#chiron em libra
crystalsenergy · 2 years
Olá, Crystalsenergy! Tudo bom? ^^
Uma amiga me recomendou a sua conta! Sempre estive muito interessada na astrologia, apesar de não entender muito sobre ela sozinha kkkk
Por isso, gostaria de perguntar se você poderia me dizer algum caminho sobre minha futura carreira profissional de acordo com a meu mapa!
Estou em período de vestibular e bem confusa sobre qual caminho seguir! Me ajudaria muito essa leitura e, vendo seus últimos posts, gostei demais da sua percepção (sobre o karma) e das suas outras leituras (incluindo as sobre carreiras também!) :)
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Muito obrigadaaaa♡♡♡
oieee, tudo bem? espero que sim.
vamos ler então!
especificamente na carreira
MC em Libra conjunção Vênus em Libra
MC em Libra conjunção Júpiter em Libra
MC em Libra sextil Plutão
MC em Libra trígono Netuno
MC em Libra oposição Nodo Norte em Áries
já que para vermos a parte de carreira, é importante olhar o mapa com um todo, para que a gente não se esqueça de outros pontinhos que fazem parte de quem a gente é, do que queremos, do que nos faz bem. por isso, de nada adianta olharmos somente para o MC, então vou falar aqui do resto também
influências gerais na personalidade
Marte em Touro na 4
Nodo Sul em Libra na 9
Nodo Norte em Áries na 3 (speak your truths :))
Netuno e Urano na 2
Chiron na 1!! (tem relação com o Nodo)
Plutão na casa 12
Vênus e Júpiter em Libra na 10
Lua, Sol e Mercúrio na casa 8
Lua e Mercúrio em Leão
seu mapa é diverso, achei interessante.
temos bastante energia de libra e vênus, e como você é virginiana, percebo uma predisposição a algo que envolva resolução de problemas (Libra), ou algum tipo de serviço (Virgem) relacionado a cura, organização (de coisas, de pessoas, de situações) ou remediação de algo.
Meio do Céu em Libra
traz a busca por carreiras que envolvam diplomacia, justiça, equilíbrio, questões que envolvam o bem-estar alheio (Libra está relacionado ao contato constante com o mundo exterior). pode existir uma necessidade de contribuir com a vida alheia em níveis físicos ou até mesmo imateriais. por exemplo, resolução de conflitos (mediação, direito, trabalhar com leis, com justiça) ou até equilíbrio no sentido corporal (estética, um pouco de saúde também). a parte imaterial para mim traz a busca por equilíbrio e ajuste em questões espirituais/emocionais/energéticas, que de alguma forma afetem as pessoas.
outro lado de Libra é o da arte, um interessem em expressões artísticas.
levando isso em consideração, penso em
Direito (principalmente a área de mediação de conflitos, ou direito de uma forma geral, serviços jurídicos, algo que envolva questões sociais e uma maneira de atuar nelas);
Têxtil, Moda, Estética
Artes e Design (são várias as possibilidades): Animação Arquitetura e Urbanismo Artes Visuais Comunicação das Artes do Corpo Conservação e Restauro Dança Design Design de Games Design de Interiores Design de Moda Fotografia História da Arte Jogos Digitais Luteria Música Produção Cênica Produção Fonográfica Teatro
os aspectos do Meio do Céu com Vênus e Júpiter aumenta essas características de: busca por justiça ou por alguma coisa que beneficie o coletivo, questões de diversidade (Júpiter) e diplomacia, resolução de problemas alheios(Vênus), em que você é chamada para agir de forma imparcial e ao mesmo tempo facilitando a chegada ao equilíbrio.
levando em consideração o restante de seu mapa,
MC em Libra sextil Plutão
capacidade de ir no cerne de cada questão que envolva a sua carreira, e, na realidade, de alguma forma ter uma grande abertura às questões mais profundas que as pessoas experienciam em seu interior. isso pode fazer parte de sua carreira também: os medos, as inseguranças, os complexos negativos individuais e coletivos, as lutas internas de cada um e os preconceitos. problemas profundos, questões intensas, violência, ódio, aversão a grupos, transformação, regeneração.
MC em Libra trígono Netuno
é bastante natural uma questão de empatia e amor ao próximo em sua carreira, pode existir a necessidade de tocar e trabalhar com assuntos mais ignorados pela sociedade, por meio da receptividade e abertura. além disso, pode também significar uma cura de questões internas por meio da criatividade, da arte, dos meios de expressões mais criativas. misticismo, sonhos, mente, saúde mental.
MC em Libra oposição Nodo Norte em Áries na casa 3
= MC em Libra em conjunção Nodo Sul em Libra na casa 9
aspecto de dificuldade, tensão, os opostos que não falam a mesma língua. você pode ter problemas em lidar com autoritarismo e ideias muito impositivas em relação a área que você decidir seguir, tendo dificuldades com pessoas mais autoritárias, sem compreensão, que focam em um olhar mais superficial (casa 3), imediatista (Áries e casa 3) e individualista (Áries) sobre as coisas. você quer engrandecimento, crescimento, expansão (casa 9), por meio da abertura ao outro, por meio do contato com as pessoas, por meio da troca, trabalhando ou não em conjunto, mas sempre em prol de outras pessoas (Libra). também, esse aspecto pode significar a importância de aprender a lembrar de si mesma nos momentos e situações que você pode estar esquecendo de si, de suas próprias necessidades.
até mesmo porque você tem Chiron na casa 1, casa de Áries, então tende a ter dificuldades com aceitar seguir as suas próprias vontades. é importante entrar em contato com o que é a sua identidade, quais são as suas necessidades. pois o lado negativo de Libra é seguir demais as opiniões alheias, esquecendo-se de si mesmo.
falando de Sol em Virgem, penso também em possibilidades na área da saúde, resolução de questões mais físicas. apesar de ainda assim ver muito mais tendência à carreiras que envolvam questões alheias ou até mesmo sociais (o direito envolve um pouco disso, as ciências sociais também). ainda assim, mostrando algumas possibilidades levando em consideração esse lado de Virgem:
Saúde e Bem-Estar
Biomedicina Educação Física Enfermagem Esporte Estética e Cosmética Gestão Desportiva e de Lazer Medicina Musicoterapia Nutrição Psicologia Terapia Ocupacional
como temos em seu mapa um Sol em Virgem na casa 8 (e Mercúrio também na casa 8) você tem os traços de buscar a compreensão das coisas de forma mais profunda, trazendo os detalhes mais escondidos à tona. Leão em Mercúrio e na Lua trazem a importância que se expressar tem para você, a vontade de ser referência e respeitada em uma área, em algo que faz e em quem você é (apesar de vermos Leão sendo influenciado por Saturno).
fez enem anteontem? (caso queira responder, claro)
espero que tenha ajudadoo ♡
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777rare · 1 year
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disclaimer :
THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs and bad words so please scroll if ur below 18+
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Mercury in 1st house natives are very talkative beings lmao🙊
Mars in fixed signs(AQUARIUS,LEO,TAURUS,SCORPIO) won't take anybodys shit no matter what..if somebody ain't treating em right, they're always ready to fight back
Mars in cardinal signs(CAPRICORN,CANCER,LIBRA,ARIES) can control their temper and toleration levels when somebody's acting all shitty but when they can't take it anymore, you're done for.
Mars in mutable signs (PISCES,GEMINI,SAGITTARIUS,VIRGO) will most of the time tolerate ur shit and get pissed off internally. They won't show it although they do sometimes, its mostly always internal. suppressed anger and frustration.
Apollo-venus/neptune folks are very admiring. Apollo-venus/ 8th house people are charming and alluring whereas apollo-neptune/ 12th house people have ethereal or outwardly beauty. Apollo aspecting ascendant are attractive too. Ex: alexia demie has Apollo quintile venus, zendaya has Apollo in 8th house.
Adams-sun/moon/asc/Mc natives have a very masculine character or mascular body in a man's chart ex: Chris evans has Adam's trine sun, Dwayne Johnson has Adam's sextile moon.
people with aura/ascendant in harsh aspects with moon(esp. Square) could mean people sense ur aura/ energy to be "too emotional" or "cold ass bitch" vibe. the tension in these aspects can also manifest according to the placements, degrees and other aspects.
natives with sirene conjunct jupiter could have such a raw seducing energy and lots n lots of it by the way! They tend to have a very mysterious,sexy,alluring touch to them. its like they have this "cremé dé lá cremé" persona blended in them..it's just so fucking hot..I also feel these natives catch too much attention sometimes even when they don't intend on trying to catch anyone's attention. It can sometimes get really annoying for them too.
In your varuna persona chart usually I feel the native is born to gain world wide fame if their sun/moon conjunct asteroid varuna.
Melete-chiron/sun/moon/asc harsh aspects tend to become victims of anxiety disorders, panic attacks. Check the houses and signs to get more insight as well. Ex: zendaya has melete semi square moon and sesquiquadrate ascendant
Lacrimosa in 12th house natives emotions gets overwhelming when they're in bed or at night. These people could feel overwhelmed with grief and sadness at times and cry themselves to sleep
chiron in aquarius/ 11th house, can show a native getting severely wounded or experiencing trauma, anxiety, grief because of online platforms, social media, technology, anything techno like phones,laptops etc.also these natives never have good, honest friendships. It's always fake friends and getting cheated or left out by friends. These natives should be very careful when it comes to making friends as well. Ex: I have this placement and when I was 10 yrs old, my closest friend food poisoned me. still don't know why.
