#chopper directly asks how he's been feeling
a-bit-of-cest · 10 months
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tfw you spend a full 24 hours thinking your captain is dying only to find out you're getting another crew mate
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bitchimasnake-sss · 2 months
i love from me to you sm! 😭 like it aimed directly to my heart 😭 you're so good at writing stuff so, here i am asking for a zoro!fic where reader hides that she got wounded during their last battle and zoro founds out and our poor moss head thought reader was gonna die so, he confessed (i just love flustered zoro) 😚 n e ways, continue writing the best stories!! lotsoflove! - glasses of nanamin
i feel like this is your second ask cause of the "n e ways" but lol, eitherways that's such a cute concept!! i would love love love this (i tweaked the prompt a little bit to fit it better, but i hope you like it it still)
got me losin' my cool ft. roronoa zoro!
set-up: as anon asked!! you get hurt during a fight and zoro almost has a mental breakdown haha live, laugh, love <3
warning: a bit of angst, zoro is a dumbass. otherwise, wholesome!
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roronoa zoro's feet pound against the earth and he was sure that with every leap he took, his heart sunk further under. his fingers were clammy. so very clammy against your soft skin. and he was sure the sweat dripping off his forehead and dropping onto your bloodied tank top was the last thing you wanted to see before you died.
"zo—" you rasped helplessly and your voice felt like graters against his skin. your chapped lips, almost closed eyes, the wound on your stomach and your week, blood-stained hand on it. he couldn't even bear to look at you without wanting to breakdown.
"stop talkin, please." he clenched his jaw tighter, the sound of teeth against teeth jarring. and although he refused to look down at you, cradled carefully in his arms, he could hear the desperate heaves that rocked your body.
he picked up the pace, ducking under hanging vines and leaping over overgrown roots of ancient trees carefully, so, as to not hurt you. the ship should be two minutes away, docked at the edge of the island and chopper must be there. and chopper would know what to do. how to help you.
zoro had to just deliver you to chopper.
but with his poor geographical skills, he felt like he had been running for the past thirty minutes without finding the ship. and he was certain the ship was docked only 10 minutes away from where the fight was taking place between the strawhat crew and a local pirate crew.
"zoro—" you started again.
why were you speaking? DID YOU WANT TO DIE?
"—don't use up your breath. please." he panted, feet still working to find the ship. where was that goddamn ship?
"that side—" you winced as you pointed your arm in the opposite direction. you coughed, wincing again before whispering, "the sunny."
zoro's head whipped around to look behind him. and at once, he changed the course. running as fast as he could, he soon found himself at the rocky beach the ship had been docked at.
"CHOPPER!" the swordsman bellowed for the mini doctor as he climbed up the ship. the reindeer was peering over the deck and when he looked at your nearly passed-out figure, he yelped in surprise.
"she got stabbed." zoro explained as he carried you inside to chopper's makeshift office/operation theater. laying you down gently, they both looked guilty as you groaned and clutched your own hand on the wound tighter.
"i need to apply some anti-septic, clean the wound and stitch it up." chopper stated, eerily calm in the heat of the moment. "here—" he gave zoro a sterilized cloth from his cupboard, "—apply it to her wound. put pressure on the area, i need to go make the anti-septic really quick."
"you have to make it? how long will that take?" if the swordman wasn't scared out of his wits, he would be surprised at how desperate he sounded.
"five minutes."
zoro looked at the reindeer wide-eyed. but the reindeer ran off, presumably to make the said medicine.
he looked back at you, putting the cloth to the wound and gently pushing down. he knew how to make the bleeding stop, he had done this multiple time. what he hadn't done multiple times was see you so lifeless, so incredibly overtaken by pain.
"hey." he found himself saying softly. softer than he had ever spoken before, "hey, can you look at me? hear me?"
you nodded slowly and relief washed over him. atleast you hadn't lost all cognitive senses.
"just focus on my voice, okay?" he knelt down so that he was on your eye-level from the bed. his other hand gingerly took ahold of yours. mindlessly, he rubbed soothing circles on your skin. he repeated, "just focus on my voice. yeah, close your eyes. i'm here okay?"
you found yourself closing your eyes, relying solely on the darkness of your eyelids and his voice to guide you to safety. his hand felt like a familiar weight against your stomach, the kind of touch that will renew a dead man and get him climbing back from his grave. his voice was sweet, too sweet to be even called his.
"i—" he paused, rubbing your skin with the pad of his thumb, "chopper's gonna fix you up, you know. h-he always does. i mean you're stronger than this. you'd survive, right?"
he's not sure if he meant to ask it as a question. he was sure he had said it to sound reassuring. but somewhere in between him uttering the words and you hearing them, they had turned into a desperate, desolate plea.
your chest fluttered underneath him, your breath strained. the face he adored slowly scrunched up from the pain. and he found himself talking even more.
"focus on me, okay? just me." he steeled his voice. and his nerves. "you'd be okay. you know, you always said you'd make me mochi, you never did. you said you'd make sake flavoured mochi. is that even a thing?" he laughed despite himself. it was barely a laugh. a pitiful scoff maybe? it was not the kind of laugh that would fool you.
"uh— once you get better." he pretended to ignore the way your body seemed to go slack under him. he repeated, "once you get better, i'm gonna convince franky to make us fireworks. you love those. and- and nami. i'd convince that money-hungry witch to lend me some money so that i can take you out. we will go shopping. you always said you—"
why were you so awfully quiet? usually, you'd talk to the point where he wanted to cut his ear off. now, he wanted to her you. he wanted to hear you call him a moss-head like sanji and he wanted you to laugh when he yelled at luffy for doing something stupid. and—
"—hey?" his voice pitched higher, "please wait, chopper will be back yeah?"
but you didn't even shake your head a weak yes. his shaky fingers reached out to look for your pulse on your neck. it was there. feeble, but there. but for how long?
how long till he lost you?
his throat was closing up, he couldn't breathe. his eyes burned and he was sure he was gonna mark your skin with his own from the way he held onto your wrist.
why won't you talk to him? call out his name, god fucking dammit. nobody called his name the way you did. as if you liked the syllables enough to make a home out of them. nobody smiled at him the way you did. so sweet, too sweet for him. you were everything. even though he was just another wrecked, broken boy with dreams too big for his mortal body, you were everything.
"please," he clutched onto you like a maddening bastard, "please. just hold on, okay?"
but bile seemed to crawl farther up his throat every time you didn't respond. not even a slight glance. not even the movement of a pinky. his fingers checked for your pulse. faint, but there.
and he couldn't hold his words back. he called out your name in a desperate effort to awaken you. water blurred his vision and he blinked it away. his throat was scratchy. too scratchy. and where was chopper?
"i love you." he finally confessed, not thinking much of his words than the fact that he just wanted you to hear them. "i love you so much. i have for so long. i-it wasn't supposed to be like this. i- i was gonna take you out to explore some island. i would have bought you food and called you an idiot when you smiled at me. then— then." he paused, "i would have told you i loved you. you would have said nothing back. and i would have loved even despite that."
he called out your name, sobs racking through his body like accursed symphonies.
"move." chopper was back, in his hand was a ceramic bowl with a green, gooey paste. "go out. i'd call you back, okay?"
if chopped noticed the state zoro was in, he simply chose not to dwell on it. and if zoro had any residual doubts for what kind of a doctor chopper was, he didn't dwell on them either. he caressed your hand one last time and stepped out.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
the swordsman had been pacing around the deck. none of the members were back and it gnawed on his heart. what if they were hurt too? should he go back to see? but how could he leave chopper and you alone here? and what kind of a first mate was he if he cannot even save his own crew?
the world's greatest swordman be damned.
chopper stepped out and zoro looked at the doctor, frantic. chopper gave him a sigh and chased it with a smile, "she's okay."
zoro was not sure if it was the exhaustion, or the relief, or some other feeling his gut had concocted in him without asking. but he crashed down on his knees. his palms felt rough against his face and when he inhaled, he could smell dried blood on them.
"hey." chopper trotted towards him, keeping his paw on the green-haired man's shoulders, "she's okay, really. they missed any vital spots and she didn't lose a lot of blood. she will heal, okay?"
zoro couldn't do anything but just nod along. then, when he had the courage to look away from his hands. he looked at the doctor, finally muttering a faint "thank you."
the reindeer blushed at the compliment, "don't thank me. but you know, once she's better, you should tell her how you feel. this time maybe while she's conscious."
"chopper." the swordsman groaned.
the reindeer shrugged mechanically, "i won't tell anyone what i heard if you promise to take her out on that date."
after much deliberation— having to choose between humiliation at the hand of his crewmates when they discovered his crush or the humiliation from his crush when he finally confessed— he finally gave in. after all, humiliation from one was better than humiliation from seven. especially that fucking cook.
"fine." he grumbled, "i'd take her out."
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
it had been two weeks since you were stabbed. well, you didn't talk to anyone about it, really. but when you drifted off into the wicked embrace of sleep, you would be plagued by the memories. and well, a confession.
it's not like you were pretending to be dead!! your body had simply given up. it was exhausted from the fighting and the not-dying. so, when you were laid on chopper's bed to be patched up, your body had gone slack. but just because your body had gone slack doesn't mean you weren't awake.
it had been two weeks and you hadn't told the green-haired asshole what you had heard. why? maybe cause you thought he would make the first move. or maybe because you weren't quite sure if he actually said those things or if you hallucinated it to dilute the pain.
eitherways, seemed like things between you and the mosshead were the same as they were before the incident. and you were really starting to consider the hallucination excuse. but then—
"hey." zoro quipped up as he came to stand beside you. it was cloudy today, the grey skies churning in anticipation of a storm. the winds were unkind and the sea was malevolent. beautiful nonetheless.
"oh hey." you turned and gave him a small smile. you shifted from one feet to another, pretending as if you weren't terrified of the route this conversation might take, "whats up?"
"uh—" he looked back for a spilt-second and you saw— from the corner of your eyes— chopper hidden behind a bunch of boxes, giving zoro his best death glare. zoro sighed, "so, uh, this is random, i think? but when we dock on the next island tomorrow morning. do like... do you want to go see some new sword-cleaning equipment with me?"
you shouldn't have laughed. but you did.
"what's funny?!" his eyes widened and his cheeks were dusted pink.
"no-nothing." you heaved, closing your eyes. "that's the best excuse you could come up with? sword cleaning equipment?"
"what do you mean 'excuse'? i need some equipment!"
"zoro." you forced open your eyes, your smile still frozen over your lips, "if you want to go out on a date with me, you should say that okay?"
his ears went red and he looked away. you were sure if the weather was quiet, you could hear his heart picking up the pace. clearing his throat, he finally asked, "who told you? chopper?"
"no, dummy." you reached your hand out, taking his calloused palm in yours. your thumb rubbed familiar patterns on his hand, "you did."
"me?" he snapped to look back at you, "me?"
you just gave him a grin, "this reminds me, i did promise you i'd try making sake flavoured mochi. i never did. but again, you said you'd ask frankie to make us fireworks and we're still firework-less. but hey, i forgive you if you forgive me okay?"
his head could have burst open from the sheer pressure on his brain but you continued, "but eitherways, what i really mean is that if you said i love you." you stepped a bit closer, "i'd say i love you too."
your hand let go of his and you chose to walk away, leaving him dumbfounded. when his senses came to him, he ran upto you, "YOU HEARD THAT ALL?!"
"all of it."
"heh, it was kinda cute."
"i thought you were dying, woman."
"in a way, we all already are."
"have you been hanging out with robin too much? god, kill me."
"god doesn't need to. you're already dying."
"i want to die faster."
you took his hand back in yours and pulled him towards yourself. pecking his cheek, you said, "no. we still have to go on that date. i mean, if you ever actually ask me."
the flustered mess that was rorononoa zoro just sighed. accepting his fate, he asked, "well, do you wanna go on that date or what?"
you snickered, "i'll think about it"
"do you live to annoy me?"
"maybe. but you love meee."
"i might change my mind after this."
but despite his words, his fingers stayed gently intertwined with yours. hey, maybe getting stabbed in the stomach wasn't all that bad? (jk, it was very very bad)
a/n: i love writing stoic men are flustered little guys lmaoo. hopefully y'all like this? i've been writing a lot of fluff/semi-angst lately. i wanna write some nsfw content but im so out of ideas. send reqs if you guys have anything in mind!!
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candyhartes · 6 months
sweet nothing
s: you & sanji share an intimate moment after skypiea
cw: none; fluff
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
the tiny bathroom was designed to hold no more than more person yet sanji sat on the sink counter using it as his personal ash tray with you standing directly between his legs where he comfortably rests his thighs against your hips, one hand lazily gripping your waist. a slightly battered cigarette laying between his chapped and scabbed lips, using his free hand to occasionally hold his cigarette.
the sound of the strong waves crashing against the going merry, the creaking caused by the wood shifting against each other and the buzzing from the small lamp above sanji’s head is heard inside the quiet room. nami had stated that the strong winds and rain were nothing to be alarmed of, however even in the grand line nothing was for certain so she volunteered for first watch in case things got too unsettling.
sanji’s shirt thrown across the closed toilet seat with his chest exposed fully covered in bandages as you begin to carefully remove them. your fingers delicately sliding across his back and careful not to disturb the burns that litter his skin. anytime you accidentally graze them sanji tenses and uses it as an opportunity to take a hit from his cigarette, masking his pain through sharp inhales as a way to distract you from his pain he’d hate to see his lover worry over his own mistakes.
the balm chopper made is to be applied twice a day so the burns won’t scar and relieve him of any lingering pain. you scoop some in your hand, glancing up at sanji with an apologetic expression, “i’m sorry, this might sting a little.”
“it’s nothing i can’t handle,” he smiles softly giving your waist a squeeze of reassurance. the second your hand meets his chest he’s quick to bring the cigarette back to his lips inhaling sharply. you look back at him feeling incredibly useless but he’s looking away from you, his eyes flickering from the door to the wall before he exhales the smoke above your head so you aren’t breathing it in.
you return your gaze to his chest finding choppers balm amazing as it’s been slowly causing his burns to disappear. you smile to yourself before remembering just exactly how he got in this situation. eneru mercilessly striking both usopp and sanji more than once rendering them almost completely useless, and once again striking sanji with full force after saving nami from his ship.
your movements had unconsciously slowed which peaked sanji’s interest, your eyes matched the storms of outside; dark and brewing. your soft features that he absolutely adored turned sharp and frightening yet even your anger had a hinge of sadness as your lips downturned into a pout, quivering slightly at whatever thoughts your mind is forming.
before he could ask what’s wrong, you’re already turning to look up at him his heart dropping at what he recognized as anger turning out to be grief, the familiar shine in your eyes as you attempt to blink away the tears that you’re so frantically keeping back. he’s quick to throw out his cigarette and placing both of his hands on your cheeks with concern, his thumbs running soothing circles to calm you down. “hey, what’s wrong sweet girl?”
