves to the situation at hand. Together. As siblings. No one loves you as much as I do, and no one will ever love you like I do. We’ll figure it out. Like we always do. K. Later.”
Billy never knows what he’s talking about. It’s obvious he takes every word he hears in therapy and makes alphabet soup out of it. Otherwise, he’d be practicing what he preaches.
The lack of control your brother has over you and Maxine is making him spiral. Without an ample supply, Billy is sure to explode any day now.
“Whatever you do,” you caution her. “Don’t fucking reply.”
“I know, I know,” Max says. “I know how this shit goes.”
“I love you,” you say again.
“Love you more.”
You hang up and instantly begin massaging your temples. Chrissy watches in horror.
“Man do you need dick or what…” she shakes her head. “Hearing all that stressed me out!”
“Tell me about it,” you sigh. “I need two if I’m being honest.”
A few more nibbles of your food, and then you and Chrissy go your separate ways, paying for both of your meals in all ones. You two do it for the cashier’s reaction. It’s always pretty funny.
“Anyway, thanks for this girly,” you give Chrissy a hug.
“Any time!” Chrissy beams. “I’ll see you tonight. We need to do this again soon.”
“Yeah, I just gotta find the time,” you mumble. “I still gotta meet Eddie for his usual stripper-orientation-lunch-thing that he does. Might as well buy a planner with all these commitments popping up.”
As she slows down her walking speed, Chrissy looks over at you with a puzzled look on her face.
“Wait… what ‘usual’ lunch?”
———- ☕️———-
Eddie’s van is nowhere in sight when you pull into Steve and Eddie’s neighborhood. You make your way over to the townhouse quickly, trying to catch The King before you have to clock in.
It’s one push of the doorbell and a wave into the Ring camera before Steve answers.
“Hey you!” he cheers as the door swings open. “Good to see you.”
He showers you with kisses before inviting you in.
“Good to see you too,” you kiss him right back. “Thanks for agreeing to meet me before the gym.”
“Anything for you,” Steve responds. “Dustin usually runs late anyway.”
You make yourself at home by setting your purse on the now tidy kitchen island. Steve offers you some water and you accept. He puts a lemon wedge in it to make it look fancy.
“I got you something,” Steve proclaims.
Before you could react, he’s already running to his room to get you your surprise. Your heart begins to skip a beat.
“Stop,” you gush as Steve disappears into his room. “You didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted to,” Steve insists as he races back out. For someone who was insanely drunk the night before, Steve is so full of energy. “Especially since I made myself look like a fool last night.”
In his hands, Steve unveils something the size of his palm.
It’s a fridge magnet of a Hawaiian hula girl, with a grass skirt, coconut bra, and a beautiful plumeria lei. She’s got sunglasses on, hilariously one that matches Steve’s. The magnet says your name on it in purple.
“Oh my gosh!” you cheer, with slight confusion. “A hula girl magnet.”
“Yeah!” Steve cheers. “I saw it at CVS and had to get it for you.”
You watch in amusement as Steve attempts his own version of a hula dance. He sings a song while he does so, but it sounds like a language he made up and not actual Hawaiian. You can’t help but giggle.
“It’s the closest thing to sunny San Diego that we have here.”
Your heart swells when you realize the meaning behind the gesture. Such a thoughtful thing for Steve to do. It all makes you miss home a bit more. You never did get to properly grieve saying goodbye to the town that raised you. The grip you have on your little gift tightens so much that the hula girl is now starting to hurt you.
“I know how much you probably miss home,” Steve explains. “Hopefully soon you can go back and visit.”
“Thank you,” you sniff. “That is so sweet of you.”
You two kiss again.
Then it goes beyond an endearing peck. It’s three more intense lip locks back to back before Steve slowly starts to insert his tongue. You roll yours along with his, both of your tongues wrestling for dominance. He bites your lower lip, hands moving from your waist to the small of your back. As you surrender your hands against his chest, Steve sneaks a quick grab to one of your ass cheeks. You moan in his mouth.
