#choi ye geun
kdreamsound · 1 month
0 notes
stuff-diary · 9 months
Night Has Come
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Night Has Come (2023, South Korea)
Director: Im Dae Woong
Writer: Kang Min Ji
I've been obssesed with the Mafia game for years, so I was really excited when this sort-of-adaptation was announced. But tbh, it's nothing extraordinary. While it's very fun and it keeps you glued to the screen, it's also very silly. What's more, pretty much all the characters are incredibly dumb and frustrating. Although I have to say that's part of what makes the show fun. You just can't help but stick around to see how these characters mess things up even more. Hell, they make so many stupid decisions that I actually found myself screaming at the TV more times than I'd like to admit. Some of the twists did catch me by surprise, but the ending was... not good. I had already guessed the writer would pull something like that, but it was actually worse than I expected. Anyway, Night Has Come isn't good, but I had a fun watching it and it kept me entertained, so that's something.
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twentysnoir · 7 months
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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glindaupland · 9 months
The Phantom of the Opera | Seoul, South Korea | 잶팬텀 x 송크리 Review 6/6
October 14, 2023 - Evening
The Phantom of the Opera | 최재림 Choi Jae-rim
Christine Daaé | 송은혜 Song Eun-hye
Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny | 송원근 Song Won-geun
Carlotta Giudicelli | 한보라 Han Bo-ra
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Ah, the perfect Phantom to finish my journey and relieve me from my tears after the painful two show Kim Ju-taek/Jo Seung-woo slam the day before! Yes, please erase the poor meow meow thoughts from my mind!
My 6th and final round of POTO and 1st round of 'Choi Jae-rim is a Traumatized French Man Double Marathon'. His only scheduled POTO show during my stay was the day before Les Mis opening night in Busan. So I did not have a spare day like I thought would and I had to hop cities the next morning to see him as Valjean. I originally had a seat up high, but I just had to move myself close on the floor again for my grand finale. Seeing a seat open up during cancellations near my favorite side of the stage, the side with the most action, pretty much sealed the deal. I've always wanted to see a ~scary~ Phantom so let's go out with a bang!
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If you're looking for some Erik x Christine, wrong Phantom for you! There wasn't much sugar-coating here. CJR Phantom is the opposite of JSW and JDS Phantoms to me; he's the most like a dark fallen angel. He's dangerous, unnerving, and has a lot more confidence with his actions than the others.
Hannibal Rehearsal / Think of Me
The audience seemed especially hyped today lol. Park Hoe-rim always holds Piangi’s note in Hannibal for a very long time and people applaud him for it. The cheers were loud today though even though audiences usually didn’t make much noise to avoid being disruptive! At the end of Song Eun-hye’s ‘Think of Me’ there was also a very excited reaction from the audience. Love this cast showing off where they can heh
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First Lair | MOTN/STYDI
He's the only Phantom to sing "넌 이곳에 오직 나만을 위하여 / You are here for me alone" as "넌 이곳에 오직 한가지 이유로 / You are here for only one reason" at the organ because he's just different and not like other girls okay During MOTN, he was was confidently luring and hypnotizing her with no hesitation or uncertainty. The way he moved his entire body, especially his arms and hands (huge hands goddamn dude), was very flashy and dramatic. He's "overdoing it", but in a way that's very fitting for his Phantom's eccentric personality. I think you can already tell something is off about his Phantom as a person here. You can hear it in his voice a bit too. It had a sort of unearthly mesmerizing quality to it. This is the closest to a mysterious dark angel out of the Phantoms. He's especially possessive, but it's more in the way you might expect and different from KJT Phantom. The way he draws her to him with his hands, the way he touches his lips when he comes around the organ towards her 👀 He even tugged her along a bit when he led her to the bride in the mirror and urged her to look at the gift. With SEH Christine it was interesting to see her slowly unwind throughout the song since she's the more hesitant of the two. A Christine like SJS is definitely easier "prey" for him
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Here's a little taste of his Music of the Night. Some of his more dramatic movements are actually a little bit similar to how he moved as the Phantom in this song, but he has a specific strange aura when actually in character.
