#cky fluff
bambimargera · 2 years
Netflix and Chilling with CKY(fluff)
what you'd do and what you'd watch
Some really stupid mystery/thriller movie. He’d definitely voice over every characters lines if he thinks it’s stupid or boring. His favourite would be if a dead body was shown on screen, expect to hear a random voiced freestyle rap on how the person may have died, regardless of the persons gender
When he picked you up would’ve stopped at WaWa or Target and he paid for all of your snacks, he secretly loves watching you behave like a kid in a candy store
He’d make you sit in between his legs while watching the movie, insists on having his arms wrapped around you. Will eat his snacks over your shoulder and lick up the crumbs that fall onto your neck
Always insists on making blanket forts with you for movie nights. Loves being able to cuddle in complete privacy, he can strip you down and still watch the movie while being warm and snuggly
Makes sure you’re comfy and have everything you might need before pressing play, he’s an anxious and caring boy
Definitely wants to watch a horror movie so he can hold onto you when he’s scared, but he pretends that he’s protecting you from being scared
Expect to have all the snacks and drinks ready in the fort. This man is lazy and loves candy, I bet he buys in bulk and you’ll never have a shortage. He’d probably order a pizza for you guys too
It’s never planned. He will show up at your house (or work) and drag you out saying it’s an emergency. Takes you to WaWa and leads you through each aisle demanding you pick up at least one thing from each
Once he’s dragged you into the castle, you’d notice that the floor is littered with pillows, blankets, and new stuffed animals all for you
Couldn’t care less about what movie you wanna watch, but secretly hopes you’ll pick something romantic so he can put the moves on you
Definitely wants to be held as much as he wants to hold you, so expect a big tantrum if you only wanna be little spoon.
Picks you up and takes you to WaWa for snacks, makes you pay for them because “I paid for gas babe.”
Will watch literally anything you want as long as he can have you sitting on his lap, but really loves watching true crime documentaries with you. If it’s related to drugs, he’ll tell you if he thinks the criminal is smart-or if he would’ve been his friend back in the day
90% of the time he falls asleep while you’re on his lap, his head on your shoulder and arms around your waist. When he wakes up he’ll go on about what a great movie it was, and how you guys need to do movie nights more often- what little liar
Calls you from a gas station on the way to your house to ask you what you want. Doesn't like to take you into the store because he thinks you take too long deciding- and will hang up on you if you take too long on the phone
Also doesn't really care what you watch, but will only suggest comedys. He loves sneaking glimpses of you smiling or laughing at the screen
Wants to sit beside you on the couch under a blanket, his version of domestic bliss
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asskickedbygirl · 2 years
Fic about cuddling with Ryan after a long day?
Long Day [Ryan Dunn x Reader]
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this is just a drabble (: sorry i’m so late to this lmfaoo
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“I’m fucking exhausted.” Ryan let out an exasperated sigh, unbuckling his pants and letting them fall, kicking them off to the floor. You were already clambering into bed, Ryan’s boxers and shirt on your body.
“Me too, god I can already feel the bruises.” You and Ryan had just wrapped up on a tireless day of filming for Jackass. Turns out hurting yourself for a living is pretty strenuous. Ryan groaned and pulled the covers up to slip under there with you.
“Oh my god Dunn, you fucking reek!” Ryan responded to your claim by rubbing his face into your neck and pulling your head into his armpit. You swatted him away, giggling and groaning until he eventually let up, grabbing your face and kissing it all over.
“You know you love my natural scent.” You shook your head, trying to hide your smile.
“I’d love your scent even more if you showered every once in a while.” Ryan narrowed his brows at you.
“Bathing is for the weak.” You laughed, letting your stupid boyfriend wrap his arms around your body and kiss you on the top of your head. You looked up at him and began tracing his features with your fingers.
“Your nose is so cute.” You whispered, making Ryan blush. He pushed his face against yours and rubbed his nose against your cheeks. You laughed, pushing him off of you. He planted a soft kiss on your lips and you kissed back, just a little. Once you pulled away, Ryan admired your face, looking at you lovingly.
“Where are your bruises?” He asked, his voice low while tracing your face with his finger. You pointed one out on your arm, your collarbone and one by your ribs. Ryan took his time kissing each one, running his fingers over them and pecking them lightly over and over. You felt your cheeks redden at the admiration and pulled Ryan’s face in to kiss him again.
You smiled at him then turned so your back would be flush against his chest. Ryan let his hands rest around your waist as he left faint kisses on your neck and shoulders. You drifted off to sleep in his arms, grateful for your stupid boyfriend that never fucking showered.
@jackussy420 @gnarkillknoxville @lovexjoe @ckygetsjobs
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dramatic-crying · 1 year
good old days // ryan dunn x reader
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Writing prompt: "She runs into her high school crush and reminisces about the time that they had a really cute moment"
Summary: While working the closing shift at your job, you run into someone you haven't seen in years.
Work count: ~1.5k
Warnings: MAJOR FLUFF, swearing, cute shit
"Will that be all, sir?" You ask, making drinks for the man currently sitting across the bar counter from you.
"Yeah, whatever. Just put it on my tab, will ya, sweetheart?" He remarks, giving you a wink before walking to his friends halfway across the bar.
"You got it, dick," you say under your breath.
"Hey, Y/N!" You hear to your right. You immediately turn to see your manager walking towards you, your heart instantly dropping when you realize that she might have heard what you just said. However, despite your fears, she smiles at you warmly and says, "You wanna take your 30 minute break now before we get super busy?"
"Yes, please," you exaggerate, smiling at her as you rush towards the back. All you grab is a pack of cigarettes and the small dinner of some fries and chicken strips your coworker had cooked for you at the beginning of your shift. You check the clock, just to check how much of your never-ending shift has passed. 9:17, perfect.
"See ya in half an hour!" You shout to your coworkers before walking out the front door and heading to one of the tables placed in front of the bar. You sit down and quickly dig into your meal, feeling like you haven't eaten in days (when, in reality, it's been about 5 hours).
About eating all the lukewarm french-fries you had, you pause to have a cigarette before having the rest of your food. "Hey, dude! Mind sharing one?" You hear from right behind you. As you glance towards where the voice came from, you find a relatively tall, smiling man with a buzz cut.
You barely mutter out an answer before you see a strong hand land on the shoulder of the first man. As the first man moves out of the way, you see a vaguely familiar face behind him. He's blonde, has enormous blue eyes, and a shit-eating grin on his face, and you could swear you've seen him somewhere before. "Will you stop messing with people while we get food for five goddamn seconds?" He playfully complains, shoving his friend away from you. The blonde then looks to you, while saying, "I'm so sorry about him, he doesn't really know boundaries..." By the end of this man's sentence, his voice has almost completely trailed off and his friend heads back into the restaurant. He just... stares into your eyes for what feels like an eternity. He shakes his head a moment later, breaking eye contact. "I should go," he mumbles, beginning to leave.
"Wait!" You shout, expressing the only words you could muster in this entire situation. You turn around in your chair to be able to fully see the mystery man. You chuckle slightly as you realize you have this random man's entire attention. "You just look really familiar," you chuckle as you sweep your hair out of your face. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound weird at all."
He lets out a little giggle and moves the sunglasses he was wearing to sit on top of his head. "I was actually gonna say the same thing about you," he admits, taking a few steps closer. You gesture to the other end of the table you're sitting at.
"Wanna join me?" You suggest, taking another pull of your cigarette. He looks unsure for a few seconds, then begins to move over to the table, taking the seat that you offered. He suddenly holds his hand out to you and says, "I'm Ryan, by the way."
You take his hand and respond, "I'm Y/N." After this action, the man, who you now know as Ryan, smiles twice as big as he did before. "Did you happen to go to Westchester High?"
Ryan's eyes widen with realization as his mouth drops open. "Oh my god, of fucking course! I totally should've recognized you, you were in my P.E. class, right?" Your face begins to feel warm as blush rushed to your cheeks, but you still answer his question.
"I think so, yeah. The teacher, Mr. Wilson, was always a fuckin' bitch to you," you exclaim while chuckling. Ryan covers his face in embarrassment.
"Well, can't say I didn't deserve it since I ditched his class most of the time."
"So, what have you been doing since high school?" You inquire, hoping to continue this conversation with a long-lost acquaintance.
He clears his throat, and you shift in your seat in anticipation of his answer. "Well, I actually started filming movies with my friends, and we just started filming a T.V. show with some other really cool guys."
You can feel your eyes widen in surprise; it's not every day that someone you used to know happens to be famous. "Holy shit, good for you!"
He shakes his head while laughing small bit. "Yeah, well, it can get pretty hectic every once in a while." You scoff in response and say, "Don't tell me that you're complaining about being famous."
He shrugs his shoulders with a neutral look on his face. "What can I say, I'm not much of an extrovert."
You nod your head and say, "Yeah, I guess that's fair."
"What about you?" He questions. "What have you been up to?"
Just before you were about to answer, your manager comes out of the bar and begins to yell to you. "Y/N, what are you doing?? It's been 45 minutes!"
