#comic book shows ily
ectonurites · 4 months
hehe <- just bought a lot of comic books
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triglycercule · 3 months
i think the creators in the undertale multiverse is SUCH a creative concept and even though it's fourth wall breaking it's so amazing that it deserves to break the fourth wall
everytime other medias and games or stories break the fourth wall it's either taken unseriously (like pinkie pie from mlp or family guy cutaways) or people shit on it for being out of place and just a deus ex machina or something (hi3 i will NEVER hate you for including the players in the final arc) but the undertale multiverse completely subverts that. actually the entire MULTIVERSE is BASED on the concept that people are willing to make media and art and writing and that is what keeps these ocs and worlds and creations going and alive
the utmv isn't even a real thing. like it's not a fandom that spawned from a book or a movie or a show or game or comic. ok well it technically is but the undertale fandom and the undertale AUs fandon are two different things i think. like undertale aus ofc came from undertale but that's a whole seperate branch of things and sometimes those aus have NOTHING to do with undertale (looking at you dreamtale. and others.)
but the fact that a whole seperate branch of a fandom was created just because people wanted to expand on one tiny game and had so much love for it that it spawned this clusterfuck of a fandom is just so amazing to me. i don't think any other fandom has THIS extensive of a multiverse with aus where the people holding the pencils and typing words are so heavily engrained into the lore (ink and error i will forever love you for being aware of creators I AM AWARE OF YOU TOO!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!)
in other fandoms there's a strict canon for medias but in the utmv a lot of aus are just a brief concept and maybe some charactization and that's it (dusttale ily 4 this. dusttale is peak fiction). and if you like the concept enough you can make another concept based on it. and if someone else likes your au enough they might make another au based on it or write headcanons for it. and it's so cool that this fandom is kinda self sustaining in a way. undertale's probably never gonna get another update or game and even though deltarune has its connections its a completely seperate thing. but somehow the fandom is alive and still pumping out tons of amazing content
and the fact that we control all of these character's actions is so daunting but also so cool. like these characters do these things because we basically script them to do. we as creators are the ones drawing the angst or writing the shit posts. if a character is self aware of the creators that's just because we MADE them aware. so are they really aware or are we just pretending that we are. if a character is powerful that's just because we made them powerful. if a character hates the creators we made them hate us. if a character destroys aus we make them do that. but they don't actually feel that way or do those things, that's just what we tell them to do and i think that's really cool
ive yapped a lot about this topic (i still have so much more to say) but i'll hold it back and just talk about one last thing and that's headcanons and interpretations. I LOVE PEOPLE'S INDIVIDUAL INTERPRETATIONS!!! I LOVE PEOPLE'S HEADCANONS FOR CHARACTERS!!! i love seeing how other people think the mtt (or other characters but i am a murder time trio fanatic) would interact or how they would act. i love seeing people's dumb comics of them bickering or making out (errrmmmmm) because it's all different. all these people came up with their own ideas and thoughts on how to expand these relatively basic concepts and it's all different because everyone's different and gone through different things <333
all in all i love you undertale multiverse. this fandom is one of the most unique i've ever had the joy of being in and i hope it never dies out (if it dies out what will happen to all of the amazing creations and worlds and people we've made 😕😕😕 ink will be sad. so pls don't die utmv)
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tellmyah · 4 months
I always see dbf!Abby but never dbf?reader🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️🏃🏽‍♀️‍➡️maybe? Idk
༉‧₊˚. — this is so genius??? thank you anon ily
it all starts when you notice a middle-aged man with dirty blonde hair outside of the house across the street from yours, a look of disappointment on his face. he has many potted plants, maybe too many, and over half of them are dying. you stroll over to his front yard and he wastes no time in expressing his frustration to you, a total stranger who had just moved here with your family a few weeks ago.
“i just don’t get it. i water them every single day. it’s not like they aren’t getting enough sunlight, right?”
you hum in acknowledgment, and he steps aside to allow you to take a look for yourself. it’s almost comical how quickly you notice the cause of his problem.
“it has nothing to do with the amount of sunlight or water they’re getting, actually. look at the soil of the ones that are dying.” you kneel down to feel the soil of one droopy plant in particular– a bunch of faded red petunias– and gather some soil between your fingers. “dry as a desert.”
you spend the rest of your day helping jerry replace the soil in the effected pots over some pleasant small talk, in which he confides in you that ever since his wife passed away, he’s been struggling to upkeep her impressive garden. the hard work is done by the time the sun sets, and he invites you in to wash your hands and have a glass of water.
that’s the very first time you get to meet abby.
she’s about your age, standing at nearly six feet tall. even in her sweatpants and baggy t-shirt, you can tell that she’s made of pure muscle. initially, when she walks down the stairs and sees a random girl in her kitchen, having a conversation with her father about invasive plant species in seattle, she’s puzzled, but she recognizes you fairly quickly.
she remembers watching from her bedroom window while you helped your mom to drag a couch in through the front door. she remembers going outside to check the mailbox and seeing you, sitting on your porch, feet propped up on the short wooden fence with a book in your hands. she could never seem to take her eyes off of you any chance she got to see you, so, when she sees you standing in her home, she completely freezes. luckily for her, jerry rushes to introduce the two of you.
“i didn’t even know you were home, sweetie! abby, this is y/n. y/n, this is abby, my daughter.”
