#cj pirate au
socialc1imb · 4 months
Have i… not shared the pirates here…
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Do NOT repost my art without asking/without credit.
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princess-ibri · 7 months
For the Descendants kids with horrible and trashy names, how would you name them? From books and movies.
So I'll just go ahead and give how I changed each name for My Canon Descendants AU, to make them feel more like their own character/fit better with the og movies time periods/cultures. I didn't give them all unique names as the point of the project was to translate the Descendants kids into the actual movies, not make full OCs, (though I did end up making a few of those anyway xD) but I tried to at least adjust them.
Mal--Mallow (to go with the Nature name theme the Three Good Fairies had going on with their own names/Briar Rose)
Audrey I kept as it was actually a Medieval name!
Evie-- Eva, it's a pretty easy fix to more period accurate/Germanic sounding
Doug -- Doleful, to fit better with the Dwarfs Attribute names, plus he seemed kinda down in the first movie so the meaning felt like it fit
Carlos I kept because honestly I felt like it could fit in universe if Cruella's husband was a Spanish man, which he conceivabley could be
Jay--Jaamil, and no not because of Twisted Wonderland that just happened by accident xD
They orginally had Aladdin's deleted sin be named Aziz but there was already an Aladdin character named that in the TV show who was a villain so I changed it to Ahmed, like one of the other Arabian Nights heroes
Ben--I changed from Benjamin to Benedict as that was more French/period appropriate
Honestly I could 100% see Gaston naming his sons after himself so I kept Gastons 1 and 2 but I changed Gil to Gilbert (French pronunciation of course)
Lonnie...oh Lonnie. I changed her name to Chi, as with her patronymic of Li she would be Li Chi, which sounded similar to Lonnie but would actually be Chinese and is the name of a girl in a Chinese legend who slays a dragon, which was what I based her hypothetical movie plot on
Chad I changed to Charles, easy enough. Much more elegant and formal
Jane I just changed to Janet to make it a little fancier/Frenchier as well xD
Dizzy I changed to Daisy (though I suppose since she's French based, it really should be Marguerite...eh Daisy can be the nickname)
Uma I kept cuz honestly its a good name and her song is a banger 👌
Harry is fine, good pirate name, short for Henry, which also works. Harriet was fine too, just made her and Harry twins and made CJ go by her first name only of Calista.
Honestly with a pirate dad named Smee Squeeky and Squirmy also work, though they're definitely nicknames.
Celia works fine, it fits with the time/culture of 1920s New Orleans, though I did change Freddie to Frederique.
Getting into some book characters now:
Artie I changed to Amhar, a lesser known son of Arthur (could have done Mordred but as the kid was meant to be heroic I decided to go with Amhar, plus it started with A x)
Mad Maddy honestly isn't a bad name, but I did change it to Matilda to be a bit more Medieval sounding, plus linked her to Matilda of the Night, a Medieval witch legend.
(And apparently there's gonna be a son of Morgana Le Fay in the new movie named... Morgie. My gosh. Well we'll change that right back to Yvain. Her actual son, no she's not Mordred's mother no matter what the movies try to tell you she's his aunt and I will die on this pedantic hill)
Hadie I instantly changed to Zagreus. He's the literal son of Hades and goodness its such a better name. Same with changing Herkie to Hyllus. Also an actual son of Hercules and doesn't sound like a euphemism for throwing up.
Allie I changed to Mary Jean after the Real Alice's grandaughter, and when I made my Queen of Hearts Kid D4 hadn't been announced yet so I named her Aceline (a pun on Ace of Hearts)
Ruby and Anxelin weren't terrible names so I kept them, just made Anxelin a Dark Kingdom name xD (and apparently they're giving Rapunzel a third daughter in the new movie? Her name is just Zellie though...so I think I'll just keep these two. Zellie could definitely work as being short for Anxelin and hey, Rapunzel had twins in the actual fairytale so two just works)
Wrapping it up:
Claudine isnt too bad and fits the time period but I changed her parent from Frollo to his brother Jehan cuz that man should never ever get to be with any woman.
Clay Clayton I changed to Cecil after the actual Clayton character in the books who wasn't that bad of a guy.
Yzla works fine as a name for Yzma's daughter. I just changed Zevon to Yzon to match better and not sound so much like he escaped the 23rd century
Ginny Gothel I just lengthened out to Ginevra to sound more fantastical
I didn't actually do anything for Pocahontas as it always kinda controversial to touch. But if I did I'd of course just make her descendant her actual son Thomas Rolfe and apparently they gave Ratcliffe a son named Rick? So...we'll change his name to Richard or--well one sec let me see if Actual Historical Governor Ratcliffe had any kids.
OK! Looks like he didn't but he did die horribly. My Gosh.
Anyway I think that's everyone!
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casinotrio1965 · 4 months
Disney Descendants: Run Little Donkey Girl, Run. For The Villain Hannah Hook au
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Co written by me and @hannahhook7744
Song being parodied: Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall.
Who wrote the original song: Lydia the Bard.
