#cock robin killed me again
blushweddinggowns · 2 months
Eddie threw an arm over Steve's shoulder, bringing him into a half-hug, “So, what did you guys think?”
“It was great!” Steve said quickly, relaxing into Eddie’s side, “You guys killed it, dude!”
“He’s right,” Robin agreed, “It was awesome! Super, duper fun and we’re so glad we got to see it. But actually, we kinda got to go-”
Eddie frowned, the loose grip he had over Steve’s shoulder tightening on it’s own accord, “Go where? Don’t tell me you guys are tired already?”
For some reason, Robin didn’t look at him after he asked the question. Instead she looked to Steve, a brow raised as she waited for something. But then Steve was giving her a subtle nod, her queue to start talking again. She leaned in closer, whispering as loud as she could in the noisy environment, “So… you’re like cool, right? Steve said you were cool.”
Eddie cocked his head at her, beyond confused, “I-yes? I guess?”
“About the thing?” She pressed, jerking her head his direction, “Steve’s thing?”
“Oh!” Eddie blurted, finally catching on. But he still didn’t get what Steve being gay had to do with them ditching. He nodded quickly, “Very cool with it. Have zero issues.”
It was almost true. Whatever issues Eddie had with Steve’s sexuality involved his own bullshit more than anything else. Plus, his answer had Robin smiling. Gesturing for Eddie to lean in closer, “Good. Because we, um. Share the affliction if you catch my drift.”
“That’s fine,” Eddie said, not missing a beat. He had kind of figured that out along the way. Considering the process of elimination on who could have possibly talked Steve through his queer thoughts. Not that Eddie cared, “No problem here.”
“Good!” She said with a grin, “Then you know just how limited our options are where we live. And according to an insanely pretty girl, there is an honest to god gay bar, like a few blocks away!”
Eddie swallowed, discomfort suddenly settling in at the suggestion, “T-That’s where you guys are going?”
“Yeah!” She said excitedly, setting her sights back onto Steve, “It’s time for someone to realize that we are hot enough to flirt and be flirted with! Closets don’t matter when you’re hours away from home.”
“We share the exact same closet,” Steve groaned, “Don’t start preaching to me.”
“And tonight we can escape from it!” Robin argued, “Come on! Eddie’s going to be busy with his friends and groupies anyway. What else are we doing-”
“I’m actually not that busy,” Eddie interrupted, trying his damndest to keep his voice calm. Suddenly, he felt nauseous again. He didn’t-He knew Steve could handle himself. He did. B-But creeps were everywhere! And he wasn’t used to being around guys who only wanted one thing and Robin would be distracted with girls a-and Eddie was really struggling with this idea.
Though Steve seemed to disagree. The next thing he knew, Steve was smiling back at her. Letting out a good-natured sigh, “Fine, fine! We can go. Someone has to make sure you don’t get kidnapped.”
“Oh my god, yes!” Robin nearly squealed, bouncing a little in her seat, “This is gonna be so fun!”
Eddie’s heart squeezed uncomfortably in his his chest at the excitement, dread starting to fill him. He opened his mouth, words escaping before he could even think of it, “Sounds like you two might need a D.D. I can do it.”
It was probably the first time Eddie had ever invited himself to something he clearly wasn’t a part of. But he had to give himself some credit for how smoothly it came out. 
Robin looked up at him, clearly surprised, “Really? It’s not exactly your scene.”
Eddie shrugged, “It could be. I like George Michael.”
Steve snorted next to him, “That is the one true gay litmus test. You got us there.”
“Seriously though,” Eddie pressed, refusing to let it go, “Then you can both drink, dance, have fun. And not worry about how you’re getting back to the hotel.”
“But don’t you want to stay here?” Steve asked, “Robin wasn’t kidding about the groupies. You should have heard what some of them were saying.”
“You could definitely get laid,” Robin added. She was staring at him now, looking at Eddie in a way that seemed a little past confused. Like she was examining him. Testing him. Or maybe that was just in his head. 
Eddie held firm, “Maybe, but I’d rather hang out with you two vs playing wingman to the boys. What do you say?”
“If you really don’t mind…” Steve said, trailing off. But Eddie could tell that he was happy. He could barely keep his smile to himself as he looked to the side, biting his lip in a way that Eddie fucking knew other people would notice. How could they not? 
from the next chapter of this fic
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munsooooon · 3 months
Steve had a very heated argument with his parents who arrived home unexpectedly. It was an argument filled with crying, anger, and a lot of pain.
So he made a decision that was unreasonable and not at all safe. But a world full of strange creatures had taken away his last years of adolescence without being able to enjoy them and he still had to deal with those arguments with his parents, if life could not give him a break, he had the right to commit some stupid things.
So when he managed to calm his crying a little, he asked Eddie to sneak in through his window. Which Eddie did.
If his parents found them, it would be the end. Robin definitely would kill him but none of that mattered when Eddie was between his legs, moving slowly and silently, Steve was ecstatic, with saliva building up in his mouth, he was making the cutest moans just to show his boyfriend how much he was enjoying it, he could feel Eddie all over his body, because he was hitting the exact spot of pleasure even though he was doing his best to be as quiet as possible.
"My little princess so spoiled and so needy" Eddie whispered. "What would you do if mom and dad found you like this?"
Steve responded by moving his body, fucking himself against Eddie's body, taking what he needed from him. He had been with many girls while their parents were home but this was the first time he had been on that side of history and he was loving every second of it.
"That's it, princess, you gonna show them how good you are taking me, right?"
"Mmm huh, yes Eddie, please"
"Shhh, babydoll, be quiet, show them I've made a good boy out of you"
Eddie put a hand over Steve's mouth because he knew he was getting close and he knew how loud it was, the adrenaline was pushing them to the limit, with his free hand he pressed hard on the boy's hips to keep him on his dick, to keep him still, to avoid the noise of the bed and to be able to use him as Eddie wanted. He began to move faster, Steve began to cry, his face was flushed, his hands were trying to take pieces of Eddie's body, his hands were moving in the air helplessly as if he wanted to get away from the pleasure Eddie was giving him but at the same time chasing that pleasure and craving more and more.
If anyone approached Steve's room, it was impossible for them not to notice what was going on.
"That's all, right love? All you needed to behave was a good cock inside you"
"Yesss, Eddie, please"
"See? I have made you a good girl, a very polite girl who knows how to ask for what she needs, im so proud of you darling"
Steve's mouth opened in a silent scream, he began to cum, squeezed Eddie and began to move slowly. Steve was shaking non-stop and the tears on his face wouldn't stop flowing, his eyes were closed and his mouth moved with Eddie's every movement.
"I love you" Eddie whispered as he kissed his cheek, still moving, he was pursuing his own cumming, slowly, unhurriedly. "You're mine, mine, just mine, not theirs."
Steve felt his body melt, he feel loved.
"You'll be my husband one day, i will take you far away from here, baby. I promise, just be patient"
Eddie cums inside him, Steve smiled with his eyes closed as he felt it.
Eddie slipped his fingers into Steve's mouth, who slowly opened his eyes. He soon got the message and began to wet the older man's fingers, a few seconds was enough, Eddie kissed his nose to let him know it was enough.
Eddie moved his fingers closer to Steve's entrance, asking for permission.
"May I?"
"Of course, Eds." Steve whispered.
Eddie inserted his fingers inside Steve and using his cum and Steve's saliva to move them quickly and easily. Steve bit down on his lip to keep from moaning loudly, Eddie quickly moved to his prostate, using it as he pleases. It was easy to make Steve cum once again, Steve felt himself really wet.
Eddie lay there for a few minutes hugging Steve, who slowly began to fall asleep. Before sleep overcame Eddie too, he slowly got up and quietly got dressed, he couldn't stay in Steve's room.
"Be a good boy and take care of yourself until we see each other in the afternoon" Eddie whispered.
At 3:54 a.m. Eddie kissed Steve's sleeping face and climbed down the window.
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lexirosewrites · 4 days
Due to trauma Steve presented very late. And when he did present,it was in april of '85, as a duel dynamic. Alpha and Omega. It's extremely rare,and messes with his hormone levels in such a way he is constantly going into pre heat/rut, and feels sick nearly all the time. Not only is it debilitating, he's so nervous about anyone finding out, its very taboo rare thing to happen., and he's terrified his parents will find out he's not just an alpha and will kick him out. Only people who (know until he tells Robin on the mall bathroom floor) are his doctors and himself, He no longer sleeps with anyone until he can sort things out. During the summer of 85 his doctor has come up with a plan of action, they believe a bitching will solve his issues,cornering him into being an omega should help fix things a bit. They think the process may need to be stretched out so it'll stick. He'd still have his alpha cock and his hormones should balance out and he'd feel exponentially better, though he'd still have to take medication for the rest of his life to prevent himself from becoming duel again, and possibly help him from being infertile, because that's also up in the air much to Steve's dismay. Trouble is he doesn't know any alpha he could trust to help him, it's such a HUGE daunting favor and he wishes he already had a mate to help him. He would ask Nancy but the history and the fact that she's with Jonathan is definitely not a good idea…and Robin can't help with the sexual aspect of it of course, though being around her makes him feel a bit better,and calms him a bit, but she's not the alpha he needs.
After the events of season three Steve gets worse and Keith, who didn't want to hire Steve to begin with, keeps threatening to fire him, because he keeps needing to take off work just to to rest. So he starts bringing in doctors notes to get him off his back and then rumors finally start flying. His parents even hear about Steve hiding some big illness and are horrified when he tells him the true reason, and want him to become a full alpha instead, which isn't possible for him. An attempt could kill him while becoming a full omega, while still dangerous, is the more sensible decision. They make it clear to him that they will not support him in that. All the drama makes him feel even worse and it goes on for months, he's even confronted with the whole FRIENDS DON'T LIE spiel and tells them "I'll eventually be okay, don't worry." He cant really tell them what needs to be done but that's all he can say.
85 ends and Steve still does not have an alpha that can help him, until he meets and befriends Eddie,during the nightmare that is the events of season four. They become friends and are there for one another during the healing process after the bat attacks and even as they get better from those injuries, Steve just keeps getting sicker,and his body feels alight when Eddie is around. He wants to ask Eddie, but he also doesn't want this new special friendship to implode because it's such a HUGE ask, that's one hell of a favor to ask from a friend (and crush!!!). During a particularly bad round of illness Eddie swings by to check on Steve and Steve finally tells him whats gotten him so sick, And Eddie immediately, without hesitation, volunteers himself. Tells him "I'll do it Steve. You take care of everyone so well, let me take care of you. Let help you."
eddie wants to take care of him 🥺😭💕
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lazycats-stuff · 11 months
Hello, I was wondering if you could do a Ra's Al Ghul x eldest son reader, where the reader is being courted by Ra's and the Batfamily's reactions to seeing their brother receiving gifts from Ra's
Okay, I have screamed when I got this. If anybody wants me to write about Ra's, when I open my requests, please do send them. Pretty please. I just love Ra's. Also, 2.8k words! My fingers hurt, but I love it.
Summary: Ra's is courting (Y/N). (Y/N) really doesn't know how to feel.
Warnings: Ra's is sending gifts to (Y/N), Bruce is protective, everyone is protective, implications of smut, stalking(?), Ra's is a gentleman, dinner, first date, Alfred has a shotgun ready for Ra's
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(Y/N) has known Ra's for a very long time. A little over 11 years now. Ra's has in a way see him grow up from being a little Robin, a little, defenseless child to a brave vigilante by the name of (V/N). He had, alongside his family had run ins with Ra's.
Ra's has tried to kill him a few times, tried to destroy Gotham City just to cleanse it again, kidnapped (Y/N) once to try to brainwash him and has an unhealthy obsession with Bruce being his heir.
He has heard it in many of his monologues through the years. It made Alfred roll his eyes and just cock his shotgun in response. It was a scary sight once, when (Y/N) was just a teen. (Y/N) knew that Alfred doesn't have a no kill rule like Bruce.
Somehow, Alfred is now the main rival of the infamous Ra's al Ghul. Over Bruce. At first, (Y/N) was concerned for his grandpa, but Alfred assured him that nothing will happen to him.
Now, (Y/N) has just started college, paid for by Bruce who made a college fund when he adopted (Y/N) officially. (Y/N) cried when he got accepted and then told that it was paid.
He still lived at home while he was looking for a job to work while in college and to get his own place and officially move out of the manor and be independent. Bruce advised him to save all of that money and use it when he starts officially working after college and to get a head start on his future apartment.