Saturn-venus natives are beautiful but it's somewhat of an energy that's sleeping in them or yet to sprout. These natives need to put in some self love and work to glow up, especially showing themselves love.these natives tend to dislike the way they look or always try to find some flaw in themselves but their beauty will truly shine only when they begin to love themselves and work on themselves more. (Esp. Harsh aspects)
Virgo lilith natives have a very reserved sex appeal. These people tend to be very picky and minimalistic when it comes to their sexual partners.people most of the time assume these natives to have less knowledge about sex but deep down these natives are just crazy internally. You'll know it when you meet a virgo lilith native.🤠💫Aspects and houses can differ too.
I feel like asteroids in special degrees 11°, 22°,0° also have a really strong or special effect on the native.
sun-mercury natives always look younger than their age. The native can also be very childish even after ageing so much.
Planets in Scorpio sign or where your scorpio is placed is where you keep things hidden, out of reach from others or have deep information about. Thats why when scorpio falls on someones ascendant they are seen as very mysterious and secretive. Ex: I have scorpio over 8th house and i keep my sexual life hidden(8H= sex,money,etc), my brother has scorpio in 3rd house and he knows a lot about my past than my mom, and also about the people in our neighborhood(3H= siblings,neighbours), my mother has scorpio moon so she does hide her emotions a lot. My sister has scorpio jupiter and she does lots and lots of researching and has a lot of knowledge about books and countries that most of the people don't know about.not even me🙂.
Pallas-ascendant(positive aspects) natives look wise and mature
Lots of planets aspecting to chiron can show a native who has been wounded so so many times in their life.
Sokrates conjunct neptune or in pisces/scorpio/ in 8th/12th house natives love deep conversations.they hate small talk and just wanna go so so deep.
Pallas conjunct neptune natives have so much spiritual wisdom.
Tone-pluto natives tend to have a raspy,deep touch to their voice.
Asteroids mentioned above :
apollo - 1862
Adams- 1996
Aura - 1488
Sirene - 1009
Varuna - 20000
Melete - 56
Lacrimosa - 208
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Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻 Hope you all enjoyed. Thankyou.bye!❤ have a great day ahead!🏝☀️
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knotmycupofchai · 13 days
✨ My Birth Chart ✨
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I didn’t go through my whole chart, because this takes forever and I’m pretty private so I’m not gonna tell my whole life story on here lol
Virgo mars in Leo 10th house square Sagittarius pluto in Scorpio 1H: Those indicates power struggles or being bullied & criticized by authority figures, on the internet and by the public in general.
My entire life I’ve always been bullied or someone has said something bad about me lol
I’ve had people spread rumors/ lies about me and deliberately try to ruin my reputation, lose my job and how I make my money. The biggest thing is people always attack my appearance ( despite my beauty being a big deal since childhood) I have lots of flaws from dying 4 times during birth and birth defects. I was supposed to be dead or brain dead, the doctors said I would be a vegetable or be in a wheel chair for the rest of my life. My appearance & my life had been judged, attacked or decided by others from the moment I was born. Pluto & Scorpio Chiron in my 1H.
I’m 2019, I started a social media platform ( YouTube channel) as a tarot reader ( I’ve also had a podcast on Spotify & Apple) I went a little viral and gained recognition for my scarily accurate world predictions and celebrity readings/ predictions. I’ve given hundreds of tarot readings from people all over the world. However, I was severely attacked on social media by competitive YouTubers, Astrologers & Tarot readers out of jealousy. Had 2 YouTubers start a hate campaign against me; their followers harassed and bullied me ( especially my appearance calling me ugly, before I revealed my face online) Once they saw that I was actually beautiful, they started to attack my mental health and my trauma— I believe that’s the Pluto & Scorpio Chiron in my 1H.
I also think this why people have said of first impression they thought I had a big ego or that I think I’m better than everyone. People tend to project their own insecurities onto me to hide their own jealousy/ envy of em. My ex boyfriend thought this as well. He accused me of always trying to one up him or making him feel stupid, when I was simply just being myself and he was intimidated by me. Oh and he turned out to be married and I had to hide that. So, I attracted a lot of liars or people I have to keep a secret. ( Scorpio sun & Scorpio Venus in Libra 12H)
I also attract celebrities or rich/ privileged people as an audience, follower or friend easily. I attract friends with more money than me and they never understand that I’m literally broke 😂 When I was 11yrs old multiple celebs would follow me on Twitter ( girl from Disney High School Musical, Mandy from Nickelodeon girl group School Gyrls etc…) Oh and lemme just brag that ARIANA GRANDE FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER IN 2012. Idk I just easily go viral or gain the attention of celebrities or influencers easily.
In different charts & sidereal astrology, I have a 11H Virgo Mars ( Virgo 11H) which further confirms this.
*Ironically enough, I’m currently being investigated at work, because a girl is lying on me and accusing me of being a racist ( towards white people) lol she didn’t like what I had to say about the struggles of African Americans & Black History. Apparently, I’m always attacked whenever I speak publicly about racism, worldly events etc… If I speak about something “controversial or taboo” I’m punished and criticized.
Oh, and since I’m an Aries moon & traumatized my emotions are unstable. So if I’m provoked publicly— I either cry, curse someone out or fight them lol and of course my reactions are criticized as well, despite me being the one harmed.
Scorpio sun in Libra 12H trine Pisces Jupiter in Aquarius 4H: I’m a very private & isolated person. I’m always the center of attention, while being ostracized. People always mention how I’m mysterious, put up walls or that it’s hard to get to know me. No one actually knows me, the real me. I’ve had to put up different personas and act a certain way to try to fit in, but no one actually knows who I am. I prefer it this way, because I tend to attract noisy people who pry or have bad intentions. I’ve had people use things that saw in me, when I was vulnerable against me. Oh, and I see dead people lol. I’ve been practically haunted by ghosts all my life and my family tried to convince me that I was schizophrenic. I do not have a family ( I do, but don’t claim them) I have been estranged, shunned, abandoned and abuse by my entire family. I don’t know what it is, but I have a lot of enemies. People just don’t like me, but get close to me— to hurt me. I found & seen a sense of “family” or home from other families ( especially foreigners) Pisces Jupiter Aquarius 4H. Foreigners tend to be very accepting of me. ( I can speak and understand multiple languages, because of this) I spent half my life, running from child protective services. A Korean social worker actually tried to take me away from my mother and convince me to come live with her. My dream is to live and or study abroad, have multi homes/ properties and have my own farm/ ranch that I can raise my future kids on too.
Aries Saturn in Aries 6H trine Leo MC:
Since I’m so isolated & don’t have a social life ( and need to escape my family) I’m a workaholic. Working also helps me escape my bad thoughts, which keep me from spiraling into depression. I am always told how strong, powerful & hard working I am. I’m constantly praised for going through the worst stuff, but becoming stronger and overcoming it ( Pluto 1H). I’ve gone through many jobs from: Toxic work environments/ managers or coworkers. I’ve quit 90% of my jobs without notice. I have so much experience and certifications in early child hood/ child care teaching. Despite this, I’ve NEVER been promoted or offered a higher/ better position. I’m usually kept in a “servant” / low pay/ low benefit slave position, I’m exploited and do lead or managerial tasks without the pay or title I deserve. However, I hate working under people. My dream is to be a CEO/ own multiple physical and online businesses. I want to be wealthy ( Bridgerton or Rihanna wealthy) Oh & customers always end up attacking me.
( Aries Saturn 6H & Virgo Mars 10H)
Sagittarius Mercury conjunct Scorpio Chiron all on the Scorpio ascendant:
I’m just like my Sagittarius Dad, so I’m big on talking & self-expression. People always complain that I over think of get “too deep” into everything. People hate it when I start ranting about mental health, abuse, sexuality, politics, society or religion etc… I’m considered very “controversial”, “unprofessional” or “smart-mouthed”. Mostly, because I speak my mind impulsively, especially when I’m angry. I’m mostly quiet, but ask me what I think about today’s society and I will talk your ears off. My Sagittarius Dad and I would talk for HOURS, about society, religion, spirituality and business. People who watched my YouTube channel or Podcast said they felt a sense of healing and strength hearing me tell my story or motivating them through what they were going through. One thing about ME? I help people. I have a hard time with small talk. I prefer deep and triggering conversations. It has to mean something or trigger something within me, for me to entertain it. I’m an amazing listener and basically an unlicensed therapist to everyone. I’m everyone’s trauma basket for them to dump. You wouldn’t believe how many people just tell me their darkest secrets. I hold so many secrets, I’m convinced I’m an accomplice to plenty of crimes.
Oh and EVERYONE COPIES ME! I mean I had half my school copying my every look. I was the iconic fashionista, so everyone looked to me for what to wear. I’ve had people copy my every mannerism and it gets sooo scary! When I started my online platform, I got a load of copycats and stalkers. I had so much of my content copied and stolen. Pretty sure it’s Mercury 1H, but for some reason I also think it’s my Gemini ( Mercury ruled) 8H?
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esotericfaery · 3 months
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Intimate Spiritual Diaries, Entry 11: Pluto in Libra (Generation Born Between 1972 - 1984)
TLDR: 7th House Pluto (one on one transformation) conjunct (closest) Black Moon Lilith (feminine generational rage), how Chiron also heals, sextiles & semi-sextiles, the 9th house, romance & compassion for past men, our generation, esoteric Lilith.
I found the one aspect which it is my largest duty to overcome the difficulties of, and it doesn’t directly include my Sun.
I terrify men, and until I started learning Astrology, I had no idea why. I’m a down-to-earth Virgo, who behaves as romantically as I sense a man wants me to be; I also have Venus in Leo in the 5th house of dating, the childlike, recreation, entertainment.
They have terrified me too. For their own reasons, to be sure, yet also because of the mirroring nature of romance; I would pick up from EM field transfer, their wary, uncertain feelings for me, even at the same time as they would experience intense sexual attraction.
