#college boys bts
mercurygguk · 2 years
make you mine · jjk (m)
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➵ summary; your first day at your new college is quite eventful to say the least. but everything seems slightly less chaotic when Jeon Jungkook offers to help you on your way – if only knowing him wasn’t an even bigger mess than the day you first met.
main masterlist · mym tag · mym jk photo · playlist
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pairing; jock!jungkook x f. reader
word count; 37.8k
rating; 18+
content; college au + friends to lovers au, fluff/angst/smut
warnings; mentions of alcohol, swearing, making out, groping, grinding, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f & m receiving), unprotected sex, nipple play, food play, slightly dom!jk, multiple orgasms, so. much. sex., soft shit bc it’s the mym couple <3
a/n; i cannot believe mym is finally here !! this is my proudest piece of work and it is my precious baby so please please give it a LOT of love <3 all sorts of feedback is greatly appreciated and i cannot wait to hear what y’all think of it!! reblog, comment and tell me your thoughts and i will be the happiest person alive thank youuuu ENJOY <3333
ALSO A BIG ASS SHOUTOUT TO @kookingtae​ FOR HELPING ME WITH BASICALLY THIS WHOLE FIC <333 ur the best and ily thank you sososo much!!
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Seoul University.
A university just as big as the one you transferred from in Busan, but somehow way more confusing. You would think most universities work the same way and have a certain similar way of doing things but it seems Busan University was the simple one of the two. The mentors provided to help today’s new students kindly gave you a map of the campus grounds which you were grateful for, otherwise you wouldn’t have made it further than a few feet outside of the auditorium.
If only the map was easy to figure out though.
Annoyed, you confusingly turn and flip the map you received at the end of the introduction class you just had with a bunch of other new students. You try your very hardest to manage the map along with your bag, new books, and other useless stuff you’ve received from the mentors. The longer you stare at the map in your hands, you slowly begin to regret making the decision of transferring in the middle of your college years. You knew transferring from your previous college to here would be difficult and slightly confusing, but you didn’t think you’d feel so frustrated and lost. Even despite it being the first day of a new semester and the fact that you’re far from being the only one who just transferred. 
There’s many others in the same boat as yourself and yet you feel like you’re the only one who’s completely lost and confused.Several students who were in the same introductory class as yourself are moving around you, walking in all directions and meeting up with people who they seem to have known forever. If only you knew someone who attends this university and you’d be fine but no, you don’t know a single soul here. They’re all attending university back in your hometown, enjoying their routine-filled life while you made the unnecessary decision of transferring to Seoul University.
Or, rather, your parents think it’s unnecessary. 
You, on the other hand, found it necessary to say the least. If anything, you would’ve loved to go to a whole other continent but your savings weren’t having it and asking your parents to fund it for you would be so out of your comfort zone that you’d probably end up crying. Besides, your parents wouldn’t have offered to fund it anyway. They have always told you that if you work hard, good things will come your way.
However, right now, this decision of yours is coming back to bite you as a frustrated groan leaves you while you stare at the map in your hands. You’re usually very organized, always a step ahead when it comes to preparation and planning. But right now, you can’t find anything and you don’t know anything. This chaotic mess you are right now, is far from how you usually are and it’s driving you insane. Hopefully no one can tell you’re just as lost as a tiny kid in a grocery store.
“Hold on, maybe like this-“ you mumble to yourself and look up to see if the map is turned in the correct direction. It absolutely isn’t. There is a huge building not too far away from you but it’s not what you imagine the library to look like. Maybe it is the library? You let out a heavy sigh, tilting your head a bit because maybe, just maybe, that’ll make a difference in how you see the map (it doesn’t, it only makes you more confused than before).
And to make things worse, it’s starting to rain. In September, which is very rare.
���It should not be this difficult to find the library,” you grumble to yourself.
You don’t notice the person making their way towards you, too concentrated on finding the building you’ve been trying to locate for the past hour – okay, maybe not an hour but it sure does feel like a whole hour. Being lost and confused messes with your sense of time.
There’s a kind smile being flashed at you and brown doe eyes staring into yours as you whip your head up to see who’s speaking to you. Dark and slightly messy hair sits on top of his head, dark brown eyes and a pretty nose, pink and plump lips; the bottom one more plump than the upper one. He’s tall – broad shoulders and all that. You’re only slightly intimidated. And as if his attractive appearance isn’t enough, he’s wrapped up in a brown teddy jacket in this uncharacteristically bad September weather filled with rain and chilling wind. He’s smiling at you, a kind and warm smile that brings some sort of comfort to your confused mind.
“Hello?” He tries again.
You know your mouth is parting and closing without words leaving it but you’re still hoping to God that he doesn’t notice you gaping at him as if you’ve never seen a cute college boy before. 
Believe me, you have. But none of them were ever this cute.
“Right, sorry! Hi,” you snap out of your own thoughts, doing the dumb move of sticking out your hand for a handshake while still holding onto all of your stuff. Everything seems to be working against you today as the books you were once holding onto all tumble to the ground, just barely missing the big water puddle right next to you. The cute boy in front of you moves fast and manages to catch one of the three books you drop. You stare wide-eyed in surprise at his fast reflexes but the sight of your new books scattered on the ground has you pouting in an instant.
“Oh, no!” You whine softly, squatting down to pick up the books but the guy you still haven’t exchanged any words with is already picking them up, trying his best to wipe the dirt off them before handing them back to you.
“Sorry, I only managed to catch one,” he apologizes, holding up the book he caught. You smile, feeling a tingle in your stomach as you look at him, noticing the way a tiny dimple appears on his cheek when he smiles in a certain way.
“It’s okay!” You quickly assure him. “If it hadn’t been for you, I’d have three wet books right now.”
He smirks softly and it makes your stomach tingle again, “touché.”
Silence overcomes the two of you, neither of you entirely sure of what to say as you’re looking at one another. Should you just excuse yourself and head for the building you had noticed earlier? If you’re silent for much longer, it’ll become awkward, that’s for sure. What are the chances though? It’s your first day at this new college, you’ve been here for less than two hours, and you’re pretty sure the cutest boy on campus is standing right in front of you. Talking to you.
“I, uh, I couldn’t help but notice you looked pretty lost just now, do you need help with anything?” The cute boy with fluffy, dark hair suddenly asks, confirming your worries that he had indeed seen how confused you were when looking at the map earlier.
“Um- well, I was looking for the library because I’m still missing a few books,” you tell him, feeling a blush creeping onto your cheeks, “but I honestly have no idea where I am right now.”
“Oh, it’s right over there, on your left,” he explains, pointing to a big building that had, in fact, caught your attention before he came up to you but you weren’t sure. “You enter through those doors you see right there and then-”
You turn to look at him when he pauses, his nice voice no longer flowing into your ears.
“You know what? I’ll just take you there, that’ll be easier,” he then says.
Surprised at his sudden suggestion, you feel the pace of your heart picking up. Great, you get to spend more time being a total mess with this cutie who just waltzed up to you because he thought you looked confused which you were, of course. But he doesn’t have to be so helpful. You’re literally a stranger to him yet he’s offering his help despite only having talked to you for a total of five minutes.
Ugh, why is he so nice and cute?
“You really don’t have to-“ you try to say but he waves a dismissive hand and smiles.
“I don’t mind! No lecture for another 30 minutes. I’ll just show you how it works, come on.”
He starts walking but not before taking the three heavy books from your hold. You don’t protest and let him carry the books for you, glancing at him from time to time as you walk towards the big building that is the library. He makes sure to keep his umbrella above both of you, mostly holding it above you though which makes the edges of your heart tingle a little bit.
He breaks the silence that was oddly comfortable, glancing at you as you walk right next to him, trying your hardest to follow his long strides. The rain is coming down heavier and your sneakers are pretty much soaked from accidentally walking through the growing puddles of water. You meet his eyes underneath the umbrella, copying the small smile that is stuck on his face.
“You new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
You nod hesitantly, “yeah, I just transferred from Busan University.”
His entire face lights up, “Busan, huh? That’s my hometown!”
“Oh, really?”
He nods excitedly, “yeah, I moved here a few years ago because of college.”
“Wow,” you laugh, “I didn’t expect the first person I’d meet to be from the same hometown.”
"You make it sound like it’s a bad thing,” he teases, chuckling when you shake your head instantly, “I’m Jungkook, by the way.”
You had no expectations whatsoever for what his name would be, but somehow ‘Jungkook’ seems to fit him just right. 
“_____,” you tell him your name, watching his smile grow into a grin. 
Before you know it you’ve reached the entrance of the library, the walk shorter than you had expected. Jungkook comes to a halt by the door, one hand still holding your books and the other tightly grabbing the umbrella above the two of you. You point at the books, “I can take those again, I’m sure your lecture will start soon. Thank you so much for your help though!”
Jungkook softly nods as he lets you take the books, watching you trying to balance all of your stuff. He stifles his laugh, closes his umbrella and mutters a soft ‘I got you’ before reaching for your books once again. He notices a blush coloring your cheeks but decides not to comment on it, able to tell that you’re already embarrassed enough as it is.
“This is all very sweet of you, Jungkook, but I don’t wanna trouble you more than I already have,” you tell him when he takes the books. 
He lets out a low chuckle, smirking at you as he opens the door to the library. He nods his head, telling you to enter, “come on.”
You huff in defeat, glaring at him playfully as you enter the library. Jungkook follows right behind you. “Didn’t you have a lecture in like 30 minutes?” You ask him when he appears by your side again, giving him a pointed look.
He shrugs, “helping you shouldn’t take much time. I can still make it.”
If he weren’t so cute, you’d call him out for taking a risk because of a stranger like yourself. If only you had prepared for this day in advance you wouldn’t be troubling him this much, but Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind as he guides you around the library, helping you find the last books you need for your other courses. The time flies by fast and despite you reminding him several times that his lecture is about to start, he still brushes it off, moving on to ask what other courses you need books for.
“If you’ll ever need books about psychology and mental health, it’s all here-” he rambles on, not at all keeping an eye on the time.
He whips around to face you, eyebrows raised and eyes wide after hearing you saying his name in a slightly stern tone. You softly laugh at his surprised expression, “are you aware of the time? Your lecture starts in like 2 minutes.”
As if his eyes couldn’t widen more, they do as he glances at his phone, “shit, I have to go.”
Smiling, you cross your arms over your chest, “you think?”
Your smile turns into a smirk as you watch him. He’s backing away from you, slowly making his way to the exit of the library and not at all in a rush to make it to his lecture before missing the start of it. You can’t help but shake your head at him as if to silently tell him he’s being silly, the smirk on your face filled with hints of playfulness.
He mirrors your smirk, “I’ll see you around?” 
“Maybe,” you call out to him, earning a few hushes from the people around you, your cheeks flushing in an instant. Jungkook has the nerve to wink at you before turning on his heel and jogging out of the library, black and fluffy hair bouncing on top of his head as he does. A round of butterflies erupt in your stomach as you turn back around to look at the books on the shelf, a small smile still lingering on your lips as you go through the books about psychology with a certain cute and helpful boy occupying your thoughts.
In the end, you don’t find the last books you need. Jungkook has you royally distracted and it makes your brain mushy, unable to focus on the task at hand. Instead you grab the books you already found with the help from said cute boy and make your way to the check-out.
Maybe your first day at Seoul University isn’t so bad after all.
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It’s been a few days since you arrived at your new university and to say you’ve been busy would be an understatement. Most of your time went by in a blur with all the new people and places; new home, new surroundings, new classmates, new professors, new friends, new roommates – it’s been a lot and all you’ve done the past few days is fall into bed right after your last class. The new impressions and being in an unfamiliar place is a lot on your mind and body, along with the stress of a new semester. 
However, with all that put aside, you’ve had fun. It’s exciting, it’s fun, it’s all you’ve wanted for the past year. And to stand in the middle of the campus grounds, realizing that your plan is working out for the better, is an incredible feeling. A feeling that tells you this decision was the right one to make.
You managed to get yourself a few friends already. The very first one of them being Kim Hyejin. She’s a really nice and pretty girl who’s very popular around campus. But you can’t tell unless you know – it’s not like she’s flaunting it. She’s also the president of her sorority which is a type of girl you’ve never really befriended before. Yet despite that she’s probably one of the nicest people you’ve met in your entire life. She was the first person to befriend you, to basically take you under her wing and show you around campus. She even introduced you to some of her friends who are almost just as nice as Hyejin herself. The two of you hit it off almost instantly and being around her is so fun and easy. These first few days have been nothing but great solemnly because of her.
“No, but seriously,” Hyejin gives you a pointed look, her smile gone and replaced with a rather serious face as she looks at you, “we should totally go shopping one day.”
You nod and smile, “yeah, absolutely.”
Hyejin bumps your shoulder with her own while flashing you a smirking grin.
“When are you free? I’m too excited to wait.”
You watch as she grimaces, her face twisting into an expression that seems apologetic. You’re free tonight but you’re also free the next three nights. You haven’t really gotten around to make plans yet since Hyejin is the only person you’ve actually befriended enough to hang out with.
“Can’t,” Hyejin frowns, “the school’s soccer team is playing tonight and I promised I’d be there.”
Just as you’re about to tell Hyejin that it’s fine, that you can go shopping another day instead, she spots someone behind you. You watch as her focus changes from you to the unknown person, her face lighting up. She grabs your wrist and tugs you along towards whoever she spotted. In the midst of it all, you spot a familiar face, one you didn’t think you’d see around campus again after your first day. He seems to spot you too and you instantly feel your cheeks heat up as he flashes you that warm smile of his.
He looks good. But to be fair, you didn’t expect any less. He’s dressed in a varsity jacket in the blue and white colors of the university and jeans with a pair of sneakers on his feet. This outfit gives you a better view of his body proportions compared to the teddy jacket and sweatpants he wore when you met and you’re now under the impression that he was created by God with good intentions only.
“Hi Kookie!”
Hyejin’s voice pulls you from your trance, Jungkook’s eyes moving from you to Hyejin and you immediately feel your stomach drop. You feel Hyejin let go of your wrist as she steps closer to the boy you haven’t been able to stop thinking about for days. Her arms slide around his neck to pull him in for a hug and Jungkook hugs her back, an arm wrapped loosely around her waist.
Your stomach drops at the sight. Why you don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with the teeny tiny crush you developed when he helped you the other day.
“I missed you,” Hyejin coos as she pulls away to look up at Jungkook. 
Her lips are formed in a soft pout and it makes Jungkook chuckle. You feel like you’re intruding on a private moment and you can’t help but clear your throat, just to acknowledge your own presence. Hyejin seems to jump back into reality as she glances at you, eyes widening in realization.
“Oh, right! Kookie, this is ____,” your new friend introduces you to the guy whom you actually met before meeting her but she doesn’t have to know that. “____, this is Jungkook.”
Before you can say or do anything, Jungkook’s eyes meet yours. You watch as a smirk spreads upon his lips, “well, if it isn’t the girl who got me in trouble.”
You scoff softly.
“What do you mean I got you in trouble? That was all you,” you shoot back at him, laughing softly. 
Jungkook lets out a short laugh and shrugs mindlessly, smiling to himself as if admitting that it was indeed his own fault. Hyejin’s eyes are shifting between you and the guy next to her, confusion written all over her face.
“Wait, you guys know each other already?”
Your eyes widen, “no! We just, um-“
“I helped her find the library the other day,” Jungkook tells Hyejin, “she seemed pretty lost.”
You feel your cheeks heating up again as Jungkook mentions your chaotic state of mind from the other day. But you can’t help but feel grateful for his help. If it hadn’t been for him, you’d probably still be a mess. At least, after he helped you find the library and some of the books you needed, you found yourself feeling slightly more at peace. The stress of transferring universities really messed with your usual organized mindset.
“Oh, that’s nice,” Hyejin smiles, glancing at you and then at Jungkook again, “well, we gotta go, we have another lecture starting soon. I’ll see you at the game tonight?”
He nods as he looks at her. He doesn’t seem to mind when she leans up to press a quick kiss to his cheek. You can’t really tell if they’re dating or not. But then again they seem comfortable enough to be touchy with each other in the middle of the hallway where people are passing by. It would fit perfectly – with your luck and all – that the most popular girl and the cutest boy on campus (whom you’ve been crushing on for the past few days) are a couple.
“Are you coming to watch the game too, ____?”
Jungkook’s voice pulls you back to present time, his eyes focused on you as he awaits your answer. You part your lips to speak but before you can even begin to think of an excuse for not coming, Hyejin butts in.
“Oh, yeah! You should come!”
“Guess I’m coming too,” you flash them both a stiff smile, feeling so out of place next to this beautiful couple. However, the feeling is partly gone after Jungkook smiles at you once again, seeming satisfied with your response.
Hours later after lectures and classes, you find yourself walking towards the soccer field with Hyejin. She seems incredibly familiar with the place as she waltzes towards the bleachers. You tag along, looking around with parted lips, impressed by the size of this soccer ‘stadium’. 
There are bleachers on two sides, the other two sides fenced to make it a secluded area. There are four big lamp posts with bright lights in each corner, illuminating the soccer field on this early September evening. It’s chilly outside but not cold enough to have you freezing. The thick sweatshirt you’re wearing is warm enough to keep you from feeling the chilly breeze. Hyejin, however, is dressed prettily in a knitted sweater and a short skirt – a stark contrast to the sweatshirt and washed blue, loose jeans you’re wearing. 
“Tonight’s game isn’t that important since it’s still the beginning of the season,” Hyejin explains as you both sit down on the front row of the bleachers. A bunch of other students are sitting around on the bleachers as well, chatting while waiting for the game to start. “But if they lose…” she grimaces, “Jungkook will not be happy. He hates losing.”
You chuckle softly at her words. Somehow you have a hard time imagining Jungkook being angry about losing a game. All you’ve experienced so far is a smiling, helpful and kind Jungkook. 
Speaking of, your eyes spot him on the field, running around with a ball by his feet. Without realizing, you’re watching him intently, eyes focused on him as he’s dribbling the ball on his feet while walking around, making it seem like it’s the easiest thing in the world. You find yourself in a trance, watching him handle the ball with ease and perfection – his talent evident just by how he plays around with the ball, casually and without much effort.
“I’m gonna get a coffee,” Hyejin suddenly says, pulling you from your thoughts. “You want anything?”
“No, I’m good, thanks,” you tell her while shaking your head in response. You glance after her as she gets up from her seat and leaves you alone on the bleachers. Once she disappears from your line of vision, you turn your attention back to the soccer field, eyes back on Jungkook. He’s looking around as if to spot someone specific, his eyes raking over the bleachers before settling on who he’s looking for. Your heart skips a beat when his eyes meet yours, heartbeat hammering in your chest when he starts jogging towards you.
“Hey,” he smiles at you, bright and warm as ever, coming to a stop in front of you on the other side of the barricade. “You came.”
You feel a tiny hint of warmth within you because he seems happy to see you at his game. But you can’t help but remind yourself he’s with Hyejin, the fuzzy and warm feeling in your chest slowly dissolving. Maybe he’s just being friendly after finding out you’re friends with his girlfriend.
“Yeah, wouldn’t miss it,” you softly say, causing his smile to widen just a bit.
“Did you manage to find the rest of the books you needed?” He asks after a short moment of silence.
You nod.
“Good,” Jungkook nods, “that’s good.”
Silence surrounds the two of you again. There’s something in the atmosphere but you can’t quite pinpoint it. You feel his eyes on you as you glance around, your own eyes looking at anything else but him. To be honest, looking at him is making you nervous, especially after noticing his attire when he played around with the ball before – he’s dressed in his soccer uniform; a fitted warm-up shirt that shows off his broad shoulders and lean body, white shorts that stop just above his knees, blue socks, soccer cleats in bright colors on his feet. His hair is tousled, the tips slightly damp from warming up which makes it even worse because now it’s kind of curly.
“So,” you break the silence, taking the chance and looking back at him, “how long have you and Hyejin been dating?”
“Oh, we’re not.”
Jungkook hums to confirm his own words when you look at him in confusion, “we’re just friends.”
You can’t help but raise one eyebrow, looking at him with suspicion written all over your face.
“Does she know that?”
“Of course,” he shrugs and lets out a somewhat strained chuckle. “There’s no reason that she wouldn’t.”
Them not dating seems almost impossible to you as you’re reminded of them cuddled up in the hallway from earlier today. Maybe Hyejin just has a crush on Jungkook? It would make sense and to be fair, you don’t blame her. He’s the whole fucking package and you, yourself, is having a hard time because of it. Just having him standing this close to you on the other side of the barricade is making your heartbeat quicken.
Hyejin appears by your side again, coffee in hand. She smiles widely once she spots Jungkook, leaning over the barricade to give him a hug. You watch them embrace each other and you can’t help but notice how different their approaches are. Hyejin is hugging him tightly while Jungkook loosely wraps an arm around her waist. When he looks at you over her shoulder, you quickly look away, pretending you weren’t watching them just now.
“Jeon! Stop flirting with your fans and get back over here!”
Jungkook rolls his eyes and chuckles as he breaks away from the hug, glancing back at his coach before turning back to you and Hyejin.
“I’ll catch you guys later,” he tells you both, eyes staying locked with yours for a second longer before jogging off towards the rest of his team. A rush of excitement runs through your body but you quickly brush it off, telling yourself you’re imagining things.
“Score a goal for me, Kookie!” Hyejin calls after him.
Jungkook glances back at her and flashes her a smile before continuing to make his way towards his teammates. Hyejin lets out a deep sigh as she sits back down next to you. You glance at her, noticing the soft grin on her face as she watches Jungkook move around the field, prepping and getting ready for the game to start.
The game soon starts, occupying you and Hyejin entirely. Jungkook starts on the field. He’s the center forward with the number 7 on the back of his jersey. Throughout the game you slowly begin to realize that going to watch the game was a bad idea. Not only is Jungkook sweet and cute – he’s undoubtedly hot too. The way he’s in his element on the soccer field, completely focused and set on winning, is one of the most attractive things you’ve ever witnessed and you’re not sure how to handle it. 1) You’re lowkey turned on by it and 2) you feel bad for being attracted to him, to have this developing crush when it’s obvious that Hyejin likes him.
And to make matters worse, just when you happen to look at him during halftime, he’s lifting the bottom of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead. His lower abdomen is revealed, nicely tanned skin and toned hips on show for everyone to see and yet you feel like you’re the only one witnessing it. Your cheeks heat up at the sight, teeth digging into your bottom lip to stop yourself from yelping in surprise. He’s all sweaty with damp hair, strands sticking to his forehead and glistening skin. When he grabs a water bottle and starts drinking from it, you slump in your seat, mentally groaning.
This is not good.
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It’s the first weekend after your first week at your new university. You’re at home, in the apartment that happened to have a room available when you needed to find a place to live. It’s just off campus and the room you have is the perfect size. The rest of the apartment you’re sharing with two other girls – Jihyo and Yeri. They’re both enrolled at the same university and both very sweet and easy to be around. You haven’t really spent much time with them yet though. They’re not home at the moment – in fact, they’re not home that much at all which you don’t mind. 
Tonight it’s just you and Hyejin, lying around in the living room, sprawled out on the couch. The TV is playing some TV show you lost interest in a long time ago. You’re scrolling through your phone, checking social media and the news. Hyejin sighs deeply next to you, causing you to look at her. You follow her line of vision to the TV, noticing she’s still watching the show. 
The main characters are about to kiss – the guy is pulling the girl close as he dips down and presses his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. The girl melts against him, sliding her arms around his neck to pull him in further and you feel a rush run through your entire body as a certain someone suddenly appears in your mind. You had hoped he would’ve left your mind for good after watching him play soccer the other night. Apparently it only made things worse and you haven’t been able to get the image out of your head at all.
“I want that,” Hyejin sighs again, pouting to herself as she stares at the couple on the screen.
“You’ll have it someday,” you tell her with a chuckle, “don’t worry.”
“I could have it already though,” your friend groans, turning off the TV as the episode ends. You watch as she gets up from the couch to walk around in the living room of your new home. She moves closer to the bookcase by the wall, looking at the books and decorative stuff on it. “Jungkook and I could have that… If he would just realize how I feel about him, that is. He’s so cute,” she giggles while shaking her head, “but he’s so oblivious.”
“Are you planning on telling him?”
You can’t help but ask, curious to know if she’s planning to act on her feelings or just leave it as a crush. Hyejin purses her lips as she thinks about your question. As you await her response, you get up and make your way to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea. Hyejin follows you, nodding when you gesture for two mugs. She jumps onto the kitchen counter, watching you in silence as you prepare tea for the two of you.
When you glance at her, she shrugs, “I don’t know… maybe?”
“Haven’t you gone out on dates before though?” You ask as you hand her one of the mugs.
She shakes her head, “we don’t do stuff like that. The only time we see each other outside of our friend group is when we fuck-”
Just as you’re about to take a sip of your freshly brewed tea, you sputter into the cup as the words leave her perfect lips. Hyejin looks at you in surprise, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you cough lightly before grabbing a napkin to dry the droplets of tea off your face.
“You okay?” She chuckles.
“Yeah, just… what?” You mutter, still not entirely sure you heard her right.
“What do you mean?”
“You guys fuck?”
Hyejin lets out a soft laugh, “oh yeah, we’ve been hooking up for a few months now.”
Did you just hear that right? It seems you weren’t actually prepared to hear Hyejin so explicitly mention it like she just did. Even though a part of you already knew something was going on between them. It was to be expected though after seeing Hyejin hug Jungkook and kiss his cheek so casually in the hallway the other day. One thing you can’t help but think about though is why would Jungkook say they’re just friends when clearly they’re more than that?
“Oh, wow,” you mutter, “how did that happen?”
Why you ask, you don’t know. It’s not like you’re dying to know the details of how she ended up in the sheets with him. It’s not like you’re busting at the seams to know how much she wants him to be his boyfriend. To be honest, the less you know, the better.
Hyejin shrugs at your question, “it kinda just happened, I think? There was this end-of-the-year party in June and somehow we ended up in bed together. To be fair though, it might’ve been me who…”
This changes everything.
A few months ago…
It’s finally June.
Which means the end-of-the-year party is happening and to say everyone’s enjoying it would be an understatement. As Hyejin slightly stumbles her way through the frat house that houses the party, she notices people around her smiling and laughing, talking and dancing, flirting and making out. There’s not a single frown to spot anywhere and it brings a big smile to Hyejin’s own face as she makes her way towards the back patio. Fresh air is needed after drinking and dancing for an hour straight.
Once she steps outside, she spots a few people standing around, some are talking, some are on their phones. One person in particular catches her eye, seated on the patio steps to the backyard. The curly mop of dark hair is impossible to be mistaken as she moves closer to her friend.
“Hi, you,” she greets him as she plops down next to him.
Jungkook looks up at her, eyelids heavy. She offers him a smile which he reciprocates. Although it’s probably more like a lazy half smile with hints of tipsiness caused by the many beers he had while playing beer pong not too long ago.
“Hey,” he replies and takes a swig of the bottle of beer in his hand.
“This party is so much fun,” she gushes, grinning as she glances around at the other people on the patio. Jungkook copies her actions before nodding in agreement.
“Sure is,” he agrees, “you enjoying yourself so far?”
Hyejin nods, “yeah, of course. Are you not?”
“Oh, I am,” Jungkook quickly assures her before smirking softly to himself, “but I think I had one too many beers because I’m pretty sure these stairs aren’t supposed to be spinning.”
The girl next to him lets out a laugh at his words. 
“Let me help you with that one then,” she points at the beer in his hand. Jungkook hands it to her without another thought, watching as she takes a couple long swigs before handing it back to him. Silence overcomes them for a short moment as they stare into the darkness of the backyard, the only light to spot being the street lights on the other side of the hedge.
“Why are you sitting out here by yourself anyway?” Hyejin asks Jungkook after a while, turning her focus to him. 
He lets out a sigh and shrugs, “needed some fresh air. The drinks went straight to my head. You?”
“Been dancing with some guy for an hour,” she tells Jungkook, “he wanted to do more than dancing so I left before it could go further.”
The guy was cute, no doubt about it, but Hyejin wasn’t really feeling it. Jungkook too had several girls coming up to him but none of them managed to catch his attention for long. Now here they are, sitting on the patio stairs with a friend instead of getting laid.
“Let me guess, he wasn’t cute enough?” Jungkook teases Hyejin.
“Oh, he was,” Hyejin chuckles, “he just didn’t really seem like someone I would get with.”
“That’s too bad,” Jungkook hums, finishing his beer before carelessly throwing the bottle onto the lawn. Hyejin hums in agreement, staring at the bottle that is now laying on the lawn instead of being held by Jungkook’s hand.
“What about you?” She wonders out loud, “no lucky girl within your radar?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “nah, I don’t really have the time for it.”
“Not even hook-ups?”
Another shake of his head, lips pulled into a thin line.
Shock paints Hyejin’s pretty face as she stares at the side of Jungkook’s, “so you never hook up with anyone? When’s the last time you had sex?”
Jungkook shrugs, “I don’t know… Spring break, I guess?
“What?! Jungkook, I know for a fact you got girls lining up just to date you. You’re the star of the soccer team and you’re smart as hell – not to mention good-looking.”
He lets out a chuckle at that and shakes his head, “yeah, well, I don’t have the time to date right now- I don’t even want to date.”
Hyejin hums as the words leave his mouth. Before she knows it, an idea appears within her mind. It might be a far stretch but there’s nothing wrong with throwing it out there and seeing what happens, right?
“What would you say to just sex then?”
She watches as Jungkook looks at her in confusion, eyebrows knitted together on his forehead.
“What do you mean?” He asks, slightly curious.
“I mean, we could have sex? No strings attached.”
Jungkook raises his eyebrows in surprise. “We?” He gestures between himself and Hyejin, “as in us?”
Hyejin shrugs, “why not?”
“You mean like right now?” He then points to where they’re sitting on the patio stairs. Before he can even register what’s happening, Hyejin is scooting closer, looking at him while batting her eyelashes, chin resting in the palm of her hand.
“It doesn’t have to be right now,” she can’t help but smile as Jungkook visibly relaxes where he sits. “... could be in an hour or in a week. It’s up to you really.”
Jungkook gives it a thought as he hums to himself, his eyes dropping to glance at her lips for a split-second before looking back into her eyes. “I never really thought of you that way, to be honest.”
Hyejin leans closer as the words leave his pink lips, “well, it’s never too late to start, is it?”
Jungkook is caught slightly off guard as Hyejin carefully presses her lips to his, closing the distance between them. It takes a moment for Jungkook to realize what’s happening but when he does, he slowly starts to reciprocate the kiss. Before they know it, the kiss escalates to making out, tongues meeting and hands exploring, both of them completely forgetting about the other people on the patio. It doesn’t take long for them to end up in one of the beds upstairs – making out, grinding against each other, undressing one another in a hurry to get what they crave the most.
And it happens again the following weekend, surprising both of them but it feels too good not to. 
“This is just sex, right?” Jungkook manages to get the words out in between moans as Hyejin sits on top of him.
“Yeah,” Hyejin breathes, leaning over him to connect her mouth with his, moaning into it as he bucks his hips up, the tip of his length hitting deeply inside of her. 
“No strings, no feelings… Shit- just sex whenever we feel like it.”
“Yes, just sex.”
Later as Jungkook is getting dressed, on his way out of Hyejin’s room, he looks at her as she lays in her bed – naked underneath the sheets, watching him get dressed to leave. 
“So… when are we doing this again?” She asks, smirking softly.
Jungkook sighs as he grabs his shirt off the floor, shrugging before slipping it over his head, “I don’t know… I don’t want us to misunderstand each other, you know.”
Hyejin looks at him in confusion, “what do you mean?”
“I want us to stay friends,” Jungkook says, sitting down on the edge of the bed to slip on his shoes. “I still don’t wanna date or have a relationship but as long as we’re both on the same page about this, I don’t see a problem with hooking up once in a while.”
Hyejin nods, “yeah, that’s cool. We can do that.”
“Okay, great,” his shoulders slump in relief, “talk to you later, yeah?”
Hyejin smiles and nods. He flashes her a cute smile in return and waves before leaving her room, gone without any trace of him being there except for the scent of him.
-end of flashback-
“Jungkook is a great guy,” Hyejin’s voice interrupts your thoughts, pulling you from your zoned out state. “But he’s just so oblivious, you know?”
You can’t have a crush on the guy your friend is sleeping with? 
That’s equivalent to breaking every single rule in the girl code book. In fact, rule #1 in said book would most likely be: Do not under any circumstances have a crush on/catch feelings for your friend’s boyfriend. ‘Fuck buddy’ definitely fits under that rule. If Hyejin hadn’t been so casual about her and Jungkook’s situation and mentioned it just now, your recently formed crush probably would’ve gotten worse over time. And that could’ve become a problem.
Now you need to make a vow. A promise. A rule for yourself to follow religiously.
You will never ever pursue Jungkook and this little ridiculous crush of yours needs to disappear as quickly as it appeared. Whatever attraction you felt towards him before needs to be gone starting from tonight. Jeon Jungkook will not be anything but the guy who’s dating your friend. 
Although, it would be much easier if he wasn’t in the same friend group you’re slowly becoming a part of the more you hang out with Hyejin. 
Or if he wasn’t in the same Anatomy & Physiology class as you, always sitting next to you or close to you. You don’t know why he does it because he has friends in your shared class that he could sit with instead.
However, another two weeks pass by and Hyejin hasn’t mentioned Jungkook much ever since she told you about how they became fuck buddies. You’re thankful for that because suppressing your crush is already hard enough as it is; for some reason Jungkook is always tagging along when you’re out to eat with Hyejin and some of the others from her surprisingly big friend group. It’s never just one of the guys or two – no, it’s always all four of them or none of them. If Hoseok says yes to join, Jimin tags along which almost always results in Taehyung tagging along which then ends with Jungkook joining as well.
A package deal if you will. 
And it’s not like you’re stirring up a conversation with Jungkook all the time at every chance you get. Sure, you talk once in a while since he’s the type of person to care about other people; he likes to ask how you are and if you’re all settled after transferring from Busan. You can’t just ignore him when he asks and to be honest, you don’t really want to.
But even when you and Hyejin are in the library on campus, working on an assignment for one of your shared classes, Jungkook will usually appear out of the blue with one of the other guys. And then you will spend a few hours in the library with a hammering heart in your chest, unable to focus because he’s sitting right across from you on the other side of the table, looking cute as hell as he reads his book about psychology in sports. 
The alarms in your head instantly go off when he sits back in his chair to get rid of his hoodie and his t-shirt rides up a bit, revealing a tiny snippet of the tanned skin of his abdomen. This is not good for the girl code, you think to yourself as you inhale sharply. Hyejin, Jungkook, and Hoseok all watch you in confusion as you suddenly close your book and laptop, stuffing it all in your backpack before getting up from your seat.
“What’s going on?” She asks, slightly taken aback by your sudden change of behavior.
“I, um,” you stumble over your words, glancing at the boys only to notice that Jungkook is looking at you with a slightly worried expression. “I gotta go, I just remembered I have… a thing.”
“Okay…” Hyejin trails off, turning in her seat as you nod your head in goodbye before heading towards the exit doors. You come to a halt when she calls after you, “wait, are you still coming to the party on Saturday?”
“Yeah,” you tell her, once again catching Jungkook’s eyes for a split second, “I just- I gotta go. I’ll text you later, okay?”
When you text Hyejin later that evening and she asks if everything is alright, you feel bad for saying yes and not telling her what had you rushing out of the library. Although it’s quickly forgotten as Hyejin moves on to ask what she should wear for the party. Eventually the two of you end up face-timing for the greater part of the evening, trying to figure out what outfit to wear. In the end you settle for a pair of loose jeans and a cute crop top to go with them. Hyejin decides on a pastel green midi-dress; one that makes her look even more gorgeous than she already is and you can’t help but think about how Jungkook might lose his mind at the sight.
“I can’t wait! It’s gonna be so much fun,” Hyejin gushes as you both lay in your beds, ready to sleep. She’s smiling widely on the screen of your phone, her big brown eyes looking at you. “Wait, this is your first party after transferring, aren’t you excited?”
You are excited. Okay, let’s be real, you’re more than excited. You’ve been super busy these past two weeks with getting settled and getting the hang of living in Seoul that you completely forgot to have fun – fun that doesn’t include being on campus or studying with fellow students, or doing your homework.
“Of course I am!”
Hyejin squeals in excitement, “yay! Well, I have to sleep soon or else I will look like a dead fish tomorrow.”
You give her a pointed yet playful look and chuckle, “I doubt it but fine… I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See youuu,” Hyejin waves at you before hanging up, leaving you to think about the party you’ll be attending in two days. You’re trying to not let the thought of Jungkook going to the party consume you but as expected he ends up being the only thing on your mind. You groan to yourself and turn onto your side, forcing your eyes shut to hopefully fall asleep – hoping to dream about anything else but the cute and charming jock who has been occupying your thoughts more than you would like lately.
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The sound of loud music mixed with people talking and laughing is reverberating throughout the entire frat house. People are having fun, ‘celebrating’ the beginning of a new semester, letting loose before it becomes stressful with homework, assignments, midterms and whatnot. You’ve been dancing with Hyejin for the past hour, dancing with other students whom you haven’t seen around before but they seem cool – not that it matters. You probably won’t talk with any of them after this party anyway.
“I want another drink,” Hyejin tells you over the music as a new song comes on, one just as loud and energetic as the previous one, “wanna come?”
You nod, “of course!”
Hyejin links her arm with yours, tugging you along towards the kitchen of the house where there has been created a ‘help yourself’-table of alcohol. You watch as Hyejin mixes two cups of something you never thought of mixing before but as you take a sip and taste it, you find yourself licking your lips to get the remnants of the flavor.
“Oh wow- this is really good!” You gush, taking another swig. 
Hyejin smirks and takes a sip of her own cup, “it’s my own secret drink, so don’t tell anyone, alright?”
You pretend to zip and lock your lips, handing the imaginary key to her, “promise.”
Truth is, you didn’t really pay attention to whatever she mixed in that drink – all you know is that there’s vodka in it and something pink as the liquid is a shining pink color. You’re in the middle of finishing your drink when Hyejin spots someone she knows not too far away, shouting their name before disappearing from your side. You mindlessly watch as she slips between people, leaving you to stand by the drinks table with a now empty cup.
Maybe it’s the alcohol that’s making you ignore the fact that your friend just left you alone at a party where you only know her and a few other people, the rest being complete strangers. All you do is shrug to yourself as you look at the different bottles of alcohol and mixing liquids, trying to figure out what Hyejin used to make that delicious drink of hers. Eventually, you end up mixing some random stuff – and it doesn’t taste too bad. Could’ve been much worse, that’s for sure.
