angstymarshmallow · 7 years
Homesick - Drake x MC
#ChoicesCreates Round 30
[A little note:  Toyed with this for awhile, and wanted to post before choicescreates ended this week. Mostly fluff because I could really use some fluff.]
[Summary: A homesick Drake misses MC (Robyn) immensely after being away on business in Cordonia for three months.]
Prompt: Reunited Book: The Royal Romance 2 Pairing: Drake x MC Rating: T
Thanks Holly @holly-park for hosting!
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Drake hated long business trips; hated them even more when they spanned over months instead of weeks. Much to his annoyance, this was beginning to become a regular occurrence after Liam had become King. Sometimes, he remained in Cordonia for weeks, maybe a month at a time before returning to New York. Other times such as this, his trip lasted far longer.
He didn’t mind being available to Liam, not truly. He felt that he owed him that much. But he could barely remember the feeling of his own bed, missed it more than the unfamiliar sheets he was sorrunded by and missed the woman he shared his bed with even more. The whiskey helped, it always did when he had to deal with nobility and the press.
Although he remained by Liam’s side, it was never enough for him to grow complacent with the duties he assisted with. At least keeping and offering council allowed him to be busy. It kept his mind from wandering too often about Robyn while he was stuck in Cordonia. And as much as he grumbled about his trips away from home, he knew the moment Liam needed him - he would never hesitate. 
He always left New York in a heartbeat. 
It had been nearly three months since the last time he saw his own bed, the smile of his fiancee or even heard the sound of her laughter. He counted, and everyday that passed increased his misery. He lost his patience with Maxwell, he kept quiet during Liam’s meetings and slinked off to be alone more than he cared to admit. 
He missed her. 
Missed her more after their irregular skype calls. Sometimes he caught her half an hour before she went to bed and other moments he was able to see her right before she left for work. 
None of it felt enough.
No matter how much he owed to Liam. He owed more to her. She had given him what he thought he could never have. Love. Acceptance. It was different with Liam; he never understood him the way Robyn had. He was indebted because pieces of him only belonged to pieces of her. She had saved him, he wouldn’t admit in so many words, but she had been his only stability when he felt his world crumbling. She was his solace, and without her presence he had trouble finding equal footing with the rest of everyone in Cordonia.
When things had finally settled into a slower and regular routine in the manor, Liam seemed to need his advice less and less. Drake spent less time with him in the public eye and the rest of the nobility, and more time planning how quickly he would leave. Eventually, after one of their morning runs, Drake had formally informed the king he was taking his leave.
Spring had turned into fall then. Three months had robbed him of an entire summer, an entire summer of her. Leaves were no longer their forest green. Months had turned them a golden brown and when autumn had finally arrived Drake had packed his bags. All he could think of was surprising her with kisses and dinner. Mostly, all he wanted were days alone together again. 
Drake attempted to leave early; heaving his luggage across his shoulder before most of the staff had awakened. His shoulders protested from effort but he managed to keep them balanced as he stalked along the hall. He wanted to quickly leave before the sun could arise high enough to take its place among the clouds.
When his feet drifted by Liam’s door, they paused of their own accord. He froze, back straightening until they pointed towards it. Before his fists could touch the door, he sighed and felt a lump form in his throat.
Drake had never been good at goodbyes. He was good at keeping secrets, and keeping quiet. He was good at being Liam’s best friend and surprisingly good at being Robyn’s fiance. However, he wasn’t good at putting farewell’s into practice. He hated them. Deciding better against it, he quickly retraced his steps until he could find the main hall again. With his luggage still solidly across his shoulders, he quickly flew down the stairs.
Maxwell had been at the bottom, when Drake spotted him. 
His expression brightened when he took in his appearance and Drake watched that annoyingly perky attitude of his practically filled the room. Damn. He thought to himself; out of all the people he had to run into, a Beaumont was apparently at the top of the list. 
Once his feet hit the last step he regarded the other man with a timid nod before his eyes flitted away. The scowl that had begun on his lips, had disappeared at the sight of Liam.
“You didn’t think you could leave without saying goodbye, did you?” Liam chuckled good-naturedly.
Drake winced. He felt a twinge of guilt as he shifted and dropped his bag by his feet. “Sorry, I wanted to but…” He trailed off for a moment, and decided it didn’t make any sense to lie to him. Liam might be king but he was always his best friend first and foremost. “I’m not really good at goodbyes Liam,” he finished lamely. “You know that. I know that.” 
Liam’s eyes flashed in understanding before he closed the distance to clap him on the back. “There’s no place like the present, right?” His perfect set of teeth were on display once he grinned. “Besides, this isn’t goodbye. This is see you later. We’re still going to your wedding right?” It was a rhetorical question but it almost caused Drake to groan.
 “Unfortunately yes. I keep hoping she’ll change her mind.” At his friend’s puzzled expression, he added. “So we could run away together instead.”
Liam frowned. “I would never forgive you for it.”
“Frankly, I’m hurt.” Maxwell spoke up, poking Drake’s sides until he swatted his hands away.
“I’m kidding.” Mostly anyway. Although his tone might have given them another impression, Drake didn’t hate the idea of a big wedding - he just didn’t like it either. He didn’t want a public affair. He preferred the company of a select few rather than invitations that spanned into the dozens. How many people did Robyn really care about on her list?
It felt closer to strangers and acquaintances than it had to friends. However when Robyn dreamed - she dreamed big, and he knew she wanted more. She was always spilling her half-thought of ideas with excitement ever since they had gotten engaged and he couldn’t bring himself to disagree with her wedding plans. Except on the occasions when he struggled with the overwhelming apprehension of the whole idea. Truthfully, he wanted to run in the other direction but kept telling himself he was mostly on board with everything she wanted.
“You can’t leave before we share a drink!” Maxwell interjected, forcing Drake’s thoughts back to the present moments before the man had jumped at him. He was beaming as he threw his arms around his shoulders.
“Please stop touching me Maxwell.” His lips nearly betrayed him at the pout Maxwell gave before releasing him. “As much fun as this has been,” he pursed his lips, “I’ve got a beautiful fiancee waiting at home for me. Probably shouldn’t keep her waiting even a second longer.”
Before Drake had gotten to the door, he caught the side glances Maxwell and Liam shared until Maxwell spoke up. “Gee, I guess we’ll have to drink all this whiskey by ourselves.”
Drake’s feet froze and he held his breath.
 “It’s a pity, because it’s Drake’s favourite.”
Cheeks lightly flushing, Drake whirled on his heels to glance at them. He coughed awkwardly before dutifully walking back. He ignored their triumphant smiles over his stint of shame. “I suppose one drink wouldn’t hurt.” He muttered, “what kind of a guest would I be if I didn’t accept?”
Maxwell raised his eyebrows, “you aren’t a guest here. You’re family.”
Liam chuckled, “I knew you could never resist a good glass of whiskey.”
Drake draped his arms around either of them. “What can I say? It’s my only weakness.”
“I’m telling Robyn.” Maxwell teased as they begun walking into the direction of Liam’s wine cellar.
He groaned. “Please don’t, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
The first thing Drake had noticed once he pushed past the threshold leading into his home was the distinct smell of something fresh enveloping his senses. Something with a little bit of kick in it - something tasty, that had immediately reminded him of how hungry he was after his nearly six hour flight.
At first, his laptop bag had slipped from him; startled that his fiancee would begin such a treacherous task without him. She knew how wary he felt about her cooking in solidarity without his watchful gaze, and for the most part they had agreed cooking was his responsibility. He was after all, adequate enough to prepare most of their favourites and anything he couldn’t, they usually ordered. 
He frowned once he noticed that it was his stomach speaking to him, instead of his good senses. Once he inhaled deeply a second time; expecting the wonderful scent again - it was instead the smell of something burning that made his stomach lurch. He couldn’t imagine how he had confused the two.
Quickly, he scurried towards the kitchen’s direction. That and the sound of his lovely fiancee howling as if she’d been struck by a plague made him hurry to reach her.
“Robyn!” Her name was sharp on his tongue and carried the weight of his concern. He yanked off his tie and rolled up his cuff links before his feet skittered to a stop. His feet halted in time to see her yanking off her a washed-out pink mitten, while she cooled her other with long drawn-out breaths.
“Shit, shit shit.” Robyn swore harshly. Her hair was tied into a hasty bun and sweat beaded across her forehead as she blew on her injured hand a second time. She was dressed in one of his favourites on her; dark and lacey silk. It would have made for a better sight had she not been hopping on one leg and then the other.
He stared at her.  “Tinsley,” he glanced from her bewildered expression to the nearly charcoal tray she deposited across their countertop. “What the hell were you thinking?” He scowled at the sight of her reddened flesh, and took quick strides to grab an ice pack before placing it gently across her tender flesh.
She hissed and flinched when she felt the cool pad but kept her eyes downcast until she could feel his penetrating scowl. It was practically seeing through her. “I was thinking I could surprise you tonight.” Her eyebrows drew in frustration, “but then I got the timer all wrong…and I’ve ruined a perfectly good cake.” 
An anguish cry of frustration left her lips. “I had it all planned, y’know.” She stared at their joined hands. “A dinner then desert, and then I was thinking I could give you a massage with the oil I picked up yesterday. And and and-” Her breath hitched. “I know it may seem ridiculous to you but I -”
She hadn’t expected his kiss. 
It drew a strangled cry from her lips before she began responding, kissing him fervently as proof of how much she had longed for his touch while he had been away. She felt his hand possessively drag her closer, until she felt her hair being pulled out of it’s bun. They were locked in their own world, hands and lips sought each other quickly as he pressed her petite form against the counter. His hands roamed under her silk robe and she heard his hum of appreciation low inside his throat.
When he pulled away, he was glancing at her with so much unadulterated affection that it suddenly made her forget how angry she had been moments ago. “It’s the thought that counts,” he muttered.
She peeked up at him, “you mean you’re not mad?” She bit her bottom lip, “you’re usually mad at these things.”
He tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “No I’m not mad.” He had been more worried than mad. “I’m just glad you’re okay, I-” Even though they had been together for over a year, sometimes it was still difficult for him just to express how he felt. “I just missed you. I missed you like crazy.” His hand drifted towards her cheek and she nuzzled inside his palm. “Only you could make me miss you so much that I mistakenly responded to the Cordonian press with your name instead of the person that was interviewing me.”
Laughing, her eyes brightened and almost seemed to sparkle. “Oh I bet they just enjoyed that. Bunch of gossipers,” she shook her head ruefully before pursing her lips. “I’m surprised they hadn’t asked where I was.”
“Oh they did, but I told them you weren’t into their political bullshit.” At her chuckle, he half-smiled. “But the best was when they asked me about the wedding you’re planning.”
“You mean the wedding we’re planning.” She corrected.
“So I do get a say?” At the raising of her eyebrows, he laughed. “I’m kidding, I know I’m involved.” As involved as any groom could be, he added silently. “But you know if I had any actual say…” He trailed off once he noticed her small frown.
“No, no way.” She protested, shaking her head. “A thousand times no.”
“Why not?” He was going to do it. He was going to give her his best pout.
She hesitated, before blinking at him. Opening her mouth, she averted her eyes as she spoke. “Our families would kill us.”
“Oh c’mon.” He complained. “Shouldn’t our wedding be about us and not them?”
“When have weddings only been only about the two people getting married?” She didn’t wait for him to answer, “please don’t respond with some gloomy and morbidly vague saying about love and marriage.” 
“Damn. You caught me.”
She slightly  scowled at him. “Does it really bother you that much?” She hesitated, “Am I asking for too much?”
He sighed; reassuring her with a quick kiss before pressing his forehead against hers. “Haven’t you realized how crazily in love I am with you at this point?” His thumb caressed her cheek. “It’s pretty much the only reason why you’re in my head 24/7. It’s also the only reason why I’m going along with this, making you happy has always been my top priority.”
“24/7 huh? I love you too,” She couldn’t help but smile. “And making you happy is what makes me happy Drake.” He stared down at her hopefully until she continued speaking, “but this is non-negotiable.”
“Damn. Maybe I should leave again and come back later.” He joked, earning him a punch on his arm. He thought he saw enough chunk missing in her armor, but in the months they’d been apart, he somehow had forgotten how stubborn his fiancee could be.