But for some reason, (Y/N) has seemed to forgotten about Ra's. He has been quiet and the family's attention was always on Gotham rouges for the last year so Ra's was not even on his mind at his point. But it has all changed one random day.
(Y/N) walked through the doors of the manor, tired from working. He took his shoes off and quickly went to the kitchen where his family was seated, looking confused, worried and angry. (Y/N) was confused and Bruce quickly walked over to his son, shielding him from the kitchen.
" Hey (Y/N), how was work? "Bruce asked and (Y/N) just raised a brow. He wasn't fooled with anything that they were trying to pull. He is an adult, not a child.
" Bruce, you know I love you, but whatever it is, I can handle it. " (Y/N) said, crossing his arms. Bruce wanted to sigh, but choose not to. He stepped aside to let (Y/N) see what was the fuss about.
He stopped when he saw flowers, a big bouquet light purple flowers. The boys stepped aside too, letting him look at the flowers. (Y/N) leaned forward, sniffing them. They were fresh, that much was obvious and they were safe to come close to them.
(Y/N) noticed a small card on the kitchen island next to it. The little card was emerald green with his name written over it in beautiful golden cursive letters. (Y/N) got an uneasy feeling, but still took the card to read through his contents.
To my (Y/N),
A sign of my love and courtship,
and a perfect gift for an elegant and dainty person.
Yours, Ra's al Ghul.
(Y/N) blinked a few times before opening his mouth, but he closed it quickly. Is this a game? A psychological trick for (Y/N) to let his guard down?
Ra's al Ghul is everything but a liar, but that doesn't mean that he won't trick you into a false sense of security.
" What the hell is this? " (Y/N) asked, turning to his family. Bruce wanted to say something, but he didn't know what.
" We don't know. It has been here when we all came back. " Damian said and he looked disturbed. He walked over to (Y/N) to hug him and (Y/N) wrapped his arms around him.
" Damian, don't take this the wrong way, but your grandfather is nuts." (Y/N) said, looking back at the card.
" These are called Asteria. They are meant for expressing the love in subtle ways. " Damian said, just hugging his older brother a bit tighter.
" Well, that is nice to know. " (Y/N) said and Jason looked outright disturbed.
" Whatever it is, I don't like it. " Tim and Dick agreed with him, voicing their agreements with their own opinions.
" Master (Y/N), I always have a shotgun ready in case of an emergencies. " Alfred said and (Y/N) chuckled at that.
" I will keep that in mind Alfred. " (Y/N) said and Bruce sighed quietly.
" I don't think I need to tell you to stay more vigilant... And I need to upgrade our security system. How do they keep breaking in? " Bruce wondered and Alfred just glanced towards the pantry.
His beloved shotgun is always ready.
" Al Ghuls can break in anywhere. " (Y/N) said, glancing at Damian with a smile on his face, trying to show Damian that he wasn't mad at him. Damian just sighed quietly, hugging his brother tightly.
" Okay, when we are out somewhere one of us will escort you. Same goes for patrol. "
(Y/N) sighed, shaking his head. " Bruce, I don't need bodyguards. " (Y/N) protested, but Bruce shook his head. " (Y/N)- "
" I can be with him father! " Damian chimed in and (Y/N) nearly gave in an urge to coo at him. Nearly.
" Dames, my baby brother, I love you, but you have school. " (Y/N) explained and then turned back to Bruce.
" I'm not having anybody tag me. " (Y/N) stated firmly.
" Okay, how about a compromise? " Bruce suggested and (Y/N) nodded, waiting for the proposition.
" You can switch to online classes until we figure it out. " Bruce said and (Y/N) shook his head.
" No. I won't stop my life because of him. " (Y/N) said and Bruce knows that there won't be a compromise with him.
" Just promise me you will be careful then. " Bruce said and (Y/N) nodded.
" If you need me too, I can drive you to college. " Jason chimed in.
" I can drive you back. " Dick added.
" And I can make sure that your phone is impossible to track. " Tim said and (Y/N) nodded.
" And I can give my blades. " Damian said and (Y/N) now cooed at Damian.
" Oh my sweet dear Dames, I knew you loved me. " (Y/N) joked and Damian grumbled something before letting go of (Y/N).
" I tolerate you at best. " Damian grumbled and (Y/N) smiled at his brother.
The next thing that has happened was a very expensive looking suit made in his measurements and in Ra's signature color, emerald. It was hanging in his room and (Y/N) simply went to Alfred who took his beloved shotgun to clear the manor.
The others were quick to ditch work or school and came home. Bruce closed off (Y/N)'s room as a crime scene and Tim quickly went down to scan the cameras. Alfred made some tea for (Y/N) who was a little bit shaken up.
He still held on his shotgun, watching his oldest grandson like a hawk. (Y/N) was shaken up because his room, his space, was defiled in a way. Sure, he didn't look for anything specific, he just left the suit, but it still felt like he has been defiled. It's the sanctity of the room.
" How are they breaking in? " Jason asked as he walked in from the garden. He scoured the area around the mansion. He didn't like this at all.
" Master Jason, they are Al Ghuls, they can break in into almost everything. " Dick said from the outside as he was still searching for clues.
" This is insane. " Damian admitted, walking in with a tablet in his hands. " Nothing on the footage. " Damian said, putting the tablet down.
(Y/N) took a sip of his tea, trying to not really think about this.
" Was anybody at home? " (Y/N) asked and they all shook their heads. (Y/N) sighed quietly.
" He has to monitor us then. " (Y/N) said and Jason clicked his tongue.
" More like he monitors you. " Jason said, making Dick smack him at the back of his head.
" Hey! "
" Don't make the situation worse. " Dick said and Jason grumbled something that (Y/N) couldn't make out.
" He is getting ballsy. " (Y/N) muttered and Alfred nodded, shotgun still in his hold. (Y/N) glanced at Alfred who was holding the shotgun over his shoulders, looking like cowboy.
" How long will you hold on? " (Y/N) asked Alfred who just shrugged.
" Until master Bruce clears your room. And until we know what the old bastard wants. "
Just the person that Alfred mentioned walked in.
" No sign of a break in, I scanned for any type of drugs, there are none, no listening devices and that's about it. " Bruce said, rubbing his face. What does Ra's want with his son?
" When he comes to Gotham, I'm going to maim him. " Bruce growled out and (Y/N) knew that it was just a matter of time when Ra's came. The others are aware of it too.
(Y/N) won't be going on patrol alone anymore.
The day when Ra's came to Gotham came about a week later. (Y/N) finished everything he needed for the day and was walking down the college stone stairs. He went to the parking lot to get his car, but stopped when he saw Ra's standing next to his car.
He looked great as always. A dark green suit, similar to the one he sent to (Y/N), a few rings on his fingers. He smirked in his usual way when he saw (Y/N). (Y/N) just clicked his tongue in annoyance.
" Ra's... "
" Did you like my gifts? I have one more on the way. " Ra's said, walking closer. (Y/N) stood still, allowing Ra's to walk closer to him. My God, Ra's since when did Ra's become so good looking? Wait... What the actual fuck is happening? Why is he thinking that way?!
" I don't know what you are playing at, but all of this has to stop. " (Y/N) said and Ra's tilted his head.
" I know you still have the flowers and I know you have the suit I have sent you. If you really wanted me to stop, you would make a point to burn them habibi. " Ra's said ever so smoothly, using the pet name. (Y/N) knows a good amount of Arabic thanks to Damian and he blushed.
" Ra's, it's wrong. I have known you since I was 8. It's fucking wrong. " (Y/N) tried and Ra's shook his head with an amused smile.
" I can see you don't really mean it. And why not give it a chance? You know I pick my partners carefully. I know you very well and I know you are strong. I want a strong partner and I know you can be that. "
" This isn't a ploy to make Bruce or Damian take over the League? " (Y/N) asked and Ra's shook his head.
" It's not a ploy habibi. " Ra's started, something shining in his eyes. (Y/N) saw the sheer sincerity and honesty behind the eyes. Those two qualities are often replaced with coldness.
" Ra's- "
" How about we give it a chance? I promise you we will be in Gotham and won't leave the city at all. " Ra's said, now in (Y/N)'s personal space, taking his hands into his, still looking into his eyes. (Y/N) swallowed as he looked down at their hands. He knows that he should say no to these feelings that started surfacing during the week.
He should say no.
" Okay. I will give it a chance. " (Y/N) said and Ra's smiled. (Y/N) looked up to see a sincere smile, the one that gave him wrinkles around his eyes.
" Can I kiss your cheek? " Ra's asked and (Y/N) nodded, not trusting his voice right now.
Ra's kissed his cheek so gently that (Y/N) wouldn't believe that he is an assassin.
" I will see you tonight habibi. Wear the suit I sent you for tonight. I will pick you up at 6. " Ra's said, glancing behind (Y/N)'s shoulder. (Y/N) turned around where his dad was and he seemed pissed.
Ra's was already gone and (Y/N) knows he will hear no end of it.
Nobody could stop him from going on the date. Damian was conflicted, but if it made (Y/N) happy, then sure. But he will go after his grandfather if he hurts him.
The rest of the family tried to get him to stay home, but (Y/N) said that he will go. Alfred said that if he gets hurt, Ra's will be dead by sunrise and won't be able to come back to life with the pit.
The others tried to agree with Alfred and Damian, but they couldn't. But they had to trust (Y/N)'s decision. And who knows? Maybe it will be a... Well, it will at least be a better story than Twilight.
And if Ra's is serious, Bruce will be make sure to test him. Damian too. Alfred will be ready with his shotgun. He has been dropping bodies for years before becoming a butler.
He is not afraid.
(Y/N) was picked up by Ra's at 6 pm on the dot. The ride was filled with a nice conversation and a lot of compliments from Ra's. The restaurant that Ra's choose was extremely fancy and (Y/N) knows that the food is good here.
The dinner was the best dinner that (Y/N) has ever had. The date went well too. Ra's and (Y/N) had a conversation about everything that came to mind and they didn't even touch on their... Other jobs, well, a better phrase would be their other sides.
(Y/N) loved it and then, Ra's took him to the hotel where he was staying. It was a penthouse, how could it not be? Then they kissed officially and then passion overtook them both.
(Y/N) opened his eyes, gently rubbing his eyes. He turned around and he didn't see Ra's next to him. He was alone in bed. Where is Ra's? He was wearing boxers and he was covered in love bites. Ra's saw how tactile he is during sex and would he leave him?
He tried to get up, but his hips were hurting. He hissed as he laid back down. He didn't want to strain himself.
After a minute, the door opened and Ra's entered with bags. He smiled when he saw that (Y/N) was awake.
" Good morning habibi. I just went to get us breakfast from your favorite place. " He said, sitting down next to him with the bags, showing him what he bought.
All of (Y/N)'s favorite things.
" Thanks. " (Y/N) said and Ra's saw something in (Y/N)'s demeanor.
" Did you think I really left you all alone without a reason? Oh habibi. " Ra's crooned at him, kissing him softly with a smile.
After they separated, (Y/N) sat up straight and started eating. It was nice and after they ate, Ra's cleaned up and laid back down with (Y/N). (Y/N) still remembers last night.
How Ra's treated him gently, kissing him gently, making sure that he gelt good throughout... And the aftercare was something that (Y/N) didn't believe that Ra's knew. He was cleaned up in the shower, then Ra's helped him with putting his underwear on and then led him to the bed where he embraced him tightly.
" So (Y/N), what do you think? " Ra's asked, hands gently caressing his body in a nonsexual way.
" I think I would like a second date. " (Y/N) said, nuzzling Ra's neck.
" And your family is okay with this? "
" Oh not really, but they trust me and if you hurt me, there will be hell to pay. " (Y/N) said, closing his eyes.
" Are you still tired? " Ra's asked and (Y/N) hummed in agreement. Ra's adjusted and (Y/N) fell asleep quickly. Ra's didn't fall asleep, instead he just watched (Y/N) and his face.
He didn't know when his feelings started for him, but he wanted to do this properly. If he did anything against (Y/N), Bruce would be there to destroy the League and Alfred would kill him.
He had no doubt about it.
But he didn't have any plans to hurt (Y/N). He will make sure to show (Y/N) that he genuinely loves him and that this is not a ploy for any of his schemes.
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rexisan · 21 days
So... who wants to hear my random ass headcanons for Tim? No one? Cool I'm showing you guys anyway.
Tim's moral code is.. fascinating. Because he's trying to live up to *others* expectations. So in my mind, he has a very flexible moral code. He has killed, and has no compunctions about killing again. But he *tries not to* because it will make Dick sad.
