#clear and concise answers? not on this blog
bubble-you · 2 months
read a post about if the doctor was a vampire and got snacks from friends. just a bite. and uhh a little horrified because proportionately they’d probably need like 1L of blood at LEAST to be full. And that’s like 25~30% already. So say a snack. But Rory would apparently draw blood for 11 using a needle, and that’s alright, that’s only 5 ml or 10 ml, at most 20. That’s a reasonable snack, if you were to give that away.
It doesn’t dull the dread of if they were to really drink. That’s your strength. Also… the puncture wound needs to heal. Bruises. Anemia. Drained. Unstoppered.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Hope it's okay to ask here, I love your blog and how you give clear, concise answers to questions without assuming bad faith so hopefully it's ok to throw my own "warning tag" question in here, TIA for the answer! So, childhood friends-to-lovers is like one of my favourite romance tropes to write in fanfic. I've done a LOT of ships with that, but I've never actually written anything more uh...spicy, shall we say. Until after the ship were both adults. I was raised Extremely Fundie and wasn't very sex positive for a LONG time as a result but now that I'm older & out of that environment I've grown a lot. So because of religious upbringing I just avoided writing smut before both characters were 18 "to be safe". In a recent new fandom I'm in I have a character who I feel like very much WOULD have explored her sexuality before she turned 18. The partner in this context is her childhood friend so they grew up together and are probably at most like 3 years apart, if that. So my question is, would I tag that as Underage because, even tho they're close together in age (ie. both "minors" in that sense) they ARE Underage or is the Underage tag on AO3 solely for Adult/Minor ships? (not judging writers of Adult/Minor pairings either, I'll add. It's just not my scene and I don't want to give people the wrong impression in the tags, either way around, whenever I inevitably write & post their First Time fic, yk?) -🌸 (hope its okay to tag this so I can maybe find it later? I don't wanna ask this off anon in case I get blasted by That(tm) side of fandom at large who might see my username and then come into my DMs/inbox to scream "P*do!!" at me, but I DO wanna be able to see the answer when it comes up, esp if I am not on tumblr the day that it does haha)
Ah. You're still thinking about that tag in a more cultural sense, but that's not what it's for. If you dig through the FAQs and such, the explanation is in there somewhere, but to summarize, it refers to:
On page depictions of sexual activity including at least one character under 18.
(So if they just kiss or you just say she had sex but you don't show intercourse, oral, etc. on the actual page, it doesn't count.)
AO3's underage tag is actually to protect users who live in jurisdictions where <18 sexytimes are banned from art or banned unless there's ~artistic merit~ or whatever. Around the time AO3 was starting up was when Australia was having a big upheaval over such things, so it was on people's minds in the Anglosphere.
Whether the sex is problematique or age gap or whatever doesn't matter. The actual age of consent or laws around sex in the real world location these characters are in, if any, does not matter. Your 17-year-old UK characters fucking still need the warning or CNTW even though that's laughable in context. 18 tends to be the age most used in international law for... like... porn star ages and such, so 18 is what AO3 went with. Never mind that it's not necessarily the age of majority or that age of consent laws can depend on partner age, etc. etc.
Unlike noncon/graphic violence/character death, this warning isn't there primarily because readers find the topic squicky.
It's a legal ass-covering thing.
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ousama · 9 months
ok im going to try and address the callout in the best way that i can now that im fully medicated and in the right mindspace. i will go over every part of it to be as concise as possible!
let me state right now this post is not to garner pity. i am not asking for apologies. i am not asking people to refollow me if they are uncomfortable. if i make you uncomfortable please put your mental health first for the both of us
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ok lets start with this! over a year ago i sent people fake gore. this is fact. those people were pedophiles and fascists. you are allowed to have the opinion its wrong for me to send anyone gore but i want to make clear i only targeted genuinely dangerous individuals. i am a grown adult as well! that is true. but i do think there's quite a difference in the maturity of an unmedicated 20 year old who had been, if most of my long time followers recall, recovering from a literal cult. and a now 22 year old who is fully medicated and has a job. i have matured and changed i think
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this was in regards to i believe that how intimidating am i ask meme? though i mentioned gore here i am noting again i had actually stopped sending gore by this point in my life. I do still send fascists their IP addresses to scare them into deleting. I understand i can block, report and warn others but quite frankly. Staff does not care about the fascist problem. blocking and reporting does not do shit on this website and i believe personally its best to take it into my own hands especially when, in my experience, i have a 90% success rate in getting them to deactivate via just mentioning the town they live in
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im. not sure why this image is included quite frankly but ill try my best to address it. The person messaging has been harassing me for about a week including misgendering me and using ableist language against a developmentally delayed individual. This is the kill yourself website. I did not think replying with a blingee would be an issue. They mentioned gore only because my carrd says if you stealth follow and are a pedophile or other brand of freak ill send you gore . my carrd is not updated and that has been there for about two years. it is not accurate to what i do now.
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this is me explaining that^ also included in the callout. don't know what to say here as im clearly acknowledging it.
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same person harassing me doubling down on the fact my carrd outdatedly mentions gore. I answer honestly, because again id only ever used horror movie screenshots. To Fascists And Pedophiles.
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im not elaborating this is my post. it explains itself but its added here as it was in the callout
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now we get to malistaire. i will say right now. I have nothing against malistaire personally. i also cannot check their tumblr so will default to they them. if these are the wrong pronouns i apologize but i quite literally cannot confirm.
