#clothing buttons manufacturer
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Best Button manufacturers in Delhi
The buttons wholesale market, offering an extensive range of buttons to cater to various requirements. They have a variety of buttons, from traditional styles to contemporary decorations, to fit different kinds of clothes and personal style preferences.
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littlest-rhythms · 8 months
me scrolling thru any online clothes store: this garment is made for people with no boobs. this garment is made for people with no ass. this garment is made for people with no thighs. this garment is made for people with no waist. this garment is made for people with no boobs. this garment is made for people with no calves. this garment is made for people with no waist. this garment is made for people with no boobs. this garment is made for people with no boobs. this garment is made for people with no boobs. this garment is ma
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desolationlesbian · 1 year
The butch lesbian/trans man "funky printed button down" stereotype is true but you must understand that the men's section of so many clothing stores is a bleak and miserable place. Clothing manufacturers are simply convinced that no one who wears men's clothes wants anything besides the most boring outfits possible. Often stripes are the most exciting it gets. If you want to wear clothing designed for men but happen to like "color" and "joy" in your life then often the funky printed button down or the hawaiian shirt are simply your only options, especially off the clearance rack.
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veryinnovative · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic | january 1, prompt: decent | word count: 1.366 featuring bodyguard regulus black and multi-billionaire heir james potter
“I am not here to be your friend, Mr. Potter.”
There's a crease marring Regulus' forehead, hidden just behind the curl of his sable strands, sculpted brows knitted into a censorious frown. It indicates his internal turmoil well enough, showing just how hard he's struggling to gauge the extent of reprimand he can justifiably express, given his position as the head of James Potter's security team, which still remained a subordinate one at that.
There’s the cocky cant of James’ head as he tries and ward off the smile threatening to quirk at his mouth’s corners. It had taken a decent amount of brainstorming, planning, and persuading to get Regulus to comply—have him begrudgingly acquiesce to the idea of accompanying James inside the club as a more hands-on approach to extending security, even though the former’s constant presence was painstakingly redundant in a heavily monitored club as Godric. But James had pushed his luck even then, insisting Regulus keep wearing his body and thigh holsters, convincing him the ‘streetwear chic’ would be greatly appreciated by the club’s dressing code and grant them easy entrance (as if any club would deny James Potter out of all people, a multi-billionaire heir and continent-renowned philanthropist.). 
The straps of the harness glitter underneath the fluorescent strobes of vibrant purple, though nothing as piercingly brilliant as the dangerous glint catching the edges of Regulus’ withering glare. 
Ah, fuck.
James traces the sugar-coated rim of his glass, biting down on his tongue, only loosened further by the nth cocktail he’s consumed as he speaks with a beguiling drawl, “But I don’t want you to be my friend, Regulus.” 
Life is unfair. Let alone that he lives in a penthouse situated on London’s South Bank overlooking the River Thames or that he can afford designer wear not recognizable by most seeing how James Potter wears quiet luxury clothing brands like Gran Sasso and their perfectly manufactured cashmere sweaters or his current thousand-and-three-hundred quid shirt by Bottega Veneta that’s missing a button at the front with how much he’s been puffing his chest in attempts to draw the attention of his unfairly hot bodyguard.
 Because Regulus Black is just it. Black hair meticulously combed so smoothly, inky-black ringlets curling around his face—complexion milk-white and skin undoubtedly just as soft to touch if James was given the chance. Lithe but possessing swift reflexes and at least seven black belts in seven different martial arts that don’t mandate physical strength. Just three days ago, James had seen him throw a man almost three times his size over his shoulder with effortless ease, and how badly James had wished it had been him being tossed around.
The past months have been torturous, especially when Regulus wore his white button-up, that specific white button-up that stretched around his torso, accentuated his small waist, made only smaller when the straps of his harness clung to his chest. And his legs, those fucking long legs, clad in black dressing pants that made the swell of his ass all the more prominent, like a peach. James wanted to fucking squeeze it and devour the pulp left behind, slurp it like an animal that needed to be caged.
Whether it’s the words or the uncurbed lust he’s exuding, Regulus’ features rearrange into something far more complicated. He sucks on his teeth, squints his eyes, and then casts his gaze back into the crowd—the moving masses of bodies lost to the thrum of music.
“No,” he answers from behind the curve of his drink.
James smiles. He’s got him.
“No?” he asks, scooting closer, shit-eating grin only growing wider when Regulus makes no move to increase the distance between them.
“It’s highly unprofessional and breaks every code of conduct I strictly maintain. Not to mention, you’re my employer and—”
“And you want me.” Because he hasn't missed the glances exchanged between them and will be damned if he doesn't do anything about it.
Regulus coughs, sending drops of whisky flying across because Regulus Black is the type of man to drink something so old-school in a club. “What?” he sputters
James shrugs, an act that makes the fabric around his shoulders stretch thin, and does not miss how Regulus’ gaze briefly flits to the sliver of cleavage showing behind the missing button. “Right now you’re just listing reasons that, on contract, prevent any sort of intimacy between us, but if there weren’t any there, you would want this.”
“You’re being highly presumptuous,” Regulus scoffs.