Soon enough you’re back on the dance floor, by yourself, dancing with strangers and having the time of your life. You promised yourself you’d let loose and have fun tonight as a reward to yourself for busting your ass off for two weeks straight. 
“Love the way you work those hips, princess,” a voice brushes against the shell of your ear and hands rests upon said hips, causing you to freeze in your movements. You turn to face the person, curious to see who is whispering in your ear in the middle of the dance floor. It’s not someone you know and you definitely do not want to know them – in fact, the guy in front of you makes you rather uncomfortable as he smirks at you, eyes glancing up and down your body.
“Thanks,” you trail off, about to turn your back to him to walk away but he grabs your wrist, pulling you closer.
“You're not gonna show me how you do it?” He asks, trying his very hardest to come off as seductive and flirty.
“Actually, I was just about to go find my friend, sorry-”
He cuts you off, shaking his head, “one dance, princess and I’ll leave you alone, I promise.”
You try your best to squirm out of his hold but it’s no use, he has his arm tightly wrapped around your waist, keeping you close against his body. “Please let go of me,” you tell him, voice as stern as it’ll allow you right now.
“Oh, come on, princess… Just one d-”
“She told you to let go, man.”
Both you and the stranger whip your heads around to look at the person who just spoke, the voice familiar to you. You feel your heart skip a beat as you’re met by a pair of soft, dark brown eyes looking at you. However, those soft dark brown eyes turn hard as they move to settle on the guy who’s still holding onto you.
Jungkook raises a single eyebrow at the guy who’s name you haven’t gotten to know yet – not that you wish to know it anyway. Jungkook glances at you, silently asking if you’re okay. You nod softly which seems to relieve him as he reaches for you, hand finding yours to pull you to his side. A rush of a tingling feeling runs through your body as you feel his hand in yours. Once you’re by his side, you hold onto his arm out of sheer need of some comfort while trying your hardest to ignore the fact that this is the closest you’ve been to him ever since meeting him. 
“Mind your own business, Jeon,” the guy rolls his eyes.
“I was minding my own business,” Jungkook tells the guy who had been eager to dance with you, “but then you chose to ignore her when she asked you to let go. So that makes it my business too.”
Nameless guy’s eyes switch between you and Jungkook a few times before rolling once again. He seems to deem it not worth it as he waves a hand, mumbling a ‘whatever, Jeon’ as he turns on his heel and slips through the crowd of drunk people. 
Jungkook makes sure he’s gone before turning to face you. Your hands automatically drop from their hold of Jungkook’s arm, crossing over your chest instead. You don’t catch the way Jungkook’s face twists in disappointment. Instead you watch as he glances you over as if to check if you’re alright before settling on your face, worry etched upon his own.
“You okay?”
You nod, “yeah, he didn’t really do anything. What’s his deal anyway?”
Sighing, Jungkook runs a hand through his dark hair, “Jung Hyunmin – a complete asshole who thinks he can get with any girl if he just calls them a pet name a certain amount of times.”
That makes you laugh softly as Jungkook rolls his eyes at Hyunmin’s obviously well-known and tiring antics. A smile sneaks its way onto Jungkook’s face as your laughter fills the air around you. 
“Well,” you sigh, “thanks for… saving me, I guess.”
“Anytime,” Jungkook smirks softly.
You shoot him a playful look, “I could’ve handled it myself though.”
The dark haired boy chuckles and nods, “oh, I know.”
You would have handled it yourself if Jungkook hadn’t shown up to help you out as a true knight in shining armor. But Hyunmin seemed to back off pretty quickly though when Jungkook came to your rescue. Whether it’s some sort of respect for the best soccer player on campus or something else entirely, you don’t know. What you do know though is that Jungkook seems to have a certain effect on people – you’ve noticed this in the one class you share together too. He’s respected, well-liked by students and teachers alike – literally no one seems to have anything against him. The more you get to know Jungkook, the more you understand. And for good reason.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jungkook asks after a while, causing you to nod again right away.
“Yeah, but I think I might head home though. That Hyunmin guy really killed my buzz,” you chuckle dryly.
“I can give you a ride if you want?” Jungkook then says.
Why is he always there to help you out and be nice? Why is it so difficult for you to just steer clear of him? Especially now after you’ve promised yourself you would do everything you could to get rid of this ridiculous crush of yours.
“Haven’t you been drinking?” You wonder out loud, eyebrows furrowing as you look at him.
Jungkook shakes his head, “I don’t drink that often. I only had like one beer a few hours ago.”
This new information about him surprises you but then again, alcohol and partying might not be the top priority for someone like Jungkook – a top athlete with good chances of going professional if he keeps up with his training schedule, health and whatnot. Alcohol could definitely ruin that for him.
“Come on,” he smiles, “let me drive you home.”
“What about Hyejin?”
You can’t help but think about your friend as every inch of your body feels it when Jungkook carefully puts a hand on the small of your back, silently telling you to move towards the door. Before you leave the frat house, you spot Hyejin in the midst of the party, dancing with some of the others from the friend group. Jungkook follows your line of sight, spotting Hyejin as well before turning back to you.
“I’ll come back and get her,” he tells you, “I need to bring the guys home anyway.”
When you got into Jungkook’s car, you were convinced it’d be awkward as hell during the trip to your apartment. However, the ride is anything but quiet. Jungkook is focused on driving yet he still finds time to glance at you from time to time. You can feel it like fire against your skin and the rush running through your body is impossible to ignore. But you try not to pay it any mind as you tipsily ramble on about everything yet nothing at the same time.
Jungkook has a small smile on his face, it’s growing more and more the longer you talk about random stuff that has no relation to anything. It may seem like nervous rambling from being in the car with him but it looks like he doesn’t mind. Instead, he just listens intently to everything you tell him – stuff about Busan that he probably already knows because it’s his hometown too, stuff about your older brother and parents, stuff about you and Hyejin’s brand new but hilarious friendship.
You barely pause to breathe but Jungkook manages to throw a response in here and there. The rest of the time he’s just listening, smiling to himself.
“You didn’t have to take me home, you know,” you say suddenly, looking at him. Jungkook’s eyes move from the road to you and back to the road again, his small smile turning into a small smirk instead.
“It’s not a problem at all,” he tells you, glancing at you again, “besides, what better way to celebrate my birthday?”
You gasp, sitting up in your seat and facing him entirely, “it's your birthday?”
Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head, “no, my birthday was two weeks ago but apparently tonight’s party was a ‘birthday celebration’ for me.”
“Oh my god, happy belated birthday!”
“Thanks,” he grins.
“Wow, I can’t believe I missed it,” you pout, slumping in the passenger seat of Jungkook’s car. “Now I feel bad for letting you leave the party just to drive me home. I could’ve just taken the night bus.”
“Yeah, well, I wouldn’t have let you take the night bus,” he pointedly says, “not when I was right there, sober with a car.”
He shakes his head instantly, “____, do you know how many creeps who ride the buses this late?”
You fall silent, crossing your arms over your chest and pouting as if you just got scolded by your parents. Jungkook chuckles to himself and shakes his head in amusement, letting the conversation come to an end as he pulls into the parking lot of the building you live in. He parks and turns off the engine, the rumbling of it disappearing only to leave the two of you to sit in silence.
“Well, thanks for the ride,” you softly say and offer him a smile.
Just as you’re about to get out of the car, Jungkook removes his seatbelt and gets out of the car as well. You can’t help but look at him in confusion as he joins you on the other side, nodding his head towards the building. 
“I’ll walk you up,” he tells you.
Despite the way your heart skips a beat as he flashes you a smile, you follow him without protesting. You walk side by side towards the door, the silence very tense all of a sudden and you’re having a hard time breathing. Jungkook watches as you unlock the main door and push yourself inside. You make sure to check if he follows behind, ignoring the way excitement floods your stomach. You shouldn’t feel excited because he’s walking you up after driving you home. You shouldn’t even be spending this much alone time with him. What would Hyejin say if she knew? Would she be mad that you’re having a developing crush on her fuck buddy slash crush? Would she be more angry with you or Jungkook?
All these questions roam your mind as you and Jungkook make your way upstairs, the elevator thankfully being out of order. You’re convinced you wouldn’t survive a trip of five floors in a tiny elevator with this guy.
“Holy shit, these stairs are killing me,” Jungkook groans once you reach the last staircase.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the best shape possible?” You giggle.
Jungkook playfully glares at you, “soccer and stairs are two very different things, ____.”
“Right,” you smirk, “either that or you’re just not in as good shape as you thought you were.”
That’s a lie – you know very well how much in good shape he is. In fact, you don’t think anyone on campus is in better shape than him. It makes sense though since Jungkook clearly cares for his health and his sport. The fact that he only had one beer tonight proves it.
“Are you-“ he stares at you in slight disbelief, “are you saying I’m not in good shape?”
Panic paints your face and Jungkook’s reaction is one of amusement, a grin splitting across his face.
“I- no, I didn’t mean it like that! I just-“ you anxiously backtrack, cheeks heating up when Jungkook lets out a laugh. 
“____, calm down, I’m just messing with you,” he laughs. 
You scowl softly at him, shooting him a glare before focusing on unlocking your front door. Jungkook chuckles and leans against the wall next to your door, head resting against it as he waits. You can feel his gaze on you again and it’s making your nerves go off because you know if you turn to look at him you’ll blush hard and look like an idiot. 
God, why are you always a mess when he’s around?
Eventually the door finally unlocks after a bit of struggling. You glance at the boy next to you, heart jumping in your chest as he smiles at you, dark brown eyes looking into yours.
“Thank you,” you softly mutter, “for bringing me home.”
“You’re welcome,” his voice is soft, quiet but just loud enough to reach your ears. You can’t help but take a quick glance at his lips, just for a split second wondering what it would feel like to kiss them, to touch them with your own lips but Hyejin pops into your mind and you quickly remove your eyes from his very pink lips again.
“Goodnight, Jungkook.”
There’s a glint in his eyes as he watches you step into your home. You offer him one last tiny smile before closing the door, just barely hearing him say “goodnight, ____, sleep tight.”
Jungkook stares at the door for a solid minute after you’ve gone inside, closing it behind you. Something in him wants to knock on the door again and ask you to come along, get back into his car and go for a ride into the night. Another part of him is telling him to leave it. Just for the time being. He does have his roommates and Hyejin to get back to after all.
He lets out a sigh and smiles to himself as he pushes himself off the wall, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He steals one last glance at the door to your apartment, the thought of you getting ready for bed on the other side of it filling his mind as he descends the stairs, heading back to his car.
Driving you home wasn't anything special, he’s done it for his friends multiple times – and for Hyejin as well ever since he developed some sort of relationship with her at the end-of-the-year party in June. However, he can’t stop thinking about the way you rambled during the entire car ride, talking about anything that came to your tipsy mind, sharing your thoughts with him without worrying how you sounded or what you looked like – you were so animated at times, using your hands to describe something so vividly that Jungkook could almost feel himself be there to witness it with his own eyes. 
It was nice. He felt nice in your company – he always does. He’s just hoping he’ll get to experience it even more after tonight. Just the mere thought of it has a feeling akin to excitement running through his entire body, reaching his stomach and causing it to flip as he thinks about seeing you in class on Monday.
However, when Jungkook sees you in anatomy & physiology class around noon on Monday, the seat he usually takes next to you is already occupied when he gets there. He frowns softly to himself as he makes his way to another empty seat, one further away from you, further away from the seat he’s usually in. He passes by you on the way, catching your eyes for a split second as you happen to look up.
“Hey,” Jungkook greets you, smiling widely.
You smile hesitantly and mutter a soft ‘hi’ before returning to your books and notes to draw and doodle – something you always do before the class starts. Jungkook has noticed you like to draw tons of hearts and tiny flowers, flowers that sometimes end up being branches with flowers and leaves instead, spreading across an entire blank sheet of paper.
And from where he’s sitting, a few rows away from you, he can tell you’re drawing those branches again, black ink from your gel pen. Jungkook rests his chin in the palm of his hand once the professor enters, sighing as he finds it difficult to choose where to look – at you drawing branches with flowers and leaves on them or at the professor who’s talking about the reading for today.
Eventually the class ends up passing by with Jungkook switching between looking at you from time to time and listening carefully to what the professor is saying. After class you’re gone before Jungkook can even think about striking up a conversation with you. The very same frown from the beginning of the class is back on his face as he joins some of the guys from the soccer team, heading to his next class.
The next few days go by like this – Jungkook arrives at class around the same time every noon. You’re in your seat, easy to spot right away because it’s the first place Jungkook focuses his eyes on once he steps into the lecture hall. However, the seat next to you has somehow been occupied every day, making it impossible for Jungkook to slip into that seat. However, he makes sure to greet you whenever he manages to catch your eyes, either saying ‘hi’ or just opting for a simple smile. It doesn’t really matter. As long as you reciprocate it, he’s happy.
Now it’s Friday and it’s the last lecture before the weekend. The professor is introducing a new assignment on the whiteboard, talking about the different tasks and the main points of each task.
“The deadline for the assignment is three weeks from now,” Professor Choi says, the entire class buzzing with a low sound of mumbling and whispering as he reveals the deadline. Jungkook is back to sitting next to you, stealing a glance at you when a low, slightly frustrated ‘fuck’ escapes your lips. “Make sure to use chapter 3 as much as possible as you’ll find most of what you need there.”
The professor announces the end of the lecture, packing up his things and leaving the room, several students trailing behind. You’re packing up your stuff when Jungkook turns to look at you, mumbling under your breath, something about chapter 3 making no sense.
“Hey, you okay?”
You look up at Jungkook, nodding right away, “yeah, I just… chapter 3 is being a real bitch to me. I don’t know why.”
Jungkook chuckles softly, glancing around the room to see that only a few students are left.
“You need help with it?” He asks when he looks at you again.
“Oh- no, Jungkook, you don’t have to. I’ll figure it out eventually,” you decline his offer with a sigh, “hopefully.”
“____, I don’t mind. You know that.”
You pause in your actions of packing your stuff together, looking at him again, “yeah, but I don’t wanna get in the way of you doing your own assignment.”
Jungkook smiles. You’re too cute. He wonders how many times he has to tell you it’s no problem for him to help you out or lend you a hand once in a while. You always tell him no despite lowkey being in need of some help, just like the first day when you wandered around all lost and confused, looking for the library.
“I’ll just work on it while I help you,” he assures you. “Chapter 3 can be pretty tough if you don’t fully understand it.”
Silence overcomes the two of you as Jungkook watches you purse your lips, deep in thought. You glance down at the book, then your notes on chapter 3, which are almost non-existing, and then back at Jungkook. He feels a smile spread across his face when he notices you slowly give in.
“Okay,” you sigh, “I could really use your help then if you don’t mind.”
Jungkook smiles softly, “not at all.”
You raise a suspicious eyebrow at him, “you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” he laughs and hands you his phone, “here, put your number in so we can arrange a study date.”
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Why you agreed to Jungkook’s offer of helping you with the assignment is a mystery to you – especially because you know you shouldn’t be hanging out with him more than necessary. It only fuels your crush which is supposed to disappear (spoiler alert: it hasn’t disappeared one bit).
Hyejin didn’t seem to mind it though when you had told her Jungkook had offered to help. She only smiled and started talking about how sweet he is to offer to help people with studying. However, it’s not people – it’s just you and you can’t help but feel like a bad friend when you walk into the library Monday afternoon as you and Jungkook agreed on after your lecture on Friday.
Jungkook spots you almost immediately, sticking a hand in the air to wave so you can easily find him. You plaster on a hesitating smile as you make your way towards him.
“Hey,” he grins as you reach the table, pulling the chair out and sitting down. “You ready to get started?”
You sigh and let your smile widen a bit, “yeah, I guess I am.”
Jungkook smirks softly. “Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it in no time,” he assures you.
An hour passes with Jungkook going through the first part of the chapter that has been giving you a tough time ever since professor Choi started using it in class. Jungkook, however, seems to know it from start to finish and back again, easily helping you understand it way better than Professor Choi ever did.
Jungkook is really smart and it’s very attractive – therefore you hate it.
It’s when you’re sitting in comfortable silence, both typing away on your laptops, working on each of your assignments, you steal a glance at the boy next to you. Jungkook is fully focused, completely submerged in it. There’s a wrinkle on his forehead from focusing as he stares at the screen, reading over what he just typed out. His eyebrows are knitted together and his teeth are gnawing into his pink, plump bottom lip. The oversized hoodie he’s wearing makes him look incredibly soft, perfect for cuddling and you hate that you want to know what it’s like to be cuddled in his arms, wrapped tightly in his warmth and feel safe.
It’s not your place to wonder about things like these. If you really want to know, you could just ask Hyejin about it. She’ll probably tell you everything if you asked, giving you details on stuff you really don’t want details on at all.
Shaking your head to yourself, you get rid of the thoughts in your head. You let out a heavy sigh, turning back to your own laptop, missing Jungkook’s eyes as he looks up at you.
“You good?” He asks, noticing the heavy sigh that escapes you.
You look up at him once again, nodding right away and flash him a smile, “yeah, it’s just a lot to process.”
Jungkook smiles comfortingly in return, “yeah, well, a few more study dates like this and you’ll be fine. Promise.”
Oh, how you wish he wouldn’t call it study dates. It only makes it seem worse and you already feel bad about it enough as it is.
“Thank you again,” you tell him, “for going through all this trouble just to help me.”
“____, stop thanking me already,” he chuckles softly, “it’s not a problem, I’m just glad I can help.”
And help you he does. Jungkook suggests meeting up no more than two days later. You agree with a nervously beating heart, suggesting the library again because anywhere else would be too friendly. Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind and for that, you’re grateful.
It’s going pretty well so far – Jungkook has decided to teach you a few parts at a time so you won’t get too overwhelmed by all the new information you’re receiving. This time around you feel more comfortable around him, your heart is calmer in your chest, your words are more relaxed and you can look him in the eyes without feeling your cheeks heating up.
Maybe, just maybe, you can keep this at friends level and not expose yourself and the crush you have on the star soccer player of Seoul University.
“This assignment really is a bitch,” Jungkook groans quietly to himself, eyes glued to the screen of his laptop. You can’t help but chuckle, keeping your eyes on your own laptop screen. You feel his eyes on the side of your face, suddenly feeling very self conscious about it. However, you don’t get to think more of it as a loud growl interrupts the silence. You clutch your stomach, cheeks instantly heating up causing Jungkook to chuckle softly.
“You hungry?” He asks.
You nod, feeling incredibly embarrassed, “a little, yeah.”
“Do you like ramen?”
What a weird question – everyone likes ramen.
“Who doesn’t like ramen?” You wonder out loud, giving Jungkook a look of confusion because the thought of someone not liking ramen seems impossible to you.
Jungkook feels a grin spread across his face as the words leave your lips. A woman after his own heart, he thinks to himself as he gets up, motioning for you to get up as well. Without protesting, you do as he says and copy him as he starts packing up his stuff.
“I know a place with really good ramen,” he tells you, nodding his head towards the exit of the library, “come on.”
Jungkook is watching you with slightly nervous eyes, waiting for your reaction as he opens the door to the ramen place for you. You walk inside, Jungkook follows right behind. You’re looking around, taking in the place with no words being said. From beside you, Jungkook is waiting, feeling anxious about bringing you here because this place is one of his favorite places – something about the dark, slightly futuristic style of the place making him feel at home. Besides, it’s not that well-known yet which makes it a perfect place to study while eating since it’s never packed with people.
“This is so cool,” you speak your mind, a smile spreading across your face as you turn to look at Jungkook.
Your smile makes something in him twist in excitement, causing a wide smile to spread across his own face. Out of pure instinct, he places a hand on the small of your back to silently urge you to move forward. He misses the way your breath hitches but he can’t ignore the way his hand burns from touching you.
“What do you wanna eat?”
You shrug, “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”
Jungkook nods in response before greeting the staff of the restaurant as if he’s known them his whole life, telling them he would like two portions of his usual order. He shoots a glare at the guys behind the cashier as they wiggle their eyebrows at him while nodding their heads in your direction. Jungkook glances at you for a second just to check if you noticed their teasing. You’re occupied by looking around once again, busy taking in the details of the decoration and interior of the place to notice anything that goes on behind you. A relieved sigh escapes his lips as he guides you to his usual table.
“How did you find this place?” You ask Jungkook out of pure curiosity, taking another bite of the delicious ramen you were served not too long ago.
Jungkook swallows his bite before speaking, “I used to come here a lot last year during finals.”
“It’s open most of the night so it was perfect for me,” he continues, “I had a lot of stuff going on last year with soccer and exams, so whenever I had practice till late I’d go here to study instead of going home.”
“Why?” You can’t help but ask.
“Can't seem to focus at home,” Jungkook shrugs, “I always end up falling asleep if I try to study at home after practice.”
You frown softly, chopsticks pausing mid-air as you look at him, “Jungkook, you shouldn’t overwork yourself like that. Sleeping is important too.”
A smile sneaks its way onto Jungkook's lips as he looks at you. If he didn’t know any better, he’d almost dare say that you care about him. The concerned frown on your face and the words you speak makes him feel some type of way and the fluttering of his heart is an unknown feeling but he welcomes it, liking how it feels.
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“So… what’s the deal with the new girl?” Taehyung asks Jungkook one day when they hang out in their shared living room. Jimin and Hoseok sneak a curious glance at Jungkook as he plops down onto the couch.
“Who? ____?” Jungkook asks despite being fully aware that it’s you Taehyung is asking about.
“Yeah,” Taehyung confirms.
Jungkook eyes him, “what do you mean?”
“You know,” Taehyung gestures with his hands for Jungkook to continue, “what’s she like?”
Why would Taehyung like to know what you’re like? Taehyung usually never cares about the girls Jungkook talks to. He has his own share of girls pining after him being the good-looking, slightly arrogant jock. He’s a huge flirt and usually only cares about a new girl if he finds her hot. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Yeah, you sure do spend a lot of time with her,” Hoseok butts in, curious eyes looking at Jungkook. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you help anyone study before.”
A nervous chuckle leaves Jungkook’s lips, “come on, guys, she’s from my hometown. I gotta help her out.”
His friends all give him a deadpan face and Taehyung raises a single eyebrow as if to say really?
“That is the best excuse you can come up with?” Hoseok laughs.
Before Jungkook can think of a comeback, Taehyung continues, “so you know what she’s like then? Since you’re helping out your fellow Busanian so much.”
Jungkook ignores his teasing jab to shrug, “I guess.”
“Well damn, Jeon, are you gonna tell us or do we need a special key to unlock it?”
“Guys, leave him alone,” Jimin interrupts Hoseok with a gentle tone, “he’ll open up about it when he’s ready.”
“Jesus Christ, there’s nothing to open up about!” Jungkook groans, “she’s- she’s… I don’t know, she’s just really cool. She’s down to earth and funny and easy to talk to.” 
Jungkook’s gaze fixates on nothing in particular behind Taehyung, a dazed expression taking over his features as he thinks about the time he’s spent with you so far.
“She’s clumsy as hell and her eyes always light up when she talks about something she’s passionate about,” a soft chuckle escapes him as a small smile spreads on his lips. “She’s always drawing in class; she likes to draw these tiny flowers on branches. Sometimes she fills an entire page with them instead of taking notes which is kinda stupid because she’s confused already and then I have to explain the entire lecture to her-”
Jungkook pauses as he realizes what’s happening, ears turning red in an instant as he notices the knowing smirks on his friends’ faces. He then clears his throat and shrugs, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible despite the way he just went off on a tangent about you. He doesn’t need his friends on his case about you anymore than they already are. “Uh, why- um, why are you asking?”
“Just wondering,” Taehyung shrugs in return, his smirk turning into a small grin.
Jungkook’s palms prickle with heat as he grows wary. “You’re… You’re not interested in her, are you?”
The silence is heavy in the living room as Taehyung lets out a sigh, leaning back on the couch with his hands behind his head. Jungkook’s face twists in annoyance as he looks at his best friend sitting there all cocky and arrogant as ever. His entire posture screams arrogant, cocky and flirty – he’s everything every girl wants, except the fact that he’s incapable of doing feelings. It’s always flirt, fuck, flee. The three F’s of Kim Taehyung. Every girl knows this and yet some of them always end up getting hurt because they really thought it would be them who’d cause him to leave his fuckboy lifestyle behind.
“I don’t know,” Taehyung smirks, shrugging, “maybe?”
“Tae…” Jimin butts in, eyeing his teasing friend with a warning tone to his voice. 
Taehyung can’t help but grin as he glances at their blonde haired roommate. He turns back to Jungkook only to be met by a glare, one Jungkook doesn’t notice he’s sporting until Taehyung lets out a laugh at the sight.
“Relax, Kookie,” Taehyung coos teasingly, “I know trying to take what’s yours can be dangerous territory.”
His words cause Hoseok to huff out a laugh, earning him a slap on the arm from Jimin. Jungkook sighs, running a hand through his hair only to leave it a mess.
“She’s not ‘mine’,” he defends.
“Not yet,” Taehyung points at Jungkook as he wiggles his eyebrows.
“Shut up,” Jungkook chuckles and throws one of the decorative pillows at the curly-haired man sitting on the other end of the couch. “What makes you think she’d go for your dumb ass anyway?”
Laughter erupts between the four roommates, the conversation moving on to a new topic that has nothing to do with Jungkook, or you for that matter. However, you stay in Jungkook’s mind as he falls silent, his friends not paying attention to him as they talk about god knows what. Despite the fact that his words were taken as a joke, he meant them one hundred percent. He knows you’d never go for someone like Taehyung. You couldn’t – not when he’s the exact opposite of you.
You’re nice, kind, sweet and soft in every way possible yet you have a touch of sarcasm within you and you know how to make a joke, one that will make Jungkook laugh, even days after when he coincidentally reminds himself of it again. You’re cute and you’re beautiful; even more so after he talked to you the first time, the soft and kind sound of your voice adding to your beauty, making you a constant in Jungkook’s mind ever since he saw you walking around all lost and confused.
But then again, Taehyung is a massive flirt and one of the most handsome guys on campus – and Jungkook has yet to meet someone who doesn’t gape at him every time he whips out his flirtatious ways. What’s worse is that Jungkook finds himself worrying about Taehyung asking you out one day and he hates it. Taehyung knows how Jungkook feels about you or at least he knows that Jungkook has a certain soft spot for you. 
But that might not be enough for Taehyung to leave you be.
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It’s been exactly two days since your last study-turned-dinner date at Jungkook’s favorite ramen place. This time around you’re texting him, asking if he’s up for another study date because you really need to get the hang of chapter 3 soon or else Professor Choi will surely fail you.
you [2:37 pm]: hi, wanna study today? :))
jungkook [2:46 pm]: ofc!! :) i’m on my way to practice rn but you can meet me there in two hours if you want?
you [2:47 pm]: oh okay, sure. i can do that!
jungkook [2:48 pm]: cool, see you then ;)
You really shouldn’t have agreed to meet him at the soccer field.
This thought comes to mind after you’ve arrived and sat down on the bleachers, watching the last bit of their practice. The early October weather is in their favor as the sun beams down on them. Jungkook and his teammates are running around, playing soccer, shouting stuff like ‘on your right’ and ‘up front, up front’. Jungkook has the sleeves of his t-shirt rolled up into a makeshift tank top and his shorts are definitely tighter today than they were the last time you saw him on the field – or maybe you’re just seeing things.
Your eyes are locked on him as he moves around, easily stealing the ball from one of his teammates before heading for the goal, effortlessly bringing the ball along with his feet. The goalkeeper focuses on Jungkook only, trying his very best to block the ball but Jungkook manages to kick it into the goal net without much struggle, the goalkeeper throwing himself after the ball in a poor attempt to catch it.
“Nice one, Jeon!” The coach calls out after blowing his whistle, signaling the practice is over. “Alright boys, remember to go for that run we talked about before the next practice. Now go shower, you stink.”
The coach’s last words cause Jungkook and his teammates to let out a joint laugh as they grab their stuff and head for the locker rooms. Jungkook spots you on the bleachers, a smile spreading across his face as he makes his way towards you instead of tagging along with the other guys. Before he can reach you, Taehyung runs past him and pats him on the shoulder as he says something you can’t hear but it makes Jungkook glare at his best friend, swatting after him before he runs off to the locker rooms.
“Hey,” Jungkook breathlessly greets you as he comes to a halt in front of the bleachers. He watches you with a smile as you get up from your seat and make your way down the stairs, stopping in front of him. 
“Thanks for waiting. I didn’t think it’d drag out that much.”
His words barely register in your mind as you look at him, giving him a once over. His toned and veiny arms are on show due to his rolled up sleeves, skin glistening with sweat under the afternoon sunlight of October, damp and slightly curly hair with wet ends, pink lips parted as he breathes heavily from working out for two hours straight.
This is why you shouldn’t have agreed to meet him here. If you hadn’t, you would’ve spared yourself from seeing him like this – fresh out of practice, sweaty and good-looking. He’s without a doubt the most attractive person you've ever laid your eyes on and it’s intimidating as hell. Before Jungkook can catch you ogling him, you shake your head to get rid of these thoughts, plastering on a smile as you meet his eyes.
“It's okay,” you wave a hand dismissively, “so where do you wanna study?”
Jungkook swings his bag over his shoulder and smiles, “we can go back to my place?”
His place? Nope. No way. 
You can’t be in his apartment, much less alone with him in his apartment. That’s definitely not like being at the library. In the library you feel relaxed because there are other people around, you’re never truly alone with Jungkook and haven’t been yet except for that night where he drove you home. Which itself left a bigger impact on you than you would’ve liked. However, his apartment – his home –  is far from being like the library and just the mere thought of hanging out with him for longer than what a car ride lasts, studying with him back at his place has your heart racing and your mind screaming, reminding you of that promise you made to yourself – this crush on Jeon Jungkook needs to disappear.
But studying is important too and so far Jungkook seems to be your only option at getting this assignment done somewhat correctly. And you will always prioritize studying and your degree over anything else – even if it means spending some very intimidating alone time with the guy who’s making your heart race in your chest and your cheeks heat up like a little school girl.
“Sure,” you agree with his suggestion, voice rising an octave higher, “that sounds good.”
Jungkook and his roommates’ place is not like you imagined it to be. It’s clean, tidied up and nicely decorated and you can’t help but comment on it as soon as you’re standing in the living room, looking around. Your words have Jungkook chuckling before he tells you that keeping the place tidy and clean is mostly Jimin’s job. He doesn’t let the other guys touch the cleaning equipment because apparently they don’t know ‘how to do it right’. Jungkook puts air quotes around his last words, rolling his eyes with a smile playing upon his lips.
“Poor Jimin,” you pout playfully, trying your best to ignore the way Jungkook’s eyes flicker to your bottom lip for a split-second. “You guys let him carry that heavy load all by himself.”
“Hey,” Jungkook calls and points a finger at you, “Jimin put that heavy load on himself, so let’s not make Jungkook feel bad, alright?”
You put your hands up in surrender and let out a soft laugh, feeling the fast pace of your heart turn down a notch as the atmosphere turns light-hearted and playful. If being around Jungkook could be like this all the time without the unacknowledged tension and constant beating of your heart in your chest, maybe your crush would dissolve rather quickly. But no – Jungkook will go and do stuff that will make your breath hitch in your throat or he will say stuff that will make you blush for no specific reason. It’s a never-ending saga; Jungkook treats you with care and makes you laugh and then you’re right back to square one, your crush developing even faster than before.
“Well, make yourself at home,” Jungkook gestures to the couch, “I’ll hop in the shower before we get started.”
“Okay,” you squeak, the sudden thought of Jungkook taking a shower doing something to your voice.
“Be right back,” he smiles before disappearing into the bathroom, closing and locking the door after him.
You let out a soft yet frustrated groan to yourself as you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach, the cute smile Jungkook flashed at you just a minute ago playing on repeat in your mind. Plopping down on the couch, you grab your bag and pull out your anatomy & physiology book and laptop, placing it on the coffee table. It’s quiet in the apartment, the only sound being the shower running in the bathroom and Jungkook whistling to himself. None of the other guys seems to be home at the moment; Jimin and Taehyung are probably both back at campus, showering in the locker rooms and Hoseok must be in the dance studio – as he always is, according to Hyejin at least.
The peaceful silence mixed with the shower running and Jungkook’s harmonic whistling is relaxing in a way as you grab your laptop and sit back on the couch, hesitantly making yourself at home like Jungkook told you to. You dig out the document containing your assignment and start reading it, trying to do a bit of work on it before Jungkook comes back from showering. You’re entirely absorbed in it, so much that you shoot up in surprise when the front door suddenly unlocks.
“Oh,” Taehyung comes to a halt as he appears in the living room, surprised eyes meeting yours from across the room.
“Hi,” you pipe, suddenly feeling like you’re intruding in Taehyung’s home as he glances around the room and then looks at you in suspicion.
“Jungkook left you alone?” He asks instead of greeting you back.
“Yeah,” you reply but then shake your head, “or, well, he’s in the shower so I wouldn’t say he left left me alone, you know?”
Taehyung chuckles and you grimace, feeling like facepalming yourself. You’ve met Taehyung before and talked with him too so this slightly awkward air surrounding you feels sudden and out of place. However, he doesn’t seem to notice or care as he dumps his duffle bag on the floor before plopping down on the couch next to you, sitting just an arm’s length away.
“Why are you studying here? Don’t you guys usually meet up at the library?” He asks, lifting a curious eyebrow as he looks at you.
You nod.
“We do, but Jungkook asked me to meet him at the soccer field and then he said we could go here, so yeah…” you shrug, “that’s why I’m lounging around on your couch as if I’ve been here a million times before.”
“Oh, please, knock yourself out,” Taehyung grins, “you’re welcome any time. I know Jungkook will agree with me on that one.”
Just as the words leave his lips, the bathroom door unlocks and opens. Both of you whip your heads towards it, eyes landing on Jungkook. You startle in surprise, eyes widening and your lips being sucked into your mouth as you quickly look away from him again, cheeks heating up.
Jungkook is not wearing a shirt, or pants for that matter – just a white towel wrapped around his waist and it’s hanging dangerously low on his hips, might you add. Taehyung glances at you before looking back at Jungkook who’s already staring at him. There’s a look on Jungkook’s face you miss but Taehyung reads it right away, knowing fully well that it’s a silent warning that doesn’t need to be spoken out loud. You, on the other hand, are just hoping none of them caught onto the way your entire face flushed but Taehyung quickly destroys your hope as he speaks up.
“Dude, put on some clothes, will you?” He tells Jungkook. “Not everyone wants to see you naked.”
Okay, to be fair, you definitely wouldn’t mind it but you would like to be warned beforehand. It would give you a chance to prepare yourself and keep yourself from flushing red as if you’ve never seen a guy naked before. That you have for sure but you haven’t been as attracted to them as you are to this one. And before now it was only you who knew, but now it seems Taehyung knows too and you’re not entirely sure what he will do with this new information.
You risk sneaking a glance at Jungkook as you hear him click his tongue before heading towards his bedroom to retrieve some clothes, most likely. Hopefully. The sight of his naked back has you chewing on your bottom lip while trying to ignore the tiny smirk and teasing look on Taehyung’s face. When Jungkook is out of your line of vision, you glance at Taehyung only to be met with a look, one that tells you that he knows.
He may be an arrogant and flirty jock but he’s incredibly observative as well – obviously aware of the fact that seeing Jungkook practically naked affected you much more than it would someone who sees him as just a friend.
But before you can tell him to keep whatever information he has gotten within the past five minutes to himself, Jungkook reappears, wearing a matching set of a black hoodie and black sweatpants. He carries his anatomy & physiology book and laptop in one hand as he strides towards the couch.
“You ready to learn some more about the human body?” He grins softly.
He knows just how much you hate this assignment with every fiber of your being.
“Yep,” you quickly reply, still slightly shocked from seeing Jungkook’s entire torso in the naked form, now all hidden underneath that big, soft-looking hoodie of his.
“Well,” Taehyung sighs as he gets up from the couch, allowing Jungkook to take the spot – he, however, chooses to sit a bit closer to you than Taehyung did, one arm's length now only half an arm's length. “I’ll let you nerds get to it.”
You and Jungkook both watch as he smirks softly, grabbing his bag off the floor and moving towards his bedroom.
“I’m gonna go do something more fun,” he grins, “like watching paint dry. Have fun, kids!”
He closes his bedroom door after him, leaving you and Jungkook alone. 
“Sorry about that,” Jungkook sighs and turns to look at you, “he tends to be like that and we haven’t figured out what to do with him yet.”
Laughing, you shake your head, “it’s fine, don’t worry about it. He was being nice.”
“Hopefully not too nice,” Jungkook mutters softly as he opens his laptop and book to continue with the assignment. You don’t put much thought into Jungkook’s words as you join him, opening your own book onto the page you last left off at. You’re determined to get this assignment done so you don’t have to think about it anymore or have anymore of these torturous study dates with Jungkook.
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This assignment is slowly killing you – and Jungkook can tell.
For the past hour, he has been trying his very best to explain a specific part of chapter 3 on Anatomy & Physiology in sports but nothing makes sense to you and the deadline is coming closer for every minute that ticks by. The stress building up within you is visibly showing on your face as you stare blankly at Jungkook, trying to make sense of every sentence he’s saying. After trying to make you understand a certain academic term for the third time without success, he chuckles softly and closes the book.
“Why don’t we do something else for a bit?” He suggests.
You sigh deeply, “I need to understand this part, Jungkook… otherwise I won’t be able to finish the assignment.” 
“____, if we don’t take a break now, you won’t be able to get it at all.”
The hesitating look you give him causes him to close both of your laptops and push them aside on the dining table. You watch in confusion as he gets up and moves around the table before coming to a halt in front of you. A shot of a tingling, electrifying feeling runs through your body as he carefully grabs your hands and pulls you to your feet. You try your very hardest to ignore the way your stomach flips and how your entire body is set on fire as his hands grasp yours – instead focusing on not developing butterflies in your stomach because of how he tugs you to the couch with a small smile on his face.
“Let’s watch a movie,” he says, “and then we can go back to studying.”
“Fine,” you give in, fighting the smile that’s threatening to spread on your lips.
You get comfortable on your couch and turn on the TV, pulling up your favorite streaming site; Disney+. Jungkook watches in silence as you look through the movies. He’s sitting quietly next to you, relaxed with his feet up on the coffee table and arms behind his head. He can tell you’re struggling to choose a movie, a chuckle leaving him.
“Do you know what you wanna watch?” He asks in amusement.
You shrug, “is a Marvel movie okay?”
This catches Jungkook’s attention as his head turns abruptly to look at you. You meet his eyes, confused as to why he looks at you as if you said something shocking. Maybe you did – if the surprised yet slight smile on Jungkook’s face is something to base it on.  
“What?” You ask him, suddenly feeling very small under his surprised stare.
