#chrys chats
Gents and ladies I promise I'm alive
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{The ambient dialogue I hear from some of the kid npcs, mainly the one about whether or not sylvari should get candy too since they awaken fully grown
Chrys absolutely would be confused and accept the candy regardless. Auri takes it and gives most of it to Chrys for his hoard of sweets ~🌸}
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chrysanthemum-draws · 1 month
“Oh, oh, Gravity Falls it is good to be back!”
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Hello there and welcome to my Billford blog! You can call me Chrys, I use she/her pronouns, but I don’t really care much either way :)
I am a minor so nothing NSFW please.
I post all my billfold thoughts here where my friends can’t find me. If you recognize my art, no you don’t.
I’m always down for a chat, I’m nice I swear :D
Requests are open! Anything billford/stangst related preferably
(but if you have a really good idea go ahead ^^)
Guide to my tags below the cut!
Billford - pretty obvious. Toxic old man yaoi time let’s goooo
Stanford pines - The old man in the yaoi
Bill cipher - demonic dorito, also the toxic in the yaoi
art - my art
Chrys speaks - me talking about random things
that’s all the important ones! Lmk if any others should be added :)
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 4: The First Night
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen to Easy Company the night of their Fall?
Words: 3,502
Find the fic's navigation page here !!
Have a question/want to be on the taglist? Let me know !!
Author's Note: Hi everyone! Hope y'all are having good days so far~ Also, I want to let you know that I'm open to writing Bonus Content for the series! If there's a particular scene you'd like to be written in more detail, or any specific headcanons, please don't be afraid to let me know! As always thank you a million times over for all the support and I love you all dearly!! 💖
Once at home, the boys all filed out of their makeshift clown cars, Chrys retrieving the black duffel bag she put the men’s things in from the trunk. “I’ll keep these in my room till y’all need them,” Chrys said.
Speirs, Guarnere, and Toye all started to protest, before captain Winters put a stop to it. “Men, we can clearly see that the atmosphere around weapons is different in 2023, I don’t like it either, but we need to follow our hosts on this one,” he explained to his men. The men grumbled but agreed with their CO.
“Alright y’all! Have we got everyone?” Zay asked, her “mom friend” instincts kicking in - she always had an instinct to take care of and protect everyone around her, maybe that is why she went into nursing.
Speirs performed a silent headcount before responding, “Yeah we have everyone, lead the way!” Zay smiled in gratitude at Speirs, turning on her heel before her bouncy saunter could be seen leading the pack. Chrys hung back to talk with Toye, probably about what kind of guns they have - it was a bit of a hobby for her. No one but Winters saw the subtle glare Nixon tossed at Joe after he started chatting with Chrys. Finally, he had something to fire back at Lew the next time the intelligence officer said something about Zay. Everybody, focused on their own conversations, missed Speirs pulling something out of his pocket. Ron inspected the colorful pens he had swiped from the receptionist’s desk, “Sharpie Premium Highlighters” displayed along their sides. Speirs had never seen pens with these colors before, so of course, he needed to have them.
Before they knew it, the group was at the elevator. While this was a larger elevator and could fit all twelve of them, they were once again squished like sardines. While Zay wound up being squished against the back wall with Liebgott, Chrys was squished towards the middle, Nixon on one side, Toye on another. Now, it was Winters’ turn to sit back and enjoy the show. Nixon immediately began to strike up a conversation, causing Toye to return the glare Nixon cast his way earlier. Dick let out a silent chuckle, unaware of the similar situation happening behind him. Joe Liebgott, feeling confident, subtly slung his arm around Zay’s shoulder.
“Sorry, doll, it’s just so crowded in here,” he said in a quiet voice, a smirk evident on his lips. Zay simply snickered and rolled her eyes, letting Joe keep his arm around her. If looks could kill, Luz and Roe would have been accused of friendly fire. They were towards the front of the elevator, turned to the side to help fit everyone in. They were glaring at Liebgott, who simply returned to them a smug smile. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Zay moved from beside Joe to the front and led the pack on their way, unaware of the situations around her.
As the group filed out of the enclosed space, Roe made sure to wait for Liebgott, “It’S jUsT sO CrOwDeD iN hErE.” He mocked him with a low voice, ensuring Zay didn't hear.
"Hey, I'm the one that got to put my arm around her," Liebgott replied to the medic. The self-satisfied soldier continued walking ahead with the group, while Roe was fuming internally, praying it did not show up on his face. Meanwhile, Zay led the group down the hallway to a door that read 553. The door opened to reveal a modest but comfy apartment. There was a combined kitchen/living area, with the kitchen to the right of the front door. In front of the group was a coffee table with a full size couch against the wall. Flanking the couch was a loveseat and an armchair, framing the coffee table on their respective sides. Directly across from the couch was the entertainment stand, the boys trying to process all the electronics they have never seen before. Across the room was a sliding glass door that led out to the apartment's balcony. To the right of the TV was a small hallway with a door on the left, on the right, and at the end.
"Welcome to casa del Bennett!" Zay cheered as everyone filed into the apartment - there was an eclectic feel to the furniture and decorations. It was easy to see that Zay and Chrys collaborated on the decor, neither of them losing their styles to the other. The decor was a mix of bright, cheerful artwork and trinkets, with posters and models of cars mixed in all around, a perfect blend for the sisters. “Make yourselves at home!” Zay stood beside the kitchen as the boys took a look around, Chrys making her way back to her room, opening the door on the right side of the small hall and disappearing behind it.
“This is a nice place you’ve got!” Luz said, plopping down on the couch in the living area. Toye and Guarnere politely sat down on the loveseat, while the rest of Easy Company gathered to stand in the living area rather awkwardly.
Zay smiled and locked the door, a nervous habit, before walking off down the hallway. “Y’all get comfy, I’m gonna change my clothes really quick.” With her signature bounce, Zay went into the door on the left of the hallway. Easy Company was left to fend for themselves, at least for a few minutes. Roe helped Malarkey sit in the armchair, while the medic opted to sit beside Luz on the couch, close to Malarkey if he needed anything. Bull rested on an arm of the loveseat, while Liebgott took the last seat on the couch, securing Luz in the middle. Winters and Nixon stood off to the side, next to the loveseat, and Speirs rested on an arm of the couch, beside Roe.
