#took more exams
Gents and ladies I promise I'm alive
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
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Bribed with Chocolate. The way it should be.
Part 22 || First || Previous || Next
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More to come as this is a two-parter. But you know how I am with schedules.
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I think this was an equally possible reaction from Chara.
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shrimparts-blog1890 · 5 months
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wonderhoiiiii · 5 months
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If they both got in the coffin together ❤️
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starrysharks · 3 days
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close ups:
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+ inspo (literally my fav miku fig ever):
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
it's this way! / squirrelpaw and leafpaw
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neo--queen--serenity · 6 months
I let it slide the first time I watched the series, but I subconsciously expected to get some sort of explanation for why the two characters looked so alike, but an explanation never came.
It’s not coincidental. Despite having his face covered, Bones made sure we saw the Azure King’s hair and eye color, and they match Kunikida’s EXACTLY. Even the shape of the eyes are the same.
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And like, the whole episode, they kept talking about how the Azure King “lived by his ideals,” saying it numerous times. They talked about him the same way the ADA talks about Kunikida. We also have the similarities over his education and connections in government organizations.
Even down to the fact that Kunikida is drawn to and attracted to Sasaki, who was the Azure King’s lover. Down to the fact that she tells Kunikida, at gunpoint, “you resemble him.”
The Azure King and Kunikida even share the same Japanese voice actor. The irl Nobuko Sasaki was married to the irl Doppo Kunikida, but they divorced early into their marriage.
Was Kunikida the Azure King!?! I told myself he wasn’t, the first time I saw it, because I expected more information later, but like I said, we never got any.
I know I’m not the first person to theorize about this, but I just wish we knew more. The Azure King could just be an elaborate allegory for what Kunikida could have been, if he went down that path. But that’s…such an excessively detailed allegory. Like why go that hard if it’s just a parallel?
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breadandblankets · 20 days
Duke’s early vigilante days are so funny, because whenever he interacts with a criminal Batman is behind him staring the criminal down like “you better be fucking intimidated by my precious little boy”
I also believe that this happens whenever Hal and Duke interact because anyone who has met Duke can see he qualifies for a ring and Bruce does not want to have to share custody with the Lanterns
Oh yeah cursed wheel arc to me is Bruce pretending So Hard that he's not there and just like supporting Duke and his detective abilities
(^•⁠_•^⁠) =^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^=
Duke is extremely lucky he's not in a reverse Robin au because if he had to be one of the first heros after Batman?? In those colors??? He would get laughed at, thankfully two-ish decades of Robin has trained crooks to be Very Scared of people in bright colors next to the bat and Duke is all together, one of the gentler robins ever (his anger is very focused, he doesn't have a lot of the General Anger that is symptomatic of being age 10-15, he's angry of course, who isn't, but idk I think because of his background and personality he is smart enough to focus it productively)
Bruce and Hal beefing over Duke is a Favorite headcanon for me, everything after his metahuman bar mitzvah is, can be, and Should be a clusterfuck
Hal and Bruce are like a divorced couple with Duke they're throwing money (Bruce) and experiences (mostly Hal) at him (like any of this really makes up for Duke not having his actual parents ;-;)
Divorced dad guilt is a Hell of a drug
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splartney · 1 year
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finally some new art everyone cheer
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jackyjackdraws · 10 months
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I know I draw these two sleeping a lot but the poly relationship between them and sleep is one of my favorite OTP'S
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pandoa · 1 month
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 month
In honor of our first Wednesday without an episode:
Echo and Crosshair get to talking on the long flight back to Pabu.
pov me getting steamrolled by this idea at like midnight on the 4th lol
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i wrote this one super fast DURING MY EXAM WEEK so don’t expect too much lol
full of fluffy banter, Crosshair whump, and… well let’s just say my classic Echo trope lol
taglist below cut:
@inkstainedhandswithrings @the-bi-space-ace @floundrickthewayfarer @ihaventpiickedausername @arctrooper69 @myrtlesb
(p.s. if y’all would rather only be tagged in Slow Down updates or something let me know!)
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buglaur · 1 year
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freensrcha · 1 year
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— your name engraved herein
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fivefeetfangirl · 9 months
omg hiii!! hope ur doing good 😊 re ur tags on the post about reading a lot of time travel fics lately 👀👀 do you have any recs ? I feel like ive devoured the trope there arent any good ones left 😩
Hi nonny!!
Based on your ask it seems like you've probably read more time travel fics than me haha I just started like 3 weeks ago. And these are what I've read so far (I would rec them all, they're all very good):
crossing lines by sometimeswelose which is about s1 dean getting transported into s15. read the tags on this one tho!
in this louisiana bar by fleeceframe where s10 cas travels back to s1 dean. in the next part s10 cas travels back to s4 dean
psalm 40:2 by unicornpoe where s15 cas travels back to pre-series dean
I haven't read this one but been recced it, time has come today by teen_dean where 19 year old dean from 1998 is brought to 2020 to help with a hunt
If you have any recs for me feel free to send another ask <33 or if anyone wanna add to this post, please do!
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honeygrahambitch · 7 days
My finals are officially over tomorrow. I just need to find the strength to study and not to bed-rot
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