#clipping path for car photos
mdishakrahman · 11 months
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Let travel change you.💔
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cliping-path-finder · 5 months
Capturing Your Car's Best Angle: Tips for Better Car Photos
Start with the basics – give your car a thorough wash and wax. Clean cars reflect light better and look more appealing in photographs.
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Perfect Timing for Lighting
Shoot during the "golden hours" – the first and last hours of sunlight. This soft, warm light enhances your car's features and reduces harsh shadows. Avoid midday when the sun is directly overhead.
Choose the Right Background
Opt for a background that complements your car's color and style. A picturesque setting can elevate your car photos. Steer clear of busy backgrounds that might distract from the main focus.
Mind Your Angles
Experiment with different angles to find your car's most flattering side. Get low to the ground for a dynamic perspective, or capture a sleek profile shot from the side. Play around until you find the shot that highlights your car's best features.
Details Matter
Zoom in on unique details like the wheel rims, headlights, or the emblem. Close-up shots add depth and showcase the craftsmanship of your car.
Play with Reflections
Look for opportunities to capture your car's reflection, especially if there's water nearby. This adds a touch of sophistication to your photos and highlights the car's shine.
Keep it Simple
Avoid clutter in the frame. A clutter-free background puts the spotlight on your car. Remove any unnecessary items or distractions from the vicinity.
Editing Magic
Don't be afraid to use photo editing tools to enhance your images further. Adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation to make your car pop. Just remember, moderation is key.
Read More: How Can I Make My Car Picture Look Better?
By following these simple tips, you can make your car look its best in pictures. Remember, it's about showcasing your car's personality and unique features in a visually appealing way.
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clippingpathamerica · 6 months
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clippingpathidol · 10 months
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digi5studios-blog · 1 year
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Choosing the right b2b photo editing services company for your project is an important decision. By researching your options and being clear about your requirements, you can ensure that you select the best provider for your specific needs. For more information visit here: https://www.digi5studios.com/blog/photo-editing-services
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retouchpilot · 2 years
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Image Manipulation Service is the technique of removing an undesired mannequin from a shot in order to give an item of clothing a ghostly empty appearance.
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
Omg a fellow F1 enjoyer here!! I absolutely love all your works, but I especially loved that one even more! 🥺 can I request for the dateables and side characters too pleaseee? 🫣
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a/n: I'm glad you liked it! the demon bros were more like mc's little crew and it was such a cute idea. I think the others would still support mc in their own way too.
➤ when MC is a professional F1 driver | the dateables + mephisto
1.3k words | sfw | gn!reader | fluff & slice of life shenanigans
cw: developing relationships with the other characters (except for baby brother luke who is strictly platonic and mc's #1 fan).
related versions: the demon brothers
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— He's thrilled that you're forging your own path in the Devildom and that the demon brothers are involved.
— He's impressed by your abilities but he still worries about your safety.
— Every morning when Barbatos brings him his morning paper, he scans the front page and sports sections for articles or photos about you or your latest race.
— He saves clippings of all your newspaper/magazine appearances and keeps them in a scrapbook.
— His original intention was to give it to you as a gift when you finished your year in the exchange program. He ends up making copies for everyone who wants one and keeps the original for himself.
— He has his own impressive vehicles. your excitement is palpable when he shows you the collection in his garage. When you go out together, he offers you the keys and hopes that you'll take the wheel. (He can't explain why he likes it so much.)
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— He's a skilled driver himself even though he rarely needs to drive. Portals are so much simpler.
— The Devildom racing league tightens up its safety and security measures when you join. Barbatos personally oversees that their lax approach to rules and safety are amended. He argues that there's a fortune to be made for having the novelty of a human world driver on their track. He promises with fake smiles that their license and investments will suddenly be forfeit should anything happen to you due to their negligence.
— Barbatos doesn’t have a lot of free time to watch your races in person, but he follows your Devilgram account and watches the highlight reels that Asmo posts when he is done working for the day.
— He receives your fan club's newsletter. He's also purchased some merchandise as well, including a coffee mug he uses when he drinks tea privately in his chambers
— The Little D’s are some of your biggest fans too. Some of them make zoom-zoom noises as they race each other in the halls of the castle. (Little D Number 2 has tried to "borrow" Barbatos' fan merch, several times, but always gets caught.)
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— He's not sure why humans are so fascinated in sports or activities that look far too dangerous. He admires your passion and hates it at the same time.
— He’s a little nervous the first time you offer to take him out for a joy ride, but later he admits it was surprisingly enjoyable. (Anything with you is enjoyable, though.)
— He and Luke go to your races and both of them have a small collection of your fan merch.
— He’s very concerned about your safety. He knows humans are less durable than demons are and he watches from the stands with the pent-up energy of a bird about to take flight. If something happens, he's going to be out of his seat and flying to your side to help you.
— He secretly hopes you’ll retire from this career sooner rather than later because he’s terrified you’re going to get hurt (or worse) one day.
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— He’s fascinated by the sport and how talented you are. He thinks it's a little scary how fast the race cars drive and he reminds you before each race that winning isn't important, as long as you're safe and having fun!
— He makes cupcakes and other yummy treats for you to celebrate your big wins. The cake and icing is dyed the same bright colours as your racing car.
— He loves it when you give him a chance to visit you behind the scenes at the track: exploring the pit, letting him sit in your car with your too-big helmet teetering awkwardly on his head.
— The others get a little jealous when you show Luke special attention, like when you wave to him in the crowd before a race or hug him when he runs up to you after.
— Luke likes sitting shotgun when you drive him and the others around town or for little day trips. Mammon even gives you permission to take him for drives in his own car sometimes. (Mammon lets Luke sit in the front seat with you if the three of you go somewhere together.)
— Luke talks about you constantly with his roommates in Purgatory Hall. He also mentions you a lot to Michael and even offered to send him some of your fan merch.
— (Michael grows more curious about you with each story or photo Luke shares with him, but he won't admit it to himself or anyone else.)
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— Solomon doesn't have an interest in most human sports, but when he meets you, his interest in the racing world is piqued.
— Whenever he wants to go out somewhere, he insists that not only should you go with him, but that you should drive, too.
— (There's something about your cool confidence and quiet joy behind the wheel that makes him feel things.)
— Your fan following in the human world is almost as impressive as your growing popularity in the Devildom. He goes on a little shopping spree, buying up the various official and fan-made merch that was sold during your rise to success.
— He keeps his favourite items for himself but lets the others have their pick. You think it's embarrassing how he even managed to find some of this junk (really, who has a pristine copy of an old racing calendar?). The demons and angels divide it all amongst themselves without too much arguing—at first. (You leave when someone suggests Rock, Paper, Scissors to settle some of the arguments over the most coveted items everyone wants for themselves.)
