#come on man nyx was picking up all the slack
giulolosblackmail · 1 year
Barbalius: did you fuck my dad
Gaelan: Really, for all that you present yourself as above petty insults and crass jibes, hardly behavior befitting a Red Top Knight after all, it is you who always-
Gaelan: :3c
Barbalius: I'LL KILL YOU
#helix waltz#hw barbalius#hw gaelan bavlenka#the whole mess reminded me of that one avengers fic i read way back when where tony had a meltdown because he put two and two together#and realized his dad and steve probably boinked at some point#gaelan leading barbie around by the nose was so damn entertaining#i'm so upset they made gaelan 'secretly good the whole time actually' cuz now they won't make him such a bitch#and try to retcon his whole personality#and they're gonna be way more aggressive with it than they were with bg#god i've got a plotbunny about chopping off the secretly good crap and making a fic where nyx out maneuvers gaelan#to take control of the bavlenka house#and the scattered bavlenkas come together in a show of united force because everybody loves nyx and really not many of them care for gaelan#who ditched his responsibilities to focus on his beef with some foreign knight#come on man nyx was picking up all the slack#and gaelan#all but exiled from finsel in his fall runs into barbie in the church when he's praying#in front of the shrine to the newly canonized saint of hard decisions his old friend and barbie's father#obvi they don't hit it off or anything#but barbalius feels so bad about the whole thing and how bad it turned out for gaelan when he was actually fulfilling a dead man's wish#so he lets gaelan crash on his couch#they both hate each other more the longer they spend together#but barbie keeps letting him stay because gaelan speedran barbie's fall from grace and the parallels make him bend#but unlike barbie gaelan has no intention of getting better#he's not here because he went against anybody to do the right thing#he's here because he picked the wrong opponent to underestimate#he got backstabbed in the house of backstabbers really he should have seen that coming#so barbalius just has this asshole psudeo uncle figure living in his house and actively making his life worse while living off his money#and refusing to 'find his place in the world' or whatever idealistic bullshit barbie keeps spouting#he's going to milk this for as long as he can or until something better comes along#i just think they could make each other worse <3
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Backtrack - Borrowed Time: Chapter 1
Backtrack Masterlist
Series Summary: What if you were the one Dean came to instead of Lisa? Rewrite of “Swan Song” and some of S6.
Word Count: 1310
Warnings: angst, some swearing
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader
A/N: I know this a really short chapter, but think of it as a kind of prologue to Part Two! Hope you enjoy. ❤❤ Chapter 1′s song: My Body by Eliza Shaddad.
Winchester Fantasies’ Masterlist
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“‘Night, Mandy!” you called to your coworker as she walked down the sidewalk. She turned around, raising her hand in a quick wave, continuing to walk backwards before turning forwards once again. 
You turned your key in the lock before shaking the door gently. Satisfied that it was properly locked, you threw your keys into your backpack before hoisting it over your shoulder and heading towards home. 
The night was quiet, the only sounds being those of dogs barking in the distance, an occasional car driving past, or a plane passing overhead. It was warm, too, humidity enveloping you as sweat trickled down your back and fireflies danced in the waning light. It was a perfect summer night, you thought. Much like a certain moonlit night filled with passion on a clifftop overlooking the sea. But that had been ten years ago. 
You sighed heavily as you tried to get your mind off the past as it so easily tended to do. You were twenty-nine now. You weren’t supposed to be thinking about the boy who had captured your heart and left it broken. But it was impossible. Dean was etched into your mind like a tattoo. 
You rounded the corner, turning down the sidewalk that led you to your apartment. You walked up the stone steps leading to your front door, unlocking it and stepping into the darkness of your home. You flipped on the light, hanging your keys on the hooks by the door.
You walked to the dining room, depositing your backpack on the table before heading to the kitchen. Taking out the moscato from the fridge, you poured yourself a glass of the red liquid. You were feeling a little nostalgic and that brought all the memories of the past that you had so desperately tried to run from.
After Dean had left, you’d waited around for years until you finally accepted he wasn’t coming back. But living in the same town where you’d experienced so many firsts with him was like a slap in the face. You could barely walk out of your house without being reminded of him. 
So two days after your twenty-second birthday you packed a bag, left your house at three in the morning, and never looked back. You traveled from state to state, searching for a place you could settle down and try to piece your heart back together. But no place really felt like home - not if Dean wasn’t there.
It wasn’t until you reached Crested Butte, Colorado that you finally found a place you could settle down; a place that called to your battered heart. You got yourself a small apartment, applied for several different jobs, and finally landed one at a local art gallery. You hadn’t realized you had a passion for art until you started working there and began to dabble a little in painting.
You hadn’t really made a name for yourself. You never went to college like Leah. You’d remained a nomad, and you hated the looks your parents always sent your way. They never said anything, but you could tell they were disappointed in how you’d turned out. You weren’t Leah.
Leah had finished college and was now a big time attorney. She had married an Ivy League dude right out of college and had two kids. Now Brad was running for state representative and they had another kid on the way. Leah had always been the golden child, and she still was.
As much as you wanted to please your parents and make them proud, the need to be your own person was much stronger. That’s one of the reasons you hadn’t gone home in nearly seven years. You couldn’t stand to see the disappointment in their eyes and the lecture you knew would eventually come. 
But you felt you’d finally found your niche in art, and you were pretty good at it, too, if the amount of money you were making from selling your work was any indication. You were truly happy and for the first time in your life you felt content. Well…. Mostly content. There was still the part of your heart that yearned for a companion; someone you could come home to and share a life with. It wasn’t that you hadn’t tried, heaven knows you had. But it just never seemed to pan out. You had a long list of shitty boyfriends and failed relationships. You had only had one good guy in your life; he’d been the love of your life, and even he had left you….
You heaved a sigh, setting your glass down on the countertop with more force than you’d intended, the wine sloshing out of the glass. You needed to get your mind off the past. There wasn’t anything you could do to change it, and you were only hurting yourself further by reopening old wounds. But how could you when Dean had been woven into the very fabric of your heart?
You ran your hands through your windswept hair before making your way to the spare bedroom that you’d converted to a makeshift art studio. It was by no means perfect, but it suited your needs. 
Flipping on the light, you made your way to the far wall where a canvas sat on a large easel. You smiled and studied the painting you’d been working on for several weeks now. It didn’t usually take you long to finish an art piece, whipping it out in a matter of mere days. But this one was special. Maybe it was the reason you couldn’t forget that summer of ‘98, you thought as you stared at the cliff overlooking a cove. 
You sighed, picking up your painting supplies and starting on the low-hanging moon. It sometimes surprised you how much of that fateful night you remembered. Most people would have forgotten it long ago, but it was still so imprinted in your memory that sometimes you still felt the way he felt as he hovered over you, the way your bodies melded together, the love you felt, and the way the salty breeze caressed your sweaty skin as he gave himself over to you completely. 
You felt the awakening arousal course through your veins at the memory and you shook yourself. As much as you were addicted to revisiting the past, you had to admit just how stupid you both had been. You’d been so young and in love, but now looking back, you were shocked and thankful at just how lucky you’d gotten that night, especially since he hadn’t used protection and you sure as hell hadn’t been on the pill. You were already hurting when he left, and you couldn’t imagine what it would’ve been like if you’d also had a kid. 
You had just put the finishing touches on the sky when a loud knock sounded on your door. You frowned. It was late. None of your friends would be making a call, especially this late at night.
You set down your supplies, wiping your hands on the paint-covered cloth beside you before making your way to the front door. You cautiously approached it, another thudding knock sounding out in the silence. You glanced out the peephole. The head of a man was visible through the hole, but you couldn’t make out anything definite.
You stepped away, worrying your lip. You didn’t usually answer the door to strangers. You still weren’t an outgoing person, plus nowadays you couldn’t really trust anyone. You started to turn away from the door, but something stopped you. You didn’t know what it was, but you found yourself going back to the door and opening it.
You peeked out before swinging it open wide. You stepped back, your jaw hanging slack. “Oh, my god,” you breathed, your stomach dropping and goosebumps rolling across your skin. 
Thank you for reading! If you liked what you read, let me know!! ❤❤
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Dean Girls:
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Heart of Thunder - Chapter 06
I finally, finally did it! Link to AO3 as always.
