#classified: storage
shxwmaster · 1 year
spymaster shaw being a required boss for the achievement "for the horde!" — [inspiration pulled from sett]
The Spymaster plays a critical role within the Alliance by lording over their central intelligence gathering. Espionage, manipulation, assassinations, etc., the SI:7 pose a quiet threat to the Horde at all times. Therefore, it only makes sense for Mathias Shaw to be part of the requirement to kill.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Go on then. Try me.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Get the cleaning crew on standby. We're going to have a mess on our hands.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: The audacity...
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: No one will remember you.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: What did you expect?
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Kill confirmed.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Pity. I was starting to have fun.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: You hear that? Peace... and quiet.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Don't worry. We'll keep this off the records.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Don't feel too bad. You never stood a chance.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw whispers: You must think you're clever.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw whispers: I see you.
Renzik "The Shiv" is Shaw's right-hand man, having always been posted beside Shaw. As a sub-leader of the SI:7, he too is a sub-boss in the fight. Mechanically speaking, Renzik MUST be killed first, as his abilities only empower Shaw's.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: You have no idea what you've gotten into!
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Renzik! Fine, you want to tango? Let's tango!
Now that Flynn Fairwind has been added to the SI:7 building beside Shaw, he's no longer exempt from a little violence. However, he is only an elite, and not a bossfight of his own. Mechanically speaking, it is advised to CC him as much as possible, as killing him will trigger Enrage on Shaw.
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: He has nothing to do with this!
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Leave him out of this!
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: You want to make this personal? Let's make this personal!
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Flynn, no! I will leave nothing left of your corpses! Nothing!
(NOTE: Shaw always keep a steady control over his voice, even when raised. However, when Renzik or Flynn are hurt/killed, the VO for the lines are genuine shouts, twisted and snarled than the other VOs)
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: So this... is what it was all for...
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: Varian... I've failed you again...
Spymaster Mathias Shaw yells: We... are all... murderers...
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dawnleaf37 · 2 years
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ARGGHHHHH 61 CHARACTERS COUNTING THE FAMILIAR+PARTNERS AS TWO!!! this was an absolutely wonderful season to watch unfold and all the characters were so amazing! RIP1 was probably my favorite object camp I’ve ever seen, idea-wise and contestant-wise! I can’t wait for season 2 to come out soon!
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l4tedawns · 8 months
At what point do parents or guardians stop telling you that your room is “disgusting” or “gross” or “a disaster” when, at the very most, you have (predominantly clean) clothes on the floor, some papers here and there, and like Two empty cups from drinking water
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
The Fridges. Oh My God, The Fridges.
This is a continuation of the last piece I wrote on the weird shit that happens in classified facilities. The building I work in has somewhere around 30-35 people in it. It also has around 20 fridges. There's kind of a saga that goes into this, so I'll start with the first part: The Hoarding.
The building has an insane overabundance of space. They just keep adding new rooms every time an old room needs an update, so it just sprawls on forever. There's also an extremely limited ability to get anyone who does not work full time in the building, into the building. This means that while we work on missiles, we also clean our own desks and vacuum the floors and mop and all of those other tasks that most places would consider "non-engineer work." This is fine if it's something anyone with a body can do, but this causes problems when you're looking at the physical limits of engineers. Namely, we are not very muscular people.
Thus, if something needs to get manhandled into a space, it gets manhandled by whatever group of nerds you can bribe, threaten, or guilt into joining you. When a fridge dies, it is a motherfucker to remove it from the building, so they often just...didn't. What they did instead was get the fridges onto dolleys, which isn't too bad, wheel those dolleys to the elevator, and then park them in a relatively empty part of the basement that we shall call The Graveyard of Fridges. This wasn't originally meant to be a permanent solution, but when you have space but lack muscles, it can become permanent really fast. Eventually, someone realized that you can padlock the fronts of the fridges and use them as document storage, which has the added perk of meaning that the people on site don't have to assemble more filing cabinets. Everyone here hates assembling filing cabinets. It's fucking terrible. (It is worth noting that in this era, you would occasionally get directions to a secret file that looked like "1970's model, lime green, left crisper.")
We will call this the peak of the Hoarding Era. It is followed by the Mechanical Engineering Era.
Around 2015, it was realized that the group needed engineers familiar with industrial machinery, and not just standard electronics, so mechanical engineers (MEs) began to get hired. The new ME's made it a sort of rite of passage for proceeding new hires to repair an old fridge. So the site went from having 4 functioning fridges and 15ish being used for document storage to around 15 functioning fridges and 4 used for file storage.
Every time a fridge got fixed, people just put them back on the dolley, wheeled them back in the elevator, and got them wedged in their personal office spaces. If you were a bigwig, you might be able to get dibs on your own personal fridge, and if you were a new guy confined to the cubicle jungle you might have to share one with four or five other guys. But it was still a ludicrous amount of fridge space.
And that is how a base with 35 people on it wound up with 15 fridges.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Summary: Steve and Eddie bond over hating Billy Hargrove, and then they suck face.
Steve dove into the closet and leaned against the wall, sliding a broom through the handles of the storage closet. He sighed in relief as he leaned his head back. He froze and tensed up when a pair of boots appeared under the door. They stood there for a moment before stomping away. Steve moved back into the storage closet and turned around to find the light. Suddenly, it came on, and Eddie Munson was staring at him, only inches away from his face. Steve jumped and stopped himself from screaming outloud.
"Did you just lock me in here with you?" Eddie asked.
"Sorry, Hargrove is out there, and I do not want to face him," Steve said quickly.
"Keep that fucking broom exactly where it is then," Eddie said and slid to the floor. "And have a seat."
He patted the floor next to him, and Steve plopped down beside him.
"You hate him too?" Steve asked.
"With all my fucking heart," Eddie said. "Honestly, a little scared of the guy too."
"He's definitely a psychopath. I don't enjoy the way he stares at me or follows me. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem if a guy has a crush on me but this guy. . . Especially ones who nearly murdered me. . . Well, if it anyone else, I'd be asking for his number, but his personality is way too ugly," Steve said.
"So, you don't really care who knows that you like guys?" Eddie asked.
"I like both and no, not really. I figured you would be safe with the hanky and all," Steve replied.
"Oh, that's just a cool metalhead thing. Does it mean something?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah," Steve grinned.
"Damn. Okay, well, that explains some things then," Eddie blinked. "Not that I'm complaining or anything because I like both too. It took me a while to figure that out."
"We all figure things out on our own time. We get there eventually," Steve shrugged.
"Yeah," Eddie said softly. "I never thought I'd meet someone exactly like me, though. Bisexual. I mean, there's Hargrove, but I'd rather gouge my own eyes out. You know, most people think we have the same taste in music. Sure, he listens to heavy metal, but what that jackass mostly listens to is glam metal like Motley Crue. He's a Tommy Lee wannabe douchebag. Normally, I respect all music but I hate Tommy Lee."
"He dresses like a douchebag too," Steve said. "He's abusive to everyone, including his own stepsister. He's racist too. I had to pull him off one of the kids I babysit. He nearly caved my face in."
"He's a fucking monster. His father's just as monstrous, I heard, but it doesn't justify him passing it on, especially if it's his kid stepsister. Honestly, I'd rather have you back as king," Eddie said.
"Seriously?" Steve asked.
"If you think you were bad, think again. I wouldn't even classify you as a bully. You actually tried to keep some of those jocks in line," Eddie said.
"I just never thought it was all that funny that they did that. It never made sense," Steve said.
"Well, then, it makes you a million times smarter than they are, big boy," Eddie said, nudging him.
"You know, I think he's probably gone by now," Steve said.
"Or he's lying in wait," Eddie whispered, leaning in close to whisper in his ear.
Steve could feel his breath against his skin, and he shuddered. Eddie placed a hand on his leg and caressed his knee gently.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked softly.
"Getting closer to you, it's kind of scary out there," Eddie said coyly. "What's your favorite kind of music?"
"Hmm, I'm not sure if I have a favorite kind. It's kind of all over. I don't really lean towards one genre. I do, really like Queen and Bob Seger," Steve said.
"That's respectable. Queen always rules," Eddie said. "I've listened to Bob myself."
Eddie moved his hand from his knee to his chest, rubbing his ringed fingers against Steve gently. He was practically snuggled against Steve’s side. Steve looked down at his hand before finally looking at him. Their faces were very close now, their lips almost touching.
"There's something that I didn't tell you," Eddie whispered.
"What?" Steve asked.
"What eventually led me to realize I liked both. . .is you," Eddie said.
"Yeah?" Steve asked hopefully.
Steve leaned forward and closed the distance between them, his lips pressing against Eddie's in a soft, tender kiss. Eddie moved against him, cupping the back of his head and pulling him deeper into the kiss. Steve opened his mouth, allowing Eddie's tongue inside. It wasn't enough for Eddie, however. He needed to be closer to Steve. He threw his leg over Steve and straddled his waist as he sunk down into his lap. Eddie gasped and licked into Steve’s mouth as he gripped the nape of his neck. Steve broke the kiss, gasping for breath.
"Freshman Steve is screaming inside me right now," Steve said.
"Wait. . .you've had a crush on me since you were a freshman?" Eddie asked.
"Loser," Eddie cackled and kissed him deeply while Steve laughed against his lips.
Steve broke the kiss again, grinning.
"We should probably leave before we develop a problem," Steve said.
"But Steve, what if he's still out there?" Eddie asked and paused. "Besides, what if I want to develop a problem?"
Steve laughed and leaned his forehead against Eddie's.
"If he's still out there, I'll protect you," he said teasingly.
"Steve Harrington, my hero. Well, come on, big boy, let's face the music," Eddie said.
They stood up and slid the broom out of the handle. They opened the door and slowly walked out of the closet. They looked both ways down the empty hallway. The coast was clear.
"Wait, why were you hiding in the closet?" Steve asked.
"I hook up with the janitor sometimes," Eddie replied.
"You do not! Art is a happily married man," Steve said.
"Okay, so, I don't," Eddie cackled and paused. "Wait, why are you on a first name basis with the janitor?"
"I eat in the storage closet sometimes," Steve said. "When I can't use my car."
"Not anymore. Art is going to have to be disappointed. You're sitting at our table from now on," Eddie said. "Jesus H Christ, storage closet and your car? I want to eat your face."
They walked down the empty hallway, their pinkies brushing up against each other's occasionally.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Donald Trump said Thursday [June 8th] that he has been indicted on charges of mishandling classified documents at his Florida estate, igniting a federal prosecution that is arguably the most perilous of multiple legal threats against the former president as he seeks to reclaim the White House.
The Justice Department did not immediately publicly confirm the indictment. But two people familiar with the situation who were not authorized to discuss it publicly said that the indictment included seven criminal counts...
The indictment enmeshes the Justice Department in the most politically explosive prosecution in its long history. Its first case against a former president upends a Republican presidential primary that Trump is currently dominating, and any felony charges would raise the prospect of a yearslong prison sentence...
The indictment arises from a monthslong investigation by special counsel Jack Smith into whether Trump broke the law by holding onto hundreds of documents marked classified at his Palm Beach property, Mar-a-Lago, and whether Trump took steps to obstruct the government’s efforts to recover the records.
