its me!! again...
can i like give you guys fun stuff like idk some weird gameboy game i found
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[Parallel play!]
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grandboute · 11 months
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#clouds #cloudySky #nuages #sky #ciel #cloudy #skyMyWife #cheminFaisant
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Les portes du paradis.
(Parc naturel régional du Pilat - Décembre 2020).
A Julie…
© Quentin Douchet.
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faroukmarduk · 10 months
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jhesite · 9 months
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Day 13: Dard Arc-en-Ciel (Rainbow Dart)
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ultralowoxygen · 5 months
What's the Now, and where's the When? by Vaidotas Mikšys Via Flickr: Gliwice, Poland, 2023 Kokoaparatas 2X, Fujifilm Pro 160NS Double exposure, exposed on both sides of film with a DIY coconut camera. Pinholes' sizes not measured.
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lilidawnonthemoon · 10 months
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0 notes
blues824 · 1 year
I need a Male! Reader x Yandere! Vincent, Claude, Sebastian, Undertaker, Lau, and Madam Red in my life! It’d interesting if M!reader were to be extremely cool-headed and always in a dream-like state but aware of what is happening around them and is incredibly smart. They appear sleepy but really aren’t it’s just their usual face. And they’re soul is one in a million that could keep a demon full for years. So to the characters M!reader appears as otherworldly and they are intrigued…
I love Yandere requests for some reason.
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Vincent Phantomhive
Poor dear was fearful that you would fall asleep at any point, so it is better to have you next to him at all times. But, he wouldn’t be surprised if you were always sleepwalking, because you lived as though you were in a dream. Well, he may as well be your knight in shining armor, as he needed to protect you.
You could see what he was doing. Ever since he first invited you back to the Phantomhive manor, ever since he offered you that cup of tea. You wanted to wake up, you wanted to fight back, but the poison kept you from doing it. And besides, it would be a far call to say that the Vincent Phantomhive was poisoning you. Even though you were angry, you knew you had to be reasonable. This was your fate now.
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Sebastian Michaelis
He had met you when he was going to pick up the young master’s new cane. You were a 19-year-old apprentice, who didn’t seem to have his head back on Earth. The demon breathed in and your soul just smelled so sweet. It was calling to him, to his hunger. Suddenly, Ciel Phantomhive did not have the most craved soul. So, a few days later, he wrote to your master that you were called for by Lord Phantomhive himself, but it was actually him who wanted you there.
As smart as you typically were, you did not see this coming until it was too late. He held you in his arms within the library while the master was busy with his work, and Mey-Rin, Finney, and Bard were all doing their chores. He whispered that you were his and his alone, and you then realized that your mind was steadily growing more and more cloudy. 
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Claude Faustus
He typically wouldn’t care about just any human being unless their soul called out to him. But, when he saw you in the bookstore, your mind somewhere in some distant land rather than the present, he could hear your soul. It smelled sweet, and fulfilling, and he could sense that there were other demons around waiting to collect it.
He invited you to the Trancy Manor, where he locked you in a room that was isolated so that no one would be able to hear you. He made sure that the other servants were aware that he was the only one who would tend to that side of the house, and because of his status within the household, he was never questioned. Now, without him by you during the day, you spent your days trying to escape all the while acting as though your head was up in the clouds when he checked up on you.
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You were one of Ciel’s servants, and you caught his attention with how you seemed to be living within a dream. You were operating on autopilot, but you were doing exceptionally well. It was because of you being a tiny bit of a distraction to the man that he was not paying attention to the plan that Sebastian had laid out. 
The next day, you had found yourself in his opium den. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Ran-Mao had kidnapped you in the night and brought you to where you were now. You were bound in chains, and led up to Lau, where he had you placed upon his lap. You seemed to be a bit too aware, maybe you just needed to go to sleep. It’s unfortunate that you ended up in an opium den of all places.
