#cobblepot nygma correct quotes
penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Oswald: why don't you let riddler come out for a while? yknow,,,,, riddle me up
Oswald: not that you couldn't, ed
Ed: ozzie what does that mean
Ed: what are you guys gonna do
Oswald: ...riddle
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thecrowinacrown · 2 years
Ed: I told you not to call me that.
Oswald used to call me Edward.
Oz: ...
Oz: What? Edward?
Oz: Because it's your goddamn name, Edward.
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mirabilefuturum · 3 years
I'm trying to cut like ten seconds Os yelling at Loeb in s2e1 and instead I ended up with a cutout containing the right time BUT IT'S THE WRONG EPISODE
NAMELY THE ONE WHERE THIS TIME POINT IS KRISTEN SAYING "Mr. Nygma, is that your bedroom over there?"
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x-gotham-rogues · 4 years
Hello, and welcome to my blog! Everyone’s welcome to call me X. Whatever pronouns you use to address me are correct.
I’ve never really used Tumblr a lot, so I’m still learning the basics of how to manage this... thing... so apologies if I’m not the best at this!
This blog is made for Gotham Rogues headcanons, incorrect quotes, and just general fun. Whether those things be mine or stuff you send me to discuss about, it’s all welcome here (within the boundaries of the rules, of course; see below).
Be kind and wary of other people’s possible feelings at all times. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated in any way.
Hate, prejudice and discrimination of someone because of their personal headcanons, ships, etc. will not be tolerated in any way; even if those things include p*d*ph*l*a, r*pe/non-con, inc*st, n*cr*ph*l*a or such. Rather than waste your time harassing someone you don’t like, simply block them and move on with your life.
I’m generally quite flexible with the variance of content; NSFW is welcome. This includes swearing, violence, and/or extreme angst.
In regards to the rule above, I will not write or post about: p*d*ph*l*a, r*pe/non-con, inc*st, n*cr*ph*l*a, and pregnancy. The first four should be obvious, but the reason I don’t write pregnancy is simply because I’m uncomfortable with writing and/or reading it. Please try to understand.
I mainly write for my favourite rogues. This doesn’t mean I don’t write for the other rogues as well, just simply not as often. Rather than complaining about the lack of content for a certain rogue, request what you want to see in the askbox.
Ships are not something I really intensely care for. If it makes something funny, I’ll do it. Multiple ships will emerge in this blog. If you disagree or don’t like any ships that appear, don’t take it personally. If you take it personally, you’re welcome to block me.
Requesting Headcanons:
If you request a headcanon, please specify the specific type of headcanon you want to see for your request. If you don’t, I’ll still write the headcanon (no worries), but it might not be as ideal as you wish it to be.
I write general headcanons, situational headcanons, and reader insert headcanons, whether any of them be romantic or platonic. If you’d like something to be a reader-insert, please specify so in your request.
I do not write ship headcanons. I don’t really ship anything specifically, and it’s easy for ships to send me and the blog into a one-way downward spiral towards Dramatown.
Alright, I admit it, I can’t write sexy shit. I can still write suggestive NSFW, or stuff like making out, because for some reason I can do that.
If you’d like to send in headcanons for my opinion on them, that’s a-okay! If you’d like to remain anonymous because of whatever reasons, that’s alright, too!
Regarding Art:
I post stuff I draw on this blog, mostly (probably all) rogue-related drawings.
You can request art, but it would take some time and I am more likely to reject an art request than a headcanon request.
Am I good at drawing? No. It’s a hobby that I practice because I can. Don’t expect Wolf or Sin levels of artistic talent from me.