Pluto in Libra is about one on one human relating, diplomacy, legal matters, and adjustments within dissonance and harmony. Also inherent in this placement, is that we search for peace because we’re pushed into needing to find balance, create “peace” by putting off making decisions, or we just deny reality altogether. Well aspected Pluto in Libra cooperates. Neptune in Sagittarius (which we also all have) idealism is a tricky one to work along with; we either get lost in the brain fog of the details, or we’re able to good-naturedly win at diplomacy by finding and implementing solutions.
Was a past romantic partner innovative, or was I?
That depends on whose perceiving it.
This isn’t about either person winning.
This is about what’s next.
For my part, I do my best to take the pain of being told I’m too much / too intense / think too much / feel too much. No, I’m no longer disrespecting any of the men who I had once been involved with, by not respecting their feelings; I won’t sarcastically use quotations.
I’m certain they had their reasons for feeling the ways they did, and even for feeling the need to, as I’ve always perceived it, tell me that I am not worthy of their affections unless I cut off pieces of my personality, to fit into their fantasies of what a woman should be, in order to continue being in their lives.
Think about how much they must have been through in their pasts; the trauma required for such cruel behaviour.
I do. I have compassion. Not enough to want to get back together with any of them, yet enough to be easily peaceful if any ever contact me again.
Aside from that conjunction which has been activated multiple times in my 43 years so far, my Pluto semi-sextiles (idealism, security, internal conservation) my Sun (ego, core identity), Juno (betrayed) [part of my stellium in the 6th house along with my Sun], and Uranus (sudden shock and devastation) in the 8th House. Uranus then sextiles (complementary energy or lack of, gentle harmony, outward) my Jupiter [part of the stellium], skewing my luck in strange ways; the innovation inherent in Uranus isn’t obvious until months, and sometimes years later. Speaking of Jupiter, he’s native to the 9th house, where my Neptune (brain fatigue, psychic abilities, confusion, illusion) [one of my chart rulers], is also sextile Pluto and Black Moon Lilith.
Pluto, as King of the transmutational inner processes which took place and became stalled in the first 7 houses, is well met in His native house, the 8th. The 8th house is designed to push, push again, and push even more, until we accept that this Tower Card is falling. He then takes us through the Phoenix rising from the ashes process.
Afterwards, the 9th house is about philosophy and higher learning. What next? Who am I growing into? I instinctively channel my stellium to deeply enjoy the learning and healing process.
Pluto is different from the wounded warrior, Chiron. Chiron (ruler of Virgo in the 6th house of daily routines and service to self), is natively an earlier type of process in the basic journey through the zodiac. He works with us so that we either become overwhelmed & deny, or heal from childhood traumas towards fully moving on. That moving on is the first steps in personal growth, into balancing service with the self, with the service towards others which is inherent at the opposite end of that axis, Pisces (intuition & boundaries), the 12th House (esotericism), and Neptune.
And so as I recognize where and how to explore my progressed charts, I learn and with such little effort, continue to experience the synchronicities inherent within the complex and artful science of Astrology.
Lilith… how misunderstood this energy is. As we know, Lilith is thought of as a demon who went on to kill children, because she went crazy after she wouldn’t submit to Adam.
Nothing in ancient texts to explain why she didn’t want to deal with Adams shit. Why is that, I wonder? I’m sure it has nothing to do with the sexism inherent in Abrahamic religions ;).
My natal Lilith return is this December, just days after the Winter Solstice. That should be interesting. More on that another time.
Many of us shaman types who have journeyed with archetypes have grown to discover that, whether or not Lilith actually went nuts and killed babies, that doesn’t mean that in modern times any of us has a chance of relating with her energy in anything resembling such horrors. That energy is so distant in this Universe now, that through Astrology, we only relate with her as an asteroid, and several points in space.
A lot more has been healed, than we at first might realize.
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findingmyselfatm · 3 years
Astro notes again (I feel inspired)
Disclaimer: I am no professional, so take this with a grain of salt. Also, if you see one of your observations mentioned or reworded here, don't be afraid to tell me, I'm not doing it with intent. I'll immediately change the post's content.
Pisces sun + Leo moon: you're all a bit artsy aren't y'all? All Leo moons I've met have liked art more than science. Combined with a Pisces sun...very artistic people! They see the beauty in many things and have a good eye for aesthetics! More likely to dress well too.
Aquarius sun + Pisces moon: one of the best people to confide in. Aquarius is a pretty objective sign by default, and tbh not as cold as everyone makes them out to be. With a Pisces moon, sheesh the loving side of them comes out more easily!
Aquarius sun + Capricorn mars: I am scared of you.
Bonus points if you have an Aquarius/Capciorn mercury
Okay so ant other Libra placements absolutely loving candles?
"Behind every great girl-boss" a Virgo/Capricorn venus "There's a very supportive man-wife" a Cancer/Taurus venus. Smh if they love you, they're the most supportive people ever, not only physically, but emotionally as well :) Meanwhile Virgo and Capricorn, very supportive as well, don't get me wrong, but I feel like they're more the type to push you to become the best version of yourself. If I see a couple with either of these venus sign combos I immediately go "goals"
Maybe it's my Taurus IC, but I said it once (a couple of times-) and I'll say it again: Taurus placements (especially sun) have my heart.
Btw, mercury risings (virgo&gemini) and their beauty 😤. I have a gemini rising friend: best sense of style I'm out. Both of em have a very, how can I put this, a very intriguing, playful energy. Like their mind is always running.
Sagittarius moons have wavy hair I noticed? Capricorn moons too!
If you have Gemini saturn, your mind is probably quite unique! I haven't encountered much of this placement, but the few ones I talked to are so so smart for real-
Quick question for my moon in the 12th people: are you healed or are you just repressing your feelings subconsciously again? It's important to know the difference
If you have Jupiter in Aries, I feel like you'd benefit a whole lot from exercising, even a little. I noticed taking care of their body improves their mood SO MUCH
Taurus sun + Aries mercury: your way of talking is very grounded, but also stubborn. All is chill until you are asked to change your opinion lmao- but I love talking with y'all. So straight-forward, and usually very honest
I feel like Chiron-Jupiter aspects, Jupiter in the 1st and 12th house have the craziest stories about luck in their lives
Random thought that might not resonate with everyone: Sagittarius North node is meant to embody the energy of the "jack of all trades" I really associate Sagittarius with movement, travel and learning. They're a mutable sign, and most importantly, a fire sign. I'm feeling like Sagittarius north node people are also meant to expand multiple aspects of themselves, not let themselves get stuck on one point of their lives.
Do virgo/6th house placements love sudoku?
Juno-north node aspects probably feel a very powerful connection towards soulmates on this life time
Dear Aquarius risings: it's not lame or arrogant to embrace your weird side. I have an Aquarius rising myself, along with a good friend of mine, and sheesh don't we both shy away from showing our quirks. Of course, you don't have to force yourself, but don't ever feel ashamed for not going along with the crowd.
And done! This was kind of short, but I hope you enjoyed. Feedback is welcomed!
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andromeda-xpz · 2 years
Hiii, I saw your posts and your very nice for looking at charts for free!! 💕💕Can you take a look at mine if that’s okay?
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Than youuu♥️have a nice gay
Hi, thanks for enjoying my readings :).
I'm going to talk about some aspects of your chart that caught my attention.
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The 0° degree is a pure degree, this degree embodies the sign in the pure and true aspect, the root of the sign.
Your Ascendant is in Libra, so people may see you as someone very handsome, they see you as someone very attractive and friendly, You can be very popular (even if you don't want to), you can be seen as someone who sees only the good things in life, you can have a lot of secret gifts, and you can also be a little narcissists, you can be seen as someone very elegant.
Your MC is in cancer, you may be seen at work as sensitive and caring, you may be seen as someone who is willing to help, sometimes you may cry or be sad if someone yell at you, You may be seen as someone who strives to do your job, you may succeed in jobs that involve sensitivity things (bakery, writer, pharmacist, masseuse, Therapist and Pediatrician), you might be good at working with children or being a plastic surgeon (silicone, breasts).
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Seu trabalho pode ser diferente ou você pode mudar de emprego, você pode trabalhar como (psicólogo, cantor, cirurgião plástico, ginecologista, pintor e modelo), você pode ser visto como alguém diferente em seu trabalho, as pessoas pensam que você é diferente no jeito você faz o seu trabalho.
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You are very sensitive and psychic, you can have mental confusions in childhood and adolescence because of your emotional confusion, you already know what you want to be since you were a child,In this life you have to learn to embrace your feelings and learn from them, you can be plagued with lifelong dramas, which will only arise to test your emotional.
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Você pode ter sido magoado por sua família ou sua mãe, eles podem ter sido muito duros com você, desejando coisas para você que você não queria, sua família pode ter sido Ou você é muito conservador, sua família pode não ter dado você o carinho que você precisava, e você estava sozinho e triste, você pode ter sido ferido por alguém da sua família.
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You need to spend time alone to recharge your energies and your emotional, sometimes you get very overwhelmed with the problems and feelings of others, You are a person that others see as a source of emotional support and that can make you a leader, you are someone who can make people comfortable, you need to know how to differentiate between Feelings of others from yours, and learning to take better care of yourself and your mental health.
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This aspect indicates that you are very artistic, you may be attracted to film, design, fashion, makeup, modeling, music, poetry, you are seen as artistic and may be popular, In any job you are in, you can draw attention for your artistic way that is difficult to hide.
As Neptune is in the 5th house, you can be a very creative person, someone who is very creative and who is happy with your imagination, Be careful not to follow popular trends, you need to be unique and know what you came to do in this life, Neptune is dreams and illusion so be clear on what you want.
Well, that was it, I hope you liked it :)
Take what resonates not every interpretation is correct🙂.
(Sorry for not replying sooner, I was making soup🌚)
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Hey! Hope all is well. What are some indicators of rap talent in the natal chart? I’ve never seen anyone talk about rap or hip-hop in the chart
Oohhhh good one.