Malistaire does have a history with our group. we are a friend group called the overdosis group chat. other members may dislike malistaire. that is not my problem quite frankly. i do not hold any ill will or intentions toward them. as you can see in both screenshots. Neither Discord Message Is From Me. I have NO obligation to take responsibility for other people in a shared server especially when i am one of the least active members. I believe the first message was prompted by malistaires old blog having a post that implied our group might be stalking them. we were not. as far as i know they left the server due to personal drama with one member. the second dm is also not me. my name is not liv, you may notice. i am not responsible for this. adding it to a post about me is pointless at least and misinformation at most.
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they go on to list other members. which is irrelevant to a post about me. but i find the comment about the groups name most interesting because
Malistaire Was An Original Member Of The Group. They Had Joined The Server Twice Actually.
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they were aware of the suicide note (of a racist, mind you) and even joked about it in the server. They do not mention this at all on the callout.
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they also partook in sending death threats. alongside us.
im out of image space i will continue this in a reblog. please do not reblog this post in its current state.
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chosos-gothica · 1 year
Gimme a light?
Punk!Choso x reader (18+)
Minors (anyone under 18) and ageless blogs will be blocked. DNI.
Summary: You bartend a show night and one aloof bassist catches your eye.
Features: Oral sex (reader receives), Fem reader, vaginal penetration (reader receives), fingering, face riding, Sub!Choso if you look hard enough.
wc: ~ 2,400
A/N: I’m a bit rusty doing xreaders so I hope this is a good read lol 🖤
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Songs queued
Nicotine Stain - Siouxsie and the banshees
Dumb - Nirvana
The Wolf - The Brats
Violet - Hole
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The pub is suffocating on Saturday nights. Bodies uncomfortably close as most stood in drunken fervor. The sweat, the alcohol, the humidity, it was all too much. Even for an experienced bar tender such as yourself. The minute the bar area cleared out of the crowd in favor of the stage area, you decide to take a 15 minute smoke break.
You sneak off to the alley behind the establishment. Sitting on a plastic crate, You pull out a cigarette from your shorts and a lighter in kind.
Right as you lit the cheap cig, you hear the door into the bar open to your right. You expect it’s your manager coming out to scold you for breaking without notice but are surprised to see someone you’ve never met. His dark eyes glance at you while exiting the establishment, his face neutral but a hint of annoyance seeing someone else out in the alley.
He leans against the wall on the opposite side of the doorframe. He fixed his gaze forward while sipping a cocktail in a clear plastic cup.
Dressed in mostly black, his silhouette was solid besides the thick sprigs of hair tied into pig tails. A tall wall of a man, but his facial features were delicate. You couldn’t really tell if that was a birth mark or make up that cut across his face. Though the lights were dim in this area, you could tell he was weirdly pretty. Just like you can tell he was now looking straight at you.
He says quietly.
“None with you.” You lift your hands
“Just never seen you before ‘s all. Small scene in this city.”
He doesn’t respond. Turning his attention back to staring at the dumpster in front of the both of you.
You glance at the red slip he held between his fingers and the cup.
“Drink voucher? You’re in one of the acts tonight?”
“New band on the flier I’m assuming?”
“What instrument?”
Speaking to this guy was like pulling teeth, short concise answers. It was pissing you off a little bit.
“So what are you doing out here?”
You take a long drag of your cig, watching the smoke swirl as you exhale.
He didn’t reply for a moment, long enough for you to think he wasn’t gonna answer.
“Too loud,” He grumbles before taking one last gulp of his drink. “And hot.”
You chuckle.
“Not much ventilation in there.” He once again doesn’t grace you with a reply.
He began moving towards the dumpster, tossing his cup and voucher away. He undid his updo, slowly letting his mid length hair cascade over his shoulder.
You assumed he was headed back inside once he turned, jumping when he squats directly in front of you.
“Can I bum a cig off you? I promised my brother I’d stop so I don’t have any on me.”
His voice was so smooth, sweet almost, you wouldn’t believe he was a smoker if he didn’t tell you. His long hair curtains his face. He was so close you could smell the alcohol lingering on his tongue.
He’s cute, at least in the back alley lighting. You reach into your pocket and pull out the box of cigarettes.
One last smoke remained, and if you had been a little bit pettier you would have said no.
“Take it. You said a full sentence to ask so you must really need it.”
Red blooms across his pale face at your remark. He took it slowly, slightly embarrassed by his prior attitude.
You offer your light when he sticks the cigarette between his plump lips. He leans closer as you shield the flame from the wind and burn the edge of the borrowed smoke.
Despite how intimate the lack of space between you and him is, he stays still for a moment. longer than what was necessary. His eyes scanned your face, languidly though interested. You clear your throat when you feel your personal space had been invaded for long enough.
He snaps out of his trance, whispering a curt thank you before rising to his full height.
“Names Choso.” He says looking away to his left. His face was still flushed.
“(Y/N), nice to meet you.” You stand up from the crate.
“Its probably been 15 minutes. I better get back to the bar.” You drop the cigarette filter on the ground, and step on it to make sure it was out.
You stretch your arms and head inside. “I think you’re up next, hope your band is worth listening to.”
30 minutes pass while you clean glasses behind the bar. Nodding along to the music and watching people shuffle and dance with the little space they have.
It’s been a while since you’ve been to a show without being at work. Reminded of your job, you busy yourself with stacking glasses and grabbing coasters off the bar while the opening band hustles off the stage. And the next one sets.
“Alright. I know what you’re all thinking ‘who are these dumbasses?’ We just moved into this shithole you call a city.”
The crowds playful jeers make your head snap up.