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You had entered his shop by mistake, and he was surprised because he was not expecting any visitors, dead or alive, that day. It caused you both to laugh, and he had you sit down for a bit of tea before you made your way back. He could sense your soul, and he was aware that he wanted it just for himself. After about the third cup of tea that he prepared for you, you finally sensed that it was a bit suspicious. Of course, you were slowly getting sleepy.
In the morning, you found yourself sleeping in a coffin. You were tied up, but it was open. The Undertaker heard you struggling against the bindings, and he let out a bit of a giggle before peering over the opening of the coffin. You weren’t really listening to what he was saying, but you caught something about your soul, and you being the first to make him laugh genuinely with nothing required in return. 
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Madam Red
You were a servant from the Phantomhive Manor, and when she went to discuss with her nephew about the plans to catch Jack the Ripper, you had caught her attention. She made a comment about how her butler could learn from both you and Sebastian. However, Grelle could see the look of love in her eyes, and she knew her next orders.
The following day, you found yourself locked within a room in Madame Red’s estate. Eventually, the lady had entered the room, specifically the bedroom, where you were staying in. She greeted you with a hello darling before moving on to prepare for the night. You saw the instruments she was using, but you remember hearing her tell Grelle that there was a target that night. You let out a gasp, and you started trying to escape only to be held back by Madam Red herself. She used one of the many syringes full of something with anesthetic properties that put you back to sleep.
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mochademic · 7 months
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 57] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 57]
different shades of créme. chasing the feeling of "never better".
the weather feels a little moody. cloudy enough to be grey, even with the blue sky visible. it stays like that until the early evening when we're given precious few hours of golden light. then we must wait until morning.
there's a different taste to the air these days. something is around the bend, and the world becomes almost congested. this is all in my head, of course.
essay proposals started
applications sorted
cleaning sorted
plants fed
freelance project planned
currently listening // ASHAMED by HEALTH
différentes nuances de crème. à la poursuite du sentiment de "jamais mieux".
le temps est un peu maussade. assez nuageux pour être gris, même si le ciel bleu est visible. il reste ainsi jusqu'au début de la soirée, lorsque nous avons droit à quelques précieuses heures de lumière dorée. ensuite, nous devons attendre le matin.
il y a un goût différent dans l'air ces jours-ci. quelque chose se prépare, et le monde devient presque congestionné. tout cela est dans ma tête, bien sûr.
début des propositions d'essais
demandes triées
nettoyage terminé
plantes nourries
projet freelance prévu
chanson // ASHAMED par HEALTH
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hi its me again (crazy i know) but there are a lot of questions from me so prePARE yourself
what are those red hand arm things that come out of omoris back? theyre not like the red hands that guide you since those have white, and omoris are all red
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Omori: They were kinda like.. a gift? I dunno. They're pretty useful, though.
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grandboute · 1 year
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#sky #clouds #colors #sunrise #fireInTheSky #ciel #nuages
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valentinesdaydate98 · 4 months
The Phantomhive Butler Three
Word count: 1.7k
Pairing: Sebastian Michaelis x Reader
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She knew this was all a game, a losing game. However, despite everything, she loved Sebastian. What a cruel punishment. She should be relieved. Once Sebastian and Ciel fulfill their contract, the demon will leave. Her heart cracking, though it's not broken. In the short time spent together, they became friendly with each other. Friends turned into a complex relationship. A relationship with kisses and affection without being intimate. A relationship without love. The demon with his human companion. The predator with his prey.
It was a cloudy afternoon, which meant it was time for Charlotte’s afternoon tea at Ciel’s garden. What she didn’t realize was that Ciel wasn’t feeling well until Sebastian informed her before she got out of her carriage. In a panic, she rushed towards his room to take care of Ciel.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Charlotte,” Ciel said before he started a coughing fit.“Sebastian has been taking care of me. I apologize for not informing you in advance about my illness. If you want, you may spend your afternoon tea with Sebastian instead,” Ciel said as his dry voice became more pronounced.