Indicators of Rap Talent in Astrology
Strong Mercurial Influence
This includes:
Sun in Gemini
moon in Gemini
Mercury in Gemini
Venus in Gemini
Mars in Gemini
Jupiter in Gemini
3rd House Dominant
Virgo placements
I’ve mentioned it before a few times on here but strong mercury influence in that natal chart is often found in rappers. We have to remember Mercury rules the lower mind, how we speak and communicate. It bestows on the native the “gift-of-gab” so when one has strong Mercurial influence, especially in benefic aspect one can have a way with words. This includes poetry, conciseness, and wit. A “bar” is basically a grouping of words that include all of the former. Mercury, when in harmonious aspect also gives one good rhythm, Something one needs if they’re to follow a beat well. They need to be able to go with the flow and hit every pause, break, and hook on a good beat, A good example of this would be Compton native Kendrick Lamar, whose Sun is in Gemini. Songs Like Rigarmortis, The Jig Is Up, M.A.A.D City and She Needs Me demonstrated that he has full control over his lung capacity and eloquence spitting each and every line. Christopher Wallace A.K.A the Notorious B.IG who hails from my hometown also has Mercury ruling over his Sun and he is considered one of the best rappers alive. His best friend turned Rival Tupac Shakur was also blessed by quick Silver. To this day, his metaphors resonate in songs like Changes, Hail Mary,  and Hit ‘Em Up. G Eazy is another who cannot get through one song without mentioning he’s a twin. Chris Brown is a crooner but if you’ve ever heard “Holla at Me” you’ll see the kid actually has bars. Azealia Banks, another Gemini [and rather under-developed] despite her problematic tendencies has quite a talent with words. Her song 212 is indicative of this. The Late Lisa Lef-Eye Lopes, Lauryn Hill, Naughty by Nature [all Virgo’s save for one], Ice Cube, and last but not least, one of the most polarizing people on the planet, Kanye West has his Sun and Jupiter sitting in all that airy energy. Despite his tendencies, we cannot discount his consistent hits since 2003. The man even found a way to spit verses with his mouth wired shut in “Through The Wire”. I believe the most developed influence of Mercury was presented to the world when he delivered us his Magnum Opus My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.
Leo Placements
We must not forget the nature of rap is boastful. It is not an art of humility or meekness. The nature of Leo is the very same. Apollonian energy needs to ROAR. It demands to be heard. It needs to proclaim itself “King”. As a result, you’ll find many Rappers with strong Leonine energy.
This includes: 
Sun in Leo
Mercury in Leo
Mars in Leo
Venus in Leo
Midheaven in Leo
The Late Great Ermias Asghedom A.K.A Nipsey Hussle has a stellium of solar energy with his Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Leo. The Notorious Tory Lanez also has his Sun and Mercury and Venus in Leo and his energy in most of his songs, especially Talk to Me Nice, Litty Again, Shooters and Blue Jay Season demonstrate his “IDGAF, Worship Me” vibes. I saw him in concert and that man is all about the showmanship. I was holding his legs up as he crowd surfed just so he could rap in the middle of the room. Young Thug, Stormzy Soulja Boi, Bobby Shmurda, and Lil Uzi Vert are also MC’s with Suns Steeped in Leonine energy.
Martian Placements
This includes:
Sun in Aries
Moon in Aries
Mars in Aries
Mercury in Aries
Mercury conjunct Mars
Mars Conjunct/Trine/Square Pluto
Mars Conjunct Chiron
Mars Conjunct Uranus
Mars Conjunct Jupiter
Why? Let's be frank, Rap is not a soft art. Many involved in the trade have come for very war-like backgrounds. It takes a tough individual to make their way through the game. Rap is also the art form of those who do not care to wait, they take what they feel is theirs. Such is the nature of Cardinal energy [Which Mars rules] As a result, you’ll find many Arians or those with significant Martian influence heavily involved in rap. Big Sean has his Sun in Aries as does Young MA, Ryan Lewis, Lil Nas X, and Ty Dolla Sign. Meek Mill of “Championships” and Drake Beef fame has his Mars conjunct Chiron [healing] and he has often expressed that his drive [Mars] for music has healed his wounds coming from a rough neighborhood in Philly. Lil Wayne also has Mars touching his Chiron and has expressed the same sentiments. In addition, we have Eminem with his Mars Conjunct Pluto. This is NOT a placement to be fucked with. If any of you have followed Marshall’s career over the decades, he has proven that he has not one fuck to give. This man dissed his own mother on his album. Let’s not forget how he aided in ending Ja Rule’s rap career after he roasted the man on Hailey’s revenge. This is the placement of someone who cannot wait and WILL not wait to call you out. He spent the 5 bars in Jimmy Crack Corn exposing his illicit sexual relationship with Mariah Carey. Yikes.
Plutonic Influence
This includes:
Sun in Scorpio
Mars in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio
Venus in Scorpio
Mercury touching Pluto
Mercury in Scorpio
Why? Because Pluto is all about death, wealth, and sex. Many rappers cannot get through a song without reminding you they are either unafraid of death, unafraid of subjecting someone to said fate, reminding you about how much wealth they’ve achieved and the process in which they started from the bottom and now they’re here. Case in Point: Drake. Probably one of the most famous Phoenix’s in the rap game. Drake is steeped in plutonic energy with a stellium consisting of his Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto. His drive is formidable. He boasts a Mafia-boss-Esque vibe with songs like “Going Bad” and “Mob Ties”. He’s transformed from Jimmy on Degrassi to a Multi-Platinum-selling artist. He does not stop when it comes to delivering content. Such is the nature of Pluto to forever rise/be reborn from the ashes. His buddy and favorite collab artist, Future is also a Plutonian [with a Gemini Moon]. Belcalis Almanzar whom you all know as Cardi B, though a Libra, has a Scorpio stellium with her Mercury, Venus, and Pluto sitting in Pluto’s domain. Her Moon is also in Aries [It explains so much, doesn’t it? lol]. Hip-Hop Heavy Weight Jay Z also has some Plutonic influence with his Mercury touching Pluto. He is probably the most tactical when it comes to merging his rap empire with his business ventures. The first Hip-Hop Billionaire. If that’s not Plutonic level tactics, I don’t know what is. On the same note, Sean Combs A.K.A Diddy is a November Scorpio and he’s right up there with Jay Z in regard to turning his rap game into an empire. Bad Boy is the reason we even know who Biggie is. Rapper Nas has his Venus in Scorpio as well.
Taurean Influence
This includes:
Sun in Taurus
Moon in Taurus
Mars in Taurus
Taurus MC
2nd House dominance
Taurus Mercury
Remember, Taurus Rules the throat. In addition, Venus rules the 2nd House of material possessions and what we appreciate. Again, Rap is boastful and most of the individuals involved will never let you forget who they are or what they’re capable of. Meek Mill again is a Taurus Sun as is Travis Scott. Machine Gun Kelly before he switched genres is a Taurus sun. Aubrey has his MC in Taurus and so does his arch-nemesis Pusha T [who also has his Sun in Taurus]. Let’s not forget the Story of Adidon where he outed Drake’s Secret love child with a French Erotic Model [Smh]. Ruthless. Some other honorable mentions are Llyod Banks of G-Unit, Busta Rimes, and Ghostface Killa.
Sagittarius Placements
This includes:
Sun in Sagittarius
Jupiter Dominant
Moon in Sagittarius
Mercury in Sagittarius
Mars in Sagittarius
Sag is ruled by Jupiter which is all about expansion. There can also be a touch of drama with all that fire energy going on. As a result, rappers with Sag placements make their presence known. They will not stop until they’re heard. Prime example of this is the Barb herself, Nicki Minaj. Say what you want about the Queens native, her verse on Monster was probably the best out of everyone. Objectively of course. Beyonce’s Hubby Jay Z is an archer as is Compton Native The Game, Offset, and DMX.
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ms-m-astrologer · 4 years
The Week Ahead: September 14-20, 2020
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, September 15, 15:09 UT (Leo) - 18:37 UT (Virgo)
Thursday, September 17, 11:42 UT (Virgo) - 18:56 UT (Libra)
Saturday, September 19, 14:29 UT (Libra) - 18:33 UT (Scorpio)
Lunar Phases
Monday, September 14, 03:23 UT - Balsamic Moon, 6:46 Leo
Thursday, September 17, 11:00 UT - New Moon, 25:01 Virgo
Sunday, September 20, 11:19 UT - Crescent Moon, 13:08 Scorpio
Pre-Rx Shadow: nothing right now
Retrograde: Mars/Aries, Ceres/Pisces, Jupiter/Capricorn, Saturn/Capricorn, Chiron/Aries, Uranus/Taurus, Neptune/Pisces, Pluto/Capricorn, Eris/Aries
Post-Rx Shadow: Pallas Athene/Capricorn
Et Cetera
Three, count ‘em, three Opportunity Periods this week!
Monday, September 14, 09:33 UT - Tuesday, September 15, 11:10 UT. “All of (this time) is good for play or for work. It’s best to wrap up existing projects during this Last Quarter Moon.”
Thursday, September 17, 10:30 UT - 11:30 UT. This is a half hour before, and after, the New Moon. “If you have something important to start around now, this is a great time to do it.
Sunday, September 20, 20:42 UT - Monday, September 21, 18:13 UT. “Take advantage of this great OP and get a lot of things accomplished.”
A quieter week for us, which I’m quite happy with myself. Next week features the Libra Equinox (Sept 22, 13:31 UT) and Mercury going into its Pre-Retrograde shadow (Sept 23). Enjoy the relative calm!