“i’m sorry!” through your choked sobs, quivering lip, and the horrible lump in your throat you’re finally able to speak up. you want nothing more than lean into his chest and apologize over and over again for being nowhere near him during his fight with eneru. if only you hadn’t run along with robin, you could’ve helped sanji and usopp. you were far from the strongest but you’re still able to hold your own. you push yourself back but sanji’s stubborn grip prevents you from slipping away from him, instead he’s wiping your tears away and stroking your hair. “i should’ve been there. i could’ve helped you.”
“hey-“ he pulls you back so you’re looking at him, his eyes are hard and disappointed not at you rather himself for letting someone as beautiful as yourself to worry over someone like him. he gives you a soft smile, “you did everything and more with robin. stop worrying your pretty little head over meat heads like us.”
“and who knows, maybe i got hurt so i can keep you all to myself,” sanji hums, his hand slowly moving back down to you cheek. his cold fingers stroking your cheek lightly with a dazed expression; lovesick eyes as he flickers from your eyes to your lips. zoro would have laughed and insulted his dopey face with how ridiculous he looks but he didn’t care and neither did you. he leans in slightly, “who else would strip me naked to rub balm on me? i’m in heaven.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at his words, the atmosphere brightening almost instantly. his words of reassurance going straight to your heart. rather than playing into his tease, you lean into his hand planting a small kiss on his palm. “i’m sure chopper wouldn’t mind helping you but you really shouldn’t hurt yourself, who else would feed us?”
“blind and deaf with one or two arms, ill always make sure to give you everything you deserve,” sanji claims, his eyes turning into hearts at your actions, ignoring the mention of chopper rubbing the balm on him. the sound of your soft laughter and his attempts of stealing kisses from you ring throughout the hallway of the going merry, replacing what was once quiet.
note. truth be told, i’ve been avoiding my homework by writing which explains two post in less than a week. i should probably focus on school … also i really love skypiea and couldn’t help myself. p.p.s taylor’s sweet nothing really set the mood for this which is why it’s so short.
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cozage · 1 year
Hi! I really like your writing , each of them makes me feel all the emotions.🥺💞 I have an idea for a request, maybe someone has already suggested this (sorry if that's the case) I think it will be interesting, cute and sad🌱
Monster trio, Ace, Low with fem S/O, whose body was under the control by the enemy, she did not want to harm her nakama, but could not prevent it because of a uncontrolled body. Thereby hurting someone, but not of their own free will
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language :(
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this one for a long time because I knew how painful it would be to write. I only did three of them, but if you want Luffy and Sanji’s, definitely send me a request when I reopen them!
Characters: female reader x Zoro, Ace, Law
Cw: angsttttt
Total word count: 2.2k
Enemy Control
“What the hell are you doing?!” Zoro yelled, jumping away from your swinging blade. 
“I don’t know!” you cried out. “Just get away from me, I can’t control it!”
Your body suddenly changed direction, jerking you to the side. Your arms raised your sword and swing, aiming directly for Nami. 
“Nami!” you screamed, but there wasn’t enough time for her to jump out of your way. Your blade made contact with her flesh, causing her to scream out in pain. Blood dripped down her arm; the wound was deep but thankfully not fatal.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed. “I can’t stop it.”
You raised your blade again, ready to strike Nami again. She cowered in fear, and you swung as if you had the intent to kill. 
Metal hit metal, and Zoro stood in front of you, blades raised to defend. His good eye was scowling at you, full of confusion. 
“The enemy must’ve gotten ahold of your blood. He’s forcing you to fight us to keep us occupied.”
“Just run!” You jumped back, aiming to strike Zoro. 
“You are faster than all of us and you know that!” He yelled at you. “We just have to keep you occupied until Luffy knocks the guy out. It’s not that hard.” Your swords clanged together again, Zoro easily deflecting your blows. 
You kicked him, using him as a springboard to push him backwards and propel you towards Chopper. You hated that your body knew who to target, and Chopper ducked as you swung, screaming in terror. 
“Please, Zoro. Knock me out or something!” You sword jabbed towards Chopped again, but your boyfriend was back in front of you, defending his crew mates. 
“The ability still works if you’re knocked out,” Zoro said, keeping his sword against yours.
Tears were streaming down your face. You had already hurt Nami pretty badly. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you hurt anyone else. Or worse. 
You pulled away and swung again. You changed your trajectory at the last second, almost catching him off guard. 
“Kill me then!”
Zoro gritted his teeth at your request. “Not an option,” he growled. 
He swung his blade around to make contact with your sword, sending a shockwave through your body. He used your brief disorientation to flip his blade around yours, causing it to fly out of your hand. Once you were disarmed, he tackled you to the ground and pinned your arms down.
You thrashed against his body, and he struggled to keep you still. You were still sobbing under him. 
“Nami,” you said. “How is she?”
“She’s fine.” Zoro tightened his grip on your wrists. He was trying to be gentle with you, but it was difficult when you had such strong bloodlust. “Chopper’s helping her now. Just relax.”
After what felt like an eternity, he finally felt your body go slack. He looked down at you, waiting for you to fight back against him, but you seemed to be free from the curse. 
“Can I let you go?” He asked, watching you carefully.
You flexed your fingers and toes, checking to see if you had control back again. They responded to your desire, and you breathed out a sigh of relief. 
“I think so, just be ready in case something goes wrong.”
He nodded and released your wrists, still sitting on your core to make sure you kept your cool. 
“Nami?” you asked, propping yourself to look around for the orange-haired navigator. 
“She’s fine.” He got up and offered you his hands to take. You accepted, and he pulled you to your feet. He dropped one of your hands as you stood, but interlaced his fingers with yours, holding your hand tightly. 
He squeezed your hand tight, trying to comfort you. “Let's go see her. Everything’s okay now.”
“Ace!” you screamed, your fist infusing with haki as it aimed for the back of his head.
“Huh?” he turned just in time for your hand to connect with his cheekbone. The force was so intense it sent him staggering a few steps backwards.
“What the hell!?!” Ace yelled at you. “Why did you do that? That actually-”
You pursued after him, readying your fist again. “Ace, get back!” you screamed. 
You punched at him again, but this time he was ready, and he grabbed your fist as you swung. “Stop it!” he cried out in frustration. “Just tell me what I did!”
“Something’s wrong,” you said, swinging your other hand. You connected with his freckled face, and he grunted out in pain.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, jumping back a few paces. He rubbed his cheek, trying to soothe the pain. 
You continued towards him again, and you could feel yourself winding you for another punch. 
“Can’t we talk about this?” he said, backing away from you. 
“I’m not doing it!” you cried, increasing your pace to him against your will. 
Ace created a wall of fire between you two, trying to give himself time to think. “Please, Y/N! What’s-”
Your screams cut off his question, and he watched in horror as you stepped through his flames to get to him. “Ace,” you sobbed. “Help me.”
Your fist drew back, ready to hit him again, and he leapt backwards as you aimed for him. He was fast, but you were faster, and you closed the gap yet again and punched, making contact with his face again. 
He groaned in pain and pushed you away. He instinctively lit his fist on fire to attack, but quickly diminished it when he realized it was you he was fighting. He couldn't harm you, even when he knew it wasn't you attacking him.
“Shit,” he hissed, dodging another one of your relentless attacks. 
“Knock me out!” You screamed, punching at him again. 
“I’m not going to hurt you!” He could see the fear in your eyes as he continued to evade your attacks. 
“You have to do something!” You cried back. You could see him debating the idea. “You won’t hurt me! Just do it! Please!”
He dodged your next attack, slipping behind you. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, smacking his hand against a pressure point in your neck, and everything went dark.
You woke up in the infirmary of the Moby Dick, the soft beeping and whirring of machines around you. Your eyes found Ace, slumped in a chair across the room, and you sat up to look around. 
Marco must’ve been alerted to your consciousness somehow, because he quietly slipped into the room and smiled at you. 
“You’re okay,” he assured you, seeing your panicked eyes. Marco’s voice caused Ace to stir, but he didn’t pay the fire user any mind. “You were under the influence of an enemy, but it appears that it was temporary. Whether it was time related or range related, we’re not really sure.”
“Can it happen again?” You asked, scared for the danger you could put your crew in. 
“Unlikely,” Marco said, looking at your chart. “When you first came in, there was an unknown toxin in your system - likely whatever was causing your body to act on its own. But that’s disappeared now. I’ll keep testing you for a few days, but I’m not concerned about it.”
You nodded, and Marco left the room to give you and Ace some time alone. As soon as he was gone, Ace got up and walked over to your bed. He stroked your hair affectionately and planted a kiss on your forehead. 
“You scared me,” he whispered. 
“I scared me,” you said. “I didn’t know what was wrong with me.”
“I’m sorry I burned you.” You could see the pain and regret in his eyes from a simple mistake. 
“That wasn’t your fault.” You gave him a pained smile. “It was just a bad situation.”
You shuffled to one side of the bed, and patted it for him. “Come join me.”
You’re not sure who benefited more from cuddling together, but you were thankful for his warm embrace. 
“Something’s wrong,” you whispered, your heart in your throat. Your feet moved without you telling them to, your hand reaching for a knife. 
“Hm?” Law hummed. He still had his back to you, chopping vegetables. He was completely vulnerable and unexpecting of what you were about to do. 
“Law,” you said, more urgently now. You hands grasped the hilt of the knife, and you turned to face him, raising it above your head. But he still didn’t turn around.
“Law!” you shrieked, full panic now. He only had a few seconds before you...
You swung, Law turning around just in time to see the flash of silver. Just before your knife made contact with his shoulder, something shoved you hard in the side, and you heard a groan. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Shachi yelled. He grabbed your shoulders, shaking you. You could feel the knife wedged in his shoulder blade, a warm, sticky liquid flowing out from the wound. 
Your knife was removed from his back and stabbed into him again, and Shachi gritted his teeth from the pain. He switched his position to hold your arms down by your sides. 
“Captain, get your girlfriend,” Shachi shouted, and your eyes looked over to the captain. When you looked at him, you knew that Law was your target, but it was best to get rid of the weaker enemies first. 
Why were you thinking like that? What was happening to your brain? You were scared, and you could see your own fear mirrored in Law’s eyes. This ability - your body moving separately from your thoughts - reminded you of Dressrosa, and the man you defeated there. 
“It can’t be…” Law whispered, backing away from you. “That’s impossible.”
You kicked Shachi in the groin, causing him to loosen his grip on you and fall to his knees. You looked down at him, just as terrified as he was. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears in your eyes, as your foot whipped back and you kicked him in the jaw. Shachi slumped to the ground, unconscious, and your eyes turned back to Law again. 
“Please run,” you begged him. But Law only stared at you, horrified. Even as you picked up the knife and aimed it at his skull, he just stared at you.
“Law! Do something!” You screamed again. You threw the knife at him and he finally moved into action. 
“Room. Shambles.”
Suddenly, you were behind a locked gate, Law standing in front of you, safely out of your reach. Your body instinctively lunged for him, and he stepped back out of surprise, but you still couldn’t reach him.
“I’m sorry about this, Y/N-ya.” He sat on a barrel and watched you for a few moments, you desperately clawing at where he stood. Your vision was getting blurry from the tears in your eyes, but you could see that his eyes were still filled with fear. 
“Go help Shachi,” you sobbed. “Please.”
Law shambled a med kit to the room you all were in, and pulled out a tranquilizer. “Stay still,” he muttered, flicking the syringe and walking up to the bars you stood behind. 
“Law-” When you reached out to grab him, he quickly took hold of your wrist and flipped it over, injecting the sedative into your veins. The last thing you saw was his face, looking down at you as you crumpled to the ground. 
You weren’t sure how much time passed when you woke again, but your mouth was dry and there was a blanket over you now. The events came rushing back to you - the lack of control you had over your body, the prison, Shachi. 
You were too tired to move, so you balled up as small as you could on the cold metal floor and you let out a sob of despair. 
You heard movement from outside of the prison, and then the soft creak of the cell door opening. Your entire body tensed, afraid of what might happen, and you squeezed your eyes shut in fear. Maybe if you didn’t see the person, you wouldn’t hurt them.
Calloused fingers rubbed your arm, and you leaned into Law’s touch. You would know his touch anywhere, and it made you feel a little bit better knowing he was so close. 
“Shachi’s okay,” he whispered. 
You could feel hot tears slipping past your closed eyelids and down your cheeks at the mention of the news. Relief flooded through your veins. 
“You can open your eyes,” Law said, still running his fingers up and down your arm. 
“What if I-” you choked on your words, unable to finish. 
“You’re okay now. It was a devil fruit power that could control the person through some kind of virus. But I removed it while you were sleeping.”
Law wouldn’t lie to you, and your eyes opened to see his golden irises. There were dark circles under his brilliant eyes, a sign that he hadn’t slept in a very long time. But you could see relief flood through them now, and you knew everything would be okay, just like he said. 
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korebringerofded · 6 months
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You Can Hear it in the Silence- Part 1
Roronora Zoro X F!Reader
Summary- A handful of moments, Zoro realizes he has feelings for you, you realize you have feelings for him, tension tensionnnn Warnings- Future smut, adult content, sexual tension? Romantic feelings? Crack fic energy, lots of fluff and pining. Usopp being personally victimized by Zoro, emotionally unaware and distant Zoro, Reader wears a dress? Strawhat!Reader
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A/N- I ask that you read my rules before going any further on my page. Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated and keep me going All requests are always open and you can find my entire masterlist here. Please do not copy, use my work, or put it through AI without my permission or I'll be really sad about it!!
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A/N- Hope you enjoy! This was supposed to be an imagine buttttt now its a multi-part fic, sorry for no posts. Its mental illness aint it. Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated and keep me going All requests are open and you can find my entire masterlist here
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Roronora Zoro was not the kind of person who would often find himself discomposed, he was undeniably brave and headstrong, sometimes to a fault. 
He was practically a one-man army, him being a ruthless pirate hunter turned pirate meant he had seen countless battles, faced many challenges.
So far, only two things could really cause that stoic image to falter, losing a fight, and you.
From the very first day that Monkey D. Luffy dragged you aboard the Going Merry, Zoro had taken notice of you. His sharp eyes followed you closely, taking in the curve of your pretty lips and the flutter of your lashes. It started as a simple interest, a curiosity for the newest crewmate, that was all. 
