#colors: vickie williams
the-gershomite · 22 days
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Star Wars Chewbacca #3 of 4 -March 2000- Dark Horse Comics
written by Darko Macan
story pages 1-8 penciled by John Nadeau
story pages 1-8 inked by Jordi Ensign
story pages 1-8 colored by Dan Jackson
story pages 9-16 illustrated by Martin Egeland
story pages 9-16 colored by Color Graphix
story pages 17-22 illustrated by Kilian Plunkett
story pages 17-22 colored by Dave Nestelle
lettered by Vickie Williams
cover art by Sean Phillips
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ramblingsonic · 1 year
Sorry, it's just... I was under the impression that this is what we'd be getting out of Charmy from the start. I've heard the tale of Mello, and the (drug) trip to follow.
Part of my excitement with these comics is seeing how insane they can get- and this should be good!
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dazedandconfused-15 · 26 days
Heaven's in your eyes (Part 4)
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From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and reblog this story, I'm really glad you're sticking with me on this journey!!
If you're enjoying it, a reblog would mean a lot to me and really helps get this fanfic out there! 🫶
Summary: Life in Hawkins is dull and lonely, especially after your mom abandoned your family, leaving you even more isolated amidst school rumors. Already shy and with few friends, you find solace in your solitude—until Billy Hargrove, the intriguing new boy from California, comes into the picture. To your surprise, Billy seems to seek you out, finding ways to talk to you despite the odds. Never in a million years would you have imagined forming such an unexpected bond with someone.
Link to: Part 1 Part 2, and Part 3
@tatumrileyslover @littlenosoul @nocturnest @the-freak-cassie-313 @rainy-darling @nina-from-317
From then on, you become much more observant. Billy and you meet up after school to do homework, go for walks, grab some food or just hang out. You start noticing small details, like how sometimes his shirt is buttoned up a bit higher than usual, even in warm weather. Occasionally, you catch sight of a bruise on his skin. You refrain from bombarding him with questions, but it's challenging to stay silent when the wounds are obvious. Thankfully, it's never as severe as that night he showed up battered. You quickly understand that this topic is off-limits for him, so you let it go, hoping that someday, he'll feel comfortable enough to open up to you.
For the first time in what feels like ages, happiness seeps into your days. Suddenly, the world seems brighter, nights feel less daunting, and even the mundane surroundings regain a hint of color. But deep down, you know this fragile balance won't last. 
And just like that, everything shifts during a Wednesday afternoon gym class. You're deep into a basketball game. A teammate passes you the ball, and with quick reflexes, you snatch it and charge towards the basket. It all happens in a blur, catching you off guard, until a sharp pang shoots through your knees as they collide with the unforgiving, polished wood of the gym floor. Your heart races as you instinctively extend your arms, just in time to protect your face from the impact. Amid the chaos, the coach's whistle cuts through the noise, and through the fog of pain, a pair of trainers come into focus right before your eyes.
“What happened?” 
“She tripped, Coach,” says the voice belonging to the person in those shoes. Your gaze shifts upward, meeting the mocking eyes of Tina Williams. She stands with one hand on her hip, casually chewing her gum. A moment later, she steps aside as the coach kneels in front of you.
The contrast is stark—where there was once the commotion of squeaking shoes and shouts, there's now a hushed stillness. Half the class has gathered around, watching in silence.
"Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" the coach asks you, resting his hand on your arm. 
deliberately tripped you, sending you crashing to the floor. The pain in your knees isn't unbearable, but your skin is clearly scraped. The sting from where they hit the ground and slid across the floor is still sharp.
"Oh man, we need to disinfect these," the coach remarks, examining your peeling, reddened knees where raw flesh is visible. "I'm taking you to the nurse's office."
"No, no. It's fine." you say, your voice slightly shaky as he helps you to your feet. "It's not that bad."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, yeah," you murmur, catching the faint snickers of Vicky Muller and Carol Perkins as they whisper to Tina, their voices low but filled with amusement.
The coach makes you sit on the benches for the rest of the hour. As the game continues, you become a spectator in every sense—watching the game and the entire situation unfold, feeling completely disconnected from your own body. Your mind drifts, detaching from everything around you. You’re certain Tina tripped you on purpose, but the reason eludes you. Anxiety gnaws at you, leaving a pit in your stomach. When the game finally ends, you follow your classmates into the locker room, keeping your eyes downcast, avoiding any confrontations. All you want is to leave, to escape this uncomfortable situation.
But as you open your locker, you hear footsteps approaching behind you. Reluctantly, you turn, only to find yourself face-to-face with Tina. Vicky stands beside her, arms crossed, with an expression that clearly shows she's anticipating some entertainment, barely able to contain her laughter.
Tina nods toward your knees. “How are your knees?”
You want to snap back, to demand what her problem is, but instead, you choose the path of least resistance. Maybe if you play along, this will all blow over.
“It’s nothing serious. It’ll pass,” you say, forcing a small smile before turning back to your locker.
Tina snorts, and there’s a brief, tense silence. “What’s your deal with Billy?”
Your hand freezes in mid-motion as everything suddenly clicks into place. Slowly, you turn back to her, realizing there’s no avoiding this conversation.
You decide to play dumb. “What do you mean?”
“Did I stutter?”
You swallow, taking in her mocking expression. The locker room falls silent as your classmates stop what they’re doing to watch the scene unfold. In the background, Carol wears a wicked smile.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I barely know him,” you say, trying to diffuse the situation, not wanting any trouble.
You know that Billy had gone out with Tina a few times not too long ago. It was supposedly nothing serious and ended as quickly as it began. Rumor has it that after they’d hooked up in his Camaro, he drove her home and never called her again.
“Please. You think we’re dumb?” Vicky chimes in. “We’ve seen you hanging with him.”
“Listen, honey,” Tina cuts you off, unfolding her arms and stepping toward you. Her tone is anything but sweet, almost aggressive. “I don’t care what the hell you’re up to. But stop it.”
“You really think he’d be interested in someone like you? Take a good look at yourself,” she sneers, her gaze sweeping over you, making you instantly self-conscious. “Make sure you’re not carrying fleas before you get near guys like Billy. God knows what’s lurking in that cesspool you call home.”
“Or STDs,” Carol chimes in with a smirk. “Like mother, like daughter.”
The comment hits you like a punch to the gut, the pain in your knees forgotten as a deeper ache settles in. The room is filled with your classmates, yet you’ve never felt so alone. Some stand in silent shock, others hold back amused grins, enjoying the spectacle.
“So yeah, stay away from him. Got it?” Tina snaps her bubble gum, her eyes daring you to respond.
They don’t wait for an answer, turning away and leaving you frozen in place. As you open your locker and reach for your clothes, you realize with a sinking feeling that they’re soaked. Water drips onto the floor, soaking your sneakers, and panic rises in your chest. You quickly grab your backpack, hoping it’s unharmed, but find it just as wet, the contents inside ruined.
Murmurs and giggles fill the room as Tina’s voice drifts over again, soft but cutting. “Sorry about that. Maybe next time you’ll know your place.”
You leave school wearing your damp clothes, shivering as the rain falls down on you. The thought of enduring two more hours of English literature is unbearable. Despite your efforts to dry your clothes and backpack, the dampness clings to you, making the weight of it all feel heavier. The mile-long walk home feels endless as your mind replays the scene in the gym and locker room. You wonder how you could have been so naive, so foolish to think you could find a bit of happiness without something going wrong. The cold air stings your wet cheeks, and you wipe them with the back of your hand, your eyes fixed on the ground. Your knees burn, but nothing compares to the deep, burning shame inside you.
When you finally reach home, you’re grateful your father is still at work, sparing you from having to explain why you’re home early or why you look so miserable. You retreat to the shower, letting the hot water pour over you until the steam is so thick you can’t even see the tiles. Later, you curl up on the couch under a blanket, staring blankly at the TV, your mind far away. The phone rings, breaking the silence, but you don’t have the energy to answer it. Whoever is calling is persistent, though, and the ringing continues.
Taking a deep breath, you finally pick up the receiver, trying to keep your voice from sounding hollow.
“It’s Billy.”
His warm voice is like a balm, soothing your frayed nerves, but it also brings back the harsh memories of the day. The ugly events replay in your mind, and guilt washes over you as you imagine him waiting by his Camaro, only to realize you wouldn’t be showing up.
“I’m sorry. Sorry about that,” you croak, clearing your throat. “I wasn’t feeling well.”
“What happened?”
“I’m just under the weather. That’s all. I think I’m getting sick.”