This also means he can have deals with some rogues. I won't day which ones, I will keep my secrets.
Tim is first and *foremost* Janet Drakes son. Not Robin, not Red Robin, not Bruce's protege. No he is the son of Janet Drake and he will remind you *viscerally* with nothing more than a look.
Tim is simultaneously a feral chaotic monster who will bite a rogues ear off and the most calculating mfer to ever exist. These can coexist and they do within him.
If you insult any of the Robins that is not him? He will become a monster and you will be on the floor and maybe out a few bones, don't ask how you lost the bones. If you insult him? He'll smile and cock his head in a specific way and probably agree with you.
You cannot tell me that Tim doesn't deep down think he was the worst Robin.
Tim is tiny, this is not news to most people, however when you see this slight, shortish dude with a slightly feminine appearance you don't expect his voice, he can make it softer and lighter and do a feminine voice, but his natural voice is *decently deep* really refined, and depending on the time of day and the company he's with *varying accents*. I'm not saying like super deep, but it's lower than you think.
Out of the batfam he knows the third most languages, after Bruce and Dick Damian knows many but Tim is keeping third place.
His idea of downtime is messing with companies, yes this includes Lex Luthor. Lex Luthor doesn't hate Red Robin he hates *Tim Drake*. On the same tangent, he runs like 3 other companies without Bruce knowing, without anyone knowing truthfully. He runs them under the Drake name and no one bats an eye, he also fucks with the board of directors out of sheer boredom, in actuality he can do all their jobs and then some.
Also, people say Tim looks up to Batman. I think that's wrong. He looked up to Robin.
Tim's Robin has the *most* respect from Gotham's rogues gallery. With like.. two major exceptions. Killer Croc, and Joker.
I have an entire thing on why him and Croc hate each other.
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eiightysixbaby · 1 year
-slides into your ask box-
Another summertime thot, this time with Bestfriend!Eddie.
Even though, you’ve been friends for years, you and Eddie have never been swimming together. It isn’t until after you both make friends with Steve and he has a pool party that he sees you in a swimming suit for the first time.
He absolutely can’t take his eyes off you. While not as revealing as some other swimming suits he’d seen over the years, it looked like it was made just for you, hugging your body in all the right ways and supporting everything well that needed supporting. You were clearly comfortable in it, which added a glow of confidence he’d never noticed before.
After staring at you for what was probably way too long, he quickly makes a break for the pool, cannonballing into the cold water in hopes you didn’t notice the boner he popped as soon as you arrived.
He was too late. You did. 😏
ohhhh my god, are you trying to kill me? 🥵
Eddie would be tapping his fingers nervously on his leg the entire drive to Steve’s, you sitting in the passenger seat. He’s hiding a small - okay maybe not so small - crush on you and the mere thought of having to see you in a bathing suit at the pool party is making him twitch. He doesn’t know how he’s gonna be able to keep himself cool, and it turns out he simply can’t. The second you come outside, bathing suit hugging your body and a towel tucked beneath your arm, sunglasses over your eyes and your lips in a perfect pink pout, he knows it’s over for him. His eyes rake shamelessly over your legs, your ass, your chest, and of course your perfect face while you’re busy chit chatting with Nancy. He swears the swimsuit was made to fit you and only you with the way it accentuates your figure, making you unfairly hot. He can tell you like how you look in it, too, walking around with confidence, playfully flipping your hair when Robin and Nancy compliment how good you look. He’s flustered beyond belief, and his cock is hard in his swim trunks already. He realizes his predicament maybe a bit too late, because by the time he jumps in the pool to hide his lower half, you’ve already spotted him staring at you. Honestly, you’d purchased this swimsuit in hopes that it would catch his eye, and your plot has clearly worked. Because, of course, you caught the tent in his shorts before he leapt into the water. Eddie’s head comes up from the water and he just sees you staring in his direction, raising your sunglasses up to give him a little wink. He knows he’s been caught red-handed, and his cheeks grow immensely pink at the realization. You walk over to the pool’s edge, leaning down close to him where he stands in the water, and feeling bold you whisper, “Why don’t you take this swimsuit off of me later?”
Eddie’s jaw drops before he can respond, left staring at your perfect ass as you walk away again. He’s so gonna take you up on that offer.
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eyesofshinigami · 7 months
Worth It
Rating: E
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, smut, anal sex, top Eddie, bottom Steve
Prompt: For @sharpbutsoft "Love is being late to work because you can't ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time"
WC: 579
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 14. Spicier bits under the cut
Steve knows he’s going to be late. Robin is going to kill him and he’ll deserve it, but. Right now?
Right now, all he can do is lay back and enjoy the way that Eddie feels against him. 
He’d woken up before his alarm, which happens some mornings. His body gets restless, feels like he needs to get up and move and do something or he’ll crawl right out of his skin. Most mornings like that he just gets up and goes to make breakfast and start getting ready for the day. His boyfriend isn’t a morning person by any stretch of the imagination, so Steve lets him sleep.
Not this morning, apparently.
No, just as Steve was getting up, Eddie wrapped a sleepy arm around him and pulled him back into bed. “W’er you goin’?” he mumbles, nuzzling into Steve’s shoulder. His lips brush the mark he left on Steve the night before, making Steve shiver. “Can’t leave.”
Steve laughs, half-heartedly trying to squirm out of Eddie’s grasp. “Going to go make breakfast. Have to leave for work soon.”
“Wrong answer,” Eddie teases, his hand snaking down to slip inside Steve’s boxers. “You’re going to stay right here with me and let me love you some more.”
Eddie sounds much more awake than he should be, given the hour, but Steve feels the hot press of Eddie’s cock against his back. Steve whimpers, heat flaring in his belly. No. Nope. He’s got to get up and get ready for work, not get fucked again. “Eds, no, I have to get up.”
Eddie wraps his hand around Steve’s cock, giving him a good stroke that makes Steve shudder. “If you really want me to, I’ll let you go. But I want to hear you say it, baby. Tell me you don’t want me to send you off to work well-fucked and full of me.” Steve’s cock is hard and throbbing in his hand by now, and Steve can’t help the way his hips shift, how much he wants it. He knows Eddie would, would just let him get up and go about his business, wouldn’t force him to do anything he didn’t want to do.
But Steve wants it. He wants it so bad he shifts so that Eddie’s fingers can trail down, down, down, right to where Steve’s still a little wet and a little loose from the night before. “Want that. Want to be full of you.”
“Yeah? Want to feel me all day while you work? Remind you of what you’ve got waiting at home for you when you finish your shift?”
Steve nods, pushing back against the fingers sliding inside of him. It stings a little, riding the line of pain and pleasure that they tend to ride together when they’re like this. “Please, baby.”
Eddie grins against his neck. “You might be late, if I get to do all I want to do to you.” He doesn’t stop the steady thrust of his fingers, spreading them wide and making Steve moan at how gloriously full he feels. “But how could I say no, when you’re writhing against me like this? Begging for my cock. Don’t worry, baby, I want you just as bad.” He grabs the lube from under the pillow (apparently they’re the kind of people who leave lube everywhere) and pulls his fingers out.
Steve lets out a whine and Eddie hushes him. It becomes a tangle of limbs as they push their boxers down and Eddie covers his cock in lube, rubbing the head against Steve’s hole a couple of time before he pushes inside.
It’s a tight slide, but fuck if it doesn’t make Steve’s nerves sing. His own cock flexes against his belly as Eddie fucks him slowly, Steve losing himself in the rhythm and the feeling of being taken like this. It’s slow, lazy, and perfect. All the thoughts of being late flit out of his head, taken over by Eddie’s hot kisses against his skin, the dirty words he’s saying smeared across his neck and shoulder.
He’s close, can feel it building low in his belly. His cock is dribbling precome and he reaches down to take his cock in his hand, feeling it jerk in his fingertips as he starts stroking. 
Which is right about the time the alarm went off.
Steve freezes and so does Eddie, mid-thrust. It would have been comical if Steve hadn’t been right on the edge of coming. 
“Are you going to turn it off?” Eddie asks, resuming his thrusts. The heat starts building again and Steve nearly forgets what he was supposed to be doing.
He reaches over and hits the button, moaning against the sheets when the change in angle makes Eddie hit right against that spot inside him. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, right there…” Steve cries out, stroking himself and fucking back against Eddie. It’s no longer slow and lazy, but frantic and fast and just a little rough.
Steve comes with a cry, his cock jerking in his fingers as he rides out. Eddie tumbles over a couple of thrusts later, warmth blooming inside of him from where Eddie’s cock is flexing and filling him up. It’s good. It’s so good and Steve can’t even care that he’s going to be late.
“Worth it?” Eddie asks between kisses.
“Worth it,” Steve repeats as they pull apart.
It’s a rush to shower and Steve grabs a piece of toast to go, Eddie kissing him goodbye as he runs out the door. 
He’s fifteen minutes late and Robin does yell at him, even as she’s wiggling her eyebrows and teasing him. But he’s happy and well-fucked, whistling as he goes about shelving movies and rewinding tapes.
Worth it, indeed.
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estrellami-1 · 10 months
If I Should Stay
Ngl, I kinda forgot I was trying to do this in alternating POVs. That… kinda failed for a minute. Oops. But here’s Robin! And Wayne!
Part 1 | . . . | Part 35 | Part 36 | Part 37
“How could I have him and lose him in the same moment?” Steve asks, and he sounds so sad that Robin wants to wrap him in a hug and about four fuzzy blankets and give him hot cocoa and kill whoever made him sad. Except, she thinks, that would be Eddie, which would really just make Steve even more sad-
She stops her train of thought.
“Want me to go yell at him again? It worked the first time,” she says, just a hint of a grin in her voice, and it works because Steve sounds further from tears next time he speaks.
They joke a little more, until she feels comfortable leaving him, and when he drops her off at home she barely drops her things inside before bolting to grab her bike.
She pedals hard all the way to Forest Hills. She’s about to dump her bike before she sees Wayne on the front porch, smoking, so she carefully lays it down instead.
“Afternoon,” he says.
“Hi, Mr. Wayne,” she replies politely. “Is Eddie home?”
He tells her no, that he’s gone to apologize to Steve, and invites her in for tea and a talk. She thinks for a second before mentally shrugging and accepting.
He holds the door open for her and begins talking as he grabs a mug. She’s delighted to see that the inside reads, You’ve been poisoned! and says as much.
Wayne grins. “‘S become a habit of mine, collecting these mugs. My momma always said there ain’t much a cup of tea can’t fix, and I’ve found she’s right. Plus, havin’ a fun mug lifts your spirits.”
Robin chuckles. “That it does.”
“Now,” Wayne says, turning to face her. “I’m guessin’ you’re here to kick my nephew’s ass again.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Sir.” Wayne makes a face. “I’ve got a good name that none o’you younguns ever uses. Call me Wayne.”
Robin giggles. “Will do, Wayne.”
Wayne nods. “Good. Now, ‘bout Eddie. You let me say my piece, and I’ll let you decide whether or not he deserves another kick in the ass. Fair?”
“Fair,” Robin agrees.
“Alright then. My Eddie’s not a bad kid, though I’m guessing you know that.” He pauses to take a sip of his tea. “Sometimes he does things without thinking them through, just like everyone. Sometimes people scare him.” Her hackles raise, and Wayne raises placating hands. “I’m not saying any of this is your Steve’s fault. All I’m sayin’ is, people do stupid things when they’ve been hurt in the past.”
Robin cocks her head. “Eddie was hurt?”
Wayne hums around another sip. “The details ain’t mine to give, but yes. He was. Just about a year ago now. I almost had a stupid reaction to what he told me.”
“What stopped you?”
Wayne shrugs. “Experience, partially. But you helped too.”
Her eyes widen. “Me?”
“Yup. See, Eddie’s real observant. So when he came t’me a few months ago, talkin’ ‘bout how he thought you were the same as him, I had an idea of the kinda person you are. No tolerance for idiots, at least those who aren’t your friends. Loyal to those who are. And I thought, now why would she stick around him if he’s that kinda person? And I came to the conclusion that he’s not. Or he’s not intentionally. So. Pair that with the way Eddie’d been acting, and I had a pretty good idea of what was goin’ on.”
Robin nods. “Y’know what Steve said to him?”
Wayne hums. “Somethin’ bout how he’d never been with another guy?”
Robin nods again. “Exactly. And to have Eddie react like that…”
Wayne sighs and tips his head back until he’s looking at the ceiling. “Lord knows I love that boy,” he murmurs. “But he sure does know how to get himself into trouble.”