“Yeah I was definitely happier alone than apart,” her dry tone wasn’t lost on him. Then her expression softened, and the sunny smile he had fallen in love with was dazzling in all its brilliance.  
“Every night I came back home - all I could think about was how empty the space beside me was, I missed you too.” She expelled a breath slowly as his fingers drifted across her throat. He placed his fingertips on the base of her neck and she closed her eyes; savoring the feeling of his touch. “I missed you so much Drake. I didn’t think I could ache from being apart, but hell I did.”
He would never get used to this, never get tired of hearing the adoration she had for him. Some days it was easier, and other days he felt his familiar walls threatening their peace. It was a journey, one he had no intention of leaving if all the destinations always lead to her.
Although sometimes, his brain played tricks on him. Sometimes he was too happy; right now - and he waited for the nightmares to come. Only dreams would ever allow him to be this happy. It wasn’t until he felt her soft lips on his again, breathing him in and making him feel alive that his world snapped into focus again.
They had been through more than their fair share for this to be anything less than real. 
“All I could think about the whole time I was gone was how miserable I was without you.” He murmured against her lips. 
He felt her smile. “More miserable than usual?” 
His mouth twitched. “More miserable than usual,” he agreed thinly, kissing her soundlessly again. She responded immediately this time and her hands fastened around his neck before he scooped her high inside his arms.
A squeal escaped her throat. “Drake?!” She laughed, “Put me down!”
He was already moving towards the direction of their bedroom. It had been too long since he felt her, too long since he had a taste of her. He was usually a patient man, but he itched to have her after months of longingly seeing her through a screen. “Hmmm?”
A shiver of anticipation traveled along her spine. Her grin was taunting him, “What about dinner?”
“We could always order Thai. We both like Thai.” He took two steps at a time.
“And desert?” Her voice had dropped, grew huskier by the second as he lightly kicked their bedroom door open. 
An exasperated sigh fell from his throat, before he glanced down at her with so much heat that her cheeks grew red. “You’re desert Tinsley.”
Ah. “And what about -” The rest of her sentence died as his lips descended upon hers, before they tumbled across their bed. They exchanged heavy kisses, until they grew rough and passionate. Quiet hands became hasty ones, and Robyn leaned back inside her sheets as appreciative moans left her lips.“Welcome home.” She whispered softly, and she felt his grin pressing into her inner thigh before pleasure exploded inside her veins.
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uhh-the-green-thing · 7 years
Reconnections | Becca x MC (Jey)
Heya, this is my first ever (and late, might I add) entry to Choices Creates, with the prompt “Reunited.” Thanks to @captainsugarcakes and @holly-park for hosting!
Rating: T (It’s got a few swears. Like, three.)
Pairing: Becca x MC
Word Count: 1970
Summary: Becca meets a former love. In the middle of the city. Under the rain. Heh.
Hope you enjoy!
Of course it rained just when she decided not to take her umbrella with her. Why was the weather always so stupidly unexpected? That morning it was scorching hot, and now her clothes were so dampened, her coat and a handbag over her head doing little to shield herself from the downpour.
Becca tried to hail what seemed like the fifth cab that night, growling in frustration when she got ignored once again and got sprayed by murky water as the cab drove through a puddle, roaring past her.
Her hands leapt in exasperation. “Oh, for the love of g—“
Becca stopped dead in her tracks. That voice—she would’ve recognized it anywhere. It belonged to the woman who haunted her dreams at night, keeping her awake for the next few months after they broke up. She slowly turned around when she heard lithe footsteps approach her, her heart beating erratically in her chest.
She brought her arms down from over her head, clutching her bag to her side. She was surprised that the rain suddenly stopped when she finally came face to face with her, but realized it was only because there was now an umbrella held over her head. Her ex stood close next to her under the same umbrella and gave her a warm smile.
“Jey,” was all Becca managed to say, breathing out the name wistfully as she met Jey’s eyes. They were just as captivating as she remembered, her gaze just as intense. Her smile was also still so charming, and Becca couldn’t help but smile back as she recalled the memories that accompanied it.
“It’s been so long.” Jey said, the barest hint of nostalgia tingeing her voice.
It had been. Years had passed since they last saw each other or had any form of contact, save a few greetings here and there for holidays or whenever the other had a birthday. Becca wanted to reconnect with Jey before but both of their busy schedules didn’t allow that to happen, and eventually Becca gave up on the both of them with a very heavy heart.
“Yeah, it’s… yeah.” Smooth Becca, real smooth. After years of not seeing each other, that’s all you can say to her, Becca mentally berated herself.
“I’m so glad to see you, I almost don’t mind you being soaked,” Jey teased, a playful smirk forming on her face. Becca would’ve missed the twinkle in Jey’s eyes if she hadn’t been, well… gawking at her. Becca let out a little laugh and lightly whacked Jey’s arm with the back of her hand, prompting Jey’s smirk to grow wider.
“I’m… really glad to see you too, Jey,” Becca finally heard herself say.
Jey’s grin turned into a soft, genuine smile. “Have you been waiting here long?”
Becca snorted. “Ugh. You have no idea. Every cab I hailed kept on passing me by.”
“Ah, well let me help you with that.”
Jey looked up, held her arm upward and waved, flagging down a cab. One promptly pulled over the curb.
“How in the hell…” Becca trailed off, looking at Jey incredulously.
The corners of Jey’s mouth twitched, and she looked like she was holding back a smile. “People must sense my beauty and charm from a mile away,” Jey said and gave Becca a wink.
Becca rolled her eyes, but her smile was wide nonetheless. She also couldn’t help the light blush from spreading over her cheeks at Jey’s wink. She didn’t know why that worked on her every time. “Stop that before I whack you again.”
Jey laughed, her dulcet tones making Becca’s heart flutter. She really missed that laugh. A tide of longing suddenly washed over her, and all those years that they shared together came crawling back to her mind, overwhelming her senses.
The sight of the woman who had so thoroughly spun her world askew sent her equilibrium spinning once again, the subdued embers of emotion flaring so suddenly. The tranquility she thought she had achieved throughout the years faded to a dull hum, and Becca knew she hadn’t put Jey behind her at all, merely muted her to her everyday senses.
She still hadn’t moved on—she never did.
“Here,” Jey stepped towards the cab door, opening it for Becca. She rested a hand on top of it and looked at Becca thoughtfully, her fingers fidgeting. Becca knew that look, it was the one Jey always had when she was deciding whether to say something or not. She moved towards the door but looked back at Jey before stepping in, patiently waiting for whatever it is she had to say.
“So, uhh, are you… heading home?” Jey finally asked.
“Yeah, I…” Becca hesitated. She wanted to stay and spend a little more time with Jey…
Becca regarded her, noticing that some things about her had changed, while others had not. Jey lacked the casual clothes Becca always used to disapprove of, replaced by a long, stylish, black rain jacket that hugged her lovely curves. She exuded an air of maturity and also seemed more balanced and more sure of herself, even if she looked tired. Must be because of work as always, Becca guessed.
But one thing was for sure—Jey looked happier now. Happier than she seemed when they were still together, it looked like.
Unable to help it, Becca felt a yawning sense of loss open up in her stomach, and she fully realized that it had been four whole years. Four years of growing, of moving on with life. Chances were, Becca noted with a growing coldness, that Jey had clearly moved on past everything that they’d shared back then…
“I am,” Becca said, dolefully stepping inside the cab.
“Alright.” Jey replied, crestfallen. Why was she sad? “I’ll… see you around then?”
Becca nodded, downcast. She laid a hand on Jey’s arm, looked straight into her eyes, and gently squeezed her arm, giving her one last longing smile before shutting the door. She told the driver her destination and looked out the window to see Jey giving her a small wave of goodbye as the cab started moving.
She looked back at Jey’s receding form in the distance, immediately regretting her decision to go home and throw her chance away than spend time with Jey. I’m so stupid, Becca thought.
The cab halted at a stoplight, and Becca’s mind began to wander. Her mental image of Jey before she left her was so ingrained on her mind—Jey looked so let down, so disappointed. It was as if Jey wanted her to stay.
Could it be that Jey still felt something for Becca? That look had to count for something, right? Becca suddenly wanted to go back and find out for herself.
Becca chewed the inside of her lip, contemplating whether she should go back for Jey or not. Should she really? Would it be worth it? What if Jey didn’t feel—Aw, fuck it.
“Excuse me,” she turned to speak to the driver. “Could you pull over please? I have to get off, I uhh, forgot something back there. I’m so sorry.”
She received a dirty look from the driver but he did pull over, and Becca gave him a bill and dashed out of the cab and through the rain as soon as the vehicle stopped. She ran as fast as her legs could take her, barely dodging the people she almost bumped into and earning herself a few glares and yelps of surprise from them.
She eventually got to the spot where she saw Jey earlier but she was nowhere to be seen now. She squinted her eyes and scanned the crowd, looking for any signs of where Jey might’ve been.
Just when she was about to give up on her search, she heard a bell jingle in the distance. Craning her head towards the sound, she could just about make out Jey’s frame and see her enter a cafe.
“Jey!” Becca called out and ran towards the cafe. She pushed the doors a tad too forcefully in her haste which made the bells jingle loudly, causing almost everyone in the cafe to stare at her.
“Uhh.” Becca stood in front of the entrance with her eyes wide open, like a deer caught in the headlights, unable to move with all of those eyes on her, a shade of rouge coloring her cheeks.
“Becca!” Jey’s voice brought her out of her stupor, and before long Jey was making her way towards her, a worried and befuddled look forming on her face as she neared the drenched, panting blonde.
“Jey.” Becca managed to say, out of breath.
“Why are--why are you panting?” Jey asked.
“Because I’ve been running.”
“Through the rain?”
“Yes, Jey, through the rain. That explains why my I’m- my clothes, are soaking wet,” Becca corrected herself. That might’ve come out the wrong way, as stupid as it sounded.
Jey pulled her outside and they took shade underneath the cafe’s canopy. The rain poured heavier now, and Becca felt a little relieved that she got to the cafe the moment she did.
A handkerchief was suddenly in front of Becca’s face, and she took it gratefully from Jey, wiping her face with the cloth (which pleasantly smelled of Jey, Becca noted.)
“What’s wrong Becca? I thought you had to go home?” Although Jey was bemused, she did seem happy to be in Becca’s presence again.
“No, I,” Becca paused, catching her breath. “I came back. I… I came back for you,” she panted and ran a hand through her damp hair.
Jey blinked, speechless. She gave Becca a once over, discomfort clearly written on her face at Becca’s disheveled appearance. “Jesus, you really are drenched now. Should I get you a larger towel or something?”
“Listen, Jey. I need to tell you something, and I—“
“You could’ve done it through the phone, you know.”
“Just shut up and listen, because I might not be brave enough to tell you this crap later.”
That effectively silenced Jey, although she stared at Becca with a knowing smile on her face. Why on earth was she smiling now?
Becca took a deep breath, steadying herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, licked her lips, and opened her mouth but then Jey cut her off with the next words she said before Becca even had the chance to start.
“I feel the same way, Bec.”
Becca blinked as the words died in her mouth. Did she hear that right? The words echoed in her mind, and she was suddenly at a loss for what to say.
“I’ve… tried to reach you before,” Jey said and took a step closer to Becca. “I was just so preoccupied with my work, and I figured that you’ve already moved past us, considering the time we spent apart.” Jey paused, looking meaningfully into Becca’s eyes.
“Looks like we were both just waiting on each other.” Jey smiled softly and took another step closer to Becca.
Warmth. It was spreading through Becca’s heart, replacing all the worries and doubts she had, answering all the questions in her head. She stared at Jey for a long time, finding the right words to say.
“Maybe you’d wanna try again? Give us another chance?” Jey was silent for a moment, before she reached out. She took two of Becca’s fingers in her own, her grasp light and warm.
“I mean, you gotta say yes. You wouldn’t run out there and get yourself wet for nothing, right?” Jey jokingly asked, the corners of her lips curling in a tiny smile. Then she laughed, her cheeks flushing as she tilted her head.
Becca chuckled, shaking her head. Her grasp tightened on Jey’s hand, squeezing it just the once. “I’d love to.”
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choicessa · 7 years
A new beginning (Drake x MC)
My entry for #ChoicesCreates Round 30 hosted by @holly-park and @captainsugarcakes
Prompt: “Reunited”
Book: The Royal Romance
Rating: T
Pairing: Drake x MC (Elizabeth)
Note: Takes place after the ending of TRR book 1 and this is an AU, where MC was made to leave Cordonia after the photos release and she had to come back to New York.