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avalon-princesss · 3 years
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It's written in the sky ✨
7 planets are now in retrograde as of yesterday
Jupiter Retrograde - June 20, 201–October 17, 2
Jupiter, King of the Gods and Desires, the planet that is typically associated with wishes and dreams coming true, so this retrograde is a time to bring things to fruition. Set those goals and watch 'em come to life. Do some journaling and star gazing.
Neptune Retrograde - June 25, 2021–December 1, 2021 Neptune retrograde is the reality check of the celestial motion. During this time, you might find yourself wondering, "How come I didn't realize this before?" Neptune is most definitely keeping things in check. The good news is that if we are struggling with confusion and having the rose-colored glasses, Neptune retrograde can be a good time to put our feet back on the ground and see things for what they are instead of what we want them to be. The truth is being revealed, many Starseeds and Light beings are shedding light on the lies and deception the media is feeding the masses.
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn December 19, 2021–January 29, 2022 This is an intense one, and all star signs are likely to feel the effects of the Venus retrograde. The main focus will be relationships, and not just the romantic kind.  Since Venus will be in Capricorn, which it wont like being in since is gears towards work, this might be a productive time to hash things out with a boss or colleague. Need to reassess those boundaries? Want to grow closer as a team? Seize the opportunity.
Chiron Retrograde - 15th July until 19th December Chiron is the wounded healer. Look for where chiron is in your birth chart. This will effect everyone differently. For example, if your chiron was in zodiac cancer when you were born, you may have issues regarding the home and family at this time. This is a time to heal these wounds so we can become better versions of ourselves. In Greek mythology, he is a wise centaur who could heal everyone but himself.
Uranus Retrograde August 19, 2021–January 18, 2022 Considered the wild-child planet, Uranus retrograde might yield unexpected results. We'll be affected on an internal level since the planet is further out than others, therefore it might not affect us quite as severely.  Now is the time to make sure you're not acting on your impulses, so be mindful of your behaviors. Consider it a less intense Neptune reality check.
Mercury Retrograde - September 26th - October 17th
Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, just went retrograde in Libra into the Underworld yesterday until late October. This will affect our communication and relationships either for better or worse depending on how much shadow work weve done. Shadow work isnt as dark and scary as people make it out to be. It's all about learning from our triggers, and healing old wounds that resurface so we can grow and evolve into our best selves. This is a good time to be more loving and gentle with yourself, practice self care and speak intuitively from your heart instead of your ego. Think before you speak. Be extra careful. Finish old projects, tie up lose ends, start a excersize routine or healthier diet, and get rid of the old to make space for new energy to enter.
Whether you believe in astrology or not, we are all affected by it because we are made of star dust.
Written by Intuitive Angel
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crystalsenergy · 2 years
oii patricia, tudo bem?? não sei se vc ainda está fazendo pequenas análises de mapas, eu gostaria de uma visão diferente do meu, já que estudei ele sozinha!
tenho sol em capricórnio casa 4 aos 19° (conjunto com a lua e em oposição a saturno)
lua em capricórnio casa 4 aos 14° (quadratura com Júpiter e com ascendente, oposição a saturno)
ascendente em libra aos 20° (quadratura com o sol
vênus em capricórnio casa 3 aos 0° (conjunta com mercúrio e plutão)
mercúrio em sagitário casa 3 aos 29° (conjunto plutão)
marte em sagitário casa 2 aos 10°
Júpiter em libra casa 12 aos 18° (conjunto com ascendente)
saturno em câncer casa 10 aos 24° (conjunto com mc e lilith)
urano em aquário casa 5
netuno em aquário casa 5
plutão em sagitário casa 3
chiron em capricórnio casa 4 (conjunto ao sol)
lilith em câncer casa 10
(coloquei os aspectos e graus que eu me recordo de cabeça kkkkk)
oiii! tudo bem?
ainda faço sim, só havia parado de mexer um teco aqui, mas retornei. vou ler o seu ^^
a primeira coisa que percebi olhando ao seu mapa, conforme o que me enviou, é uma dualidade em cada um dos posicionamentos. com a exceção de Marte, Vênus e Júpiter, todos os demais posicionamentos possuem dualidades. por que digo isso?
porque onde tem um signo, tem na casa a presença do signo exatamente oposto a ele. exemplos: Sol em Capricórnio na casa 4 (que é de câncer, signo oposto a caprica); Plutão em Sagita na casa 3 (casa de gêmeos, signo oposto a sagita).
com isso, percebo que a maior lição que você tem nessa vida é a de encontrar EQUILÍBRIO. equilíbrio em tudo que faz. em todas as manifestações de sua personalidade, em todas as facetas de quem você é.
ao mesmo tempo em que você tem esse desafio, você tem o presente de possuir, por meio de uma dualidade, a capacidade de integrar em um só posicionamento as duas facetas de signos opostos. por exemplo, Sol em Capricórnio na casa 4. Caprica é um signo mais fechado, recluso, que se abre muito pouco e dá pouca chance para situações emocionalmente profundas em sua vida, não se joga muito nisso. espera vir "a hora certa". mas uma das maiores dificuldades dele é exatamente em saber quando chega a hora certa, em especial se ele não desenvolver seu lado emocional - quando ele saberá como agir emocionalmente quando essa hora chegar? então no seu caso ter casa 4 ali ajuda. entende o que eu quis dizer neste ponto de ter uma dualidade benéfica? que também pode ser benéfica, apesar dos conflitos.
agora falando especificamente de cada um dos posicionamentos:
Sol em Lua em bastante harmonia, o que se amplifica com o aspecto de conjunção. e essa harmonia pode até mesmo significar uma certa zona de conforto, levando em consideração que estamos diante de um signo terreno, Capricórnio, que é cardinal, mas tende a gostar das coisas de certas formas que ele determina para si. o interessante é a lua estar na casa 4, ajudando a ter uma abertura um pouco maior para você mesma. com a presença de Caprica, a abertura não é gigantesca, ainda tem um certo retraimento que para você é natural e pode ser até mesmo saudável, a depender da circunstância da vida. o maravilhoso de aspectos de conjunção entre Sol e Lua é a força de expressão da pessoa, que potencializa por conta desse encontro saudável entre quem ela é em essência principal, suas características básicas (Sol) e seu nível mais interior, sua vida emocional (Lua). isso pode lhe ajudar durante a vida em diversas áreas.
de um modo geral, bastante Capricórnio no mapa pode te tornar uma pessoa prática, obstinada, organizada, planejadora, mas que também pode viver em determinados lugares e com certos pensamentos por muito tempo, exatamente por não se incomodar com o que é velho. então é importante se atentar a uma necessidade de evolução que existirá em diversas fases de sua vida. esteja aberta a isso, mesmo que for no seu tempo ^^
Ascendente em Libra em quadratura com o Sol traz uma dificuldade externa, não interna, em relação a quem você é consigo mesma, dificuldade mais com os outros, com o que eles verão de você. do lado de fora você pode transmitir muito uma imagem de pessoa que está ali para ceder aos desejos dos outros, estar aberta para relações, pessoa com muita capacidade de se adaptar, mas quando chegamos no nível mais interior e profundo, a pessoa terá que ultrapassar algumas barreirinhas, subir escadas e montanhas para adentrar no seu interior (até mesmo porque você possui Vênus em Caprica). e a dificuldade desse aspecto é transmitir imagens bastante diferentes de quem você de fato é, o que pode trazer conflitos aos seus relacionamentos. mas comunicar as coisas, quando for necessário, pode ajudar a esclarecer se esses conflitos realmente ocorrerem.
o Ascendente em Libra, olhando somente para ele, traz facilidades na maioria das relações porque você raramente vai querer impor seu ponto de vista, pode estar muito aberta para compreender os pontos de vistas alheios (talvez isso não seja tão evidente porque você tem mercúrio em sagitário em conj com plutão), mas de qualquer forma, existe uma busca por conhecer pessoas e socializar. esse será o seu cartão de visita.
sobre a influência de Saturno tanto em relação a sua Lua quanto ao Sol, uma oposição. isso pode trazer bastante conflitos internos. se atente para uma voz interna bastante rígida, que aprendeu a não se expressar, a tomar responsabilidades de tudo sozinha, que guardou vulnerabilidades em uma caixinha para não expressar a ninguém (Saturno em Câncer na casa 10, mostrando que podem existir conflitos com autoridades/pessoas que influenciaram muito você, que de alguma forma tocam em pontos de fragilidade e sensibilidade, vulnerabilidade e vida emocional). cuidado com ser muito fechada inclusive para si mesma. cuide de uma dinâmica Saturniana bastante presente em Sat em Câncer: fechar demais e depois abrir para a pessoa errada, ou fechar demais e não conseguir se abrir nem nos momentos mais ideais. ou ainda se fechar a ponto de estranhar e agir de forma estranha quando está em situações emocionais. cuidado com tais extremos. entenda as suas dificuldades e tente evoluir no que lhe fizer mal (mesmo que esse mal te trouxer uma zona de conforto).
outra coisa que tem é a quadratura de Lua e Júpiter, e isso pode trazer um certo exagero emocional, ou uma necessidade grande de otimismo, de demonstrar otimismo. pode não contribuir para um tratamento adequado e responsável de suas emoções, que podem ser expressadas de forma bastante direta, mas como existem certos bloqueios pelo resto do mapa, isso pode não vir de forma adequada. por outro lado, ajuda na extroversão, caso você tenha dificuldades com isso.
Vênus em Caprica na casa 3 traz primeiramente uma necessidade de relacionamentos sólidos, estáveis, que sejam construídos com o passar do tempo e que reflitam seus planos. quem tem esse posicionamento tende a escolher as pessoas, é exigente, e isso é importante para que eles escolham boas pessoas. porém, alcançar uma capacidade de escolha saudável e certeira depende muito do nosso autoconhecimento. pois uma pessoa que pouco reflete ou pouco sabe sobre o que merece, sobre quem ela é, o que ela quer, quem ela quer, pode atrair pessoas que não sejam exatamente o que elas precisam. Vênus em Caprica pode ter dificuldades com expressão de sentimentos muuuito afetuosos de início, mas se abrirá aos poucos. é com o tempo. o tempo é a chave para você e é importante você reconhecer isso.