You whip back around to Ryan with a terrified look on your face. You were about to apologize, but the blonde man stopped you. "It's okay," he declares, smiling at you. "We can reminisce in the good old days later, maybe after you get off of work?"
Instantly, you nod in response. "Absolutely, um... I get off at 1."
"Oof, long night," he responds.
"I know," you say, giggling.
"Well, whatever. It's worth it," Ryan admits, his puppy-dog eyes staring straight into your soul.
You bite your lip. "Okay, see ya later." And, with that, you go back into the restaurant.
It was finally time for you to go home, and you couldn't wait. You rushed out of the bar as fast as you could, ensuring you had all your belongings with you, so you didn't have to return until your next shift.
As you step outside, you feel the slight trickle of light rain. "Great," you sigh, soon realizing you were going to have to walk home in the pouring rain. You hear someone greet you out of nowhere and you shriek slightly in surprise. However, not surprisingly, you soon see Ryan doubled over, laughing his ass off. What a dick. "Jesus, what the fuck were you doing in the shadows?? You're gonna give someone a fuckin' heart attack one day," you exclaim, holding your hand over your heart.
"Oh my god, you should've seen your face!" Ryan cries, still hysterically laughing. "You jumped like three feet into the air!"
"Shut up," you groan, walking over and shoving him slightly. He finally begins to calm down, but it's extremely easy to tell his eyes were tearing up with how hard he was laughing. "What are you even doing here still?"
"Well, I mean, you said we could talk after you get off of work, so I just thought I would... wait for you," he says.
You raise your eyebrows, and he seems to catch onto the reason why.
"Okay, so that sounded a lot less creepy in my head. But do you think I could at least walk you home?"
You take a few seconds to think, but it really isn't even a question for you. "Sure, why not?"
He grins in response and holds out his hand for you to take. You roll your eyes but take his hand anyway.
It only took about 15 minutes to walk back to your apartment, but the entire time you two were laughing like idiots while reminiscing about the stupid shit you did in high school.
"Right, right, and then Raab ended up getting expelled because of it!" Ryan yells.
"For smearing shit all over the school's lockers?" You cry in disgust.
Ryan hums in response and giggles once again. Once you two had properly calmed down, you point out that you both had arrived at your apartment. It almost looks as though Ryan is upset as he walks you up to your apartment building's front door. You both stop in front of the building, and he gently takes your hands in his.
"I know this is gonna sound weird, and possibly creepy, but you are really, really pretty. Beautiful, even." He remarks, biting his lip as though he's pondering what to say next.
"Yes?" You question, urging him to speak what's on his mind.
"Can I... kiss you?" He sheepishly looks up at you through his eyelashes.
You scoff and say, "Is that even a question?" You then cautiously grab his chin and bring him in for a passionate kiss. After almost 10 seconds, you both pull back for air. He rests his forehead on yours.
"Wow," he says in awe.
You slowly pull back his face to find that his cheeks are slightly dusted pick. "Do you wanna know something?" You whisper. He just nods his head in response. "I've been waiting for you to do that since high school."
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jackassbrainrot · 2 months
Bam x m!reader
Tired whiny bam
kiss it better [bam x m!reader]
desc: bam comes home after a stressful day and wants you to take care of him
a/n: male reader my beloved and so rarely written <33 and whiny bam <333 reader is bigger than bam if that's something important to mention here idk. I think I'm going to make a smutty part 2 for this whoopsie
warnings: none, it's just fluffy and cute
The front door slams and the familiar sound of a skateboard hitting the floor reaches your ears, signaling to you that your boyfriend is finally home, and not in a good mood. Looking up, you see him drag his feet across the floor, gaze downcast, shoulder slumped. His hair is covering his eyes, sticking to his forehead from sweat. You adjust your position on the couch, spreading your legs a bit and opening your arms, wordlessly inviting him to sit in your lap. His body goes limp when he sits between your legs, curling up to you chest. his head buried in the crook of your neck.
"Long day?" You ask, running your hand through his messy hair while your other hand rests on his thigh. He doesn't give a verbal response, only whining like a wounded dog and nuzzling his face further into your neck, the hand on your chest gripping your shirt tighter. "Wanna talk about it?" You feel him shake his head, his hair tickling you. "You gonna talk at all?" Your tone is teasing but soft, trying to coax him out of his slump.
"No." He mumbles into your neck, making you smile.
"That's talking, Bam."
"That doesn't count!" He whines, pulling a laugh out of you.
"That's just more talking."
"Shut up." There's no real malice in his voice but he pushes at your chest weakly, trying to get up. You wrap your hands around him, pulling him back down onto your lap. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Away from you 'cause you're being a dick." He pouts, still trying to wiggle out of your grasp. Even though he's a professional athlete, you have a size advantage over him, making it hard for him to escape you, though he's not even putting much effort into it anyway.
"I'm not letting you up until you feel better, Bambi." He melts into you again, and you ignore the mumbled "asshole" that slipped from his lips as he rested his head on your shoulder. You comb your fingers through his hair as you other hand finds its way under his shirt, tracing his side tattoo gently.
"Y/n?" His voice was muffled by your shirt and you respond with a hum, letting him continue. "You haven't given me a kiss yet." You can hear the pout in his voice and you chuckle, before tilting his head up by lightly pulling his hair and pulling him into a gentle kiss. Before you're able to pull away fully, he grabs your face, keeping you in place.
" 'm not done." He could make you do anything as long as it was said in that desperate, whiny tone, and you tell him as much before he pulls you down to kiss him again.
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
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“you’re kinda creepy…i like it!”
a ryan dunn/gothic!fem!reader moodboard
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ggwritesstuff · 1 year
One Last Time
pairing: bam margera x reader
warnings: mentions of being cheated on?? idk this one is big soft
a/n: long time no see, my loves <3 sorry if this sucks it’s been ages since i’ve written lol anyways pls enjoy this product of my latest obsession
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“I’m sorry.”
The words echoed from the other end of the line; they sounded disgustingly condescending coming from a cheater.
“Oh, fuck you.” You spat before hanging up on your now ex-boyfriend. In a fit of rage, a solemn, agonizing cry tore through your chest as you launched the phone across the room. It hit the wall with a force you didn’t know you had within you. You were grateful nobody was home to hear the commotion you’d kicked up.
A few yards away sat your neighbor, Bam’s room. The two of you weren’t as close of friends as you once were, but he always kept a watchful eye on you around school and the neighborhood; even if he didn’t say anything. His music would often keep you up at night with how loud it blared. Yet tonight, it was nearly silent.
It was only ever silent at the Margera house when he was either not home or hyper focused on whatever footage he was editing at the time.
You sat in the silence for a moment. Your chest heaved as you caught your breath until a muffled sound startled you. As you looked over to check the time, you caught a glimpse of Bam standing in his window across the way. He motioned for you to open yours.
“The hell was that?” He questioned as you lifted the window up.
With a sigh, your head fell into your hands as you propped yourself up in the windowsill, “I got pissed and threw my phone.” You explained. You hadn’t lifted your head from your hands, but you could feel Bam’s eyes lingering on you in such a vulnerable position.
“You alright?” He asked, his voice softened. You nodded your head to say ‘yes’. Bam scoffed his disbelief. You couldn’t bullshit the king of bullshit, it was foolish to think you could. “Wanna come over for a bit? Ape and Phil are out for the night.” You nodded your response again. “Door’s open, c’mon.”
You watched as he shut the window and disappeared from your view. You had finally pulled yourself off the floor and stopped to look over your reflection. When you looked in the mirror, you saw black stains from that so-called waterproof mascara strewn down your cheeks and quickly used your sleeve to wipe them away before heading downstairs and next door.
When you made your way over, Bam stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his hands in his pockets to shield them from the brisk January air. “Hurry up, it’s cold as shit.” He muttered before you followed him into the house. You kicked off your shoes at the door and followed him to his bedroom.
It had been years since you’d been in his room. The view from your window only offered a glimpse of what it was now. Posters littered the walls. Though much has changed since you’d last been there, you still felt a sense of comfort and security as you sat on his bed. His sheets didn’t have that fresh linen smell. Rather, they smelled vaguely of tobacco and bonfire smoke; it was reminiscent of the time you’d spent together in your early teenage years. The bed shifted as Bam sat down next to you and leaned back against the wall, effectively interrupting your nostalgic thoughts brought on by the scent of his bed.
“You wanna tell me what all that was over there?” Bam looked over, kicking your foot playfully with his.
“Fuckin’ Shane, dude.” You sighed. “Every fuckin’ time I start feeling like I can trust a guy, they go and fuck me over or fuck another girl. I’m just so sick of it.”
There was a brief silence. “What do you mean every time?” He asked.
“I don’t know, man. It feels like whenever I start feeling secure in a relationship, the universe gives me this giant reason as to why I shouldn’t.” You said, tears threatened to spill. “Every fucking time.” You repeated under your breath, letting your head roll back.
“Fuck, man. I’m sorry.” Bam sighed sympathetically as he stood up and walked over to the stereo system on his dresser. Stacks and stacks of plastic CD cases sat scattered around it. He picked up an album and placed it in the tray. The music started and Bam turned the volume dial down, just enough to hear it in the background before making his way back to his bed.