[Hannah Hook sits on the throne of Auradon, looking at Tulip through the blade Harry's broken cutlass]:
Little girl, you've no idea what you've got yourself into:
Stand your ground for a night and think the world's made for you.
Well, I've tried too hard to see all of my work come undone,
So better trot on home real fast…
[Tulip gives a motivational speech to her tribe]:
I see the way your people look at you with tears in their eyes,
Soon they’ll start to have some hope in their  lives.
Well I won't let you tempt them,
They are mine to deflect. 
No use reminding them of what they lost.
[Hannah grits her teeth as a little golden Neverland appears, clenching her fist so that it crumbles out of her sight]:
You don't seem to quite understand what is at stake…
This messed up little world that I had to break…
If I could give you back your home you know that would, But it will do more harm than good! 
[More golden little miniatures appear that Hannah has to crush with tears in her eyes]:
So why don't you run?
Run,  little Donkey girl, run!
Why don't you run ?
Run,  little Donkey girl, run!
[The Killer Queen gets control of her magic back and makes a little figure of Tulip appear, before transforming it into a donkey and making it run]:
Swear it's nothing personal,
It's just a necessary evil…
Why don't you Run ?
Run, donkey girl , run 
[The figure starts to crumble]:
Some would say I'm quick to rage,
But they’ve never seen my life. 
Fighting all day and night, just to survive!
Tulip, sweetie, you have picked the wrong girl to fight
[Hannah Hook looks fondly at her crew and the children in it as they play with Harriet, before getting a hardened look in her eye. Remembering what Auradon did to Harry and Cj, and their friends]:
I will protect what is mine…
[Tulip is planning a strategy of attack with Pin and Princess Eleanor of Llyr, who’s kingdom has just joined the fight]:
A nasty little ass that must be killed and put down,
Starting revolutions inside my kingdom is just not allowed!
If ending errant rebellions is what I must do…
Then, sugar I'll be coming for you!
[Lampwick is trying to talk Tulip out of doing this, scared she might get hurt or worse killed]:
So why don't you Run?
(Why don't you Run?)
Run, little Donkey girl , run!
Why don't you run?
(Why don't you run?)
run, little donkey girl, run!
[Tulip gives her dad, Lampwick, one last hug before setting out to purposefully get herself captured by Hannah’s Crew in hopes that Princess Eleanor and her tribe will be able to ambush Hannah while she’s busy trying to kill her]:
Swear it's nothing personal..
It's just a necessary evil!
Why don't you…RUN?!
Ruuuuun, little donkey girl, RUN!
(Why don't you run?)
[Tulip is captured, by Hannah ,  tied up and taken to a secluded place where the pirate girl can drown her]:
Oh, oh…
(Why don't you run?)
Oh, oh…
(Why don't you run?)
Oh, oh…
(Why don't you run?)
Why don't you run?!
[Tulip tries to Talk Hannah Down from drowning her, telling her that she can be the bigger person etc etc. 
But the other teen just shakes her head, eyes lifeless]:Run, little donkey, run.
Or did it slip your mind?
You need three things to survive. 
Let's see you try when I triple up mine…
[Hannah's hands start glowing and a wave appears out of the fountain, overshadowing both of them]: Why don't you Run?!
Run, little Donkey girl , run!
I'm gonna drown your ass,
Cut your air.
Honey you won't...
Even care!
Now that you're having fun…
Why don't you...
[Princess Eleanor sneakily sneaks up behind Hannah and stabs her in the back but not the heart while she’s distracted, but doesn’t doesn’t kill her, showing mercy to Hannah Like Tulip suggested.
A mistake.
Hannah flings her hand back—eyes glowing black with fury—sending Eleanor flying out the nearest window. Sending members of Tulip’s tribe flying back as they try to apprehend her. Calling in her crew, who throw them out of the castle. Mostly unharmed. 
Eleanor can be seen lying on the ground: heavily injured—wings broken—but not dead. One of the few near casualties of this fight.
Tulip gives Hannah a stoic but also heartbroken look as she helps an injured Eleanor up .
All while Hannah Hook holds one of the toddlers of her crew, coldly staring down at them: all while the oblivious toddler waves goodbye to them].
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multifamdomfan · 1 month
My Stolen Hearts AU:
During the events of Descendants 4 when the two were teenagers Bridget and James Hook were secretly dating but they had a fight not that long before that so they wanted to go for a couple days away from each other to clear their heads. Their fight was that Bridget knew what an amazing and sweet James could be based on their interactions when they are alone but when he's with his friends he's a mean and arrogant jerk. She doesn't see why he can't just show the real him to his friends and everyone else. James got defensive but never gave a clear answer on why he acts the way that he does.
During the song Perfect Revenge he suggests making her walk the plank because it would hurt the least and he could be there to save Bridget.
After Red and Chloe go back to their time line James reaches out to Bridget and apologizes and explains why he was acting the way that he was. Being a pirate means that your life is constantly in danger and there is a certain way pirates are supposed to act so it's best to put up a front to avoid showing potential enemies your weaknesses. Bridget forgives him and for the first time James experienced unconditional love. He doesn't necessarily drop the act in public but he does lighten up if Peter Pan isn't involved though.