There wasn't much time to prepare. Pitioss, there wasn't even enough time to think clearly. Half an hour. Half a fucking hour. Damn Cor Leonis and that roguish glint in his too pretty blue eyes. That man was secretly laughing at him, Nyx just knew it.
He practically warped out of the front door of the Crownsguard headquarters, ignoring the stares it earned him as he sprinted down the street of the governmental district and into the training facilities for the Glaive. The door of his locker gave an ominous creek as he practically ripped it from its hinges. Nyx was so glad he hadn't been able to leave the necklace at home. This was something he had made with his own two hands and was intended for who was supposed to be the most important person in his life.
Cor Leonis was filling this spot far faster than Nyx had anticipated or even expected in the first place.
All eyes were on him as he ran into the mess hall, doors banging against the wall and a manic glint in his eyes. He plugged Libertus from the line of those waiting for their meal and dragged him by the arm to where he saw Luche sitting with his usual crowd.
“Nyx? Hey stop, damn it. What's gotten into you?” Libertus complained.
Nyx didn't listen, too focused on the shrinking window of time he had left.
Luche raised an inquiring eyebrow but didn't get the chance to say anything.
“I need you to be my witness, Luche of Clan Lazarus,” Nyx rushed so say, formal but also not, because there was no time.
The blond stopped and blinked, his eyes widened the tiniest bit in surprise. Next to him Tredd choked on his food and both Sonitus and Axis slowly turned to look at each other.
“Wait, now?” Libertus sputtered. “I thought you would need at least a week to organize this. You just finished your Gift of Acceptance yesterday!”
“Nyx wants Luche to witness a gift giving?” Axis asked flabbergasted, and honestly rightly so.
While the Ulric and Lazarus Clans had no animosity between them, the weren't allied either. Said Lazarus eyed him in consideration, brows furrowed and fingers tapping along the edge of the table. Nyx quite admirably resisted the urge to show his growing impatience. Something calculating flittered through Luche's grey eyes before it was gone a second later and he nodded his acceptance.
“Lumo varistos,” Nyx said with the sincerity he could muster, which caused even more people to do a double take.
“Where will it be?” enquired Luche as he stood up, leaving his half eaten lunch on the table.
Tredd grinned and pulled the plate closer to himself. Luche scoffed at the redhead's behaviour while the other two sitting at the table just rolled their eyes.
“Why waste a meal?” Tredd shrugged and continued eating the bland food.
“In the Citadel, meeting room 1-1 and we have,” he checked the clock on the wall and felt his stomach flip in anticipation, “fifteen minutes to get there.”
“Couldn't you have told us a bit earlier, you hero? And you owe me a full course meal for this, because of you I'll miss lunch,” complained Libertus and practically pushed Nyx out of the mess hall, Luche right beside them.
The only thing betraying his amusement was the tiny upward tick of his lips.
They made it with barely a minute to spare. Internally Nyx apologized to the poor secretary that had tried to stop them and they had practically bowled over.
Meeting room 1-1 was decked out in all blacks and greys and golds with a large table dominating the room. At its farthest end Cor, the King and the Lord Shield were already waiting for them. The latter two looked surprised at their entrance. The Lord Shield seemed to be ready to say something but a glance from Cor made him back down with a frown on his face.
“Your Majesty, Lord Shield,” Nyx greeted with a bow Libertus and Luche copied.
“Sir Ulric,” the King answered with a shallow nod. “I take it there's a reason for you and your companions to be here?”
At the deceptively mild tone in the King's voice Nyx very carefully did not show how nervous he was. Damn it, he had always imagined meeting his fiancée's family to be less nerve wrecking. Probably because he had always thought he would court another Galahkar and not a Lucian.
“Yes, your Majesty,” he said clearly.
Not really having the mind for pondering further what the King and the Lord Shield might be thinking, he stepped further into the room and Cor met him halfway. Conscious of the Lucian audience he did not lean in to greet his fiancée with a touch of their foreheads. Instead Nyx gave him a slightly crooked smile and pulled a small wooden jewel case out of the pouch at his hip. Within, neatly folded up, lay the necklace.
The moment he saw it a quiet wonderment sparked within Cor's eyes and left a warm glow of pride deep Nyx' chest. Carefully, he picked the necklace up and held it so everybody in the room could see it.
Out of the corner of his eyes he could see Libertus giving him a discreet thumbs up and Luche not so subtly gaping at it. Nyx nearly burst out laughing at the sight. He did not look directly at the King or his Shield in fear their reaction would make him loose his nerves. Which honestly was quite cowardly.
But even if he had wanted to look, he wouldn't have been able to. The moment he looked up from the necklace, Cor's eyes captured him. His gaze felt like a shower of warm summer rain on his skin.
As subtly as he could he cleared his throat and held his Gift of Acceptance out towards his fiancée.
“Yesterday you gave me a precious gift, one I readily accepted. You did so observing the traditions of my culture, though you don't know them, though they aren't your own. Cor of the Leonis line, yesterday you gifted me with the symbol of my Clan and I became part of your family. Today, under the watchful eyes of your family and mine, I give you my answer and with it will become part of my own family and my people, should you accept.”
To Nyx it felt like his mouth had been moving on its own, as if another person had taken over part of his body and he was just along for the ride. Had Libertus secretly asked for help from one of his ancestors? He better not have. Hunting-brother or not, this was something that he had to do without help from beyond the Gate.
It was only because Nyx was staring so intently at his fiancée's face that he noticed his eyebrow tick up minutely in astonishment. Had he forgotten to mention that? No, no he was pretty sure he had explained that part.
For a long second there was silence and Nyx had to bite his tongue as to not embarrass himself by blurting out more words than he already had. It was Cor's decision to make and Cor's alone. Should he not accept the whole engagement would be called off without either party loosing face, which was the only way to do so in this situation, if he thought about it.
Damn, why hadn't he thought to talk to Cor in more detail about these things?
Calloused fingers brushed along his own and shot warmth up his arm like lightning as they took the necklace from his hand. Curiosity clear on his face now, Cor examined the Gift of Acceptance and Nyx forced himself not to fidget while he did so. The gift was only accepted should Cor wear it. He was perfectly within his right to judge his worth by examining his craftsmanship.
He wondered again if Cor knew what the engraved wing meant, as his attention rested on it for the longest out of all other components. His fiancée fiddled with the slip knots used to adjust the length of the necklace and without further ado slipped it over his head. Just like that.
The causal action took his breath away.
“This is very fine craftsmanship and it's an honour to wear it. Thank you,” Cor said.
Don't blush, don't you dare blush now, Nyx internally admonished himself as the weight of Cor's gaze settled on him again like a blanket. He couldn't help the wide smile, though.
It was a heady feeling, seeing his fiancée – also his family now! - wear his gift. It made him giddy and warm from the inside, like he was carrying a sun in his chest. Nyx felt like he was glowing just as brightly.
“Your family and mine as witness, the gift has been accepted,” he managed to say before he forgot.
He would be excused if he did, he thought has he traced how the necklace rested just over his fiancée's collar bones with his eyes.
A pointed cough made him tear his eyes away and come face to face with the King. The man's expression cycled from astonishment to surprise to amusement, back so astonishment and something warm Nyx could not quite place. Next to him his Shield looked like he had been hit by a lightning bolt. All wide eyes and slack jaw. It was nearly comical to see the normally so composed man like that.
“Please explain to me what I just witnessed, Marshall,” the King said with a placid smile that made the fine hairs on Nyx' neck stand on end.
With an uncharacteristic nervous shift Cor turned to fully face the King and simultaneously took half a step closer to Nyx.  They did not quite touch, but to feel the other's body heat was a reassurance all on its own.
“I got engaged,” Cor stated like it explained everything.
Nyx felt his forehead slump against his fiancée's shoulder and bit his lip not to laugh out loud. Libertus' exasperated groan was joined by another one he did not recognize.
A sigh.
“Cor,” said the King and it sounded like exasperation, indulgence and fondness all rolled into one. “What did you do?”
A minute tremor went through Cor's shoulders and Nyx realized that he, too had to keep from laughing out loud.
He lifted his head and stepped up so he stood next to Cor. “Your Majesty, Ser Leonis proposed to me yesterday. As per the tradition of my people, I had to give him my Gift of Acceptance in front of members of his family,” he explained in an attempt to help.
