#christoper walken
bruceandmary · 3 months
Walk without rhythm It won't attract the worm Walk without rhythm And it won't attract the worm Walk without rhythm And it won't attract the worm If you walk without rhythm Ah, you never learn, yeah
In honor of Dune Part II releasing today, I give you the best moment of hilarity in hindsight in the history of the world.
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carouselcometh · 2 years
Spirit Halloween: The Movie starring Christoper Lloyd???? Who is watching that????? Who wanted that???
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devouringyourson · 1 month
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francis-writes · 7 months
So this is just a question if Disney did a live action adaptation of the hunchback of Notre Dame, who in your mind would be the perfect actor to play judge Claude Frollo ?
Now, it's a complicated topic. I am not a master of castings but I would love to talk about it.
It isn't just a matter of appearance. You can google "skinny old white actor" and get many possibilities. Choose one and maybe dye his hair gray. But that won't work. Actor who plays Frollo needs no have this spark of malice, cruelty and madness. In theory, you can put Hugh Jackman in Frollo's clothes.
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But no matter how much I love Hugh Jackman, I won't believe his character would burn down all the Paris because of a boner. Frollometer: -15/10
There are actors who have this spark but I still don't see them. It's Mads Mikkelsen. I am sorry. He may be a skilled actor, but if they hire him, I still won't see Frollo. I will see Mads Mikkelsen. He's just too characteristic. But maybe... I would give him a chance. Frollometer: 4/10
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I would consider Christoper Walken. He played a villain in Batman Returns and I had a crush on him in middle school. Frollometer: 7/10
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Ralph Fiennes. He played Lord Voldemort, SSman in "Schindler's List", serial killer in "Red Dragon"... Frollometer: 6/10
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Now hear me out. I know that Jason Isaacs doesn't look that much like Frollo but important part of this character is serving cunt. Jason Isaacs played many villains and every one of them could make me pregnant by voice alone. Frollometer: 8/10
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Not very creative, because he was the main name when there was gossip about HoND live action, but Peter Capaldi is perfect. I didn't watch anything with him tbh but he has the look and the vibe. Just look at him. Frollometer: 9/10
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Charles Dance. No, I won't elaborate. Frollometer: 9/10
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krispyweiss · 1 year
Song Review: The Fractals - “Christopher Walken”
“Christopher Walken” is not a song about Christopher Walken. Rather, it is “a song about summoning the courage to tell your best friend that they do a horrible Christoper Walken impersonation, and pleading with them to stop doing it in public,” per the Fractals.
This makes a little more sense when the listener understands the Fractals are guitarist/singer Kevin Hanson, drummer Erik Johnson and bassist Jim Stager, aka three-quarters of the often-hilarious, always-adventurous Huffamoose.
Though it’s a comedic song with just a little cow bell on the intro, “Christoper Walken” has a serious groove; musically, it sounds like something Lou Reed might’ve come up with on a good day when the tai chi kicked in for real. And the humor works as Hanson and the band sing of drinking beers and rolling spears before getting to the gist:
You do the worst Christopher Walken/maybe stick with Brando or Pacino or something
The band will celebrate the release with a June 23 gig in Pennsylvania. More singles will follow.
Grade card: The Fractals - “Christopher Walken” - B+
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spicymargarita · 2 months
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Christoper Walken, 1943
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freakywaters · 5 months
Watching movies for that one silly guy (🥰Christoper Walken💕)
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flyguy · 9 months
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The good, the repaints and the f-ugly. New McFarlane Toys Dune part 2 brings some cool new figures, quite a few repaints/re-tools (can't blame 'em) and a pretty ropey Christoper Walken! (No hidden watch). 🛒 USA https://amazon.com/shop/FLYGUY 🛒 EE https://ee.toys/FLYGUY (10% off & free US shipping) 🛒 CA https://amazon.ca/shop/FLYGUY (Links in bio) UK & AU nothing listed as yet-check usual stores and e-tailers. #mcfarlanetoys #mcfarlane #dune #duneparttwo #actionfigures #FLYGUY #FLYGUYtoys
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fieldtrothoughts · 1 year
I decided to log my dreams when I have them here. They won’t form coherent stories and may be just scenes I remember. If there are people I know that appear in them, I will indicate with the letter of their first name.
22 March 2023
I’m in this snowy district area that you’d see in Canada maybe. There’s an elementary school surrounded by a thin forest with a bus stop in front of a large road, sweeping onto the left side of the school. From the other side of the road, there’s two people. One who looks like those eboys is talking about something to the other. I think it was them boasting about something? And they’re both sitting in a lone hot tub. I don’t know if it’s actually empty or not.
