#cobra medical insurance
bitchesgetriches · 2 months
Our (Ridiculously Simple) Method for Choosing the Right Healthcare Plan For You
Choosing the right healthcare plan can be intimidating, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. The stakes are high; the options are confusing; there’s often a small window during which you can make the choice before you lose your chance; and the whole thing highlights the merciless jank that is our healthcare system!
Luckily, there’s an incredibly easy, 100% foolproof way to make the decision. Here’s our secret to choosing the right healthcare plan:
First, you put it off until there’s only, like, two days left to pick. Then, you forward all your onboarding documents to your dad’s wife, Carol. She is the perfect person for the task, being both generous and detail-oriented in a way you will never understand. Finally, you pick whichever one she says, and never think about it again until your soul walks the halls of the Duat and Anubis weighs your heart against Ma’at’s Feather of Eternal Truth.
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aymethyst · 4 months
fuck okay so my leave end this monday and i want to quit the same day
BUT i have a specialist appt for that FRIDAY to see if i have RA. i cant extend the current leave im on but i wonder if i can start a NEW leave just so i can keep this appointment before my insurance gets canceled
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naukrisambad · 4 months
Short-term health insurance For temporary gaps in coverage
However, while short-term health insurance provides immediate relief, it’s essential to understand its limitations. These plans often exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions, preventive care, maternity care, and mental health services, among other essential benefits required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As such, short-term coverage should be approached as a temporary solution while…
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cannabiscomrade · 2 months
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I got accepted onto long-term disability through my employer/the state, but that doesn’t take effect until August 1st because it’s based off of my resignation date with the district.
I’m making monthly $672.01 COBRA payments to keep my insurance until then, which I need for 100% of my nutrition and hydration through feeding tube and central line.
I’ll need $2016.03 to make it via COBRA alone until August. That’s on top of all of our other bills and my spouse working full-time.
If you can’t donate, please support me by reblogging and following my other socials so I can monetize my content on other platforms.
@ paralyzedguts on TikTok and Instagram, I make educational content about disability and other social justice topics. I’ve been featured on NowThis Impact and work with organizations like The Oley Foundation and G-PACT.
$0 / $2016.03
Cash.app: $forcewielder
Message for PayPal and Venmo
Amazon Wishlist (medical supplies)
Feeding tubes and port under the cut!
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scaryscarecrows · 3 months
Komodo Protocol
“You seen what they got going on in Demolitions?” Frank asks around his bacon. “Somethin’ real nasty, looks like.”
“No, I’ve been stuck on ‘light duty’ all week.” Antoine rolls his eyes. “You get one bug and everyone’s on your ass.”
“Yeah, well, you shouldn’t have tried breaking out of Medical all those times.”
“Shouldn’t have passed out mid-meeting, either.” Jimmy cackles. “Dude, if you died, we’d be fucked. Riley’s an enabler.”
“Clyde would take over,” the Knight says dryly. Jimmy squeaks. “Meeting at nine hundred.”
Meeting, not assembly. Something’s come up, then, because they had their weekly briefing two days ago. There hadn’t been anything of note at the time; next shipment of drones to Gotham, more than anything. Antoine’s pretty sure it was largely an excuse to hide from Deathstroke, who had left that afternoon anyway.
Once he’s gone, Jimmy leans in.
“So? What do you think’s going on?”
“I don’t know. Everything’s on schedule, and I haven’t seen anything weird come up.”
“Think something’s up in Gotham?”
“Maybe.” He finishes his coffee and tries–and fails miserably–at repressing a cough. “I’m fine, coughs linger, that’s not illegal!”
Mark frowns.
“That sounded ugly.”
“That’s what coughs do.” He’s not whining. He’s not. “Leave me alone, I’m better now.”
“I want you in my office after this meeting. Just for a quick check-up.”
“Oh, come on–”
“Forget, and I’ll come find you.”
Ugh. Fine. He’ll go. But he’s not going to like it.
* * *
“What is that?”
Okay. Insurance is always good. This, however, appears to be a bigass mine. Three feet in diameter, easy, and well-armored. Could probably withstand a Cobra drone rolling over it.
“Uh-huh,” Frank drawls. “For what.”
“It’s primarily to keep the military from getting involved.”
Antoine’s got news for him: the military, generally, considers Gotham as ‘fend for your fucking selves’ and probably would just pretend they didn’t see anything anyway. But sure. A little extra reassurance is nice.
“Also to keep anyone–or anything–else from stepping in.” Okay, that one’s fair. “It won’t hurt you if you walk on it; the sensors need more weight to activate the electricity.” Oh, it’s electric, too? Wonderful. “We’ll be deploying them pretty early in the night, once the drones have all been deployed.”
“They won’t fuck with the programming, will they?” Jimmy risks poking the thing. “It’s not like an EMP or whatever?”
