#claus holm
lobbycards · 2 months
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The Indian Tomb (Das Indische Grabmal), Dutch Lobby Card. 1959
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rwpohl · 1 year
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streamondemand · 2 months
'Berlin Alexanderplatz' – Rainer Werner Fassbinder's epic limited series on Criterion Channel
“Beginnings are hard, but without them there would be no endings.” Berlin Alexanderplatz (Germany, 1980), Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s fifteen-hour-plus adaptation of Alfred Döblin’s novel, is the filmmaker’s most lavish and complex production ever. The story of Franz Biberkopf (played with almost childlike openness and vulnerability by Gunter Lamprecht), who steps out of prison and into the…
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frankenjoly · 8 months
injured prompts: sherliam + Stop. No. Wake up. Wake up! I said wake up!
(preferably sherlock is the one injured?) 👀
That shouldn’t be happening. That couldn’t be happening. That--
“Stop. No.” William muttered, a tad bit more loud than he had meant to, incessantly poking Sherlock to prevent him from closing his eyes… and seemingly failing. “Wake up!” He then pleaded, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking with desperation-driven energy. “I said: wake up!”
Failing didn’t mean he had any intention of giving up, but quite the opposite; putting all his strength and will into it, William carried on.
“Please! Sherly, please! Just-- just hold on, alright? Hold on.” Breathing deeply wasn’t helping much when it came to calming down, but at least it was better than nothing; panicking might render him unable to do anything, and that sure as hell wouldn’t help Sherlock.
Knowing that didn't prevent tears from starting to fall through his cheeks. Though it seemed letting them go free somewhat did the trick, because that and his resolve kind of acted as mind-clearers.
And yet…
“You don't deserve this. I do.” William whispered, lifting a now bloodied hand to wipe his own tears. Having his sight blocked would also be a hindrance.
“No… fucking way...” Sherlock, who thankfully hadn't lost consciousness completely, immediately said. And when he raised his own hand to take one of William's, it didn't totally lack strength. Thank goodness. “Liam… I'm gonna be fine, alright? Though I've been better too, that's true.”
Despite everything, William managed to let out a brief laugh.
(Also on ao3.)
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finalproblem · 1 year
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It started out totally normal, just @silver-boots & I talkin' about vampire!Holmes in The Giant Chat of Sumatra. As you do.
Then I made the life-altering decision to Google "Sherlock Holmes Santa."
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Sherlock Santa (2023)
Starring: William Baldwin, Tom Arnold, and Elva Trill Santa Claus is suffering from a mysterious disease. He lies in bed and only repeats one word: Lebanna. The elves are desperate and don't know what to do anymore. Christmas seems lost when Santa's assistant Annabel uses magic and summons the greatest detective on earth to the castle. The man who appears in front of her doesn't seem very smart but she [sic] claims to be the great-great grandson of the great Sherlock Holmes. Annabel entrusts him with the case and an assistant to her, her son Sam. Will the two be able to solve the Lebanna mystery despite Sherlock being allergic to Christmas? Maybe the solution lies in some Arctic Friends cartoons that Santa watched as a child?
This sounds like it has the potential to be AWFUL, and I must find it.
If anyone has a lead on if / when / how this movie will be available in the US / the English language, please please drop a reply to this post. 🎅
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stone-cold-groove · 10 months
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Old-fashioned fruit cakes. D. H. Holmes - December 1927.
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all of yr murdoch posting w dori is on my dash what the fuck happens in murdoch mysteries. malloy. malloy what the fuck happens in murdoch mysteries.
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helloliriels · 9 months
"Do you think The Doctor exists?"
Sherlock asked John.
The question came out of nowhere as he was hanging a stocking up by the fire.
There were three, side-by-side. One for John, one for little Rosie, and one for Sherlock.
It took a moment for John's brain to catch up to what Sherlock was asking?
"Sorry ...? The doctor?" John asked, tilting his head as if trying to recall what they had been discussing previously? "What doctor?"
His hand hovered over the tree as it held a snowflake ornament, midway to hanging it on its waiting branch.
"You know ...?" Sherlock shrugged, "The Doctor." He waved his arms to indicate all of the Christmas decorations. "The one who shows up while you are sleeping and delivers christmas toys?"
John's eyes went wide.
"You don't mean ... are you ... ? Are you talking about Santa somehow?"
"No, John," Sherlock Holmes rolled his eyes, leaving all but the word 'idiot' out. "Everyone and their dog knows Santa Claus isn't real! He could never make deliveries on a global scale with just a sleigh and handful of reindeer?!"
"No," John chuckled to himself, "course not. Silly me!"
"He doesn't even have a time machine," Sherlock muttered, sounding a little affronted.
Then he was stepping back to admire his handiwork on the mantle before picking up a strand of garland from the box of decorations, and lifting out a packet of fairy lights.
"Hang on a mo-"
John carefully hung up the ornament - mind still reeling with thoughts - as he made sure he would not drop and shatter anything, before climbing down the stepladder to face Sherlock more directly.