“You like Marvel?”
The surprised tone of his voice tells you that the shocking thing you said was the word ‘Marvel’ as if he never expected you to like superhero movies. You pull your legs up under you and give him a pointed look, smile threatening to spread on your lips, “are you kidding? Marvel is the best thing ever created.”
The grin that splits across Jungkook’s face as the words leave your mouth brings a warmth to your chest, your heart skipping a beat as the glint in his eyes becomes more evident.
“I didn't peg you to be into superheroes,” he admits with a lopsided grin, “but now that you mention it, I can definitely see it.” 
For some reason, his comment makes you grin. Jungkook squints his eyes at you, “who’s your favorite Avenger though?”
“Wanda, for sure,” you reply instantly, “yours?”
Jungkook smirks as he runs a hand through his hair, a slight redness painting his ears as he reminisces his childhood, “my room back home in Busan used to be filled with Iron Man posters and action figures when I was a kid.”
As Jungkook reveals this endearing fact about himself, you immediately imagine a much younger version of the man next to you – he’s sitting on the floor of his childhood bedroom, walls covered in Iron Man posters, bookcases and shelves filled with action figures rather than books, the bed sheets covered with Marvel comics too. A bedroom of a little fanboy filled with merchandise, comics, action figures and posters mixed with trophies and medals from his soccer tournaments.
The adorable image of Jungkook as a child has you smiling to yourself.
Jungkook is already looking when you look at him again, his head slightly tilted to the side with a small smile on his lips when his dark brown eyes lock with yours.
“How did you end up here in Seoul?” You ask him, changing the subject as the thought suddenly strikes you. “I mean, Busan Uni has a pretty good soccer team too, right?”
“Yeah, they do,” Jungkook agrees, “Seoul has better opportunities though when you wanna pursue soccer on a professional level.”
“Oh, right, that makes sense.”
“What about you? Why did you leave Busan?”
There’s a long pause. You haven’t talked about it since you came to Seoul, simply telling people that you changed for academic reasons. However, as Jungkook looks at you, awaiting your response with calm eyes and a small smile, you want to tell him the real reason for your sudden move.
“I’ve always wanted to leave Busan and go somewhere else. And I just knew that if I didn’t leave now, I would be stuck there for the rest of my life…” a heavy sigh leaves your lips as you continue, “my brother lives abroad and I’ve always admired him for that, but my parents took it pretty hard when he left. After that, I always kinda felt like it was my responsibility to stay close to home, even though I always wanted to leave Busan someday. My parents wanted me to attend college in Busan and eventually get a job in Busan, then buy a house in Busan, and next thing you know I’ll be buried in Busan. And then I won’t get the chance to experience what else there is to life other than my hometown-“
You pause to inhale deeply before sighing again, “but then I ended up finally telling them I wanted to transfer to Seoul Uni. They weren’t very supportive of it though.”
“Oh,” Jungkook mutters, frowning softly, “I’m sorry.”
Smiling, you shake your head as if to tell him it’s okay, “they told me that if I wanted to move to Seoul, I should at least major in medicine because apparently ‘there’s no future in art, ____’, so I agreed to change my major.”
Jungkook furrows his eyebrows at you, “but you’re not majoring in medicine?”
You shake your head again, “nope.”
The realization hits him then, his lips parting as he understands what you’re telling him, “oh, I see.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle softly, “so I’m still an art major but I did enroll in anatomy and physiology to have some sort of proof if they ever ask for it. And that is why you’re helping me study because none of it makes sense to me.”
Jungkook lets out a laugh at that, finding you endearing and so, so cool. The way you chose to follow your heart and major in art despite your parents telling you to study medicine makes you even cooler in his eyes. The idea of you pursuing what you love and not what anyone else thinks is best is inspiring to say the least and Jungkook is positive that there’s no one quite like you. 
“Sorry, that was a lot,” you chuckle sheepishly as his laughter dies down. “I usually don’t talk about it that much.”
Jungkook shakes his head and smiles, “no, don’t apologize, I think it’s really cool how you chose to pursue what you want and not give a damn what everyone else says.”
You smile in response to his words.
“I get it though,” he continues, “I felt the same way – I mean I knew I had to move to Seoul for my future if I wanted to make something of myself, but I want to travel too and see what else the world has to offer.”
“Yeah, me too! My brother lives in Paris and we went there last year for his wedding. It’s so cool there.”
You watch as Jungkook’s eyes widen in excitement, “wait, your brother lives in Paris? Some of the best soccer players in the world play for Paris Saint-Germain! I’ve always wanted to go there!”
“You should! They have the most bread I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
Jungkook laughs, “bread?”
“Yes, I had a sandwich that was the size of my head.”
The excited grin that’s spreading across your face has Jungkook laughing. You’re too adorable, getting so hyped over a sandwich you had a year ago and the fact that Paris was filled with bread.
“Sounds like a dream,” he tells you, smirking softly.
You nod excitingly, “it was the best sandwich I’ve ever had.”
After discussing sandwiches, story-telling about how you got drunk at your brother’s wedding, and Jungkook telling you which soccer players that are playing for Paris Saint-Germain, you and Jungkook end up watching the first Marvel movie Disney+ recommended. It’s halfway through the movie you realize just how close you’re sitting to Jungkook, the way his thigh and shoulder is touching yours causing you to inhale deeply before exhaling again, breathing slightly shaky. Jungkook is completely absorbed in the movie, not paying attention to how you try to distance yourself from him before your entire body explodes from the close proximity. Once you manage to move an inch without being too obvious, you relax into the couch and continue to watch the movie.
“You ready to try again?” Jungkook asks once the end credits start to roll over the screen.
You drop your head against the back of the couch, groaning softly, “do I have to?”
Jungkook chuckles as he stands up, “unfortunately, yes. But once you get it, the rest will come to you pretty easily.”
After thirty minutes and four tries of explaining the workings of a dislocated shoulder to you, Jungkook lets out a defeated sigh as you ask him the same question for the third time; “can’t you just pop it back into place?”
“____, no… it doesn’t work that way,” he groans softly as he pinches the bridge of his nose, “you’re not supposed to pop it back into place, you need to roll it back into place to prevent additional damage.”
“But how?” You whine. “Jungkook, how do you roll a bone?”
“You just… roll it.”
You stare at Jungkook, eyes squinting in confusion and frustration, “how does that even work? It’s not a bowling ball!”
“A bowling ball? Jesus fucking chr- come here, I’ll show you,” he waves you over, “because explaining it to you or drawing it obviously doesn’t work.”
“Well, maybe if someone’s drawing skills were better, it wouldn’t be so hard to understand,” you point out, mumbling it.
Jungkook hears you though and shoots you a soft glare, “I’m an excellent artist, thank you very much.”
You’re pursing your lips to hide your smile as you get up and stand in front of him, wondering how exactly he’s going to show you how to roll your shoulder back into place when your shoulder is perfectly fine. Jungkook pulls out the chair next to him, telling you to sit down. You do as told, yelping in surprise when he tugs the chair closer to himself, practically seating you between his legs.
“Okay, imagine your shoulder fell out of its socket,” Jungkook begins to explain. You nod and hum, glancing at him. He meets your eyes for a split second as he brings his right hand up, grabbing your forearm to hold it in the air. He places his left hand right below your collarbone, his thumb softly digging into the juncture of your shoulder. 
You try your very hardest to ignore the way your skin is tingling under your shirt as his hand rests upon the upper part of your chest, his thumb digging into your flesh and his other hand holding onto your arm. You might be hallucinating but you’re pretty sure his thumb is stroking the skin of your forearm repeatedly as if to caress it. You watch him as he explains it to you, his eyes focused on your shoulder as he starts pointing out different spots that are important to have in mind when you need to relocate a shoulder.
“So you shouldn’t tug or push when you wanna ‘pop’ it back into place. You need to do it by feeling around with your thumb and then slowly roll the arm so the shoulder is carefully rolled back into place,” he says, glancing up at you. His eyes lock with yours, causing you to inhale a soft but sharp breath of air. 
When did he get so close to you?
You feel panic settle in your chest as you catch Jungkook glancing at your lips. Not that you’re any better because you’ve been stealing glances at his lips too while he was talking about different pressure points of the shoulder. You're still living in the unknown of what it would feel like to kiss them.
The urge to kiss him is overwhelming, especially when he’s sitting this close – right next to you, his legs caging the chair you’re sitting on, eyes skimming your face and pausing a second longer on your lips only to drive you crazy because you know you and him will never happen, not when your friend already has feelings for him.
God, why does he have to be so attractive and sweet anyway? It’s ridiculous, really.
Something within the short moment of silence told Jungkook to lean closer because he does and he’s coming closer, eyes shifting between your lips and your eyes to look for any signs that you don’t want him this close. You do want him this close but you shouldn’t though. You want him to lean in all the way and kiss you but you shouldn’t want him to.
When he’s only an inch away from touching your lips with his, his breath fanning across your mouth just as he’s about to close the distance entirely, you turn your head. You feel his lips brush your cheek before he pulls away immediately, an apology leaving his lips in an instant, his hands falling from where they were touching you.
“Sorry,” he mutters as he creates space between you and him, causing your heart to fall to the pit of your stomach.
You can’t help but look at him in surprise, “what are you doing?”
“I don’t know, I just-” Jungkook shrugs, lips parting as he searches his mind for an explanation. His shoulders drop as if giving up and he sighs deeply, “I really like you, ____… And I just had a feeling that maybe you liked me too.”
Jungkook likes you? The Jeon Jungkook likes you and not his fuck buddy, Hyejin? You’re tempted to ask him to repeat himself because it seems unbelievable to you that someone like him would be into someone like you – it’s not that you’re complete opposites or anything, it could make sense but you just figured he’d be more into someone popular and sweet like Hyejin, like himself. 
She is the perfect girl after all.
Uncomfortable silence fills the room as you look at him, teeth digging into your bottom lip in pure nervousness. Jungkook is looking at you with his big, round eyes and they’re full of hope and a hint of desperation. It breaks your heart because you know what you have to do and he won’t like it.
“Jungkook…” You begin and you can tell he already knows what you’re going to say as he closes his eyes momentarily as if to shield himself from your words. “I-I don’t see you that way.”
That has got to be the biggest fattest lie you’ve ever told anyone but Hyejin keeps appearing in your mind, reminding you that she has been fucking him for months now while developing feelings which seems impossible to prevent – he’s incredibly easy to fall for.
“I see,” he nods.
You grimace to disguise the frown on your face, “I’m sorry-”
Jungkook shakes his head and flashes you a smile, one that was supposed to cover up the disappointment he feels but it’s a sad smile and the disappointment is evident on his face.
“No need to apologize,” he says, waving a hand, “I must’ve gotten the wrong idea, I’m sorry.”
“Jungkook, don’t…” You try but cut yourself off as he turns around in his seat to pack up his things. You stay put in your seat right next to him, watching with a deep frown as he stuffs his laptop and books into his backpack before getting up and throwing it over his shoulder.
“I’ll, uh, see myself out,” he tells you and motions to the dining table, “I hope I was able to help with… all that.”
Not a single word leaves your lips as his lips spread into a flat, tight-lipped smile before he turns on his heel and heads for the front door, leaving without hesitation. You’re left sitting  in the middle of your kitchen slash living room, confused and sad because the only guy who has ever made you feel like you're floating likes you too but your conscience gets in the way – you made a promise to yourself to get rid of this useless crush of yours. You need to keep that promise for the sake of your friendship with Hyejin.
Now more than ever.
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jungkook [8:23 pm]: hey, wanna meet up tomorrow? we’re still missing the last part of chap 3 :)
The first text Jungkook sent you after being turned down was left unanswered. He wasn’t sure if he should text you at all after what happened but he decided to do it anyway, hoping that you and him could pretend it never happened. So he sent you that text the other night but you still haven’t replied. To be honest, he doesn’t even know if you read it. The only time he’s seen you after he rushed out of your place, his heart bruised and his ego too, was in A&P class yesterday. But you came late and left quickly, so he hasn’t had the chance to ask you in person. But he’s kind of worried. It’s very unlike you to not respond to his texts – whether it's him asking about studying or him sending a random meme late at night when he’s unable to sleep and still running high on adrenaline from being at the gym.
Now he’s sitting on the couch in his living room; all of his roommates have gone to bed already and the entire apartment is quiet, the only sound being the late-night traffic outside and the occasional front door being slammed shut by one of the neighbors. His phone rests on his thigh as he stares at it, the last text he sent you staring back at him, unanswered. Unread. 
Maybe he should just text you again? Just to make sure you’re okay. You didn't seem okay when he saw you in class yesterday. He lets out a defeated sigh as he picks up his phone and starts typing. 
jungkook [11:09 pm]: hey, just making sure you saw my text. everything ok? when do you wanna study again? lmk :)
Another day passes and there’s still no reply from you.
He misses you, misses hanging out with you, studying with you – just being around you. Not hearing from you or seeing you for several days after he’s gotten used to seeing you every other day is affecting him much more than he thought it would. Maybe it’s the way you left things the last time you saw each other. There’s a chance he ruined everything – that you don’t want to be friends with him anymore after he tried to kiss you and confessed. It wasn’t a good moment but a part of Jungkook is hoping that you’ll be able to look past it and still be friends despite the feelings that are rooted within him.
Hope fills him as a text lights up his phone, causing him to grab it right away and holding it up to read the new text. His face falls and shoulders slump when he sees the text isn’t from you but Hyejin instead.
hyejin [7:53 pm]: Hi! Wanna come over?🥰
Normally he would reply to Hyejin right away, saying yes or no, depending on his mood. Usually he’s in the mood for coming over to her place but something is holding him back tonight. He feels torn – should he go to Hyejin’s place despite the feelings he has for you? Maybe he should. It wouldn't hurt anyone, especially not you since you turned him down. As if you even care if he sees Hyejin or not. Besides, it’s not like Jungkook will get anything out of sitting around, staring at his phone while waiting for you to reply. Might as well do something else while he waits. He’ll have to get rid of these unnecessary and unreciprocated feelings eventually anyway.
After texting Hyejin back, telling her he’s on his way, Jungkook grabs his phone and car keys before heading out of the front door. While driving to Hyejin’s place, Jungkook is thinking about the other day, thinking about how you had been so close to letting him kiss you, how you had turned your head in the last second before Jungkook could close the distance between you, how he had bared his feelings to you only for you to turn him down, to tell him you don’t see him that way.
He had been so sure you liked him too and then you rejected him. That has never happened to Jungkook before – not that Jungkook has ever tried to make a move on a girl before like this. Sure, he’s had his fair share of hook-ups here and there, but he has never initiated a kiss without the intention of hooking up. The other day he just wanted to touch your lips with his own, nothing more.
It’s a strange feeling; wanting to be around you all the time, wondering what you’re doing when you’re not with him, wanting to kiss you, wanting to hold your hand. 
He has never felt like this about anyone before.
It has always been hook-ups and flings, nothing serious. Jungkook has never wanted anything serious. Not even with Hyejin – but then you came into the picture, lost and confused on your very first day and Jungkook found himself walking towards you before he could even register it in his mind. At first he was captivated by your beauty, then your voice after hearing it for the first time, and now your personality.
Not that it matters anymore anyway. You don’t see him that way and yet you’re still the only thing on his mind when he rings the doorbell to Hyejin’s sorority house.
“Hi,” Hyejin mouths to Jungkook when she opens the door, her phone to her ear as she flashes him a smile. “Hey, I’ll call you tomorrow, Jungkook just got here. Alright, see you!”
Jungkook pays no attention to Hyejin’s phone call as he slips inside, greeting her with a low ‘hey’. It’s all routine as he follows her to her room, takes off his jacket only to dump it on the chair by her desk and slips off his shoes, leaving them by the chair as well. Hyejin joins him on her bed as he plops down onto it, staring at the ceiling and letting out a heavy sigh.
“You okay?” Hyejin asks, supporting her head with her hand to look at him.
“Yeah, just tired… ” he breathes, mind still occupied with thoughts of you and why you haven’t answered his messages since he last saw you. You usually reply within an hour or so. Maybe you’re going through some stuff that has caused you to distance yourself from everyone. He wonders if Hyejin has heard from you. Surely, you wouldn’t ignore only Jungkook, right? 
“Have you heard from ____ lately?” He can’t help but ask, curiosity getting the best of him.
“Yeah, that’s who I was talking to on the phone when you got here. Why?”
So you’re ignoring just Jungkook. That’s cool.
“Kookie,” Hyejin coos as he frowns, “if you’re not up for it tonight, we can just watch a movie or something.”
Jungkook instantly shakes his head as he sits up and runs a hand through his dark hair, his tone slightly harder than intended as he responds; “I didn’t come here to watch a movie, Hyejin.”
“Then what did you come here for?”
Hyejin slides into his lap, her arms sliding up his chest to his shoulders and further into his hair. He sighs deeply and closes his eyes, head falling back. Hyejin sees an opportunity to plant open-mouthed kisses on his neck, leaning in and placing her lips against his skin.
“Sex,” Jungkook grumbles, letting himself be pushed to lay down on the bed as he welcomes her touch reluctantly, “just sex.”
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How you’ve managed to avoid Jungkook for days now is unbeknownst to you, especially because you’ve gotten used to seeing him every other day. The only time you’ve seen him was in A&P class two days ago but even then you made sure to get there right before it started, so that you wouldn’t end up sitting next to him. You felt his eyes on you the entire time you walked from the door and to the first empty seat you could find. Throughout the class, you didn’t dare look in his direction because the mere thought of facing him after the other day is just heartbreaking and embarrassing to say the least. You can’t forget the pained expression on his face when you rejected him, when you lied to his face and told him you don’t see him in any other way but platonically.
But then you were on the phone with Hyejin a few days ago, speechless and greatly confused when she said she had to go because Jungkook was there. After the phone call ended, you stared at your phone for a solid minute as the disappointment and bitterness grew within you.
Why would Jungkook confess his feelings for you and then go see Hyejin not even a week later?
It doesn’t make sense to you. 
You hate the fact, despite knowing for months now that he and Hyejin have been seeing each other, that he went to see her after baring his feelings. In all honesty, you feel disgusted and nauseous at the idea of him with someone else. What exactly was the purpose when he opened up to you? Why would he try to kiss you when he’s still involved with Hyejin?
All these questions are filling your head, screaming at you and causing your mood to turn sour as you arrive at the frat party that’s taking place tonight. Hyejin told you to meet her here after you told her you had some stuff to do before being able to go. As always, the music is blaring through the speakers, people filling the rooms – chatting, dancing, making out. You squeeze through a group of people before you spot Hyejin and the rest of the friend group. You’re about to approach them but the sight that catches your attention has you halting in your steps.
There he is.
Seated on the couch, Hyejin in his lap with one of her arms around his shoulders. Your eyes follow his arms, taking notice of how one of his hands is resting on her thigh, the other arm around her waist. They’re both watching Hoseok as he stands in the middle of the circle, goofing around as always. Laughter spreads between all of them, Jungkook’s eyes squinting together and nose scrunching up like it usually does when he laughs. Hyejin is laughing too, her hand now caressing the back of his neck. Jungkook doesn’t seem fazed by it, in fact he seems pretty relaxed as he sits there.
They look like the perfect couple, you think to yourself, the popular, sorority president and the star of the soccer team.
But as you take in the image of them, you can’t help the way anger boils within your chest along with the pain of seeing the guy you have feelings for all cuddled up on the couch with your friend. You were sad before coming here, sad that you had to hurt Jungkook the way that you did when he had opened up to you, guilty because you avoided and ignored him, angry at yourself for making him feel so rejected after trying to kiss you. But all you feel now is anger – anger, bitterness, nausea and jealousy because not only is he cuddled up with her on the couch but he also went to see her last night as if nothing happened at your place just a few days before.
So instead of approaching the group, you turn on your heel, about to walk away but you freeze in your steps as Hyejin calls your name.
“____! Hey!”
Inhaling deeply, you plaster on the fakest smile you can muster before turning to face her, to face all of them. You smile at everyone, greeting them. A pair of eyes are boring into the side of your face but you choose not to look at him. You’re not sure what you will do if you lock eyes with him.
“Hey, you came,” his voice reaches you anyway. There’s a soft and excited yet nervous smile on his face when your eyes flicker to meet his. Your heart skips a beat before it sinks to the pit of your stomach. You hate being so angry with him, so jealous, but you can’t control it as a deep frown takes over your features. And before Jungkook or Hyejin can say more, you’re turning your back to them again.
“That was weird,” you hear Hyejin say to the others just as you head to the kitchen.
Jungkook watches you walk away, a frown much like yours on his face. His eyebrows are knitted together in confusion as he wonders what the hell just happened. As you disappear into the kitchen, he lets out a sigh and relaxes into the couch, convincing himself that you’re just getting yourself a drink before coming back again. But as five minutes pass and you still haven’t returned to the group, Jungkook nudges Hyejin off his lap. He ignores the confused look she gives him as he gets up from the couch and heads towards the kitchen. The frown and slightly pained expression on your face is stuck on his mind. 
When Jungkook enters the kitchen, he spots you by the counter island, talking to Taehyung of all people. Ignoring the tension appearing in his chest as he notices the bright smile on your face and Taehyung's as well, he makes his way to you. When Taehyung notices Jungkook over your shoulder, Jungkook greets him with a nod before coming to a stop next to you.
“Hey,” he softly butts in, focusing his eyes on you, “can I talk to you for a second?”
“I’m in the middle of something,” you tell him, voice cold as you glance at him, looking at him with disinterest causing his stomach to drop.
Taehyung clicks his tongue, placing his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, “I’ll go see if the others need a refill or something.”
He pats Jungkook’s shoulder a few times as if to say ‘good luck’ before leaving, heading back into the living room of the frat house. Jungkook watches his friend walk away, sighing as he turns to face you again. Before Jungkook can open his mouth to utter a single word, you’re turning your back to him and leaving the kitchen in the same direction you entered.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks as he follows you. “Are you mad at me?”
Jungkook continues to follow as you keep walking, heading for nothing in particular other than trying to get away from Jungkook. Just the mere sound of his voice reminds you of how he went to see Hyejin last night despite claiming to have feelings for you. You can’t get the mental image of them together – him caressing her, fucking her, kissing her – out of your head, causing you to walk faster. But Jungkook keeps up with you.
“Then why are you acting like this?”
“I’m not acting like anything,” you shrug, “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Jungkook scoffs softly, “Come on, ____, I can clearly see something is bothering you. What is it?”
“Why don’t you just go back to Hyejin?” You tell him as you glance at him over your shoulder. You yelp softly as Jungkook grabs your wrist, abruptly turning you to face him, your eyes meeting confused and frustrated, dark brown ones.
“What are you talking about?”
You pull your wrist from his hand, crossing your arms over your chest, shrugging, “I just find it interesting that you confessed to me and tried to kiss me and yet you’re still with Hyejin. Like why would you tell me you like me and then go see her the same week?”
“What?” Jungkook’s eyebrows are pulled together on his forehead, confusion etched on his face, “You know I have nothing going on with her.”
“Oh, is that why you’re fucking?”
The words leave your lips so fast as if the question has been on the tip of your tongue for days. Jungkook blinks at you in surprise, not expecting that. However, his face soon twists into one akin to frustration. Why does it matter anyway, Jungkook thinks to himself. You don’t feel the same so what does it matter that he’s seeing Hyejin after being rejected by you? What exactly did you expect him to do? Swear off sex and other girls until you might realize you like him too?
“Why do you even care? You told me-”
Jungkook pauses as he realizes you’re standing in the middle of a crowded hallway. People are starting to look, starting to pay attention to the conversation between the two of you. Moving instinctively, he grabs your hand and pulls you through the nearest door, closing and locking it after him. It’s a storage closet and when he turns to face you, his breath hitches as he notices how tight it is in here and just how close you’re standing to each other.
“You told me you don’t like me,” he continues calmly, yet a hint of frustration in his voice. 
“I don’t,” you tell him sharply, your tone defensive.
“Then why do you care?”
“I don’t!” You hiss.
Jungkook can’t help but shoot you a look, one that tells you that he doesn’t believe you one bit.
“I’m not stupid, ____,” he chuckles, no humor in it. “Apparently you do because you keep avoiding me!”
“Just because I’m avoiding you, doesn’t mean something’s wrong,” you tell him, “the world doesn’t revolve around you, Jungkook.”
“So you are avoiding me?”
Silence fills the small space of the closet, realization flashing across your face as you avoid Jungkook’s eyes. Jungkook watches you nibble on your bottom lip, sighing as he gives up.
“Is this about the kiss?” He asks, voice softer this time around as worry fills him. The stress of the whole situation hits him all at once. He really managed to ruin everything because he gave into his urge to kiss you, “I already said I was sorry. I would take it back if I could… Fuck, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-”
“You didn’t.”
The sudden soft sound of your voice causes Jungkook to shut up, searching for your eyes in the darkness of the closet. He can feel the warmth radiating off your body due to the close proximity. If he were to lift his hands, they would brush against you. Just the mere thought of touching you has his heart beating faster.
“What?” He mutters.
“Nevermind,” you wave a dismissive hand, “just forget it.”
Jungkook instantly shakes his head, “no, just… Talk to me. Please.”
“I can’t, Jungkook!”
Jungkook stares at you in disbelief; frustrated and stressed, dejected and regretful because now you won’t even talk to him. He shouldn’t have tried to kiss you. He shouldn’t have crossed that line with you. What you had before should’ve been enough for him. Yet he still wants you to tell him what’s going on, to say what’s bothering you, to tell him what he can do to make things okay again. But instead of asking calmly, the fear of losing you entirely takes over, causing his voice to raise just a tad bit.
“What do you mean you can’t?”
“I just-“ You let out a frustrated groan, “I just can’t, okay?”
“Why not?!” Jungkook’s patience is running thin at this point, dissolving the more you refuse to tell him what’s wrong.
“Because why?!”
Panic rises in you, the answer to all of Jungkook’s questions lying on the tip of your tongue. But you know you can’t bring yourself to say it out loud, to tell him what the real issue is. Instead all you can focus on is his lips, pink and pretty, so close to yours and inviting as ever as they’re slightly parted. His chest rises and falls with heavy breaths of frustration, his breath is brushing against you and god, you want to kiss him so bad.
So you do.
Before Jungkook can prepare himself for what happens next, you’re grabbing him by the nape of his neck to slam your mouth against his. Jungkook’s breath hitches in his throat as you kiss him; passionately, desperately. Every emotion you’ve felt for him ever since meeting him the first day is poured into this moment, the words you can’t bring yourself to say being said through a kiss.
It’s as if relief rushes through your body as you finally get to feel his lips on yours. You haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since it almost happened less than a week ago.
Jungkook feels his entire body fill with heat as your lips connect with his, his knees going weak and if he didn’t know any better, he would think his body could melt into a pool of goo at your feet. He immediately cups your face with his hand, kissing you back. As your fingertips dig into the back of his neck, he slides an arm around your waist to pull you closer, head tilting to deepen the kiss. A moan escapes your lips as he devours your mouth with his own, leaning against you until your back hits the wall of the tiny closet. 
Both of you are breathing heavily, fingers digging into each other’s flesh as tongues meet. Jungkook groans softly into your mouth as your hand slides from his neck and further up into his hair, fingers curling themselves in the black strands of softness. His arm around your waist tightens as he catches the whimper that escapes from your lips. He swallows it and continues kissing you like his life depended on it, fingertips digging into your skin through your dress.
Kissing you is a dream coming true for Jungkook – it’s everything he ever could’ve imagined and more. The soft feeling of your lips, the small sounds you make when his body is pressed against yours, the way you hold onto him to pull him in close. It’s all too much yet it’s not enough. Jungkook wishes to kiss you non-stop, to have you this close at all times. As his hand travels from your waist and up the expanse of your back, he wonders what it’s like to know every dip and curve of your body, what it’s like to know about the spots that will have you shuddering under his touch, what it’s like to run his lips over every part of your body and watch you squirm until you’re pleading him to kiss you till you can’t breathe. He lets his fingertips dig into your shoulder blade before sliding back down again, settling lower than before.
Your mouths can’t stop, won’t stop. Jungkook lets out a heavy sigh as he lets himself relax entirely against you, his hand moving from cupping your face to sliding into your hair, thumb staying on your cheek to caress the skin there. A whimpering, slightly pleading moan leaves you, going straight to Jungkook’s–
Jungkook’s heart stops in his chest as something, or someone, thumps against the door, causing you to pull away, eyes widened in shock and hands pressing against Jungkook’s chest as if to create distance between him and you. Jungkook stares back at you, not sure what to say or do with himself as he watches you drop your head into your hands, inaudible mumbling coming from you. Although he’s pretty sure he hears the word ‘no’ repeatedly.
“Um… are you-” Jungkook softly tries, voice croaked as he speaks the first words after the best kiss of his life. To be honest, he can’t believe what just happened, his mind currently in a complete daze.
“I need to go.”
You cut him off as you try to push past him, reaching for the lock on the door. You can’t ignore how your hands are slightly shaking and how your heart is beating so hard it might leave your ribcage in a minute. Your chest is tightening, making it difficult for you to breathe in this tiny storage closet. God, that was the best fucking kiss of your life – mind-blowing even and you’re convinced nothing compares to what you and Jungkook just shared. You’re no stranger to making out and you know for sure that you’ve never in your life experienced anything like this before.
Your mind is hazy, dazed as you struggle to unlock the door, fumbling with the lock and handle. It won’t budge and Jungkook’s presence is only making it worse. You can feel the heat radiating off him, engulfing you entirely and slowly pulling you back in to feel his body against yours again–
Why won’t this fucking door open?
Jungkook’s mind hasn’t caught up yet, his thoughts a jumbled mess and intoxicated by you and your lips. But as you let out a frustrated groan while trying to get the door open, he reconnects with reality, eyes widening when he realizes you’re trying to leave the closet. Panic settles in, his entire body moving on its own as he presses a hand against the door, keeping it closed just as you finally manage to unlock it.
“Don’t leave.”
The words escape his kiss-swollen lips in a pleading tone, voice soft in the quietness of the closet. He watches as you drop your forehead against the door, a heavy sigh leaving you. He hopes you won’t leave, he hopes with every fiber of his being that you will stay just long enough to tell him what the hell is going on, what the hell that kiss was all about and why you’re trying to leave so diligently. He doesn’t want you to leave again only to avoid and ignore him. Again. He missed you so much these past days of not seeing or hearing from you. Having you ignoring and avoiding him all over again would be torture to say the least. Especially after what just happened.
“Jungkook… I can’t-” you mutter softly, not looking at him at all. “I can’t do this.”
“Don’t push me away again. Please.”
You shake your head, “I’m sorry.”
Jungkook is reluctant to remove his hand from the door but when you tug at it, he sighs in defeat and lets his hand fall, allowing you to open it more. Before he can ask you to stay once again, you’re slipping out of the closet and leaving him by himself, confused and frustrated yet high on the feeling of your lips, longing for even more.
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Anger, frustration, confusion… longing.
These are all emotions Jungkook feels as he gets ready for the soccer game taking place tonight. He’s trying his hardest to get into his usual mindset before the game but tonight it seems impossible. The rest of the team around him are sneaking glances at him here and there as if to see if he’s made any progress since he put on his headphones and closed off from the sounds around him. They’re worried for their star player, no doubt about it. Tonight’s game is important – there’s a scout from FC Seoul who’s had her eyes on Jungkook for a while at this point, watching their last couple of games. Never once has she talked to Jungkook but she will after tonight’s game if his coach ends up being right.
However, the only thing on Jungkook’s mind is not the scout from FC Seoul nor is it the game that he’s about to play. No, it’s you and you only. You’ve been on his mind since you left him alone in the storage closet, leaving in such a rush that it didn’t occur to him what had happened until he was lying in his bed an hour later.
It had dawned on him then; how you had been so determined to not tell him what was wrong, how you had kissed him like you couldn’t tell him in any other way. But the minute Hyejin’s name left your lips, Jungkook knew. Something about him and Hyejin is bothering you, he just doesn’t know what or why. Yes he hooks up with her on occasion, but he already told you – twice – that he has nothing going on with her, that she’s nothing but a friend. However, something about the settlement he has with Hyejin is holding you back from telling Jungkook what the actual issue is.
“Alright, boys, listen up,” the coach enters the locker room, clipboard in hand as he glances around the room. Jungkook sits down on one of the benches, nodding in greeting to his coach. Just for a moment, he tries to put you to the back of his mind so he can hear whatever the coach has to say.
“Tonight’s game is important,” the coach starts, “not only for the team but for some of you individually as well. The scout from FC Seoul is here tonight and she’s expecting to see some talent so do your best out there, follow Park’s lead, and let’s win this one, alright?”
A round of roaring sounds throughout the locker room as the coach finishes, giving the floor to Jimin. Jungkook listens with half an ear as Jimin gives instructions on how he’d like the play to be tonight and where he wants certain players. Once he’s done, everyone gathers the stuff they need and heads out to the field to warm up before kickoff. Just as Jungkook has grabbed his stuff and is about to head out of the locker room alongside the others, Jimin calls his name. Jungkook turns to face his roommate slash team captain only to be met by a concerned look.
“You okay?” Jimin asks.
Jungkook shrugs and nods shortly, “yeah, why?”
Jimin crosses his arms over his chest, “you don’t seem like yourself tonight – is it ____?”
“It’s not important…“
“What happened at the party last night?” Jimin presses.
A frustrated sigh leaves Jungkook at the thought of you. He has been asking himself that question since you left him high and dry, confused to say the least, in a dark storage closet with only the lingering feeling of your kiss on his lips. Something definitely happened but what it was, he doesn’t know. All he knows is that he felt something deeply within himself when you kissed him, something he can’t shake and it’s been haunting him since.
“Can we not talk about this right now?” Jungkook sharply says, looking at Jimin, “I just wanna focus on the game.”
His roommate eyes him for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh, nodding.
“Yeah, sure.”
Jungkook silently nods in return before turning his back to his roommate, heading out of the locker room and to the field. When he reaches the soccer field, the sound of people talking and cheering for the school’s team fills his ears. The feeling it usually brings him is non-existing tonight as he glances towards the bleachers. All sorts of feelings fill his entire body instead as he almost instantly spots you and Hyejin taking your seats. The sight of you causes a rush to run through his body, heart beating harder in his chest. It’s as if he can feel your lips on his again as he watches you and Hyejin talk. 
However, the sight of you with Hyejin has the frustration and anger boiling within him. He can’t help but blame her for everything that happened last night – the way you had been so angry with him, the way you told him to go back to Hyejin with disgust laced in your voice, how you had denied telling him what was going on but eventually kissed him instead as if that’d make it better. If anything, it made everything worse. Now Jungkook wants to kiss you all the time and you won’t let him, all because of Hyejin.
“Jungkook seemed so nervous when I met him earlier,” Hyejin pouts softly as the two of you sit down on the bleachers, arriving about 15 minutes before kickoff. 
“Oh, yeah?” You quietly mutter as you get settled next to her, eyes skimming the field to spot the person of topic while you try to ignore the fact that Hyejin saw him earlier today.
It doesn’t take long for you to spot him, the sight of him making you excited yet it’s bittersweet as well. Your eyes settle on him as he dribbles around the field while warming up. He seems focused on the game, in his own world of thoughts as he warms up, dribbling the ball, stretching and doing pushups to get his blood pumping throughout his entire body. You glance around, noticing that the seats are filled tonight. This game is rather important if they want to keep their number one spot in their league. And it seems everyone knows just how important it is as a lot of people have come here tonight to support the school’s team, to see if they’re going to keep their spot.
Hyejin nods, “yeah, I think tonight’s game has him pretty stressed – he left the party really early last night too… looked pretty bummed, to be honest. He usually stays for a while even if they have a game the next day.”
“Oh…” You frown softly.
You had figured Jungkook would’ve stayed to hang out with the others despite what happened in the storage closet. You didn’t see him leave the closet after you as you had left the party in a hurry, going back home before Hyejin or anyone else could talk you into staying for longer. You had texted her when you got home that you didn’t feel well which she seemed to believe.
After everything that happened with Jungkook, you weren’t really in the mood for a party. And it seems he wasn’t either, apparently.
The blow of the referee’s whistle pulls you from your thoughts as the game kicks off. You let out a deep breath, focusing on the game happening to distract you from the thought of the kiss you shared with Jungkook. Thinking about it makes your heart tighten and your gut fill with guilt as Hyejin sits right next to you. She’s probably still unaware of the fact that her fuck buddy, whom she likes, was kissing someone else inside a tiny storage closet while she was in the next room.
She would probably think you’re the worst friend in the world and you hate that she’d be right.
The visiting team has the ball for a long time before Jungkook manages to steal it from them. However, when he was supposed to pass it on to one of his teammates, he chose to run with the ball himself instead. He reaches the penalty area, kicking the ball with full force towards the goal only to watch the goalkeeper block it with ease. You can tell he swears rather loudly as he covers his face with his hands in frustration, running them through his hair before dropping them back to his sides, moving back to his position on the field.
“Jeon, pass it to Mingyu next time!” The coach shouts, visibly irritated by Jungkook’s choice, only receiving a thumbs up in return from the star player.
He is not playing on his usual level tonight. You and many others can tell. You hear people around you comment on it, a guy next to you’s words reaching your ear, “Jeon’s gonna end up benched if he doesn’t get his shit together.”
The guy’s friend nods in agreement when you glance their way, “yeah, he’s gonna cause them to lose the game with stupid moves like that!”
Their comments have you on the edge of your seat, hands tightly intertwined in front of your lips as you return your focus to the game. You know how important this game is to Jungkook, he’s been talking about it for weeks during your study dates, explaining what it could mean for his future once he graduates college. This fact alone must have him on the edge.
“Come on, Jungkook,” you mumble softly behind your hands, hoping he’ll get back to his usual level of talent. Despite how frustrated you are with him, you don’t want him to lose the opportunity to play for one of the best professional teams in the country.
However, the visiting team eventually scores a goal before half time, making it 1-0. You watch as Jungkook and his team gather around the coach to get instructions for the second half of the game. Jimin and the coach both give instructions, both seeming rather irritated by the scoreboard. Jungkook receives an encouraging pat on the back from Taehyung as they get back on the field to play the second half. But Jungkook never manages to pull himself back up. He makes one bad choice after another and it affects the rest of the team when their star player doesn’t play like he usually does. 
Jimin is doing his best to pick Jungkook up; encouraging him to keep going, telling him it’s alright when he finally manages to find a free spot near the goal to receive the ball but ends up missing the goal when he kicks it. People around you let out a sound of disappointment and all you can do is frown as you watch Jungkook lay down flat on the grass, hands covering his face once again. Your frown only grows deeper when Jungkook punches the ground harshly before getting back up on his feet, moving back into position once again.