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She was seeing him everywhere.
In similar scent of cologne, so well-known after all the times spent in his arms, inhaling him, the scent now surrounding her everywhere, always making her heart clench painfully, bringing back the unwanted memories.
In each glass of whiskey she was pouring for another clients coming to the bar, when she couldn’t stop thinking of all the sleepless nights at his side, whiskey in their hands when they sat in silence, enjoying themselves, enjoying those moments in between, so precious for them.
He was in every pair of brown eyes she noticed on her way to work. How often did she drown in his gaze? How often did his eyes stare at her softly, with such unexpected tenderness? But all the eyes she met on the streets, didn’t even see her. Their cold glances were passing her and she longed for that familiar warmth, she knew so well.
He was in cronuts, their smell reminding her of that evening spent together, when they sneaked out from the castle, probably the first time when she looked at him differently, when she started to think that maybe they have more in common than they thought…  
And whenever fragment of a jeans shirt flashed in front of her eyes, her head immediately turned away. Because even though somewhere  deep down she knew that it was impossible to meet him here, her heart always started to beat faster, suddenly blossoming with hope, just to finally realize with disappointment that this man wasn’t him either.
How could she finally forget, when everything and everyone around was reminding her of him? He was like a silent shadow, following her every step; like a ghost, haunting her, her thoughts, her days; a memory she couldn’t but also didn’t want to get rid of.
It’s been just a few months. A few, lonely months. And yet it felt like centuries for her. When days slowly turned into weeks, weeks into months as the seasons changed; spring came and went away making place for summer, now long forgotten, replaced by autumn. Elizabeth was walking down the street; red, orange and yellow leaves falling down around her from the trees, such an unmistakable sign of autumn. Such a beautiful and sad sight at the same time… Even though she loved autumn, she didn’t have enough time to properly admire the colors around her, not now. She adjusted bag hanging on her arm and put her hands deeper into the pockets of her coat, taking a turn into another street, rushing, knowing that she is late once again. It was her usual way to work. Work that was a curse and a blessing at the same time. Work that was meant to help her forget. Forget about what happened back there.
But even after those months, she still couldn’t forget. Cordonia… Sometimes she was feeling like that was just a dream, a beautiful and crazy dream. She – sleeping in the palace, walking down its halls, dancing at the balls, hanging out with royals, meeting true prince… “Life almost out of a fairytale…” Someone would said. And it was almost like that, until… until the coronation…
When somebody leaked those photos of her and Tariq, when she was set up, accused of things she’d never done; blamed for something that never had happened. When she was forced to leave the court immediately. When the guards put her on the plane, not even letting her say one goodbye. To the last time she was hoping that someone will come for her, save her from this nightmare, from this humiliation. Maybe Liam, wanting to explain this whole situation, ordering the guards to let her go. Or maybe Beaumonts, trying to get her back, protect her like they did for the last few months, being a replacement for a family she never truly had. Or Hana, her best and yet so unexpected friend with whom she spent so many merry evenings, forgetting about all the problems in the world. Or maybe Drake. The only one who knew the whole truth, the one who could help clear her name, who could speak up for her, defend her and… at the same time the man she truly loved.
But not one of them did anything. No one came to her, for her. Yet, she was desperately holding to her hope to the last moment. When she was sitting at her seat and plane started to move, circling the airport, she was still hoping. Hoping for a miracle, for a justice. They were gaining speed, going  faster and faster and the last sparks of hope were helping to hold back her tears when she was looking outside the window. There still was time, they still could change her fate… But when the plane got into the air leaving the ground, leaving Cordonia, that hope died, making her breathless. She couldn’t hold herself anymore. Large tears, full of despair were running down her cheeks, when she was quietly, almost soundlessly crying. Her eyes were watching the beautiful starry sky through the window but her heart was mourning, her soul crying. Crying over the injustice she witnessed, crying over lost friends, crying over lost love.
It was a really long time before she got on her feet. When she got back to New York, to her old apartment, her old life, she was still hoping. Hoping for a phone call, for a text message, for any sign to prove that she wasn’t forgotten. But her mobile was silent, hours after hours, days after days and finally Liz had to admit it. They weren’t coming for her. They didn’t need her. They left her.
She slowly started to rebuild her life, she had to. She had to learn how to smile again, how to laugh, how to keep her back straight even though she felt the heaviness of the whole world on her shoulders. She had to learn how to convince people that she was fine, even though – she definitely wasn’t. She had to keep her hands and days busy, doing everything to fill the time, to stop her thoughts of coming back to Cordonia, to Drake, over and over again. So she threw herself into work, taking all the shifts she could, spending as much time as it was possible at work, so she didn’t have to think about the people and things that were gone… But today was one of those days when her thoughts kept coming back there, her mind restless, despite her great efforts.
And then she heard it. Scream, the sound of her name on somebody’s lips. At first she didn’t react, she didn’t even twitch. After all, she wasn’t the only Elizabeth living in the New York. But then the scream repeated again and again. And then it suddenly hit her.
She knew that voice. She knew it.
That was the same voice whispering her name late at nights, when they were spending stolen moments together, exchanging quiet whispers, sweet words of their unconditional love. The same voice that not so long ago was filling her heart with joy, the voice she wanted to wake up next to, the same voice so well known. But could it be…? Or maybe that was just one of the ghosts of the past, haunting her now, even when she wasn’t asleep. But even though her mind remained rational, her heart rebelled, started to hope again. Maybe it was him, really him? His voice was so deep recorded into her heart, she would never mistake it. She took a deep breath and finally found the strength, the courage to turn around. And that’s when she saw him.
His usual jeans shirt was covered with a leather jacket, his hair seemed longer than she remembered, now ruffled by the wind, when he was walking straight towards her. He opened his mouth to cry after her once more but this time not a single sound escaped his lips. Because he noticed her, he realized she was looking right at him, her far gaze piercing through him, through his soul. It was really her, after all this time, he finally found her. His Elizabeth.
And she was standing there, in the middle of the street, not believing her senses, wanting to pinch herself, to make sure it wasn’t just a beautiful dream. But no, even though he was far away, too far away, she could tell he was real. Elizabeth took one step closer towards him, her hands shaking and her steps unsure, she was almost like a baby learning to walk, not believing her own strength, her own possibilities. Her eyes never left his, the brown and blue meeting in the halfway, almost like earth and water, always together. She didn’t want to turn her sight, afraid that if she does, he would simply disappear and she couldn’t risk losing him again. Seconds seemed to be hours when they were just standing there, not believing in seeing each other again. And then Drake started to run. And she did too. They didn’t want to waste another minute, another second, they had to be next to each other, right here, right now. It’s been far too long…
In the blink of an eye they were together, her arms threw around his neck, when he grabbed her by her waist, raising her slightly, holding her close when he was spinning her around. And in that magical moment nothing mattered anymore. The world faded away around them, the sounds of busy streets went silent and she stopped noticing other people passing them. She only felt his strong arms around her, how his fingers dipped into her skin, when he was holding her almost painfully close, never wanting to let her go, afraid that if he does, he will lose her once again.
Their gazes met for another time and she lost herself in his orbs; his eyes showing her everything he couldn’t say out loud, words failing him. Happiness from their reunion, from seeing her once again. Sadness of all the pain he caused her, waiting too long to find her. Love, tenderness when he couldn’t stop looking at the only girl in the world he truly loved more than anything else.
And then their lips met. She felt his sweet kisses that soon became their whole world, when he was kissing her breathlessly, his warm lips moving against her own, his mouth whispering her name over and over again, savoring its sound on his lips. She felt his smooth hair under her fingers when she sank her hands into his strands, gently stroking them. She felt his heartbeat, against her chest, both of their hearts beating in the same rhythm.
He felt warm and familiar; solid and safe; like a long lost home, found after a long time of longing.
Her hands encircled his waist, when Liz gave in, gave into his embrace, hiding her face in his collarbone, drowning in his strong arms, in the smell of leather and cologne on his neck, so familiar even after all this time.
He never stopped kissing her even when he started to apologize between their kisses. He apologized for everything. For taking so much time to find her, for making her wait so long before they could meet again. He was saying sorry for not trying harder, for not leaving immediately after the tragic coronation. He was asking for forgiveness, promising her he would never leave her side again, making oaths of their future life together, giving her heart new hope, once lost.
She wanted to blame him, tell him how much she tormented for the last few months, make him feel the same pain she did. But after all this time her sorrow faded away and now she forgave him, she knew that it wasn’t all his fault, she wanted to believe him. But she let him apologize, she let him pepper her face with a sweet, gentle kisses, she let him make up for all the time they have lost for the past few months. Because they wasted so much time… So many moments filled with longing, never fulfilled fantasies and dreams and hopes.
But now they didn’t plan to lose any minute more.
Because right here, right now, a new chapter started. But that wasn’t the epilogue of their story, the last ‘and they lived happily ever after’.
No. That was a prologue, just a beginning.
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making-my-choices · 7 years
To Her- Drake x MC
This is my very first Choices Creates entry! I have loved reading so many of the entries from the past few weeks since I’ve been on tumblr and I’m so excited to finally post my own! Thank you to @captainsugarcakes for hosting and to @holly-park.
This scene takes place after the events of TRR Book 2. MC’s name is Riley Johnson. Rating- PG-13
The cool evening air blasted Drake as he exited the airport, eyes scanning the parking lot for the taxi line. He pulled out his phone and sent Riley the message he knew she was waiting for. ‘Made it. See you in 30, Johnson.’ He didn’t even have a chance to return his phone to his pocket before it buzzed with her response. ‘Finally. Hurry here, the whiskey is waiting.’ He couldn’t help but smile as he settled into the back of a taxi, giving the driver her address. The woman he loved was in New York. And now, at long last, so was he.
The past three months had been agony. Though they had both agreed that it made sense for Riley to take a job offer back home while he stayed in Cordonia to help Liam wrap up the investigation, Drake had found it tough to be away from her. Tougher than he liked to admit, even to himself. He still couldn’t believe his luck- this sweet, infuriating, intelligent, challenging woman had chosen him. His heart didn’t stand a chance. He felt as though he had unhooked it from his chest and handed it over to her. For the first time in his life, he knew without doubt that it was in safe hands. He closed his eyes briefly at the memory of her hands, soft and strong and pulling him towards her. He jiggled his left leg impatiently, counting down the blocks as the taxi sped downtown. To her. He arrived at her building and took a deep breath as she buzzed him in. He climbed the three flights of stairs to her apartment, his bag slung over his shoulder. As he rounded the corner to climb the last flight, suddenly a door ahead of him flung open. Riley. Real and warm and smiling at him like a kid on Christmas morning. Drake’s senses were instantly overloaded by the sight of her standing barefoot in the doorway, in gym shorts and a tank. He unconsciously slowed his pace as he reached the top of the stairs and strode to her door. Dropping his bag at his feet, he stood opposite her, still standing in the hallway. Neither of them spoke for a moment, until he broke the silence. “Hi.” “Hi.”
His smile mirrored hers and she grabbed a handful of his shirt, yanking him inside the apartment. He grabbed his bag and slammed the door behind them. He had arrived. To feel her in his arms again was incredible. To not have to deny himself anymore was unimaginable. For so long, every touch between them had been forbidden, every glance stolen. In a brief moment of doubt on the plane ride over, he had wondered if things would be different now that the illicit nature of their relationship had been removed, that perhaps some of the heat would be dulled. How naive he had been; this was superior in every way. For the first time, they had the chance to explore one another, hands and mouths slowly discovering every freckle, every scar- and much to his surprise, even a tattoo.