“No, I’m good at reading people.”
“I am paid to guard you,” Regulus deflects.
This, he saw coming.
“Oh, it’s a money thing then?” James asks, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his wallet. He flips it open and thumbs through the wad of bills stashed in the compartment. “That’s fine, I can pay.”
This, however, also doesn’t have its desired effect. Regulus makes a face, downright spiteful this time, and does inch away from him, glass slamming onto the counter so hard James fears it might shatter. “What— So now you treat me like a prostitute?”
“What?” James asks, brows furrowed in confusion. He looks at Regulus, his wallet, back at Regulus and— 
James Potter, an Oxford graduate, top-of-his-class, can also be a massive idiot.
“Oh— Oh, no— Shit, I didn’t mean— No!” He’s fumbling for words and his wallet, almost dropping it in the act of trying to put it away, nearly releasing it when he misses tucking it back in his pocket. “I just thought— Fuck, no, I’m sorry,” Regulus doesn’t look any more convinced and now James is very much panicking, thank you. “I— You know what, fuck it. Hi, I’m James Potter.”
Regulus looks like he’s having a stroke.
But James is insistent, waving his hand like the gesture will dismiss the awkward, terribly embarrassing interaction from just seconds prior. “Can I get you a drink?”
Regulus blinks at him, then his extended hand, and drags a palm down his face, pinching his nose bridge and breathing in deep.
But James is nothing if nothing stubborn. “Must’ve had a long day, huh? Need an ear?”
“I got a boss that’s stupid as fucking rocks,” Regulus mutters, and oh, James swoons. No one ever dared call him stupid or insult him in this manner, and he might just discover something about himself tonight.
“Yeah, what else?”
Regulus down the remnants of his whisky before raising his glass. “I need a refill for that”
The refill comes quick and this time, James doesn’t feel too scared about bridging the gap between them bit by bit. “So this boss of yours…” he starts, because he’s already a little tipsy and on a streak of dauntless moves. “Is he hot?”
Regulus rolls his eyes. “He’s okay.”
“Oka—” James starts, bridling, before he catches a sight of the subtlest of smirks. Then, excitement, coiling down his spine like a lick of flame kindled further by the challenging gaze Regulus looks at him with. “I think you’re selling him short.”
“He’s arrogant, I don’t think I could bear him with an ego that’s any more inflated.”
“Oh, but you wound him. He’s been trying very hard to be noticed these past couple of months. Even started waking up early to catch glimpses of a certain someone that moved in with him for work purposes.”
Regulus makes a face that reads like ‘Is that the fucking reason why you have been putting your alarm on 4:30 a.m. in a pathetic effort to catch a glimpse of me preparing for the day and trying to be an unnoticeable presence in your life because that’s expected of me as head of security?’ and James smiles like he’s trying to say ‘Yeah, I did. Seeing you drink coffee, freshly showered, is worth it even if I struggle to stay awake during meetings in the afternoon.’
Regulus quirks an eyebrow. “Why is he trying to be noticed by me?”
James links a leg around Regulus’ bar stool and yanks it closer, relishing in the little gasp that leaves his lips as a result. Their legs bump, James’ knee sliding inside Regulus’ thigh, coming to a rest against it.
“Why spoil the fun by talking? I could just show you instead.”
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mayakern · 1 year
I second the person who was talking about polyester being the sticking point for the shirts--I've been following for ages because I love your design sense and color choices, but I don't wear skirts much and between overheating issues & personal sustainability goals I've stopped buying synthetic fabrics. I LOVE the designs and several of them are in color combos I'd love to have in my button-up wardrobe, but alas I know I will not wear a polyester shirt. I'm mentally comparing them to Morningwitch, who does similar graphic cotton short sleeve button-ups for $50 each, and I'd be willing to potentially pay more than that for something as striking as the desert sunset button-up in 100% cotton (idk how scales/suppliers compare), but it would *probably* just be one if the price went any higher. Anyways, I'm wishing you good luck! Sucks about the numbers. They are really stunning designs.
i adore polina's work! i have a couple of her old button ups, which use the same fabric mine have now, but i haven't bought any of her cotton ones so i'm not sure if they're a texture i could wear or not.
(i have unfortunately had bad luck with other small artist natural fiber button ups and found them too rough for my textural sensitivities, so between that and me already owning enough clothing, i haven't bought any more in quite a while)
it's also important to note that polina spent an entire year (maybe longer) and a not insignificant amount of money searching for a natural fiber option for her shirts and that because shirts are her staple item (like skirts are mine), she sells significantly more of them than i do (even before making the switch to cotton), which enables her to drive down her PPU (price per unit) slightly and also charge less for them.
also, when the issue of sustainability comes up, it's not as simple as natural fiber vs. synthetic fiber. everything from the high cost in water for growing cotton, to the fuel cost for transporting it, and then its shorter lifespan (which is part of the point, i know, that natural fiber degrades faster, but it also means longterm you are buying more garments), as well as ethical concerns about labor rights...
in my experience when it comes to being a small brand functioning at my size or smaller, you can typically pick one of the following (if even that): natural fiber, ethical labor, or affordable price point. i have personally chosen to prioritize ethical labor over everything else while doing my best to keep my price points as reasonable as possible without undercutting myself. payroll and office space are expensive. 😅
of course, if you sell a higher volume, you can not only negotiate a lower PPU based on volume of sales (a factory will make more money from your business if you buy 10,000 shirts for $10/piece than if you buy 1,000 shirts for $12/piece*) but you can also get away with a lower margin because you're expecting to sell more units to customers. imagine selling 10,000 shirts for $25/ea instead of 1,000 for $35/ea. even with a profit margin of $15/ea instead of $23/ea, you would only need to sell about 1,534 shirts of your 10,000 to make the same net profit and you'd have almost another 8500 shirts you could keep selling.
