#claude turner
occult-roommates · 7 months
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Bob's House
The day of the date Rudi had arranged with Marisa and Akva came. As planned, they went to eat at Bob's House, the restaurant of Marisa's family. Rudi was their waiter that night, and once they were done ordering, Marisa began talking.
Marisa: Ok so like, my parents opened this place a few years before I was born, when they first arrived in this country back in the early 90s. But they weren't doing super well financially, so they tried rebranding when I was around five, and since our logo is a pineapple, I suggested we rename the place to Spongebob's House. Obviously, they couldn't name the place after Spongebob, so they shortened it to Bob, and so here we are. Akva: Ah, ok...By the way, who's that weird guy with the thick accent that's just bothering people for cigarettes? Marisa: Oh, that's Anatoly, but everyone calls him Tolya. He's a guy who moved to San Mysh from Russia at around the same time my parents also moved here. He's been hanging around since day one, except for that six months period where he went to prison and almost got deported. He offers people to pay for their meal in exchange of cigs, but these day less and less people smoke so it's getting harder. Akva: Uh, so we're just gonna skip the "went to jail for six months" part? Marisa: Yeah, got caught with some drugs on him. But he's an integral part of the restaurant and our life to the point he's even my godfather, so my parents really went to bat for him. I don't know all the details though, I couldn't have been older than 10 when this went down. Akva: I don't believe he's old enough to have been an adult in the 90s, my parents were teenagers back then and they don't look as young as him. Marisa: Oh, that' just because he used to be a vampire for a while, got bitten shortly after moving to San Myshuno. He actually liked being one, but 2-3 years ago he accepted to do a drug trial for an experimental cure when he was really desperate for money and it worked.
It seems like every sentence that came out of Marisa's mouth was always wilder than the last, and who knows what she could say now that Rudi had poured them both a glass of wine. As Akva was about to start talking about her life, they heard the sound of plates being broken coming from the first floor, and a woman yelling in Tagalog.
Marisa: That's my parents. They don't get along very well, but they also don't believe in divorce. This is all because of our oldest line cook, his name is Claude, the guy you saw walk in earlier with the big red sweater and long beard. But they don't fire him cause he's been there since the beginning and he's extremely good. Akva: What did he do? Marisa: My mom. Akva: OH! Marisa: Yeah, he's my actual dad. But we all pretend like it's not the case. Also, the guy with long curly hair is my older brother, his name is Dante. Who, as far as we know, is my "father" actual son.
Akva sat there, in awe of how much of a mess the life at Bob's House seems to be. To think the one thing she wanted for her next relationship was for it to be drama free compared to the first two. Well, maybe Marisa is great and all and not messy like everyone she knows...and to be fair, she said nothing about her brother, so he might be normal too...But damn, this seems to be too much. Well, at least, she probably can't get her pregnant or won't shoot her if she were to break up.
Akva: By the way, might sound prejudiced of me, but at first I thought Anatoly was also a line cook. I don't know why.
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johngarfieldtribute · 9 months
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Julie doing “stuff” with famous people (20th post)
Lana Turner poses with Julie in a photo shoot to promote THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE. Love that I.D. bracelet!
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Behind the scenes of BODY AND SOUL with Hazel Brooks.
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Getting wet with Ida Lupino in THE SEA WOLF.
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In conversation with director, Anatole Litvak, and costar Eddie Albert on the set of OUT OF THE FOG.
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A celebrity filled group poses for the premiere of DODGE CITY. Julie is flanked by Errol Flynn and Humphrey Bogart.
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On the dock with Claude Rains in a scene from DAUGHTERS COURAGEOUS.
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Posing in a scene from TORTILLA FLAT with Hedy Lamarr.
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William Conrad is over Julie’s shoulder as they prepare to film a scene from BODY AND SOUL.
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Posing with Rosemary Lane in a photo to promote BLACKWELL’S ISLAND.
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Julie and Pat O’Brien play oil men and are shown in a photo from FLOWING GOLD.
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forlorngarden · 9 months
i have been thinking about Regulus by JMW Turner
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after watching this essay by Jacob Geller - all credit to him. i'm just adapting the transcript because i want this story to be known
Turner participated in so-called 'varnishing days'. In the early 1800s, the public could visit a gallery and watch artists varnish their already-painted works, essentially making the finishing coat into a performance. Turner would take this opportunity to make significant alterations and adjustments to his paintings, live in front of a crowd.