A heavy silence hangs between you as you twist the phone cord around your fingers, the tension in your grip turning your skin white. You can only hear your own breathing, and you hope desperately that he believes you, that he won’t push for more.
“You sure?” he asks after a moment.
“Yes, I promise. I just need to rest.”
“Alright,” he sighs. “See you tomorrow then.”
“Hey, Billy?” you blurt out, stopping yourself before your voice cracks. The knot in your throat tightens as you struggle with the urge to be honest with him. It doesn’t seem fair to lie, knowing this might be one of the last times you hear his voice. “Thanks for calling,” you manage to say once you’re sure your voice won’t break.
“Don’t mention it. Bye, sweetheart.”
You hang up before you can respond, the warmth of his endearment slicing through you, leaving you on the verge of tears. It’s not just him—it’s everything. The whole situation weighs on you. You glance at the picture of you and your mom on the hall shelf, taken when you were just two years old in her arms. Your dad still keeps it, a reminder of the past. Billy has managed to make your life easier, not by making you forget, but by showing you that happiness was still possible. But today, all those old wounds are reopened. The void left by her, and now by him, feels deeper than ever. That’s the risk of letting people into your life—they eventually leave, and all you’re left with is the emptiness they once filled.
You stay home for the next two days. On Friday, it still hasn’t stopped raining. The day drags on endless, each hour feeling like an eternity. You struggle to find the strength to peel yourself out of bed, your stomach tied in knots, rendering breakfast an impossible feat. As rain continues to patter against the window, casting a dreary backdrop, you find yourself lost in a numb trance, gazing blankly at the vivid greenery outside. Only in the afternoon does your hunger finally overpower the turmoil within, prompting you to rustle up a simple cheese toast to appease your growling stomach. Settling in front of the TV, you attempt to distract yourself from the weight of the day's events. By the late afternoon, as your dad arrives home, you force yourself to summon a facade of composure, determined not to burden him with worries. Then the doorbell rings, snapping you out of your trance, and you get up to see who's there. 
As you open the door, Billy is standing here, his hands on his leather jacket pockets, his gaze wandering off to the side, but turns to look immediately at you. He’s as pretty as the last time you saw him. His eyes lock with yours, making you weak in the knee. 
“Oh. Hey.” you softly say, completely taken off guard by his presence on your front door. 
“Uh, what are you doing here?” you ask, trying your best to not sound rude. You’re just confused. 
Billy shrugs. “You didn’t answer when I called. Figured I would come to you instead.” 
His response leaves you speechless. You’re struck by his persistence, amazed that he hasn’t grown tired of you, given his tendency to quickly lose interest in people. He says it so casually, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world, and it stirs something inside you that you can’t quite put into words.
Amusement flicks over his face. “You gonna let me in, or what?” 
You excuse yourself by straightening up from your position against the door, opening it wide to let him in. Billy wipes his shoes on the doormat before stepping in. A strange energy seems to be unleashed when your bodies are close to each other. It makes you feel electric. You’ve never believed in those things, but it’s almost like your auras are touching.
You look up at him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you look at each other.
“Sorry, my dad’s here,” you say as you see him look up behind you toward the living room.
Although very subtle, you notice how his body tenses up when your father approaches him and you introduce Billy to him. “Nice to meet you, sir.”
Your dad shakes his hand, a warm smile on his face. “Ah, so you must be Billy. She keeps talking about you.”
Billy lets out a nervous chuckle, briefly glancing at you. You find yourself looking at the ground, cheeks flushed. "Hope she said good things."
“All I can say is that you’re good to her, son. Haven’t seen my daughter smiling this often in a long time. She never talks to me about her friends.” he rests his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it softly. 
“I’m glad to hear that.” you can feel Billy’s eyes on you, boring a hole through your skin. “She’s good to me too.”
Your dad gestures toward the kitchen. “Have you had dinner yet? We made some roasted chicken tonight, it’s delicious.”
Billy shakes his head. “Thank you, sir, I had dinner earlier.” 
“Come have a drink then.” your dad already walks backward to the kitchen. “What can I get you?”
“Dad…” you softly say at his enthusiasm. You never have people over. It’s been a long time since you had them. Not since…well. And you understand your dad lights up as a candle with joy. He’s getting too enthusiastic already.
“You look over eighteen. Beer? Some red wine?” 
Billy glances at you, his hand in his pockets, then slowly follows him to the kitchen. He looks like a wary animal taking in his surroundings.  “Beer is fine. Thank you, sir.”
You follow behind Billy, feeling suddenly so uneasy in your own house. Your eyes follow his broad back as he enters the kitchen, the air already smelling like leather. Like him. 
Your dad, with a casual wave of his hand, says, "Ah, don't bother with all those formalities around me.” 
Billy leans against the counter as your dad extends an uncapped bottle of beer, clinking it against his own. You notice how he stiffens slightly again when your dad mentions remembering his last name, knowing his father. His attitude becomes more reserved, and he answers with small sentences. Especially when your dad mentions how despite having talked to him only a few times at Melvald’s downtown and the bank, he looks like a tough guy. However, your dad is easygoing and his attitude warm, and slowly, throughout the conversation, Billy seems to ease up too. His shoulders relax, and a real laugh escapes him a time or two. You knew they shared some interests, but you didn’t expect them to talk about California for so long. Your dad recounts his younger years living in there, how he spent his days surfing and working in a garage for his own dad’s friend to get some money. Billy did the same back there. He tells your dad how you mentioned some of it to him, then how many more people there are since the 60s, how Will Rogers State Beach is now crowded with tourists. 
“You’re sure you don’t want anything to eat? Hell, there’s plenty of that chicken and it’s only the two of us.” you dad offers again. 
Billy settles the empty beer on the counter. “Oh, I’m fine. Thank you. I was hoping to take her on a ride, to get some fresh air if that’s alright with you.”
Your dad looks at you and you give him a small smile, though you didn’t expect or plan any of it. He nods in approval.
“Sure, kids. Be careful, yeah? It was nice to meet you Billy.”
“Same. Thank you for the beer.”
Your dad winks at him. “Anytime. You’re always welcome.”
At first, silence hangs between the two of you. Billy doesn’t mention it as he drives you toward downtown, and your mind is elsewhere. You’re there physically, but your thoughts are consumed by how wrong it feels to be in the car with him. Your plans to keep your distance have been shattered by his unexpected presence. His decision to come to you makes everything ten times harder. You’re unsure how you’ll find the right words to express yourself without offending him—or worse, hurting him. But then again, maybe you’re overthinking it. Perhaps he doesn’t feel as connected to you as you do to him. Chances are, you’ll be the one left hurting in the end.
Billy casually suggests getting a milkshake at the diner, then lapses back into silence, leaving you unsure whether to thank him or ask him to break the quiet. He doesn’t make it easy. When he parks in front of the diner, he opens the passenger door for you. Physical contact has become second nature between you two—small, almost unconscious gestures, especially on his part. But they always send your heart racing. This time, as he touches your back, gently guiding you inside while holding the diner door open, your heartbeat spikes dangerously.
You usually have a sweet tooth, and the milkshakes at Starlight Grill are delicious, but today, your thoughts have robbed you of your appetite. Billy insists you get something, and when you hesitate, he suggests sharing a milkshake.
When the waitress brings the milkshake along with the bill, Billy takes the first sip. You reach into your pocket for some coins.
“What are you doing?” 
“Just, paying.” You murmur absent-mindedly, counting the coins. Billy's hand appears in front of you, putting them aside.
“Put that away.”
You sigh, meeting his gaze. "Billy."
He casually slides the milkshake in front of you, his half-lidded eyes locked on yours, completely unfazed by your feeble attempts to resist. The purple lights of the diner cast a soft glow, highlighting his features and making his mustache stand out more than usual. You can't help but marvel at how effortlessly handsome he always looks. Meanwhile, you feel out of place in your loose jumper, with no makeup and your hair barely combed.
You notice that there is only one straw in the milkshake. “Oh, they didn’t bring another one.”
“It’s fine. Drink it,” his features shifting to an amused look.  “Unless it grosses you out.” 
“No, no! Of course not.” you hastily assure him before bringing the straw to your lips. The rich taste of chocolate floods your senses with a pleasant sensation, despite your lack of hunger. You resist the temptation to indulge in a bit of the whipped cream from the top of the milkshake.
“Feel better today?” he asks as he watches you, leaning back against the bench.
“Uh, yes. A bit better.” you lie, your eyes on the table. You’re unable to look at him.