“It shouldn’t, but I want you, when you map out the patrol route, to try not to run over them. I’ll give you a map of where I want them sometime next week.”
“How many are there?”
Trent whistles.
“Gotham’s a big place.” The Knight shrugs. “We’re not shipping these over ahead of us; they go when we do. Clyde, I’m going to be making a special dummy; same sensors, I want to run some tests with the Cloudburst tank. If it comes to that, I’d really rather not blow this entire operation…literally.”
“Very funny, sir,” Frank says dryly. “I’ll make sure she’s ready to roll when you are.”
“Good. You five are dismissed. Drouot, you’re not.”
That doesn’t sound promising.
The others file out, though, leaving Antoine with the boss and a giant, scary-looking mine.
“These are also a contingency.”
And there it is. The boss has contingencies for his contingencies, which is, Antoine guesses, why they’re all still on this crazy crusade.
“Okay?” The Knight holds out a piece of paper with numbers on it. Antoine raises an eyebrow. “What’s this?”
“The activation code to set these all off at once. In the event that I somehow end up incapacitated, unless I explicitly told you otherwise, I want you to initiate the Komodo Protocol: order a retreat and blow Gotham off the map.”
“Sounds like overkill.”
“When dealing with Batman, there is no such thing as overkill.”
“If you say so, sir.” Such an innocuous little paper. Ten digits. Ten digits and boom, one of the largest cities in the world turned into a charred crater. “Does Scarecrow know about this?”
“No, and we’re not mentioning it. If that code needs to be used, he doesn’t need to be informed.”
Well, in all honesty, Scarecrow is the one most likely to trigger this event. Antoine has never trusted the guy. He’s convinced that, Batman be damned, if he saw a chance to poison them all, he’d take it.
“Hopefully it won’t come to that, sir.”
“Hopefully not.” The Knight looks at the mine. “But I’d rather be prepared.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea, boss?”
The boss just laughs.
“Probably not. Look, it’s like the bomb vests. I highly, highly doubt we’ll need it.”
Yeah…the bomb vests have not been mentioned to the troops at large. Voluntary or not, most people are not going to like the idea of a suicide vest being anywhere near them. If it comes down to that, then they’ll worry about it.
“If you say so, sir.” He looks from the paper to the mine again. “Did you need anything else?”
“No. You can go; I think Jones wanted to see you.”
* * *
“I’m sure that by now most of you have become aware of the events at Arkham Asylum.”
Antoine’s voice is hoarse, going in and out a little. He hasn’t slept, not really. Sure, Mark got a power nap out of him, but that’s about it and it wasn’t enough. He looks like shit, too, all washed out and with eye bags big enough to take on a cruise. That’ll happen, when you spend too much time in a chair.
“Batman do that, sir?”
“Yes and no. Before I continue, I want it clear: Batman is now considered a level five threat.”
“We can take him. Right, boys?” A cheer goes up. “Just tell us where he is, we’ll bring his head back in two hours.” 
Ha. Trent disagrees. Bastard’s got clown morals with Bat-bullshit, if he’s still alive–and he probably is–‘taking him’ is going to be a real bitch. It’s doable, probably, it’s just going to be difficult, especially with their best resource on both Batman and Joker being at death’s door.
Antoine’s smile is wintery and the cheer dies down, gives way to an uneasy silence. Trent can’t blame them for that. He’s usually the nice one. Nice is relative, but still.
“What you’ll be up against isn’t Batman anymore,” he says. “Now, I’m sure you all attended the briefing regarding the Joker’s death of TITAN poisoning.” Pfft. Trent knows damn well they didn’t, but that’ll keep them from jabbering. “Before that incident, the Joker supplied hospitals with tainted blood, and apparently gave Batman a transfusion as well. The cure didn’t take.” 
He turns to his laptop and taps a few keys. On screen, the footage Jimmy managed to get from the boss’s helmet earlier on Halloween looms large. Trent shudders. He’s seen some shit in his day, but that–a laughing, maniacal Batman attacking with full intent to kill–is in the running for his personal Top Five WTF. Thankfully, Antoine only lets it play for a few seconds, but those few seconds are enough to quiet the skeptical mutterings.
“That’s what you’re up against now. He will kill you, without a second thought. He has already killed Scarecrow–”
“Shit, we work for Richardson now?”
“No. The Arkham Knight dispatched her before the asylum blew up.”
At least that one stuck. Last thing they need is that vindictive little monster blaming them for what happened to Scarecrow.
“For the moment, we are going to continue as we were. I want drones sweeping the city, checkpoints manned, and watchtowers fully operational. If anybody sees anything, you call in immediately and you wait for backup. Don’t be a hero, your insurance does not cover facial removal.” There’s a smattering of nervous chuckles that Antoine does not join in. “Patrols: minimum of four, do not let each other out of your sight. Someone has to piss, you all go. Someone falls in one of those damn potholes and breaks an ankle, you all come back to base as a group. Understood?”