When the referee blows his whistle to signal the end of the game half an hour later, you feel a strong urge to leave the bleachers and run onto the field to find Jungkook, to console him, to tell him it’s okay, that them losing the game tonight wasn’t his fault. But as Hyejin gets up from her seat, a concerned look on her face, you feel your stomach drop.
“I'll go check on him,” she tells you, already moving down towards the field.
Realization hits you then and you can’t help but let out a defeated sigh as you get up from your own seat. You don’t even check to see if Hyejin ever found Jungkook on the field as you follow a large group of people, leaving the bleachers to go home. It’s not your place to comfort Jungkook after a game like this, it never was. If anyone should comfort him, it should be Hyejin.
However, as Jungkook makes his way towards the locker rooms after the end of the game, he sees you leaving without sparing him a greeting nor a glance for that matter. Last night he was frustrated and sad because of how you had left him in the storage closet. Although, today? He’s pissed. You have absolutely no right to kiss him like that and then disappear as if it was nothing. You have absolutely no right to go back to ignoring him after showing him that you actually care.
His teammates are cautious around him as they all get in the shower. No one is saying much after a game like this. There isn't much to say and they usually don’t talk about it until they show up at practice the following week. However, tonight is different. Jungkook is quieter than he usually is after losing a game – he minds his own business, gets in the shower, washes off the disappointment he feels from his lack of effort on the field tonight. Although it’s not the lost game that’s taking the biggest toll on his mood. No, it’s you and the fact that you didn’t even consider talking to him after losing such an important game. You know how important this game was and yet you rushed out of there, not even sparing him a glance as if he’s nobody to you.
He needs to talk to you tonight or else he’ll lose his mind.
Jimin and Taehyung barely get to question him about where he’s headed in such a rush before he’s dressed in the team’s sponsored tracksuit and out of the door again, heading towards the exit of the gym building. The anger Jungkook feels is a mix between the mess he’s gotten himself into with you and the after effects of losing the game tonight. It can only be dealt with for so long before he needs to get it out of his system. And Jungkook swears he doesn’t mean to aim all his anger at Hyejin as she appears in front of him as soon as he exits the locker room.
Although it is easier said than done.
“Hey,” she greets him, her voice a cooing tone, “you okay?”
“Not really, no,” he quickly mumbles as he tries to move past her, desperate to get out of there and go see you.
Hyejin stops him by putting a hand on his chest. “Let’s go back to your place then,” she leans in closer with a purr, “I’ll make you feel better.”
It's when she opens her arms, about to wrap them around his neck in a hug, that Jungkook finds himself saying no to her for the first time in a while. It’s all because of whatever he has with her that you’re keeping your distance, no matter how many times Jungkook tells you he likes you.
“No, stop,” he warns her as he holds a hand up in front of him before she can embrace him, hard eyes staring at her. “We’re done, Hyejin.”
Hyejin blinks at Jungkook, his cold tone and sharp words catching her off guard, a slightly offended expression taking over her features. “What are you talking about?”
“This- Us!” Jungkook gestures between himself and the girl in front of him. “We’re done, okay?”
The frown that takes over her face doesn’t faze Jungkook much but he still feels bad for ending it like this. However, he can’t be bothered to care right now. His day has been shitty enough as it is and losing the game definitely didn’t help. And you left before he had the chance to catch you – to say he’s distraught and not at all in the right mind to care about anyone or anything – not even the scout that was supposed to come watch him tonight – but the situation between you and him is an understatement.
He just wants to see you, talk to you – not Hyejin, you.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook tells Hyejin before he moves around her and heads towards his car.
You’ve barely made it home and onto the couch when there’s banging on your front door. Your eyebrows knit together on your forehead as you get up from your couch, moving towards the door. The person on the other side bangs on it once again, impatient for you to answer it. The pair of dark brown eyes that meet yours when you open the door are intense, filled with emotions that speak volumes. It seems like he came straight here after hitting the showers in the locker room. He’s wearing the team’s tracksuit, his dark hair a damp mess on top of his head.
“What are you doing here?” You ask instead of greeting him, shocked to see him here instead of with Hyejin.
“I need you to tell me what the fuck is going on,” Jungkook demands as he slips past you into your home. 
You sigh and close the door after him before turning to face him, “what do you mean?”
“Cut the shit, ____,” he tells you, voice on the edge of snapping at you, “you know exactly what I mean.”
Jungkook feels himself run out of patience as he stares at you, waiting for an explanation. He doesn’t want to raise his voice but he will if you pretend to not know what he means one more time. When you don’t respond, he continues; “You ignored me and then you wouldn’t tell me why! Then you kissed me? And now you’re back to ignoring me again! So you’re gonna tell me why and I’m not leaving until you do.”
“What do you want me to say, huh?” You stare at him with a lost expression, silently asking him to tell you what he wants to hear. “What difference does it make if I tell you or not? You’re with Hyejin, Jungkook! What would she think if she knew you were here right now?”
“Fuck what Hyejin thinks,” he scoffs, “I’m not with her, I don’t even like her like that- I like you!”
He instantly shakes his head as he steps closer, “no, don’t fucking Jungkook me, alright? I won’t let you push me away anymore just because you’re worried about what Hyejin will say.”
“She has feelings for you! All she ever fucking talks about is you!” The volume of your voice is raised just a tad bit as you begin to lose your patience just like Jungkook. “It doesn’t matter how much I want to because I can't do that to her, I can't be with you… it would break her.”
Jungkook’s face twists in confusion, “what are you talking about? It’s not like that between us, we’re just friends.”
You shoot him a deadpan look, dropping your hands to your sides, “how can you be so smart yet so dumb?”
“We talked about it!” He defends. “She agreed on being just friends-”
“Just because she agreed to it, doesn’t mean she didn’t catch feelings for you anyway.”
Jungkook lets out a soft scoff.
“How are her feelings your problem though? Please tell me because I really don’t see how that works.”
You watch as he crosses his arms over his chest, raising one eyebrow at you as if to encourage you. You wouldn’t expect him to understand how the girl code works. You doubt guys have the same kind of unspoken rules for their friendships.
Shrugging, you copy him and cross your arms over your chest, “because we’re friends and I care about her.”
“And then what?” Jungkook presses, “you expect me to go on with my life, date her because she is in love with me? Despite me being in love with-”
“Don’t,” you warn him, holding up a finger, “please don’t finish that sentence.”
Jungkook’s eyes are boring into yours, watching as your face twists into a pained expression, one that hurts him but he won’t accept it anymore. All the pain could be avoided right now if you’d just let the goodness of your heart be overshadowed by a little bit of selfishness for once.
“You know why.”
“Yeah… But I don’t care,” he softly says, moving closer and stopping right in front of you. You close your eyes, letting out a heavy sigh as he reaches up and carefully removes a strand of hair from your face, putting it behind your ear.
“What are you doing?”
His eyes scan your face, taking in every detail as his fingertips run down the side of your face to your jaw.
“What I should’ve done the first time around.”
You feel excitement run through your body, reaching your toes and fingertips, as he cups your face and tilts it up. You barely get to register what’s happening before he’s connecting his mouth with yours in a deep, heart-stopping kiss. A kiss that is way different than the one you shared last night at the party. This kiss holds pent up lust after the small taste you both got last night and love, so much love that it’s almost suffocating.
Jungkook feels relief flooding through his body as you melt against him, giving in and kissing him back. Your hands tightly grip onto his tracksuit jacket, pulling him closer. When his body is flush against yours, you slide your arms around his neck and hold onto him tight as you let yourself be picked up and carried to the couch. Jungkook’s lips never leave yours as he sits down, keeping you in his lap. His hands slide up and down the length of your thighs as you’re straddling him, sliding over your hips and further up to rest on either side of your waist. Your chest is pressed against his as he brings a hand up, tilting your head to the side to deepen the kiss, his tongue brushing over yours, warm and wet and just like you remember from last night.
As he pulls away, you let out a deep breath you didn’t know you had been holding all this time. He leans back a bit, just enough to look you in the eye. His pointer finger and thumb cup your chin, his thumb softly caressing the skin there.
“I love you,” he tells you, voice soft in the quiet atmosphere of your living room. “And I know you have feelings for me too.
Your eyes shift between his slightly desperate, pleading ones as you think about his words. Silence surrounds the two of you as you slide your hands up his chest and all the way up to cup his face, thumbs brushing over the skin of his cheeks. Jungkook watches as a small smile spreads across your lips, the sound of soft chuckle leaving your lips.
“I really do,” you admit, feeling lighter as the words flow into the air. “I love you too.”
Jungkook lets out a relieved sigh, eyes momentarily closing as if to reel in the moment, not sure if he heard you correctly. This moment feels surreal as you finally tell him how you feel, no excuses or denial this time. A frown replaces your smile as you watch him and realize just how badly your actions had affected him.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to admit it.”
He shakes his head, leaning in to kiss your lips again softly, “doesn’t matter, right now matters.”
Your smile reappears at his words as you pull him back in, kissing him even harder this time, arms snaking around his neck once again as you press your entire body against his, desperately wanting to feel all of him. A soft, breathy moan slips from his mouth as you deepen the kiss, your hips rolling slowly against him, causing his fingertips to dig into your waist.Goosebumps rise upon your skin as you feel his hands slip underneath your t-shirt, the skin of his fingers touching your warm skin.
A soft sigh escapes your lips as Jungkook lets go of your lips to trail kisses down your jaw and neck. Your heart is beating hard in your chest as you feel his lips on you, the wetness from his kisses leaving your skin glistening in his wake.
“Been wanting to have you like this for so long,” he whispers against your neck, sliding his hands further under your shirt and bringing the shirt up. You lift your arms, allowing him to pull it over your head and dropping it to the floor. Your mouth connects with his in a short yet hungry kiss, his words brushing your lips as he speaks again; “wondered what it would feel like to kiss every part of your body.”
“Me too,” you admit breathlessly, reaching for the zipper of his tracksuit jacket as his hands slide up your now half-naked torso. You unzip it and push it off his shoulders, your lips continuously meeting his in soft yet desperate kisses.
You roll your hips once again, feeling the bulge in his pants against your core, causing both of you to gasp softly in pleasure. 
“Want you…” you whisper, continuing to roll your hips against him, making him harder and harder by the second. Jungkook grunts softly against your mouth as he moves you to lay down on the couch, placing himself between your legs and hovering over you. “Please, Kook-“
“Fuck,” he breathes, the nickname going straight to his heart as he grinds against you, his tracksuit pants doing very little to disguise the hard bulge in them. You feel him prominently through your jeans, a soft moan leaving you. Jungkook sits up on his knees between your legs, hands reaching for the button and zipper of your jeans. You watch with a dazed smile as he unbuttons and unzips your jeans before pulling them off. A throaty groan sounds from him as his eyes zoom in on your panties; black and lacy – probably the sexiest thing he’s ever seen.
“So beautiful,” he gushes as you pull him back down to kiss his lips, having a feeling that you’ll never get enough of them. They’re so soft and addictive – a dangerous combination.
A pleading whine travels from your mouth and into his as he lets a hand slip inside of your panties, the tip of his middle finger slipping between your folds, collecting some of your wetness only to bring it to your clit. You gasp in surprise, whimpering softly as your eyes roll to the back of your head when he starts adding pressure to your most sensitive part.
“Kook,” you whine, fingers tangled into his hair, “please…”
“Shit, ____… you’re so wet already.”
His words have you mewling softly as you nod, hands gripping the hem of his t-shirt and tugging, wanting it off. Jungkook smiles softly, kissing the corner of your mouth ever so softly as he slips one finger into you, sinking it in deeply. Your grip tightens around the fabric of his shirt, a low ‘oh my god’ slipping from your parted lips. Jungkook loves every sound you make, seeking more as he adds another finger and starts moving them in and out to get you even wetter and stretched.
“Oh…” you moan, “that feels so good-“
Jungkook covers your mouth with his in a hungry, eager kiss. His tongue brushes yours as he deepens the kiss, taking your breath away. He wants to fuck you so bad, make love to you, show you how much he adores you and every part of you. He wants to devour you, have you in the most intimate way possible – physically and emotionally. He wants it all with you and it’s an unfamiliar feeling but he could definitely get used to it.
You whine softly when Jungkook removes his fingers from you, sitting up on his knees again to get rid of his t-shirt. Your eyes roam his entire naked torso as he undoes the tied strings of his tracksuit pants; his toned chest has your entire body heating up, muscles contradicting under his tanned skin as he undresses. Soon enough he’s standing in front of you, entirely naked and your mouth is watering at the sight of him. His muscular thighs and small waist, his hard and veiny cock looking painful as he wraps a hand around it, pumping himself, a hiss leaving his lips.
Jungkook notices the way you spread your legs a tad bit more as if to invite him in, urging him to come closer and settle in the heat of your core. He hovers over you, the leaking tip of his cock brushing your inner thigh as he kisses you, slowly and deeply.
“Condom?” He asks between kisses, hands sliding up the side of your body. You’re moaning softly against his mouth as he cups your bra-clad breast, giving it a squeeze.
“I’m on the pill…” you breathlessly tell him as his lips move to kiss your cheek and jaw, “-and I’m clean.”
Jungkook meets your mouth again, “me too.”
He hasn’t ever fucked anyone without a condom and you being the first one would be perfect. Just the mere thought of fucking you raw, being deeply buried within your heat and feeling it all without a barrier, has his cock twitching. You feel his fingers hook into the waistband of your panties, pulling them down your legs. He throws them over his shoulder and smirks softly up at you, causing you to grin at him. He leaves a chaste kiss against your rib cage before coming back up. You let out a shaky breath at the feeling of his lips.
“You okay?”
You nod, still smiling, “yeah, just want you…”
Butterflies erupt in your stomach as he presses his lips against yours. His hand reaches between your bodies to line himself up with your entrance. You gasp softly into the kiss as you feel his tip prod at your opening, excitement rushing through you, causing your heart to skip a beat. Both of your jaws fall open, moans leaving you in unison when he pushes inside, sinking into your warmth.
“Oh god,” he groans, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he slides all the way into you, bottoming out and stilling for a second. You’re both breathing heavily as you get used to the feeling of each other, savoring each other and this moment.
It’s been a long time coming, that’s for sure. And you’re both equally desperate to feel all of each other, to be with each other in the tenderness of this moment, loving each other, pleasuring each other. You’ve been wondering what his lips taste like since you met him and now you finally know. Jungkook has been wondering what it feels like to love someone ever since he reached a certain age and now he knows. 
“I love you so much,” he rasps, hand finding yours to intertwine them. 
You don’t get to say it back before he’s pulling out and pushing back into you, earning a gasping moan from you. Your back arches, naked chest touching his as his length moves in and out of you, the pace slow yet hard. But the longer Jungkook is buried within you, the movement of his hips become faster and more desperate.
“L-Love you too,” you moan, slightly high-pitched as he hits a sweet spot, one that has you mewling his name.
Jungkook’s lips meet yours in another kiss for the hundredth time tonight and yet it’s not enough. It will never be enough. He wants all of you, all of your kisses for a long, long time. And he wants to hear you moan his name over and over, breathlessly pleading him to make you cum, he wants to touch you and love you everyday until you don’t want him anymore.
“____… fuck, I’m not gonna last, baby,” he grunts against your lips as your walls tighten around him.
You shake your head, tingles filling your entire body as your free hand trails up the length of his spine. Your nails dig into his skin as he snaps his hips into you, cock hitting deeply inside of you.
“It’s okay,” you breathe, a moan leaving you as he picks up speed, building you both closer to a high so good, so sweet it's going to haunt you for days - in the best way possible. “Just- fuck, just make me cum, please…”
Jungkook doesn’t need you to tell him twice, his free hand slipping between your bodies to find your clit. He adds pressure there with his thumb and circles it, his name leaving your lips in a gasp as your walls tighten instantly. Jungkook moans in return, dropping his head to your collarbone as his hips stutter. 
“Fucking hell-“ he rasps, hips stuttering as he thrusts deeply into you, thumb working on your clit to make you reach the edge.
“Oh- Kook, I’m gonna cum,” you whimper, hand grabbing the nape of his neck to guide his mouth back to yours. You feel Jungkook’s hand tighten around yours as his lips meet yours, heart beating so hard in his chest he fears it might leave its cage. You’re gasping against his lips as your orgasm sneaks up on you, washing over you in a giant wave. Jungkook feels it prominently, the way your pussy tightens around his cock, causing him to still in you as his own orgasm overcomes him. 
“Oh my god-“ he moans deeply, the sound leaving his throat as he slowly and sloppily rides out both of your highs.
A feeling of pleasure runs through your bodies, a feeling of euphoria filling your stomachs and chests, hearts beating fast and breathy moans leaving you. Heavy breathing fills the living room as you try to catch your breaths. One of your hands is still tightly wrapped in Jungkook’s as he rests his forehead against your collarbone, his lips leaving soft kisses against your skin as you come down from your shared high.
“That was incredible,” you let out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah?” Jungkook smiles as he makes his way up to face you, still leaving kisses on your skin. You smile at him once he hovers above you, looking at you. Butterflies fill your entire body as he leans down, kissing you – once, twice.
“It was perfect,” you tell him.
Another kiss against your lips as he grins, “you’re perfect.”
“Cheesy,” you mumble, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Get used to it,” he retorts with a smirk. You watch in amusement as his smirk suddenly fades as if he realizes something. “Wait… are your roommates here?”
You giggle at the panic flashing across his eyes before shaking your head, “don’t worry, they’re gone till Monday.”
Jungkook visibly relaxes and sighs, causing a soft smirk to spread on your face. However, it quickly changes into a smile as he leans down to give you several kisses on your lips and cheek before getting off you, heading for the kitchen – butt ass naked, might you add. You can’t help yourself as your eyes roam his broad shoulders and back, his tiny waist and the way his skin is so nicely tanned. Your eyes drop lower and lower, something small and unexpected in black ink catching your attention. You stifle a laugh as you realize what it is.
“What in the world is that on your butt?”
Jungkook freezes just as he reaches for the cabinet to retrieve a glass. He turns around, ears turning bright red as he opens his mouth, stuttering words leaving it; “oh, um… that’s- uh…”
The way his entire face flushes has your heart aching because not only is this the first time you’re seeing him truly flustered but he happens to look incredibly cute as it happens. Your lips spread into a grin, a giggle leaving you.
Ugh, you love him.
“Why do you have your own initials and jersey number tattooed on your butt?”
“It was a bet,” he quickly blurts, “I swear.”
You hum, “what kind of bet?”
“It’s a long story-“ Jungkook begins as he lets out a deep sigh, but realization hits him once again as he stops mid sentence. “Wait a second… you totally just checked out my ass.”
Now it’s your time to become flustered as Jungkook grins at you. You hold your hands up in surrender.
“I wasn’t- I mean, it’s kinda hard not to…” you feel your cheeks heat up as he moves back towards the couch, eyes locked with yours as you struggle to explain yourself. You settle for a compliment instead, “it’s cute, I like it.”
Jungkook’s grin has turned into a smirk, teasing and playful as he raises an eyebrow at you. You squirm slightly as he looks over your body as you lay on the couch, fully undressed, naked body revealed just for him.
“How often have you checked out my ass, huh?” He then asks, “kinda sounds like this isn’t the first time.”
You shrug, “I mean… it’s not.”
Embarrassed to admit it, you let out a shy laugh and cover your face with your hands. However, a squeal escapes you as Jungkook grabs your ankles and pulls you to sit up, feet on the ground in front of the couch. Your mouth falls open as you watch him kneel in front of you. His palms rest on your thighs, sliding up and then slowly down again. You gasp in surprise when he suddenly spreads your legs apart.
“How long,” he quietly mutters, dark and hooded eyes zooming in on your now parted folds for a split second before meeting yours eyes again, “… have you wanted to fuck me?”
Inhaling sharply, you struggle to find the words as Jungkook begins peppering kisses all over your legs; the inside of your knees and your inner thighs. You whimper ever so softly when you feel his teeth lightly biting your skin.
“J-Jungkook,” you breathe out shakily.
“Tell me,” he demands, grabbing your legs and hoisting them over his shoulders, lips teasing your inner thighs even closer to where you desperately want him to touch you. His breath fans across your heat, the cool air brushing over the wetness of your folds. You shiver, goosebumps rising upon your skin.
“I’m- uh,” you let your head fall back on the couch, fingertips digging into the cushions of it. The words are stuck in your throat but you’re urged on as Jungkook presses one single kiss to your clit, a gasp leaving you as you jolt, “for a long time, Kook- for so long…”
Jungkook smirks to himself, glancing up at you for a short moment before digging in, burying his head between your legs. You let out a whiny moan, hands digging into his black and slightly damp hair as he licks and sucks, eating you out like a starved man, not caring about how his own cum from before is mixed with your wetness.
This man is going to be the end of you, but funnily enough, you don’t mind.
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“I’m starving.”
These are the first words Jungkook speaks after eating you out, his chin resting on your knee, dark brown doe eyes watching you come down from your high. You can’t help but shoot him a confused yet curious look. How he manages to think about food right after having his head between your legs is a mystery to you. However, you hum as you try to think of something he can eat at this hour. You haven’t done much grocery shopping these past days but you do have all the right ingredients for a dessert. 
“I can make you a sundae?” You suggest, looking at him with a questioning look. 
“Sounds delicious,” Jungkook smiles, faint dimples on show as his hands trail up the length of your legs, palms brushing over your skin.
The red numbers on the oven reads 1:24 AM when you and Jungkook make your way to the kitchen, dressed in your underwear. You’re shuffling through your cupboards and the fridge to find everything you need to make a sundae for the hungry half-naked man in your home. Jungkook watches with a glint in his eye and a smile on his face as you move around, dressed in nothing but your bra and panties, comfortably half-naked around him.
He loves seeing you like this; comfortable and one hundred percent yourself.
“Alright,” you breathe, running a hand through your hair as you stare at all the ingredients on the kitchen counter. You feel warmth spreading through your entire body as Jungkook takes place behind you, his arms snaking around your waist and lips pressing kisses to your bare shoulder. “There’s ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, bananas, strawberries and those waffle thingies.”
“Where do you keep the bowls?” He asks. 
“Uh-“ you begin as Jungkook unwraps himself from you and starts rummaging through your cabinets until he finds a bowl for the sundae, “wasn't I supposed to make it for you?”
“Nope, I’m making it for you.” 
He pats the countertop, silently asking you to seat yourself there. You stare at him for a short moment, only receiving a raised eyebrow in return. Tipping your head and shrugging, you jump onto the counter only to receive a quick, soft peck on the lips, a small sound of surprise escaping your lips as he quickly pulls away again. He flashes you a grinning smile before getting to work, making you a sundae.
If someone had told you just two months ago that you’d be sitting half-naked on your kitchen counter, watching a shirtless Jungkook put together a sundae for you, you would’ve laughed in their face and told them they’re speaking nonsense. Two months ago you met him for the first time and never in your wildest imagination would you have guessed it would come to this. But you’re not complaining – although you are trying to push the guilt to the back of your mind.
But Jungkook is right.
You shouldn’t always put everyone else’s feelings before your own. It’s okay to be selfish once in a while – especially if the guy you’re in love with is in love with you too. Why should you hold yourself back from feeling the most intimate form of happiness when it’s right in front of you, waiting for you to grab it?
Jungkook’s voice pulls you from your thoughts. You barely get to focus back on him before he’s smudging whipped cream onto your cheek. Jungkook grins as a gasp leaves you, a playful glint in his eyes as they zoom in on the whipped cream on your now playfully scowling face.
“What was that for?”
He shrugs, “you’re spacing out.”
You watch him as he steps closer, placing himself between your legs. Your heartbeat picks up its pace as one of his hands rests on your bare thigh, thumb caressing the skin there softly. He leans in closer, lips brushing over yours ever so softly. Automatically, your lips part when he almost closes the distance between your mouths. But the anticipation of feeling his lips disappears again as he places his lips on your cheek instead, kissing the whipped cream away. He reappears in front of you, eyes focused on your lips as he smirks softly, his voice soft as he mutters: “want you here with me.”
“I’m here,” you whisper back as you feel a pool of heat slowly appearing between your legs.
The air of his word brushes your lips before he finally closes the distance and connects his mouth with yours. Your eyes fall shut, a somewhat relieved sigh leaving your chest as he kisses you; soft, pink lips moving with yours, pulling you in and turning you into an addict of the feeling.
Jungkook’s sighs against your mouth as you pull him closer by the nape of his neck, nails digging into the back of his neck. He puts down the can of whipped cream next to you, hand sliding up your naked thigh instead and all the way up to your waist. You smile against his lips as he pulls you close against him, chest against chest. You’re caged in, safe in his arms as he deepens the kiss, tongue meeting yours for the hundredth time tonight. However, the kisses turn soft again, playful even as you kiss the corner of his mouth and smile. The grin spreading across Jungkook’s face causes butterflies to erupt in your stomach, causing you to lean back in and kiss him, only to pull away again. Jungkook sighs deeply.
“Tease,” he breathes, tiny hints of a smile still on his face.
As he cups your face and pulls you back in for even more, you blindly reach for the can of whipped cream. Jungkook doesn’t notice, fully absorbed by your lips, kissing you with no cares for anything but you. The playful spirit within you takes over as you lift the can up, pull away from his kisses and spray some whipped cream on his nose.
Jungkook’s mouth drops open in amused surprise, eyes crossing as he looks at it before focusing back on you. You’re stifling a laugh, still holding the weapon in question in your hand.
A smirk spreads across your face, your next words leaving your lips before you know it, “payback, bitch.”
The man in front of you quirks an eyebrow before chuckling, crooked smile causing your heart to flip a few times before settling in your chest again. Still beating hard though.
“I’m gonna make you regret that,” he pointedly tells you as he removes the whipped cream from his nose. 
There’s a playful glint in his eyes as he reaches for the can in your hand. You move quickly, pulling it away from his nearing hand. You raise a challenging eyebrow at him to urge him on, silently telling him to try again as you try your best to hold it out of his reach. Just for a split second you think you’ve won but a squeal of surprise escapes you as Jungkook grabs your wrists, easily collecting both in one hand. His free hand pries the can of whipped cream from your hands. You huff out in defeat as he smirks at you, his face saying all you need to know.
You shouldn’t have started this.
You flinch when he aims the can towards your face. Although it never hits your face. It hits your neck instead. 
“Whoops, my bad,” he snickers. “Let me get that for you.”
There’s no time to respond or roll your eyes at his sarcastic apology before he’s leaning in, licking and sucking the whipped cream off your skin. You hate the way your body and mind react as it causes Jungkook’s eyes to light up in interest as he faces you again. He does not miss the tiny gasping sound you let out just now.
Jungkook looks at the can in his hand, then at you, then at all the revealed skin on your body that is the perfect canvas for him to leave chunks of whipped cream to lick off. You watch with wide eyes as he sprays the sugary stuff onto your collarbone before leaning back in once again, licking it off and making sure to leave a few kisses there in his wake.
“Oh my god…” you breathe out, causing Jungkook’s stomach to twist in excitement.
He can tell you’re loving this. The way your breathing has turned heavier and more ragged, the way you’re leaning back on your palms to give him all the space he needs, the way you’re watching him with hooded, intrigued eyes as he puts whipped cream on the top of your breast that isn’t covered by your bra.
His tongue touches your skin, flat against the curve of your breast and you can’t help but let out a breathless moan of his name. The sound goes straight to Jungkook’s cock as it jerks in his boxers, blood rushing to the tip and making him harder than ever before.
“Mhm,” Jungkook hums as he kisses your skin, “whipped cream might be my new favorite.”
“Jungkook, please…” You whine, not sure what you’re pleading for.
A gasp leaves you, your jaw falling open when he tugs your bra cup down and gently sprays whipped cream onto your now revealed nipple. Your nipple stiffens in an instant, the cold substance making it hard. Jungkook wastes no time as he wraps his lips around it to suck off the whipped cream. Your head falls back, the pleasure he’s providing you too good to bear.
“Fuck,” you whimper.
Jungkook sets the whipped cream back on the counter, forgetting all about it as he tugs your other bra cup down and turns his attention to your other nipple. His hands are cupping your breasts, giving them tight squeezes as he licks and sucks, earning several moans and whimpers from you. 
“Shit,” you hiss, lifting your head when you feel him softly bite one, teeth digging into it. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, baby,” he rasps against your skin as he starts leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. You watch him as he reaches your panties, kissing along the waistline of them. He glances up, his eyes meeting yours. “And the sounds you make? Fuck, I could listen to them all day.”
Jungkook can’t help but growl softly and dig his fingertips into your skin every time his hand pauses on your body. He can’t believe he finally has you like this; naked with burning skin and pretty sounds leaving you, all for his taking. He wants to taste you again, taste you in your most intimate spot.
“Again?” You ask him, raising an eyebrow at him as he reaches for your underwear. “Jungkook, you literally just did that.”
The shaky breath you let out as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties and starts to pull them down tells him you want it just as much as him. There’s no way you could convince him that you don’t want his head between your legs. It’s written all over your face – you’re hoping he’ll do it over and over and over again.
“So?” He shrugs, dumping your panties on the floor before spreading your legs, revealing your wet, glistening lips to himself. You moan instantly when he blows, cold air hitting your arousal.
Jungkook can tell you’re not sure whether you want to slap him or kiss him as he smirks softly and cocks his head when he meets your eyes again. 
“Think you can cum again?”
He gives you no time to answer before digging in, burying his face between your legs, mouth against your throbbing core to eat you out once again – this time on the kitchen counter. You’re moaning above him, a string of words like ‘please’ and ‘ohmygod’ leaving your lips as he sucks on your clit.
Jungkook loves eating you out. He loves to see you squirm above him, not sure what to do or where to put your hands as he sucks and licks and slurps as if he’s been held back from eating and drinking for days. He’s positive that seeing you like this, all fucked out and a mess because of him is one the hottest things he’s ever witnessed.
He’s never been that much into giving head to the girls he was with, always preferring to make them cum in other ways. He never once did oral with Hyejin and never felt the need to either – he found other ways to satisfy her. But with you? He wants to do it all the fucking time. You taste amazing and he loves the sounds you make, the face you make when he does something you really, really like. The way your moans turn high-pitched when you’re on the very edge of orgasming and the way you’ll whimper his name over and over as you cum on his tongue.
“Fuck- Jungkook…”
You’re whining and moaning, squirming on the kitchen counter as your orgasm washes over you, filling your entire body and reaching your toes and fingertips. Your thighs close in on themselves around Jungkook’s head as he slurps your cum, drinking it all up while moaning deeply.
You barely get to catch your breath before Jungkook gets back up, mouth clashing against yours. As his tongue invades your mouth, you can taste yourself and you’re convinced it’s the hottest thing anyone has ever done; eating you out till you cum hard and then going straight to kiss you. 
“Which one is your room?” He asks between kisses, voice husky causing chills to run down your spine.
“Far left,” you breathlessly reply, too busy tasting his lips while coming down from your high.
Jungkook swiftly lifts you off the kitchen counter, wrapping your legs around his waist. His lips never leave yours as he carries you to your room. It’s rushed and desperate, eager kisses and heavy breathing as you fall onto your bed. Jungkook easily unhooks your bra, pulling it off you and throwing it to the floor. His mouth instantly starts leaving kisses all over your now revealed chest, nipples receiving unconditional attention as you arch your back, your hands tightly grabbing onto the sheets as pleasure fills your senses.
“Wanna fuck you again,” Jungkook growls deeply against your breast, leaving one last kiss before moving back up to connect his mouth with yours. “Wanna fuck you all night.”
“Please do,” you moan in response, eyes closing as you feel him grind his boxer-clad cock against your bare core. The friction has you inhaling sharply, teeth digging into your bottom lip as he continues the action over and over. Sensing the desperation in the moans you let out, Jungkook pushes his boxers down, revealing his hard cock. You feel it brush against your inner thigh, walls throbbing as you think about how good it feels to have him buried deeply inside of you.
“Fuck,” you whimper when he slides the tip up and down between your folds before sinking into you, burying himself deeply within you. 
He hisses softly as your walls tighten around his length, “god, I could do this for days.”
His words have you smiling to yourself as you tug him down for another kiss, catching his lips with your own in a heated, slow yet desperate and eager kiss that has Jungkook moaning deeply. You swallow his moan, tightly wrapping your legs around his waist, heel digging into his lower back to urge him to sink even deeper into you.
His hands slide up the sides of your body before finding yours, butterflies filling your entire body as he grabs them and pins them above your head. His thrusts become slower yet harder, hitting deeply within you causing your moans to turn high-pitched. His lips leave kisses down your cheek to your jaw, open-mouthed kisses that leave your skin glistening.
“My pretty baby,” he rasps, delivering hard thrusts into you for every word he speaks. Goosebumps rise upon your skin as his lips brush your ear. “Can’t believe you’re mine…”
“Been yours from the start,” you tell him through your moaning and whimpering. Jungkook groans softly at your words, instantly connecting his mouth with yours again in a slow, sensual kiss that has your heart beating harshly in your chest.
“Gonna cum,” he gasps against your lips as he feels your walls tighten around him.
“Me too,” your voice breathless.
Jungkook’s thrusts become harder and harder, hitting deep, repeatedly grazing a spot that has you mewling while your hands tighten around his. Jungkook’s face is buried within the crook of your neck, his moaning turning more into whimpering as you both reach your high, nearing it with high speed.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you’re repeatedly swearing, whiny and high-pitched as you feel yet another orgasm rushing towards you, hitting you hard.
Jungkook groans deeply when you finally cum, walls tightening around his length, sucking him in and keeping him there, forcing him to still within you and cum hard – hot, white cum filling you for the second time tonight.
His body goes limp on top of you, cock throbbing inside of you, your walls clenching and unclenching around him as you both try to catch your breath once again. He winces softly when he lifts himself, pulling out of you. The lewd noises of the wetness and the cum brings heat to your cheeks but Jungkook doesn’t seem to be fazed by it. He presses a single kiss to your lips before getting off you, muttering a soft ‘be right back’. You watch as he gets off the bed and leaves the bedroom. You hear water running for a bit before he returns again, damp washcloth in hand and a glass of water.
“Here,” he hands you the glass of water. You sit up and accept it, taking a sip while keeping your eyes on him as he crawls back onto the bed. He nudges your legs apart, smiling when you obey. You keep sipping the water as he carefully starts cleaning up the mess he left between your legs. You jerk softly, the washcloth rough against your sensitive core.
“Do you wanna stay the night?”
Jungkook looks up at you as soon as the question leaves your lips. It’s almost 3 am and asking him if he wants to stay the night is kind of needless at this point. However, Jungkook just smiles, eyes glinting as he looks at you in your dimly lit bedroom.
“You sure you want me to?”
“Of course,” you softly tell him.
Jungkook feels relief fill his chest as you confirm your own suggestion. He’s been hoping he’d end up staying the night after all of this but you never know – just sleeping next to each other is intimate, even more so than having sex. At least it is to Jungkook. During the times he went to Hyejin’s place, he never once stayed over. What he had with her was casual and he never felt the need to stay the night because that’s not what he wanted, all he wanted was his needs fulfilled.
“To be honest, I’d be pretty upset if you left now.”
He shakes his head, chuckling, “I’d love to stay over.”
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The late October weather is gray and dark when you wake up around 10 the next morning. Heavy rain is hitting the window in your bedroom, setting a cozy atmosphere. You stretch, yawning softly before turning over, letting your back face the window as you snuggle up against the man next to you.
Jungkook is fast asleep, breathing heavily as his chest rises and falls, light snores leaving his pouty lips and his dark hair is a mess on top of your pillows. You smile to yourself, closing your eyes again to go back to sleep. However, sleep never comes. Your body and mind is fully awake. Your eyes roam Jungkook as he’s fast asleep next to you – images from last night start to appear in your mind and nothing can hold you back as you begin leaving kisses against his skin. He stirs in his sleep as you kiss the skin of his chest and up to his neck, along the strong angle of his jaw, a few soft pecks on his cheek before pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
A small smile spreads across your lips as you feel him puckering his lips to kiss you back. Jungkook’s body stays limp as you slip on top of him, straddling him as you slowly deepen the kiss. Jungkook sighs deeply, his mouth automatically moving with yours as if he’s been kissing you every single day for years. You feel him becoming harder and harder underneath the sheets as you very slowly, teasingly grind your core on top of him. A soft, protesting whine leaves him when you pull away to trail kisses down his body.
However, excitement fills Jungkook’s stomach as he feels you press kisses all over his torso, along his abs and further down to his lower abdomen, dangerously close to where he’s hard as ever – just for you.
Without words being exchanged between you and him, you focus on the task at hand, removing the sheets and revealing his cock, hard and throbbing. Your mouth waters at the sight, tongue wetting your lips as you wrap a hand around his length. Jungkook jerks softly, a small hiss escaping his lips as he brings his arm over his face. The knowing smirk on your face goes unnoticed by him as you lean down to kiss his red, leaking tip.
Jungkook lets out a shaky sigh, putting his arm behind his head to prop it up, heavy-lidded brown eyes watching you as you kiss your way down the length of his cock, reaching the base just as your eyes meet his. His teeth are digging into his bottom lip as he waits patiently for you to wrap your lips around his tip. Once you do, his lips twist into a half-smile, crooked and boyish and it’s causing your stomach to twist in a feeling you’ve felt non-stop since he kissed you last night.
His free hand finds your hair, curling around it as you sink down on him, his tip hitting the back of your throat. Waking up like this definitely doesn’t hurt, if anything he feels like the luckiest guy on earth – having you naked on your knees between his legs, sucking him off first thing in the morning after waking up. To be honest, the kisses would’ve been more than enough for him because being kissed by you is like winning the lottery but getting a blowjob on top of that… yeah, Jungkook is definitely the luckiest guy on earth.
“Fuck, that feels good, baby…” He rasps, voice laced with sleep as his head falls back onto the pillow. You pick up the pace of your bobbing head, sucking like your life depended on it, pushing him towards the edge like a pro. You hum around him when he tightens his hand around your hair, helping you bob your head faster on him. “You’re so good at this, shit-”
A low guttural groan leaves Jungkook’s lips as his hips jerk, an indication that he’s close to orgasming.
“You might w-wanna stop before I cum-” he tells you, sitting up as he nears his orgasm, feeling it coming at him faster than it usually does. When you don’t make a move to remove yourself from his cock, he tugs you up to face him, his hand tightly gripping your hair. Your hand keeps going on his shaft, working him closer and closer. Jungkook’s forehead rests against yours, his heavy and ragged breathing hitting your face as you smile.
You peck his lips, “cum in my mouth.”
“Jesus-” Jungkook groans, hand loosening its grip on your hair as he softly kisses your lips once more. “You’re gonna kill me.”