I Remember / Stranger Than You Dream It
...SEH Christine is a little too curious and innocent maybe. Because wow if I saw a big weird masked man looking like that while working I simply? Would not want to mess with him at all, not getting anywhere near him. While the music box played, he was breathing (almost grunting) very audibly and heavily in frustration. He was very tense and focused. She was very playful and even mischievous-looking as she tried to swipe at his mask. It was like a game to her. Right at the moment he seemed to find his flow, playing the music in the air with his eyes closed, she succeeded. He's the scariest one during the outburst! His voice sounded venomous at the start and his eyes were wild as he covered the side of his face with both hands. The way he tilted his head watching her was very off-putting. Actually rather than becoming sadder, he almost seemed even creepier as he got closer. My seat was very close on that end of the stage and as I saw him approaching I wanted to back away myself! But at the end, I did start to feel sorry for him. It was really pitiful seeing this magnificent and seemingly magical genius be reduced to...this. The other Phantoms appear more human here, but he truly did look like some dark being trying desperately to be like a regular human, trying to be a part of this world. The angel of music is not, in fact, an angel, but....well who knows what he is. When she returned the mask, he looked like he couldn't make sense of what was happening. I could see his eyes glistening a little like tears were threatening to fall. I think he felt especially uncomfortable looking so weak in front of her. His Phantom felt like he had everything completely under control, but he managed to be disarmed so suddenly. His face was now revealed as well as the hidden dark part of himself
AIAOY Reprise
Kinda upset that my angle made it difficult to see him because the angel wing was obstructing him the times he wasn't leaning forward enough. But also how does he even fit on there. And also how did he manage to be the one who moved the least? He must be folded like an origami piece up there. Anyway oh boy. When saying Christine's name the first time, he sounded broken and small while looking down. But the second time he slowly lifted his head giving a cold dark stare ahead and spoke in a low and threatening voice that faded off. He had this rage building up and spreading through him and began his final lines in a harsh growling voice. He's extra intimidating because he kind of just fully gets up making himself as big as possible. I was laughing during intermission when I was heading to the lobby and two girls ran by me in the aisle going "EEEEE 무서워요!! / I'm scared!" So true, girlies, so true
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Why So Silent?
JDS/KJT Phantoms lift up Christine's chin when they finally address her, but he pulled her a little roughly towards him. Not a big thing but definitely got a yikes from me when I saw it!
Wandering Child
Oh he is so weird and freaky somebody's gotta push him off that mausoleum I don't like it (no I love it as an acting choice though I just mean it's uncomfortable) 😭 The way he moves his entire body so much is so creepy? How do I even describe those movements. He would crouch or lean forward in a lunging position, but also made these big gestures with his arms again and looked like he was trying to use some power to pull Christine towards him He used an odd sarcastic tone mocking Raoul like he barely even viewed him as a threat.
The Point of No Return
The trap is set and waits for its prey! ...But also, Christine, Piangi just grew like 10 feet taller turning into a brick wall of a man and you don't find this.... suspicious maybe? No? Okay... He opens that curtain and it's like:
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ANYWAY He had such an eerie way of singing to me. There was this hypnotic energy again like in MOTN. Once again the hands...when he tips her head side to side with his fingers under her chin in his last lines of his verse it's like he's putting her in a trance. She actually looked a bit disoriented for a moment, but her expression was slowly changing like she was suspecting something was wrong even before she turned to him. He was scarily calm looking throughout the song. You mostly just saw his shoulders moving from his slow steady breathing. Occasionally he would slowly take a look at her to see what she was doing, but it was more like he was preparing himself than getting stressed. She touched him and he only flinched very slightly before reaching up to her completely ready to join their hands. He was practically pulling her down actually to touch her more. I think he was sure that he was succeeding. When she had discovered him, he closed in like a beast about to pounce with his hands in position to grab her in case she tried to flee. But when she threw the hood off he was taken off guard During the AIAOY Reprise "언제나, 어디든, 영원히 / Always, anywhere, forever" -> "Anywhere you go let me go too" was a painful cry as well as the word "어둠에 / (into) darkness" in "또 다시 지옥 같은 어둠에 / Once again into darkness like hell" later for Down Once More and he delivered his next lines in a terrifying voice. It was similar to the AIAOY Reprise on the angel. I have to admit it partially concerned me (just because here and Les Mis he had a few slight rough moments, he cracked a tiny bit at the very end of 'Who Am I' after an otherwise very solid note). Overall though I think he has amazing ability and it's just wear from the rough schedule he has unfortunately. The choices did work either way!