“How is it possible that I’ve never seen this?” He ran his thumb over the tiny heart outlined on her hip bone. She ran her fingers through his hair and chuckled. “I think it’s fair to say we have both been somewhat distracted.” He grinned and ducked his head to press his lips to the heart. She squealed and tried to push him away. “Drake don’t! It’s embarrassing, I got it when I was 18, it’s dumb!” He moved back up to lie beside her and smirked. “I hate to have to tell you this, but I think it’s my new favourite thing.” She rolled her eyes and wrapped herself around him, her head on his chest. “I’m never going to hear the end of this.” They laid together quietly for a moment before she scooted up to meet his eye. “Do you remember the first conversation we ever had, when we met here in New York?” He snuggled into her neck. “Hmm… let me guess. Did I do something bold and unexpected? Like… ask for a glass of whiskey?” She hit his chest and felt the warmth of his laugh against her neck. “Probably. But I didn’t mean at the bar. I’m talking about our actual first conversation, when we were boarding the plane to Cordonia. When you saw me as something other than your waitress.” He looked at her, puzzled, an amused smile playing at his mouth as she continued. “You told me that if I wasn’t ready for court, the women there would eat me alive.” His jaw clenched at the thought and she felt his arms tighten around her. He voice was barely a whisper as he replied. “They almost did.”
She closed her eyes briefly, before opening them into his as she stroked his jaw, feeling it relax under her touch. “I know. But the point I’m trying to make here is, you said that and then I told you that I wasn’t afraid of them. That I wasn’t afraid of anything.” They both smiled at the memory as she continued. “And that was true… at the time. Now I have something to fear. Something real.” He pulled back slightly and brushed her hair from her face. “Tell me, Johnson. We’ve come this far. Whatever it is, we can handle it. Together.”
“That’s just it. I’m scared of losing you, Drake. Losing this.” She held him tighter to emphasis her point, her voice wavering. “We aren’t swanning about in Cordonia any more. We’re going to have jobs and rent and bills to worry about here. This is real life now. I just… I don’t want anything to change.” He propped himself up on an elbow and smiled at her. “First of all, never in my life have I ‘swanned about’, Johnson.” She giggled and kissed him. “Ok fine, let’s say I swanned and you… skulked. Now tell me the ‘second of all’.” He laughed quietly and shook his head at her. “Second of all, you’re right. This is real life. But things will change. They always do. It doesn’t mean anything is going to happen to us. I’m planning on being right here for as long as you’ll have me.” She sighed contentedly and settled against his chest once more, her arms wrapped loosely around his waist. “You’d better be, Walker. I’m not planning on letting you go anytime soon.”
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lolablackwrites · 7 years
Christmas Reunion (James x MC)
Summary: An unexpected reunion at the mall during the holiday season brings back a rush of memories for James and MC (Beth).
Notes: This is my entry for #ChoicesCreates30 hosted by @captainsugarcakes and @holly-park! I swear, I intended for this to be a fun, sexy, NSFW reunion piece and then my brain went all dark and twisty and angsty. Oh well, I hope you enjoy it! :-D
Fanfic Master List
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James was dreading this trip to the mall. Dreading, dreading, dreading. But he’d waited too long to buy his mother a birthday present and dinner was in a few hours so it was really his own fault. James sat in his car in the parking garage, trying to rouse the strength to go inside. He didn’t like malls at the best of times, but it was a week before Christmas and now the mall would be especially intolerable. All the anxious shoppers racing around trying to find last minute stocking stuffers, cranky from holiday stress while Christmas carols piped unceasingly throughout the mall’s speakers. It was enough to make even Tiny Tim say, “Fuck it, this isn’t worth the aggravation.”
When had he become such a scrooge? When James was younger, he’d rather enjoyed the holiday. The soft glow of the Christmas tree, cookies and eggnog, the cozy feeling of love and togetherness. Now, the whole thing felt like such a hassle. James had contemplated just skipping the holiday altogether, but he knew that wasn’t an option because his presence at his parents’ annual Christmas party was mandatory. Then, with his mother’s birthday only a week before the holiday, there was no escaping the season.
James sighed and climbed out of his car, steeling himself for the mall. When the automatic doors slid open, he cringed.
In the center of the mall was a faux winter wonderland surrounded by rings of parents and bored children, all standing in line waiting to see Santa.
Our kid would’ve been ten by now.
The thought makes James stop cold. It’d been awhile since he thought about the miscarriage, but that memory always surfaced when he least wanted it to. Not that he ever really enjoyed thinking about it. He shook his head, trying to push away the memory. No matter how hard he tried, he could never forget the way Beth looked that day, her mood as gray as a winter sky. James suddenly felt desperate to get away from the Santaland. He glanced around and walked quickly into the closest store.
James looked around and took in the shop, which was filled with overpriced kitchen equipment and gadgets. His mother didn’t cook--he wasn’t entirely sure she knew where the kitchen was--but he resolved to find a present in here if it meant he could get this godforsaken shopping trip over with faster. He marveled at the endless rows of equipment and was surprised to find how few things he actually recognized. He wasn’t completely ignorant in the kitchen, but did people actually need to banana slicers? James looked around, lost, and noticed a row of cookbooks in the back of the store. Maybe he could find one about cooking with wine, his mother might actually try with a bottle from the vineyard. James headed back towards the books, past several aisles, when someone crashed into him, nearly knocking him into a display of teapots.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” the woman exclaimed, catching his arm just before he hit the breakables.
“No, it’s okay, it’s my fault,” James said. “I wasn’t watching where I was--” He looked over at the woman and the last word stuck in his throat. There, standing beside him, was Beth.
“Beth!” he exclaimed. “How . . . how are you?” he asked. It took him a moment to notice her belly, swollen underneath her green sweater.
“James,” she said, her eyes wide. “Um . . . good. I’m good. How are you?” she asked. She tried to smile, but James recognized the tightness of it, the forced curve. Even after all these years, he could still read her expressions like they were his own.
“Good,” he said. They fell into an awkward silence while “Up on the Housetop” started up over the store speakers. “Um, so, I guess some congratulations are in order,” he said, gesturing towards her stomach.
“Oh, thanks,” Beth said. James noticed the glittering ring set on her left hand. When did she get married? “Only a few more weeks to go. I’m due in January.”
“Well, congratulations, that’s really exciting,” James said. His throat felt tight, too many memories tugging at his attention.
“I can’t do this anymore,” Beth said. “Every time I look at you, all I see is what I’ve lost.”
“You’re not the only one who lost something!” James yelled. “This isn’t just about you!”
“So . . . what have you been up to?” Beth asked. James knew she was just being polite, but he answered anyway.
“Teaching. At Hartfield,” James said. “I’m actually in Vasquez’s old office.” James regretted mentioning that detail as soon as the words left his lips. Beth flinched. That was where it had all started, the beginning of the end.
Beth leaned back on the desk, pulling him deeper into her as she arched her back, closing around him as she came, pulling him over his own edge until they were both panting collapsed into each other.
“Oh, shit,” James said.
“What?” Beth asked, sitting upright. “Are you okay?”
“It . . . it broke.”
The flush in her face drained.
“That’s good,” Beth said quickly. “I bet you’re a good teacher.”
“They haven’t fired me yet,” James joked. She didn’t laugh. “Listen, I don’t know if you’re busy, but do you want to grab a cup of coffee or something and catch up? Decaf, of course,” he added, forcing a smile.
“Oh . . .” Beth looked uncomfortable. “Actually, I can’t, I have to go. It was nice to see you though, James.”
“Yeah, you too,” James said, but she’d already turned and was heading for the front of the store. She left and faded into the mall’s holiday crowd, leaving James by the teapots as the carols played on.
James waited for a moment, trying to give her a head start, before he left the kitchen store without a cookbook. He avoided looking at the Santaland line and he headed straight for the exit. James hurried to his car and climbed inside, cranking up the heat. He’d just get his mother some flowers; that was a much safer gift anyway.
James sat in the car for several minutes, reliving the encounter in his head. She’d looked beautiful. Pregnancy suited Beth; it always had.
“Promise to love me even when I’m huge and sending you out for pickles and ice cream at 2am?” Beth asked.
“If anything, I’ll love you more,” James replied with a grin, kissing her forehead.
A man and a woman walked by James’s car, a little girl in a puffy purple snow jacket on the man’s hip. Her hat was yellow with a large puff ball on the top. The man tickled the girl and she laughed, her voice ringing out in the parking lot, audible even over the sound of the fully cranked heater in James’s car. As soon as they’d passed, James buckled his seatbelt and drove out of the parking garage, far away from the mall.
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blazerina · 7 years
Missing (ES cast/Sean x MC)
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(Endless Summer cast – Sean x MC)
Summary: This is a little bit of an AU after the group’s first attempt through the gate. I don’t want to give too much away here, but read on to find out what’s happening with the Endless Summer crew after they’ve been back home for a while. Still processing the emotions from their journey, they come together once again for a very special purpose. This is not a love story – consider yourself warned.
Author’s Note: This story actually made me so sad while writing it.  I know it’s a little different than my normal ES stories.  I’m hoping you can suspend your thoughts about what’s currently happening in ES to go with me to this place.  It’s unusual, for sure, but I hope you enjoy thinking about what might happen if this were reality. This story deals with death and the process of dealing with and healing from traumatic events.
Pairing: Endless Summer main characters all together along with some Sean x MC focus.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3672 (settle in - this one’s long!)
This is my entry for round 30 of Choices Creates with the theme “Reunited.” The ES crew is reunited in this somewhat sad and serious tale.  Thanks to @captainsugarcakes and @holly-park for hosting!
Hope you enjoy!
Michelle put her SUV in park after pulling into the spot, and turned off the engine.  It was cold outside.  She didn’t want to leave the confines of her warm vehicle.  For lots of reasons.  The sky looked like it could burst open any minute with rain, sleet, snow, hail? She wasn’t sure what would happen once the storm actually hit. It was clear one was headed this way.  With a heavy sigh she put sunglasses on, despite the fact they weren’t needed at all on this day.  There would be no sunshine. No rays of light would be breaking through these clouds. Even though she was back on Hartfeld’s campus – a place that held many happy memories (at least before the trip) – this was not a happy occasion.  Even though she’d be reunited with several of her closest, dearest friends – this was not a reason to celebrate.  But it was important.  Today was a day that had to be remembered.
A light tap on the passenger-side window, stirred Michelle from her thoughts.  She immediately smiled recognizing Quinn, even though her head was wrapped in an ornate scarf.  She too was wearing dark glasses, along with a long trench coat, cinched around her frail waist, to keep her warm. Michelle looked down to press the unlock button, and motioned for Quinn to get in the car.
Reaching across the center console to hug her, Quinn was the first to speak.  “Meech! So wonderful to see you.” She hugged her tight and let her arms linger around her friend.
“You too.” Michelle responded, somberly.  “We’ve got to stop waiting until this reunion to see each other.”
Quinn giggled, lightly and nodded.  “Agreed.”
The ladies then sat perfectly still and quiet, staring out the windshield of the car.  The trees were wildly flailing about in the wind. Leaves were swirling in mini-tornadoes as the air began to pick up speed.  
“This weather is brutal.” Quinn commented, absentmindedly breaking the silence between her and Michelle.
“I know.  I do not miss winter quarter at Hartfeld.” Michelle responded, still gazing out the window.
Zahra and Craig walked hand in hand toward the center of campus.  “I hate this.” Zahra muttered, shivering in the cold.
“Me too.” Craig sighed.
The two of them walked in silence as they approached a parking lot with only a few cars. Recognizing one as Michelle’s, Craig squeezed Zahra’s hand. “Ready?”
“Never am.” She answered. “But I’m here anyway, aren’t I?”
Craig nodded as they approached the vehicle, neither of them saying a word.
Raj peeled into the parking lot with bass blaring from his speakers.  Craig and Zahra stopped in their tracks, not quite to Michelle’s car yet, looking over their shoulder to see him.
“Typical Raj…” Craig shook his head, smiling.  “What’s up buddy?” He called out to him.
In two seconds, Raj was already out of the car, truly happy to see his friend.
“Dude! So great to see you guys!” He wrapped his arms around them both.  “How the heck are you?”
“I’ll be better when we’re having a drink and toasting together, instead of going through this hell again.” Zahra snapped, looking at the ground.
Craig gave an apologetic shrug. “We’re fine.”
“Guess we better make our way, huh?” Raj questioned, looking for everyone else.
“We were going to meet up with Michelle and Quinn. They’re in the car over here.” Craig pointed towards their vehicle and Raj followed them.
Estela rested against a tree, watching her La Huerta friends from a distance as they gathered together.  This day was always incredibly difficult for her.  She knew it was emotionally-tough on all of them, and difficult no matter what; but to her it was exceptionally painful.  What happened was indescribable.  After all they’d been through together, the successes they had, the battles they won…it still ended like this.  She lost not one, but two people who were dear to her, all because of Rourke.