“hey,” she extends a hand, “i’m abby.”
you smile as you reach for her hand and shake it. “bet you can’t guess what my name is.”
abby’s nose scrunches up as she realizes her mistake, completely aware that she isn’t thinking straight. she can’t be too embarrassed, though. not with the way your eyes scan her from head to toe like a predator sizing up its prey. “cut me some slack, i haven’t had my coffee yet. anyways, why are you both covered in dirt?”
the night ends with jerry scolding abby for making coffee so late, and thanking you for all of your help before sending you home with a homemade chocolate chip muffin.
since then, jerry shows up at your door when he needs help or simply has a question about gardening, and you never hesitate to help him. he’s a respectable man who just wants to honor his wife’s memory, to keep something of hers alive even if it isn’t her.
within a few months, his garden is looking lively and vibrant and noticeably healthy. after a few more months, he’s able to do everything you’ve taught him on his own, but you still come visit a few times a week to see how it’s going.
each and every time, abby finds some excuse to talk to you. you aren’t blind to it, but you certainly aren’t opposed to it. she’ll compliment your hair, your outfit, thank you for helping her dad with something so important to him, and anything else she can say to get you to stick around longer.
it isn’t much longer until jerry invites you to a barbecue in his backyard. an hour into it, he’s standing with a few of his friends around the grill, some neighborhood kids are playing with water guns in the yard, and you can’t help but notice his daughter’s absence.
you excuse yourself to the restroom in the middle of a gossip session with a few older ladies from around the block. however, the first thing you do when you step inside is beeline up the stairs and toward abby’s room.
of course, you knock first, and hear a muffled “come in” from the other side of the door. you enter, and see abby sitting on her bed with her laptop open, clearly drowning in her college work. her messy blonde hair is in a low bun, and her body is engulfed by a sweatshirt that is at least two sizes too big for her. she glances up, notices it’s you, and immediately straightens her slouched posture. “oh. y/n, uh… hey. you look nice. like, really nice.”
“nice enough to make you come join the party?”
“not that nice. i’m dying over here.” she vaguely gestures to her laptop.
“you’re pretty for a dead girl.” you hum, walking over to sit next to her and take a look at the laptop. there’s a concoction of mathematical problems plastered on the screen from top to bottom. your eyes hurt just looking at it. “oh, abby, you poor thing. all i can do is pray for you.”
“why do i need to know what a logarithm function is? and since when is there limits to infinity? i thought the whole point of infinity is that it’s limitless.”
you decide to cut her off before she can get any more worked up than she already is. “what’s your major?”
“pathology. which, mind you, has nothing to do with logarithm functions.”
you huff out a laugh. “pathology… what’s that? something medical, right?”
“yeah, pretty much just the study of diseases.”
“that’s hot.“
abby stares at you blankly, and you stare right back. clearly, you have her full attention now. “why do you always do shit like that?”
“like what?”
“like, you know… ‘that’s hot,’ shit like that.” she says, trying her luck at a very bad impression of you. “calling me pretty. staring at me.”
“because i think you’re pretty, and i like staring at you.” you answer simply. “why? want me to stop?”
“i didn’t say that.”
you smile, eyes studying her flustered face, the pout on her parted lips and the reddening blush across her cheeks.
just as she thinks you’re finally going to make a move, you stand up from your spot on her bed and begin heading toward the door. “well, it’s always nice talking to you, abby, but i gotta get back to the party before linda thinks i abandoned her.”
“what– who’s linda?” she tilts her head.
“the lady from down the street. you know, the one with the blue eyeshadow and smoker’s cough.”
abby scoffs at the description. “oh, right. linda. do you really have to go?”
you lean against the doorframe and cross your arms. “i don’t know. what would happen if i stayed?”
this questions seems to leave abby at a loss for words. is there even a right answer? she could be reading too far into this, and end up looking like a creep if she spoke her mind– but then again, she could be missing out on a golden opportunity if she doesn’t. she’s wanted you for as long as she’s known you, that’s completely true, but saying it out loud is something different.
after a long few moments of silence, you stand upright once more and reach for her doorknob. “thought so.”
with that, you shut her door and join the party downstairs once more, leaving abby alone with a million thoughts and feelings. she can’t focus on her work. she can’t focus on anything other than the way you smelled, sitting so close to her. how soft your skin looked, how she gets goosebumps just thinking about your voice.
once the party has died down and she’s done helping her dad clean up, she rushes back up to her room (and puts away all of the schoolwork she never got to), so that she can send you a simple message from her phone.
can you come over?
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cosmal · 1 year
cake — send me in a character and a prompt and i’ll write you a blurb!
eddie munson + ditzy!luna lovegood!reader asking him to be her first kiss?
kissing bugs
summary you bring eddie some kissing bugs.
content eddie munson x fem!lunalovegood!reader
note okay so indianapolis does have kissing bugs but I made everything else up lol. also luna lovegood reader is so fun ily harms.
There’s a knock at Eddie’s window. And before he even has time to get up, there’s a knock at the front door. He doesn’t put a shirt on, he has a feeling he knows who it is.
Opening the door, he’s delighted his suspicions were correct. You stand on his front step, a pair of tights and a rain coat that’s stuck into the waistband. You sport your favourite rain boots, yellow rubber caked in mud.
"Hello, Jesus," Eddie laughs and doesn't mean to. You take your boots off before he can ask you to and he's kind of surprised.
"Teddie," you pant, smiling so wide he worries for your cold cheeks. "You won't believe what I found."
Eddie has several suspicions, most of them are exciting though he leaves room for error. He lets you in through his door before your teeth start to clack or his nipples freeze off. He's regretting being so naked.
"What'd ya find, pretty?" he asks and doesn't miss your excited hum as you sit down at his kitchen table. You leave your coat on as rain drips from its plastic hem. He doesn't have it in him to mind, you look too excited and he can always mop it up later.
You pull a jar from the inside of your jacket, dry compared to the rest of you, and place it on the table. It's taped over the top. holes poked through the paper. "Look!''
Eddie gets closer and crouches down. Bugs. Of course, it's bugs. "Where'd you find them?" He reaches out to push your hair away from your eyes and wipes a smudge of mud from your cheek. He laughs to himself, you're a mess.
You're so excited, Eddie can't believe it. Actually, he can, but you've never been this elated over bugs before. Not even when you found those two swallowtail butterflies. Eddie, do you know how cool this is?
"Out behind Mr Nick's house," you tell him. There's a hint of sheepishness to your voice and Eddie knows why.
"Mr Nick's?" Eddie splutters. He has to sit down. "Y/N, that's on the other side of the forest. Did you bike all the way there, and back, in the rain?"
"Well, I saw them out there the other week but I ran out of time!" you tell him. You're exasperated suddenly and Eddie feels bad for tamping down your excitement. Though worrying for you comes like second nature to him now. "I had to go back, Eddie. They only come out before it rains."
