#colin munro
banglakhobor · 1 year
গায়ানার অর্ধশতরান হাঁকিয়ে ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে নতুন রেকর্ডের মালিক পুরান
T20I Record: গায়ানার অর্ধশতরান হাঁকিয়ে ভারতের বিরুদ্ধে নতুন রেকর্ডের মালিক পুরান Source link
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colinodonoghue · 1 month
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shonabmx: These precious memories…. It’s so hard to describe in words, this magical journey I’ve been on with @222aghoststory I’ve had so much fun, so many laughs, tears, made long life friends and memories, sang, drank and ate merrily! In Ireland, my favourite place! I’ve learnt a lot and challenged myself along the way too! It’s been an absolute honour and a privilege to have spent over 8 incredible weeks, (excluding rehearsals) with the most wonderful, talented, and gorgeous friends. All the crew, that never get enough bloody credit. Your all so hard working, beautiful people, who without, the show would fall apart. Thank you! Anna, Dave, Harriet, Steph, Ronan, Stella-(costume) Robyn, and Isabelle - who have been just awesome to work with. Thank you so much for casting me as Jenny! It was such a ride! If you need a “Lauren” in the next one, call me! 😜 xx I will never forget this experience we all went through! Thank you all so much. May Our paths may cross again. Love you all with all me fecking heart! 💚#IVEGOTYOURBACK@thewhitmore @birdspotting @colinodonoghue1 @raques_mozz @aarondartmunro94 @msrobyngrant
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scenesandscreens · 2 years
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Luckiest Girl Alive (2022)
Director - Mike Barker, Cinematography - Colin Watkinson
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cinemaslife · 5 months
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#69 Nadie (Nobody)
Hutch Mansell (Bob Odenkirk) es un administrativo aburrido de la vida que todos sus días son una fotocopia, y que cada vez está más distanciado de su mujer y sus hijos. Se siente un extraño en su vida y está un poco harto de aguantar mangoneos de su suegro y su cuñado con los que trabaja en la empresa.
Pero una noche unos ladrones entran en su casa y todo cambia.
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Para decepción de su hijo y su mujer, Hutch no hace nada y se deja robar el poco dinero que tienen en un bol a la entrada de casa. Pero él mismo sabe que no deberían haber pasado las cosas así, aunque ya es tarde, y se siente mal consigo mismo cuando el vecino, su cuñado, su suegro y toda la sociedad le dice que tenía que haber hecho más, pero lo peor es que su hija pequeña ha perdido una pulsera con un gatito que le gustaba mucho y estaba en ese bol, y Hutch estalla.
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Va a ver a su padre que está en una residencia perdiendo la cordura y recupera de una caja de zapatos su pistola, sus balas, la vieja identificación del FBI de su padre y una chaqueta que siempre le ha gustado. En su búsqueda de información, ya que vio el tatuaje de uno de los atracadores, la gente no le da respuestas hasta que entra en un estudio de tatuajes y un veterano de guerra sabe que significa el tatuaje que tiene Hutch en la muñeca y le da las gracias por su servicio y se esconde de él, diciéndole a los demás que le den la información que busca.
¿Quién es Hutch? Vamos a ir descubriéndolo poco a poco, pero lejos de ser ese hombre enclenque que todos creen y que nadie respeta, se transforma en un criminal capaz de romper dientes, partir tráqueas y matar sin miedo.
Va a la casa de los ladrones, pero es consciente de que roban por necesidad, no por gusto y que es mejor recuperar su reloj y desaparecer sin la pulsera de gatito que su hija no encuentra.
Se sienta al final del autobús frustrado por no haber podido vengarse y agradece cuando se suben como delincuentes de diferentes nacionalidades buscando gresca y molestando al resto de pasajeros.
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Se lía a palos con ellos en el autobús, dándoles su merecido y recibiendo una terrible paliza que no lo inmoviliza, sino que nos enseña que es un hombre preparado para el combate cuerpo a cuerpo con las armas más básicas, una escena de acción digna de Chuck Norris. Pero, por desgracia, uno de esos chicos es el hermano de un criminal ruso, Yulian Kuznetsov (Aleksei Serebryakov) que está bastante loco y, aunque odia a su hermano, quiere vengarse de Hutch Mansell y va a por él y a por toda su familia.