Vênus na casa 3 traz necessidade de adaptabilidade e versatilidade na relação, o que eu acho muito interessante para um posicionamento com Caprica, porque faz você querer mudanças, sair da rotina. acho uma combinação bem legal. comunicação é algo muito importante para ti numa relação.
e essa parte da comunicação aumenta com a conjunção com Mercúrio. Vênus conjunção Plutão faz você desejar um relacionamento profundo, com transformações, trocas emocionais, conexões, não somente estar junto por conveniência, você pode desejar bastante pertencimento. só cuidado com relacionamentos intensos demais. use sua Vênus em Caprica (criteriosa para amor) nesses casos, ela pode te ajudar a identificar situações desarmônicas demais antes de você adentrar nelas.
sobre os demais pontos, vou falar coisinhas por cima, e depois pode retornar aqui que falamos mais deles, pontuo outras coisas.
Netuno e Urano na casa 5 fazem você ser uma idealista na área do amor enquanto conceito a ser vivido, a diversão, as coisas a serem experienciadas, o lazer, tudo isso é muito buscado pelo seu ser. lembre-se de suprir essa parte de você, alimentando e cuidando de sua criança interior. Urano na casa 5 tem uma visão muito aberta para como se vive sentimentos, como se expressa, a vida romântica (especialmente aquela que antecipa o relacionamento, as saídas, os crushes), em tudo isso Urano é bem aberto.
Plutão na casa 3 pode significar dificuldades de percepção das situações por mais de um ponto de vista, ao mesmo tempo em que Plutão é transformador, ele pode ser somente destrutivo. para transformarmos primeiro precisamos destruir, porém pode ser que um nativo desse posicionamento foque somente na destruição, de forma consciente ou não (normalmente inconsciente, tal como é a manifestação do planeta Plutão). pode também representar pensamentos muito intensos de vez em quando, dificuldades de compartilhar o que pensa, ser muito interna. as coisas ótimas desse posicionamento são a capacidade de persuasão e de profundidade no pensamento.
Chiron em Capricórnio na casa 4 indica feridas e questões para lidar na área da carreira, vida profissional e vida interna, família, emoções. pode exisitr aqui uma troca negativa entre o que foi emitido a você sobre suas capacidades para o mundo externo e suas emoções. de um modo geral, esse posicionamento significa feridas e problemas com escolha de carreira, satisfação externa, reconhecimento, sentir-se capaz para alcançar objetivos, sentir que existe um local para você chamar de seu, um lar que seja emocionalmente lar. é importante refletir para entender como esse posicionamento se manifesta em você.
Lilith em Câncer na casa 10 traz novamente questões com emoções, família, lar, vida interna, sensibilidade, pode fazer você ser muito dependente de algo/alguém para se sentir emocionalmente pertencida, ou o oposto: negar isso e se fechar completamente, o que pode ocorrer, já que vemos muito Caprica no mapa. por isso é bom tentar ao máximo trabalhar em abertura emocional. você pode ter muuita intuição mas talvez bloqueie isso. a casa 10 presente representa uma dualidade entre essa autoaceitação de emoções e a aceitação de que você existe para um propósito e com um espaço a conquistar no mundo.
como não me destes as órbitas dos aspectos, não consegui mensurar quais se manifestam mais e quais menos. então depois de uma olhadinha neste post aqui
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gg-astrology · 5 years
i hope it’s not too late to ask but what will 2019 look like for wjsn?? they debuted on february 25, 2016 @ 12pm kst
Hey there!! 💕 It’s definitely not too late, thank you for dropping by and asking for the girls!! 💕💕💕 And also for the date/time aaaah 💕💕 It helps alot!!💕💕
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[Natal and Solar Return for WJSN (2019/2020)]
(btw their song: save me save you has been on my favourite list the part where they just?? strut up to the front?? amazing!💕)
So here’s the natal:
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Let’s look at them natally first?
A pisces sun group with alot of expectations/desire for self-expression, compassionate, healing and driven to ‘give’ as much to others as they gain by pulling that Pisces quality outwards (10th house). 
The majority of the placements centered around the MC -- construction of the image in a good way (professional and serious/finds joy in what they do)  conducts themselves quite well, although in certain regards they can be stand-offish or contrarian sometimes too (may talk about things that is too serious for gag humour style sometimes) 
Their affection is in the public (fans/public reception) as well as certain pains, either from them feeling hurt themselves or by the public denouncing their self-expression (or the fans being hurt)-- empathetic group that do desire to be love and adored for who they are, but can sometimes look towards the rose-tint glasses and gets hurt/not understand where others are coming from. 
Especially in regards to colleagues, visions, what they do. On a day to day basis they are focused/driven (Scorpio Mars in 6th) but may also find frustration in how that didn’t come across when they show in the public (Ceres/Neptune/Sun in 10th) 
In other cases it’s authority figures, lack of freedom (Sagittarius Saturn in 6th) because it’s a square-- they can sometimes focus alot on the public in order to ‘not see/avoid’ challenges in regards to imposing authorities or maybe even dating regulations (Saturn conjunct DC) themselves as well (steer away from them hopefully)  
Authority figures (older people) may not see part of their affection/worth/negligence on that side (Ceres)-- but fortune falls on them when they (unexpectedly/Pluto) show others a side that they might’ve been unsure about, talking about deeper topics, or actually have productive Capricorn-like relationship with others.  May actually be hidden or in secret, but will come to light because of Pluto/Uranus aspect (having to choose) 
Besides that, there’s also Aquarius Mercury/Venus in 9th that does talk about travelling, studying different topics (diversify), and finding individuality that is makes them ‘stand out’ from others. Particularly when it comes to things that can be a ‘flip the switch’ moment-- a ‘break out’ in particular. 
They like constructing things in a way that ‘fits’ them rather than trying to be flashy/showing it off. It has to blend into their self-expression, the Aquarius aspects are to Saturn/DC so perhaps showing a different side of themselves, of vulnerabilities/reflections or a certain kind of ‘fuck em’ anthem (Aquarius/Sagittarius) 
Fortune and progress enhances on them when they take notice of those perhaps younger than in-- around the age where you still live with family (Jupiter/NN in 4th)  particularly for the details of how hard they’ve worked, their integrity, their strength in the other things.
Consider how they’re a group of Pisces on the 10th (appealing to men) but if they can hit that good Capricorn Pars Fortunae/Pluto in 8th (adapt and work on this earthy energy) they may actually start to have more fortune working out in regards to their skill-set and technique, craftmanship instead of just pure self-expression. This is how they can distinct themselves-- and also humbling down into showing traditional roots or stems that ties into their ancestry.
Libra Moon in 5th does talk about love for performing, a need to reflect and talk about different types of relationships. It’s carried through in Aquarius Venus in 9th -- taking it to a higher level/wanting to perform at a larger scale. Here it can also make them a little wishy washy about their bottom line-- not wanting to go ‘too much/hard’ onto something even though that ‘certainty’ is where fortune falls (Capricorn is usually square to Libra) so learning how to gravitate towards that energy in order to work with the Capricorn trine Virgo can be helpful.
Yeah... ok! In terms of personality, their Ascendant is in Gemini -- open, chatty, talkative, able to communicate in a way that is funny and good for variety. On their DSC lies Sagittarius -- a little bit more chaotic, pro-active, can be blunt individuals. If they learn/gain knowledge they can do well. 
On the IC is Leo -- talking about training, showmanship, preparations. Hard-work but also proud, strong and confident. Their MC is in Aquarius-- observing and calculative, ‘what are we going to do in order to stand out?’ realistic but also progressive. Driving force, but also older than how Leo were. More experienced and also individualistic. 
Duplicated Capricorn/Cancer in the 8/9th and 2nd/3rd house shows stability, balance, kinda guarded (parenthood) need for that kind of ‘objective’ manner. 
Intercepted Aries in 11th and Libra in 5th talks about possible areas of income (to do with vocation) being unjust/unequal (Libra/Aries) inability to take the reign/wheel in regards to the public (hopes/dreams as well -- Pisces ruling the house instead of Aries) and perhaps a certain injustice in regards to their own wants/needs with the 5th house (Virgo ruling that house- obsessive, nit-picky, surveillance in certain contexts) 
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And then we’ll look at the year 2019 for them in their solar return!
SO in this solar return, their ASC is at 0′ Aquarius which bodes well for self-constructing, evaluating what they want to move forward with (in terms of more seriousness) and aligning that with their self image
Remember that their natal asc is in Gemini-- this Aquarius sr is a higher frequency of that, adapted and used in a way that perhaps is more aligned to ‘what’ they originally aimed to do but with a keen focus on it now.
Sun in 1st house (Pisces) focusing on the self, self-confidence, self-alignment, self progression. Here they are embodying the self and the majority of the planet lies on the other side of the chart, focusing more on self-discovery and journey. That energy becoming more focused into healing, collecting and perhaps internally/self-focused as well.
Mercury is now in Pisces in 2nd -- can talk about ‘what’ they have to show-- their skillsets, what they’ve learnt, how they can use/adapt that. 
Can sometimes have to ‘watch’ that they don’t come across as harsh or self-centered/selfish due to their unexpected nature (misunderstanding/Pisces detriment in Mercury) because it’s also squaring Jupiter in 11th (particularly international fans who may find something to hold against them) 
Frustration with possible income, lack of freedom/restriction, feeling like they are ‘less’ because of Aries Chiron 0′ in 2nd house. The 2nd house also talks about self-worth, so it’s possible to align novelty/certain goods and how you obtain them with evaluating how ‘successful’ they are at this stage.