“What do you think all that is?” Malarkey asked, motioning to the entertainment center. While someone from 2023 would recognize the twins’ internet router, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and bluetooth speaker as common electronics, the boys had absolutely no idea what they were looking at. As if on cue, the two sisters returned to the group, both having changed their clothes. Chrys was wearing a black sweatshirt with an Alfa Romeo logo the boys did not recognize on the front with a pair of plaid pj pants. Zay opted for an oversized, navy blue t-shirt with the band Queen’s logo on the front, though once again, unrecognized by Easy Company. The shock displayed on the men’s faces came from the fact that Zay seemed not to be wearing anything on her lower half. While Chrys sat on the ground, close to Guarnere and Toye, Zay stood confused at the boys.
“Is everything okay?” She asked, concern thick in her words.
“Um… I think you… forgot something in your room,” Luz mumbled out, bright red and trying his best not to stare at Zay’s legs.
“Hm?” Zay followed Luz’s eyes to the point of confusion. “Oh!” She let out a small giggle, slightly lifter her shirt to reveal her bright yellow pajama shorts. “This is the style for pajama shorts in 2023, helps to keep cool at night,” she explained, opting to sit on the floor - she wound up sitting at the feet of Richard Winters, merely intending to sit beside Chrys. Winters could not help but blush, seeing her so close to him. “How’re y’all feeling?” Zay questioned the group in earnest, looking at the men.
There was a brief pause, as well as a few glances around from the men, before Guarnere spoke up, “Still kinda shocked, I guess… it’s still so weird that this is all happening.”
“To be honest, I’m worried about our other guys,” Liebgott chimed in, his arms crossed and his leg bouncing anxiously. “There’s no way to tell them where we are, and we’re not there if they need us.” Joe said all this while staring at the floor, his jaw clenched. The rest of the men nodded in agreement - the soldiers relied on each other, especially in the winter wasteland of Bastogne. Knowing that they were so far away from the rest of their men hurt their hearts in more ways than they thought possible.
Zay and Chrys listened closely to the group. “I’m sorry y’all have to go through this, I can’t imagine the pain and anxiety you’re feeling right now,” the blue-haired girl said after a beat. “I wish I had answers to your questions, but I can assure y’all, Chrys and I will do everything in our power to help you get back to your men. For now, y’all have had a really long day, and you need to be at your best to-”
Zay was cut off by what sounded like the mating call of the humpback whale. All heads turned to the source of the sound - Nixon’s stomach. Lewis let out a small laugh before speaking, “I sure hope you still eat dinner in 2023.”
“Nope, eating as a concept stopped in the 1990s,” Chrys replied, her face and tone deadpan. There was a beat of silence, the boys unsure whether or not the woman was joking, before Chrys let out a snicker. Zay and Chrys began to descend into laughter, followed by the rest of the boys. The group continued to discuss dinner, Zay explaining the concept of Door Dash to the soldiers. Swears, confusion, and laughter abounded throughout the technology education.
“So we can really get anything we want? And they’ll just deliver it?” Malarkey asked, wonder in his eyes. Zay smiled and nodded her head. Malarkey looked at the boys before exclaiming, “We could get actual pasta!”
“Are you kidding? We could get warm juicy American burgers!” Luz retorted.
“Hey what about Chinese food? That shit’s delicious,” Toye argued back. The group descended into bickering, sounding like child siblings in their tones.
“Men!” Winters scolded, causing everyone to fall silent and turn their attention to their captain. Dick looked down at Zay, “We’ll take whatever you recommend.” Dick had a polite smile on his face, imitating Luz as he tried everything not to look at Zay’s bare legs. The girl looked back up into Dick’s green eyes, a blush rising on her cheeks, as well as a thankful smile.
“How about some fast food?” Chrys offered, “McDonald��s usually has something everyone likes.”
“Sounds perfect!” Zay replied before going to Door Dash on her phone. After what felt like forever while the twins explained the options for food to the boys and take their orders, Zay pressed the “Complete Purchase” button. “Alright! The food will be here in a little bit. In the meantime, would y’all like anything to drink? We have water and soda, but also beer, wine, and some other stuff.” Zay explained with a mischievous grin - she saw how the men loved to drink on the show, save for Winters, and was excited to relax and have fun with them. A chorus of intrigued “ooh”s and whoops came from the men of Easy Company as Zay stood up to go to the kitchen. After getting everyone’s drink orders, Zay headed to the kitchen, not noticing Dick following her.
“Thought you might want some help carrying everything,” he said more bashfully than intended when Zay noticed him. Zay returned his smile as they reached the tile of the kitchen area.
“That’s really sweet of you, Captain Winters,” she responded, blushing as she looked up at the man in front of her. Her mind could not help but wonder, what would he do if he knew how big of a crush she had on him?
Dick laughed quietly and smiled at the girl, his blush matching hers. “Please, call me Dick.” Zay’s smile widened as she shifted her gaze to her feet, praying futily that he did not notice her blush growing. “Doc was right earlier, you know, it is really kind of you to take us into your home like this,” Dick mused, grateful for the girl in front of him. Her eyes immediately returned to meet his gaze with a smile.
“Oh it’s nothing, really! Chrys and I have people over all the time, so it’s no trouble, I promise.” Zay went to the fridge as she spoke, starting to take out the bottles that were requested - a coke for Dick, red wine for Zay, Speirs, and Roe, and beers for the rest of the group. Once Zay had organized the eight bottles and three glasses, she bent down to grab her serving tray from the cupboard. Dick wanted to avert his eyes, he wanted to be polite, be a gentleman, but alas, he was entranced. The captain was just barely able to turn his head away before Zay returned to the drinks, acrylic serving tray in hand. Once Zay put everything on the tray, Winters was quick to pick it up, Zay shooting him a Look. “Thank you,” Zay said reluctantly, trying and failing to hide her smile. Dick simply nodded before following her out of the kitchen.