“Good. Any questions?” If they have any, they don’t ask them. Antoine closes his laptop, disconnects it, and turns on his heel. “Dismissed.”
Trent steps in fully as they file out. A few of them flinch, but most of them just keep moving.
“You look like shit,” he says bluntly. “Mark’s right, you need sleep.”
“I’m fine. Anything?”
“Couple of false alarms.”
“So no.”
“Damn.” Antoine runs a hand through his hair. “Any change with the boss?”
“Still out. Look…what are we going to do, if he…doesn’t…wake up? Batman’s Gotham’s problem, right?”
Antoine just laughs, a little bitter, and starts towards the door.
“He only got maybe a quarter of the mines. We pull our men out and blow this city to Kingdom Come, see him walk that off.”
“Komodo Protocol.” 
Trent’s heard of it. Well, seen it, in packets, but there’s never been any information about it. It’s just come up as, like, the last resort, no specifications.
“That’s what that is?” he demands. “Detonate the mines?”
“If it comes to that, yes.”
“Jesus Christ, man–”
“My orders are to put the bastard down, whatever it takes.” Antoine turns towards the back hallway. “Check in with the Arkham troops again, make sure they don’t need any further supplies. Did you send them a Cobra?”
“Yeah, earlier.”
“Good. Keep me posted.”
“You’re sure about this?”
Antoine stops and turns around, swaying a little at the sudden change of direction.
“Yeah. If he dies, or doesn’t start waking up in another day or two, I’m calling it. We’ll finish the job one way or the other.” Jesus. “This stays between us for now. It may not come to that and there’s no reason to unsettle everyone.”
Trent nods.
“All right. You sure you’re not gonna grab a nap?”
“I’m fine.”
Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Look, Frank or Mark will probably bring the hammer down soon and when they do, Trent will be right there to enforce Bedtime.
“I’m gonna take a squadron out there,” he says. “Me and Riley: we’re taking some of his guys to investigate the little Batcave thing that turned up this morning.”
“Good. Stay in touch; that lecture goes for everyone.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll find the bastard.”
“Hope so.” Antoine turns back around and starts walking again. “Good luck.”
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phoenixyfriend · 11 months
It is. Very nice to be in a country where even the private medical care is so cheap compared to the US.
No insurance. Two problems I wanted checked out. Three different doctors (one gen, two specialists). Had to wait less than ten minutes for each appointment, all back to back. I could have gone same day but scheduled for after the weekend due to a personal concern. Some simple medications.
Altogether about... $160 USD, maybe? Three appointments, including two specialists, plus medications.
Less than a quarter of my monthly premium under the COBRA plan. All three appointments, the one test on my ear pressure, and the meds. Still not a completely negligible sum, mind you, but like... compared to the US?
Just my insurance copays would have come out to more in the US. Without insurance? I don't even want to think about it. God this makes me angry about why I can't have this all the time instead of just when I visit.
(This is still really expensive for a country with a minimum wage of a little over $2 USD, but again, this is private medical care... in a country that does in fact have a public option. It probably has longer wait times but like. Still.)
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers from anxiety and has terrifying nightmares that she fears may be back.  Praying for peace in her heart and mind.
Prayers and good thoughts for Father Francis Palle, 80, who was seriously beaten, stripped and left unconscious last in France.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  Her dermatologist has started her on rosacea treatment.  If she doesn’t see results in two weeks to a month she will need a biopsy.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother  (Spain) who had vascular bypass in an effort to save his leg.  The surgery was a success.  Please pray for a quick recovery free of complications.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who was fired from her job today.
Prayers and good thoughts for little Riley.  We need a miracle now.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She was her father’s caregiver until his passing and now is her mother’s caregiver.  She is feeling very overwhelmed and is having difficulties with her family.  She struggles with her faith at times.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is mending a broken heart.  We pray he meets his special “one” and finds love.
Prayers and good thoughts for Kylee who has run away.  Kylee is facing many battles, and is 16 yrs old.  Kylee has attempted suicide twice before and there is great fear she has tried again.  We pray for her to be found safe, and that she is kept out of harm’s way.  Her mother is at a loss and desperately needs prayers as well.
Our friend needs prayers.   I found out in February I have uterine cancer. I am having trouble to get all of my doctors approval to get the DNC and hysterectomy. The DNC is scheduled for June 19th. My Cardiologist in Texas would not approve the surgery. Because of the divorce I had/ have no place to live. My sister, God Bless her, has taken me in, in Indiana. The struggle I continuously have is my health. I have been hospitalized at least 8 times since January 10th. I black out and fall- and ended up with a broken back. They discovered cancer, and I continue to battle my water pills and my potassium levels. So please pray for my heart, and my kidneys. Please pray I can find new doctors here in Indiana. My doctors in Dallas will no longer help me. Pray I can get 3 years of Cobra insurance in the divorce. Please pray I don’t have cancer. And please pray God will show me why I am still alive. My 2 daughters have blocked me in every way, and have told my sister to take care of me when her husband is dying of heart failure. I pray I can save enough to pay attorneys, and my health needs. Thank you so very much for all the prayers. Losing a husband of 33 years and both my daughters all at the same time is a great trauma in my life right now. I pray they will come back to me. And please pray for my sister and mom who are taking care of me.