“So I was thinking…” you smirk, poking Steve at his sides. “That we can spice things up in the bedroom.”
“Ooh,” Steve bites his lip as he draws you closer. “I like where this is going. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking…” you answer. “That I’ll take you up on that voyeur thing. Give Eddie a little show?”
Steve seems puzzled.
It’s far too late to take anything back now. The worst Steve can say is no.
“Remember yesterday you said that you’re a voyeur. And that we might as well let Eddie watch?” you elaborate. “Maybe we can also do a little more too. You, me, and him?”
“Oh…” Steve’s demeanor softens. He runs his hands through his freshly done hair, then sits down on the bar stool closest to him.
Steve looks at you for a moment, expression unreadable as he shoves his hands into his pocket.
“Hargrove I…” Steve says. “I was kidding.”
You begin to feel yourself flush. “Oh.”
Your friend with benefits taps his feet in thought, making sure to craft his response perfectly out of respect for everyone.
“This is something you really wanted to do?”
“Of course, but if you don’t want to that’s totally okay too!”
You made sure you were clear on that. Steve thinks for a minute again. Then his eyes travels over to the bar stool next to him, where Eddie’s leather jacket is lazily perched atop of. He sighs.
“Who, uh, who was your ride last night?” Steve inquires. “Since you know, I was the one who drove us.”
You gulp. “Eddie was.”
“Oh,” Steve repeats.
He kicks the floor gently with his feet. You, since you’ve been watching his every move, subconsciously follow.
“I’m really sorry if I got your hopes up,” Steve apologizes. “I should’ve never worded the Eddie thing the way I did yesterday. If I’m honest with you, a threesome isn’t something I would be okay with.”
“Yeah,” Steve hangs his head. “I don’t know if you remember, but a third party is what destroyed my last relationship… so that topic is still pretty sensitive to me.”
You take that back. That’s the worst thing Steve could say.
The space closes up around you and shame starts to fire at you from all corners of the room. You feel like such an idiot for not realizing something so inherently obvious.
“Steve…” you don’t even know where to begin. “I am so sorry.”
“It’s okay, Hargrove. You didn’t know,” Steve shrugs it off. “It’s not like we’re exclusive either.”
Steve’s phone vibrates, and judging by how fast he gets up, you assume it’s because Dustin is getting closer. You start to reach for your purse, recognizing that your stay is about to be over.
“I feel really bad for taking this now,” you hold the hula girl magnet up to Steve.
But nonetheless, Steve smiles. “Keep it, darling. She suits you.”
Steve still insists on walking you to you car, carrying your purse for you over his shoulder while you fiddle awkwardly with the hula girl. He gives your rosy cheeks one last tender kiss before opening the door to the driver’s side so you can get in.
“Have a good shift,” Steve smiles faintly. “Tell Eddie I got him the Scooby snacks he wanted.”
You try to laugh at the most Eddie thing you’ve ever heard, but it’s not there. So instead you nod. “Of course. Have a good workout, Stevie.”
“Oh, I will.”
———— 𓆩♡𓆪 ———-
When talking with the Hellfire girls, it’s decided that you’re on tip rail tonight. Distracted by the new problem at hand, you naturally end up forgetting a few last minute things. Lucky for you, House Mom had travel sized makeup for you to use and a wide selection of small snacks to choose from.
You’re eating by Nancy’s little concession set up when your boss strides in. Eddie scoots by you, his lack of spacial awareness causing him to bump you aggressively against the hip. With the height difference and how much more bigger he is than you, the small brush shoves you forward.
“Rude,” you call out to him, though you’re only half joking.
“Sorry,” he tuts. “Behind.”
“You better be sorry,” you snap back. “With your mean ass.”
Eddie waltzes back over and asserts himself behind you, resting his rough hands at your sides. Your breathing hitches as he bends down, his curly locks tickling your cheekbones ever so teasingly.
“Would you say I’m being disrespectful?”
You turn to face him and nudge him with your hip. He chuckles slyly.