The Main Rogues of This Blog:
Jonathan Crane, a.k.a Scarecrow
Edward Nygma/Nigma/Nashton, a.k.a Riddler
Harleen Quinzel, a.k.a Harley Quinn
Jervis Tetch, a.k.a Mad Hatter
Dennis Prowell, a.k.a Music Meister
Rogues I CAN Write For:
Harvey Dent, a.k.a Two Face
Pamela Isley, a.k.a Poison Ivy
Victor Fries, a.k.a Mr. Freeze
Selina Kyle, a.k.a Catwoman
Oswald Cobblepot, a.k.a Penguin
Bane, a.k.a Antonio Diego
Rogues I Will NOT Write For:
Hugo Strange
Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Victor Zsasz
Floyd Lawton/Deadshot
Ra’s al Ghul
Any other rogues I haven’t included are up for debate.
The lists above can be changed depending on if you have a specific media in mind for the rogue(s) in question (Ex. Gotham Zsasz I love but Gotham Tetch can lick my shoe and choke on it).
Thank you for reading this monster of a post, and I hope you enjoy your time on this blog!
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“We all agree that this is ridiculous,” said Damian. “Correct?”
Bruce nodded. “We do.” He surveyed his environment again, letting all the details sink in: the assorted hydraulics and bulldozers parked on a lot covered in dust, his children gathered around him, and of course the green-clad man in the purple mask. 
Riddler was hard to miss. 
“This isn’t clever,” Bruce told him. “This is a joke.”
“And so are you,” Damian piped up, pointing in Nygma’s direction. That particular comment got a mixed reaction. Bruce saw Dick smile, heard Jason groan, and spiritually felt Tim roll his eyes from behind his domino mask. Cassandra reached over and swatted Damian lightly on the shoulder. 
“They’re all jokes,” Bruce continued. “It wasn’t hard to put together the pieces when my operatives came in one by one with clues.”
“I found your note,” said Tim, holding up a sheet of paper with a question written in green ink. “What’s brown and sticky? A stick… stick up. I took care of it. And then I reported back to base. It was obvious you were planning something.”
“And I got this,” said Jason. He displayed a small snow globe. Inside, a plastic penguin stood in front of a gingerbread house, surrounded by falling glitter. “It reminded me of an old joke. How does a penguin build his house?”
Jason sighed. “Igloos it together. I took care of Cobblepot’s weapons deal, by the way, so thanks for the tip off.”
Cassandra held up a clay coffee cup with a green question mark painted on the side. “Mugging,” she said. “Easy.”
“And I found myself fighting your minions in the cemetery.” Dick shook his head. “‘People are dying to get in?’ You reused that one. I remember from when I was twelve.”
Nygma grinned at the lot of them. “And you, Batman? Robin?”
Bruce grimaced in return. “We found Scarecrow with a shovel at the soccer match. We prevented him from testing another round of fear toxin on the spectators, and we found two clues, both leading us here.”
“The scarecrow gets an award for being ‘outstanding in his field.’ His name is ‘crane,’ and he had a shovel because his work was—”
“Groundbreaking,” said the Riddler, gesturing to the dust and the heavy equipment. “So you joined me here, for this groundbreaking. Excellent. I’m afraid you’re a bit early. You solved my clues too fast.”
“They were easy,” said Bruce. “Easier because they all come from an article called— and let me quote this— ‘40 Best Dad Jokes Which Are Embarrassingly Awful,’ from pun-dot-me-dot-com.”
“Indeed!” said Nygma, rubbing his gloved hands together. “Happy Father’s Day.”
“Who says I’m a father?”
The Riddler inclined his head towards the people surrounding Bruce: his daughter and four sons. 
“Operatives?” Nygma asked. “You’re not subtle.”
“Says you?” Bruce gestured towards the green and purple outfit. “Fine. What do you want?”
“Your attention of course.”
“You have it. Now what?”
Riddler turned in a slow circle, apparently looking around for something. “Well,” he said. “Hm.”
Stalling, Bruce thought. Definitely stalling.
Riddler turned back to face them. “Would you like to hear a joke, Batman?”
“I’m still working on the punchline.”
“It’s under construction,” Bruce snapped. “Everybody move.”
The machines surrounding them roared to life as green-suited henchmen slammed on the controls. Bruce moved one way, pulling Damian with him. The rest of his children scattered in every direction. A half-second later, the entire lot was concealed behind clouds of billowing dust. 
