#clotho x sara
mamisfavmosherz · 4 months
The people below are the ones I will 100% write for! Feel free to request other women, tho and I'll let yall know if I'll write for them or not! <3
READ PLS - I've only watched Legends of tomorrow and Supergirl completely! I know a bit about Arrow & Flash so I could attempt some people from there, but I've never watched either show. So my main focus is supergirl & lot.
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talas-first-lady · 10 months
Legends 5x10
Clotho x Enchantress forever. Like sure, Charlie, shame another shapeshifting deity for having a thing for fucking artsy humans.
Maisie looks good in literally any hair but the blue braids are a personal fave.
Ok so did Zari give herself bangs out of grief or something?
I mean they look good for bad idea grief bangs.
Nate: Did she have a message for me? Zari: Oh yeah, definitely. Zari: “We dated for like 5 days, dude. Move on with your life.” Zari: But like... in a loving way.
Ava: We don’t even know if Sara is going to wake up and if she does she’s going to find out that two of the Legends are missing. This is beyond unacceptable. Ava: Well, John missing is acceptable and frankly kind of routine. Ava: But ZARI?
Oh, I’m sorry, should I have let myself get serial killed?
(Did anyone report back to Ava that they met Jack the Ripper?)
I love all these ladies so much that is it goodbye.
Zarlie things:
Team meeting. Everyone is there and very preoccupied.
Whatever John nonsense this is. They do not stand near each other and do not talk.
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
Personae Dramatis:
 Und auch für mein letztes Verse im Arrowverse  - und damit die Fics „No Future, Just Legends“ und „Flashes of the Future“  - eine Aufstellung der wichtigsten Personen:
Die Legends und ihre Feinde:
 Sara Lance, Co-Captain der Waverider, White Canary, Alien-Mensch-Hybrid mit geklont verbesserten Körper, ehemalige Assassine, schwanger mit Ava Sharpes Baby, der Paragon des Schicksals
 Ava Sharpe, Co-Captain der Waveirder, Ava-Klon-Modell aus der Zukunft, ehemalige Zeit-Agentin, verheiratet mit Sara Lance
 Zari Tarazi, Influencerin aus der Zukunft, Schauspielerin und Sängerin, gab ihr Windtotem an Nate Heywood
 Behrad Tarazi, Zaris Bruder, Eigentümer des Windtotems, guter Sänger, hat vor in Zukunft auf Drogen zu verzichten, geht endlich mit Astra aus
 Astra Logue, wuchs in der Hölle auf, beherrscht Magie, hat Gideon ihren neuen Körper verpasst, beste Freundin von Spooner
 Gary Green, ein Necrianer(das ist ein Alien), trägt eine Brille, die ihn wie einen Mensch aussehen lässt, ehemaliger Zeit-Agent, ehemaliger Zauber-Lehrling, schwer verliebt in Gideon und hat geschworen keine intelligenten Wesen mehr zu verschlingen
 Esparanza „Spooner“ Cruz, wurde als Kind von Aliens in die Zukunft versetzt, ihre Mutter lebt noch immer in der Vergangenheit
 Gideon, ursprünglich K.I. der Waverider, die durch Magie einen Körper aus Fleisch und Blut erhalten hat, zwischenzeitlicher Captain der Waverider, schwer verliebt in Gary
 Gwyn Davies, Wissenschaftler, der das Zeitreisen erfand, ehemaliger Soldat des 1. Weltkriegs, sieht aus die John Constantine
 Alun Thomas, walisischer Soldat des 1. Weltkriegs, enger Freund von Gwyn
 Booster Gold ,auch bekannt als „Mike“, Zeitreisender Bastard, der von seinem Posten am Fixpunkt floh, die Waverider stahl, und sich Zeitverbrechen schuldig gemacht hat
 John Constantine, Magier, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, Besitzer des Hauses, in dem sich die Legends breit gemacht haben
 Nate Heywood, Steel (I), Superheld und Historiker, verließ die Legends vor ungefähr 5 Minuten
 Zari Tomaz, auch bekannt als Zari 1.0, ehemalige Besitzerin des Windtotems und Hackerin, deren Zeitlinie ausgelöscht wurde, lebt jetzt im Totem mit Nate
 Bishop, Wissenschaftler aus der Zukunft und Erfinder der Ava-Klone, schon zwei mal verstorben
 Ray Palmer, the Atom, Wissenschaftler und Ingenieur, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Nora Darhk, Gute Fee, Ehefrau von Ray Palmer
 Mick Rory, Heatwave, Pyromane und Bestseller-Autor, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Kayla, necrianische Kriegerin, hat einen Haufen Kinder mit Mick Rory
 Professor Martin Stein, Wissenschaftler, eine Hälfte von Firestorm, verstorben
 Jefferson Jackson, zweite Hälfte von Firestorm, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, ehemaliger Dieb, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, verstorben
 Leo Snart, Cititzen Cold, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends von Erde-X, verheiratet mit Ray Terril alias The Ray, vermutlich tot, Doppelgänger von Leonard Snart
 Amaya Jiwe, Vixen, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Charlie, eigentlich Clotho, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Mona Wu, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Rip Hunter, ehemaliger Timemaster, Gründer der Legends, verstorben
 Skeets, ein Freund von Booster Gold
 Hank Heywood, Nates Vater, hohes Tier in der US-Regierung, verstorben
 Direktor Bennet, ehemaliger Direktor des Zeitbüros, verstorben
 Agent Soran, Agent des Zeitbüros
 Damien Darhk, Noras Vater, langlebiger Magier, ehemaliger Bösewicht, manchmaliger Verbündeter, tot
 Neron, ein Dämon
 Tabitha, eine Hexe
 Mallus, ein Zeitdämon
 Vandal Savage, ein zeitreisender Tyrann
 Beebo, ein blaues Wesen
   Team Flash und Verbündete und Feinde:
 Barry Allen, der Flash, ein Speedster, der Paragon der Liebe, hat viele Verluste in seinem Leben erlitten
 Iris West-Allen, Barry Ehefrau, eine Reporterin, war lange zeitkrank
 Joe West, ehemaliger Polizist, Vater von Iris, Ziehvater von Barry
 Cecile Horton, Anwältin, Joes Lebenspartnerin, besitzt diverse ständig wachsende Psi- Kräfte
 Jenna West, Tochter von Joe und Cecile
 Caitlin Snow, Ärztin, immer schon Mitglied von Team Flash
 Frost, Meta mit Eiskräften, Mitglied von Team Flash, Zwillingsschwester von Caitlin Snow, die vor kurzem verstorben ist
 Allegra Garcia, Mitglied von Team Flash, Mitarbeiterin von Iris, hat Lichtkräfte
 Chester P. Runk, Tech Support von Team Flash, verknallt in Allegra
 Kristen Kramer, Polizei Captain mit Meta-Kräften
 Mark Blaine, Chillblaine, Kryogenetiker, Geliebter von Frost
 Carla Tannhauser, Ärztin, Mutter von Caitlin Snow (und Frost), hat auch Eiskräfte
 Tinya Wazzo, Mädchen mit Meta-Kräften und einer komplizierten Beziehung zu Team Flash
 Meena Dhawan, Fast Track, Wissenschaftlerin und ehemaliger Speedster
 Cisco Ramon, Mecha-Vibe, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash, arbeitet für Argus
 Kamilla Hwang, Fotografin, Ciscos Freundin, ehemalige Mitarbeiterin von Iris
 Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man, Mitglied von Team Flash, das lange auf einer Undercover-Mission war
 Sue Dearborn, Einbrecherin und reiche Erbin in einem, Partnerin von Ralph – sozusagen
 Julian Albert, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash, steifer Brite mit medizinischen Kenntnissen und dank Savitar auch einer alternativen Schurkenpersönlichkeit
 Harrison Wells, Timeless Wells, Wissenschaftler, Dr. Wells von Erde-1/ Earth Prime, war tot, lebt wieder, besitzt die Erinnerungen all seiner toten Doppelgänger und Zeitkräfte
 Nora West-Allen, XS, zukünftige Tochter von Barry und Iris
 Bart West-Allen, Impulse, zukünftiger Sohn von Barry und Iris
 Wally West, Kid Flash, ein Speedster, Bruder von Iris
 Joanie Horton, Ceciles Tochter
 Ronnie Raymond, eine Hälfte von Firestorm, Caitlins verstorbener Ehemann
 Eddie Thawne, Cobalt Blue, Polizist, Vorfahre von Eobard Thawne, starb als Held
 Ryan Choi, ein Wissenschaftler, Paragon der Menschlichkeit
 David Singh, Polizeichef von Central City
 Jay Garrick, Flash von Erde-3 und Wissenschaftler, Doppelgänger von Barrys Vater
 Joan Garrick, seine Frau, Doppelgängerin von Barrys Mutter
 Patty Spivot, Barrys Ex-Freundin
 Die Speed Force, „Nora“, Kraftquelle der meisten Speedster
 Deon Owens, die Still-Force, Kraftquelle für Zeitreisen
 Alexa Rivera, Fuerza, die Strenght Force, Kraftquelle für Stärke
 Bashir Malik, Psych, die Sage Force, Kraftquelle für Psi-Kräfte
 Die Negativen Forces, es gibt negative Gegenstücke zu allen vier Forces
 Avery Ho, Negative Flash, eine Wissenschaftlerin
 Tracy Brand, Wissenschaftlerin, ehemalige Verbündete von Team Flash
 Henry Allen, Barry Vater, verstorben
 Nora Allen, Barrys Mutter, verstorben
 Harry Wells, Dr. Wells von Erde-2, Lieblings-Wells von Team Flash, verstorben
 Jesse Wells, Jesse Quick, Tochter von Harry Wells, ein Speedster, verstorben
 H. R. Wells, der Wells, der das StarLabs-Musuem gegründet hat, getötet von Savitar
 Sherloque Wells, der größte Detektive des Multiversums, verstorben
 Nash Wells, Abenteurer und Ersatzvater für Allegra ,der Wells, der sich geopfert hat um die künstliche Speed Force herzustellen
 Fred Chyre, Joes ehemaliger Partner bei der Polizei, verstorben