Hutch se cabrea porque han ido a su casa y ha tenido que meter a su mujer y a sus dos hijos en su cámara de seguridad, ha tenido que ir a defender a su padre David Mansell (Christopher Lloyd) que se ha podido defender solo, y comprarle a su suegro y a su cuñado, con lingotes de oro, la empresa de metalurgia para crear una trampa mortal para Yulian y sus hombres.
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Hutch va en busca de Yulian para que sepa que no le tiene miedo y que le ha quemado todo su dinero para que se cabree y pueda partirle la cabeza que es lo que más ilusión le hace y que consigue llevándolos al almacén de metalurgia donde trabajaba y que es una trampa mortal, además, para ayudarle van su padre y su hermano que también saben lo que se hacen.
Acaban todos destrozados, pero, Hutch, su hermano y su padre ganan la jugada contra asesinos rusos profesionales, y las escenas de los tiros, las explosiones y la sangre dan mucho juego.
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Nuestro hombre acaba en la comisaria confesando que no es nadie, pero los agentes no le toman en serio hasta que reciben una llamada de superiores en su teléfono que les invita a dejar a Hutch libre, cosa que tienen que hacer sin más remedio. Hutch vuelve con su familia y plantean comprarse una casa nueva y ser felices en serio.
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dirtyriver · 10 months
Saw your picture in the paper My, you're looking pretty good Looks like you're gonna make it in a big way Oh, I always knew you would
But I should have known better, yeah And I've should have seen sooner No use pretending I've known for a long time Your love is ending Caroline goodbye Caroline goodbye
I'm not saying how or where we went wrong Time changed us 'til we didn't belong I'm left with warm thoughts of the past Here's your song to help make it last
But I should have known better I should have seen sooner No use pretending I've known for a long time Your love is ending  Caroline goodbye Caroline goodbye
It's no use pretending I've known for a long time Your love is ending  Caroline goodbye Caroline goodbye Caroline goodbye
Caroline Goodbye, on the Zombies' Colin Blunstone's first solo album, One Year (1971), a hauntingly beautiful song about his break-up with Caroline Munro.
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Spiral (2019)
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Spiral is a valiant effort. You can tell everyone was trying their hardest and towards the end of the film, it does expose a kernel of intelligence that - if you’re dying to see an LGBT+ horror movie - might almost, if it’s a full moon, and Halloween as well, make it worth seeing.
Malik (Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman) and his boyfriend Aaron (Air Cohen) move into a new home with Aaron’s daughter, Kayla (Jennifer Laporte). The small town's residents are welcoming enough but while his family is away, Malik discovers homophobic graffiti scrawled on their living room wall. Someone - or something - in this community is watching them.
A common criticism of LGBT+ characters in film is that they always have tragic endings. It’s not an unfounded complaint. Far too often, if you even have gay characters in your movie, they’re written in to support the leads before they die tragically. That’s not the case here. Malik is very much the central character in a horror film that addresses fears particularly relevant to people like him. We see glimpses of his past when he witnessed a boyfriend get lynched by homophobes, he’s terrified that his neighbors are merely pretending to be friendly (he’s got a reason to be frightened) and there are also real-world issues unique to same-sex couples discussed. The conclusion brings up ideas that are worth pausing to think about, such as how there’s always going to be another “other”, and there's also an exploration of what sort of trauma you would suffer from if you witnessed both passive-aggrssive and violent hate crimes. Now if only the movie were better.
