#code red ; grey's
vigilskeep · 2 months
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late night josie experiments
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bloodrvvvsh · 3 months
Code Red, Code Blue. | Spencer Reid x Lexie Grey
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Synopsis: When the BAU is led to a case in Seattle, with Seattle Grace Mercy West as the focal point. And after an unfortunate incident involving two cups of hot coffee and a ruined pair of scrubs, Spencer meets a girl that changes his whole life.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Lexie Grey
Warnings: Typical CM discussions of violence and gore, also typical Grey’s discussions of gore and medical talk, TL inconsistencies (I do try to keep things as canon complaint as possible but it doesn’t always work and I’m only human after all please have mercy 🙏), mentions of death, swearing, eventual smut, warnings to be added as chapters go on!
Notes: I have never been so excited to make a series in my entire life. I have adored the idea of Spencer x Lexie since I started watching Grey’s and I got attached to Lexie. I was worried this series would be too niche for others to enjoy but seeing the support I got from just a little teaser genuinely made me so excited and motivated me to write it. Anyways I hope you all enjoy!!! Also feel free to send in asks or requests for blurbs or oneshots regarding this universe! All things related to Code Red, Code Blue will be tagged under CRCB/CRCB Series!
No release dates for chapters because I like to work at my own pace. Being on a deadline makes me feel rushed and between my own life happening and my disabilites and all that comes with them, I cannot write on a schedule.
Chapter 1: Acquainted.
Chapter 2: Don't Forget To Call Me.
Chapter 3: Almost Love.
Chapter 4: Naked in DC.
Chapter 5: Out Of Time.
Chapter 6: Does Me No Harm.
Chapter 7: I Feel Like Prey.
Chapter 8: Cut Me Deep, Leave A Scar.
Epilogue: Say Yes.
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st4ticsys · 2 years
old ass doodle pages just cuz i can
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cafofinho · 21 days
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₍ 𔘓 ₎ ˑ Combo DIBTP PREMIUM by cafofinho
𓈀 orientações: esses psd's são exclusivamente pagos, logo para adquiri-los, basta clicar sobre a palavra "premium" e ser redirecionado ao pagamento do mesmo para recebe-lo automaticamente após efetivar;
p.s: interesse para compra individual? basta se encaminhar ao que deseja - docie • moobi • coziness • london • boutique • midnight
Aproveita a promoção relâmpago!!
𓈀 obrigatório: seguir @cafofinho , dar os créditos se utilizar em um edit seu com #cafofinho ou marcando a conta
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just1gnome · 10 months
ohhhgg.... my yuckies........
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thinking forever about zevran and my warden
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talos-stims · 2 years
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source source source
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battystims · 6 months
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karkat vantas stimboard~ for @ii-cant-word2
♋ 🦀 ♋ / 🦀 ♋ 🦀 / ♋ 🦀 ♋
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k1rsos · 1 month
oioi, flor! como vai? espero que esteja tendo um bom dia. se não for um incômodo, poderia fazer um moodboard da sooyoung do snsd? agradeço desde já! 🫶🏻
prontinho, amor!
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ྀ ﹫ 𝗁ᧉ𝗒 𝗅ྀ𝗅𝗂𓏺𝗍ɑ 𝗁ᧉ𝗒 〬 ! 𓆟 ཱི
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spideyystims · 3 months
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🎒 🥤 🎒
🥤 🕹 🥤
🎒 🥤 🎒
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chizelkreq · 3 months
I was laughing about how color-coded Batman's children are, but then I thought about it and me and my siblings are also color-coded so I don't really have room to talk
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weheartstims · 4 months
can I ask for a computer/robot stimboard with things like storms and cities and shiny things please ?
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A stimboard with computers, robots, and city rain!
🌃|🤖|🌃 🤖|🌃|🤖 🌃|🤖|🌃
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In fates, Laslow has a British accent, while in Awakening, he has an American one. This is probably him faking it, thinking girls will like it or whatever. But what's funnier is Anankos rearranging his vocal cords to change his accent.