Our friend’s BIL can barely eat and is exhausted. He has to strengthen his heart muscles, so he can have heart surgery. They have not scheduled it and won’t until they are sure he will survive. He died on the table his last open heart surgery and was in a coma for 2 weeks, so he is understandably scared to have the surgery. Please pray for him and my sister.
Our friend is mourning the loss of her mother, and facing financial problems.  She is very overwhelmed at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend that is struggling with faith.  She feels God isn’t with her.  She is lost and frightened and feeling alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband is very, very ill.  Prayers for the whole family.  They are facing many obstacles for healthcare at this time.  Her husband’s pancreas is all but dead tissue but it keeps swelling and then going down, this has caused his liver to start failing.  He is facing many medical issues. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend and her daughter and her husband.  The daughter has lupus, and risked her own life to have a baby as she so wanted to be a mother. Their little son was born prematurely weighing 500 grams on Friday and sadly he died on Monday evening. They are absolutely heartbroken.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the loss of her cousin.  Also, prayers for her aunt (who is feeling suicidal from the loss of her daughter), prayers for her husband and her children.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s former sister in-law and brother in-law.  She was diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer in January and in March he was diagnosed with lung cancer.    Also for their 2 daughters who are taking care of them.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the passing of her beloved mother.  Prayers for her mother’s journey home
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend, she needs prayers for better health and financial succour.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She is suffering from an anxiety and fear.  She is in desperate need of another job, and is worried about her finances.  She is being bullied and stalked.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby Roy’s family as they mourn his loss.  Praying for them to have peace and to feel God’s loving presence as they continue to mourn.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend, who is suffering from severe back pain & pain in other hip
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been facing many trials, and is in need of prayers. The last 18 months have been hard, and things still not what they should be.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family friend who had a stroke. His right side is paralyzed, but he has some sensation.  He is very down at this time.  He will now face new trials because of his condition.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who we pray will join AA.  We pray for success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is having surgery next week after a 4 year battle with chronic pain brought upon by a medical malpractice procedure.  She is very nervous.  She can’t even remember what it is like to live without pain daily.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husband who has not been well.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has severe iron deficiency and the treatment is very harsh and makes her sick.  Her husband has been unfaithful during her illness and her family is ignoring me. She feels very alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother in Spain.   He is healing and it looks like he may be starting rehabilitation exercises soon.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffered from sciatica.  The sciatica has resolved itself now, but she has 4 ruptured disks, 2 of which are torn. They have done a laser ablation of the nerves in her upper lumbar region which helped some. Also, she has had several epidurals in her lower lumbar & sacroilliac joints but that hasn't helped. She has an appointment with a neurosurgeon on the 14th.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been battling depression long-term due to trauma and the resulting difficult circumstances.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son-in-law’s mother.   She has cancer in her spine, leg and lung.  She will be having surgery on her spine.     This woman raised 4 boys by herself, her now 23 year old son is  severely autistic and needs 24/7 care, which his mom has provided him his entire life.    She is only 64 years old, a wonderful person, warm, loving and very independent.  My heart breaks for her.  Please also pray for my son in law - he is in the Navy, fortunately stationed only a few hours from his mom.  He has power of attorney for his mom and his brother’s care - he has some very difficult and no doubt heart wrenching decisions to make.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend whom was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Myelodysplastic Syndrome, or MDS is now in remission.  She is still doing chemo and is still waiting for the bone marrow transplant.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who is struggling.  She is in much pain mentally. We prayer for her family as well as they try desperately to help her.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
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[[OOC: I want to offer a deep apology for anyone I've left in the dark for the last couple months, two of you in particular. I've never forgotten you, or our threads - but it's been a struggle. We've had no income (husband was fired, Ive been SAHW) since before Thanksgiving, and now our cobra health insurance has been yanked and we have no way of paying for both our mortgage AND the medications my husband needs to stay alive.
I'm not leaving, I'm just saying I'm probably going to focus on discord based stuff, since most of my rp partners have moved their anyway. I will still be posting things here from time to time, and available for any talk. I'm just so tired and stretched. And if you want to part ways, I absolutely understand and I'm so sorry if I've ever made you feel sad.
I ❤️ you all. And this community has helped keep me afloat through some dark ass times.]]
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bbcphile · 1 year
TFW your spouse gets laid off with no warning a month before your neurosurgery.