At least, that is what the renowned swordsman told himself.
For the first few months of you being aboard, Zoro had believed he had been successful at ignoring the blossom of warmth he had started to feel towards his new crewmate. He had convinced himself it was truly nothing more than a friendly interest. 
That was all, just a friendly and completely platonic interest in you.
You, who had a habit of wearing short dresses when it was a particularly hot day, skirts edge swaying at your thighs as you moved around the ship. 
You, whose warmth and kindness made Zoro’s skin crawl and his chest ache in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar way.
You, whose sweet and musical laugh would play on repeat in Zoro’s mind like a siren’s song, no matter how hard he tried to stop it.
You, who would spend entirely too much time with that damn cook. 
Not that Zoro cared, of course he didn’t care.
He cared, he cared a lot.
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It was dinnertime, the sun setting over the shore while everyone was settling into their normal routines as the salty breeze blew along the deck. The entire crew sat around the dining table eating and conversing as they did nearly every evening. Nami, Sanji and Chopper sat next to you on one side of the table while Luffy, Usopp and Zoro sat on the other.
Luffy was talking to Usopp who sat at the other end of the dinning table, his voice loud as he shoved an absorbent amount of food into his face, his face pushed out like a chipmunk  with chubby cheeks full of acorns.
“L-Luffy! Be careful, you’re gonna choke!” You stammered, watching with wide eyes and a pale face.
“Ah, I wouldn’t worry so much about him. I’ve seen Luffy eat 12 whole roasted chickens in a row before.” Nami said with a sigh as she patted you on the shoulder.
“What about the bones?” You asked
“Oh yeah, he ate those too. I’m not even sure he noticed he did it.” Nami said.
“I rike food, is that suwch a crime?!” Luffy asked with a huff as his teeth tore into the juicy meat of a chicken leg, the grease coating his face and the food muffling his complaints. 
That sent everyone at the table into a fit of laughter, except for Zoro, who was sitting directly across from you at the table and was entirely too distracted staring directly at you to even notice the rest of the crew,
He had an almost unreadable expression on his face, his jaw tight. His body was tense, heart beating rapidly in his chest, like the echoing beat of a drum. Zoro’s eyes never left you, they followed the way your chin lifted into the air and your head tilted back as you laughed with your whole body.
He could see the small tears that formed at the corner of your glossy eyes as you laughed so hard it seemed to hurt, curled lashes fluttering as your hand reached up to brush the tears away.
Although he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, even himself,  Roronora Zoro started to live and breathe for those bite-sized moments of your life. He wanted to see everything, experience all of you in every way possible.
Eventually, it got to the point where every thought that ran through Zoro’s brain would somehow descend to thoughts of you, your smile, your laugh, and those fucking eyes that were starting to ruin him.
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As was normal aboard the Going Merry, Zoro was working out on the deck, doing countless amounts of reps with an abnormally huge weight, his rippling muscles twitching and sweat forming on his brow as he enjoyed the breeze and the sunshine soaking into his already tanned skin. He passed the weight between each of his arms after each set of reps, making sure each of his arms was properly matched. 
Zoro was training particularly hard today, his bandana tied around his head to catch the sweat from stinging his eyes. He couldn’t help it, he had been distracted for weeks, he had to try and clear his head.
He needed something, anything to take his mind off of his new crewmate, you. 
No matter how hard Zoro tried to avoid you, to ignore you, or be cold towards you…you would appear, and melt away that cold exterior like the onset of spring over a fluffy snow-covered field.
Just as always, as soon as Zoro’s clouded mind started to clear, your voice and presence appeared and sent a spark down the swordsman's spine, his muscles twitching as he glanced over his shoulder to see his only real weakness, you.
“I made some lemonade, you want some?” You asked in a honeyed tone.
Zoro’s eyes immediately scanned down to take in your outfit, gritting his teeth to contain the audible groan that threatened to escape his mouth. You were wearing a rather short dress, the brightly colored skirt swaying in the breeze as you held a tray with a glass pitcher full of lemonade and a few glasses on it.
“Damn…why do you have to be so cute?”
“That damn cook didn’t touch it, right? I think he's trying to poison me.” Zoro grumbled, only half-joking. 
You giggled softly, looking up at him as you quickly shook your head back and forth. You sat the tray down on a small table off to the side of the deck, bending over just a bit to pour Zoro a full glass of the lemonade.
Zoro couldn’t help it, his eyes wandered down the curve of your back to your round hips, his hand clenching around the dumbbell in his hand as he saw the skirt of your dress ride up the back of your plump thighs as you bent down.
“Nope. I made it myself, it’s definitely poison-free.” You said with a toothy grin, standing back up as you offered him the cup, the ice clinking against the sides of the frosty glass.
“Hm.” Zoro smirked. “We’ll see about that.” 
You giggled softly, still holding the glass out for him to take.
Zoro didn’t even realize what he was doing, your presence alone was like a bucket of ice water that short-circuited his brain. All rationality left his mind the moment he laid his eyes on your pretty face. 
For a split second, you could have sworn you caught his eyes flickering down to your thighs as the edge of your dress fluttered in the salty ocean breeze.
“That was just my imagination, right?” You thought to yourself, your heart starting to thunder in your chest like an approaching storm.
Zoro didn’t notice the weight starting to slip from his hands and without really thinking about it, he took another step forward. His sharp eyes were staring intensely into yours as his free hand reached to take the glass you had offered him, your fingers brushing against his calloused ones for just a moment before…complete chaos.
It was a splintering, echoing sound, the ship trembling back and forth at the sudden impact.
Usopp was pale as he rushed over and stared down at the weight sticking half-out of the deck and tottering back and forth between you and Zoro.
Ussopp stepped around the weight with his arms flying up around him wildly as he tried to get out actual words. He was puffing out air as his face turned red.
“WHAT…THE…HELL?!” Usopp managed to stammer as he looked up at Zoro with a perplexed look on his face.
“Uhm…sorry.” Zoro mumbled in a hoarse voice, clearing his throat with a cough, though his cold, sharp eyes never left yours.
“Is that all you have to say? Now I have to fix this!” Usopp huffed, his face red in frustration as he threw his arms up one final time and he ran off to the storage room to get some tools and supplies. 
Usopp ran off, his body slumped over as he mumbled curses and complaints under his breath. 
As Usopp left, Zoro’s eyes wandered from the weight sticking out of the splintered wood and then back to your beautiful eyes. 
He was sure he would die of embarrassment then and there, your eyes were wide and you were looking up at him with a shocked expression on your face. 
He was certain you would tease him, absolutely positive you would…but instead, he saw admiration in those big, beautiful eyes. You were honestly too awestruck to even notice Usopp's ramblings or to care about the damaged deck.
“Do you lift those everyday?” You asked, taking another step closer to him. 
“Oh..yeah…” Zoro answered, his mouth suddenly going dry. 
“That's…incredible. What do those even weigh?!” You asked, eyes glossy.
“Um…I have no idea. I think…1000 pounds, maybe?” Zoro chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish grin creeping up on his face.
Your eyes widened as you stared up at the swordsman, his chest was wide and littered in twitching muscles and pale scars from his many adventures. He had been training for a while and his tan skin was glossy with beads of sweat that rolled down to his rippling abs. Your eyes couldn’t help but follow the beads of sweat until they rolled down to his curly green happy trail.
Yeah, after that you were completely and totally head over heels for Roronoa Zoro, not that you could ever tell him.
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 Preview to part 2
“I can’t do this.” Zoro shook his head, shooting a glare at Nami. 
“Yes, you can.” Usopp said with a chuckle. “She is totally into you!” 
“Usopp is right, she is absolutely into you.” Nami nodded, hands on her hips. 
“Why is he here, anyways?” Zoro grumbled in a whisper, pointing his thumb in Usopp’s direction with a look of disgust. 
“Hey! I’m great at romance!” Usopp scoffed with a look of offense.
“This is going to go so badly.” Zoro said in a low voice, almost at a whisper as he started to rub his face with his hands, back slumped.
“All you have to do is ask her to spend the evening with you.” Nami said, one of her eyes twitching slightly. 
“And if she says no?” Zoro retorted. 
“She won’t! Now stop being such a coward!” Nami snapped, giving Zoro a slight shove towards the steps leading up to the main deck of the ship. 
Zoro glanced over his shoulder to see Nami and Usopp each of them giving him two thumbs up before turning back towards the steps with an audible groan before he started up the stairs.
“Why did I agree to letting these idiots help?” 
“I am not doing this. No way.” 
Zoro’s thoughts came to a complete standstill as he made his way to the top of the stairs and to the main deck. It was like the unshakeable man had been struck by a great bolt of lighting at the very sight of you. His calloused hand was wrapped so tightly around the banister that the wood trembled under his grip, sure to shatter to splinters if the pressure kept up. 
You were splayed out on the deck of the Going Merry, the afternoon sun shimmering down in bright rays of light and dancing over the surface of the freshly washed deck and your incredibly tempting skin. 
Your hair was fluttering behind you as you lay in the sun and thoughtfully flipped through one of your favorite books, laying on your stomach and kicking your feet absent-mindedly. You had on one of those absolutely maddening dresses, they always had an effect on him but that dress drove Zoro’s mind to recesses of his mind he never thought existed. 
He really couldn’t help it as his eyes flickered over your body, slowing as he scanned over the round curve of your ass and the plush skin of your thighs. It all was starting to make his head spin and his dick twitch uncomfortably under his clothes. 
Zoro was so caught up in subconsciously memorizing the shape of your body that he didn’t even notice you had looked up at him, the book still laying open in front of you. You both just stared at each other for a moment before you eventually spoke. 
“Did you need something?”
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Part 2 Coming Soon
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respectthepetty · 1 year
A public apology to Never Let Me Go's Chopper:
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Sir, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry that I mistook you for every other side character in a BL series who is jealous of the lead, manipulative to get what he wants, controlled by his father, and disingenuous to everyone. That's not you! You could NEVER! You're in a league with To Sir, With Love's Yang, and both of you will go into the BL Hall of Fame.
Just so you know how sincere I am about this apology, let me recount the ways I wrongly accused you of being an undercover red flag when you are actually the biggest green flag in these BL streets. Full disclosure - I misjudged you a lot.
You looked at Nueng at the conference and hesitated to follow your father when he left. 1a) You're always worried about your cousin and 1b) from the beginning have shown you don't align with your father's beliefs.
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1a. When you found out Ben, who you knew couldn't reciprocate Nueng's feelings due to his homophobic father, was speaking to Nueng, you directly asked Ben what he wanted from your cousin.
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Because you care about your cousin, and you want to actually spend time with him.
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You let him know that even though your parents are beefing, you still love him.
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You are genuinely happy to see him.
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And when he asked you about Ben and why you are no longer friends (since the 10th grade *sob*), you warned him that Ben is distant, but encouraged both him and Ben to pursue their attraction AND asked follow-up questions on separate occasions because YOU CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE even if it kills you.
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And that is why Nueng trusts only you unlike your father.
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1b. You told your father from the beginning that you didn't want what he was offering nor did you cave to his expectations.
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You also told him you weren't competing with your cousin because, once again, you actually love Nueng and don't resent him .
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You looked away when your father wanted you to watch him punish someone.
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You picked up the photo of Tanya and Nueng when your father threw it, and you directly asked him AND scolded him for ordering the hits.
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I know you know how to use a gun, and I know you can aim very well. If you kill your father, I will light every candle and pray that you only know good sex for the rest of your life, that your bed is always the perfect temperature, and that your earrings never snag your clothing. Amen.
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2. You have always been kind especially to Palm and Ben. You immediately went to Palm and made friends with him, speaking casually, and told him if he needed help, to ask you.
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When you saw Palm at Nueng's house, you were happy to see him, and spoke to him. When you realized you offended him by telling him he didn't have to act like a servant in front of you, you quickly apologized.
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You were also quick to apologize to Ben when you knew your words hurt him.
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When you found out about the incident at school, you went to Ben and comforted him. You even grabbed his hands in public, looked him in the eyes, and told him he wasn't to blame (for being the victim of a public outing).
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I truly thought YOU were behind this, but once again, you are the BEST BOY and put Kimlock Holmes to shame by solving the case. However, you stopped Ben from hurting Aun, and I think you even felt bad for Aun when you found out his reasoning for doing it.
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You have shown that you don't condone violence but are willing to do what is necessary for the people you love (*whispers* please kill your dad) and will literally kick someone's ass.
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4. You are aware you are gay.
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I know this seems wild that I misjudged you for this mostly since this is a BL series, so everyone is queer until proven otherwise, but Chopper, you KNOW who you are. You aren't holding on to a secret. You aren't pining over Ben from a distance. No! You told him in the 10th GRADE that you liked him.
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And when he rejected you, you kept your distance, but still encouraged him to find happiness with someone else because you want the people you love to be happy even if it was with each other.
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You also complimented Palm on his body because, baby, YOU ARE A GAY MAN WITH EYES!
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I can't apologize enough for not believing in you even when you showed me exactly who you were time and time again. You may be okay that Ben rejected you, but know that Ben now realizes the sun and the moon reside in your eyes.
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The way he looked at you while you took the time to carefully go through your skincare routine when you said you weren't his type told everyone that this boy wants Nueng to come home safe, but he wants YOU to come to his home and make him feel safe.
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Chopper, I love you. I don't even care that you are into cryptocurrency. Baby, your game is so fire, that you could tell me to shut up, and I do it. That's how much I love you.
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If you pull a switcheroo in the final act, I'll forgive you. If you die in the final act, I will never speak of this show again. If you kill your father, I will never stop speaking about this show.
Stay kind. Stay sincere. Stay a confident gay.
And kill your father.
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entomjinx · 1 year
Strawhat polycule (+Vivi and Law) HCs
I was asked for some on twitter and I popped off there, so here they are! I have a ton more but this is what I'm posting now. Feel free to add more in the replies/reblogs!
-at first it was completely unspoken! No one called it a relationship or really talked about it, they just existed together
-(also Chopper is like. Collectively everyone's kid/little brother like figure so he is not a part of the poly, but he's definitely a part of the cuddle piles!)
-Zoro Luffy and Nami got together first. They were in that dinghy together for so long and they knew so much random bullshit about one another by the end of it. It's part of what absolutely crushed Nami when she left to go back to cocoyashi, because even though it'd never been said out loud, she'd come to care so much for those two, and she was starting to care so much for Usopp too.