“But after this set you’re gonna remember The Plasma as the band who made you black out in the pit!” The lead growled into the mic. His pink hair makes him stand out, even glow, in the dark pub. Behind him is Choso, his hair pulled back up into pony tails. His bass hangs low on his body as he looked out into the crowd, with the same vacant expression.
The music started up, climbing in volume instantly.
You watch the pink headed teen thrash on stage, riling up the crowd even more than before. You laugh when someone jumps onto stage, trying to throw punches at the lead. Choso immediately steps between the two, taking off his bass and pushing the drunk heckler off the stage to be caught by the mob under them.
You take notice when he takes off his shirt, already soaking in sweat, and slinging the instrument back across his chest. The stage lights momentarily focus on his position, enhancing the glittering affect his sweat creates on his well built body. His side profile is captures by a back light, almost picture perfect the way his stray hairs cling to his forehead. You are admittedly stunned by his stage presence. You slow your cleaning to a stop, eyes following the black haired musician play so expertly. You catch his gaze for what felt like minutes. It took some time for you register that he was looking directly at you.
Boys in bands are bad luck. Though, after the way Choso looks at you, you’re willing to gamble. You weren’t as done up as some folks were in the crowd right in front of him. Even so his eyes wander, taking in your form, unknowingly darting his tongue out to wet his top lip.
“Fuck. Is he into me?” You think. It really didn’t seem like it outside, though maybe he played aloof to get your attention. You continue to entertain his gaze as he walks about stage until the end of their set. He would, of course, take his eyes off of you for a couple key moments during their performance but always return to you.
As soon as their set finished, you beckon Choso to the bar. After they drag their equipment off stage, he slips through the crowd to the barstools. Once he’s in earshot he begins to speak. “I’m so sorry for staring at you that whole time. Did I creep you out? Fuck I probably did. I’m just more comfortable playing in front of a crowd if I see someone I know-“ He stops mid-ramble when you pass him a dry towel.
“You’re sweating all over the counter, hun.”
“Don’t mention it.”
You look past him when the next band on the list starts warming up. Then to your right to see your coworker bored and scrolling on their phone.
He gives you back the towel after wiping his face dry. You make sure to caress his hand as you take back the towel.
“Do you want to go somewhere a little more private, Choso?”
You say outright, hoping you read the man’s emotions correctly.
He pauses, looking to your chest then back up to your eyes.
“Yeah.” He says.
Your eyes dart to the other bartender once more before you tilt your head in the direction the bathrooms.
You lead the walk to the spot, Choso follows closely behind. You take out the keys to the employee bathroom, making sure not to fumble them a catch anyones attention. Quickly slipping Yourself and Choso through the door when it creeks open.
You turn around after locking the door, face to face with the dark haired man.
His hands hover above your hips.
“Shit. Can I touch…you?”
He looms over you but his eyes plead with the same urgency as a puppy wanting a treat.
“Yes babe you can touch me wherever.” You purr.
He immediately presses you into the tiled wall, gentle yet firm. Your lips lock in kind, you eagerly accept his tongue into your mouth. Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you grind your hips into his, pulling a sigh out of his lungs. His fingers squeeze into the fat of your hips and one of his hands slide up under your thin tank top. You shiver when his string calloused fingers reach your breasts under your lacy bralette. He squeezes and kneads your tits, needly grinding his hips into you with more force.
Your hands reach up and snap off the hair bands keeping his black locks up. With one hand tangled in his hair, the other travels to his chest.
He breaks the sloppy kiss suddenly, looking into your dazed eyes.
“I wanna eat you out, baby.” He whispers.
You bite your lip, to stop yourself from straight up begging.
“Get on your knees then Choso.”
He nods silently, lowering himself.
You wiggle your shorts past your hips, kicking them off to a corner. You then become self aware of the hair trail on your abdomen once he’s on his knees.
“I haven’t shaved….or trimmed in a while.”
He looks up into your eyes after your admittance.
“All the better,” he says tugging your under wear down to your knees. “I love a good bush.”
Your face turns hot and you give a playful smack to Chosos head. He laughs a little at your sudden shyness, taking the time to look at what was right in front of him.
Your pussy is slightly puffy, damp with arousal. Choso leans forward to kiss your engorged clit. He wastes no time to start licking and sucking on the sensitive nub. Using two fingers to separate the outer folds of your cunt from your clit, which was held snug between his two digits. You groan when he flicks it with his tongue, involuntarily bucking your hips. He very lightly squeezes your clit between his fingers before releasing it and rests his left hand on your plush thigh. You whimper at the loss of pressure before he rest his mouth on your mound once again.
He nurses on it for a bit longer and relieves the suction with a small pop.
His fingers soon wander further into your labia, prodding at you entrance once reached.
You’re wet, embarrassingly sopping wet. Choso flattens his tongue to taste even more of you, licking from where his fingers met your hole to your now extremely sensitive clit. A shiver traveled slowly up your body.
You sharply inhale as one prodding finger is pushed into you with little resistance.
“God, you’re dripping onto the floor.”
You moan as he goes knuckle deep with two thick fingers. He begins to lazily pump his fingers in and out, keeping his tongue flattened on the front of your cunt. He was really fucking good at this.
You notice the hand on your thigh had slipped away. Reaching into his briefs, he pulls out his hard cock. You couldn’t see much of it from this angle. Though in comparison to his large hand in must be thicker than average.
You couldn’t think straight anyways right now, his fingers picked up speed.
“Yes-yes, right there-uuhn!” You slurred your words, feeling that familiar building up of dopamine.
“Chosoooo- I’m about to cum ah! You’re gonna make me cum!”