We think I will still have health insurance so I can go ahead and have the surgery, but the information they gave about the health insurance subsidies for COBRAS doesn’t mention spouses/dependents, so we have no actual idea.
So, here’s hoping I actually get my spinal cord surgery as planned before I permanently lose even more function.
Health insurance in the US is a shitshow. So is capitalism. And our medical system. And care for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
In short, fuck everything.
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bitchesgetriches · 9 months
Your Super Simple Guide to COBRA Health Insurance
It’s really hard to fully understand what COBRA is and how it works. It’s a strange but potentially useful little product—but you’re only eligible for it if your life is already in a state of chaos. I don’t know about you, but I’m not great at absorbing complex new information when I am flying through the sky like Adrien Brody in the opening sequence of Predators!
COBRA is a very specific type of health insurance coverage. You can get it in only one circumstance: when you leave a job that has employer-provided health insurance. It’s meant to help you bridge the gap between when your old insurance coverage expires and the new coverage kicks in.
And honestly? Thank god.
Keep reading.
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@artisticangel Here’s the oneshot you asked for. Hope you like it!
Cobra Commander hisses softly as you touch the wound on his shoulder. You weren’t exactly a qualified doctor, but you had experience as a nurse and knew some medical stuff, like CPR and whatnot. So you were probably the most qualified person to be tending to Cobra Commander at the moment.
Cobra Commander hisses again as you start to wash and bandage his wound. “Get off me, Y/N!”
“Do you want to bleed out?” you argue as you continue to care for the wound. “You’re lucky the shot didn’t blow off your whole arm! Now just let me-“
Cobra Commander tries to inch away, but you hold him down with a strength that surprises even you. You want to look for the bullet, but you aren’t trained to do such a thing and you’re afraid you’ll hurt him even more if you try.
“Are the Joes ssssstill here?” Cobra Commander asks, tapping the fingers of his healthy hand on the ground in frustration.
You take a quick look, just to be sure. “Nope,” you reply. “I think they’re gone. Destro will be here any minute to take you back to base.”
“Where I will finally get a competent nurse?” Cobra Commander says slyly.
You roll your eyes. “You’re impossible. You know that, Commander?”
Nobody knows for sure what’s behind Cobra Commander’s mask-there was that one time Destro claimed he saw the face and almost vomited-but you could tell he was smirking. “Oh, you,” you sigh as you finish bandaging the wound. “How did we wind up together again?”
Cobra Commander straightens up. He loves telling the story, even when you’re the only one around to hear it.
“Do you remember when the Joes accidentally sssshot you, and you had to come to Cobra because they have medical insurance coverage and the Joesss didn’t?”
“Yeah,” you say. “I was surprised at how good your healthcare coverage was. You even had dental.”
“Only the besssst for my troops,” brags Cobra Commander. “And while you ssstayed at Cobra, I was impressed by your medical sssskills. I thought you could be useful out on the battlefield. And sssso you became a full-time employee of Cobra.”
You gently nudge Cobra Commander in the ribs. “Get to the good part before Destro gets here.”
Again, the feeling that he’s smirking. “Ssso I became quite impressed with your ssskill. I’m not one to get attached to ssssomeone in a lower position than myself, but you just had a certain sssssomething.”
“And then you took me to a restaurant full of terrorists.”
“Where I proceeded to sssshow my appreciation by taking a bullet for you.”
“You shouldn’t have even taken me there in the first place. Why do you even know where these kinds of people congregate?!”
Cobra Commander makes a motion of dusting off his shoulder. “It’sss all part of the business, Y/N. I’ve been to far ssssscarier places than that.”
“Like the inside of a jail cell?” you tease.
Before you can get any further, Destro arrives. You stand at attention and salute the man as he walks over to Cobra Commander and picks him up.
“Your bullet wound’s patched up,” Destro comments.
You can almost feel the glow of pride emanating from Cobra Commander. “That’sss right. Y/N did a brilliant job. The bullet is sssstill in my shoulder, but that’sss a job for the doctors at the base.”
You’re about to step into the backseat of Destro’s helicopter when Cobra Commander demands, “Wait. I want Y/N in the front ssseat with me.”
A stupid grin explodes across your face. You know exactly what you’re in for.
“That’s fine,” you say to Destro before he can protest. “We’ll both fit in somehow.”
Destro swears under his breath, but he lets you in the front seat anyway. Like a cat, Cobra Commander lies across Destro’s lap and places his head in yours. He loves cuddle time, even during the most awkward moments.
Wishing you could stroke his hair-does he really have a brown ponytail, as is rumored?-you stroke the top of his helmet tenderly, and he makes a sound almost like a purr. You laugh.
“Don’t make too much noise, I can’t concentrate,” threatens Destro.
You nod. “I won’t.”
