#classical music composers
empirearchives · 1 year
Wellington’s Victory being one of Beethoven’s worst pieces gives me great satisfaction
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beethovenxd · 6 months
chop boi
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shakespereansonnet · 1 year
I am dead to the world’s tumult and rest in a quiet realm! I live alone in my heaven, in my love, in my song!
— GUSTAV MAHLER, Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen (1901)
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greekabooo · 2 years
Alright let's settle this.
I have no regrets.
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giaffa · 2 years
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unplayable scores by John Stump
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sjwallin · 4 months
Presenting “Round Peg Square Hole”…
I’m so thrilled to be able to share this recording of my newest e-violin solo with you (and the sheet music is available, too, for those who’d like to play this themselves)!
Do you ever feel like you don't fit in, no matter how hard you try? As an autistic adult, I'm slowly discovering who I am after over 40 years of intense masking. I'm accepting now that I never have and never will "fit in", and that's ok. :)
This piece is for all those whose minds see the world a little differently from everyone else around them. The "Round Peg" is represented in the circular flow of the triple-based rhythms, and the "Square Hole" is found in the duple-based patterns. Even though the duples are strong, the triples maintain their integrity and still, somehow, manage to flow within the surrounding world.
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diazsdimples · 1 month
Some of y'all are sleeping on classical music I fear, like nothing will get me more emotional than the final few bars of a piece with a full orchestra playing at top volume, bonus points if there's an organ or a choir involved
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scourgiez · 2 months
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A few romantic era composers, based on how they looked while they were all in Paris in the ~1830s
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postpunkindustrial · 1 year
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George Crumb (1929 - 2022) was known for his use of Graphic Musical Notation. Here are a few more
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chipchopinnnnnn · 4 months
@chopinski-official @franzliszt-official
Just a video :3
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zsorosebudphoto · 5 months
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Chopin's piano and manuscripts, Cartoixa de Valldemosa, Valldemosa, Mallorca, 11-12-23
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otoso · 1 month
"Brown Chapel" per Xavier Foley
Composer: Xavier Foley
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bussyplease · 1 year
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I made this a while ago on paint at midnight in a fever like state and needed to post it here
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haveyouheardthisband · 7 months
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city-of-ladies · 7 days
"I learn that the orphanage was created in part because illegitimate babies were being drowned in the Venetian canals. I learn that the girls of the the Ospedale della Pietà were allowed to play instruments usually reserved for men; that they earned money for their performances and rubbed shoulders with kings and queens. “What makes the Pietà so famous,” wrote the Prince of Saxony, Frederick Christian, after seeing them play in 1704, “is not just that all of the instrumentalists are truly excellent musicians, but … that all of the instruments are being played by females without any males in the ensemble at all.”
I discover that Vivaldi spent almost his entire career working at the Pietà and composed most of his pieces while there. But of the hundreds of girls and women who studied there, one name keeps rising to the surface: Anna Maria della Pietà. A prodigy violinist, she was Vivaldi’s favourite student. He composed many pieces just for her. It was in this experimental environment, with a plethora of talented female musicians to test ideas with, and Anna Maria by his side, that Vivaldi was able to perfect a whole new form of music: the concerto, most famously realised in his Four Seasons. 
I learn that several of the orphans at the Pietà were composers in their own right, in addition to many being copyists. In the study Women and Music, researchers Yves Bessieres and Patricia Niedzwiecki describe the Pietà as a “nursery for the virtuosos who provided Vivaldi with his ‘musical material’”. They cite a letter from a Pietà student called Lavinia and write, “[Lavinia’s] cantatas, concertos and various works had to be composed in secret and in imitation of Vivaldi’s style.” But Lavinia wanted to compose her own pieces too. “The music of others is like words addressed to me; I must answer and hear the sound of my own voice,” Lavinia wrote. “And the more I hear that voice, the more I realise that the songs and sounds which are mine are different … Woe betide me should they find out.”
I speak with another scholar, Vanessa Tonelli, a leading expert on the female musicians of Venice. Is it possible that these girls helped Vivaldi compose his works? “Anna Maria certainly designed her own solo cadenzas for Vivaldi’s concertos,” she tells me. She explains that some partbooks that belonged to the girl musicians still exist, and that there are examples within these of notes and solo lines scribbled into the margins. “Musicians often improvised cadenzas, ornamentations, and other solo lines, and they occasionally jotted down their ideas for these improvisations.”"
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giaffa · 2 years
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unplayable scores by John Stump
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