You couldn’t believe you were about to climax in your jobs restroom with a strangers fingers in your pussy. You whimper when the fingers suddenly left you empty. They are soon replaced by something warm and wet. Looking down you see half his face covered by your pelvis. His eyes glazed over, the motherfucker was really enjoying this.
You grasp his sweat soaked hair, lightly tugging before you began riding his face as best as you could in this position. He moans deeply as you use his face, adding to your mounting pleasure.
“Oh fuck I’m coming- hhhaaaah!” You gushed in his mouth, your cunt squeezing his tongue out. No matter, he Laps up your warm essence dribbling out of your throbbing pussy.
Your hips jerk as you come down from your climax.
“Shit man.” You sigh.
Using his hair you pull his head out from between your trembling thighs.
Chosos lower face glisten with your liquids. He licked his lips slowly, looking at you with the same dazed expression.
“You taste fucking amazing (y/n).”
You stand from your semi squatting position and leaned on the wall. Before either of you could utter another word you hear a voice from the other side.
“Choso! You in there? C’mon bro we gotta leave.”
“Fuck.” Choso spit out.
“Gimme a second Yuji!”
He quickly rose, lifting up his briefs and baggy pants.
Slipping his hard cock back into his underwear in the mean while.
“Oh god you didn’t finish, you want me to-“
“No I’ll take care of that at home, coming isn’t really that important to me anyways.” He whispered.
“But maybe you can give me some material to make that happen later tonight?” He hands you a black and red card.
“It’s our bands merch line, it’s my personal phone number though.”
He jumps over to the sink and quickly washes his face and hands.
You pull up your own underwear while watching him. Scooping up your shorts to don as well. Choso quickly slips out of the room without another word.
While you quietly wash your own hands, you hear his smooth voice.
“Why were you in the employee bathroom?”
“Whatever you say man.”
Their voices get quieter, drowned out by the rest of the pub and dampened by the door.
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A/N: Yuji is def the lead singer, noritoshi would be guitar I think, Kechizu would be a drummer and Eso would probably do sound mixing for them or something like that :P
Minors (anyone under 18) and ageless blogs will be blocked. DNI
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gowithinbitch · 3 months
I like your blog because if someone asks a question about desires, you answer that anything is possible, but don't fucking mix ND and LOA. I know myself and experience everything I want, because it's omnipotence. Most blogs sound very depressing to newbies. Because of ignorance of oneself, you can misunderstand other people's words and just "tolerate this life." I think that's why so many people write out of desperation. It is clear that blogs do not want to limit others and do not want people to rely on ND as a method, at the moment when you remember yourself, it brings not only peace and tranquility, because you are out of the game. It also brings infinity, omnipotence, so to speak, complete control of the illusion (why not?). There is so little talk about it. Thanks for your blog. You don't talk much about it either, but you always answer such questions, so it's interesting for me to read you :)
aaaaw thank you ! i'm glad you appreciate my very concise and short answers :D
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elspeth-catton · 6 months
I didn't like saltburn and didn't know why and then realized that it was the first movie in a while that actually didn't tell me explicitly what to think and reading your blog has made me appreciate that more. I think a good movie doesn't tell the viewer who is right and who is wrong but I'm so used to easy movies that it made me uncomfortable. I'll try to watch it again in the future because you've made me realize that it has more to it than just trying to be shocking or just rich people you know
ahh thank you so much, i'm glad my silly little blog made you appreciate the movie more!! and i totally get what you mean, so many shows, books, and movies nowadays are very clear and concise and easy to digest for viewers and show a very clear message, and saltburn is definitely not one of those movies.
it's messy and contradictory and the whole story is told by an unreliable narrator who only shows bits and pieces of his memory from his point of view and there's no real right, perfect answer to any questions we have.
everyone in the movie is morally grey, and right, and wrong. saltburn is a story, but not a lesson about good and evil. it's about obsession and jealousy, and how close the line is between love and hate. it has so many wonderful little details that you notice more and more of with every rewatch.
it's definitely the first movie in a while that made me actively think about it after watching it, but yeah i feel like the reason a lot of people dislike it is because they go into it expecting a lesson or a moral or seeing someone get what they deserve, and a lot of it comes from how purity culture is right now (which is a whole nother bag of worms).
saltburn isn't necessarily an objectively great movie and i do have a lot of things about it i would've personally changed and it's definitely flawed, but it did something a lot of current movies aren't doing and i really do love it for that!
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teawitch · 28 days
I have to admit, I'm always a bit suspicious when I see witchcraft blogs posting answers to concise, clearly worded question with correct grammar and spelling.
Are they sending those asks to themselves?
Look, this is tumblr. An ask should
start with a couple of rambling introductory sentences of some sort
contain one or more questions worded just unclearly enough to provide three possible interpretations
contain at least one spelling error in a critical part of the question that will completely change the meaning
possibly end with a rambling thank you, that might if lucky contain an explanation that makes the meaning of the unclear question clear
If a question is short, it will be so broad that the potential answers are endless.
I'm just saying, if a witch wants to send themselves easy to answer questions, they should put a little tumblr spin on them.
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aspecpolls · 3 months
hi, how to know whether you're demiplatonic? bc i've been thinking about it recently, i thought that i have to be alloplatonic, since i have a lot of people i feel platonicly attracted to, but when i thought about it, i realised that i never actually liked anyone right from the start, i had to have some bonding experience with them before realising they'd make a great friends and the fact that i have a lot of moments, when i was getting to know them may just be connected to my ambiversion and maybe i was having a moment where i wanted to be with people, but there's another thing, i considered myself pan-oriented aroace, so would that make me demi-pan-oriented aroace? can such labels exist?