The King tilted his head, eyes curious and considering. “I gather there must not be a blood connection to be considered family.”
“No, your Majesty. It's the people you trust the most on a hunt, those you would follow through life and death and never abandon you through any hardship.”
The King nodded and his eyes fell on the necklace. “This is very good craftsmanship, indeed. Would you perchance be amendable to give me the name of the person who fashioned this piece?”
Nyx blinked and something like indignation flashed through Luche's eyes. Which, fair. That question bordered very close to rude. He raised a questioning eyebrow in the blond's direction, who nodded, surprised.
“I crafted this necklace, your Majesty, as is tradition. A Gift of Acceptance must always be handcrafted. If Majesty is interested in our jewellery, the Lazarus Clan would be the best to contact. Being jewellers has been their traditional occupation since the founding of Galahd,” Nyx hurried to say to soothe some ruffled feathers.
“My most sincere compliments then, Sir Ulric,” the King said with a small smile and then turned to Luche. “Sir Lazarus, I would like to contact a jeweller of your Clan for a commission, if possible.”
Luche's eyebrows nearly vanished into his hairline. “We do take commissions. I will talk to one of my cousins, your Majesty.”
“My thanks,” the King said. “Now. I do not want to keep you gentlemen from your posts, lest you get into trouble with Captain Drautos. Cor, please stay for a moment.”
That was very clearly not a request. Nyx bowed and turned to Cor.  His fiancée gave him a tiny smile, barely an upturn of the corners of his mouth.
“I'll call you after your shift is finished,” Cor murmured.
He leaned in and their foreheads and noses touched. Nyx closed his eyes and savoured the feeling, their breaths mingling gently. For a few moments the world fell away and he basked in the warmth the closeness gave him. Calloused fingers tangled with his own and he forced himself to step away.
“All right,” he smiled, and, with a gentle squeeze of his fingers as a silent good-bye, followed Libertus and Luche out of the meeting room.
None of them spoke until they had left the Citadel.
“A necklace, Ulric, really? And with your own Clan beads? No wonder you asked me to come,” Luche commented with an air of exasperation he normally reserved for Tredd. “And you let him?” he inquired towards Libertus.
His hunting-brother scowled, then shrugged in a what-can-you-do way. “He's an Ulric. They either jump right in head first or not at all.”
“This Ulric is right here and listening. You and everybody else saw what he gifted me. There was no other possible way for me to answer,” Nyx defended himself with a huff.
“That pelt was very impressive,” Luche conceded.
Nyx nodded, pacified. The pelt was very impressive, indeed. At the moment it had a place of honour being draped over his armchair.
“You'll need to officially announce this soon and the both of you need to be seen together during the next storytelling, or the traditionalists are going to have a fit,” Libertus warned as they stepped into the Headquarters of the Kingsglaive.
“I know. I'll talk to Cor about it. We'll also need to speak to Oirkar Arra to register his name as a Clan name.”
“You are really going to introduce him to our culture?” Luche wanted to know.
“It may not have happened often before now, but it did happen. You know how the Furia became a Clan, right?” Nyx asked back.
The blond gave him a look. Of course he knew about it. The Lazarus were allied with the Furia, after all. It would be insulting, if he didn't.
“It might be kind of fun to see how Leonis will deal with it,” Libertus interrupted their stare-down.
Nyx snorted. He wouldn't say fun exactly, but interesting certainly. Wait, did Cor even want to be involved that much? Both Libertus and Luche turned around as Nyx stopped short in the hallway.
“Hey, you alright there, Nyx? Quit dreaming about your other half or we'll be late!” his hunting-brother called, a quiet worry in his eyes.
“I'm coming,” he shot back and shook his head.
This was something he could think about later.
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I’m on one hell of a self indulgent writing kick
So here’s my 2am ramble hc for how My Faves would show affection to an s/o that Does Not Want To Be Touched
The ‘grumpy-old-man’ persona that Papa ii embodies has been know to causes difficulties or him when it comes to showing affection. Deep, emotional conversations aren’t really his forte, and neither are grand romantic gestures. Most of the ways people show affection feel pretty unnatural to him. The one thing that’s always come easy to him around people he really cares about though are petnames. When he cares about someone he addresses them in a way that emphasizes his desire to protect them. He’ll call his s/o baby, or darling, to show them that he wants them to feel that he can provide for them. He also gives a lot of compliments to his s/o to remind them of the reasons he loves them. When physical affection isn’t an option, the next best option for him is verbal affection, and he’s very good at it.
Papa iii is a big fan of giving his s/o gifts. To him gifts are a tangible demonstration of his feelings. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant (literally the only non extravagant thing about him really), just a small thing that made him think of his s/o, or something he thinks his s/o would enjoy. Sometimes he’s just like “Hey I found this cool rock and i wanted you to see it too.” If Papa iii’s s/o doesn’t want to be touched, he’ll show them affection by showing them all the wonderful things he sees that remind him of them.
Copia shows affection to his s/o by trying make life easier for them. Simple things like picking up the slack on one chore they don’t like doing, or reminding them of an appointment they have later is how he shows his s/o that hes listening to them and that he cares about them.
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dawne-sharlotte · 6 years
Expect the Unexpected Pt. 3
@igcorweek The fluff has taken hold and won’t let go. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FEELS!
Rating: G
Words: 1221
Tagging: @asoeiki @violinbetty
Cor doesn’t remember the last time he was this nervous. Maybe when he started his military career. This is just a casual dinner, but Nyx’s words keep floating around in his head, muddling his thoughts. Does he want this to be a date? Does Ignis expect that? He sighs while he pours himself a drink and waits for Ignis. The younger didn’t want him to come to the campus. He takes a drink and the doorbell rings. He sets the glass on the tray and answers the door. Any doubts he has about the night fade into nothingness.
Ignis stands in the doorway wearing a emerald green button up shirt, black skinny jeans, and black leather jacket. His hands fist in the pockets of his jacket, hoping he is making a good impression. Those thoughts quickly dissipate at he takes in the older’s appearance. Dark grey slacks and blazer paired with a blue shirt that matches his eyes. Ignis tries to swallow despite the dry throat. His small crush, well, it isn’t so small. He wants this man in front of him….badly. And judging by the look in Cor’s eyes, he wants Ignis too.
Cor clears his throat, “Come in and I’ll grab my keys.” He side eyes Ignis as he walk through the door. His outfit pairs nicely with his eyes and hair, which he’s styled up tonight. Cor much prefers it down. Ignis has also chosen contacts over glasses for the night and Cor is a bit speechless. He regains his wits, grabs his keys and ushers Ignis to the car.
The drive is silent, both lost in their own thoughts and expectations of how this is going to go. Igis tries to bury the desire to end the night in Cor’s bed. After all, he still doesn’t know what Cor’s motivations are and he just jumped into this without contemplating anything. He always thinks things through to their logical conclusion. Just once, he wants to leap without looking. He wants to act his age. He wants to be impulsive. Hopefully, this won’t end badly for him.
Cor glances at Ignis’ profile while he watches the passing scenery. The green-eyed man is always quiet and it usually takes a while to draw him out. Tonight doesn’t seem to be any different. On the one hand, Cor is glad Ignis doesn’t need to fill the silence with idle chatter, but on the other, he loves listening to his accent. Ignis could read a textbook and Cor would happily listen to it.
He pulls up to the restaurant and mentally curses Nyx. It’s really his fault for letting Nyx pick anything. Cor specifically told him not to pick anything fancy and of course the moron picks the hottest restaurant in Insomnia. Yep, come Monday, Nyx will be in the unemployment line. He hands the keys to the young man to valet park his car and ushers Ignis inside.
The hostess shows them to their table immediately.
A private table.
Cor is now mentally plotting ways to kill Nyx and make it look like an accident. This is supposed to be casual. He watches Ignis take in everything around him and gives the older a soft smile. Cor relaxes a little. Perhaps he can still salvage this non date.
“I’m surprised you picked this place. The wait list is six months long.”
“I let my assistant pick. He tends toward the extravagant sometimes. I hope you like it.”
Ignis nods, “I’ve heard many great things about the chef here.” This place has been on his list to try since he started cooking lessons. Everyone raves about the food here and he it excites him to have the experience.
“Ah yes, the food connoisseur. What is your favorite type of food? What are you looking forward to trying?”