-Usopp was pulled into a cuddle session on the deck of the Merry within two days of joining, and he'd never felt so safe and cared for. He's hesitant to join in without being directly invited each time until post water 7, but Luffy has no problem just dragging him in every time.
-Sanji was the second hardest to get to join the cuddle piles. It took at least a month, and Nami dragging him in herself. She stuck him right between her and Zoro, and well. While Sanji won't say it to his face, Zoro is very very comfy to lay on, and waking up being held by him and Nami made him feel so cared for.
-Robin takes the place of most difficult strawhat to snuggle- until post Enies Lobby. After all they went through, after realizing that's it's okay to want to to live again and to want things for herself? She will just go and sit against whoever is still at the moment to read.
-Jmbei and Franky are always down for the cuddles piles too. Franky will wrap blankets around his metal parts to make them more comfortable, and Jimbei is big a huggable always!
-Brook loves the cuddle pile tradition and any and all physical affection. He was alone for so long that he was dealing with touch starvation... he cried during that first crew cuddle pile... or he would have if he had eyes! Yohohohoho skull joke!
-Vivi! Vivi sits with Nami while she draws her maps! Nami helps do her hair in the morning!
-Vivi likes to sit in the kitchen with Sanji and tell him about dishes from Alabasta! He makes them as similar as possible without the needed ingredients, and when they get to Alabasta, those are some of the first things he buys.
-Zoro teaches Vivi knife tricks to use with her peacock slashers, and how to properly use weights to train with. She chews him out for pushing himself too much when he does things he told her never to do. She's one of the few people who can actually get him to rest.
-Usopp and Vivi share stories! Vivi tells him all about Alabastan myths so he can use them in the tall-tales and he tells her the stories of East blue, both exaggerated and non-exaggerated!
-Luffy teaches her how to throw a proper punch after watching her hurt her hand practicing. What she was doing was working, but it wasn't super sustainable.
-One Time she and Luffy have a conversation about ruling. She will be the queen of Alabasta, and he the pirate king, so it felt fitting to talk about it. Goa gets brought up, and Luffy tells her she'll be a much better queen than Goa's ruling family because her people will be free under her. Because she cares about them.
-leaving Vivi behind in Alabasta hurt them all so much. They sneak letters and denden calls back to her as often as possible.
-Zoro and Sanji still bicker like an old married couple and have their rivalry but they tend to sleep closer together than most. Zoro's a walking heater and Sanji gets cold in his sleep so.
-Sanji pays very close attention to everyone's favorite foods so he can make them as often as possible, but he also pays attention to their comfort foods so he can make them when they're feeling down.
-Zoro pretends he doesn't like sweets. He does, but if he eats them he HAS to brush his teeth after because the thought of his teeth weakening too much to hold a blade concerns him greatly.
-When Sanji notices, he starts making some dishes that taste sweet but have less sugar in them for Zoro.
-Makino used to buy Mikans all the way from cocoyashi, and when Luffy realized that Nami's Mikan Juice recipe is the one that Makino got from the person she bought mikans from, he got so excited. He gets so excited when Nami makes it.
-Nami and Zoro go out drinking with one another in ports all the time. Zoro watches her back while she cheats at cards, and he helps keep creepy guys away. Nami flirts with all the women who try to flirt with Zoro. He's bisexual as all hell, but sometimes women can be creepy too. They will challenge people to try and out drink them, and people loose that bet all the time.
-Once Nami realized just how into Fashiom Sanji was? Endgame. She drags him shopping with her all the time, and once she made him understand that he could be honest with her when it came to clothing instead of just complimenting her, it's phenomenal. He knows so much about different brands, how to spot fakes, and he's just as good at bargaining as she is.
-Robin steals maps from libraries for Nami to compare hers to, and then make better versions of. She returns them after, of course, but not without a copy Nami's notes neatly placed with them. Robin's also really good at finding places for Nami to sell her maps.
-Everyone finds out Zoro can sew pretty early on. He's constantly fixing tears in his clothing, and he eventually starts offering it to the others too. And if he can't fix it nearly, he'll embroider something over it to make it look like it's part of the design. He claims he learned because needles are just "tiny swords."
-Luffy and Zoro take naps together all the time. They're not allowed to go all out with sparing unless their on an uninhabited island though. They don't want to hurt the Merry or the Sunny too much.
-Luffy has taught Nami a couple bo staff tricks he learned from Ace and Sabo as a kid.
-Luffy LOVES to listen to all of them talk about things their passionate about. He may not understand it all, but he doesn't mind listening to the same things more than once or different explanations either.
-if someone talks about a problem near Franky and Usopp, it's solved within a day. They'll build something to fix it or help at the drop of a hat.
-once Nami learned that Zoro was good at math, she asked him to help keep track of all the finances.
-Luffy nuzzles them a bit like a feral animal sometimes. He grew up in the jungle, and you can take the boy out of the jungle, but not the jungle out of the boy.
-Luffy will sit in Usopp's lap while he tells stories if it's just the two of them. They fish together a lot too!
-Brook can play anything he's ever heard, so he collects everyone's favorite songs like pokemon.
-they have a board full of little things they've said to one another that they don't want to forget in the library. It has everything from compliments to cursed things to the completely random and mind blowing things their captain says once in a blue moon.
-Luffy kisses people's foreheads and cheeks to tell them good night. It's one of the best parts of everyone's nights.
-Sanji likes to kiss people's hands, especially if they have to be bandaged for any reason. He only did this with Nami, Robin, Vivi, and Chopper at first, but it quickly spread to Luffy and Usopp. He even does it for Franky, who can't feel his hands and will just remake them instead of bandaging them up.
-the first time someone did this back to Sanji (it was nothing more than a papercut), and it was Zoro. It flusters him so bad that everyone started grabbing his hands to kiss them just because they feel like it.
-there are very few occasions where Zoro sleeps in a way where his back isn't covered. It's almost always when one of them is injured and he's guarding them.
-Luffy loves to talk about bugs to Robin and Usopp, but the second Nami or Sanji come into the room he immediately stops because he knows they're afraid of bugs. Nami eventually tells him that hearing about them doesn't really spook her, and that there are some bugs she likes. The pollinators for her mikan trees, for example. The bees and the butterflies. So Luffy talks about those with her instead. Sanji's infinitely grateful that his captain doesn't mention the creepy crawlies to him.
-Franky and Usopp like to make little trinkets for people, and when they work together, the trinkets come out beautifully.
-Franky and Brook got into a pun war once. It lasted for days. They decided they were equals in tomfoolery because if they didn't they may have driven Nami mad.
-Robin and Sanji are the most verbal about complimenting the others. They work together to pull the others out of bad headspace's when necessary.
-Zoro convinces Usopp and Nami to do some exercises with him. They thought he'd push them the way he did himself at first, but he could never.
-Zoro is one of the biggest softies of the whole group. He just pretends he isn't. They all know this.
-After they all trauma dump at some point, Usopp makes sketches of the people they've lost, so that if they don't have any photographs, they can have this. They have all sobbed to Usopp after receiving one of these sketches.
-Usopp's room is full of drawings of the strawhats doing different things. Some of his favorites are of Nami picking mikans, Sanji teaching Chopper the steps to a dance in the kitchen, Brook playing violin in the moonlight, and Luffy asleep on the Sunny's figurehead.
-Franky had never considered letting anyone help fix and tamper with his insides until the Strawhats. But he feels so safe with them that he has no problem explaining how he works and what to do to upgrade the slots he has trouble reaching.
-Brook and Zoro spar against each other often. they start interweaving parts of one other's styles into their own as they learn them.
-They started acknowledging it all more post TS.
-one of the first things Luffy did was tell them all he loved them. One of the few things he regrets is not telling Ace that enough, and he's not gonna make that mistake again. It starts a chain reaction, and they all start say it out loud, some more than others.
-all the Strawhats knew Luffy had nightmares even before the skip. He never said anything about it, but he'd sneak to sleep with one of them even on non-cuddle pile nights. It's more noticeable post time skip. They don't ask.
-Sanji comes back with long hair and wearing heels, and no one questions it. Good for him. His kicks hurt more and they missed his food dearly. Nami and Robin now get to help him with his hair too!
-Brook adds most his earnings as Soul King to the treasury for the crew. He also came back with gifts from all over for all of them.
-Zoro learned even more stuff about sewing from Perona, and when he finally gets to fix something for Nami and Robin with an intricate design he learned, he looks so excited to be doing it. One of them snuck a photo and it's the first photo on the photo board they added beside the quote board.
-everyone loves to sit in the Galley and talk with Sanji while he cooks. Sometimes he'll sing if they're all quiet.
-Robin likes to play with people's hair when she's reading, and she likes to read aloud just as much.
-Sanji and Usopp cut and style everyone's hair.
-Jimbei is overwhelmed by how welcoming the Strawhats are before he's even officially joined them. He knows what to expect by the time he makes it to Wano though, and he's so excited.
-Luffy saw right through Law in Punk Hazard. He saw the same look in his eyes as he's seen in Robin and Ace and a lit of his crew. He felt in his gut that if he didn't help Law he wouldn't live past whatever he was planning.
-he knew that telling his crew that Law saved his life would mean them learning that he almost died, but it doesn't stop him from doing it.
-even with that information they're hesitant to trust Law at first, but they fold pretty quickly as they start to see the same thing Luffy did in his eyes.
-Chopper asks Law what happened after Marineford because he's Luffy doctor and feels like he should know... and Law tells him. Everyone else listens from around the corner, heartbroken to hear that after the canera's cut, Luffy's brother died taking a hit for him. That Luffy was so exhausted and full of poison that Law knew he had to have been tortured in some way. That the surgery to save him took everything he had. That Jimbei was the one to bring him back to his senses while he was upset.
-Law tells him about what he needs to know so bluntly... but he leaves out how Luffy's scream for his brother never left his mind, reminding him of the way he lost Corazon. He doesn't tell Chopper that Luffy tore some of his wounds back open as soon as he was awake, desperate to try and find his brother.
-they all keep very close eyes on Law to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid after that. If nothing else, they won't let the man who saved their captain's life die.
-Sanji sneaks more food onto Law's plate whenever he's not looking because there's no way he's eating enough.
-Zoro starts spars with him to keep him out of his head.
-Robin shares knowledge back and forth with him, debating on simple things to pass the time. She accidentally picks up on all the signs that he too, survived a genocide. A tiny mistake in covering his accent while he was mostly asleep is what gave her the final clue to which one.
-even though he tries to hide it, Law is fascinated by how Franky kept himself alive.
-Nami asks about how they navigate under the ocean, but Law doesn't have all the answers for her. He tells her she should ask Bepo when they all meet up, and Nami is the first to get him talking about his crew. He doesn't even notice everyone else listening at first, but his clear love for them is what chases away that last little bit of suspicion.
-when they realize Law is just a dork underneath the fake moody attitude, they ask as many questions as they can to get that side of him to come out.
-Law has to bite the inside of his cheeks to not laugh at Brook's puns when they catch him off guard
-Nami trades him rare coins for regular ones when she sees him looking, but if he already has it in his collection, he'll tell her how much it's worth to sell.
-Usopp and Franky build him little models of the Germa 66 comic characters. They sit on display in the Tang.
-Law finds some old music from Flevance, and he trusts Brook to copy it down when he can't.
-Luffy manages to pull the childishness that he thought died more than a decade ago right back out of him. He finds himself in so much ridiculous bs, but it feels so nice to just let go.
-Robin explains how weapons from different cultures work so Usopp can rebuild them with Franky!
-Robin absolutely lies about it sprinkling rain lightly to cover up the fact that Law sheds a few tears when Doflamingo goes down.
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zoros-sake-bottles · 1 year
Having a girlfriend who spaces out (Ace,Sanji,Law)
So basically you space out for long periods of time especially when your stressed and tired or feeling mentally unwell
Your brain just stops and you block out everything around you
You begin to talk to yourself in your own thoughts or look into the darkness of them
You can see images and even hear sounds
For everyone on the outside it looks like your completely absent 
It definitely isn’t normal but no one knows why it happens
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The first time it happened he was beyond worried like the way you stared directly passed him despite how many times he called out to you made him think you were either seriously upset with him or you were sick
In that case he panicked and ran to get Marco as quickly as possible and Marco too was concerned because according to Ace you had been like that for a whole 10 minutes
Trying not to alarm anyone else Marco asks Ace to go and get his Ophthalmoscope or for Ace the flashlight that makes your pupils grow
After two minutes he realizes that was a mistake because every medical tool looks almost the same to Ace especially now that he’s panicking
  So Marco goes after Ace hoping to stop the possible destruction of his office
Suddenly you snap out of it slightly groggy from your eyes being open for so long without blinking you could have sworn Ace was in front of you
You get up and go look for Ace only to find him going insane along with Marco in his office
They both stop to look at you before Ace drops whatever he was looking at to hug you
“Y/n ! You scared me!” he squeezes you tight
Though confused you gently rubbed his back and looked at Marco as if he could fill you in with his eyes
Ace pulls back and puts a hand to your face “Are you okay!?-Here sit down”
Before you can answer he picks you up and sets you on the cot in Marco’s office
He starts bombarding Marco with questions and they start talking on their own without you, that is until you butt your way in to the conversation-clearly distressed by the secrecy 
“You disassociated for a long time and it gave Ace quite a fright yoi” he explains
Your body relaxes before your eyes shut and you begin to rub your temples, you thank Marco and assure him your okay before asking him to give you and Ace a moment alone
You signal for Ace to take a seat next to you before taking his hands in yours and explaining to him that your zoning out is just a coping mechanism and that its not really something you have control over
“It only happens when your drained right? Maybe I could help you relax and re-charge-IF YOU WANTED ME TO- I’D TOTALLY UNDERSTAND IF YOU PREFERED DOING IT ON YOUR OWN-…”
Smiling you lean forward and kissed the boy on the cheek
“I-um…are you hungry? Thatch made some of your favorite cookies earlier, I’m sure he saved a bunch for you”
After this Ace most definitely makes sure you NEVER over do it
He makes sure you reserve time to yourself everyday!
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*cough cough*
Sanji has always been dramatic about every single injury you have ever gotten
A stub of your toe, a scratch from a twig or a paper cut is just enough for him to hunt down Chopper and make him give you a check up
Just let the injury be bigger than that and he physically won’t be able to bare the fact that he allowed you to get hurt
So just imagine how he would react if the threat was in your head and he couldn’t protect you from it, from yourself
You knew as soon as you started dating that telling him about your condition was the right move
While you were explaining it all your head lay in the crook of his neck and the both of your fingers intertwined 
When you finished it was quiet for awhile as he took it all in
“Is there really nothing I can do?”