You instinctively tighten your grip on the cold glass of the milkshake, startled by the sudden warmth of his palm on your forehead. 
“Yeah. No fever, anyway,” he says.
“How did you do on the test yesterday?” you ask instead, eager to change the topic.
Billy leans forward, resting his elbows on the table as he brings the milkshake closer to himself, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Eh, not bad. I think I passed," he replies before taking a sip from the straw. “Jesus, this shit is sweet as hell.” he mutters, peering down at the milkshake as if it personally wronged him.
You let out a soft laugh at his expression. When you sat down, he asked you what flavor you liked and ordered it without hesitation. You realize with a pang of guilt that you hadn't even bothered to ask him if he liked it. 
“Sorry… too much?”
“Nah, it’s fine. Just a bit sweet.” he pushes the milkshake toward you, your fingers brushing each other as you take the glass. “I’m more of a savory type of guy.”
"Oh," you sheepishly respond, brushing your thumb against the cold glass to clear away some moisture. “I’m more of a sweet type of girl.”
"You are," he says, his voice carrying a subtle warmth that catches your attention. 
You lift your gaze toward him, struck by the underlying tone in his words. Billy dips his pinky in the whipped cream and brings it to his mouth. Red lips suck around the skin, his tongue licking the whipped cream away. You take a sip of the milkshake to distract yourself from the stirring movement in your lower belly. 
“So what’s your favorite?” he then casually asks, as if he didn’t just do the most provocative thing ever. 
“My what?” you ask as if coming back to reality. 
“Your favorite dessert.”
“Oh uhm, I guess my mom’s tiramisu,” you stop to think about all the summers spent eating your mom’s tiramisu in the back of your house in the garden, the happy memory becoming bittersweet. “I didn’t like it when I was younger, I used to make all of those faces when I tasted the coffee.” Billy snorts a soft laugh as he looks at you. “She used to make it all the time when it was warm outside.” you say as you play with the straw.”
“You know how to make it?”
“Yes. She taught me.” 
“You’ll have to make me one, someday.” 
You meet his eyes, still intently on you, and you lower your gaze while stretching your lips into a small smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes. How you wish there was a chance to do this. 
“What’s yours?” you ask instead, ignoring how your heart is aching.
Billy hums thoughtfully, dragging the milkshake toward him. “I’d say the tacos from the Mexican joint in Mission Beach. Hands down.”
“What do they put in them?” 
Billy sucks on the straw before setting the glass aside. “Okay, so picture this,” he leans his elbows on the table. “They have this way of cooking the beef, it’s tender and juicy ‘cause they dip it in the stew, and it’s seasoned just right." 
A smile slowly spreads on your face without you realizing it as he gets enthusiastic about it.
“Then they sprinkle some lime on it.” he mimics the sprinkling, his eyes squinting a tiny bit. "And then there's the crunch of the shell, just crispy enough to contrast with the beef. Then they top it with cheese and jalapeños. Man,” you giggle as he lightly slaps his palm on the table. He turns his head to the side, momentarily lost in thought as he contemplates. “It’s something else.” 
“It sounds delicious.” you nod, a laugh escaping your lips.
As Billy looks back at you, his face is closer to yours as you leaned on the table too. His blue eyes bore into yours. “It’s five-star type of food, babe. Unmatched.” 
His voice is warm like dripping honey and your stomach flips, his half-lidded gaze trapping you there is both charming and dangerous. You’re scared of the things your body is feeling.
“I wish I could try it.” 
“You will. Told you I would take you there.”
He scans your face, catching each of your reactions from up close as your breath hitches in your throat. “I thought you were joking.” 
“I never was.”
You wonder what would happen if you just listened to your instincts right now. If only he lifted the sleeves of your sweater, he’d see the goosebumps on your arms. If he could press his ear to your chest, he’d hear your heart racing. But following your instincts feels too risky. A little voice inside reminds you that all this chemistry between you two might just be in your head. You're building castles in the air; your deluded heart is playing tricks on you. Tina’s voice chimes in too: “What would a guy like him want with someone like you?” So, you pull away, and as you do, your heartbeat slows down a little.
You clear your voice, grabbing the milkshake. “Anyway, I better get home soon. It’s almost ten.” 
With only a little milkshake left, you finish it without meeting his gaze, deciding to switch the topic to how you caught up with homework while staying at home. He doesn’t comment on it, biting into it and telling you about the history test on that Wednesday.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?” he asks you once on the drive home.
He lowers the volume of the radio, Eagles’ ‘Take it Easy’ reduced to background noise. You hesitate. You don’t know how to tell him. You’ve never been good at cutting ties with people. You’ve never been ready. You never will be.
“I’m just not in a good place right now.”
"Yeah, I gathered that much," Billy responds, his voice low and steady. "But what's got you feeling this way?"
You figure that the best way is to be straightforward, though. 
“I know this might sound weird," you begin, already feeling a pang of regret for how you're about to phrase it. Your nails press into the palm of your hands as you twist them together, your eyes locked on the shifting scenery outside. “You’ll probably don’t understand it. But I think we have to stop seeing each other. Hanging around together.”  
At first, your words hang heavy in the air, met only with silence that feels like a weight on your chest. You can't help but replay what you just said in your mind, wondering if you came off too harshly. It's a familiar feeling, the aftermath of saying something you can't take back, and in this moment, it feels far too aggressive.
As you battle with yourself, searching desperately for the right words to soften the blow, you find that every script you rehearsed in your head falls short. Billy's silence only adds to your internal turmoil, leaving you mentally slapping yourself for the brutal way you phrased it.
Billy licks his lips. “If I did something wrong,” he starts.
“No, it’s not that.”
“...Or if I made you feel uncomfortable, you gotta tell me.”
“No. Billy, please don’t think that. You haven’t done anything wrong.” you interject quickly, reaching out to touch his arm in reassurance.
He glances at you briefly before returning his gaze to the road, his expression unreadable. The tension in the car is palpable as he waits for you to explain further.
“I just…” you begin, running a hand through your hair in a nervous gesture. “I don’t think it’s good for you to be around me."
"Huh," he responds, his tone indicating he finds your reasoning perplexing. "What does that mean?"
You begin cautiously, choosing your words carefully, "I'm just not... I'm not exactly the embodiment of happiness, you know? And I don't want to bring you down with me."
"You think you're gonna bring me down?" 
You nod slowly, unable to meet his gaze. "I just don't want to drag you into my mess," you admit quietly. “I have a lot to deal with myself. Please believe me when I say that it’s not a good idea.”
"That's it? That's why you think we should stop hanging out?" Billy's voice carries a blend of disbelief and skepticism as if he's attempting to peel back the layers of your explanation.
His response catches you off guard. Shouldn't your reason suffice? After all, it's what led to the end of friendships with Nancy and Claire. They understood and let you go. And deep down, you understand that too.
“No, it’s not just that…” you feel increasingly frustrated with the situation, it feels harder than you anticipated.
"Hey, if I'm not your cup of tea, or if I'm making you feel awkward, just say the word. No hard feelings. We can't all be everyone's favorite flavor. But let's keep it real, yeah?"
"No, it's not that at all, Billy!" you blurt out, your voice rising slightly with surprise. "I like you. I really do," you continue, your voice softening as shyness creeps in at the urgency of your confession. As you speak, Billy pulls the car to a stop in front of your place. "More than anyone else in this whole town."
Billy doesn’t talk for what seems like an eternity. You don’t dare to look at him. After almost a minute, he finally breaks the silence. “Okay, what is it, then?”
“It’s just…wrong.”
“Wrong?” he says. “Look, it’s not like I have a girlfriend and I’m ditching her to hang out with you or something.”
“Well, Tina doesn’t seem to be on the same page,” you mumble to yourself out of instinct. 
Billy frowns. “What?”
That’s when you realize you talked out loud. You sigh, looking out of the window. You really hoped to avoid this conversation. It just feels wrong to use a lame excuse. You don’t wanna do that. It’s not working, anyway. You figure the best way to put it without having to unravel the whole thing. 
“I don’t know what you guys are to each other-…”
“I fucked her once. That’s it.” 
You wince at his words, carrying on. “...but she made pretty clear that I should stay away from you.”
At first you’re met with silence, but then Billy's reaction is a mix of disbelief and irritation. He scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. “She's nuts," he mutters, his tone laced with frustration. "Can't believe her. Jesus."
As you fidget with your hands in your lap, a sense of resignation washes over you. That doesn’t change things. You made up your mind already. They succeeded pretty well in making you see things for what they are. In a very sadistic way, that’s for sure. It is the reality nonetheless.