 Breacher, Josh, ein multiverseller Polizist, vermutlich verstorben
 Eobard Thawne, ein Speedster, der die Gestalt von Harrison Wells angenommen hatte, Barrys Erzfeind
 Eva McCulloch, Mirror Monarch, Gebieterin über das Mirrorverse, hatte Iris und Kamilla gekidnapped
 Ramsay Rosso, Bloowork, ein Feind vom Flash, der todkrank war
 Savitar, Zeitrelikt aus der Zukunft, das Iris töten wollte
 Hunter Zolomon, Zoom, Feind vom Flash, eigentlich tot
 Clifford DeVoe, der Thinker, Feind vom Flash, mit Stuhl, der Psi-Kräfte verstärkt
 Cicada, ein Feind des Flashes über die Jahrzehnte hinweg
 Thomas Snow, Icicle, Caitlins Vater
 Deathstorm, außerirdisches Wesen in Ronnie Raymonds Leiche
 August Heart, Godspeed, ein böser Speedster aus der Zukunft
 Psycho Pirate, körperloser Psi-Feind vom Flash, der zwischenzeitlich Besitz von Cecile Horton ergriffen hatte
 Rosa Dillon, Top, Frenemie von Team Flash mit Psi-Kräften
 Mark Mardon, Weather Wizard, ein Feind des Flashes
 Clyde Mardon, sein Bruder, wurde von Joe West erschossen
 Despero, ein Außerirdischer, der dachte der Flash bringt allen den Untergang
 Der Monitor, ein sehr mächtiges Wesen
 Der Anti-Monitor, ein gottgleiches Wesen, das das Multiversum zerstört hat
   Die Superfriends in National City:
 Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kryptonierin, Reporterin und Heldin, Paragon der Hoffnung
 J’onn J’onzz, Martian Manhunter, grüner Marsianer, ein Held, Paragon der Ehre
 Alex Danvers, Sentinel, Soldatin und Ärztin, Karas Adpotivschwester
 Nia Nal, Dreamer, eine Heldin
 Querl Dox, Brainiac-5, Brainy genannt, außerirdischer Held aus der Zukunft, jetzt in der Gegenwart
 Lena Luthor, eine Wissenschaftlerin
 Kelly Olsen, Guardian, Psychologin und Heldin, Alexs Lebenspartnerin
 Mon-El, Daxamit, Held, Karas Ex-Freund
 Eve Teschmacher, Mitarbeiterin von Lena Luthor
 Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, Spectre, ein Vigilant und Held, tot, vermutlich
 Laurel Lance, Black Canary, Saras Schwester, verstorben
 Laurel Lance Erde-2, Black Siren, Black Canary, ehemalige Schurkin und Heldin mit Schallschrei von einer anderen Erde
 Quentin Lance, ehemaliger Polizist, Vater von Sara und Laurel Lance
 Dinah Lance, seine Ex-Frau
 Dinah Drake, Black Canary, Polizeicaptain, Vigilantin und Polizistin, Erinnerungen und Aufzeichnungen über sie ausgelöscht
 Felicity Smoak, Olivers Ehefrau, Mutter von Mia
 William Clayton, Oliver Queens Sohn
 Mia Smoak, Tochter von Oliver Queen und Felicity Smoak
 John „Dig“ Diggle, Spartan, hohes Tier in Argus, ehemaliger Soldat und Held
 Tommy Merlyn, Oliver bester Freund, Ehemann von Laurel Lance aus einer anderen Zeitlinie
 Nyssa al Ghul, Saras Ex-Freundin, Assassine
 Chas Chandler, Freund von John Constantine
 Clark Kent, Superman, Kal-El, ein Kryptonier, größter Held seiner jeweiligen Heimaterde in fast jedem Universum
 Lois Lane, Clarkes Ehefrau, berühmte Reporterin
 Jonathan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois
 Jordan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois, besitzt Kräfte
 Sam Lane, Leiter des DODs, Vater von Lois
 Lucy Lane, Schwester von Lois
 John Henry Irons, Steel (II), Held von einer anderen Erde
 Natalie Irons, seine Tochter
 Morgan Edge, Tal-Rho, Supermans Bruder
 Ally Allston, Parasite, eine Sektenführerin von gleich zwei verschiedenen Erden
 Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning, ein Held
 Kate Kane, Batwoman, eine Heldin, Paragon der Tapferkeit
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, Kates Cousin, erster Vigilant
 Ted Kord, Blue Beetle, ein Geschäftsmann und Held
 Courntey Whitmore, Stargirl, eine Heldin von einer anderen Erde
0 notes
laufire · 4 years
Legends of Tomorrow 5x09
Do these writers know. DO THEY REALIZE THEY HAVE THE MOST AMAZING SET UP IN THEIR ENTIRE RUN FOR AN OTP WITH CONSTANTINE AND ZARI? DO THEY? They probably don’t, given that they’ve historically have one and a half hits amidst all their misses, but. Gosh. I can be the only one that sees it right?? They have to know what they’re doing, on some level? Making them KISS, like THAT, while acting the hell out of one of the most famous romances in history? (Also, Constantine totally checked her out at the beginning of the episode, and she was more embarresed about him thinking she and Nate had something than she was about anyone else, just sayin’!) And THEN introducing the incredible angst minefield of Constantine being indirectly responsible for Behrad’s death*, and Zari holding him accountable and DEMANDING that they go on a quest to undo it?? THEY HAVE TO KNOW RIGHT?? All of that paired with the altered timeline, their past friendship, etc. Gosh. I’m already planning to write a long series that’ll include, among others, this ship. But if s5 doesn’t do this properly I’ll have to take matters into my own hands. I’ll have to. It can even be part of the series, even if it makes it longer than I should commit to, IDGAF XD
*yes, I know how given my other current show, this might get constructed as hypocritical on my part xDDD. I have good arguments about the differences, but most of all, I just don’t care LMAO
Part of the reason I think I’ve fallen for Constantine/Zari this hard is that Zari is more and more my number one fave each episode I watch and… Constantine is the one moving the plot, making things happen. It’s not a coincidence that the plots and villains of this last two seasons were impulsed by him. Those events in s4 were what caused Zari’s timeline to shift. And now those threads are coming together in a way that’s organic and fitting and EXCITING. And I want my fave girl at the center of the excitement, and close to the character that’s become the spark of the narrative.
Even without taking my NEW SHINY OTP into account, I’d actually love it if they deviated from Nate/Zari in this new timeline; I didn’t mind them in s4, but… it’d actually be interesting that the show said, well, they’re different people. Because they are, plain and simple. And a show about time travel and alterations should tackle that (I mean, I, for one, don’t really ship Constantine with Zari 1.0; if I rewatched s4 in my current state I might start to, but the !!!!!!!!! feelings started NOW, with this Zari, with this Zari’s personality). Besides, like Behrad accurately pointed out, Nate does love doomed love stories, and part of his fixation (on Amaya back then, on Zari 2.0 now), is about that.
I’m a MESS about Behrad, by the way. It was even worse because it got paired with Zari 1.0′s appearance, and her happiness at finding out he and their parents were alive, and asking Zari 2.0 to bring Behrad to visit her, him and Zari getting gr8 sibling moments (d’aw at him reassuring her that she’s his favourite Zari. And LOL at her “I knew this would lead to drugs”)… A MESS, I’m telling you. I TRULY hope it can be outdone and not Laurel 2.0 (yeah, still bitter about that), because I’ve come to like him a lot, and because I want Zari to have him in her life (and for Zari 1.0 to see him!! I will cry like a baby if it happens. It has to happen. I have too many expectations for this season, I’m afraid lol. I’m definitely going to have to add it to my re-write series). BTW: Sara/Zari feels alert to, when Sara was the last to stay with Zari after Behrad’s death *sniffs*
The Zari + Zari scenes were AMAZING, regardless. The hug! Zari 1.0 soothing Zari’s 2.0 insecurities! Joking about her ego! Also, we can all assume that Amaya is at that Totem town too, right? So we get to have our cake and eat it too, with Zari 2.0 and Constantine and Zari 1.0 and Amaya, yes? Yes.
Even amids all this I had mini Constantine/Sara feels too, LMAO, when Sara said, “John always finds away.” It’s not only a good shippy line for them (I also LOVE that she calls him John, btw. Love it), but an AMAZING line about Constantince, the character, related to the point about making things happen LOL (he even got to save his boyfriend in s4, which I don’t think it’s a coincidence, given how other “rules” are established and enforced/not enforced in the ‘verse. Though I did love that Desmond told Constantine to go fork himself lol).
I have lots of feels for Charlie and her relationship with her sisters, too (btw, I don’t remember now if Astra’s “friend” was confirmed to be one of them in the last episode or not, because I simply took it as a fact that she was xDD). When she turned into a little girl, my poor heart :(. And I loved how Sara’s words ~inspired her (the Charlie/Sara feels were strong too).
I’m judging THE HELL out of Sara for having Dean from Supernatural as her hall pass. Really, girl? xD. Smh. YOU CAN PICK FROM LITERALLY ALL PLACES AT ALL TIMES. Martin had Hedy freaking Lamarr! C'mon gurl. I spent the whole episode stressed out about the actors possibly having a cameo, thank the universe it didn’t happen LOL. Anyway. I just hope the whole “Sara mysteriously survives a Fate” brings something interesting to her storyline, for a change.