"I would've driven you," he says and means it. Two hours for the last trip he took you on. Not for bugs, though he thinks he probably would, a special edition comic book in Indianapolis.
"It's okay," you smile. God, still smiling, Eddie thinks. "I've got them now."
Eddie picks up the jar to inspect them. There are only two. A thirty-minute round trip in the rain for two bugs. Eddie loves you. "What are they?"
You grin like you're happy he asked. "Kissing bugs," you tell him, knuckles rapping on the wood of the table. "They're kissing bugs, Eddie."
"Oh," he says. "Cool!"
You hold them up to the light proudly. "I know they're no spittlebugs, I still haven't found any of those. But these are supposed to be really lucky."
You place them back down and look Eddie in the eye. "Well, they're," you clear your throat, "they're supposed to bring love. You're supposed to give them to someone you want to kiss."
Eddie feels a bit dizzy for a moment. Who are you giving kissing bugs to? Who do you want to kiss? "Oh," he tries to act nonchalant. Stern face and slumped shoulder, spread legs. "Who are you gonna give them to?"
You bite down into your lip absentmindedly and slide the jar over to him. "Eddie, why do you think I'm here with a jar of bugs and not at home?"
"You always show me your bugs," Eddie says. He imagines you giving them to someone else and doesn't like the outcome. Last time you'd shown the group they'd all wrinkled their faces up. Except for Robin, for some reason. God, you're going to give them to Robin.
"Eddie, I'm giving them to you."
Oh. "Oh."
"Is that okay?" you double down.
One of the bugs flies against the wall of the jar and it cracks gently. Eddie blinks quickly. "Yeah, totally." He feels like an idiot. "Wait, you wanna kiss me?"
"Yeah," you giggle. Eddie feels it in his chest like a punch, quick and bruisable. "Please, Eddie."
"Wait, me?" What the fuck is he doing?
"Yeah," you nod, raincoat squeaking. "It'll be my first and I trust you. But only if you want to"
Eddie feels really lucky suddenly. A warmth creeps up his chest and swatches his cheeks. "Yeah," he says and can't believe he is. Not that he doesn't want to kiss you, because god, does he want to. He just never saw it happening this way. "Yeah, c'mon, sweetheart."
"Sweetheart," you say under your breath as he takes you by the hand. "Where're you taking me, Eddie?"
"The couch," he says. "Gotta make it comfortable for my pretty girl."
Eddie sits down and waits for you to take off your coat. You push yourself into his side and turn outwards so your knee rests over his. He takes your elbow and holds you close. "You okay?"
"Yeah." You nod.
"Yeah." You nod again
Eddie laughs and leans in. You lean in too, unthinkingly, like two opposite ends of a magnet. He tilts his head first and he swells when you close your eyes, waiting. He kisses you. It's quick and he leads, he doesn't expect much, and even if he did, he's too busy trying to make it feel okay for you. He's distracted by your soft lips and your breath up against his cheek for him to feel anything for himself selfishly. The soft hiccup he feels from the bottom of your throat when his tongue swipes your bottom lip has him pulling away before he does something reckless.
Your eyes open up, a crush of soft eyelashes that flutter as you focus back in. You're still so close Eddie feels like he could count them.
"Was that okay?" Eddie can't stop himself from asking.
You nod like you can't open your mouth again and Eddie likes it more than he should. He doesn't like how his stomach flips. "Yeah?"
You tuck yourself into his side and fold in on yourself, resting your head on his shoulder. "Thanks, Teddie," he hears you say.
"No," he says, trying to act unaffected, "no, it's no problem."
There's a silence that Eddie doesn't like. He thinks he's disappointed you. "Do you think we could do that again?"
Eddie freezes. "Yeah," he scrambles, "yeah, of course, we can."
"You're not gonna find me more bugs the next time you wanna kiss me, right?" he laughs and throws his arm over your shoulder. He's had you like this before, though this time it feels a lot different - better.
"I don't think so," you laugh.
"Good. You'll catch a cold."
You push your face into his neck and breathe in. "I think the kissing bugs would go extinct, anyways."
Eddie roars with boyish laughter. You're right, with the amount of time you spend kissing him after now, they would've gone extinct within a month.
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theemporium · 2 years
139 + steve harrington ❤️💫
Ily, hope you have an amazing day!! ♡
send in a prompt + name
139. “I bought a few pieces of lingerie. Want me to model for you?”
Steve Harrington loved nothing more than spoiling his girl. 
For so many years he had more money than he knew what to do with, and for so long he was left with no idea what to do with it. Yeah, he could invest it or save it. Maybe even do something more selfless and provide donations to charity. And those were things he did. 
But he used money for his own happiness too. 
And nothing made him happier than knowing he could spoil the people he cared about. Whether it was getting Dustin that new comic he had been raving about from the fancy comic book store out of town, or surprising Robin with her favourite takeaway when he knew she had worked a long shift and probably didn’t have any groceries in her fridge. 
Steve liked to use his money to make other people happier. 
But god, there was something addictive about you. 
Maybe it was the look on your face when he handed you another gift—that look that screamed ‘there was no need to do this but it makes me happy that you thought of me’—or maybe it was the way your face softened at how giddy he would get before you opened it. Or maybe it was because he really fucking loved you and it was the least he could do to show you how much he adored you. 
Some days Steve liked to just hand you his card, press a kiss on your cheek and let you have a day to just spoil yourself on his behalf on your days off from work—even if he was working himself. And he would be grinning to himself on the way home knowing he couldn’t wait to hear every single detail from you. 
Tonight was no different as he pulled into the driveway, grabbing his keys from the ignition as he headed inside the house, the smell of garlic bread and something else delicious attacking his senses the second he walked in through the door. 
“In here!”
Steve didn’t think anything was different as you settled the dinner plates on the table, flashed him a smile and pressed a greeting kiss against his lips before you both dug in. He loved to listen to you talk. Fuck, he just loved your voice and there wasn’t much the boy wouldn’t do to hear you keep going. 
“I did a little shopping spree too,” you told him innocently as you took another bite of your pasta. 