Once he was on firm ground, he came over and turned Sherlock around.
Sherlock froze. Staring down at the closeness of John, at the warmth of his hands touching him ... blinking both at it, and then up at John's now glittering eyes.
"You mean to tell me ...? John asked, voice tinkling with mirth, "...that you grew up ...? With tales of Doctor Who delivering your Christmas presents??!"
John was barely containing his enthusiasm.
"Doctor who?" Sherlock asked, confused.
"Oh my God," John was now laughing with his eyes also, "Oh ... my. God! The Doctor?! The timelord with two hearts ... ! The one who travels in a big blue box? That Doctor??"
Sherlock shuffled his feet uncomfortably, and wouldn't meet John's eyes.
"That ... is ... " Sherlock huffed, "isn't that ... how it goes?" He looked around as if he had somehow gotten it all wrong??
Was John making fun of him?
It had certainly made more sense than a giant bearded old elf in red wool sneaking down non-existent chimneys! Or at least he and Mycroft thought so ...
John had stopped laughing. He stepped forward and looked up earnestly as Sherlock, "Will I ever cease to be amazed by how your brain works?" He asked, genuinely amazed.
Sherlock's eyes went wide as John stepped closer and ... his hand brushed the curls away from Sherlock's forehead.
Then he pulled Sherlock in for a kiss.
Now Sherlock's eyes were glittering, looking as if he'd opened every Christmas present early.
"Just know, if I find you kissing any other Doctor on Christmas eve ..." John warned, playfully, "I will be taking back all of your Christmas presents!"
Sherlock grinned, "Doctor who?" he mocked in return, stooping to pull John close again, "I only kiss this one."
John laughed as Sherlock enthusiastically smothered him in kisses. Only pulling away when they heard Rosie coo from the other room.
"Oh, I know what we're watching tonight!" John laughed.
Sherlock pulled John back and placed John's hand over his own heart. "John ...?" he asked, in serious reply to John's teasing, "are you sure you don't have two hearts?"
Just then, Rosie walked in, dragging her floppy bunny behind her ...
"Maybe ... even three?" Sherlock corrected.
John smiled ... knowing his own heart had just melted.
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@johnlocky @chinike @rhasima @fluffbyday-smutbynight @lisbeth-kk @gregorovitchworld @john-smiths-jawline @topsyturvy-turtely @chriscalledmesweetie @calaisreno @khorazir @missdeliadili @masterofhounds @whatnext2020 @safedistancefrombeingsmart @bewitched-bullet @kettykika78 @discordantwords @bertytravelsfar @inevitably-johnlocked @red-pen-revolution @sabsi221b @sakshisahu @solarmama @janetm74 @a-victorian-girl @blogstandbygo @purplevatican @totallysilvergirl @7-percent @sarahthecoat @inevitably-johnlocked @raina-at @jobooksncoffee @dontfuckmylifewtf @iwlyanmw @saki101 @sgam76 @kabubsmagga @keirgreeneyes @meetinginsamarra @loki-lock @a-different-equation @mrb488 @youcouldcallmegus @amyreadsandstresses @inatshej @dragonnan @tiverrr
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bracketsoffear · 2 years
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Eye Avatar Bracket Lineup Round 1
Cecil Palmer vs. Lemony Snicket
Apollo Justice vs. Mike Wazowski
GLaDOS vs. Janet
Harry duBois vs. Futaba Sakura
Rachel Elizabeth Dare vs. Santa Claus
Kyoko Kirigiri vs. Ivy Alexandria
Prof. Brian O'Blivion vs. Sunset Shimmer
L vs. Dipper Pines
Doc Scratch vs. Sauron
Columbo vs. Jadis
TBH Creature/Yippee vs. Big Brother
Barbara 'Oracle' Gordon vs. Dib Membrane
Sherlock Holmes vs. Matilda
Guinan vs. Arthur Lester
Spencer Reid vs. Donna Noble/The DoctorDonna
Uatu the Watcher vs. Nikignik 100 Eyes in the Dark
Round 1 will close in 24 hours.
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― Teju Cole, Blind Spot
Hockey Poetry Post 30/?
(Photo credit: link, Kevin Sousa, Brett Holmes, Claus Andersen, Eliot J. Schechter, Eliot J. Schechter, Andrew Lahodynskyj, link, link, link)
Inspired by this post by @f1vegas
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penig · 1 year
Everyone in the tag is reacting to all of Watson's descriptions of fat people as negative, and I just don't read them that way. Yes, he makes a point of saying certain people are fat. He also makes a point of saying that this woman is beautiful, that man is small, whatever. He's painting word pictures of people. Yes, he compared Mycroft's hand to a flipper. It's a vivid image. What has flippers? Seals, which are cute; whales which are vast and intelligent, porpoises which are lively and friendly. The animal comparisons he makes that have demonstrable negative connotations are skinny - rats and ferrets (I think he's described Lestrade's face in terms of both animals, but I could be wrong.) He compares Holmes to a dog fairly often. He likes dogs.