— Solomon rolls his eyes when Mammon claims loudly that this stuff is gonna sell for a fortune in the Devildom, but he knows the Greed demon has no intention of selling any of it. (Asmo confirms later that Mammon keeps everything he claimed, including the little collectible figures of your old racing car, on a shelf in his bedroom.)
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— He's completely unimpressed with you when you first arrive, and he really doesn't understand what all the fuss is about. So what if you're human? You're completely ordinary and boring and unremarkable, so why should he care?
— The revelation about your human world profession, and your dramatic debut into the Devildom racing scene, changes his mind. Professionally, anyway.
— It's hard to refuse his next assignment when the prince himself takes such an interest in you. Mephisto is the RAD Newspaper Club representative tasked with covering your career and setting up interviews and photo-ops that the rest of the school are clamoring for.
— Mephisto really underestimates your popularity. He grits his teeth when Asmo cackles on the other end of the D.D.D. and informs him that he'll be added to the list of news outlets that want an interview with you.
— Seriously???
— (He refuses to be affected when you admit bashfully that interviews are something you'll never get used to, and that maybe if he's feeling generous, can he be kinder than some of the human world reporters used to be?)
— He gets special access, along with one of the Newspaper Club photographers, to the front row staging area so they can capture the best shots of you before, during, and after each race. He hates your bright smile when he grudgingly hands you a photo afterwards. Don't get the wrong idea, either: it's for his younger brother. Mephisto couldn't care less.
— (His brother is over the moon when Mephisto gives him the signed photo later. If he's smiling, it's only because his brother is happy!)
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rosenallies · 3 months
I'd love that 🥺
yes thank u for biting I’ve wanted to write more for this ship since the last one I wrote <3
Jane breathed deeply, smoothing her pink dress before she knocked, a bout of anxiety coursing through her as she twiddled with the skirt, so far from her usual dark attire but she knew the light pink would look pretty next to whatever yellow ensemble her date would don. Coupled with the yellow hair clip she’d stolen from Nymphia the last time she spent the night, Jane felt pretty and lighthearted, but more nervous than she’d ever felt before a date.
Though, the moment Nymphia opened the door to her apartment, she was like a breath of fresh air, knocking the wind from Jane all at once.
“Hi,” Jane said, her thick accent coming through like it always did when she was nervous, thrusting a bouquet of yellow roses into Nymphia’s hands. She cleared her throat. “Sorry, my accent always comes through when I’m anxious.”
Nymphia laughed, making Jane’s heart skip a beat. “Hi, Jane, and yes, I know” she said softly, sniffing the sweet smelling roses and taking Jane’s hand. “You don’t have to be nervous though, this isn’t a normal first date. We’re already girlfriends, who just happened to have not had a real first date.”
The sentiment was simple, but it worked in making Jane’s nerves disappear. She fake gasped, feigning offense. “So those drunken nights where we sat on the floor and ate takeout after fucking for hours weren’t dates to you?”
Nymphia laughed, throwing her head back. “ of course they do, this is just our first date outside of that little routine. You look beautiful, by the way.”
“So do you, a vision in yellow,” she laughed, comfort suddenly blooming in her. This was nothing to be nervous about, it was technically a first date but a first date with Nymphia who was just about as comforting as a soft warm blanket and a cup of hot tea on a cold day.
“Well, you know me, mellow in yellow some might say.”
Jane rolled her eyes lightheartedly. “Are you ready to go? I’ve got a very special day planned for us.”
Setting her flowers on the side table near her front door, she grabbed her things and took Jane’s arm, chattering idly while they walked to Jane’s car.
Nymphia’s easy chatter carried them all the way to their destination, a pretty botanical garden where butterflies fluttered about, landing on the people who walked through.
“Oh Jane,” Nymphia swooned, about to jump out of the car in excitement, “I’ve always wanted to come to a place like this!”
Jane blushed, a light dusting of rose petal pink over her cheeks. “I remember you telling me that a while ago.”
Standing on her tip toes, Nymphia pressed a gentle kiss to Jane’s cheek. “Everyone’s wrong about you, you know? You’re totally not a bitch.”
“Wow, that’s the thanks I get for making your dream date come true? I get it,” Jane chuckled, shaking her head.
“I’m just kidding, I love it. Thank you for taking me here. Should we go?”
Hand in hand, Jane led Nymphia to the entrance of the garden, paying for both of their fees and leading her inside to the paved walking path.
“This really is beautiful,” Nymphia said after a bit of comfortable silence while they walked.
Jane shrugged. “It’s nice, but really, it’s you I can’t stop looking at.”
Just as she said that, a big yellow butterfly landed on Nymphia’s head, fluttering it’s wings like it found a home there.
“Hold still,” Jane said softly, pulling out her phone and snapping several pictures, setting her favorite as her Lock Screen, “there,” she said proudly, showing Nymphia her new background.
“Hey, wait, that’s not fair. Now you’ve gotta let me take one of you!”
As of on queue, a blue butterfly landed on Jane, right on her shoulder.
“Your turn to hold still,” Nymphia giggled, pulling out her phone and repeating what Jane just did, choosing her favorite photo carefully and setting it as her phone’s Lock Screen.
They stayed at the garden as long as they were allowed, watching the sun set from one of the stone benches. Nymphia laid her head on Jane’s shoulder, signing contently. “This has been a perfect day.”
Jane found her hand, lacing their fingers together. “Do you think we could have more of these?”
“I sure hope so,” Nymphia replied whistfully, “you know, someday I want to take you to Taiwan. It’s really beautiful there and I think you’d love it.”
‘Someday’ made Jane feel a bit anxious, briefly worried that there wouldn’t be a ‘someday’ with Nymphia but the look on Nymphia’s face and the gentle way she kissed Jane’s bare shoulder told her otherwise.
“I think I’d really love that.”
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mdishakrahman · 11 months
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Taking the scenic route.💔
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internet-sadass · 6 months
More Than You Bargained For But Better Than You Thought You'd Get (Jason Voorhees x female reader)
Blurb: You just wanted to get some photographs of the object of your obsession but said object had other ideas in mind, namely pounding the stupid walking fleshlight that dared to not flee when he pursued.
Alternative title: the reader is a big fan of Jason and decides she wants to get some pictures and some dick from him :)
Warnings: smut, size difference, size kink, outdoor sex, this is a slasher fic so there's mention of violence.
AN: it's kinda iconic that my return to tumblr comes in the form of a jason voorhees smut fic 💀 anyways, big masked mamas boy has me in a chokehold rn and I was itching to write some filth about him.
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It was mad. No, actually, it was utterly deranged of you. But you just couldn't help it. Newspaper clippings weren't enough and the grainy footage of him hulking his way between the trees you had seen on the news sure as hell wasn't enough. Even your imagination, as boundless and talented as it was at conjuring up scenes of that towering figure knocking you to the floor and using you like a glorified sex doll, wasn't enough.
You had to see him in the flesh, snap a few pictures of your own. He was like a wild animal, deadly yet cautious, with an equal chance of fleeing or pursuing you.