“Yeah? What did you get?” Steve asked with a smile, thinking you had probably went for those pair of jeans in the Levi’s store he knew you had been eyeing for the last few weeks. 
What Steve wasn’t expecting was for you to look him dead in the eyes, a wide grin on your face and say, “I bought a few pieces of lingerie. Want me to model for you?”
His fork clamoured against his plate as he stared at you with parted lips, everything in his brain coming to a screeching halt as his brain tried to process the words that just left your mouth.
But your grin only widened. “You know, I thought it was fitting I used your card since you ripped the last ones…” 
The plates had been left abandoned on the dinner table as Steve grabbed your hand, dragging you upstairs where the bags of shopping had been left at the end of his bed. He was practically bouncing in his seat as he watched you disappear into the bathroom minutes ago, his hands itching to be touching you the second the word ‘lingerie’ left your mouth.
The truth was that you never made it past the first set (a fact you knew deep down). 
You had walked out the bathroom, leaning against the doorway, scantily dressed in the dark red material and Steve was long gone. 
He dragged you to stand between his legs, his hands exploring the planes of your body as they ran over your stomach and down your sides, as they squeezed your ass and thighs appreciatively before he leaned forward to press a kiss just below your belly button.
You barely had the chance to blink before you found yourself straddling his face, the material of your panties pushed the side as his tongue lapped against your soaking cunt. 
“Shit, Steve,” you moaned out, hands gripping the headboard as your hips ground against his face, his nose nudging your swollen clit in a way that had your nails digging into the wood. “Just like that, baby.” 
Steve groaned against your cunt, arms wrapped around your thighs to pull you down further on his face before his hands were all over you again. Fingers skimming along his stomach before reaching up towards your tits, pulling the cups of your bra down until his hands could squeeze them in appreciation. 
“Fuck,” he grumbled as he watched you throw your head back, a string of curses leaving your lips as your body tensed under his touch. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to care about the sound of fabric ripping echoing through the room as you finally tipped over the edge, your boyfriend’s tongue wrapped around your clit as he chucked your ripped panties to the floor before guiding your hips against his face until you could finally breathe again. 
And the second you caught your breath, your face was buried in the pillows as he fucked you from behind, the other pieces of lingerie forgotten and kept hidden in your wardrobe before Steve could rip those too.
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hopemariposa · 6 months
reasons why you should watch Ducktales (2017):
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from a totally not mentally ill (/j) girl who has never ever obsessed over this show and has never ever seen it ten times over and has never ever had a bias towards this show :))) ily
the animation is lowkey a slay. I live for the faux comic book style. it scratches an itch in my brain.
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I love Louie. I love Louie so much. he is precious, a cinnamon roll, and if anything were to happen to him, I would unalive everyone in this room and then myself.
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the “found family” trope has been and always will be the best trope (imo). and this show has sooooo much of it and I literally cry over it (yes, I do cry over everything. back off)
launchpad mcquack.
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precious precious man.
the storyline is kind of……… wonderful???? like there’s a lot of mirroring of the past, wholesome moments, and just… fun??? (Disney please bring it back or do a spin off I beg you 🙏)
this is one of those Disney shows that’s weirdly… funny? watch s3:e2 “Quack Pack” if you don’t believe bc that episode is a bona fide RIOT
also, the “filler” episodes don’t necessarily feel like filler episodes. most have some relevance to the ongoing plot, and if they don’t the adventure is too fun for you to care anyways
for instance? my fav episode “Quack Pack” (as listed above) is a filler episode. but it is semi-plot-relevant, and comedic perfection. it also gave us this screenshot:
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need I say more?
yes. I won’t shut up about this show.
honestly, in a world full of tv shows that don’t give a crap about their integrity, Ducktales is a masterpiece. and I’m not just saying this because I wish more people would join the fandom. that’s a perk
once again I leave you with this:
me n the boys jamming out to the Ducktales theme song:
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star-dust-shark · 4 days
For the ask thing <3
Woah holy shit
1. ( a nickname of mine? ) Will, Pookie, Brother
2. ( an embarrassing story? ) I once showed a preppy girl a picture I drew of gay furries kissing when I was like nine
3. ( a turn on ) @crowwolf8
4. ( a turn off ) bad hygiene and jerk personality
5. ( something I look for in a partner ) kindness, a nice ass /j, funny and caring
6. ( about my best friend ) I have a few, but @lucasthedoofus-mushroomskulls is the coolest guy ever and he makes me rlly happy and @justagremlinoncaffeine is a cunt ( /j ur so cool ily /p )
7. ( about my worst enemy ) he’s toxic and mean and I hate him so so so much :3
8. ( about someone I think is cute ) hehe I love him :3 ( my bf )
9. ( about someone I think is smart ) smartest girl or maybe even person I’ve ever met, she’s nice and laughs at my jokes even when they’re bad :D I sit with her in French class
10. ( about someone I think is funny ) you laugh at his jokes and then question urself ( lucas, one of my besties I tagged )
11. ( about my crush ) he’s so sweet and so nice and so funny and cute and strong and erm yeah- I’m not a simp trust chat
12. ( about my parents ) I love them most of the time more so my dad I think my mom can be…
13. ( about my siblings ) my brother is annoying as fuck love him tho
14. ( something I like about my body ) nothing lol
15. ( something I dislike about my body ) everything
16. ( something I like about my personality ) I’m sorta funny I think
17. ( something I dislike about my personality ) most things but specifically irl I’m really mean haha
18. ( a quote I live by ) WE HAD A BONDING MOMENT!!! I CRADLED YOU IN MY ARMS!!