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Final Lair
He is so unhinged and unstable. Now he had this rough vicious villainous tone and sometimes he used that mocking voice again like he did in 'Bravo Monsieur'. He practically hissed out the line about the world never accepting him. His gestures with his arms were so theatrical and huge and the way he moved about was so heavy, jerky, and unsettling. When he threw the noose on Raoul he had the most terrifying laugh and jumped a little spitting out his taunts loudly He stood up fast and leaned in close to her face to whisper “날 시험하지말고 / Don't test me” so very quietly before he screamed for her to choose. He said it with spite in his voice, but he was actually holding back tears when he turned around. He had been so dangerous before, but Christine managed to disarm him once again with her words. Christine dropped lower from her position on her knees with a sob. It wasn't out of fear, seeing him like this just seemed to hurt her. This kiss was an interesting one to analyze. Some people thought this part tends to make him seem unmoved? But I disagree with the conclusion some people had made around that time that his Phantom didn't change or develop. He wasn't very openly reactive to the first one, he was completely frozen. The second time he clenched and unclenched his fists until he pulled her hand away quickly and rushed off staggering and holding his head. I saw reviews saying he would simply repeat his actions over again based on his reactions. I personally just think his change is different. I think CJR Phantom thinks he knows everything and that he can control everything that will happen so it scares him when he faces something unexpected. I think this is why he started to finally unravel at the very end. He cannot predict anything Christine will do, she always does the opposite of what he would think. Love and compassion were the last things he would ever expect. I don't even think he knew what kindness looks like. But he finally understood in that moment and he also understood that he couldn't force her to be there with him now. Something I noted during this performance in particular: HGH Raoul tried to urge Christine that they need to leave, but SWG would seem a bit confused in the moment and look at the Phantom like he was trying to understand what just happened. It just especially stood out to me across from CJR Phantom because of how much of a threat he had been. He was trying to process this because of the way the Phantom was just moments before and almost looked like he maybe even pitied him in a weird way. Christine came back pretty early this time to return the ring and watched the Phantom while covering her mouth in disbelief. It was as if this was the one moment he finally showed his real human side to her. She could really see him as a regular man now. When he realized she was there, he was really startled and practically jumped away like he was bracing himself for something (perhaps thinking the mob had arrived for him?). He went over to her wondering why she had returned, but once he realized he softly sang that he loved her. She nodded knowingly trying to hold back her tears. He looked so small suddenly when she left him alone there
Please when I tell you Jae-rim got the loudest screams out of every curtain call I experienced lol. He was goofing off, but at one point the shrieking was so loud he looked a little embarrassed about it heh. Even louder than that though was his Les Mis curtain call where everyone just about lost their goddamn minds seeing him pick up and spin little Cosette (I was one of those people, I'm weak)
Anyway it's promo time! Here's some bonus videos for you to enjoy
POTO Medley in English from 2013 (Wandering Child -> MOTN -> Think of Me -> All I Ask of You -> - he could easily be in English POTO honestly since he speaks English very well. He sings the actual show pretty differently and his vocals have improved, but it's still very nice and interesting to listen to after all this time.
Ah next one is cursed I know I know...but he almost convinced me this show can be good like a very talented scammer. Please stick to only covers of this though... He's sung the English version before a few times, but here's the Korean one:
And some non-POTO promo to show off his range because he's kind of crazy
And that's it for all my Phantom reviews! 6 out of 6 shows yay! If you made it to this point thank you for reading and enduring. I hope my insanity brought you some kind of joy and entertainment. I just wanted to share everything I could so other people could have a taste in some way and so I could relive and document my memories. It was truly a dream experience for a longtime POTO fan to be able to see the show done in so many ways over just a few days.