His room was spotless before Charlotte barged in with her bag full of medical supplies she had on her carriage. On Ciel’s night table were her first aid kit, Ciel’s asthma medication, an ice pack, and much more that cluttered his table. There was also clutter on his bed. She laid an extra blanket on the edge of the bed. A stethoscope, an inhaler, and a small bell for him to ring for help.
“I understand, Ciel, but you shouldn’t. Sebastian is busy with his chores and all. I don’t want to be a burden to both of you,” Charlotte said as she laid a wet, cold washcloth on his forehead. She sighs out loud. “He didn’t even bother to change this washcloth. You were burning up.”
“I insist. You traveled all this way to visit me. Besides, I’m sure he won’t mind. He seems quite fond of you.” Ciel said.
“Fond of me?”
Ciel replied, “I was surprised as well.”
“And when you say he is fond of me, what do you mean by that?” Charlotte asked.
“What do I mean? He seems to tolerate you. Granted, you’re a more competent person to help around. Though, you overdo it,” Ciel explained before he paused. “Why are you interested in knowing his opinion about you?” Ciel asked.
Charlotte panicked inside. Ciel suspected her relationship with Sebastian for a while now. If Ciel were to find out…
“I know Sebastian is fond of you, and you’re fond of him. I don’t understand why you tried hiding when you knew I would find out eventually,” Ciel interrupted before he sighed out loud. “However, that’s beside the point,” he tried speaking before having another coughing fit.
Charlotte laid him down on his bed as Ciel gently grabbed her wrist. Despite his illness, her eyes widened at his tight grip.
“Charlotte, I want you to listen to me. Listen good. Don’t get close to Sebastian. Don’t be friendly with him, don’t be affectionate with him, don’t do anything with him. I understand you’re being nice to him for my sake, but don’t do anything beyond being polite to him. He has no interest in you beyond consuming your soul. Besides, once I fulfill our contract, Sebastian will leave. He will not love you, he never will. Promise me you won’t become intimate with him,” Ciel said with a scowl.
Charlotte stayed quiet before she reluctantly responded. “I promise, Ciel.” She said with a fake smile on her face. “Besides, I’m not interested in mingling with demons,”
Ciel hums before he closes his eyes. “Enjoy your afternoon, Charlotte.”
“Feel better soon, Ciel.”
And with that out of the way, he was fast asleep.
Time skip
Charlotte felt bored. As she sat on her chair and looked around Ciel’s garden, she couldn’t help but want to sleep. She couldn’t speak with the other servants, as they were busy with their chores, and didn’t want to be a burden on them. Nothing to do but drink and nibble on her biscuits. She stared at her empty tea cup until she felt goosebumps in her body and a scowl appeared on her face. Only one person has that effect on her.
“Already finished, my ladyship? Are you perhaps dehydrated?” Sebastian asked.
“Why can’t you open the door like a normal person?” She asked with an annoyed expression.
“I suppose I should, but I don’t see the point since you know my secret. Is something troubling you, my lady? You’ve been quiet for a while now. If this is about Ciel’s health, I assure you he will live through.” Sebastian said.
“No, it’s not that. Well, that’s part of what’s troubling me, but not the whole reason.” Charlotte said before she let out a huge sigh. “There’s been something plaguing my mind and I need to get it out of my system.”
“I’m listening, my ladyship. Although, I do advise you to make it quick. I am quite busy today.” Sebastian said as he sat across from the table.
Charlotte gets up from her chair and walks towards him. She embraced him as her tears landed on his tailcoat.
“My lady? What’s the matter?” Sebastian asked as he caressed her hair.
“Why? Why does it have to be you?” Charlotte asked with a cracked voice.
“I beg your pardon, my lady?” Sebastian asked.