*these are not real numbers just an example for easy math and to show how stupid manufacturing math is
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milfswriter · 1 year
Can you do CEO! rhea ripley x FEM! reader and rhea is in a meeting in her office, and reader is sitting on the couch or smth and decides to tease rhea by taking her clothes off infront of her
Word prompt : “ don’t make me punish you“
If you can do it thank you, if you can’t I understand <333
Sorry guys for the slow posts LOL. I’m having motivation withdrawal if that’s even a thing.
CEO!Rhea Ripley x reader Summary: you're bored in Rhea's office, you take matters into your own hand.
Notes and warnings: smut, teasing, spanking, fingering, edging, mentions of alcohol?, lmk if there's anything else.
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It was boring. Rhea told you she'd be done in an hour but now it's been two and a half and she showed no sign of finishing up anytime soon. She kept you busy with many milkshakes and appetizers she told her assistant to bring you whenever she saw your patience wavering.
Her eyebrows furrowed as she listened to what the guy in the Zoom meeting was rambling about, clearly not agreeing with whatever point he was trying to make. You took this as a chance to gain her attention.
"Well, Mr Thorne, I thi-" she was cut off by the sight in front of her. Your jacket off, your button-up shirt halfway unbuttoned as you approached her desk with your hands in your pockets. She gulped in surprise, blinking before turning back to her webcam.
"I think the number of sales should be raised by 40% by next year or I will stop the manufacturing of these motherboards. No matter how stable the sales are, I want higher" she could see you with the side of her eye, pacing back and forth in front of her, your sleeves raised to your elbow as you waited for the right moment to strike.
Other people started talking, you saw her press the mute button before leaning back against her chair, joining her hands on her lap as she crossed her legs. "Sit back on that couch. Don't make me punish you" she kept her professional face on, considering the webcam was still on.
You let out a whine, "you're taking too long. Didn't know Miss Ripley's so bad at keeping promises" her face hardened even more at the name, her eyes narrowing.
"I did not promise you anything, I gave you an estimate" her tone was still hard, whatever meeting that was was definitely stressing her out.
"An underestimate for sure. I am not one of your employees" you reminded, "turn that camera off, I wanna come closer"
She reached for the mouse and gave it a little click, moving her chair back to give you space.
You smirked, loving the hold you had on the powerful CEO. You walked to her ever so slowly, rounding the desk, and were going to straddle her before she turned you and bent you over the desk before you can comprehend what was happening.
"you think you can tell me what to do, hm? you want me to turn the camera back on..want them to see Miss Ripley's pet get punished?"
You let out a groan, disappointed that your previous teasing wasn't entirely working according to plan. she pulled you up against her front, her hands continuing your work of unbuttoning your shirt before groping your breasts through your black lace bra.
"Answer me, slut" she ordered, hand snaking around your throat as you nodded. "yes..yes ma'am" you whispered, turning your head to make eye contact with the taller woman who gave you a softer look than you expected in return.
"Miss Ripley? you with us?" she rolled her eyes at the voice, placing a hand on your back to keep you there while the other reached for the mouse again to unmute herself.
"M’right here.. go on, Thorne" she muted herself once more, reached under you to unbutton your pants and pulled them down your legs.
“Mhm..you’re gonna keep quiet, and take your punishment"
A yelp echoed through the office as her palm connected with your ass, rubbing it after to soothe you. You tried moving away from her when she struck again but she kept you in place with one hand. Her strength often turned you on, but it was definitely a disadvantage to you this time.
“Oh no, baby. Told you you’re gonna get punished, but you had to act like a little whore instead of waiting for me to finish" she nipped at the shell of your ear.
"you gave me no choice, though!"
"shut up, y/n/n" she let out a chuckle, "now..you're gonna count for me" before you could even think of protesting, she struck again.
"fuck, one.." she kept going, barely giving you any time to breathe. "god! nine.."
"that's it, one more..I'm going easy on you 'cause this meeting is the last thing I wanna do on this earth"
She rubbed your now-dark red cheeks, her middle finger sneaking between them to collect your slick, a groan leaving her mouth at your wetness.
"Oh, would you look at that..you got this wet from being punished?" she mocked you with a pout, turning your head by your hair to face her.
"Look at me while I fuck you" you let out a gasp as you felt two digits enter you ever so slowly, the voices of Rhea's unfazed employees playing in the background along with the sounds of your slick as your girlfriend fucked you into her desk.
"oh..g..god" you grinded against her fingers, her free hand coming to fist your hair, pulling it back to see you properly as she whispered filth into your ear.