“Listen, don’t pay attention to her.”  
You let out a bitter chuckle. “It’s kinda hard, she’s really committed to making my life a living hell.”
Billy's expression shifts, his gaze now fixed on you with newfound seriousness. “What do you mean?” 
“Nothing, just…” you sigh. “It’s just what I said. Bottom line is, I’m not good for you, Billy. I’m messed up and I can’t give anything good. You should be spending time with people who are stable, who have something to offer.”
Billy turns his attention back to the trailer ahead. You can practically see the gears turning in his head as he pieces together the puzzle. Before you can prepare yourself, he's already connecting the dots.
He scratches his chin, then looks back at you. “Does it have to do with you ditching school for the past days?” his tone calm but unwavering.
Your answer is instinctive and almost too immediate. "No, that's..." you start, but Billy cuts you off with a knowing look.
“Don't lie to me.”
You know if there’s one thing he doesn’t like, it’s when people lie to him. He told you that before. There is no way out of this. If anything surprises you about Billy, it’s his emotional intelligence. His ability to understand what you feel just like that. How he easily and often picks up what’s on your mind. You explain everything that happened to him, noticing how his face hardens progressively as you recount the events that have weighed heavily on you. From that moment Tina deliberately tripped you up in gym class, sending you sprawling to the ground in front of everyone, to the tense confrontation in the locker room. You feel drained after talking, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air. 
“Fuck those bitches.” he growls, his voice thick with anger. 
“They’re right though. We really are different.”
“Different in what? I’m a guy, you’re a girl. But then?” 
“It’s not about that,” you mumble, your eyes fixed on the window.
“Well, tell you what, I like spending time with you. That’s all I know,” you turn in surprise at how bluntly he said those words. “Did we ever argue or anything?”
You think back on all the times you've spent together. Whenever you were with him, it felt like everything else faded away, and it was just the two of you against the world. There was never any arguing or discord between you; instead, he had a knack for making you forget about any troubles or worries you had. Being with him was like finding a safe haven, a place where you could just be yourself and feel at peace.
“No,” you admit, feeling a knot form in your throat.
“Do you feel any different when it’s just you and me?”
“Are you ever bored when we hang out?”
“No, never.” you breathe out, shaking your head.
“Me neither. So it’s sorted.”
“Billy, I’m…I’m complicated. My life is complicated.” 
He shrugs, shifting in his seat. “I like complicated.” 
Billy's stubbornness despite the doors you're trying to close between you is overwhelming both in the best and worst way.
“I just don't think you really know what you're doing," you protest weakly, unable to shake the nagging doubts that linger in the back of your mind.
“Pretty sure I do.”
“Billy,” heat rises in your cheeks as shame gnaws at your insides, your heart weighing heavy. It's hard for you to acknowledge it, let alone put it into words. “Look at me,” you point at yourself, your throat burning.
Billy's eyes scan your face, a hint of amusement dancing in his features. “I am.”
You shake your head, your throat feels ready to burst from how much it hurts. “No. Look at you, then look at me. Look at this,” you gesture toward the darkened trailer.
“You serious?”
“I am. Trust me, you don’t want to…”
“Hey, hey. Sweetheart. Come on, now. Look at me.”
You realize Billy has leaned over the console as he gently grasps your chin. “I don’t care. All I know is that I like you, alright? I don’t give a shit about the rest.”
His words cut through you, threatening to shatter the fragile barrier holding your emotions at bay. His thumb delicately traces the curve of your chin as his piercing blue eyes search yours. Frozen in place, you dare not move or speak, afraid that the slightest exhale might betray the storm of emotions raging within you.
“You hear me?” he drops his head slightly, as he softly shakes your chin to get your attention, his eyes finding yours. “I don’t care.”
You content to nod, a tear breaking free and running down your cheek. Billy licks his lips, his face inching closer to yours. “C’mere.”
He leans in, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that feels as ancient as time itself, as though you've shared this in a thousand other lives. It's tender, lingering, filled with an unspoken longing that resonates deep within you. As you lose yourself in the kiss, his breath dances with yours, and you taste tobacco, mint and something distinctly him on his tongue, sending a wave of euphoria through you. Your hand instinctively rises, fingers curling gently around the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer, yearning for more. Your heart is beating so fast you swear it’s going to explode. As you break the kiss first in search of oxygen, you’re vaguely aware of his mouth seeking yours, his face tilting forward, his half-open eyes unfocused. His fingers travel on the back of your neck, curling around it and pressing your lips more firmly against his. It’s so good that it doesn’t feel real, your body is the only thing you're aware of. It's ablaze, your heart thundering in your chest, your breath resonating in the car. But he’s here too, he’s real. Real as one can be when you feel his hot skin against your fingers where you’re holding his shirt, as his mustache tickles your mouth, then your cheek, your neck.
He’s certainly real when his voice comes as a muffled and open-mouthed whisper against your skin, buried between your neck and your hair between kisses. “God, baby.”
It’s a soft plead, a gentle need that swells your heart. Your fingers are tangled through his curls at the nape of his neck. They’re as soft as you imagined them. You could’ve never imagined one day your fingers would run through them. His mouth finds yours again, your senses filled with the scent of him and you can’t help yourself and rest your hand on his cheek, wanting to feel him more. Time is not something tangible anymore. You don’t know how long elapses. It may be minutes, it may be hours. You just can’t seem to get enough of each other to finally break apart. Nothing has ever made you feel so good in a long time. That’s why you don’t question your tongue tangling with his, his hand searching for skin as it ventures beneath your jacket and settles on your waist, warm and big. 
The loud thud of thunder outside makes you jump slightly on the seat, and with the realization that you must get inside, you slowly but finally break apart from him. 
“I have to go.” you manage to say as his lips kiss your cheek and the corner of your eye instead. 
His breath fans against your skin, a gentle caress that makes you shiver. Billy's eyes, still glazed with desire, slowly refocus as he registers your words. There's a flicker of disappointment, but he nods in understanding. 
“Yeah. Yeah, you better get inside,” he replies in a husky voice, his eyes roaming over your face. 
His lips are red and swollen with your kisses, you can’t help but steal another kiss which her eagerly accepts, planting a couple more against your mouth. They’re not as deep but full of meaning, resonating in the air. 
“Call me tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yes, I will,” you mumble, your cheek feeling red as you internally wish you could stay with the boy forever.  
As you leave the car, the cold rain immediately envelopes you, sending shivers down your spine. The rain soaked through your clothes as you navigated through the darkness. As you reach the door, you steal one last look at Billy's car, watching as he drives away into the night, the memory of his touch still lingering on your lips.
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24 in 2024
i haven't seen any of these floating around yet, so i thought i'd get one started! here are 24 books i want to read in 2024 (and a bonus readerly goal):
Welcome to Your World: How the Built Environment Shapes Our Lives by Sarah Williams Goldhagen
Obsolescence: An Architectural History by Daniel M. Abramson
Offended Sensibilities by Alisa Ganieva
The Night, The Night by Rodrigo Blanco Calderón
Dayswork by Chris Bachelder and Jennifer Habel
Dawn by Sevgi Soysal
Trashlands by Alison Stine
The Girl in Red by Christina Henry
How to be Eaten by Maria Adelmann
The Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories edited by Yu Chen and Regina Kanyu Wang
The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown
Black Tide by KC Jones
A Half-Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys
The Ambergris Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer
The Great Cities Duology by NK Jemisin
The Spider and her Demons by sydney khoo
A Shining by Jon Fosse
Bad Cree by Jessica Johns
Other Terrors: An Inclusive Anthology edited by Vince A Liaguno and Rena Mason
Self-Portrait with Nothing by Aimee Pokwatka
Always Coming Home by Ursula K. Le Guin
Unexpected Places to Fall From, Unexpected Places to Land by Malcolm Devlin
Always North by Vicki Jarrett
At the Edge of the Woods by Masatsugu Ono
Bonus Readerly Goal: i'm gonna try REALLY hard to only buy a book after i read five (5), this year (pre-orders DNI). gotta get that backlist under control SOMEhow, right??
notes on the color-coding: the green books are Just Because books (with a couple little red riding hood adjacent retellings in there, which is writing-project-related). a few of these came in a translation subscription box, and i am Interested in Architecture, and i'd love to read more of both this year.
the blue ones are bookmarked for nano prep (i wanna write something fucked up about space this year, i think, it's still cooking). i know it's early for that, but The Vibes™ have to marinate for a while. will probably add some haunted house books to this part of the list!
lastly, the purple ones are driscoll adjacent! filling my words well with related vibes worked well, this year, and i want to do that again next year. since i read through the entirety of my previous ~driscoll vibes~ stack last year, i've been restocking it, so most of these are very recently purchased.
