#clavis scenarios
| devoted to you |
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―pairing : Clavis Lelouch x fem!Reader ―genre : fluff ―word count: 782 ― summary : Clavis and MC are dancing in her room after the ball they attended because MC didn’t have a chance to dance with him /insert random political stuff here/ and of course Clavis noticed her pout when they were in the carriage and our boy can do the math
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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The sudden knock at your door made you snap out of your usual daydreams. «Rise and shine!» Clavis greeted, walking in your room as gracefully as he always did, just to close the wooden door behind his shoulders with a quick movement; you met his gaze through the mirror, before placing the earrings you’ve been wearing on the boudoir’s marble surface.
«I believe it’s quite late at night, your Highness,» you teased him, standing up so that you could face him, «I doubt most of the people in the Castle are sleeping, yet.»
«I know, I know, however, my heart is heavily burdened,» despite his words, Clavis spoke with his usual grin while walking towards you with long steps, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you towards his chest, «I didn’t get to dance with my sweetheart.» he whispered, and you desperately wanted to kiss that annoying smirk from his lips.
«Why didn’t you save me a dance?» he teased again, leaning towards your lips with the intention to finally kiss you, but you immediately tilted your head to the side, so that his lips found your cheek instead.
«I believe it’s you who didn’t save me a dance…» you mumbled, your tone a little bit sadder than you originally planned.
The truth was that you desperately wanted to dance with Clavis at some point of the night, but such a simple wish seemed to be impossible to realize: your lover was constantly talking about business with nobles, thing that left you waiting for him as you occupied your time chatting with the other Princes.  
Although you sometimes met Clavis’ apologetic gaze through the crowd, you spent song after song waiting, and waiting, and waiting; without realizing it, it was already time to head home. Clavis’ fingertips tilted your head towards him, and as his gaze burned into yours, you noticed that every trace of his usual amusement had vanished from his features; he gently ran his gloved fingertips on your cheekbones and repeated the action a handful of times to the point it tickled, and you scoffed a laugh in half annoyance.
«I have an idea,» you watched as Clavis’ perfect grin painted his lips, «let’s have a dance.» «Here?» you echoed, unsure. «Here and now.» Clavis confirmed, before detaching himself from you and taking a step back and you could nothing but look with with incredulous amusement at the Prince – now hinting a bow in front of you.
«Would you bless me with the honour to dance with me?» Clavis dramatically asked, and you giggled in return.
«I would love to, but…» although your doubts, the Prince had already guided both your hands on his shoulders, before wrapping his arms around your waist, «what about the musicians? And… Well, personal space?» you asked, referring to the fact that the stance you were in definitely wasn’t like any steps allowed during dances.
«Do we need any of that, my love?» Clavis confidently answered before taking your hand and slowly making you twirl in front of him, just to guide you in the position you were in earlier; your bodies were slowly swinging left and right, the only music you could actually hear was the song of nocturnal birds and crickets and still, as Clavis’ eyes bore into yours with nothing but the deepest affection, you found yourself preferring this to any kind of dance he could have asked for in public.
«Most importantly, I unintentionally made my only love sad tonight.» Clavis admitted, his features serious once again; you sighed softly, reaching out to caress the frown away from his handsome face.
«You didn’t make me sad,» you replied earnestly, «although I love spending time with you while we’re in public, I love just as much – probably even more, when I have you all for myself.» you confessed, enjoying the faint blush colouring Clavis’ surprised features. Clavis’ adorablesurprised face turned into a gentle smile, and he buried his face in your neck while mumbling a soft «how can you be so cute…» thing that made you genuinely laugh, simultaneously making the two of you stop your silent dance.
«Do you think we could dance like this again, sometimes?» you asked Clavis, who instinctively stole your lips in a chaste and quick kiss.
«I don’t know, leaving the decision to me means that we’re going to have this kind of tryst every night.» Clavis’ eyes were now hungrily travelling on your features, and you slid your hands from his shoulders to his nape, standing on your tiptoes so that you could meet his eyes.
«Every night it is, then.» you hummed, before capturing the Prince’s lips in a kiss.  
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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writer-akihiko · 2 years
Hi, this is the first time doing this but may I ask for one for Ikeprince where Belle was the childhood friend for the princes but they lost contact after many years and only meet again during the prologue. Thank you.
Rekindled Connection: IkePri Princes
I've officially returned! Thank you to everyone who's waited honestly. Also, I assume that you don't want me to spoil any content, so a few characters are omitted from the ask such as Gilbert, Silvio and Keith. Contains spoilers for Leon's and Luke's route mainly, but the rest are route spoilers inclined.
"The new Belle of Rholodite, YN." Sariel announced.
Jin Grandet
Even before the meeting, he dreaded the day to meet the new Belle. He was careful to hide his discontent from someone like Sariel and his younger brothers, promising to never involve himself with Belle
Your careful entrance to the hall where the princes gathered was expected, but Jin didn't expect… you. His princely seductive smile faltered, his face drawn to a harsh scowl instead
He knew who you were. He didn't know if the rest did,  but it didn't cross his mind as his fist slammed against the table
Leon and Chevalier stopped their welcoming greetings, the princes' eyes on their eldest. Jin stormed out, clutching you by the arm, before glowering at Sariel. "She was never supposed to be a part of this."
Your soft protests rang in his ears down the hallway, before Jin pulled you tight to his chest
"YN… Why did you become the Belle?" His voice near breaking, he'd never wish such a fate upon you, even if it was your way of reconnecting with him
The guards slowly closed on him, however, with Jin as your shield, the common guards couldn't bear the thought of harming the first Prince Jin Grandet
Nearing the gardens, you struggled enough to pull away from the prince who suddenly seized you. The frenzy of the day got to you, unable to even lift your head in front of the country's princes… The fear rushed to your head that one of the princes wanted to take you immediately
All panic fled once you saw the man with the brown hair who you met oh so long ago. "Jin…?"
He stopped, regretfully turning to you. "I'll explain more later," He said, glancing back at the advancing guards. "Trust me one more time, YN."
Chevalier Michel
Oh, how he wanted to curse his deceased father from beyond the grave… There was a note of familiarity when he first saw you
As much as he wanted to be delighted, his position was too fragile. He couldn't protect you definitely from those corrupt nobles
He let a few days past, before he heard a knock to his office door. You were there, as he predicted. You would've seeked him out, one way or another
He allowed Clavis and Nokto to be in the same room, so he wasn't surprised when your smiles and clumsy behaviour turned solemn upon meeting him
"I didn't mean to, Chev." You began. The other princes wondered how were you so bold to address the prince without title, much less a nickname
He hushed his brothers, before turning to Clavis. Whispers of preparations filled the room, before Chevalier got up, exiting the room just before whispering in your ear to follow Clavis' words
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He had left, not sparing much of a glance to you. He's been pissed off the entire week due to you being Belle. He read your letters of your explanation before, remembering that it was tucked with the past writings he kept from you since you both were children
Of course things wouldn't go smoothly, with how cunning Sariel was. Nokto and Luke getting drunk with their older brother Jin was as much proof as he needed, and soon you were kept from him
Clavis and you weren't oblivious to the situation. Being forbidden from leaving the palace until you made your decision made your and Chevalier's life ever more difficult. It wasn't something you expected, but sooner it became more comfortable even with the sudden addition of secret lessons of queendom here and there as Chevalier wrote that it was for you
Your lives were still as separated as before, but the letters were ever so warm as you both hid behind the guise of your titles. It was not time yet to be reunited with your childhood lover, so all Chevalier could do was send you a rose from afar…
Clavis Lelouch
The first emotions that go through his head were of fondness towards you. There were many things he kept buried behind his aloof personality, you included
He couldn't believe that you were that person oh so long ago, and neither can you. Clavis now was unlike before, perhaps it was better to focus on the task at hand
He stumbled over you upon the first meeting, but you made an effort to avoid him afterwards… but gosh darn was this man persistent
Bringing up things of the past, wondering if you had him in your heart… How were you supposed to know that he was a prince all those years ago? The time it was only nailed into your head was when the soldiers showed up was to threaten your loved ones
All these years and he wasn't a prince who'd comply to such rules. The opportunity given by Sariel was a way to make things better at home, so you insisted to follow them by the book
Somehow someway, Clavis Lelouch finds a way where it was just a moment between you two. The aloof prince gone, and a glimpse of perhaps the shy prince you once fell for
"Back then, maybe I did care, Clavis," You said. "It's not the time for me to be nice to you anymore. I ask you do not address me as if I were your friend."
He held on to you, stating how he never forgot your kindness towards him and how he too was forced to throw you away. "Just once, may we begin anew?"
Multiple instances of his pleas and your wavering heart finally was his. The pace was by your terms as there were clearly rules against your relationship Not like Clavis cared much for the rules anyway…
He got a kick out of giving a few nobles a heart attack after oh so kindly threatening them to denounce his title if they deny your marriage…
Leon Dompteur
He doesn't mention it at first, as he wanted to confirm his suspicions. Back then, you were the young girl who would secretly hand them off food when your family bakery was near its closing
He remembered how you still continued such, even after his adoption. For years he had to find you once again after news of your family migrating to Obsidian. You being Belle is simply another part of you that would give him the pleasure of getting to know you once more
How you returned, he'd never knew. His other brothers must've realised how much you piqued the interest of Leon so much so that he invited you often for small talks
From a few moments of conversing, he doubted that you remembered him. Nonetheless, he wanted to know more about the one who saved him back then
The sliver of friendship back then began to grow into companionship. You were someone that Leon could visibly relax around, and Leon was someone you could forget your duties with
It wasn't until Yves found that you had a knack for baking, and soon your goodies were presented to Leon's faction Your good friend takes nothing but a loaf of bread, not even the sweets you laboured over…
It made you quite curious, yet you couldn’t help but giggle from the adorable Leon's face stuffed with bread
As you stare longer at his stuffed face, the roundness of his cheek and his glinting smile… It was a moment of dejavu. Particularly the small boy back then who would always smile after you gave him bread…
Shaking off the connection, you excused yourself as you tried to recount any memories of the boy and Leon. It was uncanny for sure, but the conclusions drawn up in your head were too close to be ignored
"I had a feeling you figured it out," The voice belonging to none other than Leon emerged next to you. "Hello YN, I've missed you."
Yves Kloss
He was… surprised to say the least. He was silent the entire meeting, not moving from his chair even at your personal introduction to him
He at first, was unsure if you recognised him. Everything that you knew of him back then… he’s a different Yves now. The childish promises weren’t something that he should believe in again
Back then, he was a hopeless child, wishing to the little girl in his eyes who was his princess with a promise of marriage. “YN… pwease marry me when… when I’m bigger!”
The mortifying scenarios that repeated back in his head only served to push him away from you. It’s best if you forgot about him really, as much as he feels inclined to uphold his promise…
Jealousy did not catch him when he saw you amongst his brothers, but the irritation of some of them to pursue you so recklessly made him want to jump in at the chance
He wasn’t being demanding, was he? It was only a simple invitation to a tea party… with just him involved. Well, anything to get you away from Nokto really
He noticed you carried with you a flower ring, usually of any strays from the gardeners. You’d keep it around your ring finger ever so tightly, being frightened if it were to fall off
Oh… what an idiotic child Yves was. He proposed to you with a flower ring. All these years, you’d waited for him
His constant glances at your finger, particularly the flower, made you laugh. “Belle… YN… You knew it was me didn’t you?”
You picked up one of his favourite tarts, holding it to his face. “And if I said yes, would you finally replace this flower ring on my finger with a real one?”