Robin grins. “And how to get himself out of trouble?”
Wayne snorts and looks at her. “Outta the frying pan, into the fire, more like.”
Robin giggles. “Yeah, I kinda got that impression.”
Just then the phone rings, and Wayne raises a brow at it, then sighs and stands to answer it, waving Robin down when she starts to stand as well,
“Munson residence, y’got Wayne.” He hums. “Wayne’s just fine, son, none‘a that Mr. Munson crap. She is, I’ll hand it over in just a second. My nephew apologize to you yet?” A grunt. “Good. Here she is.” He waves her over, and she hurriedly swallows a sip of tea before hopping over to the phone. “Steve?”
“Hey. The little shit found Dart.”
Robin breathes out a laugh. “Jesus. D’we gotta kill it and live with his sad face now?”
“That’s the thing, though, is it did help. He fuckin’ domesticated the thing.”
“Okay, so which one of us is gonna tell him?” She asks, in a tone that means it’s gonna be Steve.
He laughs, “well I’m not gonna tell him.”
“The fuck you’re not,” she argues, “you’re his second mom, dingus, it sure as shit ain’t gonna be me.”
He squawks, “I am not his-”
She hangs up on him with a satisfying click and a smug grin.
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @muricel @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy @paperbackribs @ninjapirateunicorns @bisexualdisastersworld @hiscrimsonangel @lolawonsstuff @xo-r4e @thedragonsaunt @l0st-strawberry
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spritecranverry · 5 months
(Spoilers for 'Babel' if u haven't read it yet and don't want those)
Hi I'm re-reading this book after my physical copy got delivered and I'm here to argue that Robin's fate is sealed the moment he chooses his name:
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When Robin's mother dies, she says his name - his real name - one last time. It's only two syllables, but he'll never hear it again; Professor Lovell decides it's not worth keeping because the English tongue wouldn't be able to pronounce it. It's in this portion of the book that Kuang establishes one of the first instances of language as a means of wielding power: namely, the power to erase.
Even further, the scene where Robin chooses his 'English' name encapsulates his relationship to his identity for the rest of the book: he is simultaneously disconnected (or "un-anchored", as Kuang puts it on page 15) from his culture and 'othered' by it while living in English society, no matter how hard he tries to assimilate. Lovell makes Robin drop his own family's surname on page 12 (which we also never learn), effectively cutting him off from ever re-tracing his own ancestry and lineage. I think it's interesting to note that part of why Lovell doesn't value Robin's surname is because to the English, a name that isn't linked to status and capital is worthless.
What's even more interesting, though, is that Lovell doesn't let Robin take his last name, even after Robin realizes that he's his biological father. Instead, he forces Robin to choose a random English name. He tells him on page 10 that he has no family, and that his father is "unknown". Lovell wants Robin to remove all markers of his Asian identity from his name while simultaneously never claiming his son as his own despite his dependency on him.
This effectively places Robin in this odd liminal space where he is only allowed to participate in English society conditionally, but he also doesn't have the option to ever return to Canton because he no longer has the ability to fully reconnect there. His identity as a result morphs into this ambiguous thing that is constantly in flux relative to how white society perceives him. The choice to make him literally half white and half Asian as opposed to a fully Chinese man trying to assimilate makes this especially poignant; at no point does he have the ability to opt out of this constant state of limbo that the construct of racial identity puts him in. Robin - and perhaps Kuang did this intentionally - exists during a time when diasporic and mixed identities are still being formed and conceptualized, which means he wouldn't have much access to communities of people in similar situations. With the exception of Griffin, he's basically alone here.
It's during the scene where Robin first sets off on that ship to England that I'm reminded of what happened to the identity of enslaved Africans once they got through the Middle Passage: they and their descendants would never be able to fully re-integrate into their cultures of origin, but would also be permanently 'other' in the eyes of American society, relegating them to a constant state of place-lessness. An un-anchoring, if you will. (Obviously these are not the same, but a similar thing is happening in terms of cultural belonging and as an African American this is what came to mind. Please don't jump me 🤚🏾)
Let's circle back to the footnote on page 11 that quotes the book Robin took his name from: "I killed Cock Robin. Who saw him die?"
For the entirety of 'Babel', we see Robin struggle for the rest of his short life against the implications of his name and the circumstances that led to him choosing it, and none of it of his own volition. I think the most tragic part of Robin's story is that Lovell decided what he was supposed to be long before the book even begins. Robin's decision, then, to stray from that path renders him with (at least in his eyes) no other viable way to exist in this world in the state his father has left him in. Once he decides to stop participating in the imperialist machine, neither England nor Canton (which he has no way to return to after killing his father) has a place for him.
Long before he makes that final decision at the end of the book, Lovell subjects Robin to what I think can be interpreted as its own kind of death. He's become a ship permanently lost at sea with nothing left to anchor him and with no destination in sight. The other characters never really seem to fully understand the extent of the loss he has experienced because he is the only character other than Griffin who has been 'un-anchored' in such a specific way. Re-reading the book knowing what his fate will be, then, makes the rest of the story feel like a very slow, winding, and complicated march towards death.
TL; DR: Robin's been dead since the very beginning of 'Babel'. In fact, he's dead the very moment he becomes 'Robin', and Lovell killed him. But who saw him die?
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
You know that annoying "redeemed by a Good Woman/redeemed by puss" troupe?
I just remembered Match :Dc
Kon's evil Clone twin. The one where they actually SUCCEEDED and he's totally down to kill Superman and is also super unstable physically etc.
But consider!
Secret Relationship! Bats are paranoid after all. Can't let our enemies or Dads know we're dating! Or fuuuuuckin.
So when the switch happens? And "Superboy" gets a nasty blow to the head that gives him spotty memory? Of COURSE his... "Best Friend"(tm) wink wink nudge nudge, is gonna take care of him. The whole team obviously knows. But no one else does.
So Match has no idea what's happening.
Has he been Made? THAT FAST? Shit, Bats really ARE something else. Better kill hi-... why is he hugging me? This... IS a hug, right? He's never had one before. It's not awful.
And so Match keeps pretending to be Kon. Slowly gets "better". Forgot a lot about Robin and their Relationship, of course, so they have to start basicly over. But isn't Rob the BEST? So patient! Hand holding. Cuddles. Tender kisses.
Hand jobs.
It blows Match's MIND. This? This is fantastic. No one tells him what to do, treats him like an animal, calls him an "it", and?? He gets all these soft touches and kisses? Robin's even talking about maybe having sex "again"!
Fuck. He is TOTALLY stealing the other clone's Life. RIP to that guy. His now.
Except? No The Fuck You Don't, Bitch(tm). Kon is actively waging a one man war against his captors. Fuck these guys. Luthor in particular. He has a boyfriend to get back too and a Usurper to curbstomp. Or fuck. Depends on how hot he is and if he's a dick. Kon DOES have a well known incest kink.
Might keep him.
But back with Match? B-be gentle with him Robin~ *bats eyelashs* *shoulder smack* they're doing the whole shebang. Cabin by a lake. Pizza and dancing. Sparkling grape juice since booze won't effect "kon" anyway.
Just? Everything Tim can think off to make it fun and memorable. He even remembered lube this time, because NOW he knows Kon is too big to take without a little help. It's like a do-over, almost.
It's ALSO the moment Match's loyalties completely fuckin switch. Ride or Die with THIS guy, specifically. [Robin has given Match: The Sex. Match will now willingly die for Robin.]
It's a literally life-changing First Time for Match and a Really Good for Tim. Laughing and tired from dancing, hands roaming each other's bodies, lazily finding what feels good. Tim sighing in pleasure, a pretty little roll of his body arching his back, as he let's his legs fall wide. Smiles at Match.
His hands still loosing hugging Match close, his kissable lips, soft in a lazy grin. The body under Match relaxed and full of trust. Touching him back. Just to feel his skin, too make him feel good too. Looking at him like he's wonderful. Like he's worth loving.
IS Loved.
Match wants to worship this. Steal it away. To hell with the world and "saving" it. He uses a brain meant for grand battle strategies, to memories every twitch and squeeze around his rocking fingers. What makes Rob feel good. What makes him feel BETTER.
Kisses his way down.
Gentle. Careful, so careful. He has so much strength.
He wishes he could suck, but doesn't trust himself. Luckily his tounge draws delight anyway. He let Rob roll them. Feels cradled, between those thighs, as Rob desperately rides his face.
Takes so much control for Rob to stop. He's shaking with it. He wants to continue so BAD. But wants Match's cock more. So Match gets passed the lube. Blindly fumbles to get ready.
He hears something, flying. Probably a plane. Not important. Robin's important. Lifts him so EASY. Feels him shudder, turned on by how easy Match moves him. They line up, and Match slides in like he's always been there. He has to let go or his grip will get too tight. Amazing. Wet, hot, soft... w-words... he can't...
And THAT'S when he gets a sharp stab to the arm with an injecter and a Smiling But PISSED, grabbed-by-the-throat-hard-enough-to-break-the-bed-frame Slam from ACTUAL Kon. Who has escaped.
And found Match in bed with his boyfriend.
The injector has the stabilizing agent they were withholding. The choke hold however? That's for him. Sup, buuuuuddy. Enjoying my boyfriend? Yeah, he DOES feel good. I would know!
Give me a reason not to kill you where you lay :)
Tim is confused as hell. Still horny. But very alarmed. Two Kons? One is clearly NOT Kon. Please tell him it's not the one he's in bed with. He does NOT want to be a cheater! Kon he would NEVER cheat! (Kon knows.)
Match... offers to switch sides? He would kill for Tim. Die for him. Is in love. Wants to be a person. Is mildly to moderately insane but can TOTALLY promise to keep a lid on his Crazy.
.....also this is kinda hot. Wanna make out? Do you think Tim would enjoy that?
Kon? Is basicly? Yyyyyep. That's a 'Me but fucked up' alright! Unfortunate. Hot though. Let's keep him. He's like one of those really, really ugly dogs you kinda can't help but falling in love with.
Tim? Still impaled on SOMEBODY'S dick and just wants to know what's going the fuck on. Face in his hands. Why is he dating this asshole? Why!? *gets smoochs* oh, right. Tim loves him.
Damn it.
Fine! Fuck it! Both of you, I GUESS, get over here. Time to live out some of those fantasies Tim's had but couldn't do with only one boyfriend. Kon! Naked! You! Name? Match. Okay, Match? Move your hips! *vigorous sex noises!!!*
And so they threesome it out! Until Tim can no longer keep up. Then Match n Kon pull on pants and blow up some bases, get pizzas, and come back for "round two". It's a great week!
Tim ends up on bedrest. Looks vaguely mauled. But with a delightfully dewy well-fucked shine~ to complexion.
sex with tim getting ppl to stop being evil😍😍😍!
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justmediocrewriting · 9 months
Oh hello!! I read your koby writing and loved it!! You have a talent for writing 🩷 I was wondering if you could do a zoro x mermaid!reader who tries to lure them with a siren song but it only works on men so nami and robin fight back but not before reader can get her hands on zoro and steal him away! Maybe some steamy scenes back at her home/cave or something 😏😏
Lost In The Siren’s Song {r.z}
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Summary: every creature has to eat. It’s the law of nature — and some creatures don’t have the most humane diets. You were more than aware of this, and even though you weren’t proud of what you had to do, you also knew it was a necessity, albeit one that was hard for you to stand — but it was made a bit more endurable when your prey was this alluring.
Genre: fantasy, smut, please do not read if you are not 18+!
Pairing: Zoro x fem!siren!reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Requested: ✅
Warnings: sexual content (fairly explicit), non-con elements, language, themes of violence and/or gore, please let me know if you noticed any that I missed
A/n: before diving into this, I first want to say thank you so much for this request nonnie! It was such a pleasure (wink wink) to write, and I’ve never actually written anything in a prospect of a creature that isn’t human, and the fantasy element was definitely a joy to indulge in! Also, in folklore, sirens are creatures that lure men, so in my mind (and for the ease of this fic), I decided that sirens as a species feed on the desire of human men (much like a succubus), and therefore do not need to kill men after feeding (most do, however). I did have the OPLA!Zoro in mind when writing this, but I tried to write the story in a way in which you can imagine it as his anime counterpart instead. I really had fun tweaking this around and creating the world for it, so again, thank you so much! I hope everyone can enjoy this ❤️❤️
You’d never before had a victim that was so receptive.