Seeing Mick’s daughter wearing Captain Cold’s costume for Halloween as a child was the only good part of that entire subplot. Ava and Mick together (I might like him better in s3 so far but his story in s5 is zzzzzzz)? It would’ve only been worse if Gary was there lmao. Also, the whole “the word clone is like a slur” joke got old real quick and I wish it stopped.
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starcitysirens · 4 years
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Zari Not Zari deleted scene
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supercatavalance · 4 years
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My family🥺💕
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poc-movie-supremacy · 3 years
Mosaics are made of broken pieces
Surprise @missing-tony! MERRY CHRISTMAS TUSH! I hope you like this fic :)
With no mission nagging at them, most of the legends take the opportunity to have a movie night. Chaos still follows them, as it always does. Luckily not the deadly kind though.
What is family? What constitutes a family? People have proven that blood doesn’t determine family, after all, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Some have said family is a bunch of broken pieces that make up a beautiful mosaic. There’s some beauty in that, that through hard work you’ll form a hard-earned relationship with a group of people.  
“Is the movie ready Gideon?” Sara asked.
“Of course Captain.”
“What did they choose?” Sara checked herself out in the mirror making sure nothing was amiss with her outfit. Ava came up behind her wrapping her arms around Sara’s waist. She rested her chin on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to Sara’s cheek. A light blush tinged Sara’s cheek.
“I think you look great, sweetheart,” Ava whispered. 
“Thanks.” Sara stared at themselves in the mirror. Ava’s thick red sweater was tucked into a pair of blue jeans. Her feet were snuggled in gigantic matching red socks. Sara had on a pair of black sweatpants and an oversized dark green hoodie. 
“They chose a marvel movie captain.” Gideon informed the two ladies.
“You would think, considering what we do for a living, they wouldn't like high scale action movies.” Ava commented.
“Maybe it’s escapism. All the movies end well, from what I remember, and they are on a level of fantasy that it probably doesn’t remind them of our lives.” 
Ava nodded her head. “You ready to go sweetie?” Sara grabbed Ava’s outstretched hand and let herself be led to the Movie Room in the Waverider. Most of the current crew and some others were already waiting for them. 
Ray and Nora were sitting on one end of the couch talking to Charlie and astra. Sara noticed Charlie mindlessly running her thumb over Astra's hand and smiled. Beside them was zari and John. Zari had her legs in John's lap as she told him about gossip happening in her time. Mick Mona and Lita were sitting in the hammock quietly waiting for the movie. Ava waved at lita who smiled back at her aunt. Sara and her stepped around the three boys on the floor, Gary, Behrad and Nate. They were in an intense thumb battle with behrad looking like the winner. 
“Is this everyone? Weren’t some of the others going to come?” Sara asked. She and Ava settled in the neighboring chair, ava in the seat and Sara sitting haphazardly in the chair.
“Well Carter doesn’t seem keen on coming to anything legends affiliated after the breakup, I heard Kendra was busy with her new job… being a lawyer I think, and Jax and Lilly had to decline after they realized today coincided with their kids singing concert.” Ray informed them. 
“What about Nate's new boyfriend,” Charlie teased, “Mr. Mystery couldn’t make it?” 
Nate blushed red and shook his head. “He was busy, His job got in the way.”
“His job.” Lita teased in an obnoxious voice. Everyone laughed out loud while Nate glared daggers at Lita. Lita just stared at him challengingly, asking him to try her through her haughty look and quirked eye. Nate just rolled his eyes and flipped her off in response, earning more rowdiness from his family. They jeered at him berating him teasingly for making fun of a child. 
“Ok ok, in truth, when will we meet him ,man?” Behrad asked him when the room calmed down.
“I think we already have,” Astra said. “Dionysus,” she explained when they all looked at her confusingly.
Nate shook his head, but his face was obscured so they couldn’t see if he was blushing or not. “I’m not dating Dion.”
“Are you sure, you seemed pretty infatuated with him, from what I’ve heard?” Mona asked. Sara snorted and quirked her eyebrow up at him. 
“Why are we focusing on me? I know Kendra has a new girlfriend and Mona has a hot partner.” Nate exclaimed defensively.
“This isn’t about me, and stop talking about my partner.” Mona chastised. “And don’t bring up Kendra when she can’t even defend herself.” Nate rolled his eyes and was about to defend himself further, when someone interrupted him. 
“Speaking of new love,” Nora started, giving a sly wink to Garry, “I know-”
“No!” Garry shouted, interrupting her. New interest was piqued. Everyone turned to look at Gary and Nora.
“Nora, please.” Behrade begged, making puppy dog eyes at her.
“Nora, what do you know?” Sara asked. She leaned forward in interest, clasping her hands together like an old-timey villain who just finished telling their master plan. Gary and Behrad silently, and quite animatedly, pleaded with Nora to keep her mouth shut. They knew what she wanted to tell the others, and they didn’t want that getting out. 
Nora wasn’t planning on being merciful though. “Well I had left my room to go get a snack when I heard curious noises from Gar and B’s room. I quickly peaked in to make sure they weren’t being attacked when I saw... a broken bed,” Nora finished with emphasis. The group erupted in chaos. Charlie and Astra were pissing themselves laughing. Astra gave Gary a sly smile that made him blush. Behrad was trying, in vain,  to defend him and his boyfriend. Ray was similarly blushing red and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Nate jostled Behrad and Gary and congratulated them. Constantine and Zari looked like they would rather be anywhere else. Sara and Ava were both quiet, but for different reasons. Sara was fist-bumping Nora and nodding approvingly at Behrad. Ava was just shocked silent, she’s had sex before, but this took her off guard. Lita looked disappointed, Mona was intrigued and Mick’s facial features have not changed during the entire conversation.
“I’m definitely telling Jax and Lilly this, they need something to get through that children’s concert.” Nate said excitedly, while whipping out the phone. 
“Won’t the concert itself be enough, since its their children?” Ava asked incredulously.
“Oh absolutely not, I remember the ones I had to go to for my cousin’s kids. Let me tell you, it was awful. Those kid’s sucked.” Nate remarked with a scoff. His thumb hit the screen, sending the message. Immediately Behrad and Gary’s phone started buzzing with texts. Gary put his head in his hands while Behrad glared daggers at Nate. He quickly sent an explanatory text to the two parents. 
Nate’s phone buzzed. “Dude! Why did you tell Lills and Jax I lied.” Nate once tried to call Jax JJ only for Sara to glare at him. He learned his lesson. JJ was only reserved for Sara. 
“Cause you did. Last night, yea Gary and I did break the bed, but not because of sex! We-” Behrad sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. “We wanted to see if the air totem could make jumping on the bed better.” Everyone was shocked silent. Behrad took a breath. “It did make it better… and also more powerful.” Behrad finished. Gary scooted over to him and linked their finders together. He rested his chin on Behrad’s shoulder and gave him a small smile. 
“Behrad! That’s what you used the totem for? That seems objectively worse.” Zari said while wrinkling her nose.
“What do you mean? That’s hilarious! Can I have the totem to do meja-jumps on the bed?” Lita asked excitedly. Mick shook his head no behind her at the two boys. They nodded solemnly at him. Lita saw and glared at her father. 
Mick only shrugged. “Too dangerous, your mother would never let you.” Mick muttered. 
Before they could get into a real argument, Ray interrupted them. “Ok let’s start the movie. Gideon! Cue up Black Panther please.” 
“Right away Mr. Palmer.” Gideon’s cool technological voice called out. The group settled in to watch the movie, quite considerably calmed down. The lights dimmed and the movie began. 
Sometimes family is a mosaic that has to go through fire to fit together, but  fire isn’t always necessary. Sometimes time and an low burning spark is all that’s needed to bring people together.
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northby-northwest · 4 years
did i expect to be shipping charlie and astra by the end of this episode?
certainly not.
but look where we are.
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Little Talks
Noticed a distinct lack of naterad in this fandom. It’s okay since Behrad is a fairly new character, but I will be helping to fill the void with this slightly angsty thing. ;)
Zari was a legend.
Behrad couldn’t believe it. There’d been an alternate timeline where Zari had the totem instead of him. She’d been a member of this team, this family, and she’d been something more than just the preppy media influencer he’d grown up with.
Hard to believe, but the evidence was right there in the footage they’d found after the crash. Gideon had pretty much died and been brought back to life, and apparently, she brought something back with her. Data from a dead timeline. And it wasn’t just the data. The more the team watched, the more they remembered from that timeline. The more they remembered the old Zari.
Zari had changed since seeing it. She’d barely said a word in the last two days. Everyone was giving her space to process, but it felt like they were downright avoiding Behrad.
Behrad didn’t have memories from this dead timeline. Because he’d died a long time ago in it. If Zari hadn’t tried to hack history, he would have stayed dead. In the real timeline, the one Rip Hunter had originally recruited the Legends to save, Behrad was supposed to be dead.
Zari was a legend and Behrad wasn’t.
Behrad looked up from where he was just sitting, sulking in the library. He was honestly kind of surprised to see Nate.
Nate had avoided him most of all in the last couple days. Behrad honestly didn’t blame him. After all, how was somebody supposed to react after finding out that their crush had been supposed to be a part of the team? That there was a timeline where not only was she there, but they’d been together.
And Behrad being there had erased all that. In this timeline, Nate had been single since Amaya left. Behrad knew as much as his friend hid it, he was lonely and hurt. And even more since Ray left.
In the dead timeline, would Zari have helped him through that?
Did Nate blame him that she wasn’t herself to?
“Are you okay?”
Behrad was surprised at how concerned Nate sounded. Two days of not speaking a word and now he was suddenly acting like everything was normal?
Was he okay? How could he be? How could anyone be after finding out their sister was supposed to live in their place and they were supposed to be dead?
Well, he wasn’t making himself seem okay by not responding to his friend’s questions like he normally would.
“Are you?”