The night continued to devolve into drunken, chaotic fun, with laughter and Chicken McNuggets abounding. Soon everyone was burping and hiccuping with inebriation, of course save for Winters. “You guys wanna play truth or dare?” Chrys asked with a smirk as Zay clumsily emptied the group’s third bottle of wine into her glass, splashing a couple drops onto the carpet.
“Yeah! Let’s use the bottle to pick!” Guarnere said, gently plucking the bottle from Zay’s hand. The twelve made a circle on the floor, pushing the coffee table flush with the sofa. Zay wound up sitting between Winters and Roe, while Chrys was between Nixon and Bull. “Who wants to go first?” Guarnere asked, placing the bottle on its side in the center of the circle.
“I will!” Chrys volunteered, spinning the bottle. As Chrys leaned forward, shifting her weight to her knees, Nixon could not help but be floored by the dark-haired woman in front of him - she seemed so genuine, so down to earth, he needed her in his life. The bottle spun and spun before landing on, of course, Captain Nixon. A chorus of “ooh”s and chuckles erupted from the group as Chrys asked, “Captain, truth or dare?”
Nixon smirked and looked at the girl, heavily relying on his liquid courage. “Dare, doll,” he replied. Chrys, hiding her blush, smiled and walked to the kitchen, returning with a fresh bottle of beer.
“I dare you,” she paused as she used the bottle opener, “to drink this entire beer in 10 seconds.” She held the beer out to him, intrigued to see if he could do it.
“Done and done,” he replied casually, immediately starting to down the drink. It may not have been Vat 69, but Nixon still drank the beer like it was the best thing he ever tasted. Before Chrys reached five, Nixon handed her the empty bottle, covering his mouth as he felt the carbonation expel itself. The group laughed at Nixon’s belch but cheered as he spun the bottle in front of him. The bottle slowly came to a stop, pointing itself at Wild Bill Guarnere. “Alright Gonorrhea, truth or dare?”
Bill laughed as he finished off his fourth beer. “Truth, Cap’n.” he said assertively, leaning into the circle. Nixon thought for a minute before asking his question.
“Tell us about the worst kiss you’ve ever had.” the captain asked the staff sergeant. Guarnere thought for a minute before his facial muscles cringed with disgust.
“Suzie Watson at my Senior Prom, we were slow dancing and next thing I knew her tongue was licking my lips,” Bill recalled. The group responded with sounds of ick as Guarnere flicked the bottle. The game continued to bring wild revelations and compromising positions to all in the room. At one point, Luz had spun the bottle, and it landed on captain Dick Winters. “Captain Quaker, sir,” Luz addressed Winters, earning laughs all around him, including from the captain himself, “truth or dare?”
Dick chuckled and shook his head. He debated whether or not to participate when the game began, but when Zay plopped herself next to his feet and looked up at him with the sweetest doe eyes he had ever seen, how could he not? The captain weighed his options, considering which answer is more of a risk. “Truth,” he answered, looking over at George.
“You got a girl waiting for you back home? And if you don’t, are you looking for someone?” Dick could see Zay's head perk up out of the corner of his eye; he could tell her head turned towards him, but he was nervous to meet her gaze.
“Can’t say I have someone waiting at home, but I would like to have a family, someday,” Winters replied quietly, his bashfulness and beet red cheeks warming Zay’s heart. In a moment of wine-fueled impulse, she laid her head on Dick’s shoulder as he spun the bottle. Surprised, Winters looked over at the girl, a content smile on her face as she rested on him. Now it was Winters’ turn to feel his heart warming. The game continued on until about midnight, when a few soldiers allowed themselves to yawn.
“Alright y’all, looks like it’s time to get ready for bed. For where y’all are sleeping, once we put up the air mattress, we can sleep four of you out here, then three in my room and three in Chrys’ room,” Zay explained. She wobbly tried to stand up, resembling a baby giraffe learning how to walk, before losing her balance and falling into Roe’s lap with a squeal. Eugene caught her in one smooth motion, looking at Zay with concern and amusement. “My bad,” the girl said between giggles. No one saw Liebgott and Luz roll their eyes at the scene, save for Winters. Roe helped the girl stand back up while they all discussed sleeping arrangements.
“I can sleep out here,” Speirs spoke up.
“I’ll take the couch,” Bull added.
“I can room with Zay, if you don’t mind,” Eugene looked up at the girl, who smiled and nodded her head.
“Hey! I wanna room with her!” Luz cried out, pushing Roe’s shoulder childishly.
Liebgott somehow got involved in the scrimmage as well, while Zay simply smiled down at the still-sitting Winters. “Would you like to stay in my room?” While she has not revealed the fact they would share a bed yet, Zay certainly preferred the idea of sharing a bed with a gentleman like Winters. Dick smiled and nodded, agreeing to her offer. Zay returned his smile before raising her voice to get the men’s attention. “Y’all! Dick already claimed a spot, so the other two spots go to Roe and Luz.”
Liebgott groaned and rolled his eyes, walking over to the loveseat - his bed for the foreseeable future. While all of the bickering was occurring, Chrys agreed to Nixon, Toye, and Guarnere bunking in her room. “Do you guys want pajamas? Our brother comes to visit us a lot, and he usually leaves his clothes here… his memory isn’t the best,” Chrys told the group, quiet laughter making its way across everyone’s lips. Chrys smiled and made her way back to her room, the rest of the men standing from the floor.
“I’ll go grab the air mattress,” Zay said over her shoulder, bouncing away to her room.
Ron stayed quiet until the twins left. “Sir? What’s the plan for tomorrow?” he asked Winters, everyone suddenly remembering the problems at hand.
Dick thought for a moment before responding, “We’ll go back to where we first arrived and see if we can find anything and go from there. If we don’t get any information, we’ll ask Zay and Chrys for input… maybe even watching the program we’re on could help.” Speirs nodded in understanding as Chrys came back into the room with a laundry basket of t-shirts, pj pants, jeans, and other bits of clothes for the men to use. Once Zay returned with the air mattress, she and Chrys set up their respective pull-out couches in their rooms while the boys changed, the clothes somehow being a good fit for everyone, even Bull.