Prosecutors have said that Trump took roughly 300 classified documents to Mar-a-Lago after leaving the White House, including some 100 that were seized by the FBI last August in a search of the home that underscored the gravity of the Justice Department’s investigation...
The investigation had simmered for months before bursting into front-page news in remarkable fashion last August. That’s when FBI agents served a search warrant on Mar-a-Lago and removed 33 boxes containing classified records, including top-secret documents stashed in a storage room and desk drawer and commingled with personal belongings. Some records were so sensitive that investigators needed upgraded security clearances to review them, the Justice Department has said."
-via WTOP News, June 8, 2023
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moonlightmagical · 7 months
so. tmagp 7.
it cannot be a coincidence that as SOON as celia starts talking about things very obviously from the tma universe, chester/jon starts speaking up.
i refuse to believe that it's a coincidence that after celia mentions looking for case files related to "being buried alive," a clear reference to The Buried, chester/jon starts reading a case file that is overtly what he (and we for that matter) would classify as a Buried statement.
not only is the case file chester/jon reads one of the most classically statement-like ones we have so far, given that there is only one fear and it is easily identifiable (other than episode 5 of course - voyeur is clearly an eye reference, ALSO read by chester/jon i'd point out), it is FILLED with other tma references. hilltop centre vs hill top road for one. as the case file describes, hilltop centre is burned down just like the original house on hill top road. also, a bunch of creepy objects being brought to one place certainly sounds like artifact storage doesn't it?
it is also an account written directly by the survivor of a supernatural encounter, something once again classically tma statement-like. the only other case file like that is technically episode 4 with the haunted violin - and who was that one read out by again? augustus? the one who is commonly theorized to be jonah? the founder of the magnus institute and the one who presumably chose the format of statements? a conversation for another time.
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this is jon (or at least some part of him) reaching and clawing for the first indication of someone else from his home in this new reality. this is jon trying to get to the only person he has access to that seems to be curious enough to question what the hell is going on. this has to be jon.
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
Hi again!
May I ask you to write,when reader comes to the Autobot base/ship Nemesis with a black eye and refuses to explaint how she got it?
I tried my best and added some of my own stuff in this.
🚫Sensitive Themes🚫
Optimus will be picking up reader from school/work.
He would noticed reader having a black eye.
He would ask what happened and if reader was OK.
Reader will just shrug him off and say they dident want to talk about it.
Optimus will accept their wishes but will worry about them.
If he sees reader continue being hurt he will have enough.
He will park on the edge of the road and not let reader go intel he he knows what's wrong.
Reader will break and tell optimus what happened.
Optimus will understand and tell them it's gonna be ok and to stand up for themselves.
He might or might not come in his haloform and scare off the bully.
He will noticed how reader will show signs of hurting at base.
From reader wincing from sitting up or sitting down to reader tearing up.
He would have enough and take reader to the medbay and scans them.
He will see them having old and new bruises and cracked bones.
He would be surprised, furious, and worried.
Furious that reader dident tell him anything, sad that reader is hurt and worried that reader is hidding this.
He will ask and not let reader leave I tel they say.
Reader will explain they are being abused by their parents.
He would be furious and tell Agent William Fowler.
He saw reader get hit by a passing car.
He would immediately go into his haloform and go over to reader
Reader will be hurt badly.
He would immediately call for a groundbridge and bring reader back to base.
Ratchet will be their to help reader.
Bumblebee will blame himself for not spotting the car before reader crossed.
Optimus will help him calm down.
Once reader was OK he will constantly say he was sorry.
Reader will have to help him calm down to.
Reader will have to explain that it was an asshole driver and not his fault.
Bumblebee will need alot of snuggles.
Megatron will come across reader in the storage room crying.
He will act he dosent care but he does.
He will ask what's wrong and when reader explains that starscream hurt them he would be mad.
How dare starscream hurt is favorite human. (😏)
He will immediately take reader to the medbay and make sure reader is healed by knockout.
Once reader is healed, he will go deal with starscream.
Starscream screams and pleads will be heared across the warship.
Megatron made sure to take the night off and give reader alot of snuggles.
Soundwave will be at readers work in his haloform.
Reader is a police officer and when Soundwave sees them, he is met with reader bandage up.
He will ask if they where ok and what happened.
Reader explains they can't say since it's classified.
Once at the warship, Soundwave will spend his time with reader.
Once reader is asleep, Soundwave is on a man hunt.
He finds the criminal that hurt reader and the next day he is found dead.
Reader has a suspicion what happened to them but they will keep it to themselves.
Reader went out with knockout and breakdown for a mission.
Reader dident return.
Starscream went to go find them.
He finds them hurt in the forest and asked what happened.
Reader will explain that knockout and breakdown got scared by the autobots and left them.
Starscream will be so fucking pissed that he will take reader, return to the warship and tear knockout and breakdown a new one.
Ocne he does, starscream will take reader to a human clinic since he doesn't trust knockout or breakdown right now.
Starscream is sweet but in his own way.
Starscream makes sure to give reader some love.
Some art from @tea333love who also put in this request!
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unearthly-doting · 10 months
yandere portrait
a/n: new blog, first post!! it's longer than i intended but in my defense, i wrote this to cope w the aftermath of bugbear's route in saint spell's, so. sorry if it's messy </3
warnings: yandere content, gn reader, male yandere, delusional yandere, i think this technically classifies as stalking, the feeling of being watched, slightly graphic murder, kidnapping, they/them pronouns do get used to describe the reader at the end, no nsfw but still minors do not interact!!
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— there's this portrait inside the attic of the house you had just moved into. you had found it while cleaning the place out, getting rid of the belongings of the former owner of the place.
— you had tried throwing it out along with all the other stuff, but there was just something about it that... well... you aren't sure how to describe it, but looking at the man in the portrait, you felt bad for wanting to throw him away. he looked so sad in the painting, staring down at a wilted rose in his hand while being surrounded by a field of yellow chrysanthemums.
— it was silly, to be honest. it was a painting, you aren't sure why you felt bad for it, but you did. so you kept it. in the attic.
— and it was all fine and dandy. you honestly forgot about the portrait after a few weeks since you rarely ever went up to the attic, and you were so busy unpacking and decorating your new home that you just didn't have the energy to think about it.
— but then one night, you heard a very loud thump coming from upstairs. you weren't sleeping, catching up on some work you had put back, but the noise startled you nonetheless. had somebody broken in? the thought made you feel sick as you looked up at the ceiling of your room, waiting to see if you could hear footsteps or anything like that.
— you heard nothing.
— okay... then maybe something fell? you hadn't exactly cared too much about where you put stuff up there, so you wouldn't be surprised if something did. you... should probably go check, to make sure nothing was broken up there.
— when you got to the attic, it didn't take you long to find the source of the loud noise you had heard. the portrait of the man had fallen from where you had placed him and was lying face down on the ground.
— you picked it up with a sigh, only for the frame that surrounded it to come undone in the process. the fall must've broken it. it was old, so you weren't surprised. you're just glad the painting looked okay—wait... was the man always looking at the viewer?
— you're... not going to think too hard on that. you're pretty sure you have a frame that would fit, so you carefully roll the portrait up, making sure to not accidentally bend the corners or cause any tears before making your way back downstairs to begin your search for a new frame
— it was definitely a long search, but you eventually found one tucked deep away in the closet you were using for storage. and it was a perfect fit! and after some debating with yourself, you decided you probably shouldn't put it back up in the attic, just in case it fell again.
— there wasn't any place for you to hang it at the moment, so you just decided to put it in your room for now until you could find space for it. you made sure to face it away from the bed, however. you aren't sure why, but it felt as if the man in the painting were watching you.
— that feeling never really went away, even after the days went by. whenever you would walk by the painting, it felt as if eyes were on you. and you couldn't help but notice little details in the portrait were changing.
— the flower he held was no longer wilted. he didn't look sad anymore. the blooming flowers surrounding him went from chrysanthemums to red roses. it was hard to believe, and you couldn't help but wonder if you were going crazy. maybe the painting was just dirty and you were mistaking the details?
— the painting did look a little dirty, so after doing some research, you bought the supplies you needed to clean it and got straight to it when you had the time to spare. you removed it from its frame and laid it out on the dining table since that was the only flat surface you had that was big enough.
— you were deeply focused, playing music to fill the silence and humming along to whatever song played, tending to the painting as if you had painted it yourself. and you were so caught up in cleaning the painting that you didn't notice that you were being watched. you didn't notice the way the man's eyes followed your every move or the way his lips twitched in a barely concealed smile.
— you did, however, notice some writing at the very bottom right corner of the painting. "aurin, by xxx." so that must be the man's name then, huh? taking one glance at him, it felt fitting.
— once you had finished cleaning the dirt and dust off the painting—aurin, as you now know him as—you put him back in his frame and find a nice spot in the living room to hang him up. he was definitely out of place with the rest of your décor, but you didn't really mind. he added a strange feeling of... life.
— the feeling of being watched never went away, however. even at night, when you were tucked comfortably in bed, you would wake up in the middle of the night feeling as if someone else were in the room with you. it was beginning to make you feel paranoid. maybe the house was haunted?
— not only that, little things would be different whenever you came home from work or an outing. the place would be cleaner, the fridge would be neatly sorted, your clothes would be neatly tucked away in your closet... this was a very clean and friendly ghost if you're house really was haunted. and you really hope it was. you don't want to think of the alternative.
— but it was still weird, and you were starting to lose sleep because of it, hoping to see if you could catch whoever or whatever was doing this. at some point, you called a friend to come over to spend a few nights with you. you felt like you were going crazy, and you needed someone there to keep you grounded.
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And your friend did! They came over, promising to stay for the week to help you keep your mind off the weird shit happening in your house. The weird feeling of being watched was still there, but nothing was ever moved out of place anymore.
Tonight was the last night that they'd be staying over, and the two of you decided to make a little party out of it. You both went out and got some drinks and a bunch of snacks and you guys just sat down and watched some shitty movies.
You guys weren't drinking alcohol, but the jokey mood the two of you had going on certainly made it feel as if you were tipsy, collapsing into a fit of giggles at one of their lame jokes as you leaned against them.
The time spent with them this week was fun, tonight being the best of all, but eventually, the two of you had to go to bed. The two of you shared a hug before you left them to go to your bedroom. You went to bed that night with a smile on your face, feeling relaxed for the first time in a while.
You startled awake. It was dark outside, and the clock read 4am. A loud noise had woken you up, a thud that sounded like someone, or something, falling. You weren't immediately concerned, thinking that your friend might've fallen off the couch while sleeping.
You should probably check on them to make sure they aren't hurt. With a tired sigh, you climb out of bed and make your way to the living room, stumbling a bit in the dark as you rub some sleep from your eyes.
Your hand roams against the wall for a moment before finding the light switch and flicking it, opening your mouth to speak but your words get stuck in your throat.
As soon as the light fills the room, your stomach drops.
You had been expecting to see your friend on the floor, probably still sleeping, but...