This whole mad plan is why you were here, walking along the dirt path that weaved between the trees. The infamous lake caught the sunlight in the distance, sparkling like a discarded foil wrapper. Even though your pace was steady, nothing more than a stroll, your heart pounded, and your body leaked a slick sheen of sweat. It was a little embarrassing that just being in a location where he could be was making you so unbelievably aroused. Just the mere chance of seeing his silhouette had turned you into a beast in heat, trudging through the woods to find something to rut against so the aching between your thighs would stop. Despite how unbelievably hot and bothered you were, you were determined to keep walking, keep wandering the woods of Camp Crystal Lake until you found him.
Four hours had passed, and that determination was starting to dry up. You leaned back against a tree stump and drank water while looking through the few images you’d snapped on your camera. They weren’t of anything special, just the infamous ‘Camp Crystal Lake’ sign and a few shots of the woodland you’d been roaming through. The rational part of your brain whispered that this was a good point to turn around, return to the car park, and drive home. But no, you’d come here to fulfil your fantasies, and by God, you’d do that, even if the only part of him you saw was a shadow and the only photo you snapped was a blur of his hockey mask.
You got up and started walking again, this time without the guidance of the path. Weaving between the trees, you progressed deeper and deeper into the belly of the woods, straying further away from the relatively safety of the sunlight-lit dirt track. Any sounds of other hikers faded and were replaced by the constant low sound of the wind rustling leaves, the occasional twittering from an invisible bird somewhere above you, and the snap of twigs under your boots. The stark lack of any signs of human life sent an odd thrill through you: no one would be here to save you or interrupt your mission. You’d be at his mercy if he spotted you, a little voyeur intent on getting pictures of the object of her obsession, and decided to put a stop to his personal paparazzi.
A jolt nearly made you trip over yourself. Managing to regain your balance before you could fall face-first onto the mossy forest floor, you looked down. The laces on your right boot had come undone, and you’d stepped on them, yanking yourself to a stop. With a mumbled curse, you crouched down to retie them. Drawing back up, your gaze settled on the endless blur of trees ahead of you, interrupted only by an off-white oval.
Frozen in place, your breath caught in your throat. The unmistakable hockey mask, attached to a figure trying to conceal his bulk in the foliage, was staring right at you. Ever so slowly, as if any sudden movement would make this hulk of a man scurry away like a spooked deer, you pulled the camera slung around your neck up to your eye and squinted into it. Twisting the zoom lens, you watched him momentarily before clicking the button and capturing an image of his half-hidden form. You clicked a few more times. The hockey mask tilted to the side, questioning your actions.
‘Fuck, that’s so cute.’ You thought absently as you clicked away, probably filling up the SIM card with hundreds of duplicates of the same image.
The hockey mask recentred itself. Jason’s question of what the woman standing in the middle of his forest was doing had been answered. He lurched into a heavy-footed but brisk walk, closing the distance between himself and the small figure ahead of him. Much to his surprise, you didn’t move, didn't turn and flee. You stood, camera raised, finger pumping at the button, taking endless pictures documenting his emergence from the undergrowth. The camera only lowered when you peeked over the top of it and realised he was no more than ten feet away from her.
“Shit.” You hissed, letting your camera fall from your hands and hang around your neck. Spinning around, you began to run, stumbling over the uneven ground.
But you knew that you were half-assing this. You weren’t running as fast as you could, you weren't actively trying to escape. You were basically jogging along, listening to the thud of his footsteps draw closer and closer. This was all a ploy, a little game of cat and mouse. Jason liked to hunt, to pursue, and you were going to give him that. Let him have the pleasure of catching you, and then you’d see if you could change his mind about what he would do to you when he got his hands on you. As you lazily dodged trees, you felt the space between your thighs grow slick, both your panties and shorts beginning to bare damp patches.
It took only a few minutes before your hair was grabbed, jerking you to a halt. Before you could even take a peak at the huge form that was casting a shadow over you, the hand clenching your hair used your locks as a means to hurl you to the ground. The wind was knocked out of you with the impact, leaving you dazed for a moment. Regaining awareness, you flipped yourself onto your back so you could look up at the predator that had caught you.
The few pictures you’d seen of Jason did not do him any justice in terms of his height, you thought, mouth agape as you looked up at the tank of a man towering over you. You’d thought plenty about Jason’s size and how much bigger he would be than you, but now that he was looming over you, your innermost desires about his ability to toss you around and utterly destroy you with one hand alone were confirmed.
“Oh…looks like you caught me, huh?” You said, bold as brass, propping yourself up on your elbows. Your voice didn’t even quiver. It was as if you were talking casually to an acquaintance, rather than a murderer who could literally snap you in two. You wanted to tease him a bit, see if you could press the right buttons in his brain to get your sick desires fulfilled.
“Whatcha going to do to me now, hm, Jason?” You whispered. As you spoke, you spread your legs slightly, biting your lip. If your mind hadn't been so addled by adrenaline and obsession, you probably would have cringed at the pathetic neediness of your actions.
Jason cocked his head to the side at the mention of his name, much as a dog would do. His eyes locked onto yours, watching you with a mix of anger and interest. He thought for a few seconds about what you had asked, about the way you wasn’t screaming, begging, or attempting to escape. Something in his animal brain stirred.
Grabbing your arm, Jason yanked you up, nearly dislocating your shoulder in the process, then dragged you to the closest tree. You were ungraciously thrown against the trunk, rough bark tearing at your cheek and leaving a collection of scratches across your skin. Your heart thudded in your chest, pounding so loudly in your ears that you wouldn't have been able to make out anything Jason had to say if he were to speak. You giddy recollected the many hours you’d spent fantasising about this exact thing happening, and now it was actually going to happen. Or, at least, you hopped it was happening, and that Jason wasn't about to split your head open against the tree.
Fingers gripped the waistband of your shorts and tore them, scraps of denim falling to your feet. The thong you’d picked out oh-so-purposefully that morning got the same treatment. Your breath came out in ragged pants as you looked over your shoulder as Jason, watching him inspect your naked lower body. Leaning against the tree, you spread your legs wider, giving him a better view of your holes, letting him pick which one he wanted. He gave a huff of approval or interest. Your cunt clenched at his reaction, squeezing more slick out of you. He was killing you with how slowly he was going, taking his time to stare at the pink lips of your slit and the pucker of your asshole.
With his decision made, Jason unzipped his jeans, sliding them and his boxers down enough that he could pull his stiff cock out. He pumped it a few times, beckoning more blood into it. His cock matched his gargantuan size, both in length and girth. Considering that his hand, that was big enough that his fingers would be able to easily cage around your head and crush it, was just about able to close around his length, you knew that it was going to split you in two. A trickle of white pre-cum leaked from the crown, dripping onto the moss.