Once the boys were all decent, Chrys and Zay set up the air mattress in the living room, supplying the four sleeping in said room with a plethora of pillows and blankets. Soon, the men were settled in their respective bunks - Bull on the couch, Liebgott on the loveseat, Malarkey and Speirs on the air mattress, Guarnere and Toye on Chrys’ pull-out couch, Roe and Luz on Zay’s pull-out couch, and finally, Captain Winters and Captain Nixon were, in fact, about to share their beds with Zay and Chrys, respectively. Since there was nowhere else for the boys to sleep, the four of them felt their own versions of excitement, nerves, and every other emotion under the sun.
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @love--persevering , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @xxluckystrike
Thank you again for reading!! Be on the lookout for Chapter 5 coming next week!! 🥰✨
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99corentine · 7 months
Questions copied and pasted from the message I sent.
Were there any major things that changed from the initial direction you were going to take the fic in? Were there any scenes that you wrote in the fic that just didn't end up making the final cut? Who was your favorite character to write? Those sorts of things?
Hello tomato, thanks for your lovely message, and now this ask! Let’s see…
Were there any major things that changed from the initial direction you were going to take the fic in? 
Surprisingly little. The upside of following the existing plot of a game is that the direction of the story is already mapped out for you. I will say, when I first started writing it I had very few ideas about who Chrysanthe was, he was just a thrall-turned-paladin, more of a concept than a fleshed-out character. He grew alongside writing; all the stuff about him becoming more draconic was organic development and not especially planned.
I did spend a lot more time on non-game plot than I’d anticipated. When I wrote Hermaeus Mora attacking Chrysanthe and the subsequent stay at Frostmere Crypt that took like 10 chapters where I thought it would take like 3.
Were there any scenes that you wrote in the fic that just didn't end up making the final cut? 
A fair few, yes! Off the top of my head…
Miraak and Chrysanthe were going to have a chat about who would out-live the other, because Chry is an altmer (the lifespan of mer in elder scrolls lore is very unreliable, but I figured a few hundred years at least), but Miraak is… well, Miraak. Chry is the Last Dragonborn, which implies Miraak dies before he does. Cut because it was too depressing, tbh
There was going to be a thing near the end where Miraak helped Chry with his self-esteem by showing him exactly how highly Miraak prized him via telepathy. It was maaaybe going to lead to telepathy sex. I cut it because I wasn’t really feeling what I wrote - maybe it felt too much like ‘fixing’ Chry’s confidence issues, idk
There was a sex scene at Lakeview in which they broke the bed and Chry was mortified/Miraak was delighted by it. That was cut because it was too similar to the time he accidentally set the bed on fire
There was a whole part where Mora so relentlessly attacked them that Chry/Miraak decided to seek out the dwemer sphere Septimus Signus had (currently at the bottom of the ocean floor after Mora attacked the ice cave), on the basis that Mora wanted whatever was inside so it could be used to blackmail/bargain peace with him. It was cut because it was very long-winded and I had an Alduin-killing plot to get on with already. If I ever do write a sequel, it’ll end up in there
Clavicus Vile was going to show up again given that Chry sort of kind of struck a bargain with him. Probably an offer to help with the dwemer sphere thing above. It’s Clavicus, so this was going to go about as well as you’d expect.
Who was your favorite character to write?
Despite the story being told from Chry’s POV, Miraak was hands down my fav - he has such a distinctive voice, both stilted (‘Is it not’ instead of ‘isn’t it’, that sort of thing) and commanding (‘you will do this for me’) that makes him really fun to write. He’s also just a great mix of arrogant, forceful and imperious, but also thoughtful, hyper-competent and just devastatingly clever. I always tried to write him like the smartest person in the room - not to say that he is the smartest, of course. I'd have written parts of the story from his POV, but what does that man even think about all day? I certainly don't know.
Hope that answers your questions!
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sweettoothvn · 9 months
Merry Christmas!
So quick ask...
How would it be celebrating Christmas with the LI?
Andre is huge on family when it comes to Christmas, expect to be invited to their family dinner and falling into the best food coma of your life. So many people are there, loving, hugging, sharing, chatting, and having a great time. Andre shares a lot of stories about his family with you along with showing you off to everyone he knows.
Casey probably has a few traditions he does with his older brother- but this year his brother was out on the road. So instead he takes you around, sharing his own personal Christmas with you. You check out the decorations and lights in the rich neighborhoods of California that crank up the power bills to the max while eating some food his mom gave him for Christmas. Your... tongue is on fire.
Chrys is another person big on family- except she just celebrates with her household. She invites you over to watch some movies and drink hot cocoa, eating tons of food while also trying to avoid the dogs with their pleading, begging eyes. It's difficult to resist, but you must. Her brothers and her do a weird skit re-enactment of the Birth of Christ... you don't remember dinosaurs being involved but they're there alright.
David doesn't usually celebrate Christmas so he doesn't know what to do when you want to celebrate with him. The last Christmas he celebrated was when his brother was still alive, after that nothing was really special anymore. You guys settle on the couch with some hot cocoa or eggnog while watching Christmas movies. He hasn't seen most of them so he's cringing at all the cheesiness of it all. He seemed to enjoy 'Elf' at least.
Eddie invites you over to his dads' house... reluctantly. It's more so for your sake. He fears that you might get overwhelmed by his parents and siblings. And of course you do. After being bombarded with questions and chatter, he pulls you aside for some alone time. He would have preferred to have been back in the dorms cuddling with you while doing nothing but being lazy, but he couldn't just NOT go and see his family for Christmas. They're weird but he loves them
Kieran doesn't celebrate with his family anymore. He hasn't in years actually. So instead, he takes you to a bunch of parties to get wasted and potentially commit a few felonies along the way. It's Christmas! Who cares? He sure doesn't. When you're both back home, exhausted, barely sober, and maybe injured, he pulls together a quick yet delicious meal, and you pass out on the couch.
Noble hasn't really celebrated Christmas- more so just- watched it happen. He doesn't know what to do but he does notice a lot of people bake. He makes way too much food and it all tastes so good- but you're going to choke if you eat it all. Welp! That's what left-overs are for. You show him a couple of movies and he doesn't watch them- instead he watches you, loving the fact you wanted to show him what Christmas was like.