The thing is, we are so steeped in fatphobia today that we think the adjective is a pejorative unless explicitly denied in the text, and that's...a fairly recent development. I'm in my 60s; I remember when the stereotype of fat people was "jolly." When "Tubby" was a friendly nickname neither intended nor taken as an insult. My reading of Victorian literature introduced me to dozens of positive, morally neutral, and genial associations with fatness, which represents prosperity, good humor, sometimes silliness but often kindness and generosity, particularly in men. Mr. Pickwick is fat. Santa Claus is fat. Mycroft Holmes is fat and his skinny little brother loves and admires him. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was no sylph and neither is Watson. "Fat Men's Clubs" existed in Holmes's day, celebrations of men who had abundance in their lives and enjoyed their meals.
I am not repulsed by the fatness of Mycroft or any of the fat clients; and I don't think Watson is, either. He is not responsible for the prejudices modern readers project onto him.
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solarotters · 11 months
"It was as if a god had been destroyed by treachery. So children mourn, perhaps, when Santa Claus is murdered by their elders" (from The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes by Vincent Starrett about the public's reaction to Holmes' death)
This topic will always be interesting to me. This decision by Doyle is usually described as Doyle hating Holmes, though the truth was that the stories simply weren't what Doyle, as a writer, wanted to write. It's interesting how even when talking about Holmes' death as a character, he is described as a real human being; it's not "Doyle hated writing him", it's "Doyle hated him" (both aren't true, it's just if I were to simplify it). Starrett put it perfectly--at that moment, Holmes' death would've been like when kids found out that Santa Claus wasn't real, when people realize he's simply a character that the author can decide to discard at any moment. But Starrett also acknowledges that Holmes is more than that, he is beyond a fictional character. Doyle, without realizing, has lost control over this character that he has created. It doesn't belong just to him anymore. This writer is no longer the god of his creation, instead Holmes is the god and Doyle only brings upon the treachery.
Starrett also says that Holmes is "an illusion so real...that one might some day look about for him in Heaven, forgetting that he was only a character in a book."
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jtownraindancer · 1 year
The Burn Collection
Hello friends! I've been hunting down Burn Gorman's works (film, screen, and radio) over the past few months, and since sharing is caring~
Arkham County- From within the walls of Arkham’s asylum, reclusive writer Randolph Carter tells the story of orphan Violet Flintock, who arrives in Arkham County in search of her own history only to be instantly greeted by the bloody realities of this small town, whose foundations are built from the lore and mythology of HP Lovecraft. Horror; mature themes. 2020. Ensemble cast. Wilbur. [complete]
Torchwood: Everyone Says Hello- Across Cardiff, ordinary people are behaving in odd ways: saying hello to complete strangers, and going out of their way to greet one another. Torchwood discovers that an alien communications field is gathering strength in the area. The team must find the device responsible and shut it off - before civil unrest engulfs the whole city. 2008. Narrator. Owen Harper. [complete]
Torchwood: Slow Decay- A friend of Gwen's has recently done an impressive bit of slimming, thanks to a new Cardiff weight-loss clinic with an incredibly simple system, and now Rhys wants to give it a try. Elsewhere in the city, an ordinary woman with superhuman strength and a extraordinary hunger is attacking people and eating her victims. 2007. Narrator. Owen Harper. [complete]
Agatha Christie's Marple: Ordeal By Innocence- Old wounds are reopened for the Argyle family when a man suddenly turns up after being abroad and claims that the black sheep of the family could not have murdered its tyrannical matriarch. 2007. Ensemble cast. Antagonist. Jacko Argyle. [complete]
Cemetery Junction- In early 1970s England, three friends spend their days in banter, drinking, fighting and chasing girls. Freddie wants to escape their working class world but cheeky chappy Bruce and kind-hearted slacker Snork are happy with life the way it is. When Freddie gets a job as a door-to-door insurance salesman and bumps into his old school sweetheart Julie, the gang are forced to make choices that will change their lives forever. 2010. Ensemble cast. PC Renwick. [complete]
Color Me Kubrick- The true story of a man who posed as director Stanley Kubrick during the production of Kubrick's last film, Eyes Wide Shut (1999), despite knowing very little about his work and looking nothing like him. 2005. Period typical -isms. Ensemble cast. Willie. [complete]
Crimson Peak- An aspiring young author travels to a remote Gothic mansion in Cumberland, England with her new husband and his sister. There, she must decipher the mystery behind the ghostly visions that haunt her new home. 2015. Ensemble cast. Mr. Holly. [complete]