Ignis’ eyes sparkle as he laughs, “We are here to talk about you tonight. You have to answer your own questions.”
The waiter interrupts them with the wine selection and appetizer selections.
Cor defers to Ignis’ decisions. After all, he seems to know what he’s talking about.
Once the wine is poured and the food orders are in, Ignis plunges forward. He apparently has a list of questions that Cor has managed to sidestep.
“Okay, okay. Both my parents died when I was young. I was taken in by a family friend, got decent grades in school. I decided to skip university and joined the military. I was pretty good there. Met Nyx and haven’t been able to shake him since. The software and tech startups were his idea, but i had the business sense. I joke about firing him, but he’s really the brains behind the operation. He just doesn’t want to do the work or take any credit. Everyone just thinks he’s my assistant and he finds it funny.”
Ignis laughs, “That was succinct.”
Cor just shrugs and the waiter brings their food, “I told you there wasn’t much.”
“So what? You just come into a college cafe and decide to shower a struggling barista with enough funds to choke a chocobo?” Ignis asks as he delves into the pasta in front of him.
Cor chews on his lower lip. Based on what he knows about the man in front of him, he isn’t going to like what Cor tells him. However, he isn’t one for lying. Avoiding, sure. Lying, absolutely not. “Actually, I already knew about you. Some friends of yours made you a profile on a site that I frequent. I met them in person and they explained why they were basically leading me on. I figured I’d come this far, I could see it to the end. Whether you said yes or no to my proposal, it would be your choice.”
Ignis quietly puts his eating utensils down, “I specifically told them I didn’t want to do that and they did it anyway.” He is doing his best not to bolt in embarrassment. “Why go along with the whims of two college kids you don’t even know?”
“Ignis, look at me. There’s no reason for you to feel bad about any of this. It was organic for you and that was the point. I helped you because I wanted to. I want to be the one that takes care of you.”
Green eyes meet blue as Cor continues.
“Plus, once Noctis gets an idea in his head, it’s sometimes easier just to go with it. He was stubborn as a child and I see that hasn’t changed.”
“You know Noctis?”
Cor nods, “He clearly didn’t remember me, but I do a lot of business with Regis.”
“What happens now?” Ignis’ eyes find his way their to his lap again.
“Whatever you want. If you want to think about it, you can. If you want to end this right now, you can. If you want to continue in the way we have, you can. If you want to change the terms, we can negotiate.” Cor stretches his arm across the table, palm up, “If you want to try something else, I have a feeling we are on the same page.”
Ignis looks up at the movement and slowly puts his hand in Cor’s, a blush coloring his face, “I think we are on the same page, too.
They finish dinner with hands entwined.
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iggys-sous-chef · 6 years
There’s Something About You(r Love)
I am so behind, but here is my contribution to Ignyx week! I will finish these prompts, I promise, real life has just been in the way of my creative process lately.  Sorry for the late post @ignyxweek
Title: There’s Something About You(r Love) Pairing: Ignis x Nyx Chapter 1 of 7 Word Count: 2623 Rating: Went ahead and slapped on Mature, will most likely jump by the final chapter Warnings: None this chapter.
For ease of reading you can also check it out on my AO3
Ignis hurried from his car, holding his satchel against his hip as he jogged toward the building. Class had already started thirty minutes ago and he couldn’t believe that he, Ignis Scientia - the man who would probably show up early to his own fucking funeral - was late. He’d already missed warm ups, and he huffed as he took the steps two at a time to reach the glass double doors.
He had been eyeing his watch as the conference carried on. It was supposed to have ended at five, giving him enough time to change and get a cup of coffee before driving across the city to find a decent parking spot at the Lucian Artist League, and make it to the studio and get set up before class began at six.
As the meeting droned on, Ignis formulated a plan. At 5:15 it was skip coffee; at 5:30 it was screw the scenic spot and pay to park in the nearby garage ; at 5:45 Ignis was doing all he could to not tear his hair out.
This class was important to him. He’d heard the lectures from his uncle before. He'd heard every variant of art not being a real profession when he initially admitted it was what he wanted to do for a living. “Why do you think they're called starving artists?” he'd been asked time and again in mockery. Ignis believed that maybe if he just followed the path set before him that he could at least take some classes to hone his skill, make some friends.
Yet twice a week he was still met with disdain when he parted to head for the League. Both his Uncle and Lucis Caelum Enterprises claimed his Monday through Friday; the president's son, who now had a seat at the board of directors table, kept him busy beyond his scheduled hours. All he wanted was six hours a week. Two three-hour long classes. He didn't think he was asking for much, which was exactly why he didn't let the usual hang ups stopped him from enjoying his time at the studio.
But he'd also never been late before and he was still in his attire from work perfectly pressed slacks and a crisp button-down hugged his frame and place of his usual 2 large T-shirt and paint spotted jeans. He simply didn't have the time to day and if he ruined one outfit and the name of something he loved then so be it.
The door was locked when he arrived, so he knocked and waited. If his timing was correct, they should only be halfway into the first twenty minute set. He idly tapped the toe of his foot as he waited, wondering if maybe he should have just gone home. Being late was awkward and he felt like he was only causing undue trouble. However, when the door opened, he was met with a soft smile from one of the instructors.
“I was worried when I didn’t see you at the beginning of class,” she commented as she ushered him inside.
“My apologies, Gentiana, work ran late this evening.”
She nodded gently in understanding. “When the next set begins do a few sketches to warm up first.”
Ignis grabbed an easel and took up a vacant spot with a sigh, passing on a hello or two to his familiar classmates. The small bell they used to signal sessions and breaks rang and Ignis abandoned setting up his palette in favor of his sketchbook and pencils.
Of course, it was only as he looked up that he noticed they had two models today. In addition to Crowe, who he had grown accustomed to seeing every week, stood a man with his hip cocked to the side, head tilted. His eyes raked over his sun kissed skin and back up, noting the toned nature of his muscles, the minimalist tattoos, the scar on his chest, how his hair was combed back, braids adorning the sides, and gods when did a five o’clock shadow ever look that good?
Slate blue eyes slid over to him and Ignis froze, feeling his face warm. His lips curled upward a bit and Ignis quickly looked away to his blank page. His heart was pounding and he couldn't make heads or tails of it. It wasn’t as if this was the first male model in class, but there was something about him that just… left him speechless. He grabbed his pencil and began to sketch the basic pose, not letting himself focus too much on the details.Then he did quick sketches of different parts of him, focusing on the curve of his bicep, or the flex of his calf, or the delicate bend of his toes.
When the bell rang again both he and Crowe put their robes back on, huddling together to talk. “Nyx!” she had exclaimed in a hushed voice before Crowe grinned over at him as the man whispered something to her and Ignis found himself feeling warm again as he tore his attention away to finish setting up his paints. The bell rang again and the models moved back to the center, disrobing. Ignis swallowed as the man took a chair and sat facing him, leaning back against it, legs parted, the right one stretched out comfortably, the toes of his left foot hooked around the leg of the chair.
Ignis couldn’t help but feel like it was some sort of challenge aimed directly at him. He loaded his brush, not one to back down, and began to paint. Nyx watched the latecomer, who he’d learned from Crowe was named Ignis. He was an intense guy, eyes as deep and green as a forest glanced between the easel and his body. Nyx wanted to mess with him, good naturedly of course, but found himself fascinated by his attention. The blush was gone from his cheeks now as he worked diligently, and if Nyx concentrated he could make out his brush strokes amidst all the others.  
When he’d lost the bet with Crowe and had to join her for class, he thought it was going to be some dreadfully boring experience. Nyx was comfortable in his own skin, but he hadn’t anticipated the way his heart pounded as he got undressed behind the partition and draped the robe over his body. He hadn’t been prepared for the stares or feeling his his breath get stuck in his throat as he walked out with her and introduced himself. But after sitting through the warm up exercises he had relaxed considerably. With Ignis’ arrival though, there was just something about him that he couldn’t pinpoint. He looked out of place all fancied up - and it was easy to imagine the top buttons done up and a tie around his neck - whereas everyone else was casual and comfortable.
