#co-op live arena
jamieeeeee33333 · 3 days
Feels like a disservice not sharing this photo i got from last nights concert
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Melanie is actually so gorgeous and put on such a good show it was insane
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notesonartistry · 4 months
"In the toilets, the walls (painted pink for ladies and blue for men) carry large song titles and lyrics - including "You're So Vain" and "Girl on Fire" for the girls, and "Ready Aim Fire" and "Sh-sh-sh-sh-shake it off" for the boys."
I wonder if Taylor knows that Shake It Off lyrics are in the men's toilets at the new arena in Manchester
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marshmallow--3 · 5 months
I have a bad feeling that the Co-op Live Arena is the 21st century's Titanic 🙃
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poppletonink · 3 months
LIVE REVIEW: Liam Gallagher @ Manchester, Co-Op Live Arena
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Ably supported by Villanelle and Cast, Liam Gallagher took to the stage once again at the Co-op Live in Manchester to celebrate 30 years of the iconic Oasis album 'Definitely Maybe'.
As Cast exited the stage following a crowd-rousing performance, a countdown timer in the form of a digital flip-clock began on the two huge screens hung proudly above the stage. Starting at 2024, the anticipation built as the digits moved down a year in time for each minute that passed, transporting the eager crowd back to the album release year of 1994, before Gallagher swaggered on stage, bang on cue.
Beneath the clock, the set itself was a visual aid to send the audience back those thirty years. The set was composed of nods to the Definitely Maybe album cover: two flamingos stood proudly to the left of the stage and a CRT TV on the right flitted between static and retro clips. Burt Bacharach's face was displayed on the organ, a large globe hung between the screens, and four palm trees reached "..up in the sky".
The newly opened Co-op Live arena was packed to the brim - no seat was left empty, and no floor space could be seen from the upper echelons of the imposing building: twenty-three and a half thousand fans crammed into one space waiting to collectively share the experience. As Cast declared before exiting the stage, the crowd were certainly "...in for a treat"; despite facing frequent criticism for his waning vocal abilities, Gallagher performed exceptionally throughout the entire concert.
The 100-minute set opened raucously with Rock 'N' Roll Star; the crowd were 'sold' immediately, with every voice singing along passionately. The entire audience was on its feet within seconds despite a large proportion having dedicated seats, making for a telling start to a clearly well-enjoyed performance by Gallagher's willing congregation.
Following speculation that Oasis would reunite for the tour (though this did not occur), Half The World Away, accompanied by strings and backing vocalists, was dedicated to Liam's "little brother" (referring to older sibling and former band member, Noel). Though the performance of this song was much slower and softer than most of the others played, it had a remarkably hypnotic effect on the audience in matched likeness to the more upbeat tracks; they dutifully sang along, just as impassioned as they were for the rest of the set.
Cigarettes and Alcohol was unquestionably the most atmospheric track of the evening - the hordes screamed along and an almost hedonistic phase of madness ensued. The crowd was wildly enthusiastic, throwing unknown fluid into the air from their paper cups and nonchalantly blowing smoke, to create fog and rain-clouds that diffused throughout the arena.
Infused with the excitement of the Euros and the ongoing England match, the crowd broke out into a cheerful chant of "It's coming home! It's coming home! It's coming - football's coming home", in the short break before the encore. When Gallagher inevitably returned to the stage, he sang a powerful rendition of Supersonic - by this point, the gathered masses were putty in his hands. He followed this with Slide Away and Live Forever, which were both well received by the crowd, before drawing the twenty song set to a close with The Beatles' classic, I am The Walrus.
An epic celebration of 30 years of 'Definitely Maybe' that undoubtedly left those present 'feeling Supersonic', this was a nostalgic performance that will be branded into the minds of those who were there for many years to come.
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superbeans89 · 5 months
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Rickroll in the Bowl keeps getting cancelled. That’s meta
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mistrustmusic · 5 months
Co-op Live Arena Concerts Postponed
Mistrust says “Come to Warrington instead!” Following the news that the new 23,000 seat Co-op Live Arena in Manchester has postponed its opening until May, there’s still a chance to go and watch other live acts this weekend. One of these will be from Bolton-based pop singer Mistrust, who will be playing on the Big Condo Records Tour 2024 First Lap at Peggy McCool’s in Warrington on Sunday 28th…
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mylokaye · 5 months
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New updated photos of Co-Op Live Arena April 2024.
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voxina · 5 months
The opening of the new Co-op Live arena in Manchester has been cancelled for the third time.
And they made the announcement about 20 minutes after doors opened, meaning that they told people to leave the area while they were already there queuing.
Seriosuly, this is so embarrassing and beyond unprofessional!
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twopoppies · 5 months
This...is craaaazy. 35 weeks behind schedule and they still tried to open 😳
What a fucking disaster.
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People working behind the scenes at the troubled Co-op Live arena in Manchester have spoken of what they say were "chaotic" events leading up to the bungled opening of the venue.
Workers involved with the project spoke on condition of anonymity as they did not have permission to speak out. They told the BBC:
Parts of the £365m venue were in a state of disarray less than 24 hours before the arena was supposed to open earlier this week
Staff were left in tears after they were forced to call off American rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie's gig at the last minute due to safety fears
Naming rights partner Co-op Group has flagged a "critical" risk of reputational damage to the wider Co-op brand
Construction staff at the venue warned others back in February that works were as much as 35 weeks behind schedule
Co-op Live was heralded as a "world-class arena" that "Manchester deserves" by Tim Leiweke, the American businessman leading the project, in an interview with the BBC last month.