The teasing smirk on your face causes him to let out a defeated chuckle as he leans back on his hands and watches you move back down to take him into your mouth again. It requires just a few strokes of your hand and a few sucking bobs of your head before his head falls back, a row of profanities escaping his pretty lips as he cums, releasing it all down your throat. The fact that you’re just taking it, swallowing and even moaning as you do so is enough to have Jungkook decide that you’re even more perfect than he originally thought. The scenario before him is the hottest sight ever.
After milking him for every single drop of cum, you come back up, hands supporting you on his naked, muscly thighs as you lean in closer. His eyes drop to watch your tongue lick away the single drop of cum from the corner of your mouth before your lips spread into a smile; a beautiful, genuine smile that causes his heart to skip a beat. You look beautiful – tired eyes yet there’s a glint in them, messy hair and swollen lips, a bright smile caused by him, he hopes.
“I love you,” Jungkook blurts after staring at you for a solid minute without saying a word.
He can tell the sudden words have you flustered as you tilt your head, smile widening just a tad bit more. He pulls you in by the nape of your neck, kissing you. He doesn’t even need to hear you say it back because he knows, he can tell from the way you let out a deep sigh and kiss him back, soft and sensual, taking your sweet time and bathing in the shared feelings.
“Hey,” Jungkook softly calls when you’re sitting at your dining table half an hour later, eating breakfast. You look up from your plate, meeting his gaze from across the table. There’s a small frown on his face and you feel your heart tighten at the sight. “I’m sorry for all the stuff that’s happened lately…”
“What stuff?” You ask, slightly dumbfounded.
He shrugs, “you know, me trying to kiss you and throwing my feelings at you without being sure you felt the same way, going to see Hyejin after… all that. I shouldn’t have assumed and I definitely shouldn’t have gone to see Hyejin.”
You shake your head instantly.
“I don’t blame you,” you tell him, offering him a half-smile. “You couldn’t have known how I felt about you. I should’ve just told you instead of lying. I’m sorry.”
Jungkook matches your half-smile, “you had your reasons. It’s okay.”
You frown softly, poking at your food with your fork. Things definitely would’ve been different if you hadn’t been so focused on everyone else’s feelings rather than your own. If you had just reciprocated Jungkook’s feelings the first time, you would’ve had this way before.
“Yeah, well, things would’ve been different if I had just told you instead,” you tell him.
Jungkook stares at you for a moment, chewing his bottom lip. You can’t read his face or what he’s thinking. He lets out a sigh, motioning for you to come closer. When you hesitate to move, he smiles warmly at you, offering his hand, “come here.”
You sigh softly and get up from your seat, forgetting all about your breakfast as you move around the table. Jungkook pulls you into his lap, arms snaking around your waist to hold you close. One of his hands slips underneath your oversized t-shirt, caressing your skin as he looks at you. You stay quiet as he scans your face, eyes pausing at every single feature of yours before meeting your eyes again.
“Things could’ve been different, yes,” he starts, voice soft in the quietness of your apartment. “But the past is the past and you have no control over it nor can you change it. All we can do now is focus on us. All that matters is what happens from now on.”
You smile, your eyes shifting between his as you think about his words. He really is a smart guy when he wants to be and that thought alone makes you laugh softly.
“What?” Jungkook frowns.
“Nothing,” you shake your head, hand cupping his cheek. “I just love you.”
Your words have Jungkook’s smile reappearing and it stays on his lips as you kiss him. His lips move with yours, soft and slow. His hands roam your naked thighs, giving one a squeeze as you hold the kiss for a moment before pulling away, facing him again. Your eyes scan his face, taking in every detail of it; his lashes, his tiny moles and the little scar on his cheek. His dark brown eyes that look at you like you’re the only thing in the room that is interesting enough to hold his attention.
The fact that you ended up here, in his lap, kissing him and taking in his features from close proximity, feels surreal. When you first met Jungkook on your first day at Seoul University, you didn’t dare imagine that something like this would happen one day. Sure, he was cute from the very beginning and definitely someone you could see yourself trying to get with but he also happened to be involved with your very first friend – Hyejin.
And the guilt is still present within you despite Jungkook pointing out that her feelings for him aren't yours to deal with.
“You know,” you break the silence, “we should probably settle the whole thing with Hyejin.”
Jungkook sighs softly and nods, “yeah, I know. I could talk to her today, I guess.”
For a split second you feel something ugly twist within you as you think about Jungkook going to see Hyejin, to talk about everything with the girl he used to fuck. But you quickly push it down, ignoring it instantly. You know Jungkook wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. And it doesn’t seem like he’d even think about it as he snuggles up against you, face burying itself in the crook of your neck. You can’t fight the smile that spreads across your face when he leaves a few kisses against your skin.
“I should probably also apologize for the way I spoke to her yesterday,” he mumbles. Your fingers slide into his hair, massaging his scalp as you listen. “It came out a bit harsher than intended.”
“Might be a good idea,” you hum, a frown covering your face. “I’m so scared of how she’ll react. I might not have any friends left after today.”
Jungkook lifts his head to look at you as soon as the words leave your mouth. He pouts, “you have me.”
Smiling, you roll your eyes.
“Friends, Kook,” you point out, “you’re not just a friend anymore.”
The knowing smirk spreading across Jungkook’s face makes you roll your eyes once again. You get off his lap to clean up after breakfast, ignoring the way he’s watching you with playful, shining eyes.
“Then what am I?” He asks, getting up from his seat to follow you to the kitchen. You stay quiet as he hugs you from behind, chin resting on your shoulder. You suppress a giggle when his lips start peppering kisses all over your neck. Jungkook smiles against your skin, “hm?”
“Please go shower before you leave. You can’t go see Hyejin while smelling like you had sex all night,” you tell him with a laugh laced within your words, slipping from his arms and avoiding the question. Jungkook lets out a laugh as he watches you clean off the rest of the table. To him it might seem like playful teasing but in all honesty, you’re not sure what he is to you if not a friend. You don’t want to assume. Especially not until he talked to Hyejin about the whole situation. 
You, too, need to talk to her. You’d hate for your friendship to end because of this.
“I did have sex all night,” he confirms before pointing at you; “and so did you. Wanna join me in the shower?”
Jungkook raises an eyebrow at you as he awaits your answer. He’s hoping you’ll say yes because he’s far from done with you yet. Although, to be fair, he probably won’t ever be.
“No,” you tell him, going back to the kitchen to clean up the last dishes. “We’ll just end up having sex again and you have places to be, buddy.”
Jungkook’s face twists in amusement, a sarcastic scoff leaving him as he comes back up behind you, placing both hands on the counter on either side of you. You’re trapped between his arms and you already know he won’t leave you alone until you say yes to joining him in the shower. The worst part is the fact that he knows you're on the brink of giving in. Besides, how can you ever resist him again after experiencing what it’s like to be with him?
“Please,” he softly pleads, voice low as his lips near your ear. When you still don’t answer him, Jungkook pushes his hips forward, his bulge evident against your butt as he places a kiss on your shoulder. “It’ll be quick.”
“Gee,” you huff out a chuckle, “that’s exactly what a girl likes to hear.”
Jungkook’s lips spread into a smirk against the skin of your shoulder, “is that a yes?”
Sighing in fake defeat, you smirk to yourself, “I guess it is.”
An hour later after Jungkook managed to coerce you into taking a shower with him (and gave you yet another mind-blowing orgasm), he left to go see Hyejin and explain the whole situation. You’ve been on the edge of your seat ever since, waiting in anticipation for him to come back to your place. When it finally knocks on the front door, you shoot up from the couch and run to open it but Jungkook’s already halfway inside once you reach it.
“Hey, how-“
Before you can ask Jungkook how it went, he’s kissing you, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer as his lips meet yours. A soft hum of surprise escapes you as you grip onto his shirt in fear of falling over because of how eager Jungkook is to kiss you.
However, as much as you want to give into his kisses right now, you’re desperate to know how it went.
You pull away just enough to ask him the questions you’ve been dying to know the answer of since he texted you he had arrived at her sorority house.
“How did it go? Did she hit you?” The questions fly out of you. When Jungkook doesn’t answer right away, you frown. “Oh, no… did she curse you with an eternity in hell?”
Your last question has him chuckling, arms tightening around your waist to keep you as close as possible. He still doesn’t say a word. He kisses you instead, which has you giggling softly as you try to ask him again. There is no time for kisses right now – you need to know.
Another kiss.
You can’t help but laugh as you push at his chest, “Kook, stop kissing me for a second and tell me how it went. I wanna know if I have to hide every time I see her around campus from now on.”
Jungkook smiles, “she wasn’t happy at first but then I told her why and suddenly it all made sense to her.”
Confused, you stare at him with furrowed eyebrows, “made sense? How?”
“Apparently, you’re not very good at hiding it when you have a crush on someone,” he says, a soft smirk on his face. “Hyejin has been reading you like an open book ever since you started hanging out but she didn’t think I felt the same way so she didn’t worry too much.”
“Oh…” you feel your cheeks heating up and yet you squint at Jungkook, “well, you didn’t know until after the frat party, so I guess I did fool one person.”
Jungkook dramatically rolls his eyes, unwrapping his arms from you and taking a step away.
“This is obviously not about me, ____.”
You scoff, “it so is-”
The sound of a text appearing on your phone cuts you off, causing you to pull it from your pocket to check who it’s from. The name on the screen causes your heart to stop for a split second, the words ‘oh god’ escaping you before you can swallow them. 
Jungkook shoots you a look of confusion, “what is it?”
You show him your screen, watching him read the text while biting your bottom lip nervously. You can tell realization dawns upon him as he sees who the text is from, a soft ‘oh’ leaving him. You turn the phone back to yourself, unlocking your phone to reply. Your thumbs pause before you can type out an answer.
The text ‘can we talk’ from none other than Hyejin is staring back at you, almost mocking you because you really thought you had a few days to figure out what to tell her, what to say and how to explain yourself. But the universe wants it differently, causing Hyejin to send you a text in which she asks if you and her can talk.
“I gotta go talk to her,” you say, mostly to yourself as if trying to convince yourself to reply to her text. What exactly does one reply to this? 
‘Sure, what about?’
‘Definitely – omw!’
Or maybe just a simple ‘yeah’.
Either way, you know what she wants to talk about, so asking probably isn’t the best option to go with. Instead you decide to type out ‘yeah, where do you wanna meet up?’ before anxiously waiting for her reply.
Hyejin [3:04 pm]: the campus café in 20 minutes?
You [3:04 pm]: sounds good, meet you there
Twenty minutes later you’re walking through the doors to the campus café, heart beating crazily in your chest as you look around, trying to spot Hyejin somewhere. She sits in the far corner, stirring in a mug, eyes focused on it. She seems completely absorbed in it as you make your way towards her, sliding into the seat across from her.
“Hi,” you greet her, voice small in case you have to tread cautiously.
She offers you a half-smile as she greets you back, “hey.”
The tension is impossible to ignore as silence embraces the two of you. You’re not sure what to say or do and it seems she feels the same way as she looks around the café. Other students are spending their Sundays here, studying and relaxing before starting a new week. They’re oblivious to the tight atmosphere that surrounds you and Hyejin as you try to think of words to say.
“Hyejin, I’m really sorry,” you suddenly blurt out after the silence has been going on for too long.
She sighs, facing you again, “I just wish you would’ve told me.”
You frown, “I know but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. You always talk about how you wish he would realize how you feel about him… I really tried to not like him but-“
“It can’t be helped,” she shrugs and smiles, “he really is a good guy and I’m glad he found someone he likes.”
Her words don't bring any sort of comfort to your mind. You can’t quite decipher if she’s angry with you or not. Her smile isn’t bright and happy like it usually is but it isn’t sad either. 
“So you’re not angry with me?” You carefully ask.
She shakes her head, relief flooding through your whole body.
“No,” she tells you, “I can’t control how other people feel and what kind of bitch would I be if I asked you to not date Jungkook?”
A soft laugh leaves her lips and you feel the atmosphere become lighter. The relief you’re feeling right now is everything you needed to feel good about the last 24 hours.
“I was so scared you’d be pissed at me,” you admit, picking at your nails. “You’re my best friend and losing you because of a guy would be the worst.”
“Exactly,” she agrees, “besides, it was just a crush so I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
You can’t help but ask for confirmation. You’d hate for her to leave this café and feel less than okay. You watch as she waves a dismissive hand, scoffing playfully, “yes, of course! I’m just sad I won’t have a consistent fuck buddy anymore, that’s all.”
Despite her referring to Jungkook as her fuck buddy, you can’t help but laugh. As long as you’re all good and still friends, you can ignore the fact that she and Jungkook used to fuck. Besides, Jungkook doesn’t seem the least bit interested in getting back to that settlement again. If the last 24 hours is anything to go by, that is.
“Maybe you can find someone else who wants that kind of relationship?” You suggest.
“Very true,” she hums and taps her chin, pretending to think. “I mean… Taehyung might be willing.”
Nodding, you agree with her, “that’s not unlikely. I swear, there’s almost nothing he wouldn’t fuck so he’d probably say yes right away.”
Hyejin laughs at your words and shakes her head, “okay, but seriously though, I think I’m just gonna lay low for a while. Haven’t really focused on myself for a long time.”
“That sounds good,” you say, smiling warmly at her. “You deserve to focus on yourself.”
“Right?” She smiles back.
An hour passes, the talk going as if none of this mess has happened these past few months and you couldn’t be more grateful. Hyejin seems genuinely happy for you and if that isn’t enough to allow yourself to be with Jungkook, then you don’t know what is.
When it’s time to move on with the day, you both get up from your seats. Without a word, you embrace each other in a hug.
“Let me know if you need anything, okay?” You tell her as you pull away, “I get it if you want space but I’m here for you. Always.”
She smiles and nods, “we can go shopping tomorrow after class. That’s what I need.”
“Okay, sure, we can do that,” you laugh, slipping on your coat and following her to the exit of the café. “And Hyejin?”
“Thanks for being such a good friend.”
With just a simple smile in return, she turns on her heel and heads in the opposite direction of you, the heels of her boots clicking against the sidewalk as she walks away. You smile to yourself as you head in the direction of a place you haven’t been to in a while.
Dark brown and warm yet slightly nervous eyes meet yours when Jungkook opens the door to his apartment for you. However as he notices the content smile on your face, he visibly relaxes before reaching for you, pulling you inside and closing the door. You get out of your coat and boots before following him into the living room. He tugs you along to lay down on the couch with him.
“I’m gonna assume and say it went well,” he says as you snuggle up against him, the smile on your face staying there as you squish your cheek against his chest.
“It did,” you confirm. “Almost too well.”
Jungkook hums, “does that mean I can call you my girlfriend now?”
You laugh, pressing a kiss to his t-shirt clad chest, “only if you ask me properly.”
A surprised squeal tumbles from your lips as he manages to roll you over, pinning you down against the couch and hovering above you. His eyes roam your face as a smile spreads across his lips.
You hum, suppressing a giggle, “yes?”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
A tingling feeling shoots through your whole body as you purse your lips, taking a moment to scan his face; his dark brown eyes, his fluffy black hair and his pretty, soft lips that feels like heaven when you kiss them. You’re brought back to reality as Jungkook’s hand slips beneath your shirt, the heat of his hand coming in contact with your skin causing a rush of warmth to fill your entire body. He’s warm. He’s warm and he’s exciting and he loves you – oh, so very much. And you’d be straight up dumb to say no to his proposal of being his girlfriend.
“Yeah,” you smile, “I’d love to.”
5K notes · View notes
drawballa · 6 months
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Grade "A" Love - 2023 Christmas Special
183 notes · View notes
mochilatae · 2 months
Listen (Taehyung x Reader)
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Word Count: 8.9kish
Pairing: Taehyung x Y/n
Rating: 18+/Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Dirty talk, voice kink, shyness/nervousness, flirting, stalking behavior, mild obsession/fixation, fingering, kissing, sucking, orgasms (yours), squirting (light), body fluid kink, masturbation, rubbing, questionable ethical stuff (Tae using the school directory to snoop), implied rule breaking (dorm visitor hours violation, etc), sucking, biting, college student encounter, multiple orgasms, swearing, finger sucking, body fluid ingestion (he licks you off his skin). I'm sure I forgot some.
Genre: PWP, Strangers to Lovers
AUs: College BTS
Summary: Everyone has kinks. You stumble upon your own when a sound takes over your thoughts and desires. A plan to discover more about it goes further, faster than you expect.
Author’s Note: This one took a while to edit and rewrite (here and there), but thank you for reading it!
If you liked it, feel free to leave a comment telling me! Reblogging is appreciated but never required.
Tag List: @kiestrokes
Have you ever been attracted to someone’s voice? 
If you’d been approached with that question, the answer would have been ‘No’. …Until this year. 
Until exactly a month and a half ago, at the start of this term. 
Auralism. You’d learned the meaning only recently. 
Tonight your finger followed the printed text along the page until you found the word and carefully traced each letter with a pointer fingertip. Every curve and swoop of the ink, your belly fluttered. 
To think: this sudden feeling inside you from a sound–one coming from another human being just doing the most basic kind of communication–could have an actual term to represent it. Something finally put to meaning the yawning pit that opened up inside you, at hearing a voice.
The tingle was in your chest again, then it moved south. You turned the page and scanned a block of words at the top, grateful for somewhere to put your focus and ignore the tension piling on. It had been with you from the moment your sneaker sole met the faded ruby carpet inside the library’s front hall. 
While it hadn’t lessened over time, reading–or trying to–did the job to sink your fixation into something else, temporarily. Eventually a low chime from the intercom nearby broke your reverie. You glanced towards the sound. 
Although it was expected you still held a breath. Soon enough came: The voice, buttery and deep, with the hint of a smile. The tone, always calm, regardless of day or time. 
‘Attention all patrons. The Pierce Library will be closing in 15 minutes. Please gather your belongings and bring any materials for checkout to the front desk.’
You could almost recite it by heart. Instead, you leaned back, eyes closed, to enjoy the last hints of the voice until the sound faded. You were always waiting for this moment. Chasing it, slipping away too quickly for as long as it took to arrive.  THAT was what set fire to your senses. 
Your smile grew, checking your phone to confirm. Right on the nose–exactly 15 minutes before those front doors would be closed and locked. That meant he’d soon come through. 
What you’d heard just a moment ago wasn’t the usual recording and that was an even bigger bonus tonight. The barest pause between instructions wasn’t lost on you. Noting those little differences had such an impact in tonight. 
It wasn’t just that you’d heard the same spiel enough. A lot was owed to the knowledge of employee routines and schedules. Spending enough time here made that a natural eventuality. Which really mattered for one person in particular: The owner of that voice. 
The voice that nibbled at your self control from the first time you heard it. Nibbles became bites as the interest and curiosity grew, along with attraction. You carried a simmering heat almost constantly. There wasn’t a time you passed by the library now without feeling light headed or tight from the waist down. 
Normally being so ‘into’ something wasn’t your way. Nothing got such a hook into your brain. That it was specific to a person, that had you waffling between shame and delight. 
After a deep breath, you stole a look at that word again, then closed the book and stood. You felt a little impressed at how deep your research had gone–from first glance in a kitschy sex book to the present deep dive into the psychological aspects of this interest.
Book cover braced against your chest, you swung one hip against the chair back. The remaining lights in the library’s further stacks blinked off. Aisle by aisle at the blackness closed in, leaving the barest shape of book tops barely discernible in the dim light overhead. 
Phone tucked into one pocket. And the book. Actually leaving with non-study material was a mood booster. Reading for pleasure proved to be something much rarer these days. 
The walk to the circulation desk was quick enough and you stopped there at the opposite end of the Checkout sign faintly swinging when the library doors opened, then closed. 
Laying the book on the counter, you glanced around. The heavy silence left plenty of room to notice so many minor things: the checkout computer screen, still aglow. An errant pen, sideways across into an open notebook, next to a nondescript textbook–thicker than anything you’d bought this term. Judging from the density it wasn’t a light read.  
Did he own it? To be graced with a golden voice, AND a strong study ethic? An appetite for learning did things to you too. Whatever the word for attraction to intelligence was, you’d seen it once then promptly forgotten. In spite of that your suffering was doubled.  
Facing forward didn’t prevent the light shock when a form appeared at the farthest of the counter and stepped behind it, then headed your way. The world narrowed as he got close. It was a good few inches of height difference. You kept focus on the book until he stopped right across from where you stood.  
He met your rising stare with a smile. The big, beautiful kind. He barely tugged the shirt sleeves rolled to the inside of both elbows. Not a complete departure from the usual campus attire and enough to make him stand out. At least to YOU. 
As he stood right here, you confirmed an earlier suspicion: he’d passed by before, pushing a cart of books and humming over the creaking wheels. The view of his retreating back had been as satisfying as seeing him approach now. A thin smile crested your lips. Even under the light here, his eyes held a curious glimmer. The angle of his head changed and his welcoming smile shrank a little. 
He motioned, raising one dark brow. “Checking out or returning?” 
This voice, so distant for weeks–only through speakers and on oft played recordings–was now directly in front of you and speaking to you. Several of your fingers curled the counter edge, clinging.
“Um..” A moment later, you managed to slide the book across the counter with a small push. His eyes went to the cover. “..Checking out.” After an extended study of the book, he shot you a look, grinning more.
Whomever this guy was, his existence proved the concept of perfect facial symmetry wasn’t just a hyped theory. Just keep checking those boxes, sir. It all kept getting better–a perfect voice. Perfect face. Brains. You couldn’t dare to imagine what else he was hiding that was on your list of ‘things’. 
If any other students had queued up behind you, there was no chance you’d even notice. And who could blame you? Especially when he found your stare again. Your nails sank into the wood under the counter’s edge.
The man braced one elbow into the top and his lids dropped a little. 
“What’s your name?” 
“Me?” To think you’d drummed up scenarios with him asking this very question. It was fun to imagine him watching you too. From afar. Maybe not as sneaky, like you tried to be. But letting that possibility into your mind was almost enough to burn you up on the spot. 
You took a breath, working hard to separate yourself from spiraling over this routine conversation. He probably did it hundreds of times a week so this wasn’t a thing for him. You were sure, even if it was moving your entire world right now. 
Half turned away and waiting for a reply, his eyes narrowed on the monitor. He clicked around, then typed into a small pop up on the screen. Even the electric white glow complimented his features. But you almost couldn’t be surprised, even if your fevered, crush drunk mind might be exaggerating things. Without anyone around, it was okay to lean into the delulu a bit. 
After enjoying the view, you drew a bracing breath. It was time to get a grip. Focus. Get through this. Shape up, girl. You came here enough, this had to happen eventually. You went looking and found him. 
Now was not the time to mess things up. Wherever this ‘situation’ might end up. 
You fumbled, patting your coat and jeans pockets and your belly dropped. No familiar shape of your student ID in any pocket. The air thinned and you coughed, throat tightening. The sound earned his side eyes and crooked one corner of his mouth.
“Name?” He asked, much quieter. There was a purr in his tone that rode your nerves and struck right between your thighs. Just like when you listened to those recordings. The oddest kind of Pavlovian response, and what a time to have it. 
You were about as sturdy as a sand barrier under the rushing tide. What could come from full frontal exposure to something you’d been craving for weeks. It was enough of an ask that your legs not collapse. To hide a tremble, both hands dove in your pockets. Your shoulders started to rise.
“I don’t have my ID..” You had to sound nervous as hell. Not since first year speech class had you felt that heat at your collar, but it was here, now. Begging you to tug and vent the warmth bottle necking.  
“I don’t need that. ..Just a name is fine.” 
“Y/n..” His fingers moved over keys. The screen changed, washing his face in more neon hues.
“..Miss L/n?”  
The man turned back, then opened the book. Inside the cover, he scanned the barcode, then stamped a due date. Next to it he wrote initials. 
There was your chance with his head bowed. No time like the present. Couldn’t be too obvious. It didn’t prove easy, especially when a few more lights turned off nearby and more darkness closed in. 
You leaned closer to ‘check’ the date, and noted the letter T. Much more than that was challenging in the upside down view. His handwriting wasn’t flawless but it was unique enough you couldn’t quite catch the second letter.
He wore no name tag–no student worker did. It wasn’t as if the night was long enough to stand here, squinting at lined paper and looking for an answer. Especially one solved by a direct question. 
“--Um…what’s your name?” 
Facing you again, he held out a receipt as he replied.  “Tae.” 
His muted shyness had you delighted. 
“Tae..hmm..”  You suddenly detected a note of lavender in the air. It had to be coming from Tae. 
“Don’t think I’ve heard that name before.” 
“Well, my name isn’t common.”
“..And your last name?” Not even rising nerves could stop you asking. 
Hormones that had been dining on your self control from the moment you sat down continued, unabated. Nature’s greatest inspiration and owed all the thanks for bringing you here–day after day. Keeping you camping in a library chair or at a table, nourishing a quiet obsession. Working towards an eventuality that finally arrived tonight.  
“No one usually asks me that.” Tae showed no offense or displeasure. If anything you read a pleasant surprise. The same couldn’t have been said about you if the same question had come from a stranger at a first meeting. 
“Hope it’s not rude?” You asked, just to clear the tiniest nagging doubt.  
“No.” Back was the shy smile that made your guts heavier. After a pause, he gazed at you, continuing. 
“My last name is Kim.” 
“I’ve heard that name around campus.” You admitted. Kim was a common enough last name. Was there a chance he’d know any of the other Kims walking around on this campus? None of the ones you’d seen bore a single passing resemblance to Tae. 
NO ONE could look like him. 
Tae smirked. “No relations, as far as I know.” 
Tae nodded. “I’ve met a few of them–had some classes with one. Super smart guy. Probably the smartest I’ve ever met here.” As you watched, Tae picked at a few specks on his sweater. “I could use some of his intelligence, honestly.” He concluded. 
You winced at his subtle self depreciation. You were prone to the same thing, so it was easy to understand, but you still didn’t like or believe it when Tae said it. 
“That’s not light reading by any means.” You pointed to the nearby textbook you’d seen before Tae showed up. 
He glanced at it, then offered a shrug. “It’s required course reading. I DO like to read, though.” 
“Well…you’re working at the right place, then. Being a library employee does have perks.” 
He nodded with a laugh that made you smile too. One thing stood out this close: the shape of his natural smile. Was so much more than just handsome. How many other girls saw it? Especially with that grin spread on his face during small talk, or when he went about his day on campus. 
It wasn’t reasonable to assume you were the only one thinking about Tae, but that didn’t matter at this moment because he was talking to YOU. This indisputable fact had your head lighter.
“What is this book? I’ve never read it before..” As he asked, Tae pulled it closer and spun the book around. As he read the cover, one finger followed the words. But this digit was long and slender. You swallowed. 
“Just something silly–” 
“The Psychology of Human Sexuality.” He murmured, lifting one brow again. Fervently you prayed he didn’t open it randomly to ‘check things out’. Or even worse—discover the page you’d noted. And the post-it with your new favorite word written in flourishing letters. 
Heartbeat thundering, you let go over the counter and fussed with your pockets again. Your throat had gone from being tight and pulsing to dry and hoarse as you spoke. 
“Kind of recreational. Seemed interesting, compared to the usual required reading.” That was way more truth than anything else. No shame pressured you to lie. And anyway, you had a strong feeling Tae wasn’t the type to judge a choice. 
His expression turned placid. Tae seemed to be assessing something, then nodded and glanced at the clock nearby and took a step back from the counter. 
“I hope you enjoy it, then.” 
After he turned away, you watched as he gathered his things–a black hoodie. Book bag. Finally he turned back to the computer, clicking and typing again. Eventually the screen went dark and he straightened.
That was your sign. Get while the getting is good. Proper conversation always went best when the participants knew the right time to leave. 
“Thanks for checking this out to me” you murmured. It took a little bit before “It was nice meeting you..” followed.
“It’s my job..and I kinda like this whole checking out books thing.” Tae was back to being cutely shy and it really suited him. So did the cheeky smile that came with it,much to your delight. It was hard not to wonder how often he trotted this smile out with others.
For a few seconds Tae’s attention was on the exit. 
“Have a good rest of your night, Y/n.” He finally murmured. 
You preferred to keep your focus on him. Really nothing could tear it away at this point. There wasn’t much else in this plane of existence right now with Tae in front of you. A little over the top, but this was a literal dream come true.  
“Thanks.” You took a few backward steps, then turned and headed for the doors. His next move would remain a mystery.
Your steps quickened and you were at the doors in second, then ducking through. Outside, you inhaled cool night air as you waited until your racing heart slowed just enough. It was like you hadn’t felt. Hadn’t realized. Just like so many other things in the orbit of Taehyung Kim.     
The doors clicked as your foot left the last step. At that sound weight slid away. 
‘Have a good rest of your night..’ Tae’s parting words weren’t much, but they left you floating.
The misty air of the evening was erased by a flush of desire as you hurried across the quad. In the distance the shape of your dorm became visible as you closed the distance, darting around planters and benches. It was so empty and quiet, but every step his words repeated again and again. So did the bolts of arousal, stabbing through your core.
You didn’t have the sense or nerve to say it then, but you thought it now. I will,Tae. All thanks to you. 
It wasn’t a far off assumption that the plan of your night would follow routine: you, belly down, on your bed and leafing through the pages of a magazine. 
But that was before tonight, when fate saw fit to change things. Like in the library. Revelation was the knock on your door. Not exactly unusual, but you didn’t have many visitors, unlike other students here. And that was how you preferred it. 
Routine flow stopped as you looked up, waiting for a beat. 
This was a fairly large building on campus. It wasn’t odd to get someone knocking now and then, having come to the wrong floor in search of a friend. It was a weekly occurrence, and not one you were hard pressed to resolve right now. You could wait more. Maybe even long enough, whoever it was would go away.
The knocking at this hour was odd. Usually the ‘wrong room’ faux pas happen during daylight hours, or twilight at worst, but that detail was minor. No need to split hairs about it.   
A double thump against the door, this one firmer, with a clear intention. Whomever this was, wrong or right, they probably would do another knock. And maybe even another. Soon it would draw attention. For how quiet it had to be in the hall outside, sound could carry MUCH further without the rabble of daily dorm life as a buffer.
Standing with a huff, you tugged on the first oversized sweatshirt within reach and headed for the door. Standing close to the dull painted wood, you aligned one eye to the peephole and squinted through the fisheye lens. 
Not as much was clear, save for a mop of vaguely golden-brown hair and the barest outline of a long coat with broad shoulders. Distortion stretched the figure, adding height. Or it might be the panic in action—that never failed to warp your senses. 
After you unlocked the door, you peeked into the open space. The tip of your nose preceded you, catching the musky hallway air.
Quickly you stopped as a pair of eyes met yours under a tangle of bangs. No confusion. No wrong room goofiness. No mistake to excuse this. Those were the very same eyes that gazed across the checkout desk. 
Taehyung Kim. Smiling warmly enough to dispel the chill rising. 
“Hi.” He held up a book, the cover facing out, then waved it. “Forget something?” 
Your eyes went there, the hand on the door knob tightening as weakness crept up your legs. THAT was the nagging feeling. What you’d been trying to remember since coming through the door a while ago. 
Whether you wanted to faint or hoped the ground would open up and pull you to the center of the earth, it was all the same. In seconds sweat dappled your spine. Your face got hotter as you met his question with a shrinking smile after sneaking another unnecessary peek at the cover.
That was your book in his hand, bobbing back and forth. Oh my god. You didn’t remember giving your address. Whatever rule he might have broken, he had access to the student system to get what he needed. That meant he’d made the conscious effort, then went further, coming across campus to find you.
At this late hour. After work. On a school night.  
“Geez.” After you opened the door a bit more, Tae passed the book, then rested his empty hand on the door frame. He wasn’t imposing or inserting himself over the threshold. You could close the door, safe in the gut feeling that he wouldn’t stop you. 
It was the next logical step with delivery complete, if that was his true purpose. And why wouldn’t it be? Tae wore such a relaxed grin and his lids sat lower. It was subtle, but there in the depths of his eyes: a flirt. Sweet and delightful, but charismatic too. A change from when he’d scanned your book at the checkout desk.
DO SOMETHING. The urgency roared through your mind. Soon thought became action when you raised the book and waved it like he'd done.
“Thanks.” Your lips vaguely shook, even curved in a smile. If Tae could tell, there was no sign in his generally neutral expression, after his smile melted away.
He squinted through the open door, past your form and without a trace of shyness. Tae wasn’t rushing the moment as he eyed the interior. There wasn’t much to see from where he stood. None of the dorm rooms were spacious enough to give everything away at the door. Your single bedside table lamp and string lights along the bookshelf didn’t bring further clarity. They barely provided ambiance. 
“It’s kind of a pigsty at the moment.” You freely confessed. Suddenly you were sure this was too much stuff in too little a space, even if it hadn’t bothered you until this moment. Tae made you aware–of your body now, and everything else around you. Nothing like your complete obliviousness in the library. 
Tae’s form lounged into the frame, filling the space nicely, testing your self control all too quickly. It wasn’t like he’d grown a few inches on the walk over, but he had more on you than first gleaned in the library.
 “Hard to tell.” Tae’s brow rose, then he chuckled. You didn’t feel like laughing. Couldn’t, with your chest growing tight. 
“Was there something else?” You managed. The book seemed heavier after you asked. Staying mute, Tae studied you this time before he stood upright again.
“Are you busy? I wouldn’t mind seeing inside here more. You say it’s a mess—that’s a relative term. I’ve had roommates that lived in a hoarder’s dream. I doubt your room is in that kind of shape.” 
Rapidly your heartbeat climbed.
You stepped back, opening the door further. Tae came through. Maybe this was one of those REALLY vivid dreams. Feeling so real you’d swear on everything you were awake. The thing you wanted so much–him here, in your dorm room alone–was happening this very second. Apparently all the prayers you’d sent up finally paid off tonight. 
Still, you squeaked in surprise as Tae rolled his shoulders and the coat slid to his forearms. Stripping himself of his outerwear proved his stature wasn’t all fashion illusion. Even in his remaining shirt and jeans, he looked impressively broad. 
You turned back from locking the door to see Tae draping the coat over one forearm, then he began to scan.  
“Where should I put this?” 
You took the jacket and hung it on a nearby hook–the only one empty among the row of several already overburdened ones. 
“This is fine..” You replied.
As you moved further into the room, Tae’s steps trailed. As you paused in the middle, between the bed and a small closet directly across from it, he stopped just at your right side. Silence that went on for a handful of seconds while you surveyed the space.
“Not as small as I expected for a single room.” Tae hummed in conclusion. Either he was being polite or optimistic, you couldn’t decide, but you had to appreciated it either way. 
“I guess. I can’t complain. Makes it a lot easier without a roommate. Somehow those double rooms manage to feel smaller.” 
“Yeah?” Tae stepped away, strolling to the foot of the bed. You went to the left side, attention anywhere but him. 
Eventually you gazed out the window and followed the slow procession of a couple, meandering down the sidewalk below. You wouldn’t mind holding hands with Tae the way you saw those strangers entwining fingers, arms swinging lightly. Probably chatting quietly with each synchronized footstep. 
On another day or in another time you might have had the balls to go for that, but right now was WAY too soon, even if you’d touched him more in your fantasies. Without any kind of hesitation. The idealized version of you lived under no phantom weight of insecurity or awkwardness. 
“Mind if I sit here?” Tae motioned towards the bed. You nodded and he sank down, both hands limply resting on his thighs. Here you could really stew in the fact that his attention wasn’t diminishing in how good it made you feel. It was like he was returning the favor. Squaring things up evenly for all the attention you’d paid to him for so long. 
Did Tae have the same twisting inside, holding your stare? It would be something else to sink so much time gazing into those eyes as you’d spent reading books. Even the one you’d forgotten tonight, that he’d kindly delivered. With the book, there was hope he’d indulge you in a different kind of education.
Settled enough, Tae continued. “The book. Why that one?” 
At his reminder, you looked down at the book lightly trembling in your grasp. Instinctively you opened it to the post-it tagged page and the word, notated in bright blue ink. 
“Just…curious.” You were telling some measure of truth. It was one of many reasons, but you chose to keep Tae ignorant enough beyond that for as long as you could. Some would call it risk minimization. Or self preservation. 
“Yeah?” He braced one palm into the bed and the other hand he held out. It was quickly obvious that he wanted to see the book again. Without comment you passed it back. Not bothering to close it. Maybe Tae had opened this thing and already saw the post-it on his walk over. 
“I’m guessing you don’t make it a habit to forget books you check out..” He skimmed one page, then turned a few before stopping to read a little.
Finally he reached the post-it page. You prayed and hoped he didn’t know the word, as much of a longshot as that might be. A snowball in hell had better chances.  
As demonstrated earlier, Tae’s expression revealed no understanding or ignorance as he finally looked up.
“...---you usually post-it note the pages, or is that reserved for textbooks you buy?”
You brushed a strand of hair away from one temple. Not your best effort to be casual, even with a tepid shrug. It was more a nervous kick back than a graceful toss of the head that sent your hair back. 
“Not that it’s important, really. …Is that a death worthy offense?” 
“No..” Tae glanced over the page. Who knew exactly what he was reading in the blocks of text on both pages. “--Highlighting the pages, that’s the real disrespect.”
You’d never considered doing that to a book you owned and it was a cardinal sin in the world of library patronage. He went back to studying the page briefly, then carefully closed the book and laid it on the bed, within reach.  
A deliberate pause after your name left his lips. Like he was waiting and it worked. 
You fidgeted with your sleeve. “Yes?” 
“Come sit with me? I want to talk a little.” 
“Yeah?” About what, you couldn’t imagine, but there was hope deep underneath the shock fissuring your sanity. 
He patted the neatly done bedspread and you shuffled closer, then lowered. This was your space and property, so why did you feel so immobilized? Tae’s instructions seemed to be some blessing. Some..permission you needed. You boggled.
“There..” As the bed sank subtly under your backside, Tae’s hand returned to his thigh and rested. 
His tongue glided over both lips. Quick, but effective enough to make your thighs flex. Your hands, previously limp on your lap, went to your thighs, condensing into fists.
“That word.” He began. His pointer finger followed the neatly done embroidered pattern running the bedspread as it meandered closer. “..Does it mean something to you?”
“No. I was just curious about it.” The lying was harder than ever. Downplaying wasn’t your strong suit either. 
“Hmmm.” He was quiet again.
“Have you ever heard of it?” You probed. It would send you into orbit to think Tae could know. That he understood the concept of kinks and had any. To find out he followed any newly found ones to a natural conclusion where they became part of his collection.
It was a lesson in fuck around and find out when Tae nodded. 
“Oh.” Nails sank into your palm.Blood rushed to your temples from between your legs. Of course. As if it had always made sense–he wasn’t afraid to read. A job at a library usually didn’t suit a student without the tolerance or interest to learn. That always led to discovery and contemplation. A Yes was the more than likely result, but hearing it from Tae was something truly special. 