You spend the rest of the ride stroking your strange, hissy little cat as he melts into you. He’s the most content he’s been in a long time, and so are you.
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cannabiscomrade · 1 year
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This Disability Pride Month, I want people to picture US healthcare and food scarcity in a different way. Let's get into some anti-work discussion while we're at it. A lot of you need to remember how broad of a class "disability" is.
This is what I eat. This is adult formula and I use it as enteral nutrition. This is all I can eat and gain nutrients from, and I have to have access to consistent electricity and clean water to maintain it. I cannot tolerate a blended diet (also requires electricity) nor can I safely tolerate gravity/bolus feeds. I also get 100% of my hydration via tube- not pictured is the water necessary for my survival.
Despite the room it takes up in my kitchen, you may be surprised to learn that this is less than 2mo of formula. Less than 2mo of food.
I need 15 cases a month, which is $840/mo. My individual monthly food cost is almost $300 more than the average for Hawaii, the state with the highest US grocery costs. It is more than $500 over my state’s average. My medications also cost >$2200 a month on top of that.
Mine is 100% covered by my insurance- which is tied to my employer. This puts my disabled ass in the position of meat puppet for my employer because all of my needs are interconnected- food, drinking water, medications, running water, stable housing, and electricity. My employer has the power to choose whether I live or die and in this "mutually beneficial relationship", being a working disabled person serves them even more than the comparative able-bodied person because I have my hand forced towards company loyalty.
I really like my employer. But if this were not the case, changing jobs isn't really a safe option. Even if I had a job lined up, it can legally take up to 90 days (or longer in some cases) to get onto employer insurance. That's over $9,120 for 90 days (or more) of insurance lapse. COBRA is also a joke- my state charges $675.45/month for individual health insurance ONLY. That's still $2,026.35 and only if I was terminated, not voluntary resignation.
I think a lot of you need to remember how much disabled people are still an oppressed class- in the US disability law really has not done much for us and it has an extremely narrow view of what disability looks like. The ableism I've been seeing from the left has always been around, but during Disability Pride Month it has especially been a slap to the face.
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chronically-crying · 1 year
One time before I even got sick I said (mostly joking) to my mom and sister that the American healthcare system has a personal vendetta against me (I have now been cucked by blue cross blue shield, COBRA, PrefferedOne, and for both lifesaving and not strictly necessary medical things) and my sister's response was "IDK the American healthcare system hasn't been particularly kind to me either" (she had a broken leg that needed surgery but she had to come home and wait several days before she actually went back and got the metal screws in her leg that she needed for the bones to heal properly)
but joke's on her because no I have been 1) in preauthorization hell for HRT for 3 full months (my gender care doc had never seen it takes that long) 2) I had a full psych eval scheduled bc I suspect I have ADHD and a psychiatrist I saw was like "yeah you should probably get the whole deal" and it was cancelled the day before, 3) I got diagnosed with IBD, given 2 months worth of Prednisone and told "you'll see someone in 6 weeks" only for the appointment to cancel the day of bc I was 17 and they weren't licensed for peds, 4) I've been on 3 different biologics now for IBD, Remicade which barely worked, Entyvio which did not work, and now Stelara which is great. IF ONLY MY INSURANCE LET ME HAVE IT because reauthorization came around in March and it got denied and ever since I have been living on the edge of a Crohn's flare
BONUS: this isn't insurance related but I got a fancy rare skin condition called pyoderma gangrenosum (DONT GOOGLE THIS ITS HORROR MOVIE SHIT) which is heavily related to Crohn's but because of how it presents it doesn't totally seem like an autoimmune condition and I was treated for the wrong thing from mid-May to the end of July before someone went "have you seen a dermatologist yet? Bc this is definitely not an infection" and I basically suffered for 7 weeks for no reason
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Personal Update - 6/28/22
Hey folks! So, uh, interesting news:
I'm between jobs right now. I'm using the time to try and write an original novel, but until I've secured a new full-time job, I am without income.
While I'm safe in terms of things like housing, I still need to pay for insurance (which costs more on COBRA), my car, and medical care.
I'm not expecting to make a full income off of social media, especially since I'm not doing anything via Patreon, but if you could drop something in my ko-fi, I'd really appreciate it!
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Our Prayer List🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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  Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s husbnd’s medical assistant who is due to have her baby by caesarean.  Praying for no complications.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter, who has many health issues and is feeling very overwhelmed.
Prayers and good thought for little Emile who is missing. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s mother who is in excruciating pain. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who suffers from anxiety and has terrifying nightmares that she fears may be back.  Praying for peace in her heart and mind.
Prayers and good thoughts for Father Francis Palle, 80, who was seriously beaten, stripped and left unconscious last in France.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  Her dermatologist has started her on rosacea treatment.  If she doesn’t see results in two weeks to a month she will need a biopsy.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother  (Spain) who had vascular bypass in an effort to save his leg.  The surgery was a success.  Please pray for a quick recovery free of complications.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who was fired from her job today.