But "the perfect building" Mr Leiweke promised soon suffered fundamental setbacks, with a series of high-profile acts - including Take That and Olivia Rodrigo - having their shows cancelled or postponed at the last minute to the bewilderment and frustration of performers, ticket-holders and staff.
Mr Leiweke has since apologised, and a Co-op Live spokesperson told the BBC events had been paused "to ensure the safety and security of fans and artists visiting the venue".
One staff member, hired as a "premium host" in the venue's VIP rooms, told the BBC she was in the building on Tuesday evening - fewer than 24 hours before the venue's debut performance by A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie was due to begin.
She said: "I think we were very sceptical: that was my first time in the arena and it did not look ready at all... They're doing everything with crossed fingers: it's a bit chaotic."
'Wires hanging down'
The VIP rooms were still "full of cardboard boxes", the woman said.
"They weren't done - there's loads of final bits [unfinished]. It was filled with workmen who were all still so busy doing random checks here and there, average safety checks... there were loads of wires hanging down."
She said some stairways also seemed incomplete. "There were wires everywhere and exposed lighting on the floor. It looked very messy. There were gaps in the stairs... it looked like a work in progress."
The woman, who has been employed on a casual contract, said staff members are still paid part of their wage if their shift is cancelled at short notice. Staff who are on site when a shift is cancelled are paid in full, a spokesperson for the venue said.
Meanwhile, another member of staff, this time working in an operations role at the venue, said: "The root cause of all the problems is coming from the building, not the operations. From an outside perspective, people presume it's being run badly."
"In reality we have a building that isn't ready, and we're being told it is ready - then things happen out of the blue that cause cancellations", they said.
The staff member said most public-facing areas of the building are complete - although the offices on the top floor and some premium areas of the building remain "unfinished".
As of Thursday evening, the dining area in the exclusive Amp Club has "no fixtures, no fittings, no tables there - it's just a shell," they said.
"People don't know that OVG [the Oak View Group] own the venue - they just see the Co-op brand," a staff member at the Co-op Group said.
On a site visit in February, the Co-op Group employee said they were told by construction workers the project was running 35 weeks behind schedule, in part due to delays with crane equipment.
"The Co-op's really disappointed with OVG's constant delays," the employee said.
Full article here
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lefaystrent · 1 month
Me, Myself, and These Guys Who Kinda Look Like Me Ch. 4
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairings: Thomas/The Sides
Summary: It starts with dreams. Then Thomas starts seeing the dream people in the waking world.
Thomas doesn't know how to bring it up to anybody or if he even should at this point.
AKA, Thomas has to acknowledge the six colorful characters in the room, much to their long-awaited delight.
Ao3 Link: click here
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Dinner is served. Thomas eats. The afternoon drags on into dusk.
The others entertain him by breaking more laws of physics. Patton hops through the back door, going in and out, playing the oddest, most endearing game of peek-a-boo at random intervals. Roman demonstrates 'sinking out'. Thomas's eyes bug out as the princely man floats down into the carpet and levitates up again in a self-satisfied twirl. Thomas swears he hears fanfare music accompanying him.
Virgil inches over to where Logan rummages around in the entertainment center cabinet. At first, he hisses at Logan not to be nosey and that he hadn't even asked Thomas for permission. Thomas belatedly says it's okay and is more curious as to what Logan's looking for.
"A distraction." Logan smirks and dives into Thomas's video game collection. With a small 'aha", he pulls out a familiar sci-fi title. "This could offer a way to engage you without overwhelming you."
Patton pokes his head back through the door. "Are you sure you're not saying that just because you want to play Portal, Logan?"
Logan's cheeks don't color, but he becomes increasingly jittery. "While I do not deny that the game mechanics and puzzles are fascinating, this is not about my interests. This is for Thomas's benefit."
"Are you sure?" Virgil asks.
"But are you sure, sure?"
"Redundant. You are being redundant."
"Says the guy who just said redundant twice."
Thomas moves his bowl of finished ramen onto the coffee table. He winces as he imagines what his sink must look like. He can't remember the last time he washed dishes.
"I'm not sure I'm up for gaming," Thomas admits, "but I wouldn't mind watching you guys play."
It takes another round of assurances until he convinces them. Once placated, the excitement in Logan's eyes is unrestrained. It's...pretty freaking cute in a nerdy way. Logan pulls out Portal 2 so that he can play co-op with Virgil, who is unanimously volunteered as tribute by everyone but himself.
"Fine, but you're going down, Specs," Virgil snarks.
"Virgil, this is not a competitive game. We will need to work together."
"We'll see about that."
And Thomas witnesses these guys play video games for what must be the first time in their limited lives. Delight drips from Logan as they finish the first puzzle. He looks to Virgil, eyes the size of saucers and smile toothy. "We did it!"
For once since Thomas woke up this morning, he is not the center of attention. Roman and Patton share quips and provide commentary like they're in a sporting arena. Virgil finds clever ways to be a nuisance in the game. And Logan doesn't mind any of it, too busy enjoying the thrill of playing.
Thomas feels both apart and included. He's watching from the outside, but he can come inside whenever he wants too. It's a shared sense of happiness that takes him by surprise.
Did these guys ever get lonely, even when having each other?
He spends the evening listening to the bustle of laughter and witty remarks, and he doesn't mind the noise as much as he did earlier. He wonders if these people could become his friends. He wonders if he would mind it. There's an unreserved piece of his heart, the one that has been hurt many times, that stubbornly beats and tells him it will work out.
On a whim, he retrieves his phone and sends out some texts to his friends. He messages his parents too and tells them that he's still sick but thankfully on the mend. He answers a few emails, checks on a couple of impending due dates for bills.