Dalziel and Pascoe: A Death in The Family- When a transit depot is robbed of £600,000 in used banknotes, the thieves left one thing behind: a dead security guard. The victim is revealed to be the inside man and telephone records lead to Steve Pitt, found dead in his restaurant. 2006. Ensemble cast. Jerry Hart. [complete]
Enola Holmes- Enola is the youngest sibling in the famous Holmes family. She is extremely intelligent, observant, and insightful, defying the social norms for women of the time. Her mother Eudoria has taught her everything she needs to know to be strong-willed and independent. But on her sixteenth birthday, Enola wakes to find that her mother has disappeared. 2020. Ensemble cast. Linthorn. [complete]
Fred Claus- Santa's bitter older brother, Fred, is forced to move to the North Pole to help Santa and the elves prepare for their big night in exchange for cash. But what started out as an easy way to make money soon turns into a desperate attempt to save Christmas. 2007. Cameo. Elf. [complete]
Guernica- "Listen, George. Here's your damn war story. Twenty-six April, 1937. Gernika. Don't give a damn if you use my name or you have someone else sign it. But it's the story I want printed. Ready? A very small town in the north of Spain is about to become very famous, but for all the wrong reasons." 2016. Ensemble cast. Soviet Consul. [complete]
Imperium- A young FBI agent, eager to prove himself in the field, goes undercover as a white supremacist. 2016. Mature content. Ensemble cast. Morgan. [complete]
In A Valley of Violence- A mysterious stranger and a random act of violence drag a town of misfits and nitwits into the bloody crosshairs of revenge. 2016. Ensemble cast. Priest. [complete]
Jimi: All Is By My Side- In 1966, an unknown guitarist named James Hendrix leaves New York for London, changes his name to Jimi and begins to make his mark in the world of rock music. Ensemble cast. Michael Jeffrey. [complete]
Johnny English Reborn- Johnny English is retired in Tibet and in disgrace in MI7 after a washed-up mission in Mozambique. Summoned unexpectedly by MI7 to stop assassins from killing Chinese Premier Xiang Ping. 2011. Ensemble cast. Agent Slater. [complete]
Layer Cake- A successful cocaine dealer gets two tough assignments from his boss on the eve of his planned early retirement. 2004. Ensemble cast. Gazza. [complete]
Lift- A master thief and his Interpol Agent ex-girlfriend team up to steal $500 million in gold bullion being transported on an A380 passenger flight. 2024. Ensemble cast; antagonist. Cormac. [complete]
Love is Not Enough- DV Indie filmmaker due to shoot promo for unsigned Welsh pop group takes the money and uses it to finish the film he's been working on for 5 years. 2001. Mature content. Period typical -isms. Slurs. Ensemble cast. Al Weisberger. [complete]
Pacific Rim- As a war between humankind and monstrous sea creatures wages on, a former pilot and a trainee are paired up to drive a seemingly obsolete special weapon in a desperate effort to save the world from the apocalypse. 2013. Ensemble cast. Dr. Hermann Gottlieb. [complete]
Pacific Rim Uprising- Jake Pentecost, son of Stacker Pentecost, reunites with Mako Mori to lead a new generation of Jaeger pilots against a new Kaiju threat. But this time, the threat comes from somewhere much closer to home. 2018. Ensemble cast. Dr. Hermann Gottlieb. [complete]
Penelope- Penelope Wilhern was born with the snout of a pig due to a curse that was placed on her family by a vengeful witch. The only way to break the curse is for "one of her own kind" to love her. 2006. Ensemble cast. Larry Bunter. [complete]
Ransomed- A young diplomat is assigned the task of carrying the ransom money to rescue an abducted diplomat in Lebanon, and a local taxi driver accidently gets involved in the mission. 2023. Ensemble cast. Richard Carter. [complete]
Red Lights- Psychologist Margaret Matheson and her assistant study paranormal activity, which leads them to investigate a world-renowned psychic who has resurfaced years after his toughest critic mysteriously passed away. 2012. Ensemble cast. Benedict Cohen. [complete]
Sex, The City and Me- Jess, a high-flying banker, is sidelined in her job by her Machiavellian boss when she returns to work after having a baby. She decides to sue the bank and ends up risking everything, including her marriage. The drama is inspired by in-depth interviews with women who have fought major cases in the City. 2007. Ensemble cast. Lawrence. [complete]
The Curse of Steptoe- Aspiring stage actor Harry H. Corbett jumps at the chance to star in a television comedy show 'Steptoe and Son'. The show's success proves to be a poisoned chalice, thwarting his stage ambitions. Wilfrid Brambell, the actor playing his father, is a gay man in an England where homosexuality is still illegal. Both, in their own way, feel that they have invoked the curse of Steptoe. Ray Galton. [complete]
The Inspector Lynley Mysteries: In Divine Proportion- While investigating the murder of an interior decorator, Inspector Lynley and Sergeant Havers quickly learn there is a connection between the victim's murder, and the death of her sister 15 years earlier. Mature themes; references to rape & suicide. 2005. Ensemble cast. Billy Verger. [complete]
The Oxford Murders- At Oxford University, a professor and a grad student work together to try to stop a potential series of murders seemingly linked by mathematical symbols. 2008. Ensemble cast. Yuri Podorov. [complete]