“Why is it that whenever you speak to me, your voice replaces the one of the Lord? That your mere presence makes my heart flutter? And that your touch makes me feel more calm. I’m supposed to be revolted by your existence. I should despise you.” Charlotte cried louder as she buckled her knees and laid her head on his lap. “But with you, it’s the complete opposite. You’ve stolen my heart, Sebastian. I hate you for that.”
Sebastian took a step back from her confession but couldn’t help but smirk. “My ladyship, please sit back down. I’m sure your knees are hurting right now. Besides, no gentleman wants to respond to a confession when the lady is full of tears and snot.” With the gentle touch of his fingertips wiping her tears, she sits on her chair.
“My lady, I appreciate your honesty and your bravery. Now that you confessed, what do you intend to do with your feelings?” Sebastian asked.
“I understand that you don’t feel the same, Sebastian. I do. However, I am aware that once you fulfill your contract with Ciel, you will leave. Am I right?” She asked as she tugged her clothing.
“That is correct.” He responded.
“With that information, all I ask for you to stay.” She said.
Sebastian chuckled at her silly suggestion. “And how do you intend to make me stay, my lady? I’m quite sure a leach won’t be enough to trap me with you.”
“Let’s form a contract, Sebastian.” Charlotte declared.
“My lady, I don’t believe you understand how serious of a situation this is. You should…”
“I understand what I am saying, Sebastian.” Charlotte interrupted him. “A fruitful life is being in your arms, and if I am a fool to desire that, then let me be your fool to toy with. I’ll keep you in my heart and mind until you consume my soul. I will remain faithful to you. No other man will come between us. By the time I die, you may have my soul. No one has made me feel this way before. I don’t care about the consequences, Sebastian,” Charlotte declared. “So, please, let’s make a contract. I don’t want to be away from you. Never.” She said as she extended her arm to him.
Sebastian smiled before he shook her hand. “Certainly, my dear. I must inform you, however, you won’t get into heaven after this and…”
“I am well aware, Sebastian,” Charlotte interrupted. “Like I said, I don’t care. May the devil’s hand strike me down and caress me so. Fulfill my desires, Sebastian. Don’t leave me,” Charlotte ordered him.
Sebastian, ecstatic with her response, extended his hand for Charlotte to hold.
“Very well, my ladyship, we shall shake hands and I will brand you as mine, and I shall be yours. I shall serve you, as well. I will protect you from any danger, I will be an affectionate being, and I will heal you from sickness. Anything my ladyship wants, she will receive,” Sebastian declared their contract.
With that, they made the contract official with the burning, stinging sensation of Charlotte’s skin in her hand. She hisses throughout the process until she sighs in relief once she survived this torturous moment. She pauses for a moment before taking a glimpse at her mark. Their Faustian contract symbol imprinted onto her skin glows a soft purple light.
“Now, my dear, give me an order,” Sebastian said.
Charlotte stared at her mark and later into Sebastian’s eyes. “Sebastian,” she spoke in a soft tone. “Clean up the mess.” She said with an angry tone as she showed her bloody hand. “You should’ve warned me ahead of time about the pain? So much for a gentleman, so much for a butler.”
Sebastian smirked before placing his hand on his heart and bows. “My apologies, my dear. It slipped out of my mind.”
“Hmph.” She glared at him. “Well? What are you waiting for? For me to bleed out? Take care of the injury you caused. That’s an order, Sebastian,” Charlotte demanded as her mark glowed.
“Yes, my ladyship, I shall take care of you,” Sebastian said. However, before he walked away from her room, he felt Charlottes tugging on his tailcoat. “My lady? Is something bothering you?” he asked.
Charlotte stayed quiet as her cheeks flushed red. “Can we make this more affectionate?” she asked. Though her question was vague, Sebastian knew what she was asking. He laughed, which humiliated Charlotte. She felt like a child asking their family to take care of them after a nightmare.
“My dear, I should teach you more manners. It’s quite a nuisance to have other people guess what you’re asking. However, just this once…” He leaned in and kissed her lips. He trapped her. It’s only a matter of time before he will consume her being.