At the same time, in the school there seems to be something going on in the gymnasium. A game or performance taking place. And in there is Harrison Wells from The Flash CW series. Or maybe just someone who looks Tom Cavanagh. He’s important because he shows up in a dream that I feel like I had prior so think of this as a sequel.
I myself approach the two talking with a friend. They don’t seem to notice us and my friend seems to get sick of the constant boasting. The details get muddy here but we seem to appear in an old abandoned house. The other two following us still talking.
The abandoned house is only a single story, with extremely small rooms that almost seem to twist with tight corridors. The walls are deteriorating and the blinding light of the winter pierces through small cracks. I recall going through a small dining area and then into a small room. And that’s it. Everyone is gone. I leave the area and take and the bus back to the school.
While this occurs, Harrison Wells notices that the performance is going weirdly. A line of schoolgirls or cheerleaders forms in front of those glass cases that house trophies and what not. They begin leaping into it. One after the other, regardless of the bleeding they continue with inhuman smiles. No one else thinks this is strange. Harrison comes down from the bleachers and follows them. Also leaping through the newly formed hole like that scene of Christoper Walken coming out of an elevator and leaping off the balcony.
The other side is the outside of the school. Although the architecture wouldn’t suggest it. Regardless, Harrison seems to have a grasp on the situation and immediately tries to find me.
I return to the school. And then the next scene plays.
For this part, I’ll be less detailed since I regularly see the layout of my house. I’m in my house with one friend (K) who I can recall and another who I can’t. There’s no one else home but us. It’s night or right after the sunset and there’s a storm that’s brewing or going strong. The same strange occurrences were happening again (from a previous dream) where something or someone was trying to kill us. And it seemed like we were waiting for Harrison to come back. Some time passed in the house until my friend noticed an eye peering through the window of my dad’s office. The entire wall that faced the front of the house was torn out with the open air gushing in. The right front door was caught by the massive claws of the beast.
This beast looked like Ridley from Metroid and was guarding the front exit of the house. They didn’t move in to kill us or anything. Just waited. I ran to the laundry room that connects into the garage on the other side of the house. There was something there too. I couldn’t remember what.
We ran upstairs and peered down from the balcony into the first floor. We heard someone enter the house. They were unpacking their bag on the dining table below It was H. He either entered from the front or back I don’t know but he didn’t see the strange occurrences we could. Not the massive Ridley in front of the house or the noticeable torn or even the thing that was in the garage.
K told H it was because we were “something that started with A”, a term originating from India. Something akin to children of god. (K does say the term, I just don’t remember what it was). We return downstairs to speak with H. Some time passed and I noticed a dinosaur washing the dishes. I wasn’t afraid and greeted them because they were my friend. I asked her if she noticed the same occurrences but she said she didn’t.
And then I woke up.
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kevrocksicehouse · 4 years
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Five actors who’ve been creepier than Peter Lorre. 
Christopher Walken in Pulp Fiction. D: Quentin Tarantino (1994). “Five long years he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.”
Matt Dillon in Crash. D: Paul Haggis (2004). Okay you saved Thandie Newton’s life. That doesn’t REALLY cancel out feeling her up at a traffic stop.
Crispin Glover in River’s Edge D: Tim Hunter. (1986). Loyalty’s one thing even loyalty that leads you to help a friend hide the body of a girl he killed (You owe me a sixer for this one, man!”). But do you have to be so PSYCHED about it?
Ted Levine in Silence of the Lambs. D: Jonathan Demme (1991). “It rubs the lotion on it’s skin or else it gets the hose again.” Even for a serial killer that voice is disturbing.
Joseph Cotten in Shadow of a Doubt. D: Alfred Hitchcock (1943). The monologue about “horrible, faded, fat, greedy women…Are they human or are they fat, wheezing animals, hmm? And what happens to animals when they get too fat and too old?” Shudder-worthy misogyny that’d make Neil Labute squirm.
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Let's Smash the Pavement! - We Have a Game!
Today, on Let's Smash the Pavement, we play a game while racing our Mario Karts. In this game, we pretend to be a person or character performing a specific action. We have to act as this individual while the others guess who we are. Will we give good clues and have the best accents or is this game not meant to be? Let's find out!
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mapelie · 6 years
Bringing good nostalgic feel of Christopher Walken dancing and flying.