Zach hasn't celebrated Christmas for a while. He never really liked Christmas- in fact he actually dislikes the concept of Santa.... a man that breaks into your house at night and just... GIVES YOU THINGS? You tell him Santa isn't real. He doesn't believe you. There are now bear traps by the fire place.
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distant-velleity · 6 months
can't even give this a title 💀💀 it's just a self-indulgent crack premise taken slightly seriously. blame any possible oocness on the fact that i was laughing my ass off the whole time i wrote this
summary - (twirls hair with disgust) so there's this one savanaclaw npc... word count - 1k+ warnings - the tweels (affectionate) tagging - @thehollowwriter enjoy this absolute ridiculousness with me
“Gentlemen,” declares Azul, propping his elbows on his desk, “we may have a problem.”
Jade tilts his head. “Oh? Whatever could it be?”
“Sounds drastic,” drawls Floyd, not meaning it at all.
Azul huffs. “You can make that judgment for yourself.” He gestures with a flourish of his hand. “Chrysos, if you would provide us with your report.”
“Right.” Chrysos softly clears his throat. “First, the perpetrator—Darren Ursus, a bear beastman from Savanaclaw, class 1-D number 2. A member of the Spelldrive Club. Normally, once Crewel’s class lets out, he goes straight to leave—however, recently he has been hanging around until the absolute last possible minute; additionally, I have noticed him actively trying to encounter the TA when he believes no one is looking. He seems to be attempting to impress Wei.” 
His composed look cracks with a barely-hidden grimace. 
“...Yesterday, I teamed up with Hunt to temporarily leave my club activities and observe Ursus. It appears that this matter is starting to reach a head; Wei had been invited to sit on Spelldrive Club practice that day.” 
By this point, Jade is staring at him with unabashed interest and Floyd has sat up as rigidly as a pole.
“Most curious indeed,” Jade murmurs, despite sounding like he already knew.
Azul closes his eyes, muttering something under his breath. “Quite.”
Floyd makes a face. “So this guy’s still at his whole obviously showing off to Yu. Isn’t that already worthy of a squeeze? ‘Cause his stuff is not gonna be reciprocated. Like, at all.”
Chrysos nods solemnly in silent agreement.
“Aren’t you a bit biased, Floyd?” Azul wonders. “After all, you did give Yu that scale from your earring recently…”
“That’s exactly why,” grumbles Floyd. “Yu hasn’t stopped wearing it since. Y’gotta be some kind of idiot to not notice that.”
“Floyd has a point,” Jade says, pressing a hand to his chest. “Additionally, I have witnessed Yu expressing no interest if not outright discomfort at advances from others. It is easy to assume this instance would be the same. Therefore…”
“...for everyone’s peace of mind, we should do something about it,” finishes Chrysos, earning himself a nod of approval from Jade.
Azul hums to himself, thinking. “It also just occurred to me that this Darren figure asked a favor of me recently and has yet to pay up… In that case, we should—as they say—’kill two birds with one stone.’”
“So we’re all down?” asks Floyd, tapping his lanky fingers against the back of the couch.
“Naturally.” Azul waves a hand. “Jade, Floyd, Chrysos—go ahead and do whatever you’d like with Mr. Ursus. Just make sure to keep it ‘discreet,’ as usual.”
Twin moray grins and a closed smirk flash back at him.
The next day, Chrysos finds them chatting together after school outside the alchemy lab. Darren is leaning against a wall with his bulky arms crossed, looking down at Yu, a scene right out of some kind of visual novel.
“...so, anyway, I was thinking. D’you wanna stop by Savanaclaw? There are some questions on today’s homework I need help with.”
Yu does a poor job of hiding his discomfort. “Oh, uh… I think it’d be better if you asked Professor Crewel for help.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Yuhua. If I could speak with you for a moment?”
Yu and Darren both look over at the sound of Chrysos’ voice. The relief in Yu’s expression and posture is palpable.
“Of course,” he says, immediately rushing forward to leave the situation before hesitating. He turns around to look back at Darren. “Um, sorry. We can talk about this later?”
Darren looks considerably miffed. “Y…Yeah, sure,” he forces out.
“Great! Thanks.”
The only time Chrysos has personally seen Yu flee any faster is in the middle of a crisis. 
They turn their backs on Darren and start walking away. Chrysos doesn’t have to look to know that Jade and Floyd have taken their cue.
“So, what did you want to talk with me about?” asks Yu.
He isn’t dropping his mask, so Chrysos eases into it. “That student,” he states simply. 
“What about him?” Another careful dodge.
Everything, Chrysos wants to say, but settles for, “He’s been bothering you, hasn’t he.”
Finally, Yu seems to open up a bit. “Well, I don’t want to say that, but…”
It’s a bit of a pointless argument when Chrysos already overheard Yu angrily ranting to Davis the other day. Especially when he knows Yu was purposely making sure he was eavesdropping.
“It’s too obvious. You should tell him you’re being courted,” Chrysos recommends. 
“I’m kind of too scared to say that to his face,” Yu mutters. His expression brightens all of a sudden, though. “Good thing he let slip pretty early on that he’s afraid of you guys. Work smarter, not harder, right?”
At that exact moment, a low, nervous growl comes from behind them. They both look over their shoulders to see the Leech twins towering over Darren. 
Jade clasps his hands together, mentioning something about debts, while Floyd laughs gleefully.
Chrysos allows himself a smile. “Indeed. I believe this could be considered a win-win situation.”
Davis is lounging by the waterfall with a book when Darren comes trudging in. They’ve had enough small interactions to be only vaguely hostile acquaintances at this point. But, granted, Davis has also heard a lot about this guy.
“What happened?” he asks, because it’s technically an upperclassman’s duty to check on the freshmen. 
A deep, dissatisfied rumble comes from Darren’s chest. “Don’t ask,” he says through a clenched jaw, storming off to his room.
Ruggie whistles from his spot nearby. “Sounds like trouble in paradise.”
“If what I’ve heard means anything, it’s not much of a paradise,” replies Davis dryly. 
“True.” Ruggie snickers. “He’ll get over it.”