The swordsman was panting, soaked trousers clinging to the shape of his tenting dick, his tan skin flushed so prettily and pupils blown wide as he stared at you with something akin to reverence; it was truly a sight, and the lust pouring from his pores and seeping into yours was the warmest and most satiating you’d ever had.
The man’s expression wasn’t exactly one that you hadn’t seen before — nearly every man you’d lured to your cave wore the same one when under the entrancement of your voice, but somehow, the expression was just breathtaking on this man’s face, and it had your skin flaming in ways you’d never experienced before. Perhaps it was due to him being quite possibly the most attractive mortal you’d ever captured — his cropped green hair accentuated his tan skin, and his shoulders and chest were broad, leading down to slim but well muscled abdomen. The rather large cock standing straight at attention in his trousers was just a bonus.
You swallowed thickly as arousal stirred in your gut, the sensation throwing you slightly off-kilter; you’d fed many times, but that’s all it had ever been to you: feeding. A simple necessity for your survival, and one that you found rather unpleasant. Luring men from ships and dragging them all the way to your den (and the subsequent act of touching them to draw out the most lust you could) wasn’t the easiest thing, and this catch was much harder to retrieve, given that the swordsman’s crew had two women on board, which was not something you encountered often — being as they were resistant to your voice, it was difficult to snatch the man, but somehow you had managed and returned to your cave with minor wounds, just a few scratches and bruises to lick later.
“I won’t kill you,” you assured the man. Even though you knew he wouldn’t be able to truly decipher your words in his current state, nor would he feel anything other than burning need, you always made sure to promise your victims that their lives were not forfeit by you; unlike most of your kind, you knew that killing off the prey was not a necessity, so you didn’t indulge in it. The man simply blinked at you, eyes hazy and unfocused and swirling with arousal, never moving from your figure. Even as hazy and unfocused as they were, they practically seemed to pierce through you, and the onyx hue was entrancing in a way that you’d never seen a mortal possess.
Your hand twitched with the sudden urge to feel him, to roam over his body and pull the clothes off of his skin, and so you did — your scales were long gone by now, replaced instead by smooth, soft legs, which you used to shuffle yourself closer to the man. It was a little known fact about sirens, that you were not, in fact, stuck in one form; it changed, and after enough exposure to dry air you could easily pass as a human.
The swordsman sucked in a sharp breath when your fingers danced along his collar bone, and his hips thrust wildly into the air, a groan slipping past his lips as his hardened member grazed against the confines of his wet trousers. You felt a pang of sympathy for the man. Being under the effects of your song was akin to being under the effects of powerful aphrodisiacs, and you had no doubt that the poor man was in a lot of pain from it — especially since he wouldn’t be able to touch you, not unless you gave him explicit command to.
“Do you want me to touch you?” You whispered into the swordsman’s ear, fingers still trailing along the jut of his collarbone and just barely dipping into the collar of his shirt, and from your close proximity to him, you felt more than saw his eager nodding. His breathy little pants and desperate hip undulations were really beginning to affect you, your cunt feeling extremely wet and hot, and you were taken aback by the sheer amount of desperate want you felt coursing through your veins.
You’d never before wanted your prey so carnally.
“I’ll make it better, as long as you keep wanting me.” You purred into the man’s ear, finding that you were the labored rise and fall of his breaths beneath your fingertips as you used one of your sharp nails to slice through the fabric of his shirt, careful not to damage the taut skin beneath. As your hand slithered further down his torso, the lust being pumped into the air gradually increased, and the man let out small, breathy whimpers and pleas under his breath that had your hips tingling.
“Shh,” you cooed, half because you wanted to comfort him and half because hearing his voice was doing things, and it felt too dangerous for you — there was a sinking wonderment in your gut of who was more entranced by who.
When your hand finally enclosed around the damp bulge of the man’s dick, many things happened simultaneously — the man’s hips arched up in a desperate thrust, a loud, guttural groan slipping past his lips, and you gasped when your entire body flooded with warmth as lust filled you nearly to bursting, lighting your nerves in a way that made you feel as if you were feeling what the man was.
“Please, please, need you — so beautiful, need you so bad.” The man’s voice was hoarse and broken, and it was the first real sentence he’d said, and his voice sounded so beautiful, so tantalizing, and the way his lips curved around each word filled you with a desire that you’d never had before — and you were but a helpless victim to it.
Electricity skirted across every inch of your skin when you pressed your lips against the man’s in a hungry kiss, swallowing every groan and pant and moan down like a beast starved. Goaded and fueled by the lust swirling under your skin — lust that you recognized as the man’s, and even more frighteningly, your own — you swung a leg over him and clambered atop his lap, settling your overheated core directly on the bulge of his dick. You couldn’t help the moan that the sensation pulled from your chest, and the man drank it down like the sweetest nectar, and his tongue plunged into your mouth, seeking your own.
The sensation of his wet tongue wrestling with yours completely wiped away any coherent thoughts your brain would have managed as the lust brimming within your body hit a spilling point, and you began to gyrate your hips at a rapid pace. The drag of your clit against the fabric of his trousers was rough but rich with friction, and the heat of his clothed cock seemed to radiate into your lower half completely. With how fogged your mind and body was, it didn’t even occur to you to wonder how the man had somehow broken from his frozen state without your command when his hands bruised your hips in a vice grip — all you could think was that it felt good, and your entire lower half exploded with harsh tingles when he took control over your movement, dragging you down harshly against his cock in time with his own desperate thrusts.
“So good, so fucking good — gonna explode, gonna fucking blow—” the man’s voice was harsh and ragged against your lips, his words somewhat hard to understand due to his reluctance to disengage his lips from the dance they were performing with yours, but they went straight to your core anyway, flushing your entire body with excitement and eagerness.
“Cum, cum, I want you to cum.” You moaned into his mouth, tongue licking into the crevice, and the man reciprocated your eagerness by removing his hands from your hips and instead wrapping them around your shoulders for a better grip — before you could fully prepare yourself, the man was bucking his hips with abandon, the friction against your clit fast and unrelenting, and you threw your head back with a moan. The swordsman took advantage of the access to your throat, and he began licking and biting the tender flesh, the ministrations adding more fuel to the fire within your belly.
There was a foreign tightening within your gut, something akin to a coil being wound, and it was something you’d never felt before — it was frightening but exhilarating, and though unfamiliar, you just knew that the snapping would lead to something amazing. So you allowed your body to relax and fall limp in the man’s hold, eyes fluttering closed as you let yourself fall into the sensations abusing your body.
“Fuck, so good, you feel so fucking good — so warm and soft, fuck—” with every hot word panted into the flesh of your neck that coil wound tighter, and with a few more harsh thrusts your vision exploded with white stars as your entire body clenched up, your clit bursting with pleasure and throbbing as an orgasm — your first ever — was pulled from your body. The swordsman was quick to follow, a liquid that was even hotter than his cock coating the front of trousers and seeping through to melt into your skin, and the groan he released into your jugular was so filthy that it was nearly enough to rip another orgasm from you.
Your legs were a trembling cage around his thigh, and as you sit recovering from what was probably the most amazingly intense experience of your life, you debated going against your long standing moral code and keeping the man in your lair forever.
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
f!reader, m!kylar. angst, jealousy, incest. smut is welcome but don’t force it if it doesn’t fit your vision!!
I'm Keeping You Safe
M!Kylar x F!Reader
Closed Prompt Event: Incest, Jealousy, & Angst
Words: 513
Tw: Incest, jealousy, angst? Kylar killed Robin, smut, unprotected sex, creampie
Note: Ngl this one was kinda hard for me to write but Kylar incest always prevails.
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Kylar was practically drooling on my tits as he was balls deep inside my cunt, “I-I told you.” He could barely get the words out as he roughly thrusted his huge cock into my tight hole. “You should have listened.” He moaned as my walls clenched down around him before continuing, “He didn’t have to get hurt.” He’s right, Robin’s gone and it’s my fault. 
He wiped my falling tears, “Don’t cry my love, he’s not in the way anymore. We can be together now.” His eyes were crazed as he aggressively made out with me. He has no remorse for what he did. In his mind, it was the only option.
I pulled back from the aggressive kiss, tears running down my cheeks. “You didn’t-Ah!-have to kill him.” I moaned as he angled his hips, reaching that perfect spot inside me. “Just scare him off…”
He growled in my ear, hysterical. “No! He couldn’t stay!” He wanted me all to himself, no one else could even look at me.
I gasped as he dug his nails into my hips, “I’m sorry…” I really was sorry, I didn’t want it to end like this. I didn’t want Robin to die because my big brother was jealous. He was a kind and gentle soul, he didn’t deserve to die at the hands of Kylar. “Please, Kylar. I’m sorry.” I babbled as he continued to thrust into my tight hole.
His grip on my hips loosened, and he looked me in the eyes. “I could never be mad at you, you're my baby sister.” The crazed look in his eyes lessened, and he started to look like the brother I knew. “Big brothers keep their sister safe, I’m keeping you safe.” He just wanted what was best for me.
Nodding in response, I wiped away the remaining tears. “I’m safe with you.” I wrapped my legs around his waist, wanting him as close as possible. “I love you, big brother…” 
Kylar nuzzled into my neck again and whispered, “I love you too, baby sister.” He wanted nothing more than to be with me, to keep me here with him. The outside world didn’t deserve my presence in his mind. I belonged in these four walls with him. I finally let myself enjoy his touch, his cock buried deep in my cunt and hands groping my chest. The more I gave in, the quicker my orgasm built. 
It didn’t take long for me to orgasm, walls clenching down around his massive cock. “Kylar!” I moaned, raking my nails down his back and leaving a trail of red marks.
He moaned and babbled in my ear as he followed behind me, painting my walls white with his cum. “I love you, I love you, I love you…” 
Not caring to pull out, he collapsed on my chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling into my breasts. I kissed the top of his head and tried to steady my breathing, “I’m sorry…” I whispered, holding him tight.
“It’s ok, my love. Everything is fine now.”
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kissitbttr · 2 years
eddie and mean!cheerleader girlfriend have their first fight part 3
read pt 2 and pt 1
a/n: hii i just hit 1k🥺💞 thank you for the love I appreciate u guys sm <3 also, it wasn't as long as i thought it was gn be because I snipped snapped some of them lol
the nervous feeling in his body hasn’t died down as eddie steps out of the van. his stomach churns at the sight of Jason’s party. it was never not packed and the last time he was here, he could barely breathe. the sight of people drinking, throwing up and making a fool of themselves causing him to scrunch his nose in disgust. the music is far worse.
but one thing he needs to remember is that he’s here for her. and for her only
just as he expected when he enters the party, all eyes are set on him. possibly millions of thoughts swimming inside of their minds, ‘the nerve on this weird ass dude to be in a Jason Carver’s party’. obviously they are far too drunk to actually beat his ass so they let the longing stares do the job.
“feelings mutual buddy” eddie smiles sarcastically to a guy who gives him a dirty look. rolling his eyes after as he walks away.
he hates high school students. but mostly the kids in hawkins high
his eyes wander to each and every corner of the room, fingers tapping against the rough material of his jeans. something he does when he gets nervous. why is it so hard to find her? could she probably locked herself in a room?
“where are you, baby?” he whispers to himself, head turning from left to right and that’s where he spots one of his closest friends. “robin? robin, hey!”
the short haired girl whips her head towards the voice, a big smile on her face as she waves. “eddie, hi! i didn’t think you would enjoy a place like this”
she’s holding a red solo cup, offering him one in which he turns down.
“i don’t. came here for y/n. have any idea where she is? she called to pick her up.”
“oh yeah-shit! last time i saw her she was in the kitchen with some guy. looked to me she was about to kill him.”
“some guy?!” his eyebrows are raised. “was it brandon?”
robin could only shrug. “maybe. brown hair in a quiff, he was pretty touchy with her. you should go to her.”
eddie clenches his jaw, “okay, yeah. thanks.”
he walks away before robin could respond, squeezing his way through a sea of people. holding back the disgust as he the reek of sweat filling up his nostrils. god, he swears he could throw up in any minute
eddie finally breathes in relief as he reaches the kitchen. internally glad that it isn’t as crowded.
it doesn’t take long to find her. she’s leaning against the wall right next to a fridge. his heart immediately turn into hearts when he realizes what she’s wearing tonight. soft cotton tank top with lace details embroidered under her breasts and a low cut denim skirt that’s short enough to let her thighs full on display.
she looks so beautiful.
then he moves back to see her face. he notices that her eyes look bored, shoulders slump with arms crossed. unamused at the fact that this man keeps talking. but he doesn’t miss the frightened look on her face.
from the back of his head, eddie could tell exactly who it is. her fucking ex. the ex who broke her heart and made her think that she wasn’t good enough. one that took her far too long to open up again.