“I just don’t get it. What’s the point of dating if I’m just gonna end up heartbroken again. I just wanna give up.” You huffed. The tears that threatened to spill earlier had finally crossed the threshold as you stared blankly into the distance.
“Ah, shit. Come here.” Bam extended his arm out to pull you closer to him when he noticed your tears. It felt like it’d been ages since you hugged him, yet he still felt safe to you. He held you tightly in scarred and bruised arms as your breathing began to even out. With your face comfortably nuzzled into his chest, you could smell the cheap cologne that lingered on his shirt. It was the same one he always wore in middle school.
While you were reminiscing about simpler times, Bam was doing some reminiscing of his own. The feeling of having you this close to him kicked up all the emotions that ultimately caused your drift away from each other in your freshman year of high school. His heart was beating rapidly as he held you, crossing his fingers that you didn’t notice the sudden increase.
The two of you now laid entangled in his disheveled bed as Razorblade Romance by HIM played in the background. Bam would occasionally hum the melody, you felt the vibrations rumble in his chest. The song “One Last Time” came on and the lyrics had struck a chord with Bam. The sight of you laid upon his chest with tear stained cheeks evoked a strange feeling of anger and a hint of protectiveness. The anger was a product of years of silent pining. He was infuriated with every single one of your failed romantic partners for treating you poorly enough to push you to the point of giving up on love.
Despite his too-tough attitude, Bam was always a softhearted romantic. He had so much love to give. So much love he wanted to give to you, but you sought love in the wrong places; the wrong people. As you had draped an arm across his abdomen and nuzzled closer into his chest for comfort, he hoped that you would finally see that the love you had been seeking was only a few meters across the way this whole time.
You lifted your head off of his chest for a moment and looked up at him. “Thanks, Bammy. I missed you.” You confessed honestly, the nickname coming out so naturally as if you’ve said it daily. He glanced down at you, lips beginning to curve into the familiar smile. Bam’s heart leapt in his chest at the sound of his nickname. You were so close, just mere inches away from each other’s faces.
“At least you could try for this one last time, it could be alright.”
The lyrics to One Last Time lingered in the air as Bam’s impulsive nature got the best of him. He began to lean in to close the gap between you, hoping this move would be well received. You didn’t stop him, despite having just experienced yet another heartbreak. Instead, you accepted his advance, leaning to meet him halfway until your lips had finally connected.
Years of tension and yearning had finally come to a head, Bam couldn’t have been more elated than he was when he felt the plushness of your lips on his own rough and chapped ones. The moment he had spent years dreaming of, it was better than he ever could’ve imagined.
You, on the other hand, found yourself perplexed, yet unable to stop him or pull away. You had wondered if it was too soon to jump into anything after quite literally having just gotten cheated on; if you were making the right decision by reaching this new level with your childhood best friend. Nevertheless, you ultimately found yourself melting into the softness of the kiss. It was as if you had seen the light in a moment of clarity; years of buried emotions all rose to the surface.
He pulled away for a moment and rested his forehead against yours. Calloused hands held your face as if you were the most delicate, prized artifact to ever exist. Moments like these didn’t need words to be spoken. The alluring shade of blue of his eyes said everything you needed to know. A stray tear cascaded down your cheek, he was quick to catch it with his thumb and gently wipe it away.
Bam pressed his lips against your forehead before allowing you space to nuzzle back into his chest, wrapping a protective arm around you as you settled in. The gentle beating of his heart eventually lulled you to sleep; you hadn’t been this comfortable in years.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to see where this could go with him.
Maybe it’s worth trying one last time.
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ajmargera · 2 years
anniversary Johnny Knoxville x reader
Authors note: Hi guys, first fic here I know its not the best but I'm trying to improve. please tell me how I did though. thanks for your time enjoy - Aj
swearing, fluff
It was in not way abnormal to be awoken by loud noises in the early hours of the morning at castle bam. However something was different about it.
It was loud outside and you heard multiple people talking and laughing. You rolled over in your pit of a bed to look at the old clock on the bed side table. it read '08:43' Fucking bastards you mutter out pulling the doves over your head in a pathetic attempt to drown out what noise you could.
Today of all days. Today was the day of johhny and yours 3 year anniversary, but could you see him? course not. Ever since this show started you and johnny have no time for each other. The day after the finale of season one of viva la bam the MTV producers were on set. After you'd had finished filming they spoke to everyone about what they had planned for season 2 . They wanted you to return as a frequent character. You didn't agree straight away as you weren't keen on the idea of it. But after talking with Johnny ,and allot of begging by bam, You and johnny agreed youd stay in Westchester for filming and go back to la the second the series is over. You couldn't really complain about the job, you got decently payed and got to spend time with your family. But you couldn't see the one person who meant the most to you in the world for another good few weeks.
'yo dude why don't we-' was all you heard before Ryan began to whisper. * Bastard* you thought to myself . After some more childish giggles from the people outside, the noise if the chainsaw starting echoed throigh the house.. 'Dunn give it hear you dick' you heard a familiar voice from outside. * was that. no. PJ??* you quickly thought. You jumped out of bed and put one of your brothers hoodies on. You rushed down the stairs of castle bam nearly tripping over whatever hazards where lying everywhere.
You ran down the stairs to be met by Vito and your dad sat at the dinning room table eating breakfast. 'Why the fuck you rushing round for you Dick, its not even 9 and your awake!' Vito said. ' leave her alone Vito' phil jumped in. ' fuck you Vito its too early for your shit' you hissed at him making my way to the front door. ' if its too early why you up?' Vito asked buttering more of his toast. ' cos those dickheads outside' you said rolling my eyes. ' oh yeah your boyfriend out there' he said but your dad kicked him. ' shut up Vito, she wasn't supposed to know' 'IT IS PJ' you said walking quicker to the door. ' How was I supposed to know that it was a secret?' was the last thing you heard from Vito before you ran out the house'
' Dude I don't see this man in a year and then I wake up to him destroying my hummer' you heard your brother shout. You walk round from the side of the house to look up and see your brother shirtless in the window. ' johnny your girlfriends here' Ryan shouted. You turned to the direction his voice came from and too your surprise him and johnny were stood on bams ,now destroyed, hummer. ' PJ' you shouted running from my position. 'y/n' he said getting off the roof of the destroyed car as you quickly made your way over to him. You jumped into his embrace taking in everything and forgetting that there was a camera crew recording your every move. ' happy 3 years baby' he mutters into your hair. ' happy 3 years pj' you mumble into his chest earing a smirk from him. 'CUT'
'So first you wake me up by destroying my hummer, start a prank war, then just sit there fondling my sister in MY driveway!' Bam shouted at johnny. Dico, raab, Ryan and you were sat round the kitchen counter when your brother and johnny walked in. ' grow up bam, I wasn't fondling your sister I was wishing MY girlfriend a happy anniversary.' he said back putting his arm around you and kissing your head. ' its your guys anniversary?' Dico questioned. ' yeah 3 years' you groggily replied. ' don't care if it's your anniversary or not Knoxville you've pissed me off' bam said storming out of the room. ' better go make sure he doesn't do anything stupid' Ryan said putting his dishes in the sink. ' ry, he is the walking definition of stupid' you said getting a smack off of your best friend and a laugh out of the other boys. Ryan left to catch up to bam. ' Brat' you muttered into your coffee. ' going to tell him you said that' raab hummed. ' fuck you ' you replied ' fuck you to dickhead' Raab that's Johnny's job' dico replied with a smirk on his lips. The boys started pissing themseves and so did johnny. ' johnny shut up' you whined. ' make him' Dico replied. You look at him disgusted. ' you better fucking run' you shout and kicking your chair out of the way. Dico and raab ran to the back door but before you can go after them you feel a strong hand on your arm keeping you in place. ' and where do you think your going princess' Johnny says hugging you and placing a kiss on your head. ' to kill them bastards' you replied kissing him on the lips. ' leave them alone baby there only having fun' he replied deepening the hug. You leaned into him more to feel more of his body heat. ' aww is my baby tired?' He questioned but got no repliey. You where too tired to reply, feeling how heavy your eyelids where getting, you just nodded into his chest. 'C'mon then' he cooed into your ear picking you up by the legs and began to carry you bridal style up to your room.
' ignore bam, he's just being a dickhead cos he's moody. think he's on his period or something' you mumbled Johnny laughed. ' never do pay attention to him doll face' he replied still walking up the stairs.
