#cinna writes
maitarussa-old · 2 years
Just got back from my own little trip to the Void. Part Two is finally here!! I hope to update this semi-regularly (at least every two weeks). No illustrations for this part, I hope to make illustrations for all chapters once they’re done, for style consistency.
Chapters: 6/?
Chapter Words: 3,487
Current Total Words: 21,108
Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Mature
Chapter Warnings: Memory Loss, Referenced Past Character Death, Dissociation
Relationships: Fingon | Findekáno/Maedhros | Maitimo, Gandalf | Mithrandir & Sauron | Mairon, Eärendil & Elrond Peredhel, past Melkor/Mairon
Characters: Fingon | Findekáno, Maedhros | Maitimo, Elrond Peredhel, Eärendil the Mariner (Tolkien), Gandalf | Mithrandir, Sauron | Mairon, Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor, Vala | Valar
Maedhros Fëanorion is dead, but his spirit came not to the Halls of Waiting— instead, at the breaking of his Oath, he was cast out into the Void.
Fingon, first of the Princes of the Exiles in Mandos, was offered a chance at rebirth and rejected it— choosing instead to wait for Maedhros. Now, he asks to be reborn, and once again he takes on a dangerous quest to save his loved one from torment and loneliness.
Part Two - I
A great many years after his rebirth, Fingon’s memories have returned to him— and yet, there still seems to be something he does not recall. He is determined to get to the bottom of it.
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cinnamonstorage · 1 year
They say you can always go home,
so I gave that shit a try.
I found it overgrown, overrun both by
nature and man, 
each leaving behind their mark
on delicate ecosystem,
years of abandonment transforming
domestication into wilderness.
Once a great tree stood in the yard
and it had not gone down without a fight,
the soil turned into a thick scab,
torn wounds of dirt to show where 
it had stood for so long.
There atop the hill, it has endured 
winters, winds, a hurricane once
(which had turned all the hollers to lakes)
but mankind had taken its swing
and even giants fall.
The home sits empty now
in a way it never does in my memories.
A few days ago, my mom said,
she visits too. 
She packs a lunch, grabs the grandkids,
and they sit in the field to eat,
soaking in the epitaph to our childhood.
It's a comfort to know that 
we visit the same graveyards.
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talloseye · 1 year
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I made a unique specialization tree for Cinna if he were a companion! I based it off of both the DA:2 and the DA:I trees even though he's just in Inquisition...each ability is explained below🦉
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lastleaf · 5 months
Just for fun, I made a list of all my stories from the last few @thgseasonofhope fic exchanges. All three of them are so different from each other and at least one of them would never have existed without my giftee's prompts (which is good, because it definitely brought me out of my comfort zone).
and that has made all the difference 
Eighteen-year-old Cinna interns for longtime stylist Tigris during that year's Hunger Games.
Rated: T
Words: 2159
Katniss develops some unusual cravings in the early stages of her pregnancy. Post-Mockingjay
Rated: M
Words: 1,467
Something Sweet
Pre-canon. Reminiscing about happier times in her past, Lucy Gray would like to create some sweet memories for the younger members of the Covey.
Rated: T
Words: 1,290
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justcallmesakira · 2 months
me nd' @saelique are officially motjer daughter or sister sister whatever❤️
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cinnamart · 3 months
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i've passed 20k words in my tsbk doc i'm p sure this is a new record for me :)
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sugarstripes · 7 months
ROTTMNT OC art dump
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Say hello to Clara Hawthorne Cinna! She's a raccoon mutant who thinks she's a born yokai due to amnesia brought on by a concussion shortly after mutating :> I got deep into my ROTTMNT brainrot over the past month or two and finally felt motivation n inspiration to make an OC to play around with in the Rise! universe. Got a lot more I wanna do and draw, like I still need to doodle her interacting with the rest of the cast. This is all stuff I've draw in the past week and a half I think lmao. So there's a lot more I'll be showing at some point, to delve deeper into her character
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heartsfourdazai · 4 months
//nikolais room is where I should be rn and I will openly admit that (as a joke of course)
me n u both hun :<
im actually srs lmaoo //i think st least
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metaladam · 23 days
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Adam does hate sinners, its a 100% red line. He kills them for fun, and he genuinely thinks all sinners are evil. He has no mercy at all for sinners. Aside from his interactions with sinners though he is fairly harmless with anyone else. He's obnoxious and annoying but is not gonna harm anyone unless he has a genuine cause for it.
Of course, he's definitely a misogynist and has a lot to say about women. He's sort of obsessed with women in a strange way in the sense they are the only people who make him feel validated or can really hurt him so there's a lot of resentment for how vulnerable they make him feel. That is why he surrounds himself with women because he is trying to fill a whole in his heart, trying to make up for the lack of approval he had from Lilith and Eve. He resents the idea of women for that as well because of how vulnerable they make him feel. That does not mean he can't have genuine friendships and relationships with women.
Also, most of the time when he is talking about his sex life he's lying. For instance that story he told Charlie about the virtue chick was a lie. He makes up stories about his sex life similar to a teenager, he wants people to think he's cool and again only really way he can get validation is if women approves of him and want him around.
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telvayns · 2 months
what’s ur ao3?
you can find me here!
for anyone who didn't know, in a couple days' time i will be posting the first chapter or so from my fitzier pale rider (1985) au, revelation 6:8, for cowboyshowfest!! i'm very happy w/ how it's turned out so i'm really excited to see what people think of it.
you can get a taster for it from the first art i did w/ this au right here!
