#cognitve function
why5x5 · 3 months
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ettawritesnstudies · 6 months
💭 and 💯 !
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
oh god I was so obsessed with the MBTI when I was in high school, let me dig out my character profiles for the Storge cast... I even broke these down into cognitve functions, what a nerd.
Luca: ENFJ. Fe: he's empathetic and tries his best to seem friendly and likable and connect with people, even complete strangers, Ni: He's got goals and work towards them, works off intuition and seeing the bigger picture instead of getting lost in the logistics, Se: quick to act when he sees that action must be taken, Ti: he can be analytical and logical when he needs to be and he's good at problem solving which allows him to connect with Acheran.
Acheran: ISTP. Ti: His main focus in life is problem solving and trying to take things apart and figure out why they work, very analytical, scientific character. Se: highly observant of his world, he's not the absentminded professor, he's always watching his surroundings and making catalouges in his mind. Ni: great at pattern recognition, tends to jump around in his logic and thought process instead of thinking linearly, conceptualizes things abstractly, Fe: He's very sympathetic to Luca and cares deeply about humanitarian crises happening in the city but he's also so so awkward.
Enne: ISFJ. Si: Really good memory for her past experiences, organizes and catalogues everything with a staggering degree of accuracy and likes clear systems of rules, very black and white, does not like messy situations. Fe: Very perceptive of other people's emotional states and good at communicating and talking her way out of situations. Ti: Cares deeply about truths and facts and wants to make sure she has all the relevant information before making decisions. Ne: She appreciates new experiences but it takes her a while to get comfortable with them.
Grace: ENFP. Ne: Very creative, forms connections quickly to get a grasp on a situation and overflowing with ideas and solutions of dubious practicality. Fi: Extremely passionate, strong sense of justice and protective of the people she loves. Te. Whenever she makes a decision she's very decisive about it, likes efficiency. Si: Eager to gain new experiences and learn about herself, though she's not especially organized about it.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
ooooo I'll go with Acheran then for this one
He was trained in construction work as a teenager but got bored with it and depressed and so his mom staged an intervention and got him his apprenticeship with the charm shop, which eventually inherited
Chara is four years younger than him but she's always been the bossier more confident one and he admires her a lot
He's an adamant pacifist and refuses to make weapons even though the Avian city needs to protect themselves and Chara orders him to help.
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herebedragonsbooks · 7 months
The cognitive functions: Extroverted Thinking
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In my following typology posts I will be explaining about the different cognitive functions and I decided to start the thinking ones. Now it's time to talk about Te function! If you are not familiar with the MBTI I recommend reading my post about general information about cognitve functions and my introduction to this theory before learning about each individual cognitie function. Hope you like it and find it useful 🫶🏼
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Definition of Te and how it works
The Te (extroverted thinking) function focuses on achieving goals and fulfilling tasks. In order to do this Te users strive for efficiency and tend to organize the world around themselves
They are generally described as logic, assertive, effective, organized, practical, goal-oriented and productive. They have the desire to become the best and won't stop until they reach their goals. Furthermore, they enjoy being in charge, and they need mental stimulation to keep their brain active in order not to feel bored or discouraged. One of their weakness is that sometimes they can be too critic
Te dominant function users (also called Te dom)
As I have said, Te focuses on goals, tasks, efficiency, and organization. They stick with real things, like facts and figures, and all their decisions are always ruled by logic. They are prone to be analytic thinkers, effective, determined, good at seeing the bigger picture and excellent and fast problem solvers
As they are incredible goal-focused, they usually have high expectations on themselves and others, and they are always looking for ways to improve. But don't worry, they are ready to work hard to achieve all objectives. They like to keep things in order and have everything planned out ahead. Leadership seems natural to them, and most of them have great confidence. They are altruistic and want to help the group as much as they can, but their method for it involves using pure logic and reasoning instead of empathy (but that doesn't mean they aren't kind too as I have said most of them are really selfless). ENTJs and ESTJs are the types that have Te dom
Te auxiliary function users (also called Te aux)
Someone’s auxiliary function is the second one they use more often in their daily live, so they share many characteristics with Ted dom users. In general, they tend to be productive and efficient too, but they are more worried about the quality of their work. Most of them are prone to be perfectionists, ambitious, punctual and organized, but at the same time they are more adaptive than Te doms