Bruce pointed Damian towards the sound of the nearest machine; Damian nodded and jumped off to handle it. Bruce himself strode forward to find Riddler, confident that his children would handle the rest. He caught glimpses of them running through the dust clouds. He heard impacts and yelling as they fought Nygma’s men. 
Bruce found him in a wheel loader. As soon as Batman emerged, the Riddler floored the gas petal, sending the machine lumbering quickly towards Bruce. It wasn’t nearly enough to scare him. Bruce flipped over the jagged scoop and on top of the cockpit. Riddler screamed in rage as he did. 
Bruce used a batarang to smash the glass window. He pulled Nygma out of the control panel and tossed him to the ground— far away from the path of any machine, but also far enough to hurt on impact. Riddler groaned as he tried to peel himself away from the dirt. 
The dust began to die out as the various machines stopped moving and Bruce’s children began to rematerialize. They gathered in a loose circle around Nygma still on the ground. He looked up, found himself surrounded, and spat out a mouthful of dirt. 
“Don’t touch me,” he muttered. “I’m warning you—”
“Say it,” said Tim, looking over at Bruce. “I’m begging you to say it.”
“Hi, ‘Warning You,’” Bruce tried. “I’m Dad.”
@ellievate @doc-squash @neeblu I hate y’all (love y’all)
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justgotham · 5 years
I really must thank the organisers of the Heroes & Villains event. I met up with the agent who had organised our passes, and arranged our interviews. He led me to a behind the scenes meeting room, knocked on the door, and inside I saw two of my favourite actors waiting for me. What was that line about real life, again?
My initial reaction was disbelief, I was immediately star-struck. To their credit both gentlemen put me at ease. By the end of the conversation It felt more like I’d been in a room with old friends. At first I couldn’t even get my fingers and thumbs working to hit the record button, but got there eventually. This wasn’t a tech issue, this was interviewer malfunction!
Dark Knight News: Right, it’s finally recording.
Robin Lord Taylor: Boom!
DKN: So, I’m here for Dark Knight News and DC Comics News with Cory Michael Smith and Robin Lord Taylor AKA Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot. First of all, how are you finding London? Have we been nice to you?
Cory Michael Smith: Oh, yeah. I love it.
RLT: It’s been fantastic.
CMS: This is my fifth or sixth time here, it’s probably my most visited city outside the U.S. I love it! I came early, I’m staying late… it’s great!
RLT: Yeah, the same. I think it’s maybe my third or fourth time. It’s just fantastic. When I first came to London I was like oh my gosh, there’s actually another city I could conceivably see myself living in besides New York.
DKN: That’s how I feel about New York!
RLT: Really? Wow. They feel like sister cities in a way. They’re very similar in many ways.
Riddle Me This
DKN: I have loads of questions for you from the whole team, but… let’s have a look. (Under my breath) Are you single? Nope, skipping that… Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner/significant other? Nuh-uh… Will you marry me… What th’ … (Back in full voice) Ah, here we go (CMS and RLTare laughing at this point.)
Edward and Oswald… radical departures from the way that anyone has played them before, which is awesome. A conscious decision, or did the producers want you to go down fresh avenues of interpretation?
CMS: It was very conscious. In the beginning we had a conversation with the creators about the character, but it’s felt pretty hands off for most of it. Early on with Nygma we were trying still to find the character, we were so far away from The Riddler. So we had some course corrections, and tried some stuff and had some different plot lines. It’s been so fun to go from Nygma to The Riddler. It’s felt like a really exciting evolution. Then the back and forth…. it’s felt like a very organic development of character. It’s been really fun.
RLT: I don’t know if you’ve heard, but it was really fascinating the way they cast the show. When I auditioned (Robin looks over to Cory) and I don’t know if it was the same for you, but we were not allowed to see the script. We weren’t even supposed to know what the project was, so they had sent out just scenes that were written just for the audition, with very little description.