Nate shrugged, “I mean, it’s weird, knowing about this other timeline, but not that much is actually different, so overall, I’m fine. Just a little shaken. Doesn’t change the fact that you didn’t answer the question. Behrad. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
Nate walked away and Behrad immediately wished he hadn’t. Then he heard a scraping noise and noticed how a chair was being dragged over towards him.
Nate sat down and just stared until Behrad looked him in the eye.
“You’re obviously not okay,” he insisted, “You haven’t been acting like yourself.”
“How would you know? You haven’t talked to me since we found out about the dead timeline.”
Nate sighed, “It’s a lot to process, I’ll admit that. I needed time.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“What? Why would I—“
“I’m not even alive in the dead timeline,” Behrad interrupted, “And it seems like you and Zari were both happier that way—seems like the whole team had this different dynamic and all of you were better off.”
“Zari was a mess because she missed you,” Nate shot back, “She never forgave herself for not saving you. You really think she was happier?”
Behrad didn’t answer, having no idea what to say.
“And as for the rest of the team...” Nate shrugged, “Things were different, yeah, but I wouldn’t call it better, necessarily.”
“And what about for you?” Behrad asked, “You loved the other Zari. Can you honestly tell me you wouldn’t trade me to get her back?”
Nate didn’t say anything, seeming to be struggling for words.
Behrad smiled sadly, “Yeah, I rest my case. If you had to choose one of us—“
“But I don’t!”
Behrad was taken off guard, “What?”
“I don’t have to choose!” Nate exclaimed, “God, Behrad, that’s what you don’t get! I don’t have to choose because you’re both here now!”
“But if you did have to, you’d choose her,” Behrad said miserably, “I know that. God, I’m so stupid.”
“B, I don’t think I could... if I had to choose... my friend vs. the woman I—“
“And that’s another thing!” Behrad exclaimed, “Nate... do you remember what I told you about that whole situation with the Hindu love god later, since you weren’t there?”
“About the whole love drug thing?” Nate asked, “Personally, I think that none of that was your fault, but—“
“No,” Behrad took a deep breath, “Nate, I... I told you he looked like a woman to me, cause that’s a totally logical thing for a god of love to be able to do. He didn’t. He was a guy for me just as much as he was for Sara, Charlie, and Mona.”
“But you don’t—“ Nate looked a little surprised as he realized, “Oh. Okay. How come you never told me?”
“I knew homophobia was a much bigger thing back in the time you’re from, and...” Behrad shrugged, “I dunno! Maybe I thought you were okay with Sara and Ava because they wouldn’t be attracted to you.”
“B, I don’t care,” Nate said firmly, “I don’t care if you like girls or boys or whatever. I am kinda offended you thought I would, but what’s important is that I don’t care.”
“Heh. I wish you did.”
Behrad snorted, “You’re pretty dumb, Nate Heywood.”
He had to admit, Nate’s confused face was adorable.
“Emphasis on the pretty part, I guess.”
Behrad watched as realization flashed over Nate’s face. He didn’t seem to know what to say.
“I’m so stupid,” he said, laughing sadly, “Sara and Mona told me to tell you how I felt. They told me I was worrying for nothing, but... I wish I’d told you. I mean, nothing sucks like knowing apparently your crush could have loved you back. If I’d been brave enough to just say something. Or maybe not, cause you’re straight. And I mean, I keep keeping my hopes up like a dumbass, constantly watching your back on missions, talking about girls with you, wearing a stupid red flannel cause Zari noticed you like ‘lumberjack chic... it’s so stupid. I’m so stupid”
Sara and Mona and even Charlie had told Behrad that he had a chance with Nate if he wanted to.
Well, at least he’d get to say ‘I told you so’ now.
“Who said I was straight?”
Wait, what?
“You like Zari, though.”
Nate chuckled, “Yeah. Um, we talked about it, and... the old version of her might have had a thing for me, but she liked someone else, too. And this version of her likes that person more. Uh... it’s requitted.”
“Oh,” Behrad said, “She didn’t tell me that.”
“Yeah, I was surprised,” Nate agreed, “I never even knew Zari 1.0 liked Charlie. But... we talked about some other things, too. She made me realize that maybe I was going so hard after her because... because I couldn’t have Ray.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah. I didn’t know that, either, until she pointed it out. But Ray loves Nora; always has. I guess I’m just really bad at identifying my feelings for what they are.”
Behrad was still catching up, “So you’re not straight?”
Nate chuckled, “No, B, I’m not.”
“And um...” Behrad hesitated, “What does that mean for you and me?”
Nate just smiled, leaning a little closer, “We’ll see, I guess.”
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rivriv03 · 3 years
Top 10 LGBTQIA+ ships
1) AvaLance (Sara Lance X Ava Sharpe (Arrowverse)
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2) Ann(e) (Anne Lister X Ann Walker) (Gentleman Jack)
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3) Yowzah (River Song X The Doctor (all regenerations) (Doctor Who)
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4) Britana (Santana Lopez X Britney Pierce) (Glee)
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5) Pupcake (Patsy Mount X Delia Busby) (Call the Midwife)
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6) Cabenson (Alex Cabot X Olivia Benson) (Law & Order: SVU)
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7) Dansen (Alex Danvers X Kelly Olsen)(Arrowverse)
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8) Saskia de Merindol X Olivia Cotterhill (Bridesmaids: Secrets and Lies)
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9) Zarlie (Zari Toraz X Charlie Clotho) (Arrowverse)
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10) Janto (Captain Jack Harkness X Ianto Jones) (Torchwood)
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iwritesometimes · 5 years
filigods replied to your post
“thank you to the gorgeous @wordssometimesfail for tagging me in a get...”
s o n g r e c s
so THANKS (much belatedly for tolerating my fucking out of control need to word vomit about music at literally all hours of the day and night; forcing others to listen to songs i like is literally one of the few joys that makes life worth living. also, idk if this was intended in a “hey cool, song recs” way or a “hey, yeah, link me those songs” way, but @filigods, BABY YOU’RE GETTIN THOSE LINKS and also more because i am insufferable.
below the cut: links to just Some Music What I Think Is Cool, organized...pretty dubiously, but an attempt will be made. also, now and at all times, anyone who feels so inclined should always link me to music they’re liking right now or that they loved in the past or that they think is just the bee’s knees...anytime. ANYTIME.
okay so the songs i mentioned the other day are all in here, but i wanted to organize it a bit more than just a random grab bag to give you some direction so that you know what you might be into, if you’ve never heard of some of these (my music taste isn’t all that niche but i’ve gone through a lot of phases in my life XD). particular “omg please listen to this before you die” faves will be in italics.
best of pop/pop rock
stuff by Keane, My Fave Band:
“Crystal Ball”
“Won’t Be Broken”
“Sovereign Light Cafe”
“My Shadow”
stuff by Tokio Hotel, my first RPF subjects
“Übers Ende der Welt”
“Spring nicht”
“Wo sind eure Hände”
stuff by Elliot Minor, classically trained and sadly disbanded
“Parallel Worlds”
“The White One Is Evil”
“The Broken Minor”
“Electric High”
stuff by Dino Merlin, Bosnia’s Elton John
“Majka Ruži Kćer”
“Heroes of Earth” by Wang Leehom (listen to more of his stuff - he’s insanely talented and has albums in several different genres)
“Sun Goes Down” by David Jordan
stuff by Gorillaz, you’ve definitely heard them but may not have heard these
“November Has Come”
“Feel Good Inc.”
“Busted and Blue”
“Du erinnerst mich an Liebe” by Ich + Ich
“Never Let Go”
“Remember When it Rained”
“You Are Loved”
“Tigerlily” by La Roux (whole album’s great, but this one’s gayyyy)
“Grace Kelly” and “Origin of Love” by Mika
“Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk” by Rufus Wainwright
“Make This Go On Forever” and “Set the Fire to the Third Bar” by Snow Patrol
stuff by Owl City, the fluffiest synthpop to ever make me happy
“Swimming in Miami”
“Meteor Shower”
“Strawberry Avalanche”
“Running Up That Hill” by Placebo covering Kate Bush
“Velvet Sky” by Los Lonely Boys
“Chasing the Sun” and “Satellite Call” and “Eden” by Sara Bareilles (WHOLE ALBUM!!!)
“Kiss Me” by Sixpence None the Richer
“Sad Clown” by Jars of Clay
stuff by Michael W. Smith, i can’t help i was raised on CCM please forgive me
“Cross of Gold”
“Secret Ambition”
“Breathe in Me”
“Love Me Good”
“Faith My Eyes” and “High Countries” by Caedmon’s Call
stuff by Daft Punk, FUCKING SUPERB YOU FUNKY LITTLE ROBOTS (listen to all of Discovery and Random Access Memories!!)
“One More Time”
“Give Life Back to Music”
“These Dreams” by Heart
“Even Rats” by The Slip
“To Build a Home” by The Cinematic Orchestra
“Mandolin Rain” and “The Way It Is” by Bruce Hornsby and the Range
“I’m Still Here” by John Rzeznik
“Ue o muite arukou” by Kyu Sakamoto
“Love Me Dead” by Ludo
“Just Communication” by Two-Mix (Soundcloud link because it’s not on YT?? however, this bitchin cover is!!)
“The Book of Love” by Peter Gabriel covering the Magnetic Fields
best of rock/rap rock
stuff by linkin park, baby’s first rock band (meteora and thousand suns, BEST albums)
“Somewhere I Belong”
“Breaking the Habit”
“Iridescent” (accidentally called this “The Radiance” in the op)
“The Messenger”
“Welcome Home” by Coheed and Cambria
“Televators” by The Mars Volta
“Isolation” and “Life Must Go On” by Alter Bridge
“Nemesis” by Arch Enemy
“Like a Stone” by Audioslave
“Lonely Boy” by The Black Keys
“In One Ear” and “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked” by Cage the Elephant (whole album!!)