Licht Klein
He wasn’t someone that would attract too much attention, especially with how boisterous and loud the others were. Yet, he couldn’t shake your gaze off of him. Why were you so attentive to him?
There was some note of familiarity to how you acted. There was no air of nobility about you, instead a comfort that was akin to a friend that kept his attention
It… began to be distracting for him. Not an annoyance like Clavis, but distracting enough to be a constant reminder throughout his day. It was… a welcomed distraction, if he was fully honest with himself
The day where you observed your duties as Belle could make him care less, however the times where you were scheduled to visit made him much more active. His brothers saw his much more vocal participation in such meetings
Much to Licht’s own detriment, Clavis and Leon of all people, always informed where your location was. Leon much less, but he’d always find a way to give Licht a heads up. Clavis was much more of an annoyance, but Jin was the worst, giving Licht money to buy ‘nicer clothes to impress YN’
It was not until you gifted him a woven bracelet did he remember you. Unable to deny the flood of memories that struck him, he pulled you into a soft embrace, sniffling tears that stained your dress. Murmurs of ‘why didn’t you tell me’ and apologies spilled from him
All you did was reply, saying how much you missed him as you stroked his back gently. Yes, you were the little girl who always played with him and Nokto, constantly comforted Licht’s lonely moments until you were forcefully taken away from him
By law, the land you resided in belonged to Jade instead, and all form of contact lost except for a woven bracelet you last left when you played together. He kept it with him, treasuring it even to its last threads
As he thought about it, your predicament only angered him. You did not deserve to be thrown into a castle of beasts, surrounded by only those who wish to use you
His trajectory as a prince now included you, to free you from any burdens as Belle. He acts in secret, just as his feelings towards you. It is not the right time to tell you, so locked shall his affections be
Nokto Klein
He doesn’t recall you. None of it really. He truly made a fool of himself when it came to you. An honest fool in fact…
Nothing to you clicked for him. Really, it’s not his fault, given that you two were about the age of toddlers when you played with each other. You didn’t know it was him either, continuing on your days as normal
Nokto regardless was a flirtatious man to you. His affections did not cease, yet he’s drawn to you for your utter perseverance to refuse him. The person who really comforted you was none other that Licht, his own brother. Nokto found his twin embracing you in joy one day, and he was utterly confused
He trailed you and his twin, until the point he reached the servant’s quarters. What were you two doing there? Surely, Nokto thought that you were in a secret relationship with his own brother! One of the princes… It frustrated him so, realising that the flirtations turned to genuine love for you
He was being cynical, wanting to catch you and use such information against you but he stopped when Licht took out a beaded necklace to give to you. One that belonged to their mother’s loyal maid…
“How dare you?!” He stormed the room, ready to draw his sword to his own brother and you. Licht knew how much such memories meant to Nokto. The loyal maid in question was one who cared for them in the absence of their mother, in happier times…
“How dare I? How dare you!” You argued back, clutching the necklace. “This was my mother’s!” You ran out the door, leaving the two princes in shock
Licht simply looked at his brother in distaste, “I don’t have to spell everything out for you.” Heeding the words of his twin, he searched for you. It was not difficult, considering your limitations and boundaries within the castle walls.
For once in his life, he apologised. With full sincerity. “I didn’t realise you were… her. It all makes sense,” He added. “Your mother... she meant a lot to me.”
The comforting silence that hung between you two was enough for Nokto. His feelings would come after another apology, one for his jealousy and another for confessing his feelings. He would hope you waited, just as he did
Luke Randolph
He didn’t want to meet you personally, since any past connections would ruin his purpose being there. It would hurt to explain anything and everything that happened after you left
He was a silent observer, going out of his way to make sure your adjustment to the castle was as well as it could be. You were still surrounded by the beasts he called as his brothers after all
Despite his refusal to meet you, you find a way to surprise him regardless. He was often the consumer for your sweets, especially your honeyed cookies. It was too hard to pass up!
The differences in your schedules lead to your once childish exchange of letters. Small notes of ‘We’re meeting up right?’ or ‘Remember to bring some snacks…’ passed between you, reigniting the cheerful friendship once again
He often thinks to skip his missions and meetings that aren’t in the palace. He knew he was getting attached, and that was dangerous. Yet… seeing you innocently reading in the garden makes him want to abandon everything he’s worked for
He doesn’t end up skipping work due to your persistence, but regardless he is skipping if it involves escorting you anywhere. It’s just another hangout, with fancier clothes and food
Ah… he’s going crazy. The second time he’s escorting you, it hits him. It hits him hard how much he cares for you. It’s dangerous really, but he’s a beast. Danger often follows the beast…
Afterwards, he’s more forward, especially with his brothers that you’re his. Some understand, some intend to tease while others have the intention to pry you from his hands. They’ll have to deal with his bared fangs first
It’s a stupid decision to tell you everything, but many nights with a burden would bring anyone’s shoulders down. Those in the past, how much they mean to him… To him, you matter the most, when you hug your bear, allowing him to weep
Some things are left in the dark, but as they are brought to light, he hopes you’re able to face it with him together. “YN… if anything… put yourself first before me okay? Just like last time…”
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manunelle · 9 months
Ikemen Princes in Panem (a The Hunger Games AU!)
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I started to write these scenarios (or headcanons? no idea how to categorize this) after I finished rewatching the franchise's four movies, so most of these are self-indulgent.
My original plan was to write about all the characters, but I had to stop to finish some assignments, so I had no time to finish it and I don't know if I'll continue it. Well, might as well post it here to share with the fandom.
Just for contextualization, the order of winner of each game is: Sariel > Jin > Gilbert > Chevalier > Clavis > Silvio > Leon > Keith > Yves > Rio > Licht > Nokto > Luke > Emma
District: 9 - Grain 
Age: 17 
Weapon: martial arts, dagger. 
Kills: 3
District 9 (Grain) 
An only son of a sick farmer woman, was chosen as a tribute when he was 17 years old. 
Despised the whole concept of the game, but pretended well enough to receive the public’s sympathy and a few patrons that could sponsor him throughout the game. 
Trained mostly body combat, but was also able to manage a few weapons, like the sword and dagger. 
Managed to form an alliance with a few tributes when the game started. Due to his charismatic and protective behavior towards his peers, most of them younger than him, he received the nickname big brother. 
Refused to kill other participants, only knocking them out or incapacitating them when necessary, which kind of angered the producers. This resulted in him and his group having to fight a few beasts and earthquakes that came their way. 
As the game progressed, and the number of participants decreased, his group disbanded against his protests, too afraid to stick together. Only one little girl stayed with him, a young girl from district 12 named Leyla, too afraid to go off on her own. Jin swore to protect the girl, even if it cost his own life. 
However, due to conflict with other participants, the two became separated for a few instants, only for Jin to find the little girl being tortured by another tribute. 
Jin broke their neck, his first death in the whole game. He had become a murderer. 
Leyla was severely injured, and he was certain that there was no medicine that could help her. Watching the girl agonizing, crying for her real big brother in pain, Jin decided to end her life quickly, stabbing her in a place that instantly ceased her life. 
Survived the rest of the game by hiding and avoiding conflict with the remaining tributes. However, had to fight for his life against the last remaining tribute, stabbing them to death with his hidden dagger. 
Due to his gentle manner and charismatic personality, Jin was intentionally one of the capitol’s darlings, which resulted in him having to stay there longer after the games ended. When he returned home, he was welcomed by the somber looks of his neighbors and the grave of his mother. 
The whole experience left a bitter taste in Jin’s mouth, the usual smile on his face hiding the burning anger he felt within. As an adult,he started to drink and to seek the company of women, trying to find comfort in their warmth. 
As a winner, he was given the responsibility of mentoring other tributes, trying to make the experience as unpleasant as possible for the children he encountered. He also uses his assets to sponsor the tributes, helping them with food, medicine and other elements that might help them survive.
District:  3 - Technology 
Age: 16
Weapon: All weapons, but mostly swords 
Kills: around 15 (The most brutal) 
The heir of a distinguished family, Chevalier didn’t even falter when his name was read. He'd better get this shit over with as quick as possible. Despite his aloofness, he could not get rid of the heavy sensation of his chest when none of his family came to watch him go. 
Did not bother trying to gain the Capitol’s love, openly criticizing the whole thing while on interview. Also avoided the other tributes that tried to seek an alliance, which made him both a threat and a target. 
Everybody was shocked while watching him training – he mastered any weapon that touched his hands. And not only that, he exceeded all the tests regarding plants, soil, scavenger, etc.
When the games started, he assumed a fight position always, never fleeing from anyone. This resulted in some conflicts (I imagine around 7-9), which ended quickly with him collecting supplies completely bloodied. 
By the end of day 3, there were only him and another 6 participants alive. 
Since the capitol was not a fan of him, they did everything they could to disturb him, from extreme heat waves to depriving him of food and water. However, Chevalier managed to surpass it, finding ways to survive that most people had no idea could exist. 
During the feast, which was happening right in the middle of an artificial lake, Chevalier managed to electrocute the remaining six tributes, officially becoming the winner of his edition. 
Left the arena drenched in blood, a feral shine on his eyes. To this day, he is still called the brutal beast. 
Did not grant interviews nor accepted any gifts, returning directly to his home. His grandfather welcomed him, but not his mother, not that he was surprised. He went directly to his study, grabbing and burrowing his nose in a romance novel that he could not finish before the games. 
Sort of became a recluse, only leaving home when necessary or when threats against his family came from the capitol. Unfortunately, he was given the responsibility of mentoring other tributes, which, again, unfortunately, made him crossways with the purple hellcat. 
District: 3 - Technology 
Age: 15 
Weapon: Dagger, bombs
Kills: around 7 
Don’t let his appearance nor his gentle words deceive you, because his actions and pranks have been dangerous ever since he was a little boy. And that’s probably why his family and friends could have the luxury of feeling hopeful – if there was someone that could pull it off, it was their Clavis. 
He left his hometown with a wide smile on his face, waving joyfully as the train led him towards the capitol. Thank god his dear mother and friends could not see how awfully he was trembling from such a great distance, because he could not bear to see their worried faces. 
“How foolish.”
Oh yes, if his situation was not good enough, Clavis had been given the most useful and amicable mentor that one could have: the brutal beast, the one who had killed most of the tributes in the previous edition. 
He felt intimidated by his presence, sure, but he wished Chevalier was at least a few years older so that he could take this a bit more seriously. But Clavis knew that age didn’t matter in this situation, so he held his tongue. 
Despite having Chev as his mentor, Clavis ended up doing almost everything on the contrary of what the blonde had done the previous year. With his charming smile and charismatic words, he soon gained the love of the capital, becoming the darling. He engaged in idle chat with the other tributes, offering false advice and manipulating one into despising the other, and vice versa. 
Chevalier trained him in most weapons, practically beating his ass into learning how to use every single one of them. Despite his coldness, he offered a few advices on strategy and how to scavenge for food and supplies. 
Clavis dreaded the day they would take him to the arena, something that Chevalier had realized from day one, trying his best to offer as much as he could to the younger boy. The two would never admit it, but they developed a bond during the training. 
When the games started, he avoided conflict with the other tributes at first, grabbing a weapon and a bag with supplies and running as far as he could. Started to sabotage other people’s camping and stealing their supplies. Sometimes, he would even set a few bombs around, climbing into a tree to see the chaos unroll. However, this strategy soon wore off, having been spotted by a few participants. So he had no choice but to finish them off, so that they could not spread the info to other participants. 
Had several sponsors who sent him food, fresh water, medicine, weapons, even a few luxuries like a blanket and a comb, so that he could brush his gorgeous hair and look presentable to the public. 