You weren't expecting to see someone on top of them, some sort of blade in hand, stabbing into their neck multiple times. You just stood there, frozen as you watched the mystery man stab your friend. They were already dead, not moving, eyes staring up into nothingness. You had only spoken to them just mere hours ago, and now they're on your living room floor, covered in their own blood as the man continues to stab them.
He seemed so caught up in the act that he hadn't even noticed the lights were on, or that you were watching. You should run. You should get as far away from here as possible, but it's like you were frozen in place. Your legs felt weak, and they gave out on you before you could even try running.
You fall to the ground, hands shaking, tears running down your face, bile stuck in your throat as you force yourself to not vomit.
The squelching sound of stabbing stops, and the man turns his attention to you. It was Aurin. Aurin, the man from that damn painting. Your gaze snapped over to said painting, thinking that you must be going insane, but no.
The painting was vacant. The man inside of it was gone. What the fuck.
His expression was vacant, and you stared at him like a deer in headlights, wondering if you were going to be killed next. Ha... killed by a weird supernatural entity that shouldn't even exist... maybe you are going crazy. Maybe this is all just one really bad nightmare.
You'll wake up any second now and see your friend's smiling face as they drag you out of bed so you can help them pack their stuff. You'll wake up, and he'll be back in his painting again. Everything will be normal. This isn't real.
It's not real. It can't be. This is just some fucked up—
Cold hands cup your face, and the feeling of blood smearing on your cheeks is enough to snap you out of your thoughts. You hadn't even noticed when he approached you, or when he crouched down to your level.
The vacant expression was gone, replaced with a quiet, guilty one.
"I apologize, my love," He speaks, his voice sending a shiver down your spine, "You weren't supposed to see such a..." He trails off, a brief look of annoyance crossing his features as if remembering something he disliked, "Mess."
You were too stunned, too scared, to sick to speak. You just stared.
Aurin sighed, looking genuinely ashamed of himself, "I hope this doesn't make you think any less of me, my darling rose. I just couldn't... I couldn't stand the way they were looking at you. The way they were touching you. The advances they were making on you made me feel so angry," His nails dug into your cheeks as he spoke, and you wince slightly at the feeling. He took notice immediately, easing his grip on you as an apologetic smile appeared on his face, "I suppose I lost myself for a moment when taking care of them."
You struggled to process his words. He... he killed your friend because he thought they were making a move on you? Because of jealousy? That just... what the fuck...
"You..." Your voice cracks a bit as you speak, a wave of nausea hitting you as the taste of the blood in the air coats the inside of your mouth.
"Shhh..." He gently shushes you, running a hand over your hair. You cringe knowing there was blood sticking to the strands now, "Don't say anything, darling. I'm sure this is all a very big shock to you, but it'll be okay. I'll take care of you, the way you took care of me."
Your confusion only grew when he gently helped you off the ground, his grip on your arm was tight enough to keep you from running away but gentle enough that it didn't hurt, "But I haven't..." You trail off, going to deny his claims of you taking care of him, only to remember that you technically have.
He merely smiles, "But you have. I was so alone, up in that dusty attic. And then you came along, and you showed me a love that I hadn't experienced in decades. You took care of me. It's only natural that I take care of you in return, isn't it? That's what lovers do, after all."
Aurin paid no mind to your shock, seemingly not even registering how odd and deranged this situation was, acting as if he hadn't just murdered your best friend in a fit of supposed jealous rage.
"I wasn't going to take you home so soon, trust me. I was content with helping you out around the house and making everything easier for you but..." He trails off, gaze wandering away from you to stare at the corpse on the ground, "Things happen. I don't think I can leave you to your devices here anymore. Someone may try to steal you away from me again, and I would hate for you to see another mess like this."
What the hell is he talking about?
You opened your mouth to argue with him, but you couldn't get a single syllable out before he was speaking again.
"Don't worry, it'll be a harmless trip. You'll just feel tired, but you can lean on me for support! Trust me, my love, you'll adore your new home." He says, excitement lacing his words.
It was a little scary, how you instantly began to feel tired after he finished talking. You're not sure if it was his doing, somehow, or if your body just couldn't handle the situation anymore and wanted you to sleep in hopes that everything would be better once you woke up.
Your eyes closed against your will, and you could faintly make out Aurin's soft humming as he held you close against him. You were too tired to fight against him, almost as if some sort of pressure were weighing you down.
Maybe everything will be better when you wake up...
A few months later, a couple had moved into a new home. The price had been on the cheaper side due to a fairly gruesome unsolved murder and kidnapping that took place there. They were determined to make a home out of it, even with its dark history.
"Honey, doesn't this painting feel a little off to you?" One of them asks, staring up at a painting that was hanging on a wall in the living room.
The other shrugs, moving boxes around and momentarily pausing to glance at the painting, "Just looks like a painting to me. Take it down if it makes you uncomfortable."
They stare up at it, arms crossed as they take in the details. Two people were dancing together in a field of red roses. There was nothing wrong with that, it was rather romantic, to be honest. The man in the painting was normal as well, eyes closed with a serene smile on his face as he held his partner close. He looked as if he were in love, in all honesty. The part that unsettled them was the distraught look on the face of the man's dance partner, as well as the chains that tied their wrists to his, roses weaved into the chains as if to try and hide them.
It was a breathtaking painting, sure, but...
"Let's just put it up in the attic, that way we won't have to see it."
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In the past 48 hours:
- the trump org was convicted on 17 counts of fraud and tax evasion
- Special counsel Jack smith subpoenaed multiple state officials for their communications with Donald trump
- Trump’s lawsuit requesting a special master has been rejected. He will not appeal, meaning the DOJ now has access to all of the material it seized from Mar A Lago as of Dec. 9th
- the January 6th committe is preparing to release it’s final report on Dec. 21st. It is expected to include a referral for criminal charges against Donald trump, and they will also turn over all of their evidence to the DOJ
- the DOJ has asked a judge to hold the trump legal team be in contempt for refusing to affirm to the court that all classified material has been returned
- a company hired by Donald Trump’s lawyers did a sweep of all of his properties, finding additional classified material in a storage unit
- a congressional investigation has been opened into Jared Kushner for alleged tax violations in regards to his property in New York
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saintmuses · 8 months
❝𝙣𝙤 𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙙𝙤𝙢 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙣❞
Judge!Jonathan Crane x Arkham Fugitive!Reader
It had been several years since Gotham as society obliterated into pieces. Several years since Jonathan had seen his favorite Arkham patient escape from the asylum with a promise on her lips.  
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Warning(s): SMUT. P in V. Mentions of violence. Implied attempted assault (not from Crane). Brief description of threat. Minors, dni! Note: I realized that I haven’t been giving Jonathan especially Judge!Crane some love lately! That being said, it’s sorta set in the final installment of The Dark Knight Trilogy with allusions of Batman Begins scenes.
Word Count: 1.7k
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The city of Gotham’s corruption was never ending; endless explosions, crimes and more deaths continued.
It had been two years since he had last seen Y/N. Echoes of her boots surrounded him as she sprinted away from him and the rubbles that was the Arkham Asylum; never looking back after whispering to him while he was bounded in an unoccupied cell that she was going to kill him was still fresh in his mind ever since.
She was indicted for bashing a stranger’s head with a brick after he tried to take her in the alley. When he saw her in the courtroom, he was simply enthralled by how she was stoic and yet her eyes were filled with fire. He then knew he had to admit her into the asylum so he could be closer to her, and his words held power in swaying the judge to prompt the sentencing.
That was why she was his favorite subject; he could tell she despised him by the way she refused to look at him. The tone of her voice was hard and colder than ice, and he reveled in the feeling. Of course, she would indulge him in sessions, out of fear he would use fear toxin on her. It was their deal, if she talked then he wouldn’t have to take his scarecrow burlap mask filled with his experiment out of his metal storage briefcase.
His feelings for her, whatever he could classify as much as he could since he despised emotions that connected to romantic sense, had developed during his tenure as her psychiatrist that he was angry when she escaped after Batman showed up, destroying the restoration of future order of Gotham with his creation. 
"Let go of me you son of a bitch!" 
His eyes widened at the familiar sound of a woman seething, and he had to settle for a stoic expression before turning around just in time to see two of his henchmen with their hands wrapped around the woman's body dragging her down the hallway.
She cursed out loud when they dropped her aggressively, still folding onto her upper body, and her hair swayed wildly as she jerked her legs and bounded wrists.
He could see that his henchmen had to use ropes to put her in binds, which indicated she tried to attack them, and was unsuccessful with her mission.
Of course, she still had the fire in her. He thought wryly.
"Gentlemen, what is the meaning of this?" He inquired, taking a step forward which made Y/N stop thrashing in their grips.
Eyeing her stilled form, he smirked at her when her eyes widened as she looked up at him.
"Leave her," he ordered, glaring at two young men until they released her arms allowing her to kneel on the floor.
Waiting until he heard the sound of a click to indicate his henchmen left the room, and he turned his head to look back at her when the sounds of footsteps faded away.
He took a step toward her, crouching before her as she eyed him warily. He then reached out with his fingers to her face, relishing in the feeling of her skin; he trailed his fingers over her cheeks and up her jaw where he pinched her earlobe between index and thumb. He gave it a little tug, experimental, though sharp enough to incite a sting. "I didn't expect to see you," he paused, a smirk grew on his lips. "Thought you were smarter than to get caught."
Before she could fight against him vehemently, he clasped her arms, dragging her up along with him as he straightened his form, and he marched across the room until he reached for the door that led to the sitting room.
He pushed her aside before slamming the door and pushed the lock button to ensure no one would come in especially the rogues. 
"What the hell are you doing?" He heard her speaking up from behind him before he turned towards her.
He didn't answer her, although he did stare at her for a few moments before reaching for her arm and pushed her along until he reached another door that led to the room where his office resided.
Once they crossed the threshold, he pushed her against the wall after he activated the lock for his office.
Her eyes widened when he brought his face close to her, he reached between them to unfasten the rope around her wrists before he brought one hand around her waist to push her body against his after dropping the rope to the side.
She was embarrassed to hear a slight mewling sound escape her own lips as the arm that had been around her waist slid up; he let her slide a few inches down the wall before his hand entangled itself in her hair. 
Tugging her hair firmly, Jonathan pulled her head back so that her mouth fell open and her throat was exposed. He leant forward and ran his nose up the side of her neck and her chin, nuzzling her ear.
"You're going to lay on the desk, and I'm going to do what I should've done before you escaped from me." He muttered; a command etched in his tone.
She nodded; her eyes wide. His authoritarian tone was such a turn on, she didn't think she would have been turned on by the authority in his voice since she had never liked his tone during their sessions before she had escaped, but that was not the case.
He lifted her arms once again, carrying her across the room until he placed her onto his desk unceremoniously.
He leaned back to unbutton her pants before pushing them down from her legs. Once it hit the floor, she lifted her legs to spread before him, only panting in her underwear and t-shirt in the room.
He then reached under her shirt, ghosting his fingers across her skin as he slid his hands towards her breasts. 
She gasped into his mouth as he palmed her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples that were becoming erect before drawing his hands back to remove his ragged blazer that seemed to confine him.