When the bell rang again, Ignis sat back and set his brush down, taking the picture from his easel as Gentiana came around to collect and set it to dry. Nyx couldn’t help but look at it, and to say he was in awe was a bit of an understatement.  In just twenty minutes Ignis had painted him so… beautifully, and Nyx did not feel egotistical at all admitting that to himself, because right then it was less about him as a subject and more about Ignis’ skill. He decided then that there was definitely more to him under that suit and perfectly coiffed hair.
The evening continued on in twenty minute increments, breaking in between for a quick stretch. The last two sessions were done in the same pose to allow the students more time to focus on their work, and Nyx found himself eager to see what Ignis would do, only to find himself a bit disappointed that he had chosen Crowe for his final piece that evening. He and Crowe went and got dressed behind the partition while the students cleaned up, their chatter rising in the once stillness of the room - compliments and critiques flowing like gentle water over river rocks.
“You should talk to him,” Crowe suggested quietly as she pulled her jeans up.
“Don’t know what you're talking about,” he replied just as cooly as he sat to pull on his shoes.
“Um… Ignis, the guy you asked me about and have been making eyes at all night.”
“Excuse you, I have not been making eyes at him. What does that even mean?”
She snickered. “That you were trying to picture him just as naked as you were…”
Nyx looked up to her, his expression flat. “You have quite the imagination you know.”
She scrunched her nose up. “Just go say hi and introduce yourself at least. Then you can thank me for cheating at that game and getting you to come with me tonight.”
His mouth fell open. “I knew it, you bitch,” he whispered through a smile.
She blew him a kiss. “You know you love me.”
“I dunno… I’m starting to have doubts.”
She tossed her jacket over her shoulder and shrugged before walking off with a wave and a reminder. “It’ll be your loss.”
Nyx stared down at the shirt in his hands before sighing and pulling it on over his head. He stood and finished buttoning up his jeans before grabbing his jacket and heading out from behind the partition. Crowe was already talking with some of the artists, looking at their work.  He spotted Ignis talking with Gentiana and it looked to be a rather private conversation as they were away from the other students. So he counted it as a loss and walked out. Besides, there was always the second class that week for another shot.
As luck would have it, Nyx didn’t need the second class. He’d ventured down the street to this little cafe that served one of his favorite desserts and had some of the best coffee this side of Insomnia. He could use a little pick me up and after ordering, settled in at a little table near the window. The fairy lights overhead twinkled and Nyx pulled out his phone while he waited. He had a message from Crowe already, asking why he bolted. And then if he’d had success talking to Ignis, sent with a winking emoji. He was about to ask her what she meant when the overhead bell chimed and who else walked in but Ignis himself.
Nyx watched him walk up to the counter, order, and pay. While he was standing there Nyx’s name was called and he strolled up, tucking his phone away with a grin. He grabbed his coffee and the tart he’d ordered and then flashed a dazzling smile Ignis’ way. He smiled politely in return, before doing a double take, eyes widening.
Ignis hadn’t been expecting to run into him here of all places - or ever again really. So when he glimpsed that smiling face he didn’t think anything of it, but that gentle curl of his lips is what grabbed his attention. How many times had he drawn that smirk? His heart and his voice stuttered. “It’s you.”
Nyx grinned. “Yeah, what a coincidence running into you here.”
Ignis blushed, or maybe it was because of the dim lighting that Nyx thought he did. “Yes… I usually stop here on my way in to class, but my time was cut rather short today. The coffee here is superb.”
“I think so, too.” Nyx scratched at the side of his neck. “Hey, this may be weird of me to ask, but you wanna join me?”
Being this close to him, seeing more of the detail of his face, how much softer it looked in the ambient lighting, Ignis couldn’t help but be drawn in. “Sure, I’d like that.”
Nyx gestured with a nod of his head as he took his order and Ignis followed him over to the table. “So, Nyx was it? My name is Ignis, it’s nice to meet you… you know, now that I’ve seen you naked.” He smiled a little as he glanced to him and then averted his gaze.
“Nice to meet you, too. Your work is really nice. I was a bit amazed at how quickly you can get all those details down.”
Ignis smiled a little. “Lots of practice. This is my third year at the League. I enjoy it quite a lot.”
“With your get up I didn’t quite picture you as an artist,” Nyx commented off hand as he unrolled his fork from the napkin and prepared to cut into the pastry.
“Oh… I do it for fun, it keeps me sane when the nine to five gets a little … suffocating.”
Nyx supposed he could understand, but then again he ran a bar with one of his childhood friends and so it felt more like play than work - not to say it didn’t have its moments of being downright exhausting. “What is your nine to five? Are you a lawyer or something?”
“Or something. Officially I’m an accountant, unofficially I’m also a secretary, errand boy, and baby sitter,” Ignis replied with a soft chuckle.
Nyx pulled a face. “Sounds tough, buddy.”
Ignis loved his work, when it wasn’t consuming his life. And the president’s son had become one of his better friends, yet he was still quite demanding. “You’ve no idea.” His name was called then and Ignis stood, excusing himself to retrieve his coffee and the slice of apple pie he had ordered.
Nyx let his gaze shamelessly follow him, thinking that suit had to be tailored to his body because it was criminal how it hugged his frame. He smiled as Ignis returned and they sat in companionable silence as they ate, offering up a sample bite of each other’s treats. As the food slowly disappeared Ignis began to look a bit nervous. He probably thought he was hiding it well, but Nyx was pretty keen on reading other people. Crowe called it creepy. But he thought it was a useful talent to have. It was the subtle actions really, the finger gliding along the fork, the slow way he scraped bits of crumbs into the pie or tapped the side of his cup before lifting it to his lips.
“Hey Nyx-” he began at the same time he sighed and said “Out with it Ignis.”
They both stared at each other in silence for a moment before Nyx softly laughed. “Go ahead, Ignis, what’s up?”
Taking a deep breath, Ignis steeled himself. “Would you model for me? Privately, that is.”
Nyx’s eyes widened; he hadn’t been expecting that question. “Come again?”
Ignis deflated a little. “Because of my schedule I only attend the night classes. We have a project due at the end of the month and I need a subject. I know we’ve only met, and I know nothing of your personal schedule, but I will pay you to make up for any loss of income,” he offered.
Nyx thought for sure when he offered to pay that Ignis was either very kind or very desperate - or perhaps a bit of both. He looked down into his empty cup and then back to him, and those intense eyes of his pinched in hope. Part of him was drawn to this man, had been ever since he saw him walk into class, and for whatever reason fate or coincidence had deemed for them to meet again. Perhaps it was just for this moment to happen.
He pursed in lips in mock thought, drawing out the moment and the look in Ignis’ eyes. He sighed and offered up another smile. “Buy me another coffee and you’ve got a deal.”
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blazefire-engine · 7 years
The Ever Regal Regalia
Based (loosely) on a side quest given by Cindy in Chapter 2 of FFXV.
AN: For fun, I suggest listening to Cindy’s theme while reading this.  I swear it’ll be worth it.  
The sun started to set as the Prince and his retinue made their way back to Hammerhead.  Sweaty, dirty, and exhausted from their journey on foot to retrieve the car wax, they were met with an unusual site in front of the garage.  The scene caused Gladio’s voice to rumble deeply, the tone making Noctis almost shiver.  “Well, I’ll be.  And I thought the desert couldn’t get any hotter.”
With a low, wolf whistle, Prompto picked up his slacked jaw and fished out his camera.  This was just too good to pass up.  It had Ignis fiddling with his glasses, cleaning the lenses with the fabric of his shirt and putting them on once more as if he thought he witnessed a mirage.  While Noctis pulled at the neck of his shirt, which suddenly began to feel too tight.  As the four males watched the scene between the two females, it seemed that time had slowed down.
Her golden skin exposed in all its glory, Cindy had rid her yellow, cropped jacket and clad in a red bikini top.  She giggled with a water hose in hand.  Her thumb pressed at the hose’s opening and the water sprayed all over the place, including the stoic Glaive.  Lightning, who ditched her Glaive coat, settled on only her sleeveless turtleneck that clung tightly to her skin.  With pale and milky skin uncovered, her toned arms rose as she feebly tried to shield herself from the spray.  Her face contorted in amusement and a chuckle escaped her lips.
At a flick of her wrist, Lightning summoned a watera, which resulted in a drenched female mechanic.  Cindy countered by releasing her thumb from the hose’s opening, subjecting the Glaive to the full force of a water jet.  Soaked to the bone and pieces of pink hair flat on her face, Lightning’s leather outfit clung to her every curve more than before.  She laughed refreshingly, a sound the Prince had not heard in a long time.  