Oh yes, the public. This edition of the games was the one with the most audience, all thanks to Clavis, who managed to win the hearts of the public, cheering his name on the streets. 
Was wounded on his wrist by an arrow, only escaping death due to the producers intervention, who chose that hour to start a ginormous earthquake that opened a hole on the floor, swallowing his attacker mercilessly. 
Hid the rest of the game, only appearing again when the last remaining participant searched for him. Sneaking behind them, Clavis sliced their throat in a quick motion. As they agonized, choking in their own blood, Clavis stepped back, a horrified expression on his face. He left the arena with a trembling smile, his pale complexion almost giving away all the horror and disgust he felt. 
Went to all the interviews and meetings the capitol requested, always smiling and laughing with the public, as if he had not just been fighting for his life a few days ago. Whenever he returned to his room, trembling with a furious expression, Chevalier would scoff at him, seeing right through his acting. 
“Don’t pretend you didn’t know things were going to be this way.”
Oh, how he wished he was strong enough to beat that guy’s ass. 
When he returned home, he finally shed the tears he had been holding, crying in his mother’s arms like a little child. Clavis felt so ashamed of himself, for having to pretend all the time that the blood on his hands was unimportant. 
In the years after his edition, Clavis was also granted the responsibility of mentoring the new tributes, a bitter taste on his tongue whenever it was announced that another district 3 tribute had been killed. It makes him disgusted that he could not be as useful as Chevalier had been to him. If only he could know more, if only he could train them to be stronger like Chevalier had done to him. That’s why he starts reading so much, gathering as much knowledge he can so that at least one life can be saved. 
Talking about Chevalier, they meet from time to time, with Clavis pestering the brutal beast’s life. 
District: 2 - Masonry 
Age: 14
Weapon: sword, body combat
Kills: 4
An orphan that has worked as a servant of a wealthy family as far as he can remember. 
When Leon was chosen, he was scared and angry, but nobody paid attention to the emotions of an orphan. 
Openly criticized the games during interviews, making him a target of the capitol. However, he could not care less, since he had nothing to lose to them. This absurd, or brave, behavior resulted in a few admirers, who even started fanclubs to cheer for him during the games. Leon was not aware of these until the end of the game, since the capitol hid it very well. 
This boy is not an actor, everything that leaves his tongue is genuine. In other words, the tributes around him could easily see who were his friends and who were his enemies. 
Managed to make friends with a few other tributes, who were weaker and more scared than him. Leon was really protective of them, since it was the first time he had such a close relationship with other children. 
Jin was Leon’s main sponsor throughout the game. Maybe because he saw himself in the young boy, or because he had pitied the young orphan that was despised by the capitol. 
Managed to grab a long-sword and a few supplies during the cornucopia bloodbath, having to enter conflict with a few other tributes. Ended up knocking one out and having to kill another, running off into the woods.
Had to fight against other tributes that tried to hunt him down, but mostly stayed hidden in caves and bushes. Was forced out of his hiding place mostly because of the producers, who would send flocks of beasts his way. 
Leon discovered that most of his friends had been killed during the first day, with only one, Julius, remaining alive. Grieving, he searched for the boy through the whole arena. When he finally found the boy, the happiness of it was cut short. Julius launched towards him, sword in hand, and the two boys entered a mortal combat. Julius died, Leon didn’t. 
He felt distant from everything throughout the rest of the edition, fighting when necessary, but mostly walking around the arena, his empty eyes ignoring the corpses scattered around the floor. 
When the last remaining tribute consumed poisoned water, Leon became the winner of his edition. He ignored the applause and interviews, feeling empty. 
This only stopped when Jin took him under his wing, comforting him and giving him advice (free therapy lol) about how to cope with the trauma. 
Leon managed to pretend to hide his feelings better post-game, always smiling and greeting fans and interviewers. However, he never stopped criticizing the capitol’s actions, always giving speeches about how the slaughter of children should cease at once.
He sort of becomes an inspiration to the people, who start to rebel against the capitol’s forces and promote riots and attacks towards it. 
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Hi! The tsundere reader ask you did for me was soo good so i have to ask, do you write for ike prince? Cuz if you do then can you do one for that as well? Romantic headcanons for this please 🙏 thank you so much:)
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Ikemen Prince
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Character(s): Clavis, Sariel, Leon
Genre: Fluff
Type: Headcanon
Description: Who would find themselves falling for a tsundere?
Warning(s): Gender-Neutral Reader(My Default), Reader is MC, Romantic, Possible OOC(I've Only Read Yves Route So Far)
I don't take requests for ikepri since I'm still new to the game(and am struggling with motivation to play games in general rn TT), but I do have inspiration for your request so I'm going to do it :3
Thank you again for requesting! I hope you also like this one <3
(Also, you can find what fandoms and characters I write for on my pinned post through the Fandoms + Characters link)
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   ➢ Clavis
Clavis being...well, Clavis, he finds ways to tease you at least a few times a day. Mostly to see your reaction, but also to quell that aggressive trickster prancing around inside. He'll premeditate a plethora of pranks and "coincidental" meetings just do everything mentioned above
It's truly not long until he takes a proper liking toward you. His heart honestly gets softer each time he calls you a term of endearment too, as if it's melting into putty. He might get a bit mean once he realizes this, though. Pranks will become a little mean-spirited and the pet names he'd call so sweetly will be dripping in sarcasm...he's definitely still falling for you, he just needs some time before admitting it
   ➢ Sariel
Another person who has a thing for teasing you, though it's a tad different than Clavis. Sariel does well in creating tension and implying things that he can easily wave off as him meaning something else(and then teasing you on what you thought he had meant). He lives up the devil title in many ways despite kindly helping you with your new duties
Most times he'll say and do things to get a rise out of you, relishing in the way you stumble to insult him or attempt to aggressively push him away. But with each day he spends doing so, he finds his words becoming rather...sincere. Perhaps he truly would like to place his lips on more than just your hands; perhaps he would enjoy a midnight stroll through the gardens with you
   ➢ Leon
Unlike Clavis and Sariel, Leon makes it quite apparent that he finds you cute. Utterly adorable, even. He wants to pinch your cheeks like a granny and gush about how hot your face feels in his hands. He'll call you all sorts of pet names before actually settling on one - should he say 'morning, cutie' or 'hey, precious'? Now, despite how open he is with his feelings for you, he's still rather reserved about it. He won't be shouting it to the rooftops, he'll just keep between you and him(and, albeit rare, his faction)
He's well aware of his feelings for you and embraces them as much as he can with his pain and hesitancy, that is caused by such pain. He might be distant from time to time before he fully confesses, but he makes it clear it's not your fault. And when that 'I love you' falls from his lips in the same way he fell for you...it was all worth it
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chirp-a-chirp · 2 years
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omkookie · 28 days
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Make You Mine.
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⌈ ⚠️ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ⌉ Yandere themes
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A scenario in which Yandere!Gilbert thwarts the Reader's wedding. This idea was given to me by a lovely anon quite a long time ago and I just found the draft for it.
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He steps onto the venue, his cane loudly hitting the shiny floors beneath it with an audible 'tap' each step he takes. The guests all turn their heads towards the intruder and go pale when they see his face.
Gilbert von Obsidian.
There he stood- The devil of Obsidian himself, with a cane in hand accompanied with a sharp look in his crimson eyes. Despite his smiling face, some of the attendees of your wedding shivered in unease.
"Oho, The villain has come to steal the bride." He announces, looking right at you without sparing a single glance at your fiance.
"Prince Gilbert—" Your fiance says in disbelief, a frown etching itself upon his handsome face. You look at Gilbert with shock, your eyes as wide as saucers. "Gil?" You muttered in disbelief.
"Well, he sure made a bigger impression than any of my pranks could have." Clavis says bitterly, a frown of unease resting upon his face. Clavis studies Gilbert cautiously, not allowing himself to let his guard down for even a moment despite his carefree demeanor. "Hehe, You'd have to try harder. Maybe I'll help you pull some pranks." Gilbert's smile never falters as he replies to Clavis. He steps up to you and takes your hand into his, his black attire the complete opposite of yours.
"Gilbert. What are you doing here? You sure made quite the appearance by scaring most of my guests." You chided him lightly while pushing his hand away and trying to free yourself from his grip.
"I heard my little bunny has decided to marry one of my old friend Chevalier's cousins." He says in an exaggerated manner as he puts on a hurt expression, "You can do better you know. I can't believe you'd settle down for so little." He sighs.
"Especially when I'm here for you. It would bring your kingdom peace to marry me instead." He adds, causing a pit of unease to form in your stomach.
The guests all start whispering in a panic, Clavis glaring sharp daggers at Gilbert while Rio decided to interject since he's both the bridesmaid and best man.
"Excuse me Mister "Better option". Can't you tell you're crushing my dear MC's wedding right now? Such proposals are made before a bride gets married to her groom!!! NOT during the time she's getting married." Rio reprimanded Gilbert even though he looked heartbroken you were getting married.
Gilbert taps his cane, ignoring him.
"Listen here, Rhodolite. I'll make things quick." Gilbert states as he looks over at Chevalier, the new king of Rhodolite.
"Give me the little bunny or I'll destroy your country.", He looks over at you next, his voice sweet but dripping with venom as he looks at your wedding dress and says, "I'd do anything to make you mine"
Gunshots heard in the background further supported his statement as guards fell dead and guests panicked....
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M. List for more fiction
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caffedrine · 2 months
Clavis Lelouch - I fell in love with you that day – Choose your true love - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
Emma recalls sitting in Clavis’ mansion’s garden in the morning just moments ago, but suddenly finds herself falling in Rodolite’s Castle. She’s literally falling down from the ceiling, but thankfully Clavis is there to catch her.
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(Eh, it’s a normal Tuesday.)
Clavis, who was holding her in his arms, was so stunned that his usual smile was wiped from his face. Emma noticed several men, who seemed to all be aristocrats surrounding them, as well as the ever present Cyran distinguished by his rose-red hair.
No one seemed able to talk, as everyone gaped down at Emma.
Suddenly the aristocrats surrounding them started shouting that there was an intruder and summoning the guards. Almost immediately the surrounding becomes a cacophony of noise and Emma can make out the sound of screaming and guards running.
She desperately assures the aristocrats that this is all some misunderstanding and asks Clavis to back her up. Clavis hums, considering this, and Emma prompts him again.
Clavis asks if she’s really sure they’ve met before.  Emma tells him to stop joking around for once.
Huh, it sounds like Emma thinks she knows him. And he’s not some playboy who will forget some girl’s face.
Clavis’ smile is very suspicious, and Emma gets the odd feeling that Clavis isn’t joking right now. For some reason, she thinks he’s considering handing her over to the guards. She doesn’t understand what is going on, or what Clavis is up to, but maybe she should run away.
Emma tries to squirm out of Clavis’ arms, but instead, his grip on her tightens. He tells her to wait, and Emma snaps back that if she waits, she’ll wind up in jail, no thanks to him. Clavis praises her intelligence.
Emma snaps that this is all his fault, did he fall down, hit his head, and lose his damn mind?
Well, Clavis can’t guarantee that scenario didn’t happen. Emma wants to start crying.
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(Okay, maybe more like Friday shenanigans)
Emma looks into Clavis’ eyes, but the only thing she can get from him is a look as if she were a stranger. This Clavis truly has no idea who she is. Emma asks him to let go of her.
Will she run away?
Of course!
Well then, Clavis is definitely not letting go. Unless she wants to die, she should come and have some fun with him.