All you could do was stare, wide-eyed with terror and arousal, as he lined himself up with your hole. When the warmth of his pre-cum smeared against your opening, you twitched and clenched. Even your body seemed to have its doubts that the literal beast of a dick would fit without causing you major internal damage, and was trying to save itself from being pillaged by tightening up. Jason was having none of it, as he grabbed your hip with his free hand and steadied you, trapping you so that you couldn’t wriggle away as he pressed the tip of his cock into you.
A pained groan left your mouth as your entrance struggled to stretch around just the tip of his length, the pinkness of your lips becoming white as the flesh became taut. You took a shuddering breath in, leaning hard against the sturdy trunk of the tree, as your body reluctantly took on the oversized head of his dick. The hand on your hip curled into your flesh, nails catching on your skin. That was your only warning before Jason thrusted into you, cramming nearly all of his length into your velvety insides. It felt like his dick was never ending, filling up space inside your body that you were sure you didn't have, bulging out into your guts. The head hit your cervix and pressed hard against it, threatening to burst through it.
“Ha…fucking hell…I wonder if I’ve got…” You burbled out between pants, struggling to even breathe or speak, as if Jason’s cock had made its way up into your chest cavity and was crushing your lungs. You drooped your head between your arms to look at your body. A prominent bulge was settled in your lower belly, distending it. Jason shifted a little, pulling out then back in again, and you watched his movements appear through the flesh of your abdomen.
“H-holy hell…” You moaned, slightly mind blown that one of your biggest fantasies (aside from, you know, fucking Jason Voorhees) was right there in front of your eyes.
You didn't get much more of a chance to admire the outline of the massive cock pressing against your belly as Jason began to rut into you at a furious pass. You’d expected he’d have fucked in the same way he chased, slow and heavy, but he was surprisingly agile with his thrusts. Each time he sheathed himself inside you, his crown pressed thickly against your cervix and G-spot, not that Jason was aiming to make you cum. He was just chasing the high of being inside the hot, wet, vice-like grip of a cunt that was more than willing to take everything he could give it. It had been so long, maybe decades even, since he’d felt anything but his own cold hand around his cock, so the sensation of your pussy and the heat of your body felt like heaven to him. He let out grunts of pleasure as he slid himself nearly all the way out of your gaping hole, just the tip still encased in your warmth and wetness, and then slammed back into you, forcing your cunt to swallow a dick it was not naturally designed to take. The deep-rooted masculine need to pound and fill whichever hole welcomed it had taken hold of Jason.
Of course, even though Jason wasn’t aiming to make you cum or pleasure you in any way, that didn’t stop you from orgasming. The steady thud of his meaty cockhead against your cervix, paired with the strain of his girth stretching you open, drew an orgasm out of you relatively quickly. A crescendo of moans and begging reached its peak when you felt your stomach clench and the tension in your cunt snap. You were certain you had squirted, as you felt something warm and wet roll down your leg. Then again, it could have been blood from your pussy being torn by the savageness of how Jason’s cock speared you open. Everything was going hazy and blurry for you, as any ability to think rationally had been destroyed as soon as Jason had laid his hands on your flesh. You resigned yourself, clutching onto the tree trunk for support, barely able to keep yourself up as your legs trembled whilst you were pounded through one orgasm and into another.
Jason wasn’t sure how he felt about the noises you were making. They were similar to the screams and gurgles he’d pulled out of countless victims before, but there was no fear in the noises you were making. Still, they let him know he was doing something to you, and the way the muscles of your cunt tensed and relaxed around him confirmed that the something he was doing to you was probably good. Some part of him wanted to see your face, to see what expressions you were making.
Wrapping both hands around your waist, his fingers touching as he did so, Jason lifted you up, keeping you skewered on his cock. Still holding you, he flipped you over so you faced him. You let loose a squeal of pain and struggled pitifully when the ridges of his cock caught on the gummy walls of your cunt as he spun you around. Moving the pair of you closer to the tree, Jason pined you against the trunk with one hand under your breasts, holding you immobile by the ribcage. Panting, you gaped at him, still in shock after being rotated around and feeling his length definitely tear something inside you. His eyes met yours, and he stared for a moment, unblinking and devoid of any emotion, before he started pummelling at your cervix again. Fearing you’d fall or he’d lose his grip, you tried to wrap your legs around his waist, which only made you sink deeper onto his cock as you opened your entrance up more. His cock slid further into you, only stopping when he was sheathed balls deep in you. It literally felt like his cock was all the way up inside your chest, the tip nestled between your lungs.
Jason felt the pressure build low in his body, threatening to spill over with every passing second. His desperate rutting slowed as he drew out the process of bringing himself to completion. Each slide of his cock into you was accompanied by a sickening squelch, as your insides had coated his length with slick twice now. His breathing was heavy, rattling behind the mask, and his cock pulsed in time with each ragged breath, twitching in anticipation. Pressing himself as deep as he could without his tip breaking through the ring of your cervix, Jason emptied his load into you with heavy, hot spurts. You swear you could hear the filthy, wet gurgle of your hole being filled with the copious flood of seed, your womb swelling and cramping as it was flooded with the viscous fluid. Even with his length plugging your entrance, some cum escaped, trickling down the cleft of your ass.
You looked absently up at the masked man who had ravaged your hole, used you up like a cheap whore, your cock-drunk brain unable to form a single intelligent thought. He stared back as he casually slid his softening length out of you, leaving your pussy clenching around nothing and leaking a mix of his fluids and your own. His grip on your ribcage loosened, and you were dropped to the forest floor, where you lay, slumped against the trunk of the tree.
Exhausted, your vision went blurry, darkening at the edges as your ears buzzed with static. Before you fell unconscious, you saw the massive shadow of Jason pause and turn to look at you a last time before he trudged his way through the maze of trees and disappeared.
You awoke some time later, head spinning. It took a few moments before you remembered what the actual fuck had just happened to you. You fumbled about, searching for your camera, before realising it had stayed around your neck the whole time. Miraculously, it hadn't been crushed or really damaged at all, minus a smear of something covering the lens. You rubbed the smudge of god knows what off the glass before pulling the camera-strap over your head and holding the camera out in front of you. Smiling lopsidedly, your brain still not fully working after the whole ordeal, you snapped a picture of yourself leaning against the same tree Jason-motherfucking-Vorhees had fucked you against
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Munson's Mixtape
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Reader
Word Count: 3,056
Warnings: Brief slut shaming (Jason's a dick)
Summary: Chrissy has been acting weird, and like a good big sister Y/N drives to Hawkins from Notre Dame to check in on her. Only to find out she has plans to meet up with Eddie Munson. Things take a turn for the worse and now Y/N gets wrapped in to the horrors of Hawkins. Hey, at least she has the company of the guitarist she was sweet on back in high school for comfort.