Davis raises his eyebrows and turns to look in the direction Darren left. He thinks about Yu, his choice of friends, and the weird air of excitement around the twins earlier that day. “Yeah. Not that he has much of a choice.”)
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poisonhemloc · 5 months
The Kazoo Is Not An Indicator Of A Good Hatchling
just a friendly chat introducing Chrys! no issues or fighting at all*
*....jk its all one big fight
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cyanide-latte · 4 months
“Hey, is this seat taken?”
Chrys lifted his head wearily and took in the speaker. Dark skin, a slim build and a damned impressive undercut weave. The other boy had an easy, cocksure grin as he rested a hand on the space across the table from Chrys, who could have sworn he'd seen him around before but couldn't place his name.
“Don't see a name on it, so no,” he answered.
That broad grin somehow got bigger, and the other boy dropped into the seat, sliding his lunch onto the table.
“I can tell by the look on your face you're trying to place me, so why don't I make it a little easier on you?” he said. “I'm Sam.”
Feeling relieved, Chrys replied with “Call me Chrys.”
“Not to intrude on your space or anything like that,” Sam remarked, dahlia-purple eyes flicking over the table and the marked lack of companions as Chrys poked half-heartedly at his own food, “but I wanted to introduce myself and I hoped we could chat.”
Chrys frowned, placed his elbows on the tabletop, folded his hand together and propped his chin atop them. “You've done the first,” he said. “There something in particular you're wanting from the latter?”
With a gentle snap of his fingers, Sam set his food to unwrapping itself and leaned back a little. “You're pretty direct, I see.”
“Eh, call it a family trait.”
“Well, to answer the question…I suppose I find you interesting.”
“Oh yeah? How so?” Chrys asked, unable to completely keep a note of suspicion out of his voice. What cursory attention he received as Octavinelle’s Housewarden was just part-and-parcel to the position; most people wanted nothing to do with him outside of it, especially not his own dormmates. Which meant it was likely that the sudden interest was because of the blastcycle accident and his leg. “If you’re here for an autograph, I’m going to have to disappoint you today.”
Sam lifted his brows, barely paying attention as his shadow apparently detached itself from where it should have been, floated up beside him, and cut a small square from his sandwich to offer to him. He took it automatically, never breaking eye contact with Chrys.
“I take it you’re referring to the way people’ve been gawking since your accident.”
Despite himself, Chrys smiled. “Thanks for being direct back. Yeah, you’re right on the money with that.”
Sam gave a cluck of his tongue and popped the bit of sandwich into his mouth, chewing a bit before he swallowed and shook his head. “My sympathies. And an apology as well for the misunderstanding,” he said. “I wasn’t trying to give such an impression.”
Chrys lifted a brow, mildly surprised. “None taken,” he answered. “So then…?”
“Like I said, I find you interesting,” Sam reiterated. “I had been indecisive about reaching out, but when I saw the open space, I thought I’d take a chance. I’m not exactly the gambling sort, but I had a good feeling today.”
Chrys watched him for a minute, swarmed briefly by tiny little shadows flitting around like baby bats seeking attention from a parent. What exactly did he find interesting? What gave him such a good feeling? He needed a second to further reassess.
“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment,” he eventually said, deciding that there was something sincere enough about Sam he could take a risk.
Sam’s grin was broad and genuine. “Good. It was one. If you need any reassurance, we can shake on it.”
And, quite despite his wariness, Chrys could tell right then and there they were going to become friends.
So this one was slightly cheating, as I'd been working on this ficlet here and there, but this provided me with a good opportunity to bring up something I've not yet mentioned in regards to my boy Chrysanthos before, which is his friendship with Sam, the proprietor of The Mystery Shop. Details might be subject to slight tweaking in the future but they're a friendship I eventually want to talk about more. Yes, the friendship continues on long past Chrys's experience as a student, and I headcanon that Sam is one of Chrys's son Kit's honorary uncles.
Taglist: @ramshacklerumble @blithesharem @tixdixl @inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children
@distant-velleity @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @rainesol @elenauaurs (message me if you want to be added to the taglist for my TWST OC stuff!)
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feral-mouse · 2 months
OH OH OH FOR THE SHIP BINGO- Can I get Ronny x Chrys 😏
and maybe slash or... A Ronny x Kalani 😳
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Ngl, I have like this idea of an AU where Ronny is a tw!tch streamer, where people specifically love to shit on him. And I like imagining he and Chrys know each other 🥺. Like Ronny makes a post showing that he's out clubbing, and Chrys also makes a post where Ronny is clearly in the image with her. And on the next day, people in Ronny's chat are teasing him about liking Chrys but he has to put up his "cool guy persona" and is like "no idk what you're talking about, that's AI, we hate each other" and then will proceed to like go partying together and having the time of their lives
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I'll be honest I've never thought of them together before, so it did get me thinking a bit while I was filling this out 👀. I cannot see Kalani falling for him though psjnfkslk I feel like he would get on her nerves way too much lol. There would be so much tension between them though, especially the more Ronny keeps lingering around to annoy Kalani and starts to actually get to know her. And by that I mean he is pilfering through her stuff 👀💦 psjfnjsk. But also, I love the idea of the perfect rich girl and the raggedy scumbag with no future 🥺❤️
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safyresky · 2 days
Frostmas: Year 9 FINALLY up on ao3
I've been staring at this year for much too long. Had it ready on the 13th but the final edit PLAGUED me. I THINK it's good now though. Emphasis on the THINK. hhhhhhhhhh
Year Nine
A battle of wills is fought as Jack, new wife at his side, begins making questionable changes to the Resort. Bernard and the elves fight back at every opportunity they have. Jacqueline, meanwhile, dons her detective hat and gets to work figuring out just what exactly the new Mrs. Claus is...
Find it on ao3 HERE!
Check out some behind the scenes notes (like the place I got the idea for Chrys from lol) HERE :)
And of course! Obligatory fic summary below because I'd feel weird and presumptuous without including it 😅😅
The Twelve Years of Frostmas
Nobody but he and I knew the truth. Jack wasn’t supposed to be Santa; I wasn’t supposed to be Jack Frost. He thought being Santa would fix everything. He was horribly, horribly mistaken. [My take on Jack’s reign as Santa during the Escape Clause. MAJOR OC involvement AND First Person POV from said OC. Finally cross posting THIS behemoth! Enjoy!]
