#chloe price headcanon
mngwa5 · 1 year
LiS (Alcoholic/Non-Alcoholic) Drink Headcanons
c/w: Mentions of drinking and alcohol 
Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, I’m supposing that these HCs are for 21+ versions of each character. 
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Max Caulfield: - Still definitely avoids most alcohol even into adulthood and genuinely finds beer repulsive. 
- As such, on the few occasions when she does indulge, she’ll seek out stuff that’s borderline saccharine and goes down without any burn. Chloe suggested she try Soju once and Max realized just how outright dangerous this road would be and put an end to it after one sip. 
- Has a soft spot for a cocktail she found on Pinterest of all places called ‘Stop the Hourglass’
- While she was in Seattle, she definitely tried to be an “I only drink sparkling water” gal at one point before it was in vogue but just couldn’t make LaCroix or Fresca agree with her and gave up after a month or so.    - She does not, however, need to pretend that she loves coffee. In fact, its almost scary how much she works a coffee obsession into her daily life after leaving Arcadia Bay. - Not a caffeine addiction mind you, though that sorta comes with the territory, but an almost compulsory desire to buy and try different roasts and beans wherever and whenever she can. 
- As a result, a lot of her post-Arcadia Bay travels definitely involve taking Chloe on lunch dates to whatever cafes she can find. Chloe, for her part, is just glad Max never descended into full on millennial “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” behavior.
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Chloe Price:  - Once she made it past the time-honored highschooler/early adolescent  “We drink what works and what we can get our hands on” phase, Chloe really started refining her palette. - It was a bit of a journey to separate “Oh wow, I’m an adult with adult money who can just drink what I enjoy now” from the residual guilty feeling of “I drink for ‘fun’ in the self-medicating sense”. - Though she will never admit it, she developed a real love for craft beers, notably sours and saisons.   - Constantly takes measures to distance herself from “beer snobs” and repeatedly reminds Max and anyone who will listen that she isn’t a “weirdo craft beer hipster” to the point of overcompensation.  - That being said, she has definitely dragged Max along on a brewery tour. - When it comes to anything mixed, she’s definitely a vodka cranberry gal. Loves the idea of whiskey but in practice prefers other stuff.  - Definitely succumbed to the fun colors and garish marketing of energy drinks like Ghost and Bang, and as cans began piling up in their new places trashcan (when Chloe isn’t building a shrine out of them on a desk), Max finally sat her down and made her actually read what was on the back of each can.  - She still definitely drinks them. 
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whatsjulietslastname · 2 months
random pricefield headcanon : after they get in a relationship Chloe always remembers at the most random times that Max is actually her girlfriend now and that she can kiss her whenever she wants and so she ends up kissing her out of the blue- i’m talking like they’d be on the couch not doing anything just like coexisting and being on their phones or something and then all of a sudden Chloe pulls Max in, gives her a peck, and goes back to her phone and Max just accepts it because she’s used to it at this point and like, she’s not complaining
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 3 months
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chloepleasestopdying · 10 months
My favorite pricefield moment is in the first episode when Chloe has just gotten done bitching at Max and is driving her to her house (which: I know if MY best friend ignored me for five years I would drop her off somewhere else- not the point here though) and the camera kinda drags its way up Chloe’s tattoo to her face and she’s all lit by the setting sun-
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What makes it my favorite is the fact that Max IMMEDIATELY reaches for her camera after this. LiS is from Max’s point of view even if most of the time we don’t see things from her exact perspective but to me it feels like Max was looking at all the changes and new details of Chloe and saw something she wanted to take a picture of (and if her camera wasn’t broken I totally believe she would have taken a picture)
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tryingtofindava · 10 months
𝐂𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞, 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 & 𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬*ೃ༄
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These headcanons can be taken romantically or platonically
“If kisses were stars, I’d give you the whole sky.”
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╰┈➤ 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫
She also really likes stars, as we see in LIS: before the storm.
And having one of her favourite people sharing the same interest? She’s electrified with joy.
You two spend HOURS sitting on her bed, looking up at her roof. The stars from her nightlight illuminating her room.
Y’all deffo have matching star jewellery.
You guys hold hands while you become a wiki page and explain everything about stars (she already knows half the things you’re talking about, she just likes listening to you rant about your interests.)