He was thankful that he had requested a large ornate desk as he propped himself on top of the furniture, leaning over her. Sweat began to dampen his skin as well as hers. Chest touched chest as he planted a hot kiss to her jaw, then her chin as he trailed his lips across her face. She squirmed as he dipped two fingers into her cunt and withdrew only to bring them to her lips where he traced her mouth leaving a slick trail behind.
He pushed her underwear aside, away from her slit, before reaching with his other hand to unbutton his pants, unzipping it, and his cock sprung free. Before she could reach for it with her hand, she squeezed her eyes shut when his cock filled her up with a single hard thrust, leaning with his forehead against hers as he savored the feeling of her walls milking his cock. 
He withdrew his hips slightly before slamming back into her, relishing in the feeling over again.
The way she breathed against his face, the tiny whimpers leaving her mouth, the way she adjusted her hips to allow him better access, the way she reacted to every thrust, every push and pull, it hurt him inside in a most magnificent manner.
"Fuck," he rasped as he pulled out again. He hovered for a moment, with just the head inside her, and she felt empty. He gripped her hips and slammed inside of her, causing her to cry out and arched her back off the desk.
Her hands pulled him closer, gripping his back with her nails. Her legs still wrapped around him; she pushed her heels into his ass. He fell on top of her, holding himself up by his forearms and leaning his head down into the crook of her neck. She could feel him planting sloppy kisses on her neck and shoulder. He curled his lips and reached for the curve of her neck to dig his teeth into her skin, and she gasped as the sensation went right to her clit, pushing her higher which made her throw her head back.
He pounded into her brutally in abandon, riding her orgasm as she continued to recite his name like she was spellbound. 
He spontaneously wrapped an arm around her waist and reared back upright on his knees, holding her against him and thrusting up harshly. He gave several more thrusts before groaning hoarsely, chasing his own release. Her head fell forward on his shoulder, and she moaned softly at the feel of him filling her.
He slowly descended them back to the desk, caressing her abdomen softly, and panting in her ear, still buried deep inside her. He kissed her temple, her cheek, then urged her to meet him in a lazy kiss, which she complied in daze. Her lips were swollen and torn from his previous kisses and her own teeth as she had bit them down harshly as he fucked her.
Withdrawing from her, wincing slightly at the sensitivity as his cock slipped out of her cunt. His tongue swiped the bottom of his lip as he spotted his cum trickling out of her hole.
He inhaled deeply as he eased himself off the desk before placing himself on the leather chair before tucking his softened cock back in his dress pants.
Bringing his gaze to the ceiling of his office, he traced on the skin of her calf absentmindedly, only to snap his eyes to her face when he heard a sharp noise.
She held a knife, fingers wrapped around the finely detailed handle as she angled it towards his jaw where it was sparsely with light hair sprinkled across his skin.
"What are you doing?" he asked, unamused as he gripped the back of her neck.
Her eyes flickered to his nonchalantly before moving them to the metal before her.
Tracing the grooves of the weapon, she lightly wetted her lips before closing the inches between them, only to pause when her lips barely brushed his.
"Fulfilling my promise, Doctor Crane."
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weirdsatellites · 8 months
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Update #9444 from NROL-82 (CLASSIFIED) 1. Canal of Eggplants 2. Incantation Cold Storage
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soapsilly · 9 months
Bad Memories - Roronoa Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Spoilers for One Piece (?)
Summary: (Y/N), a black market dealer, begrudgingly joins the Straw Hats after having to admit to herself that a strong crew would help her reach her goal faster. However, being on a ship with the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro brings back some old memories she'd rather not be reminded of.
Requests are closed
"Oooooh, what is this?", Luffy reached out to the mysterious object that was displayed on one of the countless shelfs.
"If you touch it, you buy it", (Y/N) spoke up from where she was leaned over the counter, trying to figure out what it was the cyborg wanted from her.
Franky needed a very specific tool to modify parts of the Sunny. A tool he didn't have and didn't necessarily could get easily as it was classified as marine technology.
"That's a very unusualy request you got there", she furrowed her brows.
Nami knew what that meant - when vendors said something along those lines what they usually meant was 'that's gonna be price-y', but the red-head prided herself in being a pro in haggling down any price however high it may be.
"Listen, I know what that means. I also know that that's bullshit. So you better make us a good price because we're going to get that piece one way or another", the navigator tapped her finger against the counter top.
"Oh, that's not what I meant", the dealer shrugged, "I literally meant nobody ever asks me for those things. Most people don't even know they exist. I'm not trying to get rich here, however, I will get a reasonable price for it or you can go and find the tools you need somewhere else"
While the two were talking finance, Franky was already tinkering around with the newly attained pieces and Luffy was doing god knows what.
"Is that a Devil Fruit??", Luffy's voice reached them from somewhere out of the depths of the storage room.
"Yes, do you want it? I'll make you a good price", the dealer yelled back.
Within seconds the Rubberman was at their sides again.
"YES! Nami, please can we? Usopp would love that! Or Chopper!"
"Chopper already has a devil fruit power!", the red-head yelled back.
"Oh. Right. Then for Usopp!"
While the two of them startet arguing about whether or not they'd need another 'idiot' with devil fruit powers on the team a tall blonde guy almost kicked in the door to (Y/N)'s storage.
"We need to leave! The stupid marimo started a fight in the city and now a bunch of marines are here-", it seemed like the man wanted to say some more but stopped talking once he saw the woman behind the counter, "Oh, beautiful lady! Mon Amour! My name is Sanji and I'm-"
"Wait let me get this right... some dumbass from your crew starts a fight with the marines and the first thing you do IS RUN BACK TO MY WAREHOUSE?!", the dealer was furious, "You need to leave. Now!"
(Y/N) started to frantically pack together the most important things, so that once the marines should really try to barrel down her front door, she'd be set to make a swift exit out the back.
"Just come with us!", the Straw Hat exclaimed happily, "you have so much great stuff here! Having someone on the crew who can find all those things would be so cool"
"No", her voice was icy, "I've known you for thirty minutes and you already put my livelyhood at risk. I think I'll pass" - that there was a whole nother reason the dealer didn't want to join the notorious pirate crew, she decided to keep to herself.
From outside the voices and footsteps from what (Y/N) could only imagine were dozens and dozens of marines grew louder.
"We need to leave", Nami commanded, "Sanji take her stuff"
"Of course, Nami-swan~", the blonde did as he was told and grabbed the huge sack filled with all kinds of things from the dealers hands. Not a minute too late as there there was a loud knocking that disrupted the womans attempts of resistance.
The Straw Hat as well as the Cyborg already adopted their fighting stance when the navigator held them back yet again. (Y/N) asked herself, who it actually was that was in charge here, but she didn't mind as she wasn't particularly eager to have a battle with god knows how many marines in a confined space.
"Is there another way out?", she turned to (Y/N).
"Follow me"
Once outside all they had to do was to leave the place without making a fuss - a task seemingly unmanagable for Monkey D. Luffy. They weren't even 30 feet away from the warehouse when Luffy's loud voice could be heard all over the place.
"Oi, those aren't even that many. We could've taken them!" - followed by the even louder 'clunk' that Nami's fist made when it made impact with his skull.
"Shut up and just run!", she yelled at him. And they did. Every now and then a low ranking marine officer would catch up with them but either Franky or Luffy or even sometimes (Y/N) herself would take care of that. It was when one of the captains came dangerously close to them that they had to worry.
When (Y/N) started to notice the blonde guy fall behind, struggling with carrying her belongings and fighting off the marines at the same time, she realized that those things needed to go.
"Hey! Drop the sack! It's slowing you down", she yelled over at him.
"No, no! It's fine!", he yelled back, "I only fight with my legs anyways! Your belongings are safe with me"
"Doesn't matter. Drop it. It's not worth the risk", she insisted.
"Are you sure?", Nami sounded shocked, "I saw what you had in the shop. That stuff is worth a fortune! Sanji, don't you dare!"
"I don't care!", the dealer yelled back, "I'll get new stuff. If it makes you happy, you can keep whatever you can carry. Drop. The. Sack!"
For a moment the tall man hesitated but then did as he was told. As soon as he dropped the added weight, he immediately spun into a roundhouse kick, hitting an approaching opponent directly in the head to give the group time to bring some space between them and their followers. When (Y/N) stopped abruptly and started running back to where her things were scattered around Nami was almost sure the other woman had come to her senses but (Y/N) went straight past the incredibly expensive looking jewelry, the intricate tools and even the devil fruit, that Luffy was begging Nami for. Instead she was frantically sorting through the depth of the now half-empty sack.
"What are you doing?", Nami screamed at her, "whatever you're looking for you better find it quick!"
The marines were quickly catching up but (Y/N) still hasn't found what she was looking for.
"Hah! Found it", she yelled but as she was getting up she came face to face with the vice-admiral. However, she didn't even have the time to react or make a game plan as a fist whizzed past her, sending the marine flying. As soon as the fist appeared, it disappeared again. (Y/N) had heard about the Straw Hat Luffy's rubber abilities but she never would've guessed that they'd save her ass one day. She didn't allowe herself the time to dwell on it as she was sure that this punch would merely slow the captain down.
When they finally reached the ship the rest of the crew was already waiting for their mates. As soon as everybody had boarded the Thousand Sunny, as (Y/N) had found out the ship was called, the cyborg used a maneuver called coup de burst, which catapulted them to safety.
Once everything settled down, it was time for the crew to introduce themselves.
"Oi, everybody! This is...", Luffy trailed off once he realized that he had no idea what the girl's name was.
"Oh um.. it's (Y/N)"
"Guys, this is (Y/N) and she's going to join our crew"
(Y/N) furrowed her brows, "I'm not! You saved me back there and I'm thankful but you're also the reason I was in that situation to begin with. So I think it evens out. Just drop me off on the next island or... just... anywhere is fine...", she grew quiet towards the end.
"What? No! Our crew is great I promise! We'll find the One Piece and I'll be pirate king!"
"I don't care", she really didn't want to be there.
But Luffy wasn't know for his ability to take no for an answer. And so he kept throwing new points and arguments at her to make her change her mind. She didn't know what it was that did the trick in the end. Was it his determination? Or the things she's read and heard about the crew? The things they already accomplished? She simply didn't know. What she did know, however, was that reaching her goal would become much easier with some powerful allies by her side.
"Great", Luffy sounded happy, "so let me introduce you to everybody. You already know Nami. She's our navigator. That cool cyborg is Franky. He's our shipwright. This", he pointed towards the tall guy, that Nami had called Sanji before, "is Sanji. He makes the best food you've ever eaten"
"What's your favourite meal (Y/N)-san? I'll cook it especially for you tonight - to celebrate you joining us. Another beautiful lady on the ship ~"
(Y/N) was a little unsure how to react to the cook's advances but sent him a polite smile regardless.
"Don't worry, he's always like this. You'll get used to it", Nami assured her, "and if you're smart, you'll even figure out how to use it to your advantage", she sent the other woman a wink.
The black market dealer didn't get to answer though as Luffy continued. (Y/N) largely drowned out the words - like the ship's doctor insulting their captain for calling him a good one or the sceleton man asking her for the colour of her panties. She'd get to know them soon enough anyways.
"So and that's - "
"The pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro", (Y/N) finished for the Straw Hat.
