#clementine barnabet
…so if you read this far, this might describe how you are feeling:
J-Just hear me out! 
It’s Lilith! It’s Lilith, OK???
It’s so foreshadowed, it’s either the CRAZIEST red herring, or Lilith owns Alastor’s soul.
But this is just an incredibly fun alternative scenario to explore through fanfiction: 
What if Alastor sold his soul to Papa Legba?
There’s no way I’m the only person on the planet who’s had this thought, am I??
Case in point: Robert Johnson.
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If you have never heard of The Man, The Myth, The Legend, ROBERT JOHNSON, brother, buckle your seatbelts!
Get ready to hear one of the greatest American urban legends ever told!
It is by far the greatest that involves singing and Voodoo.
An abridged recap of Robert Johnson’s life story:
Once upon a time there was a man named Robert Johnson.
He was so trash at making music. Just, complete garbage.
Everywhere he went, he was booed. Tomatoes were thrown at this guy wherever he stepped. Nobody knew the trouble he’d seen!
But then, out of nowhere, he suddenly became extremely talented. 
Overnight, he literally became the most famous Delta blues musician to ever Delta blues musician!
He sings obsessively about “Crossroads” “The Devil” and “Hellhounds”. 
And then, he suddenly dies in his twenties, under mysterious circumstances!
The raw, uncut mystique surrounding this man has led many to believe he sold his soul to the Devil in order to become the King of the Delta Blues. This man was so fucking trash that people actually believe this is the most logical explanation for his mysterious acquisition of talent, then death.
But the word “Devil” does not refer to the Christian Devil.
The “Devil” is actually Papa Legba - the lwa from Voodoo!
The song “Cross Road Blues” is a reference to how Papa Legba is the Guardian of the Spiritual Crossroads.
The song “Hellhound” is a reference to how Papa Legba’s favorite animal is the dog.
Historically, the word “Devil” - especially, “the Devil at the Crossroads” - was used to refer to Papa Legba instead of the Christian Devil.
In other words, Robert Johnson may or may not have sold his soul to Papa Legba, because he really wanted to be a Delta blues man.
This is an actual person’s life’s story!!!
How does this guy have an even crazier life story than Clementine D. Barnabet??? The woman who might have killed more innocent people than Ted D. Bundy because she wanted to become immortal??????
This is the side of American history that I fucking love!!!!
(inhales) OH SAY CAN YOU SEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…This is what I’m saying. I do not just want Alastor to be transgender biracial Clementine Barnabet! I do not just want Alastor to be transgender biracial Cab Calloway! I want him to also be transgender biracial Robert D. Johnson!!!!
Dude, this would be the CRAZIEST backstory ever for ALASTOR D. RADIO DEMON!!!
The FTM trans, evil, biracial ROBERT D. JOHNSON of jazz!!!!
This is such a FUN idea, but there is no other person on the planet CRAZY enough to explore the concept of Alastor being Clementine Barnabet, Cab Calloway, and Robert Johnson, all at the same time. I AM UP TO BAT!!!
…I hope there is one other person on planet Earth who can enjoy Alastor being like 50 different famous people, all rolled into one hot ass FTM twink!
(I have more to say on this matter…stay tuned…!)
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Pumbaa was the first ever character to fart in a Disney movie.
The heaviest human ever recorded weighed 1400 pounds (100 stone).
Thomas Hargrove, a homicide archivist, estimates that there are over 2000 serial killers at large right now.
The average human attention span has almost halved since 2000 decreasing from 20 seconds to 12 in 2018.
Sir Isaac Newton was just 22 when he discovered the universal law of gravity. He also died a virgin.
Scientists discovered traces of cannabis on the pipes found in William Shakespeare's garden.
Bill Gates changed his school's program codes so he was placed in class with mostly female students.
The day after Thanksgiving is generally the busiest day of the year for American plumbers. It's called ‘Brown Friday’.
Adidas will cancel any sponsorship deal that they have with a player if it turns out they have anything to do with Scientology.
Pleonasm is the term for a redundant expression, like ‘ATM machine’, ‘hot water heater’, ‘free gift’ or ‘lying politician’.
Experiments show that male rhesus macaque monkeys will ‘pay’ to look at pictures of female rhesus macaques' bottoms.
The deadliest female serial killer in US history, Clementine Barnabet, had murdered 35 people with an axe by the time she was 18 years old.
In the Tasmanian Devil mating season, the male has to beat the female into submission if he wants to mate. If the male is too weak, the female proceeds to beat up the male.
In 2016, a 70-year-old man robbed a Kansas City bank and then sat down in the lobby, saying he'd rather live in jail than with his wife. He was sentenced to six months of house arrest.
In the 1980s, Nintendo employed ‘game counsellors’. If you were stuck in a game, you could call them, and they would coach you through it.
Thomas Wadhouse was an English circus performer who lived in the 18th century. He is most famously known for having the world's longest nose, which measured 7.5 inches (19 cm) long.
Orgasms were thought to treat 'hysteria’ in women during the 19th century, but doctors were tired of fatiguing their hands, so the modern-day vibrator was created.
In 1939, the New York Times predicted that the television would fail because the average American family wouldn't have enough time to sit around watching it.
Having bridesmaids in a wedding wasn't originally for moral support. They were actually intended to confuse evil spirits or those who wished harm on the bride.
A man named László Polgár developed a method to raise child prodigies. He wrote a book on it, married a language teacher, and they raised the world's best and second-best chess players.
During the Iranian embassy siege in London, back in 1980, when given the choice of who from the group of hostages would be released, they chose Ali Guil Ghanzafar, whose loud snoring was keeping them awake.
When trains were introduced in the U.S, many people believed that women's bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour, and that their uteruses would “fly out” of [their] bodies if they were accelerated to that speed.
In 1978, Richard Branson wanted to impress his girlfriend by pretending to buy a private island. The island was listed for $6 million and he offered $100k as a joke. The owner settled for $180k, and Branson bought Necker Island.
A writer by the name of Lisa Holst created an article in 1993 stating that “around 8 spiders crawl into your mouth every year whilst you sleep”, but the whole thing was made up to prove that the internet was gullible and doesn’t fact check its sources. It's actually more like 20.
In 1140, when King Conrad III of Germany captured a castle, the women of the castle were granted free departure and allowed to take what they could carry on their backs. Thinking quickly, some women carried a man on their backs. The king kept his word and let the men go.
A woman who developed a strange addiction to eating mattresses vowed to stop after she wound up eating not only her own bed but also her mother's. This story comes from the TLC series ‘My Strange Addiction’ and focuses on a woman named Jennifer who was 26 at the time she was featured on the show in 2013. According to the documentary Jennifer used to eat .09 square metres of a mattress a day and had consumed 8 mattresses within 20 years. She admits that she began eating her mother's mattress after she finished eating her own and usually gets the urge around 2 o'clock in the afternoon or after sex.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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le-fils-de-lhomme · 1 year
Waiting for the Clementine Barnabet miniseries so I can see her lawyer go 'Your honor, ye olde forensic evidence is bullshit.'
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Clementine Barnabet (1894-?)