Clavis tells the surrounding guards and aristocrats that they’ll have to finish their discussion later, something quite literally fell down into his arms and he needs to handle it. The men around them start complaining.
Clavis pulls a small bottle out of his breast pocket and throws it down, shattering it against the floor. A thick opaque cloud of smoke fills the area.
Emma is somewhat aware of the aristocrats and guards lunging to grab Clavis, but he slips through them, without relaxing his grip on Emma. As they rush forward, the voices and sounds from the others fade, but Emma doesn’t feel relieved. She doubts Clavis is actually doing this to help her.
Clavis sets her down in an empty room and locks the door behind them. She notices Cyran, Clavis’ personal knight, has accompanied them, and is looking oddly tense, as if she was an enemy.
Okay, it’s not just Clavis who has hit his head.
Clavis notes that Emma said that this was all just a misunderstanding, right? So, now is an excellent opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding. Let's start with introductions first, if Emma can amuse him, he might find some use for her.
Clavis companionably sits down on a sofa and gestures Emma to do so as well.
Okay, apparently ‘fun games’ is Clavis for ‘interrogation’. If Emma says something wrong, the best-case scenario is that she’ll be locked up. She needs to understand what is going on first.
When Emma obeys and sits down across from him, she suddenly feels like a rabbit trapped in the jaws of a beast.
Emma tells Clavis her name.
Clavis does not recognize her.
Well, even if Clavis doesn’t know her, she knows him very well. Clavis asks if it’s because he’s so famous. Emma suddenly notices something, and Clavis asks if she just noticed how handsome he is.
Well, actually, Emma just realized how young he looks, no older than 20 at best. And Cyran as well, his uniform is completely different.
There is no insignia on Cyran’s uniform indicating that he is the first knight of the foreign faction, if anything, his uniform suggests that he’s pretty low level.
Oh no.
Emma asks if Clavis’ father, the King of Rhodolite, is still alive.   
Clavis gives her an ambiguous response, he rarely ever sees the king, so if he died Clavis might not have noticed.
Yup, that is a completely different response than a Clavis surviving his father’s death would have given. Emma has somehow found herself in the past.
Clavis directly asks if Emma is a spy from Obsidian or something similar. Emma denies this and tries to explain that she’s from a time when the current King of Rhodolite is dead.
Clavis nods, he understands. Emma is an assassin aiming for the current king.
Emma snaps that she is his fiancé.
Clavis takes this as some sort of joke but admits that he has no clue what any of this means. Emma admits that the same goes for her. She sees Clavis look at her finger where her engagement ring sits and turns to Cyran and asks his opinion.
Cyran is convinced that she’s not an Obsidian spy, but . .  .
Clavis prompts Cyran to continue.
He has no real proof of this, but in his opinion, since Emma doesn’t have any weapons, and her manners and responses are amateurish . . .
Okay, Clavis has figured it out. Emma is some deranged woman who has fallen in love with him. Oh, to be so beautiful that women can no longer discern reality and fantasy when near him! His charm is truly sinful!
Oh, so now they all think she’s some mentally unstable woman, and Emma cannot prove that is wrong.
Emma tells Clavis that he’s right, she is in love with him. This love has made her quite literally crazy, and she expects him to take responsibility for his part in it.
Clavis laughs, it does sound like he does need to take care of her personally. First though, what part of him did she fall in love with.
Cyran slides in to tell Clavis that it’s time. Regretfully, Clavis tells Emma that he needs to stop playing now and apologizes for the abrupt pause.
And, since he’s responsible for her mental state, he’ll take her with them. Emma asks if he’s sure, but Clavis insists that he likes fun things. To Emma’s surprise, Cyran looks down and gloomy. What is happening?
Emma and Cyran follow Clavis to the Foreign Faction’s Knight’s training grounds. Once they enter, the knights salute Clavis in greeting. Emma has observed this very scene often enough to pick out the obvious tension with the knights. Everyone looks on edge, and vaguely murderous. She wondered if they also worried that se was a suspicious woman, but then she noticed they weren’t looking at her. The rage in the knight’s eyes was all directed at Cyran.
While Emma tries to puzzle this together, Clavis apologizes for keeping the knights waiting for so long, he has come with good news! Judging from everyone’s expressions, they already know, but he would like them to officially welcome the newest member of the Knights of the Foreign Affairs Faction. Cyran is a truly talented and courageous knight, he hopes they can become swift friends.
And now Emma has a time period of where she is in. This must be just after the Bloodstained Rose Day, about 10 years ago. And right now, the only one who looks pleased is Clavis.
One of the knights speaks up and asks if Clavis is particularly sane today. Does he not know that Cyran is an Obsidian Knight?
A former Obsidian Knight, Clavis helpfully points out.
Either way, Cyran is from Obsidian, and no one here will agree with him joining up. How can they accept a knight who has killed people of Rhodolite?
Emma recalls speaking to Cyran about his past. He had said that under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him, a defector from the Obsidian military, to be appointed as a Knight of Rhodolite. It was thanks to Clavis, whose smile blew away all the opposition, that gave Cyran a second home, and a second chance at life.
Yeah, Cyran had definitely downplayed the opposition against him. This wasn’t mere objections, but full-on murderous intent. It must have been less than a year since the Bloodstained Rose Day, and all the Knights here would have been the first deployed against the Obsidian invasion. Without a doubt, they hated Cyran’s existence.
Clavis assures the knights that he knows and understands their opinions. After all, they recently were trampled on by Obsidian, it’s only right that we as a country can never forgive them.
However! The ones responsible are the leadership, not the soldiers. Clavis reminds them that they killed many people on the battlefield, but the deaths are not on them but on Clavis and Chevalier. After all, they were the commanders who ordered them who and when to kill.  So should the blame for the invasion fall on the Obsidian Royal Family and military commanders instead of Cyran.
And if that doesn’t convince them, then Clavis will wager his own head, right here and now.
Everyone, from the Foreign Faction’s Knights to Cyran, and even Emma stares at Clavis in shock.
Clavis laughs and asks why everyone looks so surprised. If bringing in Cyran as a Knight causes a disadvantage to the country, he’d have to take responsibility anyway. He’s prepared to wager his life on the advantages Cyran will bring the knights.
But, of course, he doesn’t want to die. He assures everyone that there is no doubt whatsoever about Cyran’s talents. He asks everyone to believe him this once.
The murderous aura around the knights wavers, and everyone begins to look confused. Maybe Clavis’ sincerity was able to come through?
Finally, one of the knights asks if Clavis has any way of proving Cyran’s usefulness to Rhodolite beyond words of platitude.
Clavis briefly considers this before deciding that it’s easier to show than to tell. He wants Cyran to show off his skills in a mock battle and prove why Clavis chose him to join these knights.
Cyran looks troubled, which confuses Emma. She knows Cyran as one of the best Knights in Rhodolite, short only to Chevalier. Even if this is the past, he must have some decent skills at swordplay, but right now Cyran’s face is pale.
Clavis asks why he’s hesitating, and Cyran reminds him that they already talked about this. Cyran was originally a member of Obsidian’s Special Forces, but due to his fatal flaw had to join the regular army.
Clavis does remember this conversation. But hey, weaknesses were made to be overcome, right? Right?
Cyran snaps back that he might accidentally kill Clavis. Clavis laughs, he's not worried, that’s why he’s Cyran’s opponent. Surely by now, Cyran knows how sturdy Clavis is. He won’t die, so please feel reassured. If he holds back, he won’t convince the other knights to accept him.
After a long moment, Cyran agrees.
Cheerfully, Clavis urges the other knights to give them space and back up. He accepts two practice swords from a knight and hands one to Cyran.
Emma joins the knights lining up against the training ground walls, watching as the two combatants slowly raise their swords. Suddenly Cyran huffs a sigh, reminding Clavis that he warned him.
Cyran lunges towards Clavis, at the last minute swinging his sword. Clavis dodges, so Cyran hits the ground. Hits the ground, and pushes through it, destroying the area and leaving a crater behind.
Emma and the other knights stare at the two in shock. Clavis laughs, he heard about this, but seeing it sure is something else. He dodges the next strike, still laughing.
Clavis continues to laugh while dodging Cyran’s blows. While one couldn’t say that Cyran is the fastest swordsman, each blow he almost lands is very heavy. Heavy enough that he’s now taken out part of the wall, sending dust flying around.
One of the Knights breaks and calls out to Clavis telling him that this mock battle is far too dangerous, and to stop. Clavis shouts out that this is no big deal.
Cyran hasn’t seemed to notice this exchange, each blow heavier than the last, an expression completely unlike his previous one. He might as well be a completely different person right now. Someone who doesn’t know how to hold back.
Suddenly Emma sees a man with the insignia of the lead knight get between Clavis and Cyran. He has his (real) sword unsheathed and in a defensive position. But by the time Emma realized what was happening, Cyran had already reacted and swung his (practice) sword down, shattering the real blade in half.
Emma watches in horror as one of the broken pieces flies towards her. Her eyes close and she braces herself for the pain.
But then there was no pain at all, only a strong wind that swayed her hair. Opening her eyes, Emma sees Clavis’ back before her, with him muttering that this was a particularly close call. She sees the glint of the shard that was heading towards her lying on the training ground floor.
She sees the movements of Clavis sheathing his training blade before he turns around and asks if she’s alright. Stuttering, Emma assures him that she is and thanks him.
This is when they fall in love.
Emma is confused, and Clavis elaborates. He definitely looked amazing and dashing just now.
Well, apparently Clavis hasn’t changed all that much since the past.
Beyond Clavis, Cyran’s face is pale, and he has dropped the imitation sword. He begins apologizing very sincerely. He has come a very long way in the past 10 years.
Emma assures Cyran that she is fine, and that he shouldn’t think on it too hard. Clavis agrees, now that an accident has happened, there’s nothing they can do to retroactively prevent it. But hey, they now have a super-powerful knight in their ranks. Everyone should rejoice!
Clavis calls out to the head of the Knights. He just said that everyone should rejoice.
Uh . . . oh, yea. As long as Clavis agrees to take full responsibility, then maybe.
Clavis tells the knight that Cyran is perfect for their ranks. Besides, Chevalier has also agreed to this. Are they going to march up to Chevalier and have him explain his reasons to them?
The silence between the knights grows awkward, and Cyran looks even more depressed.
Well, Clavis is a busy man and has other things to do. He asks the knights to help sort out Cyran and show him the ropes. He beckons towards Emma and tells her to follow him, for this, he absolutely needs her help.
Oh no. She knows what’s coming next.
Clavis assures her that together they will do their best.
Oh no. Why does it always turn out this way? Once they enter the garden, Emma roots herself on the spot and refuses. Clavis shakes his head and tells her to watch carefully, he’ll show her the best tricks.
Clavis already has a shovel, procured from who knows where, sparkling in the sun. Emma can almost see all the gardeners of the castle crying over the future holes in the garden. She asks who the traps are for.
The knights of course.
Emma asks Clavis to read the atmosphere. Laughing, Clavis reminds Emma that they were just in the training grounds, that atmosphere was already the worst possible. Emma asks if he saw that atmosphere as competition.
Oh, no, no, no! What Clavis has decided is that the knights need an opportunity to deepen their friendship with each other. As much as it pains him, Clavis will have to thrust all of them into the dark abyss.
If it really pains him, Clavis shouldn’t make such an evil face.
Emma desperately tries to restrain Clavis’ arm as he buries the shovel into the ground. She full on fights with Clavis over the shovel for what seems forever until the sound of footsteps interrupts them. One of the aristocrats Clavis was talking with when Emma dropped in on them is approaching. Emma dives behind Clavis’ back, but she still catches the man's angry stare.