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edenityy · 2 months
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( chapter twenty ! )
"You are awfully quiet this morning."
Rain pours down on a cloudy morning once again, forming droplets on the window and casting a gloomy feeling over Phantomhive Manor. The death of Georg Von Siemens still hangs heavy on everyone's shoulders. But for Leah, she hardly feels affected and remains firm with her idea of his death. 'Perverts deserve what's coming to them.'
She sits before a intricately carved vanity, littered with different items for her essential morning routine. Behind her, Anna delicately runs a brush through Leah's hair as she forms a waterfall braid. The brown locks try to sit in their natural subtle waves, but the lady's maid seems steadfast in straightening the hair.
Leah shakes her head with a small frown on her lips. "There is nothing to say."
The brush gently snags on small knots in Leah's hair, pulling her head closer to Anna with every run-through. What is typically comfortable silence feels strained. Neither are sure what they are meant to say.
"I thought you would want to speak about last night," Anna's voice is low when she notices the frown. Upsetting her master before noon is always a terrible idea.
Leah's face hardens. "I am choosing to believe that was all a dream," her voice is laced with denial.
Hand movements stuttering, Anna tightens her grip on the brush. "You can't just ignore all of the problems in your life, Mistress. That is how you cause—"
"Enough!" Leah's voice rings out through their ears, threatening to spill into the halls.
Anna's eyes can't help but soften, despite her urge to be quiet. "Mistress—"
"Anna, I said enough!" yells Leah, her chest heaving under the corset she wears.
Both women are overcome by a stunned silence. Leah appears agitated while Anna is frozen in place, neither bold enough to make the next move. The sound of the teenager's voice rings throughout their ears. It was loud, coming from her chest to get her point across.
Just before Leah can part her lips to begin scolding the maid, a sharp scream sounds through the manor. Unlike most who would be startled or frightened by the sudden sound, the Barrett groans and kicks her feet in the manner of a child. 'Not again..'
Forcefully rising from her seat, Leah stomps away from the vanity and towards the door, the wind of her movements blowing the sheer curtains covering the windows. Her huffs echo in her head the closer she gets to the room, hearing the faint noises of sniffling and crying.
If only she prepared herself for the sight rather than throwing an internal fit, for the view of Sebastian lying dead on the floor now plagues her mind. His blood splatters the floor and himself, even trickling down his mouth due to the poker sticking out of his chest that allows blood to pool on his uniform. But the worst sight is his lifeless eyes. Wide pupils staring off at the wall that send a shiver down Leah's spine.
'I guess I was wrong? Demons cannot die, can they?'
Leah's eyes drift over to the Phantomhive servants — primarily Meyrin and Finnian — who have tears staining their cheeks, clearly mourning the loss of a close peer. For the first time in a while, she feels a sense of remorse. However, it is quickly overcome by the discomfort of the room atmosphere. Two murders? This is much too strange, even for her.
No one in the room seems to notice as time passes them by until the sound of Ciel and Arthur's feet slapping against the floor can be heard, pulling them from their stupor.
"Wh—What do we tell.. the young master..?" asks Meyrin in between sobs, her face buried in her hands.
Beside her, Finnian hangs his head low. Tears flow down his red cheeks and a bead of snot drops from his nose, shoulders shaking. However, Bardroy doesn't allow a tear to drop from his eyes. Pride? Perhaps. But he immediately focuses in on Ciel appearing in the doorway.
"Young.. Master," he says.
Puffs of air leave Ciel's mouth, his eyes wide and devoid of emotion when he comes face to face with Sebastian's body that lays on the floor. His typical black eyepatch is replaced with a medical one, hiding his other eye. However, many could guess his other would appear just as distraught if it was uncovered.
His eyes lock onto Sebastian's dead ones. "Seba.. s.. tian?" Ciel asks, his voice breaking.
When he goes to take a step closer, Meyrin stops him by grabbing him from behind, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso.
