#chop top x you
horrorjunki3 · 1 year
Chop-Top thoughts and headcannons
This man's so pretty he makes my brain go brrrrr
Warnings: Canon typical violence, Death (nubbins), non-sexual nudity, I can't spell lmao
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He used to have long hair before the war -> went along with his hippie vibe and cried when he had to shave it!
If Nubbins really likes you he will let you buy a photo of chop before the war -> if Chop sees this photo he may get insecure at first just reassure him that you love him and he will be fine. He does however decide to get Nubbins to take a photo of you two together so he can carry it around with him
Music is this man's life he adores every aspect of it he will make you playlists, mix-tapes, writs you songs, show you songs and more to describe how much he love you. -> I can see him sitting on his bed showing you a mix-tape he made for you " I'm uh j-just r-r-really bad with w-words p-pretty thing made y-ya this." It contains song from other artists and a few songs from his band.
He'd drag you to any cornbugs gigs -> they're usually in bars or lowkey gigs -> despite what you think he actually has a pretty good turn out to these things -> He'd totally call you his little groupie
He'd steal you stuff that you like
Choptops room is small and square with only a double bed and a vanity that holds chops record player and two stacks of records that are about to fall. His walls are covered rooft to floor in tapestries, band posters and fairylights. There's also several crafted bone jewerally and decorations hanging about -> You ask how he got all these things and he smiles and tells ya some terrifying and amazing stories.
His favourite colour has to be purple -> He when you wear anything purple or similar to his style
Chop and Nubbins are extermly close so you'll spend a lot of time with the chaotic duo -> Nubbins will see you as an extension to his brother -> if you care about cannon he'd probably be a mess after Nubbins died and could need an attentive and kind partner to help him
I feel like after Nubbins death Chop would hang out in his room
His the nicest to Bubba out of his brothers so if it's not Nubbins it's Bubba -> your His fave! Tho pretty thing don't worry!
Chop top either sleeps completely naked or on a big shirt he stole from one of the victims. His a vary chaotic person so many assume he'd be a chaotic sleeper but I personally think he'd be out like a light when he does sleep -> most likely a night owl and doesn't sleep much during the night
He gives you 'crow gifts' like rocks, pretty glass and other cool small things he finds
He definitely says hello through holding up a peace sign
He will randomly bite you to show you love -> His kinda like a feral cat ♡
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lexi0widow · 1 year
could i please get thomas hewitt with an girlfriend who just loves how protective he his of her? like, shes over here like "Yeah, my boyfriend just killed two guys for touching my ass? thats so romantic :D" literally head over heels for his protective side.
also i love this request-
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He is super protective of you
If you want anyone killed you just let him know
He’ll come back with a bag that looks suspiciously like a body later that day
If you like his protectiveness tho?
Oh you better be ready cos you will not be leaving his side
Like ever
If anyone laid their hands on you ever theyre gone
Thats obviously if anyone was to inappropriately touch you without consent
Not if like one of yoyr friends gave you a hug
Im getting off topic
He has a big ass chainsaw and is not afraid to use it
He thinks you are the most precious in the world and will do anything he can to protect you
Meanwhile you’re just stood behind him cheering him on
*aggressive chainsawing*
He will give you the biggest hug
He loves that you support his violence 🫶🏻
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Would you by any chance be willing to write some small headcannons for the Sawyers (TCM), Stu Macher, and Billy Loomis?
Specifically, how they would comfort their S/O who has just been dropped by their lifelong best friends. (This same thing happened to me and I need help coping 😔)
Remember to take care of yourself!! Get lots of rest, eat, drink water, and relax ❤️
I would love to!! Also fuck them they’re missing out
Comfort! S/o with Shitty Friends x The Sawyer Family + Scream 1 Killers!
Nubbins Sawyer
-“Well y-ya want me to k-kill em y/n?”
-“Nubbins NO!”
-lil disappointed but accepts
-he isn’t great with feelings
-brings you roadkill to make you feel better
-“Y-y/n look! I g-gots you a d-dead bird!”
-he’s like a cat with that shit man
-super clingy and cuddles with you if you feel like it
Chop Top Sawyer
-goes on a rant about how they don’t deserve you
-also volunteers to murder them
-tbh not super great at comforting or sympathetic
-“Why are you hurt y/n? You don’t even need em’! You got me!”
Drayton Sawyer
-“Well, I can tell you this much. Those kids are damn fools if they dropped you.”
-he gives you a short hug then shoos you away to do your chores
-smiles, he’s surprisingly sweet about it
-Uncle Dray has a rare soft spot for ya
-makes your favorite dinner that night
-to cheer you up
Bubba Sawyer
-best comforter
-squeals and grunts in reactions when you tell him
-big bear hugs
-will hug you for hours
-he makes some flowers for you in a pretty bow
-he does things with you that your friends normally did, like gaming, painting nails, any activity like that
Nancy Slaughter
-she rolls her eyes at them
-“You’re a perfectly fine kid. Thems’ mommas ain’t raise em right.”