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salanaii · 8 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 4/Day 1
Day 1: Colors, Vocab 1 - 100, Udemy Lesson 6
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콧물 = snot
땀 = sweat
목 = neck
마스크 = mask
착용하다 = to wear
황사 = yellow sand
목감기 = sore throat
환자 = patient
근처 = neighborhood / around here
약국 = pharmacy
외국인등록번호 = foreign registration number
잠시만 = moment
불편하다 = to be uncomfortable
열이 나다 = to have a fever
약 = medicine
Key -  열쇠 -  yeol soe
Chicken -  다ᇍ -  dalk
Baby -  아기 -  a gi
Princeton -  프린스턴-  pew rin seu teon
Last name -  성 -  seong
Jihun -  지훈 -  ji hun
Park (name) -  박 -  bak
Seonhwa -  선화 -  seon hwa
Minji -  민지 -  min ji
Kim -  김 -  gim
Garam -  가람 -  ga ram
Seoyeon -  서연 -  seo yeon
Seojun -  서준 -  seo jun
Choi – 최 -  choe
Bed – 침대 -  chim dae
This side – 이편 -  I pyeon
That side – 그편 -  geu pyeon
That side over there -  저편 -  jeo pyeon
This much -  이 만큼 -  I man keum
That much -  그 만큼 -  geu man keum
Be careful/watch out -  조심해요 -  jo sim hae yo
Take your time/ take time to / slowly -  천천히하세요 -  cheon chein hi ha se yo
Focus -  집중하다 -  jib jung ha da
Sir/miss/customer -  손님- son nim
Learn -  배우다 -  bae u da
More/much -  더 -  deo
Fewer/less -  덜 -  deul
Watch/ look / see – 보다 -  bo da
Again -  다시 -  da si
Worry -  걱정하다 -  geog Jeong ha da
Touch (positive) – 만지다 -  man ji da
Touch (negative) – 만지지 -  man ji ji
Too much – 너무 -  neo mu
Much/many – 많이 -  manh l
Cucumber -  오이 -  o i
Fox – 여우 – yeo u
Yo-yo – 요요 -  yo yo
Taste/flavor -  맛 – mas
Entrance – 입구 -  ib gu
Oh – 어 -  eo
Kind/friendly – 친절한 – chin jeol han
Lazy – 게으른- gee u reun
Happy – 행복하다- haeng bok ha da
Sad – 슬퍼- seul peo
Sick – 아픈- a peun
Boring – 지루한- ji ru han
Glad – 기쁜 -  gi ppeun
Tired – 피곤한 – pi gon han
Camera – 카메라 – ka me ra
Building – 건물- geun mul
That (over there) – 저/저것 – jeo/jeo geos
I/self – 저 – jeo
Desk – 책상 – chaeg sang
These – 이 것 -  I geos
That – 그 – geu
Those – 그것 – geu heos
This – 이 -  i
Monitor – 모니터 – mo ni teo
Bathroom – 화장실 -  hwa jang sil
Restaurant – 식당 – sig dang
That way – 그 쪽 – geu jjog
Here/ over here – 여기 – yeo gi
There – 거기 – geo gi
Over there -  저 기 – jeo gi
Tree – 니무 -  na mu
Bag – 가 방 -  ga bang
Sleep – 잠 – jam
Expensive – 비싼 – bi ssan
Slow – 느린 – neu rin
Fast – 빠른 – bba reun
Cold – 추운 – chu un
Cheap – 싼 – ssan
Hot (verb) – 뜨겁게 – tteu geob ge
Hot (adjective) – 뜨거운 – tteu geo un
Tall – 높 – nop
Wide/spacious – 넓은 – neolb eun
Low – 낮은 – naj eun
Small/narrow – 좁은 – jub eun
Cute – 귀여운 – gwi yeo un
Pretty – 예쁜 – ye ppeun
Fat (Duolingo)(Papago) – 뚱뚱 – ttung ttung
Fat (Google) – 찌 빵 – ji bang
Beautiful – 아름다운 – a leum da un
Clean – 깨끗한 – ggae kkeus han
Dirty – 더러운 – deo leo un
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 | Official Trailer
Star Wars: Visions volume 2 will stream on Disney+ on May 4, 2023.