"Y.. You can't!" she yells. "Young Master, you shouldn't go closer!"
The sound of Ciel's protests fills the room, even as Finnian approaches to join with Meyrin to keep the boy from approaching the body. This doesn't blow over well though, as their master pushes them back with a slap and a scolding. Even the guests show a hint of surprise, but the high tension is to blame for their emotions coming first.
Stepping over, Ciel stands directly beside Sebastian's body. "Sebastian.. stop fooling around. Sleeping on the floor doesn't look all that comfortable to me," his voice lacks emotion this time around.
Leah leans her head over to whisper to Anna. "Does he not see that he is dead..?" she raises a brow, beginning to think that Ciel is purely insane or simple.
"Exactly how long are you planning on pretending to be asleep?" asks Ciel, his eyes staring down harshly at the body. He even ignores Bardoy's calls to stomp a foot onto the chest of his butler. "Didn't you hear me, Sebastian? I said get up."
Sending an unsure glance to her maid, Leah is met with a small slap on the arm in response. Now is not the time for Leah's typical antics, even if Ciel isn't reacting rationally. This doesn't stop her from looking around as though she is missing something. 'Saying get up as if his chest is not impaled is insane.. Am I marrying an insane man? That makes us even I suppose.'
Ciel grinds his teeth when he receives no response. "Why you.." taking his right hand, he pulls the poker out of Sebastian's chest and tosses it to the side.
"Earl!" screams Arthur.
"Sebastian! Wake up this instant! That's an order!" Ciel roars, tightly grasping the butler's coat as he collapses onto his chest. But once again, there is no response. "Didn't you hear my order?!" he shouts and strikes the side of Sebastian's face.
All of the guests collectively give wary looks. Realistically, Ciel is being over the top with his acting but no one dares to say that out loud. Some don't take kindly to the repeated slaps that happen before them though.
Shifting closer toward her lady's maid, Leah brings her face in close. "Anna.. perhaps we should pack my bags..?" she whispers, noting how she wants to go home.
Sadly for the spoiled girl, she is shut down once again when she is shushed. But this time around, Leah pouts heavily and crosses her arms. She is far too accustomed to getting what she wants and lacks empathy for those around her, shown in her missing display of emotions for both deaths to occur within one night.
So caught up with her mini fit, she doesn't even notice anything is happening until she hears the cries of Ciel being pulled away from Sebastian so his body can be moved. 'I didn't think he could show this type of emotion..' she thinks to herself. She hardly sees anything other than a straight face from her fiancé, so seeing the tears leaves a slight pang in her heart.
"Go comfort him!" Anna speaks up with a loud whisper, ushering Leah in Ciel's direction.
Against these urges, Leah shakes her head quickly. "I am bad at comforting people, you know that!" she objects.
As much as she cares for Ciel deep down, comforting people has never been a thing for Leah. She can hardly handle her own emotions. To try and deal with another person is like torture. What are you even meant to say if someone cries? The most she can give is empty consoling words and pats on the back.
Despite the Barrett not wanting to, Anna doesn't back down and forcefully sends Leah right in the direction of her fiancé. Though she knows to prepare for a slap that is to come later in the day for this.
Leah stops before Ciel and is quick to plaster an out-of-character smile on her face, showing off her pearly teeth. "Perhaps you can put on some trousers and we can talk about this?" she stammers, the smile not reaching her eyes as she avoids looking at the boy in his nightshirt.
Ciel's brow raises uncertainly. "Why do you look like that..?"
"Look like what?" Leah is quick with her words, the corners of her mouth twitching from a pain in her cheek.
"Your face," he speaks slowly.
Shaking her head, Leah glances towards Finnian with wide eyes. "What is wrong with my face? Finny, is there something wrong with my face?"
"N—No, My Lady!" the gardener stumbles over his words, dry tears still staining his red cheeks.