The first issue with the film is Malik. This story is set in 1993 so certain behaviors/attitudes can be excused. Even so, the man’s got no sense of self-preservation. When you oversee your neighbors doing something creepy at night, if you’re going to take a picture of them, do it in a way that doesn’t draw attention to yourself. If you’re going to investigate the creepy old man, either come up with a good story in case you get caught snooping or make your presence subtle. I know the people in this horror movie don’t know they’re in a horror movie but the signs are there. Malik has seen the offensive graffiti, he’s also noticed these weird spirals here and there. I can understand him not wanting to cause panic by telling Aaron and Kayla but if you REALLY think they’re in danger, tell them
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To properly explain why this is a bad movie, I have to give away the ending. Turns out that every ten years (give or take), the seemingly friendly neighbors sacrifice a virgin to some demon to remain young. Part of the ritual includes pouring animal blood all over her face, weird dancing, etc. They get away with it by framing the girl’s parents. In recent years, their coverup has them targetting gay parents, whom the media will see as “prone to mental instability”. Butcher the girl, make it look like the adults killed her, then each other. They will never run out of victims because there’s always going to be someone the police will say “Yeah, those kind of people will just do that”. Movie-wise, it’s a good idea. This story is about a gay man but when you think about it, he could’ve been in a mixed-race relationship, or an unwed mother, etc.
Once we know this, many earlier events seem clumsy or nonsensical. Malik stumbles upon the truth about the cult by venturing into the house of the lesbian couple killed in 1983. Lucky for him, they just happened to videotape everything that happened to them and left the videos in their home for him to discover a decade later. You’d think the cultists would’ve gone in and scrubbed the place clean so no one would find the evidence. When the cultists sacrifice their virgin, they open her up and clean out her guts like she's a watermelon. Even if the police are prejudiced, it’s hard to believe someone won't recognize this pattern, particularly since it happens every ten years. Maybe the cultists clean up their mess after? No, we know they don’t. They didn't even bother cleaning up the blood stains when the new family moved in! And what was the deal with the spiral-shaped break that formed on Malik and Aaron's windshield when they drove into town? Just the biggest coincidence of all time I guess.
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You can forgive a lot in a horror film if it scares you. Even if you’ve been the victim of homophobia, there’s not a lot that’ll give you willies in Spiral. The performances are good but there are just too many elements of this story that disappoint, don't go far enough or are ultimately half-baked. It's a shame. Another couple of passes through the ringer and it might’ve worked. (May 3, 2021)
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risingequality · 1 year
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pollypocket6890 · 1 year
Colin Munroe ft. K Flay - Your Eyes (Datsik Remix) - SoundCloud
Listen to Colin Munroe ft. K Flay - Your Eyes (Datsik Remix) by Datsik on #SoundCloud
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colinodonoghue · 3 months
Via thewhitmore’s Instagram story on June 30, 2024
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
Family theme park apologises for drag queen act that left parents 'horrified': Boss confirms it will not take part in any future Pride celebrations after Ru Paul's Drag Race UK star used angle grinder on crotch during show
It showed drag queen Crystal, who performed on the first season of the BBC's Ru Paul's Drag Race and whose real name is Colin Munro.
He was seen wielding an angle grinder and wearing fishnet tights, a leotard and a pair of high heels as more than 50 people including several children watched the event, which was being held to close the park's Pride celebrations.
Performing to the tune of Scissor Sisters' hit Filthy/Gorgeous, Crystal made thrusting motions with his hips and ran his hand up and down the angle grinder while using it to make sparks fly from a metal plate fixed to his crotch.
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Philip Miller, executive chairman of Adventure Island, told MailOnline in a statement today that there had been 'confusion' as to 'what we would allow or not'.
He added that the 'grinding act' was 'definitely a nonstarter' because it was not 'family entertainment' and vowed that the park will not participate in any future Pride celebrations, nor will Crystal be booked again.
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nocturnalstarlet · 6 months
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🪐 ››       cassian, azriel, nesta archeron, elain archeron, feyre archeron, lucien vanserra, eris vanserra.
ships i'd write for: cassian x nesta , elain x azriel , gwyn x azriel , and elain x lucien.
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🪐 ››       aramis, porthos.
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🪐 ››       anthony bridgerton, daphne bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, king george iii.
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🪐 ››       legend, julien santos, scarlett dragna, donatella dragna, jacks/prince of hearts.
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🪐 ››       phoebe halliwell, paige matthews, wyatt halliwell, chris halliwell.
