zeravmeta · 1 month
pudding fannart is always funny to me because shes Always drawn with her little seal friend as being alive even though it's a plushie but we know from Arknights canon that normal animals dont really exist in the conventional sense aside from being literal land gods ala emperor or siege's lions or even phantoms christine and this then begs the question of "wait if normal animals arent real then how can she even have the plush" which of course leads to only one possible conclusion
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he is alive and waiting
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xintract · 1 year
So I put the seal map filter on the engy seal just cause I thought itd be funny
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and the fact that this level is called tacky is so funny to me. like yeah a tacky tourist trap
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peygsus · 1 year
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Another Clubsy the seal? 🦭
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cantsayidont · 10 months
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Spring 1941. For sheer noirish atmosphere, no era of Batman stories has yet topped the period of roughly a year and a half between the introduction of Robin in DETECTIVE COMICS #38 and the late 1941 story in which Commissioner Gordon officially deputizes Batman. By this time, the strip was beginning to find its own voice and aesthetic, but it had not yet abandoned the intensity of the character's pulp roots. The material is not always particularly grim or dark, but there's a real sense of madness in some of these stories: Batman and Robin are still outlaws, moving through a macabre underworld of irrational violence and implacable fate, where any real rules are mostly arbitrary. There's also a degree of romance, something that the strip would later abandon for many years. This was the period in which Batman regularly let Catwoman escape him with a kiss and shove, and in which he could still be moved by a pretty girl like Queenie (above), the ill-fated heroine of "The Riddle of the Missing Card!"
This story from BATMAN #5 begins with an explanation of how the Joker survived his apparent demise in his most recent appearance (in the previous issue of BATMAN). Three crooks in a boat find the villain in the harbor and decide to rescue him for their own reasons:
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At this point in the series, the Joker was not yet a prankster pulling themed novelty crimes; he was a greedy, homicidal schemer with a gruesome sense of humor. He proposes that they operate a gambling ship just beyond the three-mile limit, where it will be out of the jurisdiction of the police, and suggests that rather than simply fleecing customers at the gaming tables, they also gather information about their guests to identify targets they can rob later.
Reading about the controversial gambling ship, Bruce Wayne decides to pay it a visit in mufti, although while getting ready, he accidentally cuts himself shaving. On the ship, he soon meets Queenie, who's acting as hostess:
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Writer Bill Finger often borrowed from the movies for these stories, and the conversation between Bruce and Queenie plays on a popular convention of talkies made in 1930–1934, before the strict enforcement of the Production Code: characters surrounded by libertines who make a romantic connection based on their shared weariness with debauchery and fast living. This particular trope played out many times in pre-Code films, one well-known example being the 1934 crime drama MANHATTAN MELODRAMA, in which former good-time girl Myrna Loy leaves gambler boyfriend Clark Gable for his straight-laced friend William Powell, and adds context to Queenie's reaction to Bruce beyond what's actually on the page.
Bruce then overhears Queenie talking with her confederates and realizes that one of them is the Joker in disguise, which so startles him that gives himself away. To Queenie's dismay, her partners' response is to immediately attempt to murder Bruce:
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(Bruce does occasionally smoke in these early stories, although more frequently a pipe than cigarettes.)
Bruce of course survives and later returns in costume with Robin, leading to a fight and a car chase that ends with the Batmobile sailing off a cliff. Robin is captured, and Batman surrenders himself in hopes of freeing his ward, even if it means gambling for Robin's life. However, this gives Queenie a close look at Batman, and the familiar shaving cut on his chin:
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As Batman fights the Joker's cohorts Clubsy and Diamond Jack, the Joker decides it's time to cut his losses by sealing the hatches and setting the gambling ship ablaze, intending to kill everyone aboard. Meanwhile, Queenie chooses Batman over her own accomplices:
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It's not entirely clear here if Queenie has dropped the gun and Jack has picked it up, or if Jack has a second gun. In any case, Queenie collapses in Batman's arms and dies of her wounds after a final kiss, as seen above. Her statement that she was in love with Bruce is a bit much in context — they really interacted only briefly — but her fate makes an impression, not least because this story is framed as much from her point of view as from Batman's.