Undergods- A dystopian anthology set in a post-apocalyptic landscape. The breakout film of director Chino Moya, "Undergods" offers a prophetic warning that we will be the instruments of our own undoing if we refuse to address rising authoritarianism alongside growing inequality and scarcity of resources. 2020. Ensemble cast. Tim. [complete]
Up There- Martin (deceased) is stuck in a dead-end job, welcoming the newly departed into the afterlife. All he dreams of is going 'Up There'. But his plans are thrown into disarray when he has to team up with the relentlessly chirpy Rash, and together they lose a new arrival. 2011. Ensemble cast; protagonist. Martin. [complete]
Walking With The Enemy- A young man, separated from his family in World War II, disguises himself as a Nazi S.S. Officer and uncovers more than just his family whereabouts. 2013. Ensemble cast. Lt. Colonel Otto Skorzeny. [complete]
Watcher- As a serial killer stalks the city, Julia -- a young actress who just moved to town with her boyfriend -- notices a mysterious stranger watching her from across the street. 2022. Ensemble cast; antagonist. Watcher; Weber. [complete]
Guest Appearances
A Lark Rise in Candleford: Season 4, Episode 3- Thomas is euphoric when he lands the job of organising the church bazaar. But his joy soon evaporates when the vicar falls ill, and the controversial and free-thinking curate Reverend Marley takes charge. Thomas is convinced that Marley is evil incarnate, and when he comes across a snake on his postal rounds, he sees it as a sign that the devil is indeed amongst them. 2011. Ensemble cast; guest star. Reverend Benedict Marley. [complete]
Casualty: Not Waving But Drowning- Penny's medical skills are tested to the limit during a diving expedition, and Holly is mystified at the collapse of a promising teenage dancer. 1999. Ensemble cast; guest star. Geoff Simpson. [complete]
Coronation Street- 1998. Ensemble cast; guest star. Ben Andrews. [coming soon!]
Forever- Dr. Henry Morgan is a New York City medical examiner who studies the dead for criminal cases, and to solve the mystery of his own immortality. 2014. Ensemble cast; guest star. Lewis Farber/Adam. (Appears only in episodes 11, 14, 18, 21 & 22, but all episodes are here!) [complete]
Game of Thrones- Nine noble families fight for control over the lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after being dormant for millennia. 2011. Ensemble cast; guest star. Karl Tanner. (only featuring Burn's four appearances) [complete]
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Flowers For Charlie- Charlie being used as a test subject for a new intelligence pill that makes him smarter and more aware of his messed-up life, causing him to quit his janitor job. Meanwhile, Dee, Dennis, and Mac try to do Charlie's work but get sidetracked and high on gasoline; and Frank tries to bring Charlie back to his dimwitted self. 2013. Ensemble cast; guest star. The Scientist/Science Bitch. [complete]
Lucky Man- From the mind of comic book legend Stan Lee comes a bold new action crime series about a brilliant but flawed police officer with the power to control luck. 2016. Ensemble cast; guest appearance. Doug. (Featuring only the three episodes in which he starred.) [complete]
Merseybeat: Coming of Age- Sgt. Gentle decides it's time for a change and decides to go out on the beat with PC Traynor, and the pair investigate a burglary at the home of an antiques dealer. Meanwhile, Ch. Insp. Oulton tries to help out an old friend who has found himself on the wrong side of the law. 2001. Ensemble cast; guest appearance. Sean Finnigan. [complete]
The Man in The High Castle- In a dystopian America dominated by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, a young woman discovers a mysterious film that may hold the key to toppling the totalitarian regimes. 2015. The Marshal. (Featuring only the two episodes in which he starred.) [complete]
And Then There Were None- Ten strangers are invited to Soldier Island, an isolated rock near the Devon coast in southern England. Cut off from the mainland, with their generous hosts mysteriously absent, they are each accused of a terrible crime. As members of the party start to die one by one, the survivors realize that one of them is a killer and start to turn on each other. Mature themes. 2015. Ensemble cast. Sergeant Detective William "Bill" Blore. [complete]
Bleak House- Jarndyce and Jarndyce is an interminable law case in the Court of Chancery, concerning two or more wills and their beneficiaries. Eventually, after several decades, a verdict is finally reached, but not without a surprising number of twists along the way. 2005. Ensemble cast. William Guppy. (Video formatting issues in a couple episodes- i.e. fuzzy and/or black borders on sides in several sections. Full picture still visible, just with weird borders.) [complete]
Cheat- What starts out as what appears to be an open-and-shut case of academic dishonesty, soon spirals out of everyone’s control, proving there’s far more to the story than just a plagiarised essay. What lies behind the shocking events and tragedies that unfurl? Mature themes. 2019. Ensemble cast. Ben Jarvis. [complete]
Spies of Warsaw- A military attaché at the French embassy is drawn into a world of abduction, betrayal and intrigue in the diplomatic salons and back alleys of Warsaw. 2013. Ensemble cast. Jourdain. [complete {with Portuguese subtitles}]
The Hour- 2011. Ensemble cast. Thomas Kish. [coming soon!]