Author’s Note: So I did get ambitious and managed to pump out another chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Track Eleven
It took longer than Y/N would like to pack all of her things, but she was finally finished. After she the left the church she radioed Eddie and told him her plan. She didn't give him many details about what happened at Chrissy's funeral, the hurt still fresh in her mind. However, Y/N did tell him that she gave her parents a piece of her mind. Eddie said that he was proud of her, and wished he was there to see her unleash her righteous fury. Y/N glowed with the praise he gave her, and she held onto it as she packed up her old life.
She changed back into her Notre Dame uniform, most of the clothes left in her childhood home closet was formal wear, so she was left with little choice. Most of the things she packed up were more personal items, things she didn't bring with her to college. Old diaries, her old Hawkins High cheer uniform, the books she couldn't carry in her car when she first left Hawkins. Before she left for good, she took one look at Chrissy's bedroom door.
A part of her still didn't want to go in, thought it would be too painful to see her sister's room without her in it, but there were a few things of her sisters that she wanted to keep. The car was already packed and ready to go, so it would be the last time she would ever see what was left of Chrissy.
Y/N walked into the room, and it was just like she remembered last time she visited over winter break. The ornate yellow wallpaper was crisp and pristine, not a single poster on the walls. Their mother would have thrown a fit if they ruined the paper, so Chrissy put all of her photos on a large bookshelf next to her bed. Y/N took a moment to look at all of the snapshots of Chrissy's life. There was a picture of both them when they were little, Y/N burying her sister in the sand. She took in a deep breath and quickly moved onto the next one, a photo of Chrissy and Jason the night of junior prom. Y/N remembers how Chrissy called her and asked how get to birth control without their mother finding out, and she just laughed at how embarrassed her sister was on the phone. Chrissy chastised her at the time, and now Y/N just wished she could hear her voice again.
The next photos were normal for any teenage girl, pictures of Chrissy and her friends. A school newspaper clipping of the Hawkins cheer squad in a pyramid, her sister at the very top. A few polaroids of her and Jason on dates. One picture surprised Y/N, she never noticed it on the shelf before.
It was a picture of Chrissy and Y/N on graduation day. She was in her cap and gown, Eddie's mixtape in hand. Chrissy was in a blue sundress, a big smile on her face as she hugged her sister. Their dad took the photo, but what wasn't surprising was the two sisters together, it was who else was in the background. Y/N could see Eddie walking towards them, hand in the air like he wanted to get their attention. After he gave her the mixtape, Y/N assumed he drove away, but there he was. She remembered her mother rushing the girls into the car after their dad took the picture, said she wanted to get to Enzo's before the rush. At the time she believed her mother's complaint, but now Y/N thought it was because Eddie was trying to talk to her. She'd have to ask him what he wanted to say to her, if he could remember. It was two years ago.
Y/N grabbed the photo and put it in one of Chrissy's old cheer duffle bag and continued her path around the room. There was the stuffed dog Chrissy always slept with at night, a little black terrier she named Toto. Y/N knew her parents would throw it away, but Chrissy loved it, so she put that in the duffle too. She grabbed the gold locket that she gave her sister for Christmas, a small picture of them both as children inside, and she grabbed a few other knickknacks as well. Y/N found an old scrapbook they made together, and when she sat down on Chrissy's bed to go through it, a thick leather bound book fell out from under the pillow.
Y/N put the scrapbook in the duffle bag and reached for the book. It was Chrissy's diary. She knew that her mother would probably go through it if she found it, and the last thing Chrissy would want was their mother knowing her personal thoughts. Y/N was going to put it straight into the duffle, but she paused. The same temptation to read it when through her head, and she knew it was wrong when she read Eddie's journal, but Y/N couldn't help herself. She opened a random page and started to read.
February 14th, 1984 Dear Diary,
Today is Valentine's Day. Jason is taking me out to dinner later, and for once I'm really excited about it! He bought me flowers, and gave them to me during lunch. A huge bouquet of red roses! Mom gave me a vase to put them in, and they're sitting on top of the dresser. I can't wait to tell Y/N about our date later. I know she doesn't have a date for Valentine's Day, but she said she was going to the movies with her friends today, so I know she won't be alone. Nobody should be alone on Valentine's Day. I was afraid I was going to be after the fight Jason and I got into, but he seems to be over that now. I'm still a little upset with him about what he said, but he seemed sorry. So I guess everything is okay now!
Y/N didn't know about any fight between her sister and Jason back then, they were just starting out in their relationship and in the honeymoon phase. She flipped back a few pages to see if her sister wrote about it.
February 9th, 1984 Dear Diary,
Jason and I got into a fight today. He got mad at me for trying to comfort him after we slept together for the first time. I told him it was okay that it didn't last very long, and that Y/N told me that we were still getting used to each other and that's normal. Jason said that she wasn't the type of girl to be getting advice from. When I asked him what he meant he said that Y/N hooked up with Eddie Munson, so she must be easy. I yelled at him for that, and told him it wasn't true. Apparently Matthew Grayson told everyone on the basketball team that Y/N cheated on him with Eddie, and that's why they broke up. I told him it was a lie. Jason said that Eddie said nothing happened between them too when he heard about it, but no one on the team believed him. Matthew and other guys from the team beat him up after he tried to tell the truth. I told Jason he should apologize to Eddie, but he said he wouldn't be caught dead talking to the freak. That made me sad. Jason isn't a mean guy, but sometimes he says mean things. I at least told him to say it wasn't true to the other guys, and he said he would try his best. I don't want a rumor like that to spread around school about my sister. I know Y/N likes Eddie, even if she won't admit it, but she would never cheat on her boyfriend.
Y/N never knew Matthew said all those things about her. She broke up with him when she realized that she didn't have feelings for him anymore. It was a messy break up, but she didn't think he would make up lies about her. If she ever saw Matthew Grayson's face again she wouldn't hesitate to put him in his place. It was one thing to spread rumors about her, she could have handled it, but to get physical with Eddie? When he was just trying to set the record straight? He really had the worst luck with the people of Hawkins. Y/N flipped through the pages to find some of her sister's more recent entries. The most recent one was from the day she died.
March 21st, 1986
Dear Diary,
I had another nightmare. This one was really bad. I can't even look at Mom's face without seeing the monster I saw in my dreams. The headaches are worse, and I don't know what to do. I just saw an old clock in my room, and when I blinked it wasn't there anymore. I was awake. I know I was. I wanna talk to Y/N, but I can't with Mom home. I don't want her to hear me. I need something to calm me down. I tried drinking myself to sleep last night, but that didn't work. I know Sarah likes to smoke weed to chill out, but I'm not even sure that would work. I think I need something stronger. I know Sarah buys stuff from Eddie, maybe I can get something from him. I just hope Y/N doesn't find out, she'd be so disappointed in me. I'm afraid to talk to Eddie alone though. Y/N says he's a great guy, but he scares me a little. Jason says he's a devil worshipper. I don't think that's true, but you never know. At this point I'll take a deal with the devil, anything to make this stop. I wish Y/N was here. She'd know what to do. She always knows what to do. I miss her so much. I'll call her when I get to school, maybe she can help me.