Hmm.. Well, technically this blog isn't the place to ask a question like this, since it is specifically for polls and asks related to those polls. But just this once I'll make an exception! (Also don't worry I'm not mad at all! Just clarifying that this is a poll blog lol)
Though I'm not confident I'll be able to give a clear and concise answer to this, so I'm tossing it out there for demiplatonics and any others who are more capable of helping than I am to see. But don't forget nobody can tell you who or what you are, only you can know for sure and it's your choice what label(s) you use for yourself. If it feels like it fits and you find comfort in it, go ahead and use it! :D
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
My dearest Rosie,
I’ve been thinking on what to say since I saw those awful and insulting asks directed at you. My first inclination was to blast that ignorant, asinine, rude, entitled, foolish and arrogant anon who decided to offer their unsolicited opinion. However, talking to people who are puffed up in their own importance and think they know everything isn’t worth our precious time. Not to mention GoGo already said everything that needed to be said to one such as that person. To you I say this:
1) You have no reason to feel bad, humiliated, upset, ashamed or any other negative emotion that person was trying to make you feel by saying what was said. You don’t owe anyone any explanations AT ALL. It’s infuriating that you were made to feel less than by someone being cowardly behind the screen comfortable in their Anon status.
2) Your English is amazing and even more so that you’re self taught. You are always clear, articulate and concise. And since we’re running around declaring if we’re native English speakers now, as a native English speaker myself what you said was accurate, on point and exactly what business is about. So to reiterate what others have said, reading comprehension is a thing and native English speaker or not, Anon purposely missed the point because they were too busy throwing shade and being trifling. That’s on them and not on you.
3) How you support the guys is your choice and no one has the right to say you don’t support them just because you can’t buy their music and merch. Since no one is paying my bills and taking care of my responsibilities they sure as heck don’t have a say in how I spend the money I earn. I love the guys and support them but if I don’t like the music from the solo era or any era I’m not buying it. That’s a waste of money that could truly go to help someone else. If I like it I’ll buy it, If I don’t I won’t. Just because I may not buy it doesn’t mean I’m not streaming, voting and supporting in other ways. It’s no one’s business how I do that as long as it’s not illegal or immoral, imo. That doesn’t make any of us less of a fan than apparently these entitled rich children who like to run around on blogs flexing their superiority and their stupidity.
Your blog is wonderful, Rosie and so are you. I love how you present your points of view. Please don’t let ugly cruel minded people steal your joy or your confidence. There’s different types of poor and being poor in knowing how to be a decent human being is the worse kind of poor there is. So just know you’re rich in your kindness of heart, your sense of humor and your love and support of the guys, your willingness to put up with aggravating anons when most of us wouldn’t do it. You’re rich where it counts, Rosie and don’t ever forget it.
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And now you made me cry for different reasons, @ejassy! Thank you for such nice words and thank you for the support you have always had for my blog and me. I want to take the opportunity of this incredible message to thank all of you. To everyone who wrote a supportive comment on several of the posts, I made yesterday. Thank you to the people who sent me Asks saying they supported me and sent a hug, a word of encouragement. Thanks to those of you who wrote to me privately…. Thank you.
You are the main reason why I am still here. Those of you who have been here almost from the beginning know that sometimes it hasn't been easy and even though that's the worst Ask I've ever been sent, your support never wavered. Some of you may not believe me but I owe you guys a lot, you have unknowingly saved me many times. Last night when I started answering Asks I was having one of the worst anxiety attacks I've had in a long time and this blog somehow saved me. It was the middle of the night in my country and I couldn't do much but you guys helped me. The person who sent me that Ask unfortunately threw it all away more or less but your support again helped me. The internet is a double-edged sword it's true, but sometimes it can be your salvation. For that and more, thank you.
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mariamariquinha · 2 years
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I wasn't sure if you were taking requests but I thought I would pop one into your ask box anyway!
I hope she's wilder than your wildest dreams
Hey, sweetie! How's it going? Thank u so much for your request!
Before anything, I may add: yes, my blog are always open for requests. I'll take my time to answer them, like this one, but I will! You all can send me anytime! ❤
She (Colonel Carrillo x f!reader)
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(may I add this gif? I love it.)
Summary: He didn't expect you to show up.
Word count: 1.08k
Warnings: Hints of smut, drinking, small glimpse of violence and Horacio per se. He needs his own warning ALWAYS.
Author’s Note: I hope this is what you expected, honey! Thank u again for the request!
And yes.
Carrillo would be a great sub. And he would like it.
From a very young age, Carrillo was precocious, too mature for his age at the time. As a kid, he had the ideas of a teenager; as a teenager, the ideas of a man. On all these occasions, everything felt more like a projection of what he would be like as an adult, which left him very lost and uncertain of what it all really meant.
Maybe it was because his father had left too soon, forcing little Horacio to do something that before was just a grunt teaching after he fell off his bike or not fighting back the teasing of the older boys at school. Be a man. Be tough.
This led him to look for things that came to define him as a person over the years, all linked to the simple and concise term of stability. In the Army, he was the most organized, obedient, and focused soldier. The best at everything he set out to do, the kind who liked to learn by himself but wouldn't pass up learning from someone who knew more, just for the chance to have more to be good at, trying at all costs to please a father who, if he had been proud of his son earlier, wouldn’t have left.
Horacio became Colonel Carrillo - collected, reserved and who asserted his pomp among his men. A gray zone of leadership that, under no circumstances, was seen as mixed up in the work itself as he was at that moment.