You shake your head a little and he feels it
“You said stress is what triggers it right? Maybe I can prevent it a little if I eliminate some of the factors-”
You sympathetically smile at your boyfriend, he’s always jumping to take on your burdens and to fix your problems 
You tell him that he can’t keep your mind from going into overdrive all the time and this makes him frown
You squeeze his hand 
“but you know what you could do for me baby?”
“What?” he perks up a bit
“Take care of me when I come out of it, I’m always a bit confused and I don’t know how much time has passed-”
“Darling that’s a given, I don’t even know if I could leave your side when your in such a state” a puff of air came out from his nose
When it happens, now Sanji is either by your side holding your hand or just around the corner preparing you something light to eat
His main goal is to create a gentle space where your mind can slow down                  
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He knows
He knew before you
Does he know what your illness is exactly? No
Is there medicine to treat it? No…well not unless you want to loose the ability to blink
As soon as he noticed your symptoms he started looking for a cure without even telling you
He worries but he hides behind knowledge and sarcasm
While your trying to do some work on the submarine your breathing becomes labored and you feel yourself begin to sway a bit- almost falling back, that is until he catches you
“If your tired sit down, its common sense”
You’d normally respond by mocking him, childish things piss him off real bad but you were beginning to disassociate
“Y/n ya?” 
You blink at him and try to shake your head to keep yourself grounded
Law uses his powers to bring you to your shared bedroom
He makes sure to lay you down gently on the bed and gets you something to drink (it contains electrolytes) 
Its a struggle but you manage to avoid spacing out and instead try to explain to Law (what he already knows)
“I’m aware, I am a doctor y/n” he attempts to be snarky but you can see his hands shaking a bit by his sides
He turns around “If its too much don’t do it please” 
“but I can’t just do small things, I want to contribute too, I don’t want everyone to see me as-”
“Who’s the captain of this ship y/n?” he intercedes
You go silent 
“If the others have a problem with it they can get the hell off of my ship”
You huff and sink down into the bed knowing that you wouldn’t be able to argue with him and that he had good intentions
“Actually I have a feeling your not going to listen” he clicks his tongue
“I’ll have to go notify everyone to keep an eye out-”
“Don’t” you sit up, but he’s already shambled himself out of the room
You can’t lift anything more than five pounds and everyone’s always helping you out with tasks
You know Law is somewhere not too far away smirking at the sight and it pisses you off
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vdoesstuff · 2 months
Fic #26 (Zosan)
Sanji leaned overboard, staring off into the horizon. The sun had just risen. It wouldn't be long until Luffy woke up and started asking for breakfast. Nami was already awake, skillfully steering the ship to get them to the next island. Robin sat on the deck, reading, Chopper leaning on her arm. Usopp was tinkering with a new star he was working on. Zoro was up in the crow's nest, probably just enjoying the view. Sanji smiled. It was sort of an unspoken rule, the early hours of morning, they all kept quiet, to enjoy the peace that came with the sunrise.
The boat hit a wave. Sanji fell overboard. Usually not a big deal. They'd laugh at him for a few days, but nothing bad.
But not this time.
He hit the water hard. He tried to swim back up, but another wave pushed him back down. Once again, he tried to swim back up, but he couldn't. He looked down, realizing his foot was stuck in a piece of coral. He could feel his consciousness slipping. He managed to free his foot, kicking the coral, snapping the fragile rock in half, but the waves were not kind today. He was pushed down yet again. He came up, for a brief moment, only to see the Merry much farther away than it should be. Riptide, he thought. The wave that carried you out to sea before you even knew what was happening. His head dipped below the surface once more.
Zoro watched from the crow's nest as Sanji fell overboard, flipping over the rail. He expected him to come back up pretty quickly. Any second now, he thought.
He didn't come up.
Zoro knew something was wrong. He knew Sanji would never have this much trouble coming back up on his own. He dove directly from the crows nest down to the water. He couldn't waste any time. He looked around, searching for any sign of the cook. There he was, tangled in a patch of seaweed, the air slowly escaping his lungs. It was clear there had been a struggle, and this wasn't the only thing g that happened, but this wasn't the time. Zoro cut the vines off quickly, bringing Sanji back up to the surface. He laid him down across the deck, soaking the floor.
He wasn't breathing.
He wasn't breathing.
Zoro panicked. He thought back to something Chopper had taught him a while ago, when he had given the crew a mandatory CPR lesson. He closed one hand around the other, placing them both over Sanji's chest. Please, he thought. Please breathe.
He pressed down.
It felt like every second was an hour, every painful second he wasn't breathing was one second closer to death.
He pressed down.
It was a blur. Like everything outside of him and Sanji had been muted, blotted out. He could vaguely hear Nami yell for Chopper, the sound of Choppers hooves across the deck as he ran to go get his medical supplies.
He pressed down.
Sanji gasped, sitting bolt upright. Zoro gently held back Sanji's as he coughed up water. Chopper took over, bombarding Sanji with questions about what happened, how he felt, how much water did he inhale. Zoro stayed next to Sanji, clutching his hand as if he would fall again at any second. After asking nicely, several threats, and finally, force, Chopper managed to get Sanji in his office. Zoro still refused to leave Sanji's side.
"Y'know mosshead, you don't have to stay here," Sanji said, smiling softly.
"Yeah I do," Zoro said. "Gotta make sure you don't fall again." Sanji rolled his eyes.
"Never gonna hear the end of this one, am I?" He said, faking disdain. Zoro grasped Sanji's hand in his.
"I almost lost you, Curly." The whole incident truly scared Zoro. And he wasn't scared easily. Sanji pressed his lips against Zoro's.
"Then don't, marimo." Sanji smiled. Zoro laid down next to Sanji, who clung to him like his life depended on it, resting his head on Zoro's chest. They fell asleep like that, together.
Credit to @alohaags22
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
See my full masterlist here!
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Pairings: Will “Ironhead” Miller x DeltaForce!Reader (gender neutral) Warnings: descriptions of canon-typical violence (a stab wound), cursing, and mentions of cocaine. Summary: Imagine surviving the helicopter crash with Will. A/N: let me know if you’d be interested in this becoming a series/more fics in this verse! Read here on AO3.
The steady whump-whump-whump of the helicopter’s blades almost lulled you to sleep. You glanced out the window at the snow-capped mountains before returning your attention to the others. Frankie and Tom sat in the cockpit while Santi and Benny settled against the bench seats. Will was stretched out between you and Benny, his back leaning against the wall awkwardly. 
You watched as Pope stood and made his way to the cockpit before letting your headset fall around your shoulders to give your ears a break. You blew out a harsh, slow breath and let your head fall against the wall while Benny followed Pope. A little grunt escaped you as Fish raised your altitude and your ears popped. 
Will took his headset off his ears and leaned his back against your shoulder, turning so his mouth was directly in front of your ear. “You all right?”
“Yeah,” you answered. “Ears are just popping.”
“Mine, too.” He rotated more to look at you and you could feel yourself drowning in his baby blues. He stared back with just as much intensity and something unspoken passed between you like it always did. You and Will had always been the most similar out of the group. It had created a bond between you that felt different than your relationship with the others. You two could read each other with just a look—something you’d been able to do since you’d first met when you both joined Delta Force. He’d been the only one who hadn’t immediately doubted your skills because of your smaller frame and youth and always treated you like the accomplished, capable soldier you were. You’d saved his neck multiple times, just like he’d saved yours. After retiring, you’d stayed in the same town and became practically inseparable. Even through failed relationships, fights, and PTSD episodes, you were there thick and thin. 
You hadn’t realized precisely what shape your friendship took in the center of your chest until a few hours ago when Will’s strained voice called, “I’ve been hit.” The red that tinted his hands had your heart trying to scramble out of your throat and the first words in your mind were I love you. Now a war waged in your head over whether to say something before you really did lose him and knowing this was nowhere near the opportune moment.
“How’s your side?” you asked, returning to the moment. You had to shout in his ear to be heard over the noise of the chopper. 
“I’m okay…How’s your leg?”
You glanced down at your own bloody, bandaged mess. One of Lorea’s men had stabbed you in the leg and although it wasn’t deep, another of his cronies had pushed you over the banister of the stairwell with the first man’s hand still on the hilt. You’d dragged him down with you, but it had also dragged the blade, and he’d nearly skinned half your leg before falling to the floor below. Will had insisted on bandaging it for you and helping you walk. He’d even tried to carry you a few times, but had stopped at your protests as he groaned and stumbled under the weight of both you and his gunshot wound. “Throbbing,” you answered honestly, “but I’ll live.”
“When we land, I wanna look at it. Make sure it isn’t getting infected.”
You nodded and silence fell over the pair of you again. Something had shifted in his gaze—it felt softer, more private. He’d always looked at you affectionately (and earlier, he’d looked at your leg terrified), but this felt…different. You weren’t sure how to describe it and wondered if he felt the same avalanche of feelings you did. There couldn’t have been a worse time to realize you were in love with your best friend, but you felt the weight of it tumble down and bury you too quickly for you to resist. There was a new depth in his eyes that hadn’t been there before that felt like finally finding air after almost drowning and you clung to it. 
Will suddenly swung his legs to the ground and scooted closer to you on the bench. He threw a glance at the cockpit and you followed his gaze. Pope and Benny were still distracted by whatever Fish was telling them. You were about to put your headset back on to see what they were saying when you felt something gently brush against your pinky finger. You glanced at your hand resting on your thigh to see Will’s pinky gently brushing against you. When you risked a look at his eyes, there was a longing and nervousness you’d never seen before and it made your heart flutter. When you didn’t pull away, he let his fingers gently swipe over the back of your hand. You’d watched—and helped—him use crushing strength in missions countless times. His fingers now brushed you like both you and the moment were made of glass that he was desperate not to shatter. 
The desperation in his eyes and the hard clench of his jaw had you gently tangling your fingers with his. Before you could turn your hand to fully hold his, the chopper rattled and shook around you. Frankie bellowed, “Lose the money or we’re all gonna die!”
Pope and Benny rushed towards the back as you and Will stood. 
“We’ll get it!” Will shouted as he pulled the lever to open the back doors. The two of you shoved several duffel bags out the back. Frankie had warned you that there would be a weight problem and while you felt a pang of sadness at seeing the money go, you’d like to return home in one piece with all of your brothers—especially Will. You had a feeling conversations needed to be had after all this was over. 
With the pile of duffel bags cut in half, Pope yelled, “I’ll go check!”
Will ushered you back over to the bench to sit next to him. Benny returned to his spot by his brother’s side as you gripped the handrail. Will gripped his own in one hand, the other hand slung over your torso to hold you in place like a seatbelt, his hand fisting in your shirt as the helicopter suddenly plummeted. 
“What the fuck are you doing, Catfish?!” Will screamed beside you, pulling you closer against his side. His arm bent awkwardly in an attempt to keep you safe and you let your fingers finally tangle with his as your heart pounded in your chest. He squeezed your hand as your world bobbed and tilted with the falling helicopter. 
Frankie screamed something about an external load release you couldn’t fully hear without your headset. “Pull the lever, Ben!” Pope yelled. 
The chopper shifted as the lever came down, but you could still feel it falling. You quickly slipped out of Will’s hold to open the hatch in the floor. You could feel his hand grabbing for you as he yelled, “wait!”
You gave him a reassuring glance as he dropped his arm, looking at you with concern. You grunted with the effort it took to open the trapdoor and felt your stomach drop at the bag still attached to the cable. “It didn’t work!” you yelled. 
After a long moment of listening through the headset, Pope said, “Fish says there’s a manual override on the cargo hook.”
Will seemed to sense that you were about to swing your legs out and launched forward to hold your waist. He pulled you against him with a crushing grip, despite your protests. His concern warmed you, but this was your job, damn it. If this was what him liking you back meant, you weren’t sure if you were a fan of that particular development. 
“Let me through!” Benny demanded as he carefully lowered his legs outside. Will pushed you behind him and gripped his brother’s shirt hard. 
A moment later, you heard the clang of the release and fell back as the chopper surged upwards, free of its ball and chain. You only wished you could get rid of the burden as easily; this job was quickly becoming not worth the risk. 
Will scrambled up from where he’d fallen next to you and reached out to Benny, who had now fallen all the way through the hatch and was barely holding onto the opening with his fingertips. “Benny!”
“I’ve gotta jump!” you heard him call. He screamed as Will called his name again, swiping futilely for him. 
The chopper hit the ground so hard it rattled your teeth before bouncing back up and slamming down again. The world spun in a circle outside the windows, and you grabbed onto the bench from your seat on the floor to steady yourself. Not even a second later, Will was by your side, hauling you against him and burying his face in your neck. You heard his hand slap down on the bench beside you in an attempt to find his footing. You wanted to say something—anything—but the roar of the failing engines, blades, and alarms drowned everything out. 
Just as Will finally made some progress with his feet and began to lift you with him, the whole world tilted with a metallic groan. Will quickly turned so he landed back-first to cushion your fall and held you so tight, you could hardly breathe. You clung to him just as hard as you felt the giant piece of machinery spin in a circle a few more times before the telltale whine of the engines dying and the blades snapping off punctuated the cacophony. 
The ringing in your ears almost drowned out Will’s harsh breath. You were panting just as hard and still clinging to him like a life preserver. You let out a ragged breath before lifting your head to find his eyes. He was bleeding badly from the head and blood trickled down the side of his face. You gently traced the edge of it with your thumb. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he breathed. His own hand came up to trace your jaw and you winced at the unexpected sting. When he brought his hand back, there was blood on it as well. “Are you?”
“I think so—”
“Are you two okay?” Pope asked in a rushed breath as he scrambled over to you. 
You both nodded and you took his hand to help you up. Will’s hand stayed clenched around your shirt as you pulled him up. Santi grunted as he yanked the side door open above him and Will took his moment of distraction to tilt his forehead against yours. You released the breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding as you squeezed his fingers. 
“You first,” he said, gesturing to the open door. He bent his knees and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist. 
“Your side—”
“I’m okay,” he said in a strained voice. He grunted slightly as he lifted you towards the opening. 
You found purchase and yanked yourself up with your hands, hissing as your injured leg brushed against the doorframe. You carefully lifted yourself to sit on top as Benny pulled a bleary Fish and Tom through the shattered windshield. Donkeys brayed in the small village in the distance as several people climbed onto the net with all your bounty. Your heart physically hurt as the sun flashed off what you assumed were several knives. 
“They’re cutting into the fucking net,” Fish muttered from below as Santi popped up beside you. He laid a comforting hand on your shoulder before sliding down the chopper. 