Y/N could see the ink smudge from her sister's gel pen as she cried over the pages. A deal with the devil was right, she'd do anything to bring her sister back. But she couldn't, and she would never be there for her sister again. The only thing Y/N could do now was stop Vecna once and for all.
Y/N put the diary in the duffle and made her way to the car. She tossed it in the backseat along with the rest of her things and started the drive back to Rick's house. It was already dark, she'd been gone for too long. She left the walkie in the passenger seat while she was in the house. She prayed Eddie didn't try to reach her while she was gone.
"Eddie? Are you there?" She heard some rusting before Eddie's voice rang through.
"Y/N! Christ, there you are." He was whispering, Y/N could barely hear him.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" She was speeding now, desperate to get to him.
"Yes, no, I don't know, man. Jason and his posse are inside Rick's house. I don't know how they figured out where I was, shit. They've got bats, and crow bars and shit. Where are you?" Y/N slammed her foot on the gas, zipping through the back roads of Hawkins. Why was Jason after him? He was at the funeral with the other guys from the basketball team. Y/N would have liked to think Jason wasn't the type to go vigilante, but she always knew something was off about him. Chrissy's diary didn't make her feel any better either. Jason hates Eddie, and if he thought he was responsible for her death... Y/N didn't like to think about what he was capable of.
"I'm 5, maybe 10 minutes away. Try calling Dustin, maybe they're closer. I'll be there soon just hold on."
Y/N pulled up to Rick's house to see Jason and his friends walking towards the boathouse. She jumped out of the car and ran over to the group, they were still dressed in the suits they wore to Chrissy's funeral. They must have been looking for him all day.
"Jason!" She shouted. They all turned to look at her, weapons tightly gripped in each other their hands.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here." Jason said with the fake polite tone he used on her parents.
"It's none of your business why I'm here. What are you guys doing here? Why are all of you carrying weapons? What's going on?" Her heart was pounding in her chest. She prayed that Eddie could sneak away while they were all distracted.
"We're looking for Munson. We just want to talk to him." Andy, Chance, and Patrick all nodded behind him. None of them looked like they just wanted to talk, they were looking for a fight.
"Talk? Do you need crowbars to talk Jason? And why are you looking for Eddie anyway?" Y/N tried to peak behind the boys in front of her, but it was too dark to see anything. She didn't know where Eddie was, and it terrified her.
"He's the one that killed Chrissy!" Andy shouted.
"No, he's not. What happened to Chrissy wasn't his fault. You've got it all wrong." Y/N tried to reason with them. She hoped they would listen to her and leave Eddie alone.
"And how do you know anything about that Y/N?" The fake polite tone was gone from Jason's voice then. He sounded sinister, violent. Like the crowbar in his hand wasn't just for Eddie now.
"Because I was there when she died. What killed her wasn't... it wasn't Eddie. Eddie and I were trying to give her an intervention that night, because she wanted to buy some Special K. I was in his room with him when she died in the trailer. He's innocent." Y/N was trying to be brave now, show no weakness in front of them. She couldn't afford to break, not with Eddie's life on the line.
"Did you see who killed her then? If you are so sure of his innocence?" Y/N didn't know what to say, what she could say. She thought they had more time to get their stories straight. She thought she could talk it over with Dustin and his friends once they had more information to go on. It was too late now.
"I didn't see who killed her. Chrissy was already dead when Eddie and I left the room." It was a half truth, but it was the best she could come up with in the moment. She hoped it would satisfy Jason.
"Oh I see..." Jason was laughing at her now, mean and cruel. "While you were busy whoring yourself out to the freak, Chrissy was left alone to die." It felt like a slap to the face. Every word out of his mouth dripping with venom as he said it. Andy and Chance were laughing behind him, as if this whole thing was hilarious.
"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. Leave Jason. Right now." Y/N steeled herself in front of them, sick of their useless judgement. All of the boys stayed put, refusing to back down while their leader continued his charade.
"So you don't deny it huh? Wow, turns out Grayson was right boys. Y/N Cunningham, Eddie Munson's little slu-" Y/N didn't let him finish the sentence before she punched him in the face. Jason didn't expect the hit, so he nearly went down when her fist connected with his cheek. Andy and Chance caught him before he fell, dropping their weapons in the process.
"For once in your life Jason just shut the fuck up! You talk as if you have any clue what's going on but you don't! So why don't you just take your little toys, your laughable alpha male attitude, and go... Chrissy would be mortified with your behavior right now. If she weren't already gone, she'd dump your sorry ass in a second." Jason looked like he was about to lunge at her when Chance saw something in the water.
"Look! There's something over there!" Jason turned towards the lake, noticing the ripples in the shoreline. All of them took off running, Y/N following closely behind. Once they got around the boathouse she could see Eddie peddling the small boat in the water.
"Holy shit.. Hey freak!" Jason shouted. Y/N could see Eddie twist to look at them, he pulled the oar out of the water.
"Where do you think you're going?" Jason started to take off his suit, and Patrick started to do the same. They was going after Eddie.
"Stop it!" Y/N screamed. She tried to run closer to the shore, but Chance and Andy held her back. She fought against their firm grips on her arms, neither of them possessing the gentleness Eddie had when he held her.
"Y/N!" Eddie shouted. Y/N looked up, he looked like he was about to dive into the water.
"Go! Start the engine and go! Now!" Eddie paused. He didn't want to leave her there.
"I'll be okay! Just go-" Andy covered her mouth with her hand, she bit it as hard as she could.
"Ow! You bitch!" He kneed Y/N in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. She could see Jason and Patrick swimming towards the boat, what was left in her lungs she screamed to Eddie.
"Go!" Eddie tried pulling the engine cord, but it was a bust. So he started rowing further out in the lake, Jason and Patrick quick on his tail. Y/N kept fighting Andy and Chance off, but they had her arms pulled so far back she thought they would rip out of their sockets. She was stuck. Stuck watching as Jason and Patrick began closing the gap between them and Eddie.
All of the sudden Patrick stopped, Jason was yelling something but she couldn't hear it. They were too far out. Eddie stopped too, and they all watched in horror as Patrick flew into the air. His body was contorting in every direction, just like Chrissy's body did. Then just like her, he fell. His body plummeting into the water with a deafening splash.
It was happening again. Vecna's curse. He had taken another victim.
@imchangkyunned , @creativedogs , @nightless , @kik51199 , @thecraziestcrayon , @dabzzallday420 , @science--hoes , @efvyqrs , @justanotherkpopstanlol ,
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clippingpathamerica · 7 months
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hiya-im-mary · 1 year
In Light Of Girly Teengirl
So,We’ve all seen the talk about Girly Teengirl from SpongeBob and how she deserved better,right?? And I agree!! We all love Girly Teengirl,and I hope she’s doing alright in Farawayville right now-!!
But while we’re on the topic of fictional girls who deserve so much better than what they were handed,I wanna give another example to the world-!!