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🪐 ››       warren rojas, eddie roundtree, graham dunne, camila alvarez, karen sirko, daisy jones, simone jackson.
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🪐 ››       dominic toretto, brian o'conner, letty ortiz, mia toretto, roman pearce, deckard shaw, tej parker, han lue.
ships i'd write for: dom x letty.
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🪐 ››       tormund giantsbane, podrick payne, sansa stark, robb stark, jorah mormont, theon greyjoy, sandor clegane, samwell tarly, rhaegar targaryen, daenerys targaryen.
🪐 ››       aemond targaryen, jacaerys velaryon, alicent hightower, daemon targaryen.
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🪐 ››       ron weasley, hermione granger, dean thomas, blaise zabini, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, cedric diggory, viktor krum.
🪐 ››       james potter, lily evans, narcissa black, regulus black, andromeda black, sirius black, remus lupin, frank longbottom, peter pettigrew, lucius malfoy, pandora lovegood, alice fortescue, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, emmeline vance, dorcas meadows.
🪐 ››       theseus scammander
🪐 ››       teddy lupin
🪐 ››       godrick gryffindor, rowena ravenclaw, helga hufflepuff, salazar slytherin
**a very big fuck you to jkr. this account is HEAVILY anti jkr and always will be. **while some of the fics for these characters may occur during their time at hogwarts, the characters will be assumed to be 18+ regardless of fic type.
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— 𝑰𝑻
🪐 ››       richie tozier, stanley uris, ben hascom, mike hanlon.
**none of my writing for these characters will take place in the first film. i may instead do college!fics for this. everything else will come from when they're adults.
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🪐 ››       steve rogers, james buchanan "bucky" barnes, natasha romanoff, yelena belova, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, thor odinson, loki laufeyson, bruce banner, druig.
🪐 ››       john allerdyce (pyro), bobby drake (iceman), peter rasputin (colossus), scott summers (cyclops), alex summers (havoc), anna marie lebeau (rogue), logan howlett (wolverine), ororo munroe (storm), peter maximoff (quicksilver), charles xavier, erik lehnsherr.
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🪐 ››       pope heyward, sarah cameron, kiara carrera, jj maybank, john b routledge, rafe cameron, topper thornton.
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🪐 ››       thomas shelby, arthur shelby, john shelby, michael gray, finn shelby.
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🪐 ››       felix catton, venetia catton, farleigh start.
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🪐 ››       tara carpenter, sam carpenter, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, ethan landry.
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🪐 ››       aaron warner, kenji kishimoto, juliette ferrars.
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🪐 ››       derek hale, peter hale, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, lydia martin, scott mccall.
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🪐 ››       finnick odair, haymitch abernathy.
ships i'd write for: finnick x annie
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🪐 ››       elijah mikaelson, marcel gerard, klaus mikaelson, kol mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson, bonnie bennett, enzo st. john, stefan salvatore, damon salvatore, jeremy gilbert, caroline forbes, elena gilbert.
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🪐 ››       eric northman, jason stackhouse, alcide herveaux , jessica hamby.
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🪐 ››       charlie swan, carlisle cullen, emmett cullen, rosalie hale, alice cullen, sam uley, paul lahote, jared cameron.
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🪐 ››       morticia frump, gomez addams, wednesday addams, enid sinclair, bianca barclay.
ships i'd write for: morticia x gomez.
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🪐 ››       ransom drysdale (knives out), andy barber (defending jacob), killian jones (ounce upon a time).
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don't see what you're looking for? feel free to ask if i know a fandom/ship/character and if am willing to write what you're looking for!!
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luulapants · 4 months
do you have nonfiction book recs? either all time/go-to recs or things that feel important/timely to you right now? i want to read more nonfiction & you seem like someone who would have good recommendations
Hey, so I have given non-fiction recommendations before, which will include most of the important or all-time faves, but I'm happy to talk about what I'm reading more recently!