“Looks like we got an audience.”  Cindy grinned and waved her hand.  “Hey there, Prince!”
“And what are you two lovely ladies doing?” Gladio swooped in, garnering attention from the mechanic.
“Givin’ the ole girl a wash.”  Cindy replied, donning on her jacket as she felt a chilly, evening breeze.  “Poor thing ain’t as shiny as she is with all the dust lyin’ around.”  
“Hey.” Lightning greeted, running her fingers through wet hair, combing it up and away from her face.  The action left Noctis frozen as he witnessed a different side of Lightning, who always kept a part of her face covered due to her hair’s natural style.  
“H-hey.” He said back with a sheepish hand rubbing the back of his neck and looked away.  Without hair framing her face, the color of her pale blue eyes were more intense than usual.  “You’ve been busy.”  He nodded towards the Regalia.  Everything from the windows to wheels were spick and span, except for the front.  
“Mm, yeah.” She replied and walked forward, bending to pick up the bucket of soapy water, in which the Prince coughed and looked away again.  Her bodysuit was not helping with his situation.  He could only watch as she dipped a rag in the bucket and proceeded to wipe the Regalia’s windshield.  As she bent once more, he saw Prompto’s flushed face behind her, both eyes and mouth wide open.  
“So, you found that car wax?” Lightning grunted a bit as she stretched to wipe the upper portion of the windshield.  Noctis watched her toned arm, the muscles working beautifully, and his eyes travelled to her form, back arching as he stammered. “Y-yeah.  The daemons were a bit troublesome.”
She raised an eyebrow.  “You sure you’re not injured or anything?  You look stiff.”  As she finished washing the front, she proceeded to the hood of the car, bending almost at a 90-degree which made her arched back more noticeable.  He swallowed, throat feeling as bone dry as the desert.  “Just tired.  It was a bit far on foot.”
“You rely on the Regalia too much.”  She scoffed, a bit amused.  “I’m sure Gladio enjoyed the small detour.”  
“Prompto wouldn’t stop complaining.”
“I’m sure.”  Lightning replied as she rinsed the hood with the water hose.  Cindy happily bounced to her side, holding a red bucket of the car wax they found and wanting to service the Regalia immediately.  Popping the hood open, the two females gathered close and inspected the engine and parts underneath.  
Prompto and Gladio stood next to Noctis as they watched the women work.  “Man, am I dreaming?” The blonde cameraman sighed blissfully, while the King’s Shield countered, “Oh, I hope I’m not.”
“There’s just something hot about women and cars.”  Prompto continued in a somewhat euphoric state.  
“Said women are drenched as well.”  Ignis suddenly appeared behind them and Noctis spun around to  look at him in horror.  His advisor never made quips about these kinds of topics.
Gladio whistled lowly and teased.  “Iggy likes what he sees.”
“I think we all do.”  He replied in a murmur, adjusting his glasses as if to get a better look.  “There’s no harm in spectating.”
“I can’t believe this.”  Noctis nearly groaned as his friends created an awkward situation that was borderline voyeuristic.  With nothing else to say, he continued to watch the two females, mainly his Glaive.  She tucked a damp string of hair behind the ear and bent down on the hood, her strong arms flexing as they supported her weight.  His stomach flipped at the realization she was damn attractive, and she wasn’t even doing it on purpose.
Pursing her lips, she did something with Cindy’s instructions and he was almost in awe with how every muscle in her body was dedicated to the task.  He was entranced with how she licked her lips and bit on her bottom lip.  “Uh-oh.”  Gladio sang at his side, voice still in teasing mode.  “Lover boy’s got it bad.”  He ignored his Shield’s jibes as he was totally transfixed on Lightning.
The spell was broken as Cindy slammed the hood shut, slapping her palms together which was a sign that her work was done.  “Now that I’ve slapped some of this wax in your car, y’all be glidin’ down the road and saving gas too.”   
“I greatly and deeply appreciate your work, ladies.”  Ignis came by and inspected the Regalia, shiny, sleek, and beautiful.  “She is looking as regal as ever.”
“We’re really grateful, Cindy.”  Gladio thanked and went to inspect the newly cleaned car, while Prompto began to take pictures.  
“Thanks a lot.”  Noctis said genuinely, lightly squeezing her shoulder.  
“It was my pleasure, Prince.  Lightnin’s been a huge help.  I have half a mind to hire her.  But I figure, you wouldn’t have liked that.”  The belle of the body shop gave him a cheeky smile and when she winked, Eos help him, she just knew.  “Glad you enjoyed the show.  If she were a car, she’d be a pretty damn fine one.”
He groaned once more.  “Not you, too.”
She giggled.  Her eyes travelled to Lightning, who was currently rubbing a towel in her hair.  “The look you had is like when Paw-paw sees a mighty, fine car.”
“She’s not a car.”
“That she ain’t, but I know love when I see it.”  She winked once more and stretched an arm above her head.  “Hey, Light!” She called out.  “Wanna grab some grub?”
Laying the towel around her neck, Lightning gave her a small smile.  “Sure.  I’m hungry.”  As Cindy nearly skipped to the Glaive’s side, she wrapped an arm around Lightning’s and made their way to Takka’s Pit Stop.  But halfway there, Lightning turned around and looked Noctis in the eye.  “You coming?”
His body moved before his mind could think and his mouth could speak.  It was then Noctis realized, he could never say no to anything she asked.
AN: This got so out of context.  But I needed a car wash scene.  I also needed Light and Cindy being BFFs because they’re goals (and nosebleeds).  And I needed the boys gawking at them because those two are just damn sexy.  
And shout out to @loveiscosmicsin.  If you are looking for another car wash Lightis, here’s the AO3 link.  This popped up way back and I remembered reading it and it’s super lovely~
For Lightning’s Glaive garb, I imagine it’s a mix between her Lightning Returns’ outfit (Equilibrium) and Crowe’s in Kingsglaive.  It would be more like Crowe’s except that she’s wearing her sleeveless turtleneck inside and a crimson cape behind her. (But if it’s a formal event/super cold, she’ll wear the black frock coat like Nyx’s).  There’s also this one too (link) made by a fan, which is pretty awesome and yummy and I can totally see her wearing this.
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Make Me Fall
DISCLAIMER: While this may have Good Omens vibes, this is not a Good Omens AU. It just has a simular feel because I’m writing a GO secret santa gift. 
This piece will have a follow up and it will be a part of Foyersign
Cecil looks up from the papers on his desk when there’s a soft knock on the door. He picks up his glass of wine and leaves his office. He moves to the entrance hallway and looks out the peephole. A man dressed in a white button down and cream colored slacks stands on the porch, completely drenched from the rain. 
No...It can’t be...They wouldn’t. Would they? Cecil unlocks the door and smirks at his visitor. “Don’t tell me they made you come all this way in the pouring rain.” 
The man in white crosses his arms and Cecil catches a golden shimmer around him. It lasted only a second but it was long enough for Cecil to notice. That confirmed Cecil’s suspicions. The shorter man narrows his eyes in annoyance at the demon in front of him. 
“No. They didn’t send me.” The angel is clearly trying his best to stay calm. “I came on my own.” 
Cecil looks him over and takes a long slow sip of his wine. “Are you sure you want to come in Little Feather? Trust to be alone with me?”
“I have a name.” The angel snaps. “It’s not Little Feather.”
“Hm.” Cecil turns on his heel and starts back inside before stopping and looking back. “Are you coming?”
“You...want me too?”
“You are more than welcome to stand in the rain all night but you did come all this way. I figure I’ll hear you out. Though I hope you make that choice soon. I only have half a bottle left and the house tends to be rather drafty.” Cecil starts to walk again. “My office is just down the hall.” He stops just outside the door of the office and gives the angel a wink. “Don’t keep me waiting.”
Cecil sits back down at the desk, glass in hand. He leans back and crosses his legs, smiling against the glass as he hears the door shut. He summons another glass and fills it, offering it as the angel enters his office. 
The angel takes the glass and looks at it skeptically. The sight makes Cecil chuckle.
“It’s just wine. Merlot to be exact. It isn’t drugged. I don’t have a habit of drugging angels. Even if they do interrupt my work.” Cecil picks up his own glass and takes a long drink. “Why don’t we start with your name?”