-gives you a grandma hug and you choke on her perfume
Sissy Slaughter
-she thinks it’s stupid
-she tells you they are stupid for giving up a wonderful person like you
-lists all your great qualities
-she cheers you up verbally the best I think
-secretly kills one
-she’d lean up and give you a hug
-and have a hangout that night
Johnny Slaughter
-“Y/n, them kids just stupid bastards.”
-he’d also give you a quick hug
-he would give you some heavy whiskey if you wanted it
-he would also kill then even if you told him not to
-he would talk about how annoying they were to kill 💀
Stu Macher
-also secretly kills them
-talks about how dumb they were anyway and how great you are
-they don’t deserve you anyway and they are going to regret dropping you
-cuddles you
-similar to chop top tbh
Billy Loomis
-he would ask where they live 💀
-kills them in secret as ghost face too
-he would give you lots of kisses
-cuddles, attention
-would make sure you’re just as happy without them
-smirks a bit when the tv announcement comes on that they’ve died under “mysterious circumstances”
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loveandmurders · 1 year
Oooooo what would happen if the sawyers adopted (well stole) a teen gn reader.
One day they walk in on the reader with wendigo like features, like the antlers, the twisted animal like legs and they had found a skull so they had it on their head like a mask.
Would they be scared or...?
Hello there, thank you for this fun little request! Hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings: reader is kidnapped, mentions of murders and cannibalism, reader turns into a wendigo.
Even before you had been kidnapped and adopted by the Sawyers, you had loved the forest, the animals living in there and the legends surrounding this wild and dark nature.
Your favourite story was definitively about the wendigo creature.
There was something about it that fascinated you. It was strong, tall, and powerful. And more than anything it was dangerous and known to kill humans.
You were just a little human yourself, so the thought of something of such puissance was making you shiver in fear, delight and excitement.
Your biological family never really understood why you enjoyed those stories that much, but it seemed harmless enough for them to not bother you about it.
But now you were living with a bunch of cannibals, the legend of the wendigo was taking a new importance in your life.
Indeed, like a wendigo, you were now eating human flesh.
Your current way of life was driving you insane enough for you to believe you were becoming a wendigo.
One night, you went into the forest, and found everything you needed to “dress” like a wendigo, and the more you did so, and the more it felt like you were truly becoming one.
Actually, your body changed and when you put a skull over your own face, you turned into a wendigo.
It was getting late, so your family went out to look for you. When the Sawyers found you, they didn’t recognise you, until they noticed a necklace around your neck. It was the only thing you kept from your former humanity.
Drayton was at first very confused and worried about you. When he adopted you, it was because he needed someone to help him in the kitchen, not to start a new mess. He wasn’t too impressed, but he quickly thought that you would now be able to bring quite a lot of meat to the family, which would be nice. They would never be hungry again with you in the family.
Nubbins, on the other hand, was in awe. He loved how twisted your body and face looked, how tall you became, how strong you must be. He couldn’t wait to see you hunt down someone and kill them in front of his own two eyes. He was very excited and started to take photos of you. He found you so beautiful and perfect that way.
His twin brother, Chop-Top, was speechless. He even forgot to scratch his head to blood as he watched you. He tilted his head to the side to have a better look at you. He then started to happily scream and to dance around you. “Ya’re gonna kill everyone in town! Ya’re gonna kill everyone in town!” he chanted like in transe.
Bubba was the most excited of them all. He loved your “mask” and he loved how you had been able to change your appearance to match the darkness growing inside of you. He couldn’t wait to start killing with you by his side. You were going to be the perfect match. No one could ever touch the Sawyer family, because you would be their new protector, like they used to protect you from the normal and boring people.
Grandpa Sawyer was the only one to realise that you might be too dangerous for the Sawyers to be able to control you. But his weak whispers of fear and worries were lost in the screams, songs and loud noises coming from the rest of his family. He was glad his wife was already dead and wouldn’t have to deal with you. How could they all be sure you weren’t going to forget who your family was… and kill them all too?
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morguemistress · 11 days
Ok so I know that the TCM fandom is kinda dead but I have searched FAR AND WIDE for a fanfic with a very specific scenario. If anyone knows of or can write a Chop Top x Reader where it shows when he gets drafted for war up until when he gets back?? Like how do you think he’d react? His family and S/O, even? I don’t know if this is a stupid idea but it’s been stuck in my head for a while now.
