alltimefanfiction · 4 months
Alex copes with the repercussions of his actions.
written for the all time low microfic challenge (june 2024)
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alltimefanfiction · 9 months
“I’ve never dated another girl before.”
spin-off of this fic
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alltimefanfiction · 10 months
Things were going to be okay, and maybe Jack needed reassured more than Alex.
Based off Summer Daze by All Time Low.
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alltimefanfiction · 10 months
Alex loves Lisa. And Alex loves Noah.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
Exhaust yourself, boy exotic. Wear your body and your mind down to a sand, and then come back.
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alltimefanfiction · 5 years
Alex wishes he wasn't popular. If he wasn't, it wouldn't matter if he was gay, and being in love with Zack wouldn't matter either.
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alltimefanfiction · 7 years
Hiding her sexuality would've never been Alex's first choice but the mere thought of telling people terrified her. But it's not so easy when she starts to fall for Jack Barakat. 
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alltimefanfiction · 7 years
Jack's friend Zack has been getting just a little too close lately...
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alltimefanfiction · 7 years
Zack is quiet. He doesn’t speak very much, and when he does, he always looks pretty uncomfortable.
Jack is loud. He’s obnoxious and a trouble maker.
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alltimefanfiction · 8 years
Jack was never the settle down in a relationship type, he slept around with everybody in school, causing him to become extremely popular. He never wanted to be with anyone longer than an one night stand, until he met Alex, who turned his whole world upside down. Alex just moved to Baltimore from England, and is brand new to Dulaney High. He has lived his whole life trying to hide the fact he is gay, from his parents, and everyone around him. Therefore, he is a very shy, quiet person, that tries to avoid any interaction from other people.
What happens when these two boys meet, and alter both of their lives forever?
SEQUEL: Baby, We’re Like A Time Bomb
Jack cheats on Alex, and wants to forget about it and move on with life like nothing happened.
He never tells Alex about what happened with Tay during Rian’s birthday party, and makes all his friends keep his secret hidden.
The lies keep piling up, friendships are on the verge of ending, relationships are pushed past the breaking point.
How long does it take for the truth to come out?
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alltimefanfiction · 10 years
i need help finding a fic. It was Jalex and on mibba. I think Jack had come out to the school as gay and was teased, but he was the school badass and everyone (except the jocks) were scared of him. Anyway, Alex was new to the school and tries to befriend and flirt with Jack and he is just having none of it. Rian then beats up Alex in the hallway and Jack comes to his rescue and brings him back to his car. That's all i really remember so thank you to whoever finds this!!
Lonely, Drunk And Beautiful
Thanks, over-obsessedbandgirl! 
- Eve
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alltimefanfiction · 10 years
Hey I just wanted to recommend "Make a Wish on Our Sorry Little Hearts." on mibba. It's merrikat and its a great story. I stayed up until 2 am reading it and I didn't see it in your merrikat page. It also has a sequel coming I think.
Make A Wish On Our Sorry Little Hearts
Thanks! But you can submit it in future, as long as you don’t claim the fic as your own.
- Eve
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alltimefanfiction · 10 years
Hi, I don't know if this is what the confrontation anon was talking about exactly but there's one on mibba called Love is A Dangerous Thing that's sorta like she was describing where one came out to the other and it didn't go really well. :)
Love Is A Dangerous Thing
- Eve
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alltimefanfiction · 13 years
Who does Jack want? He wants Alex, but he needs Olivia to keep his rep. Who will he choose?
SEQUEL: Wake Up Call
It's been a month since Jack dumped Alex. Everything was fine until four new boys come into school. Will Jack realize that he still loves Alex and that Alex still loves Jack? Who knows.
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