Odin and Selena make fun of him for this, obviously.
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bloodrvvvsh · 3 months
Code Red, Code Blue. Chapter 1: Acquainted.
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Synopsis: When the BAU is led to a case in Seattle, with Seattle Grace Mercy West as the focal point. And after an unfortunate incident involving two cups of hot coffee and a ruined pair of scrubs, Spencer meets a girl that changes his whole life.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Lexie Grey
Warnings: Typical CM discussions of crimes, typical Grey's discussions of gore and medical talk (very minimal, though!), meet-cute, literally one (1) offhanded "killing yourself" joke
Word count: 3.0K
Notes: My baby.. she's finally finished... Please enjoy, I spent way too long on this!
Likes are appreciated, but reblogs and comments help writers more!
Wednesday, September 29. 9:42 AM in Quantico, Virgina.
Spencer had only ever been to Seattle once.
Working in the BAU took him all over the country. Cases popped up in every corner, in every state, in every place you could possibly imagine. He had seen nearly every part of the vast landscape that was the US of A.
The last case that had led them across the country to Seattle was The Seattle Strangler, back when Gideon was still on the team. Spencer had mixed emotions about that thought. But he was a professional and he was going to do his job.
Their current case was as close as you could get to clean cut and dry in their line of work. Women in their 20s being stabbed. Pretty simplistic, right? 
The one connection each murder had, though, was that every single woman was eventually directed to Seattle Grace Mercy West. And while the hospital was a fairly major one, it was a Level 1 Trauma Center, after all, which meant a lot of patients, it was definitely raising a few alarm bells in their heads. Each woman was also eventually declared dead at that exact hospital.
It could never hurt to check every possible lead, could it?
Spencer used two fingers to rub at the sleep clinging to his eye still. He tried, and failed, to stifle a yawn as he shifted in his seat. Although he was quite used to struggles with sleep (hence his dependence on caffeine), it never truly got any better. 
“Late night?” Morgan inquired. He propped his arms on the top of Spencer’s seat, peering over the other man’s shoulder.
Spencer shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep,” he replied. He frowned softly, continuing to try and rid himself of the tiredness that stuck to his lashes before he was interrupted by another yawn.
God, he could really use some coffee right now.
He glanced down at his watch and his frown deepened. They still had at least another two hours until they would land. 
Spencer would consider himself a fairly patient man. He didn’t mind waiting, hell, he most often played the waiting game in his job as a BAU agent. But right now, sitting on that jet running on only five hours of sleep with not a drop of caffeine in sight, he was feeling just one moment away from simply losing it.
Not like it would actually happen, though. Spencer wasn’t that kind of guy. He was calm and reserved, even in the face of adversity. 
Hotch’s voice cut through Spencer’s internal monologue for the moment, snapping him back into reality. “We’re going to head to the police station first,” he began, casting a glance over each BAU member in eyesight, “After we get all the necessary facts, we’re going to head to the hospital. Sound good?” He was met with a round of nods from everyone and he nodded back.
Wednesday, September 29. 11:23 AM in Seattle, Washington.
Lexie needed a goddamn break.
Being a surgical resident had to be a punishment designed in one of the seven pits of hell. How dare she desire to save people's lives, right?
At least it was better than being an intern.
She loved her job, don’t get her wrong, being a surgeon was her dream. It’s just that she couldn’t remember the last time she got more than four hours of sleep a night and she was just so tired all the time. From running around constantly to several hours long surgeries to forty-eight hour shifts. 
Not to mention the constant drama and tragedy that filled the Seattle Grace Mercy West halls. You couldn’t turn a corner without hearing about someone sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend or about another MerDer breakup or another surprise pregnancy. Really, sometimes it was just ridiculous.
Lexie herself had been the victim of that good ol’ SGMW drama. She was trying to pull herself free from the clutches of it all, but it always seemed to follow them all. Like some sort of curse was placed on that very hospital.