Clavis laughs and asks why he looks so angry, did his wife leave him or something? Emma notices that Clavis is very nonchalantly shifting to block the man’s view of her.
The aristocrat reminds Clavis that they were in the middle of a discussion. He asks where the Obsidian soldier went off to.
The Rhodolite Knights, of course. Last he saw, they were showing him the ropes.
The aristocrat asks if Clavis has lost his mind. Clavis assures him that he’s perfectly well. The man demands that Clavis send back the Obsidian soldier, has he not heard anything any of them have had to say?
Emma realizes that during this time, it wasn’t only the Knights that were protesting Cyran’s presence.
Clavis asks if the aristocrat was listening to him? He already laid out his reasonings for this decision.
The noble grumbles that Clavis is saying that their protests were not worth even hearing. He asks about the woman hiding behind Clavis, is she also an Obsidian spy? Emma denies this as Clavis wonders aloud how interesting it would be if she were.
Ugh, why does he always say things that will provoke others? As if on cue, the hostile aura about the aristocrat morphs into something murderous.
Emma tugs on Clavis’ sleeve to admonish him, but Clavis only smiles fearlessly at her. If this was a fairytale, Clavis would be the perfect villain.
The nobleman tells Clavis that they cannot trust him anymore. He was captured by the enemy, held hostage in an Obsidian camp, but despite all odds, came back alive. He came back alive from an enemy that slaughters both soldiers and civilians indiscriminately.
The only way he can see Clavis surviving that is if he made a trade.
Clavis asks if the nobleman is asking if he’s a traitor.
There’s a long silence, affirming this.
Huh, from what Emma recalls, Clavis had been practically a national hero after the war. Without regard to himself, he had saved lives that should have died. But it looks like reality was different, and the prescence of Cyran had only provoked the resentment of others.
Clavis asks if the nobleman wants to accuse him, why don’t he take him to court. Surely he has enough evidence to prove that he’s the traitor prince. Clavis encourages him to bring anything at all.
The nobleman asks if he understands how serious this is. Obsidian took away everything, and all Clavis is doing is laughing and making fun of those who have been robbed of their peaceful lives and families. His temper rising to the breaking point, the nobleman clenches his fist and takes a swing at Clavis.
Without thinking, Emma moves to cover Clavis, and the nobleman narrowly avoids hitting her. Clavis praises him, if he hadn’t restrained himself, he would have just hit a woman and lost his title of ‘gentleman’.
Emma explains that she’s not the kind of person who can stand back and watch someone get hurt. Clavis praises her bravery and the nobleman tells Emma to get out of his way.
Emma considers him, in this direct confrontation, the anger and hostility from this noble and anyone else would corrode her spirit. She’s not even related to this, and her heart hurts. She cannot imagine what Clavis is going through. Instead, he hides it all with a smile.
Clavis tells the noble to go ahead and get angrier, and the hostile atmosphere increases. Still, Clavis smiles. He explains that many people of Rhodolite have lost something important to them, or have even lost the will to live. Compared to them, the nobles are doing pretty well, and as long as they’re angry, they don’t have to handle their feelings of loss.
To keep their spirits up, Clavis agrees to play with them whenever they want.
Emma understands. She had been wondering why Clavis was always going out of his way to provoke people. He is trying to be a beacon of hatred, an outlet for the people suffering. She can see the realization on the aristocrat’s face as he confronts Clavis’ version of ‘compassion’.
No one said anything.
At least until a knight ran up to them in a hurry, calling out for Clavis.
The new redhead recruit just ran away.
In theory, no one should know the whereabouts of Cyran, who ran away from the training grounds of the Foreign Faction Knights. Clavis, of course, was different.
With a quick goodbye to the nobles and the knights, Clavis and Emma hurry out to the royal forest and quickly come across a hut hidden away in the forest’s depths. And inside the hut is Cyran curled up in a corner.
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(Kennyo is going to have to start complaining about all these princes who keep on shacking up in his hut)
Clavis laughs cheerfully, and Emma asks how he knew where Cyran was. Clavis admits that he told Cyran about this place, a very nice place to hole up when you want to be alone.
Emma wonders if Clavis also used this place when he wanted to be by himself.
Settling next to Cyran, Clavis notes that he threw in the white flag quite earlier than expected. Cyran apologizes, but Clavis waves him off, he’s not blaming him, he’s just here to comfort him.
. . . .
And now Cyran feels worse.
Cyran buries his face in his arms, refusing to even look at Clavis. Clavis asks if he truly hates being a knight, and Cyran disagrees. He came to Rhodolite to atone for his crimes; he knew that he would not be a welcome addition and was prepared for anything.
Okay, but the knights reported that he ran away.
Well, Cyran just now realized that he’s an idiot. He came expecting to be the only person that would have to pay for the misdeeds of Obsidian, but now he realizes that all he is doing is dragging Clavis down.
When Clavis left him behind at the training grounds, the knights lit into him instead of Cyran. And it was the same with the nobles earlier, because of Cyran’s presence Clavis is treated as a villain, even though he was the only person to try to save those 1,000 citizens. If it was just Cyran, he could endure it, but Clavis too . . .
Emma can’t see his face, but Cyran’s voice is shaking. She can feel the pain radiating from him.
Oh, is that it? Out of the three of them, Clavis remains unmoved by the gloomy atmosphere. He admits that everything is still up in the air now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The more Cyran demonstrates his capabilities as a king, the more people will recognize him, and Clavis will be vindicated. Someday, things will calm down, and Cyran will truly belong.
Until then, Clavis will use Cyran as a windbreak. If Cyran thinks that he’s causing Clavis trouble now, just wait until the future when Clavis will pay back the trouble tenfold. So, if anything, Clavis encourages Cyran to cause lots of trouble now.
Besides, just think about all the bananas Clavis will force future Cyran to eat, and how friendly Cyran will become with a shovel. It is clear to Emma that Cyran doesn’t understand the hell he will be facing. However, his depression seems to have lessened, and he has enough energy to look at Clavis with red eyes.
Cyran asks if Clavis really doesn’t hate him.
Clavis asks if there’s a reason he should hate Cyran.
Right. This is the man Cyran chose to follow.
Cyran wipes his eyes roughly and stands, regaining his composure. Clavis asks if he’s returning, and Cyran is. He hopes one day to be able to say that he made the right choice. He’s decided to move forward, so he won't dwell on all the choices he regrets.
Clavis laughs and agrees. He tells Cyran to go forward with dignity and tell everyone he is the genius knight who was recognized by Prince Clavis. Clavis stands as well, smacking Cyran on the back as the latter leaves the hut. Emma thinks he looks refreshed as if he is free of an evil spirit.
Emma can no longer question why Cyran follows Clavis.
Clavis turns to Emma and remarks that she claims to be from the future. Emma agrees, and tells him not to worry, in her future Clavis is always causing everyone trouble. Clavis laughs, this is the future he is predicting.
Clavis remains a strong person who has suffered many hardships and setbacks but stands up each time. He’s not invincible, but he won’t change his mind. No matter if those around him call him evil, Clavis remains stalwart in his own form of justice. Emma fell in love with him and his ability to pursue the ‘right’ path no matter the obstacles.
Clavis muses that if Emma is truly his future fiancé, that means he’s already manipulating her. Emma begins to agree before stopping and asking if this means Clavis believes her. She was positive he thought she was just the most recent lunatic.
Clavis admits that Emma was acting as if she understood what he was doing without needing him to explain himself. It actually makes more sense that she’s a woman from the future rather than a woman who just met him and understands him immediately.
Besides, which explanation is more interesting?
Yep, that’s Clavis for you.
Besides, if she’s going to cause some mischief, it might as well happen under his protection. He’ll help Cyran, and he’ll help out her, who is suspected of being a spy.
Emma thanks him and tells him that she needs his help to figure out a way to get back to her original time. Clavis promises to help her, there’s nothing he can't do. He smiles happily as he begins to walk towards the entrance of the hut.
As reliable as always. Emma finds herself falling in love with Clavis all over again. Maybe that’s her destiny, to constantly fall in love with Clavis over and over again.
The scene blurs and Emma blinks her eyes to clear it.
She awakes, lying on a bench in the garden as dusk falls. Weird, she was positive she was in a cabin in the woods just a moment ago.
Well, of course she’s not, she’s in Clavis’ mansion’s garden. Maybe she was dreaming?
Dreaming, Clavis asks directly into her ear. Emma shouts and jumps, only to find Clavis, the root of all evil, laughing at her. He praises her response and will give her a 10 out of 10 for that reaction.
Dryly, Emma notes that Clavis has returned, and he explains that Cyran told him that she was waiting for him in the outside garden. Of course, he would come rushing after her. In good spirits, he spreads open his arms and asks for his ‘welcome back’ kiss.
It’s natural to fall in love with Clavis. The past, present, and the future Clavis is always the best.
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etheries1015 · 10 months
Yk throughout Lilia's past thing I wonder why in the old OLD wars people don't use verbal bullying as a weapon- Killing is already included in physical bullying so why not go all out?
Imagine past Lilia with this one friend aka you who fights the annoying humans with money, curses, and (out of pocket) words instead of the traditional going to war way. Verbal bullying can reduce the enemy's morals (probably).
"Instead of worrying about our MoRaLs, why don't you start worrying over YOUR DRIER THAN THE AFTERGLOW SAVANNAH SCALP"
"Our ruler's temper isn't too good, but that kingdom's ruler is bad tempered AND ugly"
"If yall didn't stink so much, maybe the faes wouldn't have found you so easily"
You: You should watch your steps, the floor of this mansion is slippery after all :)
Enemy: Is that a veiled threat?
You: What veil?
People say that the place where faes live are surrounded by thorns, but you have thorns in your mouth ;)
NO BUT THIS IS SO FUNNY. Instead of using your incredibly impressive fighting skills (Lilia has seen firsthand) you first choose the most outrageous and...unique insults and strategies he had ever heard and seen his entire life. Sometimes Lilia can't tell if you are truly affected by the fighting, or if you had gone simply insane and cannot feel complex emotions; numb, to be frank. Upon asking you such questions, In response you shared to your comrades; "Some people cope by sadness and despair, others cope by humor and lightheartedness. I choose the latter- for I would rather live my life smiling at the most ridiculous of things than sit in a puddle of my own tears and trauma."
Thus, you delve deep into the theatrics as a way to distract yourself from the true horror of things.
"Dang, you really went to war looking like THAT? Even I would pity you, and that says a lot!"
"You have the intelligence of a soggy piece of bread! Didn't you hear ANYTHING about subtly?"
"Oh yeah, you're definitely first to die in any scenario. You check all the boxes. I'm surprised you haven't managed to kill yourself by now! Congrats!"
"You're living proof that you do not need to be funny to be considered a clown!"
"damn, human AND ugly? Pick a struggle, to have both is truly a crime!"
I imagine that this MC really enjoys distracting people with long winded prologues or speeches. With fake tears in their eyes, sobbing in front of a wave of humans with their arm up to the sky-
"I would like to thank my mother for this grand opportunity, my pet snake, and my dear beloved and far too soon departed friend Lilia-"
you hear from a distance an annoyed fae yell "I'm not dead!"
you ignore him.
"And to all of you, my grand audience, for granting me this wonderful chance to demonstrate what it truly means to be ignorant."
Confused glances around the humans- before collective screaming as they are all falling into a pit that you lead them to. Lilia catches up to you and stares at the handful of human soldiers who fell into your trap with hands resting on his hip and raised eyebrows, glancing over at you impressed.