His favorite subject - the sun - plays a central role in one of those paintings, Regulus, which references the story of a Roman general captured by Carthaginians and tortured by having his eyelids sewn open and forced to stare into the sun.
Turner’s painting doesn’t depict this series of events, however; instead we, the viewer, are put in the position of Regulus himself, the light at the center of the frame pouring out in a deluge that saturates every other aspect of the piece. And by all accounts, Regulus was barely the same painting before varnishing day.
The artist John Gilbert watched Turner work, and wrote breathlessly that he “did not look about him, but kept on scumbling a lot of white into his picture - nearly all over it... the picture was a mass of red and yellow of all varieties. Every object was in this fiery state. He had a large palette, nothing in it but a huge lump of flake-white; he had two or three biggish hog tools to work with, and with these he was driving the white into all the hollows, and every part of the surface…The picture gradually became wonderfully effective, just the effect of brilliant sunlight absorbing everything and throwing a misty haze over every object. Standing sideway of the canvas, I saw that the sun was a lump of white standing out like the boss on a shield”.
Even more entertaining, a closer inspection of Regulus shows that the canvas is significantly torn right at the point of sun’s greatest impact and stitched back together by Turner himself, as if the intensity of the light couldn’t be contained on such a fragile material.
now onto some crazy stuff
In 1872, a young artist viewed one of Turner’s exhibitions and then went on to paint his own sun. Except instead of blinding white, this painting featured a moody, orange sun, viewed through a cloudy haze, the brushstrokes that formed it still clearly visible. Like Turner, this artist seemed obsessed with the light– like Regulus, the painting seemed to show the world through…new eyes.
The artist, a man named Claude Monet, would offhandedly name the piece “Impression, Sunrise.” It is the piece that gives impressionism its name.
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i love you impressionism i love you crazy love driven artists i love you this story i love you ART HISTORY!!
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SENSI DELL’ARTE - di Gianpiero Menniti 
Classificare a ogni costo: che errore marchiano.  Alzando steccati si perdono i nodi che congiungono i testi pittorici in un "intero", in una relazione capace di attraversare epoche, stili, segni. Un esempio tra tanti è dato dall'immagine come "impressione": non si tratta di una scoperta esclusiva della seconda metà del XIX secolo ma di una sensibilità che risale nel tempo, lasciando tracce di memoria senza confini. Sfumando in un apparente disfacimento dell'immagine.  In realtà, cogliendone l'essenza: fenomeno dinamico, flusso di sensi.
- Masaccio: "Battesimo dei neofiti", 1424, 1428, Cappella Brancacci, Firenze
- Leonardo da Vinci: "Sant'Anna, la Vergine e il Bambino", particolare, 1510, 1513, Louvre, Parigi
- Tiziano Vecellio: "La pietà", 1575, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venezia
- Caspar David Friedrich: "Monaco in riva a mare", 1809, 1810, Alte Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen, Berlino
- William Turner: "Tempesta di neve", 1842, Tate Gallery, Londra
- Claude Monet: dalle serie de "La cattedrale di Rouen",1892, 1894, Museo d'Orsay, Parigi e Museo Puškin, Mosca
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badmovieihave · 7 months
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Bad movie I have The Real McCoy 1993
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idroolinmysleep · 1 year
A new study, published Tuesday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, analyzed changes in style and color in nearly 100 paintings by Monet and Joseph Mallord William (J.M.W.) Turner, who are known for their impressionistic art and lived during Western Europe’s Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. The study found that over time, as industrial air pollution increased throughout Turner’s and Monet’s careers, skies in their paintings became hazier, too.
“Impressionism is often contrasted with realism, but our results highlight that Turner and Monet’s impressionistic works also capture a certain reality,” said co-author Peter Huybers, a climate scientist and professor at Harvard University. “Specifically, Turner and Monet seem to have realistically shown how sunlight filters through smoke and clouds.”
Monet revels in the aesthetic effects of sunlight bouncing off clouds in the polluted air and “celebrates the spectacle of modern change,” [art historian James] Rubin said.
Now watch some fossil-fuel apologist latch on to this as their next talking point. Air pollution: So dreamy! Great for art!