Volume 2 shorts:
“Sith” by Rodrigo Blaas at El Guiri Studios (Spain)
A former Sith apprentice, leading a peaceful, but isolated life, is confronted by the past when her old master tracks her down.
LUIS TOSAR as Sith Master
ÚRSULA CORBERÓ and LUIS TOSAR also voice their characters in the Spanish dub.
“Screecher’s Reach” by Paul Young at Cartoon Saloon (Ireland)
A young girl, seeking reprieve from her days in a rural workhouse, discovers a legendary haunted cave with her friends. The cave’s dark pull will change the trajectory of her life forever.
“In the Stars” by Gabriel Osorio at PunkRobot Studio (Chile)
Two sisters, the last of their kind who live in hiding on their ravaged land, squabble about how to survive with the Empire encroaching. On a water run, the sisters must fight back when they are discovered.
KATE DICKIE as Officer
VALENTINA MUHR and JULIA OVEIDO also voice their characters in the Spanish Dub
“I Am Your Mother” by Magdalena Osinska at Aardman Animations (United Kingdom)
Young pilot Anni, who is embarrassed by her sweet, but clingy mum, must team with her for a madcap family race at the academy. Along the way, their relationship is tested by the elements, their old ship, other racers...and each other!
MAXINE PEAKE as Kalina Kalfus
CHARITHRA CHANDRAN as Annisoukaline Kalfus
DAISY HAGGARD as Dorota Van Reeple
BEBE CAVE as Julan Van Reeple
DENIS LAWSON as Wedge Antilles
“Journey to the Dark Head” by Hyeong Geun Park at Studio Mir (South Korea)
A hopeful mechanic and disillusioned young Jedi team up for a risky and unlikely quest to turn the tide of the galactic war, but dark forces tail them.
Korean language cast:
JANG YE NA as Ara / Young Ara
YUN YONG SIK as Bichan
CHWANG KWANG as Interpreter
CHOI SOO MIN as Master Duta
SHIN YONG WOO as Master Leesagum / Shopkeeper
LIM CHAE HEON as Training Partner
LEE SO YOUNG as Master Moru / Another Jedi
English Dub cast:
ASHLEY PARK as Ara / Young Ara
ALBERT KONG as Interpreter / Jedi Master A
GREG CHUN as Shopkeeper / Master Leesagum / Training Partner / Padawan
JUDY ALICE LEE as Master Moru / Another Jedi
“The Spy Dancer” by Julien Chheng at Studio La Cachette (France)
The premier dancer at a famous, Imperial-frequented cabaret uses her unique skill-set to spy for the Rebellion, but the presence of a mysterious officer threatens to derail her mission.
BARBARA WEBER-SCAFF as Mee’ma & Additional Voices
BRUCE SHERFIELD as Additional Voices
TAYLOR GASMAN as Additional Voices
“The Bandits of Golak” by Ishan Shukla at 88 Pictures (India)
Fleeing from their village by train and pursued by ferocious Imperial forces, a boy and his force-sensitive younger sister seek refuge in a vibrant and dangerous dhaba.
NEERAJ KABI as Inquisitor
SAHIL VAID as Maghadi and Scavenger     
RICHARD JOEL as Scavenger     
SUMANTO RAY as Conductor, Jangori Leader and Dhoona      
RAJEEV RAJ as Helper
AVIRAL KUMAR as Stormtrooper      
ISH THAKKAR as Stormtrooper and Alien     
AADITYA SHARMA as Stormtrooper and Alien    
“The Pit” by LeAndre Thomas and Justin Ridge at D'ART Shtajio (Japan) and Lucasfilm Ltd. (United States of America)
A fearless young prisoner, forced to dig for kyber by the Empire, plans a risky escape for he and his people.