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THIS GIRL!!!!! She has no actual name,but I’m gonna call her Becky. Say hi to Becky,everyone!!
You probably reconise her from the Girlfriend music video…in which was pretty much a whole video dedicated to making her day a living nightmare (Aswell as Avril clips too)
Let’s start from the beginning.
Becky and her…honestly really douchey boyfriend (Let’s call him Aiden) are on their way to have a date at some sort of activity centre!! It’ll be a lovely day for the both of them,right?
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And Jade has decided to go out of her way to ruin Becky’s day and love life. Because she wants her dream emo boyfriend and considers preps as sub-human.
The moment Becky and Jade cross paths,things go downhill immediately. For Becky,anyway.
Let’s review the various acts of meanery Jade has enacted on Becky!
Made her crash during the car racing event (That might’ve been in the rules,but it was so she can test Aiden’s Will to cheat)
Forcefully threw Becky out of the PhotoBooth to snag some photos with Aiden,as well as her lacky friends blocking the entrance for Becky. (Let’s just call them Ray and Shay. Have fun guessing who’s who! )
As Becky and Aiden were reenacting the famed noodle kiss scene from Lady And The Tramp with a churro rather than a spaghetti noodle…Jade rudely interrupts and steals the churro for herself,clearly rubbing it in Becky’s face. There was good money payed for that churro?? Did Jade even eat it afterwards?? That’s a perfectly good churro put to waste :(
During golfing,one of Jade’s lackey friends notice Becky **GASP** Actually enjoying herself??? HOW DARE SHE?? So Jade tries to shoot her Golfball to go Spesifically for the readhead’s,well…head. And it works! It sends Becky tumbling into the water,and they all laugh at her misery! Full out,pointing as they laugh cackling!!
And to finish it off…Jade swoops in. She gets all personal with Aiden…and they kiss. They do the cheating. Much to Becky’s understandable rage! Which unfortunately goes no where as her attempt to tackle Jade doesn’t work.
So,I think you get my point!! Jade is a meanie head. She was aiming to get her grubby hands on Aiden and pull her out of Becky’s hands if it’s the last thing she’ll do-!!
But what’s even worse…Aiden was into it
It’s quite clear in the music video that Aiden is not very good at boyfriending for Becky. If he was,the moment Jade started her antics,he’d pull out the “Woah,chick!! I have a girlfriend who I’m happy with!!” card!! But NOPE
He was definitely enjoying Jade’s advances more than he was than being with Becky. He was clearly gonna go with goofing around in the PhotoBooth with Miss PunkRock rather than have a churro with his BORING prep girlfriend
He wasn’t even attempting to help Becky get out of the water when she fell in!!
And of course…he cheated.
He had not a care in the world for Becky. Who cares about some preppy redhead who gets happy for doing the easiest golf hole ever??
He’s no heartthrob!! He smells like disloyalty and 10 cans of Monster Energy!
It’s Potrayed as all fun and goofy in the music video,but you gotta take it into view!
Realistically,what did Becky even do?? Yeah,you maybe can say her body language and acting Potrayed her as a “mean girl”,but I think she was moreover just increasingly ticked off by Jade and her punk pal’s treatment of her and her boyfriend’s disloyalty!!
So what am I getting at??
I just want to see how many people agree with me!! I’ve been thinking about that music video a lot…I REALLY hated how Becky was treated XD
Well…Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!!
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And Don’t Look Back by Rebecca Barrow
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Thank you @BookClubFavorites #BookClubFavorites for the free book!
Over the weekend I received Don’t Look Back by Rebecca Barrow.
Don’t Look Back follows Harlow who is always on the run with her mother. She is not really sure what they are running from and if it is real but when it comes to running in the middle of the night again, Harlow and her mother get in a car accident. Sadly, Harlow’s mother does not make it and as her mother is passing away, her mother tells Harlow two things: to never stop running and where to find a key to a safety deposit box. In the safety deposit box, Harlow discovers about 30k in cash, life insurance documents, several fake IDs, and an on-the-run essentials kit. But that is not all she finds. She ends up finding a photo of her mom when she was teenager, a deed to a house in a town she has never heard of, and a bunch of newspaper clippings that are about a disappearance of a woman named Eve Kennedy. Eve Kennedy just happens to be Harlow’s grandmother. Harlow has some choices to make: follow the breadcrumbs of her mother’s hidden past or to choose her own future.
Don’t Look Back comes out on October 3rd and is a YA Mystery/Thriller with Horror elements in it. It is marketed for fans of Courtney Summers and Tiffany D. Jackson. It looks like it will have a diverse cast of characters since it is mentioned there is lgtbqia+ representation and we have BIPOC characters.
I have not read this yet but am looking forward to adding this to my October tbr since I want more jarring and with a dark feeling for that month. I have been reading some reviews on Goodreads and some people say this is very shocking and amazing so that makes me really excited to read it soon.
I will update everyone on my reading progress/post a review when I finish reading this.
Have a great Wednesday everyone! Thank goodness we made it to the middle of the week!
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jupiter-shorts · 1 year
Chekhov’s Gun
Penned By Jupiter <3
Word Count : 1,893
In a dimly lit room, surrounded by the ambient noise of the Boston slums, a young blonde stood in front of a large bulletin board, spanning the entire length of the left apartment wall. In the far distance, or perhaps so closely he could feel it, a gun clicked. Living in the city, he’d grown to expect the resulting, eardrum-bursting gunshot, but none came. The holder must have chickened out halfway through. It wouldn’t be anything important to him, the young man decided, best to ignore it.
Putting that thought to the very back of his mind, he continued on with the task at hand.
“No… no, that isn’t right, let’s…”
He mumbled incoherently to himself as he connected long strands of red twine to smaller pins in the board.
A surprisingly dainty hand lifted a newspaper clipping from the floor, then discarded the clipping in hand and chose another from the variety scattered among the worn-out carpet of the room. After deeming this one appropriate, the young man pinned the clipping to the board and tied the end of the red twine around the pin.
He was so close, he could feel it.
For years, Blue had been gathering every piece of media—every newspaper article, every interview, even old photos—all to an immensely gratifying end. Finally, he would find the killers of his parents.
When he was three, his family moved from his home country, France, to America. Three years later, his parents were deemed “accidental and unfortunate casualties” due to a chance encounter with two rival gangs.
They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But then again, wasn't that how all good people died? Someone else caused a fatal car crash, killed in their home after a robbery gone wrong, an accidental walk in the wrong part of the city, good people never died by their own hand.
Which was why Blue knew there was something more to this, he knew there was something more to this than a random encounter and he was going to find out what.
His running theory was that it was the opposite of a chance encounter: a purposeful murder. He’d been calling this alleged murderer “Orange.” Seemed fitting, didn’t it? Blue and Orange were opposites, after all.
He pinned a few more clippings to his board before he stood back to take a good look at all of them.
