#commander fox x original female character
wild-karrde · 1 year
Happy Fandom Friday!
I want to shoutout three WIP, OC fics, and a one-shot reader.
A Shattered Peace: (@writteninthesw) Danielle has written such an emotionally tense story between Amara and Wolffe. Both characters are struggling, and their pains are real and raw, and it’s an incredible story with a recent chapter update that left me reeling.
Sweet True Lies: (@sleepingsun501) Within the first three chapters, Erin has created a story that is looking to be both intense and romantically satisfying. Keeda and Fox are so precious, and I’m eagerly awaiting for them to reconnect (and dreading the trauma sure to come).
Unwritten: (@rexxdjarin) Julie has explored depths of emotions that are vulnerable and so relatable. Mari and Rex have a beautiful connection and I’m excited to see how their connection develops amidst the trials of war.
Fireworks: (@imarvelatthestars) I don’t know much about Hound, but this one-shot was so sweet and fun, and now I want to know everything about this man. Anyway, I loved seeing Hound step into training with reader (and his personality), and it was all around a cozy feel.
ALLI THESE ARE ALL SUCH GOOD RECS!!! A Shattered Peace has been on my to-read list FOREVER (I PROMISE I AM GOING TO GET CAUGHT UP ONE DAY, DANIELLE!!). Amara seems like SUCH an awesome OC and I cannot WAIT to learn more about her. I am behind on both STL and Unwritten (notice a trend? I HATE MYSELF I AM SO SORRY), but I am SO VERY INVESTED in both of those stories and the immaculate OCs Erin and Julie have created. And a Hound fic you say??? He's a lesser-written-for character that I always get excited when I find fics for him so THANK YOU for sending each and every one of these in! They are all OUTSTANDING!!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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ghostgorlsworld · 11 months
Moondrunk Monster Pt 1 (Ghost x reader)
Hey so this is my first Call of duty fanfic, so the characters might be wack. The general idea for this one is based off of a Love, Death, Robots episode where werewolves are basically in the military.
You're a retired combat medic that made a mistake, costing you your cushy office job. As punishment, you're sent to an active war zone, where you meet the 141, a squad of werewolves that slowly accept you as their own. (I know, I know I'm bad at summarizing)
Warnings: Extreme violence, smut in the future
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Part 1
It was odd to think of how much your life had changed in just a few weeks. At the beginning of the year, you were placed in a cushy job at a base where you were paid large amounts of money to stitch up red-faced recruits and perform physicals on the higher ups–it had been nice, a simple existence where you didn’t have to see blown apart soldiers or hold poor boys down while they screamed and screamed.
But things changed, and for the punishment of your mistake, you were flown here. An active warzone deep in the desert, where there were no boyish recruits eager to please, just grizzled soldiers that look at you like an intruder, a hen in the midst of foxes.
When you were younger, this was easier. You had liked the excitement and adrenaline of danger, of scurrying in the heat of gunfire with your medpack to save lives.
Now you’re older, grumpier, and generally out of shape. They hadn’t given you time to prepare before the Colonel shipped you out here, so here you were in an ill-fitting uniform, setting up your medic bay beside the wolf-soldier’s tent because the Captain insisted that was the only space left in camp.
Their original medic had died after both he and his supplies were blasted to pieces. Captain Graves shortly put in a request for an experienced combat medic, and you could imagine his surprise when he saw you step off the plane, a woman in her early thirties, soft from five years of office work.
The Captain, understandably, hated you. He was saddled with an overweight female medic and a squad of wolves, you were sure the combination put a few extra gray hairs on his head.
Ironically, wolf-soldiers were highly sought after in the military. They were quicker, stronger, and smarter than even the best of the best, able to walk barefoot in the desert without a blister or sniff out an enemy from miles away. You had seen a wolf blown nearly in half get up and walk out of your tent the next day. 
Captain’s group was a particularly intimidating bunch. There was Johnny–or Soap, as he preferred–a mohawked wolf with charming blue eyes and a deadly sense of humor. Gaz was the sweetheart of the bunch, smiling at you in a friendly sort of manner whenever you were forced to sit at the end of their lunch table.
Price was their leader, a wide man with a deep voice and commanding presence. Honestly, he reminded you of your father.
Then there was Ghost, the wolf in the skull mask. He was the biggest, all broad shoulders and muscles encased in a healthy layer of fat–and, from what you had learned from your patients, the most dangerous.  
On your first day, you had to dig a piece of shrapnel the size of your hand out of his shoulder. Ghost refused when you offered wolf-friendly pain medication, seeming to enjoy your expression as you watched the skin around his gaping wound knit itself back together.
The other soldiers disliked them, simultaneously jealous and fearful of their abilities . The 141 were excluded from the rest, much like you were, so you spent meals at  the other side of their table, minding your own business with a novel.
They didn’t seem to mind, after all, you spent half your time digging bullets out of them when the other medics refused to touch them. They weren’t used to humans being kind to them. 
You quickly adjusted to life in the desert, sleeping in the back of the med bay in a rickety cot while your patients tossed and turned through the night. You got used to the early mornings and the shitty food, the screaming, the blood, settling back into a life that you had thought you left behind.
This morning was no different. You wake to the noise of shouting, the dark sky telling you it was far from morning. 
“Where the fuck is the medic?” Price’s voice dominated over the others. You quickly stumble out of bed, shoving your legs through your pants and hastily buckling them as you hurried outside, wiping the sleep from your eyes. 
The scene before you was gruesome. Gaz lay prone on the ground, throat slashed and guts strewn out of his belly like noodles.
If he were a man, he would be dead.
But even a wolf can die, and a body can’t heal around its  own intestines.
You were awake in an instant, shouting orders to the men around you as you dropped to your knees. His pulse was slowing as more blood pooled into the dirt, his body unable to replace what he was losing so quickly. 
The thing about werewolves is that they are partially human, which allows them to take human blood in small doses if the need calls for it. But the issue was the blood itself. 
Every week, you get a shipment of fresh, cold O-negative blood, giving you ample supply for every occasion. But a sandstorm had interrupted the usual shipment yesterday, and while you knew that the shipment was supposed to arrive at noon later today, that didn’t help you now.
Gaz gagged, blood gurgling from his throat.
“Shit, shit,” Soap said, his mohawk slicked with his friend’s blood. “Is he gonna make it, doc?” Soldiers huddled around you, supplies in their hands. You ripped strips of gauze and placed them over his throat, slowing the bleeding before you started on his gutted stomach. 
“We’re out of transfusion blood,” you announced. “Is any soldier here O-negative?”
Silence. No human soldier would volunteer to give his own blood to a wolf. 
Except you. You nodded, swiping an alcohol swab into the crease of your elbow before connecting the two of you with an IV, the bright red of your blood flowing into his veins at the gasps of both human and wolf around you.
It would stir up the healing process so you worked quickly, Amon, another medic, joining you as you worked on closing his stomach.
It felt like hours before his pulse grew strong again, but you knew it could only be ten, twenty minutes. You slid the IV out of your arm, blinking as black spots appeared in your vision.
You might have given a bit too much. 
Gaz looked at you, his dark eyes replaced by an eerie yellow stare. A chill stole up your spine. 
 “Good morning,” you said through numb lips, taking a peek under the gauze on his throat. It was now only a pale scar, just a memory of a wound. “Look at that, soldier, you’re practically brand new.”
Gaz smiled weakly, his head falling back into the dirt. Soap whooped, gripping your shoulder in a vicious hug. “Good job, lass, I thought the pup was gone for sure.”
You stumbled at the weight of him, suddenly feeling exhausted. “Amon, will you get him set up in the infirmary? I think I need a moment.”
Price waved Soap off, gripping your elbow in a guiding hold. “Ease off the poor girl, Johnny, she’s dead on her feet.”
Soap merely grinned apologetically, ruffling your bedhead with a rough palm before helping the others move Gaz into the infirmary. 
Ghost stood behind you, a reaper in sand-colored tactical pants. Price pushed you gently into Ghost’s direction, “Get her something to eat, Lieutenant.” “I’m alright,” you tried to insist, a spike of nerves in your belly about being with Ghost. He was the least human of them all.
“That was an order, doc,” Ghost said, his voice a dry rumble as his hand fell on your shoulder. “Go on.”
You allowed yourself to be herded to 141’s tent, having half a mind to curl up in one of their bunks and sleep until dawn, free from the smell of blood and antiseptic. 
Their tent was neat and smelled, well, like an animal den–not unpleasant, just overwhelmingly…male. 
Ghost nudged you towards the sink without a word. 
It took you a moment to see that you were still wearing gloves, caked in Gaz’s blood. You stripped them off, then began soaping up your hands and forearms, scrubbing the red from your skin.
When you were clean, you hovered over a cot, about to take a seat for your shaky legs.
Ghost stiffened from where he was crouched, his hands in a tub of supplies. “Not that one.” You glanced down, seeing the Scottish flag on the wall, the photos of a couple that looked exactly like Johnny. “Oh, sorry.” 
He jerked his head to another cot, this one bare of any decoration except for a cold cup of tea. You assumed it was Price’s, perhaps he doesn’t mind the stench of a human on his sheets.
You took a seat, your hands trembling in your lap. Ghost tossed an army bar your way. “Eat,” he said, in a tone that didn’t invite an argument. 
“Ew,” you said, eyeing the packaging. He gave you a dark-eyed look, the kind that probably made wolves bare their bellies and whine. “Oh fine,” you huffed, tearing into it. It was awful, the kind of chalky that let you know they stuffed enough nutrition and calories in the bland, tasteless bar to keep a soldier going for days. You chewed and watched Ghost shift around in the makeshift kitchen, heating a pot of water over a spindly propane stove.
Was he making-
“Drink this,” Ghost said, passing over a cup of tea. He kept one for himself, pulling up a chair to sit across from you. He was still filthy from whatever mission the Captain had set them on, blood and dirt smeared over his gear and mask.
“Thank you,” you said, sniffing it doubtfully. You were American, so you didn’t have much taste for tea unless it was iced and sweet. 
But when someone like Ghost makes you a cup of tea, you drink the fucking tea.
He nodded, turning away from you so he could lift his mask over his mouth to drink his tea. You looked away quickly, focusing your attention on the Scotland flag on Soap’s corner.
The two of you sit in silence for a long time, long enough that your cup is drained and you’re blinking heavily at the darkness still outside.
“Go on,” Ghost said, slipping the cup out of your hand.
You hide a yawn, pushing yourself up from the bed.“It’s alright, LT, I’ve got my own bed somewhere.” “You have half a dozen men in your tent, love.” Ghost backed you up against the bed, his heavy hand on your shoulder. “Sleep. We’ll keep an eye on Kyle.”
It made sense. You kicked off your boots and curled up on the cot, hiding your throbbing head in a pillow that smelled like gunpowder and musk. 
Ghost ducked out of the tent as you laid down, your eyes falling on a skull mask folded up neatly beside the cot.
It was then that you realized this was his bed. 
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snips2112 · 4 months
No Remedy for Guilt nor Grief
Summary: Fox drowns his sorrows as the part he played in Fives’ death torments him. Unfortunately for Fox, there aren’t any remedies for grief except for time.
For Angstpril Prompt: Grief (Day #26)
Fandom: The Clone Wars
Pairing: Commander Fox x Original Female Character
Rating: M
Word Count: 3,390
Posting my other Angstpril fic that I definitely forgot to post here during April! Better late than never, I suppose!
I really wanted to do a fic exploring the aftermath of Fives death for Fox, and this was the result of that. Hope you enjoy!
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
Vancouver has stood in for many cities in films and TV series for decades - Seattle, New York, and even the fictional world of Fantasia in the 1984 film, The NeverEnding Story.
But one of its most iconic roles began 30 years ago as Washington, D.C., in the hit series The X-Files, which ran for nine consecutive seasons and was revived for two more in 2016.
The series follows Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, two FBI agents with very different views of the world. It went on to win several Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild awards and received praise from audiences worldwide. Vox has said The X-Files "invented modern television."
"I owe it all to Vancouver," series creator Chris Carter told On The Coast guest host Michelle Eliot. "When I think about the crew and all the people that came to work on the show, Vancouver is second to none. Whenever I come up with an idea, I try to figure out how I can shoot in Vancouver because I love the city so much."
William B. Davis, who played the iconic smoking man, said the cast and crew were committed to producing a good show. "Whether it was the focus puller or whether it was Chris Carter or whether it was the actors, everybody wanted to do their very, very best," he said.
B.C., particularly the area in and around Vancouver, has become popular for filmmakers in recent years. When Carter considered places to shoot the show, he said Vancouver was at the "forefront" of his mind.
"I had been to Vancouver for the first time in 1986, the Expo year. My wife was making a Disney Sunday movie in Vancouver, and a lot of the shooting was done in the forest. I spent a lot of time in the beautiful Vancouver forests."
Carter says Vancouver can double as almost anywhere, even the dry deserts of southwestern U.S., with the right set of decorations. But it's also the people who made filmmaking in the city so easy, he added.
"Almost everyone opened their door for us. Let us shoot their house, on their street, at their location," Carter said. "It was special. It was an amazing time. Everyone was kind of excited about the show and working together."
During his interview on CBC's On The Coast, Carter said there's interest in rebooting the series once again. "We're so steeped in conspiracies now. The X-Files dealt with central conspiracies, but now the world is so full of conspiracies that I think that it would be a different show."
Carter said Ryan Coogler, director of hit films like Black Panther and the Rocky spinoff Creed, plans to "remount" the series with a diverse cast.
"He's got his work cut out for him because we covered so much territory." The original X-Files series is available to stream on Disney+. CBC News has contacted Disney Canada for more information.
Original series producer JP Finn, who has since worked on shows like Arrow and The Flash, said a reboot would be "fantastic" but isn't sure whether they'd return to Vancouver for filming.
"I hope Ryan [Coogler] considers it, at least," he said. The show's impact was far-reaching and inspired many women to move into male-dominated fields, particularly STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math).
A report from the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media found that Dana Scully, a strong, intelligent scientist, increased 50 percent of female X-Files viewers' desire to enter STEM.
Among them is Kelsey Short, who lives in Whitehorse, Yukon, and is working toward a Master's degree in global health policy at the University of Edinburgh.
"I just always thought [Scully] was infinitely cool, and she was just very smart and commanding of the situation but also very passionate and really gave herself to the whole job," Short said.
She remembers watching Scully perform autopsies — even on an invisible character. "I always loved the medical aspects of it. I think that is part of why I went into the healthcare field. I think bodies are so weird and wonderful."
A documentary about the show is set to release this fall, 30 years after the show premiered. Superfans Lauren Krattiger and Carly Blake have created The X-Files Fan Retrospective, where they conducted more than 90 interviews with crew members, cast members, and fans to memorialize the show and its impact.
Krattiger was nine years old when she watched the X-Files pilot with her parents. "It's just been a really fun part of my life," she said. "I liked the scary element, and I also really enjoyed watching Scully."
Krattiger, who lives in New York City, says The X-Files is a comfort for many fans she's spoken with, offering a sort of constant during difficult times, and that some people have moved to Vancouver because of the show.
"It was a ground-breaking series."
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skdubbs · 4 years
Let Love Find You
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Chapter 1: An Awkward Introduction
Summary: Love has a funny way of finding you when you’re not looking for it. Commander Fox discovered this the hard way when a box arrived on base and pique his interest. 
Here it is. I can’t believe I'm finally doing this. A huge huge HUGE shoutout and thank you to @detroitbydark​ for all of the encouragement, feedback, and listening to my ramblings about this story. You’re the best. 
This story will be the first in a collection of three interconnected stories taking place at the same time. I hope you all enjoy! 
It all started with a box.
Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard stared at the parcel currently sitting on his desk amidst piles of carefully cataloged holopads. The contents of said package laid innocently next to the box. He’d had part of it scanned and tested, twice. Absolutely nothing alarming to be found. And yet Fox was still unsettled.
In the year since taking up his post, he’d never been rendered speechless. Well, today the boys could mark it down in the books. Truly, the commander didn’t know what to say. Or think. Or do. The mental conundrum Fox found himself in was beyond exasperating. Sighing, Fox shook his head, then glanced at the flimsi note he held. Once more, he read the delicately written script.