By the time yous too got to your room, you were nearly asleep. He placed you down on your bed and tucked you in. ' Get some rest princess' he said turning his back to leave. ' Pj don't go' you whined. ' I wasn't I was just shutting the door' he shut the door and then took his shirt off showing his beautifully toned chest. You put your arms out as an indication for him to hurry up. When he's done messing about he climbs into bed and puts his arms around you. ' happy anniversary Pj' you say warming into his touch. ' Happy anniversary baby' he says and kisses your head.
wow that was fun, requests are open if you have any and please tell me how I did. have a good day :) - aj
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the urge to write some Dico or Ryan x male reader fics just to add some variety to my masterlist…the ideas I have
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ckygetsjobs · 2 years
Short fluff fic with dico for comfort reasons…
You were sitting with dico in the basement, instead of actually participating in the dumbass party bam was throwing. Not that he didn’t throw them every weekend, and they sucked just as bad each time. Even though he tried to convince you each time it was better, he was a liar, plus you didn’t like him anyways. You only hung out with him by association, you would never hang out with him one on one. Plus he was your ex so it was awkward anyways, you did it for the other guys.
dico hated parties too, he was tired of bam’s constant parties. He was not really the party type either, he played some shitty cowboy movie on the small tv that was probably twenty years old. Your head was leaned against his shoulder as he combs through your hair with his fingers, and kissing your forehead. 
He always made sure you were taken care of, you loved that about him, he was very sweet when he wanted to be. Even though when you first met him he was the biggest asshole but now he was the nicest, well besides ryan. No one could ever one up your best friend, he was always the sweetest, but dico came close, at least with you. 
You and him were laughing about how lame the movie was, when it was almost as if it was an unconscious movement, his hand softly clasps yours, fitting almost perfectly. He didn’t say anything he wasn’t even paying attention to the hands, it didn’t even resister until you poked him and gestured at your hands. He didn’t let go, at all, if anything he held on tighter, almost scared that you were going to.
You kissed his lips softly, laying into him, he held you, sitting you in his lap. Throughout the night, you remember you calling him cute, and him telling you to knock it off but by his tone you could tell he wasn’t serious. He thought you were weird for calling him cute but you knew he liked it. You remember falling asleep in his arms, him telling you how much he loved you and how pretty you were. You remember him getting blankets out from the closet, and putting one of them on you. You remember the light sounds of the weather channel that dico insisted on listening to. But most of all, you remember him laying on the couch with you, he was the big spoon, making sure you were safe and secure. He kissed your cheek and you didn’t know when he fell asleep but you woke up to him cuddling you. You smiled, you loved him so much, you knew the party was probably lame like usual, but you hanging out with your boyfriend sure wasn’t.
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asskickedbygirl · 2 years
Hey there!
First of all: I love your work, you're doing a great job and I really love your writing style!
I'd like to request something (if you don't want to write that it's cool). I had some kind of a down time for the past few weeks and need something funny/comforting. I thought of maybe reader being a medic on the set of jackass and she and bam and Ryan had a troubled past. So when she sees them she's like "oh please don't get hurt" and the other boys are teasing her like "oh, are you worried about them?" And she's like "god no I don't want to see their faces more than I need to."
And bam or Ryan kinda start to like her and is jealous when the other guys try to flirt with her.
Can end in smut, even though I'm ace and not a smut fan, but the stuff you write is so good, I can totally live with that.
Thanks for your fics and happy new year!
Tell Me
[Ryan Dunn x F!Reader]
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A/n: ASSKICKEDBYGIRL WRITING FLUFF FOR ONCE?!?!?!? 😱😱yeah there's a shock. thank you for the req sorry it took me a while to get around to it but thank you for saying that too!!! I've missed writing I wish I didn't have a life.
warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol, cursing
2.9k words
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"You might be busy today, looks like Bam and Ryan are gonna fuck something up." Jeff tutted, glancing over to where the crew were setting up.
"God I hope they don't get hurt."
Johnny overheard what you said, a smirk appearing on his face as he wandered over to where you and Jeff were stood.
"And why's that? You got a crush? Worrying your pretty little head over em?" He laughed, ruffling up your hair as you tried pushing him off.
"God no. I don't wanna see their faces more than I have to."
Johnny's brows narrowed, unsure of why you had some sort of vendetta against the two buffoons from West Chester.
"They went to high school together." Jeff answered Johnny's confusion for you before leaving the two of you be.
"Ah I see. One of them an ex or something?"
You shook your head, scoffing.
"Definitely not. They were just idiots that's all."
Johnny could tell you were leaving some detail out as you continued setting up your station, the job you were supposed to be doing instead of chatting with the star of the movie.
"Did they pick on you? Cause' if that's the case I can kick their asses for you. We'll call it reparations."
Johnny's sweet talking pulled a little smile from you though you kept your eyes trained on the ground, afraid you might fall into Johnny's sunken ones as crushing on coworkers was totally a no-go in the professional sense.
"No it's okay. They were kind of assholes to a lot of people so it's not really considered picking on me. Just boys being dumb."
Johnny nodded, biting his lip.
"Well hell maybe they've changed, they're only jackasses professionally now!"
You laughed, glancing up to meet Johnny's eyes.
"Yeah, maybe they just keep the assholery for when they're getting paid."
Before you could launch into any further discussion with the heart throb, the two cast members you'd least like to speak to darted over, calling your name.
"Did you miss us?" Ryan laughed, wrapping an arm around you like you were the best of buds.
"Can't say I did Dunn." You awkwardly shoved his arm off of you, trying your best to continue unpacking though Bam sitting on top of your workplace made that rather difficult.
"Oh come on, you had to have missed me after I dropped out!" Bam chuckled, leaning back, Johnny simply observing the mini high school reunion.
"I will say Bam, Raab shitting on those lockers was the best thing he ever did, got rid of the two of you!"
That's when Johnny finally interjected, laughing whole-heartedly and clutching his chest.
"Raab did what?!"
"You don't know this? Raab got expelled for smearing shit on a bunch of lockers so Bam dropped out." Ryan smiled, relishing in relaying the story despite the fact he wasn't actually there to experience it.
"Chris committed a string of shit related crimes but that one was truly the last straw." You nodded, smiling at Johnny's joy.
"Well hey, they were pretty funny, you have to admit." Bam extended his arm, attempting to grasp some humour from you.
"Funny isn't the word I'd use... disgusting seems more fitting. Plus you guys were dickheads back then."
Bam and Ryan matched faces of confusion.
"What are you talking about? We were dumb kids everyone just ignored." Bam said, Ryan nodding along.
"Seriously? You don't remember?"
There was an awkward silence then, Bam and Ryan racking their brains trying to understand what the hell you were on about.
"Remember what?" Ryan asked.
You bit the inside of your cheek, glancing between the two boys and remembering Johnny was right there too, witnessing this strange sort of confrontation. You weren't sure if you really wanted to unload the words that swirled in your head through in your teen years in front of the guy you kinda liked, the idea was not exactly appealing.
"Whatever, forget it." You bit your tongue, grabbing something and pretending you had something else to attend to when you were just desperate to make an escape.
After that awkward little encounter Bam and Ryan seemed to be making an array of unnecessary visits to your station, pestering you for band aids and asking if random bruises 'looked okay'.
"Bam you've had thousands of bruises in your lifetime, I'm sure you know that looks perfectly normal."
"Alright yeah, I just wanted to come talk to you before Dunn or Knoxville had a chance." Bam pulled down the leg of his pants as your brows narrowed.
"What are you talking about?"
Bam grinned at you, like he knew something you didn't.
"No it's nothing, I just like talking to you."
Bam's glimmering eyes were seeping into you but it wasn't really working, in fact he was becoming more of a nuisance than anything else.
"Well I appreciate the fact you enjoy my company but I'm kinda trying to work here."
Bam rolled his eyes, not giving up.
"Oh come on. No one's hurt you don't have any work to do, just tell me why I was an ass and I'll leave."
As soon as the words left Bam's lips a yell was heard where Johnny was performing a stunt followed by a 'Medic!" shout.
"Fuck." You muttered, grabbing your kit and running over to where Johnny lay clutching his ankle.
"I think I broke it." He spoke through gritted teeth, eyes shut tightly.
You removed Johnny's hand to see the area was already swelling.
"Help me get him to the tent, I have an ice pack there." You called out to someone, Ryan jumping into play as he swung Johnny's arm around his shoulder while you did the same with his other arm, helping him up and steadying him.
A gaggle of people tried to follow you along but you shooed them off.
"He'll be fine, Jeff can you tell everyone to fuck off please?" You called out, Jeff simply shooting you a thumbs up and waving away any stragglers.
As you, Ryan and Johnny eventually made it to the med tent to sit Johnny down, you noticed a stray had followed you along.
"I don't need both of you here." You called out to Ryan and Bam who both pretended to look mightily concerned as Johnny winced and you fetched the ice pack.
"I'll stay." They both said in unison, earning a glare from you.
"I think I can handle a sprained ankle guys, goodbye." You pushed Ryan and Bam out of your tent and closed the curtains, turning to face Johnny.
"Sorry about those idiots, they won't fucking leave me alone." You muttered, removing Johnny's shoe and sock and placing the ice pack on his swollen ankle, causing him to suck sharply through his teeth.
"You think I fucked it up badly?"
"Nah, probably just a sprain even though it might seem a lot worse, you'll have to use crutches for a bit though."
Johnny sighed, looking pissed off.
"Well there goes two weeks where I can't do shit."
There was an awkward silence in the tent then as you kneeled below him, lifting his foot with your hand to elevate it.
"You know they probably like you right?"
"What?" For being so irritated and in pain, Johnny was really gonna bring up Bam and Ryan?