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salemshotspot · 1 year
Slashers with a reader that picks at their skin:
[cw/tw//skin picking, anxiety, drug use, self harm slightly]
[includes: choptop sawyer, bubba sawyer, luigi largo, otis driftwood, freddy kreuger, doomhead]
Chop-Top Swayer:
I feel like he would notice your scalp picking pretty quick but not really say much at first; not because he didn’t care but more of the fact he picks at his scalp a lot {because of his plate} so he assumes it’s normal and nothing to worry about, he’ll just assume your head has been particularly itchy lately like his plate from time to time.
However one rare evening where no one had any pressing matters to attend to you sat with the Sawyer’s to have dinner and afterwards you all sat and watched the television.
Drayton had absolutely no interest in the television because “tv isn’t as good as it once was" so he just kind of looked around the room aimlessly and it just so happened that his eyes landed on you as you were picking at your already damaged scalp.
Drayton goes in a partly joking tone "fuck y/n has chop-top been rubbing off on you that much, you’ve been picking at that darn head more than him lately.”
You just awkwardly laugh trying not to bring more attention to the matter and move your hands away from your head, feeling yourself grow more anxious about the fact attention was brought to the matter.
After a few minutes you make up an excuse along the lines of “I’m tired I’m going to head upstairs” and quickly rush to the bedroom which you share with Chop-Top.
Chop-Top would notice you left when he went to place his arm around you and he couldn’t feel you there.
He would be confused as to where you were because he wasn’t paying attention because he was focused on the tv after it caught his attention, however when Drayton explained in a slightly annoyed tone that he made a, slightly, joking comment and you upped sticks and went to what he assumed was sleep for the night Chop-Top was puzzled to say the least.
He decided to make his way to the bedroom which he shared with you to see if you were ok, however when he walked in on you close to tears, struggling to breathe as you was trying to hold in your tears, he could tell you wasn’t holding up too well.
He isn’t too familiar with people expressing feelings around him as due to his nature and the whole family business he never really formed bonds with anyone, let alone him comforting them.
It’s safe to say his first thought would be to freak out, threatening to kill whoever upset you {very aggressively.}
I feel like he’d also just kind of stand in the door way while he tried to work out what to do, he hates seeing you like this but he also hates knowing that he doesn’t know how to help.
He’d eventually land on just holding you, still freaking out inside.
When you finally calm down and regulate your breathing he would 100% try and break the silence with a joke.
”We all bored you to tears down there y/n?” He anxiously jokes.
“No it’s not that” you trail off and take a deep breathe; you then explain everything to him from how anxious you’ve been feeling to how you’ve been stress picking at your scalp.
He feels immediately guilty because he noticed it happening but said nothing about it.
It’s safe to say after that you both lay in each other’s arms for a long time.
As he is also prone to picking at his scalp Chop-Top knows how you feel better than anyone and in turn has a long list of ways to try and help you stop, or at least reduce how frequently you pick at your scalp.
Chop-Top would definitely be one to advocate getting high whenever you were stressed {and he certainly wouldn’t be opposed to getting high with you, apparently it’s "good couple bonding.”
Despite his best efforts, he shows his support in the most round about, ‘Chop-Top’ way possible, for example he’d tell you that “your scalp is far too pretty to hurt” {he thought it was endearing.}
Most importantly he’d want you to know you can talk to him, even if he’s not the best with his words.
I also feel like he’d pat your head a lot to try and comfort you whenever you were stressed so you would be less inclined to pick at your scalp.
Bubba Swayer:
He wouldn’t notice the scalp picking but he’d notice the cuts on your head; basically he’d just start seeing more cuts and marks through your hair and royally freak out.
Immediately wants to, violently, kill whoever kept hurting your head.
This idea was very quickly put on the back burner once you explained that you did it yourself.
I don’t think he’d fully understand it, like he finds hurting others, when deserved, very therapeutic because it’s what he’s always done but he can’t wrap his head around the idea of self-inflicted pain.
Although he doesn’t understand it he wants to listen to you talk about it to try and understand it better so he can support you the best he can.
Would most likely end up hugging you so tight that you thought you was going to die after you explained everything in detail.
If he ever saw you picking at your scalp or looking anxious he would just place his hand on your head and kind of just leave it there? You found it very comforting all be it confusing at first.
Luigi Largo:
Luigi isn’t the world’s most observant man so don’t be surprised if he doesn’t notice your nervous habit straight away.
I feel like he would find out in the most unconventional way, not because he’s oblivious, he’s just so focused on work that he pushes everything aside.
I feel like him finding out would be something along the lines of Pavi bringing it up, like casually asking Luigi how you was doing with the whole thing {because let’s face it, pretty much everyone else has noticed you picking at your head once or twice when you was stressed because you’re too overwhelmed to try and be discreet about it.}
This would cause Luigi to become, even more, short-tempered declaring “if something was going on he’d know.”
On the outside he’d become much more hostile but he would be internally freaking out because he’d feel awful for not noticing if this was happening and convince himself that you’re going to leave him for ‘not caring enough’ or something like that.