To: Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard
Dear Sir,
I’m sure this package and its contents might cause alarm and confusion. Please don’t allow it to do either. This is simply a token to express my thanks to the troopers involved with the skirmish in the market district on Level 3 nearly four rotations ago. Their actions saved my life and that of my daughter. When we expressed our gratitude, my daughter felt the shock trooper didn’t think we were sincere. Hence, this small gift. I ask that you please see to it that the troopers involved receive this token and understand how grateful we were for their timely arrival. For there are citizens on this planet who are aware of the services the Guard provides to ensure our continued safety and peace. Thank you for your help in this matter.
Arissa Blunt
Fox knew without looking it up what skirmish Ms. Blunt referred to, as well as the troopers involved. Reach’s report had made mention of the two citizens he’d pulled away from the fire fight, a young woman and child. Interestingly enough, Fox had also heard through the guard barrack’s grapevine that Reach spent most of that night crowing about a civvie thanking him and how pretty she’d been. According to Reach, her body was a man’s wet dream.
At the time Fox had scoffed and pushed the matter out of his mind. He had far more important matters to contend with than one of his trooper’s infatuations. All of the men would have one at some point or other. It was a natural result with overexposure to civilians after a lifetime of social isolation. Fox was one of the few he knew to never fall to such an affliction. That didn’t mean he hadn’t dabbled and explored his options. The commander had simply never experienced the magic of someone capturing his attention for more than a moment of a little physical pleasure. Until now.
Commander Fox was intrigued, all because of a box of homemade ginger spice cookies, a short note, and an infatuated trooper’s embellished description. Again, Fox sighed. Maker, he needed a drink. And it wasn’t even 1200 yet.
He commed Captain Stone, the squad leader there on the day in question.
“This is Stone,” came the greeting.
“Captain, round up the troopers involved in the skirmish on Level 3, I’m sure you remember the one,” Fox instructed. “They’ve got a gift waiting for them in my office. Apparently Reach’s story wasn’t completely fabricated.”
There was a beat of stunned silence. It was brief, but Fox knew it for what it was. Shock. “Right away, sir,” Stone replied.
Fox disconnected, then turned to inspect the baked goods still sitting on his desk. Ginger spice cookies. Homemade, no less. Damn, they smelled good.
Fox smirked. What the men didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. He plucked one cookie from the pile, taking a small bite to test the flavor. A groan of delight broke past his lips. This was one of the best frekkin’ things he’d ever had the pleasure of eating, and that's saying something. After all, the position of Commander of the Coruscant Guard afforded certain luxuries and privileges that few other clones were allowed.
The commander took another bite, savoring the taste. What he wouldn’t give to have something this good to eat every day. His eyes found the note again, sitting on his desk in stark contrast to everything else. Arissa Blunt. One has to wonder what kind of woman she was. Fox had every intention of finding out.
After giving the boys their gift (the looks of shock and delight on their faces had caused a grin on his), Fox decided to investigate. It took little effort to find the information he needed. Another perk to his position.
Arissa Blunt, single human female aged 22 standard years. Currently a member of the Republic military’s research and development division located here on base. His brows had raised at that. He merely needed to leave his office and walk across the facility in order to find her. Her focus was prototype military-grade weapons. So, she worked on creating better ways for his brothers on the front to do their job. While he didn’t know her, Fox felt a swell of appreciation for this woman.
He was shocked and intrigued to find she held her position with no formal training. Instead, Ms. Blunt came into the program through the recommendation of a member of the board. It was highly irregular. Perhaps some nepotism was involved? But that made no sense either. According to her file, Ms. Blunt had no living relatives, only a young daughter named Gemma. Cute name, he’d thought.
Out of curiosity, Fox looked her up too. Gemma Blunt, single human female aged 5 standard years. Currently enrolled on scholarship at a school for gifted young children located noooo in a more well-to-do area of the upper levels. So, the kid was smart.
A part of Fox was impressed. And even more intrigued, especially as he gazed at Ms. Blunt’s photo. Reach hadn’t exaggerated, she was quite pretty. Not in the glamour model sort of way. But you could see the potential lying underneath her cute veneer should she ever try to be one. And those eyes….well, they’d surprised him too. Most humans didn’t have violet colored eyes, at least not naturally. But on her they were stunning. They drew you in and spoke volumes. As if the secrets they held were more than just her own. She could know yours without you evening realizing. A fanciful thought perhaps, but there all the same.
And that is why Commander Fox found himself making the long trek to the R&D division on base a few hours later. Amazingly, he had an hour free. Plenty of time to pay Ms. Blunt a visit. He could convey the men’s appreciation and slake his curiosity.
He’d found a technician by the name of A’tron Rogers when he arrived. The man had the audacity to scoff at him when he stated who he was looking for. Fox wisely kept his helmet on, knowing full well what kind of person he was dealing with. It was rather obvious what Mr. Rogers thought of clones and about doing anything for them. One had to wonder why he was in a position that required him to help create weapons that helped said clones.
“Yeah, she’s back here,” he’d snapped. “Follow me.”
Resisting the urge to call the man on his insubordination, Fox followed. They made their way further back into the lab and came to a stop at what looked to be some kind of long range canon. However, the weapon wasn’t what caught Fox’s attention.
Fox froze, his brain gone blank. Before his eyes, bent over at just the right angle, was perhaps the most perfectly shaped ass he’d ever seen. His mouth watered while his blood rushed south. Mentally, he cursed. This was not a good way to start an introduction.
“Blunt!” Rogers practically screeched, trying to get the technician's attention. It certainly did the trick, albeit in a painful way. Arissa’s head shot up, caught by surprise, only to have it collide with the paneling of the prototype she’d been working on. A string of low muttered curses followed the loud clang. Fox winced in sympathy.
After a moment or two, Arissa straightened, seemed to take a steadying breath, then turned to face them. Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second when they landed on him. However, she recovered quickly, her face becoming unreadable as she turned to her coworker.
Fox wished he could say the same. That beautiful shebs he’d been staring at not long ago should have warned him at what else he’d see. Because, by the maker, Reach hadn’t exaggerated. Not one bit. Arissa Blunt truly was a man’s wet dream. Her hair was up and covered, but he didn’t need to see the dark brown wavy locks again to know how it finished the masterpiece that stood before him. Even wearing coveralls covered in grease splotches couldn’t detract from that hourglass figure or the small waist. And her breasts. By Fett, they were a handful and more. So much more. Again, Fox was grateful he’d chosen to keep his bucket on. He’d have looked like a gaping fool otherwise.
Arissa addressed Rogers, her voice even and devoid of emotion. “Did you need something, Rogers?”
The shorter man huffed, obviously put out by her lack of response to him. Fox made a mental note of that. Maybe it wasn’t just clones the man had a problem with. “You’ve got a visitor. Commander Fox here needs to speak with you.”
The technician’s gaze swung over to him, that violet gaze holding him captive. Again, he noticed a moment of trepidation, as if she feared his presence. Fox scowled, annoyance flaring. Her reaction was classic for a citizen. They either looked at him and his brothers with fear or disdain. He wasn’t sure which pissed him off more.
“I see,” she replied. “Well, I’m due a fifteen anyway. If you need me, we’ll be in the conference room.”
Rogers snorted, then left. Yup, that chakaaryc really didn’t like Arissa Blunt. Fox focused his attention on the woman before him. As he looked closer, her nerves became more obvious. What did she have to be nervous about?
“Ms. Blunt,” he greeted, his voice stiff and formal.
“Commander Fox,” she greeted in return. Grabbing a rag, she wiped her hands off, then motioned for him to follow her. “Whatever you need to tell me, it’d be best said in the conference room. Otherwise, everyone else in the department will know about it before the end of the day. You wouldn’t think it, but the lot here are as bad as a bunch of gossiping housewives.”
Nodding, he followed. As they left the lab and made their way down the hallway, Fox couldn’t help his eyes from looking. The sway of those hips were going to haunt him. Another curse ran through his mind.
Soon enough they reached their destination, Arissa gesturing him inside. He took up a position further in, standing at attention while he waited for her to shut the door.
“Would you rather sit, Commander?”
“No thank you, miss. But please don’t stand on my account. Have a seat.”
He patiently waited while Arissa got comfortable. Once she seemed settled, he dove right in. “I assume you know why I’m here?”
That flash of trepidation was back. It was gone immediately, but still, he saw it.
“I think so,” she quietly answered. Her tongue came out to wet her lips. Despite himself, Fox felt a knee jerk reaction to the tiny movement. Maker, this needed to stop. Now.  
“Then explain yourself,” he ordered.
That got her attention. Arissa straightened, her brows furrowed in confusion. “Explain myself? I thought the note I left was pretty self-explanatory.”
“Perhaps,” he hedged. “However, your reaction to my appearance here would say otherwise. I thought you appreciated what the guard does for the citizens of Coruscant. Someone who is appreciative doesn’t respond with fear in their eyes.”
Arissa’s eyes widened, first in shock, then in anger. However, when she next spoke, her voice remained even. “From my point of view, your sudden appearance here is rather suspect. Troopers, let alone commanders, don’t make random visits to this part of the base. Any fear you saw was my worry that I’d done something wrong.”
That made Fox pause, considering. Her words in the note had sounded sincere. And someone who feared or hated clones wouldn't have sent something in the first place, not without it having some sort of repercussion. Perhaps she had a point. Finally, Fox relaxed his stance.
“I suppose your reaction would make sense then,” he conceded. “I apologize for alarming you, Ms. Blunt.”
She shrugged. “Don’t worry about it, you couldn’t have known. I’m sorry I gave you the impression I was like all those ungrateful idiots out there.”
Fox stared at her. Well, that was certainly one way of putting it. Apparently Ms.Blunt lived up to her name. He cleared his throat. “Now that that’s settled, would you mind explaining to me why you felt the need to do such a thing?”
Arissa started fiddling with a loose thread of her coveralls. A nervous tick. “I already told you in the note I sent with the package. My daughter thought the trooper who helped us didn’t believe we meant what we said. I was helping to make him see otherwise.”
A scoff escaped him. “Forgive my own cynicism then. I’m used to people having ulterior motives. It’s my job to find them.” He shrugged. “So, it’s a little hard to believe there wasn’t something else behind your actions, appreciated as they are.”
While he knew he was being something of a di’kut, Fox needed to know. He wasn’t lying. Any civilian he’d ever met had some sort of ulterior motive, most often to the detriment of his men.
She didn’t speak for a while, sitting there in quiet contemplation. Then, those violet orbs caught the gaze of his visor and held it. She wanted to get this right, he realized. She wanted him to believe her. “Maybe because men who didn’t have a choice in choosing this life deserve something good once in a while.”
Speechless, that’s what he was. She said it so plainly and without artifice. Fox knew she meant it, every word.
“I see,” he replied, voice quiet and low. “Well, allow me to express my gratitude and that of my men. It may not seem like much, but those sweets were the first gift any of those men have ever received. It might be the only one.”
“You’re very welcome, Commander Fox.” Her voice was quiet too, her eyes soft and understanding. How Fox wished he could get lost in them for more than just a few minutes. It was time to go. Now.
“You’ll excuse me then, Ms. Blunt, for taking up your time. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I’ll see myself out.” Fox made to do just that, not leaving her a chance to say anything in return. He was almost to the door when-----
“Commander, could I ask a favor?”
Fox stopped, then looked over his shoulder. Here it comes. “What is it?”
Arissa gulped, her nerves showing once more. Fox smirked. Already in such a short amount of time, Fox knew he’d enjoy setting her on edge on a regular basis. It was a shame their paths likely wouldn’t cross again.
“I know this may seem silly, but would you be willing to write a short note to my daughter? I know it’d mean the world to her to hear how much the troopers that helped us enjoyed the cookies.”
“Can’t you just tell her?”
“I could,” she allowed. “But she might think I’m lying. Sometimes she has a hard time believing things if she doesn’t have evidence. Finding out you came to tell me yourself just how much the gift was appreciated will be suspect without some kind of proof.”
“Is your daughter really that cynical?”
Arissa laughed, shaking her head. Fox had to admit she had a lovely laugh. Fett, he was going soft. “No, not cynical, commander. Just a child who needs encouragement that something is real when she’s had so many other disappointments.”
While Fox was curious as to what she meant by that statement, he didn’t ask. Honestly, what was the harm in writing the kid something? There was none. Besides, he was more than happy to do it.
“Well, I’d hate to disappoint.”
The smile she gave him made an answering one pull at his lips. Thankfully, his helmet hid the sight. Yeah, this was definitely not good.
“Mommy! You’re home!” Gemma squealed in happiness as Arissa stepped through the door. Arissa was barely inside before her five-year-old daughter wrapped her tiny arms around her torso and squeezed.
Arissa paused, soaking the moment in. A smile pulled at her lips while the hint of tears teased her eyes. This right here made everything worth it. The ridiculously long days. The demeaning remarks and catty behavior from her coworkers. This was her why, the reason she kept putting up with everything.
She wrapped her arms around Gemma and squeezed back. “Hello to you too, Gemma. Did you miss me?”
“Yes!” Gemma pulled back, her strawberry blonde curls bouncing in her excitement. “Did you miss me?”
Arissa chuckled, ruffling her daughter’s hair. “Yes, sweetie.”
“Welcome home, Arissa. Long day?”
Arissa glanced up, making eye contact with the teenager lounging on the lumpy pale green couch in the apartment space that served as a living room. She barely withheld a grimace, thinking back over her day. “Just the usual, Trix.”
Although it really hadn’t been. Not when a certain unsettling clone commander decided to pop in and pay an unexpected visit. Gods, she’d thought for a moment there she’d done something wrong, that somehow the gift Gemma had practically begged her to make was illegal. Panic had filled Arissa, assuming the worst. But then he’d thanked her. Thanked her. Like a box of ginger spice cookies was the best gift his men had ever received. That wasn’t really too far off the mark, though, was it? And that black visor. When he’d held her gaze, Arissa had felt as if she were naked. She couldn’t remember anyone ever making her fell that way. Definitely not something one wants to feel upon meeting a commanding officer of the GAR. 
Shaking her head, Arissa focused back in on the present. “Did the two of you eat yet?”
Trix suddenly appeared uncomfortable, a look of guilt flashing in her eyes. “Yeah, we did. I, um, thought it’d be nice to treat Gemma to something. We went to Dex’s Diner and had the works. Saved some for you, too.”
While she knew why Trix might feel guilty, Arissa couldn’t fault the teenager for spending the money instead of eating the leftovers in the fridge. A year of being homeless and dodging traffickers and drug dealers had done a number on Trix. The kid’s useless father had abandoned her just days after her mother passed away. And the lower levels of Coruscant were not kind to the young and innocent. Arissa knew this fact quite well. Trix was finally getting back on her feet, working at a local bakery to make some money while attending school at night to finish her primary education. She lived in the third bedroom and watched Gemma when Arissa had to work late. And Trix positively adored her. So if Trix wanted to spoil Gemma with a night of burgers and shakes, Arissa wasn’t going to complain. She was far too grateful for the help to even think of chastising the teenager for splurging.
“That sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for thinking of me,” She smiled at Trix, hoping the teenager understood she wasn’t mad. “I can’t remember the last time I had Dex’s. Is it as good as I remember?”
Gemma giggled. “Even better! Oh, and we got to meet Dex. Did you know he’s a besalisk? I’ve never seen one before. He answered all my questions, too. Didn’t act like I was a bother or anything.”
“Of course he wouldn’t. Because he realized right away what a bright and inquisitive mind you have, sweetie.” Arissa’s heart warmed at the kindness the diner owner had unknowingly extended her daughter. Gemma truly was inquisitive, wanting to know anything and everything. And amazingly she remembered it all. However, there were some people who found the girl’s nearly constant questions an annoyance and something to discourage. It was why she’d done so poorly in school until transferring into a private academy. Thank the maker for that scholarship. She bent over and lifted Gemma up, holding the young girl as she made her way to their small kitchen table. “Now spill. How was your day?”
Asking Gemma that question was all the kiddo needed to start regaling her mother with the events of the day. Arissa listened attentively as she went about putting her dinner together. She laughed when Gemma explained how a boy in her class had water come out of his nose during lunch and praised her when told how she’d received perfect marks on yesterday’s exam. Trix stayed with them for a while, interjecting comments here and there before retreating to her room to start on her school work. They wished the sixteen-year-old good night as mother and daughter both knew they likely wouldn’t see the teenager again until morning. Arissa was done with her dinner and working on a mostly thawed nerf milkshake by the time Gemma asked how her day went.