Bridget and James get married when they are in their early twenties. James wanted to go back to Neverland temporarily now that he has the advantage of being an adult to get revenge on Peter Pan since Peter never left the island. As you all probably know the revenge this doesn't turn out well but after almost being eaten by a crocodile again he returns to Auradon not wanting to waste a second of his life without his wife apologizing repeatedly for leaving in the first place.
Bridget of course forgives him and they make up for lost time if you know what I mean.😉 Bridget gets pregnant with Rook (my OC) and James is thrilled planning on everything that he and his son could do together but nervous that he'll ruin Rook's life but James gets banished to the Isle of the Lost before Rook is born. Bridget's parents force her to marry the King of Hearts since after the situation they are technically divorced. The king didn't know that Bridget was pregnant because it didn't show yet. Then the king and her have Red.
James fell into depression and became a womanizer in order to feel something, anything but it didn't work until the birth of his children. Harriet, Harry, and CJ.
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Posting my drafts too early & without context. Part of the AU with no Uma on the Isle.
The hostage – the king! – is tied up by the mast.
It’s a hostage, and what else is to be done with a hostage taken by a vicious pirate crew?
Obviously, the boy king is tied up by the mast.
Harry and his sisters stand in front of the prisoner, but they ignore him. He has no gold on him, at least none worth taking. Harry thinks that people with that poor fashion sense simply shouldn’t be this rich.
The fact that his shit is ugly didn’t stop CJ from robbing him blind, though, and proclaiming that she could score it at the marketplace and get something pretty for her Shadow Witch.
Which is a wrong method, and Harry must tell his little sister so – Which reminded Harriet about those bracelets of hers that went missing just yesterday – Which made the boy king talk and offer mountains and valleys and the blue of the sky should they let him go.
Harry turns away from his sisters, the argument frozen. He sneers and feels his eyes burning; his head hurts. Next to him, Harriet mirrors his expression, he knows, and CJ too, just slightly off-the-centre. He wants to laugh at that, but instead he just bares his teeth at the hostage.
A laugh escapes his lips anyway, a crazed giggle.
„Pretty lies, boy king. Pretty pretty lies.“
(We’ve stopped believing in your lies eternity ago.)
„You couldn’t possibly offer anything that we would want–“ And yet Harriet’s eyes shine with greed as she spits out these words, the sheen reflected and magnified in another two pairs of eyes.
(Because we’re nothing but liars, anyway.)
The king breathes in to say something, defend himself or promise to freeze the hell, and Harry snaps his teeth at him. No talking, little king–
(Keep talking, keep promising.)
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nani-nonny · 7 months
I really can't stop - for some reason - about thinking of f!leo as pirate au and that after reading your latest post of PAF leo where he's drunk.
Maybe a thought came where in Halloween he's gonna dress as pirate and put CJ as the sailor working under him and baby lou as a mango, because - in his mind and BY HIS LOGIC - if he gotten drunk again he can know his baby
Baby Lou is amongst the crate of mangoes and oranges to fight of scurvy ajajsjajaa
CJ the sailor and best big brother is pushing the crate around like a train lol
And F!Leo is drunk, carrying a coconut thinking it’s his mango-dressed daughter
F!Leo is an embarrassing drunk
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bananaactivity · 1 month
sooo in your au, what would the hook siblings and Peter pan’s reactions be if they met each other? An ig wendy and her siblings and the never land ensemble in general
SOOO about that in a past post I explained that I didn’t know about Harry’s siblings till it was too late and I will show you how to write them in  while keeping the story that I liked.
 I actually figured it out while writing that post and added it in and by now I figured out even more about how to get hooks siblings in.
 Literally just gave James a brother and I made Harriet and CJ Harry’s cousins. But as a bonus I just found some more out, and now James brothers name is Remus Hook and he is a cowboy. 😄
Get it?!? Because Cowboys are the Pirates of the dry land????
Anyway, that also means that Harriet and CJ‘s aesthetics are now of the cowboys. Honestly cowboys and country men are of my favorite things, because like the looks are so good.
Speaking of what you asked if Peter Pan ever met Harry again, he would absolutely try to kill him. I don’t know if anybody remembers but Peter Pan is not a good dude. A lot of versions of his story wrote him as this ageist little prick who steals kids and kills them when they grow up. Here after hook accidentally had Harry with a Random ass woman  Peter gets a hold of the woman wait for her to birth out the baby, kills her and then steals Harry,  he threatens to hook that he’ll raise Harry as his own, and make him hate hook. But Hook knows that his baby will never grow up at all and essentially be useless for eternity. When he  reminded Peter about this Peter just ended up trying to get rid of the baby by throwing him into a river. Hook, of course, saves his son and returns to the isles costal shores to raise him.