He’d eventually psyche himself up enough to go find you and try to talk to you about it, however he’d do it in his own round about way.
"I’m going to kill Pavi” he shouts as he enters the room.
”It’s nice to see you too Luigi” you’d chuckle.
Part way through his rant he’d explain that he was mad because Pavi had essentially made him feel like a bad boyfriend for not noticing that you’d be struggling.
You’d have to get him to backtrack for a moment because he’d miss a few key points such as what Pavi had meant by “you’re struggling” as he apparently put it.
After he explained everything you’d probably have to reassure him that he isn’t a bad boyfriend; despite his demeanour he’s really insecure because of the lack of affection from his dad growing up.
Now he is aware of your problem he’s really observant, like scarily observant.
You’re hands move? He’s looking to make sure you’re not stress picking your skin, he’s been busy and hasn’t seen you all day? When he sees you he checks to make sure you have no cuts on your skin from picking.
If you have been picking at your skin he would be concerned; he isn’t the best at talking about feelings but he’ll listen to you and try his best to understand.
If he noticed you were getting anxious and picking at your skin he would definitely be the type to just grab your hand and keep hold of it to comfort you and stop you picking at yourself.
He’s very protective of you as it is but he would probably get *more* protective; like if he even thinks someone or something might be stressing you out he’s resort to violent means instantly {which isn’t anything new.}
Otis Driftwood:
I feel like he’d either be exactly like Luigi Largo in the sense he’s oblivious and wouldn’t notice without someone bringing it up or he’d notice straight away, I feel like he’d be in a bad mood and notice you picking at yourself and it would annoy him so he’d tell you to stop {which would in turn make it worse.}
When you didn’t stop he’d go to question it but when he noticed you were stressed he’d be confused; “what the fuck is up with you?”
I don’t think he’d completely understand what was the matter when you explained how you felt but he’d understand enough to know that he should probably keep an eye on you.
I don’t care if you agree with this, I will die on this hill, if you were really stressed and started picking at your skin, he would just swat your hand away from your head.
HOWEVER, I feel like Otis would also kiss your head, when no one was looking, and I will not take arguments on this one.
Freddy Kreuger:
Freddy would be surprisingly observant of you, so when you start picking at your head when you’re stressed or anxious, he will notice.
He wouldn’t try and be gentle and ‘walk around the topic’ he’d just ask you about it straight up.
I feel like he’d be really sympathetic and understanding of the whole situation.
After you spoke about it he would probably try and cheer you up afterwards and take your mind off of it to cheer you up by telling really shitty jokes.
I feel like if he saw you getting really anxious and start picking at your skin his first thought would be to kind of prompt you to stop by gently pushing your hand away from your head and try to take your mind off whatever is making you anxious by completely removing either you or whatever is making you stressed or anxious from the situation.
If that failed to work he would take matters into his own hands, quite literally, by keeping hold of your hands until you’ve calmed down.
He would probably just talk to you until you felt better, whether it be about the situation or talking about something completely random to try and take your mind off of it; he’s definitely a talker.
He would without a doubt notice your habit straight away, he seems like the kind of person to notice *everything* for no other reason than paranoia; he needs every element of his surroundings to be in his control all of the time so he himself doesn’t become stressed so in turn he pays attention to everything all of the time.
He would try and make you feel better and, at first, make you feel worse.
"Can you stop doing that, there’s better things to be doing” was meant to be endearing and meant to show you that you don’t have to hurt yourself but it came across as him calling your habit stupid.
When you started crying at his comment it’s safe to say he’d be confused as fuck; “what the fuck are you crying at now.”
Once you explained it he’d fee quite bad but he wouldn’t want you to know that; he’d just explain that that’s not what he meant.
If he ever saw you getting anxious or stressed I don’t think he’d try and physically stop you he’d just shoot you a look or say something to you.
If you didn’t stop picking at your skin after he brought it up he would then physically move your hands and give you a long ass talking to about why you shouldn’t do it.
TLDR; if he sees you picking at your skin he will give you a lecture.
He cares about you, he just doesn’t really know how to show it so it manifests in him acting like a pissed off parent or teacher.
A/N >> God I wrote this so long ago
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Finally back! I would like to request Billy Loomis, Hannibal Lector, and Chop Top with an ADHD S/O please
As someone with adhd you’re really speaking my language😂
Pairings: Billy Loomis x reader, Hannibal Lector x Reader, and Chop Top x reader (separate) headcanons
Contains: Cursing, adhd, reader is a bit aloof, mentions of canon typical violence
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Billy with an adhd partner means almost nothing gets done between the two of you
For you and Billy it’s your forgetfulness that always causes you to get bit in the ass
“Hey Babe, did you uh wash my costume?” “Huh?” “My costume, I asked you to wash it and you said ‘Yeah sure, just let me finish reading this chapter.” “Oh fuck, I’m sorry hon, I forgot.”