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kalimalinka · 1 year
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reviving my zombie apocalypse OCs
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tcmparty · 2 years
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@tcmparty live tweet schedule for the week beginning Monday, May 23, 2022. Look for us on Twitter…watch and tweet along…remember to add #TCMParty to your tweets so everyone can find them :) All times are Eastern.
Saturday, May 28 at 8:00 p.m. FROM HERE TO ETERNITY (1953) Enlisted men in Hawaii fight for love and honor on the eve of World War II.
Wednesday, June 01 at 9:45 p.m. ALIEN (1979) The crew of a broken-down spaceship accidentally picks up a deadly alien life form.
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cjjasp · 9 months
#FineArtFriday: Impression Sunrise by Claude Monet 1872, and the Fighting Temeraire by J.M.W. Turner 1839
Today I am featuring two famous paintings, Claude Monet’s Impression Sunrise, the painting that gave  a name to an entire movement withing the artistic community. But Monet was not the first of the impressionists, and he freely admitted that he was an admirer of the radical and oft criticized (in his time) J.M.W. Turner.  Indeed, during the years Monet resided in England, he visited the National…
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paletteofpatricia · 10 months
Exploring the Diverse Styles of Nature-Inspired Wall Art by Famous Artists
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oceanbaby888 · 11 months
What Big Changes Are Coming For You? Pick-A-Pile Reading 💥👑
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Note: Please do not steal. Work of TarotLadyTalks LLC. Thank you!
Hey yall!
I'm back with another pick a pile reading. This reading is credited to @roseology and @Tay on YouTube. Two readers I really love! Enjoy and I hope it resonates with you. This is a general reading so if it doesn't it wasn't for you at this time and that's okay baby! Just a cute little pick me up reading about the changes coming for you, especially on the hills of this Full Moon in Capricorn. Paid readings are open on my shop. Link is here: https://href.li/?https://www.miiriya.com/store/callin-in-wit-claude/
Pile 1: Queen (Do not know where this is from)
Trine--6th House—Gemini--Uranus
Pile 1 you are becoming mentally sharp! This is the change of someone who really got their stuff together and is not afraid to go their own route, hence the Uranus card here. There could be some changes to your routine, or you are just exploring what your routine can look like here with the Gemini card. I'm getting for some of you there could be some changes to your diet, workout routine, and even skincare. I feel like my Pile 1 folks are really going with the flow of their own and not falling into trends & consumerism. YOU ARE THE TREND! What works for you works, and what doesn't, doesn't. You are definitely not going to be pressing yourself anymore about what you think you should do and just give yourself the permission to be childlike and free with your life. And there's nothing better than being that bitch on your own accord. It reminds me of Megan Thee Stallion. Hot, pretty, and doing it your own way. Go Pile 1!!!
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Pile 2: (Halle Bailey as Ariel) Sun-12th House-
3rd House--Pluto
Pile 2, silence is about to be your power and biggest asset. I feel some strength coming in for this pile, but in a very subdued way. In a very quiet where people think you're not there type of way. I won't lie Pile 2 I do see some resistance, possibly coming from your closer circle (hence the 3rd house) but I'm getting that's a good sign. The Sun & Pluto are both extremely powerful planets. Many can't hang and it's lonely at the top Pile 2. Yet, I feel my Pile 2 folks are coming into their own source of light (that's funny with the Sun being here). If you get a chance, listen to "The Game Belongs to Me" by UGK. That's the change for you. You may not notice it right off Pile 2. Heck, you may just think you're just trying to better yourself, but boy are you in for a ride. A good one though (minus some fallouts, but hey, that happens when you upgrade). I'm excited for you Pile 2. Keep me updated. I'm getting for some of my Pile 2 you might start wearing makeup or you're into the fashion industry? If so, the things you put out that you've been working on in private is going to launch you into success! Get ready....