She gestures over to Finnian as a 'see?' to validate her point, regardless that she knows she is acting strange. Leah has never done well around people crying and her fiancé is not even close to an exception. The Phantomhive doesn't even have the chance to retaliate when Arthur speaks up from beside Sebastian's body.
"..There were multiple culprits," it's almost as if a lightbulb shines above his head.
"What?!" Meyrin and Finnian scream, Leah and Ciel perking up as well.
"For example, one of them came from up front and started chatting to attract his attention," explains Arthur, envisioning the scene in his head. "Meanwhile, the other one snuck up behind him and hit him over the head. Then, in a flash, the one up front gave him the final blow by stabbing him."
Lau begins to nod. "Well, no matter how, it's certain that this killer didn't feel any mercy or hesitation. To have killed even that butler, this culprit must be extremely—"
"Stop it already!" Finnian screams with his arms tightly secured around Ciel's form. "Why are you having this conversation in front of the young master?! Please think of his feelings!"
"Finny!" Meyrin calls out his outburst. "P—Please excuse him!" she turns to bow at the guests.
Scratching the back of his head, Charles glances over towards the wall. "Well certainly instead of standing around the corpse like this, why don't we temporarily move this thing to the basement? We can discuss who did it and such later over some food," he appears all too comfortable for the situation at hand.
Both Leah and Woodley give a strange look, but the man is the only one to speak. "Isn't that just a little too easygoing.."
"Indeed.. There's no point in being hasty," Lau smiles.
"It's decided then. So you guys are in charge of cleaning that up," says Charles, and he heads for the door with his hands behind his head. "Oh, and the preparations for breakfast also. I'm going ahead to the dining hall, I'm starving."
Everyone's expressions appear downcast or conflicted, mixed with a discomfit for how laidback Charles seems. Even Leah feels strange. To outmatch her in not caring for a serious situation is quite a feat.
Grimsby and Irene also exit the room after Charles, leaving Leah and Ciel with their respective servants. Naturally, the Phantomhive servants appear sad in their mourning for Sebastian but Anna simply purses her lips.
"Shall we finish you up?" she asks, referring to finishing Leah's morning routine.
Brows furrowing, Leah lightly pouts. "What else is there to do?"
"Your hair," says Anna, grabbing ahold of her wrist to begin walking out of the door.
Unbeknownst to Leah, her lady's maid actually wants to prepare her for breakfast, knowing that she hasn't eaten at all. Turning back to look at Ciel, Leah flashes him a more sincere smile this time around, allowing herself to be dragged. A very bad start to the morning and the day isn't even near over.
— ౨ৎ —
The rain remains relentless in its mission to pour down upon Phantomhive Manor, faint sounds of the natural occurrence can be heard even from the dining hall where the guests now sit. Naturally, Ciel — who now wears actual clothes instead of a nightshirt — is at the head of the table with the remaining individuals filing down.
Sitting beside him, Leah aimlessly kicks her feet beneath the table as she quietly sips on a glass of water. Unlike Ran Mao who stares at her food in mild interest, the Barrett avoids looking at the plate. Her natural appetite is low — or perhaps she wants to avoid eating —, but the deaths also play a role in her reluctance to eat, stomach faintly churning.
"He really saved us by preparing all this properly," Ciel drones with an expressionless face, laying a cloth down on his lap.
Across from Leah, Charles enthusiastically holds his utensils in his hands with a bright smile plastered on his face. "This smells good! I'm gonna dig in! I'm really hungry since I didn't get to eat this morning."
The white-haired man manages to devour the food on his plate in a matter of seconds, earning a faint look of disgust from the teenager across from him. 'Eating like a pig..' she fights back a grimace.
Grimsby hums lowly. "What's wrong Irene? You haven't even touched your food," he glances down at her plate with knitted brows.
Patting her mouth with a cloth, Irene hides a faint bead of sweat dripping down her cheek with closed eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm not very hungry."
Hearing those words, Ciel brings his attention to Leah who also hasn't touched her plate. In fact, she hasn't even attempted to pick up her utensils.