He thinks about other multi-player games they might like, and all the other things they've dreamed about being able to do.
Thomas has always been a dreamer. Why would it be bad to help them achieve theirs? Surely they had mile-long lists of things they always wanted to try. Shouldn't it be Thomas's responsibility to help them now that he can?
More than that, he just kinda wants to keep seeing them smile.
There's no more heavy talk that day. Thomas rests and thinks of questions he'll ask them in the future, but he doesn't want to ruin the moment right now.
He's nearly falling asleep on the couch again when Roman taps at his shoulder.
"Princes also need their beauty sleep," Roman teases. His smile is winsome and his hair does that curly swoop thing to the bangs that is unfairly perfect.
"That's what I was trying to do though," Thomas says sleepily.
"Not on the couch, you heathen. You have a wonderfully expensive bed waiting for you upstairs."
"But it's so far."
Roman puts a hand to his own chest and holds out his other hand. His poise is charming, expression indulging. "Shall I carry you then?"
Thomas honestly considers it for longer than he should.
That's way too much too soon. Probably. Maybe. Also Thomas is not a small man by any means. There's no way Roman could manage to carry him upstairs. The fantasy of being swept up into the strong arms of a handsome man is good and all until you're reminded of gravity.
"Tempting, but I should probably stretch my legs."
"Suit yourself," Roman teases. He glances to the others thoughtfully, seeing them still absorbed. Roman's jaw works back and forth absently. "Would you mind terribly if we..."
Thomas offers an understanding smile. "You guys play for as long as you want. It won't bother me a bit."
The answering ear-to-ear smile makes everything worth it.
When he's lying in bed curled up around his best bear Benjamin, Thomas spends the initial time not relaxing and instead straining to hear sounds from downstairs.
They had all wished him good night and promised to keep it down. They asked if he need anything, and they made him promise that he would call for them if he started feeling too sick again.
Now they were down there, chilling in his living room, the faintest of whispers. He can't hear the TV at all. Mostly he hears the whir of his ceiling fan and the wind picking up outside. Some branches scratch against the wall, and Thomas checks on his weather app to ensure there isn't a storm rolling in. It's not, it's just windy.
There's a few minutes where he hears the clatter of dishes moving in the kitchen sink. He pictures Logan rinsing out his ramen bowl. He imagines Roman trailing after him, unable to be ignored. He thinks Patton would jump in for a turn at games and he can see him sitting on the floor with Virgil, bumping shoulders while the emo failed at pretending to like it. He visualizes Remus falling through the ceiling, giving them a start and asking what they're up to. He wonders if Bowler Hat will make another appearance at some point or remain aloof.
He could get out of bed at any time and go down there, and they'd still be there. A swarm of potential excuses crosses his mind, then he dismisses them just as swiftly. He doesn't know why he wants to. He'll see them again in the morning. All he needs now is sleep.
His restless mind eventually putters out of fuel. As he dozes off, he remembers how Remus disappeared in his closet. He should have checked to see if he was in there again, but the thought slips under blankets and exhaustion. It's been a long day, and he doesn't want to think about tomorrow.
He dreams of endless hallways. He walks down corridors without paintings, without pictures, without life. There are doors, so many doors. No matter the turns he takes, they're still there, pitch black and damning.
He doesn't want to see what's behind them. He doesn't want them to open. He'll scream if they pull him in.
His legs are made of lead. He trudges through quicksand, so thick and heavy until he loses strength. He falls forward.
He falls. Falls, falls, falls until he pitches forward. Gravity reverses and he's standing up.
There are no more hallways. It's nothing but a white abyss here.
Somehow the light is more terrifying.
Thomas sits up in his bed. His heart drums a thunderous beat against his ribcage. It's a disorienting minute of stillness. Of coming back to reality piece by piece. He's not panting, but he shakes minutely in a cold sweat. His mouth is bone dry, his tongue like clumped mud.
He paws around in the bed, grabbing at the comforter. He doesn't know what he's looking for and he doesn't find anything. He just needs to assure himself that there's nothing in the bed that will get him.
The only light in the bedroom comes from the scarce glow of his digital alarm clock. It's a red hue that claims it's past two in the morning. It's the middle of the night and anything can happen.
The fear crawls up his exposed arms and neck. His nervous system warns him that he is easy prey, sitting here alone in the dark.
"Hello?" Thomas's voice is wrecked from sleep. It comes out in a pathetic rasp. He sounds so childish to his own ears, but he doesn't care. Anything to find comfort.
Movement to his left. He freezes and watches as one half of the curtains is pushed back enough to let in the distant streetlight. It's enough to partially illuminate a figure sitting in his chair by the window. Thomas squints to make out the shape.
"You rang?" a low voice croons. It oozes confidence where Thomas has none. There is the brim of a hat, the arch of a gloved knuckle. Half a face peers at him from the darkness.
"You're- you're here," Thomas says in an effort to ground himself.
"That I am."
"Is it... is it just you?" He doesn't know if he fears any of the others being here, or something else being hidden amongst them.
"It's just me, I promise."
Thomas pushes off his stifling blankets. He sits up straighter, pulling at his damp shirt collar and wiping at his mouth.
Get yourself together, Sanders.
"Did you need anything?" Bowler Hat asks, not unkindly. He keeps holding the curtain open to show Thomas he's still there. The part of his face that Thomas can see appears sharp and pale as parchment. For reasons he can't explain, it's a balm to his anxiety.
Thomas shakes his head before he truly considers the question. He takes slow intakes of breath to steady himself. "How long have been here?"