19. ( my favourite book ) ermmm probably any pjo novel or spvtw comic
20. ( my favourite movie ) any horror one or star wars one ( attack of the clones, a new hope, Alien, I know what you did last summer, a quiet place )
21. ( my favourite food ) I don’t like food much but maybe gummy sharks
22. ( my favourite drink ) MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER
23. ( a talent I have ) NONE 😭
24. ( an unusual talent I have ) I once armpit farted fifty times in a row 🎀
25. ( one of my favourite followers ) GYATT DAYUM UH- @iloveyapping @justalunaticfangirl @imarayoffuckingsunshine @imqueerandadeer and others
26. ( fictional character I relate to ) Will Solace and Tobias Eaton ( vent warning? )
27. ( my favourite book I read for school ) charlotte’s web
28. ( my favourite play ) idk I haven’t seen many
29. ( a childhood memory ) crying when I had to get off a ride at the fair
30. ( my best birthday ) I don’t really know actually maybe my twelth
31. ( an embarrassing secret ) I’m gay 🫣
32. ( a little known fact ) I’m homophobic
33. ( a time I made a mistake ) dating my ex like girl is a mistake in herself ( my bad chat but she was horrible to me )
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hammyham-o-o · 4 months
Can you show your 4 favorite fandoms?
hmmm lets see...
#1 is HAMITLON MUAHAHA (no surprises there)
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I'm gonna group amrev in with Hamilton too, bc even though they *are* two separate fandoms (if you can call amrev a fandom?) they're very much intertwined for me personally :3
I'm not really active in any other fandoms online, buuuut I also love:
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Also the whole osemanverse, really (all of Alice Oseman's books are *incredible*) (Charlie, Georgia, Pip, Francis, and Aled and my favourite beans and kindred spirits and I love them so much)
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I was OBSESSED with this series a while back... how long has it been now, six years? HOLY MOLY time flies 😂 Anyways even though I'm not as completely consumed by it anymore, Keeper of The Lost Cities is still making the list because it's JUST SO GOOD)
Also fun fact: the first fanfic I ever read was a KOTLC fanfic :3
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I've been a HUGE Harry Potter fan since FOREVER (Jk Rowling is horrid though, I do not support her), and I just recently discovered the Mauraders fandom and AHHHHHH
I haven't read All The Young Dudes yet (waiting till school gets a little less busy) but I'm HYPED 🔥
HONOURABLE MENTIONS because I can't just leave these two out:
Percy Jackson (I had a HUGE greek mythology phase) and A Series of Unfortunate Events (The world is quiet here ;))
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ap0stle · 4 months
WIP questionnaire tag game
THANK U FOR THE TAG @astramachina
umm the wip in question is TMNTDT aka Tell Me Not to Do This aka teenage mutant ninja turtle...dookie time
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
oough that was back in like... 2016? 2014? and i started with the first chapter right away which ended up being the fourth chapter and then became Nothing At All because i have wrecked this thang beyond recognition <3
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
definitely Burn a Church by Coma Cinema bc it's been in my mock-soundtrack playlist for years and fits the vibes really well :3 the playlist in question is kind of a mess and old as hell but i'll link that too just in case ^_^
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
curtis definitely, i think i get caught up on the details of everyone but he is the most wholly developed and also umm. very similar to me so i love him dearly. he is the worst.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
if you like weird indie movies about young mentally unwell people that may or may not be queer and/or on da spectrum... you will enjoy my garbage and such movies as I Am Not a Serial Killer, As You Are, Super Dark Times, etc. ALSO magnus archives fans maybe bc of the whole Mold Cult thing that is still under development
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
settling on a format was and is still my number one struggle lol. i have switched between a book, comic, videogame, screenplay, website... i have like 50000 drafts scattered across different websites and applications and if this thing ever comes to life i think i will actually fucking ascend
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
ssssssssssort of. there are a lot of dead animals. and fungi. and mold. there have been some minor pet ideas thrown around for the more. Safe Environment characters but for the time being no actual lovable creatures :/ maybe eventually!
How do your characters travel/get around?
Juno's car because mr. dumbass dumped his murder truck into a river ^_^
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
....yes. in all seriousness i have so many different versions in different POVs and tenses it's a toss up as to what i work on and if it will even make it to the next round of editing LOL
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
its not quite explicitly queer (in the latest version) but heavily HEAVILY implied and i feel like the stories that are sort of ambiguous about their queerness tend to draw more people in ?? or they're more popular anyway LOL. so trope: queerbaiting ????
deeply unwell man who has not slept properly in 600 years. the ladies love that shit
^ unreliable narrator ?
religious horror sort of?
bury your gays except. is he actually dead?? .....
What are your hopes for your WIP?
to settle on a fucking medium LMAO. i cannot for the life of me stick to one, or a point of view, OR a tense so um . makin a goddamn decision would probbaly make the writing process like 600 times easier
tagging UM. shaking my brain for writer mutuals ik ive tagged yall before but i cannot think rn so @hammity-hammer @aether-friskets @xxdrowninglessonsxx @deviantartidentitydisorder
anyway if anyone else wants do this just pretend u have been personally tagged ily THANK U AGAIN MITCH ♡♡♡
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zukkaart · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
Thank you @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma for the tag ily 😭 and I love talking about my faves so here we go 🤸 *long-ish post*
1. Sokka: A:tLA: Okayyyy so as someone who is Inuk she whole S/NWT meant so much to me as a kid and still means so much to me now but Sokka just hits on a different level because he’s the oldest sibling (as am I) and therefore charged with everyone else’s safety in one way or another. He also is the one who deals the killing blows bc the others can’t or won’t stomach it which I relate to hevily
2. Bolin: LoK: He reminds me of my husband what else can I say? They think he’s a pretty, strong, stupid, earthbender/ which to an extent- he is. But he’s just smart in different ways than others and genuinely has a heart of gold and just wants to give everyone endless love
3. River Song: Doctor who: we have the same hair so immediately yes. She also has one of the best and most heartbreaking arcs in cinema history and I will fight about it. She destroyed the universe to save her husband then said “I don’t do weddings” and honestly…I get it bc same
4. Castiel: Supernatural: MY SON DESERVED BETTER. He lost his home, his family, his faith, everything he had known for THOUSANDS of years because he fell in love with humanity Dean. He constantly tried his best and yes messed up but was always treated so harshly as if he didn’t have to LEARN how to have human morals and the only people he had to base off of was the boys who are in no way a good bar to measure that by
5. Amber: House of Anubis: oooh pretty ditzy blonde girl comic relief character- but she becomes one of the most fully fleshed out deep characters and ends up being the reason they solve most of the riddles and find the artifacts. She loves her shopping and texting but when the heat is up she always rises to the challenge and shows out. Queen of my heart
6. Flame Princess: Adventure Time: raised to be evil but falls in love and has to learn how not to harm people even though it 100% goes against her nature. And even after all that she is still treated like a villain by everyone but Finn basically. I have ASPD and I constantly feel like I also have to be something I’m not in order to not harm the people around me and the ones who let me be me are few and far between. She is me I am her
7. Sherlock: See above lol, he has ASPD (sociopathy) and so do I. Plus I’m studying to be a CSI. Seeing a character with my same illness shown in the real raw form and not like the “yeah they’re a sociopath but their character arc is learning how to be a good person!” Ew. They let him be cruel and clever and just authentically HIM. Of course he’s checked when necessary but ultimately no one ever tells him he needs to be fixed because of it bc they understand that part of him can’t be changed
8. House: kind if similar as above. I don’t super love the drugs but he takes no shit and dicks around because he knows he’s the best there is. Endless pranks, self destructive tendencies, smartest person you’ll ever meet, what more could you ask for? It’s also super awesome to watch a character/show that isn’t so focused on being “politically correct” that it forgets how to make good jokes.