"Clever, yet...strangely obtuse. Good distraction, it's almost embarrassing to call you one of our strongest generals with your antics..." He hummed before his face taking a flat and annoyed look as you reveled dramatically in his praises.
"Why can't you be normal."
Reader being incredibly childish yet super clever like Clavis from ikemen prince and the personality of Furina from Genshin impact SDLOIHLJ
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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The Beast Wants to Tempt the Little Rabbit (Matias vs Clavis)
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. Not proofread.
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Part 2
Clavis: "This is rather unsatisfactory."
Matias: "Is it? This is the first time I've been welcomed this warmly."
Clavis: "Haha, you should aim higher. After all, you should be welcomed by all the citizens."
Clavis: "But unfortunately, I've noticed some of them not paying attention. Therefore..."
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Emma: "It's almost lunchtime!"
I grabbed Clavis' hand as he was about to put it inside his coat.
(I'm pretty sure he's going to come up with some kind of outrageous trap.)
Emma: "Prince Matias, are you hungry?"
Matias: "Now that you mention it, I do feel a bit hungry."
Emma: "In that case, let's have lunch!"
Emma: "Prince Clavis, your guest has a request. As your tour guide, I suggest we eat."
Clavis: "Hmm, you really know how to handle me."
(That's because I've made every mistake imaginable back when I was Belle.)
Clavis grasped my hand lightly with a pleased expression, his golden eyes gleaming seductively.
Clavis: "I've already made arrangements for lunch. Let's head there."
Emma: "Thank you, but what's with this hand?"
Clavis: "I'm just responding to your passion. You want to hold my hand, right?"
Emma: "I never said anything like that!"
Clavis: "Come on, don't be shy. Let's hold hands."
Emma: "I don't want to. Hey, your grip is too strong!"
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Matias: "Are you two...?"
Emma: "No, absolutely not!"
Clavis: "Matias, stop asking such a bold question. You're making Emma embarrassed."
(This guy is trying to get back at me.)
Clavis gently held my hand and started walking, leaving me feeling embarrassed under the sympathetic gazes of the people around us.
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(I tried to regain my composure and think about lunch, and yet...)
Clavis: "Now then, I will treat you to my homemade cooking."
Emma: "Why? Just why?"
I almost collapsed to my knees.
The place Clavis chose was one of the most famous restaurants in Rhodolite.
I thought that for entertaining a distinguished guest like Matias, he would have prepared dishes made by top-notch chefs, but for some reason, he declared that we were going to the kitchen.
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Matias: "Miss Emma, you look pale. Are you alright?"
Emma: "Yes, I apologize for causing concern."
Emma: "I just remembered a lot of intense memories from the past."
(I've had Clavis' homemade cooking a few times before that's why I can say this with confidence: his homemade dishes are too unconventional to be served to a distinguished guest.)
(If by any chance someone got food poisoning and it turned into an international incident, then...)
For the royals, poison was the most important thing to take into consideration when it came to food.
(If I were to give up now, there would be no one to protect Matias.)
Clavis: "You should rest. When you're able to eat..."
Emma: "Prince Clavis, there's a dish that I really want Prince Matias to try."
Emma: "It's a classic Rhodolite home-cooked dish, but I thought there might not be another chance like this, so please, let me cook this time!"
When I said this in one breath, the two men widened their eyes, perhaps taken aback by the momentum of my words.
(My cooking isn't something that should be served to state guests, either, but I think it's better than risking an international incident with Clavis' unconventional cooking. Or at least, I want to believe so.)
Matias: "Home-cooked dish..."
Matias: "Clavis, I'm also interested in her cooking."
Again, I thought I heard him mutter something, but Matias' serious expression didn't change.
(I can't believe he's so interested.) 
Clavis: "I see. Come to think of it, you've always had a fascination with home cooking."
Clavis: "Very well. Emma, I appoint you as our tour guide and personal chef."
Emma: "Thank you! I'm honored!"
(Thank goodness, I managed to avert the worst-case scenario.)
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Clavis: "I thought something like this might happen, so I actually had an apron prepared for you."
Clavis pulled out a white apron from the cupboard.
When he unfolded it, I noticed it had a bunch of frills.
Matias: "A frilly white apron, huh?"
(What's with the occasional sigh-like voice I've been hearing?)
Even when I glanced at Matias, his expression remained unchanged.
(Well, whatever. I have a feeling I shouldn't pry.)
Gathering my courage, I put on the apron I received.
I pushed aside the suspicious ingredients on the counter and picked up only the safe ones.
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Matias & Clavis: ".........."
Matias & Clavis: ".........."
Emma: "Since this will take some time, would you two like to chat elsewhere?"
Matias: "No, if there's something I can help with, I'd like to assist. I'll stay here."
Clavis: "It'll be lonely here by yourself, so we'll stay and keep you company."
(It's awkward and nerve-wracking!)
Still, I couldn't exactly chase them out, so I worked while receiving their intense gaze.
Clavis: "By the way, was your queen also good at cooking?"
Matias: "Yeah, it all begins with watching my queen in the kitchen every morning."
Matias: "Cooking together, tasting each other's dishes to understand the flavors, and laughing together after waking up."
(So Matias is already married. He looks so in love, it makes me smile.)
Matias: "But you know, even if she's bad at cooking, it's still fine."
Matias: "It makes it more worthwhile to cook together, and it'd be nice for me to cook for her and serve her as well."
Clavis: "Isn't there a royal chef at Acroite?"
Matias: "Of course there is, but the idea of homemade cooking is just romantic."
Clavis: "Haha, you're really saying that?"
Clavis: "I'm relieved to see that you still have the same perverted qualities you had as a student, even more so than me and Jin."
Matias: “I'm not a pervert. I'm just a regular guy who is devoted to his ideals."
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(What's that supposed to mean?)
Their conversation was so outlandish that I couldn't help but stop.
Emma: "Prince Matias, you're married, right?"
Matias: "No, not yet."
Emma: "But a queen?"
Matias: "I'm talking about my future queen."
Emma: "Ah..."
(I see.)
(I've always wondered why such a kind-hearted person would be friends with Clavis, but maybe it's because they both walk their own paths and understand each other.)
Realizing this, I resumed cooking as if nothing had happened.
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Matias: "Miss Emma, you're an undeniable genius."
Clavis: "Right? She really is a genius."
(Though it's not much of a dish, being praised like this makes me feel a little embarrassed.)
The main course was a simple beef and vegetable stew cooked in cream, accompanied by mashed potatoes with butter. 
I also prepared a soup and salad consisting of tomatoes, and edible roses.
For dessert, I made simple madeleines.
It might seem lacking compared to the dishes the princes usually eat, but both Matias and Clavis were eating so happily that it made me feel happy.
Matias: "Rhodolite is a wonderful country. To be able to enjoy such gourmet food as home cooking is amazing."
Clavis: "Right? We should praise Emma even more."
Emma: "You've already praised me more than enough!"
Emma: "Anyway, Prince Matias, why did you come to Rhodolite?"
Feeling embarrassed, I quickly changed the subject, and Matias placed his cutlery on the table.
Matias: "I was invited as a legal advisor."
Emma: "Legal advisor?"
Matias: "Acroite is known as the country of snow and law, and I'm called the guardian of law."
Matias: "I'm well-versed in the laws of not only my own country but also those of the major nations, including Rhodolite."
(That's amazing.)
Matias: "I've heard that several new laws are being considered in Rhodolite this time."
Matias: "However, these new laws have few precedents. Setting them up requires the establishment of various systems."
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Matias: "That's why they invited me. They seek the expertise of a legal specialist."
Clavis: "Originally, Jin and I were already good friends with Matias, so when I sent him a letter, he responded warmly."
(Ah, so that's why Clavis is personally putting so much effort into welcoming him.)
This was not a story that is irrelevant to me, either.
The law is a set of rules that everyone living in Rhodolite must follow.
Emma: "If you've come for the sake of Rhodolite, then we must put even more effort into welcoming you."
(We have to do our best this afternoon.)
Matias: "No, quite the opposite."
Emma: "The opposite?"
Matias: "I should be thanking you."
Matias: "This falls under the Asbrink family's 23rd precept, which states that one must always repay kindness received."
Matias: "So, could I have some of your time this afternoon? I want to repay your cooking."
Emma: "Please don't worry about it. Your sentiment alone makes me happy."
Clavis: "The Lelouch family also has a similar motto."
Emma: "Yours is just nonsense."
Clavis: "Haha! What are you saying? It's not nonsense. I just decided on it now."
(See? Nonsense.)
Clavis: "So, I also want to repay you for your cooking."
Emma: "Your gratitude is more than enough!"
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Matias: "Clavis, I brought it up first."
Clavis: "Unfortunately, Rhodolite doesn't have a 'first come, first served' law."
Clavis: "We can't let a guest like you repay your gratitude."
Clavis: "So, let me express my gratitude to Emma on your behalf."
Matias: "Fair enough. But then it loses its meaning. Shouldn't you respect the will of your guest?"
Clavis: "Hmm."
Clavis: "Emma, what do you think?"
Emma: "What do I think?"
Clavis: "Between me and Matias, whose gratitude would you like to accept?"
(Huh? Is this what this is about!?)
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Matias End ╎ Epilogue
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dododrawsstuff · 4 months
IkePri OC Melinda
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Excuse the messy sketch, I'll update it if I finish (and this is also not her regular clothes, this is like a portrait painting of her, but Chev said it was okay if she was silly, that's why the peace sign and the smily expression ajdhajdj)
She was more of a meme character in my head, but she grew on me, so have Melinda (I finally gave her a name)
Taglist: @olivermorningstar (you said it was ok to tag you in OC stuff, but let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore) and if there's anyone else that wants to be tagged in my OC stuff, let me know
More about her under the cut
Name: Melinda (nickname: Mel)
Age: 24
Birthday: 10/31
Story: She is originally from a different world, and IkePri is a game she plays. One day she just wakes up in Rhodolite’s castle. Nobody knows the cause or if she can go back to her own world. She arrives roughly the same day Emma is appointed as Belle, Mel is granted stay at the castle because of Emma. She is assigned to help around the castle, to earn her stay.
Mel’s favorite character was Calvis, she had fallen in love with him in her own world (as pathetic as she thinks it is). And as she gets to interact with the princes and Emma, she falls harder for Clavis, which is unfortunate for her, since she starts to notice some signs that Emma is on Clavis’ route.
She is torn at first, because she really loves him, but she thinks she can never make Clavis as happy as Emma can. She gives up on pursuing him, and resigns to just watch them for afar and wish for their happiness.
Personality: Melinda is a bit of a pessimist, but tries to keep a positive outlook on life. She is awkward on social situations, especially if it involves interacting with strangers, so she is sometimes considered to be rude. She really likes to laugh and tends to be more silly with people she feels comfortable around. She is very expressive once she is comfortable with someone, and uses her hands a lot while talking.
Melinda can struggle sometimes with establishing boundaries and speaking up for herself, but it's something she is working on.
Pair: Chevalier
Story with Chevalier, I guess?: After arriving in Rhodolite ****she ****tries to avoid Chevalier most of the time, being a stranger that appeared out of nowhere, she is suspicious to say the least and she doesn't want to try her luck.
But stuff keeps happening that makes them interact with each other, at first he is disinterested at best in her, but as they keep interacting, she starts to pick his interest.
I imagine one of the key interactions they have is when Chevalier calls her a simpleton and basically useless, which is true, since she most of her skills she acquired during her life were useless in that world, but she has a lot of pent up feelings, the uncertainty of going home, feeling like she doesn't fit in, and then his words spoken in a cold tone disregarding her feelings added salt to injury, and is what makes her explode despite her better judgment. She just start venting in a language he doesn't understand (in this particular scenario I imagined there are no Portuguese speaking countries in the IkePri universe, and I chose Portuguese because is the only other language I feel confident in writing).