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Pile 3: Tina Turner
First off I want to say good job Pile 3. For not allowing your pain to become who you are. My Pile 3 is starting to recognize that there is no harm in protecting yourself with the Capricorn card. Capricorns do get a bad reputation for coming off as cold and harsh, but one must remember boundaries are not for pleasing others, it's for self-preservation. A big change I see with my Pile 3 is the act of opening up and trying again, but we have more knowledge this time. We are going slower this time. I really love this energy because it takes courage to get up and try again. And depending on the situation and how you react, the pain could have ran deep. I'm glad you're healing at your own pace. I'm glad you're not allowing anyone to control how you feel. That's very courageous of you. For example, let's say you married your high school sweetheart, but unfortunately they may have passed or you both may have divorced. But after some healing and time, you find yourself remarrying someone else, and there was one point in time you probably said to yourself, "Never again." But hey, you processed that pain and you allowed yourself to do it again. That's what's up Pile 3. Even though you may not be completely 100% healed yet, Spirit says that's okay. This change is a sign of a breakthrough for you. That light at the end of a dark, long tunnel. And no, things may never be the same, but things can be better. And I think you're recognizing that :). Good job baby.
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Pile 4: Donna Summer
This pile is screaming Saturn in Pisces lol with these cards. So check where Saturn rx in Pisces is doing in your natal/progressed/solar return chart. Also to include your profection month as well. This pile is starting to see that their dreams can in fact become reality, but then reality sets in LOLOLOL! That's not a bad thing Pile 4, but I can see you're like "Dang, I really gotta put in the work don't I?" Lol yes you do! Opposition and Saturn do not give free handouts Pile 4, but I do see that you're not going to shy away from it. I think quickly you'll realize you're cut off for what you really want to do. Whether it be art, business, drama, music, etc. You really are starting to realize that the only person in your way is....you. But that's okay! Because we are starting today (or whenever you choose to lol). I do think this is a start of a long journey, and it's not to scare you Pile 4, but Spirit is saying if you really want to do this, buckle up. And don't feel bad if you fail from time to time, it's only a learning experience & how can you get better if you don't try again. Yes it may hurt (the Sun is our ego after all), yes it may get frustrating, but there's this saying "To much is given, much is required." And to be even more honest Pile 4, I don't think the Universe is going to let you chicken out on this one. I feel like you're meant to do what you're thinking about, you may just be a little intimidated and that's perfectly a normal, human response. But one thing about Saturn is that it is patient, especially if you're actually trying. So just start. Don't overwhelm yourself. This project will take time. This chapter of your life will take time, but honestly it's worth it. Push forward Pile 4, you can do this.
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Thanks again for reading! See you all later!
-Claude 🪐❤️🌙✨
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worstmombracket · 1 year
The Worst Dad Bracket Masterpost
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ROUND 4: Ends Thursday, May 25th at 2:00 PM CST
Feel free to send in any propaganda for the shitty dad YOU think should win the coveted World's Worst Dad cup!
1A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs Dr. Martin Brenner (Stranger Things) - Battle of the Training From Hell Dads Winner: Endeavor
Donald Davenport (Lab Rats) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Rich Dads Winner: Preston Northwest
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Every Dad from Fire Emblem Fates (Fire Emblem Fates) - Battle of the Dads of Timey Wimey Nonsense Kids Winner: Bro Strider
Mr. Turner (Fairly Oddparents) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epiteth Erased) - Battle of the Dads of Kids who Should Not Have That Responsibility Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Viren (The Dragon Prince) - Battle of Dads I Know Nothing About Winner: Straff Venture
Iemitsu Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of Mafia vs Robber Baron Dads Winner: Jacques Schnee
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Trigon (Teen Titans) - Battle of the Demon Hunter and Demon Dads Winner: John Winchester
John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Nyarlathotep (Persona 2) - Battle of the Dads Whose Submission Reasonings Made Me Go WTF the Most Winner: John "Jod" Gaius
1B Matchups:
Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) vs Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Battle of the Religious Trauma Dads Winner: Claude Frollo
William Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Roy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - Battle of the Purple and Yellow Dads Winner: William Afton
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) - Battle of the Bald Dads Winner: Walter White
Buck Cluck (Chicken Little) vs Ghetsis (Pokémon Black and White) - Battle of the Animal Abuse Dads Winner: Ghetsis
Masayoshi Shido (Persona 5) vs Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) - Battle of Your Rival's Shitty Dads Winner: Manfred von Karma
Harry Wormwood (Matilda) vs Gabe "Smelly Gabe" Ugliano (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - Battle of the Ordinary Shitty Dads with Extraordinary Powerful Kids Winner: Harry Wormwood
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Gozaburo Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Battle of the Corporate Shithead Dads Winner: Gabriel Agreste
Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Firelord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - Battle of the Dads of Kids in Desperate Need of Therapy Winner: Firelord Ozai 2A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (BNHA) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Classless High Class Dads
Winner: Endeavor
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) - Battle of the Neglectful Toy Enthusiast Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of the Arshitocracy Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) - Battle of the John Dads
Winner: John Gaius
2B Matchups:
Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) vs William Afton (FNAF) - Battle of the Burning Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Ghetsis (Pokemon Black & White) - Battle of the Kingpin Dads
Winner: Ghetsis
Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs Harry Wormwood (Mathilda) - Battle of the there's not a coherent theme here ngl dads
Winner: Von Karma
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Firelord Ozai (ATLA) - Battle of the Big Bad Dads
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 3 Matchups:
Endeavor vs Martin Blyndeff - Battle of the Selfish Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture vs John Gaius - Battle of the Literary Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
Claude Frollo vs Ghetsis - Battle of the Ominous Latin Chorus Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Manfred von Karma vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Rival’s Shitty Dad… 2!