"Oh, you already know each other?", Nami raised an eyebrow.
"Your reputation precedes you", the woman answered almost... bitterly?
"Oooh looks like somebody has a fan", the long nosed guy - Usopp - started teasing the swordsman.
"I wouldn't say that", (Y/N) mumbled as she left the crew standing.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Can I talk to you for a sec?", Nami walked up to (Y/N), who, at the moment, was sitting down near the railing watching the water.
The girl raised her brows to show the red-head she was listening, but remained silent for the time being.
"You know today, when you ran back for your stuff, I really thought you finally came back to your senses but you didn't go for all the valuables... why? All you saved was this... book?"
The other woman just shrugged, "I got what I wanted"
"At first I wasn't sure what it was, you were looking for but then I talked to Sanji and he told me he's seen that kind of book before. A devil fruit encyclopedia... Why is it so important to you that you couldn't leave it?"
"Listen, Nami. I'm sorry I put you all in danger but I needed that book"
And with that the black market dealer left the navigator standing.
"She's even worse than Robin", the red-head mumbled to herself.
It's been a few weeks since (Y/N) joined the Straw Hats and for the most parts it's been uneventful. For the first week or so she preferred to keep to herself but it was Sanji especially that wouldn't accept no for an answer whenever he told her to come eat dinner with the crew. But even then she made sure to always sit at the far end of the table to bring the most distance between herself and him.
She hadn't spoken a single word to the swordsman since setting foot on the ship and she was thankful that he didn't seem to care about trying to either.
"Don't mind the stupid Marimo. He's a brute. He wouldn't even know how to talk to such a beautiful flower as yourself ~", Sanji would regularly tell her but she'd just send him a tight smile and change the topic.
At the moment, she was sitting on deck tinkering around with Franky. She wasn't the best at crafting but she knew the tools so playing his assistent wasn't the worst past-time.
"I'm glad we got that tool before the marines stormed your warehouse", the cyborg told her, "I'm gonna build us some suuuuper cool stuff with it"
(Y/N) was just about to hand him another wrench when Zoro passed them on his way to the crows nest. During her time there she noticed that the lookout kind of was his personal training space. Of course, everybody was welcome to use it but nobody spent as much time there as the pirate hunter so she made a mental note to always stay clear of it. Her eyes lingered on the taller man's back as he passed them.
"(Y/N)!", Franky's voice pulled her back to reality and she had to pull herself together to not drop the wrench she was holding. This couldn't keep going like that. If she got distracted during a fight things might end up ugly - she knew that much.
"Come with me?", he held out his hand to her knowing exactly that his question was only a formality. There wasn't a chance in the world that (Y/N) would ever let him leave without her - or quite frankly the other way around.
"You're insanse", she laughed but grabbed his hand without hesitation. They've known each other since they were only children - it was never a question of if but rather of when they'd finally get together.
"But you know you love me", he grinned at her, pulling her into his chest for a playful kiss.
She woke up and for a moment she felt at peace with the world, wanting to turn around snuggling into her pillow again. The rhythmic sound of breathing in the room calming her into a state of betweent sleep and being awake. But then she remembered... These breathing sounds weren't his. In fact, it was all just a dream.
Confronted with the harshness of reality she didn't feel like sleeping anymore, afraid of yet another dream that would give her a false sense of familiarity. Instead she slipped into a cardigan and decided to get some fresh air.
Once outside on deck, she took a deep breath. She enjoyed how cold the air was in those morning hours. The sun was just starting to rise - not even enough to paint the sky in these pink and orange tones she found so pretty.
"Couldn't sleep again?", the gruff voice made her jump. It was the first time that Zoro had spoken to her since she joined the crew but that didn't mean she wasn't familiar with his voice. It was almost involuntarily that her ears almost instantly perked up and her heart started racing whenever he started speaking around her. He triggered her fight, flight, freeze instinct and to her demise it was always freeze.
"Had a bad night", her voice was coarse.
"Seems to happen often"
She furrowed her brows. What was his deal? As if he could read her mind, Zoro continued.
"Out of the last five weeks, I was on night watch twelve times. And you were awake for at least ten of those times. And those were only the times I noticed"
"I-", she swallowed, "Being on a ship again just brings back some memories I haven't thought about in a long time..."
She didn't know why she told Zoro of all people but she couldn't take it back now anymore anyways...
"You've been to sea before?"
She let out a dry, humorless laugh.
'I don't want to talk about it. At least not with you', she thought to herself.
What she said instead was, "My fiance was a captain - My captain to be specific"
Zoro raised his brows, "You were engaged?"
The memory was bittersweet. She smiled sadly. The swordfighter noticed how pretty she was eventhough her smile didn't reach her eyes.
"We were young", she shrugged.
"So it ended badly I take it?", there wasn't a hint of empathy in his voice. What did she expect? Getting involved with your captain rarely ends well.
"Let's talk about something else...", she knew Zoro's mind probably immediately went to heartbreak but if she had the chance, she'd do it all over again as long as he was with her.
"You've been avoiding me", he stated, "why?"
Zoro wasn't a fan of beating around the bush. Of course he had noticed that the girl went out of her way to never having to interact with him in any way. He didn't sweat it though. He wasn't desperate for a new friend. If there was a new team mate, so be it. Didn't mean they had to like each other. What he was curious about, however, was why she seemed to apprehensive about getting to know him.
"I guess I just didn't want to risk starting to like you", she shook her head knowing how ridiculous that sounded.
Zoro furrowed his brows. From all the possible answers he could've gotten, this wasn't one he'd have expected. He was almost a little offended now.
"You didn't seem to mind getting to know the others"
"That's different", she sighed. He noticed how exhausted she looked.
"You knew me when you first joined the crew", he continued.
"Doesn't the whole world know you by now? The Straw Hats are notorious"
He didn't take this for an answer.
"You know as good as me that this is something entirely different. What I don't know, however, is what I did to you"
"Of course, you don't", she laughed bitterly. She knew that she wasn't fair to him. She didn't expect him to remember but she couldn't help it. Zoro blinked a few times, trying to figure out what it was the girl was talking about.
She sighed, "Do you ever have any regrets about being a bounty hunter in the past?"
He had never thought about that but he slowly shook his head after thinking about her words for a few seconds. He still wasn't sure what she was on about but he wanted to understand.
"I don't believe in regret", he answered. There wasn't anything he could do about his past. Back then he never would've thought that he'd ever become a pirate himself after making a name for himself as the pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro but what happened happend. He tried not to rack his brains over it.
"Well, I do", she mused.
"(Y/N)", he wanted to tell her to just tell him what's going on but hesitated once he saw how she tensed up when her name left his lips. He almost felt bad for her, she looked so helpless. It wasn't like him to feel like that but something felt different about this situation.
"Nomi Malik", she sighed, "I don't suppose the name rings a bell..."
At first, Zoro wasn't sure who she was talking about. She could see his eyes moving trying to remember but then his brows creased just the tiniest bit. He did remember. Nomi Malik was one of the last pirates he caught before becoming one himself.
"Yes, I remember. Devil Fruit User... not very strong though. What about him?"
His words stung. They were true, of course they were. And then again they weren't. Malik wasn't weak. He had a hefty bounty on his head - otherwise Zoro wouldn't have wasted his time on him and his crew but the swordsman was extremely skilled - even before he became one of the Straw Hat Pirates. She didn't blame him stating the obvious though. When she visibly struggled to find the right words, he continued.
"Did you know him?"
'That's an understatement', she thought to herself.
Instead, she just nodded. He stayed quiet waiting for her to continue. He noticed the sun was starting to rise, casting a golden hue upon her features.
"We grew up together", she turned to look towards the horizon, "I can't remember a time when he wasn't there... well, except for now, of course..." - she got quiet upon the realization - "when he asked me to join him, it wasn't even a question"
Zoro raised his brows. He knew he didn't remember every single person he ever hunted down but he was sure that (Y/N) was never one of them.
"If you were part of his crew...", he tried to vocalize his thoughts.
"Then why didn't you catch me along with the rest of his crew?", she finished his question for him, "well, I hadn't had a bounty back then. I was completely irrelevant to you"
"So, where's he now? Impel Down? You know Luffy broke half of the inmates out a few years ago... He could be out there somewhere...", Zoro shrugged. What had happened to her was unfortunate but he just did what he had to do to survive. To say he felt bad would be a lie.
The girl opposite of him slowly shook her head though, "Wanted dead or alive...". She emphazised the word to show him that the marine truly didn't care. Either option was fine with them as long as there was a pirate less roaming the sea.
The swordsman was taken aback. What reason would the marines have to do this? They had imprisoned pirated way more powerful than Nomi's crew.
"No, that-"
"I was there", she cut him off, "I followed you when you handed them over. Right outside the marine base"
The smile returned on her face as she stared off somewhere into the distance.
"You were incredibly skilled even back then... of course there's no comparison to now... after your training with Mihawk, I mean"
Zoro knew he was good but the praise didn't feel as great as he was used to. At the moment, the only thing he felt was a weight upon his chest. He never felt remorse for his enemies but he was also never confronted with their surviving loved ones before. Most people thought of Zoro as cruel, heartless, a brute but that wasn't necessarily true. There were people he cared about - he just didn't show it. Besides, he knew how it felt like to lose someone.
"What happened?", he asked her, still not sure how thinks could've escalated.
"Malik was a lot like Luffy in a sense. Adventurous, fun-loving, great leader - stubborn though. There was no way he'd let himself and his crew get captured without a fight. He became a pirate for freedom. To see the world. He couldn't have that behind bars. I don't think he seriously thought he'd stand a chance. It was just his- I mean our crew against the whole base"
She made her way over the battlefield towards her lover. Slow. Too slow for her liking. For every yard she made she had to fight off two or three marines. Granted, most of them were only low ranking officers but there were too many for her liking. But for a moment things looked like they were turning in their favour - or at least favourable enough. Starting a fight was smart. If they played their chances right they could flee in the commotion.
From across the battlefield (Y/N)'s and Malik's eyes met. He sent her a darin wink looking as handsome as ever. She couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. Only her daredevil of a boyfriend could make this high stress situation somewhat romantic. 'I love you', he mouthed over to her but she didn't get the chance to answer anymore as a new wave of marines stormed the plaza in front of the base.
As more and more marines flooded the place it became harder and harder for (Y/N) and her crew to hold out against their attacks. When the first one of their crewmate's bodies hit the ground (Y/N) knew there would be no fleeing. She loved how loyal her lover was. Loyal to her and to his crew. But this also meant that this fight would have to end - one way or another.
The blood was rushing in her ears as (Y/N) witnessed more and more of her crewmates being critcally hit. Her friends. People she grew up with. Good people. She stood still for a moment. She saw Malik's first mate lying on the ground a few feet ahead of her. She and him used to play cards together. It was him who taught her the rules of the game and it was her who showed him how to cheat people out of their money by bending even those rules. Next to her their navigator crashed to the floor. (Y/N) knew him since she was a little girl. He always knew the best routes and alleys to get away from the vendors that would chase after them when they yet again decided to steal candies and little toys from them. Nobody knew their little village as good as him. She felt helpless - lightheaded almost - but she didn't have the luxury of taking the time to mourn her friends as she had to focus on getting ahead. Closer towards were Malik was fighting against a vice-admiral at the moment.