It was hard for her to be around the group again. She was so much more comfortable being on her own and observing from a far.  As the wind blew a hair loose from her ponytail, she tucked it behind her ear and returned her hands to her pockets.  She would join them for the ceremony, but not until then. She couldn’t bear to be around them knowing how disappointed they all were.  The emotions of this day and the pain they all felt was too much. It was almost unbearable on her own, and was only made worse being with the group again, while they all forced themselves to mourn together.
“Grace is on her way, just running late.” Michelle sighed, reading a text on her phone.  “Looks like the others are starting to show up.”
Quinn turned around to look out the back window. “Oh my – it’s almost everyone!”
“God. This sucks so much.” Michelle looked down at her hands.  “Why do we do this to ourselves?”
Quinn reached over and grabbed her hand. “Because it’s what she would have wanted.” Her sweet voice was reassuring, and right.
Soon, a small group had gathered outside of Michelle’s car, watching as she and Quinn exited the vehicle. They all quickly exchanged hugs and hellos, seeing each other again for the first time in a while.
“Is this everyone?” Quinn asked, looking around.
“Everyone that’s going to show up here.” Michelle explained, sighing.
Craig piped in, looking at Michelle. “Is he already…?” He trailed off, letting the end of his sentence hang out in the air while everyone knew exactly who he was referring to.
Michelle nodded. “He’s already there.  Always the first to get here…and the last to leave.”
Everyone in the group nodded, swallowing hard and gearing themselves up for what was about to happen.
“Seeing him is always the worst part of this whole thing.” Raj commented, his mood pulled down by everyone’s solemn tone.
“It’s hard seeing such a strong man break down like this year after year.” Quinn agreed, biting her lip, tears already threatening her eyes.
“Yeah – that’s tough too, but I was talking about him…” Raj pointed to Diego who was already sobbing as he approached the group. His black leather jacket almost swallowed him whole in that moment.  He looked so small, sad and scared.
“Aww, D. C’mere.” Raj enveloped him in a hug and held him. “Good to see you, buddy.”
“You…too…” Diego tried to smile between his sobs as his throat caught. “Sorry guys – I just can’t help it.”
“No need to be sorry.” Michelle tried to comfort him. “This is an emotional day for all of us.”
Within seconds, Grace too, came running up to the group, huffing and puffing.  “Sorry I’m late, guys.” She smiled, pushing her glasses up onto her nose. “Am I the last one?”
“Everyone else is here, so yes.” Zahra rolled her eyes, annoyed.
“I take it Aleister’s not coming again?” Craig asked.
“He hasn’t been here once in the last 5 years, why would he come now?” Zahra retorted.
Grace shrunk, feeling vulnerable.  “No…no, I don’t believe he’s coming.” She said quietly.
“Okay guys, let’s get this going.  My heart can’t take much more.” Diego ordered, wiping his eyes.
“This should be everyone.” Quinn counted off, making sure the group was together. “I see Estela on her own, by the tree up there. I’m sure she’ll join us when we get to the site.”
“What about Jake?” Craig asked, looking around.
“He’s with Sean.” Michelle answered, turning towards the open part of campus in front of them. “Let’s go.”
The group slowly started walking together, silently.  The wind continued to howl and the sky grew darker with every passing minute.  Each one of them couldn’t help but think how appropriate the weather was for their feelings that day. It was as if Mother Nature was joining in their sadness.
Just off the main quad of the Hartfeld campus was a clearing of landscaped grounds with perennial gardens and well-manicured bushes. Even in the off months, the greenery, plants and shrubs were beautiful.  Cement paths wound around, coming from each area of campus and led those who followed them to a fountain.
The fountain wasn’t overdone or grandiose in any way; just an ordinary fountain that one would see almost anywhere.  Alhough it was plain, it added to the beauty of the area. The sound of water trickling was calming and comforting. It was meant to be a soothing and healing place for busy college students who needed a moment to reflect, to stop and think, or gather themselves.  Benches were scattered throughout the fountain and garden area. Even a few bench swings were hanging from the larger trees surrounding the vicinity.
Sean was standing near the fountain, gazing into the water. His arms folded across his chest.  As clouds rolled in, he looked up at the sky. Closing his eyes for a moment, he let out a long sigh. He dreaded this day every year.  His stomach was in knots the entire week leading up to this event. He didn’t sleep. He didn’t eat.  His family knew to leave him alone.  It was horrible.  Reliving the La Huerta trip day in and day out was enough – but this day – every year, forced not only him, but the whole group, to recall one of the most painful of all the memories they shared.
He was wearing a dark charcoal, wool field-coat that fell just below his waist.  His collar was turned up around his neck in an attempt to fend off the cold, random, bursts of wind.  He knew the rest of the group would be there soon, but much like any other day, he couldn’t keep his mind from thinking about her.
He started by remembering her smile.  He felt so fortunate to have been the one she was closest to on the island. He knew they had shared intimate, private moments between the two of them that no one else in the world would ever know about. She had made him so happy. Even though it was a short time that they were together, he hoped he had made her happy too.  Many of those conversations they had while hand in hand, walking along the beach, were taken for granted.  Sean never thought that he would  be the one to survive and she wouldn’t.  He never imagined a world where they didn’t make it out. Together.
Now, he would never know what it was like to wake up next to her in their own house.  He would never know what it would be like to take her to a movie in a theater. His mom never got to meet her.  His life had been completely changed by her, yet no one knew who she was other than the people headed to this sacred spot today.
Could she cook? What would she look like if she cut her hair short? Who else would have been touched by her had she gone on to graduate from Hartfeld? How would it feel to come back to campus for homecoming each year, and reminisce about their college days while their kids played on the statue in the quad?  
Hot tears began to make their way to Sean’s eyes while his stomach lurched.  He tried hard to push his feelings down. Deeper. Down. To his knees. Down. To his feet. Down. Beneath him.  
I am not going to do this. He told himself.
He opened his eyes and rubbed them quickly, shaking his head.  He knew he needed to focus and be strong for his friends.  They’d be here any minute and would be relying on him to lead them through this.  He was keenly aware that the group came each year just as much for her as for him.  
Shivering, Sean buried his hands into his pockets as he raised his shoulders up to his ears.  He was tense.  He could feel it forming at the base of his neck.  With a heavy sigh, he sat down on a nearby bench and stared into the water again. He felt numb.  It was cold, and that helped, but he realized it was nearly impossible for him to have any new, or different, emotions regarding her.  There was nothing left to feel anymore. He had already felt them all.
“Hey Cap.” A rough, husky, Southern-tinged voice suddenly interrupted Sean’s lamenting thoughts.
“Top Gun.” Sean smiled, standing up and extending a hand towards Jake.  “Thanks for being here.” He said, pulling Jake in for a hug.
“You know I wouldn’t miss this.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair.  
“I hate it, though. I’m doing this for her.” There was a long pause before he added, “…and for you.”
“I know.” Sean nodded, staring down at his feet, kicking a stray pebble off the sidewalk.  “I know you loved her too.”
“I did.” Jake agreed. “We all did.”  His voice trailed off as he exhaled loudly.
“I think about her every day, Jake.” Sean said matter-of-factly. “Every. Damn. Day.  I wake up, and she’s there.  I eat breakfast, and she’s there.  Every little thing or big thing I do in my life now and she’s there.  Not in the flesh, but in my mind.” He pointed to his head as he locked eyes with Jake.
“I never thought that 5 years ago when I felt her hand slip out of mine, that I’d still be here without her.  I had hope that somehow, someway we’d find her. She’d come back to me. Rourke would resurface. Something.  But here we are.  Still. Nothing has changed.  I’m more sick. More depressed.  Missing her more today than I did the second she left my side!”
Sean’s eyes grew wide. He was surprising even himself with the amount of emotion he was showing and feeling in front of someone else.  
“I always wanted her.  From the moment I met her, I knew.” He whispered.
“Cap…” Jake was desperate for him to stop. He was unprepared to deal with this tidal wave of emotion that was swelling up right in front of him.
“You know what I wanted to do? I had this silly little day-dream that one day we could go shopping together. I would tell her she could have any dress she wanted in the whole place and I’d watch her come out of the dressing room and try on 7, 8, 9 – maybe even 10 – dresses. Then she’d find the one and I’d buy it for her.  We’d go see a show in a real theater, have dinner at a fancy restaurant and I’d tell her again and again how much I love her.  And I’d wake up. And she’d be there.  And she’d tell me she loved me. And I could get through anything. Anything. As long as she was with me…”
Breaking completely down at this point, Sean’s knees buckled and he caught himself as he fell slowly to the grass.  He wasn’t sobbing, but silently weeping. The tears pouring out of his eyes now as there was no way to hold them back any longer.
“Awww, dammit, Cap, c’mere…” Jake tried to help him up, slapping him on the back.  
“She’s the reason we made it through.” Sean whispered.  “It’s not fair that she didn’t, Jake.  It’s not fair.”
Anger raged inside of Sean. All this time he told himself he should be over it; that he should have moved on and forgotten the anguish and torment inside of him because he lost Taylor.  
She didn’t make it through the gate with them that day they returned to Hartfeld. Sean had been holding her hand, her fingers intertwined with his and as he felt her slipping away, he could hear her voice calling out his name.  He knew she wanted desperately to come with him, to be with all of them, to make it back home…but for some reason she didn’t.  Everyone else came through just fine, but Taylor – she…well…no one knew what happened to her. And that was almost worse than death itself.
By this time, the group made their way to the fountain.  With Jake standing near him, to help him stay steady just in case, Sean turned around.  Seeing them together once again did so much good for him and his state.  He knew he didn’t have to go through this traumatic ordeal on his own.  Every year since they made it back, the group gathered at this fountain, in honor of Taylor.  It was incredibly emotional, as they all remembered not just Taylor, but their experience together and the ways they cheated death.
They all mostly agreed that while they hated the overall sentiment of the day, it was helpful in their quest to heal and move on from their distressing experience.  The fountain and the green space around it, had been added to the campus in honor of Taylor and her sacrifice for her friends. Donations had poured in after the group returned from the trip and everyone found out what happened.  Professors, alumni, current students and friends of Hartfeld, contributed to make this part of campus a sanctuary for students and guests.
When the time came, everyone gathered around the fountain, sharing thoughts, memories, words of encouragement, or how they were feeling about everything since they made it home. Many cried, like Diego (he could barely speak – every year his emotions got the best of him), Craig (he was always overwhelmed thinking about how close they were to actually dying), Quinn (she was touched greatly by the whole experience and with her disease, she was grateful for each and every day she had on this earth) and Raj (he always had fun stories to share about times with Taylor – something funny she said or a prank they pulled on someone together – people would laugh and then cry at such sweet memories).  
Some were stoic and showed no emotion at all, like Zahra (she hardly spoke, but said she needed someone like Taylor in her life), Michelle (who worked harder to keep herself together than people realized), Jake (he didn’t tell anyone how he really felt about Taylor and acted as though he was only here to help take care of all these “college kids”) and Estela (she never spoke other than pleasantries and greetings upon arriving or leaving the group).  
Grace teared up but never fully broke down. Sean never spoke at the ceremony, but was always emotional.  One could see it all over his face and especially in his eyes.  He was the one who gathered everyone each year on the anniversary of the day they returned.  He made everyone stand in a circle and hold hands.  He was the unite-r. The one who made sure Taylor left some kind of legacy and impact on this world.  After each member of the group shared, they usually had a moment or two of silence and then went to one of their favorite bars for a toast, dinner and drinks.
It was their own private cleansing. A chance to let out all their thoughts and feelings. Their hatred for Rourke. Their thankfulness for making it through such a harrowing ordeal. But most of all, it was a chance to remember Taylor. The impact she had on them, the lessons she taught them, the ways they wanted to be more like her. Every one of them challenged the other not to take life for granted, in honor of her and the life she didn’t get to live.
As the group was wrapping up, it felt as though this year was more emotional than the others had been.  Almost everyone cried this time. People were sniffling and sharing tissues. The wind was whipping through the gardens and the temperature was dropping rapidly.
“Is it going to snow?” Grace asked, looking up at the clouds as a few droplets of moisture fell on her lenses.
“Let’s get going so we’re not caught outside in this storm.” Quinn suggested as she pulled her coat tighter around her.