He does his best to not get mad, in this scenario he was like “Well good thing I have an extra one but please wash it when you can.”
He also makes sure to send you reminder texts when he can
It’s actually saved your ass a couple times, especially when it’s an appointment or deadline you need to meet
He also gets really really involved in your hyperfixations, you want to play the entire sims franchise? Consider it done, he’ll let you do what you need too
Billy is super great and patient with you, you’ve come a long way with coping with your adhd and Billy makes his top priority you.
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Hannibal is super passive in the way he helps you with your adhd
Very much behind the scenes way of helping
Your keys? The ones you sat somewhere and now can’t find? They’re in the place they belong sparing you a 20 minute panick
“My darling, don’t forget you have that paper due.” “Oh fuck what should I write?” “Language love, perhaps you could write about what you’re interested in write now if it fits the criteria?”
This man body doubles for you hard
He will ask you to do a task and then ask you questions about stuff he knows you’re interested in and suddenly cleaning is a breeze
Hannibal got one of those big dry erase calendars and fills it in weekly so you’re able to see everything you need to get done in one easy place
Hannibal also is very big on helping you stay active and exercise by tricking you into going on walks with him
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Hahaha good luck, this motherfucker has adhd so bad
You both will very frequently take turns sharing your hyperfixations and occasionally will hyperfixate on the same thing
“I came in here to do something, what was it?” “Uhhhh I dunno. Maybe to get food?” “Why would I go to the living room to get food?”
“Remind me that we need to get this thing at the store.” “Okay” *in the parking lot after checking out* “Oh yeah we need this thing.”
Chop Top literally constantly needs some form of stimulation or he will loose his mind
He loves playing songs on repeat which might drive you insane
Chop Top will be able to withstand anything and everything you can put him through and he is always so down to do anything you want.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Hi, hello!
It's been a while, hasn't it. How are you doing comrade? Personally, I'm doing quite well. I'm going to see Halloween Ends sometime after it releases. I've also gotten a 5 ft tall skeleton I can dance around with in my room.
Back to why I'm here, I was wondering if you could write something about a slasher getting mad at y/n and y/n ignoring said slasher for the next few days, but in the end they end up going to the slasher and start cuddling them or something lovey dovey.
(Preferably Nubbins Sawyer, Choptop Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt + Anyone else if you wanna add em)
Hi anon I’m so sorry this took a bit to get to. Anyway I’ll happily write this for you. I just wrote something like this but for different characters. I had a bit of trouble coming up with what they would be arguing about but I figured it out. I’m in a bit of a Bill Mosely kick because of House of 1000 corpses so this is a great request to have rn.
Slashers and reader making up after a fight
Includes: Nubbins Sawyer, Chop Too Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt
Warnings: Strong language, implied murder, mention of roadkill
Nubbins Sawyer
Nubbins always liked to play jokes on you. They're mostly harmless, something along the lines of just jump scaring you and then it's over. But a few days ago he went a bit too far. While you were outside he staged what looked like his organs coming out of his stomach. You screamed when you saw it and quickly rushed over to his side. After a few moments of pure panic he started to laugh. He pushed off the roadkill guts he got and just laughed. You quickly stood up and shouted at him. Why would he scare you like that? You cussed him out before going back inside.
You avoided him for the next few days. You just couldn't stand to see him. But you couldn't stay mad for long. He didn't mean to scare you that bad did he? He just wanted to spook you right? Nobody actually got hurt. So when you saw him sitting on the couch looking over pictures he took you sat down next to him. This being the first time you've been near him in the past few days he quickly discarded the pictures and wrapped you in his arms.
"Y/N I know you was gonna come back! I knew you was gonna forgive me!" He shouts pulling you into his lap and giving you kisses all along your temple and cheek.
"Ok ok calm down honey!" You say with a smile, "I missed you too. You just scared me really bad. Don't do that again please."
"Oh I promise I won't! I'll be real nice I swear!" He starts to break into quiet laughter and you couldn't help but laugh along too.
Chop Top Sawyer
Today you woke up with a pounding headache and nothing you could do could stop it. You just decided to wait it out in your room with the lights off. You're trying to just relax when you can hear, clear as day, Chop Top playing the radio as loud as ever. You knocked on the walls a few times and told him to quiet down. However he just kept playing his music super loud.
You had enough and got up and walked over to where he was. You turned off the radio and crossed your arms.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Don't you have the decency to at least turn down the radio so I can fucking try and heal this headache?" You shout at him.
"Why the hell'd you turn the music off?" He shouts back at you. You scoff.
"Were you not fucking listening you idiot? I have a fucking migrane and I need quiet so turn the god damn music down!" You shout making your head throb even more.
"Well this is my damn house! I can listen to my music as loud as I want to!" His yelling also makes it worse.