Her captain was a devil fruit user but his powers didn't seem to have any effect on the vice-admiral. (Y/N) knew this could mean one thing only - this guy's Haki was way stronger than Malik's. She knew she needed to get to them. She was aware that she couldn't be of much help, even without his devil fruit powers Malik was much stronger than her but whatever they did, they did it together.
She was still busy fighting several marines when a loud slashing sound followed by a muffled scream cut through the air. (Y/N)'s head whipped around just in time to see Malik's body hit the floor as well now. After the vice-admiral made sure the other male wasn't in any shape to get up and continue the fight, he just left him there to bleed out and die.
The ringing sound in (Y/N)'s ears was back and everything seemed as if it were in slow motion. As fast as her legs would carry her she hurried towards were her lover was lying in the dirt - the fight forgotten. A patch of his own blood staining his clothes growing bigger and bigger by the minute.
"Malik!", she screamed his name, tears already forming in her eyes. As she finally reached him, she wasted no time immediately sliding on her knees pressing her hands on the deep wound on his torso.
"It's okay now. I'm here. It's going to be okay", she babbled probably more to soothe herself rather than the dying love of her life beneath her.
"Baby... Ba-baby, listen. You need to leave", eventhough she could see in how much pain he was, the man - her captain - still send her a reassuring smile. His teeth and lips were already coloured red from his own blood but he still looked so incredibly handsome to her. He was still her Malik.
"What? No! Why would I do that? I'm not leaving you", the tears were now streaming freely down her face.
"You don't have a bounty. They don't even know who you are yet. This is your only chance. Please, I'm begging you. Leave"
How come all of them had to die while (Y/N), who was less strong - less experienced - got to live? It didn't seem fair to her. She shook her head making the tears fall everywhere from the motion. She wouldn't leave. If her whole crew, her captain, the man she loved with all her heart had to die, she'd go with them.
"What are you saying there?", she smiled through the tears, "We're in this together. I'm not leaving. I'm not", she repated the last phrase over and over again. Malik tried to gently interrupt her ramble but she wouldn't have it. It was almost like she didn't even hear him. It was only when he finally raised his voice that she fell silent and really listened to what he was saying.
"I don't have much time left, so listen to me now. I'm still your captain so you gotta do what I tell you", he tried to sound serious but failed knowing that their relationship has always been grounds for teasing within the whole crew and even among themselves. Even now, whilst being in pain and bleeding out, he never lost his happy spirit she fell in love with. She was reminded of the reality of the situation when his happy laugh soon turned into a hurtful cough, "I love you. I've loved you forever. And I always will. I'm sorry I never got to make you my wife. I'm sorry for being too stubborn. I'm sorry for everything"
There's so much she wanted to tell him. That there was nothing to be sorry about. That she'd do it all again. That she loved him more than anything. But all she could do was sob and put pressure on his wound to try and slow down the bleeding.
"Please. You need to leave now. I'll be fine - it's like going to sleep. It's easy. But- but I need you to be fine as well", he nodded up at her as she felt his hands on top of hers moving them away, releasing the pressure she was putting on the lethal wound on his torso. As soon as her hands left their place the blood started gushing and spilling over his body, making the pool of blood he was lying in rapidly increase in size. She cupped his face with one of her hands, stroking through his hair with the other, staining both in the process. Still crying she leaned down and pressed one last kiss on his lips that were already starting to become cold from the blood loss. The kiss tasted like the blend of her tears and his blood - salty and like iron. For a moment only him and her mattered. She knew those were the last moments that she'd ever have with her lover and she cherished every second of it.
A loud crash pulled her back to reality. The fight was lost and she knew she needed to get away. She took one last look at the love of her life before standing up and leaving him there - along with a piece of herself.
"I really miss him...", her voice grew thick and she swallowed to pull herself together. She wasn't the same since that day. She struggled with those memories. In fact, she didn't know which ones were worse - the happy memories from her dream or rather those painful ones. (Y/N) avoided thinking about it too much - she was plagued by guilt ever since she got to live while others had to die, "I had to leave the bodies there... They - the marine I mean - they didn't even bury them properly. They were just all thrown in some kind of unmarked mass grave or something... like... like a bunch of dogs"
Zoro didn't know what to say. The way the girl sat before him, he could tell how painful this all was to her and he felt bad that he was the reason for it. Contrary to popular belief, Zoro wasn't as clueless as most people thought. Most of the time he simply didn't care to pay enough attention but right now he had listened to every single word that left her lips and yet had still no idea what to say. He was truly lost for words.
"I'm... sorry", as soon as Zoro spoke the words he realized how foolish they sounded. Almost as if to apologize for eating the last desert or borrowing something without asking beforehand - not for indirectly being responsible for the death of a loved one. He wanted to tell her that he too knows how it feels to lose someone. That he never meant for that to happen but instead he just remained silent.
She sighed and quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with the palms of her hands.
"I have no ill will towards you. You only did what you had to do to survive. It's a dog eat dog world out there. I know this as good as you", she sent him a shaky smile, "You didn't kill him. It was his decision to fight. It's just... seeing you here again. Everyday. It brings back memories. I see you and I think of him. I can't help it. I know it's not fair to you but that's the only way I know how to cope at the moment", she shrugged like it wasn't that big of a deal but her inability to hold his gaze for even a second showed how she truly felt.
The morning sun was now fully out and slowly the other Straw Hats started to fill the deck - starting with Sanji, who was usually the first to get up everyday to prepare breakfast for the whole crew. (Y/N) decided to join him like most days. She was awake anyways so preparing breakfast with Sanji became like her little morning ritual. She sent Zoro a small smile before she left him sitting there alone with his thoughts.
Zoro didn't show up for breakfast that day. (Y/N) was thankful for it. That morning was emotionally draining for her but there was also something else... It was the first time she's ever spoken about what had happened back then and apart from the vulnerability it felt good to properly allow herself to think of her old friends and her former lover again. She did allow herself to mourn them right after it happened but the guilt was overwhelming and most of the time she wished for herself to be dead as well. To combat those feelings she abandoned the memories of her old crew altogether - the hurtful ones as well as the happy ones - until she didn't think about them at all anymore. Of course, she never forgot them. She still had a goal to reach, but she just didn't allow herself to indulge in those memories anymore in fear of the emptiness inside of her returning. Today, was different though. Talking to Zoro about everything, re-living the situation hurt, but now that she was sitting in the dining area sorrounded by her new crew - that familiar hopelessness never came.
"Oi, where's Zoro?", Luffy spoke through a mouth-full of food.
"It was his turn with night watch duty tonight. He's probably catching up on sleep", Dr. Chopper explained. He was right. It wasn't unusual for the night guards to be absent during breakfast in the morning - especially for Zoro, who took any opportunity he could to squeeze in a good nap whenever he got the chance - but Sanji would usually make sure that whoever's turn it was would eat first and then go to bed.
"Fine by me", the captain laughed happily as he grabbed another stack of food from across the table, "that mean I get to eat Zoro's portion then"
(Y/N) silently agreed with the Straw Hat, not minding the swordfighter's absence at all. It was Sanji that wasn't having any of it though.
"Who does he think he is? (Y/N)-san and I spent all this time preparing this food. Cooking, frying, baking... And this stupid marimo doesn't even show up? Doesn't he know wasting food is a cardinal sin in my kitchen?"
"Oi, Sanji calm down. I don't think any food is going to wast", (Y/N) motioned to Luffy, who grabbed yet another set of plates, shoving everything in his mouth at once, "besides, we've all skipped breakfast before..."
Her words had the desired effect and the cook did indeed shut up about Zoro, so that she could finally enjoy the rest of her food in peace without having to worry about the moss head.
After breakfast (Y/N) decided to spend some time with the others, doing chores, training and generally enjoying the day. The sun was out and Nami decided this was the perfect weather to sunbathe a little. And so (Y/N) found herself along with Nami and Robin, who preffered to read under a parasol, on deck soaking up the sun whilst being served and taken care off by Sanji. (Y/N) could've done without the overbearing cook bringing them iced tea and little snacks every few minutes but Nami insisted that he enjoyed being of service so they should just lean back and enjoy - which she eventually did.
It was only when Zoro did not show up for dinner either that she realized that (Y/N) hadn't seen the swordsman at all that day after their talk in the wee hours of the morning. For a moment she pondered if she should fix him a plate and bring it up to the crows nest, so that he didn't have to go hungry but then quickly decided against it. If he didn't want to see her, she wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable by forcing herself on him. 'He'll surely wander into the kitchen after dinner is finished and fetch himself some leftovers', she thought to herself, 'And tomorrow everything will be back to normal'
But the next morning Zoro still didn't show up for breakfast. Or dinner. Or the breakfast the morning after.
"Hey, Usopp... who's turn was it to keep night watch ?", she furrowed her brows. Did the swordfighter switch with Nami again in exchange for some extra allowance so that he could buy more booze during their next errand run? It was a win-win situation for the both of them. Nami got to have her 'much needed beauty-sleep' whilst Zoro could earn some money on the side. He usually slept during guard duty anyways, relying on his instincts to kick in should something or rather someone try to start shit. She halted for a second, when did she get to know him that well?
"Uh? Franky's I think, why?", the long-nosed sniper answered her but was quickly dimissed by a hand gesture from the black market dealer. This was weird... Was he mad at her now?
Ever since that morning with Zoro, she slept well - great actually. Granted, it was a dreamless sleep but she preferred it like this at that moment in time. When she awoke in the morning, she realized that she had slept in. A little disgruntled about nobody waking her for breakfast she made her way into the dining area.
She didn't expect to find the swordsman sitting there. Their talk was now about a week ago and still he had somehow successfully managed to avoid her at all costs. She didn't see him during mealtime. She didn't see him roaming the ship. He didn't even nap at his usual spots, whenever (Y/N) was nearby. (Y/N) didn't know how to feel about it. There definitely was a feeling in her chest and she definitely knew that it wasn't a good feeling but she couldn't quite tell what it was... Was it guilt? Guilt for dumping all her trauma onto him? Annoyance that it was now him that somehow couldn't stand even being in the same space as her? No... it was something else entirely... Whatever it was, she didn't like it. Talking to him - speaking her feelings - she hadn't felt so at peace in ages and she was thankful for the opportunity and now it felt like she created herself another problem.
When she entered the dining area, several heads turned to her, greeting her, teasing her for sleeping in but (Y/N) only had eyes for a certain mosshead at the very head of the table. Her heart involuntarily skipped a beat. She was glad to see him - a thought for which she would've bitten her own tongue a week ago. Maybe she was simply over-thinking and everything could go back to normal now...
Zoro however had other plans as he slowly lowered the cup he was holding, placing it back on the table, getting up in the process.
"Where do you think you're going?", Sanji started but the pirate hunter didn't even stop walking.
" 'M full", he mumbled as he passed the girl that was still standing in the doorway.
"Zoro... you don't-", she tried to reason with him, still in disbelief about what she was seeing but he didn't acknowledge her.