But that was besides the point. The point was that she needed just one moment of peace, away from all the chaos of the hospital and the drama. Was that so selfish of her?
The sound of sneakers shuffling and her racing heart filled Lexie’s ears as she rushed through the halls. The occasional ‘excuse me’ slipped from her lips, trying not to crash into everyone that was in her way. 
When your attending pages 911, you don’t walk - you run.
Her feet skidded to a stop as the familiar emergency room came into view, nearly making her trip with the sudden halt. Her movements seemed almost practiced with the near mindless way she moved - triage gown, tie in the back, gloves. This wasn’t her first trauma, and it would be far from the last.
“What do we have?” Bailey’s voice cut through the millions of other noises filling the room - the rustling of fabric, the snapping of latex gloves on skin, the chatter of voices. The ER was ever far from being quiet.
“28-year-old woman stabbed fifteen times in the torso, majority in the chest,” Owen shot back. He rushed forwards when the glint of red and blue lights followed by the sirens that would follow them for the rest of their lives came into view, and the rest of them marched behind.
“God, overkill much?” Cristina muttered low to Meredith. Bailey, who heard everything always, shot a glare over her shoulder. Cristina threw her hands up in defense, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. Her face fell the minute Bailey turned away and she shook her head with a quiet scoff.
The doors to the ambulance flew open and out rushed a woman on a stretcher. “BP is 158 over 92, HR is 92,” an EMT announced. Owen cursed under his breath as he took the railing of the stretcher into his hands.
“She’s hypertensive,” he announced. Quickly, other hands began to grab onto the stretcher as well, guiding the women into the hospital doors. He barked out a few names and different orders and Lexie slowly loosened her grip on the railing as her feet quit keeping pace before stopping entirely. She watched as the woman was rushed towards a trauma room, a frown falling on her lips. Trauma was never a pretty sight.
With a sigh she made her way to the receptionist desk near the ER entrance doors where a few of the other residents left behind had gathered.
“That’s the third stabbing in less than two months,” April remarked. A little frown began to form on her lips as she flipped the chart in her hand. “And they’ve all been women in their late 20s.”
She didn’t have to say it. They were all thinking it. The glances exchanged spoke a thousand words.
“You don’t think..” Meredith trailed off. She shot a look towards Cristina, then glanced back at April. The current hypothesis wasn’t looking so hot.
“It’s probably just a weird coincidence,” Lexie was quick to interject. Her words did little to quell the tense energy that filled the emergency room. “I mean, Seattle’s a big city. Plenty of crazy people doing crazy things. I’m sure they’re not related.” She waved a hand dismissively. Then she added, “It is getting close to the holidays. Don’t crime rates increase during the holiday seasons, or something?”
The pager attached to her hip beeped. She groaned, a pout appearing on her face at the sound. She unclicked it from the waistband of her scrub pants to take a glance at the numbers displayed on the screen and she sighed once more. It was Derek.
With a murmur of, “I’ve got to go,” that was met with a few dismissive waves of goodbyes from her fellow residents, she made her way towards the elevators, absolutely not ready for whatever Derek had in store for her now.
Wednesday, September 29. 2:17 PM in Seattle, Washington.
One thing you never want to hear in a hospital is silence. And that’s exactly Lexie had been greeted when she emerged from the imaging room, a stack of paperwork and scans ordered by Derek in hand. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something was absolutely happening and she’d be damned if she was left out of it.
It all started to make sense, though, as she made her descent down a floor of stairs and she noticed a group of her coworkers crowded behind a corner. Mentally she counted heads - Cristina, Meredith, Alex, Jackson, April.. All five of them in the same place at the same time, clearly hiding from someone (or something?), always spelled trouble.
Cautiously, she made her way towards the group. She tried to stand on her tip-toes, trying to look over their shoulders to see whatever the hell it was that was making them all stop in their tracks, but to no luck.
Finally with a huff, she decided to pipe up. “What are we looking at?” Her sudden appearance obviously spooked them, as they all nearly jumped at the sound of her voice, but they quickly relaxed when they realized it was just Lexie. She flashed a little smile that was short lived and didn’t quite reach her eyes with an utterance of ‘sorry’. 