Arissa had thought long and hard how she wanted to present her surprise. She pulled the note from her back pocket and slid it across the table’s surface. “I had an unexpected visitor today. He asked me to give you this.”
Curious, Gemma carefully unfolded the note. Even at such a young age she handled everything with a great deal of care. Violet eyes scanned the note, then widened in shock. When Gemma finally looked back up she was smiling from ear to ear. “He wrote a note. He really wrote a thank you note!”
The smile breaking across Arissa’s face almost hurt. Seeing her daughter’s happiness at something so small was beyond precious. Mentally, she filed the image away to remember when the moody teenager years hit. “I was told not to read it. That it was top secret until your eyes saw what was inside. Think you could read it to me?”
Gemma nodded enthusiastically.
“It says: Dear Miss Gemma. Thank you for the lovely gift of ginger spiced cookies. I have shared your present with the troopers involved in the skirmish four rotations ago in the market. They were very surprised and grateful for your thoughtfulness. They rarely get a thank you for their work. Your mother tells me you are a bright student and love to learn new things. Did you know that members of the guard love uj cake? I highly recommend trying it. Please continue to do your part as a good and loyal citizen of the Republic.
Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard.”
The excitement radiating off of Gemma was contagious. She truly was happy from Commander Fox’s words. Arissa sent a silent thank you to the commander for taking the time to fulfil her request. Maybe she could find a way to let him know how much his note meant. But he must be very busy. Why would he care about any of this?
If he didn’t care, why would he bother in the first place? He could have said no.
“Do you think I could write a reply, mommy?” Gemma asked. “Maybe we could make them some uj cake since they like it so much and leave a note with it like before.”
That made Arissa pause. “Perhaps. But don’t you think the rest of the guard might get jealous when only a few of them get to have some?”
Gemma’s brow furrowed as she contemplated that possibility. “I guess you’re right. I know I wouldn’t like it if only a few of my classmates kept getting something and I didn’t.” Then her face brightened. “Maybe we could make some for everyone! That way no one felt left out. Oh but,” Gemma frowned as she realized something. “That wouldn’t work either. There’s so many of them, aren't there?”
Arissa hmmed, feeling her heart squeeze with regret as her daughter’s face fell. For someone so young, she truly had a compassionate and giving nature. She wanted everyone to be happy. “I’m not sure how many there are, but yes, there are a lot of men in the guard. Far too many for us to make enough for everyone. I’m sorry sweetie.”
The evening wore on, the hours passing as the world outside transitioned from day to night. Despite her disappointment, Gemma managed to recover. They played a few games, took care of Gemma’s bath, and cuddled on the couch to watch a silly holomovie before Arissa announced it was time for bed. Arissa read a story of her daughter’s choosing, sang her a song, and kissed her good night. Once Arissa left the room, she’d make a cup of tea and curl up on the couch with a book, losing herself in the passionate romance of her current novel before heading to bed as well. It was like so many other night’s, this ritual their evenings had become. But tonight would be different.
Arissa paused, turning back to face her daughter. Only the top of her head and her eyes were visible above the fuzzy purple comforter she’d cocooned into. “What is it, sweetie?”
“Will you please tell Commander Fox thank you for writing me that note? I really did like it. And I think he’d like to know that, too.”
The breath whooshed out of Arissa’s lungs. She hadn’t expected this. But how could she refuse? “Of course, Gemma. I’ll tell him tomorrow. Now, get some sleep. You have a big day at school in the morning.”
“Can you make rainbow berry pancakes for breakfast?”
Arissa couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped, Gemma’s tone was just too hopeful. “I think I can manage that. Now, sleep little one.”
Gemma giggled, happy at her mother’s answer. “Okay, okay. Good night, Mommy. I love you.”
“I love you too, Gemma.”
Arissa closed the door and made her way to the kitchen. She tinkered around the small space, getting things ready for the morning while her tea water boiled, then steeped. Once finished, she grabbed the old and worn romance novel off her caf table, the flimsi pages yellowed with age. She happily made herself comfortable on the couch as she dove into the world of high passion…..
Five minutes later, Arissa was back in the kitchen, a notepad open to a clean page while her holopad came to life. She scrubbed a hand over her face, sighing. “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.” As soon as the piece of technology was up and running, she began bringing up Republic military records, trying to get an accurate head count of how many men filled the ranks of the Coruscant Guard.
Now, while Arissa was toiling away at the kitchen table trying to work out a plan to fulfill her daughter’s wish, said daughter was busy working on another matter instead of sleeping.
Gemma waited for her holopad to boot up, reading the note from Commander Fox almost obsessively. She’d never thought in a million years her mother would come home with any kind of news about the gift she’d begged her to make. Instead, she’d brought home a note. A note! Gemma very quietly giggled, pressing her face into her pillow to better muffle the noise. She was in the next star system from how happy that little piece of flimsi had made her. The five-year-old sent a desperate plea to the gods, asking them for the chance to meet this Commander Fox. Yes, she’d asked her mom to thank him, but she wanted the chance to tell him herself how much his note meant to her. And she wanted to show him just how much she could learn when she set her mind to it.  
Finally the holopad came on and Gemma brought up a search engine. Adults were always so surprised when they saw how well she could navigate tech at her age. For whatever reason, it was astonishing. Gemma didn’t pretend to understand why. Carefully, she typed in uj cake, then hit search. She skimmed over a promising article. It did sound rather yummy. Perhaps she could convince her mom to help her make some after school tomorrow and she could share it with the class. The kids would probably like that. Maybe it’d help her make a few friends.
The article said the recipe came from Mandalore. Intrigued, Gemma decided to search the planet, not knowing what she was getting herself into. What she read fascinated her. Hours went by and Gemma refused to sleep, far too invested in learning more about this old creed of warriors. She had only nodded off when her mother came to wake her, far earlier than usual.
Gemma’s groggy eyes met her mother’s. “What is it, mommy? Is something wrong?”
Arissa shook her head, a hint of mischief lighting her eyes. “No, sweetie. I just needed your help with something. How would you like to help me make some uj cake this morning? I think a certain clone commander would appreciate it.”
It took a moment for Gemma’s sleepy brain to understand exactly what her mother was saying. When she did, she shot out of bed so fast she almost knocked her mother over. Excitement took care of the exhaustion she’d felt just moments ago.
“Yes!” she exclaimed, then dashed out the door to the kitchen, her mother’s laughter following after her.
What neither realized then was how their actions that morning would come to shape the rest of their lives.....and those throughout the galaxy.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
5 underrated Richard Donner movies you need to see
Richard Donner will forever be remembered as the filmmaker who created the blueprint for the modern superhero blockbuster with 1978’s Superman starring Christopher Reeve.
Yet that doesn’t tell even half the story of the Bronx-born filmmaker’s brilliant filmography.
Donner was in his late 40s by the time Superman came along, having made a name for himself in Hollywood two years earlier, with 1976’s suitably terrifying The Omen.
Prior to that, he was a budding director making the transition from the small screen to the world of cinema. Donner worked on everything from Gilligan’s Island to The Twilight Zone. Even then, it was clear he was destined for bigger things though, as anyone who saw  “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”, the iconic episode of The Twilight Zone he directed, starring William Shatner, can attest.
While a disagreement with producers ultimately saw him walk away from Superman II, the 1980s saw Donner establish himself as an incredibly versatile big budget director capable of handling everything from the epic family adventure fun of The Goonies to the balancing act of action and comedy found within the buddy cop antics of Lethal Weapon.
It was a skillset that drew admiration from the very best in the movie industry, including Steven Spielberg who was among the first to pay tribute to Donner after learning he had passed away, aged 91.
“Dick had such a powerful command of his movies, and was so gifted across so many genres,” Spielberg, who worked with Donner on The Goonies, said.
“Being in his circle was akin to hanging out with your favourite coach, smartest professor, fiercest motivator, most endearing friend, staunchest ally, and – of course – the greatest Goonie of all.”
Donner may not have had the same impact in the 1990s and early 2000s but he still enjoyed major success with the Lethal Weapon franchise and as a producer with movies like Free Willy and X-Men.
More importantly, the other films he made during that period and in the years between some of his biggest hits remain well worth revisiting or seeking out for the first time – starting with these five.
Coming hot on the heels of The Goonies and two years prior to Lethal Weapon, Ladyhawke represented another major departure for Donner. A dark medieval fantasy, it centred on Rutger Hauer’s mysterious Captain Etienne Navarre and his female companion Lady Isabeau (Michelle Pfeiffer), a pair of star-crossed lovers on the run from a vengeful bishop who has placed a demonic curse on their heads. While Navarre transforms into a wolf by night, Isabeau exists as a Hawk by day. Teaming up with petty thief Philippe Gaston (Matthew Broderick) they embark on a quest to overthrow the evil bishop and break the spell.
Something of a passion project, Donner had attempted to get Ladyhawke off the ground several times before finally getting the green light from Warner Bros and 20th Century Fox in the mid ’80s. The film then suffered another setback when Kurt Russell, originally cast as Navarre, dropped out during rehearsals. 
That ultimately proved a blessing in disguise with Hauer going on to deliver arguably his best performance since Blade Runner. Not everything about Ladyhawke works – Broderick’s character feels a little too close to Ferris Bueller while the runtime could be trimmed down – but it remains a beautifully realised fantasy epic, full of memorable action set pieces, stunning cinematography and a spellbinding turn from Pfeiffer.
A box office bomb upon release, Ladyhawke has stood the test of time too, garnering a cult following as an authentic and fresh take on the sword and sorcery formula. 
Maverick is the film Will Smith must have hoped Wild Wild West would be; a funny, clever action comedy based on a classic TV show. Coming in an era when most westerns were deadly serious, Donner’s film also felt like a breath of fresh air and benefited hugely from a masterful William Goldman script that was both witty and unpredictable.
The latest in a series of films featuring Donner’s muse-of-sorts, Mel Gibson, this time out Mel plays Bret Maverick, a brilliant card player and equally impressive con artist trying to collect enough money to earn a seat at a high-stakes poker game. Along the way he is forced to contend with a fellow scammer in the form of Jodie Foster’s Annabelle Bransford as well as lawman Marshal Zane Cooper, played by James Garner, who starred in the original TV series.
While the glut of cameos from country music stars and the likes of Danny Glover can be a little distracting, there’s something wonderfully charming about Maverick with Gibson, Foster and Garner all on top form and boasting an undeniable chemistry that helps keep things entertaining. 
The climactic poker game which sees Maverick face off against Alfred Molina’s psychopathic Angel is also expertly handled by Donner, who cranks up the tension as Maverick reveals his final, decisive, hand with a slow-motion toss of the final card towards the camera. A critical and financial success, Maverick has been largely lost in the shuffle since its release but should be sought out.
Conspiracy Theory
There’s something strangely prescient about Conspiracy Theory given the current predilection for such thinking on the internet at large. One of Donner’s most inventive and intelligent outings alongside Gibson, this time out Mel plays Jerry Fletcher, a New York City cab driver with a penchant for paranoid conspiracy theories.
Jerry’s life takes a turn for the strange when he finds himself being targeted by a set of shady government goons led by Patrick Stewart’s Dr Jonas. He quickly realises one of the conspiracies he has been promoting in his weekly newsletter (this was the ‘90s) is based more in reality than he thought. The question is: which one?
An engrossing thriller featuring Donner’s trademark dashes of witty humour, Conspiracy Theory is bolstered significantly by the presence of the ever-reliable Julia Roberts as a government lawyer with a soft spot for Jerry. Despite a lengthy run time, Donner also keeps the action moving along at an engaging pace while Gibson’s performance is just the right side of manic to keep you rooting for him.
A first foray into the kind of deep state conspiracy thrillers that were commonplace in Hollywood at the time, the film also boasts some genuinely striking moments, not least the sequence where Jerry undergoes “psychotic testing” at the hands of Dr Jonas, which wouldn’t have looked out of place in A Clockwork Orange.
Though it was a hit with audiences, Conspiracy Theory earned mixed reviews but appears increasingly worthy of reappraisal.
Some movies are big, dumb but lots of fun. Timeline sits firmly in that category despite what many naysayers would have you believe. It’s a brash, simplistic sci-fi flick to rival the likes of The Core and Geostorm and thoroughly entertaining to boot.
The fact that it features Gerard Butler, as well as the late, great, Paul Walker only adds to that sentiment.
Walker plays Chris Johnston who, along with Butler’s Andre Marek and a team of fellow archaeologists travel back in time through a wormhole to 14th century France to rescue their professor, Dr Edward Johnston (Billy Connolly), who just happens to be Walker’s character’s dad too.
Based on a book by Michael Crichton, Donner had been in the running to direct Jurassic Park a decade earlier and jumped at the chance to adapt Timeline for the big screen. While filming went off without a hitch, Donner repeatedly clashed with Paramount Pictures in post-production and was forced to re-cut the film three times in a development that saw the release date pushed by nearly a year. The resulting edit did not sit well with Crichton either, who disliked it so intensely he stopped licensing his work for a few years after.
Whether Donner’s original cut would have earned better reviews or Crichton’s approval remains to be seen but what remains of Timeline is still a well shot, enjoyable sci-fi yarn with some neat medieval action flourishes. 
16 Blocks
Donner’s final film also ranks among his most unappreciated. On the surface, 16 Blocks sounds like the perfect fodder for a game of buddy cop movie bingo.
It stars Bruce Willis as Jack Mosley, a worn-out NYPD Detective with a drinking problem tasked with transporting Mos Def’s trial witness Eddie Bunker to court. Problems arise when some of Jack’s fellow officers arrive to kill Eddie and prevent him from testifying. Eager for redemption, Jack decides to take the would-be assassins on and get Eddie to court on time.
A formulaic enough premise, 16 Blocks is emboldened by the fact it plays out in real-time with Eddie required at the courthouse by no later than 10am. In this sense, Donner found himself in new territory with an action thriller that thrives on a unique sense of urgency. 
While the filmmaker is no stranger to the action formula, this setup sees him imbue events with a renewed sense of chaos, as Jack and Eddie fight their way through armed adversaries, busy crowds and bustling traffic, all against a cacophony of shouts, car horns and gun blasts.
Ostensibly a chase movie on foot rather than four wheels, the action traverses 16 blocks in 118 minutes and rarely lets up for a second with Donner proving a dab hand at balancing the action with the engaging back-and-forth between Willis and Def who are both understated yet effective throughout.
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Throw in the ever-watchable David Morse as the leader of the shady cops baying for Eddie’s blood and you have arguably one of the most underrated action thrillers of the early 2000s 
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loyalflutist · 5 years
I’m Yours (F!Byleth x Edelgard) *R-18+
Challenge: Edeleth Twitter Week (09/29/2019 - 10/05/2019) Day 6: I’m Yours
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A/N: I was busy on 10/04 the entire day, so the fictions are starting to be backed up by a day or two. Also, since I’m not sure why Tumblr is hiding my lemons... (I wrote one for Dorothea and there was an older one with Edeleth that somehow disappeared from the search results...) Hence, I’ll begin to tag them as “LEMON THE LEMONADE” rather than the usual tag. 
Also, beware of minor implications of nonconsensual activity and massive spoilers about Byleth’s origin and the following characters: Sothis, Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, Jeralt. 
People sometimes think the world revolves around them. A singular entity in a vast space that shines the brightest. It was their life, and it was their life alone. No one has any control over it. Not their family. Not their friends. Not their enemies. No one. Absolutely no one. They were who they were. No one can define their existence.
Yet fate is sometimes cruel. That singular entity— that person, can be manipulated and placed under a hold from their oppressors. Brutal methods were enforced to brainwash the individual. Terrorize them. Drag them down with metallic chains fit for wild beasts. Mouths muffled by hands tainted with their very own blood. Blindfolds concealing the truth from them. False beliefs instilled into them. Obedience a necessity to survive the next day. And when a savior appears, they are taken away just as quickly as they appear. Oh, how terrifying it must be to open up to their significant other! Everything can go south so quickly… as for Byleth Eisner.
‘ I don’t want to be used. ‘
A shudder ran down her spine amidst her violent trembles. The teal-haired can be spotted in her private quarter, seated on her royal mattress in her loungewear. Legs pulled close to her chest, Byleth’s fingers tangled with her locks, her nails digging into the sensitive scalp. The weak heart that finally came back to life thumped heavily upon her chest; its pounding reaching her eardrums. These symptoms were becoming more and more frequent as the days crawled by… She gritted her teeth and felt her respiration hastened.