9. Sejanus: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (book): People say Katniss is Lucy’s revenge but NO she’s Sejanus’ revenge, and so is Peeta. Sejanus was the one who hated the games, tried to actually help the tributes and districts and stop the games. He wanted revolution way back when Snow was a teenager and didn’t even live to see it. The only difference between him and Everlark is the fact that they had a whole rebellion ready to back them. He should have been alive to take the place of Coin/Snow and I stand by that.
10. J.B. Merlin: Bundle of Joy: this is so crazy niche if anyone knows it DM me immediately I’m begging you. An absolute icon this entire movie. The center of a comedy miscommunication trope. Has no idea what’s going on but refuses to let his son walk out on his baby (that’s not actually his but he thinks it is), immediately assumes the baby was named after him, then delivers the iconic line “I don’t care who the father is! I’M the grandfather” homie wanted a grandkid and didn’t care what he had to do to get one 😂 10/10 wholesome character
Now for tags. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already! And if you haven’t please participate if you so wish
@avatar-lorra @judebellinghamswifereal @momos-servants @chitsangenthusiast @dancergirl131 @zukosasukelovebot (I think you’ve been tagged already but ily 🤟) @picnicbitchsokka @your-royal-momoness @oldpotatoe @bisexuallsokka
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noritaro · 1 year
🍓🎂 and dream job but the emoji won't show up
get well soon nori ily!!!! <3 just recovered from a cold myself it suuuucks
being sick fucking suuucks like.... lemme breath in both my nostrils dawg
🍓 favorite food
soup and ice cream... although I'm probably just saying that cause thats what I wanna eat rn,,, ermm I like chicken and potatoes
🎂 when is your birthday?
May 28 :3
🩷 dream job?
Animation industry babyyyy- although comic book cover artist sounds epic swag
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sk1ttery · 1 year
I never did an intro to my blog so hi IG!
About Me
❤️ My name is Finch but I also go by Skittery. Or any other nicknames people have for me.
🧡 18+
💛 My pronouns are He/him but they/them is alright :))
💚 I’m Neurodivergent, Disabled, Trans and Queer and a huge fan of musical theatre.
💙 I’m Irish!
💜 Some of my interests include: Newsies, Foxes, Western/Cowboy media. Red Dead Redemption 2, Superheroes, Comics, the show 9-1-1, the show Mr Sunshine, and Books.
My Main Blog is @cowboy-finch
My Art Blog is @moon-piess
My AO3 is moon_pies_fics
My Tags
My Tags Finch talks - Answering Qs.
Finch writes - Pieces I’ve written.
Finch Rambles - Other posts.
My Lovely Mutuals
@specsbeloved My best friend and adopted sister. Creator of the Noobsies AU which I am utterly obsessed with. ILY /p
@thatoneandlonelyemo2005 Jake and Snaps <33 you’re wonderful and ILY /p
@if-i-hate-the-headline The camp AU that I NEED to get back to working in. <33
The Wallflower AU
This blog will mostly centre around my Newsies AU titled the ‘Wallflower AU’ or ‘Wallflowers’ I have some other blog’s dedicated to other interests of mine. But I’ll likely post and reblog other Newsies themed content.
If you are Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Ableist, (Any kind of bigot really), Proship, or you attack people over interests or unproblematic ships, please leave.
I’d appreciate if people could us tonetags where needed as I really struggle with tone sometimes.
All I ask if that you respect HCs, Ships and my AU. If you don’t agree, please don’t be rude about it. Agree to disagree, this is just for fun. I know most of you are very chill and supportive (I love you moots) but just wanted to say.
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sungbeam · 1 year
And I’m not sure if I would be a casual marvel fan or an actual marvel fan like I’ve watched nearly all the movies and I know most of the lore but I din’t really catch up with the comics and I’m basically only gated to the movies and series spinoffs 😭 I’ve been a lil slacking since covid but I’m trying to catch up with the wasp and now quantumania! (Hopefully I spelt that right) but yeah! I’ve been watching marvel since I was a little kid lolol so I’m always down every year to see the new marvel movie!