“Jordan” by Buckethead
“Paralyzer” by Finger Eleven
stuff by Gackt, j-rock boy of my dreams since 2003
“Orenji no Taiyou” (with Hyde)
“Through the Night” by Masahiko Arimachi
“Magick” and “It’s Not Over Yet” by Klaxons
“Deliverance” and “In Mist She Was Standing” by Opeth
stuff by Panik, my good good german boys who just couldn’t make it work
“Geht ab”
“Bevor du gehst”
“Careless Whisper” by Seether covering Wham!
“Seasons” by The Veer Union
“Cold” by Static X
“Change (In the House of Flies)” by Deftones
“System” by Chester Bennington
“Whipping Boy” by Train
“Chevette” and “Some Kind of Zombie” by Audio Adrenaline
“Colossal” and “Witchcraft” by Wolfmother (whole album is great)
“Whiskey in the Jar” by Metallica and “Turn the Page” by Metallica covering Bob Seger
“Gravedigger” by Dave Matthews Band
“Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls
“Icky Thump” and “Blue Orchid” by The White Stripes
“Crazy Bitch” by Buckcherry
“You Shook Me All Night Long” and “Big Balls” by AC/DC (there is NO CORRECT VERSION of Big Balls on YT...sorry for the spotify link)
best of choral (most of which i’ve sung so i’m biased)/instrumental/soundtrack
Lux Aeterna and “O Magnum Mysterium” by Morten Lauridsen
The True Story of Cinderella (i was the queen in this :3)
Knock Knock and indeed anything by P.D.Q. Bach
“i thank You God for most this amazing day” and “Lux Aurumque” by Eric Whitacre
“Magnificat” by Arvo Pärt
“Set Me as a Seal” by René Clausen
“Cloudsong” and “The Heart’s Cry” by Anúna
“You Are the New Day” by The King’s Singers covering Airwaves, aka, the greatest love song of all time
“Castle in the Mist” and “You Were There” by Michiru Oshima (voc. Steven Geraghty)
“Prologue” and “The Farthest Land” by Ko Otani (the whole soundtrack is sublime, please listen to it!!!)
“The Mighty Rio Grande” and “They Move on Tracks of Never-Ending Light” by This Will Destroy You
“On the Nature of Daylight” by Max Richter (also, there’s a great mashup of this with “This Bitter Earth” by Dinah Washington)
“To Zanarkand” by Nobuo Uematsu (obviously, listen to everything the man ever wrote, but ofc my fave is the FFX OST)
“More Streets” by Zpiderflower
“I Was Born for This” by Austin Wintory (from the stellar Journey OST)
“The Ballad of Fiedler and Mundt” by Disparition
“Sex (Daedalus Remix)” by Slugabed
Castlevania malarkey
Best of “Bloody Tears”: official 1, official 2, official 3, fanmix 4
Best of “Vampire Killer”: official 1, official 2, fanmix 3
Best of “Simon’s Theme”: official 1, official 2, fanmix 3, fanmix 4
Super Castlevania IV (PLEASE listen to the whole thing but my faves): “Forest of Monsters”, “The Submerged City”, “Clockwork Mansion 2″, “The Library”, “Dracula Battle”, “Ending”
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (ditto above): “Dance of Illusions”, “Dracula’s Castle”, “Marble Gallery”, “Lost Painting”, “Dance of Pales”, “Wandering Ghosts”, “Final Toccata”
“Clotho”, “Atropos”, and “Lathesis” from the Columns OST
Zelda shenanigans
“Title Theme (Wind Waker)”
“Dragon Roost Island”
“The Great Sea”
“Main Theme (Breath of the Wild)”
“Riding (Day)”
“Riding (Night)”
“Kakariko Village”
“Rito Village (Day)”
“Tarrey Town”
“Maze Forest”
“Hyrule Castle” and “Hyrule Castle Interior”
okay i gotta quit - i’ve had this tab open for like a week and a half now and i just keep adding stuff. this is enough to get anybody started. i hope y’all find something you like. :)
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
25 Favorite Female Arrowverse Characters
With „Supergirl“ coming to an end with Season 6, it’t time to take a look at the Arrowverses kicks-ass female characters, so here is a list of my 25 favorite female Arrowverse Characters.
 The Rules: This characters were sorted by personal preference of course, which is always subjective. However the general rules were: How well a character is written, how they come to life through the actor and the various directors, how big the impression that character makes was and how interesting and coherent they were. A character does not need to be likeable to score high on this list, however if they are just annoying me they won’t score high. „Stargirl“ is excluded from this list, because I have not seen the show yet and Season hasn’t crossed over to Earth Prime yet. Love can not be measured ony with stupid lists like this one. If someone is not on it, that does not mean I don’t like them (unless it does). Everyone ist entiteled to their own opinion, so please respect mine and don’t reblog or answer to that just to tell me how wrong mine is.
  25. Charlie/Clotho
 Earth 1, Earth Prime, MC: Legends of Tomorrow 4-5
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 24.  Thea Queen (Speedy)
 Earth-1, Earth Prime, MC: Arrow 1-6, RC: Arrow 7-8, GC: The Flash
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  23. Anissa Pierce (Thunder, Blackbird)
 BL Earth, Earth Prime, MC: Black Lightning
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22.  Sophie Moore
 Earth 1, Earth Prime, MC: Batwoman
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 21.  Ava Sharpe
 Earth 1, Earth Prime, MC: Legends of Tomorrow 4-6, RC: Legends of Tomorrow 3, AI: Crisis on Infinite Earths
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 20.  Zari Tarazi
 Earth Prime, MC: Legends of Tomorrow Season 5-6
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19.  Sam Arias
 Earth 38, MC: Supergirl 3, GC: Supergirl 5
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18.  Nia Nal (Dreamer)
 Earth 38, Earth Prime, MC: Supergirl 4-6, GC: Legends of Tomorrow 5, AI: Crisis on Infnite Earths
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 17. Frost (Killer Frost)
 Earth 1, Earth Prime, MC: The Flash 1-7, GC: Supergirl 3-4, Arrow 7, Legends of Tomorrow 3, 5. AI: Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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16.  Maggie Sawyer
 Earth 38, MC: Supergirl 2, RC: Supergirl 3
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15.  Amaya Jiwe (Vixen)
 Earth 1, MC: Legends of Tomorrow 2-3, AI: Invasion!
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14.  Zari Tomaz
 Earth-1, Earth Prime (Spirit), MC: Legends of Tomorrow 3-5, AI: Crisis on Earth-X
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 13.  Cat Grant
 Earth 38, MC: Supergirl 1, RC: Supergirl 2-4
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12.  Beth Kane (Alice)
 Earth-1, Earth Prime, MC: Batwoman
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11.  Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
 Earth-1, MC: Arrow 1-4, 6-8, RC: Arrow 5, The Flash 1-2, Legends of Tomorrow 1-2
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10.  Caitlin Snow
 Earth-1, Earth Prime, MC: The Flash, RC: Arrow 2-4, 7, GC: Supergirl 3-4, Legends of Tomorrow 3, 5, Invasion!, Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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9.      Jennifer Pierce (Lightning)
 EarthBL, Earth Prime, MC: Black Lightning
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8.      Nora West-Allen (XS)
 Earth-1, MC: The Flash 5, RC: The Flash 4, 6. GC: Supergirl 3, AI: Crisis on Earth-X
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 7.      Lois Lane
 Earth-38, Earth Prime, MC: Superman & Lois, RC: Supergirl 4-5, GC: The Flash 5-6, Batwoman 1, Legends of Tomorrow 5, Arrow 8, AI: Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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6.      Alex Danvers
 Earth 38, Earth Prime, MC: Supergirl, GC: The Flash 4, Arrow 6, Legends of Tomorrow 3, 5, AI: Crisis on Earth-X, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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 5.      Mary Hamilton
 Earth-1, Earth Prime, MC: Batwoman
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4.      Kate Kane (Batwoman)
 Earth-1, Earth Prime, MC: Batwoman 1, GC: Arrow 7-8, The Flash 5-6, Supergirl 4-5, Legends of Tomorrow 5, AI: Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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3. Kara Danvers (Kara Zor-El, Supergirl)
 Earth-38, Earth Prime, MC: Supergirl, RC: The Flash 3-6, Arrow 5-8, GC: Legends of Tomorrow 2-3, 5, Batwoman 1, AI: Invasion!, Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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2.      Iris West (Iris West-Allen)
 Earth-1, Earth Prime, MC: The Flash, GC: Arrow 6, Supergirl 3, Legends of Tomorrow 3, Batwoman 1, AI: Invasion!, Crisis on Earth-X, Elseworlds, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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 1.      Sara Lance (The Canary, White Canary, Captain Lance)
 Earth-1, Earth Prime, MC: Legends of Tomorrow, RC: Arrow 2-8, GC: The Flash 3-4, 6, Supergirl 3, 5, Batwoman 1, AI: Invasion!, Crisis on Earth-X, Crisis on Infinite Earths
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starcitysirens · 4 years
Hi. What do you think is Sara's power which is magical "illness"? We know that make her wear sunglasses, but it's not related to Medusa, but it's comes from greek mythology, also it's makes her personal life a little bit difficult...I thought at first that Sara might be Pandora and she, Constantine and Charlie will be lot's version of Trinity of Sin, but knowing that there loom of fate and that's she is paragon of destiny, she might became of the fates, a seer maybe..?
I have no idea. I’ve been trying to come up with theories and I have nothing I feel confident about. Greek mythology is not my area of expertise.
The only Greek thing sight related I can think of, besides Medusa, is Cyclops. But like, the X-Men kind.