Will appeared by your side with a grunt and you helped yank him the rest of the way through the door. Surveying the ground below, you weren’t sure how you would make that drop with your leg as it was. Maybe if you rolled to land on your side—
“What’s the plan here?” Santi asked. 
“Woah, woah, woah!” Benny cried, rushing forward as Will slid to the ground, landing on his knees hard and holding his hip. 
Benny stared at his brother briefly, hands hovering over him before turning to you and holding out a hand. 
You began to reach for him when Will quickly stood and grabbed Benny’s arm. “Here, let me.” Something passed between them before the younger Miller nodded and turned his attention to Tom. Will held out his arms for you, and you slid forward to slot your waist between them. You laid your hands on his muscled and veined forearms and clenched your teeth in anticipation of the landing to come. 
“I won’t let you fall,” Will said quietly. “Come on.”
You nodded before gingerly sliding down. True to his word, Will caught your waist just a foot off the ground before tenderly lowering you to stand beside him. His thumbs rubbed soothing circles into your hip bones and you let out a shuddery breath as you stared at each other, completely lost. 
“That’s cocaine they’re growing,” Tom’s voice pulled you out of your trance, “so they may have weapons trained on us from there and there.”
“Thanks, Ironhead,” you muttered with a small smile, giving Will a gentle pad on the chest. 
He gave you a grin in return, his eyes soft. “Anything for you, darlin’.”
Your heart fluttered as you turned your focus to Tom’s plan. Since you were both injured, you and Will stayed by the chopper, but he made sure to stick close to your side. You didn’t want to stray too far from his either. Benny and Fish disappeared into the brush while Tom and Santi headed towards the villagers gathered around the net. Black smoke from the crash piled into the air, clouding the blue sky that reminded you so much of Will’s eyes, and you coughed as it infiltrated your lungs. Will gently rubbed your back, letting his hand slide down your shoulder and arm to gently squeeze your hand. You squeezed back and sighed, praying you’d both get home in one piece.
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
The more I watch it…
… I definitely think the reason the Nate and Eliot relationship gets overlooked is that it’s very tacit and unspoken. These are two guys who do not discuss feelings, at least not directly, instead they just steadily… Fall into a pattern, they develop a system. The trust and loyalty between them isn’t spelled out in long speeches or discussions; it’s in the way Eliot starts to look to Nate for a cue if he should engage; Eliot allowing Nate to pull him back; it’s Nate never trying to force details of Eliot’s past from him; the way Nate only ever doubts Eliot once and then never again; the way Nate looks at Eliot after being forced to take a drink in the Bottle Job, or any other time; their conversation about the bank robbery in the Bank Shot job; Eliot being willing to kill for Nate; no matter how far on a bent he is, it’s in Nate never asking him to; it’s in Eliot and Sophie worrying about Nate’s destructive behaviour and his drinking; Nate telling Eliot ‘get them to the chopper’ rather than ‘get to the chopper’; it’s every time Eliot speaks out about a play or choice he doesn’t agree w/ and calling Nate out; it’s them sitting in silence in the bar; it’s the way Eliot falls in at Nate’s shoulder, or shifts in front of him in case of threat; it’s Eliot doing things Nate asks even when he complains; it’s Nate honestly responding when Eliot confronts him; it’s the Zanzibar Job; Eliot being mad Nate (and the others) left the baseball game early; Nate trying to protect Eliot from being forced to do the fixed fight; his panic at thinking Eliot’s been shot for a moment; Nate sounding for all the world like a proud dad during the country music ep; the exchange at the end of the cheerleading ep; them both harping on Hardison to tip the messenger; Nate trying to curb Eliot’s flirting; watching sports together; it’s the tiny glances they exchange or they way they sometimes move in sync.
Leverage Inc has no hierarchy, not really, not in the usual sense, but they fill their own roles based on their strengths and personalities. There’s no outright decision, no official acknowledgement, but they don’t need that. Nate and Eliot settle seamlessly into not just the roles of a mastermind and his loyal, trusted, and competent lieutenant and enforcer, but also something reminiscent of a father and an eldest son. They are actually one of the closest bonds in the whole crew (which is comprised of very close bonds, to be fair, but hopefully you get the point), they just do it so naturally and almost in the periphery that it can go unnoticed/understood very easily.
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Ooh, I’ve never done a request before (so don’t mind me if I do it wrong 😅). If you’re still doing the Follower Prompt stuff: Zoro, #10? Any mood you feel best fits the prompt.
Also, completely unrelated, but I saw that you’re looking for writing buddies. So am I, if you ever want to send me a message. I’d love to talk more about it!
Hello dear fellow caffeine addict, you're doing it absolutely right! I picked a silly mood for this because it's my silly day. And Zoro is a silly person.
This is part of my follower milestone event
And also check my masterlist for the other milestone stories!
Zoro has questions. Like...what's that long thing in your nightstand drawer???
Zoro has the personality of a very aggressive,cheeky cat. When he likes you he also likes all of your things. One day, going through your stuff to touch everything, he makes a BAFFLING discovery!!!
Sfw, just some sexy talk
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Evening, end of another day together. You're in the shower. Zoro loves those moments - when your room fills with the scent of soap while he's waiting on the bed for his evening cuddles. It's a time of excited waiting for the most wonderful person in the world. It makes him giddy. When Zoro gets giddy waiting for you, he needs to occupy himself. Looking at your stuff, the things that are around you all day, he feels he can close the gap your temporary absence leaves in his mind.
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His good eye catches your nightstand. There's a book, a scented candle and a small, moon shaped lamp. He already studied that. There's a drawer underneath. He leans over and opens it, looking at the things you keep close while sleeping. He sniffs some kind of lip balm - it smells like vanilla and cinnamon. There's your diary wich he'd love to read but doesn't, and some kind of long object?
He takes it out. It's long and smooth, about the length of your underarm, made of some dark material. A stick? He turns it around in his hand. Smooth. Black. He hears the shower turn off and hastily shoves it back, resuming his waiting position.
The thought about the object vanishes when he sees you in your night gown, coming into his arms to sleep. But at night, he thinks about it some more. He can't ask you directly, there had already been a discussion about him looking into your nightstand. So Zoro does what he always does when he doesn't know something- asking the other guys (except stupid Sanj). Nami called it the council of a single braincell, buy what did she know?
Zoro brought the stick(?) to Chopper, Luffy and Usopp.
"Looks like liquorice. I hate that!" Luffy says studying the black object in their midst.
"I don't thing it's food" Zoro says. He already tried to take a bite, the thing is hard. And tasteless.
"I know what that is!" Usopp says, assuming his knowing thinker pose.
Excited, Zoro leans over: "Yes??? Tell me!"
"Without a doubt, that's a magic wand and y/n is a witch!" He explains to his adoring audience. "They come from the land of magicka! I've been there and almost married the princess" Usopp spins his tale.
Zoro stares wide-eyed. His girl, a witch? He didn't know what to think of that. Depending on how cool the magic was and if she still needed his protection.
"Wow!" Chopper squeaks. "I thought it was for holding meat!" This excited Luffy, instantly changing the mood again.
Zoro leaves them disputing if it is a meat stick or a magic stick. Both options seem valid. He will try and ask Robin, but since she is friends with y/n, he needs to be subtle.
Robin reads in the library as Zoro wanders into the big room he never visits and pretends to look at the books. Boring. So agonisingly boring.
"Zoro, what do you need? Maybe I can help you?" She asks without looking up.
"I uh...search for a book about sticks." Zoro tries to introduce the topic.
"Sticks?" She asks.
"Yeah...y/n's stick is not...sticky enough." He instantly regrets his sentence. Robin looks up.
"What?" She asks.
"So I know women use sticks. In their nightstand. I hoped to find something about that." Zoro tries to get something from her. She turns crimson red.
"Zoro...?" She asks without ending the sentence. "You tell me now what you mean!" Her voice is commanding and firm. She is too smart for him. He sits down next to her.
"I found a stick in her nightstand...what is it???" He spills the question.
"The boys say it's a magic wand!"
"Zoro." Her face is red, and she looks away. "You and Y/n, you love each other?" She asks seriously.
"Yes." Zoro says with absolute certainty.
"And you share a bed" She says.
"Absolutely" He has to grin.
"And you...uhm...do stuff that people do when they're in love? Without pants?" Now she stutters.
"Yes!" Zoro isn't ashamed. It's perfectly natural!
"The stick in her nightstand is like your...she probably uses it to have fun by herself!" Robin looks like she might burn up. "Never ask me again about this!" She throws him out, but he has what he needs.
It was magic, just the sexier kind. "Y/n you dirty, little girl. Not telling me you have a dick in your nightstand!" He says to himself, but still wondering about the shape. It looks nothing like his dick. He'll have to spank her a little tonight for keeping this secret from him.
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Evening, finally. Zoro is as excited like it was their first time together. He will surprise her with his knowledge and use her dick stick on her - or maybe she shows him how she uses it on herself? Making a show for him? His grin is as wide as the red line as he is waiting for you.
When you throw yourself on the mattress, he turns to face you and lets his fingers trail over your body.
"Hey beautiful" He says with a husky voice.
"Hey handsome" you answer.
"I thought about something new and sexy to do" He whispers like a conspirator.
"Oh yeah?" You ask, feeling your body tingle in expectation.
"You just have to promise not to be mad..." He says, still sexy and seductive.
"What have you done...?" Now you're getting insecure. When he messes up he really messes.up.
"Found your sex toy" He says. "This is gonna be a hell of a night for all your little holes." He says, getting something from behind his pillow.
You are confused. You don't have sex toys here. Zoro shows you an unnaturally black, stick-like object.
Your eyes widen as you realise what that means.
"That's not a sex toy! It's a...uhm...it's for ice cream!" You lie, hoping the mention of food will distract him.
Now he looks confused (so cute). "No! Robin told me! Women use it for pleasure!" He tries to get the sexy mood back.
"YOU SHOWED IT AROUND YOU BASTARD??" you scream at him. No one should know! This is bad!
"Not to Robin! Luffy, Usopp and Chopper didn't know what it was!" He explains.
Panic takes over your brain. Panic, anger, sadness. An explosive mix of emotions - you lose control.
The wand in Zoro's hand spawns sparks of pure darkness and flies from his hand into yours. A small explosion of mana propells him out of bed. He is back on his feet in an instant.
"Oi wha-" his voice can be too loud. With a flick of your wand you create a bubble of silence in your room. Zoro looks baffled and his mouth moves fast. What to do now? You need to get your broom and flee. They cannot know, they cannot accept...!
You may be a powerful witch, but Zoro is a powerful meatslab of pure muscle and years of training. He closes the distance between you in a blurr and holds you tight - lovingly.
He looks into your face and points to his mouth as he's forming words you cannot hear.
"I...love...you..." You read the exaggerated movements of his lips. You lift the spell and he's screaming on top of his lungs that he loves you - and goes silent as soon as he realises that sound has returned to the world.
"Y/n, you're a witch!" He says brimming with excitement.
"I uh...that's a secret!" You tell him, confused what to feel. "Don't tell any-"
"THAT IS SO AWESOME" He screams, his face looks like he was a boy in a sword store.
"Can you burn stuff? Can you summon demons? CAN YOU MAKE MY SWORDS MAGIC???" You've almost never seen him lose it like that. He seems...Happy? Excited?
"You're not freaked out?" You ask.
"No! Now do magic!" He jumps up and down like a hyper active child on sugar.
You decide to show him the simplest trick in the book: lights.
You don't even need a tool or an incantation. You wave your hand and little sparkling lights dance around the dimly lit room. Zoro tries to touch them, but they're cold illusions without mass. It's delightful to see him so happy. You feared he would reject you if he knew, maybe even hurt you. But now, he is a thousand times more excited than for the ninja tricks.
You notice a tear on his cheek. He turns to you, the lights dancing around him, with a wide grin.
"My girlfriend is a super cool witch! I am so happy!" He exclaims, crying from happiness.
"Now burn stuff down!" He pleads.
"Zoro, we're on a wooden ship. I won't burn down the sunny!" You tell him. Magic fire is fucking dangerous!
"Than...uh..." He seems overwhelmed with the possibilities your magic presents him. You take him in your arms and kiss a salty tear from his eye.
"I know a great spell for invisibility. Let's play tricks on Usopp!" You propose.
"YES" Zoro cries.
This is more exciting to him than any sex toy he might have found. Zoro's mind races with pictures of dragons and magic explosions and turning Sanji into a frog.
Life is so good!
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khaothanawat · 1 year
There was a moment during episode 4, pretty much around this exact shot, where I started to wonder whether Jojo is maybe just a bit of a masochist for choosing to write a romantic story about two characters who constantly refuse to say or show what they’re actually feeling. 
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It's hard enough pulling a romance off with one closed-off character, but oh my god. He absolutely does make it work though. I guess when your characters spend so much time putting up a mask, or even flat out lying to one another, then all of a sudden the truth can be found in the inconsistencies.
Nueng has a couple of really nice scenes with Chopper in this episode where they talk seemingly pretty openly about their lives. At one point, he directly says to Chopper that he trusts Ben (“Besides you, my cousin, he is another person I can trust”). Only, when Palm later asks Nueng the same question, he answers “I don’t know.” 
That direct contradiction is interesting, and it sort of makes me wonder whether Nueng even really trusts Chopper enough to be completely open with him about his feelings. It’s not even that Nueng is necessarily trying to lie to Chopper - just that maybe he’s putting up something of a front, because that’s just what he does. I don’t even think this contradiction implies that Nueng doesn’t like Ben, or is suspicious of Ben, necessarily. Just that he doesn’t trust him completely. Nueng has had plenty of moments of seeming emotional honesty with Ben, and they could all have been completely sincere, but Palm asks “Can he really be trusted?” and Nueng stares at him, is silent for a long, long moment, and answers with: “I’m not sure.”
So, for Ben, even if Nueng does genuinely hold good feelings towards him, there’s possibly always going to be this little voice of doubt in his head.
After expressing his doubts to Palm, Nueng goes onto talk about being able to trust in someone else’s feelings, which sort of echoes his earlier conversation with Ben where he talks about his feelings of loneliness and how unworthy he feels of loving or being loved. This feels like such a key part of who Nueng is and what drives some of the things he does. That could probably do with its own post though, because hhhh. Moving on.
There’s a moment in this episode where we actively see Nueng decide to put a mask up for Ben (and omg Phuwin’s acting... don’t get me started don’t even look at me-)
At the party, Ben and Nueng catch up once they’ve finished performing. Nueng has spent the entire time so far staring very sullenly at Palm and Maggie, and so when Ben first speaks to him, he sounds pretty cold and withdrawn still. 