Mars in 3rd -- Taurus Mars, communicating, siblings, neighbours, being more focused on what they do (less dreaming more doing) -- more simplistic approach, step by step. Pars Fortunae is also conjunct to the IC (eeehh the degrees are a little wide though) the more they hone in on showing this ‘taurusean’ image (hard-driving, resilience, nurturing, conservative) the more family-friendly and approved they may be (with certain demographics)
This also works with Sagittarius Jupiter in 11-- as it’s aspecting Aries Uranus in 3rd -- perhaps certain things are unexpected, but the more that they can ‘show’ and communicate efficiently (hmmmm maybe not with that Pisces mercury aspect right now) but if they stay being grounded and humbled-- it may turn out better for them.
Right, Scorpio Moon in 9th aspecting MC -- and then opposition to Mars in 3rd --  if any cultural appropriation happens, or anything that can-- uhh, be insensitive towards certain public groups (religious, foreign, conservatives) they may have better luck guarding/shielding themselves or keeping composed. Because talking about it or lack of a deeper understanding right now-- in this period of reconstructing their self-image can be damaging to them. 
Pisces Mercury aspects to Jupiter doesn’t bode well, that Neptune aspect to Jupiter can also severely hinder their income/image that they’ve built up. Their Venus is squaring their Mars and Uranus in the 3rd house-- putting foot in the mouth syndrome may be common. Whilst their Moon is opposition to the 3rd-- which can cause misunderstanding or misrepresentation of what they were trying to do because of certain alignment to things.
Anyways... that’s the idea of challenges but there’s also other things to consider such as the talent triangle between Scorpio Moon, Capricorn Venus/Pluto and Pisces Uranus/Mercury. The idea here is to stabilize and engage in self-reflection in a way that’s good for them. Capricorn at the apex of this triangle (Venus/Pluto) talks about transformation and being ‘sure’ of something. The image now is more focused on career-building (reputation building) and stamping their place in the society from the internal out (12th) 
Note: that the harsh aspects may or may not be prevalent depending on how you handle issues. Developing and learning how to do so is a part of why the chart is used as guidelines into becoming more self-aware, and thus actively dealing with internal/external problems that may arise by knowing our strengths and weaknesses so we can combat it ourselves.
Anyways, hope this is good!! 💕💕💕 Thanks for asking! 💕💕
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spiffysixxsense · 6 years
Do all the astrology asks :D
aries: what are you passionate about?Criminal Justice policy reform, women's reproductive health, mental health awareness. Also cats and snakes. taurus: name 3 of your favorite books.Indefensible - Lee Goodman Injustice - Lee Goodman(Those 2 are a series)Shutter Island - Dennis Lehanegemini: what was the last text you sent?"Also i thought I was clever and was gonna do that when my dad was in the shower until I realized the scooper thing is in the bathroomDamnit"cancer: if you could choose your child's zodiac sign, what would it be?I really don't care? I don't want to be 8-9 months pregnant in the summer, so Pisces. leo: name something you love about yourself.Why you gotta do this to me. I'm considerate to others?virgo: what's your #1 pet peeve?When people undermine my degree or my intelligence, there is a way to teach me something without being condescending.libra: describe your dream partner.@reddragon8000 But he's a night owl. scorpio: do you trust easily?Nosagittarius: if you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be?Greece or Italy capricorn: what's your dream job?Public Defender aquarius: do you believe in aliens?ALIENS! Yes. pisces: describe someone you love.She's tiny and asked me these questions sun: describe yourself in 3 words.Female Caucasian Brunette moon: what's your favorite song?At the moment, Let em Burn - nothing more rising/asc: how would you describe your style?Day to day, comfy and more masculine. But I have my days where I wanna be more girly with boots and lipstick. I kinda want to get more into dresses just because then I don't have to match pants and shirts 😂mars: are you easily angered?Yes, and I hate it.venus: what's your aesthetic?I have multiple... But sepia, deep earth tones. Dark stained wood. mercury: what color do you talk in?Blue or red, depending on the moment. jupiter: what moral do you live by?Not really a moral, but "what is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly". Meaning just that everyone's normal is different, and just because they are in chaos and you're not doesn't mean it's less valid. saturn: what's your biggest fear?Being like i am now, forever. uranus: are you rebellious?Not anymore neptune: share one of your dreams.I recently had a dream with @reddragon8000 and Michael and all I remember is sitting between them and all looking out a window and a huge truck (like abnormally huger than a real truck) tipped over and I screamed and ducked into both of them, and they basically hugged with me in the middle since I'm so much smaller than both of them, because there was debris flying everywhere. pluto: what's the biggest thing you've learned by far in your life?Do not look at others to compare your success. lilith: do you have any guilty pleasures?The Tv show Catfish. chiron: have you ever broken a bone?Noceres: are you a momfriend?SO MUCHpallas: do you have a good relationship with your parents?mom yes, dad no. juno: do you believe in soul mates?I want to. Yes. 1st house: are you confident?Never. 2nd house: if you could only keep one of your personal items, what would you choose?Well practically, I guess my phone? Or my computer?3rd house: do you like to read?Not really. I wish I did. 4th house: what does your bedroom look like?Mostly white walls except one blue one, posters, and a big ass snake tank. 5th house: name your favorite movie or show.A Beautiful Mind Memento Criminal Minds6th house: do you participate in community service?When its a class requirement7th house: if you could choose, what zodiac sign would you like your dream partner to be?Leo.8th house: do you believe in reincarnation?It would be dope, but no. 9th house: what's your favorite quote?Well shoot I already said it. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. 10th house: are you good at public speaking?I'm alright. I talk a little fast but I always talk fast. 11th house: what sign(s) is your best friend/squad?Leo... And Leo 😂12th house: do you like to be alone?Yes. Alone late at night in my room is my favorite.
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lahippye-blog · 7 years
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Você já sabe como será o mês de julho? Te garanto que é super importante iniciarmos o mês por dentro do que o universo reserva pra gente! Eu sempre absorvo muitas dicas e consigo mudar muitas possibilidades e energias que as vezes incomodam. Com carinho e gratidão segue um pouco do meu estudo para esse mês super especial. 1º de julho – julho começa em um detalhe muito intenso com a estação retrógrada de Quíron(na mitologia grega, metade homem metade cavalo) Ele era o rei dos centauros e se destacava pela capacidade de superar os seus próprios limites. Chiron transforma retrógrada a 28° de peixes, o grau do Eclipse Solar Total no dia 21 de agosto, dando o Tom para o que vamos esperar nos próximos meses. Mensagem do Chiron é simples, mas não necessariamente fácil: precisamos aprender a aceitar-nos com todas as nossas cicatrizes e imperfeições. Precisamos aprender a viver com a totalidade de nós mesmos, com o bom e o mau. Chiron reconecta e cura o que foi separado. Temos uma tendência natural a se afastar da dor, do que achamos que é a parte indesejada ou indesejável de si mesmo. Mas quando Quíron muda de curso (isso acontece duas vezes por ano) não pode se esconder mais a verdade de quem somos. Chiron pedirá autenticidade e consciência. Não resistir o processo, caso contrário será realmente doloroso. Trânsitos de Quíron podem ser incrivelmente lindos se abrirmos nossos corações e confiar que o universo trabalha a nosso favor, mesmo se suas maneiras são, por vezes, misterioso. temos também no inicio de julho oposição Marte Plutão. Este é um aspecto extremamente intenso que é provável incitar nível mais profundo. Esse trânsito pode criar reações extremas, mas se você aprendeu a lidar com o Plutão também pode trazer grande poder pessoal. Agora você pode remover qualquer obstáculo que te impede de conseguir o que quer. Você é especialmente afetado por este trânsito se tiver planetas dos ângulos no 18° câncer ou Capricórnio, a cantar, onde ocorre a oposição, bem como 18° de Áries e Libra. Você também vai sentir esta energia fortemente, se no seu mapa natal, você tem um aspecto entre Marte e Plutão. Uma boa maneira de lidar com esta energia é ter certeza que você tem uma saída saudável para expressá-lo. Qualquer tipo de esporte ou exercício físico pode ser uma boa saída. Em 4 de julho, Vênus entra em Gemêos. O 3º signo do Zodíaco, a deusa da beleza e do amor torna-se mais dinâmico e curioso. Depois estamos nós mesmos em experiências sensoriais com Venus em touro, agora é hora de envolver nosso cérebro também. Vênus em gêmeos é a melhor altura para ter interessante, cativante conversas e abrir a mente para novas experiências. Se você tem Vênus em gêmeos, você terá seu retorno de Venus que significa um novo capítulo começará para você em matéria de amor, finanças, valores pessoais, expressão estética. Mercúrio em câncer esquadrias de Urano em Áries e 28° no mesmo dia e vai nos trazer uma notícia inesperada. Preste atenção aos seus e-mails, as notícias que você lê na mídia Social, porque você pode obter algumas pistas sobre o tema geral do grande Eclipse Solar Total em agosto. 