“I want to be inside with a warm drink, pronto.” Zahra agreed.  
The group began to chatter quietly as they walked off, headed toward the parking lot.
“You’re coming to Mac’s, right, dude?” Craig called over his shoulder, looking back at Sean.
“Yeah.  Of course. Be there in a sec.”  Sean answered, not making eye contact with Craig, but watching the fountain and the water splashing over the edge into the larger pool.
“He’ll be okay. He needs his time.” Jake instructed, following the group.
Silently and slowly, a few more tears began to fall from Sean’s eyes. His vision blurred and he closed his eyes, quickly opening them again and wiping them briefly.  
As the tears fell, so did light snow.  The kind that you can’t even really see falling unless you’re intently looking for it.  
Sean had brought some yellow flowers with him and had laid them on the edge of the fountain.  He put his hand on them, watching the small pieces of snow start to collect on the edge of the petals.
“I just don’t know if I’m ever going to get over this…” He whispered, taking one last look up into the sky.  After pausing a moment, he shifted his gaze back to his hand, resting on top of the flowers.
“I’m always going to be missing you.” 
Turning slowly and lowering his head, Sean braced himself to walk towards the parking lot against the wind.  It was only fitting that the storm would roll in now. A reminder that another year of walking through the storms of life had come and gone. As the wind roared in the opposite direction Sean was walking, he had to work harder to walk against it.  The snow fell in larger flakes now, as Sean gritted his teeth and made a promise to himself. He would keep going, no matter what. It’s what Taylor would have wanted him to do.
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rebelbooks102 · 7 years
Finding Happiness (EmmaxMC)
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Plot: Emily (MC) is going to see Emma again after years of not seeing her after graduation. They see each other again at their high school reunion and Emily's feelings start to return for Emma, but does she feel the same?
Rating: T there is just kissing. That's all.
Authors note: This is my first time participating in choices creates.I worked on this for a while and warning it is quite long. It is around 4,000 words. I heard reunion and thought of a high school reunion and thought of what ifs. What if you didn't choose to go with Emma to homecoming or maybe it was too late because she asked Luis and the MC (who is female) thinks that Emma only likes boy so she never told Emma how she felt until now. I hope you guys like it!
@holly-park @captainsugarcakes
Emily's POV
I was seeing her tonight. I hadn't seen her in so long. It felt like forever. It had only been a couple years. Five to be exact.  It's been five years since we'd graduated. It was so long ago. I had no idea what I was going to feel. Emma had been pretty busy after high school when she wrote a bestselling novel. We still texted quite a lot still but ever since she had moved away, we hadn't seen each other.
I had texted her to see if she was coming and she said she was. When I heard she was, I got butterflies in my stomach thinking about it. I was going to see my high school crush again.
I knew Emma only liked boys. She was dating Luis. They went to homecoming together back in 10th grade. I wished I'd asked her before but I couldn't ask her when she was already so happy with Luis. Instead I went with Michael. We had dated for a while but he knew that I was head over heels for Emma. He knew that I would never look at him the way I looked at Emma.
I looked in the mirror as I put my earrings in. I still remembered when I convinced Emma to get her ears pierced with me.
"I'm not doing this," Emma said looking up at the Claire's sign.
"You already told me before you would," I said looking at her. "It's okay if you don't want to do it though. I'm not forcing you to. I'm just getting my ears pierced. I never said you had to."
"No, I already told myself and you I'm doing this."
"Okay," I said as we walk into the store.
There is a young girl, maybe ten years old, sitting in the chair getting her ears pierced.
"See, if a ten year old girl can do it, you can do it Emma," I said softly.
"I'm not to sure about this. This isn't like going on a roller coaster. That only last's one minute," she said.
"So does this."
"It's not the same. I'm poking a hole in my body."
"No you're not. She is," I said pointing to the girl piercing the young girls ears.
"Not funny," Emma said making a face.
"If it makes you feel better, I'll go first," I volunteered.
"Yes, that does make me feel better," she said.
I sat in the chair once the little girl was done and my name was called.
"You nervous?" Emma asked.
I shook my head. "I should be okay," I said.
Soon the girl comes over and she pierces my ears. It hurt a bit but I stayed strong for Emma. It's not too long before they're done.
"See, it's okay," I said.
"Mmmm...sure," she said nervously looking at the chair. I get up and she sits there. She starts to shake. I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers.
"It's going to be okay," I said looking into her eyes smiling.
She smiled back. I loved it when she smiled at me. Her smile was one of my favourite things about her. Man, I liked this girl a lot.
She nods slowly looking at me.
The girl who was piercing Emma's ears walked over. "Are you ready?"
Emma nodded slowly. "Yep. Just do it quickly," she said. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
The girl starts to pierce Emma's ears. Emma squeezes my hand tightly.
"You're almost done," I said as Emma squeezes my hand even tighter.
"And done!" the girl says.
Emma gets her studs and the girl helps her put them in.
"So what do you think?" I asked.
"I love them," She said admiring her ears in the mirror.
"They look really good on you," I said. "Really pretty."
She blushes. "Thanks for being there for me when doing this," She smiles.
"Of course. What are friends for?"
I finish  getting ready. I was wearing a short purple dress and my blonde hair was curled. I put on my heels and gave myself one last look in the mirror. I smiled at myself and walk into the living room. I saw my dad sitting down on the couch watching football.
"How do I look?" I ask him.
He pauses the game and he looks over at me. "You look gorgeous pumpkin," he says smiling. "You trying to impress that Emma girl?"
"Dad!" I say.
"Well she is going to be there, isn't she? Isn't this the first time you've seen each other in like five years?"
I nod. "Yeah. It has been a while."
"And I remember you did have quite a big crush on her in high school."
"Well I did but I don't think she ever saw me that way, plus she has a boyfriend," I say looking down.
"Well it will be nice to see her again. Now go have fun, but not too much fun," he says.
"I will," I smile and walk outside. I open the car door and start to drive to my old high school. During the drive I think about when I accidentally set Emma and Luis up together also known as one of the worst days of my life.
I walked into the computer lab at school that night after being invited to play Lookout.
"Emily, Come over here! We need to talk strategy."Myra said and I walk over to her.
Luis looks over at us. "Guys, you sure you don't need my help?"
"We got this. You just keep trying to fix the wifi," Nishan said.
I started to feel a pit in my stomach. I started to think that they didn't invite me here just to play Lookout. I had a weird feeling they wanted to set Luis and Emma up. It was obvious at lunch when they made Emma and Luis sit together and out me somewhere else at the table.
"Well okay..." Luis says.
"Okay Emily," I heard Sakura start speaking quietly. "Nishan messed up the wifi on purpose so Luis will be busy for a while."
I looked at them confused. "You messed up the schools wifi?"
"Only for about an hour. Besides, everyone has gone home by now," Nishan says.
"I trust you know the real reason we invited you and Emma here."
I looked at them understanding. I knew they wanted to set up Luis and Emma but I didn't want Luis and Emma to be together. Why did I agree to come to this? "Obviously it's because Luis has a major crush on Emma...." I said sadly. Clearly they couldn't tell that I liked her. I hated this.
"Exactly! and we've got a plan to get him to confess!" Nishan said.
"I'm listening...." I said. I decided I would hide my feelings for Emma. Well...for now...
"Myra invited Emma here 30 minutes after everyone else. When she gets here the only seat left will be next to Luis."
I gag in my mouth, thinking about Luis and Emma sitting together. Why did I agree to this in the first place? I was already hating this night so much.
"Am I genius or what?" Myra said grinning proudly.
"Then when the game starts, we're going to tell Luis and Emma to set up a trap while the rest of us fight on the beach," Nishan said.
Maybe this stupid plan wouldn't work. I mean there was a chance this wouldn't work at all. Maybe Emma didn't see Luis that way. I mean I was her best friend and she seemed to have only liked Caleb. Well from what I've heard anyways.
"What we're really going to do is get ourselves killed," Myra said.
"For the record, this was not my idea," Sakura said.
"Which reminds me, Emily, we have one extra thing we need you to do," Nishan says and I look at him.
"Me? but I barely know how to play!"
"That's the point. See, Sakura is really good at this game," Myra said.
"Excuse you, I'm not just "really good"!  I'm one of the worldwide top ranked players!"
"And I couldn't be more proud, Princess Peach," Nishan said smiling at Sakura.
I tune out of the argument for a while and stare around the room just thinking about Emma. Was I really willing to lose her? I didn't want that.
"Okay um so Sakura is really good at the game, go on?"
"Problem is if Sakura lets herself get killed, it's going to be really obvious to Luis that something is going on," Myra said.
"So once my cousin and I go down, take your gun and shoot Sakura, then let the enemies kill you," Nishan says.
"I can't believe I let you talk me into this...but I guess it's for a good cause," Sakura said. I rolled my eyes. This was a horrible cause! I was being tortured here.  "Anyways after that it will be up to Luis to save Emma."
I frowned. I wanted to be the one to save Emma but at the same time, I'd probably do a crappy job at it since I still don't completely understand how to play this game.
"Okay but what if Luis can't save her alone?" I asked.
"Luis is one of the higher tier ten percent  players in the country. Trust me, Emma is in safe hands," Nishan said.
"Hey guys!" I turn my head and see Emma. Early! Yesssss! Maybe this plan wouldn't work after all. "I hope it's okay that I'm here early."
Myra, Sakura, and Nishan all look over startled.
"Oh yea. It's um fine," Sakura said. I felt a bit happy that Emma showed up early. Maybe it was fate somehow. Fate that Luis and Emma weren't supposed to be together.
"We were just about to get started actually," I said with a grin on my face.
Luis walks back in. "I don't know about that. The wifi still isn't working."
"Let me take a look," Nishan said. Soon he fixes up the wifi . We all sit down and wait for the game to load.
"Attention team tigers, team heartfelt is online," Nishan said.
"Team tigers? Team heartfelt?" Emma asked looking confused but still adorable at the same time.  Honestly, when was Emma not adorable though?
"Team tigers is us of course and Team heartfelt is one of our fiercest rivals!" Luis explained.
Was it bad that I really hated Luis?
"Don't be fooled by their soft-sounding name. These guys are deadly!" Myra growls.
"Luis,  how about you and Emma set up a trap off to the side? The rest of us will work to take these guys out," Sakura said.
"Rodger that."
I felt jealousy in the pit of my stomach. This was torture. So much torture!
"Emma, stick with Luis and do whatever he says," Nishan said.
"Got it!" Emma smiles and I feel more pain in my stomach.
"3...2....1....Game on!"
Luis's and Emma's characters run to the boardwalk while everyone else stays on the beach.....including me!
Soon they set up the trap and Nishan and Myra are killed.
"Stay with me Emily," Sakura said.
I do what I was supposed to and I shoot Sakura 'accidentally.'
"Emily, you idiot! you were supposed to shoot them! Not me!" Sakura growls angrily.
"But I thought-"
I notice Sakura wink at me when Emma and Luis aren't looking.
"I'm sorry Sakura. I guess I'm still learning these controls."
"Well you need to learn fast-"
"Emily, watch out!" Emma said.
Someone shoots my character from behind. "Crap," I think.
"Luis, Emma, It's up to you now!" Myra says.
I sighed and leaned back in my char sadly. "I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life," I kept thinking over and over again. Why couldn't I just tell Emma how I felt? I guess I was too shy and worried she didn't feel the same way I guess....
"Emma stay behind me. I'll keep you-"
Luis is caught off by Emma. "Hang on, I got this!" Emma had her game face on ready to fight.
is it just me or did Emma get a million times more amazing than she already is?
I had no idea what was happening on the computer so I just waited.
"There, go ahead and shoot them!" Emma said.
"Wait what?" Luis asked confused. I think that's what the whole room thought well besides me.
Emma really didn't need a man. Specifically Luis. I mean in my opinion anyways.
"Hurry! They won't stay frozen for long."
They continue fighting for a while and I watch.
"You sure you haven't played this before?" Luis asked still looking shocked.
"Well......I have watched a bunch of streams."
"How many?" Nishan asked.
"Not sure. Like I said, I really wanted to play but I could never get a copy."
"Wow, Emma I had no idea," Luis said still completely shocked.
"Let's win this thing!" Emma grins.
They continue to fight together until we win.
"We won!" Emma said smiling happily. Man, I loved her smile.