Now I know that writing Peter Pan like this will make James incredibly sympathetic, and as though he is in the complete right to hate a man that cut off his hand and killed the mother of his baby, and tried to kill the baby itself, but most of Hooks problems make him the irredeemable villain that I want him to be. is mostly caused by his complete lack of care for others. All of his focus for all of his life since getting his hand cut off has been to end Peter. He doesn’t care about any other kids that may hurt. He only cares if he gets HIS revenge. he is also a murder and he will have the first on screen kill as a reference to him being the first Disney Villian depicted killing someone.
Harry’s reaction to Peter would be to get as far away as possible, he knows how important killing peter is to his father and he doesn’t want to have to take Peter out in self-defense. James’s brother Remus is much nicer than Hook but looks just like him, so Peter would definitely not notice the difference and try to kill him. However. Remus is a gunslinger and does NOT miss often so as soon as Peter comes for him, or his daughters, somebody’s head is getting blown off and it’s not gonna be Remus.
Also, James and Remus are the Hook Brothers middle names in my Au. Their full Names are Killian James Hook and Arregaithel Remus Hook. Here’s the whole family tree seen in my Au
Sean Hook and Deana Hook
Killian (Kee) James Hook and Arregaithel (Argy) Remus Hook
Sons children Children (in order of age):
Harriet Beth Hook , Harry Sullivan Hook and Christina-Janneigh (C.J) Anderson Hook
Don’t ask me why Sean and Deana Hook named their kids like that I dunno.
Everybody that knows Killian and Argy calls them by there middle names but they call each other Kee and Argy( if they’re arguing they’ll call each other Keekee and Archibald respectively)
Wendy and co has dementia and that’s all I know about her. :| But her daughter Jane is the mother of Remus’ children I don’t have much worked out for them tho…
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bc cj is cast as jd in your heathers au it got me thinking about how that random 17yo boy is more homicidal than an actual pirate captain.
Oh no CJ is Heather Chandler, Izzy is JD but also very fucking true JD is so much more murder happy than any of the OFMD boys except like Ned Lowe maybe? Prince Ricky? Side note JD gave Ricky the clocks idea, I don't know how he got from 1988 to 1718 but Ricky is too boring to come up with it.
Jack's to much of a Jock to be JD honestly. He's lucky he's Chandler and not Ram
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Thinking about a "We Gull Way Back" AU, where Calico Jack is a bit less "pirates don't have friends," just enough that when he shows up to the Revenge, he realizes Ed is practically in love with this weird poncy fucker named Steve(sp?), and since he doesn't want to be a total killjoy buzzkill loser, he lies tells Ed that he came to warn him that Izzy had sold Stede out (and Ed by proxy) and that they needed to stay the fuck away from Blind Man's Cove.
Stede, while initially off-put by CJ's boorishness and his own jealousy, instantly warms to him by quite a bit, and realizing this could be an opportunity to get to know Ed better, he decides to participate in some of the activities CJ sets up for the crew. CJ agrees, since both Ed and Izzy are obviously but differently obsessed with the guy and he wants to know what the fuss is about. This leads to an interaction that goes something like this:
Stede: (makes bitchy comment in response to something Jack says)
CJ: Oh ho! Kitten's got claws. Ed! Your guy's funny! You didn't tell me he was funny!
Stede: (bashful) Oh, I'm not...
CJ: Oh come on. You made me laugh! (murmurs just so Stede can hear) But now, I'm wondering what other sounds you could get me to make.
Stede: (brain stops working. Sorry Ed, you had so many chances to be Stede's indisputable gay awakening and you blew it.)
Ed, of course, sees something just went down between them and now he's jealous as hell. CJ can tell Ed is jealous, which is fucking hilarious, because the two of them are like, in love, it's so disgusting, ugh. But Stede is oblivious and Ed is too worried about fucking up to do anything about it, so Jack decides to intervene. He figures if he can get them together, Blackbeard will owe him another favor.
Jack, of course, decides to do this in the most sideways way possible, which is to rope the two of them into a threesome.
CJ: You think he's a virgin?
Ed: (blank stare)
CJ: Nah, bet he went to boarding school--they get into all sorts of freaky shit at boarding school.
Ed: uh...
CJ: Anyway, I still want you to help me get Annie and Mark back, but I figure before I go, I try your Gentleman Pirate on for size, yeah?
Ed: Yeah, no, I don't think, uh...Don't think that would be a good idea.
CJ: Why not.
Ed: ...he's got crabs.
CJ: Like that's ever stopped ol' CJ before. Whatever, we can--
Ed: Or, sorry, not crabs, he's got...a wife.
CJ: Still not seeing the problem, man. Hey, you wanna join? I'm guessing he's a top--hey, we could spitroast ya! How about that?
Ed: (didn't know he wanted that until just now) Um...okay.
CJ: Cool. Leave it to your buddy Jack. I'll set it up.
Somehow, he gets Stede to agree to this. I'm not sure how. Anyway, they spitroast Ed, CJ comes down Ed's throat, and realizing the sex is about to get *emotional* (Why tf did he suggest Ed be the one in the middle? Oh, right, this was part of his gay (derogatory) matchmaking plan. Ed really is gonna owe him one for this), he decides to bounce.