It’s only when Ben jokes about carrying Nueng home that Nueng decides to rein it in a little bit. He closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, his entire demeanour has softened. He decides to give Ben what he’s looking for - he flirts, he makes some very vague promises. He... essentially treats Ben the way he’s been treating Palm this entire time, only with a lot less scolding. And a lot less intention, possibly - there’s little moments in that scene where Nueng looks so briefly unsure about how to appease Ben without actually promising too much. That never really happens with Palm. 
Ben leaves, and the second his back is turned, Nueng’s face drops once more, back to being sullen, still mad about Palm and Maggie. 
Nueng’s propensity to be closed off with the people around him extends to... honestly, everyone in Nueng’s life. Including Palm, although I’d argue that Nueng seems to trust Palm at least a more wholly than he does anyone else. Nueng even tells Palm that because they’re friends they shouldn’t lie to one another, and that he’s is easy to read (which... Nueng, oh Nueng, my sweet little summer sparrow, my precious idiot). He seems to trust that Palm, at least, is one of the infinitesimally small number of people in this world who absolutely holds no bad intentions towards him. He implies as much to Palm at the lake (”When I have you watching my back, it kind of feels good.”)
But even so, in that same scene, we see Nueng furiously dance around his jealousy over Palm and Maggie, whilst actively trying to get more information on what is actually going on between them. He acts so cooly detached and unemotional about it (much like Palm also does - AND I’LL GET TO HIM IN ANOTHER POST BC THIS IS TOO LONG I need to be stopped), but we see very clearly in the moments when Nueng is alone that that’s not the case at all.
But maybe that’s less of a trust thing and more of a ‘I think I have feelings for my hot bodyguard who I definitely would not be allowed to date and who might literally be dating someone else anyway’ thing.
(Part Two: Palm)
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
I can't really decide if Usopp would hate Sanji's smoking habit or simply not care.
I mean it would be funny that he hides and throws away his boyfriend's cigarettes to the point where Sanji has to hide his cigarettes from Usopp so he doesn't hide them from him and the way Usopp just visually coughs any time he smells the slightest bit of smoke from him (or anywhere honestly, he's a bit of a drama queen) to make him at least a bit embarrassed (failed miserably) or when all of Sanji's hidden goods are suddenly gone in the middle of the sea (which may or may not be his boyfriend's doing) and they weren't going to arrive to any island for a few days so he had to hold onto the two little stumps he had left and just going into a straight up withdrawal and asking everyone if they smoked and falling into deeper desperation each time he heard a "no" and how Usopp would mock him and tell him "That's what you get, loser" and yes this is kind of cruel but he has no business smoking 24/7 killing his lungs like that he basically smells of smoke and I'm sure even tastes like smoke and I do not want to even think of the effect it has on his teeth.
Fun fact, my brother and I used to do that (throwing away my mom's cigarettes) so she stopped smoking. Well, my brother did that so she would stop smoking. I did that only to fuck with her, ngl.
And okay, this whole concept is extremely hilarious because I just got another ask talking about Usopp smoking and Sanji finding out casually and it's just,,, So funny. But I like both concepts a lot!! This one feels so funny to talk about and extremely canon, too. (OP's future note: I made this sad. I am sorry)
Like Usopp would hate Sanji smoking this much, right? He doesn't hate that he smokes (they're pirates and can do whatever they want, so of course he won't be telling him to stop smoking) but he hates that he does it constantly. All the time. He's fucking up his lungs and also the whole ship smells like cigarettes and his clothes too and Usopp is sick of trying to kiss him and tasting that in his mouth. And it's not THAT disgusting because Usopp is used to it and, after all, it's what reminds him of Sanji. It's a Sanji thing. But he's worried about his well-being and he wishes Sanji would at least only smoke like 2 cigarettes a day and not a whole fucking pack.
So he asks Chopper for advice because he's the doctor here and will probably know what to do when it comes to an addiction like this one. Chopper tells him that the only way to end an addiction is to go through a process of either gradually quitting or just directly stopping, but the latter might have more side effects due to the need to smoke all the time. After all, it is a drug.
But of course, Usopp is a drama queen and he goes all in with this elaborate plan to throw away all the cigarettes Sanji has and is all dramatic when he smokes close to him. Which is- Okay, I am actually not on Usopp's side here so I'm gonna make it a bit angsty. I am evil. *Evil laughter*.
Usopp keeps doing that every time he finds Sanji's cigarettes and whenever they go to an island and he tries to buy them. Sanji has been smoking less and less and less because he doesn't have any cigarettes left and it's driving him insane. Like- It's genuinely affecting him badly and Usopp is too caught up in his own morals and trying to be the good boyfriend he thinks he's being to realize that.
Sanji can't sleep well anymore. He's eating more because he has cravings he didn't have before. He's more anxious and way more irritable, which only makes him fight Zoro constantly (more than usual. Imagine the chaos). He can't even concentrate when cooking. And tbh his intrusive thoughts are coming back because what helped him concentrate and avoid them was smoking and doing something with his hands (why do you think he smokes so much??? That's his unhealthy coping mechanism, your honor).
And Usopp tries to act like everything is normal and like he's doing a good thing because he has no idea what Sanji is going through. He thinks it's just a lil punishment that won't last long. But it does last. And it is affecting Sanji a lot. And of course, the cook ends up snapping because there's no fucking way he can handle this anymore. And it's out of nowhere (from Usopp's perspective) because Sanji is just trying to cook and Usopp is on the kitchen table doing his own thing with his bombs. And he's making noises, but just the usual ones. The ones Sanji has never complained about. But it's bothering the cook anyway, for once, and it drives him wild to the point of turning around and yelling:
"Could you stop doing that?!"
"Wha- Doing what?"
"The little clingclingcling the fucking explosions your humming just- Shut up! I'm trying to cook for this whole crew and you're making it pretty fucking impossible!"
"You never had a problem with me being here before."
"I never had a problem with you at all before, so I guess there's a first time for everything!"
"... Are you alright, Sanji?"
"Oh! Why wouldn't I be, Usopp? I'm perfectly fine. Awesome, even. Since I quit smoking everything has been perfect!"
"Of course not, you moron! I've never been more fucked up in my whole life, why would you do this to me? Did- Did I hurt you somehow? Is this a punishment? Karma? What do you want from me? I'll do it, just- Stop this."
"Sanji, honey, I'm just doing this for your own good because-"
"For MY own good? Are you sure about that, Usopp? MY own good? Who do you think you are to decide that for me?"
"I don't know, your boyfriend, maybe?!"
"Usopp. I- I love you, okay? But you're making it really, really hard for me not to say some things I- Smoking is what keeps me going, Usopp, I can't quit it-"
"Of course you can! You stopped smoking a week ago-"
"And it has been the worst week of my entire life, Usopp. You can't just decide this for me I- This is what makes me feel I have control over my life! It's not the best but it's what I have and we're supposed to be pirates, don't we? Let me-"
"What? Let you fuck up your lungs only because it makes you feel a bit better? You'll die way before that!"
"But it's up to me to decide!"
"When you have people that love you, it's not up to you to decide if you die or not! You're always doing this! You did this in Skypiea and Whole Cake and- And you take so little care of yourself I had to do something!"
"Well, it's not working! You could've talked to me, maybe?!"
"You never listen!"
"Because you never talk! Why would you do this-"
"Because I'm in love with you and I don't want you to die! If you feel bad, you come to me. You don't need to destroy your lungs when I'm right here! You're not alone anymore, Sanji!"
"I just care about you, okay? I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this without asking and I didn't know it would make you feel this bad but- But I just care about you and I understand if you want to break up-"
"I don't want to break up with you, dumbass. I just- Let me do this my own way? Stop smoking, I mean- I- I'm sorry, too. I just really need to. To stop thinking for a while."
"... I didn't throw away all your cigarettes. I still have a few I haven't-"
"No. No, mon coeur. Just- Do you want to go fish? Or- What new bombs were you making? Tell me about them. I'll probably have that cigarette later, though."
And then Chopper scolds Usopp for his behavior (of fucking course) because you can't just stop smoking suddenly like that. And Sanji starts smoking again but less and less every day with Usopp keeping an eye on him! I am very sad now after writing this! I'm gonna go cry! <3
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 5: Sick
Sabo pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath before letting it out slowly. You’d just got done telling him about how the date went, and the threat that was obviously in Inchiji’s words. You could tell he was trying not to lose his temper.
Ace was trying as well, and you were almost certain you could see flames flicker around him. You hadn’t asked how Ace or Luffy were cursed, such a question was often considered highly rude in the first place, but you figured the two would show you when they were comfortable enough with it.
“Are you alright, at least?” Sabo asks finally.
You nod. “He was polite otherwise.” You admit. “Honestly, if things had ended sooner, I almost think I would’ve voluntarily considered a second date.”
“You know how mother would’ve reacted.”
“Yeah, but the devil you know and all that.” You sigh. “I mean, he seemed almost reasonable. Reasonable in the sense that I could have possibly just been honest with him.”
You wave your hand as Sabo looks at you. “No, that option’s long gone.”
“Yes, well, we’ll just have to hope he doesn’t try to push for some sort of accelerated timetable.” Sabo grumbles.
“… What do you mean by that?” Ace asks, piping up for the first time since you and Sabo had started talking.
You hesitate to put it to words and Sabo picks it up for you. “Nobility and all, is nothing but traditions, right?” He starts to explain. The way he looks at Ace makes you think that your brother had been giving his brothers a primer on things prior to your moving in. “Courtship has its own traditions, and usually takes a couple years from first date to an engagement announcement. All the rules and bullshit must be done properly. But in some cases the time can be condensed.”
“Most notably,” you say in a very quiet voice. “When one person involved is chronically or terminally ill.”
Putting it to words almost makes you feel defeated. A heavy silence comes over the three of you and Sabo sits down across from you, his face twisted in frustration. Your condition wasn’t widely known – your parents mostly kept it under wraps as you grew up, but if it could be used to herd you into the result they desired, then you were certain it would come out.
“What if you weren’t sick anymore?” Luffy asks. Ace nearly leaps out of his skin hearing his younger brother directly behind him. You and Sabo look over at him.
“Holy hells, Luff! When did you get here?” Ace swears, hand on his heart for a second.
“Marco said you took off from the station in a hurry, and I saw Sabo’s car speed by afterward.” Luffy says plainly. “Usopp dropped me off. He an’ Zoro were worried I’d be distracted.”
“Do you mean some sort of deception?” You question.
“No, let’s get Chopper an’ Traffy to look at you.” Luffy asserts.
“But… it’s uncurable, that’s why I -.”
“Traffy’s cured the uncurable before!” Luffy interrupts, stepping past Ace. “He saved his hometown, and they told him it was impossible. Chopper’s amazing with medicines too, maybe he can improve your medication!”
“Luffy, I…” You aren’t sure what to say. He seems so sure and adamant, but you’re torn. If you hope now and nothing comes of it, it’ll be heavier to go forward later.
“We won’t force you,” Sabo says. “But it’s better than my idea.”
“Better’n mine too,” Ace admits quietly.
“I’m almost afraid to ask.” You glance between Sabo and Ace, putting your hands up before either could say anything. “No, I am afraid to ask, keep it to yourselves.” You say with a small laugh.
Sighing, you lean back into the recliner and consider things for a moment. “Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.” You mutter, before looking to Luffy. “I would be honored to be assisted by your friends, Luffy.”
“Yes!” Luffy jumps up in a cheer before turning to Sabo. “I need your help getting Traffy freed up.”
“Yes of course.” Sabo says, getting up and following Luffy as the two leave the house abruptly.
You look toward where they left and back to Ace in confusion. “Are they… going to kidnap him?”
Ace laughs. “Nah, he’s busy, they’re just going to help him free up some time so he can see you. Sabo’s good with the paperwork, so he went with Luffy to untangle the red tape.”
“That’s a relief.”
“Hungry?” Ace asks. “I know you said you didn’t eat much, and if your stomach’s settled, I can make you something.”
“Yeah, I could go for something. I can-.”
“Ah-ah-ah.” Ace puts a hand on your shoulder before you can get up and gently pushes you back into the recliner. “Just… relax for a bit. I promise I won’t make it spicy.”
“Very well.” You agree, letting yourself sink into the recliner a little.
Ace brings you something warm to eat on a tray, and a cup of tea to go with it. You were almost upset by the fact that he could make tea so perfectly. You’d spent ages perfecting your skills because you enjoyed it, but you had to admit that Ace did it better.
You eat a few bites, and you realize how hard everyone is working for your sake. You haven’t even been living with them for a full month, and you’d think Luffy had been your friend for years. It was almost more comfortable around Ace than it was with your own brother, not that there was any discomfort between you and Sabo.
It would be more comfortable if he wasn’t so good looking. No, it wasn’t that he was good-looking, he was, but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that smile. The freckles. The way his hair shifted when he tilted his head to get your attention. That glint in his eyes when he challenged you to a drinking contest. The ease with which he braced you against that hose so you could destroy the books.
It was how comfortable it was to be alone with him like this.
How much you wanted to just -.
“Whatever’s on your mind is heavy enough I can feel the weight of it over here.” Ace says quietly his eyes on the TV. He glances over at you with an apologetic smile. “If you need more space, I can go to my room.”
“Sp-space? Why would I need more space?” You question, genuinely confused. If anything, you didn’t want to be left alone with your worries – Ace was a welcome distraction.
Ace’s face goes a little pink and he rubs the back of his head. “It sounds silly to say it out loud, but I mean, a guy you thought you could trust basically threatened you. I thought, without Sabo here, maybe I was making you uncomfortable? Since, uh, I mean, you don’t know me that well…”
You blink a few times, processing his reasoning. “Ah, oh – no, no – I mean… I mean, I k-know I can trust you, that’s – it’s not the same thing. We don’t know each other that well, but we know each other well enough – and I mean, I, that is…” You stop and put a hand over your face before collecting your thoughts.
“Thank you.” You say finally, moving your hand away and looking over at him. There’s a little confusion on his face, but that smile’s already forming. “I didn’t thank you for earlier, so thank you… And please, um… stay. I don’t-,” you look away, that smile’s already too much for your heart right now. “Want to be alone right now.”
Ace leans back into the couch, giving you that damnably good smile. “Sure.”
As you eat a little more, and begin to relax, you feel yourself starting to drift off. You say something to Ace, and he takes the tray away as you fall asleep. The day had been exhausting, even if the most stressful thing had been a conversation, somedays your body just couldn’t take it.