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Clementine Barnabet, born in 1894 in St. Martinville, Louisiana, was a convicted murderer. She was born to parents Raymond Barnabet and Nina Porter and had a brother, Zepherin. It is reported that Barnabet’s father abused his family, leading to them moving to Lafayette in 1909. Not much is known about Barnabet’s killings, but they were consistent: she murdered entire families with an axe, often cutting off their heads. The first murder was committed in February 1911. Clementine’s father, Raymond, was arrested and awaited trial, but then another family was slaughtered. In November 1911, Norbert and Asima Randall and their 4 children were murdered in the same way. Clementine Barnabet eventually confessed to 35 murders, explaining that she attended the Church of Sacrifice, an offshoot of a Christ’s Sanctified Holy Church congregation in Lake Charles, Louisiana. She claimed that a priestess gave her and her friends “conjure bags” that would grant them power, making them undetectable by the authorities. This encouraged Barnabet to commit her first murder, to test whether or not this was true. At just 18 years old, in October 1912, Clementine Barnabet was sentenced to life in prison at Angola State Penitentiary. In July 1913 she attempted to escape but was caught. She was released in August 1923, and nothing has been heard about her since.
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criminol · 4 years
Clementine Barnabet, The Female Axe Killer
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Clementine Barnabet was an American serial killer who killed upto 35 people.
Little is known of Barnabet's early life, she is believed to have been born around 1894 in Louisiana and to have had one brother. It has been alleged that Barnabet's father was abusive.
Barnabet's killings typically followed the same pattern; she would murder entire families, in one case slaying both parents and four children, and use an axe to butcher her victims and decapitate them. Her first murder is though to have been in 1911.
A full confession for 35 murders was made by the killer who spoke of her connection to the Church of Sacrifice and stated that a priestess had granted her supernatural powers to make her undetectable by the authorities also speaking about her introduction to voodoo. She cited this as the reason behind her murders. Barnabet also claimed she had followers and did not work alone. Clementine told detectives about her belief that human sacrifice would gain her immortality and added that victims were chosen at random and that children were murdered 'for their own good,' and to prevent them from being left as orphans. She is said to have smiled and happily recounted her crimes.
At just 18 years old, in October 1912, Clementine Barnabet was sentenced to life in prison, she attempted escape a year later but was caught. In August 1932, she was released from prison and there is no knowledge about her whereabouts after this.
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historicwomendaily · 4 years
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female serial killers
requested by anonymous & for @aish-rai
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Clementine Barnabet
Early one afternoon in late January 1911, a police officer in West Crowley, Louisiana received an urgent phone call. Neighbours feared something terrible had taken place at 605 Western Avenue, and indeed, when Office Ballew arrived at the house, he found the home's three occupants—a man, woman, and small boy—lying in bed with their skulls split open. The bed was drenched in blood, and bloody footprints speckled the floor. The doors were locked, indicating that the killer had come in through a window and murdered the family while they slept. There was a bucket of blood in one corner, and at the head of the bed, just above the bashed-in bodies, stood a bloodied axe.
The local newspaper called it "the most brutal murder in the history of this section," but it was just one of the axe slayings that would terrify parts of Louisiana and Texas in the early 1910′s. The crimes would become connected to rumours of a deranged Voodoo priestess and a cult called the "Church of Sacrifice," which was said to butcher its victims as part of their strange rites. But though suspicion initially focused on several men, the murderer would turn out to be an African-American woman named Clementine Barnabet, who may have had little connection to Voodoo at all. She would eventually confess to killing 35 people—though exactly how many people she murdered is unknown.
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afro-elf · 3 years
GIRL, i have been obsessed with the idea of a black female serial killer. I M A G I N E. but i know that the idea of a black female character who isn't even begrudgingly maternal is too much for a lot of people to take.
it’s not like we don’t have our own real life source materials to pull creative ideas from like the case of axe-murderer clementine barnabet for example but i just want a sophisticated sinister hannibal-esque horror villain, y’know? it might not be a good look but it could be a fun one! lemme stop talking before i spill my idea
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
This might've been asked before so don't answer if you don't want to but do you have any favorite true crime cases? (By favorite I just means ones you're more interested in than others)
It has but it's ok I don't mind (plus last time I didn't really have enough time to think about it and give a good answer).
I go through phases but there are definitely a few that I spend more time with than others. Obviously there's a ton of subcategories under true crime but I'm assuming you mean like murder cases so here's what I can think of off the top of my head:
Solved: The Watts family murders, the Golden State Killer, the Clutter family murders (In Cold Blood), Aileen Wuornos, Clementine Barnabet, Edmund Kemper, Jeffrey Dahmer, the Moors murders
Unsolved: The Atlanta child murders, the West Memphis child murders, the Zodiac Killer, the Jennings Eight, and basically 90% of the cases originally claimed by Henry Lee Lucas.
Again not exhaustive lists, but probably the ones I'm most interested in.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Alastor: Unofficial Character Profile and Timeline
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Character profile
Name: Alastor (meaning Greek spirit of vengeance/tormentor)
Birth: January 24th 1896, New Orleans, Louisiana (VA Edward Bosco’s birthday is January 24, 1986)
Human name:  Alastor Roscoe Duvalier Cajun (Roscoe means deer forest and is also an old term for a handgun. Duvalier is last name of Voodoo genocidal dictator of Haiti.)
Race: Part White (French-American from his father) part Creole (Native American and African-American from his mother).
Hair color: Brown (red and black in Hell) usually short, sometimes in a small ponytail or brown ends reaching slightly past his ears
Eye color: Brown (red in Hell)
Skin color: Light brown (pale gray in Hell) thin pointed chin, lanky agile body
Clothing: brown/white nice shirts with bow ties, dress coats, hunting boots, wine colored pants, the occasional top hat with voodoo pins sticking from the top.
Items: Hunting rifle given to him by his father, sharp knives, a staff with a microphone on it decorated with small golden antlers curved near the top. (The staff became a red vintage microphone with an eye and magic powers in Hell that became part of him as per the deal he took)
Date of death: 1933
 Cause of death: Bitten by dog with rabies, experienced hallucinations, inflamed brain, strange excitement and paranoia. When he sees water, it’s nothing but alligators, leeches and the darkness of an ocean. He ran from police and into the woods at night. The police sent several police dogs after him, appearing to Alastor as werewolves. He encounters Hustle, a deer hunter, yelling in agony, almost caught by police. Hustle alerts the police to his location, saying “Target criminal’s over here!” Alastor grabs the gun from the hunter and shoots himself between the eyes. His body is mauled by the police dogs and the hunter sinks down to his knees in shock and fear.
 Demonic life: deer demon, overlord, radio host. His deer-like shadow has a mind of its own and reveals his true feelings.
 Likes: cooking, singing, dancing, electro swing, Rosie, Mimzy, Charlie (as a friend), his mother, hunting and skinning deer, being out in nature, people failing, dark coffee, the Picture Show, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, theater, liquor, dad jokes, Jambalaya, epicurean food, making voodoo dolls of the Hazbin characters
 Dislikes: being touched, strawberries, post 30’s technology, dogs, anything sweet, frowning, Vox, his father, Angel’s sexual remarks, tea, spray can foods, ketchup
 Abilities: supernatural powers, voodoo, radio broadcasting, shadow manipulation, warping space, singing, charm
 Kalfu is Alastor’s main voodoo deity, as both are destroyers and dark sorcerers.
Loretta Marie Duvalier (last name became Cajun): (named after Loretta Petit, real life American radio personality born in New Orleans. Duvalier is last name of Voodoo genocidal dictator of Haiti.)  
Speaks French. As a human, she had dark skin, thick black short hair and often wore bonnets, dresses, and on occasion, charms around her neck. She went to Heaven for her selfless actions in comforting Alastor when he was bullied and abused. She was the only source of light in his life before he snapped.