The Offer- A series based on Oscar-winning producer Albert S. Ruddy's extraordinary, never-revealed experiences of making "The Godfather." 2022. Ensemble cast. Charles Bluhdorn. [complete]
The Runaway- Cathy Connor and Eamonn Docherty are childhood sweethearts who are desperate to escape their East End roots. When Cathy murders her Mum's pimp in self-defense it changes their lives forever. Mature themes. 2011. Ensemble cast. Richard Gates. [complete]
Wuthering Heights- Based on the classic novel by Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights is a story of love, obsession, hate and revenge. The protagonists, Cathy and Heathcliff, form a love that is dark and destructive and affects the lives of everyone around them. 2009. Ensemble cast. Hindley Earnshaw. [complete]
Podcasts & Radio Dramas
Curl Up & D.I.- Gemma and Andy are two feckless coppers patrolling the mean streets of Slatby, a faded North Yorkshire seaside town with an unsolved murder problem. With conventional leads exhausted, local hairstylists, gossipmongers and armchair crime-solvers Yacky and Reuben are enlisted, and their salon unwittingly becomes the beating heart of all ongoing detective operations. Welcome to the murky hinterlands of soft perms and slaughter. Mature content. 2022. Chief Steve "Wendy" Concern. [complete]
Doctor Who: Timelord Victorious: Echoes of Extinction- Trapped, a haunted monster waits to consume new victims. It needs help. It needs a doctor. Unfortunately, it also needs to kill whoever it meets. Thrust into immediate danger, and on the back-foot, it will take all of the Doctor’s ingenuity to triumph. Two interlinked adventures. Two Doctors. One foe. 2021. Ensemble cast. The Network. [complete]
Glad To Be Back- Opera-loving Lezzo is on home leave for the weekend. His prison term is due to end in four weeks' time, and he is looking for a little innocent enjoyment. His friends have other plans in mind however, and his mother has some worrying news. 1999. Ensemble cast. Norman; Various. [complete]
He Died With His Eyes Open- A detective in 1980s London investigates a brutal murder, but has little to go on except for the victim's cassette diaries. 2013. Ensemble cast; narrator. The Detective. [complete]
King Trash- Mike Hodges adapts King Lear in a gritty retelling following KT, an 80-year-old criminal despot who owns a landfill site in the outskirts of London, and his daughter Honey, who is anything but sweet. Mature themes. 2007. Ensemble cast. Clint. [complete]
The Babington Plot- During the reign of Elizabeth I, a group of Catholic gentlemen conceived a plan to assassinate the Queen. The story of the failed conspiracy, told in documentary fashion on its one-year anniversary, is revealed via the different perspectives of several participants in the events. 2008. Ensemble cast. Robert Poley. [complete]
The Battersea Poltergeist- A paranormal cold case, re-investigated through a thrilling blend of drama and documentary. The true story of one of Britain's strangest hauntings. 2021. Ensemble cast. Wally Hitchings. (includes original adverts.) [complete]
The Mayor of Casterbridge- Michael Henchard spends his life trying to atone for the terrible action that led to the loss of his wife and child. But his past refuses to be buried, no matter how hard he tries to conceal it. Dark themes. 2008. Ensemble cast. Abel Whittle. [complete]
The Reckoning: The Death of Christopher Marlowe- In London, 1593, playwright Christopher Marlowe, a young writer, is stabbed in a disagreement over the bill, and the authorities find that Marlowe was killed in self-defence. History says it was just a drunken quarrel, nothing more. But Charles Nicholl thinks it was murder, and an unsolved murder never grows old. 2022. Ensemble cast. Robert Poley. [complete]
The Spy- Henry Wharton, a young British soldier, sneaks into No-Man's Land in civilian clothing in order to visit the family he hasn't seen in over a year. But the happy reunion is cut short when he is captured by American soldiers and must stand trial as a spy. 2012. Ensemble cast. Harvey Birch. [complete]
The Taming of The Shrew- Petruchio, after collecting money from both her younger sister's suitors and a dowry from her father, is ready to marry Katherine, even against her will. Have Katherine and Petruchio learned to love each other? Or is the marriage based on terror and deception? 1998. Ensemble cast. Grumio. [complete]
The War Master: Escape From Reality: The Adventure of The Deceased Doctor- When Dr John Watson is informed of his own murder, only the world’s greatest consulting detective can assist. He just happens to come from a different world. 2022. Ensemble cast. Lestrade/Moriarty. [complete] (included the other three parts of Escape From Reality saga; will have Parts 1-4 indicated in titles)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz- When a tornado strikes her farmhouse in Kansas, young Dorothy is lifted to the magical world of Oz where she embarks upon a perilous journey to find her way back home. 2009. Ensemble cast. Tin Man. [complete]
Unauthorised History: The Killing- Four men have rented an upstairs room in a tavern to have a "meeting". Sometime later, a violent commotion is heard, and only three of the four men come out alive. The coroner rules that Christopher Marlowe, contemporary of William Shakespeare, was killed in self-defense. One man is not so certain, and he's determined to uncover the truth, no matter where the trail leads. 2010. Ensemble cast. Robert Poley. [complete]
Television Series
Halo- Aliens threaten human existence in an epic 26th-century showdown. 2022. Ensemble cast; antagonist. Vishner Grath. [complete]
Jamestown- 1619. Alice, Verity, and Jocelyn are among several women arrived from England, duty-bound to marry the men who have paid for their passage to Jamestown. Also arriving from England are Governor Yeardley and his wife Temperance, who will quickly discover the difficulties in both running the settlement and preventing a Company Secretary from undermining his position. 2017-19. Ensemble cast. Virginia Company Secretary Nicholas Farlow. [complete]
Torchwood- The members of the Torchwood Institute, a secret organization founded by the British Crown, fight to protect the Earth from extraterrestrial and supernatural threats. 2006. Ensemble cast. Dr. Owen Harper. [in progress- Seasons 1 & 2 posted!]