But it was a lot easier to relax and rest when you could trust the people around you. Back home, sleep never really felt much like rest.
When you come around you aren’t sure how much time has gone by, but Sabo and Luffy are back. The noise of them returning had woken you up a little bit, but it was Luffy’s excitement that pulled you completely out of your nap. Ace was glaring at the younger man from the couch, but his expression softened when he saw you smiling as you stretched in the recliner.
“Sorry, (Y/N).” Luffy offers up hastily as Ace yanks him onto the couch.
Sabo smiles down at you. “Sleep well?”
“I think so. How’d it go?” You ask, sitting up properly. Sabo’s smile nearly answers your question before his words do.
“Thanks to Luffy’s network, Law and Chopper will be able to see you on Tuesday. It’s a good two weeks sooner than I expected we’d be able to manage, considering how in-demand Law is.” Sabo explains. “But Luffy’s, er, mentor Shanks is a friend of two surgeons, and he asked Hongo and Crocus to cover Law’s scheduled surgeries. Chopper was much easier, Marco’s covering for him on Tuesday. Now the only question is – do you want me to sort out getting you out of work Tuesday? Or do you want to handle that yourself?”
“I… hm.” You think about it for a moment. “I would love your help, brother dear. I’m not really sure what I should or shouldn’t say in that situation.”
Sabo smiles. “It’s your first job, I’m happy to help.” He sits on a chair across from you. “I’ll record it for you, so you can learn from it if you want.”
You laugh a little and shake your head. “No, I’ve seen your theatrics at work, I can’t really do things that way.”
“If that’s all then I’mma go back to work!” Luffy says, jumping up from the couch.
“Oh, Luffy, wait a moment.” You call out as you scramble to get out of the recliner before he dashes completely out of the house.
He turns toward you as you open your arms for a hug. “Thank you.” Luffy’s face lights up as he comes over and gives you a hug. The air is pushed out of you as he lifts you up in the excitement of his actions, but he doesn’t hurt you.
“Luffy!” Ace and Sabo yell as he sets you back down.
“S’alright!” You gasp, coughing a little. “It’s alright.”
Luffy crouches down to look at you while you catch your breath, and when you straighten up, he very carefully gives you a gentle hug. You chuckle a little as you return it and the young man beams at you before he dashes out of the house with an energetic, “You’re welcome!”
“(Y/N)?” Sabo questions, coming over to you, a worried Ace not too far behind him.
“I’m okay, truly. He pushed the wind out of me, but that was it.” You admit. “I was caught off guard more than anything else.”
Your smile fades even as you keep your feet, and Sabo gives you a gentle hug. “Nervous, lil’ Spark?” He questions.
You nod. “Yeah.”
“Whatever the result, it’ll be okay.” Sabo says reassuringly.
“We’ll be here too,” Ace adds. “No matter what.”
“I just… I don’t know what to think.” You admit taking a step back and walking toward the kitchen. Ace and Sabo exchange glances and you give them a weak smile. “If… I mean, if they can cure me, then what… what were our parents doing all this time? If they can’t cure me then I suppose nothing changes, but… this sucks, Sabo.” You say the words and tears start to run down your face.
“I know… I know I’ve been doing my b-best, but it’s always there. It’s always a factor in every. Single. Damned. Decision.” You take a step back as you see Sabo step toward you and put a hand up as you start wiping your eyes. “Sorry, I… I’ll be f-fine, I just…” The words die on your lips, and you start crying again.
Frustration makes it harder to stop, and you’re embarrassed to be crying in front of people. You’re glad you kept yourself together while Luffy was here, you were already being a burden for two of them as it was, and the youngest had the softest heart. It takes you a couple of minutes to get yourself calmed down. Ace is already in the kitchen making some tea, and Sabo’s giving you the softest smile he can, holding a small box of tissues toward you.
“It’s okay.” He insists. “You don’t have to be okay in front of us.”
Your breath hitches in your chest and you nearly start to cry again. Sabo gives you a hug before you can get your face cleaned up, and you brace yourself against him until you can get the new round of emotions under control.
“That was dirty,” you pout quietly as he strokes your hair softly.
“Perhaps.” He admits. “Feel better?”
“Perhaps.” You answer and the two of you start to laugh. By the time you step back from him you’re almost fully laughing, as you wipe your face with another tissue.
Sabo motions to the breakfast bar as Ace pushes a cup of tea toward one of the seats for you.
“You boys are like to spoil me.” You say with a smile as you sit down and wrap your hands around the warm cup.
“It takes far more than a few hugs and a cup of tea to spoil someone.” Ace offers with a smile.
“It’s been a hug and two cups of tea between us.” You correct.
“Already hugged my sister, huh?” Sabo questions. “Luffy lasted longer.”
“I gave her a ride home on the bike!” Ace’s face starts to go red. “I didn’t hug the air out of her lungs like he did.”
“Ah, so you didn’t even hug her correctly. Made her do all the work.” Sabo teases, and you nearly sputter in your tea.
Ace motions as if he means to strangle Sabo, a tight, irritated, toothy grin on his face. “Look here you little shit-.”
“I’m taller, and older.” Sabo insists.
“You’re – By a TECHNICALITY!” Ace exasperates, turning away to make more tea for him and Sabo.
“Technicality?” You question quirking an eyebrow toward Sabo.
“According to the story,” Sabo begins.
“Garp wouldn’t lie.” Ace huffs.
Your brother grins at you. “According to Garp – ah, Luffy’s grandfather – Ace’s month was pregnant with him for twenty months.”
You almost choke on your tea, setting the cup down hastily.
“Why – how?!” You question.
Sabo and Ace exchange glances and Ace sighs. “My dad was wanted by the government.” Ace says. “Right or wrong, well, it was over twenty years ago, so I try not to think about it anymore, but Mom and Garp were both concerned about some stuff.”
You can’t bring yourself to ask with words, but Sabo sees your expression. “You know how the W.G. gets. The concern was, that they would try to abort his child.”
“Ah.” You say flatly, nodding a little.
“So anyway, old gramps said mom just… refused to have me.” Ace says, setting a cup of tea down for him and Sabo as he sits across from you at the breakfast bar. “An act of will, a side effect of some curse no one knew about, who knows.”
“But, back to the more light-hearted part of all this, Ace insists he’s older because he was conceived before I was.” Sabo says, giving you a devious grin.
“But your birthday is -.” You start to ask and Ace grumbles under his breath.
“January 1st,” Sabo answers on his behalf.
“Then you’re about 9 months… Oh. Oh I see where this is coming from.” You admit with a soft laugh. “If you had been born 9-10 months after conception your birthday would’ve been just before Sabo’s.”
“Exactly!” Ace says.
“But you weren’t.” You say, a neutral expression on your face.
Ace sighs and slumps against the counter. “Siblings.” He grumbles.
“You’re older than me, if it makes you feel better.” You say with a smile as he looks up at you from underneath a mess of hair. “I’m three years younger than Sabo.”
“… I’m trying to sort out the fact that you’re Luffy’s age, and there’s no way I would’ve guessed that.” Ace admits. “I knew you were Sabo’s younger sister, but I thought maybe by a year.”
“Years of growing up in a noble household change one’s disposition.” You shrug. “I envy Luffy’s capacity to still act so young.”
Ace starts to say something and then stops. “Wait, you graduated college at twenty-two!?”
“Twenty-one…” You offer hesitantly. “My birthday’s next month.”
Ace looks at you agog and then turns to Sabo. “You said she was kind, you didn’t say she was a genius!”
“I graduated from college early too!” Sabo snaps back, his ears red. “Don’t tell her I said she was kind!”
You look back and forth between the two of them, feeling like the cat that just caught the canary. You let them bicker for a little bit, and even agreed when Sabo insisted the only reason the two of you completed college so young was because you’d had all kinds of tutors and professors to help you. Both of you had completed your general education when you were sixteen and had enrolled in college when you were seventeen – the earliest you could be on your own legally.
“Still, it’s amazing to me.” Ace admits after the conversation calms down again. “Luff and I barely completed our general education.”
“You and Luffy had spent years in the jungle in his grandfather’s wild drive to have you both enlist.” Sabo says, obvious irritation on his face. “Plus, you both have respectable jobs, don’t let it bother you.”
“Envy works in all directions,” you say as you push your empty teacup toward Ace. “I would love to be able to do the job you do. Everyone at the station is so much livelier and more interesting than the people where I work. Ah – not that anyone’s mean or anything, there’s just a very different energy.”
“We’ll have to find time for you to visit again.” Ace offers with a smile. “Everyone’s been asking about you since the day we destroyed all those books.”
You feel your face heat up a little, but you smile from the warmer feeling in your chest. It was nice to be appreciated simply for being you, and not because you were nobility or any other such useless designation.
“Oh! We could celebrate your birthday there!” Ace offers with a wide smile, and you nod in response.
“That sounds delightful.” You agree.
“It’s decided then.” Sabo says. “May the city refrain from any and all shenanigans on July 15th.”
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proceduralpassion · 8 months
I'm The Sky To You
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Day 13 of Narcoctober- Create a fanwork in which a character avoids their canonical death.
Character(s): Horacio Carrillo x DEA!Kiara Nash (AU to IWBSS)
CW: violence, blood, gore
WC: ~1.1K
A/N: Horacio girlies, we up!
Kiara took a deep breath and turned to her colleague and lover, “Any last words?”
A rare smirk colors Horacio’s face before he zips himself back into colonel mode, “I’ll want a drink after this.”
“Obviously,” she supplies. Her stomach gives a low growl, as it usually does when she’s in the thick of incursions. She tacks on, as a result, “Maybe some dinner, too.”
“Done,” Carrillo responds. 
She nods and taps back into the radio, getting updates from her DEA companions, Peña and Murphy. They’re back at their usual headquarters after being tipped off about Escobar’s whereabouts. Kiara had been with the Search Bloc on a whim- she was re-questioning some civilians in the neighborhood about some recent signs of cartel violence and met up with them shortly after learning the drug lord’s location from her DEA colleagues. 
Her previous experience as a sniper has her setting up shop in a building down the block from where the Search Bloc would be invading. Once her scope is aligned and she’s in a comfortable position, she’s back to radioing in back to Carlos Hoguin. 
“Talk to me, guys.”
Steve chirps in, “Bird’s already up in the air. You’ll have any updates from them when we do. For now, watch your six.”
“Always,” Kiara returns.
Seconds feel like minutes and minutes feel like seconds. Time’s always an illusion when she’s in these moments because she has drilled into her mind that time will become ceaseless if you worry too much about the miniscule things. She mentally keeps her ear to the ground and physically keeps her eye into the scope. She’s looking at any and everything, because anything out of the ordinary is cause for concern.
She’s not sure how much time passes when she zeroes in on the large truck creeping north in position to the Search Bloc. It’s a little a ways, but it’s driving directly in a way that would eventually cut off the Colombian National police vehicles. Even at its slow pace, it’d be at the intersection in two minutes, tops. 
She zaps her radio, “Murph, ask the chopper what’s with the fucking truck?”
Confused, Steve shoots back, “What are you talking about?”
His question is slightly cut off from the officer from the plane, “It’s one of those transport trucks that farmers use to deliver goods to the mercados.”
Kiara ignores the indirect dismissal in his tone and immediately fires back, “Yeah, and that direction is all residential. There’s no reason for it to be coming out of one of the neighborhoods.” 
She doesn’t wait for a response, grabbing her rifle and sprinting down the stairs, jumping off of the last four steps because time’s an illusion until it’s not and every second counts. 
She’s been that person to ignore her gut. To stay quiet for fear of being wrong. For fear of being berated. To look strife dead in the face and pretend it’s invisible because it’s easier than being bold. 
And she could be wrong now. She could go down there, causing a commotion, only for the driver to be some guy on his first night shift who got lost in the convoluting infrastructure of the mountainous urbane. And as she dashes to the Search Bloc officers who have yet to breach the building, she hopes she is wrong. She clears about twenty feet past a random vehicle before it sails into the air in a fiery ball. 
Horacio’s eyes had veered into one of the rearview mirrors and it’s maybe a second before he sees Kiara that she’s thrown into the air and lands on the pavement a few feet from where she originally was. He’s out of the car with lightning speed, his mind not even clicking that this was an ambush. 
Her expression is desperate and her hand is outheld, which he takes. There’s a slight struggle because he intends to lift her up but she’s pulling him away, almost dragging him towards the sidewalk. 
“It’s an ambush.”
Almost like her words were the trigger to a bomb, shots ring out. She’s pulling him even further away and they find cover in a narrow alcove between buildings. They’re sitting ducks within the expanse of the street, almost surrounded from all directions. Kiara and Horacio are shooting in the directions of where they’re most vulnerable, with Horacio killing occupants who’d emerged from the truck and Kiara knocking down shooters from up top. The sound of their bodies hitting the ground below was a nasty squelching she’d probably never forget. 
She hears Peña and Murphy on the radio and maybe their words are somewhere processed into her brain but she recalls nothing they say, and screams into the radio, “We’re fucking pinned down. Send help!”
Kiara spots a truck that’s driving towards the chaos and stoops low to run towards one of the few CNP trucks still standing. It’s an easy hundred feet away, but there’s no sirens, so she aims low for the wheels and shoots bullets that pierce its tires and halts its motion. 
She’d answer for it later if she was wrong about their identity, but she’s slightly discomforted by the fact that the truck hits the reverse and backs out again.
She feels a rough tug of her arm that pulls her back and her ears ring with the sound of Carrillo’s rifle as he annihilates the perp that would be your killer had you still been standing in your previous spot. He hauls her back off the ground and they rush back into their blind spot. 
It’s maybe an instant or two when a dolorous quiet seeps through the air. Most of the shooting’s done. 
Trujillo finishes off the last of the sicarios that have neither died nor fled the scene. 
Corpses from both sides lay strewn across the street and her only relief is that it wasn’t her or Horacio’s.
She hears the sirens now and realizes they may have already been near for them to get there this quick, but it’s only just now that her mind has processed the sound. 
Kiara turns to Horacio, who’s already looking at her. His chest heaves with blood and sweat coloring his face. She didn’t need a mirror to know that she looks just as worse off as him. The pain of her scraped knees and sprained wrist starts to make its presence known as her adrenaline slightly tampers off. Her mind is working overtime with her synapses firing all over the place, what with all the noise, sights, and sensation. 
But even then, her eyes don’t leave his. 
There’s a million words in his stare right now and somehow, she understands each and every one.
A/N: And scene! Click here if you wanna be added to the taglist. Taglist: @drabbles-mc @asirensrage @ashlingnarcos @narcosfandomdiscord
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