Their pragmatism when it comes to take quick and smart decisions is admirable, but sometimes they aren’t aware of how their actions affect others or even in some cases they are to critic with other opinions. Before deciding anything, they need to be sure that they have all the necessary information. INTJs and ISTJs use the aux
Te tertiary function users (also called Te tert)
Although Te tertiary users have an excellent work ethic, they are not as ambitious as Ted doms and auxs. They are well aware of their strength and weakness, and they want to improve with the last ones. Most of them are not bad leaders, but they would rather not to be in charge if another person in willing to do it. Even though they have strong opinions, they are more likely to they in count other people points of view while taking a decision
They are less focused on achieving results than Te doms or auxs, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t productive and overthinkers too. Te tert user are more patient and better at keeping calm in stressing situations than their counterparts. Despite they always have a plan ready, they are willing to change it as they go if changes or problems arise. ENFPs and ESFPs have Te tert
Te inferior function users (also called Te inf)
Someone who uses inferior Te doesn’t like the change or the uncertainty. They are always worried about committing mistakes, and they stick to their plans even if they have mistakes. They are afraid of being useless and due to this they are overcritical, insecure and hate when someone criticizes their work. Most of them can’t be trusted to take rational decisions during stressful situations, because they will end up following their feelings and being impulsive instead. Leadership positions are not their cup of tea since they are prone to be insecure and rely too much on others
When someone finally learns how to use their Te inf properly, they will become more organized and responsible. Criticism won’t affect them that much, and they will use them to improve in the future. Furthermore, their self-confidence, their wiliness to show off their vulnerability to other and their openness to change and uncertainty will evolve. INFPs and ISFPs use Te inf
Unhealthy Te
When someone is an unhealthy Te user, they turn out to be egocentric, stubborn, overcritical with themselves and others, overcontrolled and bossy. They are not that confident about their choices, and sometimes they become indecisive. This kind of people are incredibly closed-minded and ignore everyone else’s ideas. Some of them are so obsessed with productivity that they become obsessed with their work and forget about taking care of their basic needs as sleeping or eating. In the worst cases, they worry too much about being in charge of everything and everyone that they don’t care anymore about how others may feel
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shibaraki · 2 years
lost cognitve function over shoyo speaking portuguese
RIGHT !! I think it would sound sexy to us non speakers but in reality he’s quite formal and clumsy with the pronunciation lmao. yk when an english speaker first learns a new language and it’s very stilted since it’s straight from a textbook? it’s kinda similar to that imo. BUT ITS STILL HOT! certain languages just sound more alluring in general
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Taxi Driver | Travis Bickle: ISTP / 5w4
Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man.
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Judging Functional Axis: Ti/Fe
A detached observer, struggling to participate in the world, Travis has constructed his own cynical framework of reality where he dehumanizes people and passes inferior-Fe moral judgements on them, referring to them as filth and scum that needs to be washed away, with no real understanding of humans or how they work. He’s always out of harmony with everyone else, incapable of getting close to anyone because he can’t connect with them no matter how much he tries. He’s charmed by Betsy and takes her on a date to watch a porno, operating under the assumption that she’ll enjoy it because he doesn’t have a grip on social norms or what actual people are like and what they’re interested in. Similarly, even though he genuinely tries to help Iris get away from her life, he’s constantly challenging her worldview without actually getting to know her or sympathize with where she’s coming from. Though he’s not emotionally involved in his life, he’s prone to throwing fits, becoming volatile and reactionary when provoked (like when Betsy refuses to sleep with him.)
Perceiving Functional Axis: Se/Ni
Travis, stuck in a Ti-Ni loop, drifts through his life, driving a taxi and unable to partake in the sensory world, letting his inner world consume him, fitting all his harsh, singular observations into a narrow framework that shapes his worldview. Because he wants Betsy, he takes charge and talks to her, but immediately distorts his view of her when she’s not what he wanted her to be. He emerges out of his loop, when he finds purpose in the sensory world again, something that will allow him to take action, pushing himself to his physical limits (exercising, holding his hand over a fire), modifying his weapons, and carefully training himself to assassinate Palantine until he’s satisfied with himself. He has no problem jumping into action after that, shooting the guy at the convenience store, confronting Iris, quickly escaping from the Secret Service when they realize he’s trying to kill Palantine. When the assassination attempt fails, he simply switches targets, murdering Iris’ pimp and engaging in a shootout at the brothel she works at.