Luffy was already all over Zoro's leftover whilst Sanji was still raging about there being leftovers at all when (Y/N), who hadn't moved an inch, too shocked by what just had happened, finally spoke up - although more to herself, "I'm not hungry"
With that she turned on her heel leaving the Straw Hats sitting there perplexed about what it was they had just witnessed.
"What was that?", Usopp asked no emotion on his face or in his voice.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say relationship troubles", Nami answered not enjoying the thought of not knowing about what was up with those two. Little did she know that neither (Y/N) nor Zoro had any idea themselves. However from then on, neither of them would show up where they expected the other to be present aswell, which - to be fair - on a ship could be anytime or anywhere, so they mostly stuck to themselves. Zoro in the crowsnest and (Y/N) in the aquarium.
Yet another fight. Why did these damn Straw Hats always have to get themselves into some kind of trouble? (Y/N) had heard about the G-5 marines before. She heard horror stories about the marines of this branch being insane and needlessly cruel, torturing pirates for fun, killing them without reason but (Y/N) didn't dwell on it. She learned years ago to not fear death anymore but even if she did, there wouldn't be much reason for it. The Straw Hats really were as strong as the people in the bars were telling themselves behind their hands whenever they entered the establishment.
She had never seen anybody fight the way Luffy did, using Haki and his devil fruit power almost effortlessly. If she wasn't so preoccupied with the marines she was fighting off, she'd just stand there and watch her captain fight the vice-admiral that the people called Smoker the White Hunter. Neither of them holding back on their attacks.
But it wasn't only Luffy, who was extremely powerful. She quickly realized that every single one of the crew could hold their own in a fight, making her scramble to prover her worth as well. She'd be damned if someone had to rescue her during their first real brawl.
She had to admit seeing Zoro fight, triggered some uneasy feelings she quickly had to abandon to the back of her mind. He was the only one whom she had seen fight before but last time they unfortunately weren't on the same side. Of course, he greatly improved from back then to now - she was glad she didn't have to stand before him on the battlefield. Fighting almost seemed to be fun to him but not in a way that she had seen with Luffy or even Malik. It wasn't a carefree happiness. She heard people talk about the pirate hunter as if he wasn't fully human - part demon even - but she always dismissed these rumours as drunken tavern talk nothing more, nothing less but now (Y/N) knew what it was they were talking about. If it weren't for the semi-friendly competition between him and Sanji, she'd be more concerned but as the two of them were at each others throat whenever they had a free minute, she figured it was normal.
Zoro must've struck down close to double the amount of marines that the rest of the crew had managed to defeat in the same time when he suddenly stopped, his devilish demenour forgotten. (Y/N) forrowed her brows, trying to understand what was going on over there. Who was that woman facing Zoro and why was he not fighting her? She knew Sanji never kicked a lady but (Y/N) has seen Zoro fight women before. So why was he not moving?
As the two of them were in the middle of what seemed to be a heated discussion in which the female captain tried to attack the green-headed fighter to get him to fight her, (Y/N) noticed that Zoro was so busy deflecting her hits that he didn't even noticed two marines wildly starting an attack from behind.
With a few long strides, (Y/N) stood between the pirate hunter and his attackers, striking them down in the process.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? You should've seen that coming!", she yelled at him already finding herself in the next one on one fight. It was as if the pirate hunter was snapped out of his daze as he quickly made an exit, leaving the marine captain behind.
"Hey", he walked up to her where she was sitting gazing at the surface of the water. The sun had already started to set and it was a bit chilly outside, so it was only the two of them on deck of the Sunny. (Y/N) couldn't help but to be reminded of the last time the both of them were alone out there, feeling at peace and strangely familiar with the mosshead.
"I saved your ass out there today", she told him, still not taking her eyes off of the water, "who was she? The marine captain with the glasses I mean"
Zoro hesitated for a moment. He didn't like talking about personal stuff. That was nobody's business anyways but she had opened up to him as well. She trusted him with her trauma, so maybe he should do so as well? Before he could make a decision, the dealer interrupted his thoughts.
"You could've easily taken her. I've watched her - she's good... but now that good", she was now looking at him, Zoro couldn't quite read the look on her face, "Listen, you do you but if we really are a crew I need to know that I can trust you..."
The fighter sighed but ultimately decided to tell (Y/N) all about Kuina, their goal and his promise to her. When he finished it was him that couldn't stand to hold her gaze anymore.
"That's very noble of you - holding on to your promise after all those years, I mean", she sent him a soft smile. Zoro noticed that she didn't seem to have any problems finding the right words. She didn't just stutter out an 'I'm sorry' for lack of a better idea.
The mosshead shrugged. Not even know he knew what to say to properly portray why becoming the strongest was so important to him.
"I understand, you know?", she continued, "I have a goal too. It's not as honourable as yours and it's entirely selfish to be honest but it's the reason I've become a black market dealer and just between the both of us? It's also the only reason I joined you guys", she lowered her voice for the last part eventhough she knew nobody could hear them.
Zoro was still hung up on her calling him honourable. That word was the last thing he would've described himself.
"What is your goal?", his voice was deep, no inflections, but he was genuinely interested.
She laughed to herself embarrassed about her ambitions but then decided to keep talking - albeit without looking at him, "I've never talked about this to anybody... When Malik died I swore to myself I'd find his devil fruit. I've been looking for years. Built up an underground trading network, buying and selling all kinds of useless junk so that I always have the funds to pay for should my vendors some day offer me the right one. No luck so far"
Zoro blinked a few times. He remembered Nomi's devil fruit. Whoever ate the fruit gained the ability to plant visions in their enemies heads gaining an advantage in combat situations but...
"Here in the New World many - if not all - people have Haki. You'd have to be very strong to overcome that", he tried to be gentle with his delivery, not wanting to insult her by implying that she'd be too weak to be a devil fruit user. She turned to fully face him now.
"Oh, I know...", she paused for a moment, seemingly searching for the right words, "it's just - I couldn't stand the thought of anybody else having his fruit. Being on the battlefield and having to fight against something that was such a core component of what made him him"
"So you just want to have it?"
She shrugged, "Don't tell Luffy I said that but I always thought a pirate that can't swim is a little foolish anyways. A recipe for disaster really"
For a moment the two just looked at each other but then the girl broke out in a huge grin. He hadn't seen her smile properly ever since she joined the crew. She was friendly to everybody - sans him of course - but she was never really happy. She tried to stop it by biting her lip but that made it only more charming to him.
"You saved me today", he dead-panned, looking down at her not knowing how to show his grattitude as he wasn't used to being saved. It was usually him that did the saving.
"I did"
"Why? I thought my presence brings back bad memories", his voice was low barely but a whisper.
"That doesn't mean I want you to die, you idiot", she sounded almost offended by his suggestion, "You've been avoiding me", she continued, now wanting some answers for herself.
"I didn't want you to be forced to eat at the same table with me. All those things that happened to you..."
She looked at him with a sad expression on her face placing a hand on his forearm. Usually the swordsman would've pulled his arm away but he just let her, "Zoro, I've told you before I don't blame you for what happened"
"Even if that were true, you said seeing me reminded you of what happened. So I stayed away"
She tried to find the right words to express her feelings. On one hand she felt incredibly guilty that he felt he needed to isolate himself from his crew - his nakama - just so that she would feel better and on the other hand she wanted to yell at him that he was being stupid. That he did too much. But there was also another feeling inside (Y/N)'s chest. Was it thankfulness? He had shown her that her feelings and comfort was in this moment more important to him than his own.
Zoro didn't know what to expect now. Did he do too much? Why was he so bad at interpreting people's emotions?? Much to his surprise the girl leapt into his arms, though, hugging him tightly. At first, he was a little overwhelmed but soon hugged her back.
"Thank you, Zoro", she mumbled into his shoulder, where her face was buried.
"I- Don't mention it...", he decided to tighten his grip around her waist a little, "You said- that you didn't want to risk starting to like me-"
He couldn't even finish what he was trying to say as the woman who was comfortably nestled in his arms wiggled and struggled to free herself from his grip. Why did he say that? He scolded himself. Why would he remind her of her resolution to keep her distance. There were a thousand thoughts rushing through his head - which would've been a lot for any person, but was even more especialy for Zoro, who usually didn't think much about things. But maybe that was the problem, he told himself. At least he had a good poker face...
"Zoro, look at me", she put both her hands on either side of his face to make sure he'd actually look at her, "it's a little late for that... I like you already"
"You- you do?", the mosshead couldn't help but to sound surprised.
"Yep", she popped the 'p', Zoro's eye flickered down to her lips for just the fraction of a second. He hoped that she didn't notice but no such luck.
"I think I've liked you since the first time we talked, I just didn't realize it until you started avoiding me", she leaned in closer, sliding her hands from the sides of his face to the back of his neck. He could feel her breath on his lips now as she voice was barely above a whisper, "Can I kiss you?"
He didn't even answer. Instead he leaned down and pressed his lips onto hers and it didn't take long for (Y/N) to return the kiss. It wasn't hungry or passionate. They didn't make out. It was sweet and it was full of emotions.
"So that's what you two have been doing during mealtime, huh?"
The two of them jumped apart as they heard Usopp's voice.
"And here I was starting to think the two of you disliked each other", Nami added.
(Y/N) and Zoro shared a look trying to gauge how the other wanted to handle this.
"If you only knew..."
It's been a few weeks since Usopp and Nami caught the two of them on deck. They both decided to let them believe whatever they thought they deduced on the spot. (Y/N) was happy either way. Of course, she would never be able to forget what had happened in front of that marine base a few years back - she didn't even want to forget - but she decided it was time for her to move one. She knew Malik would want that for her. And whenever she wandered the deck in the wee hours of the morning now it was not because she was plaqued by the bad memories, but solely because she decided to keep the green-headed swordfighter company and sit by the water and talk, daydream and watch the sea.
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vimeddiart · 1 year
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The folks at XPPen sent me the XPPen Deco Pro (Gen 2):
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XPPen is having its 18th anniversary, and is celebrating with sales and product promos, so it's worth checking those out.
My thoughts on the tablet (and purchase links) under the cut!
⭐ Review ⭐
First impressions: After unboxing the tablet, I thought it sleek and professional-looking, especially after setting it up with my PC.
The remote I LOVED right out of the box because I enjoy fiddling with buttons and wheels. The keys are super satisfying to press.
The pen and storage case are nicely complete, lots of spare nibs to switch out (though I mainly stuck to the default nib while drawing, the textured ones have a nice gritty feel similar to paper).
I had some troubleshooting when I started, as connecting to Bluetooth wasn't happening with either the tablet or the remote. I tested the Bluetooth connection with a different device and my phone successfully, but couldn't with my work PC. I was promptly helped by XPPen Support, and it turned out to be a Windows update messing things up, so I uninstalled it and Boom; I could connect both the tablet and remote, no problem. Up until then, I used both via cable, which was a convenient option!
The tablet: The XL model at 15 x 9 inches, with plenty of space to work (although you'll need space to put it, luckily I have a lot of desk to spare), and can connect via cable or Bluetooth. It also looks so dang pretty.
The tablet was so smooth, and the pressure (16k pressure levels) felt amazing to draw with. After fiddling around with the pen settings, I barely had to press down to get a nice flowy line.