(please note that all this color-coding/explanatory text is absolutely optional and Extra™, if you want to play--you can add it if you'd like, but by no means feel Obligated To Do So lol)
tagging @asexualbookbird, @six-of-ravens/@sixofravens-reads, @agardenandlibrary, @freckles-and-books, and anyone else who wants to play!
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sonicpanels · 1 year
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Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Ongoing) #80: "Big the Cat in: Swallowing Trouble"
Writer(/potential uncredted Layouts)/Inks: Ken Penders Pencils: Jim Valentino Colors: Frank Gagliardo Letters: Vickie Williams
Editor/Art Director/Outline Writer: Justin Gabrie Managing Editor: Victor Gorelick
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riaspeaks · 1 year
hello !!! this is my introduction page
about me
she/her, 19
my blog is 18+ so please respect that
my name is Victoria but I go by Vic or Vicky.
my favorite color is green
I post about a lot of diffrent things but mainly wcbb (pretty much just uconn)
at the moment I'm only writing for ellie Williams, abby Anderson (rarely but feel free to request!!!) Georgia amoore, paige bueckers, caitlin clark, azzi fudd and a bunch of other wbb players also sadie sink and some other actors
rules !!!
latest work
my Wattpad
request something
wip (not updated)
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Deford Bailey was the first African American to play at the Grand Ole Opry: there is a statue of him at the Grand Ole Opry. The roots of people of color in country music run very deep. The name cowboy came from Black Men who tended to cattle. The drums are an African Instrument. The guitar is also an African Instrument along with the banjo to. Slaves played country music at many of their gatherings: it helped to ease the pain of not being free. Out of the slaves playing country music came 1. Blues, 2. Folk Music, 3. Rock & Roll, 4. Modern Country Music.
The banjo was created in the 17th century by African slaves & then brought to USA via the West Indies. African slaves were the only people to play the banjo until the early 1840s.
Pamela Foster, author of, My Country: The African Diaspora's Country Music Heritage, credits African Americans with creating country music.
In the South, banjos, fiddles, & harmonicas were the dominant instruments played by African Americans writes Pamela in her book.
The list of Black male country artist is listes below:
1. Charley Pride
2. Darius Rucker
3. Kane Brown
4. Cowboy Troy
5. Jimmie Alan
6. Ray Charles
7. Aaron Neville
8. Deford Bailey
9. Cleve Francis
10.Milton Patton
11. Carl Ray
12. Trini Trigs
13. Lesley Riddle
14. Dom Flemons
15. Coffey Anderson
16. Blanco Brown
17. Willie Jones
Listed Below is a list of very talented black female country music artist:
Lamelle Prince
2. Lorraine Cookie Jackson
3. Yolanda Diamond
4. Mickey Guyton
5. Candi Staton
6. Linda Martell
7. Rissi Palmer
8. Yola
9. Rhiannnon Giddens
10. Valerie June
11. Kaia Kater
12. Allison Russell
13. Brittany Spencer
14. Amythyst Kiah
15. Leyla McCalla
16. Tammi Savoy
17. Sunny War
18. Priscilla Renea
19. Miko Marks
20. Vicki Vann
21. Chapel Hart
22. Julie Williams
23. Reyna Roberts
24. Joy Oladokun
25. Adia Victoria
26. Ruby Amanfu
27. Sam & Ruby
28. Carolina Chocolate Drops
29. Petrella
30. Tiera
31. Shemekia Copeland
32. Pointer Sisters
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lamelleprince · 2 years
Deford Bailey was the first African American to play at the Grand Ole Opry: there is a statue of him at the Grand Ole Opry. The roots of people of color in country music run very deep. The name cowboy came from Black Men who tended to cattle. The drums are an African Instrument. The guitar is also an African Instrument along with the banjo to. Slaves played country music at many of their gatherings: it helped to ease the pain of not being free. Out of the slaves playing country music came 1. Blues, 2. Folk Music, 3. Rock & Roll, 4. Modern Country Music.
The banjo was created in the 17th century by African slaves & then brought to USA via the West Indies. African slaves were the only people to play the banjo until the early 1840s.
Pamela Foster, author of, My Country: The African Diaspora's Country Music Heritage, credits African Americans with creating country music.
In the South, banjos, fiddles, & harmonicas were the dominant instruments played by African Americans writes Pamela in her book.
The list of Black male country artist is listes below:
1. Charley Pride
2. Darius Rucker
3. Kane Brown
4. Cowboy Troy
5. Jimmie Alan
6. Ray Charles
7. Aaron Neville
8. Deford Bailey
9. Cleve Francis
10.Milton Patton
11. Carl Ray
12. Trini Trigs
13. Lesley Riddle
14. Dom Flemons
15. Coffey Anderson
16. Blanco Brown
17. Willie Jones
Listed Below is a list of very talented black female country music artist:
Lamelle Prince
2. Lorraine Cookie Jackson
3. Yolanda Diamond
4. Mickey Guyton
5. Candi Staton
6. Linda Martell
7. Rissi Palmer
8. Yola
9. Rhiannnon Giddens
10. Valerie June
11. Kaia Kater
12. Allison Russell
13. Brittany Spencer
14. Amythyst Kiah
15. Leyla McCalla
16. Tammi Savoy
17. Sunny War
18. Priscilla Renea
19. Miko Marks
20. Vicki Vann
21. Chapel Hart
22. Julie Williams
23. Reyna Roberts
24. Joy Oladokun
25. Adia Victoria
26. Ruby Amanfu
27. Sam & Ruby
28. Carolina Chocolate Drops
29. Petrella
30. Tiera
31. Shemekia Copeland
32. Pointer Sisters
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prettyhennytea · 8 months
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In a significant move towards police transparency, a new law in New York requires officers to record essential information like race, gender, and age of individuals they question. Passed on January 23rd, despite a veto from Mayor Eric Adams, the law gained national attention following an incident involving black council member Kevin Riley, who was pulled over seemingly without reason. This law aims to address the concerns of New Yorkers of color regarding their interactions with the police on the streets.
Under the new legislation, officers must document basic details and the circumstances that led to stopping someone, even if they are not suspects in a crime. This development has created a stir in the city, given that New York boasts the largest police department with a history of frequent stop-and-frisk practices, particularly targeting communities of color. A federal ruling in 2013 found the NYPD guilty of violating the civil rights of Black and Hispanic residents through this controversial tactic, resulting in a significant decline in such activities.
The bill, sponsored by New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams, proposes that reporting these encounters can be done swiftly on an officer's smartphone using existing systems. However, Mayor Adams, a Democrat and former police captain, voiced concerns about the potential impact on officer safety. He argued that in critical moments, every minute and second can make the difference between life and death. On the other hand, some Republican council members raised objections, suggesting that the law might foster further racial divisions in the city. Council Member Vickie Paladino stated, "Please don't make this a racial issue. It isn't," to which Mr. Riley responded, "We didn't make this a race thing. This is a race thing."
Amidst the debate, Council Speaker Adrienne Adams argued that opponents of the law, including the police, were exaggerating the burden it would impose. She emphasized the importance of providing transparency regarding police stops, stating, "There should not be resistance to telling people who is being stopped in this city and why." Patrick Hendry, president of the Police Benevolent Association, reassured that New York City police officers would comply with the law and continue their duty of protecting communities, despite the increased workload and critically low staffing levels. The discussion also highlighted the 25th anniversary of the death of an unarmed black immigrant during a police encounter, drawing attention to the ongoing need for accountability.
New York's recent achievement in enacting the police transparency law marks a milestone in holding law enforcement accountable and addressing the concerns of communities affected by racial profiling. As the city moves forward, both the public and police must work together to ensure safe communities while fostering trust and understanding between law enforcement and the people they serve.
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Companions Original Post List
Color Sorted by what Hogwarts House I Think They're In. (Feel free to argue if you think otherwise. If they're blank, it means either that I'm just not sure, I haven't reached them yet, (I am on season 22 of the Classic Doctor Who and on season nine of the revived one but I haven't watched either in a while because I got hooked on Criminal Minds.), or I think they're Hufflepuff but the Tumblr thing on my laptop doesn't have yellow as a color. Neither does my phone apparently all of a sudden. The closest is orange.