The sequel is Ed and Stede taking CJ to his ship and helping him woo Anne and Mark/Mary Cyrano-style. It only barely works and not in any way anyone assumed it would.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Remember when I brainstormed a Descendants wrestling au??? Well: I'm bored and made CJ, the Pirate Princess of Auradon Elite Wrestling
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socialc1imb · 4 months
Obsessed with this Leo
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echonvoid · 1 year
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Happy pride y’all!! Have some skybound fanart for my au.
Essentially, most of the season is the same with only like 2 or 3 major changes.
1) Jay only saw the eyepatch and a small munchkin that turns out to be CJ (baby wu)
2) when they have that awkward sexist interview (w/ just cole, nya, and Jay) Cole actively came out as gay (he figures out the demi stuff later) to stop them from pestering nya about the love triangle, Jay fucking sneezes to interrupt and then asked her what taking on the preeminent single handedly and winning was like. They then answer all the sexist questions and shit (there’s some great fanfics about this that definitely inspired this; I’ll try to remember to link them somewhere) the reason they did this was because nya and Ronin had a talk with them (and dareth) after the whole commercial/make-up segment fiasco.
3) Jay’s parents (Ed and Edna; who fun fact are t4t and were both post op, so they couldn’t have biological kids) and culture growing up is heavily Persian/Pakistani inspired(bc the movie voice actor is from Pakistan im pretty sure). So he grew up hearing legends and tales about the djinn, and viewed them like fairytales or demigods. He had heard the tale of the vile Nadakhan the pirate king, but thought it was stupid to believe the stories were real. So he was more starstruck when he first saw nadakhan. And after being insecure about his financial status (mostly cuz he couldn’t afford to take his friends out to eat like that) it was easy for nadakhan to manipulate him into making the first wish that sent them down the same road as the og stories
4) Nadakhan kidnaps Jay instead of nya to be his bride, mostly cuz that’s who was grabbed, but also cuz Jay has stubbornly remained unbroken and he wanted to break him by being the reason he’s all powerful (or some shit like that)Either a cultural misunderstanding or bc he’s an asshole, nadakhan begins using feminine terms for Jay (she/her, and shit; his bigender awakening). The photo on the left has the wedding attire Jay wore.
5) god there was more of these than I thought. Anywhoodle, time doesn’t reverse, bc Jay is able to be hit with the venom and be fine (well ok he was feverish and sick for a couple days, but the Serpentine blood in his veins meant he was immune to most poisons). He wishes nadakhan to be mortal, and in the process is cursed by nadakhan to never die *and* to watch his loved ones die over and over again.
Hmmm…. I swear there was more I wanted to say, but for the life of me I can’t remember
Oh well 🤷
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
AU where everything is good and nothing hurts, Stede is helping Ed to feel good with regression, very slowly helping Izzy too when he let's mama look after him, they still run into CJ who is... petulant and rude pre-teen regressor, Stede is very "I would never hate a child, HOWEVER," but he is trying to reach out to the kid and set some healthy routines and boundaries
They all made up amd its happy pirate times with Mama Stede loving his tiny ones 😤💖
But oh my goodness- a rowdy, wild and chaotic pre-teen Jack who definitely can be seen as a teasing bully to everyone :^0
Which, has Stede in the balance between throwing his hands up in defeat and also wanting get through to the kiddo- he thought having Izzy trust him with his more soft side was difficult, well Jack is 5000 times that! (Stede goes to Oluwande, who is really good with taking care of kiddos for advice and stuff♡)
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The Golden Age of Piracy Exhibit - A Night At The Museum AU
by cremeishere
The first night Stede Bonnet awoke, Edward Teach was quiet.
Instead of the usual scheming upon his awakening, Edward stayed at his desk and watched from far across the room as Stede took in his surroundings.
Stede didn’t stay too long in one spot, instead hopping right off his platform and wandering around the halls and introducing himself to everyone in sight. Izzy could see it in his head; Stede Bonnet in his laces and frills having the nerve to tell everyone that he’s a pirate.
The Night At The Museum AU that a surprisingly lot of you asked for!
Words: 4132, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Israel Hands, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Evelyn Higgins, ned the tiger, "Calico" Jack Rackham, Buttons (Our Flag Means Death), Karl the Seagull (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Karl the Seagull/Olivia the Seagull (Our Flag Means Death), Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Night At the Museum AU, Alternate Universe - Magic, Blackbeard | Edward Teach and Stede Bonnet in Love, gentlebeard fluff in the POV of izzy hands, i promise it works, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, I thought of this concept while drunk at 3 am, Inanimate Objects, and they're in love, I cannot stress enough that this is a Night At The Museum AU, Background Relationships, so minor izzy and cj, but like so so minor, Soft Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet Being an Idiot, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Canon-Typical Historical Inaccuracy (Our Flag Means Death), ed and stede find each other in every universe, I wrote this for myself but you can read it too
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45870679
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For the Descendants prompts - some kind of AU where two of the Hooks ended up in the same crew, or maybe it's just that Harriet and Uma's crew banded together for survival over the winter or something. Anyway, everyone having to deal with two Hooks in positions of authority on the same ship. And that's without throwing CJ into the equation.