He almost cracked a smile at the mess of scrap papers pinned on the wall in front of him.
For the first time, he actually had a break in his self-imposed detective mystery.
Yes, he knew where the monster who killed his parents would be tonight.
Usually, Blue hated the rain and took any precautions needed to avoid it, but tonight he couldn't bring himself to care any less, at least it wasn’t too dark out yet. Rain in the dusk of a productive day was better than rain in the midnight of a bad one. He sprinted to the building he usually met his… acquaintances at, an hidden, rundown bar in the back alleys of the city. He knew the path like the back of his hand.
The two men, June and Moon, whipped around upon hearing the door to their proclaimed meeting spot burst open. Then, they visibly relaxed upon realizing, oh. No intruder. Just Blue.
“What’s gotten you so excited?” June piped up. June, ever the annoying type. He could hold a conversation with himself and only himself.
Moon gave a grunt in greeting. Moon was much more tolerable. He only spoke when he had something to say, a fact Blue was ever grateful for.
As Blue sat down on one of the barstools, the bartender handed him a towel to dry off with. With the amount of times the three of them had been there together, she knew by now his hatred for being in the rain.
In the dimly lit safe haven of the bar, Blue felt it was alright to confess his findings to the only things that would ever be allowed to hear: June (begrudgingly), Moon, and the dozens of unoccupied tables and chairs housed in the building.
“I’ve made a huge break in the case.”
Moon made no effort to show he heard Blue’s comment, though the younger man was aware that he did. June, however, reacted differently.
“In the case of your parents’ deaths? Tell us, what did you find? Anything interesting or entertaining?” He always had been the nosey type, an aspect Blue absolutely hated about him.
Blue sighed, a long, drawn out sigh, “do I really have to?”
The moment June opened his mouth to reply, Moon jabbed his elbow into his ribs, earning only a pained wheeze from the annoying man.
“Not if you wish to keep the information to yourself,” Moon replied in the same sort of low grumble he always replied in. Moon never was an animated man.
Blue nodded, then abruptly stood from his chair, “cool. Now I have to go.” He tossed the towel back to the bartender and began to make his leave.
“What?” June sputtered, still regaining his composure after being brutally assaulted, “you’ve just gotten here! Where are you off to?”
But Blue just rolled his eyes and stepped back out into the rainy night. Those two were as close to friends as he could find himself, but man were they annoying! Moon, less so, but June? Blue shook his head, he’d ditch them if he could, but he’d go nuts if he was all alone in this cold world.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he was vaguely aware of someone tailing him. He whipped around with his fists curled in a fighting stance when he recognized the older man.
“How many times have I told you to quit doing that, Moon?” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in the disappointed dad sort of way. “One of these times, I’m going to end up punching you!”
Moon did not respond. He took large steps until he was shoulder-to-shoulder with Blue. Then he continued walking. “You’ve found them.”
The murderer, Blue knew that was what he meant by “them”. Orange. The young man sighed, he couldn’t be surprised Moon found him out, he was talking to a former assassin here. “Yes,” he relented, walking alongside the tall man now, “I know where they’ll be tonight.”
“A next victim?”
“I think so,” he shook his head, an unsure gesture, “but I could be wrong. This could all be for nothing.”
The auburn-haired man placed a hand on Blue’s shoulder, then locked eyes with him. Tired hazel eyes to fiery, vengeful green ones. “You’ll find them.” And with that, Moon retracted his hand and walked off, disappearing into a trash-filled alleyway.
He always was the silent-but-surprisingly-wise type.
Blue curled his fists, staring down at his scarred hands.
I can do this. I will find them.
Without any other detours, he headed for the place he knew he would meet Orange: an old, abandoned warehouse by the docks. It was a secluded area, all of the ships were brought onto land for the winter months, there would be no one there to stop Blue.
He was going to avenge his parents tonight.
When he arrived, the surrounding area was barren and, much to Blue’s disliking, devoid of any signs that Orange had made his arrival. “I’m just going to have to wait it out,” Blue sighed to himself, leaning against one of the walls of the building. He was surprised the building hadn’t collapsed in on itself yet, the walls were barely more than plaster now, washed away by years of gang violence and drama.
A rat scurried along the wall opposite him, squeaking and scuttling without a care in the world. Enjoy it, little rat, Blue thought, it’s not so nice when you get your head out of the nice, fluffy clouds.
Suddenly, a figure crept up behind him.
Blue’s reaction time was much slower than this person’s, causing him to tumble to the ground when attacked from behind. “Hey! Who are you?!” The blonde shouted, bouncing back to his feet as quickly as physically possible.
His attacker stopped, his silhouette frozen in the fading glimpses of sunlight.
It was as if a match was struck inside of him. A fire was ignited.
Blue jumped onto the other man, tackling him to the floor of the grimy building. “You did it! You killed them, didn’t you?” He shouted, a certain hysteria in his voice that he always tried to hide. His fist connected with June’s jaw. Once. Then twice.
“Stop! Just let me explain!”
“You don’t deserve an explanation! Did you or didn’t you? Answer or I’ll kill you right here!”
June’s blue eyes darkened, his dark hair matted to his face.
“I did.”
Blue’s world was turned upside down in that instance. June grabbed him by his feet and threw him to the ground, digging the heel of his foot into the blonde’s chest for added impact. “I killed them! But it was for good reason! You don’t know what kind of people they were! What kinds of things they—”
“Save it!” Blue wheezed, flailing to regain purchase and get back to his feet, “I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses!”
Blue eyes locked with his, “then you leave me no choice. It was nice knowing you, Blue.” As an afterthought, he added, “I regret having to do this, but now you know too much. Only a fool would ever let someone like you live.”
June tossed Blue over his shoulder (he was much too strong for Blue to fight. Why on earth did he think it was a good idea to befriend two assassins?), then walked over to the docks. It was quite a drop, surely no ordinary human could survive that sort of damage.
“June.” Blue grit, clenching his teeth to hide not only his anger, but the utter betrayal he felt. “Don’t. This won’t end well for you.”
A gun clicked. Living in the city, he’d grown to expect the resulting, eardrum-bursting gunshot. But this time, it startled him. Pain bloomed in his chest. His shirt stuck to a spot on his chest, as if someone had glued it there without him knowing. Clutching the painful spot, just above his heart, he grit his teeth. It couldn’t have been real, he was imagining it. June never would have…
But that was when he felt June’s hold loosen. In the teary corners of his eyes, he swore he caught the silvery glint of the barrel of a gun in his former acquaintence’s hand. That was when he felt himself begin to freefall. He wasn’t a religious man by any means, but he almost swore he heard himself whisper an old prayer. People do strange things when they’re destined to their fate, don’t they? A small voice in the back of his mind wondered if his parents had felt the same. Another small voice deemed it ironic that, despite his time and effort, he met the exact same fate as his parents. Would they think it was a funny end to a story of vengeance?
He was sure he could ask them soon.
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