First Doctor (Many of his episodes are missing so companions often appear and disappear)
Susan Foreman/Arkytior (High Gallifreyan for "Rose) (Played by Carole Ann Ford) - Fifteen-Year-Old Gallifreyan Granddaughter of the Doctor left behind when she fell in love but she left to fight in the Time War and it is presumed that she died.
Ian Chesterton (Played by William Russell, aged 99 as of 2023--Tragically died June 3, 2024 at the age of 99 due to pneumonia; but his character and legacy lives on)
Barbara Wright (Played by Jacqueline Hill, Tragically died in 1993 of breast cancer but her character lives on)
Vicki Pallister (Played by Maureen O'Brien, aged 80 as of 2023; Most of her episodes are missing)
Steven Taylor (Played by Peter Purves)
Katarina (Played by Adrienne Hill, tragically passed away from cancer at age sixty in 1997) - The shortest companion of the first Doctor (I think; she had five episodes and four of them were in the same serial so really two episode adventure-wise) and the first companion of the entire Doctor Who series to die while traveling with the Doctor.
Dodo Chaplet (Played by Jackie Lane)
Second Doctor (Also many of his episodes are missing so companions just appear and disappear)
Ben Jackson (Played by Michael Craze) - Companion of the First and Second Doctor
Polly Wright (Played by Anneke Wills) - Companion of the First and Second Doctor
Jamie McCrimmon (Played by Frazer Hines) -- First Scottish Companion; The Time Lords wiped his mind of any adventures in the Tardis after his first adventure with the Doctor and returned him back to Scotland
Victoria Waterfield (Played by Deborah Watling) -- One of the youngest companions to travel with the Doctor at around fourteen or fifteen however she was a "screaming woman" character and grew tired of the constant dangers and departed.
Zoe Heriot (Played by Wendy Padbury) -- A genius who's intellect impressed the Doctor whoever her memories of traveling with the Doctor and Jamie were erased by the Time Lords.
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge (Played by Nicholas Courtney) -- Perhaps the longest recurring companion of the Doctor, from the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Seventh, he was only mentioned in the revived series until he was cofirmed to have passed in season six.
John Benton (Played by John Levene) -- More of a companion of the Doctor when he was banished the Earth and the Time Lords wouldn't let him use his Tardis (also he didn't know how fly her). John only traveled in the Tardis once in the ten-year anniversary serial: The Three Doctors.
Third Doctor
Liz Shaw (Played by Caroline John)
Mike Yates (Played by Richard Franklin)
Jo Grant (Played by Katy Manning)
Sarah Jane Smith (Played by Elisabeth Sladen)
Fourth Doctor (Played by Tom Baker, the longest Doctor)
Harry Sullivan (Played by Ian Marter)
Leela (Played by Louise Jameson)
K-9 (played Voiced by John Leeson)
Romana I (Played by Mary Tamm)
Romana II (Played by Lalla Ward)
Adric (Played by Matthew Waterhouse) -- I think Adric gets a bad rap
Tegan Jovanka (Played by Janet Fielding) -- Is it me or does she seem remarkably similar to Donna Noble? On TVtropes.org, it points out that her "Establish Character Moment" (which is basically what it sounds like, it's a moment for a character you're being introduced for that tells you just what kind of person this character is) states: "When Tegan gets lost inside the TARDIS, instead of being astonished by it, she goes and looks for someone to yell at." Which is also exactly what Donna does (however, she has a rare intro to the Tardis where she sees in the inside first yet she is not the one to say "it's smaller on the outside" which would've been perfect.")
Nyssa (Played by Sarah Sutton)
Fifth Doctor (Played by Peter Davison; the start of the family legacy)
Vislor Turlough (Played by Mark Strickson)
Kamelion (Voiced by Gerald Flood)
Peri Brown (Played by Nicola Bryant) -- Interestingly, the actress is British while the character is American and she was forced to speak in an American accent even behind the scenes, only years later when she went to a dinner party did Colin Baker realize she was British, not American; Implications of her backstory added with the violent regeneration the Sixth Doctor had and his attitude towards her make me feel bad for her -- She is currently my favorite classic companion.
Sixth Doctor (Played by Colin Baker; the shortest Doctor in the Classic Series, not counting Paul McGann)
Melanie Bush (Played by Bonnie Langford)
Dorothy "Ace" (Played by Sophie Aldred) -- The last companion on the Classic series.
Eighth Doctor
Grace Holloway (Played by Daphne Ashbrook)
War Doctor (Played by John Hurt)
Ninth Doctor (Played by Christopher Eccleston) -- The shortest main Doctor of the modern series
Rose Tyler (Played by Billie Piper) -- My favorite companion. The companion I started on and the love of the Doctor's life. (Sorry River, Sorry Clara). Companion of the Ninth, Tenth, and Meta-Crisis Doctor.
Mickey Smith (Played by Noel Clarke) -- Not an official traveling companion of the Ninth but got there with the Tenth... for three episodes.
Adam Mitchell (Played by Bruno Langley) -- He was so brilliant to be considered by Van Statten and when he sees the future, he gets surgery to put a door in his head and tries to steal others' ideas when he could come up with his own.
Captain Jack Harkness (Played by John Barrowman)
Tenth Doctor (Played by David Tennant) My favorite Doctor. MY Doctor.
Donna Noble (played by Catherine Tate) -- Companion of the Tenth Doctor, Meta-Crisis Doctor/TenToo, and Fourteenth Doctor
Martha Jones (Played By Freema Agyeman)
Wilfred Mott (Played by Bernard Cribbins) Gone but NEVER forgotten. An honorary Noble.
Meta-Crisis Doctor (Played By David Tennant)
Eleventh Doctor (played by Matt Smith) I wasn't sure at first as I was sad to see David Tennant go but Matt Smith definitely lived up to the challenge.
Amelia "Amy" Pond (Played by Caitlain Blackwood and Pre-Nebula Karen Gillan) I love that they got cousins to play young and adult Amy.
Rory Williams (Played by Arthur Darvill)
River Song (Played by Alex Kingston)
Craig Owens (Played by James Corden)
Kate Steward -- Daughter of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge
Oswin Oswald (Played by Jenna Coleman)
Clara Oswin Oswald (Played by Jenna Coleman)
Clara Oswald (Played by Jenna Coleman) -- Fun fact, the character's birthday is November twenty-third, which is also the birthday of Doctor Who itself, the first Docotr Who episode serial entitled "An Unearthly Child" aired in 1963 however, there had been a low television viewership due to the unfortunate assassination of John F. Kennedy the day before and a power cut in part of England (according the Tardis.fandom.com) This may be intentional due to Clara's deep involvement in the Doctor's lives. -- Clara Oswald is my third favorite companion after Rose Tyler and Amy Pond.
Twelfth Doctor (Played By Peter Capaldi)
--I am currently still on season eight nine--
Bill Potts
Thirteenth Doctor (Played by Jodie Whittaker)
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Yasmin "Yaz" Khan
Dan Lewis
Fourteenth Doctor (Played by David Tennant)
Rose Noble (Daughter of Donna Noble; Played by Yasmin Finney)
Fifteenth Doctor
Ruby Sunday (Played by Millie Gibson)
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crazyblondelife · 2 years
This & That for February...
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Well it’s already February 14…can you even believe it? I’ve been working on this post for several days now but life has been busy so it’s taken a while! It’s one of several posts I’ll be adding today (I finally found a block of time to work) and I hope you enjoy!
This post is filled with things I’ve discovered recently…jewelry, food, fashion and so much more! I love sharing my discoveries so consider this post my Valentine to all of you!
I recently did a collaboration with Lois Hill Jewelry and fell in love with their beautiful designs! This jewelry is meticulously made mostly from sterling silver and the pieces are all handmade! Be sure to visit the website to see the whole collection!
Why not make a charcuterie board for Valentine’s Day! Pair it with a glass of Champagne and you’ve got a match made in heaven! I made this delicious fabulous board on an olive wood heart shaped board from Williams Sonoma! I love to have a collection of boards and platters so my creations can have different looks!
Salmon is one of my favorite foods and I seriously think I could eat it every night! When I saw this recipe for Honey Mustard Roasted Salmon with Caesar Roasted Potatoes from Half Baked Harvest, I immediately put it on my list to try!
These Nike sneakers are my new favorites! They’re canvas and I just love the color!
I don’t go crazy with the Valentine’s Day decorations, but a bowl of Hershey kisses is the perfect touch!