Prayers and good thoughts for little Riley.  We need a miracle now.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She was her father’s caregiver until his passing and now is her mother’s caregiver.  She is feeling very overwhelmed and is having difficulties with her family.  She struggles with her faith at times.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s nephew who is mending a broken heart.  We pray he meets his special “one” and finds love.
Prayers and good thoughts for Kylee who has run away.  Kylee is facing many battles, and is 16 yrs old.  Kylee has attempted suicide twice before and there is great fear she has tried again.  We pray for her to be found safe, and that she is kept out of harm’s way.  Her mother is at a loss and desperately needs prayers as well.
Our friend needs prayers.   I found out in February I have uterine cancer. I am having trouble to get all of my doctors approval to get the DNC and hysterectomy. The DNC is scheduled for June 19th. My Cardiologist in Texas would not approve the surgery. Because of the divorce I had/ have no place to live. My sister, God Bless her, has taken me in, in Indiana. The struggle I continuously have is my health. I have been hospitalized at least 8 times since January 10th. I black out and fall- and ended up with a broken back. They discovered cancer, and I continue to battle my water pills and my potassium levels. So please pray for my heart, and my kidneys. Please pray I can find new doctors here in Indiana. My doctors in Dallas will no longer help me. Pray I can get 3 years of Cobra insurance in the divorce. Please pray I don’t have cancer. And please pray God will show me why I am still alive. My 2 daughters have blocked me in every way, and have told my sister to take care of me when her husband is dying of heart failure. I pray I can save enough to pay attorneys, and my health needs. Thank you so very much for all the prayers. Losing a husband of 33 years and both my daughters all at the same time is a great trauma in my life right now. I pray they will come back to me. And please pray for my sister and mom who are taking care of me.
Our friend’s BIL can barely eat and is exhausted. He has to strengthen his heart muscles, so he can have heart surgery. They have not scheduled it and won’t until they are sure he will survive. He died on the table his last open heart surgery and was in a coma for 2 weeks, so he is understandably scared to have the surgery. Please pray for him and my sister.
Our friend is mourning the loss of her mother, and facing financial problems.  She is very overwhelmed at this time.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend that is struggling with faith.  She feels God isn’t with her.  She is lost and frightened and feeling alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend whose husband is very, very ill.  Prayers for the whole family.  They are facing many obstacles for healthcare at this time.  Her husband’s pancreas is all but dead tissue but it keeps swelling and then going down, this has caused his liver to start failing.  He is facing many medical issues. Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s friend and her daughter and her husband.  The daughter has lupus, and risked her own life to have a baby as she so wanted to be a mother. Their little son was born prematurely weighing 500 grams on Friday and sadly he died on Monday evening. They are absolutely heartbroken.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the loss of her cousin.  Also, prayers for her aunt (who is feeling suicidal from the loss of her daughter), prayers for her husband and her children.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s former sister in-law and brother in-law.  She was diagnosed with tongue and throat cancer in January and in March he was diagnosed with lung cancer.    Also for their 2 daughters who are taking care of them.  
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is mourning the passing of her beloved mother.  Prayers for her mother’s journey home
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend.  She is suffering from an anxiety and fear.  She is in desperate need of another job, and is worried about her finances.  She is being bullied and stalked.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby Roy’s family as they mourn his loss.  Praying for them to have peace and to feel God’s loving presence as they continue to mourn.
Prayers and good thoughts for our dear friend, who is suffering from severe back pain & pain in other hip
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been facing many trials, and is in need of prayers. The last 18 months have been hard, and things still not what they should be.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family friend who had a stroke. His right side is paralyzed, but he has some sensation.  He is very down at this time.  He will now face new trials because of his condition.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s family member who we pray will join AA.  We pray for success.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who is in financial despair.  She is really struggling as she has no one to turn to in real life.  She is out of work, and there are no jobs to be found.  All of her savings are almost gone and she is afraid she may lose her home.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has severe iron deficiency and the treatment is very harsh and makes her sick.  Her husband has been unfaithful during her illness and her family is ignoring me. She feels very alone.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s brother in Spain.   He is healing and it looks like he may be starting rehabilitation exercises soon.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend who has been battling depression long-term due to trauma and the resulting difficult circumstances.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s son-in-law’s mother.   She has cancer in her spine, leg and lung.  She will be having surgery on her spine.     This woman raised 4 boys by herself, her now 23 year old son is  severely autistic and needs 24/7 care, which his mom has provided him his entire life.    She is only 64 years old, a wonderful person, warm, loving and very independent.  My heart breaks for her.  Please also pray for my son in law - he is in the Navy, fortunately stationed only a few hours from his mom.  He has power of attorney for his mom and his brother’s care - he has some very difficult and no doubt heart wrenching decisions to make.