Batman and Robin then pursue the Joker by boat through a rainstorm, leading to a final confrontation in a nearby lighthouse that culminates in Robin throwing the Joker to his latest apparent demise:
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Note that there's no pretense here of turning the Joker over to the police, and as with some of the men Robin apparently killed in his first appearance, calling this self-defense might be a stretch.
Afterward, Bruce has a reflective moment about Queenie:
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While there's no mention of Catwoman in this story, the parallels between Catwoman and Queenie are notable, aside from their physical resemblance. Like Queenie, Catwoman is a criminal, but she still has a conscience, a dangerous commodity in these stories, and one that leaves her vulnerable to more ruthless villains like the Joker. Indeed, in one of her previous appearances (in BATMAN #2), Catwoman had attempted to bargain with the Joker to stop him from killing Robin and was nearly burned alive for her trouble, after which she plunged into the river to an uncertain fate, much as the Joker does here.
In this period, few of the characters had been around long enough to be assured of any script immunity (even the Joker had very nearly been killed off at the end of his second appearance), and it's easy to see this underlying the early flirtation between Batman and Catwoman: Their world is a lawless one of frequent, serious jeopardy, beyond just the whimsy of a dedicated crimefighter being attracted to a pretty thief, and it's probably not coincidental that the frisson of their interactions steadily diminished as Batman and his mise-en-scène became less perilous and more respectable throughout the '40s. By the end of the decade, the Batman series rarely had any meaningful romantic subplots, and it would be years before there was another with any real spark; Batman had grown too staid and his world simply too safe for it to carry the same charge.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Vellabox Review: This Candle Subscription Service Keeps Your Home Cozy All Year Long
Who would not desire seasonal candle lights to appear on their doorstep? Our Vellabox evaluation puts this candle light membership service to the test. Our editors and professionals handpick every item we include. We might make a commission from your purchases. I’ll confess: I enjoy getting mail. And, thanks to present of the month clubsI can treat myself to an unique shipment every number of…
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spfranquicias · 1 year
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golfupnorth · 2 years
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Courses Opening
Spring training has started, we are just starting March and there is a good chance there may be a course or two that opens for walkers in the next few weeks. As we did last year, we will monitor all the courses in northern Michigan for their opening days and keep that information on our home page. We should start getting notifications of area course towards the end of the month. Watch our Facebook and Instagram pages for the announcement that course openings are on the site.
Most Important and Most Used Clubs
I wrote an article last month titled The Most Used and Most Important Clubs in your bag. Like the Top 5 Golf Balls article I did in January, this is information from pestering golfers during the 2022 season. I was surprised at what the northern Michigan golfers felt was their most important club. Even more surprising is the club that 40% of the golfers at northern Michigan courses felt was their most important club, only 2% of golfers nationally picked that club. Find out what club that is by reading the article.
If you don't have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all
That was just one of the pearls of wisdom I heard from my mom growing up. Others were “two wrongs don’t make a right”, “turn off the lights I don’t have stock in Detroit Edison” and my favorite, “what the H*LL is wrong with you, shut the door you were not raised in a barn”. Eh, that could be debatable. Grew up on a lake in SE Michigan that was predominately summer cottages of Auto Executives from Detroit, we were one of the year-round residents. Come Memorial Day doors stayed open, and we were in and out of each other’s houses as the summer kids returned. Come fall, had to get back in the habit of shutting the door. 😊
I tell you this story because I love golfing in northern Michigan and I know so many of the courses struggle and I don’t want to do any harm, but I want to be honest. So I have sat on a course that although it was a fun and challenging course, there were issues. It is not like I don’t have something nice to say, it was more do I keep the bad out of the story?
I don’t know if what I see as neglect is because of finances, they don’t think it is important or they just don’t care. I was frustrated at times trying to play the course.