Her voodoo deity is Erzulie, the goddess of beauty, love, femininity and motherhood.
Alastor secretly cuddles with a voodoo doll of his mother every night.
Louis Francois Cajun: White man and Christian French immigrant, descendant of two French Canadians. He fell in love with Loretta, but bi-racial marriage was frowned upon, so they held it in secret. He is a skilled hunter and taught Alastor to hunt deer and game at a young age. When Alastor was younger, he told him to “beware the gators” in the nearby swamp. As Alastor grew older, he became more abusive to him, even molested him after sleeping with another woman on a Friday the 13th. He died brutally by Alastor in the 1920s/30s.
Louis became an oppressive black deer overlord but was defeated by Alastor a second time.
In Alastor’s vision, Louis is represented by Ogun, god associated with dogs, warriors, hunters, conflict. He’s symbolized by an iron knife and has fondness for pretty women and rum.
 Samuel Cajun – Grandfather
 Antoinette – Grandmother – Voodoo Priestess and Hoodoo oral practitioner
 Racheil: Alastor’s friend and love interest (though he doesn’t want sex or serious romance.) She has short blonde hair and looks similar to Charlie in dapper clothes. She, like Charlie, is nice to him and loves to dance and sing. She tries to help him become a better person but after he snapped, she broke up with him and left him to solve his own problems. She almost got stabbed b him but managed to escape with her wife Agatha (whom she had married in private).
In Alastor’s dream, she appears as Oshun, a goddess connected to beauty, sexuality, wealth, pleasure, and rivers.
Alastor later makes a voodoo doll of Racheil’s similar counterpart, Charlie along with dolls representing the other characters.
   Mimzy: Alastor’s friend and temporary love interest (Alastor liked to flirt with her but didn’t want to get intimate nor be tied down). Mimzy likes singing, jazz, desserts and doughnuts. She doesn’t like rock. Confident in her singing, she is the owner of a jazz club, both on Earth and in Hell. She is a short, chubby woman who wears pink/purple flapper dresses, a headband with pink feathers and short blonde hair. Her eyes were blue and her skin white as a human, in Hell her eyes were black with hot pink pupils.
Mimzy and Alastor sing several duets together on stage in both realms and even share a kiss much to the disgust of a jealous (human) Husk. As time went on however, Mimzy started falling head over heels for him, while Alastor wanted to stay friends. (She heard about his radio shows but didn’t suspect he was the killer until later). One night, a love crazed Mimzy (who had also had several drinks) tried to undress him and even reached for his private parts. He shoved her off and threatened to kill her if she assaulted him again. Then she realized in shock that he was the serial killer when he defended himself with a bloodstained knife. She tried to call for help, but he choked her with an insane look in his eyes.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Mimzy in his lair with the straw arms missing.
 Rosie: Alastor’s friend, fellow overlord, and associate. Rosie wears dark pink dresses, and a large pink hat with skulls, pink feathers, and black flowers on it in Hell. She has black eyes and sharp teeth. She is the owner of her emporium, after Franklin got eaten by demons.
As a human, Rosie looked similar to Mary Poppins: black hair, white skin, elegant dresses and an umbrella in her hands. She owned an emporium on Earth. Alastor used to sing with her and help her out like a gentleman. However, this was before he became insane. Rosie went to Hell after forcing her employees to work long hours with hardly any breaks (It was during a time where people worked their lives away). Like in Hell, she was self-centered and didn’t hesitate to overpower others to fulfill her ends. Hence, she became an overlord due to the impact of her evil actions.
According to Vivziepop, their relationship is similar to Jack and Mary’s relationship from Mary Poppins: both Jack and Alastor help out their lady friends and are polite to them. Like Mary, Rosie is stern, sophisticated, elegant, and a perfectionist. She’s “practically perfect in every way” at least in her opinion. Both Rosie and Alastor love singing, dancing, performing, and killing people. The three of them met up with Mimzy and all sang together.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Rosie in his lair.
However, Rosie, like nearly everyone in Hell, has an agenda of her own: using Alastor to further her status. In fact, she often views those around her as mere friends and servants who purpose is to make her life easy and orderly. She, along with Vox, Valentino, Katie, and Sir Pentious are listed as antagonists.
 Niffty: A small cyclops demon with a hot pink skirt and short pink hair with a yellow undertone. She is the maid for the Hazbin Hotel: she cleans the rooms, cooks meals and likes to sew, read and write. She is obsessed with men and was summoned by Alastor. She died in the 1950s as a Japanese-American woman at age 22. She is hyperactive and fast…and also a hopeless romantic who indulges in her own fantasies. Niffty isn’t afraid to use manipulation to get her way. Alastor summoned her from the fireplace but before that, he had charmed her into making a deal with him shortly after she arrived in Hell.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Niffty in his lair.
 Husk: A black and white cat demon with red wings with card suits on them. He has long red eyebrows, wears a black hat and wears a large red bow tie. Husk loves drinking, gambling, cards and magic shows. As a human, Husk interacted with Alastor as a broad man with short black hair. He went off to serve in the Vietnam War, gambling and drinking his problems away. He died in the 1970s.
In Hell, Alastor summons the grumpy bad-mouthed Husk to help man the front desk of the hotel for “charity work” and transports him there. Alastor got Husk to make a deal with him by promising him booze, cigars, and drinks spiked with catnip. Husk can speak many languages and is good with children.
Alastor keeps a voodoo doll of Husk in his lair.
  Alastor’s ancestor from his father’s side: Marie LaLaurie, (1787-1849) real life New Orleans serial killer, cruel to Creole slaves
 Dr. Facilier: distant relative
 Alastor’s cousin from his mother’s side: Clementine Barnabet: (1894-1923) real life Louisiana voodoo priestess and serial killer, killed families with an axe.
 Real life Axeman of New Orleans serial killer 1918-1919
Killed women and primarily used an axe. Spared those who played jazz in their homes
 Albert Fish: serial killer, child rapist and cannibal 1924-1932 crimes, died in 1936
  Alastor "Hazbin" Roscoe Cajun/Duvalier born January 24th, 1896 (Edward Bosco's b day Jan 24th 1986) to Francois and Loretta Cajun, born at 3:00AM; Loretta gave birth in the woods on the way to the hospital (born 3 weeks early). Light brown skin, brown eyes, round glasses, short brown hair with reddish tint, pointed chin, thin agile body
1897: Age 1 Things start off normal in New Orleans, infant Alastor plays in his crib and loves the music on the radio.
1898: Age 2 Alastor meets his uncle and aunt and discovers the marvelous outside world
1899: Age 3 Alastor watches musicals on the picture show and falls in love with them. His mother makes him Jambalaya, his favorite food of comfort
1900: Age 4 Reading and preschool, Sunday church goings which Alastor finds boring
1901: Age 5 Kindergarten: Alastor is teased for his freckles and whenever his hair glows a reddish tint in the sunlight
1902: Age 6 First grade: Alastor learns reading, writing, math, and art. He hates gym and loves music and art.
1903: Age 7 Second grade: Alastor's parents get into a fight for the first time in a while; Alastor is sent to his room whenever it happens. After he comes back upset, both his parents say that frowning is weakness. Loretta says "Remember to smile, Alastor, it shows dominance and confidence. You're never fully dressed without one." He takes that lesson to heart for the rest of his life.
Vision 1: Alastor dreams he is a young red deer who performs onstage and receives a standing ovation, representing childhood innocence.