Hmm, it's probably not what you meant but turns out that absence of Uma draws out the worst in people.
So. Insults, swearing, and overall toxic relationships. I don't make the rules. (Sorry?)
(Uma is okay, Ursula just left the Isle with Hades and possibly other *Villains* belonging to Greek Parthenon when Hades got bored. Stuff happens.)
Also, I want to write a second chapter for this. The vague plan involves regicide. What with no one there to stop the Hooks.
Things are going fine, they really are.
Well, fine. No one is actively dying, at least, which is about as good as it gets on the Isle.
The Hooks aren't yelling at each other – a rare occasion, that!
Sure, it might be because Harriet is, ehm, busy in her cabin, and CJ is nowhere to be seen, but Harry is enjoying not having his sisters around for once.
They're annoying, you see, and always think they're in the right. A trait that definitely doesn't run in the family.
Harry sneers at that thought, lips curled and eyes cold. If he bothered to look up, he'd see his crewmates frozen at the sight.
If you'd ask them, they'd tell you he is more haunting the deck of the ship than anything else: Sitting at the railing of the command bridge with no care in the world, reading an overly pretentious book he probably stole from his sister or his father.
Scaring the pirates into actually performing their tasks with his mere presence.
A blood red phantom of what could be.
Harry smirks and taps his lips with his hook, only glancing up to tell Desiree to move it unless she wants to be scrubbing the deck for the rest of eternity, and off her own blood at that.
He gets back to reading without checking if she obeys her command.
Next time Harry looks up, it is to greet Ginny Gothel, who just walked from the Captain’s cabin, smudged lipstick and tangled hair. Self-satisfied smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes, which are so dark they might be black holes. Pupils and nothing else.
She doesn‘t look him into the eyes much longer.
„So long, witch,“ he tells her, sliding of the railing and coming closer, „Ad arbitrium.“
She catches his hook before he can touch her cheek: „Fuck you, Hook,“ she says.
The deck is silent.
„You wish,“ he answers, or maybe „Is my sister not enough?“
Maybe he said both, and maybe neither; Ginny laughs, high and wild. The wind carries the mocking sound away.
She never answers.
Harry doesn’t look after her as she leaves the ship. After all, Ginny Gothel is not his problem. He barely cares if she lives or dies.
He takes out a flask from his pocket; his rings clank on it way too loudly as he opens it. He takes a sip of the vile liquid inside.
His sister, the mighty Captain Harriet Hook of Dead Beauty, stumbles out of her cabin and immediately tears the flask out of his hands. He lets her have her drink before he pushes her away and takes <i>his</i> flask back. She can get her own alcohol, please and thank you.
She just saw Ginny.
„She left already?“ Harriet asks. She does not sound heartbroken or sad in the slightest, nope, not at all. She is a Hook and they don’t have a heart, anyone could tell you.
Harry doesn’t deem it worthy of an answer anyway.
With another drink, he says: „And this is why I should be the Captain, sister dear.“
She sneers at him, grabbing the alcohol again. He will be resupplying from her personal stock.
Unsurprisingly, the taste of cheap rum does nothing to lessen her sneer.
„You, sister dearest, spend your time drunk and fucking that witch of yours, or worse yet, the Tremaine Lord wannabe.“
If the deck hadn’t been dead quiet and abandoned before, it certainly was now.
„You say that as if you didn’t fuck half the Isle, frater care,“ Her knuckles turn white where she holds the flask. Neat.
„And you drink as much as me.“
„Are you calling me a whore?!“ he declares in mock offence, loud enough for half the port to hear, really.
„And I ain’t lying!“
Neither of them knows who started throwing things at this point, and the crew is too scared to tell.
Sometime during the fight, CJ comes, sneaking around them to get to her cabin; the older siblings interrupt their fight barely long enough to ask her where was she so long, and where does she think she is going?
„Why,“ the youngest Hook turns her nose up, „I’m crashing at Freddie’s now. Just getting some weapons and jewels and stuff. Eyeliner.“
„Touch my eyeliner and die–“ They both threaten at the same time, „Touch my jewels with one of your fingers and I cut off your whole hand, savvy?!“ adds Harriet.
„Geez, chill a bit. As if your stuff were Freddie’s style,“ sneers Calista, undisturbed by her older siblings, „Also, Anthony’s coming over. Just thought y’all would like to know.“
CJ cackles as her older sister pales considerably and uses the distraction to slip away from her siblings’ grip once more. Chaos cannot wait and all that.
„Well,“ Harry drawls, „I'll leave you to your amans, then.“
Harriet glares at him, but for once, she doesn't shout; she takes a swig of (her own) alcohol and steadies herself by gripping his shoulder.
„You could go scare him off,“ she suggests, „I'm not in the mood for him right now.“
Yeah, no. She isn't in the mood for him because he is likely going over to scold her for getting too drunk or too high with Ginny, or possibly just for not including him.
And Harry isn't gonna stop that, no. He likes seeing his older sister in trouble.