After that, he starts to take an interest in her. He demands asks her to teach him her language, in return he teaches her about politics, manners, etc. He was able to learn and speak Portuguese in less than a month.
At one point he starts to request her to his room (kinda like in his route, where he asks Emma to tell him stories, if I'm not crazy, it's been a while since I played his route) so she can tell him stories he hadn't heard before. And from this point onwards, I really haven't thought much, but I imagined a VERY slow burn.
Some random headcanons that I didn't know where to put:
She and Chevalier sometimes talk in Portuguese whenever she misses home, or when they don't want other people to know what they're talking about (though sometimes others can tell because of her body language). They gossip a lot in Portuguese, it's mostly her, he just listens to her rambles;
Eventually she ends up revealing to him that she is from another world. But it's something he had suspicions for a long time;
Chevalier likes to hear her talk about her experiences, her childhood, her hobbies, what she used to do in her own world. And Melinda is happy he likes to listen to her, though sometimes she wonders if she’s being a bother;
They also talk about history, technology (mostly because I think it would be interesting to muse about him discovering these things)
She needs to use glasses, but her eyesight is not so bad she can't see without them, so most of the time she just doesn't wear them
I'll edit this as I develop her more ^^
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leonscape · 3 months
ikepri as things in space
jin- a gas planet ( jupiter)
jupiter protects earth by catching dangerous objects in its orbit and preventing it from making contact with earth. the storms rage on jupiter but it makes a beautiful sight. some people say that jupiter is a failed star, but the truth is jupiter doesn’t have enough mass to be considered a failed star. it is simply a gas giant, not a failed star.
chevalier- a void
voids are areas in space with low cosmic density. it may look empty but there are galaxies in the area. it’s just that these areas have a lot less than other parts of the universe. it might be scary to think about, especially because the scale of space is so large. to fathom an area where there’s just nothing there or things are so far apart it appears to have nothing there, is quite chilling.
clavis- a star (blue star)
the gravitational pull of a star is very strong. it pulls other objects in and traps them with its gravity, taking everything in their grasp with them. blue stars are the hottest stars so they are still quite young. but if you get too close to the star, you’ll get bent out of shape and worst case scenario, you’ll be torn apart and destroyed
leon- a rogue planet
rogue planets are not bound to anything; they don’t have a star to orbit. they most likely got ejected out of their system or maybe they formed on their own outside of a system. most rogue planets will forever wander space alone. but some will encounter a planetary system. they could become weakly bound to the parent star(s) or they could kick out an exoplanet and replace it.
yves- a nebula (NGC 6334)
a nebula is a huge cloud of dust and gas. materials are spread out but overtime, they can clump together and the gravity will get stronger as these clumps grow bigger. this can be the beginning of a new star, so some nebulae are called star nurseries
licht- a comet
comets are made up of frozen rock, gas, and dust. when their orbit reaches closer to the sun, they heat up and melt, dispersing gas and dust in a colorful tail. since their orbits are elliptical and so far away from the sun, it takes them a while to return to the warmth of the sun.
nokto- a dwarf planet
dwarf planets are small but they’re still special. they don’t quite clear out their orbit, but they are still large enough to gain some recognition.
luke- the moon
moons are just satellites that orbit a planet. maybe they’re chunks of material from failed planets that were caught in a planet’s gravity. perhaps it was an object wandering around that happened to be caught by a planet. the moon can have influence over a planet as well and cause things to happen. like how our moon influences the ocean’s tides.
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dreamofjoys · 7 months
— Synopsis: When Clavis tries to take Bun!Emma away from Chevalier, something unexpected happened, leading to Chevalier drawing sword at his brother again.
— C/W: Spoilers for bunny event, characters might be a little OOC
— A/N: I just want to see overprotective Chev / My first chev + ikepri fic T-T Why did it took so long for me to write for this man AHHHH
[ This phrasing represents Bun!Emma thoughts]
Note: This is just a what if / alternative scenario! You can feel free to imagine Chev however you like but this is just my version of him. I tried focusing more on Chev's POV
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"Let go, you might injure it." Chevalier says to his brother, who had his hand wrapped around Bun!Emma. Clavis has been trying to pry off Bun!Emma from Chevalier's cape for awhile now. However, Bun!Emma had her little claws sinked into the fur of Chevalier's cape, refusing to move an inch.
Bun!Emma panicked when Clavis refuses to let go of her, and had instead chose to tighten his grip on her small body. That sudden gesture had trigger the prey instinct in Bun!Emma, causing her to shriek in surprise as she starts thrashing under Clavis's hold.
In an instant, the pressure on Bun!Emma disappeared and Clavis was flung meters away and onto the door. Chevalier had took the liberty to shield Bun!Emma with his hand, softly caressing her petite body to calm her down. His heart prickles a little when he felt his lover trembling, but the feeling soon goes away as Bun!Emma stops shivering and nuzzles into the warmth of his hand.
Chevalier already had his sword drawn, pointing it at the fool of his brother who did not expect the sudden blow. "Hey, what are you doing?!" Leon hurries to help Clavis up while frowning at his elder brother. "He scared the little rabbit."
"You could have just told him nicely to stop it. Besides, are you sure the rabbit is scared of Clavis, and not at you?" Leon retorts back at Chevalier, while Clavis could only laugh at his brother's antics.
"Oh my, are you perhaps attached to this wild rabbit?" Clavis smirks, amused at Chevalier's protectiveness. "The last and only time you were this protective over something -someone- , is Emma. Unless this rabbit is-"
"Leave." Chevalier's cold and monotonous voice cut through the room, causing Clavis to laugh even louder. "Alright little brother! You heard your big bro. Let's get out before he kills us for real." Clavis wrap his arm around Leon's shoulder, pulling him out of the foreign office as Leon complains about how he is worried about the rabbit's safety, and also complaining about how much of a bastard Chevalier can be.
Chevalier let out a heavy sigh. He had already stopped petting Bun!Emma, and wants to inspect for injuries on Bun!Emma's body. But..... how does he hold a rabbit, who is only the size of his palm? Thinking back to what he did this morning, Chevalier holds out his hand again, hoping that Bun!Emma would get the hint. Bun!Emma was quick to notice what Chevalier wants her to do and immediately hops onto the palm of his hand. Upon inspecting Bun!Emma at a better angle, it seems like there was no injuries. Chevalier stares at Bun!Emma, watching her stare back at his icy pools.
[ Does he perhaps think that I am scared of him? ] Bun!Emma's thoughts were written all over her face, just like how she is when she was in her human form. Chevalier never tires watching her train of thoughts showing on her face. [ Then I will show him that I am comfortable with him! ] Bun!Emma thought excitedly, and decided to flop her body on Chevalier's palm. [ Rabbits do this when they are very relaxed, right? Surely Chevalier will get what I mean! ]
Chevalier let out an amused laugh. Yes, he understands what Bun!Emma is trying to tell him. His other hand inching closer to Bun!Emma, wanting to pet her again but stops halfway. Bun!Emma immediately sits up and jump up multiples time to touch Chevalier's hand. [ Pet me please, Chevalier! ] Bun!Emma immediately flops down her body on Chevalier's palm again as Chevalier pets the little rabbit in a soft yet awkward manner.
It feels weird to see the brutal beast dotting on a little rabbit instead of eating her up. But the brutal beast silently vows to never let anything, or anyone, scare her like this anymore.
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bakersgrief · 6 months
Okay, working in a bookstore means Emma has to deal with customers, right? I would love to see her with a customer service persona. Especially when Silvio or Clavis are being annoying and she's just like
"Great! Can I help you with anything else?"
And they "???????"
BRB I need to write some scenarios with this
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articdelilah · 10 months
Hellooo I love the teen mc concept so I'm wondering if you could do it also with Leon's faction? Thank youu
✮ A Little Trouble ✮
Platonic!Ikemen Princes x Teen!Reader
Hi Anon!! Thank you so much for requesting💞 Your wish is my command! Sorry for the wait!! (I know nothing about Leon so I’m sorry if he’s OOC)
Domestic Affairs Faction
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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Leon tried to argue with Sariel about his choice. This girl has school and friends and life to live! It would be horrid to put such a hard task on such young shoulders. Sariel of course did not wield with Leon’s request of changing the Belle.
By her side from day 1. He showed how the factions work and what they do, their aim and motives.
After the very hard first day with Leon, they go into town to get ice cream! Or steak. Whichever one Belle is feeling after such a day.
Leon is consistently looking out for her, making sure Chevalier doesn’t say anything too honest or hurtful. If he tries, he’ll be shut down by Leon almost immediately with furrowed brows.
Very protective but not in an overbearing way. Definitely not as subtle as the other Princes. When Belle asks to let her dual with him, he thinks about it but decides against it. He promised her that once she reads all the books Sariel assigned, then he’ll dual her fair and square. Motivation!
Belle liked to observe the man work. She sat with him, asking him questions about the different subjects and affairs that are happening in Rhodolite. She asked about Obsidian but Leon tried to avoid the topic.
Obsidian wasn’t a big threat currently and perhaps it’d be better if Sariel told her? No that would be the worst case scenario.
Leon explains Obsidian’s land, why they want to invade and their current status of threat. Belle said she’d ask Chevalier about it as well, but Leon only made a sour face.
A sudden clang of two silvery swords frightened the birds which were resting in the nearby oak tree; the birds of brown feathers sore into the clear sky as a result. The air wasn’t thick with bloodlust or hatred however instead filled with adrenaline and determination. Belle had begged Leon for them to dual for as long as she could remember, doing everything in her power to get him to agree. Sparks flew in all directions as the two continued their dual, brows creased on the young Belle’s face making Leon smile. He was so proud of her, being able to read all those books in a couple of days sure is an accomplishment. In the midst of thought, Leon was abruptly pulled away from his thoughts as a cool sharp point nudged his neck. His eyes widened as he realised he let his guard down. Despite this he couldn’t help but laugh at the distaste on Belle face “Stop going easy on me! Come on! Fight me for real!”.
“I’m trying”
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Jin laughed with Clavis when he met Belle. He simply loved her already!
For the first week of Belle’s stay, he always made sure she had flowers and a few lollipops in her bedroom. Everyone needs snacks right! The flowers were simply never the same colour however. On Monday the roses were red, Tuesday they were pink.
His great hand coming down to ruffle her hair and laugh when she told Jin about her worries. After all, how can you be worried with Jin by your side? If there was anything Jin could help with, you bet he did help.
Is studying alone hard? No worries. Jin is right there to help! Want a break? Jin’ll take her to town for some food!
Belle had been working hard and Jin knew that. He wanted to take some of weight off her shoulders by making her life at the palace a little easier by doing small gestures like bringing her the heavy leather bound books Sariel assigned Belle to read back to her room.
Once Jin came back to find the new Belle alone in the drawing room. He peaked his head in and noticed that she wasn’t reading any heavy leather bound book but rather staring intensely at a fashion magazine for teen nobility.
He knocked on the door to get her attention, asking the girl what she was looking at. Belle watched him next to her as she hesitantly showed him the dress she had been looking at. Her gaze averting to the rug on the floor. Jin agreeing it would look lovely on her.
Lollipops and summer nights on the balcony>>> Late night walks around the town + the palace are very common.
He introduces Belle to his favourite tavern and shows her the nightlife of Rhodolite (without the bad stuff ofc)!
