#classical beats
songthursh · 8 months
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A very, VERY basic doctors argument
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grandadtwelve · 6 months
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doctors 1, 3, and 9-15 + text posts I’ve reblogged onto my main blog 🫶🏼
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matchstique · 8 months
Tmnt Trick or treat exchange for @phin-dicated !
Hosted by @rottmnt-secret-gifting
Something featuring the disaster twins! This was tons of fun to do, I hope ya like it!
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typewriter-worries · 2 years
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What will survive of us is love
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, Anne Carson | A modern artist's recreation of prehistoric hand stencils found in caves | In Love With You, Kenneth Koch | The Lovers of Valdaro | War of the Foxes,  Richard Siken | The Kiss [Paolo and Francesca], Auguste Rodin | The Expatriates, Anne Sexton
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mizgnomer · 3 months
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Behind the Scenes of Army of Ghosts/Doomsday (Part 20)  
Excerpt from SFX (Sept 2014 when “The Doctor and Rose say farewell at Bad Wolf Bay in Doomsday” won 1st place in their 250 Greatest Moments in Sci-Fi, Horror, and Fantasy poll to celebrate their 250th issue):
SFX:  Revisionists would have you believe that Who was always a show with emotional impact, but barring a couple of companion departures that didn’t really become true until Russell T Davies.  His most heart-destroying contribution was this scene, in which a holographic projection of the Doctor talks to a tearful Rose on a Norwegian beach (actually Southerndown, South Wales), with the signal cutting out just before the slow-coach can declare, “I love you”.  It’s a moment everyone can identify with because, as Davies put it, “There’s an echo of every loss you’ve ever had.” We’ve all had to bid farewell to someone we care about even if it wasn’t forced upon us by the threat of universal destruction and this moment perfectly encapulates the agony of break-up.
Russell T Davies:  Thank you!  I’m not often speechless, but that’s quite astonishing. All I can remember about that day is everyone rushing like mad to get it finished because the tide was coming in.  Camille Coduri had to stand on wooden planks in case she sank.  But what a cast - David and Billie are simply magnificent.  All directed with joy, energy, and madness by Graeme Harper. I’m genuinely surprised that it means that much to people, after all this time, and thank you to everyone who voted.
David Tennant:  I remember worrying on the day we shot this that as I was actually a projection from inside the TARDIS my hair shouldn’t be blowing in the wind.  That seemed terribly important at the time and although we didn’t find a solution to it, it bothered me for weeks.  Then I saw the finished scene and of course all that matters is the end of the Doctor and Rose’s story.  Russell had weaved some glorious magic for two seasons and it all came together so perfectly in this scene that people still talk to me about it with misty eyes all these years later (and I suspect they always will.)  Murray Gold created some heart-stopping music that accentuates the misery and Billie is just breathtakingly good.  I feel very lucky to be standing on that beach, with my hair flying around, in amongst all these brilliant elements.  Whatever else I do and wherever else I end up, this will be a moment I will forever be proud to look back on.  Thanks for having us at number one.
Link to [ part one ] of the Army of Ghosts/Doomsday Behind-the-scenes posts or click the #whoBtsDoom tag, or the full episode list [ here ]
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tantei-chan01 · 5 months
Okay okay, but imagine.
In your mute Branch au, Branch can't sing right? So, he wouldn't be able to do pop music, at least as well as the other pop trolls. But you know what doesn't require singing? Classical music. (And techno, but I like classical better)
So, I'm imagining Branch, some time after world tour, playing base or some other classical string instrument. Or maybe even DJing. Idk, I just like the idea of Branch getting into genres where singing isn't as required.
(I also have this headcannon that he's a symphonic metal troll (classical/rock hybrid), and that doesn't really need lyrics either, but that's just my headcannon so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
Physically, Branch can still sing/talk as his vocal cords aren't damaged, but the trauma of what happened keeps him quiet.
In the movies, they always say he doesn't sing or dance, but they make no comments on him playing an instrument. So I always headcannoned he played an instrument in his free time, no one does that many amazing riffs without constant practice.
In the beginning, Branch only played a few instruments, one of Floyd's old guitars, leaf whistles, wooden flutes and ocarina. Once their world got bigger, he learned the other tribes instruments. He greatly enjoys the piano and has fun playing with the beats the Techno trolls taught him.
The Classical trolls give him a gorgeous grand piano as thanks for rescuing their curious trollings from predators.
Also, I love your headcannon! Makes me wonder how his parents met or if his brothers are hybrids too.
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i-like-media · 4 months
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I know literally a handful of gay people who talk like this
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numbuh424 · 4 months
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matt 🚬🥽
some slight color variations under the cut 🫶
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sequinedrhinestones · 4 months
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MICHAEL JACKSON // (06/∞) Beat It
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princess-triton · 1 month
oh oh oh does 1ng0's model have light panels where the strips of black/white are so that they can change color depending if it's 1ng0 or Emmet AI? Kind of like the future paradox pokemon and their light-up parts with the dots, except it changes between black and white?
Wah I’m glad you asked because I did thought about it and it’s exactly that, 1ng0 has little led panel that lights up when Emmet is in :D
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( thank you /owlshares for asking too hehe )
Has for their mouth I do draw it differently but I’m gonna be honest I didn’t had specific headcanon unfortunately. In my mind it was probably something with pivot moving and changing place at their jaw junctions but I’m unable to come up with something smart and realistic at the moment <<
The other funny option would be the Bot having a sorta neutral line for the mouth and depending of the way 1ng0 or Emmet behave it does create the illusion of a frown or a smile. Also the way you stand is very telling of one’s personality so it help on that regard too
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Bonus gif version of 1ng0 “lightning up” at Emmet’s presence under the cut ( because it might be a bit straining for the eyes )
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aldermos · 9 months
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Easy darling, heaven is falling for you
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avengedbiologist · 4 months
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The girls ✌️
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stereax · 6 months
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artofdoubt · 7 months
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for @aphantacanta happy birthday!!! ♡
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crossf15 · 1 year
Dungeon Meshi is crazy, because even before it gets to the "good part" as it were, it's still an absolute delight to read. There's literally no bad chapters, bad characters, bad art, or anything. It's completely devoid of anything that would make it unpleasant to read. I love it so much. Literally the perfect manga.
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