Of all the dream people, he has interacted with this man the least. He can't quite wrap his head around him. He's so...different, to say the least. As eager as the others have been about this whole ordeal, he can't see Bowler Hat reacting with the same amount of chaotic enthusiasm. Whereas with the others he had just spent an evening hanging out and playing video games, Bowler Hat seems more... professional. Adult. He doesn't know, just different.
Not to mention the guy hasn't even told him his name. How strange it is to have a man in his bedroom and not know his name. A mystery on top of mysteries.
After a lengthy pause, Bowler Hat answers vaguely, "For a bit. Are you alright?"
Thomas gives a humorless chuckle. "Just...coming back down to Earth. Bad dream, that's all."
"I'm sorry to hear that," the other says gently. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Actually... can I ask you something first?"
Bowler Hat waves his other hand towards him. Thomas almost misses the movement in the shadows, and then he takes too long to realize that it is his way of telling him to continue.
"Right, so. You know how I said I dreamt about you guys before?"
"Yes, I recall."
"Did... Do you guys... Do you control that? Can you control that? I don't think anyone said."
"You mean, are we impressing our wills upon you purposefully in your sleep?"
"Yeah, I guess that."
"...which would frighten you more? To know if we do or to know if it's out of our control?"
Thomas worries a lip between his teeth.
None of them have seemed...malicious. In fact, they had reacted wonderfully surprised to know that Thomas dreamt of them. But then the conversation carried on before Thomas could confirm the part they played in them. How much power they possessed.
They wouldn't give him nightmares, right? Not on purpose? If they did, to what end?
Thomas releases a torrent of breath. "I just want to know the truth mostly."
The curtain sways closed, and the corner settles back into lightlessness.
"No, Thomas. We were not aware that we were affecting your dreams. Nor do we have any knowledge of what those dreams entail. They are your own."
"Then why did I dream of you?"
"Why do we exist in the first place? Why did the universe create us to haunt you specifically? I wish I could tell you, but I can't."
Right, they're all in the same boat. The boat of not having answers to all the weirdness.
Whatever you do, don't rock the boat.
"I know this is random, but I feel like you should have an English accent."
A bark of laughter breaks the quiet a little too loudly. It sends Thomas reeling and he's absurdly proud of himself for a split second for making the sensible man laugh. That is until he plays back his words on repeat in rapid succession.
God, can he sound stupider?
Bowler Hat shifts in his seat, and Thomas wonders if he's smiling or grimacing. "I'm deciding to take that as a compliment."
Thomas finger-guns to cover up his awkwardness. Then he yells at himself internally because it's not like Bowler Hat can see him. For the better, really. Thomas doesn't want to seem like more of a dork that he is.
"Thomasss," the other calls to him, dragging out the 's' in a beckoning voice. Thomas sits up ram-rod straight at the change in tone.
"What did you dream of?"
Oh, right. He did promise to tell him. He twiddles his thumbs in circles, mules over the likelihood of changing the subject. Even if he can't see the other staring at him, he can feel the intensity. It's like a parent knowing that their kid is up to no good and waiting patiently for them to spill the beans.
Thomas spills all of his beans. "It wasn't even scary, not really. There was just this...feeling. There were all these halls and doors and I fell into...a light? It was all white. Like a giant white space. I didn't know how to get out and– I guess I just felt trapped."
"I'm no expert, but could it be your subconscious is trying to tell you something?"
"That I fear long hallways?"
"Yes. It definitely has nothing to do with six people materializing around you that you're now stuck with 24/7. That wouldn't make me feel trapped at all."
"Well when you put it like that..."
Bowler Hat gives him time to process. Rather than process, Thomas just thinks that maybe the other is unhappy with the whole situation. Could he be mad at Thomas? Since he's stuck with Thomas, and the others by virtue, does he resent him for it?
"I can see you spiraling over there. I don't recommend it."
"What do you recommend?" Thomas asks, pouting. He feels too hot and too cold, and his pajama pants are too thin to keep out the chilly air, and he wants water and for his head to stop hurting please.
Bowler Hat counters him, "What is it that you want, Thomas? How would you like to proceed? Would it be better for you, if we were out of sight and out of mind? Would you like to forget this ever happened?"
Is that possible?
Does he want that?
A surge of denial crashes into him like an icy wave. He had only just begun to understand them, to learn about them.
He doesn't want to give up just yet because he's scared.
Thomas swallows down the lump in his throat. "I want to know more about you guys. I want to know your name. I want to know how you named yourselves. I want to learn what you guys like, and I want to help you if I can."
"Help us? What do you think you can do for us?"
Thomas winces. He doesn't known if the tone is meant to be flat or come out that cutting. He feels the sharpness all the same. "Be there for you guys...the way that you guys have apparently always been there for me, even if I didn't know it. I'd like to at least try."
Seeing Logan light up like a kid on Christmas at the chance to play a video game...
Patton holding his teddy bear...
Roman holding his hands in his, elated...
Virgil so worried that they were being too overwhelming...
Thomas wants to give them more than what they've been confined to. He wants to believe that giving people a chance will never be a bad thing.
"Careful Thomas, there is such a thing as no good deed goes unpunished." Before Thomas can argue with his newfound sense of vigor and righteousness, Bowler Hat tells him, "Go ahead and take some more medicine. It looks like your fever has returned. You should try to get some rest now."
Someone has sat a new water bottle by his alarm clock along with the medicine bottle. He does in fact feel shaky for reasons unrelated to the adrenaline-spiking nightmare.
"I still have more questions though," Thomas mentions as he swallows a couple of pills.
"I'm sure you do. Just as I'm sure those can wait until after the sun has risen."