‘ I’m scared. ‘
How out of character, one may ask! She stands strong in adversary with features relating her to the infamous nickname, “Ashen Demon.” She commands the armies and battalions with ease. She commends those with their valiant efforts. She becomes a sly fox when teasing her alumni. She pridefully married an emperor of the Adrestian Empire. Hark, is this the Byleth everyone has come to respect and love?
The aftermath of the war was over, but the physical and emotional scars remain. Upon learning the truth about her origin from Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, and Jeralt, she wanted nothing more than to crawl under a hole and stay put. A rush of emotions that she had been bottling up over the years was becoming to rear its head from the corner— That wasn’t right… It came crashing into her fragile mental state like a tsunami. War had kept her emotions in check, but now that the main conflict was finally over with the staggering defeat of Rhea, nothing was keeping them back. Accompanied by poor coping mechanisms, it was inevitable PTSD would terrorize the ex-mercenary every night.
“I’m sorry to leave you behind like this, Byleth...”
“We’re like family!”
“It is my duty to protect you.”
“Mother, you have returned.”
She instinctively lashed out to the speaker with her hand. It stopped mid-air by a powerful grip. Dread overwhelmed the older woman as she tugged away from its captor. A couple of attempts failed, their hold was overpowering. Fear clenched her throat and choked her as whimpers trickled out. Why can’t she get away?! Through her blurred vision in the dark room, she began to cry; tears flowed down her cheeks like a waterfall.
The figure holding her was none other than Rhea. She had that holy smile, that holy aura, and that holy title glued to her physical existence. Yet the maiden stared directly into her shivering soul. Those same loving eyes that she once possessed similarities to. The one that she could easily call her “daughter.” Byleth quivered as she used her other hand to weakly push away from the female.
“Don’t call me Mother!”
Rhea instantly disappeared in a blink of an eye. At that same moment, warmth immediately enveloped her entire body and blackened her sight. It was like a protective bubble… a blanket that someone had draped over her physical and spiritual body. Scarlet carnation’s aroma fluttered to her nose from the person’s bosoms. Their arms tightened its hold on the professor as said-person whispered,
“Byleth, it’s me.”
Now it wasn’t the voice of Rhea that vibrated her eardrums. It was the voice of her wife; Edelgard von Hresvelg had pulled her into a firm embrace.
Acknowledging her presence froze Byleth in place. She tried to peel away from her chest only to find it a futile try, the emperor resting a hand on the back of her head. The professor deeply inhaled her scent. Then, she exhaled her shaky hot breaths into Edelgard. This was embarrassing. Her meltdowns were meant for private eyes only, and those private eyes belong to herself. The fact that her wife just witnessed her disastrous distress might color her in a different light. She is her professor, she is older than her, and she has more experience in life than the white-haired. She wasn’t supposed to act this way.
Silence ensued afterward. Not a peep came out of Byleth’s mouth. The noble softly exhaled and pressed her lips upon her wife’s head. Fingers eventually ran through the teal hair, her nails gently scratching Byleth’s scalp. Small bursts of euphoria washed over her scrambled mind from Edelgard’s heavenly motions; drowsiness nearly making its way forward. Byleth adjusted the position of her head as a melancholic tune filled the quiet atmosphere.
“The footsteps of the lost child cease to be heard
Replaced only by that song of prayer
The song soon becomes that burning lamp
Guiding on that wandering traveler…”
It was rare to hear Edelgard sing. Whenever she participated in the fine arts, she would never dare express her interest with them to the public. Not even to her own wife out of embarrassment. However, tonight was an exception. The sorrow that dripped from the lyrics, yet there was a sense of consolation from those words showered to the listener.
Footsteps from the lost child…
That would be Edelgard.
Replaced only by a song of prayer…
That would be Edelgard.
The song that soon becomes a burning lamp…
That would be Edelgard.
Guiding on the wandering traveler…
That would be Byleth.
The two shifted their posture so Edelgard would easily hug Byleth on the bed. They laid down with Byleth holding onto her wife for dear life. Their legs tangled and a blanket providing additional warmth to the solemn night. Peering through the windows was the moonlight basking their resting figures. Despite the height difference, it appears Edelgard was the tall one in the relationship at this moment. She continued to scratch her wife’s head as she sang.
“If you feel afraid, just shout it all out loud
And you will know that I am right by your side
Holding you close with this trembling body of mine
To let you know that you are not alone
It’s alright if we can’t smile like before
For one day we will reach that place for you and me, that place… for you… and me.”
“…you should sing more often,” Byleth mumbled into her lover’s chest. She nuzzled into Edelgard and added, “But I think you should sing something happier.”
“Happier? You must be feeling better if you’re able to suggest something to me.”
Edelgard had to stifle her chuckle when the older woman reburied her face into her bosoms.
Oh, how the role has been reversed. She remembered the nightmares that had plagued her when she was a student. Numerous visions and hallucinations of her deceased siblings and classmates came to visit her from their grave. Their cold hands pulled her into the darkest abyss. She eventually finds herself strapped onto the wooden chair, the scalpels and needles jabbed into her exposed flesh from multiple non-consensual surgeries. Flaming aches throbbed from her hidden scars. They were unbearable to sleep through. It was always a surprise to Edelgard whenever she was able to function like a fully conscious person during her time as a student and as an emperor. Perhaps it was due to Byleth’s presence.
Byleth had always showered her with more love than she had expected. She would always sneak away from her own dormitory to sleep with her girlfriend. This was not merely an act of romanticism. This was an act to retain Edelgard’s sanity. This was furthered emphasized when Byleth went missing for five years. Nightmares that were shooed away had returned to haunt her. Lysithea and Caspar were unable to kick them to the curb despite their best efforts. Not even Hubert was able to quell those internal demons. She needed Byleth so badly. Byleth is her anchor. Without an anchor, the ship would float mindlessly from its path.
The emperor kissed the top of her head again. Now it was her turn to care for Byleth.
“Can you tell me… how long you’ve been having these breakdowns?”
“Are you scared of telling me?”
A hesitant nod. Then, Byleth rose until their face was on an equal level. The moonlight shone over their features, and the professor’s were mixed with fear and shame. Edelgard instantly brought her hand up to cup one side of her face. Her thumb rubbed among the cheekbone as she said,
“Don’t be afraid. Whatever you tell me, I won’t judge you.”
“I promise.”
She deeply breathed.
“I’ve had them since the war ended. It first started when I was in the infirmary, recovering from my wounds.” Byleth’s lips firmed into a thin line. “I… I remember the way they looked at me.”
“Lady Rhea… Flayn… and Seteth.”
Those names… How long has it been since Edelgard last heard of them? Though Flayn and Seteth had escaped from the war, Rhea was long gone. Still, those three played an important part in Byleth’s life. She knew that for sure. Their importance wasn’t subtle anymore the moment Byleth had merged with Sothis in order to combat their adversities. All three of those individuals began to bow down to the professor as if she were a holy being. Their words were articulated with precision in hopes of proving their devotion to her. It was as if Byleth Eisner was the goddess; her humanity long gone after the fusion. Edelgard always found it baffling. Byleth is Byleth. There is nothing different about her, save it for her insane strength growth. Just what made them so keen with her girlfriend?
“They used me.”
Indeed, they did. That was for certain. Sweet nectar stained their statement the moment Jeralt and Byleth stepped foot into Garreg Mach. Soldiers from the monastery were oblivious and blind to the manipulative threads that dangled overhead. Everyone was dancing to the beat of the Church and Those Who Slither in the Dark. The worst one of them all had to be Byleth, an outsider with little knowledge of politics, who was forced to join the mass. Not even Jeralt could save his daughter from their hands.
“I’ve killed so many innocent lives…”
But that was not her fault. She was simply following orders from Rhea during their time at the monastery. The same fault could lie upon her students too. They were the ones who delivered the final blow to every mortal foe that stand against the Church of Seiros. Villagers from various parts of Fodlan begged for forgiveness as Byleth slaughtered every one of them. Their crimes? Abstaining in the religious teachings of the Goddess Seiros. Regret gnawed at the ex-mercenary each time she received praised from Rhea and Seteth.
“Lady Rhea told me I’m her Mother…!” Byleth curled her fingers inward, unintentionally digging her nails into Edelgard’s back. The young lord bit back a yelp as her wife blubbered, “Can you believe that? I’m her Mother! She told me it was destiny— It was my fate that she be my daughter!”
She began to shed another round of tears and bit the bottom of her lip. Memories began to seep into her mind once more as she confessed her terrors. A child of a mother born of the progenitor god’s Crest Stone and a father who carried Rhea’s blood… She was literally related to Rhea, Seteth, and Flayn. She tried to reject the notion. She objected against Rhea of the ridiculous blood connection they had. She fought against the idea that Rhea is her daughter.
Obsession was something Rhea had to cope with her mourning. The lingering desire for a love Rhea desperately seeks for after the death of her mother extended out towards Byleth. Wet sensation overwhelmed her body, the revolting shudders that pulsed throughout her figure, the fingers that dared made her sing broken melodies unfit for the apparent goddess squeezed nausea into Byleth. It was all in the name of forcing the projected image and mentality into her. It was all there to say that Byleth was hers.
“She did so many things to me, I—I don’t know anymore!”
“She told me I was hers! I was hers alone!”
Absolutely revolting.
“El,” Byleth sharply inhaled and eased her bruising hold. The abrupt pacification was alarming. Though her tears were now long gone, her intonation was grave. “I don’t want to be used by her. I’m not her Mother… and I don’t want to be used by anybody anymore… I’m scared of losing myself.”
“Rhea is long gone.” Edelgard kissed her weeping wife’s forehead. “No one will use you ever again. If anyone does, I’ll cut them out before they can do anything to you.”
From Edelgard’s perspective, it was heartbreaking to hear all of this from her professor. She had known about it. She didn’t know the extent of the details, but she knew these experiences were bad. What she did not gauge was how BAD Byleth had it during her time at the monastery. The façade was well-kempt and hid her inner turmoil well. Whenever the topic was brought up, Byleth would brush it aside with an “another time” excuse. When they did have the scarce time to become lethargic, Edelgard would always forget or hold back on the matter, the fear of ruining the positive energy that surrounds their dates.
It was her fault for having it reach to this level. Everyone has the possibility of hiding something behind their smiles. It just so happens that Byleth was one of them. If only she had noticed it earlier… If only she had suspected it sooner… All these times they spent together, Byleth was afraid to succumb to the lowest point of her emotional health before her wife. Edelgard may have recovered and rightfully moved on from her past after a year from the war… but that was not the same for Byleth. Edelgard lowered her hands to her sides.
“I’m sorry it got so bad for you, my teacher… I won’t ever let it happen again.”
“…it’s not your fault.”
“But it is.”
The blanket began to move in place as the Adrestian Empire’s emperor shifted her position. She eventually sat upright and straddled the older female; both of her hands pressed upon Byleth’s abdomen. From all the times they’ve spent together, Byleth knew where this was going. This kicked up the temperature within her head and caused her heart to beat faster— and for a different reason too.
“Please, let me make it up to you.”
“You… don’t have to.”
“I do. The fact that the archbishop dares call you hers infuriates— doesn’t sit right with me. I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours. Besides…” she cupped her chin and hummed. “I heard that sex is a good way to increase one’s mood.”
So, it really was going down that route. It had been some time since they’ve last conducted this passionate activity. After all, they were both important individuals leading the united Fodlan and the Adrestian Empire. One acts as a war hero, and one acts as an emperor. Both always ran about their businesses. Various occasions forced them apart from each other. Whenever they had time to spend, they were either too tired or weren’t in the mood. They might as well diagnose themselves with TBD, also known as the “Too Busy Disorder”!
Edelgard blinked a couple of times when Byleth appears thunderstruck.
“…why are you giving me that bizarre look?”
“I’m confused. Who told you that?”
“…I’m going to kill Dorothea when she returns from Brigid.”
“Please don’t.”
Imaginary fumes puffed out of the noble’s head as beads of sweat flew out of the professor. It was followed up with chuckles and giggles from the pair. The heavy atmosphere that hung over their shoulders began to lighten up. That was the first step towards recovery. Postures still the same, Byleth reached up to pat her wife’s arm. Red discoloration continued to thrive on her cheeks as she murmured,
“I’m yours.”
It may have been soft, but low and urgent. Edelgard felt her core tightened from the intonation. She leaned down and kissed her spouse’s lips. It was brief and simple; an act of consensual agreement for the upcoming event.
“Very well. I’ll make sure to chase your fears away.”
The white-haired fumbled to strip Byleth’s dark shirt. It was a slow and excruciating process as the tactician would lift her upper body every now and then to rid of the attire. Shirt tossed to the side, Byleth urged Edelgard to do the same.
“It would be unfair if it’s just me.”
“Are you sure you aren’t saying that just to see me naked?”
“There’s… that too.”
How bold of Byleth! Then again, wasn’t she always this bold? She had always teased her students of silly remarks. When it came to Edelgard, those teasing were more in line of flirting and outright full of suggestive innuendos.
No— it might have been more so with her underlying desire to indulge in her beautiful wife’s figure. Scars and sutures did not matter to Byleth. She loved Edelgard no matter what she looks like; her love for the lord transcends beyond physical affections and wants. Edelgard heeded to her words and took off her tanktop. It was thrown to the floor without a second thought.
Now, the two bore themselves half-naked to each other. As they were wearing their sleeping attires, there was one less hassle with regards to their bras.
“Breathtaking…” Edelgard commented, her hands sliding up to Byleth’s peaks. “I will never understand how I can make mine as big as yours.”
“Don’t say that. Yours has a charm of its own.”
“Maybe if I drink more milk…”
Byleth pulled the young woman down with a single tug on her arms. Their lips crashed together. The way they kissed contrasted greatly from their previous one. Their tongues danced with one another as Byleth held the back of Edelgard’s head. Edelgard whimpered into her mouth the instant Byleth began to sweetly suck on her tongue.
In retaliation, when they parted for oxygen, Edelgard leaned forward to litter suckles and kisses onto the woman’s neck. She pushed her hips into Byleth, their neither region softly pulsating from the friction. A quiet groan slipped out of her wife’s mouth. That tickled Edelgard’s raw instincts as she retracted from the abdomen. Then, she pressed against it again. Not too gentle to be considered an annoyance, but not too harsh to elicit a full-blown euphoric trip. Just enough to justify the occasional moans from the older woman. The back and forth motion continued as Edelgard tenderly sucked and nibbled on Byleth’s smooth neck.
“Hah— Y-You’re… good at this as always— Hah…”
She closed her eyes and basked herself in the feeling of Edelgard’s hot mouth. To gain further access, Edelgard pressed her thumbs unto Byleth’s jaw, lifting it up so she could continue to explore the new premise. Byleth shivered from her profound action. The grinding against their private regions wasn’t helping either. She would softly gasp whenever pressure was applied to the soft nub. That turned on Edelgard and encouraged the continuation of her ministrations.
“I’ve learned it— Nngh… from the best teacher.”
“And w-who… who would that be?”
She concluded the hickey spree with one last smooch and raised her head. Sweat began to formulate on their forehead from the ensuing assault as Edelgard smiled. Though she did not offer an answer in return, the teasing question had a predictable response. They knew all too well who it was. In lieu of the lack of verbiage, Edelgard slowed her hips. Byleth had to resist the whine that nearly slipped from her throat.
The white-haired could tell she was frustrated. This was mildly amusing for the noble. How the mighty hero of Fodlan yearns for touches to satisfy her sexual hunger! And Edelgard would be the only person to ever deliver the salivating content to her front door. They exchanged another fleeting kiss, though more so to ease the impatient teacher.
“You’re so cute.”
Their roles were completely reversed in this case. Normally, those were the words whispered into the alumni’s ears while the professor’s fingers were buried deep into Edelgard’s flower. They would thrust in and out of the moist region. Heartful cries were proclaimed to the whole world as the bed creaked and rocked. Tonight, it was different; it was Edegard’s turn to make her wife tremble under her magical spells.