Tropical Vacay
After being in Miami during January, I’m so ready for another beachy, warm getaway and this swimsuit and coverup are perfect for lounging by the pool or sitting by the ocean! Doesn’t that sound amazing?
Romantic Movies
Baldy and I celebrated Valentine’s Day night before last because he’ll be out of town tomorrow. I decided to stay home to be close to my mom who isn’t doing well right now. I still want to have some kind of little celebration tomorrow evening so I’ll go and visit my grandsons and then come home and watch a movie and maybe drink a glass of Champagne. I searched for the best classic romance movies ( some old and some not so old) and this is what I came up with…I love them all and they are all quite different! Which one is your favorite!
An American in Paris
An Affair to Remember
Some Like it Hot
My Fair Lady
Midnight In Paris
When Harry Met Sally
The Way We Were
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Something’s Gotta Give
Miscellaneous Fabulousness
Here are a few other things I’ve found while perusing the interweb…I hope you like them as much as I do!
I discovered Krystal Bick on Instagram and her page is artsy and beautiful! And then…I found her blog called This Time Tomorrow! I am a fan and I know you will be too!
Acts of Kindness for Yourself is something most of us fall short on! This article points out the extreme importance of showing yourself a little kindness!
Vicki Archer has redone her blog and it’s fabulous! She never fails to inspire!
Soup season is in full swing so be sure to check out all of the great soup recipes on Crazy Blonde Life!
We all self sabotage to some extent and I’ve been reading an excellent book by Brianna Wiest called The Mountain Is You that I’m finding extremely helpful! The best way I can describe it is profoundly helpful and insightful! Clearly, I’m really getting something from this book!
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the-gershomite · 22 days
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Star Wars Chewbacca #2 of 4 -February 2000- Dark Horse Comics
written by Darko Macan
story pages 1-8 illustrated by Jan Duursema
story pages 1-8 colored by Color Graphix
story pages 9-14 illustrated by Dave Gibbons
story pages 9-14 colored by Angus McKie
story pages 15-22 penciled by Dusty Abell
story pages 15-22 inked by Jim Royal
story pages 15-22 colored by Dave Nestelle
lettered by Vickie Williams
cover art by Sean Phillips
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mobius-prime · 5 years
120. Sonic the Hedgehog #70
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Saving Nate Morgan
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Frank Gagliardo
So about that grenade from last issue! Everyone's okay, Sonic tossed it up through the juice bar's skylight before it could explode on top of them. Sally has come back around from her bout of unconsciousness, and everyone is pissed that Nate has been kidnapped - especially Bunnie, whose pride has been severely bruised by losing in the fight. Together they rush to Castle Acorn, where the king and Geoffrey are still discussing the fact that the escaped prisoners are probably super dead.
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Yeah, they're not dead. Geoffrey is irritated at Sonic for calling his information faulty, but Dr. Quack emerges at the perfect moment to inform everyone that one of the guards rescued from the island has reported a third missing shuttlecraft, one that didn't crash into the ocean. Elias suggests that they may simply be hiding out on the closest landmass to the Devil's Gulag, which just so happens to be Big Kahuna Island where we've seen them before, and Sonic readies himself to muster the fighting force of the Freedom Fighters when…
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This king, man. Every move he makes has me questioning his fitness to actually rule more and more. See, I get it. You don't necessarily want to breed a future of child soldiers solving every problem in the kingdom when they're supposed to be enjoying their, well, childhood. You want trained adults to handle the dangerous situations. But it's like he doesn't even want to recognize that these individuals all worked together not only to free the entire world of Robotnik's rule, but that they put in the effort specifically to rescue the king's sorry ass as well. Has he given them a single award? Any public recognition of their efforts in the war? He was certainly eager to put them on the task of helping rebuild the city before, but carelessly dismissed Sonic and Tails' success in hunting down a known enemy of the kingdom just a few issues before, and now that their friend has been captured - by people they have direct experience fighting from before, I might add - he's suddenly being a hard-ass. No, not only that - he's unceremoniously disbanding the very group that freed the kingdom and the entire world, without so much as a final thank-you ceremony or anything. Does he not care how crushing such an order would feel to the ones within that group? Just, ugh.
Hours later, the Secret Service approaches the island in a scrap submarine, ready to unleash their tactical strike and rescue the Overlander scientist… but of course, submarines are slow, and someone had a much better idea.
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Seems everyone forgot that Sonic is A. stubborn as hell, and B. has a freakin' biplane. As he insists on coming along, the villains inside an abandoned courthouse (though why Robotnik would include a house of law in one of his cities given that he was a pure despot, I can't imagine) have stuck Nate into a very uncomfortable-looking stockade and are trying to force him to agree to provide his scientific services to them. Shockingly, he's not very interested in this generous offer. Outside, Geoffrey keeps trying to order Sonic around, with Sonic really not having it, and when Geoffrey tries to position his troops around the building to try to force the crooks to come out and surrender Sonic challenges him, saying that that will only encourage the group to use Nate as a hostage. Geoffrey shows his racist side by saying he doesn't care what happens to an Overlander, and Sonic, who's obviously here more to save his friend than re-apprehend the criminals, gets up in his face about it. As they get ready to start throwing punches, a nearby soldier yells at them to stop fighting.
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How do you like your chain of command now, Geoffrey? Inside, Kodos, infuriated by Nate's continued refusal to cooperate, just straight up gets ready to behead him with his giant axe, because there's no kill like overkill, but at that moment Bomb rolls himself in, getting everyone's attention. He tries, and fails for some reason, to explode, but the distraction works, and at that moment the rest of the fighting force rushes in to rescue Nate.
And then we find ourselves in the middle of our fifth satellite sequence high above the planet. This one doesn't redirect any asteroids, but the mysterious hand that commands the satellite puts down a drink once it's finished with its work, a drink labeled "Robo Cola…" Geeeeeee, I wonder who this could be? I mean, okay, let's break it down. We know that Robotnik got straight up erased from existence in the Endgame finale, no doubts, no maybes, he's gone. But we also know that wasn't the first time he got zapped into another dimension and managed to make a comeback, either. The hand that's been directing all these mysterious orbital goings-on certainly looks like his hand, and with this unit being labeled R-SAT we're rapidly approaching all the letters we need to spell out Robotnik's name. But with how dramatic and intense his demise was in Endgame, I'd wager we're dealing with a situation that's a little more complex than a simple "he survived the explosion." I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
As the battle begins inside the abandoned courthouse, Sonic frees Nate and hands him off to Elias to carry him to safety while he rejoins the fight, but before much else can happen, the building suddenly crumbles around them as a giant mutate squid with a robotic body emerges from the ground beneath them. See, West Robotropolis was once used by Robotnik as a staging ground for all sorts of weird experiments and research, and we're looking at one of the leftovers of that! Snively is caught in one of the monster's tentacles and starts screaming for Sonic to rescue him, and while Sonic considers this, Bomb, who has also been caught by the monster, this time manages to get his fuse to go off properly, blowing the squid up.
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Ouch indeed. Snively, interestingly, is nowhere to be seen after the explosion, either among the recaptured prisoners or the escapees in the biplane. I wonder if he's actually…? Naaaahhh, I'm sure he's fine!
Statue of Limitations
Writer: Paul Castiglia Pencils: Chris Allan and Jim Amash Colors: Vickie Williams
So it appears that ever since he and Tails escaped Sand-Blast City, Sonic's been plagued by a strange nightmare. He dreams that he's flying over the city when his plane disintegrates, and he falls toward the statue of himself that he destroyed to escape, which is laughing at him. Every night he wakes up before he can fall into the mouth of the statue, but he recognizes eventually that it's a mental block of his own creation, and so this time, he keeps the dream going, falling through the statue's mouth to find out what's on the other side. And what's on the other side is… incredibly bizarre.
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Even the clouds start forming in the shape of his face. He demands to know what's going on, and his fan up there, still somewhat starstruck, leads him through a crowd of Sonic worshippers and through a golden door to the hall of the Sonic Adventure Archivists, a group of people who chronicle his every heroic venture and obsess over the meaning of them.