1904: Age 8 Third grade: Alastor discovers his love of theater. He finds joy in attending and watching Mardi Gras parades and the costumes. He says 'Throw me something, mista!" during the parade but the other kids got to get the prizes thrown from the parade instead.
1905: Age 9 Fourth grade: A group of boys start to bully him and even punch him badly. Alastor smiles through it all. He tells his father and mother. While his mother comforts him, his father scolds him for not fighting back.
1906: Age 10 Fifth grade: Alastor gets his brutal revenge by daring the boys to enter into a nearby swamp. One of the bullies gets eaten by a crocodile while Alastor just watches. Alastor gets nicknamed by his father and bullies as "Alastor Hazbin."
1907: Age 11 Sixth grade: Alastor goes hunting with his father and his father shows him how to hunt and skin deer and other game. He becomes skilled over time and loves the meat. He also learns how to cook from his mother...Jambalaya being his favorite to make.
1908: Age 12 Seventh grade: Alastor gets slapped by his father for not participating in sports. Other kids make fun of him for being of mixed race. Loretta begins teaching him about Voodoo and Hoodoo. Alastor connects with Kalfu the deity and learns of his heritage as part French and part Creole. His grandmother was a powerful priestess and was believed to orally pass on stories and display feats of magic. His Grandmother was born in Haiti, moved to France and then to the U.S. His Uncle, Father, and Grandfather were Canadian/French Christians. His aunt was conflict avoidant, unlike his uncle and father. Loretta tells him (though he soon doesn't listen) that Voodoo is not to be used for evil, sacrifices, nor cannibalism and to only resort to cannibalism for survival.
1909: Age 13 Eighth grade: Alastor's father yells at him for not showing interest in girls. One fateful night, his father sleeps with another woman and Alastor notices. A helpless Loretta watches as Francois whips, humiliates and molests him in his room, warning him not to tell or "he'd kill (them) both." Loretta comforts him with hugs and Jambalaya. As he eats, Alastor imagines eating off his father's fingers.
Alastor is diagnosed with anxiety, narcissism and psychopathic tendencies. He is bullied in middle school and is not interested in sex and girls like the other boys. He finds it gross and pointless.
Loretta's Jambalaya nearly kills her when a drunk Loretta (too much Scottish Comfort) puts gunpowder and wasabi into it. Alastor's father makes him memorize Bible passages.
1910: Age 14 Ninth grade: Many girls both in school and outside fall in love, but Alastor isn't interested. A Satanic Ritual book appears after it was dropped by accident by imps. He looks through it with great interest and makes a deal with dark Loas: gain near unlimited power in the afterlife in exchange for his soul and the soul of a loved one.
1911: Age 15 Tenth grade: High school was a nightmare. The bullying was worse and Alastor became more and more withdrawn. During this time, Alastor becomes interested in being a radio host and also reads books on weapons and cannibalism.
Vision 2: Alastor dreams he is a red buck, who runs from hunters representing the elite white people. He evades a crocodile, resembling his father and his mother appears as the Voodoo goddess of beauty and motherhood.
1912: Age 16 Eleventh grade: Alastor applies to be an apprentice for a local radio station several times, but doesn't get in. His father and uncle berate him everyday and his mother is busy at secretary work, and Voodoo rituals every month.
1913: Age 17 Grade 12 Alastor graduates and applies again. He starts at the bottom, but rapidly moves his way up. He starts by telling dad jokes, then wants to talk about murder and crimes "far more interesting than the weather and social events."
1914: Age 18 After experiencing harsh critiques from mainstream stations, Alastor is fired. However, he soon decides to pursue his goals on his own. His makes radios from scratch and starts his own shows, with a few private listeners at first.
World War One begins! Alastor uses this opportunity to broadcast on a private station news of deaths in the war in graphic detail. More people start listening and his soon starts making money. Alastor makes his first kill when a man assaulted him and beat him up for him being "Black and outspoken." He was able to get away and he wondered what it'd be like to do it again on the ignorant folks.
1915: Age 19 Alastor promotes war efforts through announcements and songs, including his ending song "You're Never Fully Dressed." However, he still describes brutal murders for the sinister folks.
1916: Age 20 Alastor meets Husk and Mimzy at a jazz bar and club for the first time. He dances and sings with Mimzy, loving her confidence and sexy looks. (Though he doesn't like to be touched by anyone other than his mother, due to fatherly past trauma).
1917: Age 21 Alastor meets Racheil (alternate form of Charlie) and they become fast friends. He learns of the Axeman, a fellow serial killer and learns to be careful.
1918: Age 22 Spanish Flu Pandemic occurs! Sadly, Alastor's mother becomes gravely ill and passes away. Alastor smiles even as he cries. Alastor's father doesn't seem to care. Alastor gets raped again and his father abandons him. Alastor's mother goes to Heaven and Alastor, not knowing what else to do, eats her remains.
1919: Age 23 Alastor becomes depressed (and even suicidal for a while). He doesn't eat much. Alastor eventually snaps and begins his life as a serial killer. After his mother’s death, Alastor lost his remaining traits of humanity…succumbing to his demonic nature. At that point, he didn’t care who he ate and/or killed…it was the last think he could do to keep himself sane along with drinking liquor, coffee, sewing voodoo dolls, and broadcasting the murders by himself.
1920: Age 24 Roaring Twenties and Jazz Age. Alastor becomes known (though no one suspected it was him) by several names "Bayou Butcher," "Deer Devil" "Louisiana Lunatic" among others. Alastor revels in his fame and becomes richer and more materialistic. He buys himself suits, and a cane with deer antlers on it. One of his disturbing hobbies was using his gentleman charm to lure women into his home where he would lie them in the basement and kill them while broadcasting their screams.
Alastor plays in a jazz band and enjoys watching musicians play while smoking and drinking liquor. He often cries in private and makes straw dolls. He drinks dark coffee every morning.
1921: Age 25 Mimzy falls in love with Alastor and touches him inappropriately. He threatens her with a knife and she discovers he's the serial killer. She rushes to call for help but Alastor takes her into an alleyway and stabs and chokes her to death. Feeling slight remorse, he takes her home for his meal.
1922: Age 26 Racheil breaks up with him after being concerned about his sanity. Worried he might be caught, Alastor lays low for a while before starting up again. After Alastor's father comes back, he decides to get his revenge. He ties him to a tree and tortures him during the night. The predator becomes the prey. Alastor tracks him down to a local bar. (Although he usually doesn’t stalk or chase his victims as it breaks his moral code, but his dad is an exception. Also following others/sneaking toward them are often required to kill others.) His father had been secretly afraid that Alastor would be stronger and would want to kill him, thus proving his son more dominant than himself. He had weapons ready, but Alastor had set up several traps in advance. Though Alastor was physically weaker than his father, he was very clever. He had packed a backpack of all his weapons, rope and essential tools. His father says “You and your heathen mother deserve to die” only for Alastor to respond, “Nobody talks about my mama that way.” Seeing his father knocked out, Alastor raises his knife to kill him but stops. That would merely be too easy. He supports him by the shoulders, pretending to be concerned for him as onlookers watched in shock, “It’s okay sir, you just fainted from the heat. Let’s go for a walk in the woods.” He takes him deep in the forest and chuckles darkly.
Alastor knocks him out and ties him to a tree in a forest, waiting until he wakes up. He starts (smiling the whole time) by slicing off his father’s dick among his father’s cussing (“when you screwed me once”), inserting a hot knife inside his father’s privates (“when you screwed me again”) then slicing off his ears (“this is for all the times when you wouldn’t listen to me”), shoving his own severed penis down his throat (“When you shoved your macho beliefs down my throat”) he whips him, then slowly cuts deep down his chest with a chainsaw, organs revealed (“this is for mama”) and finally shots him in the heart (“and this is for me, you heartless bastard.”) He eats his father’s flesh over jambalaya and it’s the best meal he’s ever had.