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Not a dealbreaker
The issues I had were not dealbreakers for me. I want to go back and play, especially since I now know what I may encounter. Plus I want to see what the White course is like. My husband had played there knew about the signage and thought I may have been too critical. I disagree.
Certain level of care is expected and I decided I would share with my readers for them to decide. Plus if you visit you will know what to expect, because even at $72 a round (hopefully that was a holiday rate), we will go back.
The Course
The golf course we played at in September was Mistwood just outside the small town of Lake Ann in Benzie County in the Northwest part of the state. Mistwood is a 27 hole course in what looks like the middle of farmland.
The course is divided into three 9-hole courses named Red, White and Blue course. The Red and Blue Courses are on the same side of the road as the club house and the White course is across the road. We were assigned the Red & Blue Course.
Stopped in the bar area for a couple of drinks before heading out and the staff were great. The clubhouse is nice, and food and drinks are reasonably priced. It was clean and the restrooms were nicely maintained. I was excited to be there and finally play a course that I had heard the guys talk about.
There were only a couple other groups on the course which was nice for us. You have to wonder if their higher rate was a factor in the low numbers on a holiday weekend. There are many courses in the area that have much lower rates.
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The Issues
The biggest issue we ran into was hole signage. Most of the holes did not have anything to indicate which hole you were on or which course. My husband said they used to have signage at all the holes, that as they deteriorated, there were never replaced. Add in the red and blue flags that were used that day for pin placement and it could get confusing. Thought it might have made sense to have two tone flags, the color of the course and the pin placement since the courses separation was not always clear.
The layout on the scorecard seemed easy enough, until you were actually on the hole. It was difficult to tell if it was the correct one or not. There were a couple of holes that you had to go back down the fairway. Then take a difficult to see path into the next hole. If I had been golfing by myself, I am not sure I would have found those paths. My husband having golfed there numerous times provided navigation.
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Difficulty at the turn
The clubhouse is on a hill and has a walkout. They used to have a bar/snack bar on the lower level facing the course. It looked like it was shut down for good. At the turn if you wanted to use the restrooms and get food and/or drinks it was not easy. You had to go around and enter from the main entrance on the parking lot side. Not that big of deal, other than there is a side door that leads directly into the bar area that was locked for some reason. Wasn’t a fan of leaving our cart down the hill and climbing up the hill and walking around. Again, that is me being a whiny brat more than a huge issue.
Playing our Round
We had a lot of fun playing Mistwood not a lot of water but where a few of the water hazards were located it was a little intimidating for me. Other than the signage, the course is maintained. I thought the greens were in great shape for September, my husband said the course used to be much better maintained.
For some reason on both the red and blue course, hole 1 were blow up holes for me. They were par 4s and I shot 8s on both. Might explain my whiny brat moment. 😊 The rest of the holes I did okay on. I had to rely on my irons on this course and that also set the tone for how it would end.
Would like to go back and play the White course and see how my 9 wood does. Excited about this upcoming season. I am going break 100 this year, I know it!!
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You decide
Do you think having hole signage that tells you which hole you are on and gives you yardage is important? Email me at [email protected], let me know if I was a brat that overreacted or if my husband owes me a round at a course of my choice. :)
After typing this out, I do feel a little bit that maybe I should have taken a deep breath. Maybe should have not became easily frustrated when I could not find the hole. I should have trusted my husband that we were on the correct hole (I swear it did not look anything like the hole on the scorecard). But, I also think it is reasonable to expect a well-marked course.
My frustration should not deter you from giving this course a try. It is off the beaten path but that is part of its charm. For more experienced golfers, the lack of signage may be no big deal. I would also hope that if it is not a holiday weekend that the rate is a little lower.
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Let us know your favorite course, tips or anything golf related! We encourage golf courses to share their news and specials with our group.
You can also like and follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram where we share information on golf courses Up North and what we think are funny or interesting tidbits about golf.