When I came in to audition I made choices not knowing it was The Penguin. I was given a scene, and so, OK, here’s what I’m gonna do with that, and it just happened to be exactly what they had in mind. And that was the same for all of us, they didn’t want us to come in with any expectation or any thought about what came before. So it was very intentionally, made to be a departure for all of us, from the characters as we knew them before.
DKN: That makes so much sense. That’s a much more organic way to form a character naturally. One of my favorite parts of the show is how organic and natural it does feel from a character performance standpoint. I was speaking to Drew (Powell) earlier, and having a real, physical Solomon Grundy, rather than a CGI monstrosity was brilliant.
CMS: Thanks.
RLT: Thank you.
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue. I Have Multiple Personalities… And So Do I.
DKN: Obviously duality is a huge theme in Gotham, and in Batman’s universe. Robin, you started out as a good son, a family man, forced into becoming a monster. Cory, you were a nice, stand up guy, working for the police. You then had your heart broken, and your mind destroyed by guilt, forcing you to become the Riddler. Has it helped you, as actors, playing these two radically different personalities, that are the same person?
CMS: Absolutely! After four years of doing this, I feel way more in command of my body, and my voice, and there’s something really exciting about being on a TV show that feels so… operatic, and big. We both come from a theatre background, and you have the allowance to really fill a space when you’re doing theatre.
That’s rare in TV and film today, to be granted the authority to really flex your muscles that way. To learn how to do it on-screen, in a way that is focused, but still like… eruptive… it’s been a great education.
RLT: Yeah, definitely. It’s been great. There’s the idea that, when you’re on film that everything has to be smaller. This show has completely stripped all that away.
DKN: Every episode feels like a movie, and every performance is full of life.
RLT: Exactly, it’s larger… it’s like the largest performance you can give, and they want that. They encourage us to be big, and to be brave and put it all out there. That’s what I’ll take away from this whole experience. Feeling so much more confident in who I am, and knowing that when I walk into a room, I know how to command a space now… which I don’t think I really understood that before.
The Tools Of The Trade
DKN: Would either of you like to have the comic-book toys, like the staff, or the umbrellas in the final season?
CMS: Oh, yeah! Give me my cane! (All three of us laugh)
RLT: Yeah, he gets a cane, I get my umbrellas.
CMS: Give me my cane!
RLT: I’d love the helicopter umbrella, that would be great. Also, I’m really hoping that we get the monocle next year. In the storyline it’s an injury, so I don’t know who would cause it in the show (points at Cory) probably him… (We laugh) I think it would be fantastic! Especially since it’s wrapping up, I feel like, by the end, all of the pieces are gonna start coming together for all of us.
CMS: (To Robin) Do you plan on gaining 50 lbs this season? (We all laugh) Can you imagine? Oh, my God!
RLT: And shrinking! (More laughs)
DKN: That’s too funny.
I Did it My Way
DKN: Like you said, Robin, sadly things will be wrapping up. There’ve been quotes from the show-runners saying that characters like Mother and Orphan / The Lady Shiva and Cassandra Cain are coming onto the show. Are you guys excited about that? Some new blood?
CMS: Absolutely, yeah, totally.
RLT: I’m excited about new blood, but really what I’m hoping is, since it’s the last season, that even with the introduction of new characters, we’ll still be able to come back and focus on the core family, the core group that has been there since the beginning.
DKN: The backbone of the show.
RLT: Exactly. That’s going to be really gratifying, and it’s going to be very emotional. I’m already anticipating that.
CMS: I know, It’s a lot.. It’s a lot.
Men For All Seasons
DKN: The fans are, obviously, really sad about it ending too. I’ve been reporting on the show since it started, and one small comfort is that you’ll be going out with a bang, and not with a whimper.
CMS: Oh… it’ll be epic!
RLT: It’ll be fantastic. Also, just to know that it’s the end. I’ve been saying that once the show is done and time goes on, new people will still be discovering it. I’m just so glad that they’ll be able to watch it, all five seasons as though it’s a movie. The fact that we will have an ending, and that it will be, over five years, the big arc of the whole thing. I think it will be really great.