“What do you think of it?” 
“The word?” Your brows pinched in confusion.
“The meaning.” Tae clarified with a warm grin. “Is that something you’re interested in?” 
God what is happening right now? This moment was falling right into your lap. This whole NIGHT was like a missing puzzle piece in your life. Even with all those dreams and fantasies, you weren’t quite prepared for this night. This reality. But there wasn’t a way back, only going forward with the natural flow you felt pulling at your entire body and soul. And it was taking your right to Tae. 
He seemed keen to suss out why. You didn’t blame him, having put a giant arrow right there essentially. In that book for him to see. He probably could tell you were the type who didn’t give time to things you weren’t truly interested in.  
“Oh?” Tae leaned closer and the bed dipped more. “You get turned on by sound?” 
You couldn’t look, turn away, or barely breathe. The pressure condensing inside your pelvis was pulling everything to it with the intensity of a blackhole.
“Basically.” Your eyes were barely open as Tae’s nose brushed your cheek. His breath warmed the trail of his touch. 
“Is there a particular sound that does it for you?” 
“Yes.” Time to lean into the experience. Just abandon all pretense of concern that he’d judge. Nothing about his questions right now were needling or picking your apart in any way.
Tae’s lips quirked. “Tell me. I’m curious.” 
He’d be waiting a while since you suddenly couldn’t admit it, even for all the times you’d dreamed of his very encouraging, handsy reaction to that detail. Your lips refused to respond but your thighs were a different story, clamping with a vice-like grip, then moved against each other when your hips shifted.
Tae’s stare bounced down, then came back up, both brows higher. He followed one corner of his lips with the tip of his tongue. 
“Is it a sound someone makes?” 
Still, you couldn’t force out a response, but it was clear Tae already knew. He’d found the trail and doggedly followed the clues woven through your reactions. 
He inclined his head, lips pausing within a hair’s breadth of your own. “Is it a voice? Is it…my voice?” 
Tae had to be playing with you, or be devilishly smart. It was hard to know which. Clearly he could read people, as many as he encountered working on campus and attending classes. It couldn’t be clearer. Whatever his major, Tae’s observation skills were top tier. Skills like that, he could have been truly evil, but there was nothing in his energy that gave a sniff of evil. 
“Uh huh..” You weakly managed. “I..can’t help it.” 
“...And that’s why I’ve seen you at the library so much?” 
“You…s..saw me there?” 
Tae huffed. You hardly knew what to say to begin explaining—not that it would help. The jig was up. It was reasonable to prepare for the reality that he’d call you delusional or creepy before he got up and left. And he’d be well within your right. At the very least, you’d be lucky not to have a stalking complaint lodged with student affairs.
Compared to Tae looking up your dorm number during work hours with college equipment, your weeks of casing his job routine, just to indulge what had become an obsessive kink, seemed more legally perilous. 
You held a breath, eyes screwed shut while Tae went on. 
“Of course. I watched every time you came in. At first I thought it was the same old thing. Assignments or cram sessions. But..eventually, I realized it was something else–the way you reacted to the announcements. Only mine. It wasn’t hard to figure out it was my voice.. That you like it.” 
It was fruitless to pretend or do damage control. 
The world slid a little when you nodded, listing right towards Tae’s warm body. And making contact. Instead of pushing you away, the heat of his longing sigh rolled across your chin . 
“What should I say?” 
Tae, offering his voice up for use right now, allowing you a custom experience. Something levels above the usual fantasy. The chance to trade figments in the mind for flesh and blood, at YOUR command? Seemed almost too much to accept how this whole night was just getting better and better. 
“Say?” You gulped. “You don’t think it’s..creepy?”
“Y/n, if I thought that, do you think I’d be here?” 
“Maybe not–” 
“No. I wouldn’t be. I am right now. So…let’s explore this..thing you have for me.You DO find me attractive, don’t you? Or is it just my voice?” There was a tickling playfulness in his tone. You shuddered softly and Tae’s eyes wandered to your chest. It wasn’t much to see with this big sweatshirt on. 
Which suddenly felt too hot. Your skin was going damp underneath as you inhaled, chest heaving. 
“I do.” Your groaning reply brought a boxy smile out on Tae’s face. 
“So..” His voice dipped to that velvety deep rumble that your mind ran wild with during ‘self love’ sessions. Involuntarily your belly tightened. “Use it. Use me, Y/n. What can I do for you?” 
“God..” You whined, helpless as your head dropped back,  right into Tae’s palm. Like he’d anticipated, ready to guide you flat out on the bed. As you sprawled out, Tae leaned over, gazing into your eyes as they opened finally. 
Running his thumb over your lower lip, Tae took a bite of his own. 
“Don’t be shy. You’ve had at least a whole week’s indulgence. I’m flattered.” His voice dipped to nearly a purr, adding “...Now I want to see this little kink in action.” 
His thumb prodded the warm, plump skin of your lips in exploration. A minute later, moving south to draw an invisible line between your breasts. At the waist of your sleep shorts he stopped, tickling the elastic waistband sitting below your abdomen.
Your hips undulated up, then your ass met the bed. Far and away, no fantasy had prepared you for this moment. No matter HOW often you’d clearly walked this kind of scene through.
Tae’s lids lowered further. “Or I can just talk to you, if you want, Y/n.” This option proved much more tempting. “Since I know you love my voice.” 
You couldn’t scrape together words of reply, only nodding. A quiet laugh spilled over your neck when Tae leaned in and brushed his lips along your earlobe. Every exhale feathering your skin sent found ways to more than a few erogenous zones on your body–some you didn’t know until this very moment. 
“P..please.” You finally whispered. Thank goodness Tae asked because this wasn’t something you’d ever be able to ask for out loud. You had enough to deal with right now, finding he was as you’d dreamed, and more than that only hours ago. 
You needed that push, and he didn’t hesitate. Tae already had the reins as someone bolder than you, freeing intimate moments you’d tucked deep into your brain. The kind that only saw the light of day behind a safely locked dorm room door. 
More fingers slid down your arm, to the sweatshirt sleeve, then circled your wrist and lifted that hand, bringing it to your belly. He laid that hand palm down, just above your mound, then dragged the back of a few nails along each knuckle. Slow. Deliberate. Unbelievably delicate. 
“I want to see what you’ll do. What my voice inspires. You can give me that much, right?” 
Another nod, then your head met the cool sheets, your senses drowning in a blending scents: detergent and the cloying sweet of Tae’s skin. Somehow, someway, he was already inside you, in some way–beyond your mind. You drew him deeper with a full breath.
When one leg drew up and the knee bent, Tae shifted around it, his thigh bracing your shin. Tae’s lips parted and breath shuddered through the space as he slid fingers under the waist of the shorts and brought them down an inch, then did it again. As he pushed the shorts down over your knees, heat rolled off bare skin. on escape made your skin prickle.
He wasn’t even properly touching you and every nerve was already blown wide open, ready to send every single sensation right to your head.  
“There..” He murmured with another smile. His hand laid across your belly, then he curled the fingers curled under the sweatshirt hem and pushed it up just under your breasts.
Tae wasn’t hiding the curiosity in his eyes–he WANTED to see. If he read well enough, your body was talking too as your torso shifted and writhed. Need was crawling up from your thighs like a thousand snakes under your skin. 
“What is it you think about, Y/n? You think about me kissing you? I like kissing. Especially lips like yours.” He made that act of pondering such a sultry thing. Normally you found it harmless and clinical.
Feeling suddenly heavy, your eyes rolled back. That was fine too, since it was much easier that way. You’d already dined well on sight alone and Tae's face floated readily in the blackness. 
He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. You let a finger slip down, plunging through the slick folds at the apex of both thighs. 
A bare forearm slid against your sleeve. “How often do you come home and do this---touch yourself while thinking about me?” 
Tae’s fingers slipped over top of yours and cupped the back of your hand.  Like you, his finger went to the second knuckle and for a moment you both stilled. Just you and Tae, trading squeaks and gasps. You rippled around the fingers as the temperature between your breasts climbed. 
“You’re so wet. God.. Was this all from hearing me? Go deeper, Y/n. Show me what you wanted and how to open you up..” 
The second leg retracted, then you rolled a bit more towards the silky plane of his palm. With you, his finger plunged deeper, then a pressure circle your folds clinging around him. He was flexing and bending a second finger so perfectly. How dexterous and flexible he’d need to be to do it. 
A fist tightened and you pushed firm into the mattress.  
For all the changes inside you right now, there was no hurry, on Tae’s part. Like the late hour or his location on campus didn’t matter. Especially when his body elongated next to you, pressure aligning your side.
This twin mattress was normally miserable for just you. Now it seemed just right. He made a limited space feel so open and unending. But even more: he was making your insides feel smaller. Tighter. Wetter. 
I’m not weak. I’m taking this chance. He said he wanted me to show him. You wanted to open up so much more and give him an idea of what you experienced calling him to mind, over and over. 
“I haven’t really used my fingers much, if I’m honest.” Tae grinned into your shoulder, then nibbled. Kissed and sucked the skin, lips popping.
You shook from breasts to thighs and they widened. No shame, unconcerned. Nothing but pleasure spilled through you as more of his finger moved inside. Stretching like this was a cake walk with so much slippery fluid all over. And it was all you. 
A spastic clench washed through when Tae kissed your neck then moved to your ear. His teeth sunk against your earlobe. “You’re so tight. ..Virgin? …Or is it me? Keep going… Move your finger. Play for me.” 
It was how heavy those last 3 words felt that snapped your thighs together. Trapped your entwined fingers. Tae was silent  when pulled away, then burrowed into your neck. 
Finally his finger matched your depth, then moved backwards and cycled forward again. 
“Like this? That’s it…don’t stop..” Tae teased through gritted teeth. You knew that breathing, having done it so much deep in the throes of masturbating. Like he knew just how to echo what you hungry mind wanted most: the combined sounds of fucking. Fucking with you. You, fucking Tae. The pace of breathing came naturally as you melted into a groove.
Whether it was the fingering or the sexy thoughts, the pace built. His finger wiggled and he pumped it steadily, building a web of glistening ropes between more fingers. A few strokes later and he started to prod inside you. 
The currents of pleasure rode your spine, bringing your breasts up. Tae laid his chest against your as bowed back. It was just right to pin you in place. His hand cupped yours so tenderly, but with that hint of a squeeze. Like he owned your hand. Ready to use it in conjunction with his own to do whatever he wanted. And whatever THAT was, you’d do. 
What crime was it to want to go along with this? 
“Where..is it—” He crooned. Pressure swept along your front wall and your whole body convulse. A shimmer flooded through you. Tae chuckled. Pressure crossed the same spot, going the other way. 
“There.. That’s perfect. You feel that too? Let’s have some fun with this together. It’ll be even better next time.” You barely heard anything when Tae massaged harder into that spot. You gasped through the heat and slick that was rushing to your pussy. 
Your whole body went stiff. So many signals in your brain wound together, snapping and rejoining haphazardly. The sweatshirt tightened across your chest, grazing your perking nipples. Tae grunted as he rutted against your hip. There was no mistaking how hard that cock was as it pressed tight and gyrated. 
He felt long. And Tae had a nice width. His cock would easily hit right where he was massaging and even deeper. You were human. Healthy and full of hormones, all rushing you towards the pinnacle of wants: his cock, stabbing into you. Stroking deep. Stamping that spot, relentlessly. Hard enough to drive right through your high. A train roaring into the dark of a tunnel on a race to the other side. 
And it sent you over the edge. The orgasm was massive and much needed. So much had stored up from thinking this long about Tae. Storing so much unquenched thirst and desire in the limited space was breaking every shy speck inside you. In a blink you snapped. Floodgates inside flung wide with your guttural moan. The first contraction was so hard the faintest trickle ran out around the fingers. 
“Fuck…Jesus baby.. You’re running down the back of my fucking hand..” Tae didn’t stop, working you through with more thrusting, as flow diminished but contractions increased. He flexed his finger beyond your reach, to the last knuckle, far beyond where you’d started. 
Tae tugged a few times and it wasn’t gentle, but there was no pain. Only thrumming, horny shock. Only warmth to the fingertips as your womb churned towards another high. Just at the end of cumming a second time, you noticed the damp warmth under your ass. No guessing what it was or who’d done it. 
Coming back to your senses finally, Tae’s face came into view. It didn’t matter how long he’d been over you like this, a dozy smile on full display with cheeks a little more red. But of course he looked good. 
There were bigger concerns in life but you were floating too far from them to recall a single one. Really there wasn’t much you’d really mind right now. 
Around you the room took shape again. The shadows darkened spots beyond where the limited lighting reached. Familiarity sharpened too. Here you were, back on earth. In your twin bed. 2nd floor, room 215. 
His fingers still deep inside,Tae’s nose grazed your cheek. His mouth sank against the roundest part just below your eye. He pinched skin in a faint kiss, then he spoke, lips still flush to your skin. 
“You could find out...” You giggled, the sound creaking as your throat and neck flexed. Maybe you really were levitating. Maybe not. It would be well deserved from Tae. A huge payout for taking quite a gamble.  
“You’re still pulsing..” He observed, making you do it again just by mention, and all too quickly. Apparently tonight you didn’t require down time, which was a nice change. 
“Could I? Are you the type to fuck on first dates?” ANYONE else had said that,and they’d find a red, stinging cheek or a pair of aching balls. But Tae was setting you free, instead of shutting you down. 
“Would that be bad?” You didn’t think of yourself as the type, but you didn’t imagine you’d do what you’d done for weeks over man’s voice. More than just his voice. Everything about him is on my list. He IS the list. 
On the heels of a flirty smile, Tae’s lips thinned. “Not at all, but that will mean we need to go on a date first.” 
“...Minor detail. I didn’t know if you were single.” …In spite of everything else you’d suddenly learned, or gathered previously. 
“..You don’t date?” 
“It just hasn’t been a thing.” Tae’s finger was out now. He grasped your wrist and brought your finger to his lips. Without a blink, he sucked it deep between his lips, then swallowed. Tae was beyond both sexy and hot as he licked that finger clean after. Like it wasn’t enough or he just wanted every last molecule of flavor. Every trace of your taste.  
That was disappointment waiting in the wings. That was reality. All you wanted was to avoid it for just a bit longer. Stay cocooned in strong, firm warmth, like you found with Tae shifting closer. More contact points between you and him. 
Tae’s track record was stellar. First meeting, this man had fulfilled so much of the fantasy, with fuel to spare. Being so skilled with his fingers and voice, you didn’t want to think about what it would do when his cock was buried deep inside you. 
His stare hinted he might have been pondering the same thing, but he offered a coy gaze. You were quickly to terms with how hot the room had really been, even exposed so much. You groped for the sweatshirt finding the material felt heavier, smothering your previously content shape. The garment was bulky for your taste. It needed to be gone, soon.
“I never said a thing about my dating life, but I’m available. Can you say the same, Y/n?” Neither his lips nor his brows changed shape. Tae was serious. In keeping with the trend, he looked hot like that too. 
It wasn’t like you’d been saving yourself for anyone. Only in the last few weeks you realized: the waiting had been for Tae, albeit unknown. His mystery held you captive. Thinking you knew someone you didn’t know, beyond what you could grasp onto: the way he sounded. There was no way Tae wouldn’t match his looks with the quality of his voice. Finding out tonight brought you full circle to a realization that you WERE available,because you’d been saving yourself for him. 
You grinned. “Yes. Available is a good way to describe it. I guess you could say we can temporarily check each other out—like a library book.” 
A fling with Tae was most likely temporary and you were prepared to accept that. If it turned to something with more permeance, you’d be pleasantly surprised. With clarity came sense and reason. Beyond that there wasn’t energy for concern. 
Tae took a moment to process your attempt at humor, then let out an easy chuckle. “It sounds like a match to me.” He straightened to tug the sweatshirt higher as your arms went up. It was pure relief with the shirt peeled away from your body. Tae managed to land the garment over the back of your computer chair. 
Good eye. Good calculation skills. What else is he waiting to flaunt? 
You took turns extending each leg for Tae to bring them to your ankles. He flung it away with less than a glance back, then he stood, taking your stare with him. 
“Are you..going?” You laid back into your elbows. The effort was Herculean, holding the pose as you tried to keep panic and concern off your face. Tae could go.
He hadn’t exactly stated his plan was anything more than returning your forgotten book.
“Do you want me to? Hadn’t planned it. Do you have a curfew?” 
“No..” You quickly replied.Tae hesitated, then a brow lifted. A few seconds passed, then he began pulling his shirt off too, less gentle and more efficient, dropping it right off the side of the bed he was closer to. His hand returned to find your hip and rest there. Just this touch, this light pressure from the pads of his fingers, you were aching through your core.
Tae made himself comfortable, scooting himself closer into the new space you made by shifting away from him. He pushed the book up towards your pillows, then arranged his body out beside you even, stretched more comfortably. 
“Good. Neither do I.” He whispered. 
“I want you to stay.” You stared at the base of his throat and lines of muscle running up from there. He was all long, graceful parts.
His eyes narrowed as he produced another warm smile that was hell of a lot like the one you’d first seen at the library desk, sans the internal conflict and panic. 
“I wouldn’t object at all.” To say the least.
If fate saw fit to bring Tae to you, let your admittance and bravery not get him taken away. You shouldn’t get hooked on him. One moment…one experience at a time. 
“I think that’s doable, for a little bit longer. We can read a little more from your book. Heard it’s a spicy read.” 
“Oh?” Your eyes found a corner of the book cover peeking out from under the pale corner of a pillow at the headboard. 
“..You…read it before?” Something passed through his eyes but Tae did his best to shrug his upward facing shoulder, reclined on his side facing you. 
“Skimmed it.” 
“Yeah? Cool.” You exhaled and hoping it didn't sound as much like a moan to Tae as it did to you. More time was needed to reveal how truthful he was. How accurate his statement was, based on what he’d presented. Although you didn't judge someone for their reading preferences, you wouldn’t have guessed Tae had skimmed beyond the inside cover, where he'd stamped the due date.  
Tae traced your chin and walked fingertips across your lips again until he was leaning across the space to cup your cheek. 
“I think I should read it to you. Since you react so well to my voice. What do you think?” 
Feeling far too spun out and pleasure drunk, you nodded. When one gets an offer like this, one shouldn’t pass up. His idea deserved your wholehearted support, since it was entirely and generously tailored for you.
“Sounds good.” If Tae wanted, he could read you the phone book and it’d get the job done. 
This whole ‘aural’ fetish was a thing you were grateful for, even more because you knew now: Tae was into it too. Even if it was from the other side. Perhaps there were sounds YOU could make that would have such a hold over him.
Laying back into the bed, the cool sheets worked to dull the lingering heat from your skin. Tonight you didn’t have to stare at the ceiling and imagine his face. Instead, your eyes went to Tae next to you, fully drinking in his face and energy. Enough to carry you whenever he’d leave–tonight or tomorrow. 
Not like you’d never see him again. You knew that more than you knew anything else. 
Tae relaxed onto his back and trained a glossy pair of eyes on your shape, eyes running your body shape against the dim light behind you. He finally spoke again. 
“Grab the book. Pick a chapter and let me hear you. We’ve got a lot of exploration to do.”  
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gimmethatagustd · 3 months
sometimes i randomly get hit with the reminder that i spent most of my childhood and teen years obsessed with fall out boy and my chemical romance, and i remember that yeah i've always been like this 😭
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jvngkook97 · 2 years
Seeing Double
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pairing; twin!jungkook x female!reader ft. ???
genre; angst, humor, fluff, s2l, f2l, twin au, college au
warnings; angst, cursing, fighting, jealousy, a LOT of confusion on reader’s part (poor girl), suggestive daydreams, jungkook and his twin look very much the same but are complete opposites in behavior and clothing, poor reader is oblivious and too trustworthy to ask questions until it’s too late
rating; 18+ minors dni
w/c; 7,623
a/n; i don’t think i’ve personally come across this scenario in a long while, so thought i would bring the twin trope back with my fav bias (of course). plus, who doesn’t love the idea of two jungkook’s?! 🤤 you’re welcome.
Shout out to @outro-kook for being the only one interested in being on the taglist. Which is why I’ve decided I’m dedicating this one to you. Thank you for your support!
Read Part Two {Here}
Is this even real life?
How is the Jeon Jungkook sitting next to you right now? On the same bench? When there are plenty of others scattered around the campus courtyard?
And why is his mouth moving while he’s facing you? Wait. Is he talking? To you?
“–Hello? You good?” His newly pierced eyebrow rose with his amused tone, lip ring that he’s been donning the past four months moving with the mischievous smile that was currently worn on his face with ease. Not that you kept track, of course. His eyes twinkled with a hidden darkness that you’ve yet to discover, or notice.
Your mouth was open in a less than attractive manner, and you’re sure you looked like a fish out of water. Cause you definitely felt like one.
“I’m sorry. What?” You wanted to sound confident and cute, but much to your dismay, it came out in a more rudely rushed tone. Probably because your mind was still processing what was happening, and it knew before you did that something was amiss.
People like him, never associated with people like you.
However, your reaction only fueled his inner demons that wanted to see you writhe beneath him in a blissful haze. A low, deep chuckle fell from his lips as he repeated his question.
“I asked if you, y/n y/l/n, would like to go out on a date with me, Jeon Jungkook, this Friday night? If you’re free, of course.” The way he spoke sounded as if he knew the answer you were going to give him before you did. You’re more than positive he’s never been turned down in his entire life, and you being the good person you were, didn’t want to break that streak now, did you?
“Sure–I mean–Yes! I would love too–,” just as you let yourself begin to get excited over the prospect of actually going on a date, he abruptly stood up with a piece of paper held out to you in the palm of his tattooed, ring wearing, hand. It was his number. His cross necklace that was once hidden underneath his shirt, fell out from the movement. One he always wore, you found.
With shaky hand, you grabbed it in yours, fingertips brushing against his in what was, to you, a small, yet intimate moment.
Giving you a two finger salute accompanied by a wink, he told you to meet him at this exact spot in two days time, and for you to text him in advance so you won’t be out all alone by yourself for too long. A sweet gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you, if your racing heart was any evidence of your current state of mind.
Nodding mutely, all your shy personality could muster up at that moment, he flashed you his signature bunny toothed grin and walked off with his hands in his tight, mouth watering, booty emphasizing, black skinny jeans. His chunky combat boots crushing every brown and orange crunchy leaf in it’s wake, as the autumn breeze blew his hair in a model worthy way. His back muscles could prominently be seen through his tucked in, long sleeved, white shirt.
It was then that you knew, he was going to ruin you in all the best ways possible.
And you couldn’t wait.
The only catch? Unbeknownst to you, he wouldn’t be the only one who would be taking you on the date.
So would his twin brother.
Who is actually in love with you.
“Shut the fuck up. Dead ass?”
“Dead ass.”
Jungkook smirked at the way his twin brother tried to hide his excitement about the date he secured with you.
His twin ran his fingers through his hair as he let out a ‘huh’ of amusement, before sitting down next to Jungkook on the couch in their shared apartment.
“So, am I the best wingman or what?” Jungkook raised his hand anticipating a high five, but was promptly ignored by his twin who was lost in thought over one flaw in this plan.
“Does y/n think she’s going on this date with you or me?”
“Well, technically speaking–,”
Jeon Ji-hun reaches beside him on the couch to grab the nearest pillow, thrusting it as hard as he could into his younger brother of three minutes guilty face. Yanking the pillow out of Ji-hun’s hands after being hit for the fifth time, Jungkook ended the fluffy assault and explained how they could potentially pull this charade off.
“It’s easy, just pretend to be me. You already look like me, so what’s the problem?”
“What’s the prob–,” Ji-hun sucks his bottom lip in between his teeth, trying to control his aggression towards his admittedly handsome, sometimes smart, but mainly annoying and naive younger half of a twin. “The problem is, dear brother, we may look alike, but we are nothing alike. Look at me!”
Ji-hun aggressively gestures to himself and then Jungkook as if to emphasize on his point. All Jungkook sees is excuses, if you asked him. Sure, it’s true, what Ji-hun said. They may look the same, up to the same exact tattoos, piercings and hairstyling. The only main difference is their personalities and clothing.
Jungkook couldn’t help the cringe on his face that showed when he was forced to actually take into account what his brother was wearing — short sleeved, pastel yellow, collared button up shirt; light blue, washed and torn at the knees skinny jeans; and a black belt accessory adorned his small waist.
“It just means that we’ll have some work to do, more on my end than yours of course, but it doesn’t mean we can’t fool her into thinking you’re me! Gotta have faith, my dude.”
“Here’s a crazy idea, why don’t we just tell her the truth and skip all this nonsense that I’m sure will come crashing down on us in a shit show at the end?” Ji-hun shrugged his shoulders casually at Jungkook, making the youngest give him a ‘are you serious’ look.
“Bro, if you had the balls to just ask her out in the first place after all these years of pining over her, we wouldn’t even have to be in this situation.” Jungkook’s deadpan expression, and nonchalant yet absolutely true reasoning, is what had Ji-hun sulking back into the couch with an arm over his eyes.
“I know, I know. Don’t remind me.” Ji-hun ground out with gritted teeth, more than well aware at how shy he was with the world, let alone the opposite sex, and most importantly, anything that pertained to you.
Jungkook patted his brother’s knee with empathy.
Unlike him, who had no qualms in speaking his mind about anything to anyone, his older brother found it difficult. Which is why Jungkook came up with the brilliant idea of asking you out on a date in his place, and banking on the information he got from fellow classmates that you so happened to have a crush on him, he used it to his advantage.
Now came the tricky part.
Making you believe that you were going out on a date with Jungkook, when in all actuality it would be Ji-hun just acting like him instead. In his head, everything went smoothly, his plan flawless. In real life, however? That was an entirely different story.
“This is so fucking stupid, Jungkook. We should just go back home!” Ji-hun tugged at Jungkook’s signature leather jacket, feeling out of place wearing it. Jungkook was too busy texting you back to worry about how how his older brother was feeling at the moment.
“She said she’s about five minutes away. So unless you want to stand up the girl you’re supposedly in love with, you better get yourself together. Cause it’s now or never, bro.” Jungkook gripped Ji-hun’s shoulder firmly, and looked into his eyes with fixed determination, silently telling him that ‘everything will be fine’.
“Okay.” Ji-hun answered more confidently than he felt.
“Oh! I think I see her, I’m gonna split. But I’ll be close incase you need an out or a quick getaway. You got this! Just act cool.” With those final words of encouragement, Ji-hun was left to his own devices as he tried not to fidget nervously watching you walk up to him.
Despite his brother’s normal nonchalant behavior towards the opposite sex, he couldn’t help but let out a low whine of appreciation at your always stunning form, that is somehow even more attractive in the pale moonlight.
You gave him a small, hesitant wave in greeting, nearly toppling over in your heels he’s never seen you were before, let alone the casual, yet very form fitting dress you wore for the occasion. For Jungkook. That thought made him bitter.
Absentmindedly, he grimaced at you. His action making you self conscious and doubting if you should’ve gone with the other, more risky dress that your roommate initially wanted you to wear tonight. Your hands clutched onto the sides of your dress as you tried not to let it get to you.
“Uhm, hi. Sorry I was a little late, but I don’t have a car and needed to take the bus–,” you fumbled over your words the more you explained, causing Jungkook to snap out of his mental image of pummeling his brother to actually listen to what you were saying. He could tell you were nervous, which had him feeling slightly better.
“Don’t worry about it. Better late than never, right?” He spoke casually, then offered his arm to you, the hand connected to that arm stuffed into the pocket of the leather jacket, as he took a note from his brother’s previous lessons over how to act and talk. “You look gorgeous, by the way. Not that it’s anything new.”
Your cheeks gained a light pink at the offer of his arm accompanied by the unexpected compliment, as you attempted to smoothly slide your arm through the space he left for you to fill. What you didn’t expect, was for the one ring you always wore on your hand to get caught in the leather and scratching it. Ji-hun stiffened at the, to him, ear piercing sound that was as bad as nails on a chalkboard. He tried not to make a show of looking at his brother who was no doubt somewhere nearby and seething at his precious jacket getting hurt during this date.
You let out a gasp at the realization and proceeded to pull your arm out as to not cause more harm to the jacket, only your choice of action just ended up making things worse as your ring got caught yet again on the way back out. Ji-hun closed his eyes and said a silent prayer to not get murdered by his brother later on at home, knowing for a fact that Jungkook witnessed the blasphemy that just occurred.
“I’m so sorry! I wasn’t thinking. God, I’m such an idiot–,” your lips trembled as you bit them, eyes glistening with unshed tears at how much of a disaster this date has already been and you haven’t even started to walk to your destination.
Letting out a quiet, shaky exhale, he gave you a tight lipped smile and went to offer you his hand, then decided otherwise and opted to just take the initiative himself and interlock his fingers with yours. Gently tugging you into his side, you both began walking side by side to the small, hole in the wall, ramyeon restaurant that was nearby.
“I can totally buy you a new jacket! If you just send me the link to the site where you got yours–,” Ji-hun chuckled lightly, and squeezed your hand in reassurance.
“Seriously, y/n. Don’t worry about it. It’s just a jacket.”
“It’s just a jacket.” Jungkook lowly mocked his brother as he discreetly followed you both, head down and staring at the concrete pathway with a look of anger and regret at letting his most prized possession — his jacket — be worn tonight.
If Jungkook is being honest though, he would’ve reacted exactly the same way had he been in his brother’s shoes. And his brother was right, you did happen to look very exquisite tonight. The dress you wore accentuated your curvy figure in the best way, and made your eyes a deeper shade of color than they already were. Even he’ll admit that his heart started racing upon looking at you walk up for the first time, as if seeing you in a whole other light.
He didn’t know what this feeling was that began to pool into his gut, but all that he knew was that it got worse the longer he stared at your intertwined hands.
Upon arriving to the restaurant, Jungkook held the door open for you to walk in first. The hostess directed you to your seats. Now sitting opposite each other in the well lit establishment, you were able to get a better look at your date.
Ji-hun wasn’t good when it came to eye contact, it was too intimate, to telling. He felt like one look into his, and you would instantly know that you weren’t on a date with his brother, but him. He dreaded how you would react if you ever found out, and only hoped that you never did.
Your eyes watched as Jungkook looked everywhere but at you. Your brows furrowed in confusion, not used to seeing him look so shy. It’s like he was a complete different person than who you talked with on the bench that day. Pushing away your doubts, you opened your mouth to speak, before being interrupted by your waiter for the evening.
You smiled politely, as did Jungkook, and took turns giving your orders. It seemed like you both had different taste, since you ordered the spicy version of what your date did. Ji-hun let out a light laugh at your choice of ramyeon, immediately thinking of his brother who always ordered the same thing when they came here.
“What’s so funny?” You questioned lightheartedly, and took a sip of the water the waiter brought with them before taking your orders.
“Jung—,” his eyes widened as he almost blurted out his brother’s name. Jungkook stiffened in the booth behind you, thinking that Ji-hun was about to ruin everything.
“Jung Hoseok, or Hobi. He’s a good friend of mine. He likes the same spicy ramyeon as you. I just thought that was funny.” He scratched the side of his neck with a sheepish smile.
Jungkook slumped back into the booth with a quiet exhale of relief, giving props to his brother mentally for his quick save.
“Oh! I know him! He’s dating this girl in my art class. He comes by to walk her to her next class, it’s so sweet!” You let out a dreamy sigh, getting lost in a daydream of Jungkook doing that for you.
“Yeah, that’s him. Her name is Leah. She’s cool. But–,” his sentence got cut off from the waiter who carefully set your designated bowls in front of you. Ji-hun’s nose scrunched up at the obvious spice that wafted from your bowl, he hated spicy foods. They never agreed with his intestines. You clapped your hands together giddily, grabbing your chopsticks and immediately started slurping up the noodles.
Jungkook could hear how you went to town on your food, and couldn’t help the twitch of his upper lip, restraining himself from smiling. Reminded him of himself, and he knew for a fact, his brother was inwardly cringing at the sight. Ji-hun never failing to let Jungkook know how much he despised messy eating.
It was messy, but it was cute. With you, at least. Yet another thing you and Jungkook had in common, he found. You both inhaled your food as soon as it’s set in front of you, not a care in the world of what other people might think of you. He believes you may have something else as well, and wanted to elaborate on it.
“You said you’re in an art class? What kind?” He grabbed his own chopsticks and began slowly slurping up his noodles, making sure juice didn’t fling anywhere it wasn’t supposed too.
“It’s a drawing class. I love to doodle on the daily, so I figured why not make it a thing for a career?”
“What kind of career are you hoping for?”
“I want to be a tattoo artist.”
Ji-hun choked on a noodle that was halfway down his throat when he heard your answer. You grabbed his glass and shoved it into his face, silently telling him to take a drink. He grabbed it gratefully, and after taking a couple of big gulps to ensure the pesky noodle made it all the way down, he let out a relieved sigh.
When his eyes flickered up to yours, they showed nothing but worry. It made his cheeks litter with a light hue, and his ears turn a pale shade of red.
Jungkook now had a full blown smile on his face, not being able to contain it any longer when he heard your career of choice. It made a stupid fluttery feeling erupt inside of his stomach, and his brows furrowed at the sensation. What was happening to him?
“You actually like working with needles?” Ji-hun tried not to sound too surprised, knowing he was meant to act like his brother — cool, calm, collected. The one that likes spicy food, the one that eats messily, and the one that hopes to one day be a tattoo artist.
“Well, I don’t necessarily like them, but I could tolerate them enough to still achieve my ultimate life goal. You know? I mean, you have tattoos and piercings. I don’t. Do you like needles?”
“I—,” he had a look of contemplation on his face as he thought about what his brother would say in this situation. He doesn’t believe that Jungkook has any problem with them whatsoever, and though Ji-hun may have tattoos and piercings, he’s starting to agree with your rationalization. You can like getting them, but still dislike needles. His eyes scanned what skin he could see on your figure, and as far as he could tell, you were telling the truth. You didn’t have any sort of piercings or tattoos. It baffled him.
“I do, yeah. I’m just surprised that you did, considering you don’t strike me as someone who would be interested in such a career, being uh–not having–,” he pointed at his tattooed arm and various piercings on his face and ears.
You smiled warmly at him, not feeling like he was judging you at all, just stating facts. It was refreshing. Normally, people would look down on you and call you a ‘poser’ for your career choice and not having the desire to get any tattoos yourself.
For some reason, you thought he would as well.
You’re glad you were wrong for once.
“Right? Believe it or not, my father is the one that got me interested. He owns the tattoo parlor called ‘Inkphoric’. Have you heard of it?”
He got a sinking feeling upon hearing your answer, as his own dream of being with you slowly started to crack. He’s heard of it, yes. Plenty of times. It’s the one tattoo parlor that Jungkook never shut up about and could only dream of working at one day. And if your father was the owner? That made you his daughter, his legacy. He made the solemn realization that you were perfect, yes, but not for him.
No, you were perfect for his brother, the one you should technically be on a date with right now, believed you actually are with right now, instead of this childish facade.
Jeon Jungkook — the one that was sitting directly behind you and thinking the exact same thing as his brother, with a now sour look on his face upon coming to his own epiphany.
He was beginning to like you, like like you, and that couldn’t happen. Not when Ji-hun liked you first.
Jungkook’s hands were shoved into the pockets of his hoodie, as he brooded behind you and his brother silently. He was going to walk with you and wait until your bus showed up. How chivalrous of him, he thought with unwarranted spite that seemed to come out of nowhere.
Now he was forced to linger awkwardly in the dark, creepy alleyway that wasn’t too far from the bus stop so that he would be able to still hear you both talk.
His head rhythmically banged against the brick wall behind him that he was leaning on. Dead eyes stared at the opposite wall of the alley as he listened to your playful, flirty, banter with his brother.
It made him want to puke.
Absentmindedly, one hand rose up from the warm confines of his hoodie to play with the cross necklace he wore and he couldn’t be more relieved when not even 20 minutes later, he could hear the bus arrive.
He risked peeking around the corner to watch you two say goodbye.
He wished he didn’t.
As the bus came to a complete stop, you gave Jungkook a timid smile.
“That was–,”
You both paused and stared at each other before letting out equally as nervous laughter. He politely waved at you to speak first, small smile on his face.
“I had a good time, Jungkook. Thank you.” You fidgeted with your hands that were clasped in front of you. You debated on whether or not you should go in for the cheek kiss, but was pleasantly surprised when he beat you too it.
Ji-hun let his lips linger on your cheek probably a little longer than necessary, but he just wanted to make sure that he savored this moment and committed it to memory. This would be the first and last time he would kiss you, after all.
As he straightened up again, the bus honked impatiently, seeing as you were the only one the bus driver was waiting for to get on.
“I should go.” You thumbed behind you, awkwardly. You don’t know why, but that small kiss felt weird to you. It made no sense, you having wanted it to happen in the first place. In fact, it was the one major thing you hoped would happen all night.
Did you not like Jungkook as much as you thought you did?
As you went to step up onto the bus, his hand caught your wrist and stopped you. You looked back at him with a look of confusion.
He went to open his mouth, then ended up just closing it and pursing his lips. Shaking his head, he gave you a friendly smile and let you go.
“Just–Can you text me when you get home, please? So I know you arrived safely?”
Your eyes softened at his concern and you nodded your head at his request, giving him a friendly smile of your own.
“I will. Goodnight, Jungkook. You get home safe as well, okay?”
Jungkook stepped in line next to his brother who watched the bus drive away with a distant look on his face.
“How did it go?” Jungkook asked him warily, noting how stiff his brother’s body currently was beside him.
“JK, for once, don’t play dumb.” His brother’s voice was flat as he spoke.
“I’m not playing dumb, bro. What’s your–,” Ji-hun gave an exasperated groan out of his own sheer disappointment with how the evening turned out not in his favor. When he finally shifted positions to face Jungkook, he saw his brother mindlessly poking his tongue out to play with his lip ring. It was a habit he only ever did when he was anxious or nervous.
He wasn’t stupid. Jungkook knew.
“She’s perfect.”
“That’s good then, right?”
“For you.”
“I’m sorry. What did you just say?” Jungkook’s flabbergasted expression almost had Ji-hun crack a smile. Almost.
“I said–,” Ji-hun placed a hand on one of Jungkook’s shoulders and held it firmly, shaking it lightly as he spoke. “–she’s perfect, yes. But for you. Not me. You know it just as well as I do, even if I know you won’t openly admit it out loud. But that girl? She’s literally the female version of you. It’s scary, honestly.”
Ji-hun’s body involuntarily shivered from the uncanny way you were too like his brother. Even that kiss he gave you, felt like he was kissing his brother, a sibling, and not you. And that’s when he knew for sure, it would never work out between you and him.