“Very,” you respond. “Very disrespectful.”
“Disrespectful. Sober,” Eddie rests his chin along your collarbone. “Looks like we both kept our promises.”
You two sway side to side in silence, enjoying the moment. Work is definitely not going to be this slow so you take it all in while you can.
“How’s your day going?” Eddie mumbles against your skin.
“Alright so far,” you respond. “Chrissy and I went to Benny’s for breakfast. And my sister wants a YMCA membership now so I’m either gonna have to pick up more shifts or reallocate some finances…”
“I vouch for the first option,” Eddie smirks.
“Oh yeah? Of course you do.”
“Mhm…” he nods. “Got some things I need you to do for me in the private show room.”
Goosebumps start to rise. You can’t have him here now. Not when you’re about to go on stage pretty soon. Eddie removes his hands from your hips and changes his embrace to a bear hug instead. The swaying continues.
“Billy also called this morning.”
The swaying stops.
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters as you spin around to face him. “You didn’t answer that piece of shit did you?”
“‘Course not,” you cross your arms. “There’s nothing to say or do at this point. He made his bed. My sister and I moved on.”
“Good girl,” he coos. “Your new life is here with us anyways.”
You blush as you suck on your lollipop, eyes meeting Eddie’s once again. Eddie’s dark pupils dilate once more, his tongue venturing out as he licks his lips hungrily.
“Grab your things,” Eddie orders. “Let’s go for a quick smoke.”
You’re back in his van again, smoking the same bong and rolling with the same paper as you did last night. Hopefully this is the redo you’ve been anticipating. Before Eddie lights up the bowl, he glances down at your tote bag.
“Scrubs 4 Less?” he chuckles.
“Oh yeah…” you say. “I may have told my little sister I work nights at the nursing home.”
“You are vile,” Eddie laughs. “Creative, but diabolical and oh so very vile.”
“I prefer the term protective,” you utter as-a-matter-of-factly.
“Mmm, very…” Eddie quips. “Got any spare restraints then, nurse? You got a madman on the loose.”
You bite your lip in absolute lust. “I suppose I can spare a few.”
You kick your stilettos off and rest your feet on Eddie’s lap again. He automatically compensates, staring at you in complete bliss as he exhales.
“Steve bought you your Scooby gummies by the way.”
“Fuck yeah,” he smiles. “Husband of the year.”
Eddie resumes grazing your legs again, rubbing your calves and moving upwards to your thighs. He bombards you with words of endearment, saying he needs to watch the junk food he eats because he’s trying to look good for you. Flustered you slowly sit up, further closing the space between you two and leaning into Eddie’s touch.
Oh yeah, right where you left off.
“I still can’t get over how hot you looked last night,” he says. “Doing your little thing at the VIP table. Downing that tequila. Chewing those gummies while holding your own. You’re something else.”
You blush.
“You were looking pretty hot yourself,” you compliment him and he blushes back. “And when you got all angry at that customer. I was getting all flustered.���
“Mm, you like when I’m aggressive huh?”
“Oh yeah,” you bite your lip. “Love my men rough around the edges.”
So you decide to make the move. Eddie inhales sharply as you scoot yourself closer, leaning in to kiss his soft lips just as you intended to last night. To your shock, you’re taken aback when Eddie pushes you away.
“Whoa!” he exclaims. “Easy there, tiger.”
“What?” is all your mouth can formulate. “Oh no, do I have food in my teeth?”
Eddie chuckles. “No? I just can’t kiss you, silly.”
Bewilderment overrides your horniness now. Removing yourself from Eddie completely, you’re back in your own seat, crossing your legs away from your boss who is still casually lighting up.
“Eddie, what’s going on? I thought we were feeling each other.”
He sets his lighter down and glances over at you.
“Scuse me?”
“Last night…” you remind him. “We were close just like this…you said you wanted to fuck my brains out… told me you were jacking off to my screams in the bathroom.”
“We were fucked up, Hargrove,” Eddie explains. “Okay? It was a mistake.”