Thomas yawns. His body agrees whole-heartedly in spite of himself. He nestles back onto the mattress, covering only his cold legs with a sheet. "You still haven't told me your name though."
"Hm, I don't believe I ever offered it."
"What am I supposed to call you then?" He almost suggests the name he's been calling the other in his head.
Thomas has a limit to how many times he can embarrass himself in one night.
"Call me whatever you'd like, within reason."
"I don't want to be rude," Thomas mutters into his pillow.
Bowler Hat somehow still hears him. He gives a light scoff. "Come now, Thomas. Allow me to keep a few secrets. I don't have many things in this world that are wholly mine."
To that, Thomas has no response. Instead, he lets the relative peace of the night seep into him. He doesn't know where Benjamin is, so he cuddles a pillow under his chin. Almost imperceptibly, he thinks he can hear the other's breathing or the weak groan of the chair.
"How long are you going to stay?" Thomas asks hesitantly.
Bowler Hat is far too quiet for far too long. Thomas's eyes start to grow heavy when the other finds his words, "Just for a bit, until you're settled."
Thomas asks no more questions after that.
Morning comes.
Thomas creeps down the stairs. There's no need. There aren't bodies strewn about in sprawling limbs. No aftermath of a big slumber party. His playstation controllers sit neatly on the entertainment center. The TV is turned off, no lights on. No one is here.
Should he be disappointed?
His headache is blissfully gone. His body no longer feels like a broken baby bird. He could stomach an actual meal, he wagers.
The kitchen, he finds, is not how he left it. No dishes litter the sink or counter tops. Most have been washed and put away, a few remaining in the drying rack.
There's a clenching at his heart. A warmth blooms in his belly.
It takes him longer than it should to get the coffee machine up and running. He keeps looking around the kitchen wondering what he's done to earn such thoughtfulness. Extravagant gifts are nice, but the little things that show someone you cared?
Do they really care for him?
He grabs a clean mug from the drying rack and fills it up. He'll get to making a proper breakfast soon, he swears. Toast and eggs sound glorious to his famished stomach. He just wants to take things slow and savor the morning.
Thomas slides the backdoor open and sits outside. He doesn't use the two chairs he has out there on the little patio. That's what a sensible person would do. He chooses to sit right on the single concrete step, his bare toes touching the grass.
It's a rare occasion when he's awake before noon. Dawn has broken beautifully, and Thomas can't see where the sun crests the horizon because of the trees in the way. But he enjoys the orange bleeding into blue and the fluffy white clouds in between.
It's nice, to be alive.
Behind him, the door slides open once more. It doesn't surprise him so much as tension creeps into his neck and down his back. He had promised that he wants to help them, and he does! It's just...a very pleasant morning and he doesn't think he can handle all of them at once right now.
The great God above hears his prayers. It's only Patton. Sweet smiling Patton leaning out the doorway.
"Heya, sport." He must sense Thomas's mood because his voice is lowered to just above a whisper. "Would you like to greet the day with some company?"
Thomas hides a tiny smirk behind the rim of his mug because he sounds like such a dad. "Sure, just as long as you don't question my sitting choices."
"Deal!" Patton bounces down, shutting the door behind him. There's enough room for him to sit on the stoop beside him without their legs touching.
Thomas gives him a wry look. "Why not go through the door?" If he had the power to lower his effort output, he'd be using it for everything.
Patton wiggles his fingers. "Because I've got these babies! Plus, now I can use them! You don't know how many times I've wanted to try the sliding door. It's a door! That slides!"
Thomas covers up his expression with taking a gulp of coffee. He doesn't want Patton to see the marring pity there.
It was just a door.
He'd never heard something so sad.
"Feeling any better this morning?" Patton asks and Thomas jumps on the distraction offered.
"Yeah, loads. It's like I'm a human being again."
Patton throws back his head and laughs heartily. There's no sunlight that reaches them in their shady corner. If it did, the radiance beside him would be blinding. It's not even that funny of a comment. Thomas thinks he's just that happy to be talking to him.
Conceited much? his inner pessimism mocks him with its unwanted opinion.
It's true, but it doesn't need to say it.
"How 'bout you guys?" Thomas barrels on. "Did you guys....sleep okay?"
Patton scrunches up his nose ruefully. "We don't do that. Not really. The closest we come to it is when we go to our rooms and... Well, it's like we relax and zone out a little. It's super easy to lose track of time that way. We do that a lot when you're sleeping. That's where the others are now."
If Thomas didn't have to sleep... Wow, he could get so much done.
Who is he kidding? He'd just use the time staying up all night to binge watch shows he's already seen. Not that he doesn't already do that...
"Is it– does it cause you pain?" Thomas asks. He can't figure a better way to articulate his question.
"No, it's not uncomfortable or anything," Patton assures him. He slips his hand up to give a quick pat on his knee. The hand is gone before Thomas can register the contact. Patton gives a grateful smile. "You're very sweet to ask, but we're okay. I don't think any of us have felt much pain. Even when some of us have wrestled around or tackled each other. It doesn't really hurt."
"Like how you can't really feel each other?"
"Yeah, like that bud."
Did that strike too close? The last thing Thomas intends is to throw unsavory reality in his face.
"Sorry," Thomas says softly. For a few seconds, Thomas experiences the absurdly strong urge to reach out and hold Patton's hand in apology and comfort. He's always been a touchy-feely person. Hugs are his go-to, even with strangers! He loves hugs.
He just, doesn't think it's appropriate right now.
"That's okay kiddo. It's all we've known."