"Yeah....Hang on. I'll be back in a minute," Luis said.
Luis quickly hurried out of the room.
"That was a great game. Are we going to play again?" Emma asked.
"I....don't know," Myra said.
"Did I do something wrong?" Emma asked.
"Emma, how do I put this?" Sakura said.
"You're way better than we expected you to be and that's great, but...." Nishan trails off.
"Don't take this the wrong way but I think you might've embarrassed Luis," I said.
"Oh shoot. Of course I messed it up. I'm really sorry everyone. I just got really excited because I was having fun," Emma said looking sad. I just wanted to give her a big hug and tell her that this wasn't her fault at all. I mean it wasn't a fault or something you really needed to apologize for.
"It's okay Emma. Lookout has that effect on people," Nishan said.
"And don't get me wrong, we really are impressed," Sakura said.
"No, I get it. I should go."
I frowned sadly. I hated this but not for the same reasons as before. I hated this because now Emma was sad and I hated just the thought of her being sad but having to witness made the pit in my stomach grow.
Soon Luis appears in the doorway.
"Hey guys, Why the long faces?"
"Luis, I'm-" Emma starts.
"Wait, first I want you to have this."
He hands her a copy of lookout.
"Is this....?"
"You said you wanted your own copy."
"Luis, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take over like that."
"Luis, just hear her out," I said.
"I had a lot of fun tonight but I don't want you to stop playing just because of me."
"Stop playing? I'm not gonna do that. This is a spare copy."
"So you're not mad I didn't let you save me?"
"Why would I be? We made a great team."
Emma jumps up and wraps Luis in an embrace. I held my stomach and stared at the floor and just decided to pretend I was fine when all my feelings were spilling out onto the floor.
After a moment she pulls away and looks at the rest of the team.
"So does that mean we can play again?"
"Heck yeah! In fact..." Sakura trails off.
"We'd love to have you as an official member of team tiger," Nishan said.
Emma's face lights up and she squeals in delight.
"Thank you everyone! Thank you!"
I frowned. I felt so left out and like I was losing the girl I cared about so much.
"No, Thank you. Now come on team," Luis said.
I sneak out of the room when nobody is looking and head home. No one really seems to notice.
Once I got home I walked inside. My Dad was sitting on the couch watching sports like usual.  
"Hey Pumpkin, how was it?" he asked.
I sit on the couch sadly. "Horrible," I frown.
"What happened?" he asked wrapping an arm around me.
"Well you know that girl I like, Emma?"
He nodded.
"Well this whole thing turned into "Lets set up Luis and Emma!"
"And are they together now?"
I shake my head. "Not yet but it's probably going to happen. I mean her and Luis have way more in common then the two of us have. She would never want to be with me. Plus I think she only likes boys..."
My dad kisses my head softly. "It's going to be okay," He said as I start to cry.
Over the next couple weeks all Emma seems able to talk about is Luis and one thing is made clear to me. I'm always going to be the best friend....
I get out of my dad's car and look up at my old school. I felt a bit nervous now that I was here.
I was going to see Emma. I see other people walking into the school and I follow behind them still feeling super nervous about this whole thing. I walk inside the school and into the gym. I saw people chatting and others dancing. There were faces I didn't recognize but some I did. I saw Caleb and Michael talking. I walk over to them.
"Hey guys," I say smiling.
"Emily,"  Caleb smiles and gives me a hug. I hug him back. The hug is brief and soon we both pull away. "How have you been?"
"I've been... Okay," I say. "I went to Hartfeld for a bit but um....I dropped out..." I say awkwardly.
"Oh..." Caleb says.
I nod slowly.
"Have you seen Emma lately?" Caleb asks.
"Well after she moved away, I never really saw her. We still text though and I see anything she posts on facespace," I say.
Caleb nods. "Do you still have feelings for her?"
I shrug. "I've been trying to get over her but hearing I was going to see her tonight....I don't know.  I'm pretty sure she is still dating Luis anyways......" I trail off.
"Well it looks like she just walked in," Michael says.
I glance over at the gym door and see Emma walk in. She was wearing a white lace dress and her hair was cut just below her shoulders. She had her bangs pinned back. She was beautiful but then again when did she not look beautiful? She was always beautiful.
I waved to her and she smiled. She walked over to the group.
"Hey guys!" She smiles. I wrap my arms around her and give her a big hug.
"Hey Emily!" She smiles.
"Hi!' I smile and pull away. "I love what you've done with you're hair. It looks good on you!" I say touching it.
"Thanks. I love your dress. It's so pretty!" she smiles. I blush.
"Thanks," I smile. "How have you been?"
"Pretty good. I just released a new book in the series I've been writing. I also signed a movie deal for the series," She grins. She's was so successful. I was no where near as successful as her. Sometimes I wondered why she wanted to be my friend.
"That's amazing. Congratulations!" I smile and give her another hug.
"A lot of hugs today," Emma says.
"Sorry, it's just....I've missed you."
"Well I've missed you too. Are you still at Hartfeld?"
I nod suddenly feeling a bit insecure because Emma's done so much and I'm just a college drop out. I didn't want her to know I'm a dropout. I was embarrassed.
Caleb looks at me and I shoot him a look telling him not to say anything. He stays quiet.
"That's awesome. You doing well there?" she asks.
I nod. "Yep, great!" I fake a smile hiding the fact I'd dropped out.
Soon a upbeat song comes on. "You want to dance Emma?" I ask her.
She smiles. "I'd love to!"
We walk out on to the dance floor and dance together smiling and laughing.
"So anyone special in your life right now?" Emma asks.
I shake my head. "Nope. Nobody."
"Oh well that sucks. You'll find someone someday. I know it. Who wouldn't want to date you?"
"You," I think to myself. "Well I hope I find someone special. I haven;t really had a love life besides Michael in high school. How are things with you and Luis?"
"Oh um.... we broke up... a while ago..." she says.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask and stop dancing.
She shrugs. "I don't know. It was just really hard. I didn't really tell anyone for a while." She crosses her arms and looks down at the floor. "I thought we were going to be together forever but I guess that doesn't always happen..." She says. "Some people aren't that lucky."
"I would've come to visit you and helped you threw your breakup. That must've been hard," I say and give her a hug. She hugs back and I hold her close in my arms. A slow song came on and we just stood there for a while. I kissed her forehead lightly but she didn't question it or get mad. We stand there swaying together as I hold her closely in my arms.
After the song ends I pull away. "You want to take a walk outside?" I ask.
She nods. I walk with her outside. We walk to the football field and walk up the bleachers. We sit down in a comfortable silence. We look up at the stars. I see a shooting star and think maybe it's for me. "I wish that one day, I'll be happy. With Emma or without if that's not how it's meant to be. I just don't want to be alone anymore."
She rests her head on my shoulder. Why did she do this to me?
"Don't...." I say suddenly.
"Don't do that to me Emma if you don't mean it. Can't you see how madly in love with you I am Emma?" I yell unexpectedly. Oh my gosh, what did I just say? WHAT DID I JUST SAY?
Emma just stares at me quietly not saying anything.
I look down at the ground. "Sorry," I mumble completely embarrassed. "I mean it's not like you ever love a college dropout," I burry my face in my hands. Soon I feel arms wrap around me and I look over at Emma. I look over at her confused. "What are-"
"I love you too," she says.
"What?" My eyes widen surprised and shocked at the same time. I couldn't quite process what she was trying to say.
"I'm in love with you too," She says smiling. "I mean I just never said anything because I didn't think you saw me that way but now that I know you do well....I love you too!"
I grin. I felt so happy I thought I was going to cry.
I lean in close and press my lips to hers in a soft, slow kiss. I smile against her lips happily. This is what I've wanted for so long. I'm kissing the girl I love. The girl I've been in love with since high school. I cup her face in my hands and pull her closer to me.
I felt her smile against my lips.  She wrapped her arms around my neck. I placed one of my hands on her back and pulled her closer to me. I loved holding her in my arms and feeling her lips against mine. I just felt so happy in this moment and I never wanted it to end.
I pulled away and rested her forehead against mine happily. "I'm going to come and visit you every weekend, okay?" I say.
"Okay, as long as it's not the same weekends I come and visit you," she says and soon we were kissing again. Never in my life before had I felt this happy. Finally I was no longer alone. I was with the girl I loved and the best part is she feels the same too. I couldn't be happier right now. Emma was my happiness.
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allnightthot · 7 years
So, here is my #ChoiceCreates submission
Sunset of Our Lives: #ChoiceCreates30
Chris x MC
“Alright everyone, step off the bus..make sure to grab that hand rail!” The tour guide happily yelled over the crowd of senior citizens coming off of the bus, continuing, “And welcome to the 60th class reunion of Hartfeld University!” Izzie  tapped her walker against the concrete, eyes squinting into the sun. It was so long ago since she had last been here. She had married Zig, had babies..and then her babies had babies. They had lived a long and peaceful life together. It was a story of happiness that one could only dream of. Izzie pulled a worn photo out of her purse: it was a picture of Zig in his football jersey that she had taken for a newspaper assignment, but loved it so much that she had it framed and set next to her bed. In the photo was everything she loved about him: the fiery passion in his eyes, his strength and happiness at finally being exactly where he needed to be. Her wrinkled thumb ran over the photos surface, and her other hand flicked a tear away. Softly, she said to herself and the picture, as if Zig was close by, “I know they wish you could have been here too. I know I do. This place just isn’t the same without you around.”
The tour group started to move forward, with the friendly tour guide talking, but Lizzie only vaguely listening. She heard about the new student union building, but the tour guide talked a bit too fast for her liking and Lizzie was just a bit too far in the back. It didn’t matter though, since there was only one place she really wanted to see: where it all began, with five other friends, on a rooftop. If the tour wouldn’t take her there, then she would need to find a map and get there herself. She had an idea and raised her hand, “Miss!” The tour guide peered over the masses towards her. “Yes, Mrs. Ortega, what can we do for you?” “Sorry to interrupt, but, uh, is there a restroom nearby? I need to take my medicine.” “Of course, is there anyone else who could use a bathroom break?” A sea of elderly folk nodded enthusiastically. “Wonderful! Let’s stop up here!” The tour guide replied. Izzie had hoped there was some sort of kiosk or directory nearby, and slowly made her way towards the locus of the huddled mass. It was then that her breathing stopped for a second, not because of ailment, but because she saw him.
She remembered those kind blue eyes, and saw just a splash of blonde in his graying hair. Izzie would have known her first love, Chris, anywhere. He sat on a bench outside of the restroom with a younger woman, which would have aroused jealousies, except she was showing off a doll. Clearly a granddaughter of sorts. And yet, in that moment, time seemed to fade away and Izzie felt young again and saw that same athletic build in front of her. “What will the guys think when they find out I got tackled by a pretty girl?” he said at their first meeting...saying I love you for the first time on the boat….and his tears the night she knew they could no longer be together. The memories washed over her as she took each step closer to him, her heart beating with anxiety knowing that they were finally meeting again, sixty years later. Chris noticed his granddaughter staring up and taking notice of someone, so he looked up towards the general direction and met Izzie’s eyes.
Chris smiled and remarked, “Boy, am I glad I came today! I didn’t know that such beautiful ladies would be here!” Izzie noticed the granddaughter roll her eyes, but she had to chuckle. Chris was still as flirty as ever. A tinge of tears started to well up around the edges of her eyes, but with a smile in front of him she greeted him, “hello, Chris.” A look of confusion was plastered on him, which gave way towards fear...until a look of recognition illuminated his face. “Grandpa? Who is she?” the young girl asked suspiciously. Izzie was about to introduce herself, when she noticed a mixture of emotions that took her off guard: regret and love. “That, my girl, was the one that got away”, he remarked. Izzie rushed to fill in the space before awkwardness could kick in: “I’m Izzie. Your grandfather and I dated.” They waved and made introductions as a slightly older woman, his daughter came out of the bathroom and exclaimed “You know Dad, this is a really nice school. I can’t believe-oh!” She noticed they were in the middle of something. “Hey Delilah, this is Izzie, my college girlfriend. She is hear for the weekend too.” “Hi.” “Hi, nice to meet you.” The introductions went around again.