TURN: Washington's Spies- Long Island farmer Abe Woodhull bands together with a group of childhood friends to form an unlikely group of spies, The Culper Ring, who turn the tide in America's fight for independence. 2014-18. Ensemble cast. Major Edmund Hewlett. [complete]
Torchwood Audios
Corpse Day- PC Andy Davidson is very excited. It’s Corpse Day – the day when the local constabulary get help on dead cases from Torchwood. This year, he’s volunteered to act as liaison, and he knows he’s going to have a brilliant time. For Dr. Owen Harper, today’s just like any other. There’ll be bloodshed, screaming and murder. At the end of it all, he doesn’t care. After all, life’s just for the living, and he’s long dead. 2017. Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
Gooseberry- Andy has a girlfriend. She's called Caite, and she's utterly lovely. And then she meets Owen. Owen finds out that Caite has a secret. One that he's desperate to understand. But the more he discovers, the more dangerously close to Caite he becomes. What's going to happen when Andy finds out? 2021. Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
Iceberg- Dr. Owen Harper gets a call from an old friend in the middle of the night. She's got a ward full of coma patients, all of them checking in with a dead relative as their imaginary friend. Is it mere coincidence, or have they discovered a bridge between the living and the dead? 2020. Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
Lease of Life- 3 bed, 1 bath, shared house in a vibrant area with easy access to Cardiff city centre. Has a real lived-in feel. Note to interested parties: There is a small spreading mould issue, and an investigation is being undertaken on site. Those worried are advised to contact the Council's Mould Expert, Dr. Owen Harper. 2021. Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
The Hope- Megwyn Jones is one of the most hated women in Britain. She used to run a home for troubled children in an isolated part of Snowdonia called The Hope. For a long time there were rumours about what was happening there, and then one day it was realised that the children had gone missing. The years have been long and hard, but now Megwyn’s dying, and she’s agreed to go back to The Hope, to reveal the horrible secret she’s kept all these years. 2019. Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
The Last Beacon- A signal in a Welsh mountain is calling an ancient battlefleet to Earth. Owen Harper and Ianto Jones head up into the Brecons to stop it. The problem is - Ianto really loves camping. Owen? Owen does not. 2018. Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
The Three Monkeys- Andy Davidson's been ordered to watch over a local businessman, and he's suprised when Owen decides to tag along on the stakeout. Andy knows it can't just be coincidence- Owen knows something- the businessman's attracted Torchwood’s attention. Tonight, the two of them are going to take him down. But will luck be on their side? 2020. Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
Torchwood Special: Believe- The Church of the Outsiders believe that mankind is about to evolve, to reach out into the stars. Owen Harper believes that Torchwood has to do whatever it takes to stop them. Mature content. 2018. Main cast! Ensemble cast. Owen Harper. [complete]
*This post will be updated as I find more content. **Quality may not always be the best due to age and/or limited availability. Will do my best to clean audio/video up, and will hopefully be able to find better quality replacements in time.
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frankenjoly · 9 months
sherliam + “you don’t have to be a hero”
“You don’t have a hero, you know? Well, ‘didn’t’, but you get me.”
William already expected those words to have quite the reaction on Sherlock, and yet seeing him turn his head instantly upon hearing them had some sprinkle of unexpectedness to it; something which didn’t make sense.
“Those are very funny words for someone who put me to play the hero role in his scheme for a better tomorrow.” The quick way he had directed his full attention towards him aside, Sherlock didn’t seem unphased in the slightest. If anything, it looked like the whole situation, or at least such a comment, amused him.
“I mean when you went all the way to save me, of course.” And of course Sherlock knew it, right from the start, but still William had to say it out loud.
“Maybe I didn’t, alright.” Sherlock then simply shrugged, then leaned in a bit closer, and a couple of seconds later he felt the detective taking his hand. “But I wanted to, and I did it. Hope that settles it.” 
“We could have both died instead.” The grip on William’s hand got tighter, though not uncomfortable.