"The idiots. They have massive crushes on you, I know it."
You laughed, shaking your head.
"You're delusional."
Johnny smiled, staring at you below him, rooting through your bag for bandages.
"I think I'm very lusional actually."
"Oh god, lusional? He's losing it nurse this must be something far more serious!" You laughed, wrapping the bandage tightly around Johnny as he laughed too, wincing through the pain.
Bam and Ryan stood outside the tent waiting for you, their ears only being filled with joyous laughter, their teeth now grinding together.
"Think they need help?" Bam folded his arms, beginning to grow impatient.
"She likes him. Of course she fucking does, what girl doesn't like Knoxville." Ryan spat under his breath, kicking the ground beneath his shoe.
"You know, maybe if we weren't such dicks in high school she might give us the time of the day." He added, turning away from the tent to fuck off somewhere, pulling out a pack of cigarettes.
"Come on dude, we weren't that bad." Bam called out but Ryan shook his head.
"Well clearly we were if she can't stand talking to us for more than two fucking seconds." He went off in a huff, regret coursing through his veins at the unknown actions of his teenage self.
Who knew being a bit of a dick in high school would come back to bite you in the ass?
It was a Friday night and the crew were off drinking at a local bar after a week of filming. Knoxville had been sentenced to two weeks on crutches and so was hobbling around the bar with them while Bam and Ryan were still falling over each other trying to talk to you. You sat in a booth next to Chris, sipping on your vodka soda and trying to ignore the pestering Bam who was getting more and more drunk by the minute when suddenly he spoke your name all serious.
"Just tell me how Ryan and I were such dicks to you in high school and I promise I'll fuck off."
You were pulled away from your lively conversation to be met with yet another awkward confrontation.
"Bam I don't wanna get into this, seriously." Bam threw his arm over your shoulder and pressed his finger against your lips.
"Just tell me! I'm sorry I was an asshole cause' now I really wanna bang you."
"Alright Bam! That's enough of that!" Like a deus ex machina, Ryan graciously came to your rescue, dragging his drunk friend away from you and pushing him towards another group of Jackass people.
Your eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape.
"Sorry about him, whiskey is like his truth serum."
You just shook your head laughing, still in a state of disbelief.
"Well I wasn't expecting a love confession to go like that."
"He has a way with words." Ryan laughed, shrugging.
"I'm going to the bar and am not ordering whiskey." Chris murmured, sliding out from the booth and leaving you and Ryan alone.
"So you and Bam really wanna know why I didn't like you when we were younger huh?"
Ryan took a sip from his drink, trying to act as if he didn't care as much as his inebriated best friend.
"I mean, kinda but- yeah. Yeah we do wanna know."
You laughed, shaking your head.
"Fine, I'll tell you."
Ryan's eyes widened.
"You will?"
"I will. but! only if you tell me one thing."
"Anything, what is it?" Ryan nodded enthusiastically.
"Do you have a crush on me too?" Your smile widened, eyes burrowing into his own.
Ryan laughed awkwardly, eyes spinning around the room trying to avoid your gaze.
"Oh come on, what are we 16?"
"Well you wanna know why I thought you guys were assholes at 16 so?"
Ryan bit his lip, considering his options when he just settled on biting the bullet.
"Fine. Yeah I do have a crush on you. That's why I wanna know why you're not giving me any chances so bad."
You smiled smugly, picking up Ryan's glass of whiskey.
"God this stuff really is truth serum!"
You both shared a moment of laughter before settling down.
"Alright I'll tell you. Sophomore year you were a Senior. I kinda liked your hair and I thought you were cute."
Ryan bit back a smile.
"I was at my locker and you and Bam were talking and I kinda overheard your conversation."
Ryan winced at that.
"Well that's never good."
You scratched the back of your head, smile faltering slightly when you remembered what you were about to spill, the alcohol in your system making your lips a little looser.
"Well you know I was pretty quiet in high school. Didn't really talk to anyone except my close friends."
Ryan nodded, straying away from any jokes as he noticed your change in demeanour.
"Since I was so quiet I could kinda fly under the radar, overhear things nobody thought I would hear, I was kind of invisible like that. Anyways, one day you and Bam were talking about girls."
Your eyes were stuck on the table, not wanting to look up and back out of what Ryan had lured you into saying.
"I noticed Bam kinda nodded his head towards me and asked you 'What about her?' I didn't hear the first part but knew it had something to do with sex or dating or whatever."
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Ryan was turning red, already embarrassed before he was even told what he had to be embarrassed about.
"And you said something like 'Fuck no she's a prude. Just an uptight bitch.'"
Ryan swallowed thickly, eyes flicking down to his shoes.
"Then Bam was like 'Yeah she's a cunt. Wouldn't fuck me if I was dying.' and then you just laughed and walked off."
There was quiet then, Ryan shaking his head and sighing.
"Look I don't hold it against you. You were just asshole teenagers and I'm sorry for acting like a bitch late-"
"No stop." Ryan stuck his hand out, interrupting your apologetic spiel.
"I was a fucking dickhead, I'm sorry for saying that shit, it wasn't even true."
You smirked, biting your lip.
"It was kinda true. Still is."
Ryan met your eyes then, his expression hiding a smile
"I just said that bullshit cause' I thought you were cute and I didn't want Bam to get his grubby hands on you."
You rolled your eyes, properly laughing then.
"Oh fuck off Dunn. Don't pull that 'He's only mean because he likes you!' shit on me now!"
Ryan shook his head, smile growing.
"I'm serious! Why do you think Bam and I are falling over our feet trying to talk to you now?!"
You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms, smirk pulling at your lips.
"Are you telling me this whole time the older kid I thought was cute also thought I was cute?"
Ryan smiled before wetting his lips, arm moving himself closer to you.
"And what if I am?"
You laughed heartily, pushing Ryan's chest.
"Don't put your moves on me Dunn. Did you forget I'm a prude?"
He rolled his eyes again, chuckling.
"Come on let me walk you home before Knoxville breaks something else that you need to look at."
Ryan reached his hand out to pull you out of the booth.
"Jealous already Dunn? Guess you really are the type."
You allowed yourself to get dragged up, Ryan slipping his arm around your shoulder to usher you out of the bar.
"Hey where the fuck are you two going?!" Bam slurred out, bringing everyone's attention to you and Ryan.
You half smiled, unsure of what to say. That's when your eyes met with Johnny's as you witnessed him compute in real time what was happening. When he realised who you were going home with that night he simply smiled and winked at you. How was he always right?
"Taking her home asshole." Ryan called out, wasting no time in pulling you away, the urgency making you laugh.
As you walked down the streets of West Chester, Ryan's hand moved down to hold you by your waist, whispering crude comments about passer-bys in your ear to make you laugh when eventually you reached your apartment building.
"Thanks for walking me home." You smiled, holding your hand over where Ryan was holding your waist and turning to face him.
You looked into each others eyes for a moment, both of you smirking uncontrollably.
"I'd invite you in but, you know I'm a prude so."
Ryan rolled his eyes as you cackled, slapping his chest.
"I deserve that."
You smiled sweetly as Ryan did too, his eyes flicking down to your lips for a millisecond as your faces got closer.
"I don't think we should do anything tonight but..." You brought your hand up to rest on Ryan's cheek, rubbing his face with your thumb.
"I could give you something else." You whispered, leaning in and kissing him.
Ryan kept his hold on your waist but moved his other hand to touch your own face, deepening the kiss. He pushed your body to be closer to his own, moving his lips against yours roughly, beard grazing your chin. Before things could escalate any further you pulled away, allowing yourselves to catch your breath.
"You foiled my plan." Ryan laughed, brushing your hair off of your face.
"My plan this whole time was to get the prude to sleep with me ten years later, it was strategy all along."
You both laughed.
"I see, you really plan ahead. I guess I'll just have to sleep with you now."
Ryan quirked an eyebrow at your obviously sarcastic response, resulting in a punch to the arm. You laughed pulling away from his hold on you.
"Goodnight Ryan." You turned your back to him and began unlocking the door as he still stood behind you. As the door opened you turned around, smirking before kissing him one last time for the night.
"Call me."
"I'd be an idiot not to."
"What's new?"
@gnarkillknoxville @jackussy420 @lovexjoe @steve-osahottie @stratossphere @izzaaaaaa @jackassvivalabam03 @nonbinarypontius
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 11 months
YESSS IM SO EXCITED YOU WRITE FOR RYAN FHDNDBFBFJ. Would you write like reader is part of the CKY crew and they’ve both had crushes on each other and like a gary flirting and then she’s thinking it’s unrequited so she gets like a Bf and I wanna know how ryan would feel about this like i wanna see his jealousy and shit talking with bam fjjfgnnkdjffnhy (sorry i had to much caffeine with my meds this morning lol) WHHDHDJAN THANK YOUUUU!!!!
Drunk Love
Y/N and Ryan are best friends, blissfully unaware of eachother’s feelings.