╰┈➤ 𝐂𝐡𝐥𝐨𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞
You remind her of Rachel.
Rachel loved stars too (she finds bits of Rachel in everyone she loves.)
She totally calls you a nerd for it too.
Will take you to the junkyard in her truck and set it up with a shit ton of blankets so you guys can star gaze together.
She’ll get you stuff star that’s star related, necklaces, bracelets. You name it! (Don’t ask her how she got the pricey stuff.)
╰┈➤ 𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
Feeds into your obsession.
She quite literally fucked up her sleep schedule just to do her research about stars/space.
Just so the two of you could talk about it.
She also becomes quickly obsessed with stars, blames you for it 100%
She has a Polaroid photo on her wall of you looking at the night sky from her window on her photo wall.
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candyfloss5000 · 10 months
Sleeping hcs
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🦋 Okay, I'm telling you now, this man sleeps like a rock any other time he's asleep, but when he's with you all you have to do is ruffle the bed covers a little too much and he's awake, thinking you're going to leave him like everyone else has done. You can thank his dad for that.
🦋 He has to sleep holding onto you in someway. Whether it's grabbing onto your arm or keeping your legs entangled with his. Oh, and if you try and squirm out of his hold, he'll just hold on tighter.
🦋 When it comes to sleeping positions, he'll never admit it but his favourite is just tucking his face into the crook of your neck with your arms around him. He's always the little spoon aswell. Despite this, he won't hesitate to hold you instead if you need some comforting aswell.
🦋 He doesn't move alot in his sleep, just occasionally turning around to lay on his other side and his hands manage to grasp you subconsciously.
🦋 Probably the worst thing about having to sleep with Nathan is that he has a fucked up sleep schedule. Like, you'll wake up at five in the morning and find him smoking out of his dorm's window. But then, they'll be times where he doesn't wake up till eleven in the morning. Please, get this man's sleep schedule sorted out. #sendhelp 😭
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snailvibes · 3 months
Evening chat I give you my list of some of my autistic Max Caulfield related headcanons except a lot ended up being pricefield related oops (does include spoilers)
Remember these are all HEADCANONS and me just being silly and having fun projecting on my fav lol
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- that grey jacket she’s always wearing? That’s her comfort clothing item why do you think she’s still got it in double exposure
- even ever since she was really young Max has always been a picky eater bc of dealing with food textures and generally not liking a lot of things. Chloe always tried to make sure her mom bought things that Max liked so she could always have stuff to give her no matter what
- Max doesn’t really know how to like. Enter group discussions, it’s a lot easier for her to talk to people if it’s either one on one and with someone she’s familiar or comfortable with, she knows what she’s gonna say to someone before going in (like “I’m going to go up to Kate and check in on her” or “I’m going to go up to Brooke and ask about her drone”), or it’s someone talking to her and asking her questions, so when it’s people just generally chatting in a group she usually gets left out cus she doesn’t know how to jump in
- loud noises usually overstimulate her (vortex club party was hell) and growing up one of the more common times that occurred was when it stormed outside :) [which still held true throughout the game :))] post sacrifice Arcadia Bay ending she just kinda completely shut down in Chloe’s truck for a long while through a mix of it and the emotions from everything
- aside from Chloe, Kate was the first person Max found who actively listened to and engaged in her infodumping. During their first few tea hangout sessions she’d find herself accidentally going on about photography and stop herself, and every time Kate would encourage her to keep going cus she enjoyed hearing about it (ultimate Loves to yap + loves to listen duo)
- a lot of the time when Max shuts down she ends up going nonverbal for long periods of time and Chloe is the only one who can translate what she’s trying to communicate lmao. Everyone else, while they mean well, tend to just get confused so if she’s like with Kate or Warren when it happens they’ll just be like “shit time to track down Chloe”
- Chloe’s hair is one of her favorite things to mess with and play with cus she loves the sensation of running her hands through it, so when she’s overwhelmed Chloe will just take off her beanie and let Max run her hands through her hair for as long as she needs
- The Captain is her comfort plush which is why she brought him with her to Arcadia Bay. Usually she carries him around with her as much as she can but she didn’t wanna get made fun of for it at Blackwell so she started keeping him in her dorm. Post Sacrifice Arcadia Bay, she drags Chloe back to Blackwell before they leave so she can retrieve him from the rubble and starts carrying him with her everywhere again. Post Sacrifice Chloe she just starts carrying him with her everywhere at School without really worrying about what people will think, and everyone just doesn’t say anything cus they can tell she needs it.