“That’s a risk I willingly took, so c’mon.” He opened his mouth to speak, but Sherlock was faster. “And I don’t regret it, for the record.”
“I wasn’t going to comment on that.” William smirked, a gesture that instantly turned into a way softer smile. “But you know what? Thank you.”
For those words, for being there for and with him… for everything, but he didn’t need to say all of that for Sherlock to understand; he would.
(Also on ao3.)
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starg1rlie · 2 years
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★ SINGLE FATHER SERIES (genshin impact)
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★ all posts below are completely sfw w/a bit of angst (@lume-nosity, @ajaxstar, @kiryoutann, @samarill, @lemontum, @scaralvr, @angryhope, @dinolvrrr, @messyserver, @xxfrostiee, @ehddsnys, @maaarshieee, @nejibot, @dazaiscum, @shinobuko, @iiyumii. want to be tagged? send in a form or ask!)
✧ sunsettias
single father! zhongli x daughter ; part of the single fathers series | zhongli tries his best to feed his daughter some food and only succeeds in making a mess (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ santa claus
single father! childe x twin sons ; part of the single fathers series | childe takes his sons out for a day at the mall and meets santa claus (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ swear jar (tba)
single father! scaramouche x daughter ; part of the single father series | scaramouche's daughter has set up a swear jar to keep her father's sharp tongue in check (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ nightmare (tba)
single father! xiao x daughter ; part of the single father series | xiao stays up at night to keep watch over his daughter, who has a habit of having nightmares (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ boba pit stop (tba)
single father! ayato x sons ; part of the single father series | there's always a silver lining to any cloud, especially if you happen to get a flat in front of a boba shop (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ bittersweet (tba)
single father! diluc x daughter ; part of the single father series | as his daughter grows up, he realizes just how much she reminds him of you (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ superhero (tba)
single father! kaeya x twin daughters ; part of the single father series | taking his two daughters to avenger's campus at disneyland resulted in the question "who is your superhero?" popping up (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ june bug (tba)
single father! itto x son ; part of the single father series | summer brings back more memories that itto nearly forgot about (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ windwheel asters (tba)
single father! thoma x daughter + son ; part of the single father series | thoma visits mondstadt once more with his children to reminisce in past memories (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ once upon a time... (tba)
single father! cyno x son ; part of the single father series | cyno's son insists on a story before bedtime, and cyno begins the tale of how he first met you (reader has passed, female reader)
✧ sherlock holmes (tba)
single father! heizou x sons ; part of the single father series | there is a mystery within the shikanoin household and heizou and his sons are on the case! (reader has passed, female reader)
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4ragon · 10 months
I'd love to see your Christmas headcanons for iris wilson or klavier gavin!
Oooo two of them. I'll start with Klavier.
And I will start with: Klavier 100000% has a Christmas album. Like a big one. Not quite Mariah Carrey big but pretty big, at least one Gavinners Christmas song gets played pretty regularly on the radio and they have previously been in the parade as well. And he's gone to a million crazy Holiday parties too.
However. I do not think he's actually all that invested in it. Don't get me wrong, he loves the limelight and any chance to perform on the big screen, but I think he would enjoy low-key holidays more than being carted around for various Christmas performances and star-studded events.
I think he was raised somewhat religious, and he and his family would go to morning services and then have a nice, close-knit Christmas afterward (and then messy divorce headcanons etc. etc.), so he sort of misses the feel of a private family Christmas. I think in his post-Gavinners life, he really likes the WAA Christmas celebrations, because while it's not quite the same, it captures the same feel as a close-knit family celebration.
He's a pretty good gift giver I think, although his go-to is Gavinners merch if he thinks that is going to make a good impression. (Good impression: Trucy, Dick Gumshoe, Athena if paired with something else. Bad impressions but in a cute way: Apollo. Absolutely not: Miles, Franziska, Phoenix.) He also tends to go a little over budget in secret Santas, but not nearly as much as Franziska.
Now for Iris...you'll have to forgive me, I don't have a TON of knowledge of 1900s holiday traditions.
I do think she would love Christmas, but I do not think her and Sherlock would celebrate a particularly traditional Christmas. I know that Christmas trees and Santa Claus existed by then, and I think Iris would be way into the decorations. It looks like Christmas lights were also invented by 1900, but I think the Holmes flat would be absolutely decked out in experimental lights of all sorts of colors and patterns. That just seems right.
I also think she would go all out on dinner, despite it just being her and Sherlock for a long time. They'd have a full roast duck, a million side dishes, and of course the fanciest tea she could find. And I think she'd adore when they expanded their little group so she could feed more people. I looked it up, and technically Ryunosuke and Susato were not there for any holiday festivities during the game, but I think by the end of DGS2 they get a good collection of people to join them such as Gina, Barok van Zieks, and [redacted].
Also, she's pretty easy to get gifts for. She loves plants, tea, and anything that would make her life as an author easier. I think her go-to for gift giving is inventing something for them (which is Sherlock's go-to as well but usually goes over better from her).
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