Ryan Dunn X Fem!Reader
2k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, nudity, alcohol, description of injury, fighting, jealousy, crude language
An: Thank you for the request!! I had a fun time writing more in depth for Ryan! If anyone is wondering why Bam always sleeps naked in my fics it’s because of a story he told on Radio Bam! You can find it on YouTube under “Bam Gets Caught”, but it’s not the onky time to my memory that he’s talked about sleeping naked XD! Besides that, I actually had a couple requests i combined to create this fic so I included the ones I didn’t reply to directly but still used below! :)
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“Watchin’ the little back n’ forth thing you’ve got with her’s painful. I mean-“ Bam leaned over on his side, propping his head up with a hand while laying on the adjacent bed, “Just quit the pussy shit, dude.” Ryan ran a hand through his blonde, sweat soaked hand as the sounds of the running shower made white noise in the background. “It’s not easy, man! I mean, I’ve known her since we've been in diapers.” Sighing, Ryan finally looked at Bam, “I'm sorry- I just can’t take you seriously when you’re naked.” It was a casualty of their closeness that he was very comfortable being nude in front of his best friend, but he didn’t seem to care in the slightest, moving to get up, “You know what? If you’re not gonna tell her, I will.”
“No way! She’s in the shower!” Like a startled animal, Bam broke into a sprint on a dime, nearly reaching the bathroom door handle before Ryan hurled himself off of the bed, tackling him to the scratchy hotel room carpet. His vision was a blur of un-vacuumed orange carpet and pale man skin as the two wrestled, thumping and rolling around and cursing through clenched teeth. But in an act of perfect timing, that’s exactly when you opened the bathroom door. Wrapped in a white towel, hot steam billowed around you as you stared down at the scene at your feet- Ryan pinning a completely exhausted Bam down on his back by his skinny little arms as he straddled him, the two of them making direct eye contact with you. Your mind went blank. “I, uh…did I interrupt something…?”
“It’s wrestling!” They seemed to speak in unison. Bam added hurriedly, “It’s a guy thing.” Panicking and trying to find a way out of this situation, Ryan played along, “Yeah, yeah- total guy thing.” You raised an eyebrow, “So, you wrestle naked?” Easily slipping out from under him and not caring if you saw him, Bam walked into the bathroom, squeezing past you as you still stood shocked in the doorway, “Yeah, Greco-Roman style. Totally!”
You and Ryan sat on top of the covers on his bed as you dried off, only half watching tv. There was some sort of tension between you and him that you really couldn't place. Maybe it was you thinking about technically sharing a bed with him. Maybe it was him thinking about you in that towel. Sniffing the air, Ryan broke the silent tension, “What's that smell?” You sighed in relief that you finally had something to talk about, accidentally replying a little too eagerly, “Oh! I bought some new shampoo.” He sat up a little bit straighter next to you, glancing down at you curiously, “Any, uh- any reason?” You shrugged, “Nah, just felt like it.” Ryan smiled at you. “It’s nice.”
Ryan could hardly remember what stunt he got hurt doing, but the blood dripping into his right eye from the gash on his forehead blurred his vision as he tried to get his bearings. His head spun as he pulled himself up from the pavement, little bits of gravel and dirt caked into his skin and hair. There goes that shower. At least it makes for good footage, he thought, as the rest of the crew cheered while looking back at the footage through the display of Rick’s camcorder.
But just as the cameras turned off, in came Y/N. Oh, Y/N. You kneeled down in front of the dazed man, and you could practically see the little birds and stars flying around Ryan’s head as you reached into your pocket, pulling out some first aid supplies. After a few years of this, you learned to keep this kind of stuff on you due to the nature of what you did- either that, or you'd have to drive bam to the ER again with another horribly infected wound while he wailed in the backseat like a baby. Tearing open the alcohol wipe with your teeth, you gingerly moved the wet curls that stuck to your best friend’s forehead before wiping the cut tenderly, little streaks of red showing through the thin wipe.
There was something in the way that you cleaned his wounds and tended to him better than any of the guys- or hell, better than he ever cared for himself. The alcohol stung and he winced, hissing air through his teeth. You chuckled, “Oh, don’t be a baby…” Your body was so close to him that Ryan could feel the heat radiating off of you as you blew gently on the alcohol soaked cut, the liquid rapidly drying on his face. Oh. Oh, yeah. Yep. He was getting a hard on.
Luckily, you didn’t seem to notice as you finished up, shoving the used wipes into your pocket, “There, all better!” Ryan chuckled and, for just a second, you lingered there, maybe a little too close to him for a little too long. But it felt so normal- so right. After a few heartbeats, you pulled away a little reluctantly. He smiled as you gave him a hand, helping him up while he was still a little dizzy, “Hey, thanks for that…”
“It’s nothing! Don’t worry about it.”
Bam groaned childishly, “If you like her so much, just fuckin’ say it!” Ryan relented that it still hadn’t gotten through his thick skull while he nursed that head injury from earlier with a bag of frozen peas. “She’s already got a boyfriend. It’s not gonna happen!” He was an asshole of a boyfriend too, Ryan thought, real scum. He was always so close to you whenever you all hung out as a group, just hanging off of you like he couldn’t stand by himself. Maybe Dunn felt a little envious of all of your body heat that was being absorbed by that dirtbag, but he would never say that to you. “I mean, he’s a fucking dick, but…” All he received from the other man was a shrug in return. “So? I’ve fucked chicks with boyfriends.” Bam sneered, making his way to the door, “Why don’t you just get’er name tattooed on your forehead if you’re so into her?” It’s not like Bam could get the point if he sat on it and it stuck in his ass. Rolling his eyes, Ryan didn’t even notice until his buddy was about hallway down the hall till he heard the echo of his voice, “Hey, Y/N! Listen, I got-“
Before he could even think, he was out in that hallway after him, jumping on Bam before he could finish his sentence. He landed right at your feet, nearly on the toes of your shoes. You peered over the scene as the two, fully clothed this time thank god, tussled in front of you, grunting and muttering cuss words beneath their breath. Eventually, he got Bam’s head pinned firmly to the ground and he looked up at you with those wide, baby blue eyes, cracking a tired smile as he caught his breath. “Hey…” You had to resist blushing, reminding yourself that your heart really shouldn’t be beating as fast for your best friend. “Where’re you two going?” Bam squirmed, muttering something that got spoken over. “The, uh- the bar! We’re going to the bar! You wanna join?”
That act of quick thinking actually worked better than he had planned. Ryan’s half thought out excuse led him to score what was basically- practically a date with you. The only problem was that his wingman was also the biggest cockblock in history. “So,” You leaned towards Ryan, scoping the place out idly, “you wanna get a table?” He glanced over to Bam for an answer, maybe even some smart ass response, but nope. Nothing. In the few minutes you three were there, he had already left and picked up a chick at the bar. Dunn was on his own and maybe not thinking clearly, but he replied anyway, “Uh…yeah, sure!”
“God…” Ryan’s head buzzed as he gazed at you from across the table, maybe just a little too close as he chuckled, “you’ll never guess what Bam told me earlier…” Giggly, you didn’t even think to move, breathing in the same booze scented air as him, “What…?” Your mouth moved lazily and the same was true for Ryan as he murmured, “He said I should get’cher name tattooed- On m’forehead.” He gestured with a finger to the top of his head. “Oh, that idiot…” You smiled, leaning forward just enough that your foreheads touched. While intoxicated, it didn’t seem like that bad of an idea- but not his face. His face was too cute, but maybe the arm. That would look nice, yeah. In fact, it was kinda romantic. Sighing, you sat there for a while, your eyelashes brushing against each others before speaking up, “M’tired…” Ryan looked at you through heavy lids as you slurred, your eyes falling, “Can I go back’t your room tonight?”
God, it was like fireworks were going off inside of Ryan’s head, soldiers giving a twenty one gun salute, angels singing, eccetera. Maybe, just maybe- maaaaybe this might be a sign you liked him back, but god it just felt too good to be true. Even with a stomach full of booze, all he could barely stutter out was, “Uh, sure. Yeah.”
So that’s how you ended up in Ryan’s bed. Sure, you were fully clothed but nonetheless it meant something. The bed felt so nice, so warm and cozy with the two of you in it; hotel beds are made to be shared, you thought, feeling the heat from his body press against your back, not noticing how quickly his heart was beating against you. Ryan thanked god. Slowly but very surely, the two of you were both drifting off to sleep when he piped up, his lips barely moving against your neck as he spoke. What he meant to say was, ‘I think I like you.’ but it came out more like,“I think I love you….I mean, I have for a while.” Time stopped as Ryan felt his face get hot, holding a breath. He felt the giggle reverberate through your body as you dreamily smiled up at him, making eye contact the best you could while reclining to rest your head on his shoulder, speaking just barely above a whisper, “I love you too.” Just like that, you fell asleep, leaving Ryan awake to process what the hell just happened to him.
You were still soundly asleep when the man you were snuggled up against blinked his eyes open, rolling over to face the warmth behind him. “W-what…dude!” Ryan whisper-yelled, “Get out!” Bam simply threw his arm over him, murmuring while half asleep, “Go back’t sleep…”
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dramatic-crying · 11 months
good old days pt. 2 // ryan dunn x reader
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part 1
summary: Ryan invites you to film a stunt with the guys, and it results in the discovery and acknowledgment of some pretty strong feelings
word count: ~2.1k
warnings: foul language, everyone being idiots, Ryan and reader are in loooove
Not long after reuniting with Ryan, he soon visited you every single day you worked. In fact, he would stay for hours on end to just talk and be around you. While you found this a bit strange considering how little you really knew each other, it was also quite sweet.