The angel looks up from the wine. “Nyx. And I know you are Caecus. One of Lilith’s most favored generals.”
Cecil waves his hand. “Caecus is my formal name. You can call me Cecil.”  He sits the glass down and folds his hands, leaning forward. “What can I do for you Nyx?” 
“I…” Nyx shifts and then downs the wine in one long drink.
Cecil raises an eyebrow in amusement. “Do I make you nervous?”
“I need your help.” Nyx blurts, sitting down the empty glass. 
Cecil tilts his head. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“I…” Nyx takes a deep breath. “I need your help. Please. I- I’m begging you. I’ll do anything but ple-please help me.” He stands and rounds the desk.
Cecil scoots the chair back in a failed attempt to put distance between them. “Nyx…”
“Please…” Nyx kneels on the chair, grasping Cecil’s shoulders. “I’ve been studying you for a while. I know that I’m your type. And I know that it’s been a while since you’ve bedded anyone.”
“Nyx.” Cecil says softly, his voice tight. He had to admit that the angel was attractive and with him being so close made it so hard not to take him here and now. He was ready and willing and yet… “Nyx stop.”
"You're a Demon of Lust. I know you want me." Nyx rolls his body against Cecil's. 
Cecil grips the arms of the chair and feels his eyes flicker black. "Nyx. Stop. Slow down." He puts a shaking hand on Nyx's hip. "Tell me what you need help with."
Nyx reluctantly stops his writhing. "I've…" He looks down. "Maybe...maybe I should show you instead…"
Nyx slowly stands, turning around. He unbutton his shirt and lets it fall to the floor. Cecil watches with slight confusion. Nyx takes a deep breath and unfurls his wings. 
Angels are known for their beautiful wings. Large, elegant and pure as the driven snow. Nyx's were completely mangled. As if they were attacked by a bear. Cecil felt his own wings, folded and tucked out of sight, shift uncomfortably.
"Who did this to you?"
Nyx turns back around. "One of my higher ups…" He looks up into Cecil's face. "I want you to help me get the strength to fight back."
Cecil studies Nyx's face. "You-"
"Please. I have nowhere else to go."
"Nyx you know that if you do this there is no going back."
"I know. I know but I don't care."
"You could end up Fallen."
"If I do, then I will give you my unwavering loyalty."
"That's...a big promise."
"I'm desperate."
"How do you know I won't kill you?"
"If you wanted me dead you would have killed me already." Nyx carefully sits on Cecil's lap, straddling the demon. 
Cecil puts his hands on Nyx's hips. "Do you want me?"
"Do you want me?" Cecil asks again. "I'm not going any further until I get your explicit consent." 
"You...want to help me?"
"I do. But you're avoiding the question."
Nyx ducks his head in embarressment and Cecil catches a light blush. 
"I do." Nyx whispers. "I have but-"
Cecil tips the angel's chin up. "But?"
"I'm not used to being asked if I want something." Nyx makes himself look up at Cecil's dark eyes. "I just do as I'm told."
Cecil hums softly. "You want control. Don't you?"
"It would be nice, yes." Nyx admits. 
Cecil leans close to Nyx's face, fingers still under his chin. "So take it."
Time seemed to freeze for a long minute as Nyx stares at him with wide eyes. He searches Cecil's face as if expecting this to be a trick. When nothing happened, Nyx lets out a slow breath. He loops his arms around Cecil's neck and kisses him. It's nervous and clumsy but a first step. Once the angel seemed to get his feet under him so to speak, the kiss becomes more steady. He fists the dark purple vest Cecil was wearing over a black dress shirt. Shakey hands fumble over the buttons until it's open and Cecil shrugs it off. 
Cecil chuckles softly at his enthusiasm as Nyx breaks the kiss and goes for the shirt. His fingers were shaking to much to work open the buttons so he grasps and pulls it open, sending the buttons flying. Nyx looks up into Cecil's face, opening his mouth to apologize. Cecil just grins. 
"There you go." 
"I'm sorry. I-"
Cecil kisses him to silence him. "Don't worry about it. Its an easy fix. Keep going." 
"Are you sure?"
"You're adorable." Cecil chuckles and shrugs the shirt off, tossing both the shirt and the vest to the side. "You won't believe the number of clothes I've accidently set on fire."
Nyx nods a little, clearly not listening as his eyes study the winding tattoos spanning across Cecil's torso. He trails his fingertips down one, smiling when Cecil shudders. "Do these mean anything?"
"They do. But it's a long story so perhaps another time?"
"Of course." Nyx nods, leaning down to kiss Cecil's neck as he works his hands down Cecil's torso. He then runs blunt nails down the demon's back, fingers catching on feathers he couldn't see but knew were there. He feels Cecil shudder and make a choked whimpering sound. Nyx sits up instantly. "Bad?"
"Sensitive." Cecil corrects. "Always have been. Not...bad."
Cecil brings Nyx's hand up and nips his fingertips. "I promise."
Nyx nods and takes a deep breath. He then reaches for Cecil's belt. He looks up, almost as if asking for permission. 
"It's alright. I don't bite." Cecil quirks a smile. "Unless you ask me to."
Nyx can't help the small smile in return. "Maybe next time?" He asks tentatively. 
"Next time?"
"M sorry. It just...slipped out-"
"I wouldn't mind a next time." Cecil runs his manicured nails down Nyx's spine, making the mangled wings flutter and shake a few feathers loose. He raises an eyebrow when Nyx arcs his back in response. He decides to file that away for later. He then jolts in surprise when a cold hand wraps around his dick. "Unholy fuck." 
"Sorry...angels are always cold…"
"S alright. Just caught off guard is all." He kisses Nyx's jaw. "Not bad. But surprising."
Nyx offers a small smile and gives an experimental pump, closing his eyes. He lets Cecil's deep moan wash over him. No wonder lust was a sin. 
"Nyx. Nyx." Cecil pants out after a few minutes, grasping Nyx's wrist. "Slow down."
Nyx stops. "Sorry…"
"It's not bad. I promise. I just don't want to shoot off so quick. I'm a bit off my game. Like you said, it's been a while."
Nyx ducks his head in embarrassment again but Cecil tips his chin you. "You are in control here. Are you ready to take that next step?"
Nyx searched Cecil's face again. Is this a trick? "I...think so."
"May I?" Cecil asks, running his fingers along the top of Nyx's pants. 
Cecil makes quick work of the slacks, nearly ripping them in the process. He braces his hands on the angel's hips as Nyx pulls himself up, putting himself at nearly Cecil's height. He then reaches down and starts to line himself up. 
"W-wait. You don't want prep-"
It was Nyx's turn to laugh. "You haven't bedded an angel before have you?"
"No? They tend to avoid me being a demon and all."
"Well…" Nyx slowly sinks down and his eyes flutter as he moans softly. "We're self lubricating." He smirks. 
Cecil manages to squeak out an "Oh I see." Before Nyx starts to roll his hips, fucking himself on Cecil's dick. He grips Cecil's shoulders and lifts himself nearly completely off before sinking back down and rolling his hips again. 
Cecil is shocked by how loud the soft spoken angel was, his volume nearly matching Cecil's own. Cecil watches Nyx's face as they move together. His head was tipped back to expose his neck. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted enough to let short breathes and moans slip past. Cecil leans forward to bite the crook of Nyx's neck, sucking a deep mark into the pale skin and running his tongue over the spot to soothe it. That made Nyx's hips jerk faster and his moans climb in pitch. Cecil finds he likes how this angel moans. Sweet and ready to be absolutely ruined. 
Nyx abandons any rhythm he may have had as his thrusts became sparatic and irregular.
"Are you going to cum on me Little Feather?" Cecil asks against Nyx's ear. "Mark me as your own? Show the world you topped a big bad Demon of Lust-" He gasps and tips his head back as his orgasm hits out of nowhere. He feels his wings shoot out, huge and black as the void. 
Nyx cums a moment later, shimmering semen coating both of their stomachs. "-and he came first." He smirks before slumping forward with a content smile. He feels his wings start to heal themselves and could tell without looking that the feathers were beginning to bleed black. He had Fallen and he found he really didn't care.