"You aren't eating.." he whispers. Ciel can recall the time Thomas ratted her out for her distaste of eating in fear of getting big, feeling a sense of discomfort.
Leah takes another sip of her water, feeling Anna's eyes that bore into the back of her head. "I don't want it," she speaks firmly even though she can feel a slight pang of hunger in her stomach.
Before Ciel has a chance to reply, their focus is drawn towards the current topic of the table. An empty seat.
Charles points a fork in the direction of her side. "The one next to you."
"Oh my.. Indeed, there's one too many," Irene looks down to her left. "Perhaps the chef got the numbers wrong."
Ciel's face hardens at the sight of yet another untouched plate. "The one who prepared breakfast was Sebastian. He wouldn't mix up the numbers," he states confidently.
"Huh? Then whose is it?"
"We're all.. ah! Mr. Phelps isn't here, is he."
"Ah, since he's always so inconspicuous, I didn't notice."
"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him all morning."
Releasing a laugh, Woodley smiles it off. "Looks like he overslept a little too much."
Despite a motion that was meant to make the room feel more upbeat, it remains quiet. Tensions are too high for the guests to be freely joking or sharing laughs, though it stops no one from trying. It isn't until Arthur shoves himself up from his seat does Woodley's laughter die down.
"Excuse me!" his face is overcast. "Should we go have a look in the Earl's bedroom?"
Ciel is the first to perk up, followed by the other guests at Arthur's question. To realize that another person is missing could only mean one thing, as it has been hours since anyone was awoken. Phelps couldn't possibly sleep that much.
Placing his cloth to the side, Ciel also takes a stand. "I'll take you there."
Calm is almost immediately thrown out of the window in favor of the males beginning to sprint for Ciel's bedroom. They shoot down the halls and up the stairs, followed by a curious Leah who struggles to keep up without severely losing her breath.
Their loud footsteps pound against the floor, creating what sounds like a stampede. Compared to the men, Leah hardly makes a noise. Though it may be because she has slowed down a significant amount to try and breathe.
"It's over there, to the right!" Ciel calls out from a few feet behind Arthur.
Turning a sharp corner, Arthur immediately runs up to the bedroom door and begins pounding on it. "Mr. Phelps! Mr. Phelps, if you are in there, please answer me!" he yells, his voice traveling through the hallways.
He frantically turns the doorknob only to realize that the door is locked, his eyes uncomfortably wide. "Earl! Where's the key?"
"I don't know," Ciel answers with a shake of his head in worry, not noticing Leah approaching his side.
Arthur's face pales. "What?!" he shouts.
"Sebastian took care of the key to my room. No one else knows where he kept it except for him," explains Ciel. "Since he's dead, even I don't know where.."
Stepping up to the situation, Finnian pushes both Leah and Ciel aside with a determined look on his face. "Please get back, Young Master! I'll—"
"Get out of the way."
Thrown out of the way, Finnian clutches onto the teens when numerous slashes barely dodge their heads. The movements are loud as they slice through the wood doors, but effectively startling the four individuals that are closest to it.
With a plate of food and a sword in his hand, Charles looks disinterested at the scene. "We need to be quick, seeing as there's still dessert."
'Does this man only think about food?'
Leah hardly had a moment to register her thoughts before the group runs once again, through the cleanly cut door to the Ciel's bedroom. Should she be there? Most likely not. But does she continue anyway? Absolutely.
"Mr. Phelps!" Arthur calls out.
His gaze is set ahead of him but when he feels a squish beneath his shoe, he is compelled to look down. There, lying on the carpet is the dead body of Patrick Phelps. With wide eyes and drool leaking from his mouth, his lifeless hands are stuck in the position of tightly clenching the carpet, earning an uncomfortable and low groan from Leah.
"Mr. Phelps!"
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solar-net · 4 months
The names are just for fun!
(Smile = O!Ciel)
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jhesite · 3 months
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