A few weeks after this all started, once again Ryan shows up to visit you during your shift. Luckily, the bar is fairly empty at this point since it's only four o'clock in the afternoon. He sits on a bar stool across the counter from you with a smile and playfully slams his hand on the counter. Not expecting this, you practically jump out of your skin, scowling at Ryan. "What the fuck was that?" You complain as you feel your heart pounding against your chest.
"I have a question for you, asshole," he says, taking and eating a few almonds out of the dish that's resting on the countertop in front of him.
Your eyebrows raise. "And that required you to scare the shit out of me why??"
"I knew you would listen." He replies simply, fidgeting with his hands in front of him. "Anyways, are you free tomorrow?"
It takes you a second to remember your schedule, but you realize you're off work tomorrow. "Um, yeah. At least, I'm pretty sure." You crouch down to fetch a cleaning solution from under the counter.
"Rad. So, how about you join in on one of the stunts my friends and I are doing?"
Out of shock at what this man just asked, you quickly begin to stand up but end up smacking your head hard on the edge of the counter. "OW, SON OF A BITCH!" You shriek, backing away from the counter and then standing up.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" Ryan asks immediately, slightly extending his hands to grasp your arm.
You grimace, baring your teeth. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." You open your eyes to find a pair of very concerned ones focused on you. You smile and giggle slightly. "Look, I'm fine. It's barely gonna bruise," you reassure Ryan, shrugging off your injury. While you almost didn't notice it, you could've sworn you just saw Ryan's shoulders release a bit of tension. "Um, what were you saying about tomorrow?"
"Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to one of our crazy filming sessions for Jackass?"
You chuckle to yourself. "Honestly, I didn't have shit to do tomorrow. So, I don't see why not." You reply, finally taking your hand off the spot where the inevitable bruise will form on your head. There was a glint of excitement in Ryan's eyes that you couldn't tell if it was a good or bad sign for you. Ryan then opened his mouth to speak but closed it just as fast. Noticing this, you decide to point it out. "Something on your mind?"
He scrunches his nose up as though he's critically thinking through his next few sentences. "Do you think I could have your phone number? To let you know when and where to go, of course." He rambles, nervously wringing his hands again.
"Sure, man." You dismiss, sliding your flip phone out of your back pocket and handing it to the blonde man before you.
"Okay, cool," he says, putting his number into your phone. He quickly gets out of his seat, handing your phone back to you. "Um, could you text me so I know your number?" He sheepishly asks, you just nodding your head in response. "Cool, see ya later!" He slightly waves and rushes out of the bar, his cheeks dusted pink.
Out of curiosity, you open your phone to check the name he put as his contact. 'Man of my dreams.' "What an asshole," you playfully scoff, sending a quick text to Ryan to indicate who you are before putting your phone back in your pocket for the remainder of your shift. What you didn't realize is that you were blushing, just like Ryan was.
Waking up the next morning, you open your phone to find two new messages, both from Ryan and very vague. 
"Y/N, meet us at the lake. I'm sure you know the one."
"4 o'clock."
Thoroughly confused but still taking Ryan's advice, you throw on a baggy Deftones t-shirt and a pair of baggy jeans and call it good. You head out to your car and begin to set off, unsure of what the day is gonna bring.
Eventually, you arrive at the parking lot in front of the lake. "What the fuck...?" You quietly exclaim, witnessing the enormous ramp situated at the lakeshore. You step out of your car and immediately see an unfamiliar face walking straight towards you. However, he's not very intimidating considering he has his arms outstretched wide and a huge smile on his face.
"Hey! You're Y/N, right?" the man asked, going straight in for a handshake. The man in question has shorter black hair, bright blue eyes, and a bit of a goatee.
"Um, yeah," you say, chuckling nervously. "Is this the right place?"
"Damn right. I'm Jeff, by the way," he says, putting his arm around your shoulders and dragging you towards the bigass ramp facing the lake. "Ryan told us you were gonna come hang out with us today."
"Yeah, apparently," you joke, finally spotting Ryan next to the wooden structure. He eventually turns his head towards the commotion you and Jeff are making, and his face instantly lights up. He quickly jogs over to you two, stopping right in front of you. You didn't notice until this very moment that Ryan's shirtless, oh shit. 
"Hey, Y/N! I'm glad you could make it," Ryan huffs, his buff shoulders and toned stomach sleek with lake water. You pretend to find something interesting to look at to your right, hoping Ryan doesn't notice how red your face has inevitably gotten.
All of a sudden, a new voice rings out from above you. "RYAN, WHAT ARE YOU- oh," you hear the voice trail off. You look up to see a younger brunette boy with striking blue eyes (also shirtless) perched on the very top of the ramp with a skateboard. "Who the fuck are you?" he asks, a shit-eating grin on his face. You, not taking him seriously, laugh at his antics, but you witness Ryan discreetly glare at the brunette boy. 
"She's a friend!" Ryan yells back, taking your hand in his and bringing you to the very edge of the middle of the ramp. You then notice a slightly taller man with a shaved head standing across from you on the other side of the ramp. He seems to notice the nervous glitter in your eye and attempts to reassure you.
"It's not as scary as it looks, dude," he remarks, showing his pearly white smile and winking. "You should try it."
Before you can object, the brunette boy from before slides down the ramp to meet you face-to-face. "Yeah, it's SO MUCH scarier than it looks, but you can ride down with me."
After the boy gives this offer, all the men around (most of whom you haven't even had time to look at yet) begin hollering and whooping in encouragement for you. You chuckle nervously and look back to find Ryan with a massive grin on his face. He shrugs and urges you to go with the brunette boy. Fuck it, you think, confidently climbing onto the ramp and striding up to the top. 
You find yourself accompanied by the brunette boy, and suddenly, he leans over to you, whispering in your ear, "I'm Bam, by the way. But I'm sure you already knew that."
You roll your eyes playfully and elbow him lightly in the ribs, giggling slightly. From below, you could've sworn you saw a flash of anger and... hurt cross Ryan's beautiful eyes. Before you can ponder what that means, Bam aggressively hands you a skateboard and grabs ahold of his. "Ready for this shit?" he chuckles, readying himself to ride down the ramp.
At this point, the only thing you can focus on over your overwhelming anxiety is all the people cheering you on with huge smiles and loud laughs. Without overthinking for one more second, you finally respond with, "As I'll ever be."
Without warning, Bam starts skating down the ramp with you not far behind. Something you didn't consider about the sheer steepness of the ramp is that you would pick up speed fast. In barely three seconds, you were already at the very end of the ramp before getting launched off into the lake. "FUCK-" was all you could say as you were thrown off the wooden structure and a quarter of the way across the massive lake.
You hit the water's surface with a record-breaking splash. Your ears are filled with silence, and your skin begins to sting from where it hit the water.
Trying to swim back towards the surface, you suddenly feel two strong hands grasp your biceps and help pull you out. You cough as the air hits your lungs, and open your eyes to find a new man keeping you above the water. He has very short brown hair with sunglasses and bunny ears as accessories. "Hey, I'm Bunny the lifeguard," he introduces himself, slowly beginning to swim you both back to shore.
"Y/N," you indicate your name, coughing once more. Soon enough, you both are back at the lakeshore, being met by Ryan, Bam, and yet another one of the Jackass guys.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" the new man asks, laughing hysterically. "Oh my god, that was crazy! How did that feel? Was it as crazy as it looked?"
"Johnny now is not the time to be interrogating her," Ryan jabs, crossing his arms and staring at the man you now know as Johnny.
You throw up your hands in front of you in dismissal, indicating that his being curious wasn't an issue. "I'm good, I was just surprised-" you begin, but you're swiftly interrupted by a much louder person.
"HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS AWESOME!!" You glance over to see Bam jogging over to all of you, clapping you on the shoulder. "You are fuckin' sick! You can hang out with us anytime," he concludes, pushing his wet hair out of his face while you and the boys laugh at Bam's strange antics.
"Hey, um, can I talk to you for a second?" You hear Ryan say from right beside you. You simply nod as you lean your back against the driver's side door of your car. "I just wanted to let you know how cool it is that we finally got to see each other again after so long."
You all hang out for the rest of the afternoon, finally calling it a day when the sun starts to set. As Ryan walks with you back to your car, all the boys bid farewell in their own unique ways. You cannot believe, after only an afternoon, how close you got to all these man-children. You'd never admit it to yourself, but the Jackass cast are probably the best friends you've ever had, and you've only known all of them for an afternoon.
You smile at how sincere Ryan is about this, and you agree, "Me too."
He hesitates for a second before scratching the back of his neck. "Do you uh... want to um... goonarealdatesometime?" Despite the hesitations earlier in his sentence, Ryan speeds through the last part, so you can barely understand what he said.