And besides, he didn't expect you to show up.
Among so much confusion, fear and apprehension brought by Escobar, it was common for people to have similar expressions, identical conversations, pessimistic future projections - a constant crossfire that almost always collapsed.
You lived outside of it all, he noticed. Despite what surrounded the news and any corner of Medellín, Horacio only had to lay eyes on you once to know that there was a unique exception. He found out, later, that you had been in Colombia for two years. You helped with extracurricular art classes at some schools on the outskirts and far from civilization, but at night you served drinks and beers to far less pleasant people. Your Spanish was close to impeccable and judging by the way you prostrated yourself at night work, there was more to the story than he would have guessed for you.
Neither you nor he spoke when you first bumped into each other. It had been a rough night for Carrillo and you were certainly busy behind that counter. You didn't serve him. This lack of contact lasted for three or four visits. On the fifth one, he got to know your true nature and only then did you talk.
A guy wanted to go after a colleague of yours, something like that. He reached to grab her by the waist, but not in time to see you arriving like a fulminating machine of anger and protection, using the mastery of your Spanish to tell him to go away. The guy raged, didn't listen to you, and when you saw that no one intervened to help you, the act came alone. A very strong, firm and accurate punch in the middle of his nose. Only one.
Like a warrior goddess. Like a savage with strong hands and a fixed look on your face, without hiding your emotions or fears to make your intentions clear. He followed you with his gaze until you returned to your post at the bar, which you noticed. The two of you looked at each other, that spark ignited, but Horacio was initially quiet as you walked over and placed both hands on your hips.
“Another one?”
He noticed his beer was finished. The only remnant left of the drink was warm, undrinkable.
And you put another beer in front of him, cold and sweating with the condensation of the hot environment, but you didn't let go right away, surely hoping that Carrillo would stop with the falsely respectful posture of looking away from your breasts, squeezed by the discreet but firm material of the blouse you wore.
He decided to be more discreet, restrained - your right hand was red, right at the knuckles, and he knew it was from the punch you'd just landed on the patron.
“Are you okay?” It took a while for you to catch what he asked, and when it happened, you wiggled your fingers on the counter and looked at them for a moment.
“You should see the other guy.”
“Oh, I did. Where did you learn that?”
“I know someone,” You shrugged, measured his face in silence, then nodded to the beer. “It’ll get warm, Colonel. Better enjoy it now.”
It was unfair, he thought, to see that you knew who he was but it wasn't reciprocated. Horacio started going almost every week and the two of you talked more - never about what was going on, never about bad things, never about who he was or what he did. It didn't take long for Horacio to realize, little by little, that you were some kind of free figure, complete in your mission to be what you were in every way, which might have made him jealous, but just turned him on.
The first night was intense, particularly aggressive even. You took the attitude of kissing him first, of taking him to bed first, and he was left with the function of being dominated by whatever you were. You asked for more, you took more from him, you pushed him to his limits, and with each encounter he began to realize that you were on the same page, using that connection of two worlds so different for a unique, carnal purpose that didn't seem necessary or relevant until that moment.
He craved the sway of your breasts when he thrust hard, the wiggle of your ass when he took you from behind, or how you moaned unreservedly and disguised when he hit the spot. Craving, almost always, for the scratches you left on his back, the bites on his shoulders and thighs, or your soft mouth as you enveloped his cock with eagerness, determined to make him as mindless in pleasure as he tried to make you.
More than that, Horacio began to long for the moments when you were irritated (which were frequent), angry, raging or putting people in their proper place, as if you came from another place, another reality.
A wild figure, definitely. Wilder than his wildest dreams.
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New post series announcement
So over the past few days i've been writing the first few entries of a new post series, it'd consist of small, concise deduction tips, ranging from things that point towards specific conclusions like someone's extraversion levels, to ways of confirming your deductions without asking for confirmation
These would be very small, a few sentences max. There are multiple purposes for a series of such small posts, but one of the things i do wanna make clear is that these posts can and probably will incite questions from anyone who follows them, and i encourage you to send them my way, since this can lead to either detailed answers for you individually, or bigger, more useful posts being written about a subject many people seem to be having trouble understanding
These would still be posted weekly on Wednesdays. An idea i've been toying with has been slowly but surely filling up the week with different types of useful posts so we can reach a point where we have at least one post everyday. My only worry with this is the possibility of this plan oversaturating anyone who wants to keep up with my blog as i put out new content, resulting in people feeling overwhelmed with the amount of information, exercises, and tips sent their way
But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, for now you can expect the first post of the new series on Wednesday
Happy Observing!
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4dkellysworld · 8 months
Ask AI Lester
Hey guys, as a fun project, I am opening AI Lester up for questions via a side blog here. If you want to ask a question, you can send it there (anon asks are open), and I will submit the question to AI Lester and respond to the ask with a screenshot of his answer. This could be just a temporary project, I might close the asks later on, not sure at this point. I'll also share screenshots of some of his answers to my own questions there too :)
The reason I am not opening him up to the public is AI learns from every chat and there's no way for me to control what he would be asked or told if I did, which could skew his understanding and personality (if I could clone the entire AI and make that public I would but unfortunately there's no option to do that). Plus while 80% of his first responses are generally accurate and align with ND, some aren't and can be wildly off or confusing (while still appearing to be profound and wise from a surface level glance lol but that's AI for you) and I do vet them by either swiping until I get a more accurate response or directly correcting him (you can see an example of this in this post) so this way you will get an answer that isn't confusing or misaligned with non-duality and Lester's teachings and may also align with my own perspective too.