ANIKA NONI ROSE as Eureka / Mother
STEVE BLUM as Commander
MATTHEW WOOD as Stormtroopers
“Aau’s Song” by Nadia Darries and Daniel Clarke at Triggerfish Animation Studios (South Africa)
An alien child who longs to sing is raised by her loving, but stern father to stay quiet because of the calamitous effect her voice has on the crystals in the nearby mines.
MPILO JANTJIE as Aau (dialogue)
DINEO DU TOIT as Aau (singing)
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ohsharethekmusic · 3 years
Song : GGOMA (ft. Choi Ye Geun)
Artist : TAE HO
Album {Single} : GGOMA
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byuluno · 4 years
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favorite tracks: 2020, pt ii
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voyagenotes · 4 years
2nd August - What is your song of the summer this year?
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Gorilla by Choi Ye Geun! It's a very light, happy and catchy song. I introduced some other summer songs in this challenge tho!
🎶 Way Chad ft Changmo - ha ha ha
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ultkpopnetwork · 4 years
2020 K-Releases ~ week 30
July 20th
Conch - No Smile
KittiB - Make Me Better
Chic & Idle - 3! 4! ~ Debut
Lisa - Lazy Love
Car, the garden - 31
D.COY - Go Away
Yukika - Soul Lady
Kim Jin Ho - Arrival
HYO (SNSD) feat. Loopy, Soyeon ((G)I-DLE) - Dessert
Somi - What You Waiting For
Dear Cloud - AM 1:00
Huh Chan Mi - Lights ~ Debut
Kyuhyun (Super Junior) - Dreaming
Lee Hi - Holo
Hawoong - Drawing
Koyote - The Sea
Choi Ye Geun - Unbalance
Yang Jin Seok - Yang Yang
Koyo - Maybe
N.Flying - Starlight
Ravi (VIXX), Yeri (Red Velvet), Woong (AB6IX) - Woman on the Beach
The Man BLK - Time Turner
Okdal - Take a stroll
Markenlee - Designer
Yoon Hyun Sang - From, Today
Ruda (M.O.N.T) - Lethargy
SSAK3 - Beach Again
Ramda - Homebody
Boyhood - Retro Love ~ Debut
Song Ji Eun - MIL(Make It Love)
SoonSoonHee - Unfair
Lee MinHyuk - To My Friend
Youtube Playlist
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kgoddesses · 4 years
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scarecrow (2020)
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soulist-aurora · 5 years
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015B(공일오비), 최예근(Choi Ye Geun) - Murky Time New Edition 16 Released Date: 2019.12.13
Album Cover Design by Hajin Bae(배하진)
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ilovekoreanmusic · 4 years
Choi Ye Geun - Scarecrow
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curlylocksqueen · 5 years
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This scene is totally my favorite..its so cinematic 
HELP ME I”M HAVING WITHDRAWALS...this is the first monday where I won’t be able to see my favorite couple... 
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cine-cult · 5 years
꧑ᥡ ⍴ᥣᥲᥡᥣꪱ᥉t: ᥲᥙᧁᥙ᥉t 2019
- Debut:
• Rocket Punch - BIM BAM BUM
• Oh HaYoung (Apink) - Don't Make Me Laugh
• Fanatics - Sunday
• Soyoung (Stellar) - Breath
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- Comeback:
• Oh My Girl - BUNGEE (Fall in Love)
• jerd - IWBB
• ONEWE - Regulus
• Red Velvet - Umpah Umpah
• Choi Ye Geun - Virtual World
• The Rose - RED
• WEKI MEKI - Tiki-Taka (99%)
• lunCHbox - Passing by (feat. Jang Eun Seong)
• SURL - Bogging (Demo)
• Pink Fantasy - Fantasy
• Mail - My Story
• Everglow - Adios
• Jimin Park - Stay Beautiful
• Sunmi - Lalalay
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- OST:
• Suran - Hibye (Love Playlist Season 4 Part.2)
- Japan:
• N.Flying - Doll
- Special:
• V of BTS - Winter Bear
• Raiden × Irene of Red Velvet - The Only
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ohsharethekmusic · 3 years
Song : Virtual World
Artist : Choi Ye Geun
Album {Single} : Just Because Of The Sudden Wind
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