He pushes her off his shoulder.
„Well, that just sounds like a you problem,“ he tells her, „Have fun!“
„I'm gonna kill you and skin you alive and feed your toes to Tick Tock one by one—“
Harry just smiles at the death threats, all teeth, and blows her a kiss.
He dodges the lamp she threw at him without breaking his stride and jumps back at the railing; he gets back to pretending to read.
He flips the page three times without seeing the words before Anthony shows up, but that's fine, he has it memorised. Then he drops the pretense, still as a statue: The lordling will barely notice anything but Harriet anyway.
Anthony Tremaine struts on board as if the whole ship belonged to him. He doesn't bother asking for permission to board, which makes Harry snarl at him.
Anthony doesn't as much as flinch.
„Harriet,“ he says instead of greeting.
Silence; the crew barely breathes.
„Don't be a bitch, sweetheart.“
Harriet finally shows up at the insulting nickname and she is glaring daggers with burning eyes.
Harry whistles – that was fast.
She glares at him too, though she gets back to piercing holes through Anthony rather quickly.
„What do you want?“ she asks with her arms crossed over her chest.
Anthony unwisely steps closer to her and Harry holds his hook tighter.
„Why, can't I check on you?“ he replies with a question on his own, still playing that ridiculous game. She only quirks her eyebrow and he speaks again, his voice noticeably colder:
„I told you not to do <i>that</i>, Harriet.“
„Do what.“
Harriet is playing stupid and no one is falling for it; Anthony steps closer to her yet.
He grabs her wrist none too gently as he pushes against her and tells her: „I told you not to take Ginny's stuff, Captain–“
„It's not good for you.“
(But what if she doesn't care?)
„It's not good for her either.“
(Ginny definitely doesn't care.)
„She just leaves you on after.“
(Like you don't; like anyone wouldn't.)
„I told you <i>not to–</i>“
„You don't <i>get to</i> tell me what to do, Tremaine!“ she finally snaps and pushes him away; he stumbles a bit, but stays on his feet.
Harry slides down from the railing and circles closer, quiet as the air before the storm.
„Yes I do–“ protests Tremaine, as if he got a say, „As long as we–“
„As long as we what, Anthony?! What?!“
He can't answer and everyone knows it. He steps back to her and tries to take her hand – she jerks away from the contact violently, swaying only the tiniest bit.
He doesn't move to catch her.
„You don't get to give me orders, Lord Tremaine, and I don't want to see you – go away!“ she shouts at him and before can touch her again, she pushes him again.
He falls on the hard wood and in a heartbeat, Harry is between him and his sister.
There is a hook at Tremaines cheek and there is blood at the hook.
Harry bares his teeth at the boy who dares bother his sister and Captain and behind him, Harriet cackles.
„Go away, Tremaine!“ she shouts loud enough for the majority of the Isle to hear, „Go away and don't come back!“
„Bitch–“ Anthony hisses as if he were in any position to complain and more blood drips down on the board of Dead Beauty.
„Tell Ginny not to come either, everything is her fault anyway.“
Harry lets go of Anthony, as this lover's spat is getting a bit tiresome; coincidentally, the other boy thuds down on the board rather hard. Interesting.
Anthony slowly gets on his feet as Harriet banishes him from the port again.
He spits blood on the already stained wood and looks her in the eyes, back straight and head held high.
„I don't need to come to the port,“ he tells her, „You'll come crawling to me sooner, you vain bitch.“
Harriet only points to the bridge with her hand and flames in her eyes; her crewmates duck away further into their futile hideaways.
Heartbeat of delay, and her anger is going to be lethal.
Thus, Anthony takes his sweet sweet time with an exaggerated curtsey and way too intense eye contact. Which Harriet is reciprocating, because of course she is.
„No one – absolutely no one – is going to the Tremaine saloon until I clear it!“ calls out Harriet as soon as Anthony rounds the corner.
Harry melodramatically sighs and hangs loose on one of the less important ropes of the ship.
She cares nothing for annoyed sighs and complaints of her crew, and Harry? Well, he has a program for tomorrow.
You see, he just found himself in a dire need of a haircut.
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tardigod · 7 years
A Mechanic
~~ A Peace Offering: Part 3 ~~
The landing was rocky as usual, but you’re glad to be away from the constant noise. The island strikes you as peaceful, undisturbed.
Must be all the blues and greens.
You’re eager to zoom up the beach, sand soft under your feet and flying behind you. Felicia hollers from far away and you slow down, but not by much.
You stop completely when you reach the edge of the forest. No one’s allowed to go into forests alone, not after last time. Cj made sure you all listened to that rule, if not the others. Felicia reaches you soon after.
She seems to understand that you don’t want more colors than you can help and stays quiet as you start trekking. You taste strawberries as a calmness resonates within you.
Slowly, you start mixing sounds and colors, so you look at your partner.
She gets the hint and passes you a stick. “Remember when Cj started all this?” You focus on her voice, the lilac a soothing tone like normal.
You nod in response, unwilling to see the oily black that is your voice.