- Max relies on music a LOT to block out the world when everything is too much. Chloe knows this and when she’s not using her earbuds to do it alone, will always offer to sit quietly and listen with her if she wants
- Warren Graham I know what you are /ref him and Max infodump about nerdy movies together almost every chance they get and sometimes they have to be pried apart in the halls to get them to go to class bc they will go on for hours if left alone to
- going back to that “Max struggles with conversation in groups” point, if said convos are happening in the photography classroom whether it’s a “class discuss this” moment or a group project, Kate will always try her best to get Max included in ways that work for her like asking for her thoughts or just pulling herself away from the group to chat with Max one on one
- girlie needs very specific instructions for things because otherwise she will overthink what to do and get confused and this has screwed her over with so many class assignments but I think she’d get help from Kate in that regard because she’s the only one she’s not anxious about asking if she knows what someone meant by something
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pristinekanesays · 2 years
🦋Life Is Strange: How It's Like Sleeping Next To Them.
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🦋 some sappy headcanons 'cause im bored
🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 warnings: cutesy romantic stuff eugh, swearing, nathan's dad being a sexist asshole, nightmares.
🎧A/N: I bought Before The Storm but I'm not a big fan of the Remastered versions of Life Is Strange, it just doesn't feel the same? I love the blank faces while someone is literally dying.
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🦋Chloe Price:
♡ Usually wakes up on her stomach but falls asleep on her back.
ツIt's literally a nightmare to sleep beside her, she snores, turns and tosses the whole night and talks in her sleep.
♡ Listens to music while she falls asleep, headphones in or playing on her radio alarm clock.
ツSurprisingly, not a blanket stealer, she literally kicks any sort of warmth off of her at night because she moves around so much.
♡ Nightmares, in Before The Storm and Life Is Strange, they're just not as vivid and real as they were before. She wakes up and checks if you're still there, it's comforting for her to see you asleep.
ツIt's rare for her to fall asleep at a healthy time and even if she does, she'll wake up A LOT during the night.
♡ She tends to sleep in a lot and accidentally (sometimes purposely) leaves people/you on read because she rarely hears the notifications.
ツHeavy sleeper.
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🍂Kate Marsh:
♡ Falls asleep on her back and wakes up on her back.
ツShe's like a calm mother bird, will play with your hair and you can't tell me she wouldn't fucking softly sing you to sleep. (oh my god)
♡ It helps her sleep when you're there, she likes looking at you and thinking about how grateful she is.
ツWill talk to you for hours when she should really be sleeping, talking about her drawings, classes or the bird she saw like last month.
♡ She tries to make sure to fall asleep at a healthy time, she plans her day out but is sometimes so busy studying that she completely forgets.
ツDepends on the day if she's a blanket stealer that night, if it's warm, she sees no need for any blankets but if it's freezing cold then you're the one suffering.
♡ Light sleeper, like you get up and suddenly she's getting up with you.
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📷Max Caulfield:
♡ Falls asleep on her side or her back but always wakes up on her back.
ツIt's not that bad sleeping next to Max, she'll maybe move a little during the night but nothing super major.
♡ HUGE blanket stealer, she knows what she's doing and will just smile and laugh if you confront her.
ツShe'll decide on sleeping then suddenly she needs to look something up or study and forgets that she needs sleep to survive until an hour or so later.
♡ Falls asleep pretty easily but if she can't she'll just wait a few minutes then go on a whole rant about her day and how she was hanging with Chloe the whole time.
ツSort of a light sleeper, if you need to go anywhere you've gotta crawl there or something.
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🎭Rachel Amber:
♡ Falls asleep on her side and wakes up on her back.
ツLike Victoria, she has a whole routine before bed. Skincare, posting and scrolling through her socials, listening to music.
♡ Not a blanket stealer thankfully but she can be though depending on the temperature.
ツShe can also spend hours talking to you like Kate does, mainly talking about how drama's going for her or how badly she wants to leave Arcadia Bay.
♡ She mainly sticks to her healthy sleep schedule with no interruptions unless something major happens, like when she found out her dad was cheating on her mom. (pretty understandable.)