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dahliadear · 6 years
white people I’m always getting confused:
Ewan McGregor and Jude Law
Julianne Moore and Nicole Kidman
Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman (I got better at these though)
Cristopher Walken, Jack Nicholson, and the other “creepy” old dudes
feel free to add your own
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madzrevolutionartz · 7 years
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Note - WELP I failed the whole ‘Daily sketch’ thing because I forgot to do an assignment for university. Well I can at least try and do it weekly for the time being. Drew a quickie Christopher Walken to practice some more with face and such (also because of a dumb reference to my Walken impressions at a friends stream last week)
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
House of Mouse Patreon Reviews: King Larry Swings in! (Patreon Review for WeirdKev27): Donald’s Wacky Accidental Child Murder
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Hello all you happy people! I”m Jake I dive into cartoons and it’s that time of the month again to look at an episode of House of Mouse for my Patron kev.  If you’d like to get your own review a month, just hop[ over to my patreon 
And get your own review a month by pledging 5 bucks a month, along with a free review on your first payment going in. And if 5 bucks is a bit steep even just one dollar a month gets you that free review and if you join before the end of august, you get two. You can also always feel free to comission reviews, just contact me via my ask. If you want more details about my current patreon drive, click this link here
So the last few House of Mouse’s i’ve had to review... were pretty bad. Dennis the Duck had a good premise, a black and white night at the club, hampered by the fact Donald is in firm
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Territory as he’s constantly harassed by a black and white duck who every one else thinks he should tolerate because the duck idolizes him. So remember kids if you want to harass your faviorite celebrity, that’s okay they owe you!
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Last month’s episode wasn’t much better, a Timon and Pumbaa episode.. that was a cliche best friends plot, wrapped around my two least favorite shots themes: “Pluto fucking around for 5 minutes” and “Ccchip N Dale”. Needless to say this hasn’t been easy. Granted it’s far from the HARDEST thing i’ve had to cover thanks to kev in the past few months
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But it still wasn’t easy. This episode being about the Jungle Book.. didn’t help my antipciaptoin much. 
I will FREELY admit I know pretty much nothing about the Jungle Book. I saw it as a kid like all disney movies and thus know even less about King Louie. At most from digging I know he’s a king, secrently wants the “red fire” from Mogli, and i’ve heard “Wanna be like you” a few times, including the Christopher Walken version
Now i’d HEARD this version before, so I knew it was a more sinister version than the jolly original that hides a sinister motive, more openly foreboding.. what I didn’t know is Christopher Walken played a GIANT orangutan from an extinct species. Once again just in case you didn’t have it sink in yet
From what i’ve heard the Jungle Book is the best of the Disney Live Action Remakes.. and I can see why now. Maybe if Lion King 2019 had put more effort into actualy giving star a villian song and have him ride a giant christopher walken orangutan around everywhere, i’d actually watch it. If Aladdin had will smith battle a giant chirstopher walken orangutan, i’d do more than listen to the soundtrack. And if Mulan had a giant christopher walken orangutan.. it’d still be filmed near concentration camps which Giant Christoper walken Orangutan does’nt truck with. 
So naturally I didn’t remember this episode much, meaning I was going into an episode I barley remembered about a movie I didn’t care about with a catchy song with some unteitonally racist imagery attached to it. I wasn’t the most excited but did it turn out to be better than I thought or so , so much worse? Find out under the cut!
King Larry Swings In:
So you might be wondering “Wait jake did you mispell that. I did not. See Louie HAD shown up in house of mouse in background rolls and such, so best I can figure the crew felt comfortable enough to make a whole episode for the character.. only to have to hasitly change his name as Disney was afraid of a lawsuit form Prima’s widow, who was protective of her husband’s image and the character, and thus lead to Louie disappearing in disney media til lher death in 2013. So they quickly brought larry here in...
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That’s GERRY. I mean he’s used to being misnamed, even was called Larry but come on... give me a LARRY
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Fuck, look point is he’s King Louie’s non union jim cummings equivlant. 
Getting to the episode itself, after Mickey’s usual intro, Minnie is prepping the HOM staff for a visit from a royal as , in Minnie’s exact words
“We don’t want a diplomatic fiasco like last time, RIGHT DONALD”
This would be hilarious enough on it’s own because of course Donald would cause an international incident. I’d be more shocked if a version of him hadn’t.  No the WHY.. is utterly delightfully bonkers. He did the whole hold the baby over the rock thing with one of simba’s kids, implied to be his daughter.. and dropped her by accident.. off a cliff. So yeah.. Donald murdered a baby. Simba had three kids, Donald dropped one and somehow we missed out on the fun of Donald trying to weekends at burnies a baby before mickey had to hold simba back with a chair like a lion tamer to avoid donald being murdered for his accidental infantacide. This is so fucking dark and insane that i love it.