A few rules:
First do a basic check here to see if AI Lester has already answered your question before (I'm okay with asking him questions that have been answered by other blogs before)
Keep the question as clear, concise and short as possible, be specific on what part of ND you need more explanation on. I may shorten, adapt or summarise your question before asking AI Lester if I feel it's appropriate or necessary. See the screenshots on AI Lester's blog for examples of appropriately worded questions from me.
If I need to do too much mental gymnastics to try understand your question and then figure out how to rephrase it to ask AI Lester, I'm not going to bother answering it so if you want a response, be clear and concise in your wording. Feel free to break up your ask into multiple questions numbering them 1, 2, 3 etc and I can ask them individually to AI Lester though you might get a shorter response per question if you have a lot (if you only have one question, I like to have a conversation with AI Lester to explore it then share the chat).
No questions on manifestation or materialization (including what's the difference between non-duality and law of assumption) - he hasn't been fed any knowledge on that and there's no plans to at this point
No trauma dumping or lengthy backstories, if you must share context, make it as general as you can
Remember that your question is being answered by an AI that has been fed Lester's knowledge but is not Lester Levenson himself. Its answers generally do reflect Lester's spirit though and I will be vetting his answers before sharing
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trendpulsewire · 2 months
15 Common SEO Interview Questions and Answers (Recently Asked)
Land your job with the help of 15 common SEO Interview Questions and Answers
SEO Fundamentals
What is SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It's the process of optimizing a website to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.
Why is SEO important?
SEO helps businesses attract organic traffic (visitors who find the website through search engines), which can lead to increased brand awareness, leads, and sales.
What are the different types of SEO?
On-page SEO: Optimizing website content, structure, and code for search engines.
Off-page SEO: Building backlinks and online reputation to improve website authority.
Technical SEO: Ensuring website crawlability, mobile-friendliness, and speed.
Keyword Research & Targeting
What is keyword research and why is it important?
Keyword research involves identifying relevant keywords users search for and optimizing content around those keywords. It helps target the right audience and improve ranking potential.
What factors do you consider when selecting keywords?
Search volume: How often a keyword is searched for.
Competition level: Difficulty of ranking for a particular keyword.
User intent: What the user is trying to achieve with their search (informational, transactional, etc.).
What are long-tail keywords and how are they beneficial?
Long-tail keywords are more specific phrases with lower search volume but higher conversion rates. They target users further along the buying journey.
On-Page Optimization
How can you optimize a webpage for a specific keyword?
Include the keyword naturally throughout the content (title tags, headings, body text).
Write high-quality, informative content that addresses user search intent.
Optimize meta descriptions with the keyword and a compelling call to action.
Use relevant internal linking to connect related pages on the website.
What is the importance of title tags and meta descriptions?
Title tags and meta descriptions are like mini-advertisements for your webpage in search results. They should be clear, concise, and include the target keyword to entice users to click.
What is image optimization and why is it important?
Image optimization involves using relevant alt tags, compressing image size, and using descriptive file names. This improves website loading speed and user experience, and helps search engines understand the content of your images.
Technical SEO
What are some common technical SEO issues?
Slow loading speed.
Mobile-friendliness issues.
Broken links.
Website security concerns (e.g., not using HTTPS).
Duplicate content.
How can you identify and address technical SEO issues?
Use SEO crawl tools and website analysis tools to identify issues. Work with developers to fix technical errors and improve website performance.
Off-Page SEO & Link Building
What is the role of backlinks in SEO?
Backlinks are links from other websites pointing to yours. They act as a vote of confidence and improve your website's authority in the eyes of search engines.
What are white-hat link-building strategies?
Create high-quality content that others want to link to.
Guest blog on relevant websites in your niche.
Build relationships with other industry professionals and websites.
Participate in online communities and forums, providing valuable insights.
What are black-hat link-building strategies and why should you avoid them?
Black-hat strategies involve manipulating backlinks through methods like link buying or automated link building. These tactics are against search engine guidelines and can lead to penalties.
Content & SEO
How does content marketing contribute to SEO?
Creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content helps attract organic traffic, improves user experience, and establishes topical authority on relevant subjects. For Know More question visit here
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quordleona03 · 1 year
"AfterMASH, only like the Golden Girls, Max and Charles and Francis sharing a house..."
Written for fun, but I thought you'd like it. Does it count as a work in progress if I have no idea how to take it further?
At work, Charles Emerson Winchester never answered his own phone. At home, he always did: Honoria loathed answering a telephone call unless she knew and loved who was calling, and Max was still, even after five months as their beloved guest, quite shy of taking calls - unsurprisingly, given some of the callers.
"How did you get this number?" he asked, recognising the voice at the other end of the phone. "Well, thank you, Charles," Pierce said, sounding amused. "Hello to you too. I got your number from Sidney Freedman." "How did he get my number?" Charles demanded in astonishment. "No, never mind, what do you want?" He listened to Pierce's outline of the situation, and then said "And you are not taking him in, why?" "I'd love to," Pierce said, and damn the man, he sounded sincere. "Sidney and my dad and my sponsor all say I can't take in a man who's something like two weeks into sobriety when I've only been sober eight months myself."
"That... aspect had not occurred to me," Charles said.
"Well, there it is. I know you offered Klinger a home - " "That is entirely different - "
"I sure hope so," Pierce said, sounding far too knowing for Charles' taste. "The only thing is - you'll have to clear the house out of booze." "Cognac is not booze," Charles said. He regretted it as he heard Pierce draw in a sharp breath, half anger, half pain. "Of course," he said, before Pierce could put words to either - "Max no longer drinks: Honoria and I will clear our cellar. When are we to expect him?" "Thank you," Pierce said, and sighed. "I got a phone call from his sister, they're releasing him Friday. I got permission to drive him over to your place. Ah - where is your place? Or do we just go to Beacon Hill and yell 'Winchester'?"