"Well I live here too you know? Maybe think of other people some time!" The two of you went back and forth between this before you stormed off. It's been a few days since and the headache has long passed. You can't help but feel bad for being so mean to your boyfriend.
You pick up a boombox and a cassette and make your way over to Chop Top's room. You knock before entering. He's sitting at a desk where he's making something. You set the box down and put in the tape. Soon the music starts to play and you walk over to him. You lower yourself down to his sitting level and kiss his cheek.
"Whatcha making lovely?" You ask. You're quickly pulled into a tight, bone crushing hug by Chop top and you both start to laugh.
"You're not mad anymore?" He asks
"Of course not honey. I couldn't stay mad forever," You two share a sweet kiss and he pulls away. You get a better peak at what he's making this time, "How about you tell me all about this." You say gesturing to the project.
"I gladly will."
Thomas Hewitt
You'd grown bored waiting upstairs in your room while the family dealt with some new victims. The screaming and yelling has stopped at least an hour ago. You decided to go downstairs just for a little bit before you go crazy. You leave your room and head for the kitchen to grab something to drink. You passed Monty in the living room with a nod and you can see Luda Mae in the back yard hanging up laundry.
You open the fridge and bend down to grab a soda. When you shut the door someone grabs your wrist. You expected it to be Hoyt but it was Tommy. You could see that he was clearly worried. You jumped and took a deep breath.
"Christ Thomas you scared the shit out of me," He points to you and to the floor, "What am I doing down here?" you ask. He nods, "I'm just getting a drink Thomas," He shakes his head and you pull your wrist out of his hand, "I know there are victims here ok? I just got thirsty. I was going mad up in that room too."
He huffs and you put a hand on your hip, "I'm not a child Tommy. I know what you and your family do here alright. Now I'm gonna go back upstairs. I hope that's ok with you." You pop open your soda and you walk out of the kitchen. You spent the rest of the day up in your room. You didn't talk to Thomas when he came up to see you. You were silent during dinner too.
But when it finally came time for bed you saw Thomas already in bed. You laid down next to him and cuddled into him, "I love you." You say. Thomas holds you close to him as a reply.
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I'm sorry for the delay! I was sad !
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tahkannibal · 3 months
Fuck I hate fhem
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horrorjunki3 · 1 year
Texas chainsaw massacre slashers with m!reader
Warnings: Canon typical violence, mention of insecurities, sexual content if you squint, Discussion of PTSD and Mental illness for choptop and nubbins and unsafe driving
The reader is meant to be interpreted as a men -> trans inclusive ♡
Thomas Hewitt
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♡ I feel like Thomas would like a sweet/kind partner -> he has alot of insecurities and you being kind would go ALONG way.
♡ I personally Headcannon that if Tommy was Queer Lunda May knows and picks up on your attraction to Thomas -> how you react to him is what would save your life! She just wants her boy to be happy after all
♡ His first thought when he sees you was that you were just so handsome and when you smile at him he gets all flustered! -> If you compliment his mask, eyes or hair during this time he will kind off shut down till Lunda May steps in to help!! Matchmaker she is!
♡ He'd think your perfect -> nothing could make this man change his mind - Regardless of your insecurities he'd love every part of you
♡ I think he'd love to see you and his momma getting along! Sometimes when he sees how sweet it is he can't help but pull you away and smother you
♡ His a very physically affectionate person -> However at the beginning of the relationship he is very shy and clumsy about it. Once he gets more comfy with you tho his constantly touching you in very wholesome and affectionate ways like holding your hand or a peck on the cheek -> he was raised to be a gentlemen after all
♡ I feel like Tommy's ideal date is cuddling outside of a night time, just basking in his boyfriends love
♡ when Tommy first asks you out he gives you a letter telling you everything he loves -> although he can't speak it doesn't stop him from expressing his love for you through words of affirmation
Choptop/ Robert Sawyer
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♡ I feel like Chop would like a guy who has a unique fashion sense or shares his love for music
♡ He loves passionate people -> if you generally love something with all your heart he just listens to you and smiles
♡ I strongly headcannons that he'd let you live if you're a fan of his band Cornbugs.
-> Imagine recognising his voice and stuttering out that you know him -> name a song you like and he will be so smug and flustered
♡ He'd call you pet names like "Big boy, Big daddy, pretty boy, or babe"
♡ Loves when you call him handsome -> after his plate he didn't think anyone would see him as handsome or love him again -> kiss his plate he will melt
♡ He'd love driving Speeding at night and listening to music -> alternatively he will slow down if it scares you
♡ He'd love if you shared your taste for music with him -> makes him feel like he can understand you better
♡ will write love songs for you and sing them -> sings about how perfect you look when discussing your passions
♡ His extermly affectionate! And will grope you at any moment! Your his man and he finds you so perfect he can't help it.