“Drunk words are sober thoughts or whatever the fuck right?”
Eddie falls silent. There is no way in the world that this is happening right now. You think about brunch. You think about Chrissy. You think about what Eddie did just fifteen minutes ago that led up to this very moment. But Eddie’s the puzzled one?
“I like you Shy Girl,” Eddie begins. “I really do. But this? Can’t be a thing.”
“Why not?” you find yourself asking. Like a desperate little girl.
“Getting involved with an employee would just open up another can of worms,” Eddie sighs. “I can’t play like that. I won’t play like that.”
That’s his excuse? You find yourself getting even more frustrated. Eddie should have had the same mindset when he was hooking up with Chrissy. What made this situation any different?
But surely, you don’t bring Chrissy up. You didn’t want Eddie to know you knew.
“Eddie,” you try to control your voice. “I thought that after all this… the feeling was mutual.”
Eddie exhales. “Sweetheart… All the pet names and the flirting and the giving rides home…Whatever you picked up on, I do that with everybody.”
He can’t say he didn’t warn you. That was the first phrase of Eddie’s to stick with you entirely. It all felt so personal though. Like everything was geared specifically to you.
“Really?” you demand. “You do it with everybody? The last time I checked, Chrissy had no idea what that orientation lunch that you do with everybody is about.”
“It’s a…newer thing.”
“Or it’s a ploy to get to know me better,” you hiss. “And then what would you have done if you got what you wanted?”
Rage fills you now. Clouded with the anger, you scoop down to grab your bag and push the door of Eddie’s van open. Eddie’s shocked at your sudden behavior change.
“Whatever,” you huff as you climb out. “It’s all good. I gotta get ready for the show.”
“Hargro-” Eddie starts. “Hargrove!”
“And put some more water in that thing, would you?” you California self orders him. “Your lungs will thank me later.”
The little time left before the show permits you to go to the bathroom and cry. Your familiar friend, Loss, is paying you a visit again.
You fucked up. You had someone so good to you, someone so patient and gentle and caring, and you threw that away for your manipulative walking red flag of a boss. Surely, Steve might still want to casually sleep with you, but the energy has shifted now. You’ve lost him, you fear.
But no matter how much you wanted to convince yourself, Steve couldn’t give you everything you wanted. He was still missing something, which is why you stayed falling for Eddie. Or the idea of Eddie, rather. Everything you made him up to be has now been rendered completely false.
So now even Eddie can’t meet you where you’re at.
Emptiness comes by to accompany your friend Loss. Pressing your lips to your arm, you let out a muffled wail.
Fuck. How could you be so damn stupid?
Billy’s words crawl along your back and into your ears. You’re afraid your brother is right again; and for someone as irrational as he is, you can’t help but wonder how that could be true.
“No one loves you as much as I do, and no one will ever love you like I do. We’ll figure it out. Like we always do.”
Come home.
All while abusive, Billy’s love was always unconditional. No matter how far both of you took it, the key was always under the mat. And no matter how many times Max had to separate the two of you, shouting for you two to stop trying to strangle each other, you two always found your way back into each other’s arms.
You two came out of the womb hugging. You escaped your cribs to sleep beside each other. You comforted each other after every beating. You fed Billy to make sure he ate after Mom’s funeral while he did your laundry and laid out your clothes for a week straight. When one of you was in danger, the other just simply knew.
Billy is Love in its truest form. Your greatest comfort. All you’ve ever known. And that alone scared the hell out of you.
It all makes you crumble further. Is your brother’s love as good as it’s ever going to get?
author’s note: our boy eddie is RAN THROUGH!!!!! also i love how ST fanfic writers have all collectively agreed to drag steve to HELL AND BACK for the plot 🫣😩 poor boy never gets a break, not in the original universe, not in this universe, not in any of ‘em
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tag list: @changemunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe , @hideoutside , @motherfckerrr , @jxpsi i , @munson-magic , @lindseyj23 , @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @holabeans00 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking
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