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 4 Semifinals Matchups:
Martin Blyndeff vs Straff Venture - Battle of the Dark Horse Dads
Claude Frollo vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Awful Authorities Dads
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hysterekbuddiez · 14 days
Listen… I kinda need this to happen. This would eat.
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66sharkteeth · 7 months
Why does Claude’s hair constantly change the direction it swooshes, like damn man’s so horrible we’re even getting gaslighted with his hair
The same reason Timmy Turner's does- Because it's just an artistic cheat and he'd look incredibly off model if his hair didn't have that swoosh to it. It technically just flips forward like you see in his profile angle, but when drawing him straight on I just put it on whatever side it's not in the way. Rex's bangs flip all the time too.
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Stardew Valley Bachelor/Bachelorette's Music Taste HCs
These are the songs I think the bachelors and bachelorettes would have on their playlists.
Take on Me - a-ha
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
Tainted Love - Soft Cell
What I Like About You - The Romantics
Friday I'm In Love - The Cure
Master Of Puppets - Metallica
Freak - Silverchair
Zero - The Smashing Pumpkins
Battery - Metallica
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Un Sospiro - Franz Liszt
Nocturne in E Flat Major, Op. 9 - No.2 - Frédéric Chopin
Rêverie, L. 68 - Claude Debussy
Clair De Lune - Claude Debussy
Time For A Change - Aaron Cousland
505 - Arctic Monkeys
Plush - Stone Temple Pilots
cold weather - glass beach
Invocation - Meth Wax
Credit In The Straight World - Hole
My Girl - The Temptations
I'm a Believer - The Monkees
Reet Petite - Jackie Wilson
Cheek to Cheek - Fred Astaire
Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra, Count Basie
California Dreamin' - The Mamas & The Papas
For Once In My Life - Stevie Wonder
Kokomo - Beach Boys
Bad Moon Rising - Creedence Clearwater Revival
Joy To The World - Three Dog Night
A Mermaid in Lisbon - Patrick Watson, Teresa Salgueiro
I'd Like To Walk Around In Your Mind - Vashti Bunyan
Don't Believe - Vashti Bunyan
The Moon Song - beabadoobee, Oscar Lang
B Side - San Cisco
I / Me / Myself - Will Wood
2econd 2ight 2eer - Will Wood
Amnesia Was Her Name - Lemon Demon
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Lemon Demon
The Ballad of Hamantha - Jack Stauber's Micropop
Rät - Penelope Scott
People Eater - Sodikken
no body, no crime - Taylor Swift, HAIM
Motion Sickness - Pheobe Bridgers
Old Man - Stella Donnelly
Rät - Penelope Scott
Beware of the Dogs - Stella Donnelly
Your Light - Big Moon
Groan - Dazey and the Scouts
Sweet Cis Teen - Dazey and the Scouts
i'm gonna tell my therapist on you - Pinkshift
Bowling Alley Carpet - Gum Disease
Kill the Chord - Gaffa Tape Sandy
Clean Jeans - Remember Sports
Vixen - Destroy Boys
Every Blondie song ever
Black Velvet - Alannah Myles
Leave a Light On - Belinda Carlisle
The Best - Tina Turner
The Tide Is High - Blondie
One Way Or Another - Blondie
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eludin-realm · 7 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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