mikyiko · 9 months
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Drew my new fav…. Baby girl I love Illari smmm
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takethebodymarc · 7 months
quackity accidentally taking a few hearts off from chunsik and immediately logging off lmoaoo😭😭😭
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terrasu · 1 year
Why am I only finding Mexican/South American recipes for corn. Did it not migrate like potatoes
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cainynes · 8 months
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tangled au this shit gets so serious. yes kiriko is flynn yes illari is raps. hammond might be pascal. and max might be chuño...
leaning more towards cultural wear for this au rather than just slapping their designs on and calling it a day..
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man-on-mars · 1 month
Having some fricase paceño (Bolivian pork and chuño) and thinking about you, bc technically your potatoes are chuño. Freeze dried in minimal atmosphere.
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Oh rad! Thank you for the cool food fact. Will for sure try Normal Freeze Dried Potatoes if I get back home. After my sworn decade of never looking at a potato, of course.
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mearpsdyke · 8 months
a ver chicos tengo una pregunta
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katiajewelbox · 10 months
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November is National Native American Heritage month in the USA! Did you know that many of the UK’s favourite kitchen garden plants were originally domesticated by indigenous peoples in the Americas? The Native Americans’ domesticated plants now feed most of the world and have become an integral part of cuisines in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
1. Potato: Potato (Solanum tuberosum) was domesticated by indigenous Americans in the Andes at least 10,000 years ago. Genetic studies indicate hybridization of different wild potato varieties in the species Solanum brevicaule in Southern Peru produced the original domesticated potato. Today, indigenous people in Peru have over 4000 varieties of potato, each with their culinary and cultural significance. The Chuño potato can be preserved for up to 15 years, making it an important food source during lean times in the days of the Inca Empire.
2. Corn: Indigenous Americans domesticated corn (Zea mays) from the wild grass Teosinte (Zea mays parviglumis) of southwestern Mexico approximately 9,000 years ago. The wild Teosinte is a miniature corn, with ears containing only 5-12 hard seeds. From the initial domestication in Mexico, corn spread north and south to become the iconic food plant of indigenous America. Native American corn differs from the familiar sweetcorn because it was selectively bred to be dried and preserved rather than eaten fresh. Native American corn varieties can be a kaleidoscope of beautiful colours and are either flint corn (dried for preservation and then soaked for food purposes), flour corn (processed into masa harina flour), or popcorn.
3. Beans: Our familiar kitchen garden beans all come from indigenous American agriculture. The fresh green beans and most of the dried beans belong to the same species, the Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) which was domesticated via hybridization of several wild species in Mesoamerican around 4,000 years ago. The Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus) was domesticated in South America around 4,000 years ago and spread north of the Rio Grande by the 1300’s.
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ricoydelicioso · 3 months
Papa Rellena al estilo peruano
Hoy, arrancamos la segunda con un clásico que me vienen pidiendo hace mucho: papa rellena al estilo peruano. Hay muchas formas de hacer papa rellena según el país de latinoamérica, pero después de hacer causa y papas a la huancaína, faltaba este clásico. Un relleno de carne picada, con verduritas y mucho sabor (y un poco de picante) envuelto en un puré de papa que al freír queda súper crocante. El truco de esta receta es agregarle el famoso chuño (almidón de papa) a la masa, no solo para que no se abra, sino también para que le dé esa costra crocante a la papa
1) Hervir 1 kg de papa enteras y con piel en agua con sal hasta que estén tiernas. Retirar y dejar entibiar
2) Retirar la piel, hacer puré y agregar sal, un chorrito de aceite de girasol y 2 o 3 cucharadas de almidón de papa (de maíz en su defecto). Mezclar bien.
3) Saltear una cebolla morada y un diente de ajo con sal, pimienta y comino. Agregar 500 grs de carne picada de ternera. Salar y cocinar y agregar 2 cdas de pasta de ají panca. Sumar medio tomate, un ají amarillo y medio vasito de cerveza o vino. Cocinar 5 minutos y enfriar
4) Armar las papas rellenas como se ve en el vídeo formando círculo y colocando el relleno en el medio, agregar un cuarto de huevo duro y una aceituna negra. Dar forma ovalada y llevar a freír en aceite bien caliente por 7 minutos. Secar, servir y disfrutar!
De parte: armandococinando
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tishinada · 8 months
OK, got back to watching the MSQ (Zas is stuck in 6.2 until people begin coming back lol) and I have to say I really feel like someone has done good historical research and is trying very hard to avoid common mistakes.
I think the one that particularly caught my attention was the scholarly information about so many foods coming from Tural and the influence they have had on cuisine in Eorzea. ButI particularly loved Raha talking about people who live in a mountainous region of Tural freeze drying potatoes to preserve them (if I recall correctly, one word for the result was Chuño). This was common in the Andes, but not exactly common knowledge that I expect to encounter in a video game.
Still have almost half of it to watch :D
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lazyasyoucansee · 2 months
Sleepy puppies look so not alive lol
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Those are potatoes under water. The making of chuño.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Oh! The new Illari origin story is out! I personally dont like the whole last person angle they did imo. It feels very chosen one from the get go but what are your thoughts, Nite?