I think the Loom of Fate or The Fates will play a part in Sara getting her power, but I’m not thinking that Sara will be one of them, just cause we already have that casting, if you’ve been paying attention to bts stuff. Joanna Vanderham is playing Atropos, Sarah Strange, the lady in hell who makes the soul coins is very likely Lachesis, which leaves Charlie as Clothos.
I like the Pandora idea. I feel like Sara’s physicality is similar to Pandora’s (hand to hand combat, the throwing knives). Imagine Sara channeling her magic into her throwing stars? Badass. But I think this idea would’ve worked better leading into season 4, cause it was technically her plan to let Mallus lose that released all the creatures into this world. That said, they could still do their own spin on something similar this season. I’m just ready to see Sara wrestle with something meaty again. I feel like she hasn’t had a proper storyline in so long.
Also, Trinity of Sin is a fantastic ot3 name and I will be appropriating it when/if those three share a storyline.
Whatever it is, it’s a disability (as described by Caity) that Sara has to figure out how to harness into a power. And John’s supposed help her with that. So if it’s visions, like a seer would have, then they’d have to be painful maybe? Or that she just can’t turn them off or something.
The other thought I had was something like the Helmet of Fate? But that’s more Egyptian myth than Greek. Although episode 11 is supposed to be a Sara heavy one, and I think that’s the Egypt one. hmmm…. goes well with the destiny theme.
I think it’d be funny if they turned her into the opposite version of Mysa Nal, aka White Witch. Mysa’s handicap was that she couldn’t tell the future, unlike all people of her species. 
I think the problem for me is that I’ve been trying to pull from the Justice League Dark comics and stuff, because that’s what I know, but Legends isn’t the type of show where they adapt stuff from the comics. With the exception of Constantine. So the comics can be a dead end.
tl; dr: i have no idea
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afaimsarrowverse · 3 years
Personae Dramatis:
 Eigentlich wollte ich ja keines für diese Fic machen, aber da es doch sehr viele Gastauftritte gibt, hier eine Übersicht über die handelnden Personen für alle, die nicht alle Serien schauen:
Barry Allen, der Flash, ein Speedster
 Chris Xodar, ein geheimnisvoller junger Mann mit besonderen Kräften
  Bewohner von Central City:
 Iris West-Allen, Barry Ehefrau, eine Reporterin, hat eine traumatische Erfahrung mit Spiegeln hinter sich
 Joe West, Polizeicaptain, Vater von Iris, Ziehvater von Barry
 Cecile Horton, Anwältin, Joes Lebenspartnerin, besitzt empathische Kräfte
 Frost, Meta mit Eiskräften, Mitglied von Team Flash, teilt sich einen Körper mit Caitlin Snow
 Caitlin Snow, Ärztin, Mitglied von Team Flash, Freundin
 Cisco Ramon, Vibe, ehemaliger Held, immer Tech Support von Team Flash
  Allegra Garcia, Mitglied von Team Flash, Mitarbeiterin von Iris, hat Lichtkräfte
 Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man, Barrys Teamkamerad
 Harrison „Harry“ Wells, ein Wissenschaftler von Erde-2
 Jesse Wells, Jesse Quick, seine Tochter, ein Speedster
 Sherloque Wells, Harrys Doppelgänger von einer anderen Erde, der größte Detektiv des Multiversums
 Nash Wells, Mythbuster, Harrison Wells Doppelgänger, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Jenna West, Tochter von Joe und Cecile
 Kamilla Hwang, Fotografin, Ciscos Freundin, Mitarbeiterin von Iris
 David Singh, Polizeichef von Central City
 Sue Dearborn, Love Interest von Ralph
 Leo Snart, Citizen Cold, Leonard Snarts Doppelgänger von Erde-X
 Eobard Thawne, ein Speedster, der die Gestalt von Harrison Wells angenommen hatte, Barrys Erzfeind
 Eva McCulloch, Mirror Mistress, Gebieterin über das Mirrorverse, hatte Iris gekidnapped
 Nora West-Allen, XS, zukünftige Tochter von Barry und Iris
 Wally West, Kid Flash, ein Speedster, Bruder von Iris
 Ronnie Raymond, eine Hälfte von Firestorm, Caitlins verstorbener Ehemann
 Eddie Thawne, Polizist, Vorfahre von Eobard Thawne, starb als Held
 Ramsay Rosso, Bloowork, ein Feind vom Flash
 Joanie Horton, Ceciles Tochter
 Savitar, Zeitrelikt aus der Zukunft, das Iris töten wollte
 Wolfgang Wells, Wells Doppelgänger von einer anderen Erde
 Jay Garrick, Flash von Erde-3 und Wissenschaftler, Doppelgänger von Barrys Vater
 Joan Garrick, seine Frau, Doppelgängerin von Barrys Mutter
 Hartley Rathaway, Pied Piper, ein Frenemie von Team Flash
 Carla Tannhauser, Ärztin, Mutter von Caitlin Snow (und Frost)
 Barry Allen Erde-90, der Flash, ein Held von einer anderen Erde, der sich geopfert hat, Doppelgänger von Barrys Vater
 Barry Allen von einer anderen Erde, jetzt auch der Flash genannt, Barry traf ihn während der Krise
 Breacher, ein Freund aus den Weiten des Multiversums
 Hunter Zolomon, Zoom, Feind vom Flash
 Clifford DeVoe, Thinker, Feind vom Flash
 Orlin Dwyer, Cicada, Feind vom Flash
 Francine West, Mutter von Iris und Wally
 Linda Park, Barrys Ex-Freundin
 Patty Spivot, Barrys Ex-Freundin
 Tina McGee, eine Wissenschaftlerin, Partnern von Barry-90 auf seiner Welt
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von Star City:
 Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, Spectre, ein Vigilant und Held, tot, vermutlich
 Laurel Lance, Black Canary, verstorbene Heldin
 Laurel Lance Erde-2, Black Siren, Black Canary, ehemalige Schurkin und Heldin mit Schallschrei von einer anderen Erde
 Laurel Lance Erde-X, Siren-X, böser Meta
 Dinah Drake, Black Canary, Polizeicaptain, Vigilantin und Polizistin
 Felicity Smoak, Olivers Ehefrau, Mutter von Mia, Hackerin
 William Clayton, Oliver Queens Sohn
 Mia Smoak, Tochter von Oliver Queen und Felicity Smoak, machte eine Zeitreise in die Gegenwart
 John Diggle, Spartan, jetzt ein Green Lantern, Soldat, Freund von Oliver Queen
 Sara Diggle, Johns Tochter, eins von Barry aus der Existenz gelöscht, lebt auf Earth Prime wieder
 John Diggle Jr, Johns Sohn
 Lyla Michaels, John Diggles Ehefrau
 Thea Queen, Olivers Schwester
 Damien Darhk, böser Magier, Vater von Nora Darhk
 McKenna Hall, Ex-Freundin von Oliver
 Shado, Ex-Geliebte von Oliver
 Malcolm Merlyn, Vater von Thea, Frenemie von Team Arrow
 Slade Wilson, Deathstroke, Frenemie von Oliver Queen
 Tommy Merlyn, Olivers bester Freund
 Quentin Lance, Vater von Laurel und Sara
 Moira Queen, Olivers und Theas Mutter
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von Metropolis und Smallville:
 Clark Kent, Superman, ein Kryptonier, größter Held seiner jeweiligen Heimaterde in fast jeden Universum
 Lois Lane, Clarkes Ehefrau, berühmte Reporterin
 Jonathan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois
 Jordan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois
 Martha Kent, Clarks Adpotivmutter
 Clark Kent Erde-96, Superman, sieht aus wie Ray Palmer, ist aber ein Kryptonier
  Die Legends:
 Sara Lance, White Canary, Captain der Waverider, eines Zeitschiffes
 Ray Palmer, the Atom, Wissenschaftler und Ingenieur
 Mick Rory, Heatwave, Pyromane und Bestseller-Autor
 John Constantine, ein Magier
 Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, Gründer der Rogues, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, Freund vom Flash, verstorben
 Nora Darhk, Gute Fee, Ehefrau von Ray Palmer
 Ava Sharpe, Co-Captain der Waverider, Saras Partnerin
 Charlie, Clotho, Gestaltenwandlerin und Schicksalsgöttin, läuft in Amayas Gestalt herum
 Zari Tarazi, eine Influencerin aus der Zukunft, Johns Freundin
 Nate Heywood, Steel, Historiker und Superheld
 Zari Tomaz, eine Hackerin aus der Zukunft
 Behrad Tarazi, Träger des Windtotems, Zaris Bruder
 Professor Martin Stein, Wissenschaftler, Teil von Firestorm, verstorben
 Amaya Jiwe, Vixen, Heldin aus der Vergangenheit
 Astra Logue, Constantines Patentochter, wuchs in der Hölle auf
 Gary Green, Constantines Lehrling
 Rip Hunter, ehemaliger Time Master, der die Legends gründete
 Jefferson Jackson, zweite Hälfte von Firestorm nach Ronnies Tod
 Kendra Saunders, Hawgirl, Heldin
 Carter Hall, Hawkman, Held
 Gideon, die K.I. der Waverider
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von National City:
 Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kryptonierin, Reporterin und Heldin
 Alex Danvers, Soldatin und Ärztin, Karas Adpotivschwester, eine Heldin
 J’onn J’onzz, Martian Manhunter, grüner Marsianer, ein Held, Freund von Supergirl
 Nia Nal, Dreamer, eine Heldin
 Querl Dox, Brainiac-5, außerirdischer DEO-Agent und Held aus der Zukunft
 Lex Luthor, Wissenschaftler, Feind von Superman und Supergirl
 Lena Luthor, seine Schwester, Wissenschaftlerin
  Lillian Luthor, Mutter von Lex, böse Wissenschaftlerin
 M’gann M’orzz, Miss Martian, weiße Marsianerin, J’onns Gefährtin
 Malefic J’onzz, J’onns Bruder, lebt am Mars
 Kelly Olsen, Psychologin, Alexs Lebenspartnerin
 William Dey, Reporter, Partner von Kara
 Ruby Arias, junges Mädchen mit einer besonderen Verbindung zu Alex
 Sam Arias, ihre Mutter, teilte sich den Körper mit der Weltenkillerin Reign
 Reign, eine Weltenkillerin
 Mon-El, Daxamit, Held, Karas Ex-Freund
 Maggie Sawyer, Cop, Ex-Freundin von Alex
 Lura, ein halb-kryptonisches, halb-daxamitisches Kind
 Kathy, ein Adpotivkind
  Bewohner von Freeland:
 Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning, ein Held
 Anissa Pierce, Thunder, Jeffersons Tochter
 Jennifer Pierce, Lightning, Jeffersons zweite Tochter
 Lynn Stewart, Jeffersons Ehefrau
 Peter Gambi, Jeffersons Ziehvater
 Tobias Whale, Mörder von Jeffersons Vater, Black Lightnings Erzfeind
  Aktuelle und ehemalige Bewohner von Gotham:
 Kate Kane, Batwoman, eine Heldin
 Mary Hamilton, Ärztin, Kates Stiefschwester
 Luke Fox, der Tech Support von Batwoman
 Alice, Beth Kane, Kates Zwillingsschwester und Erzfeindin
 Beth Kane, Alices Doppelgängerin von einer anderen Erde
 Jacob Kane, Kates und Beths Vater, Marys Stiefvater
 Sophie Moore, Kates Ex-Freundin
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, Kates Cousin, erster Vigilant
 Tommy Elliott, Hush, ein Feind von Batwoman, der Bruces Gesicht gestohlen hat
 Julia Pennyworth, Sophies aktuelle Freundin, Ex-Freundin von Kate
 Regan, Kates Ex-Freundin
 Magpie, Feindin von Batwoman und Schwester von Regan
 Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, entwickelte das Angst-Toxin
 Der Joker, ein Verrückter Clown
 Harleen Quinzel, Harly Quinn, Joker Fan-Girl
 Renee Montoya, eine Polizistin
 Mar Novu, der Monitor, ein gottgleiches Wesen
 Mobius, der Anti-Monitor, ein gottgleiches Wesen, das das Multiversum vernichtet hat
 Astropos, Schicksalsgöttin
 Lachesis, Schicksalsgöttin, residierte einige Zeit in der Hölle
 Ryan Choi, ein Wissenschaftler
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Personae Dramatis:
Worlds Beyond Elseworlds-Edition:
 Für den Fall, dass ihr nicht alle Serien schaut und nicht alle auftretenden und erwähnten Personen kennt, hier eine kleine Orientierungshilfe:
  Team Arrow und die Bewohner von Star City:
 Oliver Queen, The Hood, der Bogenschütze, die Kapuze, Arrow, Green Arrow, Al-sa-Him, Spectre, Mitglied der Bratva, Gründer von Team Arrow, Mitglied der Liga der Assassinen, ehemaliger Bürgermeister von Star City, ein Held
 Laurel Lance, Dinah Laurel Lance, Black Canary, Staatsanwältin, Schwester von Sara, erste Liebe von Oliver, Mitglied von Team Arrow, verstorben
 Laurel Lance von Erde-2, Black Siren, Black Canary, Bezirksstaatsanwältin, ehemalige Superschurkin, die das Leben ihrer Doppelgängerin übernommen hat
 Felicity Smoak, Overwatch, Hackerin, Mitglied von Team Arrow, Ehefrau von Oliver Queen
 Thea Queen, Speedy, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow, Schwester von Oliver
 John Diggle, Spartan, Agent von Argus, Soldat, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow, Olivers bester Freund
 Rene Ramirez, Wild Dog, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow
 Dinah Drake, Tina Boland, zweite Black Canary, Polizeicaptain von Star City, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Arrow
 Mia Smoak, Mia Queen, Darkstar, Green Arrow, Tochter von Oliver Queen und Felicity Smoak, lebt im Jahr 2040
 Quentin Lance, Captain Lance, Detektive Lance, Officer Lance, The Detective, Vater von Sara und Laurel, ehemaliger Polizist und verstorbener Bürgermeister von Star City
 Tommy Merlyn, bester Freund von Oliver, Sohn von Malcom Merlyn, Halbbruder von Thea Queen, Geliebter von Laurel Lance, verstorben
 Lyla Michales, Harbinger, John Diggles Frau, Direktorin von Argus
 Connor Hawke, Sohn von Ben Turner, Ziehsohn von John Diggle, ein zukünftiges Mitglied von Team Arrow
 Moira Queen, eine Geschäftsfrau, Olivers und Theas Mutter, verstorben
 William Clayton, Oliver Queens Sohn
 Slade Wilson, Deathstroke, Geheimagent, Fremenie von Oliver
 Anatoly Knyazev, Bratva Hauptmann, Freund von Oliver Queen
 Zoe Ramirez, Tochter von Rene Ramirez
 Emiko Adachi, Olivers Halbschwester, verstorben
 Malcolm Merlyn, Dark Archer, Theas und Tommys Vater, verstorben
   Team Flash und die Bewohner von Central City:
 Barry Allen, The Flash, die Schemen, Gründer von Team Flash, forensischer Analyst beim CCPD, der schnellster Mann der Welt, der Paragon der Liebe
 Iris West-Allen, Barrys Ehefrau, Anführerin von Team Flash, Reporterin, Gründerin des Central City Citizen, dem sie sich später nach einem traumatischen Verlust hauptsächlich widmet
 Nora West-Allen, XS, Tochter von Barry und Iris, kommt aus der Zukunft um diese zu ändern, ein Speedster
 Caitlin Snow, Ärztin, Mitglied von Team Flash, teilt ihren Körper mit Frost, ihrer alternativen Persönlichkeit
 Frost, Eismeta, Mitglied von Team Flash, teilt ihren Körper mit Caitlin Snow
 Cisco Ramon, Wissenschaftler, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man, Mitglied von Team Flash, Privatdetektiv, Meta der seinen Körper dehnen kann
 Joe West, Ziehvater von Barry, Vater von Iris, Polizist, später Captain vom CCPD, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Cecile Horton, Mitglied Team Flash, Joe Wests Lebensgefährtin, Mutter seiner jünsten Tochter, Anwältin, Empathin
 Jenna West, Tochter von Joe West und Cecile Horton, Tante von Nora West-Allen
 Eddie Thawne, Polizist, ehemaliger Verlobter von Iris, verstorben
 Sherloque Wells, der größte Detektiv des Multiversums, hilft Team Flash, stammt von einer anderen Erde
 Renee Adler, Erde-1 Doppelgängerin von Sherloques Ex-Frauen
 Kamilla Hwang, eine Fotografin, Ciscos Freundin, Mitglied von Team Flash, arbeiter für den Citizen
 Wally West, Kid Flash, Sohn von Joe, Bruder von Iris, ehemaliges von Team Flash und den Legends
 Harry Wells, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash, Wissenschaftler, stammt von Erde-2
 Jesse Wells, Jesse Quick, Tochter von Harry Wells, ein Speedster, stammt von Erde-2
 Nash Wells, Harrison Nash Wells, Pariah, ein Archäologe von einer anderen Erde auf der Suche nach Rache
 Allegra Garcia, besitzt Lichtkräfte, eine aufstrebende Reporterin, arbeitet für Iris West-Allen, Mitglied von Team Flash
 Julian Albert, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash
 Chester P. Runk, ein Nerd und Verbündeter von Team Flash
 David Singh, Captain Singh, Polizist, später Polzeichef von Central City, Verbündeter von Team Flash
 Jay Garrick, der Flash, Doppelgänger von Henry Allen, stammt von Erde-3
 Breacher, Josh, ein Meta von einer anderen Erde
 Sue Dearborn, geheimnisvolle verschollene Erbin mit diebischen Fingern
 John Deegan, ein frustrierter Wissenschaftler
 Eobard Thawne, Harrison Wells, Reverse Flash, Barrys Erzfeind
 Shaewna Baez, Peek-a-Boo, Mitglied der Rogues, eine Teleporterin und Diebin
 Axel Walker, Trickster Junior, Sohn von James Jesse, ein Mitglied der Rogues, der größte Fan seines Vaters
 Ramsay Rosso, Bloodwork, ein Arzt und Wissenschaftler
 Orlin Dwyer, Cicada, ein Fabrikarbeiter mit einer tragischen Familiengeschichte
 Sam Scudder, Mirror Master, Rivale von Leonard Snart, Krimineller
 Rose Dillon, Top, Partnerin und Omega von Sam Scudder
 Mark Mardon, Weather Wizard, Mitglied der Rogues, Stammgeist in Iron Heights
 Amunet Black, große Nummer in der Unterwelt von Central City, hielt sich Jahre lang bedeckt, kontrolliert Metall
 Goldface, Amunents Ex-Freund, Mob-Boss, seine Haut ist mit Gold überzogen
 Godspeed, ein geheimnisvoller Speedster aus Noras Zeit
 Spencer Young, Spin, Bloggerin und Pseudo-Journalistin, die Nachrichten machen kann bevor sie passieren