Full disclosure, I tend to read 10-20 books all at once very slowly, and I also tend to read weird, obscure books that weren't in good enough condition to get sent into prisons. Non-fiction I'm working on now:
Men, Women, and Chainsaws: gender in the modern horror film by Carol J. Clover - not very timely but SO interesting oh my god
The Tao of Statistics: a path to understanding (with no math) by Dana K. Keller - for learning vibes-based statistics
What If? 2 by Randall Munroe - the most fun you'll ever have reading about science, also great for reading before bed
Union: the struggle to forge the story of United States nationhood by Colin Woodard - CWood is my BOY for historical analysis
Health Communism: a surplus manifesto by Beatrice Adler-Bolton and Artie Vierkant - this one is really timely and important and also SUPER dense and actually requires an attention span so actually I'm having my dad read it and then deliver long, rambling lectures to me about what he's read, which probably takes longer than it would to just read it myself, but it's good father-daughter bonding
In the Light of Justice: the rise of human rights in Native America and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by Walter R. Echo-Hawk - I just started this one, but I'm told it does a good job of focusing on modern realities of indigenous justice as impacted by historical evils
Resistance, Rebellion, and Death by Albert Camus - because the issues we're dealing with in society aren't new and letters written during WWII are still relevant to politics today
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su-alteza-emia · 1 year
Characters i write for! [Ships, headcanons and "x reader"]
Request: closed (you can send but I'll write them when it opens again)
(the characters in purple are my favorites<3)
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Star wars.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Admidala, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Cassian Andor, Jyn Erso and Din Djarin.
Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Scott Lang, Stephen Strange, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker (Andrew's one, but i can try with the others!), Gwen Stacy, Eddie Brock, the moon boys, Shuri, Namor, Mantis, Dane Whitman, Matt Murdock and Jack Russell.
Logan Howlett, Peter Maximoff¹, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Warren Worthington III, Ororo Munroe, Jubilation Lee, Remmy Lebeau and Anne Marie.
Ride the cyclone.
Mischa Bachinski, Ricky Potts, Jane Doe and Constance Blackwood.
The Bridgerton.
Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton, Kate Sharma, Sophie Beckett, Penelope Featherington, Simon Basset, Theo Sharpe, Edwina Sharma and The prince.
Fantastic beast and marauders era (i don't support JK Rowling)
Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein and Queenie Goldstein.
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans and Regulus Black.
Dungeons and dragons: Honor among thieves.
Edgin Darvis, Holga Kilgore, Doric, Simon Aumar and Xenk Yendar.
Random characters:
Charlie and Bill Weasley and Morpheus (Dream).
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This part is for characters i can write but it's harder to me.
Star wars
Satine Kryze, Bo-Katan, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett and Ahsoka Tano.
Peter Quill, Pietro Maximoff¹, Tony Stak, Clint Barton, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Layla El-Faouly, Arthur Harrow, Valkyre and Frank Castle.
Jean Gray, Illyana Rasputin, Raven Darkholme/Mystic and Wade Wilson.
Ride the cyclone
Ocean O'connell Rosenberg and Noel Grubber.
Harry Potter (I don't support JK Rowling)
The golden trio, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom and Cedric Diggory.
Random characters
All the others Weasley and all the hargreeves (without Five).
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I mean if you saw my fandoms and you wonder if i write for someome there, just ask!
The banners are from here
¹: Some people are confused, but Pietro Maximoff is the Aaron Taylor-Johnson's version and Peter is the Evan Peters version.
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BBC acquires new Australian crime thriller Scrublands
The four-part series is coming to BBC Four and BBC iPlayer.
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Martin Scarsden (Luke Arnold) in Scrublands (Image: Easy Tiger)
With its enigmatic central protagonist and atmospheric depiction of rural Australia, the compelling and complex narrative of Scrublands will keep BBC viewers guessing until the very end… — Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition
The BBC has acquired new Australian crime drama Scrublands, based on the award-winning novel written by Chris Hammer, for BBC Four and BBC iPlayer.
The four-part series from Australian production company Easy Tiger (Colin from Accounts, The Twelve) stars Luke Arnold (Black Sails, Never Tear Us Apart: The Untold Story of INXS), Jay Ryan (It Chapter Two, Top of the Lake) and Bella Heathcote (CAUGH*T, Relic).