Edelgard proceeded to straighten her back and conduct adjustments to her straddling. Both her hands were kept busy by roaming Byleth’s bare figure. Pleasure zipped like electrical currents through the teal-haired thanks to the sensitive touches of her wife’s fingertips. They brushed, smoothed, and tapped on the elongated scars. Compared to Edelgard, they were not as numerous. Yet they were more haphazard and susceptible to touch.
She traced Byleth’s side.
This blotched scar came from a bandit’s brass knuckles. It derived from protecting Bernadetta. His vicious fist dug so hard into the ex-mercenary’s side, it managed to shatter a small portion of her ribcage. Crimson substances leaked from the corner of her mouth as Dedue and Felix avenged their fallen instructor. A miracle must have been in place to survive the aftermath. Had it not been for Linhardt’s and Marianne’s healing specialties, she would have been long gone.
She traced Byleth’s stomach.
This horizontal scar came from Dimitri. His dagger jammed into the teacher’s already-bruised tissue, breaking through the epidermis and slamming the hilt against it. Tears streamed down his face as he tore through her muscles. Blood splattered among the dirt road with a single flick of his wrist. Hubert and Ferdinand had tag-teamed to exterminate the dangerous noble. This time, Lysithea and Mercedes used plenty of white magic to keep their professor from walking over to the afterlife.
She traced Byleth’s chest.
This burnt scar came from Rhea. It was during the first revolt against the Church of Seiros at Garreg Mach. The archbishop conducted electricity through her open palm. Its incredible voltage charge nearly destroyed the Crest of Flames that kept the tactician conscious after stillbirth. Edelgard and Sylvain went in a frenzied state when the archbishop knocked Byleth into the abyss with another strike of her potent spell. Sothis was likely the one who assisted in the healing process during the five-year coma Byleth succumbed to. Without the female, Byleth would have never woken up from the rubble.
Each of these scars told terrifying tales. Close encounters with deaths were all too common for the students and teachers at the monastery, and their odds increased drastically after the war’s initiation. Edelgard’s scars mostly consist of her surgical implantations, but none ever met drastic battle scars like Byleth; the most she ever had were nicks and small lacerations from arrows and lances. (The army would never let harm fall upon their emperor!) She shook her head and settled her hands onto Byleth’s breasts.
Edelgard’s thumbs glossed over the brown nub, her fingers started to work on the mounds. A gentle squeeze emitted a burst of air from Byleth. She gazed downward and saw the woman furiously blushing from the said-action. The professor raised an arm up to conceal her lower facial features, her navy hues silently staring at her wife. Another squeeze caused a muffle this time. Then, she massaged the pair at a consistent pace. Every now and then, she would pinch the nipples between her thumb and index finger. A pinch would elicit a stronger reaction from the 26-year-old.
“Nngh— Y-You’re getting rough— Hah!”
“You think that’s rough?”
That remark was eventually joined by the returning gyrate of Edelgard’s hips. Byleth’s arm retracted as an uncontrollable moan erupted. A combination of the two activities were driving her insane!
“Hah..! Can you— Can you let me— Haah! Let me take off my pant! P-Please!”
Edelgard nearly laughed. Now her professor was begging for more? This never gets old. She adheres to her request and removed her hands. Another pause took place as they transitioned to the next phase. The blanket over her shoulders threatened to slip off as she yanked on their casual pants. After pulling it off, she tossed it carelessly aside like the other attires. Now it was time to move onto the main course. Edelgard’s predatory eyes darkened. She can’t wait to get her mouth all over Byleth and drive her to the edge of the cliff.
Previous sessions normally had Byleth lead the intercourse. This time, Edelgard took control. It had been so long since she acted as a ruler in their sex life. Another kiss was in a tall order for her lover. Hot bated breaths puffed at their faces upon departure. Edelgard flushed her body with Byleth, the blanket shifted to move alongside with the royal, and planted kisses over every inch of her wife’s alluring body.
She licked the brown nub.
She swirled her tongue around the nub.
She bit the nub.
She used her teeth to rub the nub.
Byleth’s outcries were escalating in volume. It would be to no one’s surprise if they would earn a few dubious and flustered expression from fellow allies and soldiers. (The worst one of them all would be Hubert. He would hunt after Byleth and skewer her if he could!) But she didn’t care, and she’s certain her wife didn’t care either. Her licks, bites, and roaming hands continued almost as if she were making up the days they hadn’t showered in love. She would occasionally kiss as if to replace the traumatic events with their blissful memories. All in the name of making Byleth forget about those individuals… even if it is a temporary solution.
Edelgard lifted her mouth from Byleth’s breast.
“I’m going to move down,” she said. “Can I?”
“Why are you asking me that?” came a hoarse whisper. “You already know the answer.”
“Just making sure, my teacher. Can’t forget about consent, can we?”
The teal-haired would have playfully knocked on the female’s shoulder had they not been in the middle of having sex. Edelgard was always the careful one in the relationship.
It felt good. Way too good. Byleth’s consciousness was starting to float into Cloud Nine as Edelgard made her way slowly down the writhing body. Pauses were made to plant fluttering kisses and strokes on the curves of Byleth’s belly, her hipbones, and silken skin on the inside of her thighs. Whatever negativity that strangled the professor had dissipated completely. Her body was engulfed in a fiery need of quenching as her walls were slick with arousal. Now all she could focus on was the pleasure.
She unconsciously pressed her hips into Edelgard’s first stroke of her tongue. Byleth knew Edelgard was eventually going to descend to her neither region, but it had been so long since she had someone relieve her of the pent-up tension through oral means.
God, it felt so GOOD. The strokes from her tongue were slow and steady, yet it managed to drag out the best sensation. Up and down her tongue went, Edelgard tasted as much as she could from the blossoming pink region. Byleth groaned and shuddered when her spouse tried to keep her thighs apart.
“A-AH! E-El—!!”
Byleth bucked from the powerful sensation. Her clitoris— Her clitoris! Edelgard became drunk from its scent as her mouth worked wonders upon the sensitive head and greedy lips. Had it not been for Edelgard’s strong arms keeping her hips down, she would have tossed the other female out of the mattress by accident! A faint grunt came from the busy white-haired. Enough blood had pooled into Byleth’s abdomen to cause a feminine erection of the pink nub.
“I’m not holding back.”
An index finger greeted the entranceway in the midst of her lavishing. First, its fingertip lightly brushed upon its surface. Vertical strokes croaked immodest sounds from the older woman. Eventually, the lord dug not one, but two fingers into the wet region.
That was the remark after Edelgard wiggled the two body parts into her body. It was a foreign sensation for Byleth since someone other than herself is feeling the inner walls. They naturally clenched around the slender fingers. Its squeeze and release intervals were synched with her core’s reactions. Byleth’s hands immediately flung to the bedsheets. She trembled when Edelgard curled her fingers.
“AH! That— Hnngh!”
Words were discombobulated; sentence structures fractured. The state of her verbal speech was similar to the state of her mind. They were clearly in another plane of existence. Byleth lifted her head as her hips moved on its own.
The sound effects were not helping. In this dead night, the steamy room amplified the wet motion coming from Edelgard’s fingers. Paired with their fast, hot breaths, bliss clouded their mentality and overwhelmed their hearing.
“S—So good— Haaaah!”
Byleth wasn’t the only one to be pleasured. Edelgard felt herself become wet; wanton desires starting to override her sense of self. Unlike Byleth, she had close to zero self-restraint when it came to achieving the climactic finale.
Thank goodness multi-tasking was her forte. A quick prayer to a godless entity sprung forth as she removed her remaining hand on Byleth’s thigh. It went down to her dripping nether region. She grimaced in Byleth’s hypersensitive labia, her fingers making quick work of her own clitoris. If there’s something she wanted to do, it was to be shoved off the edge alongside with her teacher.
A glance at her spouse drastically sky-rocketed the pleasure by tenfold. Byleth squeezed her eyes shut and found it impossible to remove the burnt image of Edelgard masturbating during their hot intercourse.
“I— Something… it’s coming— AH!”
The way the teal-haired’s face twisted… her looks were becoming desperate as Edelgard relentless tortured her with the thrust of her fingers and flick of her tongue on the clit. She was occupied with three matters at once, but Edelgard had always kept her lilac hues pointed at her significant other. There was so much to take in. She had to record them and burn them to memory. The amount of beauty that glistened from her wife… A dictionary would not be able to fully convey the radiant perfection of a being that is called “Byleth.”
Another groan burst from Edelgard, her fingers rushing to the finish line. The intensity was burning into her core and gathered enough aroused energy to strongly throb her rubbed nub.
“El… EL!”
She was close, and so was Byleth. In an effort, to reach the mountain’s peak, Edelgard pulled back her fingers. They were pulled enough just enough to leave the remaining tips inside of the pulsating walls. A few rough rubs on the outer flesh were made. Then, she slammed it right back inside, curving at the most sensitive and erogenous area of the vagina: the G-spot. This was immediately followed up with her lips closing around the clitoris and sucking hard on it.
Byleth’s muscles began to jerk, her figure stiffened, and her knuckles white as a huge explosion implored upon her body. As for Edelgard, she felt her body quiver from a sudden flow of euphoria throughout her figure. She retracted from her own area. Yet it wasn’t over for her teacher. She made sure to drag out Byleth’s climatic experience for as long as humanly possible, her tongue taking in the fluids, licking the moist premise, and swiftly rocking her curved fingers in and out.
“W—Why is it—! No— It’s coming again— NNNNGH!”
Right when she came down from her high, her professor bounced right back up to another orgasm. Though it was not as powerful as the first one, it still sent her spiraling upward to the clouds once more, pleasure rippling through her body until it faded into nothingness.
Their figures finally plopped back down on the mattress. A whimper came from Byleth’s direction once Edelgard removed her soaked fingers. All forms of heat excluding her spouse’s body evaporated instantly; the drug they undertook began to wear off. Now, they were basked with pleasant aftermath. Eyelids half-closed and head fuzzy, Byleth arms were extended outward on the bed to stare at the noble.
Edelgard crawled up as the blanket (with great wonder) continued to cling onto her shoulders. Upper body raised in a cobra position, not long afterward, she inserted the wet fingers into her mouth. Byleth’s eyes widened at the sight.
“T-That’s dirty!”
“Not if it’s from you,” she smirked. “You’re always a dessert I never tire from.”
Geez, when did Edelgard learn how to talk like that? Did she learn it from Dorothea…? No, it had to be Sylvain, right? No… that can’t be it… Just who and/or where did she learn that from? (Silly Byleth, it was from you!) The professor’s features became bright red, an embarrassed chuckle heard.
“I… I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t need to say anything, my dear teacher.” She leaned down to tenderly kiss Byleth. Strands of her white locks fell upon Byleth’s rising chest as she proclaimed, “I will always be yours, and I won’t let anyone ever take that away.”
That’s right… Though her PTSD is not easy to overcome, she must remember that she has Edelgard von Hresvelg. The woman whom she first protected, the woman whom she first taught, the woman whom she opened up to, the woman who became her wife. Past trauma may be ebbed into her history book, but the future can be built on top of them.
Their fingers intertwined. Then, Byleth closed her eyes and beamed.
“I will always be yours too.”
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Sorry if disappeared from the face of Tumblr, kind of got distracted with a certain Amino. Anyways, I wanted to show off Zettai Karen Children Azusa’s new design as well as one of her animal forms.
Here is her bio again, it has some new things to it.
🦇 Azusa is an executive of P.A.N.D.R.A who serves as third in command. She’s also a Level 6 esper with umbrakinesis, hypnosis, and metamorphosis. 🦇
🧛🏻‍♀️ Basics
- Name: Azusa Hyoubu
- Aka: Sovereign of Darkness, Vampiric Esper, The Umbrakinetic, Vampire (by Yō Fujiura), Wannabe Vampire, Darling Vampire (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Wifey (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Vampie (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Darling (by Kyousuke Hyoubu), Esper With Vampirism Tendencies, Sovereign of Darkness.
- Gender: Female (She/Her)
- Age: 37 (Elementary Arc), 39 (Middle School Arc), 41 (High School Arc; Currently) (Appears 19-22)
- Occupation:
PANDRA Executive; Third In Command
Leader of House of Bloodletting Dogs (formerly)
- Nationality: Japanese American
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Species: Level 6 Esper
- Height: 5’11”/181 cm
🧛🏻‍♀️ Powers/Weapons
1. Umbrakinesis: Azusa’s main ability which allows her to manipulate darkness/shadows. So far, she’s capable of animating shadows, solidifying shadows into things; objects; and beings, create a bat-like or African wild dog-like monster out of her own shadow, infuse darkness into anything she touches, blend into the shadows of others or her surroundings, release a wave of darkness at her opponent, turn her body into darkness, control people’s motor functions by fusing her shadow with their shadows, and create a field of darkness at a certain range that removes the person’s senses except for touch and hearing. Due to manipulating the psychic waves that control her umbrakinetic powers, she’s immune to darkness/shadow based attacks/powers. The main weakness of her ability is that it can at times strain Azusa’s body.
2. Hypnosis: Azusa is shown to create and manipulate deceiving illusions that effect the five senses. Her illusions dissolve into swarms of bats when deactivated.
3. Metamorphosis: Can transform into a vampire bat or African Wild Dog.
4. Teleportation
5. Parasol
🧛🏻‍♀️ Likes/Dislikes
✓ Books
✓ Reading
✓ Apple Juice
✓ Chess
✓ Knives
✓ Board Games
✓ Foxes
✓ Bats
✓ Cello Rock
✓ Jazz Fusion
✓ Knife Throwing
✓ Blood
✓ Vampires
✓ Metal Music
✓ Writing
�� Typewriters
✓ Fencing
✓ Vampires
✓ African Wild Dogs
* Non Espers
* Rap/Hip Hop
* Pop Music
* People Calling Her Vampire Wannabe
🧛🏻‍♀️ Personality
Azusa is a woman with a suave, extroverted, enthusiastic, and confident personality. On the surface, she appears to be rather businesslike; smug; and polite character who is often seen smiling no matter what situation she’s in and sometimes does a greeting bow towards friend or foe.
She appears to have a soft spot for books and board games, with chess being her favorite one to play. She also seems to have rather sophisticated yet expensive taste in many things as she’s seen collecting very old typewriters, eating at formal dining restaurants, and buying rather refined clothing.
Azusa is also known to be rather sharp-witted, being very intelligent and capable of completing tasks in a practical manner.
Despite those things, being a member of P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa is described to be rather dangerous. She is very sinister, bloodthirsty, and can be quite sadistic at times which she shows towards her foes as she isn’t afraid to shed blood with a wide grin on her face. Like Hyoubu, she tends to mask her saddened or angered emotions with a smile or confident smirk.
During battle, Azusa tends to tease or taunt her opponents and seems to boast a lot of self-confidence when fighting or when completing tasks to a point of arrogance. She’s also rather remorseless towards her enemies showing no qualms in hurting or killing those who stand in her or Hyoubu’s way.
She’s also quite cunning and tends to use rather ruthless methods to achieve her tasks. Azusa is also a very ambitious individual. She also appears to hold a strong grudge and disgust for humans due to her treatment by them in the past.
Despite these things, Azusa is kind and polite towards P.A.N.D.R.A, especially towards Hyoubu who she loves to bits and is very loving as well as caring towards him. She is also described to a loving and caring parental figure towards her kids and the Esper children who were taken in by P.A.N.D.R.A. Due to being rescued by Hyoubu around her early 20s, Azusa has sworn absolute loyalty to him.
Though usually confident, Azusa has also shown sadness and even fear/concern from time to time.
Aside from books, Azusa seems to take a strong interest in vampires and has a tendency to use her illusion ability to surround herself in bats, is obsessed with bats, drinks blood, and wears clothing that reminds her of vampires. Some find this endearing or strange. Her obsession with vampires and her ability has lead her to being called a ‘Vampire’ by Yō Fujiura.
In the past, before meeting Hyoubu and before becoming more open towards P.A.N.D.R.A; Azusa was described to be a lot more coolheaded and pessimistic. Thanks to help of Hyoubu and P.A.N.D.R.A, Azusa has opened up.
🧛🏻‍♀️ Past
At a young age, Azusa and her parents were victims of esper trafficking in Japan where she would eventually be bought in the Black Market by an unknown organization of normals who often used espers for their own personal gain and often treated espers inhumanely, often making espers their assassins and usually made their espers wear Limiters to suppress their powers. Azusa was valued by the organization due to her abilities and being a Level 6 esper which are the second highest level espers. However, she was treated poorly and only saw her as a tool of destruction. When they didn’t need her on certain missions, she often sported Limiters. Azusa disliked being treated by normals as nothing more than a mere tool.