Prayers and good thoughts for our friend’s daughter who is struggling.  She is in much pain mentally. We prayer for her family as well as they try desperately to help her.
Prayers and good thoughts for Baby James and his heart brother Matthew.  Also their heart brother Conrad
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buraidragon · 2 years
Someone wanted more Cephalon Cy so you now get Cephalon Cy being a dad Notes. (And some of my idiot Tenno’s notes.)
Cy is. A good dad. Strict, yes, but willing to explain why if asked. That said, if it’s your birthday you’re getting spoiled rotten. Little Luna got frequent shoulder rides and got to command Cadogan around like a massive mount.
Glace.... gets fishing supplies and snake food seeing as fishing addict/they kept one of the false water cobra’s kids as they ended up Thyrst-red. (The noodle is named Thyrst. Well-taken care of snake, along with all of Glace’s Kubrows and Kavats. A good diet of Kuakas with supplemental Murkray fillets and vitamin powders.) Cy is also always open to comforting his kids if needed. Glace has nightmares? Get plopped on his lap and snuggled, nerd. @apprenticenerd‘s Jhia has wing cramps? If wanted, Cy will gladly gently apply massages. @mythandlaur‘s Kepler getting too overwhelmed? Cy will give her his coat to hide under until things stop being so much.
That said this idiot is also a chronic overworker. This is a habit that’s carried over from his days since Cadogan. Cy will work through at least five scheduled maintenance cycles and crash only once he starts lagging to a noticeable amount. ....Ordis has had to enter his office several times, use his override permissions, and drag him off to sleep. Seeing as my Cy’s Ordis is shorter than him, sometimes this giant is dragged off like a sack of potatoes slung over a shoulder.
Cy’s little bit of the weave looks like a tropical island, more often than not. Like the Dog-Days arena but smaller. Sometimes the simulated land mass is wrapped in a dome of glass and resting at the bottom of the Uranus waves, simulated wildlife swimming by above head. If resting, more often than not he prefers a hammock as he’s used one most of his life. (Saves more space as you can just unclip one side if extra storage is needed on a ship.)
Cy cares deeply for all his staff. When allowed public Drydock space, he made sure there were amenities that went above and beyond. All staff has medical insurance, a comprehensive time off policy, and several on-staff mental health professionals if needed. (Despite this the dumbass still doesn’t go to get his own mental health looked over.) There’s also at least two top of the line commercial coffee makers per drydock, one for regular coffee and one for cyborg/other modification friendly coffee. Despite the New Loka being the New Loka, they do make arguably the best coffee in the Origin system. Cy begrudgingly pays them for the good stuff, not because his staff doesn’t deserve it, but because it’s The New Loka.
The info that Ballas wanted to get from Luna? What was that last ship you sent out towards the edge of the solar system. The answer? A cache of history and culturally relevant artefacts from the Yvo clan and the others that fought with them until their end. Because as long as one is remembered, they are never forgotten.
The main members of the last Pirate Hoard were the Mercenaries of Yvo, the last few survivors of Ordan’s clan, Javi’s group of Europan Geneticists, the Neptunian Coders, and a few bits the Orokin dedicated servant class (apprenticenerd gave them the name of Tsei) who were super fed up and said ‘fuck it might as well die fighting for once.’
Of course, such a special project couldn’t go off unmanned. Problem is, a human-based Cephalon would go batty from the planned centuries in the Void Proxima region. So what did they do? Take a Cephalon they captured that’s broken, rip out the human ‘personality’ components and leave enough of the base coding that any mind smacked in there would be elevated to near-human levels of thinking.  And the very lucky Sir Reginald was put in. This massive ass snake somehow made it off of Lua on the last supply cache to the Yvo as part of an old treaty.
Cy and Ordis managed to recover the cache on an experimental science-based Railjack loadout run. Cy is fucking ecstatic to be reunited with his “Number one boop noodle!”
Nowadays Sir Reginald still has free-roam of Cy’s current office. The Snakephalon does not have a spectral meat space form, but is more than content to just noodle around the Datascape bits of Cy’s office. Feet her a rat and she will love you forever. (Note that Rats for the Snakephalon translate to bits of bad data. You got a bad hard drive sector? She’ll eat it right up and be a content noodle.)
One last Cy thing. Glace happens to be cursed with a lot of aquatic based void mutations (Yes, it’s a good idea, I’m using it.) and one of them is basically super-charged shark teeth. Sometimes they fall out, and new ones growing in itch sometimes. If it’s bad enough, Cy will lend Glace their Atlas Prime arm to gnaw on for a bit. Just casually disconnect it from the elbow-down and hand it over, as void-mimicing-warframe is oddly hell teeth resistant. Glace appreciates this but is also lightly embarrassed, which is why they always hide under his desk when gnawing on his arm. Cy doesn’t mind one bit.
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