Curious? Take it from the top: [ao3 | ff dot net]
Snip below the cut!
“So are we gonna chat at all? Or are you just gonna keep pulling on those curls of yours? They’re beginning to look like those fwoofy bows on presents.” Bernard’s eyes swung upward and narrowed. “Alright, alright, chill out.” I put up a hand in defence, taking a moment to sip my cocoa. “You keep doing whatever this is, and I will simply sit here and enjoy my cocoa while I watch my friend pull out his hair wondering which one will trigger the explosion, since you look like you are about to explode.” It was mid-January and Bernard and I sat in the café, steam wafting up from our warm drinks as music played in the background. He had barely touched his treat whereas I had about halfway finished mine. Something was definitely up with him. He looked really bad, to be frank. I'm fairly certain he had bags under his eyes. His glare intensified. “Are you actually concerned for me?" he rested his arms on the tabletop, crossing them as he stared me down. "It’s just, I can’t tell what with the massive amounts of snark coming from you.” I frowned. “Still? Yeesh. I literally just woke up from a sprite sleep TODAY. I guess I’m still cranky? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll take a nap after this.” “I don’t blame ya.” With a sigh, Bernard finally loosened up, helping himself to the massive Danish pastry glistening on his plate, icing soaking into the freshly baked dough. “I could use one myself.” “I can tell.” “It’s that obvious?” “Yeah, man. I’m like, seconds away from yelling BAG CHECK ON B-MAN’S EYES!” The way he managed to continue eating while giving me the sassiest dry look he could muster was honestly masterful. “Woof. I felt that look! I think maybe you need a sprite sleep.” He laughed, a quick, hearty guffaw. “I don’t think it works like that, Jacquie.” I shrugged. “Fine, then. An elf sleep.” He laughed even harder. “Elf sleep?” “Yeah! You know, like a sprite sleep! But for elves.” Bernard’s laughter shifted into a chuckle. “That’s not a thing for us.” “Yeah, but those bags under your eyes are, yeesh.” He grew serious suddenly, his face stony. “I'm telling you, Jacqueline. It’s Chrys. Being around her has you feeling like you’ve just woken up mid-sleep cycle after an all-nighter! I can't go near her without feeling completely drained! The elves, too! She upsets them in passing. Even the humans are a little off put by her! Only a little, mind you, considering where they are." “I guess the North Pole would be a little off-putting for a first timer with none magical experiences.” “And in the current state?” Bernard gestured out the window, where people—yes, literal actual people, not elves or other magibeans, straight up human beings (ordibeings as us magibeings refer to them colloquially, given that magical humans exist)—wandered the square, rushing to the ticket gate outside the Workshop doors. “It’s weird even for us.” “But just another family trip to a silly little amusement park or a regular day at the mall for them.” I sighed, gripping my mug tightly and enjoying the warmth emitting from it as I stared out the window. January and the Pole was still busy. It was nuts. "Yep. It hasn't been fun." There was a brief silence as Bernard inhaled the rest of his pastry. "I was beginning to think you were gonna stay away all year," he said, mouth full. "Is that why you called me?" I smirked. "Awh, did you miss me?" He swallowed his bite, a cheeky little smile on his face. "I just didn't think it was fair that you got to hide from one Claus while I've been dealing with both of 'em." I hid a smile behind my mug. “Y’know, B-Man, there are several ways I could reply to that but I think I’m just gonna point out the obvious.” Placing it down, I shifted in my seat and scooted closer, switching to a whisper. “The tunnels are done. You could easily head to the foyer and poof away. It's a poofable place.” Bernard shifted, leaning in close to whisper as well. “That’s not a word.”
This was always one of my favourite scenes bc, as a fun Dani fact, it's the first scene I wrote where I went back to reread it and got hit full force with how much improvement there's been in my writing! Also, Bernard and Jacqueline are so silly and funny and I love them dearly. Bernard looking back at her all seriously and leaning in only to be like THAT'S NOT WORDS, JACQUIE gets me every time!
Check out Y9: 2024 edition HERE on ao3! And of course...
🆕What's NEW this time around:
Cheri has grown more as a character; her role (and Gwen's, by proxy) is more developed in ye olde brain box so her chat with Jacqueline and Mother Nature has had a huge, very last minute shift/adjustment
Expanded the Jarring Third Person POV to the PRESENT cut a bit!
And of course, grammar, syntax, awkward phrasing, and slight ooc moments :)
Primarily with Blinter moments and Thawed!Jack moments!
(like. my god. I did NOT go off with the Blinter. BUT NOW I HAVE!!)
And I may have upped B-Man's sass a bit more? hehehe
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detroitbecomefandom · 6 months
Your blog is a goldmine of funny quotes! Is it okay if I doodle some? :0
Absolutely!!! It makes my day when people use them for inspiration :D
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marusleepy · 4 months
Iris Aspen - Relationships
Iris is one of my most developed Genshin Impact OC's aside from Miaki. Iris was very sheltered as a child and only recently got to know people, so he doesn't know many people personally.
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Chart Credit: https://www.tiktok.com/@nagareb0shi
As you can see, Iris get's very scared, very easily. And he doesn't really like loud people either- so it's difficult for him to make friends.
Diluc and Iris are dating. Iris really connects with and depends on Diluc. He admires Diluc for being strong both physically and mentally.
Met while Diona was going for a supply run. They chatted for a bit and continued to meet. Diona vented to him and he provided comfort. They have a father/daughter dynamic. Iris likes to spoil her with food and toys.
Iris was relaxing one morning and met Noelle. They shared stories of their lives and connected to each other. Now once a week they have tea time together and often chat about current happenings. He admires her determination and strength.
She likes to read... He likes to read... They read together quite often and sometimes even nap together. He loves listening to her talk about Magic.
Iris loves to hear her sing while he draws. Sometimes he will bring his violin to play music with her.