She lifted one of your legs to reach even deeper inside you, your scream telling her it was a good decision. "That's it, good girl. Take your punishment" a hearty laugh escaped her throat at the sight of you, begging at her mercy.
She knew you were close. Your thighs clenching impossibly tight around her fingers they began to cramp, breath heavy, and your back arched as a bow.
As you began to shake and writhe under her, she removed her fingers and herself from you completely. "no, FUCK!" you whined loudly, your face contorting in the mixture of pleasure and pain.
There was no sound behind you, you tried to turn your head to look for Rhea but failed miserably due to the exhaustion and cramping you felt from being bent over the desk for over twenty minutes.
"R...Rhea?" you called, your voice hoarse.
"here, bunny" she was suddenly in front of the desk, crossing her arms in victory as she saw your state. "Come, we'll go home. And maybe you'll get your reward"
She saw your failed attempt to get up and walked back over to you, holding you into her as she pulled your pants back up, buttoning them and pulling the zipper up. She let you sit in her chair, something she doesn't often do.
Rhea got you a glass of water from the shelf where she keeps her whiskey and other alcoholics she chugs whenever work gets on her nerves.
"You're cruel" you mumbled, chugging the whole glass. She shook her head with a laugh, leaning down to kiss your lips. You pulled her into you by her blazer, jerking when her knee purposely accidentally pressed against your sensitive dissatisfied core.
Yep. You weren't getting out of there anytime soon.
@obsessedwithwwewomen @ara-a-bird @jungwoospeach @yourmisosoup @cameronsdruthers @dementedtrashcat @children-scareme
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boltvolta · 5 months
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A (non)comprehensive evolution of the US Army field jacket, from 1945-2007. These are all original specimens, with or without optional items, and thus is incomplete before 1945, because using reproductions is never 1:1 and is cheating. (Unless its SMWholesale.)
1943-1953: M1943 Field Jacket, Civil Defense.
Pictured here is a Civil Defense variant, which outlived its military counterpart in service life. (This one is here because I haven't gotten around to focusing my autism on collecting them yet.)
1950-1953: M1950 Field Jacket.
An update to the M1943 with interior buttons for liners, a swing-out arm gusset and other improvements, mostly for making it more presentable for dress uniform. The M1950 makes its debut in Korea, is found wanting for actual combat, and within a year is superseded.
1951-1970s: Early M1951 Field Jacket.
A more field use oriented jacket, the M1951 introduces a zipper and snaps to the field jacket, while still retaining button in liners. The M51 survives Korea and enters Vietnam. Later production M51s can be discerned by white labels and green buttons, whereas early M51s have an ink stamp and brown, WW2 production buttons.
1965-1990's Early/Vietnam Era and Post-War OD M1965 Field Jackets.
The M65 iterates further on the field jacket, while adding additional features and simplifying manufacturing. most notably a stowable built-in wind hood and velcro wrist cuffs with stowed flaps to extend over gloves. The early Vietnam era M65s are distinguished by having 2 white cotton inkstamped labels, one on the neck, and one behind the right lower pocket, alongside aluminium zippers like the M51. Post-1973 M65s have brass zippers and either still retain the 2 labels, or have a single, larger label at the neck. (The Vietnam Era one here was acquired in Vietnam and was used in the war, and was repaired numerous times by many people until it found its way to me.)
1981-2008: Early and Late Woodland pattern M1965 Field Jackets.
The only significant difference on the early woodland M65 from its predecessors is its change to camouflage, entering service with the BDU in 1981, but served alongside the OD M65 all throughout the 80s and 90's, never fully replacing it. Early and Late Woodland M65s can be differentiated by a change from brass Talon zippers to green coated YKK zippers, and from white letterpressed or inkstamped labels to green letterpresses labels. (There is also the change of using woodland fabric to OD fabric in the hip pockets but that varies by manufacturer.)
1989-2008: 3 Color Desert M1965 Field Jacket.
A contract of 3CD M65s were made in 1989 for potential actions in desert areas around the globe, made to the same cut as the Late Woodland M65s with tan coated YKK zippers. Few made it in time to be issued in Desert Storm, among with the DCU, but saw more extensive issue in the rest of the 90s, and in Desert Shield, Iraq and Afghanistan. Another batch was made in Contract Year 2003, and changed the cut to the final iteration of the M65, without shoulder or nametape velcro. (I am too lazy to photograph this one right now.)
2004-2008: Universal Camouflage Pattern M65.
The last breath of the M65 in service to the US. By the time it was issued it was no longer competitive with other cold weather clothing systems, and many commands did not authorize them for dress uniform. Other parts of the M65 system were made in UCP, but befell the same fate. Velcro for shoulder patches and nametapes were added, and liners in the same color were even made for them. Only a single contact year was ever ordered, and by 2008 the M65 was phased out of service. Maybe, someone high up might get nostalgic, and order new ones to be made in the current camouflage for dress uniform, but if ever that happens, the story ends here.
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dollsahoy · 2 months
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When I sew button-up shirts, I like to press as many edges as possible before I start sewing any pieces together. It's easier for me to work this way, because it means I don't have to wrangle an ever-growing project around on the ironing board and sleeve board.