I usually work on a screen tablet, so it took some getting used to returning to a pen tablet and looking at my PC screen again, but it came back to me quickly. It actually helped my posture, as I tend to shrimp-curl over my screen tablet while working.
As lovely as it was to work on, I feel this size may be too large for me, despite it being perfectly proportional to my PC screen. I like to draw quickly, and I noticed myself making more effort to travel over the surface of the tablet and tiring my arm out faster than usual. I needed to take more breaks and stretch often, although I could classify that as positive. That said, this tablet has a sloped resting area that helped. All my drawing tablets have been medium-sized, so I'm probably just conditioned to that surface area.
The battery lasted as long as it took to draw this piece and more! I didn't need to charge it the entire time.
The remote: I love this thing so much. It has ten shortcut keys and a wheel you can configure to your heart's desire. Five sets of key functions!!! That's fifty shortcuts!! I only configured four sets and struggle to memorise them, but it's very convenient. I have my keyboard right next to the tablet and would bang out shortcuts there, but this remote changed my life.
I've been using it for a month now, and it still hasn't needed charging!
The pen: Comfy to use, with a design I was already accustomed to, and one thing I noticed was that the nib wasn't scratching the heck out of the tablet. After all the drawing I did with it, not a single mark.
I LOVE popping the case open to retrieve or store the pen, and it's one of those physical things that I find satisfying and so rare with digital products. I thought it would be nice to have a pen stand too, but I have pet birds that will (and have) run away with my tablet pens, so a storage case is a strong solution.
Final thoughts: This is a solid tablet with the potential to become an essential tool for industry professionals and freelancers. I didn't think I could be convinced out of a screen tablet, but I was offered a super strong contender. I can confidently recommend it, plus my experience with support was a positive one that boosted my trust in the brand. Overall, I had a great time using this tablet and really appreciate the opportunity I've been given to try it out!
⭐ Purchase links ⭐
US Walmart Store
CA official store
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
So I found one of your (nonfiction) stories and read the one about the refrigerators, and it made the librarian part of me very curious (and a bit horrified) and I have so many questions!! (Feel free to entirely ignore this, and I really don’t intend to ask anything classified) Are there still refrigerators being used for document storage? Did the refrigerators keep reasonably consistent temperature/humidity? (Because those are both things you want in anything resembling archival storage) How long were documents stored in refrigerators? Do you have any actual document storage/retention guidelines?!
Thank you so much for sharing all your stories, they are hilarious!!!
Naw, it's surprisingly difficult to even ask questions about classified material. We're encouraged but not technically required to be vague about the tests and their purposes, but the fridges are fair game.
Anyway, from the top:
Are there fridges still being used for document storage? At the time that I wrote the fridge piece, we were down to four (4) file storage fridges. At present, we are down to a single (1) file storage fridge, and parts to repair it are on backlog. Then we're going to have to build another filing cabinet. Not looking forward to that.
Did the refigerators keep things reasonant consistent for temperature/humidity? Yes. The temperature in the building does not fluctuate very much (they have relic computer systems that are absolutely, terrifyingly irreplacable) and keeping them happy is a major concern. The fact that it preserves paper is just a convenient side benefit. Humidity is likewise kept low in the basement (like, single digit percent low), for the benefit of some machines that dislike it strongly. We do occasionally raise the humidity in certain location while handling ESD sensitive materials, but those tend to be far from the fridges.
How long were the documents stored in refigerators? We have some facility documents that date back to 1972. We do occasionally have to reference those documents to answer such thrilling questions as "Why does overloading the machine hydraulics downstairs sometimes cause the microwave clock to reset upstairs?" (The answer is that, for reasons no one can explain, they ran 125 feet of wire off the test cell's breaker specifically upstairs, to the one outlet that powers the microwave.) (Seriously.) (And then they recorded this, as if their confession could expunge this kind of sin.) (Engineering does not follow Catholic God's rules- we do not have to forgive someone just because they fessed up.)
Do we have any actual document storage/retention guidelines? Sorta. The guidelines for disposal of documents refers to both positions and specific people that have been gone for years. In theory, someone could take it upon themselves to champion a new disposal process, but that would be boring bureaucratic work whose reward would be doing more boring bureaucratic work, and the machines that we work on here are the coolest shit in the world. Everybody loves working on the machines. Nobody likes sorting through papers. So we just kind of keep punting that one down the road. We'll probably do that until we get someone in who actually prefers doing paperwork to badass science (basically impossible), we get someone from outside the group who arrives to assure document compliance (theoretically possible, ridiculously arare) or until we run out of space (actually impossible, we add space more quickly than we can fill it with papers). We do have guidelines on storage safety. I do not know a lot about what they are. I'd be surprised if the fridges weren't kosher though. The official cabinets have some parts flimsy enough to put through with a can opener. Those fridges could be dropped from an airplane and not get a dent. They're beautiful devices.
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esamastation · 11 months
Shizuroth, part eleven.
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Well, at least Sephiroth knows better than to run around the Shinra building in a t-shirt and pyjama pants - which, while no doubt amusing, would've caused far too much chaos to be worth it.
While Angeal is putting away the remains of Sephiroth's fast food, Genesis gives the man himself an assessing eye.
The shirt he'd picked up, dark green turtleneck, works well enough with the usual coat. The outfit would need some more matching accents to really work - there's too much black and grey, they overpower the slight splash of colour - but at least it doesn't clash with anything. However… It's obvious there's simply not enough space in the sleeves of Sephiroth's coat for a full-sleeved shirt.
The leather creaks in agony when Sephiroth moves his arm, and his bicep bulges accordingly.
"Couldn't find a new coat, then?" Genesis asks, resting a hand at his hip.
Sephiroth tugs at his cuffs unhappily and bows his head, saying nothing. That's a no then.
Well. As weird as it is that memory loss gave Sephiroth the kick he needed to exercise some self-care, Genesis isn't about to look a gift chocobo in the talons. "I'll mail you the details of the shop where I got mine. They don't do mail order, everything is bespoke, but well worth the effort."
"Mn. My thanks," Sephiroth says, considers his gloves, and pushes them into a pocket. He then picks up his sword, and holds it by its sheath at his side. "Shall we?"
"You know Lazard isn't going to be happy about this," Angeall comments idly, putting the trash in the garbage. "I'm pretty sure he banned us from using the training room, permanently."
"What he doesn't know can't come to bite us in the ass," Genesis says dismissively. "And besides, we're supposed to be evaluating Sephiroth! Surely we must be thorough about it."
Angeal shakes his head, amused, and looks at Sephiroth, now fully dressed, with a shirt. He looks relieved. "Let's go."
They head out, Sephiroth trailing after them and clearly trying to cover up the fact that he has no idea where they're going.
"Floors 49 to 51 are dedicated to the SOLDIER program," Genesis says, once they're safely in the elevator. "49 is training and equipment, 50 has a gym and gear storage, and 51 is SOLDIER offices - Lazard office is up there too. We're heading to 49, where the training room is."
Catching his meaning, Angeal adds, "Floor 49 also has a briefing room, it's where we acquire most of our missions."
Sephiroth looks at them sideways through his bangs silently for a moment before nodding ever so slightly. "I see."
He really doesn't remember any of it? Damn. "You don't usually hang around on the SOLDIER floors, outside receiving missions," Genesis says, looking at Angeal and arching his brows. "You're not usually around much."
"I think you go to the Record's sometimes in your down time," Abgeal offers, clearing his throat and arching his brows to Genesis. "Floor 58. It houses the Shinra public archives."
"Well, public," Genesis says, shrugging. "You need a keycard to access it and a high enough security level to actually take anything out, and of course none of the really classified files are accessible. And their drama section is abysmal."
Sephiroth hums, looking between them suspiciously. "A library, then?"
"If you want to call it that. Midgar Public Library has better variety - and a little less propaganda - but I imagine you've never been," Genesis sniffs and looks at him.
"Ah," Sephiroth says, wary.
"You'd be swarmed there," Genesis clarifies. "By the grateful and adoring public."
Sephiroth shifts his weight at that and says nothing, looking uncomfortable.
Angeal hides how troubled he is well as he faces Sephiroth, but Genesis can hear it in his voice. "The cafeteria, by the way, is on floor 61," he says. "It's not usually too bad, and people tend to leave members from other departments alone."
"Or you can pay the cafeteria staff under the table to deliver," Genesis muses and looks up as the elevator comes to a stall. "Right, I'll go see that the coast is clear. Angeal -"
"We'll just wait here," Angeal says, knowing, and looks at Sephiroth - who is very much not ready to be jumped on by an excited baby SOLDIER asking for pointers.
"Then off I go, to face the beasts," Genesis says and sets forth.
It's a well-practised routine at this point, to subtly chase away any wayward SOLDIER Second Class members from the training room. Mostly it just involves him walking in and making his presence known - Seconds tend to know to make way.
Thirds are trickier, because they're often too new to know better - but SOLDIER Third Classes don't have access to the training room anyway.
"Genesis, sir," a Second Class he's sometimes trained with, Kunsel, sidles up to him. "It's it true? About Sephiroth?"
Well, at least he knows to keep his voice down. "Is what true about Sephiroth?" Genesis asks, narrowing his eyes.
"I heard he was hanging around in Injections," Kunsel says carefully and adds, "In The Restroom?"
It really took them only a day, huh.
"Sephiroth? In The Restroom? Really," Genesis says as though excited and leans in. "When? Did someone see him?"
"Um, yesterday?" the Second Class says, also leaning in a little. "It was one of the Third Classes."
"... Oh," Genesis answers, affecting disappointment. "I see. Well, I'm pretty sure Sephiroth was at home yesterday."
"... Really?"
"Saw him myself," Genesis assures him with a shake of his head and rests a hand at his hip. "You said it was a Third Class who spotted him? Well. I wouldn't want to call them a liar, but… they were probably coming out of the procedure themselves. And you know how it is with Mako injections."
Kunsel hums in thought, looking a little troubled. "I do, sir," he says and shakes his head. "It did seem a bit weird."
"You should talk to the Third," Genesis says. "They're probably really convinced they saw something, and maybe they did - but it still wouldn't do to spread stories like that. That's only good for ruining someone's reputation."
"No sir, you're right. I'll talk to him," the Second Class says seriously and nods. "I'll take care of it."
"Good man - maybe take them out on some easy mission, get their mind off it," and get them out of the building for a bit. "It's not their fault. Mako plays tricks on us all."
With Kunsel and hopefully the rumours thus fended off, the coast to the training room is clear. Genesis heads to the elevators, where Angeal is casually poking at the floor button 
"Showtime," Genesis says and looks at Sephiroth. "Time to see if you're still worthy of being a Hero."
Sephiroth clenches his hand around Masamune's sheath and gives him a weird look. "A hero?" he asks incredulously. "Me?"
… Oh. That's…
"Don't worry," Angeal says quickly, clapping Sephiroth on the shoulder. "We'll help you remember." But he looks worried too.
"Or else, take your place," Genesis says, but the taunt lacks its usual sting as he shares a look with Angeal.
This… might be even worse than they thought.
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss; Genesis.
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