Jin usually brings her to make fun of the drunks with him, dine and chat loudly about anything that really came to mind.
The 1st Prince of Rhodlite leaned on the pastel pink wall of the newest clothing store, waiting for the new Belle to finish getting changing. The whole place was filled with dresses and suits for young nobility, making it the biggest trend in the higher classes. The clothes were imported from Jade and Benodite. Jin had popped a lollipop in his mouth a few moments prior as he hummed a little song under his breath. Belle let out a little squeak in the changing room, making Jin smirk and hurry her out of the rather large stall. Her hand slowly peaked in the corner of the fabric of the curtain, pulling slowly on it to reveal herself in the same dress she was looking at in the magazine. Belle gave the 1st Prince the largest smile and spun and twirled; The dress was light green and white, adorn with lace and pearls. This particular dress was exported from Jade and it reached her knees with a large bow at the back. “Stunning Belle! But not quite finished yet” He wagged a finger and the [H/C] haired girl skipped over. Jin’s hand held a green bow that matched the dress with pearls, his fingers brushing her hair behind her ear before playing the bow in place.
“Thank you Jin! You’re the best!”
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Yves was speechless at the news of Belle being a teenager. After all, being Belle is such a big responsibility! Can a teenager really handle it?
Yves takes on the new Belle under his wing, giving her a little [F/C] diary to write her notes in. She cannot forget anything of course.
Is afraid to let her out of his sight for longer than 2 hours.
He was so surprised how Belle treated him, especially that a lot of people were taught young about his bloodline. Belle however was still kind and caring despite everything she had heard in town. Yves asked her about this one day, the girl spoke that “Unless I’ve met the person, I would never claim they are evil just because of the blood that flows through their veins”
Yves has very strict with Belle, but he always made it up to her by baking her cookies or cake. Tea parties are also quite common, BUT ONLY TO TEACH BELLE TABLE MANNERS no other reason
Make overs with Yves are simply a must! Yves teaches Belle how to do her hair in complex hairstyles, the basics of colour meaning and styles of clothes worn on different occasions. Fashion is just as important as politics in the noble world after all!
Eventually Belle asked Yves if he would show her how to bake and Yves couldn’t hold the prideful smile that lit his face, he of course agreed! It was only because it was his duty as Prince however 👀
The palace was cold, silence and darkness submerging every corner it could greedily claim as its own. Despite the harsh snow outside, the kitchen was filled with warm light and cheery laughter of a Prince and a young girl. The fire crackled as the two sat on plush pillows, giggling as they engulfed in quiet chitchat. On the wooden floor lay plates of chewy cookies and sweet colourful macaroons. Belle held a plate with peach pie, struggling to hold it still as she fell into a fit of giggles once more. “That’s not even that funny!” Yves tried to pout but failed miserably as seeing Belle smiling so hard made his heart swell with pride. Sure Clavis’ prank with the cardboard cat was definitely not fun to experience, but maybe perhaps it was worth falling into Clavis’ potholes just to hear Belle’s laughter.
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He was distant. Just like Chevie, he found the thing ridiculous and shook his head disapprovingly when told.
With the help of Yves and Sariel however, Belle got a chance to spend more and more time with Licht.
He tried to be rude, but Belle never took it to heart. Perhaps she knew from the start how kind he actually was. Either way, Belle being persistent was both a blessing yet curse.
Soon she became his companion. She was obviously worried about him which gave Licht motivation to be better. He never wanted her to worry about him.
Despite this Licht usually keeps his distance from her, making sure she is safe from afar.
Licht showed Belle how to ride a horse, knowing full well that Belle did something wrong to spend that extra minute with him.
Licht is always willing to sing to Belle after she had a rough day or a nightmare. He’ll stroke her hair and sing that same song his mother did, the Prince’s sweet voice lulling the girl into a sweet dream.
One day, Licht had invited Belle to visit him at the stables. She put on her best outfit before meeting him, but she was taken by surprise when Licht said this isn’t a riding lesson.
Not even the cold breeze of approaching autumn could make Licht’s heart less warm as he observed the girl near him. In her hands a basket filled with all types of flowers: coneflowers, dahlias and cosmos. Yellows, pinks and whites brought life to the brown weaved basket. Licht sat amongst the grass letting the cool air fill his lungs, his horse a couple of metres away grazing at the greenery. Belle plopped down next to him, smiling a smile that was brighter than the sun. “Close your eyes.” Licht smiled softly at the girl. She giggled when she closed her eyes, waiting patiently. Carefully picking the flowers with the longest stems, Licht’s fingers braiding the flowers over each other. He did this for a minute before placing the flower crown on the now impatient Belle who was starting to complain. Her eyes shot open and her hands began to delicately inspect the flowers which adorned her soft hair. Her eyes squinted with cheerfulness. Licht’s silent moment of his own happiness becoming brighter as the girl pounced on the once lonely wolf. The 6th Prince held her close, swearing that he will protect his sister. After all, they say that blood is thicker then water of the womb.
If you like my work, feel free to request!! Thank you for reading and Goodbye my Doves🕊️🌙
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Hi there! Welcome to my Ikemen Prince masterlist.
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》》 Multiple
Headcanon - Clavis, Sariel, and Leon Falling for a Tsundere (Fluff)
》》 Leon
Headcanon - Leon with a Depressed Reader " Suffocating Days" (Hurt/Comfort)
》》 Yves
》》 Jin
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neerons · 24 days
Some of Sariel Noir's best quotes
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"Know that this devil will stake his life on your pure heart, your wise gaze, and your fierce resolve."
"There is something I wish to protect, even if it means selling my soul to the true devil himself, and burning for all eternity in the fires of hell."
"Do you realize who you resemble, when you act in that manner?" (—Sariel to Emma acting like him)
"Rio, what in the world makes you think she could be in a flower vase? Calm yourself." (—Sariel talking about Emma to Rio while they're looking for her)
"There is no harm in sucking up to me."
"You have always been courageous, determined to put your emotions aside and process things logically whenever possible. And I certainly consider it a desirable trait to possess. But too much has happened this evening, and I imagine you're well past the limit of what you can tolerate. I do not mind if you need to prioritize how you are feeling right now."
"If you ever refer to me like that again, I must warn you that you may not see the next sunrise." (—Sariel to Gilbert calling him 'Daddy')
"At last I've found you. (...) I imagine a little discipline will go a long way with you... hehe..."
"It would seem you have a lot of confidence in your ability to remember things. (...) ...I am simply wondering whether you ought not be taking notes. While it's true books can be reread, much of the information I am sharing with you is not written down anywhere. As such, you may find it useful to write things down so that you may review them later."
"So long as the kingdom and its people exist, our noble beasts will give everything they have to protect it. As you know, they have very different ideologies, and they are a problematic lot, but... on this one matter alone, almost all of them can be trusted." (—Sariel talking about the Rhodolitian princes to Emma)
"It's a basic right. Everyone needs time to rest and relax, no matter who they are."
"I'm fond of those who are wise—regardless of gender."
"I'm talking about the creature that says 'squeak squeak' and begins with the letter R. I cannot even put that filthy word in my mouth." (—Sariel talking about rats)
"(...) Prince Gilbert, rude though it may be of me to ask, perhaps you would be kind enough to vanish for the time being?"
"There probably aren't many ladies that would be able to approach Prince Gilbert." (—Sariel talking in front of Emma, Keith, Silvio, Rio and Gilbert)
"...Now, now. I am a man, you are a woman, and we're all alone in your bedroom at night. How might you want this scenario to end?"
"To say that I'm relieved to have you beside me is an understatement." (—Sariel's lobby dialogue)
"(...) I did feel some murderous intent in the cane, however." (—Sariel to Gilbert pointing his cane at him)
"Dear Prince Clavis, (...) Apparently you made a child bawl in the middle of town? Please act your age. (...) There have been complaints that people who got wet because of you were close to catching colds because of it. It's winter. Please do not be using water or ice. This is not an invitation to make traps using fire. *NO MICE. The next time I see any, I will put them in a bag along with you and send it down the river. I have warned you." (—Sariel's letter to Clavis)
"...Prostate himself? (...) ...Ahh, I see. Wonderful, I shall have to make the hellcat do it the next time I get the chance." (—Sariel talking about Clavis to Rio)
"You damned hellcat—" (—Sariel to Clavis)
"I do not know what choice you will make going forward, but... For as long as you are able, do not let each other go. Especially because you love each other. It makes no difference whether you are a prince or a commoner. A person needs someone to love in order to remain human. I learned this after witnessing what happened to His Majesty." (—Sariel to Rio)
"What on earth are you doing curled up so disgracefully on the floor like that, Dog?" (—Sariel to Rio)
"(...) At that time, Clavis was the most innocent and childlike of the princes. I had to admit that I was easily swayed by his sweet grin. He took a keen interest in anything and everything, and he had a strong drive. Clavis was the student—well, disciple—I shared most of my knowledge with." (—Sariel's thoughts about young Clavis)
"Which do you like better, spending time with me like this, or spending time reading a book?"
"You are right, it would be tactless of me to speak ill of you when you are present. I shall wait until you are absent, and then I will be free to speak as much ill of you as I wish." (—Sariel to Clavis)
"(...) I'm the one who taught Prince Nokto and Prince Licht how to use their swords."
"I wonder how many times he and I have shared a drink now. I remembered the times where instead of amber-colored wine, there was water or milk in the cups in front of us. We had been partaking in these laidback meetings ever since we were both young. They were an absolute necessity for us." (—Sariel's thoughts about Jin)
"(...) You misunderstand me. I don't hate the man, I despise him." (—Sariel talking about Clavis to Emma)
"Now, now. Don't be so sullen. Another fundamental aspect of training someone is to make them want something but never completely satisfy them."
"I also despise hellcats, miscreants, oh, and the Third Prince." (—Sariel talking about Clavis)
"If you do, I'm not nursing you back to health." (—Sariel to Rio telling him he might faint because of how beautiful Emma is)
"(...) Since Emma isn't available to praise you, shall I do the honors instead?" (—Sariel to Rio)
"Hehe, I'm never going to let you run away from this palace of beasts. Will you continue to allow them, and myself, to enjoy your company to the fullest?"
"My hobby is teasing those who are worth teasing, such as yourself. Think of it as an honor that you met my expectations." (—Sariel's lobby dialogue)
"In that instance, I was considering binding Emma's arms behind her back and dumping her in the river. Hehe, naturally, I am joking. I have absolute confidence in my judge of character." (—Sariel talking about Emma potentially failing his test to Rio and Emma)
"I have one more order for you, if that's all right. (...) I'd like you to have a drink with me like this every now and then."
"(...) if it is to be a competition, perhaps I shall take part as well." (—Sariel reacting to Luke saying he would steal Emma away)
"The princes were all very excited when they discovered that today is your birthday. Happy birthday." (—Sariel's lobby dialogue)
"You allowed yourself to get so close to her that rumors began circulating that she was your mistress. Did you keep Belle at your side even knowing it would have no benefit for you?" (—Sariel to Chevalier)
"Prince Chevalier's faction are perhaps a little too free-willed, and at times the ache in my—"
"Consider it one of the perks of being Belle. You are permitted to keep a pet at the palace. (...) This is your pet, is it not? When I entered the bookstore, it started barking non-stop, so I had no choice but to bring it with me." (—Sariel talking about Rio to Emma)
"Hmm? Is something the matter? I can't imagine why you're blushing. Careful now, or you really will get eaten."
"Don't worry. It doesn't matter what kind of noise you make. If anyone overhears and finds fault with you, this devil of a man will take care of it. So please, won't you allow me to hear every last sweet sound?"
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