“Well, it is lovely to see you brought your family with, Chris.” “Yeah, figured it was time to come back here and show the girls that Pop wasn’t always this old!” he beamed, “Is Zig with you, too? Where is he?” Chris tried to find him in the crowd. Izzie smiled sadly, “No, he is gone. He passed last summer. It was Chris’s turn to look downcast. “Oh, I’m sorry...I didn’t mean..” “Don’t be sorry, Chris. He would have loved to have been here and say thank you for all you did to help get into college. It meant everything to him.” They both shared an appreciative smile. The world around them began to disappear and his family started to feel left out, his daughter clearing her throat to get his attention. “Uh, Dad? I think the group is leaving now. Are you ready?” “Oh!” He was shocked back towards reality, but got his bearings..she was back in his life, and he did not want to separate so fast. “Let’s not join them just yet. We can catch up later on. Here, how about you gals go get an ice cream? I’ll be fine with the walker and there are people close by. I’m just going to catch up with Izzie here.” “Dad--” Delilah protested. “Look, I have a phone if you need me, okay?” Chris persisted. Delilah sighed, “Fine, a half hour.”
Izzie and Chris saw the two walk away, and he offered Izzie his arm, “Care for a walk? I know of a great place down the street.” His eyes twinkled with mischievousness. He wanted to take her to the old place. “Of course, you read my mind.” The two old friends slowly walked up towards the ramp and went up the newly renovated elevator to the old rooftop. Once they reached it, they took a few labored breaths and sat on a bench. The rooftop was now a community garden, but still just as lovely and nostalgic. “Sure not as in great shape as I was back then.” Izzie chuckled. They got comfortable, looking off towards the distance as a heavy reality weighed on them. There was an elephant in the room after all these years, there always was after their last night, but they never acknowledged it. They just went on as friends pretending nothing ever happened. But now, the beast was fed and coming up to the surface. Eyes darted back and forth, as each party avoided shooting the gun, until at last Chris folded: “Oh hell!!” Izzie sighed with relief.
“You know Izzie, my brain is starting to go. I forget keys...forget pills to take.” Chris waved off with some annoyance, but Lizzie took notice when she heard his voice crack a bit, “But I never forgot you.”
“Not a single day. I always replay what could have been. If I had just not been so busy. If I had taken you seriously.” It was Izzies turn to swallow back some tears and place a hand on his arm, “Chris, you don’t have to--”
“Damn it, Izzie! I need to say this!” His forwardness shocked her.
“I let a lot of things control me. I didn’t know where I was going or who I was..except with you. I took you for granted, I always thought you would be there because I wanted to believe that our love was big enough to just...swallow us whole.” He continued quieter, “I made myself believe that, because then I would have an excuse for pushing you aside. I dove into being in football and the President because I wanted to be someone. I wanted to be a man who could stand with you...you were so self assured and confident.”
He stared into the distance, breathing as he groped for thoughts, closing his eyes in rest. A few seconds passed, and as he opened them he stated: “but what I didn’t realize until later was that being the man next to you was enough.” Tears rolled down Izzie’s cheek. “I was complete with you, but it just wasn’t enough.”
It was Izzie’s turn to speak: “I really did love you, Chris. I don’t regret us for a second.” She softly took his hand in hers. He was pleasantly surprised, and took in her warmth. Chris gave her a questioning look: “Did you ever wish things were different?” Izzie gave an apologetic glance, “No, Zig was my fate. He was where I was supposed to be.” She rushed to respond when she saw the crestfallen demeanor through the wrinkles, “but there was always a sense of love in the background. I never stopped loving you.” She rubbed his hands and he smiled.
An air of peaceful comfort and resolution seeped into the air. It felt like hours, but was only mere minutes until Chris cut the silence: “maybe some loves are too great, too timeless for us to handle at certain times. Maybe we weren’t ready or it wasn’t what we needed.” They smiled, as he gripped her hand, continuing, “but I know I need you now before I start to go. I want one last good memory before the sunset of my life.”
Izzie’s eyes filled with water as her hand reached up softly to Chris’s cheek, caressing it. The skin was loose and soft, with tired eyes staring into her soul, searching to read a lifetime of living, to know her as she was. But there was still that undeniable energy residing between the two of them. He was searching for hope..anything to prove that they were still there in the fight. She whispered, “I love you. Maybe it’s time to bring back a light to the darkness.” With a finger slowly grazing his lips, she leaned forward, hand in his, to give him a soft kiss. Chris slowly pulled away with a smile, and then a worried expression, “I’m really here, right? This isn’t a delusion?”
Izzie laughed, “No, this is real” before growing silent, “it always was real.”
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endlessflame · 7 years
Together Again (Kenna x Raydan)
Prompt: Round 30 of #ChoicesCreates: Reunited
Summary: Kenna reunites with Raydan after his return to Stormholt.
Author’s note: This takes place during Book 3, Chapter 12 of The Crown & the Flame. Portions of the dialogue are taken from the chapter.
Rating: M (sexual content)
Tags: @holly-park, @captainsugarcakes
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Kenna sat in Raydan's room, waiting for the healer to finish examining him. She was terrified that she was going to lose him. She'd already lost her mother, Gabriel, and Leon; she couldn't lose Raydan too.
She kept replaying the night's earlier events in her mind. It was all so overwhelming. When she found Raydan in her bedroom, she had thought he was there to kill her, and she held a knife to his throat. His betrayal had hurt her so much. She wondered if she had ever really known him. Was he just pretending, telling her what she wanted to hear?
When he claimed that he was there to warn her that Azura's assassins were on their way, she had asked him to give her a reason that she should ever trust him again. That's when he had said the words that melted her heart. "Because I love you." "I love you, Kenna, and you alone." Then the assassins arrived. Although she was able to eliminate the assassins, Raydan was wounded, and he collapsed. What if he didn't make it? The thought was unbearable.
The healer turned away from Raydan and faced Kenna. "He's going to be fine. His injuries are not that serious. He collapsed because of exhaustion."
Kenna breathed a sigh of relief. She remained in Raydan's room, watching him as he slept. It felt so good to have him back at Stormholt. They still had so much to talk about, but that would have to wait. He needed his rest.
As Zenobia stood in the doorway, Kenna slammed the door shut. Raydan's interrogation had gone well, and he had been welcomed back. Kenna would talk to Zenobia soon, but first she needed some time alone with Raydan.
Kenna climbed onto Raydan's bed and straddled him. He helped her undress, then sat up and pulled her hair back. He whispered in her ear: "Now I show you what I thought about the whole time I was gone." He pulled her close and began kissing her neck. They pressed their bodies together with a sense of urgency, and soon they were as one.
Afterward she lay in his arms. "I missed you so much. It was so hard on me when you were gone. It made me sick to think that you had betrayed me."
Raydan reached over and stroked her cheek. "No matter how it looked, I was always loyal to you. I've loved you for so long. Now you know the reasons for my actions."
Kenna lowered her eyes. "Well...yes and no."
Raydan frowned. "You still don't believe me? What can I do to convince you?"
"It's not that. I believe you. I probably should have known all along. You're a spymaster, after all. I should have realized that you were just doing your job."
"If it's not that, than what is it?" Raydan looked at her with concern.
Kenna took a deep breath. "I thought your feelings for me had changed. Things haven't been the same since our night together in the command tent. When I woke up, you were gone. Ever since then, you've been distant. You didn't flirt with me any more. It was as if nothing had ever happened between us."
"Oh, Kenna. Nothing could be further from the truth." He kissed her, then pulled back and continued. "I...I was scared. You're a queen, and I'm about as low-born as you can get. I grew up on the street. If you only knew some of the things I've done...I knew I would never be good enough for you. We couldn't have a future together."
"I don't care that you're not of noble birth. My mother wasn't either. I haven't been able to stop thinking about our first night together. It was incredible." She grinned. "I've never been so turned on in my entire life."
He smirked, then moved closer and kissed her again. Kenna held him tightly.
Shortly afterward, Kenna got dressed. She still had to talk to Zenobia, and then give a speech to the Abanthus troops.
"One last kiss?" Raydan asked.
Kenna shook her head. "No." She bent down and kissed him deeply. "Not one. And not the last."
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mauvaisxander · 7 years
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I Come To You (In Pieces) - A Dawn/Kaitlyn Mix
For ChoicesCreates prompt Reunited. A mix for Kaitlyn and Dawn (MC) falling apart and coming back together. @holly-park @captainsugarcakes
Riding Horses - My Brightest Diamond ~ Peptalk - Freezepop ~ Army Of Me - Bjork ~ Pale - The Birthday Massacre ~ Never There - Cake ~ Rumble Strip - Belleruche ~ The Air You Breathe Is Full Of Ghosts - Lovers ~ Pink Light - Laura Veirs ~ One Sweet Love - Sara Bareilles ~ I’m Not Done - Fever Ray ~ Wonderwall (Elements Of Noise Remix) - Cat Power ~ Pieces - Red ~ Our July In The Rain - He Is We ~ Adages Of Cleansing - Clogs ~ Pink Champagne - Ariana Grande ~ Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle & Sebastian
request here
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captainsugarcakes · 7 years
Ready or not
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Prompt: Reunited 
Series: The Freshman/Sophomore
Note: This is my submission for the 30th round of Choices Creates, congratulations to our lovely @holly-park.
10 years after the gang had split up and went their own ways, they return to Hartfield for the 10 year reunion.
Leaving the city has become an adventure. Breaking away from the norm, high-rise buildings, traffic. He was both excited and nervous about tonight. “Shit, I’m late!”, he grabbed his jacket from the hanger and made for the door. The driver was already waiting for him downstairs.
Watching the buildings rise and fall, the night sky and the soft glow of the road lights, he felt himself relax. Remembering where he came from, to where he is now. Remembering how hard he had worked, and how hard he fought. Fought for and against so many things, and he lost so many things in the process. Where has time gone. He hasn’t seen anyone of the gang since their graduation.
He wondered what it would feel like to see her again. All through college, he fought his feelings for her. He fought the wanting to grab her and kiss her. But, he wasn’t good enough for her, so he fought loving her, loving so hard that it hurt. Love shouldn’t hurt, but she was worth it. So, he waited, until it wouldn’t hurt anymore, and until she was ready. Until she could love him back. It’s been 10 years of waiting. Ten long years.
And there she was, standing on the edge of the dance floor, looking as radiant as ever. 
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His heart raced as she caught his gaze. She still looked the same, she still had eyes that lit up like the stars in the evening sky. Her hair still fell down her shoulders like a waterfall, and her smile. Oh, that smile, it still reminded him of a fresh summer breeze.  
He looked at her for what felt like a lifetime, he memorized the way her red silk dress swept the floor. She made her way towards him and he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her.
"Mr. Ortega, our resident CEO, so nice to see you again" she teased, "I can't believe it's been 10 years!"
"Well, my dearest editor, you moved across the country after your graduation. But, we're here now."
As the night wore on, they made small talk with their fellow graduates. He had found out that MC no longer was with James. He left for LA again, and she didn’t go with him. Zac and Teddy had travelled across the world together; Abbie and Tyler eventually stopped fighting and got married - raising their four children in the suburbs; and Chris has been playing professional football since being drafted after college.
“So, Zig, care to dance with me?” she asked him, smiling.
It was a slow song, and taking advantage of the moment, he held her close to him. Holding her was like he had always imagined it would be. Her skin so soft, her embrace magical. It was just a dance, he told himself.
Almost whispering into his ear, “You know, I’ve always wondered what this would feel like. Being this close to you.”
“And I always wondered what holding you this close would feel like” he smiled back at her, leaning down far enough to feel her breathe on his lips.
He held her in his arms, he could finally feel her in his arms, feel her on his lips. A love never spoken of, united, reunited.
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cinnamonroll-duffy · 7 years
Choices Fic Masterpost:
High School Story:
Who You Really Are (#ChoicesCreates30 submission) -- Max Warren x Michael Harrison
Sage Wisdom (#ChoicesCreates28 submission) -- Brian Crandall with guest appearances of Jake McKenzie and Zig Ortega
The Freshman/The Sophomore:
Last Girl on Earth (#ChoicesCreates29 submission)-- Becca Davenport with Endless Summer Crossover. 
Red Carpet Diaries:
A Golden Opportunity (#ChoicesCreates51 submission)-- Seth Levine  
Most Wanted:
Keeps Pulling Me Back (#ChoicesCreates27 submission)-- Samantha Massey x Ryan Summers with HSS Crossover. 
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