 1923: Age 27 He kills his victims in various ways: some hanging from trees with their organs spilled out, some buttered and eaten, others buried alive, some people shot and stabbed when he doesn’t feel like dragging it out. He’ll often poison other’s food/drinks and watch their reactions with a grin on his face. He enjoys tricking others into corners/tight spots so he doesn’t have to run after them. He’s found of pranks, especially deadly ones done on others. He saves brutal killings for racist men and women and those who think ill of him and his show. He becomes known as the “Deer Devil Dealer of New Orleans.” He only started killing people and animals at random after his mother died and he lost his mind.
1924: Age 28 Vision 3: : He has nightmares about a demonic skeletal deer covered with maggots and sores with chunks of meat over bone and one eye hanging loose running after him. He finds himself in a dark snowy forest, a fierce biting wind. After it seemed like he had been defeated by the monster, Alastor looks into a puddle and sees another, far worse monster, a demonic wendigo reflection staring back at him…Alastor sees a horned face and malnourished skeletal body, ripped red pinstriped dress coat, four clawed hands, red and black hair and red eyes, sharp teeth, large black antlers…the wendigo form resembling his current demonic form in Hell. After killing the alligator representing his father, the wendigo Alastor look-alike shadow appears and says “This is who you really are,” before Alastor wakes up.
1925: Age 29
1926: Age 30
1927: Age 31
1928: Age 32
1929: Age 33 Alastor enjoys the Stock Market Crash and uses the opportunity to enjoy watching orphans suffer. It helps remind him that he's far better off than many, besides the fact that kids were annoying to him. Alastor makes an "Axeman letter:"
 "Hell, 1929 Stock Market Crash Esteemed Mortal of New Orleans: The Deer Devil/Bayous Butcher/Louisiana Lunatic/Hazbin of Hell
They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the sound waves that surround your earth. I am not a human being, but a demon and overlord from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call the Deer Devil. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims as I see fit. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast. Tell the police and the racist, elite scum of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Deer Devil. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late. Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side. At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans and then visit those in Hell. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away. I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed in fact, fantasy, or realm of Hazbins. Smile and stay tuned! ~Deer Devil (Alastor)"
 1930: Age 34 Great Depression occurs!
The event hits Alastor and many others hard...he runs low on food so he eats others and hunts more and more to survive. Now Alastor kills at random instead of focusing on the racist mean people.
1931: Age 35
1932: Age 36
1933: Age 37 Alastor's Death
The police eventually track Alastor down with the help of Racheil and Chasseur, a fellow deer hunter whose daughter had been killed by Alastor. Not too long before the police discover where he is, Alastor gets bitten by a rabies infested dog. For the next several hours, Alastor experiences hallucinations, paranoia, brain inflammation and a fear of water. In water, all he sees is leeches and alligators. In his hallucinations, he is being watched by a wendigo. The police chase Alastor though the dark woods, police dogs hot on the trail. A local deer hunter, Hustle, joins in on the chase. Alastor navigates the woods, trying to find a place to hide. The hunter accidentally shoots him in the back as he ran, thinking Alastor was a deer.
Alastor experiences extreme agony when the deer hunter spots him, pointing a rifle at him. The hunter announces his location to the police. Seeing no other way out other than pain and imprisonment, Alastor takes the gun from the hunter and shoots himself between his eyes. The police dogs maul his dead body and the hunter sinks to his knees in shock and terror. Strangely enough, Alastor dies with a creepy smile on his face, the mark of Kalfu appearing behind his cold neck, unnoticed by anyone.
1933: After death: Alastor's old body falls away as the deal with the Loas takes fruit. The shadows give him his immense powers in the shadow world and he transforms into his demon form in Hell. He gets his microphone staff, which enables him to broadcast his murders and victories. He is known as the Radio Demon. He conquers several areas of Hell, eventually getting the attention of the overlords who know to stay wary of him.
Alastor befriends Mimzy and overlord Rosie and they sing, dance, talk and murder other demons for fun. Alastor treats them both with respect and knows not to piss off Rosie as she's stern, violent, and "practically perfect in every way."
Every year when the Exterminators appear, Alastor broadcasts the chaos during the 24 hour period, and will go out and kill the angels too.
1950s: Alastor makes a deal with Niffty who becomes obsessed with him and men. She becomes his servant/slave/associate and cooks and cleans for him.
1970s: Alastor makes a deal with Husk and Husk becomes his servant/slave/associate after Alastor promised him a better life with money and booze and the promise of " finding love."
2019: Alastor sees Charlie on TV and decides to help her with the hotel (for his own enjoyment, of course.) He dances and befriends Charlie, forming plans to use her to dig deeper into the royal family and eventually take the throne and rule Hell. He hopes that with a shadow army and more possessed members, he can invade Hell, Heaven and even Earth to spread his chaos. He defeats Sir Pentious and changes the name to Hazbin Hotel, his formerly mocking nickname he embraced.
Future: Alastor helps Charlie and the others protect the hotel from Sir Pentious, Vox, Valentino, Velvet and other villains.
  Other non canon versions of Alastor:
Stalaros (commonly known as 2p Alastor). Alastor with opposite colors and personality: he wears white and blue and cries a lot. He is one of the clients at the Haven Hotel run by Caoline Egnam, Heaven's princess. Stalaros is gay and horny like Angel Dust.
Lavender/Purple Alastor: Peaceful and confident, an OC made by fans.
 Radiodust Alastor: An Alastor that loves Angel Dust. Popular with fans.
Charlastor Alastor: An Alastor that loves Charlie romantically. Popular with fans.
Redeemed Alastor: Appears as a man with a deer head and human-like traits in Heaven. In this universe, he reunites with his mother.
FHE (“For His Entertainment”) Alastor: Alastor in his truly evil form: he takes over all of Hell and possesses the demons. His shadow can turn into a monster wendigo. This Alastor has a hole between his eyes from a bullet wound, and antlers stained with blood.
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Human Alastor (FTM trans headcanon)
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Commentary below:
Here, Alastor is shown at four different stages of his human life:
Childhood - around 12 years old
“Voodoo Killer” - late teenage years
Jazz Musician - early 20s
Radio Star - later adulthood to time of death
His career as a serial killer started when he was around 12 years old and continued up until his death.
The three stages of his adult life are supposed to correspond with different aspects of his demon form’s hairstyle.
During the “Voodoo Killer” stage, he straightened his hair and styled it similarly to his demon form’s hairstyle. However, he did not have an undershave. If viewed from the back, it would look like a simple bob. His appearance is inspired by Clementine Barnabet. I intended for his tignon to be tied in a similar manner to Clementine’s. Additionally, the bandages wrapped around his legs are meant to make him look a little like Voodoo Queen Lala from the 1930s. I gave him bandages instead to make him look like more of an edge lord (lol). The cross worn was originally his mother's. After she died, he painted it black in mourning. He wears it at all times, up until his death, to remember her.
During the “Jazz Musician” stage, he kept his hair short in order to pass for male. This is supposed to correspond with the back side of Alastor’s demon form, which is shaved short. His appearance is inspired by Jelly Roll Morton, one of my favorite Jazz musicians, who also happens to be Creole. Not visible in this pose, but Al wore black gloves that match the color of his hair. 