“brandon, seriously i do not want to talk to you right now. leave me the fuck alone.” she jabs her fingers to his chest, not really in the mood
“oh come on baby! when are you gonna ditch the loser and come back? i said i was sorry!”
she shakes her head. “can’t hear you over that cock flavored breath washes over me. back. off”
“stop being fucking difficult, y/n” brandon starts getting angry, taking another step ready to whisk her away, “you know I don’t like difficult.”
did he just fucking threaten her?!
“she told you to back off.” eddie steps in, glaring at the jock and watches him slowly turn around. he misses the glee on y/n’s face when she hears his voice. happiness taking over when her boyfriend appears
brandon snickers, squaring his shoulders as if he’s gearing up for a fight. “the fuck you just say to me, freak?”
“i said. back. off” he responds in a cold tone, glaring up to him. “you deaf or something?” eddie tries his best not to swing a punch and ruin his face.
now eddie might be an inch or two shorter that brandon. but there’s no denying that he’s far more intimidating when he’s angry. balled fists with teeth clenched and eyes look like it could kill someone with a single hard stare.
“she’s just playing hard to get, man. she knows she wants me. it’s only matter of times before she dumps your weird ass and get back with me.”
y/n scoffs, pushing herself against the wall and walk over behind eddie as he puts his hand to cover her as an instinct . “don’t get your hopes up, you stupid fuck. Eddie is much more of a man than you are.”
upon hearing that, eddie clears his throat. hiding the blush prominent on his cheeks when she compliments him. “bab-y/n? mind waiting outside by my van for a minute?” he pleads after turning to look at her, holding back the urge to grab her hand.
she contemplates for a while. eyes keep switching between the two. worry grows inside her that eddie is gonna bruise him up. as much as she loves seeing brandon with a black eye, she can’t risk eddie getting beaten up by the rest of basketball team. she can’t handle seeing it. it would hurt too much.
“I’m not going to punch him.” he whispers in a reassuring tone with a small smile as if he read her mind. “just wanted to talk ‘s all. okay?” hands itching to reach out and touch her,
she stares at him with a bitten lip, nodding slowly. “be quick, please.” with that she walks away, not before giving one last glare to brandon.
“god, when did she become a soft bitch? she was never like that with me. you brainwashed her or someth-“
before he could finish his sentence, he’s startled by eddie’s sudden grip around the collar of his shirt and slamming him hard against the wall.
“you stay the fuck away from her” eddie seethes, knuckles turning white. “you don’t go near her, you don’t look at her, and if you even think about her… I’d beat the shit out of you myself.”
brandon looks extremely mortified. all those years he watches the long haired kid getting bullied and called names, never once he has seen eddie doing something about it. he never thought that eddie is capable of being violent.
eddie has always been the type to know how to control his emotions. something he learns from when he was a kid because he refuses to grow up like his old man. he doesn’t care about those basketball idiots making fun of him and his friends. It’s nothing.
but when it comes down to her, he personally wouldn’t let that slide.
“a-alright. sure man. whatever you say.” brandon chuckles nervously as he feels the grip around him starting to loosen.
eddie slowly lets go, not giving him another word before walking away from the scene. if it wasn’t for y/n, he probably already had his hand around that prick’s neck. giving him a piece of mind.
he doesn’t even want to begin to think what could happen if he hadn’t showed up in time. she was already both scared and exhausted having to tolerate his actions. he was a pushy motherfucker, never liked him from the beginning
“found her?” eddie suddenly finds robin rushes over to stand by his side when he’s about to walk out of the party. “she okay?”
“yeah. I’m taking her home. thanks robin, enjoy the party” he pats her shoulder, earning a grateful smile from her.
“thanks dude, oh and hey eds?” robin calls when he stops mid track between the steps on the front porch, turning back to look at her,
“don’t fuck it up again.” she says hinting at the fight the two just had weeks ago. “she misses you, you know? talks about you all the time.”
hearing that statement just makes his stomach flip. it sort of gives him hope. maybe there’s a part of her that actually wants to fix things as much as he does. as small as it can be
“not planning to.” he shoots her a smile before continuing to walk down the steps and back to his van. immediately seeing y/n hugging herself due to the wispy cold air, her lips are shivering and eyes looking away.
eddie shrugs of his leather jacket, without thinking twice. “here. put this on, okay?”
she looks up and smile softly.“thank you” taking it in her hands before putting around her body, inhaling that familiar scent of him she misses so much.
“shall we?”
the drive is pretty quiet, neither of them actually wanted to start something. y/n has her head against the window, mouth shut with her legs crossed and eddie is dying to hear her say something. just anything really.
the silence is driving him nuts.
“I’ll drive you home, okay?” he asks, only to receive no response. her gaze is fixed on the window, staring out into the open.
“you’ve eaten anything? had some snacks maybe?” he’s making a small talk in hopes that she’ll respond. or even just throw a glance to his way. he badly wants her to do that. just one.
he missed being around her. seven days without her presence feels like eternity, the way it’s making him feel should be forbidden. hands clenching every now and then because he’s aching to touch his girlfriend.
if he still had the right to call her that
eddie tilts his head to look back at her. and just as he thought . no answer. he figures there’s nothing he can do to get her to talk to him so he stays quiet.
he doesn’t blame her for not wanting to talk to him. she probably called him because he’s the only one she knows who has a ride and would take her home. he shouldn’t be having high hopes anyway.
after all, all of this happened because of him.
“actually” she starts. “i don’t wanna go home tonight, can i come over to yours? if it’s okay”
there’s a sense of happiness bloom in his chest when he hears her speak. eddie tries to brush off the smile dipping into his mouth after hearing it. the excitement then begins to bubble inside of him, butterflies as you may call it. he feels like a five year old kid hearing his mom say yes to ice cream for breakfast.
clearing his throat before speaking, he musters up a normal tone. “yeah sure. no worries. you could never be a bother to me.”
inside. he’s dying.
‘stay cool, stay cool. my girl is here with me. she’s coming over. don’t crash the van’ he thinks
“okay.” she responds shortly, head resting against the window. “i didn’t eat by the way. couldn’t. the party smells like hot acrid barf so i had no appetite.”
he snorts out a laugh. she’s so funny without even trying. “we can have some at my place. not just pop tarts. i did some groceries awhile ago with Wayne so we can make a sandwich or something.”
with an raised eyebrow, she asks “you finally went to the supermarket? tell me, was it scary?”
“okay now don’t make fun of me. the old people who go there are so… i don’t know, weird! you know that!” he replies seriously,
she giggles, tucking her messy hair behind the ear. “i don’t actually but you can think whatever you want.”
he admires the way her lips curve into a smile. and how her hair gets messy but still manage to compliment every detail of her features. even with mascara dotting the crinkles by her eyes,
twenty minutes after they arrive at the trailer park, the couple walk into his home. this is not the first time she’s been here, she stayed over a few times because his place is somehow far more comforting than hers. not that she hates hers, it just feels more … home?
his bed would probably her favorite part. nothing is better than laying down with her boyfriend, having small talks about what ever after going through the amount of sex they had when his uncle is not home. he would also spend an hour or two teaching her how to roll a blunt.
“i could make you a sandwich if you want?” eddie speaks up, locking the door behind as she sits on the dining table. “or that ramen cup that you like so much. i don’t have it but i could go to the market right now and get you one-“
“eddie” she stops him, a warm smile on her face. “a sandwich sounds good.”
he nods, before heading to the kitchen to pull out the ingredients. he’s no chef but he makes a mean grilled cheese and ham sandwich. it’s the only meal she would eat from him, other than that, that man is clueless when it comes to cooking.
“no ketchup?”
“no ketchup” she repeats, eyeing his back with a lopsided smile. “you’ve been working out?”
he cocks an eyebrow, “what makes you think that?”
“your back seems… toned. and i noticed your arms got bigger too.”
god, why does she have to do this?
“really?” he tries act like the words don’t faze him. “have you noticed the pudgy stomach too? seems like i gain some there.” with that he laughs a little
she frowns. he could probably joking but she doesn’t miss the sound of insecurity seeping in his tone. she hates it when he does that. he doesn’t have to tell her but she just knows it.
“okay, no. stop that. you look fine. a little roll doesn’t hurt anybody.” she shrugs, leaning back against the chair.
“you sure you’re not just saying that?” he asks in a playful manner, walking back to her as he puts the plate down in front of her. “there.”
“if i only wanted you for your body, i would fuck you and sucked your cock before leaving. you know, you’re much more than that.”
he flushes, crossing his arms before taking a seat next to her. “always the foul mouth on you.”
“better than being a fake.” she replies, biting on the sandwich. “wait. that one’s not true, I’m definitely contradicting myself. people still say I’m a fake ass bitch.”
he laughs. not because it’s a fact but how brutally honest she is about herself, though he reminds her from time to time that her entire personality isn’t just all that. there’s much more he can see through her and whether she chooses to believe it or not. he does. he just wishes people could see what he sees
because seeing her happily munching on the sandwich with messy hair and how her pupils glow at the cheesy goodness is like finally finding his happy place. when you look at this girl at this exact moment, you wouldn’t think she’s capable on hurting anyone.
which brings him to that one exact problem. one where he called her all the nasty things he knew she didn’t expect him to say. to this day, he regretted every single thing he spewed out of his mouth. there’s nothing he wants more than to tell her he’s sorry, that the hurt he has caused has been on his mind on daily basis.
“I’m sorry y/n.” he blurts before he can say anything,
she stops chewing to look at him, “what for?”
he takes a deep breath, trying to remember all of the things he wants to say to her. everything has to be perfect “shit, i had this rehearsed in my head but i keep forgetting. s-sorry.”
‘fuck you, stop being cute’ she thinks
“take your time i guess” she still needs to be a little mean. because there’s no way she’s letting him off the hook that easy.
she can’t erased what he did to her. it still hurts
he leans forward, hands clasps with his eyes shut. trying not to tear up infront of your person is difficult when you’re the one who fucked up. and he has no right to actually feel that way.
“what i said to you… was out of line, it was unforgivable. you’re not insecure. you’re…. perfect” he exhales, trying to catch her eyes but she keeps looking away from him. “and when i mentioned your exes? it was not okay too. what kind of a boyfriend does that.”
“i agree you were being a fucking dick.”
nodding, he smiles sadly. “i second that. but it’s not true, all of it.”
“then why did you say it?” she questions,
“i-i was in a heat of the moment i guess” he gulps, “it was never meant to go that far.”
“oh yeah? how far were you willing for that one to go? did you calculate the fight or something?” she’s starting to feel upset, looking at him with a confused look. “you know, no matter how angry i am at you… i would never pull that type of shit that you did. it was traumatizing to hear. you know that?”
her voice cracks at the end, and it makes him feel more shitty than he already is. the way her eyes beginning to water and how her lips tremble just shows how vulnerable he makes her feel. it’s a sight he never wanted to see
“n-no! y/n i-fuck, i know i could never take back all of those things i said to you but i said it anyway. it was fucking s-stupid. i took my girl’s biggest insecurity then used it against you and it was not fair for me to do that. to anyone for that matter. believe me when i say that, please baby you have to. i have been drowning myself in regret for the past couple of weeks and-“ he draws a deep breath to keep him from falling apart,
“i don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself.”
no matter how mean or bitchy y/n is, she always has a soft spot in her heart for the ones she loves the most. and as angry and disappointed she is at him, seeing him break down just takes a huge chunk out of her heart.
she knows that he didn’t mean it, it’s eddie we’re talking about here.
this man may look like a menace but he refuses to even kill a fly.
and she doesn’t want him to keep blaming himself to the point that he believes he’s nothing but a fuck up. he’s better than all those shitty guys she has dated, and she confirmed that to him before. because it’s the truth
“i know” her tone is soft and calming. she taps her finger underneath his chin so he’ll be able to look at her. heart soften at the sight of her boyfriend’s glossy eyes and how the fear in his eyes is easy to be found when the thought of losing her completely tears him apart.