DKN: I was hoping you’d get ten years, like Smallville did, but…
(They both laugh and smile)
RLT: Hey, you never know… maybe Netflix will pick us up.
(More laughter from all three of us)
Every Girl’s Crazy ‘Bout A Sharp Dressed Man
DKN: It’s great seeing you both so casual, and relaxed. You’re usually in these sharp suits, and all dressed up. The costumes in the show are great! Do they feel as good to wear as they look?
CMS: Oh my God, yes. It’s extraordinary. We’re fortunate to have them custom made, and when you put them on you feel… powerful.
RLT: Yeah.
CMS: It feels right, and the fabric is beautiful, or it’s glistening, or it’s velvet, or whatever it may be. It just feels rich, and you can walk into a room and really own the clothes.
RLT: Yeah. It’s like putting on the skin of the character. I love working that way too, to be able to go from the outside into the emotional interior. To be able to put on the suit, have the nose, and then the hair. It’s like all these pieces come together, and then I’m Oswald. It feels really great.
Comic-Book Men
DKN: What was your relationship with comics. Before working on Gotham, and since?
CMS: Before the show, I didn’t have a relationship with comics, we didn’t grow up with them in our house. My brother and I didn’t read them. Now… (Laughing) now I have a collection! Particularly of Batman. I’m mostly focused on reading Batman comics, and now I have a little library that I’m pretty proud of.
DKN: Cool!
RLT: Yeah, same. I wasn’t a huge comic-book person as a child, but I was obsessed with the movies. Now it really is so rich. The art, the creativity and background of these characters I find so fascinating. It really feels like it’s mythology… the mythology of today, and I think it’s so exciting. The fact that it inspires both myself, and other people, that’s exciting.
DKN: Thank you so much.
So, to close. Any final message to our readers, your fans, from Cory and from Robin. What would you like to say?
CMS: Join us on the ride to the finale. It’s gonna be epic!
RLT: I love you, and thank you.
DKN: And we all love you, and thank you. Thanks guys!
RLT: Cheers, mate!
CMS: Thank you, man.
DKN: Fingers crossed, we’ll see you next year!
CMS: Yeah!
RLT: Fantastic!
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Oswald: i confessed my love to you SOBBING in the FREEZING rain
Oswald: shit was cold
Oswald: OH-
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Oswald: i've felt cramps BRIEFLY and it's worse than being shot
Oswald: how is this real how does this happen to you every month
Oswald: this is horrible and i’ve been shot
Ed: yeah :')) it's pretty bad
Oswald: can confirm
Oswald: worse than being shot
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Tumblr media
Ed: how did you move like a worm on a string
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Oswald: i'm too gay to grow facial hair
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Oswald: you weren't here for this but one time someone vaguely implied that i didn't need you to manage my mayoral campaign and i shot him like nine times
Ed: you what
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Ed: i will always be baffled by the fact that you've seen me and are still like "i'd hit that"
Oswald: LMFAOO?????
Oswald: i'd hit it so hard
Oswald: i'd hit it every night for the rest of my life
Ed: i'm down
Oswald: i love you
Oswald: you did not just say "i'd hit that"
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Ed: i'm not a masochist i'm not a sadist i'm not a masochist i'm not a sadist i'm not a masochist i'm not a sadist i'm not a masochist i'm not a sadist i'm not a masochist i'm not a s
Oswald: whatever you need to tell yourself princess :-)
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Ed: *is literally asleep*
Oswald: 🐛
Oswald: caterpillar kiss
Oswald: mwah!
Oswald: 🐧
Oswald: penguin kiss
Oswald: mwah!
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Ed: there was a tumblr poll where we were pitted against the good omens guys and we were losing 😭
Oswald: i know the good omens guys, they're pretty cute >:(
Ed: tall & grumpy × short & bubbly it's like the opposite of us
Oswald: they attended OUR wedding. so who's cuter.
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penguinpuzzle · 1 year
Oswald: so old
Oswald: ohh fuck i'm too old for this
Oswald: see ed i'm getting so old
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