On her 20th birthday, Azusa and her group of friends turns their back against the normal comprised organization and uses her abilities against them, killing many of the normal members in the process. She tells the espers within the organization that she is the Leader of The House of Bloodletting Dogs and their goal is rescue espers from humans, even if it meant killing humans in the process.
After Azusa’s escape, she and her group would eventually go into hiding while saving espers from humans where she and her friends would be caught up in an esper/normal conflict where she was nearly killed by normals and lost all of the Bloodletting Dogs members in the process until she was saved by Hyoubu and PANDRA, an organization comprising of only espers who offer her a home for only espers and dream of creating a world where espers will live with rights as well as freely. Hearing about Hyoubu’s offer and having nowhere else to go, she joins the organization and over time, grows very close to them and isn’t treated as a tool like the previous organization.
🧛🏻‍♀️ Future Azusa Predictions
1. Azusa is said to have sided with the espers who are fighting against humans, being responsible for countless deaths in the process. Even though not every esper is seen fighting against the humans, many of them are which is seen with Azusa.
2. Azusa supposedly watches over a small group of espers and supplies them with dangerous weapons.
3. While Azusa’s title known as the Sovereign of Darkness is not as well known as The Queen of Catastrophe (the now 20 year old Kaoru Akashi who supposedly had defected from Babel in the future and leads PANDRA due to Hyoubu’s worsening health conditions), her name is still feared upon by many for the blood shed she has caused.
4. By the war, Azusa has reached her mid forties (around 44-45 years old).
5. During the war’s initial stages, Azusa’s original parasol is destroyed and is seen with a different parasol instead.
6. It’s unknown whether Azusa survived or died in the war.
7. Due to her masks being destroyed, Azusa wears bandages over her eye. She also sports a different outfit.
8. Azusa kills Bullet Silver during an air raid.
🧛🏻‍♀️ Ship Name
Hyouzusa (Kyousuke Hyoubu x Azusa Hyoubu)
🧛🏻‍♀️ Some Trivia
* Favorite food is blood and sushi.
* Drinks blood.
* Married to Kyousuke Hyoubu.
* Has two daughters with Hyoubu (Zorro and Yugiri who they view as their adopted daughter).
* Wears masks and neck bandages to cover scars.
* Obsessed with vampires and vampirecore.
* Tends to call Hyoubu “Angel”.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Hi! I’d like to recommend Sweet True Lies ch.2 for Fandom Friday! @sleepingsun501 does such an amazing job with her characterization of Fox. It’s so different than how we usually see him and I love the tender light she paints him in. His relationship with Thorn in this chapter is also so wholesome and brotherly, something I think he really needs. I also absolutely adore her OC Keeda. She’s so strong and capable, but she’s also human and how she deals with her emotions in this chapter was written so beautifully.
Thank you so much for hosting this amazing fic rec list every week!
HECK YES! I loved learning more about Keeda this chapter, and I also adored getting an insight into Fox's internal musings and his relationship with Thorn! This story is absolutely shaping up in wonderful ways, and I just eat up Erin's characterizations. And I was so excited to see @rexxdjarin's OC Mari make an appearance as well!
Thank YOU so much for sending this in! Couldn't do it without y'all!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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Jessica Jackrabbit
This is female version(adult) of Jazz Jackrabbit. She’s masculine female character just like Ghostbusters(2016),Lara Croft(Tom Raider series),Rey(Star Wars),Samus Aran(Metroid series),Shantae,Sash Lilac,Neera Li,Jill of the Jungle,Jessica Rabbit,Hello Nurse(Animaniacs),Amy the Squirrel(Eric W. Schwartz(Amiga Era),Lola Bunny(Warner Bros.’s Space Jam),Dot Warner(Animaniacs),Fifi La Fume(Warner Bros.’s/Amblin Entertainment’s)Tiny Toony Adventures,Babs Bunny(Tiny Toons Adventures),Marvel’s Black Widow,DC Catwoman,Xenna,princess Merida,princess Fiona(Shrek series),princess Jasmine,Marvel’s Jessica Jones,Marvel’s Black Cat,princess Leia Organa(Star Wars),captain Phasma(Star Wars),Padme Amidala,Elen Ripley(Alien classic series),female Prisoner 849(Unreal 1),Ramirez(Fortnite Battle Royale),Snow White(Disney’s adaption of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs),Hermione Granger(Harry Potter series),younger Granny(world war 2 flashbacks in Looney Tunes Show),Cindirella from Disney,Anne Navarre(Deus Ex 1), Dr. Liara T'Soni(Mass Effect trilogy),Eleven(Stranger Things),Diana Scully(X-Files),Berri(Conker’s Bad Fur Day),T-X(Terminator 3), Michael Burnham(Star Trek Discovery),Mon Mothma(Star Wars),Lady Tethys(Dust An Elysian Tail),Rouge the Bat(Sonic the Hedgehog series),Meryl(Metal Gear Solid),Wonder Woman(Justice League),Krystal(Starfox modern series),Angela Cross(Ratchet and Clank 2),Callie Briggs(Swat Kats),April O’Neil(TMNT),Mona Lisa(TMNT),Barbara(Rayman Legends),Lily the Fairy(Rayman 2),Coco Bandicoot(Crash Bandicoot series),Topaz(Sonic X),Officer Jenny(Pokemon anime),Jessie(Team Rocket)(Pokemon anime),Misty(Pokemon anime from the 90′s),princess Peach Toadstool & princess Daisy,princess Zelda,Betilla the Fairy(Rayman 1 & Rayman Origins),Marvel’s She-Hulk,princess Sally Acorn(Sonic Satam),Zoe Cottontail(Jazz Jackrabbit),princess Tiara Cyberooski/Boobowski(Sonic Mars/Sonic X-treme),Blaze the Cat(princess)(Sonic Rush),Marine the Raccoon(Sonic Rush Adventure),Talwyn Apogee(Ratchet and Clank Future A Tools of Destruction),Nega Sonic Teeange Girl(Marvel’s Deadpool),DC Black Canary),Robin(Stranger Things),Cora Velarux(reboot of Ratchet and Clank 1),Lori Jackrabbit(Jazz Jackrabbit 2 The Secret Files),daughter of Commander Keen(Bethesda’s reboot of Commander Keen),Doom Annihilation main protagonist(second Doom live-action movie),Harrison Shelly(Slipgate Studios’s Bombshell),Minerva Mink(Animaniacs),Tily the Fairy(Rayman M),Lady Razorbeard(Rayman M), Madame Gasket(Robots),Gadget(Disney)the mouse,Bonnie the Mouse(Elysian Tail),Tara Kroft(Spyro classic series),Undyne(Undertale),Kumatora(MOTHER 3),Susie,prince Ralsei,Metatton(Undertale),(Deltarune Chapter 1),Zeena the Zeti(Sonic Lost Worlds),Iron Queen(Sonic Archie Comics),N.I.C.O.L.E(Sonic Satam),Tank Girl,Courtney Gears(Ratchet and Clank 3),Technomite Girl(Ratchet and Clank Size Matters),Penelope(Sly Cooper 3),Elora the Faun(Spyro classic series),Sheila the Kangaroo(Spyro 3),Bianca the Rabbit(Spyro 3),Carmelita Fox(Sly Cooper series),Supernova(Rick and Morty),Wilma,Betty(Flinstones),Furiosa(Mad Max Fury Road),Rachel(Blade Runner 1),Velma(Scooby-Doo),Splash Woman(Mega Man 9),Roll(Megaman series),Ursula(Little Mermaid),Tifa Lockheart(Final Fantasy VII),Wave the Swallow(Sonic Riders),Zayats(Nu Pogodi due to crossdressing just like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck),Johnny Test’s sisters,Marvel’s Captain Marvel,Marvel’s Invisible Woman,Elasti Girl(Incredibles),Edwina Roboshack(Ratchet and Clank 1),Helga(Ratchet and Clank 1),Aquagirl(Ratchet and Clank 3),Sasha Phyronix(Ratchet and Clank 3),Eve(V How Vendetta),Trinity(Matrix trilogy),Aida(Unreal 2)female V(Cyberpunk 2077),Ciri(Witcher 3),Daphne(Scooby Doo live-action movie),Jane(Jetstons),Jane Porter(Disney’s Tarzan cartoon adaption),captain Amelia(Treasure Planet),Yellow(Gunstar Super Heroes),Sailor Moon,Bayonetta,Ryuko Matoi(Kill La Kill),Queen Elsa(Frozen),Judy Hopps(Zootopia),Moana,Lilo(Lilo & Stich),Disney’s Minnie the Mouse,Evil Queen(Snow White),Fairy Godmother(Shrek 2),Fiona Fox(Archie Sonic Comic),Harley Quin(Batman DC comics/Batman the Animated series),Fidget(Dust An Elysian Tail),Poison Ivy (DC Universe-DCEU),Gamora & Nebula(MCU/Guardians of the Galaxy),Edna Mode(Incredibles),Caroline/glaDOS(Portal 1,2),Alyx Vance(Half-Life 2),Judith Mossman(Half-Life 2),Zaria(Overwatch),D.Va(Overwatch),Dustin’s girlfriend(Stranger Things). Honestly this fanart is just doodled sketch. It was inspired by deviantart user EdMopySun.
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secrets-ofthe-mind · 6 years
My Loves in Fiction and Fanfiction
Hey everyone! I think this is the first actual original post that I’ve written on here, everything else is just the wonderful work of many talented others that bring me small joys here and there. It dawned on me that while this is a Zutara tumblr first and foremost, I do have several other pairings mixed in with the bunch. So I figured I lost out my favorite pairings in 24 years of books/tv shows/ movie love:
1) Zuko and Katara:
Obviously they are my OTP, and will always be in endgame in my heart. I could talk days about them, and the works of @theadamantdaughter, @beanaroony, and the rest of the glorious posse of creative masters that have blessed our lives with their works of Zutara, and will in a later post. But they are what brought me to tumblr, and they are the reason I remain. Fire and Water, Earth and Air, Sword and Fan forever.
2. Tommy Oliver and Kimberly Ann Hart
Surprising fact, I love Power Rangers. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers was a favorite of mine when I was little, and the Darker Shade of Green series by UnromanticPoetrss on fanfic.com is one of the most spectacular reimaginings of a series that I’ve ever read, and reinstigated my love for them. I loved the campiness of it all when I was a kid, and the darker AUs and reimaginings in Archive of Our omIwn and fanfiction.com brings it all together. In keeping with Power Ranger couples I also enjoy Wes and Jen from Time Force, Trent and Kira from Dino Thunder, and the Jack/Sky friendship in SPD is wonderful, especially with Sky’s story arc. And Magna Defender just looks badass!
3. Shiro and Princess Allura
Only just finished season 3 of Voltron Legendary Defender, and what can I say I’m hooked on these two. Klance and Piro have my respect and at times my adulation, but Shallura has my love!
4. Bruce Wayne and Princess Diana (Wonder Woman)
Justice League the Animated series is by far the best cartoon adaption of a comic book series ever done. Period. And the thing that holds it together is amazing storytelling and writing, the juxtaposition of Superman and Batman with their developing friendship and differing thoughts on justice, the hints of romance (ugh angst is my shit) between Bruce and Diana, and the real pull and feel of the other characters, ie Green Lantern and Hawkgirl. But Bruce and Diana take the cake for being the best part!
5. Wolverine and Storm/Jean Grey
I enjoy the tension that existed between Logan and Jean in the Fox cartoon and it’s comics, but when I think about character developments, X-Men Schism, and underlying insecurities, I just love Logan and Ororo. His abrasiveness and snark match perfectly with her command and collection, and makes for wonderful interactions. Also Kurt would be the greatest best man ever! Also Logan as a father figure to younger female teammates is one of my favorite parts of his character. His a rough dude, but he loves Laura, Jubilee, and Kitty, and would straight mess up anyone who would think of doing them harm, while also letting them fight their own battles :)
6. Rey and Kylo Ren
I see a lot of redemption arc qualities in this pairing that could be similar to Zutara, really I’m just a sucker for a strong female character who can see past the villainy or flaws in another and bring them to the light, and kick their ass when they act up. It goes both ways, make and female, but I think it’s very powerful. Cliche, yes. Wonderful, yes.
7. Master Chief and Cortana
Halo 4 was amazing because it focused on the relationship between Cortana and Chief and the lengths he’ll go to in order to try and save her, and the sacrifice she makes for him. Their ending scene together in heartbreaking, and though Guardians left a lot to be desired, I do hope they find a way to bridge the human AI gap. Once again a female who can bring emotion, strength, and perspective to a grizzled and war hardened veteran. It’s applicable in my life and that’s why I love it so.
And many others...
Jon Snow and Daenerys
Brienne of Tarth and Jaime Lannister
Eragon and Arya
Piper and the Lone Survivor
Rapunzel and Eugene
Geralt and Yennifer
Bellamy and Clarke
Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy
The list goes on and on, and well touch on all of them in time.
With that, goodnight, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
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Summary:  When Logan ups and leaves the X-Men out of the blue, he finds himself deep in the mountains of Alaska where he gets caught in a snowstorm and is rescued by a girl named Zofia and after a year of living with her, Logan tries to find a way to confess his love to her.
Fandom: X-Men, Marvel
Characters: Wolverine (Logan), Zofia (Original Female Character)
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: PG-13/PG (more on the PG-13 side)
He didn’t know what happened or how, but all he knew was that something or someone had blindsided him, catching him off guard. And after the struggle with whoever it was (strange, the smell of his attacker wasn’t familiar so his attacker wasn’t that damned Sabertooth), Logan found himself caught in an avalanche and after that….
It was nothing, but cold darkness until he woke up and found himself in this small, cozy log cabin. He was wrapped up in what felt like a blanket and a furry pelt (it was a blanket made out of some kind of animal hide from what he could tell). It was relatively warm in the room, so warm in fact he almost fell back asleep but when he smelled the sweet aroma of whatever was cooking, his stomach growled and it was then he saw her.
Long brown hair and blue-green eyes. And of course she had been sitting in a chair, just crocheting or knitting (Logan never knew the difference between the two) and at her feet was a beautiful white furry dog (and from the looks of it, it was a boy, just around two years, maybe three). The dog’s barking had caught her attention and she immediately spoke.
And from their first exchange, Logan felt something stirring in his heart, something about her made Logan want to stay with her.
All of that happened almost a year ago. He couldn’t believe that it had been close to a year since he left the Xavier Institute, it was at random and for no reason. He just packed a bag, got on his motorcycle and left. Sure, he left a note saying he was leaving, but not even he was sure whether he’d be back or not.
“Heh.” The corner of his lips pulled back into a smile as he stood at the pile of wood, his metal claws unsheathe. A white mass of fur entered his field of vision and Logan glanced at the dog. This dog gets really attached to anyone it encounters and Logan couldn’t help feeling attached to the mutt. The beautiful fuzzy white marshmallow of a dog stared at him, ears perked as it’s blue eyes met his.
“Think that'll be enough firewood, Max?” He asked. The dog barked, his tail wagging furiously as he now rose to all four legs. Logan often wondered how the mutt could stand outside in this cold weather for a long time, waiting for him to finish chopping up some wood. He allowed himself to smile as he reached out, the claws on his knuckles retracting as he did, and ruffled the fur behind Max’s ear.
The dog’s eyes closed for a few seconds, the dog relishing in the attention he was given.
Logan retracted his claws and grabbed a few logs, hoisting said firewood to his shoulder, “Come on Mutt.” He said teasingly and as if on command, Max barked again and bounded after him, close on his heels.
The walk back to Zofia’s cabin was a relatively short walk but walking through this freezing snow, it felt a bit longer than usual. But Zofia had made sure Logan dressed appropriately (and he wasn’t about to turn her request for firewood down, after all, he liked being alone as much as he enjoyed being around her). And the scenery was quite nice and he didn’t mind the cold much (he survived in worse conditions).