♡ He'd have nightmares and PTSD flash backs -> will come to you for help because you make him feel safe
♡ Please act like a groupie for him -> he doesn't care if it's real or not he'll melt and kiss you like his starving everytime you do
Cornbugs song reccomendations: spot the psycho, pigs are people too, cornbugs and anything from the album "celebrity pyscho"
Nubbins Sawyer
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♡ This sweet sweet boy!!
♡ You pick him up hitch-hiking but alternatively to other people you ask questions, listen and care about what his saying. When he takes a photo of you -> you most likely pay him and ask for one of you guys together bc how could you not? His so cute!
♡ He'd take photos of you constantly -> occasionally he'd let you take photos of him. I headcannon that there's this one beautiful photo of him sorting through photos with a smile and it's so cute. (A/N: I've gotta draw that omfg!)
♡ Tells everyone about you -> asks victims if they think his boyfriend handsome - lord help them if they say no
♡ He calls you "Darlin' , Sweetheart and handsome" -> call him pretty boy he loves it!
♡ His ideal date would be having you in his bed while he takes photos of you -> this isn't necessarily sexual he just thinks your perfect and wants to capture it
♡ He loves showering with you and getting spoiled! His so touch starved and loves to be cuddling you, sitting on your lap or anything he just loves it!!
♡ It's cannon that he has Schizophrenia and there will be days that are harder for him -> please be there for him during these times.
♡ He will tease and mock you but it's done lovingly -> doesn't like it when anyone else does it
Bubba sawyer
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♡ Much like Tommy Bubba needs a gentle and kind partner! Please tell him his pretty! Tell them they're good!
♡ I headcannon that Bubbas gender queer and uses he/they pronouns!! Please love and support them! Tell him, he looks pretty when they do their make up!
♡ If your sweet and kind to them -> they'll wanna save you like with stretch! Compliment him and call him how pretty he is and he will choose you over the saw!
♡ Bubbas extermly loyal once you become his family he -> he will do anything for you!
♡ They will carry you - even if you think they can't they'Il make an exaggerated noise and just lift ya! They are sooo strong
♡ Gift giving is there love language and they'll make you little brackets and stuff
♡ His a giant teddy bear and loves cuddles and kisses!!!
♡ They will melt if he sees you Helping them family regardless of if it's to do with meat or cleaning! They love their family and seeing you love them? It's the best sight ever
♡ Bubba wants kids! So he'll definitely want to adopt some lil Bubbas or have some animal babies -> they love cats but are never allowed to keep them:( Maybe if you both beg his brothers you can keep them!!
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rosesfromslashers · 1 year
Deep Ellum - Chop Top Sawyer x Reader
I've fallen down the TCM pipeline and I can't get out. Plz send help. Sorry if my writing comes off as a lil rusty! I'm in the process of teaching myself how to write again.
CW: Kind of a dark fic! Drunk reader, Chop Top to the rescue in his own special way (aka kidnapping), so be prepared for yandere vibes. Referenced stalking. Nothing explicit. Reader has she/her pronouns and is referred to as a girl.
They ditched you.
They fucking ditched you.
You're trying so hard not to cry, but with the alcohol coursing through your blood stream, it's hard not to let your emotions get to you.
Surely they didn't mean to. I mean, maybe it was your fault. You try to remember if you were the one who broke away from the group - maybe you took a wrong turn, or something caught your eye, or maybe you went into a different bar and forgot to call after your friends. But you're not that fucked up, right? But no matter how hard you dig into your memories, it's like they never even existed.
And that's when it hits you.
You're alone, in a wild part of Dallas - a place you've never been to - wandering around Deep Ellum after dark. And as your lack of memory serves, you've been blacking in and out three ranch waters in on an empty stomach, because your new friends said you should have one more. When in Texas and all that yeehaw bullshit.
You're in a dangerous spot, drunk off your ass to the point of swaying. There's nobody around on the street you've found refuge on, just lines of cars up and down the sides of the road. And judging by the ache in your head, your brain could decide to turn itself off again at any minute.
So you cry. The drunk tears just start to flow and you become aware of just how sloppy you look, crying on a street corner in a mini skirt, boots, and a shitty cowboy hat on a cold Texas night. God, it just makes it worse.
Then nothing. You try to form memories, to keep track of where you are and what you're doing but you just CAN'T.
Then something briefly snaps you back. The rumble of a truck. A soft denim jacket being wrapped around your shoulders. A slight Southern twang with almost a boyish charm and excitement saying you'll be alright, "I've gotcha," an arm around your shoulder to steady you and the rumble of that truck growing closer. Wait, did this person just... smell your hair?
You can't form images, but you can feel and hear faintly, like everything is ten miles away.
And just like that, it's over, and you're concious (and panicked) enough to know that you're in a stranger's truck going God knows where.