But yeahhhhh I feel like I was somewhat prepared to see GOTG3 just cause I saw the Rocket floor clip on youtube but damn it still didn’t prepare me to see how horrific,y they were treated 😭 Floor’s design freaked me out the most but she was still so sweetie and it just ARGH ☹️☹️
But yeah! MANIFESTING THAT TBZ COMES TO BOTH OF OUR CITIES THIS TOUR I SWEARRR 😭🙏 and hold awn, how were you able to write the Changmin fic on a PLANEEEEEE pla I’m always so embarrassed when I whip out my ipad to even watch a movie 😭 like phew you are wayyyy stronger than me JSUNFJGNE
Also, just a fun lil question, if you were to turn ANYYYYYY of your fics into a live action movie, which one would it be 😳 (could be published or a WIP 🤭)
- Love you 3000, 🌷 anon
SLFNKDNFKDJFJ HEY IF THEYRE STUCK IN MY HEAD, IMMA MAKE EM STUCK IN URS TOO 😁😁😁 PLS THE 2000S ROMCOM ALLEGATIONS ILY AHAHHA i just need to write more tension for that man like it's nearly impossible NOT to atp, and i found this thing on pinterest the other day
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okok i found the one hawkeye ronin scene from end game for reference, and im sure u can find the one scene on yt somewhere cuz it was FIRE
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LMAO I JUST REALIZED BUT NAT IN THE BACKGROUND LOOKS LIKE 🧍🏻‍♀️ AHHAHAHAHAH BUT essentially, i saw jacob in the roar mv and thought of this IMMEDIATELY !! omg no cuz i also wish them all the good health in the world, but i just have a morbid obsession w bloodied and bruised aus and whump tropes, like i wanted bruised knuckles and busted lips and split eyebrows y'know ??? and GODDDD THERES A REASON MAVERICK HAD ME BY THE NECK FOR SO LONG LIKE IT WAS THE FIRST TBZ TT THAT I WAS OBSESSED W it's like,,, my perfect concept like it was MADE TO APPEAL TO MY DERANGED AESTHETIC??? so yeah im ready to beat up sunwoo, chxngmxn, and jacob 🙏🏼
ahhh icic, i think i would have also been a casual watcher but my parents were so into it so my brother and i also, naturally, became hooked !! i also was not able to really read the comic books bc they cost money and there r just so many of them :')) but yeah, hope ur able to catch up !! it's taken me a bit to catch up too esp w college 😭🤧 but im getting there !! quantumania was prob my least favorite release so far of the recent mcu releases and that makes me SO SAD like JUSTICE FOR PAUL RUDD!!!!!
OMG FLOOR :(( TEEFS AND LYLLA ALL OF TJEM HAD ME SO SAD AND TERRIFIED AT RHE SAME TIME?? pls what animal was floor....... a goat?? a bunny?????? FLOOR'S MOUTH TOO LIKE WHAT'D THEY DO TO HER 😭😭😭😭😭 i didn't realize they completely gave lylla ROBOT ARMS EITHER LIKE I WAS PREPARED FOR A SEA OTTER NOT A CYBORG SEA OTTER skcneknfk okay but it's also like they're all kind of disabled but super cool and i loved teefs' little wheelchair?? even tho the high evolutionary def did some cruel fkn shit to them :')))))
AJAHHAHAHA im used to writing on my phone !! so writing on a plane's no problem for me as long as im not in writer's block yk 🤡🤡 im def worried abt my neighbors seeing the banners i make tho LMFAO
KSNFKSJDJDN TULIP I LOVE U MWAH 😚😚 I HAVE THOUGHT ABT THIS QUESTION SO MANY TIMES ??? and tbh i think if i had the time energy and resources, i would've gone into film for real bc i write so many of my fics in the view of like a movie rather than like a book, idk how to explain it skcnekkckf okok but hmmmm this one isn't tbz specifically, and idk if u stan txt or know them but
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this one is another superhero au and i've honestly REALLY thought abt turning the idea into a proper novel idea, or maybe a screenplay !! I've thought abt the music and cinematic scenes for a couple plot points, but it might be a little too similar to spiderman in some instances 😅😅 but it's essentially a txt choi line au where reader is the superhero, and i don't really wanna give away too much bc im very gatekeepy w ideas that i like A LOT haha but yeah skfnskfmkf
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SKFNKD I JUST REALIZED THIS IS ANOTHER SUPERHERO AU PLS 😭😭😭😭 BUT this is another one i think would be SICK as a tv show/movie, maybe it's cuz it's based off of like moon knight and ms marvel and shangchi and spiderman but i think that the quality and vibe of the storyline and characters would work so well as one?? and just the potential of lighting as symbolism in this is just TOO HIGH and osdjoenfk ugh i get so excited talking abt this
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THIS ONE. THIS. ONE. would work so well as like a show or movie???? i just envision it with like taylor swift's miss americana and the heartbreak prince and im in tears at how cool it would be akcnkenfkf just the vibe of that song is what that entire thing would be like, like imagine how the sky looks JUST after the sun has set, but the glow of light is still in the sky and making it this reddish kind of color— it's called half-light and just imagine that with like stadium lights and darkened school hallways and kscnkenfk it's a time travel au, so i think those r always so much fun to depict in media and yeah :')))((
i could literally talk abt this all day every day but i almost forgot to go to class so i will sign off here LOL o7
I LOVE U 3000 TULIP 🌷🫂💖
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tklpilled · 2 years
ty for the tag @cantsaythetword <3
fandom faves of the year !!
favourite new fandom: i guess bsd considering i've been hyperfixated since april LMAO but mp100 is also a vv good one!!
favourite new ships: skk, satosugu, and akiangel
favourite anime/tv show: chainsaw man !!
favourite movie: the only good ones i watched didn't come out this year so. none
favourite character: do Not make me choose i'll cry
favourite soundtrack: the csm soundtrack goes So hard
favourite book/manga/comic: TGCF OMG i havent even finished it (if anyone knows where i can read the whole thing translated i'll love you) but its so good
favourite game: i dont think i played any that came out this year!! been wanting to play legends arceus though
highlight of the year: i am forgetting literally Everything that happened this year. reigen sans queen of england was definitely a fun one though
community faves !!
favourite tumblr moment: goncharov was certainly a time
favourite fanart: this, this, this, this, and this are some :)
favourite fic: oh this one is. very hard .... but some that i find myself revisiting often are -if we're being honest by thequeenofwhump -now and forever (and before then, too) by radstarmuffin -difficult patient by stargazingly -birthday tickles for the child(e) by anonymous
favourite ask game: gonna be honest i remember absolutely zero of the ones i reblogged
top achievement as a creator: i hit 500 followers !! which is so cool ily guys
best fic of mine: in terms of impressions, on ao3 it was looking out for you and here it was kiss me hard before you go, which is wild because i wrote it last week, but if we're talking fic that im most proud of, im a fan of my akiangel drabble here
most underappreciated fic of mine: dandelion didn't do very well on ao3 </3
post that got more popularity than expected: that akiangel fic. what the hell
something on my blog i changed: my layout. numerous times.
next year !!
something i didn't do this year but would like to next year: commissions!! i plan on opening them soon :D
goals for next year: i feel like i didn't write much this year until these past few months, so writing more!!