ツShe's a heavy sleeper, you gotta shake her a few times like she's a fucking salt shaker.
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🎬 Victoria Chase:
♡ Oh jesus, she sleeps in ANY position like she could be hanging off the bed and still fall asleep. Mostly falls asleep on her back though, wakes up basically on the floor.
ツTakes hours doing her skincare and her skin is honestly GLOWING afterwards, face masks, expensive ass skin creams in those teeny tiny bottles, soft music playing in the background.
♡ BLANKET STEALER, BLANKET STEALER! Like she'll pull the blanket off of you while you're still awake and act extremely confused when you look at her with an annoyed look.
ツShe can maybe gossip a little before she falls asleep halfway during the conversation, you know because she starts sleep talking about the most random shit.
♡ Sticks to her sleep schedule, no matter what. Like there could be a whole loud ass fight in the hall but she just rolls her eyes or picks a fight with them before falling asleep.
ツHeavy sleeper, she has to set a shit ton of alarms and only you/Nathan know because she's really embarrassed about it.
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🎮Warren Graham:
♡ Dorky dork who falls asleep on his stomach and wakes up on his back or halfway off of the bed.
ツRoutine? Skincare? Nah, he's just a natural cutie.
♡ Moves a lot during the night and accidentally smacked the shit out of you once during the night, he was actually worried but nervously laughing the whole time, sleep talks a lot about the funniest, weirdest shit ever.
ツNah, not a blanket stealer.
♡ Shitty fucking sleep schedule, he's always up studying or playing video games and you'll wake up at 4AM and he's still playing or he's somehow fell asleep with the controller still in his hands.
ツOn a good day, he'll be asleep by 2:30AM but on a bad day he's probably pulling an all nighter.
♡ Heavy sleeper, like scream in his ear and his body will shift a little but he's (still) asleep
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🧨Nathan Prescott:
♡ Can't believe I feel bad for this man but he'll pick a position and stick with it the whole night.
ツHis dad's a fucking asshat who told him doing skincare as a man is bad, but he takes care of his skin privately and feels really guilty about it after.
♡ Okay, everyone I write for has to hold you or be held in some way while sleeping but Nathan is on a WHOLE different level. An arm wrapped tightly around you that won't move no matter what, his head tucked into your neck or his leg wrapped around your waist. (no, no..why is he attractive??)
ツNightmares, really terrifying nightmares that are so fucking specific and vivid. He wakes up shaking and goes back to sleep (if he ever does) shaking.
♡ Blanket? Fuck your needs, the blankets his now.
ツHORRIBLE SLEEP SCHEDULE?! Like he's up at 5AM smoking weed and slumped over a chair with his eyes closed.
♡ All nighters sometimes, normally falls asleep at 4AM or later. (teach him how to sleep, wtf.)
ツLight sleeper, he wakes up immediately when he hears you moving and instantly thinks you're gonna leave and become a banana or something (dumbass dude)
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beforeimdeceased · 11 months
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ellie williams, newest student at blackwell academy? 🪵🦋🌪️ (moodboard)
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frogyjones-writes · 1 year
First off, came from your art blog (specifically all your LiS art) and I love it :))) Second, could you do a shy reader in a poly relationship with Chloe and Rachel? Headcannons or a 'First Meeting' story. Your choice!
A/N: Thank you sm for the compliment and being my first ever ask on this account, what a great prompt to start with!
- Hope you like these headcanons that I came up with 🧡🤍
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Shy Reader Dating Chloe and Rachel -
Chloe and Rachel are some of the boldest, most outgoing people you've ever met. While they can be reluctant in their own ways just like you, you've always had more difficulty with social interaction and making big steps.
But that's no problem when you've got the two of them by your side. It's your turn to order and you're worried you'll mess up? They have no trouble ordering for you, they've practically memorized your favourites by now anyway!
When you started crushing on the two of them, you were too nervous to make the first move. While Chloe was a bit oblivious to your feelings, dealing with her own attraction to you, Rachel picked them up immediately. And she had no trouble at all convincing you join her and Chloe's relationship.
And so far it's been great!
They're always going out somewhere new in town, dragging you along with them to the junk yard, and stargazing in the trunck of Chloe's pick up, you undoubtedly curled up between them.