Share Your Favorite Course With Us
We would love to hear about your favorite Course in the Upper Peninsula or Northern Lower Michigan. Send pictures of golfing your favorite course and a couple of sentences about why you love the course. We will share your pictures and recommendations with our readers and on our social media accounts. If you include a mailing address, we will send you some Golf Up North schwag as a thank you!! Send your pictures and comments to [email protected]
Find your Up North Golf Course
If you would like to find your perfect Up North golf course visit Golf Up North.
We hope you enjoyed our latest issue of The Golf Up North Newsletter.
Disclosure: We never tell a course who we are when we book and play a course. We do not ask nor will we accept free rounds to write about a course. We pay full price for our rounds for everyone in our group.
Golf Up North is part of the Up North Entertainment Group. Our family of sites also includes Up North Entertainment, Up North Wineries, Up North Breweries, Golfing Northern Michigan, Adventures in Northern Michigan, and Northern Michigan History.
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grfxp · 4 years
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@kanera.bread sporting our redout overlays on his stunning bagged Accord... 🔥🔥🙏 #10thaccord #10thgenaccord #accordsport #8thgenaccord #7thgenaccord #accordnation #accordsociety #accordsondeck #clubsi #hondanation #civicsination #vtecnation #accordlovers #cg6 #accord #hondaaccord #jdmaccord #bagged #airride #stanced #grafixpressions #grfxp (at GrafiXpressions LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHQPK1klgRt/?igshid=mxxe3wzy9lp9
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🔥🔥 K-Swapped EF Civic 💪🏼💪🏼 . 👤 Owner @redsonja_ef 📸 @crxpro1 . 🔻 Follow @haonly__ 🔻 🔻 Follow @haonly__ 🔻 🔻 Follow @haonly__ 🔻 . Use coupon code “vtec” at haonly.com to save 10% + Free Shipping 📲 . Tag us to be featured #vtec_society #️⃣ . #kseries #k20 #kswap #honda #civic #hondacivic #ef #ef9 #hondagram #hondalove #hondalife #hondanation #hondagang #hondalifestyle #vtec #vtecclub #vtecnation #hondaracing #hondatuning #hondaculture #civiclove #civiclife #civichatchback #civichatch #efhatch #efhatchback #clubsi #siclub #civicnation
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lamartyrg · 6 years
Nikolchenko Vlada | Clubs 2018 Music (Exact Cut)
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vtec-showoff · 6 years
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🔥🔥🔥 Clean D16 EF . 👤 Owner @nick_ef9 @frankvitulli . 🔻 Follow @haonly__ 🔻 🔻 Follow @haonly__ 🔻 🔻 Follow @haonly__ 🔻 . Use coupon code “vtec” at haonly.com to save 10% + Free Shipping 📲 . Tag us to be featured #vtec_showoff #️⃣ . #TBG6VITULLI #dseries #d16 #honda #civic #hondacivic #ef #ef9 #hondagram #hondalove #hondalife #hondanation #hondagang #hondalifestyle #vtec #vtecclub #vtecnation #hondaracing #hondatuning #hondaculture #civiclove #civiclife #civichatchback #civichatch #efhatch #efhatchback #clubsi #siclub #civicnation
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evilhorse · 5 years
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Dey calls me dats on accounta I am an expoit at conkin’ guys over da bean!
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nova2127u · 6 years
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
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why. why. why. why
the only reason this is happening is because the very real tag I always use, "black butler", stopped popping up when I would start typing it, so I had to always fully type it out with my quick clubsy thumbs, causing spelling errors.
and now... you dare to do this? show me this? these errors that I couldn't have made more than 10 times each?
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spaceflower-cadet · 4 years
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Happy Birthday to my lovely little angry man, Clubsy Wubsy <3
I’ve been waiting for this moment, the moment of not forgetting one of your own beloved character’s birthday-
Clubs is a pretty beloved character that I’ve come to love especially after developing him as his own distinct person more, so I really wanted to celebrate his first birthday I think
(Also I’ve been having thoughts of cleaning up my main blog to use as my art blog But that’s responsibility I’ll worry about another time.)
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spiderblog-mcu · 4 years
[Tony and Steve arguing at breakfast]
Peter: can I have a pancake?
Peter: can i please have a pancake?
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