“look, eddie” she begins with a sigh. shifting her weight to face him. “the day you came into my life … you built this home inside of me. a small comfortable bed in my heart with thick white duvet and boxes of pizzas, refusing to leave… and i am so happy that you didn’t despite knowing the choice that you can. sure you tend to keep it messy at times but you never forget to put it back together.”
he listens. every word. and he fails to notice how his heart warms at her choice of words. it almost sounds like he had received a love letter from his significant other.
her eyes then cast down, gazing at the small heart tattooed on his ring finger. “I’ve thought so much before letting you in because i know love hurts. people are capable to give you unbearable amount of pain once they find the things that you care about the most. they would eventually figure out how to use those things against you… the process of putting yourself back into one piece is exhausting which i hate having to go through that again and-“
“and i just did it..” eddie interrupts. realizing the disaster he put her heart through. gulping as the memory of calling her ‘insecure’ comes flashing back into his mind. “god… i fucking-i hurt you so bad and i never thought i would be the person to do that to you… I’m a fucking dick”
“what? hey no. stop” she tells him. forcing him to look at her by reaching out to palm his cheeks. “you’re not a dick… i mean you were at the field that day but entirely? no. baby, you’ve changed my life.”
eddie searches for the security and reassurance in her eyes. then he studies every single detail of her features, the way her lips curve into a small grin trying to comfort him. trying to make him believe
“and i believe you have no power in hurting anyone. especially to the ones you love the most-“
“i love you” he blurts, “i love you the most. no one else”
“yes. i know” she nods, brushing few bangs away from his forehead. “you show me every day. and i am so grateful.”
how could even the universe let him have the most precious girl like her? why do they trust him enough to take care of her when he knows for a fact that there are people who could provide her with better love and experience?
she could’ve chosen one of their beating hearts but instead she chose his.
“i should’ve been the one trying to comfort you, not the other way around” he laughs through his tears making her laugh as well.
“you already have.” she responds truthfully, thumbing the thin skin underneath his eye. “i love you. okay?”
“i love you back” he replies, eyes dropping to her soft lips and he’s eager to kiss her but he doesn’t want to overstep the boundaries. “and i am sorry. for everything.”
“you said that, my love” she giggles, kissing his nose. “i forgive you but i swear you pull that shit one more time, I’ll leave your ass and I’ll make sure you don’t get any clients anymore. got that?”
he nods his head fast after hearing how quick she is to switch her tone. yup, he’s still scared of her
“promise, gorgeous.”
“good” she lets go of his face and he struggles not to tug her hands back and keep it there.
“oh and uhm…. can i take a shower?” she looks at him, fiddling with the loose string of her top. “i smell like someone poured chardonnay on a woman who’s been dead for six months”
he emits a chuckle with his head shaking. even at this state, she still manages to pull a joke or two,
“you don’t need to ask” he tells her with a beam and stands up. heading towards his room with her trailing from behind. grabbing his ‘motley crue’ tee from the drawer. one that she loves to steal. “I keep this here, yeah? towels on the rack.”
“uncle wayne… when will he be home?” she asks
“around 2 i guess. he’s off to meet up with some of his friends after work so I’ll be alone for a while.” he informs with his arms crossed,
she hums, walking towards the bathroom while taking off his jacket then her top and throwing it on the floor—on purpose— giving him a show.
eddie eyes her bare back for a quick second. it is not easy having to resist the urge from planting kisses on her soft skin. she probably wouldn’t appreciate that.
to his concerns, they’re probably not back together… right?
so instead, he decides to keep himself busy. looking around at posters on the walls, to his guitar and books that are left unread.
maybe he should crack one open? he did fail algebra
“well? aren’t you gonna join me?”
he hears her ask, whipping his head towards the direction and his throat runs dry when his eyes fall at the sight of her bare breasts. a mischievous smile planted on her lips with a head tilt.
eddie seems to be loss at words for a moment. not wanting to come off as too excited because he knows he’s still at fault. yet a smile soon painted on his lips. “y-yeah… would love that”
she smiles watching him take off his shirt eagerly. giggling when he nearly trips over the carpet, cursing at it for almost making him fall.
he slowly reaches out to place his hand on hers before interlocking it. y/n eyes observe each and every single one of his tattoos on his chest, tracing it lightly with her other hand.
those beautiful brown eyes of his look into hers and she swears he puts her under a spell. feeling her knees about to drive down to the floor. how could a boy look this pretty and belongs to her?
the longing stare is enough said. both found a home when they gaze at eachother’s eyes. and peace soon, rebuilds itself inside him when eddie pulls her into a sweet kiss. soft lips molding into his lightly chapped ones, followed by a sigh of content escape from his mouth. he’s thinks he might be scaring her off but instead, she melts into the kiss.
his tongue slips into her mouth while he draws her body closer to his bare chest as she gasps softly.
this is the intimacy that they have been craving for so long after the fight. one that he wishes to never have to go through again because being away from her just feels like hell. and she wishes for the same.
they’re not lost anymore. the love is found once again when they’re back in each other’s arms.
he keeps one hand steady around her waist while her arms sling over his shoulders. the couple soon disappear into the bathroom to finally makeup for the lost time.
this is where he swears to keep his promise one more time,
to protect her heart with everything in him.
hopefully this is good enough. love u all mwah:)
as always feedbacks are welcome <3
@munsonmolls @chaarrlliie @plaindonutsworld @protecteddiemunson4vr @ilovecupcakesandtea @renssonly @feltonswifesworld87 @eris-rose-86 @e0509 @depressedacidtest @downtoearthworm98 @bistardew @godsfavoritegirlll @livslifeonline @thicksexxualtension @janenerdstuff @wisestarlightwolf @littlemiss-yeehaw @lacrymosa-24 @bratckerman
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munsonsprincess11111 · 8 months
The dance.
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: the valentines day dance is coming up. Eddie doesn't want to go but you do. What will happen when he finds out someone else has asked you. Y/n:17 eddie:17
Your stood infront of your boyfriend of nearly 2 years as he lays on the sofa. Looks up at you as you block the TV from his view.
"Jason asked me to the dance today. I said no obviously." You say twisting your hoodie string. Eddie nods trying to see the TV. You frown at him and he notices as he makes eye contact with you.
"What's up babe?" HE askes confused.
"Nothing you wanna ask me...." You say biting the inside of your mouth. Eddie shakes his head, trying to watch the TV.
"Not even to the dance...." You ask sucling your lips in.
"WHY?" Eddie askes looking confused again.
"Cause we're boyfriend and girlfriend and I thought you'd ask me." You say getting slightly annoyed.
"You wanna go to that?" HE askes as you nod. "OH. I didn't think you would." HE shrugs.
"Well I do." You answer snapping.
"I dunno babe. It's not really my thing. How about we have a movie night. Cuddle up in bed. Kiss a little." HE cocks an eyebrow smirking.
"Fuck you." You say tears in your eyes.
Eddie tries to speak but you cut him off. "NO fuck you you can't do one thing for me. I wanna go to the dance with my boyfriend but you can't do that for me." You walk out the trailer slamming the door in his face as he tries to follow you. He's stood shocked.
He thinks he should leave you to cool off snd talk to you tomorrow.
It was the day of the dance, and you'd been avoiding Eddie. He tried to speak to you in the halls. You ignored him, and robin told him to leave your he tried calling, which you ignored. Not only that, but the hellfire boys were giving him shit calling him a shitty boyfriend.
Tommy had asked you to the dance. And out of annoyance with Eddie you said yes. Eddie heard through Gareth and when he tried to talk to you you continued to ignore him.
Now it was the night of the dance and your sat in your pretty red dress wanting to ball your eyes out. You'd been avoiding Eddie for 1 week. Yes you wanted him to hurt but it was killing you. You wanted to go to the dance with him not tommy.
There was a knock on your bedroom door snd your mum entered. "Oh hunny you look beautiful." She walked over hugging you.
"Still not spoken to Eddie?" She asked you shook your head. Both your parents liked Eddie. Liked the way he treated you. How he was respectful to them and you even more so when this happend they were shocked for say. Your dad had spoken to Eddie's uncle due to them knowing each other other than that no contact.
"Just enjoy your night. Don't let it get to you, OK? Come down stairs, I'm sure your father would love to see you." She says, rubbing your arm. You nod and walk to the stairs. She runs down them to get her camera for when you walk down the stairs.
Your dad hugs you and your mum snaps a picture. Then she hands the camera to your dad to get a picture with you herself. Then the knock on the door. You take a breath in and walk over to the door. You open the door.
"HI tom-" but you cut yourself off as you look up and see the long curly haired boy and his uncle stood behind him.
"I'm just gonna slip through thank you." Wayne says slipping past you inside to your parents to say hello.
Your stood mouth slightly agape looking at Eddie. He's wearing non ripped jeans. A black button up shirt. And a black tie. "Hey you." He says smiling at you. You try to speak but stammer over your words. Emotions catching up to you.
"You look beautiful." HE says looking you in the eyes resting his head in the doorframe.
"M sorry I was a dickhead. I've been wanting to talk to you all week and sort this out. But you didn't want to which I respect. I know your meant to be going to the dance with Tommy. But I was hoping you'd wanna go with me still. I was an asshole I know. But I love you. And if I knew you actually wanted to go to this thing I would've been on it straight away. I'm so, so sorry. So I'm asking if ya wanna go to the dance with me. If not I get it. You can go with tommy and we will talk about us after the dance." HE says looking you in the eyes the hole time.
Your eyes water and your bottom lip wobbles at his words. "Want a hug?" HE askes just above a whisper. You nod opening your arms slightly and he pulls you in immediately. You hold him tight like he could disappear. A few tears spill from your eyes as he hugs you back equally as tight and he kisses your head.
You lift your head up and look up at Eddie. "Wanna go to the dance with me?" He askes dipping his head slightly.
"Yes I wanna go to the stupid dance with you." You answer leaning up kissing him. "And I love you too. And yes your an asshole and a dickhead but your my asshole and dickhead."
He smiles and frowns at the same time. "I don't know if that was romantic or mean." HE laughs.
"Take it as you wish." You sniffle leaning up kissing him. The kiss lasts a bit longer and Eddie sways with you as he kisses you. Out thr corner of your eye you see a camera flash. You both look around to see your mum with teary eyes.
"OH I'm sorry but thay was adorable." She says walking over to your father. Eddie smiles and holds your hand walking into the living room.
"Thank fuck thought I was gonna have to deal with a basketball dickhead with my daughter." Your dad says drinking his beer.
Eddie laughs. "I'm gonna go fix my make up." You say going upstairs quickly reapplying your mascara and grabbing your heels.
"COMING DOWN!" You shout at the top of the stairs knowing your mum will want pictures. As you walk down the stairs your greeted with Eddie leaning on the banister on the bottom step. And your mum, dad and eddies uncle stood a bit further back your mum holding the camera.
"You look gorgeous." Eddie says as you walk down the stairs. You smile and take Eddie's hand he's holding out to you.
"Right over here I want a picture." Your mum says clicking and pointing to the blank wall.
After a few more pictures you and Eddie leave for the valentines dance. You arrive and walk over to your friends. Robin practically slaps poor Gareth when she sees you both walking in together Eddie's arm around your shoulder.
"Hey ladies sorry were late." Eddie says greeting the hellfire boys, there dates and Robin.
"Hang on a minute I thought you wasn't coming." Gareth says confused keeping an arm around his dates waist.
"Yeah I wasn't until I realised how important this was to y/n and I love her so here we are." Eddie says as you lean into his side a bit more. Small talk is created between you Robin and the boys dates. The boys sat practically interigatting Eddie trying to work out how you'd convinced him so easy.
"Common." Eddie says standing up taking your hand. You look at him confused. "Slow dance. Common." Eddie says like your the dumb one. You smile as he drags you to the side of the dance floor. He wraps his arms around your lower half holding you close. Your arms going around his neck keeping him equally as close.
Your head on his chest as he sways with you like it was just you two. You look over and to see Robin awkwardly dancing with vickie who's giggling with her. Gareth trying to make all the moves. The others not really knowing what to do. And max and lucas holding eachother stiffly.
"Damn I'm glad we came we can show em all up." Eddie laugh quietly. "Wanna see how?" HE askes you nod curiously.
He turns slightly dipping you down and kissing you like they do it the movies. You smile at him cause he makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
A few hours later, you and Eddie get bored of hearing about Steve's failed attempts to get someone to dance with. Nancy and Jonathan leave, so you and Eddie decide you can too.
You walk out Eddie's jacket over your shoulders along with his arm holding you into his side. "Thank you." You say just above a whisper.
"Don't ever thank me for loving on ya babe. It's my honour." HE answers opening the passenger door for you to climb into. He runs to the drivers side putting the keys in and starting the heater immediately.