Which only meant one thing.
Jungkook’s mouth kept opening as if he wanted to say something, and then closed when he couldn’t think of anything at all to dispel his brother’s revelation.
“Look. Can you just do me a solid, dude?”
“Please. Please. Just treat her right. Okay? Don’t fuck this up, or I’ll never forgive you for hurting her.” Ji-hun’s eyes narrowed into his brother’s, and if looks could kill? He would be six feet under. Then, he smiled. It was a genuine smile. It freaked Jungkook out.
“I promise.”
Hey! Just letting you know I made it home safely. Thank you again for a wonderful time! Read 9:32 PM
He never replied back. Just left you on read.
As you laid on your bed, cozy and comfy in your blankets, hair wet from the shower you took, you began to think. Or, as some would say, you began to overthink. A bad habit of yours, truly.
The entire date felt off to you.
You didn’t quite know how to explain it, if you’re being honest. You still didn’t know how. The only thing you did know, was you were very much attracted to Jungkook when you first talked with him. But now? You weren’t so sure.
It’s like he lost his confidence. Which, made no sense at all, from all the stories you’ve heard about previous dates he was involved with. All the girls raving how charming, how cool, how dominant and excellent he was in bed. Not that you believed you would end up in his bed by the end of the night or anything, but you’d be lying if you said you never thought of it as being a possibility.
Most of the date, it felt like it was you carrying conversation so it wouldn’t go completely dead silent between you both. He did initiate hand holding, and gave you a kiss, but it was on the cheek. The cheek. Was that code for him to only see you as a friend and nothing more? You heard from the same female sources that he liked spicy ramyeon, the sole reason why you ordered it in the first place, so imagine your surprise when he doesn’t get the spicy version.
Okay. Maybe that last reasoning could’ve been chalked up to him not being in the mood for anything spicy, you’ll give him that one. But what really had your mind on overdrive was when he spoke about your father’s tattoo parlor. You had asked him if he’s ever been inside the parlor before. His answer baffled you, but you didn’t let it show and played it off coolly.
He told you that he hasn’t. But always wanted too.
Inwardly, your red flag radar started going off. Outwardly, you kept your composure and welcomed when he conveniently decided to change the topic of conversation.
You knew he was lying.
As a matter of fact, you saw him talking with your father about becoming a possible apprentice not even two days ago. Your father and him even sharing stories and laughter as he thumbed through your father’s portfolio. He didn’t know that you were watching them discreetly, hiding behind the black curtain that served as the ‘door’ to get to the more private rooms for VIP clients and/or those who were getting tattooed in more intimate areas.
“What is going on?” Your eyes scanned over the last text one more time, then you decided to just call it a night.
Tomorrow. That’s when you’ll get answers.
Having just made it out of your last class, you began your trek across the long courtyard. It was when you came upon the center crossroads that your feet stopped moving, feeling like deadweights.
You clutched your binder closer to your chest as you stared at the scene that was unfolding in front of you.
There he was, Jungkook. But he wasn’t alone.
An unknown female was leaning against his shoulder as they both laughed together. You would’ve gotten lost in the way his face lit up, one you’ve never seen before, if it wasn’t for the dreadful fact that it was someone else causing it and not you.
Maybe that cheek kiss really was his way of letting you know he only saw you as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
You almost went to turn around and head back in the direction you just came from, your appetite long gone since seeing the two apparent, very happy, couple.
But you didn’t.
You wanted answers.
So, steeling your resolve, you walked with confidence up to the two until you were right next to them, but still slightly behind Jungkook so you couldn’t see his face or him see your figure that currently shadowed him. No, it was the female that first locked eyes with you, an arch in her brow in wondering what it was you wanted. Plastering on a fake smile, you greeted them both.
“Jungkook! I haven’t talked with you since our date, how have you been?” You made a point to say the word ‘date’ louder than the rest, pointedly locking your gaze with the unknown female whilst doing so. Now both of her eyebrows flew up into her hairline in confusion. It had you inwardly laughing to yourself.
The male in front of you instantly whipped around upon hearing your voice, and his mouth fell open at your sudden appearance. One he was definitely not ready for. Not yet, at least.
The female looked at Jungkook with a look of perplexion.
“Uh, Ji-hun? Why is she mistaking you for your brother?”
As soon as you heard the word ‘brother’ fall off her lips, did everything suddenly make sense. Your eyes widened in complete shock and your binder loosened in your grip. Your eyes scanned every inch of his body, and now that you were actually looking at him, you came to a sobering conclusion. Just from his bright outfit alone, it should’ve been more than enough telling, considering Jungkook’s wardrobe mainly consisted of dark colors, his favorite being black. And his cross necklace that always seemed to adorn his neck, wasn’t there.
Holy shit. Just like on the date! It completely went over your head that he wasn’t wearing it that night. He always wore that necklace.
Ji-hun could physically see the gears turning in your head as you came to the conclusion he knew would ruin everything. Not for him so much anymore, but for his brother.
Hands coming up to his defense, your mouth began moving a mile a minute.
“Wait. You have a brother?”
The female answered for you.
“Not just any brother, but a twin brother.”
Your lips pursed, as Ji-hun’s flew open to try and remedy the situation as best he could. He cleared his throat and gave his female friend a sincere apologetic look.
“I’m sorry, Tsuki. But maybe we can take a rain check on that study session? I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Sure thing. See you later!” She waved at him with a friendly smile and walked away, immediately getting lost in the cluster of other fellow college students around you that passed by in blurs.
You didn’t waste a second.
“You have a twin brother.” You stated, not questioned. “Jungkook has a twin brother.”
“I–Y/N–Yes.” He gave a defeated sigh and rolled his neck, gripping it with one hand. He could already tell that the weight of this conversation was going to take a toll on his normally drama free lifestyle. Jungkook was right, he should’ve just asked you out on a date as himself.
But, in his defense, he didn’t know that Jungkook was planning to ask you out in the first place. Not that you knew that, of course.
He saw a look of sadness and betrayal flicker across your face, before turning stoic and emotionless.
“Was this all just some kind of sick game for you two? Were you close by that day he asked me out? Did you both pick me out? Did I have a certain look? One that screamed ‘oh, please, pick me to use for your sick mind games and pleasure!’?”
“Y/N, maybe we can go somewhere more private to talk about this? Please? I really want to explain everything, if you’ll let me.”
The guilty look on his face was prominent, he seemed to be beating himself up over this perverse plan. In your own sick way, it made you happy to see him like this. Though it was nothing amounted to way you were currently feeling right now.
“Where’s your brother?” If you were going to have this conversation, you wanted him to be there as well. It was only fair. And you wanted to make sure they gave you the whole truth. Not a fabricated one.
“He’s actually–,” his pointer finger rose, as he pointed off somewhere behind you.
Your head whipped around so quick, you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
There he was in all his beautiful, chaotic, glory.
Jeon Jungkook.
And just like that, all those feelings came back like on that day he asked you out.
They sat in front of you looking like a pair of kids about to get scolded by their parents.
You were sitting on the opposite side of the park picnic bench with your hands folded in front of you on top. Your school supplies laid in a neat pile on the empty space of the bench beside you.
Your eyes flitted between them, brain still registering that there was two of them. How did you not realize after all this time that Jungkook had a twin?! Granted, you didn’t know much about him other than what you heard from others. Still, you figured that important piece of information would’ve come up somehow, but apparently not. Much to your dismay, and utter disbelief.
“Y/N–,” Ji-hun.
“Y/N–,” Jungkook.
Both brothers began speaking at the same time, looking at each other with equally as guilty looks and having a silent conversation with their eyes on who should speak first.
It was Jungkook.
“If you’re going to be mad at anyone, y/n, be mad at me. I’m the one that orchestrated this whole thing. Ji-hun had no idea that I was planning on asking you out on a date for him.”
“You asked me out, as you, only to switch places with your brother on the actual date? Why?”
Ji-hun spoke up next.
“Because I liked you. He saw I was having trouble with asking you out myself, and decided to take it upon himself to do it for me in his own way.” Ji-hun admitted quietly, but loud enough for you to hear as he stared at the wood bench in front of him.
Your brows rose into your hairline at his confession, then your face settled back into a neutral one.
“You liked me? Since when? I don’t recall ever talking with you, so how did these feelings develop?” You asked incredulously.
Ji-hun’s entire being deflated in front of you when he realized that you didn’t remember the night of the party. He should’ve figured as much, with the many amounts of alcohol you consumed, but his hopeless romantic heart clouded his brain.
Jungkook gave his brother a look of sympathy, his hand coming in between the junction of his neck and shoulder in a light grip, as he massaged it gently. He knew this was the origin story of you both, and for you not to even remember it, he knows is a huge blow for his brother.
The interaction between the two brother’s was as if they just found out a loved one had died. And, in a sense, maybe that was true. Not a physical person, persay, but the idea of a love.
Locking his gaze with you, Ji-hun started telling you of the story when you two first met. How intoxicated you were that you could barely take two steps without tripping over yourself, how he stopped a guy from trying to take advantage of your inebriated state and got in his first fight. Though he says it didn’t last long, and no punches were landed by the dude cause he was worse than you were. He told you how he helped you into the bathroom cause you said you needed to throw up, and he held your hair back until you were done. He told you how you two talked about anything and everything on that dirty bathroom floor, him dumping his drink of choice from his red solo cup in order to fill it with sink water when you refused to let him leave your side to get a water bottle for you instead.
It wouldn’t be until Jungkook found you two sitting on the floor of that bathroom, did they both get you back to your place safely. You being coherent enough to call your roommate at the times number and her agreeing to come pick you up. They both sat on either side of you, as you all waited on the front porch steps of the random house party for your roommate to arrive. Once she did, both brother’s took up one side of you, yet again, to get you up and inside the car.
The roommate proceeded to thank them for their kindness and Ji-hun even said he gave her his number to give to you. He assumes she never did, considering he never did hear back from you after that night.
You held your head in shame in the palms of your hands, groaning from embarrassment. You did remember that night, vaguely. It mostly came to you in flashes, but the person who was with you always seemed to be conveniently blurred or just cut out from those memories to the point of you not having a clue who they were.
She never did give you any number.
And you wonder if that would’ve made a difference today.
Butterfly effect and all.
“I’m so sorry, Ji-hun. For putting you through that night. You were nothing but sweet, and I was just a hot ass mess.”
Even though you should still technically be fuming over this whole thing, you couldn’t help but share a second of genuine gratitude and sincerity for his chivalrous actions with you that night. He could’ve done anything, and you would’ve been none the wiser, but he didn’t. It goes to show just how good of a person he truly was. You just wished you felt the same for him as he did for you.
And maybe you could of, in another life.
“Don’t worry about it, y/n. If there’s one thing this whole debacle has taught me, is to look for the silver lining. And I did.”
“You did?” Both you and Jungkook echoed at him in unison, eyes briefly meeting for a second before returning on Ji-hun.
“I did. It’s that you’re perfect for this idiot right here.” He thumbed to his side at Jungkook, who swatted the insinuation away with his hand, cheeks beginning to turn red of their own accord. It didn’t stop his brother from explaining his reasoning further.
With each reason, he held one finger up.
“You both like spicy food. You both are messy eaters. You both have a passion for drawing. And you both have a dream of becoming a tattoo artist. Need I go on?” He looked between you two with an air of ‘go on, tell me otherwise’. “Oh and don’t get me started on how much he rants about your father–,” Ji-hun throws his head back in exaggeration, as Jungkook once again uses his hand to swat the back of Ji-hun’s head to shut him up.
This had you chuckling softly, shoulders bouncing from the action as you covered your mouth to hide the smile that was threatening to come out any second.
Jungkook cleared his throat in order to gain your attention again. Unlike his normal persona he always puts on, right now in front of you, he seemed to be a completely new person. He fidgeted nervously with the cross necklace that hung around his neck with one hand, his tattooed, ring clad fingers tapped out a random beat on the table with his other hand.
“Look–I’m not good with this whole feelings thing, okay?” He started off with a look of what you could only describe as being flustered.
“He’s really not.” Ji-hun quipped in.
Jungkook glared at his twin, who just rolled his eyes in return.
“I’ve never been one to actually take a relationship seriously.”
“Yeah, I know.” This time it came from you, which had him gaping at you in disbelief. Ji-hun snickered at your words with inward glee at his brother’s obvious discomfort.
Sucking in a sharp breath, Jungkook attempts to center himself, closing his eyes for a second, before opening them back up with fierce determination.
“I like you, okay? You don’t know this, but I was there when you were on your date with my brother. You just couldn’t see me.”
You gave a ‘what the fuck?’ look, and mouthed it at the same time. Jungkook rose his hands in defense.
“I swear, I was solely there just in case he needed an out and the date went terribly. Otherwise, I wasn’t going to intervene.”
“Okay. I’m sorry, but this is taking way too long and I have an exam in like two hours I need to prepare for. So—,” Ji-hun stood up abruptly and walked behind Jungkook to place his hands firmly on his shoulders, eyes boring into yours with his next question.
“Y/N, do you like my brother? Yes or no.”
“Uh–,” your eyes blinked, brain trying to register the fast paced way he spoke. “Yes…?”
“Good. And we all know that you, dear brother, like y/n. Yes?” Jungkook nods his head, playing with his lip ring anxiously, as he bores a hole into the table with his eyes, refusing to look at you.
Clapping his hands together, he picks his backpack back up and slides his arms through the holes to secure it on his back.
“Perfect. Now you two hash that out, and I’ll be on my way. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon, y/n. Also, once again, we’re truly sorry for this whole thing. But don’t worry, my brother knows if he hurts you that I won’t hesitate to kick his ass. Okay, bye!” He waves at you both with a vibrant smile, as he begins walking backwards. Pivoting in his sneakers, he begins the trek to the campus library, effectively leaving you two alone.
“He does realize that I never actually said if I forgive you two or not, right?” You asked warily.
Sighing defeatedly, Jungkook rubs the side of his neck.
“He knows. This is just how he is, he hates confrontation. Like me, but at least I stick through it until the end.”
“I’ll give you points for that one.”
An awkward silence befalls you both, as you do your best to stare at any and everything other than each other. You may have admitted openly that you both like one another, but you were still upset with him.
Standing up, you gathered your own school supplies. Jungkook just watched you silently.
“Come on. Let’s go.”
He eyed you nervously, confused.
“I owe you one for ruining your jacket, so just trust me. Okay?”
You were going to bring him with you to your father’s studio and give him an in depth tour. Maybe, if you’re feeling nice, you’ll even introduce him to your father as a ‘good friend’ to get him on your father’s good side, but we’ll see.
His response was to stand up as well, standing next to you, but at a healthy distance. Considering he wasn’t in college, he didn’t have any school supplies to grab. The only reason he was on campus was to see his brother, and inadvertently, he ended up seeing you as well. Not that it bothered him, he preferred talking it out now rather than prolonging the inevitable.
“I can—,” he gestured awkwardly to your binder and backpack, his way of asking if he could carry anything for you.
“I’m not helpless, Jungkook. I can carry my own things.” You tried to stay serious as you spoke, but when you saw the way he curled into himself at your reply, you gave up the tough girl act and shoved your binder into his chest with a shit eating grin. “I’m just playing, Jungkook, don’t get your panties in a twist.”
He scoffed at you, binder safely secured and tucked underneath his arm as he walked beside you.
“For the record, y/n?” You ‘hmmed’ in response looking ahead of you, he continued. “I know you’re more than capable of doing things on your own. It’s one of the many things I find extremely sexy about you.”
He smirked at your flustered response, lightly knocking his elbow against yours playfully.
“You’re cute when you blush.”
“Shut up.”
a/n; if enough reader’s out there are interested in a part two of this, or if there’s something you would want to see from this thruple, let me know! send me an ask, don’t be shy. <3
a taglist is available for this series or all works in general. be sure to specify when you apply through ask. thank you!
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farfromsugafanfic · 2 years
Dangerous | p.jm Masterlist
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Genre: Enemies to Lovers, Bad Boy!Jimin, Bartender!Reader College AU
Pairing: Jimin/Named Reader
Rating: M
Warnings: alcohol consumption, sexual assault (not perpetuated by Jimin or a BTS member), a drugged drink, adult language, sexual themes, masturbation, smut, more warnings before each chapter
Synopsis: Park Jimin doesn't fuck good girls.
He made that clear when he humiliated you when you were sixteen. Since then, you've sworn to get revenge on Park Jimin one day.
Now, you're both in college. You're no longer a good girl and Park Jimin just walked into the club.
Looks like today is the day.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Note: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad. I am now working on crossposting it to Tumblr. Thanks for reading.
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lookformyvoice · 2 years
Ephemeral - JJK
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pairing: jungkook x female oc
status: coming soon
genre:  college!au, rommates!au, strangers to best friends to lovers, very very slow burn, eventual smut, slice of life, fluff
warnings: M (18+)
summary: Sophmore Harper is incredibly satisfied with how her life is going. Seems like this didn't sit right with the universe. Why else would her boyfriend be swapped with the world famous idol Jungkook of BTS?
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bitchdafuqyousay · 1 year
y’all this morning SUCKS already- first thing i heard when i left my dorm was gun shots from downtown n there’s this weird fog hanging rn, like it’s hanging at an eye level n smells sickly sweet like rot n is making me ill like i got to main campus n fuckin hurled in the union bathroom wtf
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lilprincegoo · 1 year
mind your head by gxlddaisies
Underground Rapper Min Yoongi | Suga, University Student Jeon Jungkook, Alternate Universe - College/University, Slow Burn, Anxiety, Depression, Baby Boy Jeon Jungkook, there is a lot of subtle flirting and yoonkook are oblivious to each other
40.4k words
rating: T
Yoongi needs someone to film his music video and Jeongguk is a film major. Yoongi also needs a little bit of sunshine and Jeongguk can help with that too.
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mercurygguk · 2 years
HEAD OVER SKATES | jjk (teaser)
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— moodboards for head over skates by yours truly 🫶🏼
SUMMARY; in which jeon jungkook is the captain of the hockey team and one of the biggest fuckboys on campus. you hate his guts and he knows it – that's why he's more than determined to make the most of three weeks of project work.
you're convinced it's going to be the end of you.
pairing; hockey player!jungkook x f. reader
type; drabble series
rating; 18+
genre; childhood friends to enemies to lovers au (not fully decided yet)
— send ask or comment to be added to taglist !
a/n; IT'S COMINGGGG IN HALF AN HOUR !!!! i hope y'all are excited for the first chapter of this drabble series <3 please look forward to it, it's been a long time coming!
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chimmyxkookies · 2 years
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🔷𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒕🔷 🔸𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅 🔸4𝗸 🔸https://archiveofourown.org/works/36454342 ❀ Jikook/kookmin ❀ Unrequited Love ❀ Hurt ❀ Angst
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michtq43 · 4 months
Professor Min
Namjoon, with his dragon eyes and sun-kissed skin, was a walking paradox. A notorious troublemaker with a mind sharper than a diamond cutter, he left a trail of bewildered teachers and exasperated sighs in his wake. His latest escapade - bribing a cow onto school grounds - was the final straw. Enter Professor Min Yoongi, a man sculpted from ice and intellect, tasked with taming the untamable Namjoon.
Yoongi's house, a testament to minimalist luxury, became their unlikely battleground. The initial sessions were a tempestuous dance of defiance and control. Namjoon, armed with a repertoire of snark and rebellion, met Yoongi's unwavering resolve head-on. Yet, beneath the bravado, Namjoon's pain flickered like a dying ember. His parents, absent figures lavishing him with money but not love, had left him adrift in a sea of loneliness.
One session, amidst the usual verbal sparring, Yoongi, with a quiet intensity, asked, "Are you okay?" The question, laced with genuine concern, cracked Namjoon's facade. He mumbled about feeling like an orphan in his own home, the words raw and laced with hurt. In that moment, Yoongi, the embodiment of stoicism, saw a reflection of his own childhood neglect.
From then on, their sessions shifted. Yoongi, the disciplinarian, became Yoongi, the confidante. He didn't offer empty platitudes, but a quiet understanding, a steady presence in Namjoon's chaotic world. He challenged Namjoon academically, pushing him to excel, and in the process, chipped away at the walls Namjoon had built around himself.
Amidst the intellectual sparring and late-night talks, an unspoken bond blossomed. Namjoon, for the first time, felt seen, not just for his mischief, but for the vulnerable boy beneath. He started catching himself stealing glances at Yoongi, his heart stuttering at the way the moonlight painted silver streaks on Yoongi's dark hair. Feelings, unwanted and unwelcome, bloomed in his chest.
Yoongi, too, felt a shift. The boy he was meant to discipline had become someone he cared for deeply. He saw the potential beneath the bravado, the loneliness masked by defiance. But the age difference, his position as Namjoon's mentor, were shackles on his burgeoning feelings.
Their unspoken dance continued, a waltz of stolen glances and meaningful silences. One rainy afternoon, as Namjoon helped Yoongi prepare tea, their fingers brushed. The touch, electric and fleeting, sent shivers down both their spines. In that charged silence, both knew their feelings were mutual, a secret blooming in the heart of forbidden territory.
The story can take many paths from here. Will Namjoon confess his feelings, risking their bond and facing potential consequences? Will Yoongi acknowledge his own desires, jeopardizing his career and reputation? Or will they continue their unspoken dance, forever yearning for what they cannot have? The choice is yours, dear reader. Let your imagination paint the ending, where love and forbidden desires collide in the heart of an unlikely
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curryshesus · 7 months
bts fics that radiate sheer utter brilliance
(aka my favorite fics of all time) pt. 1
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hello, hello! please make sure to show your love and support to these lovely authors if you enjoyed any of these reads as much as i did <3 note: all of these fics contain nsfw content (minors dni please). enjoy!
➺ the road to you - by @bonvoyagenoona
| ot7 x reader (tae focus) | 110k
au of all aus, best friend!taehyung, high school boyfriend!jimin, professor!yoongi, college boyfriend!jungkook, art enthusiast and city heartthrob!namjoon, barista!hobi, actor!jin, angst, fluff, smut, series
>>summary: "armed with your quick wit, creative passion, talent for storytelling, and innate understanding of your fanbase, you have met every challenge, surpassed every goal, and achieved the unimaginable. despite the earth shifting erratically under your firmly planted feet, you’ve always had a plan. you’ve made peace with the sacrifices you’ve had to make, and you’ve long forgotten the rejections and heartbreaks that came as a result. your agent keeps reminding you that you’re at the precipice of something new, that your audience is waiting for your next project with bated breath. this is usually when you thrive. so why do you feel so lost? and who can you count on from your past to help you find your way?"
➺ matilda - by @babystrcandy
| yoongi x reader | 141.8k
brother’s best friend au, f2e2f2l, slice of life, angst, fluff, eventual smut, series
>> summary: "loneliness had always been a constant for you, haunting you like a ghost; until your older brother’s best friend, min yoongi, came into your life. you both promised each other something back then - you’d always have his support and he’d always have yours. but with time and age, you weren’t sure how much that all still stood to be true."
➺ bitchin' - by @kinktae
| jungkook x reader | 49.5k
1980’s au, inspired by to all the boys i’ve loved before, e2l, fake lovers/college au, frat boy!jungkook, smut, series
>> summary: "the 80s were a time of choices. which perm was right for you? what color neon would you wear next? none of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with jeon jungkook."
➺ flower - by @readyplayerhobi
| hoseok x reader |
online dating au, fluff, future angst, future smut, series
>> summary: "you finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the flower dating app. one of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. what happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
➺ suncity - by @jamaisjoons
| hoseok x reader | 17k
strangers to lovers au, vacation au, angst, fluff, smut, oneshot
>> summary: "when you’d taken a spontaneous trip to barcelona, you hadn’t expected to meet hoseok. more than that, you hadn’t expected to begin a torrid affair with him."
➺ idealizations concerning real life relations - by @venusiangguk
| jungkook x reader | 40.9k
fuckboy!jk x hopeless romantic!oc, s2l, fwb, smut, angst, oneshot
>> summary: "jungkook loves to be loved, but he doesn’t love in return."
➺ peach parfait - by @jamaisjoons
| seokjin x reader | 19k
enemies to lovers au, fluff, smut, slight angst, two parts
>> summary: "you and seokjin have always been at odds as the top two chefs at big hit academy of culinary arts."
➺ tell me no lies - by @jeongi
| jungkook x reader | 15.1k
ceo au, criminal au, robbers au, angst, smut, minimal fluff
>> summary: "you chose to rob your boss, however; you never expected to fall in love with him."
➺ concrete king - by @bratkook
| jungkook x reader | 16.7k
sweet summer romance, fluff, smut, himbo energy, two parts
>> summary: "when a cute boy in a tacky hawaiian shirt lands a trick in your honor there's no way you could ever say no to him."
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hellbornsworld · 9 months
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.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ⋆ ୭ .⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹༺⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹.⋆。⋆ ༶ ⋆˙⊹ع˖⁺ ع˖⁺
✿ When She Loved Me | CEO!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @jungkookstatts
✿ Sleepaway | Yandere!JK X Reader | Series | @flowesona
✿ Mine | Jungkook x Demon! Female Reader | One-shot | @playmetheclassics
✿ Your eyes tell | Yandere!JK X Reader | Twins AU | @angellgguk
✿ Noir | Daddy!JK x Little!Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ Love Is a Game: For Political Enemies | JK X Reader | @lleldey
✿ petals with luv | Emporer!Jungkook x PalaceWoman!Reader | Hanahaki AU | @hisunshiine
✿ a lover’s bond | jungkook x female reader | greek mythology! AU | @latetaektalk
✿ love in the dark | Ceo!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @spideyjimin
✿ Like I’m Famous | Idol!JK X Reader | One-Shot | long distance au | @softyoongiionly
✿ I’ll Be Home for Christmas | Pilot Jungkook x female OC | One-Shot | @bluewhale52
✿ Falling | jungkook x female reader | Soulmate AU | @starshapedkookie
✿ Pick Your Fighter | gamer!jk X gamer!reader | @jikookiekosmos
✿ angels like you | Jungkook X Reader | S2L | One-Shot | @aquagustd
✿ Killing me softly with his touch | JK X Reader | One-Shot | @borathae
✿ Bad Man | Badboy!JK X Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ The Monster in the Dark | yandere!sleep paralysisdemon!jjk X fem!Reader | One-Shot | @themochiverse
✿ S O U L M A T E S | Crackhead!Jk X Reader | Series | @smaubts
✿ bad romance | badboy!jungkook x goodgirl!reader | One-Shot | @noteguk
✿ No Guardian Angel | The Crow!Jungkook X Reader | @jiminstonic
✿ Love Letters | Prince!Jungkook × Maid!Reader | @bonny-kookoo
✿ LESSON I | YandereTeacher!jungkook x bully student fem!reader | Three-Shot | @redsaurrce
✿ RED | demon!jk x fem!reader | Series | @armpirate
✿ Follow the White Rabbit | idol! jungkook x idol! reader | @youthguk
✿ Numb to The Feeling | Dark! Shitty! Yandere! Jeon Jungkook x Fem!Reader | One-Shot | @pynkgothicka
✿ Delivery Date | pizzadeliveryboy!jungkook x reader | One-Shot | @dntaewithluv
✿ Who is in control? | jk x reader | Drabble AU | @ctrlsht
✿ sweetest apparition | nerd!jungkook x popular!female reader | @jeonfiles
✿ m y s t r a n g e a d d i c t i o n | professor!jk X student!Reader | One-Shot | @joonberriess
✿ to err is to love | dilf!jk /ex husband!jk / ceo!jk x afab reader | Series | @jungkookschin
✿ polarity | BestFriendBF!JK X Reader | Series | @darkestcorners
✿ KILL TO KISS YOU | Yandere!Jungkook x Prostitute!Reader | One-Shot | @chummywchimmy
✿ Ode To The Nature Of Romance | Jungkook x Reader | @yeoldontknow
✿ Cabin in The Woods | Werewolf!Jungkook x Human!Reader | One-Shot | @girl8890
✿ Nothing was gonna stop me | Jeon Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot | @wildestdreamsblog
✿ Teacher’s Pet | professor/dilf!jungkook x student!reader | Series | @axigailxo
✿ prima nocta | king!jungkook, virgin!reader | royalty au | One-Shot | @yoon2k
✿ End of Time | Jungkook x Reader | Series | @deepdarkdelights
✿ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | Yandere!JK X Reader | @euphoricfilter
✿ Paint | painter!jungkookxassistant!reader | @hongjoongscafe
✿ 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 & 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔 | environmentalist! jungkook x college student! reader | @miraclesatnightfall
✿ The Broken Vow | Husband!JK X Reader | One-Shot | @lleldey
✿ Euphoria | bad boy jungkook x librarian yn | @btsydtrash
✿ White Pearl | CEO Sugar daddy Jungkook x stripper sugar baby reader | @lovelyspring7
✿ just a little bit of your heart | JK X Reader | @chemicalpink
✿ imminent danger | jungkook x reader | @whatifyoulivelikethat
✿ Knockout | boxer!dad!jungkook x pregnant!reader | Drabble | @jvngkook97
✿ Please Love Me! | Frat President Jungkook x Succubus Reader | @icedmatchatae
✿ The Boyfriend Experience | Escort!Jungkook x Fem!Reader | @shina913
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bbtsficrecs · 7 months
Part 4.1 of some of my favourite BTS fanfics. Please do consider liking, reblogging and/or commenting on the fics you like. There are so many wonderful and amazing authors out there who do not get the recognition they deserve. So please send them lots of love to keep them going. If you're on here, then know I enjoyed every second of reading your story ♡
There will be two parts 4 as it's (sadly?) too long to be saved under one post. Stay tuned for part 5, joon recs will be added!
Please let me know if some of the links aren’t working. Happy reading!
⊹ Navi ‣ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4.1 | Part 5 |
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⊹ Merry Kinkmas - part 02 Enemies to lovers au au | s | @bebejungkook ‣ You find out who your secret Santa was but his gift was a little too personal.
⊹ In Your Arms Tonight College au | s, f | @angelguk ‣ “I’m Team I Would Like To Be Fucked Tonight.” You stated, blatantly ignoring the stink eye he shot your way. “But clearly that’s not on our agenda. Have you ever seen Vampires Suck?”
⊹ Baecation Richboy!jk au | s, f | @1kook ‣ “Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.” He truly knew the way to your heart.
⊹ Act Of Falling Fuckboy!jk au | s, f , a | @kooktrash ‣ What was supposed to be a meaningless fling has turned into much more before you both realized you were falling. Now all you can do is hope that all the challenges you’ve faced are worth something.
⊹ Candles & Flames Royal AU | s, f, a | @taegularities ‣  He wasn’t supposed to be yours. His foolery wasn’t supposed to target you. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
⊹ Distractions Practice couple au | s, f | @chryblossomjjk ‣ Jungkook agreed to let you do his makeup, but he can't stop getting distracted.
⊹ Naughty Boy Step siblings au | s | @scribblemetae ‣ Reader is older step sister that knows he has a crush on her/yandere tendencies & she teases him until one day he gives in. 
⊹ When It Feels Right (read part 1 first) Divorce au | a, f | @7deadlysinsfics ‣ Although Jungkook is struggling with the decision he made months ago, he still thinks it was the best thing he could’ve done for your safety. But he isn’t doing well, and his friends are worried about him and how he’s choosing to deal with his feelings. Meanwhile, you’re now living with your brother, his wife, and their ten-month-old daughter, who has helped bring some light into your life. Just as you decide to tell Jungkook the truth about your pregnancy, he appears at your brother’s house with a truth of his own.
⊹ When She Loved Me Terminally Ill au | s, f, a | @jungkookstatts ‣ How does one live when life is bound to end? 
⊹ your step brother fucking you in front of your parents Step siblings au | s | @aris-ink
⊹ Don't Blame Me (on-going) Single Dad au | s, f, a | @thvhoe ‣ Jungkook is known for his good looks and is often described by your friends as "daddy material." Funny enough, he actually was a daddy. The daddy of the baby girl you babysit every Saturday. Working as a nanny for the world's grumpiest single dad should have been easy, but you can't keep your eyes off him. He's handsome, a little arrogant, with broad shoulders and strong tattooed arms. And when he decides he can't keep his hands off of you. Who are you to resist?
⊹ Rolling Stone Idol au | s, f , a | @kooktrash ‣ He was a rolling stone with no ties to anyone or any place and that’s how he and his fans liked it. Now he’s found you and it’s never been this hard to convince someone that he’ll stay. The problem is neither of you know what it means to express yourselves without reverting to sex as a form to end discussion. It causes all hell to break loose when Jungkook realized if he wants you to stay for him [with him] then he needs to show it to you too. Can Jungkook and Y/n get past their own growing doubts on if what they feel is real and work out a way to be together—especially considering Y/n wants nothing to do with the limelight?
⊹ The Ability To Fantom - part 02 (on-going) Brother’s best friend au | a, f | @hanniwrites ‣ You are shocked when your friends reveal their theory: Jungkook, your brother’s annoying best friend, has a crush on you. A bad one.
⊹ Torn Apart Infidelity au | s, a | @bethschamberoftales ‣ That one time when you caught your boyfriend cheating on you.
⊹ My Love Is Here (series) Unrequited love to requited | s, f, a | @solemnreads ‣ You didn’t mean for it to happen. It’s not like you purposely woke up one day and thought “Hey I’m going to fall in love with my best friend!” No, that is not at all what happened.
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⊹ I'll Stop Tomorrow Friends with benefits AU | s, a | @dreamyjoons ‣ You know it has to end.
⊹ Just A Taste Spring break AU | s, f | @cutechim ‣ “Your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like.”
⊹ Flat Tire Established relationship AU | s, f | @ppersonna ‣ How do you pass the time when you’re stuck on the side of the road with your boyfriend, with a flat tire?
⊹ One Mistake (on-going) Idol!Tae & Cheating AU | a | @vamours ‣ it’s been three years since you and Taehyung had started dating. recently, you’ve started to notice changes in taehyung’s behavior towards you. with your four years anniversary only a few weeks away, you’ve come to discover the truth.
⊹ Akrasia Strangers to? | s | @nitaescence ‣ Basically two strangers fucking in a crowded bus.
⊹ Stepdad Taehyung Step!father au | s | @aris-ink ‣ "He was not touching himself right beside you. No, that was not possible"
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⊹ Rock Bottom Idol Jimin AU | s, f, a | @jkbabiey ‣ When, in a four-year marriage, you get to the point where you question its worth, you know that’s your rock bottom. How many I’m sorry’s will you handle? How many times are too many times?
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⊹ What's Poppin Established relationship AU, | f, s | @joonberriess ‣ Yoongi being the type to buy you a chain cause if he’s pimped out, his girl gotta be too.
⊹ Foundation - Part 01, 02, 03 feat Yoongi Non-idol doctors AU | f , s, a | @hamsterclaw ‣ You know Jungkook is a fuckboy. So why are you letting him fuck with you? Featuring Yoongi.
⊹ Looks so refreshed Idol AU | s | @kimnjss ‣ Friends with benefits is hard, but when he’s an international superstar… It’s much harder. So while you love his friends to death, spending the night holed up in his hotel room just sounds a lot more fun than a dinner party.
⊹ Friends (3TAN) Brother's best friend AU | f, s, a | @kithtaehyung ‣ The week you get with Yoongi has a few surprises. and one of them presents itself in the form of a phone call.
⊹ So it goes Friends with benefits (ish) AU | f , s | @prodagustd ‣  You and Yoongi have been hooking up, having dates and spending most of the week together for almost seven months. He was comfortable without a title, until the last two weeks, when you couldn't see him because of your busy schedule, Yoongi can't understand why he misses you so bad if your relationship is just sex to him. Or maybe he does, but he's too much of a coward to admit it..
⊹ Marry me, Yoongi Established relationship AU | f, s | @spideyjimin ‣ When Yoongi decides to get married in vegas after all the fan’s comments on the vlives.  
⊹ Amour Propre Established relationship AU | a | @randombtsprincessa ‣ Crumbling Relationship with one Min Yoongi
⊹ Blind Spot Established relationship AU | f, a | @randombtsprincessa ‣ Yoongi tries to win you back.
⊹Your Universe Rejection AU | f, a, s | @muniimyg ‣ Regretting rejecting oc, Min Yoongi goes through a circus load of gestures and tasks in attempt to be loved again
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holybibly · 5 months
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IT'S YOU |Woosan x reader| Part II
Part I If you haven't read it
Genre: smut, from friends to lovers!au, college!au
Word Count: 9.4k
Summary: Sometimes drunken decisions lead to the most unexpected results and the most shocking confessions. Or, after your boyfriend cheats on you, you propose a threesome to your best friends and it might just be what they have always wanted.
WARNING: only!18+ unprotected sex, Dom!San, Dom!Wooyoung, Sub!Reader, fingering, choking, degrading, pet names, spit kink, manhandling, threesomes, dirty talk, explicit sexual content, explicit language, squirting, pussy slapping, overstimulation and more.
Tag list: @staytiny816 @woosmaid @jiminssluttyminx @liknws @pearltinyy @haebaragisworld @bts-iris @bleachpolaroid @wisejudgedragonhairdo @ginger-coffee-addict @pricessthings @rockstarsanie @lilmackiee @minaizum1 @shotahime @vixensss @meljoongiee @ivsjake4evr @love-me-a-little @seonghwaddict @onmykneesforateez @meeitany
A/N: Okay, we're here. I couldn't be more excited. Really, they've got a lot going on and I hope you're all ready because it's gonna be intense, hot and messy. Seriously, I really appreciate everyone's feedback and consideration for this series. It's become one of the most popular things I've written, but it put some pressure on me, because I'm worrying about whether the second part would please you. Well, I think we'll see.
Enjoy the chapter, even though it's practically nothing but smut.
The third and final part! takes us back to where it all began, but not without an emotional roller coaster ride. By the way, I wanted to point out that T/N doesn't remember what she promised them a year ago. So don't be surprised by the plot changes in this issue. In the finale, we're sure to get a hot threesome.
I'm still learning how to write smut, so please be gentle with me.
Besides, I can't help but talk about the results of the poll. The majority vote was for Alpha/Beta/Omega!au, and honestly, it's one of the ideas I'm most excited about, and I was hoping it would be the winner. I look forward to your comments. In general, feel free to write me about anything.
dividers by @cafekitsune
Much love, everyone.
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Now. The morning after graduation.
It's a late, lazy morning when you wake from a deep and well-earned sleep. You blinked slowly, trying to adjust to the bright golden light flooding the room, which refracted through your bedroom's stained glass. It was beautiful and annoying at the same time, just as Hongjoong himself, who had inspired you to do this.