These are all the hems--front, back, and short sleeves--pressed before assembly. (I did sew darts first.)
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I use a Dritz Ezy Hem (link to manufacturer's website, I am not compensated--I've had my Ezy Hem since before the very idea of people being compensated by companies in exchange for mentioning their products online) to press up the edges 5/8", then I fold the raw edges to the inside and press again.
When it's time to sew the seams that bring these pressed edges together, I unroll the pressed part and sew all the way to the raw edges
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Then I trim away some of the seam allowance corner, using the pressed lines to know how high to cut. The purpose of trimming the corner is to reduce bulk in the folded hem.
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Then I...well, then I serge the seam allowance, but I know not everyone does that, for various reasons. Then I fold the seam allowance toward the back and roll the pressed area back up. It doesn't always align perfectly, but it's close enough to flatten with my fingers. (If you're not serging, or are finishing the seams separately, they would be opened up before rolling.)
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Now it's ready to be stitched immediately, no need to get up and go press things.
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I stitch from the inside, so I know I'm actually sewing through the pressed edges--I understand this means that the stitching may not be perfectly evenly spaced from the edge on the outside, but it's close enough, and no-one's going to be scrutinizing my clothes to notice. They better not be.
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I also press the front bands and one side of the collar band before assembly
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I attach them, when it's time, to the shirt on the inside. Then I flip them around to the outside, encasing the seam allowances, and carefully edge stitching the pressed edge down. It's not the "hand-stitch on the inside so there is no visible stitching on the outside" approach the patterns generally want. But. I've sewn nine of this particular shirt, plus six of another button-up shirt pattern, since last summer, so it works for me.
I remember a time in the past when I was baffled by how to sew a button up shirt with front bands and two-part collars. Figuring out how to approach things in a way that makes sense to my brain--regardless of what the pattern says--helped a lot. (As did getting a vintage buttonholer attachment, but that's a different ramble.)
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plumbob-pudding · 8 months
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The 1960s, particularly towards the end of the decade, were all about funky colours and patterns. Stripes, plaids and contrasting colours were common in infant clothing.
Plaids remained in fashion through to the 1970s, though the neon like colours of the 60s started to fall out of favour, being replaced by browns, oranges and greens. Knit and crochet handmade pieces also grew in popularity as a counterculture response to the mass manufacturing of synthetic clothing.
As a result of this mass manufacturing, the popularity of clothing embroidered with characters from children's media such as "Sesame Street" grew and continued to grow through to the 1980s. During the 1980s, perhaps due to the rise of athleisure, infant clothing also became much more casual with t-shirts and polos instead of button down shirts for instance.
The 1990s continued many trends from previous decades. Clothing was casual and colourful; onesies, vests, baby grows all were more commonplace. Denim also became increasingly popular, reflecting adult styles. This stayed very similar during the 2000s, along with newer trends like logomania, miniskirts, flares etc.
By the 2010s, "casual" had been replaced with "business casual" and even babies weren't spared. Collared shirts , trousers or knee length shorts was common for baby boys and for baby girls, dresses with leggings as well as leggings and a top were in fashion. Helmet therapy to reduce head flattening also became more common.
The 2020s began with a global pandemic leading to the rise in a preference for handmade and natural clothing as well as beige-mania. Infants are usually dressed comfortably in stretchy and simple two piece matching sets or onesies. Clothing itself is normally gender neutral, though "pink for girls;blue for boys" still remains common place and hair bows for baby girls remain popular.
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cantsayidont · 1 month
The protagonist of William Gibson's 2003 novel PATTERN RECOGNITION, Cayce Pollard, is a "cool hunter" who makes her living as a brand consultant, telling companies whether their new brands or brand-building campaigns will be a hit or not. She's able to do this by essentially monetizing her own chronic illness: Cayce has a severe, potentially debilitating allergy to brand imagery, so severe that to avoid constantly getting sick, she can only wear a limited range of anonymous gray, white, or black clothing items (known as "CPUs," for "Cayce Pollard Units") from which all brand identification has been scrupulously removed; she has to pay someone to carefully sand the manufacturer logos off of the buttons of her jeans before she can wear them without nausea.
The more time passes, the more relatable this becomes.
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tsuyonpuu · 1 year
Hellooo today i have another Plushie update!!
Unfortunately some of the changes i requested kind of turned awkward with some of the other changes that were made !! It's however not bad just everything needs a but more adjusting 🤲
I'm gonna go over the designs again in this post and go into detail on what things will need improvement or how im hoping to fix things now! 🍃 So if you are interested in updates and progress I'm always happy to hear from you!!
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So first of all I think these didn't turn out bad at all! I mainly just think that in the progress of changing things some parts don't work with the others.
First off on Frodo we can see that the clothing that is now layered and no more printed onto the body already makes it look a lot better! However the change resulted in his overall body shape changed from the original more round squishy body, which i definitely want to bring back again!!
Also in an attempt to fix his hair along the facial features, it now looks like Frodo got his bangs freshly cut and in general now looks super short in comparison to the original design haha
There is also something going on with hands being way too big that i want to fix aswelll!