Impulsively, Thomas does reach out this time. He sits his mug down so fast it sloshes over, brown liquid splattering on the gray concrete. It doesn't matter. What matters is the hand in his belongs to a gentle soul who deserves better than what life has given him.
Patton falters. A confused squeak comes out and he looks back and forth between the hand resting on top of his own and Thomas. His mouth opens in a little 'o' but he doesn't say anything at first.
"I think that's a crying shame," Thomas says and he squeezes the hand in his.
Patton tries to smile but he can't quite make his lips work right. They're all wobbly. "It's alright. Really, kiddo."
"No, it's not," Thomas denies emphatically. "But it will be, I promise. I talked to Bowler Hat last night."
"Y–you did?!"
"Yeah, and I think I realized some things. The most important thing is that whatever you guys are, you're people. People who didn't get a say in any of this. But I can hear you now, and what you say matters. Whatever I can do for you, just say it. I'll try my best to be there."
Patton stutters and his eyes are watering into fat teardrops. His other hand grasps at Thomas's and squeezes for dear life. His lips pull up, a trace of a smile that is mimicked in the glittering of his gaze.
"That means a lot, kiddo." Patton says and he is visibly holding back his tears. They're getting stuck in his throat and his voice comes out weepy and kind of strangled. "I'm really happy that I get to talk to you. I'm so happy."
Thomas is happy too. The force of it rams into his chest with demanding attention, leaving him breathless. He squeezes Patton's hands back with the same ferocity and Patton looks at their joined hands, mesmerized.
"I'm glad," Thomas says and doesn't rush the other. He allows him to go through the emotional roller coaster and he holds his hand supportively throughout the entire ride.
"Oh gosh, it really is a crying shame!" Patton exclaims, wiping at his eyes.
Thomas erupts into laughter and they both descend into giggles. After a time, Thomas finally lets go of his hand, but he moves his leg closer so that their knees brush now and then.
He returns to his coffee, pleased that it's still hot. "I really like your jokes. They bring me to tears."
Patton makes a ba-dum-tss motion with sound effects and they're grinning like idiots to each other.
"Thank you," Patton sighs, coming down from his emotional high. The mirth dancing in his eyes overtakes the red-rimmed edges. It makes Thomas's insides squirm in a way he can't put into words.
If the rest is this easy, he thinks he might be able to handle it.
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dickinson-devotee · 6 days
The Run For Your Lives World Tour will kick off on May 27th next year in Budapest followed by 27 stadium, festival & arena shows around Europe. The tour marks 50 years since Steve Harris formed the band in late 1975 and to celebrate this Maiden fans are promised a very special set list, spanning the nine studio albums from ‘Iron Maiden’ to ‘Fear Of The Dark’, with their most spectacular and elaborate show ever!
MAY 2025
27 Budapest, HUNGARY - Budapest Aréna *
31 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC - Letnany Airport *
JUNE 2025
01 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - TIPOS Arena *
05 Trondheim, NORWAY - Trondheim Rocks (Festival)
07 Stavanger, NORWAY - SR-Bank Arena *
09 Copenhagen, DENMARK - Royal Arena *
12 Stockholm, SWEDEN - 3Arena *
13 Stockholm, SWEDEN - 3Arena *
16 Helsinki, FINLAND - Olympic Stadium *
21 Birmingham, ENGLAND - Utilita Arena ^
22 Manchester, ENGLAND - Co-op Live ^
25 Dublin, IRELAND - Malahide Castle *^
28 London, ENGLAND - London Stadium *^
30 Glasgow, SCOTLAND - OVO Hydro ^
JULY 2025
03 Belfort, FRANCE - Eurockéennes Festival
05 Madrid, SPAIN - Estadio Cívitas Metropolitano **
06 Lisbon, PORTUGAL - MEO Arena **
09 Zurich, SWITZERLAND - Hallenstadion **
11 Gelsenkirchen, GERMANY - Veltins-Arena **
13 Padova, ITALY - Stadio Euganeo **
15 Bremen, GERMANY - Bürgerweide **
17 Vienna, AUSTRIA - Ernst Happel Stadium **
19 Paris, FRANCE - Paris La Défense Arena **
23 Arnhem, NETHERLANDS - GelreDome **
25 Frankfurt, GERMANY - Deutsche Bank Park **
26 Stuttgart, GERMANY - Cannstatter Wasen **
29 Berlin, GERMANY - Waldbühne **
02 Warsaw - POLAND - PGE Narodowy **
Special Guests for the first half of the tour, including the London & Dublin outdoor shows (but not the UK arenas), will be American rockers Halestorm. The second half of the tour sees Sweden’s Avatar as guests. And, finally, British metal band, The Raven Age, will open all UK & Ireland shows.
*Halestorm | ^The Raven Age | **Avatar
Fan Club Presales begin Monday 23rd September – details here.
Tickets go on general sale next week – check the tour dates page for times and dates.
Says Bruce Dickinson, “Next year is a very special one for IRON MAIDEN and we’re going to be giving our fans a once-in-a-lifetime live experience. This is a tour that’s gonna put a smile on your face and a cheer in your throat. If you’ve seen us before, then get ready to take that experience to a whole new level. If you’ve never seen us before, then what the hell have you been waiting for? Now’s your chance to find out what you’ve been missing! IRON MAIDEN’s definitely gonna get ya!”
Manager Rod Smallwood adds, “50 years of Maiden and I have seen 46 of them! With well over 100 million albums sold and almost 2500 shows in 64 countries and counting, to countless millions of fans, we are all still loving every second and consider every tour a new challenge to bring something different and exciting to our fans. And for this very special one we’re pulling out all the stops!