That being said this premise dosen’t make a lot of sense... and i’ll grant we’re in a show where a characters form depends on what’s funniest and a LOT of people who clearly died are alive , well and having some scampi. This show dosen’t run on logic. But even on the nonsense that is this fun animated actors universe the show has going.... a good HALF of the HOM clintele’s are royals. Just off the top of my head, aside from Simba obviously: Aurora, Cinderella, Prince Charming, Aladdin, Jasmin, Ariel, Eric, King Triton, Nala, and of course Pete, who as we all know is king of france. 
I don’t get why, esepcailly after a season and a half by the point of this episode, this is a big deal. 
King Larry soon indeed swings in.. and quickly grates on the staff as his high energy and penchant for not really acknowlding any of them, including being a MASSIVE dick to donald when he says welcome to my club, wanting mickey instad and laughing off Donald saying that.
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Mickey meanwhile mostly misses Larry for the episode, lucky him, and Larry ends off scarring off the band and getting goofy and gus trapped in a cake... a cake that Gus for once DIDN’T eat himself.. like holy shit when you have less self control than the guy whose two shticks are eating everything in sight and sleeping so he can eat everything in site again you have issues. 
Mickey eventaulyl steps in, with Larry finally meeting his hero.. only for Mickey to tell him off for his shitty behavior. It’s honestly like Dennis the Duck: one character idolizes another but is a right dick.. but i’ts done right. larry realizes he’s been a jerk to everyone and Mickey is right, and makes up for it by replacing the musical act leading to a pretty fun take on “Be like you” themed for the show that’s really cute. 
This wraparound is okay. It has a few good jokes, ESPECIALLY the Donald dropping a baby off a cliff one, but it’s ultimately a pretty standard plot with a decent guest star. Nothing really special, but no real waste of plot or my time either. It’s just one of those episodes where the shorts are just way more intresting than the wraparound, so it feels like a chore waiting to get back to them. Speaking of which
Mickey and the Seal:
This is a unique one as it’s one of the ONLY times HOM used one of the classic shorts in full. This DOES make sense: while it would’ve been nice to use more and it is REALLY galling they never used Mickey’s Rival when this is the series that fleshed out Mortimer as a character, the ultimate purpose of HOM was to repackage the mouseworks shorts in a fun cost effective manor that made people mor eliable to tune in. And hey it worked so kudos for that. 
Still it was nice to see this one again, as i’d reviewed it as one of the shorts for my Mickey Birthday Special last year. 
The premise is simple: Mickey brings a seal home, Pluto notices it but Mickey dosen’t realize it’s not plutos doing til the seal gets in the bath with him. It’s honestly a better version of the “someone screws with the pet but the pet isn’t belivied” tropes as the scenario is more likely, and Mickey isn’t TOO dickish with Pluto. I mean he does troll him by saying he’ll adopt the seal but still. 
That said, the seal itself is freaking precious and the ending when the little seal takes al lthe others back to mickeys is just too cute for words. With the spiffy animation on top of that.. this is a real treat and while House of Mouse STILL, STILLLL isn’t on Disney Plus, this short is if you want to check it out. On the brigth side the tick animated series is finally streaming.. it’s not on Disney+, i’ts on hulu but at least.. something went right right?
Goofy’s Extreme Sports: Paracyling A mini short about Goofy hurting himself trying to paracycle, as this was apparently a series about goofy doing EXTREMEEEEE sports. Given he won the college x-games this IS perfectly in his wheelhouse> More on that in two weeks. :B A fun brief short about goofy injurying himself doing something he has no buisness doing... which come to think of it probably summed up most paracyclers. 
How To Be A Gentleman:  I remembered this one as a kid and it’s a fun one. A simple how to short: Goofy learns how to be fancy and it goes as well as you’d expect. Like most of the how to shorts I don’t have a ton to say, but like most of the how too shorts.. it’s really damn funny and one of my faviorite shorts i’ve seen on this journey. I may  have to do a top 10 or 12 list of shorts from this year. We’ll see. But it’s fun and ends with Goofy finally bludgenoning the narrator as god intended. 
Final Thoughts:
Overall a pretty good episode. As I said the wraparound is just sorta eh.. but it helps hype up the shorts which are all excellent. This feels like the first time in a WHILE all three shorts have been this good but here we are. So if you like Jungle Book, or even if you don’t, this one’s worth a quick watch. 
Next Time: Mickey and Minnie try to take a vacation. I may know a good travel agent..
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spiderweb-bf · 3 years
sometimes i forget that i made a playlist on spotify called "songs that christopher walken would probably like" with only one song added to it (that song that goes "I'm walkin, I'm walkin, I'm walkin") and to fit the theme, I made the playlist photo a picture of christoper walken. so when I open spotify sometimes I get jumpscared by a black and white photo of young christopher walken looking sultrily into the camera
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