During the “Radio Star” stage, several aspects of Alastor’s appearance are inspired by the late, great Cab Calloway. Like Cab, Alastor styled his hair in a conk. His suit is also inspired by the iconic white suit worn by Cab Calloway.
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That being said, creative liberties were taken with Al’s white suit, which is anachronistic for the 1930s. Cab famously wore zoots, but I don’t think that would be Alastor’s style. Since I know so little about 1930s fashion, I gave up and didn’t attempt to give him a historically accurate suit. Instead, his tuxedo is based on the one he wore in the pilot. There are several anachronisms present in Alastor’s canon design, so it might actually fit his character to wear a suit atypical of the 1930s. This could preserve the otherworldly, “Willy Wonka”-esque presence that he has, even on Earth. Still, it’s a pretty glaring historical inaccuracy. Once we get to see Al’s canon human form, I might redesign him.
Since Alastor would have more than one suit, I didn’t worry too much about the inaccuracies present in his clothing. The one thing I refused to compromise on was his microphone.  In the TV show, Alastor’s iconic microphone is a vintage ribbon mic. However, this “pill capsule” style looks more similar to models that were only invented after Alastor’s death. Here’s an example of a ribbon mic that was rolled out shortly before Alastor’s death: The RCA Type 77-A. As you can see, it’s a lot larger in size than Alastor’s microphone.
My first attempt at drawing human Alastor gave him a ribbon mic, seen here: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-ribbon-mic-1035514228
In order to be more historically accurate, I discarded this design. Instead, I gave him a spring microphone, technology that is more iconic of the 1920s/1930s. 
Here’s an image of Cab Calloway in front of a spring microphone, one year after Alastor’s death:
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I took some creative liberties with the flag of Alastor’s microphone. Normally, it is supposed to say the radio station. Since I don’t know what radio station Al’s show aired on, I just had it read “ON AIR” in red.
Importantly, Alastor’s suit has to match the design of his microphone, which is an extension of himself.
It’s a little awkward how Alastor is holding his microphone, so here is how it looks from the back: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-back-of-mic-1035514255
The backside of the microphone is supposed to look like an eye, and have a bit of an ominous presence.
A headcanon I have is that Alastor had a severe case of stress-induced vitiligo. Because he was very egotistical, this was a source of shame for him, so he hid it with makeup and clothing. Here is how his face would have appeared shortly before his death: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-no-makeup-1035514264
Al’s colors are mostly browns, whites, and black, to keep with the deer theme. The black tips of his shoes are supposed to look a bit like deer hooves. I pictured his height as 5’10, one inch taller than Michael Dillon. Since the average male height was around 5’7, Al was still taller than most men, which made it easier to pass for male.
In addition to Clementine Barnabet, Jelly Barnabet, and Cab Calloway, FTM Al’s appearance is largely inspired by the famous biracial drag king Stormé DeLarverie.
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I picture Alastor having a darker complexion than Stormé, or Cab Calloway for that matter. Compared to Stormé, his nose and eyes are different (his eyes are supposed to have the same shape as his mother’s. distinctly African, not European at all) but his mouth, jawline, and overall facial structure are similar. He’s basically supposed to be a much less white-passing version of Stormé DeLarverie. Because he was born around year 1900, Al would not have had access to any form of medical transition. He would be physically indistinguishable from a cisgender drag king.
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I also picture his physical build being pretty similar, but he’s taller (I’m not sure how tall Stormé was, but I don’t think she was 5’10) and skinnier. He’s supposed to have a really striking appearance, where he’s really slender but really tall for someone born in his time, and he has an androgynous face.
In my more recent drawings, the drag king Alberta “Bert” Whitman has also served as visual inspiration for human Alastor:
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Bonus image:
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lindsaywesker · 8 months
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday. (Although this could very easily have been Too Much Misinformation Tuesday!)
There are two billion parking spaces in the US.
Park City, Utah has a city park. Address: City Park, Park City.
Pumbaa was the first ever character to fart in a Disney movie.
Bob Marley was buried with his Les Paul guitar, a bible and some weed.
In 1972, a spokesman for Scotland Yard suggested that Ford Transits were used in 95% of bank robberies.
British dung beetles are estimated to be worth £40m a year to the cattle industry for clearing up cow pats.
Capgras syndrome is a delusion where you believe the people closest to you have been replaced by imposters.
October 21 is National Throw Short People Day. You can throw anyone under 5’4” with no permission needed.
For the first time since they began polling on the question, YouGov reports that most British men now sport facial hair.
The role of Captain Jack Sparrow was originally offered to Jim Carrey but he turned it down for the role of ‘Bruce Almighty’.
It is more likely to rain on Saturday than on weekdays. Pollution builds up over the course of the week and seeds clouds.
In 1978, Soviet geologists found a family of six that lived in the middle of Siberia who hadn't seen another human since 1936.
James Murray, the primary editor of the Oxford English Dictionary from 1879, wrote his last entry in 1915. It was the word ‘twilight’.
The deadliest female serial killer in US history, Clementine Barnabet, had murdered 35 people with an axe by the time she was 18 years old.
The average human attention span has almost halved since 2000 decreasing from 20 seconds to 12 in 2018. Sorry … what’s your name again?
The currency in Botswana is the Pula. ‘Pula’ means ‘rain’ or ‘blessings’. Since most of Botswana is arid, rain is considered precious.
The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra have teamed up with a local chicken farm to play chicken-friendly music to improve the lives of chickens.
During job interviews, Google doesn't ask for GPA or test scores from their candidates because they don't correlate with success at the company.
Ninjas didn't actually wear black. According to the ninja museums in Japan, the best colour to wear during the night time was actually navy blue.
A study measuring the effects of music found that cows produce more milk when listening to soothing music. They produce the most when listening to REM’s ‘Everybody Hurts’.
Knowing someone who works at the company you want a job at increases your chances of getting an interview and makes you 40% more likely to get the job over someone with a fancier CV than you.
Your odds of being killed by a meteor are 1 in 1,600,000. What about the odds of a 4 billion year old meteor hitting the home of a French family with the last name Commette? Because that's what happened in 2011.
A Japanese soldier was stranded on an island for 30 years after the Second World War had ended. He continued to stand his post in uniform until his commander came to the island to personally dismiss him in 1974.
The Tiffany Problem occurs when a historical novel or film contains details that seem too modern to be true but are in fact correct for the time. The name Tiffany is one such example, it dates back to at least the 12th century.
British banking giant HSBC admitted to laundering billions of dollars for Colombian and Mexican drug cartels and violating a host of important banking laws but, somehow, there were no criminal charges and no one went to jail.
Sadio Mané, the Senegalese football player is transforming Bambaly, his native Senegal village; he built a hospital, a school and he is paying 80 euros a month to all its citizens. Recently he installed a 4G network and built a postal office.
There are debt collectors in Spain that hire people to find you when you're out in public and just stand and stare at you. And they just stare, in an attempt to shame you into paying your debt. They can be dressed as funeral directors, clowns, bull fighters, bears, anything!
Mario Puzo, the author of The Godfather books, who’d also adapted them to film, had no idea what he was doing as he’d never written a screenplay before. After winning two Oscars, he decided to buy a book on screenwriting to learn how. In the first chapter, it said “Study ‘The Godfather’.”
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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Clementine Barnabet, Female identified African American Serial Killer and powerful holder of malevolent Black Hex-cellence.