Your eyes widen in confusion, and a huge smile spreads across your face. "What did you just say?" you tease Ryan, poking his ribs. Ryan clears his throat and grabs a gentle hold of your right hand, asking once more.
"Do you... want to go on a real date sometime? You know, instead of having all of these guys here." Ryan gestures back to the ramp by the lake where all the crew and cast of Jackass are attempting to tear down the wooden structure.
You give his hand a slight squeeze and quickly stand on your tiptoes to give him a peck on his cheek. "It would be my pleasure," you say, getting into your car while giggling at Ryan's extremely shocked expression. You quickly roll down your car's window, pointing to the rest of the Jackass boys, to add, "It would be more chaotic with them though."
Ryan's dumbstruck expression fades to a slight smirk as he looks down at his feet, taking in the fact the only person who made him fall head-over-heels for them wants to be with him too.
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softspace-fics · 2 months
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Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
A/N - I haven't posted in a few days but here's something I wrote in the midst of a bad mental night. Alot of my stories represent what I feel and there's times where I put it onto characters because it helps to know your not alone. If you ever feel alone please know you can always message me.
Masterlist - All my work!
This is not a age-re post!⚠️
On a separate note, Im currently working on a request! If any of you wouls like to request a story or work please ask!
Warnings ⚠️: Panic attacks, mentions of eating, bucky crying, Steve comforting bucky, mentions of hydra, mainly angst but some fluff, romantic duo, mentions of showering, mentions of what bucky endured being a hydra agent
Please read with caution!
Bucky could tell something wasn't right. His ability to breathe and his brain felt as if they were working against each other the entire day. Nothing felt right, and nothing was fixing it.
He tried everything he could think of, he showered, he tried to sleep, he ate, he watched things he thought might help, nothing worked. But he tried.
Eventually he found himself on the corner of the couch in a ball with his knees to his chest. Every memory of his time at hydra flooding his head, and his mind attacking him. Every thing he had to endure, and everything he made others go through.
The murder, the harsh conditions, the making of his precious yet horrendous metal arm, attacking his own significant other, who he had been in love with since they were kids.
He didn't understand why Steve stayed, or forgave him. He didn't understand how he wasn't seen as a monster, and he didn't understand why he had people around him who still loved him so dearly.
"-cky, Bucky baby come back to me. Hey, look at me." Bucky looks up at Steve, confused, and almost lost. When did he start to cry? Why did everything ache?
Steve gently pulls bucky to his lap, cradling his head as he rocks his partner. Gently kissing the tears off his face and letting bucky soak his shirt with his tears.
Steve knew the moment the house was too quiet, that there was no sound of music or a show on, that something was wrong.
After living in his head for so long, Bucky would almost always be listening to music or watching something to help him be in the present instead of the past.
But there was always those days, where nothing he did would fix it. Nothing would change the ache and hurt, until Steve had him. Until he could smell, hear, see, touch and practically taste his cologne on his tounge.
The feeling of Steve holding him close for as long as Bucky needed, how he knew what Bucky needed more than he did.
Steve knew these days were going to end up happening for the rest of their lives. He knows that there will be days every so often where Bucky cant do anything without him there by his side.
Steve also knew that he would do absoloutely anything for him. He would reassure him until his last breath that it wasnt his fault. Steve would spill his love over and over again until the end if that meant that Bucky would smile.
Steve would give up all he owns to make sure that Bucky never has to go through what he once had to, to make sure that he could get to Bucky as soon as he could when these days hit him.
These two knew, in the moment where bucky could do nothing but cling to his lover in hope that the emotions and hurt will eventually subside for the minute, that there was endless love and care in the way they just knew.
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
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heyy yalll im backkk, took a little break for a bit but IM BACK BABYYYY, ive been getting into goth culture a lot as of recent and have been changing my style to fit around it more so this is js a silly little thing to fuel my brain ☺️☺️ enjoyyy
ok so really i think ryan would LOVEE a goth s/o
but it depends on the era of him
if we r talking BEGINNING of cky days i feel like he would be into it but NEVERRR let yk abt it
if we r taking 1999 ryan oh my god hed fall in love with u then and there
we all know back then he had a little thing for more hardcore women (COUGH COUGH YALL EVER SEEN GLOREN BRO, the leather jacket RYAN WE KNOW WHO U RR)
i feel like he would be curious about it
just with how intricate the style is
i feel like hed be into all the styles of goth ngl, hes js so curious on how it all works
the closet thing hes really seen of goth is bam fanboying over ville
soo not much to compare it too
i feel like he would ask so many questions
just like “where do u find clothes like that??” “how long does it take u to get ready?” js air headed questions
if u started dating him tho oh my god hes a sweetheart
anything halloween related that looks edgy in the slightest he will buy and say it reminded him of u
will help tie up corsets, clip on necklaces, and always have a spare pair of flat shoes on him just incase ur heels start to kill ur feet
obsessed with the make up, he thinks its so cool (and so hot)
oh bam is lowkey so jealous
especially if u are a fan of ville
ryan would try and color match his shirts to ur outfits
u wearing red? his shirt is gonna be red
purple? he has a purple button up somewhere
hes js so in love w u he doesnt care
will be the type of guy to run to the store last minute to get accessories for an outfit for u
also will buy u those overly expensive edgy ass heels from the store bc he know u will rock them
probably has tried on some of ur platformed shoes or heels and busted his ass
bam would probably be there dying laughing bc of it
or he would casually put on a hair piece or some necklaces and imitate you (he swears it out of love)
honestly would let u give him a gothic makeover, js dont show bam
he doesnt reallyy get whats going on but he loves it anyways bc he loves u
oh he thinks ur so cool
depending on what metal genre u prefer he would listen to so many songs from it
i feel like he’d be a little intimidated at first bc mf thinks HIM and CKY is hardcore
he will buy patches for ur battle vest
love hearing u go on about the bands
warning tho hes gonna try and fucking stage dive into the mosh pit
hes gonna get his ass KICKED
loves ur accessories
the gauntlet cuffs, the bullet belts he thinks its so edgy and cool
hes a little scared of the corpse paint tho
hes seen bam do it but never fully going out with it
when he walks into the room and see u just with two massive black holes for eyes a white face and a frown drawn on it kinda scares him for a second
but he thinks its so cool after he realized
wants u to do it on him
literally if u do he will js be staring in the mirror of a good 20 lins is awe
will go to bar shows with u
cant fight for shit tho so if someone starts shit goodluck LMAOOO
lowkey would grow his hair out bc one of ur fav bands fav members has long hair
hes wayy more into this probably then the gothic vibe but tbh ryans such a sweetheart if he liked u, HE LOVEDDD u
hey yall so hope u enjoyed, ive been really into both these scenes recently and broo the goth metal style is my favvv, its hella cool. i need to start writing on here again lmk if i should do other cky/jackass members with different styles and genre loving readers!! byeeee :))
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jackassbrainrot · 3 months
alright I made this blog because my brain is rotting from so many jackass hc and fic ideas that I think are too cringe for main so
requests are more than welcome, I'm comfortable with literally whatever for any of the jackass/viva la bam/cky guys. I'm cool with writing for bhg and ville as well!! the only reason I might not write your request is if I just don't feel like I can do it justice.
It might just take me a while to write your requests but I'm on it, I promise!
x reader - ❀, slash - 🕸, angst ⛓, smut - ✩, fluff - ♡︎, hcs - ☘︎
rockstar gf ❀☘︎
hating (and rearranging) your guts ❀✩
hot mess 🕸✩
sweet release 🕸✩
it's just the way things are ⛓
halloween ☘︎
kiss it better ❀♡︎ pt2 ❀✩
dude looks like a girl 🕸✩
hands on 🕸✩
tongue tied pt. 2 🕸✩
treat me like there's no hell ❀✩
cowgirl gf ❀☘︎
hot mess 🕸✩
dude looks like a girl 🕸✩
biker gf ❀☘︎
sweet release 🕸✩
drive ❀♡︎
nasty new compulsion ❀✩
that needle won't hurt you ❀♡︎
one last time ❀⛓✩
hands on 🕸✩
princess treatment ❀✩
steve o
party girl gf ❀☘︎
high makeout ❀
there's something on your face ❀✩
spread out ❀✩
high makeout ❀
pure morning ❀♡︎
like they do on the discovery channel ❀✩
uncool as me ❀♡︎
medic gf ❀☘︎
head in the game ❀✩
always right ❀✩
jess margera
jackass crew gf ❀☘︎
jimmy pop
tongue tied pt. 2 🕸✩
cky gf ❀☘︎
the drug you can't deny ❀
bombshell jackass member
cky halloween costumes
cky as subs ❀✩
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bl00dycraniumm · 4 months
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💋- smut/nsfw
🍒 - fluff
📌 - headcannons
🚩 - pick a number(s)
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★ eyeliner and kisses (kirk hammett) - 🍒
★ tired (dave mustaine) - 💋
★ early met headcannons - 📌
★ nothing
★ nothing
★ nothing
★ nothing
★ drum lessons (joey jordison) - 🍒
★ nothing
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grrrr request any time!!! just check the request rules first!!!
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