5 de julho – mercúrio entra no Leão. Esse trânsito é excelente para foco e energia mental. Se um projeto tem sido a drenagem de energia durante a estadia do mercúrio em câncer, mercúrio em Leão vai lhe dar o foco mental tão necessário para avançar em seu projeto e alcançar seus objetivos. Além disso, o trânsito favorece a expressão artística de qualquer tipo, especialmente o teatro, exercendo, papel jogando ou trabalhando com crianças. No mesmo dia o sol em câncer, Júpiter em Libra 15 ° fazendo otimista (possivelmente optimista) sobre suas perspectivas. Isto representa verdadeiro, especialmente se você tiver planetas a 15° em sinais de ar ou sinais de água. No dia 8 de julho, temos a lua cheia em Capricórnio a 17°. Este é a mais intensa noite de lua cheia do ano, sendo em um apertado conjunto a Plutão. É lua cheia desafiador porque tanto o sol e a lua estão em sinais não se sentem muito confortáveis. E sentado ao lado da lua de Plutão irá expor todas as nossas inseguranças. Quanto e que estender esta lua cheia vai te afetar depende de quanto você tentar resistir a sua influência. Se você abraçar a energia com consciência, a lua cheia em Capricórnio pode ser extremamente poderosa e pode ajudá-lo a manifestar as coisas que parecia impossíveis no passado. 9 de julho, oposição entre sol e Plutão . Se você tiver planetas ou ângulos em 18° em câncer ou Capricórnio este trânsito vai trazer algum tipo de luta para expressar sua individualidade. Em meados de julho – mais exatamente 10 de julho a 16 de julho – o céu estará muito tranquilo. Tempo para alguns que muito precisava de descanso depois de uma lua cheia poderosa. Certifique-se que você faça o melhor dessa fase por tirar algum tempo para recarregar as baterias. 17 de julho é uma forma muito dinâmica e ao mesmo tempo confusa. Temos Venus em gêmeos em uma praça de Neturno a 14° peixes e Marte em câncer em um quadrado de Urano a 28° de Áries. Se você é do tipo de pessoa que gosta de estar no controle, você pode encontrar este dia bastante desafiador. Se você é um artista, um trabalhador de energia, ou você tem interesses espirituais você pode encontrar esses trânsitos bastante inspirador e capacitar em vez disso. 19 de julho Todos nos sentiremos à vontade durante este tempo – qualquer tipo de comunicação, de intercâmbio com grupos, expressão artística é altamente favorecida agora. Até mesmo os tímidos podem ter uma explosão com toda essa energia extrovertida no ar. Portanto, se você normalmente tem dificuldades em interagir com as pessoas este trânsito é boa notícia para você – certifique-se você sair ou fazer contato com os outros. Vamos todos se beneficiam deste trânsito. Se você tiver planetas em torno de 15° Aquario ou 22° Leão você é especialmente afortunado. Prepare-se para alguns fogos de artifício em 20 de julho. Marte entra em Leão. Todos estes aspectos estão em signos de fogo então esperam um monte de intensidade e paixão. 21 de julho dando uma mensagem muito importante sobre nosso propósito nesta vida. Atenção a todos os indícios, especialmente se você tiver planetas ou ângulos 24 ° Leão. As próximas semanas serão vida mudando para você. 22 de julho- sol entra Leão, incentivando-a tirar tempo para diversão. Não admira que tantas pessoas em todo o mundo, independentemente da cultura estão de férias nessa época do ano. Este é um bom momento para ser ativo e divirta-se. Tudo o que você escolheu, certifique-se de que você se divirta tanto quanto você pode! Em 23 de julho, temos a primeira lua nova em Leão a 0°. Sim, este ano nós vamos ter duas luas novas em Leão e sim, a 2ª é na verdade o eclipse solar total que eu tenho escrito sobre. Esta primeira lua nova em Leão vai dar-nos pistas sobre o que esperar no momento do eclipse solar em 21 de agosto (que é provavelmente o mais importante evento astrológico do ano). Este punho lua nova é por si só extremamente poderoso, tudo é possível agora, e o poder de manifestar as suas intenções é extremamente forte. Cuidado com o que deseja 24 de julho Não deixe a melancolia derrubar você. Procure atividades intelectuais em vez disso. Este é um daqueles dias quando você deve deixar nossa mente anular seu coração. 25 de julho – mercúrio entra em virgem, o signo de seu domicílio. Em virgem, mercúrio funciona no seu melhor – nosso trabalho analítico torna-se muito preciso agora, e nossa atenção aos detalhes é magnífica durante o trânsito de mercúrio em virgem. Mercúrio começa a desacelerar, no entanto, que se prepara para virar retrogrado meados de agosto. 26 de julho – Sol em conjunção Marte 4 ° Leão certifique-se de direcionar sua energia em um projeto que é importante a seu coração. Se você fizer isso, as chances de sucesso são muito elevadas; 31 de julho – o mês termina com entrada de Vênus.. Este é um trânsito altamente sensível e romântico. Vênus em câncer também é ótima para passar o tempo com os entes queridos. Intimidade e conexão são mais importantes do que nunca para se certificar de que você fazer o melhor deste trânsito, mostrando o quanto eles significam para você. Felipe Aguiar
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bsphrce · 7 years
libra, chiron
describe your dream partner.
Alguém com que eu tenha, hm, química? Não sei se é essa a palavra correta pra descrever, mas eu não consigo me visualizar com alguém que eu não tenha vontade de conversar em todos os momentos sobre qualquer coisa e faça com que tudo flua tão naturalmente a ponto de me fazer perder a noção do tempo. Usar um bom perfume também não cairia mal, adoro gente cheirosa.
have you ever broken a bone?
Eu quebrei minha perna aos 15 anos. Fui liberada da educação física por quase seis meses, dizendo para o professor que ainda estava fazendo tratamento. Bons tempos.
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renatosampaio101 · 4 years
Bugatti Type 59 de 1934 pode ser vendido por R$ 55 milhões
Um Bugatti de mais de 85 anos que será leiloada em Londres deverá alcançar lances de até 10 milhões de libras. Esse valor corresponde a cerca de R$ 55 milhões na conversão direta. O modelo, um Type 59, foi o último carro de corrida feito pela marca francesa na década de 30. Apenas oito unidades foram construídas.
O Bugatti Type 59 que será leiloado foi pilotado por René Dreyfus entre 1934 e 1935. E venceu o Grande Prêmio da Bélgica, em Spa-Francorchamps, de 1934. O carro pilotado por Dreyfus ficou na terceira posição no Grande Prêmio de Mônaco (França), disputado no mesmo ano.
Conheça a história do Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith presidencial
Bugatti T59. Foto: Divulgação/ Gooding & Co
Após a temporada de 1935, o Bugatti Type 59 foi aposentado dos Grandes Prêmios. Mas continuou nas pistas e passou a ser pilotado por Jean-Pierre Wimille, dominando corridas na França.
Em 1938 o modelo foi vendido para o Rei Leopoldo III, da Bélgica. O carro teve outros quatro donos desde então. Mas nunca passou por uma restauração completa.
Bugatti faz parte de coleção
Na casa de leilões Gooding & Co, responsável pelo pregão, o Type 59 é classificado como “o mais importante” carro de corrida feito pela Bugatti. Depois dele, a marca só voltou a produzir um modelo de competição em 956. Trata-se do Type 251, que disputou o Grande Prêmio da França, mas não completou a prova.
O Type 59 que irá a leilão faz parte de uma coleção de 16 automóveis. Todos serão oferecidos no mesmo pregão, que está marcado para será realizado em abril.
O lote tem também um Bugatti  Type 35C Grand Prix, de 1928. Há ainda uma Lamborhini Miura de 1971 e um Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Alpine Eagle Tourer, de 1919.
Veja também
Bugatti fará 30 unidades de Chiron recordista de velocidade
Bugatti também terá um SUV
https://jornaldocarro.estadao.com.br/fanaticos/bugatti-1934-vendido-55-milhoes/ visto pela primeira vez em https://jornaldocarro.estadao.com.br
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astroexaminer · 7 years
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Fanciful Ideas
Friday, July 14, 2017: Take in the full picture and speculate, but realize you’re not seeing things clearly. When I look at today’s sky I'm reminded of the 1976 Micky Gilley song, “Don’t the Girls All Look Prettier at Closing Time”. Which sparks the thought, I wonder what today will look like in the morning.
This evening you are likely to feel motivated to take action but bear in mind that things are probably not as you see them, and like Don Quixote, you could be tilting at windmills.
Today’s Quote
“The girls all get prettier at closing time
They all begin to look like movie stars
The girls all get prettier at closing time
When the change starts taking place
It puts a glow on every face
Of the falling angels of the back-street bars.
If I could rate 'em on a scale from 1 to 10
I'm lookin' for a 9 but 8 would slip right in
A few more drinks and I might slip to a 5 or even a 4
But when tomorrow morning comes,
And I wake up with a number 1
I swear I'll never do it anymore….”
~ Mickey Gilley
If Micky Gilley was before your time, enjoy the video below
Today’s Sky
Moon in Pisces Trine Sun in Cancer, Square Saturn in Sagittarius, Quincunx North Node in Leo, Trine Mars in Cancer, conjunct Chiron in Pisces. Pisces Moon V/C 1:00 pm – 7:52 pm EDT. Moon enters Aries. Moon in Aries SesquiSquare Mercury in Leo. Mercury in Leo Sextile Jupiter in Libra. Sun in Cancer Quincunx Saturn In Sagittarius. Mercury in Leo Quincunx Neptune in Pisces. Chart of current transits
This Week’s Sky, July 10th – 17th
Monday, July 10: Sun in Cancer (conjunct Mars in Cancer) Opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury in Leo SesquiSquare Saturn in Sagittarius.
Friday, July 14: Mercury in Leo Sextile Jupiter in Libra. Sun in Cancer Quincunx Saturn In Sagittarius. Mercury in Leo Quincunx Neptune in Pisces.
Sunday, July 17: Venus in Gemini Square Neptune in Pisces
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” ~ Joseph Campbell
The sky speaks to you if you will let it. Every day it delivers a message that each person hears in a uniquely different way. This is not personal or predictive astrology, its creative astrology meant to help you understand and align your mind, body, and spirit with the unique soul vibration of each passing day. I hope you enjoy, and you're enriched by these Astro-inspirations.
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