2023 releases i'm looking forward to: botw2 definitely!! as well as the new seasons for bsd, jjk, tgcf, and sxf :)
spreading love !!
shoutout to people who made my year better: of course all of my friends and partners!! i love you all sm <3 and shoutout to those mutuals i don't regularly talk to but we're still chilling together
(too nervous to tag anyone so just go for it lmao)
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He knows Max would hit him over the head if she learned he was holding in all the feelings he was feeling in. He was half hoping it'd make her ghost appear so she could haunt him and tell him he was being stupid. He'd honestly take anything to see a flash of red zooming by. He wasn't dealing with it well, is the short and simple answer, not that Will was going to let anyone know that. There were others who were far more affected than he was namely Jane and Lucas. So he had to be there for them. He could basically feel the disapproving glare she was giving him for not grieving, but like what was he supposed to do. He couldn't take the attention away from those who really were far more affected than he ever was. So he keeps it all inside.
Its not until Will is truly alone, that he lets himself feel anything about it. He cries, and later when anyone asks he'll say he had a bad allergy attack or something. But he'll talk to her say he misses her, say he hates that it had to be her. She didn't deserve it. All the things the normal platitudes that you give to a person when you don't want them to be gone. But he just stays he starts sharing memories, and eventually he digs a little hole by her grave and in it places a book. Its a filled sketchbook that only Will's eyes would see. But Max would know every image in there, because he drew memories he had of her. From first meeting her in science class, to when she first showed him her kick flip, to anything Will could remember. He even drew her as how he thought she would look if she ever played DnD. He was better with drawing anyways.
He also apologizes, because he might as well really piss her off when she can't come at it. He apologizes for not being more sad in front of the others. He apologizes that he does all this in secret because he cannot take away from the real grief that they are feeling. Though he knows Max would have said his grief was real too, it wasn't as important would be his response and he knows that Max would be pissed at that response. But he says it to her grave anyways because he's getting it all out.
Like with most things he keeps it inside. He doesn't talk about it, he doesn't really outwardly show emotion about it more than is necessary because nothing he feels compares to that of Lucas or El, or really anyone else. After all they went into tunnels together while he wasn't really present. They knew Max better than he did. Every once in a while when he can't keep it in anymore he'll draw, come to her grave and cry about how he saw someone walk past and their red scarf reminded him of her or something. Its not often, but he leaves a picture for her every time. He misses her terribly even if he doesn't tell anyone but her how much. He always leaves new Wonder Woman comics for her to, and tells her the plot just in case someone hasn't yet.
His visits grow less and less over the years, but he always visits at least once a year, and he is always crying, and always apologizing, and always leaving things. He apologizes for making her grave look like a dump, but he feels so bad that she is missing out.
So he deals like he does most things, in silence to make room for those that he deems have more worthy feelings than his own. - Imtheircleric
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topperscumslut · 2 years
my thoughts reading the first umbrella academy comic book as someone who’s been a fan of the show for years (spoilers for all seasons of the show and the first book)
•damn so we’re really getting right into reggie being an alien huh??
•can we talk about how he named his lil moon robot ben and still has newspaper articles about the academy and one about ben’s death 🥺
•literally how anyone can hate him i don’t understand
•TELL ME WHY I JUST SAW VANYA’S WHOLE CHEEKS- was the thong really necessary gerard???
•also it still feels transphobic calling her vanya even tho she doesn’t become viktor in the comics bcuz viktor’s transition was written for elliot page like ik she’s still a cis female in the books but saying vanya still makes me feel… grimy idk
•”father’s really dead, isn’t he, pogo?” LUTHER ILY
•he still calls allison rumor and is still wearing the academy mask wow luther hargreeves really is the right where you left me by taylor swift character huh
•tears are streaming down my face in a barnes and noble cafe luther are you OKAY
•someone get these siblings therapy i beg
•klaus definitely seems very similar in both versions
•”because what i found wasn’t just a place where i could hide” five trying to time travel not cuz he’s a stabbing a table with a butter knife cocky little shit but a literal child trying to hide from his abusive father is going to make me combust anyway fuck reginald
•more crying
•the A+ on luther’s paper and the D- on diego’s diego deserves better i am sobbing
•so it’s diego that thinks reggie was murdered in the comics instead of luther?? interesting
•luther and diego are so angsty jesus
•”so start acting like homo sapiens so we can bury your father” POGO PLZ-
•i have SO many questions
•i think im too dumb for this book
•which is embarrassing cuz it’s a comic book
•who in the motherfuck is dr terminal
•aidan gallagher was such a perfect casting for number five omg
•”i guess you’re right… [reginald] didn’t love me. but i haven’t spent my life pretending he did.” hello???? are we sure this is the same luther as the luther from the netflix series??
•is it just me or does klaus kinda look like mikey way???? like ik gerard wrote the series so…??
•not five bringing pogo into the fucking coffee shop- 💀🤚
•the way agnes literally does not question the fucking MONKEY god i love her
•five brutally massacring the commission goons and yet still stopping to pay for his drink and thank agnes omfg
•how are y’all shocked allison SAed luther in s3 when she literally SAs him hardly five chapters into the first book??
•it was literally out of nowhere too like- there was BUILD UP and CHEMISTRY and FLIRTING in the show and at least some villain era motivations for allison but in the book they’re literally just talking about claire and allison is still calling her Luther’s NIECE and then she just rumors him into kissing her out of nowhere??? i just audibly gasped in this barnes and noble i am sorry
•vanya is SLIM THICC
•everything is happening so fast in comparison to in the show omg
•is there *something* going on between diego and vanya like there is allison and luther?? or why is he so emotionally attached to her?? please tell me there’s not istg-
•klaus saving the day slay!!!
•i don’t know how to feel. i just got so much information in so little time.
•i have so many feelings
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