Enneagram: 5w4
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azenta · 3 years
Is ISTP 3w4 possible or am I a mistyped ESTP?
I know for certain I'm xSTP and a 3w4 core, but still can't be sure of my exact MBTI type. I have yet to meet or even come across online anyone who is an ISTP 3w4, all ISTPs report being types 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. If I Google the combination the only things it shows are a couple Tumblr posts were people imagine what that person could be like. So it's really hard to believe it exists since there's no evidence.
Inferior Fe + 3 also sounds contra productive. The reasons why I can't just settle on ESTP is that I can never agree with how inferior Ni is described. I'm way too aware of consequences, implications and "hidden" meanings and love discussing abstract theories i.e. typology, interpreting meaning behind art.
Lucky you, I feel like answering something and you are the chosen one.
Your concerns for evidence is not a bad thing overall, but ISTP 3w4 can be much more logical if "your" definitions of the cognitive functions aren't rigid and limited. And on the wild space that is internet, a majority have the shittiest conception of cognitive functions, so I wouldn't rely on the lack of evidence as a counter point seen how misinformed most sites are.
I dont see why it wouldn't be a thing. 3 is about having concerns for:
> how you're perceived
> being perceived as competent
> Seeking attention (validation)
> Asserting your desire for attention as a primary method to get it
> being the best to feel you have any worth
> how flawed you are and trying to make up for it
Therefore, 3s will look for ways that will help them shine. The cognitive functions will guide what will be the criterias, areas or methods they'll use to ease their concerns.
Ti is about judging information but in an "inorganic/abiotic" way. So, in a way to make everything seen on the same level, impersonally, almost while forgetting the nature of the concerned object. It is also concerned about creating its own judgement about those objects, establishing from its understanding how it falls together.
And aux Se will care about where things start and finish. How it falls off presently, and so, what can be done presently and eventually, in a near future, to get to the given objective.
Said like that, 3s concerns can fall into this category as almost any enneagram type. What you need to look for is if the concerns I mentioned are concerns you have.
Do you care about how you're perceived? Do you have a clear image of yourself but a flaky sense of identity because it shifts according to this image? Do you reclaim attention instinctively? Is shame a foreign emotion more so because you actively avoid any embarrassment almost compulsively? Are you preoccupied with how good or competent you are perceived to be? Are you drunk on improvement juice? Especially because you feel you need to make up somehow for who you are deeply?
In the end, your cognitive functions are tools to attain the enneatype goals. It is true some cognitive functions seem to be more prevalent for certain enneatype, but I'd say in that case ISTP is not that weird for a 3 core, especially with a w4 that makes them more withdrawn, which fits with a dominant introverted judging functioning.
So, assure yourself of each type individually, so you separate cognition from defense mechanisms and motivation, then think of them together. How does this add up, and is the addition a decent representation of who you are as a whole ; your qualities and flaws included.
I hope it could help you some bit uwu
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bewilderedharlequin · 3 years
(baz don't read//vent//ed tw//)
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jikook-love · 4 years
Sry if this isn't jikook related but u mentioned u played Pokémon sword. I was thinking of getting a switch, would u recommend getting one? How is the switch so far :D
ahsdhshakalal this question is everything because the Switch is love Switch is life I cannot tell you what a great investment it has been for me. but i've been a nintendo fangirl since i was literally 3 when my dad taught me the SNES and started what would be 20 suhthing years of video game obsessions (iTs gOoD fOr cOgnItVe fUncTiOns) so I am a bit biased in terms of nintendo lore and characters which is why for me personally, it's the best.
you'll find yourself loving the dual function I think. Personally, I use it mostly in handheld mode but it's really cool that I can plop it into the TV anytime. It has a great selection of games, both ports and especially if you have a soft spot for Nintendo tingz in the first place.
BOTW and Pokemon Sword have literally been therapeutic for me--after a long day I can tuck into bed and just go to this world and literally relax. It's really nice ;-; I don't know what state I'd be in without the Switch. But that's for me personally. You can game for whatever reason. I know Animal Crossing is coming out and I know that's literally a scientific therapy game in certain ways lol
But yeah, I hope I've made it clear that it's such a great system. Never mind the "lack of specs and graphics" blah blah blah because I think it has charm exceeds everything else.