Saw that Lisa trained him to use his vision and decided to teach him how to draw. He often provides art supplies to Razor to take home.
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Here is the full art of my scared little baby. Will most likely draw him again because I still need to design his casual outfit. I will also draw his family members which consist of Rose (his mother), Chrys or Chrysanthemum (his father) and Al or Allium (his older Brother.)
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fangedprinx · 4 months
I am putting a poll here to gauge interest for further tumblr posts/website updates because sticking things on my site takes time
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cordycepsbian · 8 months
hihihigihi uhh
can you name some of your ocs?-
haven't seen much of any i dont thingk. or maybe i just am blind
that's fair we don't have our toyhouse linked anywhere and that only has a fraction of our ocs listed on it
bugs fable ocs;
chrys - never talked about them before whoops. from our bug fables future headcanons. they're a cuckoo wasp and they're on an explorer team with tod and terrie mop - everyone knows mop. the star of the show
synth - evil roach lady. came from the giant's lair and tried to start snakemouth lab 2: electric boogaloo. she's like if soul master was a girl kind of bernie - most divorced poor little meow meow bee man ever. got kicked out of the hive because cosmic horrors happened to him. vi's dad but that's not really relevant they don't know each other ilon & lilly - butterfly and beetle on an explorer team. kind of side characters in future bug fables iris - cute and trustworthy mantis lady who runs a diner and definitely doesn't cook people checkers - zombee who is two different bees sewn together. former nurse in one life. unwillingly pulled into synth's schemes mint - zombeetle who escaped the lab to try and find his former explorer partner. not going well for him latte - baby zombiant. just a little guy sammy - zombie fly with a different kind of fungus than the cordyceps ones. got sent to bee kingdom zombie jail until the doctor who made it like that let it escape penny - the doctor who did that to sammy. it was an accident she swears marshmallow - peacock spider who started mimicking bugs and living in society just for a laugh
and our hollows knights
caprice - nosk who disguises herself as a traveling musician. reads minds to find familiar tunes and plays them for her victims. our personal favorite to draw ollie - ant that got splashed with the death pheromone and kicked out of his colony for it. traveled with caprice before getting infected and dying for real
celadon - mantis who left the tribe to pursue a more peaceful lifestyle. is just vibing in greenpath now flower pot - vessel that celadon adopted. likes being painted on capt. geo-eye - earwig pirate captain. quite literally has a piece of geo where his eye should be. currently plundering the abandoned kingdom of hallownest treasure chest - vessel that geo-eye adopted. a little ruffian that attacks ankles
and our rains worlds
uncrossed finish line - senior of their local group. thought sliver of straw was onto something. worked so hard to replicate her that they overheated and collapsed deep impression of a fang - junior of the same group. looked up to finish line and was devastated when they died. tried to purpose an organism strong enough to kill him after that happened flightless birds - second youngest of the group. bit of a silly goose. spends more time talking in group chats and having fun than doing work. in her lane. unbothered. flourishing monday morning sunrise - second oldest of the group. eepy. spends 100 cycles to do anything empire of ants - firm Middle Child. ascribes to the same thinking of a benefactor monk. never talks to anyone ever three glowing scales - no local group because they're in the middle of the ocean. makes a lot of purposed creatures to send messages across the sea ever-flowing rapids - purposed slugcat made by 3gs. true aquatic scug that can breathe underwater and move at speed. rivulet's ancestor the crusader - purposed slugcat made by dioaf. the thing that was intended to kill him. gets stronger the higher its karma is the trickster - purposed slugcat made by nsh. exists to send memes. can change colors to mimic predators the sleepwalker - normal slugcat that got hit on the head and can't sleep now. always gets shelter failures and special night creatures attack them the symbiosis - used to be our scugsona but now they're just vibing. full of fungus. kills bugs instantly but gets hurt by sunlight two splinters of wood under tropical leaves - benefactor that lived on mms. ran a shelter for purposed organisms that outlived their usefulness. number one enjoyer of weird little critters muddy water running through steel canals - benefactor that lived on looks to the moon. mechanic that dabbles in bioengineering. invented miros birds so you can all get mad at aer for that shrill ringing noise, a broken spear - benefactor that used to live on dioaf. got banished to the surface for assassinating a council member. living the creature life now
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First time using the Standard Farm map as well as the first time focusing on actually farming lol
Farmer background under the readmore
Farmer Chrys lives on Harvest Hills Farm in a one room cabin with her german shepherd mix, Copper.
The farm is focused on produce and artisan goods, as well as forage grown from wild seeds. (Lots of watering going on...)
There's plans to build a coop & barn by next spring, as well as to start making wine, but she's in no rush.
She wears the straw hat she won from the egg hunt and a heavy denim jacket that says Grampleton Rodeo on the back (it used to be her grandpa's).
Chrys grew up in Grampleton before working in Zuzu City at Joja, so she actually has a pretty heavy country accent (which she sort of lost while in the city and regained after a season or 2 in Pelican Town) and her fixing up the farm is less "shy & awkward city girl inherits farm and has no idea wtf she's doing" and is more "born & raised country girl inherits farm and reconnects with her roots"
Chrys talks to just about everyone and is always willing to lend a neighborly hand (if she doesn't take your bulletin board request it's only bc it's a difficult one & she doesn't like making promises she can't keep)
Always calls the older ladies in town Miss regardless of their marital status, "Well howdy there, Miss Caroline!"
Also lots of "Yes Ma'am/Sir."
Often calls the bachelorettes "Darlin'~" but only if she's feeling flirty.
Chrys spends her Friday nights at the saloon, chatting with folks and sitting at Willy & Clint's table (boring them both to death as she rambles about how the yams and pumpkins are "coming in real nice" and she constantly nags Clint to "get yer shit together and just talk to the woman already").
She even has a drink every now and then (can't drink much since she doesn't have a gallbladder).
Chrys is mostly friends with the "non-marrigable" townsfolk, but there's an awful lot of gossip about her and Shane...
However, if you were to confront her about it directly she would set the record straight, "That man don't need that kind of relationship, he needs a friend and I aim to give him one. 'Sides, there ain't enough time in the day for me to go courtin' anybody even if I wanted to."
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