Like, I know I said that it's a good thing that they're bringing in a character that stands on their own and isn't too dependent on other characters' lore to sell themselves, but this is like... some straight up Themyscira shit. Like yes, it's within Overwatch's general world logic of 'Technology as indistinguishable from magic' but like... this kind of leans into a similar issue with Pharah as a character. Like... the weird lean into the 'ancientness' of Peru for aesthetics when Peru is like... still very much its own, modern country. People live there. They have like, social media and shit. They do have a modern culture. Like I mean you could argue that the Inti Warriors formed as a culture due to their isolation during the Omnic Crisis but it still feels off. I don't know. I've read a decent amount of afrofuturist sci-fi but I'm definitely under-read in indigenous sci-fi and I'm white and American, so I really can't speak definitively on this but honestly between this, the pan flute spray, and the pet llama named 'Chuño,' this character lowkey feels like a they jammed everything a 12 year old knows about Peru into a character.
What I do like about the character is that there does seem to be an effort to make a hero who feels like the hero of their own story, but that's also the problem where there's not enough for her to really connect with other heroes on, nor does she feel really tied into the whole omnic crisis lore of Overwatch overall.
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whackacole3 · 8 months
Mini Chuño
Hana had learned how to crochet for Illari, making her the perfect little gift!
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tagged by: @thisisnotjuli te adorooo
rules: tag 10 people u wanna get to know better
relationship status: single and uninterested x2
fav colour: uhm it would be like a combination of colours (like the dark brown of a tree trunk and the bright green of the leaves) - my favourite colour always changes though
song stuck in my head: all 3 songs of Hozier new EP Eat Your Young (ask @two-hands-toward-the-sun, we were repeating them over and over again, auxilio)
fav foods: guiso de chuño con queso de mi abuelita (it has to be made by my grandma. It is such a simple dish but it brings me joy!)
last thing i googled: The Entities in The Magnus Archives
dream trip: in terms of destinations I have too many to decide, BUT honestly at this moment the dream trip could be a trip to the supermarket with @thisisnotjuli @two-hands-toward-the-sun and @fatcatgospel
anything i want right now: teleportation
i tag: @two-hands-toward-the-sun @fatcatgospel @anonymousdandelion @ngkiscool @edosianorchids901 and anyone else who wants to share!
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tombraiderhorizons · 2 years
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The Tomb Raider games may not be known for their culinary references but the 2018 game Shadow of the Tomb Raider managed to showcase several popular Latin American foodstuffs and dishes: ch’arki, chuños, and the Mexican pork dish Poc Chuc.
Now it’s time to tuck into yet another mouth-watering edition of Taste Raider and learn more about the origins and preparation of ceviche, a delectable South American seafood dish commonly made with raw white fish, red onions, chili peppers, and lime juice!
Read the full article over on Tomb Raider Horizons!
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anisenelalto · 11 days
Día 12
Hoy tuvimos una visita a casa de una chica de 19 años que ha dejado de entregar sus trabajos de clase y el departamento social está preocupado. Se le dio opción de la modalidad a distancia porque es madre de una niña de tres años, su familia la echó de casa y tiene que trabajar a la par que estudiar. Al parecer, según ella, el problema es que algunos profes no le mandaron la tarea y además necesita que la casera le preste el wifi para poder recibir y entregar los trabajos… vive de alquiler con su pequeña en un habitación en un altillo de un local donde solamente tiene una cama. El baño está aparte de la casa y es compartido y no tiene cocina, siempre comen fuera. La situación es muy mala y lo que tratan desde SAL es conseguir que siga estudiando y se saque el bachiller porque aquí es imprescindible para todo.
Al regresar de la visita, hicimos unas compras de comida y regresamos al centro. Los chavales estaban acabando de preparar unas manualidades para hacer los centros de mesa que se pondrán en la cena del viernes. Después quisieron jugar al wally en un local que se alquila allí al lado. Yo desconocía ese deporte, es como el vóley pero en el que la cancha y las paredes se utilizan también para hacer puntos. Finalmente el local estaba cerrado y regresamos a hacer un postre con ellos.
Yo ya me tenía que venir a casa porque los hermanos comen a las 12:30 y de camino me encontré con Natxo y con Martín que habían ido a otra ciudad a comprar carne de ternera para la cena del viernes porque allí está a mitad de precio que en El Alto y ya fuimos juntos a casa. Hoy comimos fricasé de pollo: tiene mote de maíz blanco, chuño (patata deshidratada) y un caldo con pollo. La verdad es que no me entusiasmó mucho, no tenía mucho sabor a pesar que picaba un poquito.
Por la tare estaba cansada y me quedé en casa porque en la mañana, cuando fuimos a la visita anduvimos mucho porque la gente no te indica bien dónde vive, no hay nombres de las calles por ningún sitio, hacía mucho sol… tuvimos que coger varias movilidades…
Aproveché para preparar el taller de mañana que daré a los chicos de Conéctate sobre subrayar y resumir para estudiar. Ahora me acabo de duchar y estoy esperando a que terminen de rezar y me llamen para cenar. Hay milanesas (filetes de ternera rebozados), caldito y sobras.
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lolitaisboring · 4 months
Hola, descubrí que que si mezclo chuño con agua se hace como una mezcla y sabe deli
4 cuch. soperas o ¼ taza crudo
Calorias: 140
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