I worked all summer at Starbucks two years ago and waited for Black Friday to buy it and I haven't even /thought/ about regretting it. This Christmas, I even bought a Switch Lite and Pokemon Shield for my sister because I wanted her to play with me LOL
Please lemme know if you have more questions but I honestly think it's so so worth it! Don't forget to friend code if you do :P
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8thdreams · 5 years
do u know your mbti? cognitve functions too?
I’m an ENFP but I’m not really familiar with the cognitive functions
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What's your mbti? and do u know about cognitve functions
I’m an ENFJ & I know a little bit but I’m not the most educated on it! ✨
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lunarsaggy · 5 years
u know about the cognitve functions too?
i do not!
the only personality type tests ive taken/know about is
astrology! (obviously)
hogwarts house
i think thats all!
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
Hi! Where can an ISFP go wrong? I mean how does it look when their different functions are underdeveloped/unhealthy? What can cause their functions to be underdeveloped? How can they fix it? I'm stuck somewhere, but I don't know where, and I don't know how to move foreward. Thanks! I love your blog, it's really helpful with getting to know the cognitve functions!
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Under-developed or unhealthy Fi/Te develops a ‘You’re not the boss of me’ attitude that is defiant toward authority, assumes no one else can understand its unique struggles (due to not having the same experiences), has little or no consideration for anyone’s thoughts or feelings outside itself, and is not careful how their words are taken by others. It can also default into ‘my values are right, yours are wrong; if you were TRULY moral, you would have the same values as me.’ (Fi emphasis.) Poor/unhealthy inferior Te development can take a hard-ass approach to others (berating their incompetence and lack of progress / money making / being too irrational and/or incompetent) while refusing to admit to or work on their own insecurities in the same area.
Unhealthy or under-developed Se/Ni tends toward recklessness, aggression, living entirely in the present with no thought for the future or consequences of your decisions (Se overriding Ni); the flip side is that the ISFP becomes fixated on a negative impending future event or reads singular conclusions into everything / becomes obsessed with finding the ‘deeper meaning’ of things or fixated so much on a single idea, concept, or belief, they forget to check with reality / be opportunistic or move forward physically.
- ENFP Mod
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nootropicsrevealed · 5 years
These Clinically-Proven Nootropics Are Specially Formulated to Improve Cognition and Focus - Futurism
These Clinically-Proven Nootropics Are Specially Formulated to Improve Cognition and Focus  Futurism
These nootropics from TruBrain contain the amino acids, nutrients, and minerals your brain needs to optimize focus and improve cognitve function.
from "nootropics" - Google News
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The Nature of High Ne
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Contributing to Ni vs Ne: Ne is a function rooted in the present, not the future. Ne doesn’t spend time dreaming about who it’s going to be or where it’s going to be five years from now because it doesn’t like operating based on something that by its very nature is uncertain. The future is not a given. Maybe it’ll be good. Maybe it’ll be bad. Maybe we’ll all be forced into a highly classist train that goes around the world, forced to cut off our limbs so we don’t have to eat babies. Who knows? The future is constantly shifting, and no one understands that like a high Ne user. If you’ve ever interacted with one of them, they’re usually the first person to point that out.
High Ne definitely indulges in thinking about the future. They might like to daydream about having a loft in NYC or a cottage in the middle of the woods. But all their ideas for the future are vague single frame impressions of something they wish might happen. They usually don’t make it happen, and they’ll probably find a new thing to dream about in three days, because for high Ne users, it doesn’t really cost them anything to find another dream. For them, there will always be something else to look forward to.
NPs don’t have a panoramic view of the future. NJs — and to a lesser extent, SJs — do. They are the planners: NJs make abstract plans for the future; SJs make concrete plans. NPs don’t make plans. Generally. They can, if they absolutely have to, but it takes a toll on them, possibly depresses them because there is just so much else in the world. High Ne, however, is good at making short-term plans because it doesn’t box them into a corner and gives them the flexibility to move onto something else when they want to.
In this way, Ne is comparable to Se. They want to live — and they’re sharply attuned to — the ideas that are available to them now. It’s what allows them to make so many connections so quickly in the first place. You can’t do that when you are solely focused on the future. Ne engages with the ideas of the present, actively interacting with what is already there, and turning it into something else. Their function is more useful in the present, interpreting ideas, predicting patterns, and creating new things that can come to life now. It does think about the future, in that it can make predictions, foresee outcomes, and mark trends for the future by looking at the present, but Ne connects dots within the present, within the framework in which those dots exist. Its understanding of the future is vast and rapidly shifting because its understanding of the present is vast and rapidly shifting. Which is why it creates multiple possibilities that can theoretically happen. That is why all its predictions are, by its very nature, things that might happen rather than things that will happen.