Clementine Barnabet was a beautiful dark-skinned young woman born c. 1894 in St. Martinsville, Louisiana who was believed to possess a singular talent for mind control and murder.
At the tender age of 17 she personally attested to being responsible for at least 35 gruesome axe murders of African American men, women, and children, 17 of which she committed herself. You see, Clementine was believed to be the co-leader (along with her father)of a murderous religious sect called the Church of Sacrifice/Sanctify whose members embarked on a bloody axe killing spree that spanned the states of Louisiana and Texas.
She said that the reason she committed the murders was to acquire occult powers needed to create a gris gris that would make her invulnerable. Clementine was caught when someone searched in her closet and found several articles of her clothing drenched in blood, gore, and brain matter.
Some people were titillated and scandalized by the sensational headlines surrounding this black woman and couldn't decide on whether the detailed accounts she gave of her crimes were true because of her "bestial" African ancestry or false because she was simply a weak willed woman physically and morally unable to carry out such physically brutal acts of violence.
Clementine Barnabet was sentenced to a life sentence at the brutal Angola prison in Louisiana but was let out a mere 10 years later after undergoing an experimental brain procedure that "fixed" her........... Then she disappeared.
Her whereabouts were unknown until several decades later a woman came forward to recall that her great grandmother would tell her very gruesome and detailed stories about Church of Sacrifice's axe murder spree as she was growing up. When her great grandmother died she left her a long hidden painting of herself from her days of youthful beauty......it was the spitting image of Clementine.
I hope you take away two things from this story of Black Hex-cellence:
1) Her malevolent gris gris worked. She died at the ripe old age of 102 with plenty of descendants and her mental facilities fully intact.
2)It took a rootwoman just as powerful ( if not more)to stop her killing spree so if you think hoodoo is only about making photogenic spells to post on Instagram think again.
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i just realized the youtuber that presented Gil de Rais as a murderer without acknowledging that it may not be true is the same guy that presented Clementine Barnabet as an axe murderess without acknowledging that may not be true. da fuck?
you can’t just do that. i feel like i’m taking crazy pills.
like let’s talk about the politics of sentencing Gil de Rais to death and let’s talk about how a small mulatto girl being responsible for 5-6 axe murders of whole families doesn’t make sense.
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percywinchester27 · 6 years
Unconventional Roommates (Epilogue)
Word count: 2.6K
Pairing: Dean X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
Series Summary: Now that his brother is at Stanford, for the first time in his life, Dean does something for himself. He takes a step towards chasing his own dreams and moves away from Lawrence to start college, which is both thrilling and scary at the same time. Only catch, in this unknown town, he is stuck with the MOST infuriating female on the planet- the roommate from hell!
A/N: Here we are! Thank you, guys. Your love kept me going <3
This couldn’t have been possible without the incredible @deanssweetheart23. Thank you so much for everything, Athina. You rock, my princess <3
Unconventional Roommates masterlist
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"This is a horrible fricking idea!" Dean grumbled, getting out of the car.
Y/N merely smirked, and Dean had to admit that the expression had never looked so alluring on anyone else. "You're just nervous. This is the coolest thing I've ever done."
Dean adjusted his tie. She looked so happy that he would have done anything to keep her smiling like that. This wasn't a big deal as it is. He was only nervous because he had never done this before, and also because he was about to walk in with the best girl he knew.
Incidentally, the reason for Y/N's excitement was same as his nervousness. She had never done this before either.
The building was colored in flashing crimson and purple lights which reflected on Y/N's face. Dean couldn't help but be reminded of the fair, when they were stuck in the Ferris wheel. She had looked beautiful then, and she looked beautiful now. The black wig that she was sporting suited her perfectly, so did the dark lipstick. She looked something else.
Just before they could enter the hall, Dean caught hold of her hand and pulled her back.
"Have I told you that you look absolutely stunning?"
Y/N looked down, smiling shyly. It would still take him time to get used to her reacting like that instead of glare down at him like she was about to pull out a butcher's knife.
"You don't look bad yourself, Romeo!"
"Are you kidding me?" Dean complained, touching his slick black hair. "I look like a clown."
"No you don't," she said, running her hand over the lapels of his coat, fussing over him. "You look hot." She licked her lips. "I'd kiss you, but I don't wanna ruin the look with my lipstick."
"Screw the look," Dean said, reaching out for the small of her back and pulling her close. "I don't give a damn about the look."
He leaned in, but she put a finger to his lips. "If you kiss me now, we'd have to go right back home to finish what we started, and I don't want to miss tonight. It's such a big day for you."
Dean could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. She was so proud of him.
It wasn't a big deal. They were launching the paper today, but they all did it every month. For him, though, this was the first time. They had loved his pictures so much that a couple of them were being used in tonight's Halloween party as a backdrop with some Halloweeny stickers. Y/N had been delighted to know about that. It was right after telling her that, that Dean had asked her out to the party.
She had been excited about it from the get go, especially the dressing up part. Dean found it amusing that she was so excited about dressing up even though she did it for a living. That was until he found out what she was planning to dress up as. Honestly, he shouldn't have expected any less of her. She had somehow convinced him to dress up as Gomez Addams, complete with the temporarily colored black hair. He might have to take a couple of days to wash it off completely, but again, her happiness was so palpable that he didn't want to take it away. She was ravishing as Morticia.
All things considered, it was still better than her idea of dressing up as Ted Bundy and Clementine Barnabet. Dean had to talk her out of it. He loved that she was still wearing the printed socks that he had gifted her. The skull beanie had been a constant up until tonight.
As the day approached though, despite her initial reaction, Y/N seemed to grow a little anxious about it. Not enough to curb her enthusiasm, but definitely enough to not fully enjoy it. They had had fun with putting together the ensembles. For the past week, since their evening on the beach, Dean had woken up at ungodly hours to catch Y/N's closing act of the night. All eyes in the club hungered for one look at her, but her eyes only searched his, and Dean felt like his chest widened a couple of inches each time.
After each show, he'd wait behind the curtains to welcome her when she came back, not believing that the Nymph was his. The other girls were happy for Y/N. They were all around her age, but she had mentored almost all of them. It made him clearly see her for who she was- a giver. She did so much for the girls who could very well end up being her own competition, and she did so much for all those little girls in Mia's school, too. Seeing her interact, he also realized that she was a natural teacher, she loved to share what she knew, selflessly.
They scourged through the fancy costumes at the Elixir, trying to try out funny hats and coats, entertaining the girls who had been exhausted after entertaining people all night long. Y/N's eyes shined when she saw him accepting her life and everyone in it so easily. She kissed him harder that morning in the car.
They did find the perfect costumes for Gomez and Morticia, too, there.
Other girls passing them were dressed as nurses or hot assistants, making the most of the opportunity to wear revealing clothes without it being questioned and more credit to them, but there was something very endearing about Y/N's childish excitement about dressing up in two full length layers.
"C'mon!" He grinned, pulling her by her arm, but she didn't move.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?"
Dean huffed. "Now you're having cold feet about this? After you made me spend 2 hours in the bathroom trying to get the hair right?"
"No… Dean," she said, voice abruptly serious. "It's not that, I mean…"
"Hey," Dean put his hand against her soft cheek. "You alright? You're not feeling sick, are you? I told you not to overdo the shifts. In fact, you can take it easy now. Anyway you're quitting the job next month when all your installments for the apartment are paid."
"Dean. Listen." She put her hand over his… the one she was already holding. "Do you want to be seen here with me?"