“She stole stuff before this; I did too. Apple didn’t, but she covered for us sometimes.”
‘I D-I-D-N-T,’ You sign, Felicia saying the letters aloud as you do. She still hasn’t learned all of it yet. ‘U-N-L-E-S-S J-U-N-K-Y-A-R-D-S C-O-U-N-T.’ She shakes her head, laughing lowly at the snark.
“When Cj got caught, the second time, she decided a ‘life of crime’ was ‘better than the shit’ she got from her home life.” Felicia’s words curl, hovering around her hair in a crown for a few seconds. “She… came to me first, rambling about the research she’d done and needed to do.”
Felicia grabs a vine, tugging it down in a smooth motion and rolling it around her shoulder so it laid across her chest. “I helped her find the ship. God, do you remember how disgusting it looked?”
You do, tasting pineapple as you think about it.
“Thank goodness Apple and you were there.”
You remember decorating, cleaning, and stealing a lot of metal. “Apple did more,” you say, Felicia being too busy to watch you sign. Apple’s better at - what was the word? - aesthetics than you’ve ever been.
Felicia moves on from the topic with little fight, talking about things Cj has done when they were on ‘missions’. The stories were entertaining; she was good at storytelling. You should give her a journal at some point.
You get all the way to the edge of the mountains before Felicia calls for a break. You’d been collecting rocks, plants, and food-like items along the way, and the break allows you to look through it. There are a lot of familiar ones, stuff Apple’s told you to give her if you see it, and you tuck those into your apron pockets.
Felicia spends the next half hour climbing up the mountain a little ways, rolling down, and repeating. She even falls asleep next to you as you fiddle with a few gears. It doesn’t last long, but you’re glad she got some sleep.
Eventually, you have to get up and start heading back. Felicia picks up the conversation again while you watch the birds fly and animals scurry around.
(You think you see a shadowy figure hovering around a tree. There’s a puddle of something inky looking at the bottom.)
(You chalk it up to hallucination and leave it at that.)
The boat is a refreshing sight when you approach it. Max is still laying in the sand, next to a log pile. Apple waves at you as you approach, holding a basket full of food and matches.
“H-Hey, you’re back!” She’s next to you before you can blink twice. “Just in time. We- Max and I were going to start a fire and cook. Felicia, you wanna help?”
“Hell yeah,” Felicia replies, tucking her hair behind her ears. “Give me a minute to go put my vines away.” With that, she runs to the ship and disappears, supposedly into her room.
You take the chance to hand Apple your own stuff, “You said you wanted stuff like this, so I kept an eye out for it.”
She grins. “Th-thanks!” She tucks the bundle into her basket and sits down next to the fire to start.
You wave at Max when he looks up and he salutes back in that lazy way he always does. Taking your leave, you gather up a few tools and a machine you’d been working on and set up shop little ways away from the fire.
Amber and Jazz have wandered out, cuddling next to the fire as Apple cooks. Felicia’s back out too, passing the other what she needs.
Lucy’s playing in the sand, building something. She hasn’t grown up much. Jason and Alex are play fighting near her, wrestling and practicing moves you haven’t seen them use yet.
Looking back, the only one who’s changed a lot is Cj. She’s more ruthless now, willing to do what it takes, and doesn’t take shit from anybody. But she’s still the same person you met ten years ago at heart.
 Cj reaches camp an hour after you did. You can practically see ideas bouncing around her head, and you know you were right in your assumption when the first thing she does is call a meeting.
It’s not a formal one because she starts off, the fuschia-pink shaking, “Guys, I found a lake down that way.” She points in the general direction and Felicia scrambles to start her notes. “There were… people in it. Mermaids to be exact.”
Felicia gasps behind you. Apple gives Cj a questioning look. Similar reactions were common, but Cj was persistent.
“I know what I saw. Anyway, my point is, there’s this boy named Connor there. He’s… really nice and, frankly, too trusting. We need to protect him, if no one else there.”
“Is that an order, Cap?” Jazz asks, “We can, but we will have to leave at some point. Then what’ll we do?”
“Keep this island a secret. Which means no telling anyone that isn’t here right now.” Cj’s in control. In her element. You like watching her in situations like this.
“We should map, too. That way we’ll know the layout better than someone who stumbled upon this place.” You speak, watching carefully as Cj and Max turn to you. “I can do it, but it’ll take at least three days if we work all day without breaks.”
The meeting continues like that, consisting of planning and Cj yelling at you all to shut up and listen to her orders.
In the end, Felicia and you are stuck with mapping; Apple, food; Jazz and Lucy, building shelter; Amber, whatever needs to be done first; Jason and Alex, keeping an eye on the boat and exploring what Felicia and you can’t.
Cj visits Connor whenever she can, taking Max with her once after Connor asked a question she didn’t know the answer to.
You haven’t met him yourself, not yet, but you don’t care all that much.
You’re too distracted by the so-named Shadow Figure - or SF - that haunts the camp.
alt title: World Building
@askafishycamper @a-creative-camper @ask-the-misfits @askthemechanicalcamper @applesapling
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