It makes it fundamentally different from Ni that uses the present as a diving board to project forward into the space-time continuum, accurately snagging on a piece of the future that it knows will come true.
When Ne looks at something, it doesn’t see it for what it could be in the future, it sees what it could be in the present.
Ne usually works with something that is present or has been present and turns it on its head to make something that is completely new. It doesn’t usually conjure up things or propose ideas that have never existed — that’s in the realm of Ni.
You can see this in TV and film.
You generally won’t find an Ni director or creator paying homage to films or TV that exist. You generally won’t find an Ni director acknowledging tropes just so they can turn them on their head. You won’t find them reaching into the pop culture database to reference it in their work. You will find Ne directors and creators almost exclusively only doing this. (Eg: Tarantino, Dan Harmon, Joss Whedon, Mike Schur etc.) (Harmon’s Community, specifically, is an ode to how high Ne works.)
Ni directors like to create their own mythos and personalize their symbolism. It’s not in their nature to look at what is there (literally, but mostly just conceptually.) Ne, on the other hand, can only create, interpret, and connect dots like it does because it is looking at what is there.
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terranuspk · 7 years
Separate blogs
I really should separate different sets of tumblr blogs. All for the sake of organized recollection and Si functions hehehe. Hence itd be easier to compare importany notes from say that one recipe you're looking for, or a minor detail in understanding cognitive function theory. On a side note, i never post detailed original posts for my mbti/enneagram archive blog, since im still prerty much in the process of learning how they all work together individually and as one. Mostly its recycled articles that more or less are closer to an objective point of view. Thanks to tumblr, i think it helped rekindle an old flame with literature again. Ill be putting up my personal poetry which ive written from 2008 to the present. As well as those of other poets and authors i've loved and read over and over again. I'll be honest, ill be more active in my outputs on that one. Since literature is close to my core. Ill treat it as a folio for anthologies and personal notes. Hmm i might just combine food blogging with my combat arts blog. Im trying to reconnect with practicing the forms again. Seems like an old friend wants sone of his students to spar with different stylists. Im not even instructor level nor even have the a competent straight punch nor strike. Anyway, sparring helps you put a yardstick over your progress. Also there's nothing like a little adrenaline to look forward to after a busy week at work. On second thought, id better separate the food shares and recipes. Its better to compartmentalize your sources. Methinks it helps a lot.
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healthtimetaylor · 4 years
This review elaborates on the impact of nutritional supplementation on brain function and provides a compilation of epidemiology, clinical and animal studies with green tea polyphenols in age-associated cognitve decline and neurodegenerative diseases.
PMID:  Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov. 2012 Dec ;7(3):205-17. PMID: 22742421 Abstract Title:  In the rush for green gold: Can green tea delay age-progressive brain neurodegeneration? Abstract:  It is evident that brain aging engages changes in biological systems linked to synaptic function and cell metabolism and in the capacity to cope with different stresses that are either idiopathic in nature, or subject to environmental insults. In a substantial segment of the aging population there is a pathological transition to cognitive and behavioral dysfunction and thus, age constitutes the primary risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. To address the etiological complexity of aging and age-associated conditions, a new paradigm gaining increasing acceptance considers the use of multi-targeted ligands or combination of drugs to modulate several targets at once. During the past years intensive efforts are dedicated to the implementation of life style habits such as exercise and dietary compounds/supplements in combination with symptomatic treatment drugs to improve age-related cognitive decline and to attenuate motor and neurological dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. The catechin polyphenols constituents of green tea, which were for long time regarded merely as dietary antioxidants, have caught our and other scientist's attention because of their diverse pharmacological activities, which have been allied to a possible beneficial action on brain health. This review will elaborate on the impact of nutritional supplementation on brain function in general, and provide a compilation of the most updated literature on epidemiology, clinical and animal studies with green tea polyphenols in age-associated cognitive decline and in fighting neurodegenerative diseases. To conclude, a future perspective on the utility and assigned patents with green tea constituents will be presented.
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