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creative-frequency · 7 years
Bad for Me Ch. 13: Boys’ Night Out
Word count: 1606 Pairings: Nyx x OC (Eve Leonis)
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The day arrived as bright and sunny in Insomnia. Nyx didn’t rush with leaving the comfort of his bedsheets. He and Eve had arrived to the capital the day before, and they were to report to the captain in the morning. Their car ride home had been mostly filled with dictating their reports to each other, depending on which one of them was driving. Eve had been grumpy about Nyx’s lax attitude towards the report making, as he had been trying to just get over with it soon so they could have discussed something more interesting.
Nyx lay calmly on the bed, because he knew that after a several days of out on a mission, Drautos would cut them some slack. Nyx browsed his cellphone while sleepily thinking whether Eve had already reported in. He was already unexplainably anxious to see her, and they had parted less than a day ago.
“Uh, better get up before its noon,” Nyx said aloud, groaning.
After clothes, coffee and small breakfast on the go, Nyx arrived at the Kingsglaive headquarters. He made his way to the captain’s office hoping that he could just leave his report on his desk and scoot.
For once he was lucky. He just missed Drautos, who stormed away, not even looking at his general direction. Nyx dumped the report sheet on the desk and went off to find Libertus first in order to let him know that he was back.
“Hey Nyx! How’d it go?” Libertus greeted him. They bumped fists, both grinning.
“Business as usual,” Nyx replied and searched the area around them with his vision, “Hey listen, have you seen Leonis around today?” He tried to sound as casual as possible despite his restless heart, but the forced tone made Libertus only more suspicious.
“Yeah sure, I think she went to the shooting range,” Libertus said lifting his brows in a questioning manner.
“Thanks, there’s something I need to–“ Nyx turned, about to leave.
“Seriously? This feels like a déjà-vu,” Libertus said slightly annoyed, making him stop.
“Sorry man,” Nyx spread his arms in showing that nothing could be done about it, “I’ll catch you later!”
“You owe me an explanation! And a drink!” Libertus yelled after him. Nyx’s odd behavior made a knowing smile tug at his corners. “He’s in deep,” he muttered by himself and shook his head.
Nyx walked over to the shooting range, frantically thinking about what to say.
‘Did you report in yet? Nah, of course she did. She was here before me. Did you sleep well? Well who wouldn’t in their own bed after a night in a tent.’ The area was undeniably approaching as his heart beat was picking up. ‘How are your injuries? Okay that’s a good one.’ He fitted a casual smile on his face as best as he could while ignoring his loudly thumping heart.
Nyx opened the door and looked around to find a glimpse of the familiar dark blonde hair. There was noise from only one gun being fired and the creaking of the moving practice targets. Seemed like they were alone and it only made Nyx more nervous.
‘Oh, by Shiva’s tasty sideboob, calm down man. It’s the same Eve as for the last few days in the car with you.’
He began walking over to Eve, who had ear protectors on her head and thus couldn’t hear his footsteps. She was concentrated on the targets, holding a mid-sized pistol with both of her hands. Nyx approached slowly, trying to make sure he wouldn’t startle her. It gave him conveniently time to take in her figure.
Eve’s hair was on a long ponytail, almost reaching her waist. A straight, focused expression was coated on her features. She blinked quickly every time she fired the gun. The tight Kingsglaive uniform hugged her curves and Nyx admired the sight with a yearning exhale. He was still amazed to think that that form had been once his to explore and appreciate.
“Hello? Eos to Ulric?” Eve was hooting, “Did you need something?”
Nyx cleared his throat and averted his eyes back up to Eve’s face. She frowned upon seeing the motion. ‘Did he come here just to stare at my butt?’
“Uh,” was all Nyx could say and mentally face-palm. ‘Nice! That’s a real conversation opener.’
“Are you okay?” Eve asked and laid the gun on the counter.
“Are you?” Nyx said and Eve looked at him suspicious, “I mean how your injuries are?”
“Ah, they are fine. I’m almost healed. The captain told me to take it slow for a few days,” she said.
“Okay, that’s good,” Nyx said and managed to pull a smile.
“No, that’s too bad actually,” Eve flashed a grin in response which made Nyx’s heart jump, “I was waiting for that sparring match with you, hero.”
“I’ll make a reservation for you then.”
Eve didn’t say anything, but smiled enigmatically.
“You do that, Nyx.” Eve laid her hand on his chest for a second, before turning back to the shooting range.
‘Would anyone notice if I backed her against the wall and–‘
“Okay, well I’ll leave you to it then,” Nyx said collecting his thoughts, “Bye.”
“Uh, sure. Bye,” Eve said taking a glance after him and biting her lip.
Libertus closed his apartment’s door behind them and went straight to the fridge. Nyx flopped on to the small couch.
”Did you know she used to guard the crown prince?” Nyx said continuing their ongoing conversation.
“What? Really?” Libertus asked surprised from the kitchen.
“Yup, she told me about that when we were driving home. It was a real hush-hush arrangement. Apparently even the prince didn’t know about it at first,” Nyx explained.
“Huh, but when? She must be younger than us.” Libertus opened a couple of beers and passed one to his friend. Then he grabbed the remote and opened the television.
“At school.” They clinked the bottles in cheers and drank.
“You’re joking,” Libertus said lifting the bottle from his lips and slumped on the armchair.
“Nope, she guarded the prince at school while she was still in training,” Nyx said staring at the screen.
“So that’s why she didn’t train at the HQ,” Libertus said looking at him.
“From what I gathered, the prince found out about it at some point.”
“Then what?”
Nyx shrugged. “Nothing, I guess. She kept the job at least.”
“Huh…” Libertus mumbled, deep in thought.
“Do you think they, uh, you know, became friends or something? I mean, shouldn’t she have been kicked out for blowing her cover?” Nyx asked and frowned, thinking: ‘or something else than friends?’ He had seen the crown prince and was pretty sure that he had no shortage of ladies with those looks.
“Like what? The prince told the king not to fire her? Nah,” Libertus shifted into a more comfortable position, “Being the Commander’s kid must have some benefits.”
“I guess you’re right,” Nyx commented and turned his attention back to the television.
“Why didn’t you just ask her if it bothers you?” Libertus spread his arms in confusion.
“It doesn’t bother me.”
“Oh right, of course it doesn’t. My bad,” he grinned. Nyx sighed forcefully.
“Okay it bothers me. Happy now?” he said.
“I’ll be happy when you remove your head from your ass and start doing something for the sake of your happiness,” Libertus scoffed.
Nyx didn’t have time to answer when his cellphone beeped, dragging his attention away from the conversation.
“It’s Crowe,” he said and opened the text, “She is asking us to the club… She is with Eve.”
“Well, why haven’t you gone already then?” Libertus was joking, but Nyx didn’t catch that.
“I don’t think I should,” Nyx said slowly and put his phone away.
“Can’t say I don’t agree. I mean, considering what happened the last time,” Libertus said.
The last time was the one reason why Nyx honestly wanted to go.
“Nyx…” Libertus sighed noticing his thoughtful expression, “I’ll ask one more time: What happened in Duscae?”
“Nothing. Nothing happened in Duscae, Libertus,” he replied.
“Okay, that’s good cause you don’t want to get caught in that shitstorm.”
“What do you mean?” Nyx turned to look at Libertus in bemusement.
“Really, Nyx? You are both glaives. You know what the return rate from the front lines is. And on top of that, her old man is the commander of the Crownsguard,” Libertus said.
‘He is right. For us to be together, one of us would have to quit. And I couldn’t do it, or ask her to do that.’
“Yeah I know that, Libertus,” Nyx said quietly.
There was moment of silence between the two men while bottles were emptied and the television cast its blue hue in the room. Nyx’s phone beeped again.
“It’s Crowe agai–“ Nyx’s jaw dropped seeing the contents of the message. Crowe had sent him a photo of Eve. Her blue, skin tight dress was glimmering in competition with her laughing smile under the colorful lights of the nightclub. She looked stunning. On the image was written:
“It’s not like we are short on male attention!”
It was just like Crowe to pull something like this on Nyx, but it made him wonder in anxiety what Eve had told her about the past events.
“What is it? Show me,” Libertus reached to take the phone from Nyx. He looked at the photo in confusion. Seconds passed. “Does Crowe know?” he asked raising his eyebrows and returned the phone.
“I don’t think so, but I think I need to go find out just in case,” Nyx smirked.
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