 Joseph Carver, der CEO von McCulloch Technologies, Eva McCullochs „Witwer“, der Chef von Black Hole
 Eva McCulloch, Mirror Mistress, eine Wissenschaftlerin, die in einer Spiegelwelt gestrandet ist
 Grodd, ein telepathischer Riesengoilla
 Alex Danvers Erde-1, eine Angestellte von Superman
 James Olsen Erde-1, Supermans schlechtester Freund
 Winn Schott Erde-1, ein Angestellter von Superman
 Barry Allen Erde-90, der Flash von einer anderen Erde
 Iris West-Allen, eine Spiegelversion von Iris, hergestellt von Eva McCulloch
 Kamilla Hwang, eine Spiegelversion von Kamilla, hergestellt von Eva McCulloch
 David Singh, eine Spiegelversion von Singh, hergestellt von Eva McCulloch
 Ray Terrill, the Ray, ein Widerstandskämpfer von Erde-1, der auf Erde-X lebt, Leo Snarts Ehemann
   Die Legends und ihre Freunde und Feinde:
 Sara Lance, The Canary, White Canary, Captain Lance,  Anführerin der Legends, Paragon des Schicksals
 Ray Palmer, The Atom, Wissenschaftler, Mitglied der Legends
 Mick Rory, Heatwave, Pyromane, Dieb, Bestsellerautor, Mitglied der Legends
 Nate Heywood, Steel, Historiker, Mitglied der Legends
 John Constantine, ein Magier, Mitglied der Legends
 Ava Sharpe, Agentin und spätere Direktorin des Time Bureau, Ava-12, Geliebte von Sara, Mitglied der Legends
 Zari Tomaz, Hackerin, Gebieterin des Windtotems, Mitglied der Legends, stammt aus der Zukunft
 Charlie, Clotho, die Weberin, eine Gestaltenwandlerin, Punk Rockerin, Mitglied der Legends, in Wahrheit eine der drei Schicksalsgöttinnen
 Mona Wu, Wolfie, aufstrebende Autorin, Angestellte des Time Bureaus, Mitglied der Legends
 Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, Meisterdieb, Partner von Mick Rory, Gründer der Rogues, Mitglied der Legends, verstorben
 Leo Snart, Leonard Snart X, Citizen Cold, Widerstandskämpfer, Mitglied der Legends, stammt von Erde-X
 Nora Darhk, eine Hexe, die zu einer guten Fee wird, Damien Darhks Tochter, Rays feste Freundin, Mitglied der Legends
 Behrad Tarazi, Wirtschaftsstudent, Gebieter über das Windtotem in der neuen Zeitlinie, Zaris Bruder, Mitglied der Legends
 Zari Tarazi, Social Media Star, Schwester von Behrad, Mitglied der Legends
 Astra Logue, John Constantines Patentochter, wuchs in der Hölle auf, später sozusagen Mitglied der Legends
 Gary Green, ein Zeitagent, John Constantines Assistent, sozusagen Mitglied der Legends
 Amaya Jiwe, Vixen, Mitglied der JSA, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, stammt aus den 1940ern
 Gideon, KI der Waverider, Mitglied der Legends
 Damien Darhk, Noras Vater, ein unsterblicher Magier und ein Mitglied der Liga der Assassinen, zur Zeit in der Hölle
 Neron, ein Dämon
 Anna Loring, Rays tote Verlobte
 Konane, ein mystisches Werwolf-artiges Wesen, Monas Geliebter
 Rebecca Silver, Mick Rorys Pseudonym
 Lita, Tochter von Mick Rory
 Ali, ihre Mutter
 Ryan Choi , ein Wissenschaftler, Paragon der Menschlichkeit
 Ryan Chois Frau, eine junge Mutter
 Lachesis, Schwester von Charlie, eine der Schicksalsgöttinnen, residiert in der Hölle
 Astropos, Schwester von Charlie und Lachesis, eine der Schicksalsgöttinnen, schneidet den Fanden durch
   Kosmische Wesen:
 Monitor, Mar Novu, ein kosmisches Wesen
 Anti-Monitor, Mobius, ein kosmisches Wesen, sein Gegenstück
 Jim Carrigan, Spectre, will seinen Mantel weitergeben
   Die Bewohner von Gotham:
 Kate Kane, Batwoman, die Beschützerin von Gotham, Chefin von Wayne Industries, Paragon der Tapferkeit
 Jacob Kane, General Kane, Commander Kane, Soldat, Gründer und Anführer der Crows, Vater von Kate Kane
 Beth Kane, Alice, Zwillingsschwester von Kate Kane, Anführerin der Wonderland Gang, verrückt
 Catherine Hamilton-Kane, Jacob Kanes zweite Ehefrau, Kate Kanes Stiefmutter, Geschäftsfrau, verstorben
 Mary Hamilton, Adoptivtochter von Jacob Kane, Kate Kanes Stiefschwester, aufstrebende Ärztin
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, Beschützer von Gotham, Erbe des Wayne-Imperiums, Playboy, Cousin von Kate Kane, verschollen
 Sophie Moore, Mitglied der Crows, Jacobs rechte Hand, Ex-Geliebte von Kate Kane
 Luke Fox, sein Sohn, Tech Support von Batwoman
 Pyscho Pirate, ein verrückter Krimineller
 Nora Fries, Ehefrau von Viktor Fries, steht auf Kälte
   Erde 38:
 Team Supergirl und die Bewohner von National City:
 Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, Agentin des DEO, Gründerin der Superfriends, Kryptonierin, Reporterin, Paragon der Hoffnung
 Alex Danvers, Leiterin des DEO, Ziehschwester von Kara Danvers, Mitglied der Superfriends
 J’onn J’onzz, der Marsianer, Martian Manhunter, ehemaliger Direktor des DEO, Privatdetektive, letzter grüner Marsianer, Mitglied der Superfriends, Paragon der Ehre
 Querl Dox, Brainiac-5, Brainy, Mitglied der Legion der Superhelden, Agent des DEO, Mitglied der Superfriends, eine synthethische Lebensform
 Nia Nal, Dreamer, Reporterin, Außerirdische mit Traumkräften, Mitglied der Superfriends
 Winn Schott, ehemaliger Agent des DEO, Mitglied der Superfriends, Informatiker, ging in die Zukunft
 Mon-El, Valor, Prinz von Daxam, ehemaliges Mitglied der Superfriends, ehemaliger Agent des DEO, Gründer der Legion of Superheroes, ging in die Zukunft, Karas große Liebe
 James Olsen, ehemaliges Mitglied der Superfriends, Fotograph
 Lena Luthor, eine Geschäftsfrau und Wissenschaftlerin, Freundin von Kara
 Andrea Rojas, Arcata, Soldatin von Leviathan, eine Geschäftsfrau, Karas Chefin
 William Dey, ein berühmter Reporter, Kollege von Kara
 Kelly Olsen, James Olsens Schwester, Soldatin und Therapeutin, Alex Danvers Partnerin
 Russell Rogers, Rip Roar, ein Soldat von Leviathan, vermutlich tot
 Lex Luthor, Bruder von Lena Luthor, Geschäftsmann, Wissenschaftler, Mann von Morgen, Intimfein von Superman, stahl den Mantel des Paragons der Wahrheit für sich
 Lillian Luthor, Mutter von Lex Luthor, Adoptivmutter von Lena Luthor, Anführerin von Cadmus
 Livewire, Leslie Willies, Angestellte von CatCo, später Superschurkin, verstorben
 Winslow Schott, Toyman, Vater von Winn Schott, Spielzeugmacher und Superschurke, verstorben
 Rama Khan, ein Anführer von Leviathan
 Gamanea, eine Anführerin von Leviathan
 Eliza Danvers, Ärztin, Mutter von Alex, Ziehmutter von Kara
 Jeremiah Danvers, ihr Ehemann, assoziert mit Cadmus und dem DEO, verschollen
 Cat Grant, Gründerin von CatCo, Pressesprecherin, Reporterin, Karas ehemalige Chefin
 Clark Kent, Kal-El, Superman, ein Reporter, Cousin von Supergirl
 Lois Lane, Reporterin, Ehefrau von Clark Kent, Mutter seines Sohnes
 Martha Kent, Ziehmutter von Clark Kent, Farmerin
 Jonathan Samuel Kent, Sohn von Lois Lane und Clark Kent, Halbkryptonier
 Lana Lang, Clarks Ex-Freundin aus Smallville
   Bewohner von Erde-96:
 Clark Kent von Erde 96, Kal-El, Superman einer anderen Erde, sieht verwirrender Weise aus wie Ray Palmer, der originale Paragon der Wahrheit
 Jason White, Sohn von Lois Lane und Clark Kent von Erde-96
 Lois Lane von Erde-96, Jasons verstorbene Mutter
 Richard White, Jason Whites Stiefvater
   Von anderen Erden:
 Leonard Snart K.I, K. I. einer alternativen Waverider, von Erde 74
 MickRory, ehemaliger Verbrecher und erfolgloser Schriftsteller an Bord der alternativen Waverider, von Erde-74
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, ein Vigilant mit Handicap von einer anderen Erde, von Erde-99
 Courtney Whitmore, Stargirl, eine Highschoolschülerin von einer anderen Erde
 Freeland (TUD5 und Earth Prime):
 Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning, ein Held von einer anderen Erde
 Lynn Stewart, seine Frau
 Anissa Pierce, Thunder, Blackbird, seine ältere Tochter
 Jennifer Pierce, Lightning, seine jüngere Tochter
 Peter Gambi, Jeffersons Ersatzvater, ehemaliger ASA Agent
 TC, Terrence Carson, ein Meta der mit Computern reden kann
 Tobias Whale, ein unsterblicher Unterweltboss, der Jeffersons Vater ermordet hat
 Agent Odell, der Leiter der ASA
 Tyson Sykes, Gravedigger, der erste Meta, der von der US Regierung geschaffen wurde, Jeffersons Großvater, arbeitet für Markovia
 Latavious Johnson, Lala, der Chef der Unterwelt von Freeland (im Moment)
 Bill Henderson, der Captain der Polizei von Freeland
 Dr. Helga Chase, eine verrückte Wissenschaftlerin, entführt von Markovia
 Grace Choi, eine Gestaltenwandlerin, Anissas Geliebte
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