"We will cover classics and fan favourites from the first nine albums, from IRON MAIDEN to FEAR OF THE DARK, many of which we haven’t played in years and many we will likely never play again in the future. We have already been hard at work for months putting together an even more spectacular and elaborate new show which will bring the songs to life more than we have ever been able to do before. This is going to be a huge couple of years for IRON MAIDEN, and Eddie of course, and we are very excited about what we have up our sleeves for you fans throughout the whole of our 50th year. I promise you are all going to be very happy indeed!”
On Saturday June 28th the band will perform at the London Stadium, home of West Ham Football Club – the team that band founder Steve Harris has supported throughout his life, and with whom IRON MAIDEN have a long and storied history.
This concert in front of over 60,000 fans, will be the first time that IRON MAIDEN have performed on the club’s hallowed turf. A true homecoming show – with Steve Harris, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith & Nicko McBrain all born in the surrounding area – it will also be the biggest UK venue the band have ever headlined outside of their festival appearances.
Steve Harris says, “My love of football and my support of West Ham is no secret, and I know many of our fans around the world have shared that with me too. So we’re all very excited to be playing at the London Stadium as part of the RUN FOR YOUR LIVES tour. We can’t wait to see you all there!”
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sunflowrrvollou · 5 months
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Harry for the opening of Co-Op Live Arena in Manchester.
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dreamings-free · 5 months
so on Monday..
NME 29/4/24 The owners of Manchester’s Co-Op Live are planning to build “the greatest arena in the world” in London.
US entrepreneur Tim Leiweke, the CEO of sports and live entertainment development company Oak View Group – who is behind the Co-Op Live – has outlined plans for a new music venue in the capital. -> full article on nme.com
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lol good point
then Wednesday, two days later..
NME 1/5/24 Manchester’s new arena Co-Op Live was forced to cancel a performance by rapper A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie last minute due to a “venue-related technical issue”.
The venue announced just 10 minutes after doors had opened that the show could no longer go ahead due to technical problems. “We kindly ask fans to leave the area. Ticket holders will receive further information in due course,” they said.
-> full article on nme.com
later that same day..
NME 1/5/24 The gigs were postponed following a technical issue that caused A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie's show tonight to be pulled just 10 minutes after doors
[excerpt] A spokesperson for the venue told Manchester Evening News that the technical issue was caused by part of an air conditioning unit falling from the gantry inside the venue during soundcheck. Nobody was injured.
-> full article on nme.com
well, at least there's this new development.. (to make themselves look better :)
NME 1/5/24 The venue initially declined the levy, which would go towards supporting and developing the UK's grassroots venues.
Manchester’s Co-Op Live has agreed to meet with the Music Venue Trust to discuss a £1 ticket levy.
According to the BBC, Mark Davyd (CEO of the Music Venue Trust) said he was to meet with the Co-Op Live once the venue was up and running. The meeting comes amongst the furore with Co-Op Live’s executive director Gary Roden, who suggested some grassroots venues were “poorly run” whilst discussing the case for a £1 ticket levy to preserve them.
-> full article on nme.com
tbc I feel...
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itsdareeeh · 6 days
Iron Maiden announce "Run For Your Lives" world tour 2025/2026
Just like the rumors said, this morning the English band posted on their social media profiles the list of dates for the European leg of their upcoming tour. The "Run For Your Lives" tour will celebrate the 50th anniversary since bassist Steve Harris formed it in 1975 (thank you Mr. Harris).
According to what the band said, the set list will be "very special" and cover the albums from "Iron Maiden" to "Fear Of The Dark".
The tour will start on the 27th May 2025 in Hungary and (the European dates) will finish on the 2nd of August 2025 in Poland.
Here below is the complete list of the concerts.
MAY 2025
27 Budapest, HUNGARY - Budapest Aréna *
31 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC - Letnany Airport *
JUNE 2025
01 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA - TIPOS Arena *
05 Trondheim, NORWAY - Trondheim Rocks (Festival)
07 Stavanger, NORWAY - SR-Bank Arena *
09 Copenhagen, DENMARK - Royal Arena *
12 Stockholm, SWEDEN - 3Arena *
13 Stockholm, SWEDEN - 3Arena *
16 Helsinki, FINLAND - Olympic Stadium *
21 Birmingham, ENGLAND - Utilita Arena ^
22 Manchester, ENGLAND - Co-op Live ^
25 Dublin, IRELAND - Malahide Castle *^
28 London, ENGLAND - London Stadium *^
30 Glasgow, SCOTLAND - OVO Hydro ^
JULY 2025
03 Belfort, FRANCE - Eurockéennes Festival
05 Madrid, SPAIN - Estadio Cívitas Metropolitano **
06 Lisbon, PORTUGAL - MEO Arena **
09 Zurich, SWITZERLAND - Hallenstadion **
11 Gelsenkirchen, GERMANY - Veltins-Arena **
13 Padova, ITALY - Stadio Euganeo **
15 Bremen, GERMANY - Bürgerweide **
17 Vienna, AUSTRIA - Ernst Happel Stadium **
19 Paris, FRANCE - Paris La Défense Arena **
23 Arnhem, NETHERLANDS - GelreDome **
25 Frankfurt, GERMANY - Deutsche Bank Park **
26 Stuttgart, GERMANY - Cannstatter Wasen **
29 Berlin, GERMANY - Waldbühne **
02 Warsaw - POLAND - PGE Narodowy **
The opening bands will be Halestorm(*), Avatar(**) and The Raven Age(^).