Scrublands is set in an isolated country town, where a charismatic and dedicated young priest (Jay Ryan) calmly opens fire on his congregation, killing five parishioners. One year later investigative journalist Martin Scarsden (Luke Arnold) arrives in Riversend to write what should be a simple feature story on the anniversary of the tragedy. But when Martin's instincts kick in and he digs beneath the surface, the previously accepted narrative begins to fall apart and he finds himself in a life and death race to uncover the truth.
The cast also includes Robert Taylor (The Newsreader), Adam Zwar (Squinters), Zane Ciarma (Neighbours), Victoria Thaine (Nowhere Boys), Stacy Clausen (True Spirit), Genevieve Morris (No Activity) and newcomer Ella Ferris.
Sue Deeks, Head of BBC Programme Acquisition, says: "With its enigmatic central protagonist and atmospheric depiction of rural Australia, the compelling and complex narrative of Scrublands will keep BBC viewers guessing until the very end…"
Scrublands (4 x 50) was acquired by the BBC from Abacus Media Rights who have international distribution rights for the series. It was produced by Easy Tiger for Stan Australia and the Nine Network. Produced by Ian Collie, Rob Gibson, David Redman and Felicity Packard, the series is directed by Greg McLean and written by Felicity Packard, Kelsey Munro and Jock Serong.
EH2 (source: BBC)
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teamdilf · 4 months
wip game colin cooking?? 👀👀👀
It's my What We Do in the Shadows homage featuring ascended Astarion and my Durge, Naomi, and the poor journalist forced to interview them for fluff PR articles for the newspaper!
He pulls the ingredients out, placing them on the black stone counters. When he gets to the garlic, Astarion’s eyes go wide and he hisses before transforming into a bat with a pop. As a small bat, Astarion flaps his wings hard, chattering - presumably at him, tiny, cute little teeth bared in what he supposes is technically a threat to his continued safety. 
“Darling, you lost control again,” Naomi says calmly before turning to him. “Vampires are allergic to garlic. It gives us a rash, to my understanding. As Astarion is the Vampire Ascendant, he may no longer have this prohibition but the habit remains.” 
Astarion squeaks incessantly at him. “Mr. Munroe did not know and if he wished to cause harm, there are better ways to do it than garlic. I’m sure he will remove it from our home without delay.” He grabs the bulb and stuffs it back into the satchel. “No, we will not cause him trouble.” He stiffens, staring at Astarion, who remains in his bat form, heart racing as he ponders whether he can outrun two vampires - or if there’s any point in even trying. 
“I’ll toss it onto the front porch,” he mutters, but before he can rush out, Naomi takes the satchel from him and hands it off to a servant, who offers a deep bow before leaving with the offending aromatic. 
Astarion flits around the kitchen as a bat while he and Naomi peel the potatoes, which he’s fairly certain is against some manner of Baldur’s Gate food safety regulation. Though, given the state of the Blushing Mermaid, perhaps it is a bit idealistic to expect Baldur’s Gate to have basic food safety standards. 
Naomi struggles to peel the potatoes, eventually cursing and lifting her finger to her mouth and sucking. Astarion takes this opportunity to polymorph back into a man, just behind him, and he yelps in shock, leaping to the side like a cat. Astarion ignores him, in favour of pulling Naomi’s finger out of her mouth and inserting it into his own, sucking as one might suck on a lollipop. 
Definitely a breach of food safety regulations. 
“So, I can finish here?” he says, gesturing at the mess of potato peels and potatoes on the cutting board in front of me. 
“Yes, yes,” Astarion says irritably, pulling Naomi’s finger out of his mouth, apparently incapable of recognizing passive aggression. Eager to add to the mood in this cursed kitchen, he steps forward, grabs Naomi’s arse, pulls her against his body and shoves his tongue into her mouth with the finesse of a high school virgin. 
He focuses intently on peeling the remaining potatoes, though the crime of good taste remains visible in his peripheral vision.
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