As soon as the cabin was in sight, Max sped up, running at full speed, to the small stone steps leading to the door. Logan chuckled at seeing the dog, now looking back at him, waiting for him to open the door for him, and possibly for food. As soon as he opened the door and stepped in, letting Max inside as well, Logan was greeted by the comforting warmth coming from the fireplace and the smells of food (Zofia was one hell of a cook! One more reason to stay and ma-).
Logan quickly dismissed the thought as he felt the familiar warmth blooming in his chest.
“Lucy, I’m home,” Logan called out in a teasing tone as Max barked.
“Logan?” Came Zofia’s voice. She came out from behind the curtains that led to a small backroom that was Zofia’s bedroom (Logan slept on a roll out cot that was placed in one corner of the room when it wasn’t used). He couldn’t help feeling surprised and joy at seeing Zofia in her beige sweater, blue jeans, and her hair.
Her usual wavy hair had been twisted into a low ponytail, leaving a few wisps of her hair to hang about the sides of her face. It made the woman look….
Well, he couldn’t describe it exactly, but sexy would be too much in describing sweet gentle Zofia.
Not hearing his voice, Zofia reached out for him, feeling just a bit alarmed. Of course, Logan wouldn’t just stop at saying his usual, “Lucy, I’m home!” joke when he entered. He would start asking about her day and what she was up to. It just how he was (at least from what she’s seen during the year he’s been living with her--she never did ask about his past. Her daddy always said men--and women--don't have to talk about their past unless they want to, and what happened in the past stays in the past).
“Logan?” Zofia started again. This time she took a few steps towards where his voice came from. Max, having been trained to help her, walked by her, using his body to gently nudge her and guide her. A smile graced her lips as one of her hands brushed against Max’s soft fur.
Logan snapped out of his trance.
Damn it, Logan, ya gotta stop being captivated by her! She’s just like any other woman. Except for one thing, Zofia was blind. She wasn’t helpless for she still knew what the world looks like, but having turned blind when she was really young due to a childhood injury, Logan ended up treating her with a little more care than he would with Jean or Storm, or any other woman he met.
Logan smiled and reached for her, mumbling an apology.
“Sorry snowflake, seein’ you with your hair prettied up took me by surprise.”
His words made Zofia blush with embarrassment, a pink tinge gracing her usual creamy colored skin. Zofia felt a bit flustered (and flattered) at the comment, her heart starting to pound hard in her chest as she walked towards him. But when she took another step, Max stepped at the same time as her, but his paws landed in front of the woman, making her trip and stumble over him. The moment she started to fall, Zofia felt a small twinge of fear spreading through her, but in the same instant, Logan called out to her, fear in his voice.
She expected to feel the hardwood floor when she fell, but instead, she felt something soft and warm embrace her as she fell. It wasn’t Max because the texture of whatever she grabbed onto didn’t feel like dog fur. It felt like the soft leather of a jacket, the thin material of a flannel shirt, and something warm like…
“L-Logan?” Zofia whispered, her voice almost quiet. Confusion could be heard in her tone.
His hold on her tightened a little as he answered her.
“Yeah, it’s me, Snowflake. You ok?” Logan asked quietly. The soft graze of her fingertips on the skin at his collarbone made him shiver, but Logan was able to contain himself (save for holding her a bit tighter of course).
“Y-yea, I think so, thank you.” She murmured against his chest. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest. A strange wave of emotions was washing over as she remained in his embrace like this. This was the first time anyone, who wasn’t related to her, held her so intimately like this. Most people would try avoiding her or treat her like she was completely fragile. But never has anyone ever treated her like this.
“You gave me quite the scare.” Logan felt her trembling a bit in his arms and he felt his own heart beating just as fast. Holding her close, Logan could smell a sweet aroma coming from her neck. It was perfume but it was just a small sprinkle. Enough that it wouldn’t overpower his acute senses. (Damn if Rogue and Jean didn’t sprinkle that stuff on so heavily sometimes. It’d drive him to seek out a skunk! Well almost).
“I’m sorry.” He heard her whisper. It almost sounded like she was about to cry but that’s always how Zofia sounded when she whispers.
Just how in the world did whatever “God” up there knew he longed to hold her like this. Did someone really want him to have happiness at long last? Or is this going to be another of those moments where someone like Sabertooth would show up and just destroy his happiness in one fell swoop? Yeah, it happened with Silver Fox (Even though that was more or less a fake memory but his feelings for Silver Fox were real, he was sure of it). And it could easily happen again. This one thought made Logan tense, his hold on Zofia loosening some. As if expecting his sworn enemy to burst through the windows or the door, or even the roof, Logan sniffed for his scent, his eyes looking for signs of the bastard.
“Logan?” her soft voice snapped him out of his paranoia and he looked down at her in time to stare into her gray eyes. Had she sensed his unease?
“Is something wrong?” Zofia asked, feeling a bit uneasy herself. Was he feeling the same anxiety and nervousness as her? Or was he just regretting holding her this long? It’s not as though she resisted being held this close to him. In his voice, under that gruffness, she could hear the soft tenderness when he spoke to her. It wasn’t the tone of voice one would get when in an awkward situation or pitying someone. It was the voice of one who is in love. She had noticed when that tenderness slipped into his voice and she’s been waiting for something to happen since.
Logan blinked, immediately calming down and relaxing. Good no Sabertooth to ruin this life. He then chuckled at his own idiocy. He hasn't seen the damned fool in over three years (as far as Logan knew, Sabertooth was, well, he was dead). He wasn’t going to let ghosts of his past ruin this new life for him. And nothing was going to harm Zofia, he’d make sure of that. As if to reaffirm his silent vow, Logan hugged Zofia closer, burying his face into her soft hair.
“L-Logan.” Zofia’s voice came out as a soft gasp. She heard his heartbeat, soft, and steady, and the smell of firewood and pine trees. Yeah, that’s how Logan smelled to her, with a slight hint of those cigars he was so fond of. It was a wonder he didn’t have lung cancer yet.
“No one’s ever gonna harm ya. I'll make sure of that because I love you, Zofia.” His breath tickled her ear as he said this.
Zofia felt her heart jump to her throat and for a split second when they pulled apart slightly (though Logan’s arms were still around her waist), she looked at him and really saw him. Logan felt Zofia’s hand gently touched the side of his face, her fingers taking in what she’s touching. He didn’t know how being blind works exactly but he knew this was her way of seeing the world. Logan took one of her hands into his and pressed a kiss to her palm. Warmth spread through her body and she smiled.
Her senses painted the perfect image in her mind’s eye. Wild dark blue-black hair, stubble on his chin, and usually fierce blue eyes now staring at her with such affection and tenderness. It made her feel…
Excite? Joy? Love?
It had to be a mixture of all three. But whatever this feeling was, it felt nice. And she wanted it to last.
A giggle escaped Zofia’s lips. Pushing herself to stand on the tips of her toes, Zofia smile and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say this for a long time.” And with that said, she pressed her lips against his in a soft kiss. That one kiss felt like a shockwave and it made her pulse go fast. Logan just smirked and returned her kiss with one of his own.
“Good to know you’ve been waitin’.” He teased. As they shared a few more kisses, Logan shut the door with his foot, his arms still holding Zofia close.
He didn’t know when or how it happened, but Logan (or maybe it was Zofia) guided them to the back room where the two had given in to each other. It was dark now and his mind was blank, though thoughts of Zofia were still in his head, for once in his life, he felt at peace. Logan laid there in the bed with Zofia curled into his side, her head rested on his chest and his arms were still wrapped in his arms. Gods, just how long has it been since he’s felt this happy? Zofia was receptive of his yearning for her, even though it was her first time.
Logan chuckled and kissed the top of her head, making the woman groan in her sleep. He looked from his lover at seeing Max stretching his body out, paws stuck up in the air as the dog slept.
The Mutt knew what he was doing. He thought with an inward chuckle. Logan reached over barely stirring Zofia from her slumber as he pets the dog on his belly.
“Thanks for givin’ me the push, Max,” Logan whispered softly. The pitbull-husky mixed dog’s fluffy tail wagged from the attention and his eyes opened. Max then rolled over onto his stomach and crawled closer, laying his head on Logan’s lap. The mutant chuckled at this and scratched the dog’s ear.
For once everything felt right, and Logan didn’t think of what could go wrong. All he could do was lay there with Zofia and Max next to him and watch as the first snow of the early morning twilight begin to fall.
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amandajoyce118 · 7 years
Jessica Jones Season 2 Easter Eggs And References
Instead of a six sentence Sunday this week, since it’s been over a week since the second season of Jessica Jones dropped on Netflix, I bring you lots of Easter eggs. They’re all broken down by episode so you can skip to the ones that interest you.
First and foremost, before we even get into the episodes, is this that someone pointed out on twitter. Just like in the first season where plenty of iconic imagery from the comics was used, even the promotional image Netflix uses this season is based on a comic book panel. And just like in season one, the episode titles are all actually voiced in the episodes.
S2E01 AKA Start At The Beginning
Metro General
Apparently, this is the only hospital in New York, and its staff, other than Claire Temple, is all pretty much useless since they didn’t notice a teenage girl suddenly appearing out of thin air 17 years ago.
Lizards Wearing Human Skins
This probably isn’t an outright Marvel reference since it’s used as a joke in sci-fi all the time, but when one of Jessica’s potential clients mentions this, it reminded me that Agents of SHIELD did confirm that one of Marvel’s reptilian races, the Gegku, exist in the MCU since Fitz was wearing their larva as a pin in season five. As for the “wearing human skin,” Agents of SHIELD also did that with the Chronocoms in season five, and we know that the Skrull (who are shapeshifters) are heading to the MCU in Captain Marvel next year. So, hey, maybe it’s a reference after all.
The Whizzer
A guy with a penchant for yellow and blue who happens to have super speed isn’t just an invention for the show. Though his name is revealed as Robert Coleman, he was Robert Frank in the comics, and really popular in the 1940s. He was a character some fans theorized would pop up on Agent Carter because of his ties to the time period, but he was adapted for a (brief) time on Jessica Jones instead. The character actually fell out of favor with audiences as Captain America gained popularity. His comic book origin was the result of Dr. Emil giving him a blood transfusion from a mongoose… which gets a reference on the show too, though in a surprising way.
Trish’s Patsy Costume
That costume, right down to the colors and the go-go boots, is something teenage Patsy would have worn in the comics. They’ve really done a nice job at the callbacks for this character.
The Killers
The movie playing on the rooftop is the 1946 movie The Killers, which was adapted from an Ernest Hemingway story. In it, a boxer was paid to throw a fight and thinks he’s going to be killed after the fact. Which is basically the backstory for Daredevil’s father.
Trish Keeping “the others’” Secret
Trish makes a point of saying that she didn’t reveal Jessica’s identity on her talk show, even if it’s easy to trace Trish to Jessica. But she also mentions that she didn’t reveal any of the others. That’s a reminder that the two of them have now met the main players from Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist in The Defenders in case anyone forgot that Trish’s superhero complex wasn’t just a result of her friendship with Jessica, but living in a world full of heroes and just being Trish.
Maynard Tiboldt
The hypnotist that Trish mentions is a comic book character called the Ringmaster, just like his father before him. He debuted in the sixties in the comics and used a mind controlling hat while he was in charge of the Circus of Crime. A version of a Ringmaster actually appeared in Iron Fist as well, so I feel like this is more a case of the writers wanting to reference another controlling male character than planning on doing anything with him.
Crap On Jessica Day Is Next Month
Okay, so I know this isn’t a reference since writers didn’t know exactly when the show would be released when they were writing, but I found this line by Trish funny only because Infinity War’s release date was officially moved up to April, which is the month after Jessica Jones drops, and when the world will, presumably, go to crap, for the heroes living in it.
S2E02 AKA Freak Accident
Josie’s Bar
Look, it’s not just Matt, Foggy, and Karen who like to take their shots at Josie’s anymore. It’s becoming a regular Netflix hangout. And one with a Game of Thrones pinball machine.
The Patsy Walker Posters
The illustrated images used are pulled straight from old comics.
Those Spider-Man References
The idea of a spidey sense and the whole “with great power” phrasing has become such a large part of pop culture, that it they might not be a purposeful shout out to Spider-Man, but they should be. “With great power comes great mental illness” from the Whizzer and Griffin’s “scoty-sense” being referenced reminds comic book readers that on the page, Jessica was actually a classmate of Peter Parker’s when she was a teenager - which is obviously a very different timeline than the MCU. Jessica even had a crush on him at one point, but literally no one even noticed her until her family’s tragic accident. She didn’t take it well.
Simpson’s Inhaler
It plays a role later in the show too, but it’s confirmation that Will Simpson is a character inspired by Nuke if the red and blue pills from last season weren’t enough. In the comics, the pills activate his adrenaline, strength, etc. This season, he’s upgraded to the inhaler for a quicker method of application.
S2E03 AKA Sole Survivor
Foggy Nelson
So, it’s not just Josie’s that Jessica Jones is borrowing from Daredevil. This is just your reminder that Foggy now works at the same law firm as Jeri Hogarth. Him reaching out to someone having a tough time is probably also serving as a reminder that he’s having a tough time of his own - he thinks his best friend is dead.
Leslie Hansen
Hansen might just be a fairly common last name in the MCU, but it could also be that this doctor is related to Maya Hansen, seen on the big screen in Iron Man 3. She was one of the scientists working on the Extremis serum, and over the course of the movie, she was killed. Fun fact: She was originally supposed to be the villain of the movie, but the script was changed because Marvel didn’t think a female villain would sell toys. I like to think that Jessica Jones, a show that had all female directors for its second season, and all female artists doing its posters for promotional work, picked the name Hansen on purpose to prove a point, but that might be reaching.
Captain America’s Action Figure
We’ve seen Avengers toys and things in the MCU properties before, but it’s a nice nod here that this action figure belongs to a kid that lost Cap’s shield, so he had to make him a new one… which is exactly what just happened to Cap himself since he’s getting a new shield in Infinity War. Also a fun nod? A magnet was used to attach a new shield to the toy. There was a time in the comics when Cap used a magnetic glove to make sure his shield returned to him.
S2E04 AKA God Help the Hobo
We Prefer Gifted
The MCU has typically thrown around the word “enhanced” when it comes to people who were experimented on and ended up with abilities. “Gifted” is used less often simply because of its association with X-Men and the divide between Marvel Studios and FOX. It’s an interesting choice to have Jessica use the term (she also used it in season one) now that FOX has its own Marvel superhero show in The Gifted, which is set in the X-Men world.
Are you bulletproof?
I think Vito asks Jessica this as a nod to Luke Cage, but it could be a coincidence. He’s the only hero we know who got press for being bulletproof in the MCU though.
Hedy Wolfe
When audiences get a glimpse at the magazine cover highlighting Trish out with Malcolm, there’s a smaller headline that reads “Hedy Wolfe clashes with gal pal.” Hedy was one of Patsy’s costars in the comics.
S2E05 AKA The Octopus
Malcolm’s Painting
Funnily enough, Malcolm had a painting of an octopus in his living room in earlier episodes. I don’t know if someone in the writers room just really likes the animals or what.
“I know how you people like to team up.”
It does seem to be true in the MCU that one super powered person leads to a group. We’ve got the Defenders, the Avengers, the Secret Warriors, SHIELD itself, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
David Kawecki
Not a comic book character, but I think this name might be a nod to Annette Kawecki. She was a cover artist and letterer for Marvel in the 70s. The promotional team for the show released posters/book covers for every episode this season all designed by women, so I like to think this was a purposeful shout out. Especially since the character liked to draw. I feel like there could be more names that acted as shout outs to women in the industry as well, but I didn’t catch them all.
Don’t smile.
Okay, probably not an intentional Easter egg, but you have to admit that seeing a guy tease Jessica not to smile when he’s taking her picture actually made you smile instead of the sick feeling provided by Kilgrave’s command for her to smile.
S2E06 AKA Facetime
Purple and Yellow
I’m sure everyone knows that purple makes up the primary color in Jessica’s show. Each of the Netflix Marvel series has a signature color, so when Jessica and Oscar get busy and knock the paint over, of course it’s purple. The color isn’t just a nod to Killgrave’s Purple Man, but also the color that dominates her comic book covers. The working title for the series is also Violet. Funnier to me is that during the sex, they also manage to knock over the yellow paint, even when Jessica tries to move the paint cans out of the way. Yellow is Luke Cage’s signature color. But maybe that’s just a coincidence.