Charles gave him the address.
"Thanks. We should arrive in time for lunch. Don't worry, I don't expect you to feed me."
"I expect we might be able to provide you with a sandwich."
"Thanks, Charles," Pierce said.
Charles went through to the sitting-room, where Honoria was reading. "That was Doctor Pierce."
"Hawkeye?" Honoria sounded delighted. Far too delighted. "Is he p-paying us a visit?" "A brief one, on Friday, for lunch. But, it appears we have to make a decision about our parents' ultimatum."
"I th-thought we h-had another m-month?" Honoria's stutter got worse. Their parents were now among the group of people Honoria knew but did not love.
In a few words, Charles concisely outlined what Pierce had told him. "I didn't feel that I could refuse."
"Of c-course not," Honoria said. "Max and I will make up the other guest room."
"I think we should make a final decision," Charles said. "Our parents have already made clear what they feel about Max. I am quite certain that taking in another 4077 refugee will only exacerbate their venom. We may as well move now as later - especially as our guest will need quiet and continuity."
Honoria looked around the room. They had both lived here since Honoria was eighteen. The house had been built originally for a Winchester widow, in the 1890s: it had been modernised, and Charles had claimed it for his own residence when Honoria turned eighteen. It was more her home than his, for all the official position of their parents was that they had granted it to Charles, and Honoria kept house for him - though staff from the larger family house did most of the work.
"Of course, you could remain here," Charles said. "It's my guests that our parents find so obnoxious."
Honoria made a sudden, frantic, shushing motion with her hand. Charles blinked at her.
Max Klinger was standing behind him. He looked at Charles very sadly for a long moment. "Y'didn't tell me your parents were giving me ultimatums about me, Major."
"Of course not," Charles said. "You are my guest, Max."
"You just said your parents find me 'obnoxious'. What's supposed to happen in a month?"
Charles looked down his nose. "Nothing that need concern you, Max, unless you have a fear of sea air. Honoria and I had been discussing a long stay in a cottage that was left to her personally on her twenty-fifth birthday." "It's l-lovely, Max," Honoria said. "We ha-haven't stayed there since Ch-charles went to K-Korea, b-b-but, y-ou w-w-will come w-w-w-ith us, w-on't you?" She got to the end of the sentence, and looked up at Max doubtfully.
"Sure, if you want me to, Nori," Max said, having waited like Charles for her to finish. "But what is it that's supposed to happen next month?"
"My parents gave me an ultimatum," Charles said. "I intend to answer it. Doctor Pierce is visiting us briefly on Friday, with Father Mulcahy - he is apparently in need of a quiet place to stay for the next few months. Honoria, has no one stayed in the cottage since 1950? What sort of state is it in?"
"I imagine it'll be quite unprovisioned," Honoria agreed. "Perhaps Max wouldn't mind helping us set it up for a long stay?"
"For Father Mulcahy?" Max said, checking.
"For all four of us," Charles said. "Assuming you still wish to be bothered by us."
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localvaluemarketing · 3 months
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softloomitsolutions · 3 months
How to Guarantee Your Pages Appear in Search Results?
In today's digital world, showing up in search engine results is crucial for online success. Whether you run a business, blog, or personal website, being visible on search engines like Google can significantly boost your traffic and engagement. However, getting your pages to appear in search results requires careful planning and optimization. In this detailed guide, we'll discuss actionable steps to ensure your pages are visible to your target audience.
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Understand Search Engine Indexing
Before optimizing your pages, it's important to understand how search engines work. Web pages are indexed and scanned by search engines using automated programs called crawlers or spiders. Each time a crawler crawls a page, it collects information about its structure and content. Once indexed, pages become eligible to appear in search results when users enter relevant queries.
Create High-Quality Content
Quality content is key for SEO success. Create relevant, valuable content that meets the needs of your audience. Integrate popular keywords related to your niche into your content naturally by conducting keyword research. Aim to provide helpful information, answer common questions, and address pain points to attract both users and search engines.
Optimize On-Page Elements
Optimizing on-page elements is crucial for improving your search visibility. This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headings, and URL structures to make them clear, concise, and keyword-rich. Use descriptive anchor text for internal and external links, and ensure your content is well-formatted for readability and accessibility.
Utilize Schema Markup
Search engines can better understand the context of your content when you use schema markup. By implementing schema markup on your pages, you can provide additional information such as product details, reviews, and events. This can enhance the visibility and appearance of your pages in search results, leading to higher click-through rates.
Build Quality backlinks
Quality backlinks are an important ranking factor for search engines. Make sure your backlinks come from reputable and relevant websites in your industry. This can be done through outreach, guest blogging, content partnerships, and networking with influencers. Avoid spammy tactics and prioritize quality over quantity when building backlinks.
Monitor and Analyze Performance
Once you've optimized your pages, it's essential to monitor their performance in search results. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track organic traffic, impressions, click-through rates, and keyword rankings. Identify areas for improvement and continue refining your SEO strategy to maintain and improve your visibility over time.
By following these steps and staying informed about best practices in SEO, you can ensure that your pages appear prominently in search engine results. Remember that SEO is an ongoing process that requires patience, consistency, and adaptability. With dedication and effort, you can maximize your online visibility and attract valuable traffic to your website. Read more at : The 5 Common SEO Issues and How to Fix Them
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