You're too scared to look at the driver. To see who it is that would snatch a drunk girl off the side of the road. You're positive that you're going to end up dismembered in a ditch by sunrise.
"I-I've never brought a girl home for dinner!"
You blink, keeping your eyes focused out the window.
"I-in the traditional sense, a-anyways."
You sit in shaking silence.
"It's okay. I know you're p-plastered. We'll be there in 30 and I'll let you sleep it off."
"Where are you taking me?" You ask, trying your damndest to not sound so scared, but it comes out as a squeek.
"Come on baby," he says, "look at me."
You do, and a sense of recognition floods through you.
It's the guy. THE GUY. The one from the record shop you stopped in yesterday. The weird one with the shaggy black hair and the vest and sunglasses and the pin that gave you a laugh when you saw it. Something about sitting on a happy face? It doesn't matter now. Because he's glancing from the road, eyes burning behind purple shades.
"'Member me? I sure do remember you!" He sounds so excited.
"You look real pretty when you cry, i-if you don't mind me saying."
"I kind of do," you whisper.
"Speak your mind! Ya know, I have this theory that nowadays people are just so scared of open communication and-"
He starts to go off on a tangent, but there's just too much going on for you to process that right now.
He's still rambling as he takes an exit onto a dark road.
"Please don't kill me!" You find yourself pleading. He laughs.
"Y/n, I ain't gonna kill ya." How does he know your name? "In fact, I think my family's gonna love you!"
"Y-your family?" You try and piece together as much as your inebriated brain will let you.
"Yeah! You've got my baby brother Bubba, my older brother Drayton, and my twin Nubbins. I really can't wait to introduce you to Grandpa!" Your head is spinning.
"T-they're gonna be real proud of me. None of them have brought a girl home before." He sighs almost dreamily. "I won't let 'em touch a hair on your head. You're all mine."
Okay, so his family is A) dangerous, and he is B) insane. Perfect.
You're never drinking again.
His hand finds your knee, you try to recoil but there's no where to go.
"I know what you're thinking. We're moving real fast, I'm aware of that. I mean, I didn't even say hi yesterday!"
"But I know we're just gonna be just perfect. Good thing I was following you tonight. Something real bad could've happened." Yeah, like getting abducted.
"But Chop's gotcha now, and you won't have to worry about a thing."
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What do you think the Sawyer twins would be like with a genderfluid partner?
Ok so we doing this
Chop Top/Nubbins w/ a genderfluid partner headcanons!
Nubbins Sawyer
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-he doesn’t care tbh
-he thinks that you looks cool and whenever you switch from fem to masc to androgynous he’s like 😮
-I feel like he uses names more than pronouns like “oh look y/ns over there”rather than “oh look he’s/shes/theyre”
-just in general with anyone
-so I don’t think if you have changing pronouns it would be much of an issue
-tbh he thinks it’s cool you can change your gender in the snap of a finger and probably finds it hot too
-I just truly think he couldn’t care less about gender or norms himself, he’s in his own world man
-overall this wouldn’t affect your relationship too much aside from him being mind blown by his super cool n unique partner
Chop Top Sawyer
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-I picture him as kinda gender fluid himself- sort of like Nubbins in the same way he couldn’t care less about gender and norms
-like he’s like “I guess I’m a boy?” And doesn’t really care all that much- I also hc that he uses he/they pronouns
-but would totally experiment a lot more whenever you come around and think that your gender and gender expression it super cool
-he makes sure everyone respects your pronouns and gender for that day, and I think you would need some sort of system like pronoun bracelets or sum
-he’s pretty supportive of you but couldn’t care less, like he sees you beyond your gender yk
-you did open up his mind to new possibilities though
-thank gods- that rarely occurs.
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ask-them-horror · 6 months
yo uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm can i hug chop top
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nah you get get a smol kisss lmao
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suvidrache · 1 year
Maybe a chop Top Sawyer/ Lester Sinclair (separate) with an significant other who loves researching/ believes in cryptids/ aliens?
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Aliens & Cryptids
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 155 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
Featuring: Robert "Chop Top" Sawyer & Lester Sinclair
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Chop Top loves talking about anything, everything. There were a few times he would stop talking.
When you became a couple and talked about the aliens, cryptids, and other things you became interested in.
He loved hearing all about it and telling you his own beliefs and how he thought about them.
He greatly enjoys hearing you talk about such creatures. He would help you research them.
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Lester is more of a quiet individual. He does enjoy talking to people, but he never really had anyone to talk to.
When you told him about your aliens and cryptids, he fully listened.
He was slightly surprised by these strange things, but loved listening to you joyfully talk about them.
The poor guy is lost more than an Easter egg, so unfortunately, he won't be helping you to research.
However, he'll sort of talk with you about the creatures. He prefers listening to you talk about them.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @fluffy-little-demon / To join my tag list apply here!
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traumaqueenie · 2 years
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