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louisupdates · 1 year
@fashionlouist bracket winners! all the looks
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26 May - Mohegan Sun Arena, UNCASVILLE CT [Vetements shirt] [Lacoste shoes] [Lacoste polo] [Lacoste track pants]
27 May - Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion, GUILFORD NH [Marni x Carhart shirt] [Adidas shoes]
29 May - Place Bell, LAVAL QC [Palace x Adidas t shirt] [Ahluwalia shirt] [Adidas shoes] [By Parra shirt]
30 May - Budweiser Stage, TORONTO ON [A Bathing Ape shirt]
1 Jun - Blossom Music Center, CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH [Calvin Klein tank top] [Stone Island pants, Adidas Osweego shoes]
2 Jun - Michigan Lottery Amphitheater, STERLING HEIGHTS, MI: [1017 Alyx 9SM T-shirt] [Axel Arigato shoes]
3 Jun - The Icon Festival Stage, CINCINNATI: [Fred Perry polo] [Adidas Osweego shoes] [424 shirt] [Nike shorts] [Nike slippers]
6 Jun - Kemba Live! Outdoor, COLUMBUS OH: [Calvin Klein tank top] [J. Lindeberg pants] [Axel Arigato shoes] [28 OP hoodie] [28 OP shorts] [Adidas Osweego shoes]
7 Jun - TCU Amphitheater at White River State Park, INDIANAPOLIS: [Paul Smith T-shirt]
9 Jun - Saint Louis Music Park, SAINT LOUIS: [Obey knit polo]
10 Jun - Starlight Theatre, KANSAS CITY MO: [Raf Simons t-shirt]
13 Jun - BMO Pavilion, MILWAUKEE: [Fred Perry shirt] [Adidas Samba Og shoes]
15 Jun - Huntington Bank Pavilion, CHICAGO: [28 OP hoodie] [Sergio Tacchini jacket] [Lacoste pants] [Lacoste shoes] [Calvin Klein tank]
16 Jun - The Armory, MINNEAPOLIS: [Vintage Umbro England football shirt] [Pangaia hoodie]
17 Jun - Harrah’s Stir Cove, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA: [Lacoste shirt] [Adidas shoes] [Y-3 hoodie and shorts] [Adidas shoes]
19 Jun - Denny Sanford Premiere Center, SIOUX FALLS, SD: [Umbro 2004 vintage home shirt]
21 Jun - Red Rocks Amphitheatre, MORRISON, CO: POSTPONED [Nike t-shirt] [Sergio Tacchini shorts] [Nike shoes]
24 Jun - Wamu Theater, SEATTLE: [Calvin Klein white tank top] [Grand Collection pants]
26 Jun - Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Center, VANCOUVER BC: [Burberry shorts] [Ksubi shirt]
27 Jun - Mcmenamins Edgefield Concerts, TROUTDALE OR: [Adidas Jamaica jersey]
29 Jun - The Greek Theatre, BERKELEY CA: [ERL t-shirt]
30 Jun - The Hollywood Bowl, LOS ANGELES: [Stone Island jacket for Hollywood Bowl ad] [Adidas x Wales Bonner jacket] [black mesh tank top]
1 Jul - The Chelsea at the Cosmopolitan, LAS VEGAS: [Palace Skateboards t-shirt] [Adidas Gazelle red shoes]
3 Jul - Arizona Financial Theatre, PHOENIX: [Black Sabbath vintage t-shirt] [Calvin Klein white tank top] [Rick Owens x Champion track pants]
6 Jul - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory, IRVING TX: [Devá States t-shirt] [Stone Island swim trunks]
7 Jul - Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Park, AUSTIN TX: [Tom Ford vest] [Lacoste pants] [Salomon shoes]
8 Jul - The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, WOODLANDS TX: [Saul Nash matching set] [Axel Arigato shoes]
11 Jul - St. Augustine Amphitheatre, ST. AUGUSTINE FL: [Burberry shirt] [Umbro vintage shorts]
13 Jul - Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood, HOLLYWOOD FL: [Casablanca Paris polo]
14 Jul - Yuengling Center, TAMPA FL: [Alyx 9SM AAUTS0393FA01BLK0001 ARCH LOGO t-shirt] [Soon To Be Announced t-shirt, Mastermind pants]
15 Jul - Cadence Bank Amphitheatre at Chastain Park, ATLANTA: [soundcheck: Mastermind pants] [Casablanca Paris t-shirt] [Adidas Sprinter shorts]
18 Jul - Ascend Amphitheater, NASHVILLE: [Stone Island sweater for Australia announcement] [28 OP track pants] [Celine polo]
19 Jul - Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre, CHARLOTTE NC: [Lacoste pants]
21 Jul - Red Hat Amphitheater, RALEIGH NC: [28 OP pants] [Paul Smith t-shirt] [Stone Island shorts]
22 Jul - Merriweather Post Pavilion, COLUMBIA MD: [Nike England jersey] [Sergio Tacchini shoes]
24 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: [Stone Island pants] [Salomon shoes]
25 Jul - MGM Music Hall at Fenway, BOSTON: [Andersson Bell t-shirt]
27 Jul - TD Pavilion at the Mann, PHILADELPHIA: [Prada tank top], [CP Company pants], [Thames MMXX polo]
28 Jul - Stone Pony Summer Stage, ASBURY PARK NJ: [Maison Mihara Yasuhiro shirt] [Sunflower Mike shorts]
29 Jul - Forrest Hills Stadium, NEW YORK: [Tom Ford tank top] [Prada pants] [Axel Arigato t-shirt]
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outfits courtesy of lbfcult
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zot3-flopped · 3 months
Haters won't be happy about Liam praising Co-Op Live and comparing it to MSG!
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