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I'm hoping to get a little more embroidered detail on the jacket like the buttons!
Now for Sam the designs didn't change as much as Frodos, however i have two main problems with Sam right now, first the way that his face is looking a little squished as it moved to close to the 'chin line'
Second the way the bag , in combination with the new clothing makes his body look a little more wonky than before. However with changing the body back to the more rounded shape (and also getting rid of the weird hands haha) i think this problem should be solved fairly easily!
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So in general i would say, the improvement is definitely there but as mentioned before its now just different bits and pieces that need to be put together in a way they all work together!!
I still think they are really cute and I hope you enjoyed this little insight on the production of the plushies!! I'm so excited to have them visualized 🥹🥹
(all photos and videos taken by the manufacturer i don't actually have the plushies yet haha )
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is-on-its-way · 3 months
Epiphany No 12 - 1 - Before
Episode: s06e08 The Rain King
Part 1, Part 2
And then a switch flicked, and she saw something more than she did the night before.
(Motel. SCULLY's room #10. MULDER is lying on SCULLY's bed going through the file. SCULLY enters and sits in the chair.) SCULLY : Next flight out is 10:00 tomorrow morning. MULDER : Look at this, Scully (holds up newspaper) September 20, 1991, it rained rose petals for nearly an hour. SCULLY : (exasperated) Mulder, we're going home. The rain stopped this afternoon. Daryl Mootz is being sued by about 50 people. There's no case... And you told Sheila yourself that she wasn't controlling the weather. MULDER : She's not. Neither is Daryl. Check this out-- on the same day that it rained rose petals. "Irene Hardt, beloved wife and devoted mother passed away yesterday afternoon... She's survived by one son, Holman Hardt." SCULLY : Oh, so, now you're saying that Holman Hardt... MULDER : Holman Hardt is manufacturing the weather. Did you see how relieved he was when he learned that Daryl was drunk? I've been doing some checking. Holman Hardt has been hospitalized five times with nervous exhaustion, each time coinciding with a major meteorological event. SCULLY : Mulder, it is still a huge leap to say that he's manufacturing the weather. MULDER : Most people will admit that the weather plays a significant role in the way they feel, right? There's even that disorder. SCULLY : "SAD"-seasonal affective disorder. MULDER : Mm-hmm, yeah. Well, who's to say that it doesn't work the other way around-- that the way someone feels can affect the weather... that the weather is somehow an expression of Holman Hardt's feelings or-or-or better still, the feelings that he's not expressing? (SCULLY gives him "A Look.”)
“Mulder” she started, tucking her chin in that way she did when she was feeling slightly guilty for naysaying his theories. He smiled in spite of what he knew was coming next.
“You’re going to have to give me some evidence besides random chance in an old newspaper. There are plenty of better explanations for raining rose petals besides a bereved son causing it to happen. Correlation doesn’t equal causation here. And a very real psychological disorder is different than suggesting it works the other way around.”
“I love it when you speak statistics to me Scully.” Mulder said in a suggestive voice.
She gave him one of her more magnificent eyerolls and pursed her lips to which Mulder grinned. “Alight." she got up "Im taking a shower and going to bed.”
“Bed? Mulder said “its only 9:30” She took off her jacket and threw it on a chair.
“Ive been up since that cow fell through the roof Mulder, Im tired. And I want to catch our flight out in the morning before any other tornados rip the walls off this place.” She was digging through her suitcase and got out navy blue silk pyjamas with white piping around the edges.
“Alright” he sighed, “I’m going to go talk to Holman in the morning though.”
Scully gave him a look, he raised his hands up.
“I’ll get back in time for the flight Scully, don’t worry.”
She raised her eyebrows and shook her head. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Mulder heard the shower turn on. He used this time to undress. He changed into his flannel pyjama bottoms and although he hadn't been wearing a shirt to bed lately, he threw on the only t-shirt he’d brought with him for going on runs. Thankfully he hadn’t had time to go for one yet with the ruckus this morning. 
He was in bed reading more old newspapers looking for any other evidence when she came out, towel wrapped around her head. Her silk pyjamas covered her body but as she walked he could see the shape of her against the rippling fabric, down to the shadows of her nipples showing through the pockets on the button down shirt. She bent over at the foot of the bed and put her clothing from that day into a bag in her suitcase. He could see down the unbuttoned top button to the curve of her breasts, he looked away at this. They’d both seen each other naked of course but only when the situation was dire. It was never offered and he didn’t care to leer when she didn’t know. 
He got up to use the bathroom and brush his teeth. He’d  already showered that morning after the cow incident. When he returned she was tucked into bed, she hadn’t moved his papers and books she’d just climbed in beside them.
“Sorry Scully” He said moving to clear the piles off the bed and placing them on the floor. 
She opened one eye and said “It’s okay, you can read I can fall asleep anywhere.”
“I know” he smiled at her as she closed her eye. “Do you want me to sleep head to foot?” He offered
She furrowed her brow and opened both eyes “We’ve shared a forest floor before, I think a bed will be fine.”
Mulder smiled fondly remembering that adventure. “Okay” he said
“Besides I don’t want my face to be that well acquainted with your feet.”