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This is actually a pretty funny nod to the whole thing where Sally was indeed supposed to die and become a martyr in the Endgame arc, as well as the whole will-they-won't-they the comic likes to set up between her and Sonic. Sonic wakes up from this dream in a cold sweat, and calls Tails to his room to have a chat, because if there's anyone who can help you face your inner demons in the middle of the night, it's a ten year old. Sonic admits that he's been feeling guilty over how he rushed out of Sand-Blast City before, leaving it open to attack from the Robians without bothering to try and save the inhabitants. The weight of being a hero is starting to become a little too heavy for him to bear alone, as he's not perfect and can't save everyone. Tails tells him that he doesn't have to be perfect, he just has to do the best he can, and cites Sonic's positive effects on his own life. Sonic, cheered somewhat, says that maybe he "can get used to being gray," a rather unexpectedly deep look on the whole hero thing if you ask me, especially for a comic of this caliber. Certainly Sonic has always been a gray hero - Chaotic Good, if you will - who while devoted to saving people and helping the world, can oftentimes act in selfishness and be a bit of a jerk to those who rub him the wrong way. It's interesting to see how his conflicting personality traits balance themselves out in situations like the one in Sand-Blast City, where the only way for him to escape confinement was to put everyone else in danger. He definitely experiences a lot more shades of gray as well as the comic continues on.
Anyway, the previous story's ending promised an especially bizarre issue coming up next, and while the next issue of this comic is certainly a weird one, we still have an arc of KtE to get through first! This one is particularly intense, and introduces one of my favorite villains in the comic, though not named yet…
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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 A stunning collection of 300 photographs of some of the most celebrated actors, artists, models, First Ladies, and social figures from around the world, drawing on stories from the pages of Vogue as well as never-before-published images by iconic photographers. These trendsetters and newsmakers are captured by such famous photographers as Cecil Beaton, Jonathan Becker, Eric Boman, Horst P. Horst, Edward Steichen, Irving Penn, Richard Avedon, François Halard, Helmut Newton, Stephen Meisel, Snowdon, Toni Frissell, Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, and Annie Leibovitz. Not only did these photographers take dazzling portraits—in studios or on location—that caught these iconic figures in classic, playful, or dramatic moments but they also documented their parties, weddings, houses, and gardens. Writers like Hamish Bowles, Paul Rudnick, Truman Capote, Francis Wyndham, Jeffrey Steingarten, Joan Juliet Buck, William Norwich, Gloria Steinem, Georgina Howell, Vicki Woods, Marina Rust, Michael Specter, and Jonathan Van Meter tell you the stories behind these figures and events. Here are the glamorous weddings of Plum Sykes in Yorkshire, Lauren Davis in Cartagena, and Minnie Cushing in Newport; Truman Capote writing about cruising the Yugoslavian coast with Lee Radziwill, Luciana Pignatelli, and the Agnellis; gardens from East Hampton to Corfu designed by landscape architect Miranda Brooks; Inès de La Fressange’s apartment in Paris; Gloria Steinem reporting on the 540 masked partygoers at the Black and White Ball Truman Capote threw for Katharine Graham at the Plaza hotel; the gardens of Valentino’s seventeenth-century Château de Wideville, outside Paris; the designers, the best-dressed, and the stars at the annual Costume Institute party at the Metropolitan Museum; Mick Jagger and his family in Mustique; Jacqueline Kennedy and Michelle Obama; Kate Moss, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, Ali MacGraw, Anjelica Huston, Nicole Kidman, Cher, Iman and David Bowie, Penélope Cruz, Charlotte Rampling, and many more. Richly illustrated in black-and-white and color, The World in Vogue: People, Parties, Places is a stunning look at portraits, houses, gardens, and parties of celebrated figures from many worlds.
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marvelman901 · 2 years
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The Punisher vol 2 104 (1995) . Countdown 1 . The Murder Men . Written by Chuck Dixon Penciled by Rod Whigham Inked by Enrique Villagran Colors by Chi Wang Lettered by Vickie Williams Edited by Chris Cooper Cover by Jae Lee . The Punisher was kidnapped by the Kingpin and convinced to kill all the rivals of Kingpin (who provided all info and weaponry for the Punisher)... . Check out my Guides in my Profile to see more Punisher and Countdown! . #punisher #kingpin #bullseye #jaelee #chuckdixon #rodwhigham #90s #countdown #guns (på/i New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChIdmqIsBDc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Drag is for adults. It does not belong in schools
New York is showering taxpayer funds on a group that sends drag queens into city schools — often without parental knowledge or consent — even as parents in other states protest increasingly aggressive efforts to expose kids to gender-bending performers.
Last month alone, Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit whose outrageously cross-dressed performers interact with kids as young as 3 — earned $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at public schools, street festivals, and libraries, city records show. 
Since January, the group has organized 49 drag programs in 34 public elementary, middle, and high schools, it boasted on its website, with appearances in all five boroughs. 
“I can’t believe this. I am shocked,” said public school mom and state Assembly candidate Helen Qiu, whose 11-year-old son attends a Manhattan middle school. “I would be furious if he was exposed without my consent. This is not part of the curriculum.”
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Since 2018, the group — previously known as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC, before changing its name early this year — has received a total of $207,000 in taxpayer cash.
The tally includes $50,000 from New York State through its Council on the Arts, along with $157,000 from the city’s Departments of Education, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Community Development, and even the Department of Transportation, city data shows.
“I am considering pulling funding to any school in my district that is implementing Drag Queen Story Hour,” said City Council member Vickie Paladino (R-Queens). “We are taking hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the pockets of hardworking New York taxpayers … to fund a program teaching little children about their gender fluidity? Not. On. My. Watch.”
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Most of the money was allocated by city council members from their discretionary budgets, who set aside $80,000 for the group in the current fiscal year — more than tripling the $25,000 earmarked in 2020.
Drag queen story hours for children have been featured at public library branches throughout the city since 2017, with upcoming events scheduled at Manhattan’s Epiphany Library and the Woodside Public Library in Queens, among others.
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Cross-dressed performers typically read aloud from a list of books that teach acceptance and inclusion, including children’s classics like “Where the Wild Things Are” and “The Rainbow Fish” — and some that overtly celebrate gender fluidity, like “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.”
But the expansion into city schools has brought new features to the program, its social media posts reveal.
In April, the elaborately coiffed Harmonica Sunbeam wore a slinky gown to meet with kindergarteners at STAR Academy in Manhattan and color pages from “The Dragtivity Book,” which encourages kids to choose their pronouns and invent drag names.
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Bella Noche wore a scanty mermaid-like bra getup to travel with 2nd graders from Manhattan’s PS 34 on a May field trip, and Flame taught middle schoolers “of all genders” how to apply drag eye makeup at MS 88 in Park Slope.
Some of the school-related posts disappeared from the Internet Friday, less than an hour after The Post called Drag Story Hour NYC for comment.
In one deleted photo, a performer known as Professor Lionel Longlegs wore a t-shirt emblazoned with the message “I Don’t Want to Look or Be Cis” before an audience of primary-grade kids in the library of PS 191 on the Upper West Side.
Some city parents welcomed the idea of drag-queen visits to school.
“I’m glad to see all types of people included in what students are exposed to and learn in class,” said Kristen Williams, 40, whose 11-year-old daughter attends an East Village middle school.
But Storm Neverson, 26, had reservations about her 9- and 6-year-old girls’ exposure to the program at STAR Academy. 
“If they were in junior high school or middle school, I would be okay with that because I feel like they would have a little bit more understanding,” Neverson said. “At this time, the kids were just a little too young.”
STAR Academy parents were told of the in-school drag session ahead of time, Neverson said — but could not opt their kids out of it.
“It was mostly just like a heads up, you know, like, ’Hey, this event is coming up. We’re gonna have these people come in.’ And that was that,” she said.
But at other schools, parents had no idea.
“I didn’t get any notice,” complained Reese Harrington, a parent at PS 191. “My daughter actually came home and told me that a drag queen came to the school … I feel like it would have been better for that conversation to happen at home.”
Last week, angry Texas parents protested outside a “Drag the Kids to Pride” event — billed as “a family friendly drag show” — at a North Dallas gay bar called Mister Misster, where children tipped drag queens with dollar bills as they shimmied and sashayed.
The “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account was banned Thursday for posting a series of tweets spotlighting additional drag shows for kids.
Dr. Elana Fishbein, founder and president of the conservative group No Left Turn in Education, slammed the city’s in-school drag appearances as “a flagrant disregard for the real needs of the students.”
“Exposing children to drag queens in school is none other than an abuse of authority for the purpose of sexualizing children,” Fishbein said.
The DOE did not respond specifically to questions about parental notification, and refused to say whether the drag queens must pass background checks — but defended the program as “life saving.”
“Last year, 50 transgender or gender-nonconforming people were killed in the United States due to their identity,” spokeswoman Suzan Sumer said. “We believe our schools play a critical role in helping young people learn about and respect people who may be different from them.”
Additional reporting by Maddie Panzer
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