You should have shaded the windows last night before you went to sleep, but that was the last thing you thought of as lying in bed between the restless, wet San's and Wooyoung's bodies. You were more preoccupied with the touch of their rough hands on your heated body, the warmth of their breath on tender skin, and the sounds of their hoarse moaning right by your ear.
They were an absolute mess, slowly driving you crazy. Emotions raged in your stomach, making you feel guilty, embarrassed and… lustful. You practically dozed off at dawn, when the boys managed to calm down a bit and fall into a deep sleep.
The apartment is incredibly quiet; you can't hear a single sound, and only the soft sniffle on your neck, with the feeling of warm breath dancing across your bare skin, breaks this peaceful silence.
Wooyoung is still fast asleep, clutching you in his arms like a favorite teddy bear, his leg wrapped possessively around your thigh as it always has been. Even when he was asleep, he couldn't bring himself to let you go for a second.
You ran the palm of your hand over the sheet and felt nothing but the cold under your fingers. Sannie has been awake for a while now, and for a moment you're annoyed by this fact. You wish that he was still in bed with you, soft and gentle as he always was. So that the three of you could spend this special morning together. The graduation robes are scattered all over the room in a mess of things, and all you want to do is push them further and further into the wardrobe and forget about them forever. The dog days are finally over. You are now official free.
Sensual, full lips touch the sensitive spot on your neck, and the sensation sends shivers down your spine. The throat is suddenly dry, sweat begins to form on your neck from the abruptly increase in desire, and you close your eyes tightly, aware of every touch and breath coming from Wooyoung more clearly than before. It's as if your whole body is completely focused on him, reacting to every fleeting movement and every sound with even more eager devotion.
You're still too receptive from last night, and you need more space to try and keep all those dirty, depraved thoughts from taking over and you. You studiously ignore the slight shiver of excitement that is happily tickling your breasts and causing the muscles in your lower abdomen to ripple in a pleasant way. You bite your lip to keep yourself from groaning in frustration as the images and sensations of the night flash in front of your eyes. You need to stop right now. It's too bad, but it's too sweet.
You start to wriggle, trying to get away from Wooyoung, who is still sleeping, but he just pulls you closer to his chest, as if he wants to dissolve into your body completely, and you melt.
Wooyoung has always been so insatiable and greedy for any kind of physical contact that you can offer him, like an adorable little puppy, that you can just wag your finger at him and he'll come running to you. He always had "too much space between you"; it was important to him to hold you constantly, to touch soft skin with his fingertips, to leave butterfly kisses in every possible place, to knead your thighs and squeeze waist possessively, to pull you so close that there wasn't a centimetre between you. You were his darling, soft and sweet girl in all the right places, and he just couldn't help himself.
San used to tell him that he was being a bit greedy and that he needed to learn how to share you with others. After all, sharing meant caring, and you were also his chagi.
Yes, you wanted to be taken care of, and that frightened you to the depths of your most forbidden fantasies. You wanted to be nervous about them; you wanted them to use you as they pleased, to make you take everything they had to offer, even if it destroyed you completely.
Your desire for them was more than you should have as friends. And that feeling had only grown stronger over the past year.
But despite Wooyoung's obsession and possessiveness, his touch always soothed you. He gave you the comfort you needed whenever you felt the need. And in the end, his hands would always nudge you in the direction of San, so that he could have his own moment of sharing with you. You were their own personal cuddly toy, and that was fine with you, because there was no place in the world where you could feel more protected and cuddly than in their arms.
But at the moment, you wanted nothing more than to get away from his touch and calm down your excitement. You'd been so needy since last night, and Wooyoung had only added to your frustration.
He's shirtless, his skin warm and smooth, and you can be sure it's golden like caramel where the sun has licked it. Delicious. You can almost taste him on the tip of your tongue, and suddenly you're tempted to sink your teeth into him for a taste, but you just bite down harder on your lower lip and stifle a moan.
You need to stop being so intensely... aware of him.
Maybe you were still drunk from the last night; after all, you couldn't remember exactly how many shots of tequila you'd consumed before dragging Yunho into the ladies' room to start kissing passionately. And you found yourself in an even more suggestive position with Seonghwa after another round of colourful, unnamed cocktails.
From then on, every innocent act made you feel lustful and hungry for intimacy.
Was it karma or something? You weren't sure, but you were more inclined to think that it was the lack of passionate sex you hadn't been having for a year now. You hadn't been able to find anyone suitable for a long-term relationship after you'd broken up with Suho, and boys-toys hadn't given you any pleasure.
You wanted more than ten minutes of gasping under the covers with awkward fingers poking into the pussy. They were cum faster than you were able to get yourself aroused. Pathetic.
You needed to satisfy that hunger that was eating you from the inside out, that oppressive feeling of emptiness inside you that could only be filled by a big dick that you could choke on for the rest of your life. A thick and long one, with visibly bulging veins, that could really hit all the sensitive places inside you, causing you to have orgasm after orgasm. And having not one but two perfectly matched options handy hasn't made things any easier.
If you offered to suck them off, Wooyoung's dick would be in your mouth in no time. He was always a fireball, passionate, and impatient, and San…San liked to play with his food before getting down to business. You were in awe of how perfect their dynamic was with such different personalities.
You wanted to see how attractive they would be when a warm throat closed around their cocks, when their beautiful faces were contorted with intense pleasure, and when you heard them moan out your name.
Damn it.
It's moments like these that make you realize that moving in with Wooyoung and San was the best and worst decision you ever made. Unless you count buying a pair of designer jeans that make your butt a magnet for people's hands.
The time went by far too quickly for your liking. It was easy to get lost in the succession of school days, week after week, punctuated by movie nights, spontaneous outings and a seemingly endless stream of student parties. Everything in your life changes. From the big renovation of your apartment, which was Hongjoong's job - he was still over the loss of his favourite vintage sofa - to the move in of San and Wooyoung. Things started to move at an even faster pace the day the boys dragged their suitcases into the dark space of your ultra-modern living room, to a general "You should have done this a long time ago".
It was a spontaneous and hasty decision. But what could have gone wrong? It's always been the three of you, and you had no idea that sharing space would have any effect on your relationship. God, how wrong you were. They played cat and mouse with you, testing your mettle and your patience. The memory of that moment is still so vivid in your mind.
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"Come on, chagi, try it; it's quite tasty." San brought a spoonful of the dark green liquid, which Wooyoung proudly called the best hangover soup in the world, to your lips.
Jung Wooyoung and his ego, of course.
"Go ahead, baby; be good and open your mouth. It'll make you feel good, I  promise." That last sentence was full of innuendo, and it didn't take a genius to see it. In fact, everything that came out of Wooyoung's mouth was absolute filth.
He was practically purring in your ear, touching your delicate skin with every word, and you swear you could feel the touch of his tongue on your earlobe. Oh, fuck. His hands slid down your shoulders, deftly kneading the muscles that had gone stiff, his thumbs sliding up the vertebrae of your neck, and he dug a little bit into the hair at the back of your neck. In that moment, you were ready to do anything for him, whatever he asked.
"That's my Chagia, so docile and sweet." San would continue to feed you slowly with a spoon, smiling sweetly at you as if it were the most pleasant thing in the world to do. From time to time, he would wipe away the drops of liquid that ran down your lips with his thumb, as if in a romantic drama. You were perfectly capable of doing it yourself. But San's meaningful raised eyebrow made it clear that it was better to let him take care of you without resistance. San's language of love had always been to serve, and he took every opportunity to remind you of that.
The silence around you was nice and cozy—you'd even say relaxing—especially since you could still feel the humming bass of last night's music in your head. And all in all, you weren't feeling your best. Hell, that shit you drank last night was strong. This went on for a few more minutes until the plate in front of you was empty and Woo's face was pressed against your cheek in a cute puppy way. 
"Woo, and I wanted to talk to you about something, Y/N," San began, his voice suddenly becoming so sweet. He took your hand gently, his thumb stroking your knuckles lazily. He obviously wanted something from you.
"Sure, I'm all ears."
"We'd like to move in with you, peach, what do you think?" Wooyoung was pecking at your cheek, acting like a real sweetheart, but you knew every one of his tactics to get what he wanted.
"You're not going to get it if Woo keeps licking my cheek."
"But, Peach…" He whined, pursing his puffy lips in a resentful manner. Okay, he was cute as hell, but you were never going to tell him that.
"Chagi." You turned your attention back to San, who looked like he was confessing his love to you: Are this hearts in his eyes? Or are you still drunk?
"Agreed, we are practically living here anyway; I even have my own toothbrush in the bathroom. It's just a formality." He was awfully proud of it, squaring his shoulders and imagining himself under your gaze.
"We want to take care of you, baby."
And this is where you should have told them to fuck off and forget the way to your apartment, change the locks, and give San his toothbrush back. But whether it was the soft and somehow loving look of San's cat eyes paired with deep, sweet dimples or Wooyoung's gentle hands that started to knead your shoulders again in a languidly seductive way, you nodded affirmatively.
They were right; you were all practically living together. The amount of their stuff in your flat was unreal—the T-shirts you slept in, the perfume bottles left everywhere, study notes, games, pajamas and scarves, Wooyoung's luxurious leather jackets, and San's books—you could start a collection, but their stuff was just as much yours. It was also the constant cause of your and Suho's fights; he was always jealous of you and them, completely unaware of the dynamic between the three of you. They'd been glued to your thigh for years, and the fact that you had a boyfriend wouldn't change that. Narrow-minded prick.
"I think you're right. Let's give it a go."
"My little darling." San gave a dazzling smile, showing off his dimples even more, and pressed your hand to his lips. God, Choi San was a real menace. It was hard to believe that this pretty cat in front of you was none other than the one who was caught many times having rough sex in the middle of the university library. Once, he was even caught in a threesome, but you didn't want to point the finger at Wooyoung for putting him up to it.
"Yeah, that's our girl." Wooyoung pressed his lips to your cheek once more, salivating as much as he could along the way.
"Jung Wooyoung!" You squealed, wiping the drool from your cheek in disgust, but Woo was already happily scurrying into the living room, laughing loudly.
"We'll look after you, chagi."
That was San's last sentence before he ran his tongue over your hand, licked his fingers like a cat, and ran after Woo with an evil giggle.
"Choi San, come back at once!"
You are going to have so much fun here. Too much fun for your own good.
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"Mmm… Peach, you are already awake." The soft touch of plump lips on your shoulder means that Wooyoung has woken up and wants to have your full attention.
"It has been some time. But I don't want to go anywhere. How are you feeling? Last night, when we came home, you and San were really drunk.
Wooyoung hugs you even tighter, nestling his face between your shoulder blades and taking a deep breath of your scent. Your skin is tickled by the tips of his long hair. A light touch on your lower back sends a jolt up your spine, making you arch slightly in his arms. Wooyoung is always like this; his defiant and needy attitude shouldn't be anything unusual for you, so you should stop reacting to him like this.
"Thank you for looking after us, peach. You're always so nice. Sannie and I don't deserve you." He kisses your neck. This time the touch lingers a little longer, and a feeling of excitement rises in your chest. "We haven't caused you any trouble, have we, little girl?" He purrs as he rubs his nose up against your shoulder. You couldn't help but notice how San's habits have become Wooyoung's habits, and vice versa. Now you have to put up with all that twin feline energy.
You turn to face him, and even after a night of sleeping with his hair tousled and without his usual cheeky grin, Wooyoung still looks pretty damn good. He's comfortable, a little sleepy, but no less seductive than he ever was. Woo has always had this sensual aura about him. Underneath the overt sexuality and the bitchy attitude, there was something else—something dark and seductive. You want to kiss him right now, so badly. Your hand runs through his silky hair, letting it fall in soft waves on either side of his face. Dark strands that are long enough to be pulled through easily. The world's handsomest boy.
It's all too easy to fall in love with him.
He kisses your palm playfully and pokes his nose into it like a cat hungry for affection, and you don't mind his purring with pleasure.
You wonder what he's going to sound like when he cums, God, you need to help yourself.
"Let me think." You run your fingers through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp. It's a deceptively gentle gesture before you pull hard on the roots of his hair, causing him to cry out in surprise.
"Oh, babe, why?" He purses his lips in offense, hoping you'll fall for his cute look. But you've known Wooyoung for years, and judging by the mischievous gleam in his eyes, he knew exactly what he was getting at.
"Firstly, you robbed me of my chance for great sex with your whining and dragging me home. Secondly, you behaved horribly when I tried to persuade you to take a shower and you kept me awake until the morning by clinging to me and fidgeting on the bed. Today I demand the royal treatment because you really messed up last night. This was not part of my plan for the prom at all."
Woo smiles back wickedly, practically baring his teeth in a wolfish grin.
"Peaches, are you really such a needy girl? Well, what are we going to do about it? San and I will have to do our best to make it up to you." He suddenly turns you over so that you are lying on your back, sandwiched between the mattress and his lithe body. Wooyoung is hovering over you, his hair falling all over your face, and you can't help but notice how sexy he looks in this position, which is annoying the hell out of you. He doesn't even have to try very hard to send you over the edge.
Strong hands are resting on the sides of your head, letting you enjoy the sight of the seductively bulging veins that run down his forearms. Fuck, you've always had a weakness for his hands, and who wouldn't when they look like this? Woo leans his head towards you until your noses touch, like a predator cornering his prey.
"Baby, I have my doubts that you'll be satisfied with anyone, so don't sulk. And you know Sannie and I will have to approve of someone running their fingers down your knickers." He smiles broadly at you, clearly enjoying your annoyance when you roll your eyes at him.
"Jung Wooyoung, stop it!" Your hand leaves an angry red mark on the bare skin of his chest, and he grunts. It will take all the patience in the world not to beat him to death or kiss him. "I swear I'll wash your mouth out with soap someday." Or maybe you'll lick him from the inside out. "And stop sticking your pretty little nose where you shouldn't. You don't have to worry about who I'm gonna fuck."
"So what if it bothers me? What are you going to do with it, Peach?" He bites his lips in anticipation and raises an eyebrow in expectation, as if he were challenging you to go on.
The way that smug look is on his face makes you feel a little pissed off. You get a little cocky and decide to use the same tactic he did. Wrapping your hands around his face, you're pulling him even closer, resting him on your forearms and your lips nearly touch. He has siren eyes that are deep and mesmerising, and the intensity of his gaze causes your cheeks to flush and you to bite down on your lower lip. The gleam in his fox eyes is proof that he is enjoying every second of your little game.
"Seonghwa kisses you like he's fucking your mouth with his tongue, it's fucking heaven and you can do whatever you want with that fact, baby. I would have ridden him like a stallion in front of everyone last night if it wasn't for you and San's drunken arses". You push him off of you, and Wooyoung rolls over to the other side of the bed as you sit up.
There's something in the air, and you feel you've said something wrong, judging by the way Wooyoung's eyes are flashing with an emotion you can't quite describe. It's a weird mix between anger, envy, desire and something else. But whatever it is, it is making your pussy clench in anticipation of it.
Damn, when did you start thinking with what's between your legs instead of your brain?
He stares at you intently, as if he's trying to decide whether he's going to scold you or fuck you senseless. As lust flashes through his languid onyx eyes like a shooting star, fast but unmistakable, and his pink tongue flicks out to wet his swollen lips, Wooyoung knows exactly what he's going to do to you.
You reach out to stroke his shoulder, and just as you expected, his skin is the most delicious shade of caramel. You can't help but want to run your tongue all over it.
Oh, shit. Now would be a good time to remind yourself: He's your best friend.
"Where`s San?" He asks you.
The expression on his face is, for the most part, neutral, with just a slight hint of lust and anticipation. He slowly licks his delicious lips and looks at you with bedroom eyes. You feel the warm moisture building up between your thighs. If he keeps looking at you like that, you're going to make a puddle of lust where you're sitting right now. You squeeze your thighs tighter to keep the liquid from dripping shamefully onto the bed, praying to all the gods that Wooyoung won't notice.
"I don't know. He wasn't in the bed when I woke up."
What the hell is 'GOOD'? You need to collect your thoughts and leave this stuffy room, but the way Wooyoung's eyes slide over your body before, and slowly sucking his lower lip tells you there's nowhere to run. 
"Come to me, sweetheart; I want you in my arms." He is stroking himself on his thigh, the silk fabric of his pajamas leaving no room for imagination as it outlines the taut muscles of his gorgeous thighs. His legs are spread a little wider to draw your attention to where he wants you now, and you can clearly see the imprint of his thick dick through the fabric. Damn. It's completely hard, and you can't help but notice how big it is.
His actions send signals straight to the nerves that control your cunt. The wet heat is running between your legs and your arousal is increasing. A palpable shiver runs through all body as you squirm and writhe under the intensity of his gaze.
The rational part of you is literally beating in a hysterical frenzy. It's your hope that your stupid brain will realise the full implications of what's happening, and that you'll be able to put a stop to it. Even if the boundaries of your friendship were highly questionable, you were friends. While the evil voice in the back of your head was cheering you on: "C'mon, what's the bad that can happen?"
He was inviting you, and who were you to refuse? Not that you wanted to.
They'd go crazy if San and Wooyoung knew what thoughts and fantasies lived in your head every day. Huh. They had no idea their sweet chagia had such a dark and dirty mind. You take a deep breath.
Screw it.
You slowly crawl across the bed towards him. He watches you with a squinting, predatory look on his face until one of your legs has been thrown across his body and you're almost sitting on top of him. Almost, as your thighs struggle to keep you in that rigid position, but apparently Woo wasn't in the mood, and his broad palms force your hips down so you're sitting all the way in his lap. Before you realise what you're doing, you're pinned against his crotch, his hard cock touching your aching clit as you move against him, demanding physical stimulation. The contact was so good that it sent a shiver down your spine, and you almost moaned at the tiny moment of pleasure it gave you. Damn, it was massive—so thick you started salivating in your mouth. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You're up to your neck in shit. 
"There you are, starlight, in my hands." His voice, once so high and soft, was now hoarse and deep. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you even closer to him, so that there was hardly any space between the two of you. "Baby girl, are you still upset about Seonghwa?" It's a nickname he rarely uses, and it sends an electric shock through your lower abdomen, triggering a feeling you're not sure you can control right now. He leans in close to you and presses his wet lips against the side of your ear. "Tell me what I can do to stop you being angry with me."
"Kiss me, make me feel good." The evil little voice in the back of your head chimes in with glee. "Blow my brains out until my head feels empty and light." It says.
A whole new sensation takes over. Your body starts to heat up in anticipation of what is to come. Then the room will seem to shrink and the air will fill with a tension and a desire.
"I don't know. You've really pissed me off." You look up at him through your impossibly thick lashes, your lips in a fake pout. You weren't the innocent one; you could have played just as badly as they did. "You'll have to try harder, pretty boy." You let your finger nails run down the length of his neck. Wooyoung tilts his head back to reveal a chin line that could have been carved from the finest marble.
As his hands lazily caress your thighs, lifting your T-shirt higher and higher, your skin burns under his palms. Damn, he's scalding you.
The wetness between your legs is becoming more and more intense as the conversation goes on and on. Your juices seep through the thin lace of your panties, dripping from your pussy, leaving little dark streaks on the silk of his trousers where they touch your thighs. The air between you crackles with tension and desire; you feel yourself sweating; you're so hot and needy; and Wooyoung is no help at all.
His aura is one of dominance, and you swallow in anticipation. A storm is about to break and you don't want to be safe.
"I'll do whatever you want me to do for you, Y/N."
You're done for.
"Then kiss me, stupid boy, make me feel good."
He growls back at you, embracing you on the back of the head and practically forcing your faces together. The palm of his hand clenches possessively on the back of your neck with palpable pain, and the sound that comes out of you is something between a sob and a moan. With the sudden movement, you feel yourself pressing even harder against his dick, and it sends a pleasurable pulse through your clit.
Wooyoung presses his forehead against yours and your lips are just a breath away from each other.
You stare back at him without blinking. His eyes are half closed as he watches you in silence, like a tiger stalking its prey, ready to pounce with its jaws clenched. It is in a low, dangerously calm tone that he speaks. "Are you sure this is what you want to do, baby girl? I'm biting." It's mixed with your sighing and seductive lips, and you can barely make out the words.
His moan is loud, guttural, and mildly painful, and then…
Those soft lips are pressed hard against yours in an urgent, hungry kiss. His mouth is insistent and demanding, his thumb digging into the skin of your neck, turning the touch into a rough grip, and his tongue gliding along the bottom of your lip. Slowly, as he pulls your lips apart, he moves in quickly, and you shudder at the sensual sensation as he runs his tongue over the roof of your mouth and licks your teeth. It should have been dirty and rough, but instead you find yourself moaning with wanton need.
"Wooyoung..." The moan of his name was so desperate, so needy, so full of lust and desire.
"Goddamn, I love it when you say my name."
He kisses you with renewed ferocity, biting your lips almost to the point of bleeding. Wooyoung is too passionate; he licks your mouth with his tongue, and literally shoves it down your throat. He kisses you like he's dying of thirst and you're the only way to make him drink. Spittle runs down your chin, it's wet and dirty, but you can't stop, you don't want to stop. Wooyoung's tongue is practically fucking you in the mouth.
And God, you want more. It feels unreal, too extreme to be a reasonable response to a kiss, the heat between your legs, your clit throbbing with need, your nerves on fire.
Wooyoung lets go of you for a moment and you stare at him with your eyes wide open. Your heart is pounding wildly and your breathing is so ragged that you're practically choking to death. Licking away any remnants of the kiss you shared, his wet pink tongue pokes out from between his plump lips.
His hand slides down your face, cupping your chin and tilting your head slightly so that your eyes meet his, his gaze clouded with lust as if his fingers were digging deep inside you. You can't say a word as a wicked smile spreads across his sharp, enchanting face.
Now you have a better understanding of all those damsels who are ready to spread their legs at the flick of his fingers.
"Tell me you want more, baby. I have a feeling this apology isn't enough. I need to do more than that. I'm so desperate for forgiveness.
"Don't I need to be forgiven too, Woo? You shouldn't be so greedy. That voice, oh shit.
You turn sharply around and find yourself staring into San's beautiful cat eyes. He's so damn good-looking you swallow a groan. It must be illegal for someone to look this good in normal jeans and a plain black shirt. But San had a body worth dying over.
A real girl's dinner.
What the hell are you going to do now? How long had he stayed there?
"San-ah… how…" You find yourself stuttering. Your mouth dries up and you can't utter a word, but even if you could, your brain can't form coherent thoughts. You can't bring yourself to look away from him, and something deep inside you knows that he will punish you if you try.
"What is it, Gongjunim? Did the cat eat your tongue?" He raises an eyebrow at you, a shit-eating grin playing at the corners of his lips. As if in mockery, his soft, patronising tone of voice slides over your skin. San combines a sensual, gentle nature with a seductive one that makes you feel he's looking for a weakness before pouncing. His fucking duality. One moment he's a little sweetheart, the next he's a lecherous demon who wants to sink his teeth into your throat and devour you. "Come on, Chagia, I promise I won't disappoint you; I'm very good at excuses."
Responding to his sultry purr, your pussy clenches shamefacedly.
The excitement of it all makes your brain feel like mush and sets your skin on fire.
You start squirming in Wooyoung's arms, and now that San's here, you belatedly realise what you've gotten yourself into. Is it time for a change of scenery or something? No, you want to stay. Desperately.
You need them to blow your brains out, to make you dumb and submissive and a pretty little toy for them to play with. Sometimes you have to stop before you cross the line, but where is the line when you're literally sitting on your best friend's hard cock?
Hell, you don't know what you're supposed to do - run or beg - but you clearly know what they want to do to you, judging by Wooyoung's dick twitching between your thighs and San slowly licking his lips as he looks at your bare ass peeking out from under your shirt. His shirt.
There must be some kind of telepathic connection between Wooyoung and San. After a few seconds of intense eye contact, San pulls his T-shirt over his head, tosses it aside and slowly walks over to you. The grin on his face seems to have changed; it has become even darker than before. Hungrier.
And you don't think this is a good time to start drooling. But damn it, you want to lick him from head to toe.
Between the three of you, there's a chaos of emotion and desire. It's mixed with adrenaline and a distant fear of what's going to happen. There has to be an end to this game of predator and prey, and why not do it now? Sighing, you finally give in.
In the morning, you'll consider the consequences.
"Maybe you should kiss me too, San-ah, and I'll start thinking about forgiving.
Hot lips instantly press an open, wet kiss to your shoulder. The bed buckles under the weight of another man's body. San's strong arms are wrapped around your waist and his fingers clench your t-shirt into a fist. He's hot, warm and hard, and you can feel the hardness of his dick through your trousers as he presses down hard against you. His mouth is sucking, biting and licking your skin as if his life depended on it. Sharing an understanding look with Wooyoung, San slides his lips higher up your body.
"Sannie…" Before planting a hot kiss on your neck, you whimper as his teeth sink into your sensitive flesh.
The moan that comes from the back of your throat is so deep that for a moment you wonder if it's coming from you at all.
Pure pleasure shoots through you as you feel Woo's long tongue on the other side of your neck. He lets out the sexiest moan deep in his throat, as if he's having the time of his life, savouring every second of the way his lips explore the nape of your neck. You're distracted. Your eyes roll back in pleasure as he pulls the skin between his lips, leaving a purple hickey on the back of your neck.
"Oh, my God, boys."
"That's my darling, Chagia." His voice is sultry and seductive, and you can clearly hear the saturi again, as it tends to do at times when San is in a highly aroused state.
"You're so beautiful, my peach." Wooyoung whispers to you, and you just melt away completely.
You whimper as Woo begins to run his hands up and down your thighs and arse, squeezing and pulling. He mooed softly as you made little circular movements with your hips and rubbed his cock against you. Woo punishes you by slapping your bottom if you cuddle too hard. You'll need to be obedient as they play with you.
The sound fills the room along with the collective moaning of Wooyoung's and San's.
"What a dirty little girl you are. I think you need to be taught how to obey." Woo spanks you a few more times and you wiggle your hips in an impatient way.
It feels so good.
San pulls your t-shirt up to your breasts while all your attention is focused on Wooyoung. Your little thong is completely transparent and does nothing to hide your sex or the excitement building within you. They are practically digging into your needy pussy because of the position you are now in. A chorus of gasps and moans can be heard from your best friends as their eyes focus on that big, wet spot. San's greedy hands press you even closer to his body, so that you can feel his full erection on top of your plump, bare bum.
"You're so fucking wet." Wooyoung hisses. "Like a bitch leaking just thinking about our cocks in your tight little cunt. We'll destroy you, Peach."
Before you realise what's happening, Woo's hands slide down your back, your nipples tensing in the cool open air. The soft fabric of your t-shirt falls to the floor, and suddenly, hot wetness envelops your left nipple and he sucks hard on it, the pressure causing pain that turns to pleasure as his tongue touches the hard bud. Your head immediately falls back onto San's shoulder as you open the soft space of your throat to his insatiable mouth. You let out a long groan, and your hand rests on Wooyoung's head, tugging lightly at the soft lengths of his hair.
You feel like you could explode at any moment, even though they haven't done anything to you yet. You're burning, almost feverish, as the growing fire between your thighs reaches unbearable levels. You can't breathe; your skin is hypersensitive. Your head tilts to the side, and you whimper San's name in the most pathetic intonation possible. His hand slides lower and lower, past your waist and your stomach, to the place where you most want to feel him. It hasn't even come close to touching your pussy yet, but the thought of it is enough to make you squirm with excitement.
His hands move down low enough to touch the skin of your naked legs and up slowly, frantically, until he reaches where you are starting to get aroused. The palm of his hand encircles your pussy in a possessive way, the small mound of flesh lying so perfectly in the palm of his hand. You tremble a little at this, and try to spread your legs wider so that his fingers can rub against the moist slit, so that he can dive in between the warm folds until your pussy spreads out beautifully for him, so that he can rub your clit with ease.
"Mmm… what a wet little thing. I bet my Gongjunim has the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen in my life. Fleshy, shiny, and pink - just the way I like it. He gasps for breath. He puts his hands on your hips and rubs his hard cock against the curve of your ass a couple of times. "Do you feel that, Chagia? No one can make me as hard as you can." On your skin, his breath feels like fire. Hoping for a little more friction, you arch your backside. The gesture reveals a hiss from his side.
San's fingers, one tempting back and forth with a feathery touch, spread the excitement building in your slit beneath the thin material. Your pussy clenches around nothing at all in the most uncomfortable way, and you know that he can feel it.
"Do you like this chagi? Wooyoung's mouth on your full, pretty tits? My fingers on your sweet little snatch?" San's tone is almost mocking. His tongue is licking his lips; his fingers continue to stroke your clothed pussy in a leisurely manner; and he watches intently as Wooyoung literally chokes on your breasts. "We are gonna fuck you until you squeal like the slutty little bitch you are." He growls into your ear, and the sound of it makes you pull on Woo's hair with all your might.
And you always had the impression that Wooyoung's mouth was dirty.
A soft moan slips out of the brunette's swollen lips, which are now wrapped so tightly around your nipple that you're sure they're going to leave a mark on it. As he pulls back with an audible pop, you let out a small sound as you look at his ecstatic face. His eyes are half closed, his eyelids flutter slightly and a beautiful flush of colour has appeared on his cheeks. His plump lips are glistening with the saliva and the service he is giving to your tits.
"Are you feeling good, peach?" He chuckles weakly as he watches you fall apart in San's skilled hands, leaving you as beautiful as ever in his eyes. Woo gives your nipple a hard pinch, only to then let his tongue run over it. The sudden change in sensation causes your head to begin to spin, and you let out a loud moan of pleasure.
"Please… I need… more… Youngiee." You stammer out the words, your voice shaking and your body trembling.
"You look so pretty when you beg. But do you want to know something, сhagi? You'll look even more beautiful with your cunt stretched around my dick. I will ravage your tiny pussy, Gongjunim. I'm going to make you mine." San finally kisses you; though it's hard to call it a kiss, he dives into your lips like a hungry man, sucking them so deeply and passionately, with an insistence that you don't even think you'll ever understand.
His tongue is merciless as he explores every millimeter of the inside of your mouth. This kiss is heavenly, and with every second that passes, you find yourself wanting more, wanting him to spoil you in every way that he can. To have his way with you until you have no more patience. And it is these thoughts that make you wriggle in Wooyoung's arms. You try to rub your thighs together, hoping to relieve the unbearable heat inside you.
"The taste is so damn good."
You can feel Woo squeezing your breasts almost in sync, his warm tongue sliding over the plump flesh once more, licking at the aroused nipples, and his teeth scratching the sensitive skin with the lightest of touches. You savour the lightning bolts of pleasure that the two of them cause to bounce around your body. It's almost painful, but you know you're loving this.
Half gasping, half squealing at the sheer, blunt pressure of San's nimble, kneading fingers finding their way to your labia through the mesh of the thong. Your lower abdomen clenches in a reflexive spasm, and your hands are sticky with sweat as you grasp the wrist of his hand.
"Oh, your pussy is so sensitive, isn't it, Chagia?" San cooed with feigned tenderness, and with a strange sadism, he pressed his middle finger against your cunt, sliding it right over the spot where your clit was, causing your hips to shake. The lubrication of your arousal made it much more effective for him to stimulate you, and he would literally bring you to orgasm with minimal effort. He purred softly as you responded, like a big cat purring, and just when you thought he couldn't fuck with your sanity even more, he turned his head and spat on your lips, a glob of saliva dribbling into your open mouth and you choked out a moan.
It's so rough and dirty, but your body responds the best it can, arching into his arms and pressing your breasts even harder against Wooyoung's face.
The brunette moans in response and lifts his foxy eyes to you. You can see the corner of his lips curl into a smirk before he bites down hard on your nipple. Fuck, your life will never be the same. And they haven't even got around to fucking you properly yet. It's like heaven and hell at the same time.
"I want to hear you whimper, Gongjunim." San's hand grips the back of your neck very tightly, causing you to gasp for breath from the sudden lack of air. Your eyes begin to roll up at the possessive touch of his hand on your throat, and you begin to jerk your hips, your clit pressing against Wooyoung's cock, and he lets out a long, hard moan.
"Please, Sannie." You're breathing out.
"Look at her, San, our girl, slobbering like a brainless slut." Wooyoung wipes the viscous saliva from your parted lips, then pushes his fingers into your mouth with a sharp, deep thrust. For a second you choke and begin to gurgle around the long phalanges.
He hadn't removed the rings yesterday and now the heavy metal makes your tongue feel cold. "Think of the way my dick is fucking your little throat, starlight. Suck it hard." You wheeze and gurgle, your saliva bubbling at the corners of your lips, but you have done exactly as you have been told.
It was rough, it was horrible and it was so wet that it was almost disgusting to watch. But Woo enjoyed it; he literally raped your mouth with his fingers in a sort of sadistic sense. A few thick strands of saliva would stick to your swollen lips as he pulled his fingers out of your mouth.
"Look at you. Taking my fingers in your mouth like that. Such a good girl."
This whole game has been nothing more than a distraction from the main action. There's a short circuit in your body as a sharp sensation pierces every nerve in your body. San suddenly slaps you hard on your wet pussy, the contact sending sparks of pain and pleasure flying across your skin, and you let out a squeal.
"Oh my God. Oh, my God. I'm going to… I'm going to…" You go over the edge as you feel your juices pouring down your legs, your vaginal muscles contracting, forcing more fluid to pour out of you, the combination of their names coming weakly from your lips as your orgasm washes over your weakened limbs.
"Fuck, Peach is so hot… You're squirting." You belatedly realise that Wooyoung is also cumming as he throws his head back in pleasure, his eyes rolling up and his mouth opening in a long, whimpering moan.
You can hardly catch your breath when you feel San rest his chin on your shoulder, his grip tightening around you, whispering in your ear.
"One more gongjunim; give me one more orgasm and then I'll caress you."
"Ah, San." The searing sensation of his fingers roughly pinching your clit through the wet material of your thong causes you to cry out hoarsely in agony. The sound of your wet, sensitive cunt splashing was clear and vivid; the sensation was brutal, but so indescribable you were ready to faint from pleasure.
He's going to tear you apart.
"Cum for me, Chagia. I know you can do it. Sperm for us; make Youngie and me proud of you".
Your eyes rolled back in your head and you swore that your cunt was on fire, your whole body shuddering in electrifying spasms of pleasure that made your toes curl up and your thighs shake. San's hand was still firmly around your throat, holding your head upright as you had your orgasm.
It had shattered you so badly that the fall seemed dramatic, and you went completely limp as the orgasm dissipated, turning you into an inconsolable, whimpering, disorderly mass.
They had blown your brains out.
"There you are, Gongjunim, I got you. You did so well." San muttered, but your mind was too tired to admit it. Amused at how angry and lost you looked, you saw stars as Wooyoung's hand tilted your head to the side in a teasing way to look at your confused face.
"You're no longer angry with us, are you, Peach?"
San removes his hand from your throat and allows Wooyoung to pull your face up to his own. Gentle fingers caress your cheekbones and soft lips wipe away the tears rolling down your cheeks. At one point, you didn't even realise you were crying. It's such a contrast to his previous behaviour; here he is your usual adored Jung Wooyoung, a little clingy, a little annoying and with an unrealistic maternal instinct. Your best friend.
Fuck. Now it is time for you to start crying for the real time. You begin to sob, pushing Wooyoung away from you in a desperate attempt to get out of his arms. You can feel the wetness underneath you and it makes you feel worse and worse. You need to get out of here now. Your behaviour frightens them to death and San's hands are on your body again, squeezing your shoulders gently.
"Stop, stop for a second, Y/N. It's all right, Chagia. We have you."
You freeze at the sound of your name, like a deer caught in the headlights.
In anticipation of his next move, your whole body tenses like a string. Wooyoung's fingers intertwine with yours. It's a familiar gesture, so familiar to you, so ordinary, so perfected over the years of your friendship. San lets you go when he realises you're not going anywhere, and his face comes to rest next to Wooyoung's as you look at him.
He's handsome, too, to the point of madness, and trembles at the knees. His cheeks are flushed. There's still a lingering gleam of lust and excitement in his eyes, but with a touch of strange emotion. His plush lips are soft and swollen from all the kissing, and his body glistens with sweat. And the reason he looks like that is because of you. You look at Wooyoung and see that he looks exactly the same, but the emotion in his eyes is more obvious than ever.
You want to crawl off his lap and cower in shame in the corner of the room so you don't have to look at all that tenderness and loveliness in his foxy eyes. You can handle his cheeky, flirtatious backside with ease, but this kind of Wooyoung is new territory for you.
"We… shit. This shouldn't have happened. This is the first rational thought to come out of your mouth all day. And you should have said it a lot sooner, before your two best friends made you cum twice with a squirting orgasm.
"Chagia, I think there's something we need to talk about, but first let's get you back to your normal self."
You don't argue; just nod and realize that San is absolutely right. You look like a complete mess, covered in saliva and lubricant. You can feel Wooyoung's cum seeping through the fabric of his pajama bottoms and drying on the inside of your thigh.
You look fucked.
"Yes, I think we have a lot to talk about."
It sounds terribly stupid, but what else can you say? Can we forget it? Or can we fuck again?
All your years of sexual longing for them have turned into a resounding slap in your face.
"Go take a bath, Peach, and we'll talk. San and I will take care of the rest."
For some reason, this sentence gave you a vague feeling of déjà vu. But you pushed the thought out of your head as quickly as it had come.
You finally slide off Wooyoung's lap, ignoring their stares at your almost naked body, there's no point in covering up or acting like a shy maiden, San's fingertips were rubbing your pussy just five minutes ago, bringing you to some kind of crazy orgasm, and the entire lower half of Woo's body is drenched in your secretions. If you've ever wanted to imagine how your friendship would turn out, this is it.
You trudge to the bathroom on your tired legs, pulling off your disgustingly wet thong on the way and throwing it on the floor. You turn on the light, turn on the tap and the whole room is immediately filled with the warm steam of hot water. Outside the door you can hear the muffled voices of the boys, who seem to be having some sort of heated argument, judging by San's irritated moaning and Wooyoung's loud whining.
You don't want to go into details; you still have time to destroy yourself. Your eyes catch sight of your reflection in the mirror. Tomorrow has come much earlier for you, if the fucked-up look on your face is any indication. Dishevelled hair, hickey marks, bruises and swollen lips from biting. What a beautiful morning after graduation!
"Wooyoung, you should have waited for me." San's voice is much louder now.
"As if I'm the only one who fucked her. Don't try to tell me it's all my fault."
You still don't want to join the conversation.
A pink, glistening puddle of something that smells like candy spreads across the bathtub. Thanks to Mingi, you have a whole collection of these colourful bombs. He's always had a soft spot for all things cute and charming, and he's taken every opportunity to spoil you to death with them.
With a tired sigh, you take another look at yourself in the mirror. So, Peach, are you ready for the consequences?
Turning away from your reflection, you lock the door with a click.
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