Mulder looked mock wounded, “I have beautiful feet Scully.”
She closed her eyes smiling.
He got under the covers and continued to read for a while before feeling sleep nudging him. He put the paper he had down and turned his side table light off. He rolled onto his side facing Scully. The parking lot lamps shown through the blinds making shadows on the wall and across the bed onto her face.
Scully scratched her nose and sighed deeply. He must have woken her when he’d shifted. He poked her side under the covers “Hey Scully” He whispered.
“What Mulder” she mumbled. 
He nudged her again
She hit at his arm in answer under the covers and said “Stop it” in a tired slightly annoyed voice
“Hey Scully, wanna play 20 questions?” He whispered.
“No Mulder, I want to go to sleep” 
“But you’re up now. Hey, have you ever wanted to be famous?”
Scully turned her head and looked at him brow furrowed.
He smiled at this
“Thats not how you play twenty questions.”
He shrugged trying to look cute. He could see her resolve melting away and was pleased with himself.
“No absolutely not. Have you?” She eyed him wondering.
“I don’t think so, no. Well I wanted to be a super hero when I was younger, but I had a whole cover planned out so I could live in anonymity”
“Like batman?” She said as she turned to her side too, to face him.
“Interesting you’d choose batman over the very obvious Clark Kent.”
“Is it?” She shrugged “I liked batgirl when I was little”
“I knew you were a nerd deep down, maybe you should work with the lone gunmen instead of the FBI”
She pushed his shoulder away “Shut up Mulder”
He smiled and asked another “Do you ever wonder what it would be like to wander through the library of Alexandria?”
She looked at him “As a matter of fact I have but how could you know that?”
“Shouldn’t everyone?”
“I don’t think everyone does”
“Which historical figure would you to invite to dinner.”
“Joan of Arc” she said without having to think about it.
“Joan of Arc?” he said surprised
“Yes Mulder, Joan of Arc. Who would you want to meet?” 
“Maybe Hypatia. She was said to be brilliant. A philosopher, astronomer, mathematician…”
“I would’ve guessed Diogenes.”
Mulder made a face, “Too cynical. He’d already made up his mind about everything, it’d make for boring conversation.”
Scully raised her eyebrows.
“Or Katherine Hepburn, my first crush.” 
“Isn’t she still alive?”
“I know but I mean a Philadelphia story or Bringing up Baby Katherine.” He looked at her realizing something in the dim light “Actually, you kind of look like her.”
“Mulder did that cow hit you on the head? I think I should send you for an MRI when we get back.” She said poking the top of his scalp again.
“He shrugged, “Not that I remember. I do remember what Katherine Hepburn looks like though.”
She shook her head, but smiled and put her hand down by her face.
“Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse the conversation?”
“Only when I’m nervous”
“Who are you nervous to call?”
She smirked and raised her eyebrow at this but didn’t answer. 
“Do you think you know how you’ll die?”
“Yes, with you probably, in this god forsaken motel room, by a hurricane or under the body of a horse or some other weather related phenomena.”
“I think well be okay” He said scratching his cheek “Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time?”
Yes” she said simply. 
“Well you have to say what” Mulder said
“That wasn’t the question.” She said smiling. “What about you?” 
He looked at her slyly and answered “Yes” as well.
She giggled
“Whats your favorite thing about me?” he said with the boyish look on his face again, dripping with good natured sarcasm.
She eyed him with an odd expression on her face, like she was going to respond with sarcasm, but thought before saying “You feel like… familiar in a very comforting way, even when you frustrate me.”  
He found her hand that lay between them by her face in answer. 
“Now you” she said
“My favorite thing about you is everything.” he said playing with her fingers.
“Thats cheating”
“Something smaller? The way you hold your pen when you’re thinking about what to type next when we write reports." She furrowed her brow in confusion. "No, the look of concentration you get when I find you a really interesting body.” She smiled “Mmm no, the way you drink like you’re a man from 1956 who has a job as a bank executive.” She giggled this time and he was proud. She had such a wonderful free spirited laugh.
"That was only because I was upset" She said, a pout on her lips.
“Ive got the real answer." he said more serious. "Its how fearless you are.”
“But Im not fearless” she said more confused about this than she'd been about him noticing how she held her pens.
“You’re braver than anybody I know. You're an FBI woman and you do it so much better than any of the men I know.”
She played with his fingers in her hand, but didn’t say anything. She met his eyes he saw an odd look there. Was it confusion?
“One more” she said
“If you were to die right now, what would you most regret not having told someone?”
She pushed her lips together into a thin line “I already did that. You read my journal entry for you. You already know.”
He nodded giving her a glance, serious now.
“Thats enough Mulder." She yawned, "I’m tired and you woke me up with a dead cow at four in the morning. She let his hand go and rolled over onto her other side.
“Night Scully” He said looking at her hair in the dim light.
“Night Mulder.” She said with a contented sigh.
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shmreduplication · 2 months
Do you have any hills that you would die on except you won't because no one will fight you on that hill because it is so small and in the middle of nowhere and extremely unappealing to anyone else?