“Them,” Meredith said. Lexie leaned to the side and she followed the finger that Meredith pointed with. Never would have Lexie guessed what would be standing before her right now.
There, talking to the Chief and Owen, was a group of people that certainly didn’t look like they belonged together. One man in particular, though, stood out among the rest - a tall man with curly brown locks and the most beautiful face Lexie had ever seen. “I heard they’re FBI agents,” Cristina cut in, knocking her out her little lovestruck daydream, and Lexie’s head snapped so quickly to look back at her, it’s a wonder it didn’t break.
“What?” Was all she could manage in response. “FBI, wh-” She shook her head, trying to clear her head from all the thoughts racing through it. “What would the FBI be doing here?” Her voice dropped low, almost to a rushed whisper.
Cristina shrugged. “Hell if I know.” Lexie frowned. And just as she opened her mouth, ready to say more, Owen gestured in the direction of their little gathering. And when the group of supposed FBI agents looked at them, they all took off, scattering away in their different directions, like roaches when you turned the lights on.
Except for Lexie. She was frozen in place, her blood running cold in her body when their hard eyes locked on her. She forced another smile, a nervous little giggle escaping her as heat washed over her cheeks in heavy waves. She raised her free hand to offer them a half-hearted greeting before pointing behind her with her thumb and then promptly spinning on her heel and hurriedly trying to escape the embarrassment that was that interaction.
Wednesday, September 29. 2:45 PM in Seattle, Washington.
Spencer had drank approximately four-and-a-half cups of coffee since landing in Seattle, and he was not quite satisfied yet.
Would he ever truly be satisfied with the amount of caffeine he consumed? Could anyone, really? The answer didn’t really matter. Not to him, anyways. Especially not now, when the tiredness ran bone deep and the day was nowhere near close to being finished. So, he was going to get another cup.
“I’m going to get some coffee,” he announced offhandedly as he pushed himself up from his seat. 
Morgan raised an eyebrow at the young genius as he started to make his way in the direction of the coffee machines. “Really?” Morgan said. “Another cup of coffee? Seriously, kid, you’re going to kill yourself with all that caffeine and sugar you consume.” Spencer waved a hand in response and Morgan could only shake head with a small smile falling over his lips.
“Oh, you’re getting coffee?” JJ perked up, craning her neck slightly to catch Spencer’s eye before he disappeared. “Do you think you could get me a cup, too? Please?”
Spencer nodded. “Cream and sugar?” A grin split across JJ’s face at the idea that he remembered what she liked in her coffee. Although, with Spencer, he couldn’t have possibly forgotten in the first place. “You know it!” she called out to him. “You’re the best, Spence!”
“No problem,” he called back to her as he turned the corner. 
The trek to the elevator and up to the coffee carts was not a particularly long one, but it did give Spencer enough time to get lost in his thoughts. His movements almost ran on autopilot as he got on the elevator and pressed the button with the number four painted on it.
His feet moved for him, guiding him in the direction of exactly where he wanted to be. Ideas and different theories of their current case filled his head as he walked.
All of this to say - he was not paying attention. Not one bit. Not even as he mindlessly ordered two coffees - one mocha latte with room for sugar and one black with cream and sugar. Not as he began to round the corners that he was starting to become familiar with from turning around so many times due to his near caffeine addiction.
Not even as another body rounded the same corner as him.
It wasn’t until the harsh impact came, the colliding of two people knocking hard into each other and hot coffee being dumped all over each other, that he really came back to reality.
Lexie gasped as the coffee crashed right onto her, burning through her scrubs and stinging her skin. She glanced up, wanting to look whoever just ruined her scrubs in the eye, and it was like the whole world slowed for a moment.
It was cute supposed FBI agent guy. 
Her jaw went slack, practically hitting the floor, and all she could do was stare. She almost wanted to pinch herself, check if any of this was really real, but the hot coffee burning her skin told her it was true.