He drives you both to your house as you both (mainly you) decided Eddie was staying with you tonight. You hated how long you'd been away from each other due to the petty arguement so you need him woth you all night. You walk into the house quietly not expecting you parents and eddies uncle to be waiting on you both as you walk through the door.
Everyone sits at the dining room table. Your mum made you and Eddie both hot chocolates with heart marshmallows on top. You both told them about the evening Eddie stood behind the chair you were sat on leaning as you spoke.
Soon after Wayne headed to the guest room your parents to there own and you and Eddie walked off to your room.
He helped you out of the dress so you could slip your pyjamas on. You helped Eddie undo his tye and he was capable of the rest as you hung the pretty dress up. Your turned around to see Eddie laying in your bed with the duvet open and him being in only boxers.
"No pyjama pants tonight babe?" You giggle as he shakes his curls. You crawl in next to him kissing him gently him retuning the kiss. "I had an amazing night thank you." You mumble into his neck. He smiles
"Your welcome babe. We will go to all the stupid dances if it makes you happy." HE kisses your head.
"I love you." You mumble drifting into sleep
He smiles. "I love you more." HE then follows you into sleep holding you as close as he could. "Let's never argue again that was the worst week of my life." You mumble.
He smiles "never ever" he kisses you one more time and then your both out for the night and half of the next day.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Could you write something for Eddie x reader along the lines of “please I’ll be quiet” and then it’s like so good reader is like “i can’t be quiet”
Like a desperate, hot and sweet/smutty masterpiece like you do <3
I was getting Dom Eddie vibes so I gave that a go
Small blurb
Never proofread
Tumblr media
"I can be quiet, I promise" Y/N whined, trying to desperately grind herself against Eddie's thigh. The couple sat in the living room of Steve's house. The rest of the gang outside, a late night swim. But once Eddie took off his shirt to jump in the water, she needed him more than ever.
"no you can't" Eddie laughed, she was never ever quiet. Learned that the hard way when she screamed as he pounded into her with Wayne in the next room. Quickly covering her mouth with fear in his eyes. The conversation with Wayne the next morning is still in his head.
Eddie tried to freeze her hips, knowing if she kept going he'd get turned on and be harder to say no.
"yes I can! I'll be so good. Just touch me a little" she whined into his ear. She was being as quiet as she could. Hearing Steve and Dustin arguing in the backyard. She faked being sick, asking Eddie to stay with her and watch a movie with her. Eddie being a sweet boyfriend of course said yes, no idea of her little plan to get them alone.
"no baby. You are never quiet and I don't need Harrington killing me for fucking my girlfriend on his couch" Eddie mocked, a teasing smirk on his face.
She rolled her eyes, grabbing his hand and placing it on her right boob, using his hand to squeeze it. Letting out a small whine as she finally felt his touch
"so not fair" Eddie groaned. He can say no if he wasn't touching her but now she made it way too hard
"I know you want to. Look at that hard cock in your shorts baby. Come on, just fuck me" she moaned, throwing herself on his lap, forcing herself down on his covered cock
Eddie moaned and threw his head back, allowing her lips to easily suck on the skin
"fine. Fuck. But just humping, I'm not going in you" he demanded. She accepted the small compromise and yanked off her top. Leaving her in her bra and small summer shorts
"Jesus" Eddie groaned. Lips attaching to the skin on her breasts in seconds
She tried to hold it back when he began to rock her hips into his
But it slipped out
"stop!" He snapped, freezing her hips on him
She panted and tried to rock herself against
"what did I fucking say?" He growled, hand squeezing her neck as she whimpered out
"be quiet" she whimpered out in his grip
"listen then" a hard smack to her ass that had her biting her lip. She nodded weakly, sighing when he started to move her hips again
He wasn't making it easy either. Lips sucking on her skin as his large hand and rough grip moved against his lap. Making sure to make her hips roll fast and hard. Forcing her to feel his hard cock. His quiet groans and moans had her dripping
"Eddie fuck fuck" she moaned, begining to bounce a little on his lap but Eddie forced her down.
"you wanted this, doing it my way. Sit here and be a good slut" another smack to her ass had her gripping the couch behind his head
Eyes looking to the backyard, Steve, Dustin and Robin all busy playing in the water. Thank god the living room was dark, otherwise they would totally see into the room.
"I'm sorry. It's too good" she cried, her moans going louder and louder
"Y/N!" He said sternly, his lips removed from her skin. Now leaning against the couch and glaring at her
But the glare just turned her on
"I can't be quiet" she whimpered
She was embarrassed by how fast she needed to cum. She begged and begged and now is only going to last like five minutes
"you better or we are stopping" he demanded, a harsh grip to her boobs as she shivered against him
"I CAN'T. JESUS FUCK" she screamed, throwing her head back. Her shorts were rubbing her clit in the perfect way. Eddie had her rocking at the perfect angle and it was rough.
Eddie panicked and shoved his hand over her mouth
She screamed louder as she came. Screams barely muffled by his hand
"God damnit!" Eddie groaned, trying to desperately shove his hand harder against her mouth but her screams were breaking through
Eddie released her mouth fast, a loud scream cutting through the air before he could shove his fingers into her mouth fast enough
Three fingers in her mouth as she shivered against his lap. Feeling her underwear soaked as she came. Her fucked out eyes closing as she panted.
Eddie panicked more and looked over his shoulder, the pool was fucking empty
"baby you brat" Eddie growled, throwing her off his lap, quickly grabbing her shirt and throwing it on her
Eddie shared a scared look as he looked at the pool again, no sign of anyone
"are you done? I kinda left my goggles in here" Dustin's voice peaked out from behind the wall
Eddie blushed in embarrassment, covering his face as he pounded his foot into the floor
Glaring hard at his girl next to him
"oops?" She shrugged, a smile on her lips. No hint of embarrassment at all.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns
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gildedmuse · 11 months
Fandom rookie here. Could you please walk me through your Zoro/Law and Zoro/Ace HCs? Love your humor btw!
Ahhh! A little fandom greenhorn! So cute!
You have asked the wrong person the wrong question, newbie.
Zoro is from the East, and while he isn't use to Winter Island Cold, he naturally runs hot. Law is from the North and while he HATES being stuck on Summer Islands on hot days, he naturally runs cool. They balance each other beautifully when they share a bed.
Up in the North Blue, it's considered weak to admit that you're cold. Weaknesses gets people killed in the North Blue, so having someone imply you need an extra blanket is a direct insult to a person's ability to keep themselves and their loved ones alive. So obviously Law would never need the extra heat.... But he MAY find himself scooting closer to Zoro-ya on the chillier nights.
The handle of a katana isn't the only thing Zoro can talk around.
(Cock. He can talk around a mouth full of cock. And Law LOVES it. Its the only time he can stand one of the Strawhats yapping on).
Look, Law is scientifically minded and likes to believe he is very rational (that's open to debate). He's seen Zoro-ya in the sea and knows he doesn't have a devil's fruit. But sometimes it feels like he does. SPECIFICALLY, one that somehow manages to undo every single one of Law's plans. Because the problem certainly isn't in Law! His plans are complex and perfect. But anytime he comes up for one about how to, say, ask Zoro-ya out it always somehow manages to go terribly wrong. It MUST be a devil's fruit ability.
The first time Zoro actually properly asks Torao out, he first bows to and addresses Kikoku. Since it's imperative he has the curse blades permission to touch his master (especially with all the touching Zoro has planned).
Law doesn't get jealous. That's petty and below him
Law has personally threatened at least three shichibukai and one very (also highly annoying) horny yonko. Not because he was jealous, they just need to step off and stop looking at HIS Zoro-ya that way.
If you ask the boys when they started dating, you get VASTLY different answers. Law would argue that while he'd of course taken notices of the other Supernova back on Saboady, the boy then disappeared for two years and besides Law had a lot of plans that he needed to focus on and execute perfectly. They didn't really see each other again until after Punk Hazard and of course Law was very distracted until after Doflamingo..... Then the horrors they saw on Zou, though, admitedly he may have found himself distracted by Zoro-ya once or twice even at the time.... You know, he would say it was Wano. It was Wano when he realized what an idiot the other boy was, and how he absolutely needed Law on the ground watching after him or he would do something amazingly stupid like... Like listening to Law's plan for instance! When Zoro-ya endangering his life was CLEARLY not what Law intended! Yes, that is when Law decided this boy simply couldn't be considered safe unless Law is there to watch after him..... Also, it's sometimes nice when Zoro-ya looks after him as well.... SOMETIMES.
Zoro would say "Did you see Torao cut that island in half?" And that is all he has to say on the subject of when they started dating.
Law has noticed that Zoro-ya doesn't seem to pay much attention to what he wears, just picks up what is nearest and easiest and throws it on. On an unrelated note, Law has been "accidentally" making sure to strip down right by their bed, and leaving his shirts right there. His shirts with his jolly roger.
Nico Robin had to use not just her ability but her most Teacherly voice in order to separate Luffy and Law when Zoro shows up with the Heart Jolly Roger on his shirt. Law's smirking about it (while Zoro remained utterly confused through the entire fight) didn't help.
Zoro is super weak to people playing with his ear. This goes double when it's Torao and his stupid, sexy hands. He already wants to squirm whenever he watches Torao do that stupid switch-switch thing, but once Torao starts to sit closer and, even while reading his fingers seem to find their way to Zoro's earrings..... Twirl twirl twirl, TUG. Its enough to break Zoro's brain.
Historically, Northern denizens tended to have shorter and much more dangerous lifes compared to the relatively safe and stable East Blue, leading to them having a much different view of things like romance and marriage. That's part of why tattoos are so popular among North Blue denizens. However short your inevitably short life is, a tattoo is permanent. You can't change your mind or take it back. It's a way of wearing your loyalty.
Right behind his ear, the same side as his piercings, Zoro has a small black heart tattoo. He got it on their way up to Wano.
Usopp still doesn't understand how Zoro got lost on a submarine. He didn't see him for a whole four days! What's so funny, Robin.....
I actually have a number of HCs for these two that basically boil down to "Each Island should have its own culture, and by extension, each Blue should have its own culture the way each state has its own culture but the USA also has its own general culture." This can range from things like what I mentioned above, about North Blue having historically shorter lives due to the harsher environment or being more technologically advanced. But I also had smaller things like Law kissing Zoro-ya on the nose, since up North that was how you showed affection to family or younger friends and acquaintances. I also went the entire opposite direction of "smaller" and invented an entirely Shinto derived religion that's customs and kami differed based on the Blue.
I even came up with particular weather that happen almost strictly up North (Ice Storms which are incredibly deadly at sea and Black Mist, a yet unexplained phenomena that seems to choke the life out of any one who gets caught outside) and then wrote up an entire "Old North" mythology that explains the two phenomena and why they often follow each other even though one happens strictly on land and the other typically at sea. I pretty much full on created a whole religion and mythology and wrote individual stories just so Law could have a whole culture that belonged to HIS blue. The myth in question involved a human falling for a siren, and just like actual myths I created multiple retellings and versions where the characterization changed depending on the message the storyteller was trying to express. But in most every version the Siren, Isa, had green hair (because of course the North associates green hair with fertility; oh that's another thing, I created a whole sex profession hierarchy for the North Blue with the one common feature among different types of sex workers being they typically dyed their hair green, like that was a way to physically depict that you were fertile and later that you were, you know, open to being fertilized) and regardless of how they are depicted they end up turning into the shards of an Ice Storm either because they accidentally take human captain's life, do so and then regret their hunger, or are told they have killed them and in turn kill themselves. Law was told the latter version as a child and so always felt bad for Isa, who didn't know they were eating the captain's life force but the crew could have just told him and he would have left and instead because he is "different" they think it's better if he simply destroys himself. It's a character Law can both identify with but also see aspects of Zoro in; both his physical appearance which I'm sure to Law he just pictures Zoro now, but also in his loyalty and honor which aren't as important values up North which instead values survival and strength.
As you can see if I presented an accurate list of my HCs for these two, it would be insane and make no Earthly sense. I just really enjoy world building, especially when that world building leads to two hot sword boys pining after one another.
Oh, did I mention the whole "green hair = sex worker" association and just how personally All Hearts Law takes that when applied to his Zoro-ya?
ZoBurn FistRo PortZoro
Upon meeting him during Alabaster, every single non Luffy Strawhat was - at least a little -totally into Ace. He just seemed so cool (and also hot.) He's like a sexy Luffy and the whole crew wanted some.
Zoro wanted it the most, bitches
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