She was quick to put up her hand. "Look… I'm not doubting you. You're like God's personal blessing who just happened to creepily drop into my apartment, but not everyone is as accepting as you. Someone might recognize me… and I'm used to all sorts of slurs, but you're not. I don't want to put you through that."
Her voice had consistently risen, and her eyes were widening with every said word.
"Shhh… Just stop panicking," he said, pulling her against his chest. "You're missing the whole goddamned point here. You think I'd be ashamed if someone said anything about you? Don't you get it by now that I'm just beyond thrilled to be with a fantastic person like you? The first night when I found you at Elixir, I didn’t leave because I was mad at you, I left because seeing me there was distracting you. I thought you knew that."
She shook her head. "I do know that, and I know you won't be ashamed… I thought you'd be more like… angry."
"If someone called you a bad name?"
She nodded meekly against his silky black lapels.
"We could always make them a customer in our newly furnished torture room," he shrugged. "Bet that will teach them to talk crap about hard working people."
She laughed, breaking completely free of the dismal Morticia façade. "You're crazy."
"Says you!" He said smiled, pecking her cheek. "That's very rich, don't you think?"  
This time she let him take her in.
If it was a rainbow disaster outside, the inside was how the fairy world would look in the scene of an Armageddon. It was insane. Dean didn't know where to put his eyes. Wasn't Halloween supposed to be incredibly gloomy? Why was it so colorful?
"Hold me!" Dean said, grabbing Y/N by the shoulders. "I think my retinas are screaming for a savior."
"Shut up, it's not that bad," she admonished. "Besides, bright flashing lights are supposed to make you bold and all that. People dance without stopping to think what they look like."
"Seems fair." Dean looked at the centre of the floor where couples were trying to dance along the jazz tune.
"You wanna go out there?" She jerked her neck towards the floor.
"What? No!" Dean said, flustered. "I can't dance to save my life."
"It's not that hard… come, I'll show you."
He rolled his eyes. Of course she could.
Y/N pulled him towards the dance floor, but still away from the centre. She guided his hands to her waist and put both of hers on his shoulders. "Now you just sway from one side to another. See? Like this."
"I'm just gonna step on your dress and pull us both down," he warned trying to follow her. It wasn't fair that she was doing it so effortlessly and he was left to struggle.
"OMG, Y/N!" Hannah exclaimed, walking up from behind. "I didn't know Dean was gonna bring you along! You both look great."
Hannah was dressed like a Vampire… at least that's what Dean made out of the fangs and blood crusted lips.
"Cas, Meg!" She called out. "Look, Dean's here and he bought Y/N along."
Soon enough Dean's other two friends were there. Meg was wearing a red and black bodysuit with horns and tail, while Cas was dressed in a white suit with attached feathered wings, a halow perched on top.
"Angel and Demon?" Y/N asked. "That's very original."
"Hey, it wasn't my idea," Cas said, pulling her into a half hug. Dean wasn't really sure Y/N was the hugging type, but Cas just gave the vibe.
"You turned out to be way more badass than we gave you credit for," Meg grinned, nudging Y/N in the shoulder. "And there we were wondering how you could rock that limbo so hard."
It was hard to tell in the flashing lights but Y/N seemed to blush.
The DJ changed the song to a more upbeat one Meg pushed Y/N towards Dean, "C'mon, you guys, move it!"
"You wanna move it?" Y/N wiggled her eyebrows, grinding against him. Dean laughed but before he could reply, his eyes fell on Nick who was eyeing them from the sides.
"C'mere!" Dean pulled Y/N tightly against him, one hand sliding down her back to grab her ass, the other fisted in her hair, holding her to him. He brought his lips to her temple, kissing her softly, then deliberately dragged it along her cheek and down to the base of her neck. Sucking a mark exactly where he knew affected her the most. Y/N's moan was both muted and involuntary.
"Dean!" She giggled. It wasn't something she did often, but Dean loved the sound. He didn't stop there…. He let his lips travel along the column of her neck, hands roving all  over her back.
Y/N's fingers gripped his coat tightly, her chest rising and falling against his own. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Nick had disappeared.
"Who are you putting on a show for, Winchester?" She said, reaching up to kiss his lips, not caring about the lipstick anymore apparently.
"No one of importance," Dean shrugged. "You mind putting on a show?"
"Nope… not at all. I do that for a living."
Dean didn't care if he had put Nick in his place, or not. Nick had sure tried to ruin it all for Dean, but ultimately hadn't it worked in his favor after all. For all he cared, Nick could go screw himself. He had Y/N, there would never be a bigger victory than that.
"So about Thanksgiving," Y/N said, "I can't really cook a turkey. I mean we invited all these people, and I can't cook to save the world."
"It's okay, we'll figure something out," Dean replied. "There's like a million cookbooks out there. Besides we can always order, and everyone is getting something or the other. If the turkey sucks, we can eat the mashed potatoes."
"But counting Mia and the girls, Sam and Jess, Cas, Meg and the couple of girls from the club, there's like 12 of us. Our apartment isn't big enough."
"Y/N. Stop panicking!" They had both stopped dancing by now and were just holding each other's hands. "We have almost a month to go. By then you'd have signed the papers for the building and we can do it in the basement."
She still didn't look convinced.
"Hey," Dean lowered his face to look into her beautiful eyes. "Even if they don't like the turkey, the newly minted torture equipment will keep them from saying anything." He winked.
"Seriously, Dean," she said, "I've never done this before. I don't know how to talk to people… what to talk to people about. I just- this feels so normal and I've never had normal before."
His heart broke for her. She wanted this and yet she was so scared of the unknown.
"You know the girls, Y/N. And Meg and Cas are friends. They like you. You know that!"
She nodded absent-mindedly. "What about Sam and his girlfriend?"
Dean scoffed remembering the conversation he'd had with his brother. "Sam thinks you're way out of my league. And Jess? I've met that girl. You don't need to talk, she'll talk enough for everyone in the room."
He pulled her back against his chest and they started moving in slow circles again.
"You'll have your dream, Y/N. We'll have a studio downstairs and Mia can live here. You can study something else at the University in the day and I'll get a job in a few years down the line. We can eat crappy food, play scrabble on weekends and have long walks on the beach. That is normal, right?"
"That doesn't sound too bad," she mumbled, and her voice was so hopeful, Dean was tempted to take one look at her face to know what she was really thinking.
"Do you want to head home?" he asked quietly.
She shook her head. "Let's stay a while. This feels normal and I like it."
She put her head back against his shoulder as swayed on the same spot. Dean didn't know what tomorrow held. Hell, all of this was so new to him that he couldn't even estimate what the next minute was going to bring. But as long as he was with Y/N, he knew he could do it. He could do anything. Dean was happier than he had ever expected to be in his life.
He was learning what he loved, his brother was happy and doing good in life and there was an incredible girl in his arms.
To say he was content would be an understatement.
He was fucking ecstatic.
Dean bent down to kiss Y/N's forehead. He could get used to it…. in fact, he would be the luckiest guy in the whole wide world, if this unconventional life became his normal.
A/N 2: This is it, guys! We are done with one more series. My immense gratitude to everyone who has commented, sent asks, and words of love. It’s meant more to me than I can ever tell you. Thank you so much!! Much love <3
So, did you guys like it???
A/N 3: Please do consider reblogging my work and leaving feedback. Reblogging helps spread it, and also helps against the “best posts first” option tumblr has. The more the notes, the less chance of it getting buried beneath others posts. And the comments are what keep me going. I love you guys and I’ll be in forever grateful <3
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