“I’m so sorry,” The words fell out of Spencer’s mouth in an instant. He glanced around in search of something, anything, that could clean up the mess he just made, but he was coming up empty. “Really, I am so sorry-”
Lexie shook her head. “It’s fine-”
Spencer’s eyebrows pinched together. “I just spilled hot coffee all over you, it is not fine.” Lexie could feel her heart skip a beat.
“No, really, it- it’s fine,” she chuckled. “I have another pair of scrubs in my locker, it’s okay.” Spencer didn’t seem satisfied with that answer.
Now it was his turn to shake his head. “Can I make it up to you? You know, for.. getting you doused in coffee and ruining your scrubs.”
Lexie hesitated for a moment. While he was very cute, and seemingly very sweet, she barely knew this guy.
But something inside her told her to take her chance.
“Uh,” she bit down on her bottom lip. She waited for a beat. “Yeah,” she found herself saying, “Yeah, why don’t you buy me a coffee?” Spencer’s whole face lit up at her answer.
Could you blame him, though? Even covered in coffee, the woman before him was absolutely stunning.
“My name’s Spencer,” he finally added. “Spencer Reid. Doctor Spencer Reid, actually.’” Lexie arched a brow at him, head tilting to the side. “Doctor, huh?” she echoed. “Are you, like, new around here, or something? Did you transfer from another hospital?”
“Oh, no. I- I’m not an MD, I’m, uh.. I’m a PhD.”
Lexie slowly nodded her head. “Right,” she muttered. The smile on her face couldn’t seem to budge. “Well, I’m Lexie,” she stuck a hand out to him, “Doctor Lexie Grey, MD.” They both grinned at her words before chuckling. Spencer found himself thinking her name was beautiful. He glanced down at her outstretched hand and then so did she, and for a moment they were both just staring at her hand.
Finally, he spoke up again, “I- I don’t do handshakes,” he spit out. “The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It’s, uh- it’s actually safer to kiss.” 
Lexie nodded her head once more and let her hand fall back to her side. She ran her palm down the side of her thigh, subtly trying to wipe the gathering sweat. A part of her was tempted to ask if he wanted to kiss her, but she held off. For now.
“So, are you a germaphobe, or something? Or do you just know a lot of different facts?”
“Both, actually,” he said. “I, uh, I have an eidetic memory, so I remember everything I read. A lot about bacteria.”
“An eidetic memory?” Lexie echoed. “Really?”
Spencer nodded, a smirk worming its way onto his lips as he began to rock himself on his heels. “And an IQ of 187 and I can read 20,000 words per minute.”
“Oh, so you’re some sort of super genius, is that what this is?”
Spencer shrugged and his smile seemed to grow. “I don’t think intelligence can be defined by arbitrary measures. But for all intents and purposes, I am a genius.”
“You know, that’s really weird, because I actually have a photographic memory,” Lexie said. She tilted her head to the side again. “Does that make me a genius, too?”
Spencer chuckled. “Well, being a doctor isn’t an easy thing to achieve. Especially being a surgeon. I would imagine you have to be fairly smart to become one.”
Lexie’s own smile seemed to grow as well. “Well, Dr. PhD, why don’t you tell me a little bit more about yourself?” She nodded her head in the direction she came from before she started to walk. And Spencer found himself following behind her.
For some reason, Spencer felt like he wasn’t going to regret spilling coffee on her.
for @gghostwriter bc i don't have a taglist <3
(if you would like to be crcb taglist, let me know!!)
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st4ticsys · 2 years
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c0rpsedemon · 7 days
the problem w having a v clear sense of your ocs' sense of style is when you're like haha this is so megumi coded (read: it's red and tartan) i'll draw her in it and then realize she wouldn't be caught dead in it and i couldn't finish the piece for fear of contradicting her sense of style
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invinciblerodent · 11 months
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Me: *makes character explicitly for sad vampire romance purposes* >:)
Me: *ends up actually falling kind of in love with said character* oh no
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