Being with them definitely pushes you out of your comfort zone at times, but even with their unreserved behavior, they never forget about you.
They'll never say no to stepping away and taking a break with you. Don't feel like going out at all that day? No worries, Rachel will put in a movie or Chloe will ask you to go against her in a round of combat video games.
Not to mention they're a bit obsessed with coddling you. You being shy is a bit cute, and they'll never not talk about it. Attention from other people isn't always the best, but from them it's just about all you could ask for.
The best part is they'll never put you down for your shy nature. They get it, they've had their moments, and you help them too in your own ways. It's good for them every now and then to not be out partying or getting into trouble and just take a day off to chill out with you.
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pumkshrark · 12 days
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b-sabro-d · 4 months
when chloe gets comfortable with someone, she starts talking and will never stop; shes going to ramble about the butterfly she has seen for two hours straight
when rachel gets comfortable with someone, she sits quietly and enjoys this little peace of mind, she finally doesn't need to explain herself in every way possible
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whatsjulietslastname · 4 months
Times When People On Tiktok Are Incredibly Wrong Again :
« ChLoE PrIcE wOuLd SeCrEtLy LiStEn tO TaYlOr SwIfT 🤪🥰‼️ »
No the fuck she wouldn’t. Chloe Price would HATE Taylor Swift if she even knew about her existence and if she hears ‘Shake it Off’ one more time she will just fucking explode.
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 3 months
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herpartnerintime · 1 month
chloe caring for max after the storm
Max: Chloe... Jefferson drugged and kidnapped me. I was tied up in his bunker. You have no idea what hell I went through to get back here… but I couldn't let you die. You brought me back here, and I can't lose you again. I won't!
In her frantic attempt to get Chloe to listen, terrified to lose her again, possibly forever with how hard it was to get back to her, Max told Chloe how Jefferson had drugged and kidnapped her and tied her up in his bunker. After the Storm, as Max finds the dark room catching up to her (the impact the dark room left), Chloe finds herself overwhelmed with the knowledge of what happened to Max, and her failure to save her from it. She's haunted already by seeing Rachel in those photos and all of his other victims, so to picture Max like that is torture for Chloe. Max doesn't want to open up more about it but in her nightmares she relives everything, and Chloe learns more and more about that happened to Max from what she reveals in her frantic state after nightmares, or when she has panic attacks about it. Perhaps the most torturous thing Chloe learns is how Jefferson had Max on the floor, touching her and moving her and positioning her how he wanted for photos, and how Max was scared in that moment wondering if it was just photos he wanted. The idea of her Max going through this, feeling this way, is pure torture and haunts Chloe.
Chloe is already protective of Max, but knowing Max went through this turns that protectiveness up even higher. She still keeps her gun, wanting to make sure if she needs too, she can protect them both this time. She will never let anyone hurt Max again. She'll never let anyone even touch her.
With Max taking care of her during that week, saving her again and again, Chloe's focus is now taking care of Max, who is finding everything catching up to her, from the dark room to the alternate realities she escaped to all the times she watched Chloe die. She's plagued by nightmares and struggling with the pain and guilt of the storm, and Chloe's mission is to take care of her in whatever way she can. She barely is processing all her own trauma because she can't deal with any of it, all that gets her through in those early months is just taking care of Max.
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tryingtofindava · 8 months
hi!! i was wondering if you would write a max caulfeild x fem!reader who suffers from night terrors/nightmares
i adore max and she’s such a comfort character but there are hardly any fics of her!
𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬*ೃ༄
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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She remembers first discovering about your night terrors when she woke up to you knocking on her dorm door, asking if you could sleep with her for the night.
And who is she to deny you when you’re clearly freaked out of your wits?
After the whole Jefferson thing, she definitely had some sleeping problems too. Having constant nightmares of what happened in the dark room.
So she has some melatonin gummies (strawberry flavoured ofc)
Though… if you do wake up from a nightmare even while sleeping with Max. She’ll leave you to decide if you want to talk about said dream.
She knows that they suck major ass :c
She’ll snuggle with you to make you feel better if they were extra spooky though, she’s like a human radiator. (her true super power)
And if it’s literally impossible for you to fall back asleep, she’ll make you a cup of tea so you guys can just watch a comedy film to take your mind off of things.
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