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stilin-ski · 3 days
I read this fic and it jumpstarted my dnd memory by reminding me of the blessed of corellon and now it’s. All I can think about with my Starbreaker Dads AU.
Important to note that Layla will always be Porter’s adopted child bc that is very important to her character and also I said so bc I made her up but the blessing opens up so many doors.
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felixravinstills · 1 month
guess who wrote another short little fic centering around President Ravinstill and also Tigris (I haven't written about her before)! (it's around 2.5k). It's very meandering and also might be a sign that my sanity is slipping (as if there weren't already signs).
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wipbigbang · 2 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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okkalo · 2 months
UWAHHH !!! ૮꒰˶˃ ^ ˂̵˵꒱ა ur robin theme is s’ gorgeous ?!  ໒꒰ྀི >ヮ<꒱ྀི১ ‘m in awe !!! :<
thank u cinna ml ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎ robin is the prettiest girl she’s carrying my theme
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cinna-rose · 4 months
I make fanfics on AO3 again-
And I just recently made a fanfic for valentine's day about my OC and Baxter-
Read it here if you're interested-
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autumnslance · 2 years
Prompt #28: Vainglory
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((Revised on Ao3))
She wasn’t at all what Jullus had expected.
He hadn’t even realized that’s who she was, when she was sent as a hostage by the Eorzeans. Just a quiet, unassuming woman, a mercenary by her lack of uniform but obvious weaponry and demeanor; it wasn’t hard to catch the quiet confidence and competence.
And she had been a more than worthy guardian on the way back to Tertium; her skills with her slim blade were dazzling on display. She had always given a few ticks to gauge the creatures that attacked them, he noticed, gray eyes sweeping over the mutated forms before clouding in resignation to strike, swift and clean, ending their suffering.
It wasn’t until returning to the station that Jullus realized who she was. When Lord Quintus’s eyes widened slightly and he had stiffened, and then named her.
Aeryn Striker. The Champion of Eorzea. The Liberator of Doma and Ala Mhigo. The Savior of the Savages. The Warrior of Light.
She had simply stood between the twins, hands loosely clasped before her, face impassive as she met the Legatus’s gaze. Her expression had grown cooler and more stoney as he spoke, and Jullus was certain she bit the inside of her lip at least once, but she said nothing.
She was given free rein of the camp, but so long as they had the collared twins, she wouldn’t go far. The oddest part was how she had frowned at the special treatment the Legatus granted in not putting a collar on her, knowing she could best any of his men.
“I wouldn’t have hurt them,” she said quietly to Jullus as they left the command car. “We came voluntarily.”
Oddly, he believed her.
Jullus watched a former soldier of the doomed XIVth recognize her and spit invectives. Aeryn merely listened to the rant, her expression one of remembered pain and sadness. When she turned away, her eyes reminded him of rain clouds preparing to shed their burden. But she took a deep breath and moved on to the next person, asking who they were, if there was anything they needed, how could she help.
She was gathering information, he was certain. And yet…
“What do you think of her?” Lord Quintus asked, when Jullus reported, both to tell his commander of the prisoners’ activities, and of their offer.
He had not yet answered Jullus on the Eorzeans’ claim to give them ceruleum and supplies for the ill, the injured, the starving civilians and soldiers in Tertium. Instead, Lord Quintus leaned against a wall and watched out a window.
“She…is not what I expected, from the stories,” Jullus said. “I have seen her fight, and she is very good, but not…”
“A cackling blood soaked butcher cutting through enemies like paper?”
“N-no, sir. And there are some here who recognize her, from various campaigns, but…She does not lord her victories over them. She seems…sorry, if anything.”
“A show of modesty, perhaps,” Lord Quintus said. “She could kill every man and woman here with little thought. But then, they had said she killed Gaius van Baelsar—though he turned out to be alive, and a traitor now as well. Perhaps something she did to him in that battle; she is a mage of renown. Keep a careful eye, Jullus.”
He expected Lord Quintus to deny the Eorzeans’ offer, and to order him to seek out ceruleum in the city, though they both knew there was little left.
Jullus took Aeryn and the twins to search. It was fruitless and frustrating and damned cold.
He didn’t expect the women to jump into the freezing, brackish water of the pond, though.
Before she did, Aeryn passed him a few items; seeds, medicine…and a teddy bear. “What’s this?”
“There’s a sick little girl; her father asked me to try to find food for her while out here,” Aeryn said. “Found a few other things, too, that hopefully will make her feel better.”
He looked down at the toy she had found. It was rumpled and dirty, but still soft; a little cleaning would make it suitable for a sick child. He stared at it as Aeryn and Alisaie rummaged in the water, until Aeryn found the hatch and the container of ceruleum.
They cheered as if it were a great victory, even as they teased one another like sisters would, their friendly rivalry continuing. Alphinaud had to scold them to get the bloody hells out of the water already before they froze.
They were simply…normal people, all of them, these Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and their champion. Aeryn—teeth chattering, fingers a tad blue, took her collection of found items back from Jullus as Alphinaud fussed over his sister, who was using magic to start the fire.
“Thank you,” Aeryn said to him through her shivering. She smiled. “Her father will be glad to know you helped, I think.”
“I only held it—”
“Sometimes, that’s enough,” she said. Alisaie called to her, and Aeryn turned to warm herself at the now-roaring fire.
Jullus looked down at the ceruleum canister in his hand, exchanged for the teddy bear.
Not what he had expected from these people at all.
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