Mine is that fitted baseball hats are a sexist and racist cash grab
Three stereotypical baseball hat is adjustable with a strap+loop kind of fastener (strapback) or two plastic bands that snap together (snapback). Fitted hats have no adjustable closure
Why it's a cash grab:
Cheaper to make. Just like with and piece of clothing, adding a closure adds at least three extra steps to the production process: 1. Make sure both sides will fit together 2. Add closure attachment to one end (like a button) 3. add closure receiver to the other end (like a buttonhole)
Fucks up secondary markets. Collectors buy from each other more than they buy from manufacturers but if you and your hat collector friends all have different head sizes then you can no longer trade+buy+sell between you and you all need to start buying direct from the manufacturer more because there's a bunch of special designs that are only available fitted
Why it's racist and sexist:
Your fitted hat measurement is the circumference of your skull but hats sit on your skull AND HAIR so people with short+thin+straight hair probably never adjust their baseball hats when they do get snap or strapbacks. The rest of us with long/thick/curly hair could be adjusting them every day! And if your hair is long enough to be put up in a ponytail you need the hole provided by the closure to put it in
My hair is not the same size every day and does not compress down under a hat the same amount every day, stop making v nice designs exclusive to fitted hats gdi!!!!!
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mayakern · 3 months
I unfortunately had to respond no to the shirt poll because I can’t spend that much on a single garment at present, but I’m so pleased you’ve found a good cotton fabric and I would love to buy one in the future when I have more money!! I would also be more interested in short sleeve shirts, but I do wear long sleeve button ups occasionally, and it’s not a dealbreaker for me. I wish you all the best for this new product release!! 💕
i knew the price would be a dealbreaker for many people, but unfortunately there’s no way around it. 😅 these suckers are gonna cost a whopping $43 each to manufacture after we factor in duties from importing them from turkey.
for those of you who don’t know, most clothing is retailed at 2.2-2.5x the production cost. if we adhered to that, we’d have to retail these for somewhere between $95-107, which i think is just not viable for our customer base.
i’m including this not the shame anyone for not being able to afford an $85 shirt, but to put into perspective how insanely expensive it is to make garments with both natural fiber and ethical labor and to show that we are dedicated not only to producing ethically made, size inclusive, quality garments, but that we also do our best to make them as affordable as possible.
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Nooooo don't buy a cheap sewing machine from Penny because you're pissed off at clothing manufacturers and their inability to produce anything of value or at least adhere to a logical sizing system, you haven't done anything more complicated than sewing on a button in 20 years, also you're so sexy haha :)
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heich0e · 2 months
I very much want to hear about the insane thrift haul!
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omg OK so for context i love thrifting but i own wayyyy too many clothes so i have been good lately and have NOT been thrifting. however!!! the weekend before last i ruined my fav jeans (not thrifted) and rly needed to replace them because i wore them constantlyyyyy. so i went to my fav thrift store (which i frequent so often i know the staff by name L M A O) and my expectations were honestly low—
because these were like the PERFECT jeans. ankle length, baggy, high waist, ACTUAL denim w no stretch, in a nice light wash. they were expensive when i bought them—but they lasted me FOREVER and i wore the HELL out of them—and i knew i could get another pair but thought i'd tryyyy to find them thrifted just on the off chance.
i like to thrift jeans in the men's section as they are often better quality, actual denim, and vintage, plus they're usually priced more reasonably than women's clothes. and as soon as i stepped up to the rack i found basically. an EXACT REPLICA. of my favourite jeans. EXCEPT!!! THEY ARE ACTUAL VINTAGE!! in perfect condition. the thrift store doesn't have fitting rooms so i had to take a gamble on them but when i got them home and tried them on they were a PERFECT fit too. they're probably from the 80s/early 90s based on the brand and tag and i swear to god they fit like they were MADE for me. and i paid less than the price of a 6-inch subway sandwich for em.
i was riding a real high after finding these, so then i braved the women's section where i found:
a GORGEOUS midi dress. it's not vintage but it's from a nice brand WITH THE ORIGINAL TAGS STILL ON IT?? it has with short sleeves, a tie-belted waist, a pleated skirt, and it's a light cornflower blue with a pretty floral pattern!!
THEN!! i found an absolutely unreallllllll vintage, faux-suede-ish 2-piece co-ord set in a rly rly nice camel-y toffee colour. it has a pair of high waist, wide leg trousers + a button-down overshirt kind of top (it also had shoulder pads and beading all along the collar and pockets of the shirt, but i have since removed those lmaooooo.) it is a little bit yee haw but i'm SOOOOOOOO into it and it fits me PERFECTLY.
then i was getting rly bold so i was like ok lets check the ladies pants section just to see what's up. i found a nice (non-vintage) ecru coloured pair of jeans: high waist, wide leg, good quality denim. they didn't look worn at all. i didn't quite recognize the brand enough to say whether or not they were actually ""good"" but i was like fuck it we ball and got them too. i get them home, look up the brand. these jeans... are basically brand new..... still available on the manufacturer's website........ for $118 United States of American dollars.
i also got a little wicker basket for my board games if that is of interest to u... but that one is not as exciting hehe.
END OF THRIFT HAUL if u made it this far i LOVE U
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