Karl Malus
The doctor that did all that experimenting is based on a comic book villain. He wasn’t one of Jessica Jones’ villains though, but Jessica Drew. Rumor has it Jessica Drew could be making appearances in Spider-Man movies soon, so that seems appropriate.
Jessica’s Painting
Oscar’s painting for Jessica might have a pretty distinctive style if you’re familiar with the comics. David Mack creates art in that same style (pretty sure he’s who painted everything that belongs to Oscar) and designed comic book covers and posters for Jessica Jones.
S2E07 AKA I Want Your Cray Cray
Jessica’s Mom
The big reveal here is that Jessica’s mom is alive. In the comics, Alisa Jones is the name of the woman who adopts Jessica, not the name of her birth mother, but the show’s using the name all the same.
Genetic Technology seems to be the fun way to name many a research company in the comics. So many companies get called “insert name here” Gentech. In fact, Maya Hansen worked for a company called Prometheus Gentech. So, it’s nice that carries over into the MCU as well.
That Music Video
Everybody else got some serious Britney Spears vibes from Trish’s music video, right? Similar aesthetic, similar pop music, and similar career path (at the time).
Jessica Campbell Jones
In the comics, the family that adopts Jessica has the last name Jones. Her birthname is Jessica Campbell. Since the show had Jones as her name from birth, adding in Campbell as her middle name was a nice touch.
“I’m gonna live forever.”
Yes, I think this is more of a reference to FAME than anything else since Trish wants to be seen as extraordinary. But maybe it’s also a hint to Patsy Walker’s comic book destiny of dying and only to get super powers in Hell and come back as the hero Hellcat.
I’d also like to point out how sad it is that Jessica’s love for boots and leather jackets, plus the name of her business, is the result of the last serious relationship she had before the mess she got into with Luke Cage. The past was haunting her even before Killgrave.
Touch of Evil
The rooftop movie that we get a scene from here is the 1958 film Touch of Evil which is actually famous amongst film critics for its tracking shots. Who else is famous from long tracking shots? That would be the Marvel shows. Every Marvel Netflix show (and Agents of SHIELD) has employed single take fight scenes.
S2E08 AKA Ain’t We Got Fun
The Raft
Yes, you might recognize the name of this prison. It made an appearance in Captain America: Civil War. You might remember it as the place in the middle of the ocean housing the Avengers that aligned with Cap. It was also in the comics before that.
Don’t feed the trolls
I feel like every woman in the entertainment industry has probably been told this about interactions on social media, so this line was probably easy for a show run by women to add in.
Trish Has Claws
Yes, she totally scratched up a guy’s face, a nice nod to the fact that Hellcat wears gloves with claws in the comics.
S2E09 AKA Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed
Stan Lee
He doesn’t have his usually police officer poster cameo. Instead, he appears on a poster advertising a law firm outside of Port Authority. Maybe he’s really a model?
That law firm Stan is advertising is Forbush and Associates. Forbush-Man was a Marvel character. He was created for Marvel’s comedy magazine called Snafu. (Forbush also happens to be the last name of the police captain that Lee usually cameos as.)
S2E10 AKA Pork Chop
A Plant Based Component
I saw someone mention that the plant based component in the inhaler that couldn’t be identified might be a nod to Black Panther’s heart shaped herb. I like the idea, but I don’t think that’s the case.
“There’s a hole in your soul.”
This line reminded me of the fact that Trish’s mother actually attempts to sell Trish’s soul in the comics in order to extend her own life. Things like that are actually fairly common in the comics with things like the Darkhold, Ghost Rider, and Mephisto dealing with actually demons and a dimension that Mephisto likes to pretend is Hell.
S2E11 AKA Three Lives And Counting
Feline Distemper Vaccine
Amongst the things that Dr. Malus uses on Trish during the procedure to give her powers is the Feline Distemper Vaccine. Feline. Like for a Hellcat. The writers were not messing around with the Hellcat foreshadowing this season.
Cell Block D
Alisa was held in the same part of the prison that housed the Punisher and Kingpin. It’s where all the most dangerous Netflix criminals go.
S2E12 AKA Pray For My Patsy
The station depicting the news has also appeared in other Marvel Netflix shows, and if I remember correctly, Agents of SHIELD.
“You can’t stop selling your daughter even if it kills her.”
Again, not just a reference to the fact that Dorothy Walker in an opportunist, but also to the fact that she tries to sell her daughter’s own soul in the comics.
Hey, look, it’s New York’s only street level arms dealer. Really, he’s appeared in every Netflix show so far, typically getting beat up by a hero for selling a weapon to a bad guy. At least this time around, he didn’t get beat up.
Doctors Giving Powers In Back Alleys
There’s this idea that people want superheroes so badly that they don’t care how they get them, appealing to shady doctors in suspicious areas to get the job done. This bit of dialogue is actually reminiscent of an Alias comic book storyline (that’s Jessica’s original comic book) that saw gangs kidnapping people with mutant abilities and harvesting Mutant Growth Hormone from them. It was made into a drug that they dealt.
S2E13 AKA Playland
You just used up two of your nine lives… not to mention those reflexes
Yet another nod to Trish and her feline ways, prompting more speculation that she’ll finally become Hellcat when she appears in the Netflix shows again. The end of the episode shows she’s got some super reflexes now, a reflection of her character’s agility in the comics.
12 notes · View notes
A Record of Wasteland’s Should-Be Residents, Locations, etc.
Credit to @wasteland-unused for doing the research! I’m hoping that if these ideas are all compiled into one place, it’ll be easier to think of a story involving them. There’s a lot of stuff, so look below the cut. They’re supposed to link to their respective pages, but something’s gone screwy with my blog’s theme...
The MixUps
Phoebe the SeaBee
Fear, Shame, and Ignorance
The Lost Boys
Zeke Holloway
Lucky, Madame Mim’s cousin
Atticus Thorn
Pink Elephants
Mousercise / Ossercise
Vermithrax Pejorative
Toby Bear
Max Hare
The Hunter (from The Black Cauldron)
Major Domo and Minor Domo
The kid from A Cowboy Needs a Horse
Terrible Tom
Waldo C. Graphic
The robots from Modern Inventions
Blackbeard, the original central pirate captain in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride
Looking-Glass Land Chess Pieces
Double-O Duck (a prototype of Darkwing Duck)
The White Rabbit’s Monkey gardener
Moana’s nine brothers (and maybe prototype!Moana)
The Cape Dogs
Casey and his daughters, the Caseyettes
Scrapped Dumbo crow designs
Captain Hook? (the version from the Peter Pan peanut butter commercials)
Concept art Dash
The characters of Fun with Mr. Future (possibly including Mr. Future himself)
Snug the Pilot
Winnie the Pooh characters (jerkass comic versions)
The Broken Toys
Redfeather the Turkey
Creepy Thanksgiving parade floats (from the ‘70s!)
The Argumentative Grasshopper
Neverland Mermaids
Scrapped worm-like monster from Hercules
Scrapped versions of Elsa and the Queen of Arendelle
The Music Box
Windwagon Smith and his love, Molly
The original Hatbox Ghost
Old King Cole (Would he still be a king? Because Oswald is king...)
Early version of Lady
Bucky Bug, June Bug, and Bo Bug
Early Captain Hook
The Magic Mirror
The Skeleton Crew from James and the Giant Peach
The Fair Folk
The Horned King
Orddu, Orwen, and Orgoch
Patricia and Percy Pig
Slimy the Weasel (as a Blotling)
Giant dinosaur mouse
Herbie the Love Bug
George Geef (and maybe Goofy Jr, too)
Push the Talking Trash Can
Expedition Everest’s animatronic yeti
Kat Nipp
Trudy van Tubb
Experiment 000 (Cyber)
Zeus / Jupiter and Vulcan (Fantasia versions)
Yeti animatronic
Fifi the Pekingese Dog
The mice in Great Guns and All Wet
Babkak, Omar, and Kassim
The Crows from Dumbo
Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear from Song of the South (and Splash Mountain)
Keelhaul Pete
American folk tale characters (protagonists, primarily)
Fifinellas (female Gremlins) and Widgets (baby Gremlins)
The Dreamfinder and Figment the Dragon
Drossel von Flügel and Gedächtnis
Master Control Program (MCP)
Rejected Sleeping Beauty fairies
Various obscure Disney robots
Sheriff Crabb
Rocky the Rhino
The Lion and the Unicorn
Woody Pride (scrapped version)
Inspector Javert (from That Missing Candelabra)
Yzma (scrapped version)
Francine “Fanny” Cottontail
Maleficent (scrapped versions, plus disguise!)
Julius the Cat
Belle’s extended family
Previously-scrapped Beetleworx
The pirates from the King Neptune short
The Mechanical Cow
Eega Beeva
Willie the Whale
J.P. Whiskers
Sora (scrapped version)
Miklos Mouse
Sylvester Shyster
Señorita Cactus
The Mariachi Butterflies
Donna Duck
The Aracuan Bird
Miguelito Maracas
Scrapped Peter Pan pirates
Maximilian (already has a Beetleworx, but perhaps put the real one in?)
Elvira (and scrapped version of Edgar?)
The Fujitas
Captain Gore and Priscilla
Scrapped “Drink Me” bottle
The White Knight
The Gryphon and the Mock Turtle
The Duchess and company
The Golden Harp?
Scrapped Dwarfs (with, um...certain exceptions...)
Bootleg Pete
Dentist Pete
Robin Williams lost boy from Back to Never Land
Lucky the Dinosaur
Sunflower and/or Otika
The Jabberwock
Characters from Mistress Masham’s Repose
Humphrey the Bear (He made a cameo in 2, apparently, but how about a proper appearance?)
Clara Cluck
The Nutcracker Sentries
Don Quixote
Captain Cleaver
Wintertime Park
The Tick Tock Croc Aquarium
Oswald’s Barrel House
Mickey’s Kitchen (possibly re-opened in Wasteland as Oswald’s Kitchen)
Cannibal Cove/Pirates’ Cove
Mission to Mars
The factory on top of the beanstalk
The Walt Disney Story
“Disney’s America” (or, as I like to call it, Americaland)
World of Motion
El Rio Del Tiempo
Discovery Island (see here if you’re wondering about the Adventurer’s Club)
Pooh’s Playful Spot
River Country
Disney’s Dark Kingdom
Disneyland New York?
Time Keeper
Silent Film Stunt Show
Previously-scrapped Wonderland area
Back to Never Land
Demon Jungle
Beastly Kingdom
Feed the Birds
Arabian Nights Reprise #1
Wherever You Are
Mickey Mouse Disco
We’re Gonna Get Outta this Dump
Babkak, Omar, Aladdin, Kassim
Laughing Place
Proud of Your Boy
The Cinderella Work Song
Dancing on a Cloud
If You’ll Believe in Me
I’m Odd
Snuff Out the Light
Beyond the Laughing Sky (which may sound kind of familiar...)
Warrior Face
You’re Never Too Old to Be Young
Music in Your Soup
Beta Epic Mickey tracks (known so far)
Blue Oak Tree
Beware the Jabberwock
Dream Caravan
World War II Insignias
Pack Mules?
Photo Cutouts
Duck Pimples
Cranium Command
Stitch’s Great Escape
Beacon of Souls
Mickey Mouse Club Circus
Flubber AKA Flying Rubber
Wind-Up Mickey Toy
The Star of Astoroth
Plaza Swan Boats and Mike Fink Keel Boats
Guns and other military equipment
Scrapped Content from Epic Mickey
The characters, concepts, etc, from 10 scrapped Disney and Pixar films
The collar of the Cat from Outer Space
1930′s Horace X Clarabelle Valentine’s Day card
Mickey’s Army Uniform
Animatronic Hook’s Flying Ship
A very hurtful (to Oswald) quote from Walt (WARNING: angst)
Disney Animator Memorials
Tom Oreb “stylish” 50′s redesigns of classic Disney characters
What’s this about ICP!?
Unproduced Disney TV shows
The magic sword from The Black Cauldron
The Golden Pelydryn
The Crypt
The Black Cauldron concept art by Tim Burton (potential Bog Easy Blotling ideas?)
The Great Movie Ride
Indicators of the fallen of Wasteland
Peter Pan’s Shadow (either a Pete Pan’s shadow or Blotlings resembling Peter Pan’s shadow)
The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter
The Jug Pump
Disney Princess Academy
Blotlings inspired by The Army of the Dead from The Black Cauldron
Chernabog’s Minions (as Bog Easy Blotling designs)
America Sings
More about Gremlins (Read the PDF of the book here!)
Pig Head / “Toonarooned”
Scrapped Blot ideas
Tapestry of Nations Parade
Creepy vintage Oswald merch
20′s slang
The Shadow King
Blot!Mickey (could be used for a Blot!Miklos or something)
More creepy vintage Mickey merch
Gas flares
15 notes · View notes
aion-rsa · 4 years
Peacock: NBC Streaming Service Release Date, Shows, Price, and News
The streaming service field is becoming more fractured, as more and more media companies break from Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu in favor of creating their own streaming services. NBCUniversal—the Comcast Corp. division that owns NBC, MSNBC, USA, and the Universal Pictures movie studio—is next up with new streaming service Peacock.
Peacock will feature content from NBC, Bravo, USA Network, SYFY, Oxygen, E!, CNBC, MSNBC, NBCSN, Golf Channel, Universal Kids, A&E, ABC, CBS, The CW, FOX, HISTORY, Nickelodeon, Showtime, Universal Pictures, DreamWorks, Focus Features, Illumination, ViacomCBS, Paramount, Lionsgate, Warner Bros., and Blumhouse.
Here’s what we know:
Peacock Release Date
Peacock was made available to Comcast’s Xfinity X1 platform subscribers on April 15, 2020. The service will officially roll out to the rest of the country on July 15, 2020. NBCUniversal has plans for an international release of the service but no timeframe has been announced yet.
Peacock Price
What is Peacock going to cost? Well…that’s complicated. NBC is deviating from WarnerMedia, Disney, and Apple by incorporating pricing tiers into its service at launch. Peacock has three potential pricing options: free, $4.99, and $9.99. Here is what you’ll get at each price point:
Peacock Free includes 13,000 hours of NBCUniversal content, including still-airing series a week after they premiere. It will also feature advertisements.
Peacock Premium (with ads) is the $4.99 option and will include everything that the streaming service has to offer (over 20,000 hours of content) including Peacock originals and next-day availability of current TV shows…but also dumb old commercials. 
Peacock Premium (without ads) is $4.99 for Comcast subscribers and $9.99 for everyone else. It will include the full spectrum of Peacock content with no ads. 
Peacock Platforms
Peacock is available to be streamed on the following platforms:
Apple devices including iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD.
Google platforms and devices including Android, Android TV devices, Chromecast and Chromecast built-in devices.
Microsoft’s Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One S and Xbox One X; and VIZIO SmartCast™ TVs and LG Smart TVs. 
Comcast Xfinity X1 and Flex users, as well as eligible Cox Contour customers, can use Peacock Premium included with their service at no additional cost.
Starting the week of July 20, Peacock will be available Sony PlayStation 4 andPlayStation 4 Pro. 
Notable absences on this list include two of the most popular streaming device providers in Roku and Amazon Fire. Just as WarnerMedia was unable to cut deals with either company for HBO Max, so too was NBCUniversal unable to do so with Peacock.
Peacock Originals
NBCUniversal has revealed the first batch of original programming coming to the service:
Available July 15
Psych 2: Lassie Come Home
“Santa Barbara Police Chief Carlton Lassiter is ambushed on the job and left for dead. In a vintage Psych-style Hitchcockian nod, he begins to see impossible happenings around his recovery clinic. Shawn and Gus return to Lassie’s side in Santa Barbara and are forced to navigate the personal, the professional, and possibly the supernatural. Separated from their new lives in San Francisco, our heroes find themselves unwelcome in their old stomping grounds as they secretly untangle a twisted case without the benefit of the police, their loved ones, or the quality sourdough bakeries of the Bay Area. What they uncover will change the course of their relationships forever.” – Read more about Psych 2: Lassie Come Home here.
Brave New World
“Based on Aldous Huxley’s groundbreaking 1932 novel, Brave New World imagines a utopian society that has achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself.” Read more about Brave New World here.
Available August 6
Best friends Jamie (Mel Giedroyc) and Fran (Sue Perkins) are trying to make their way in the world with only each other to rely on. They also just happen to kill people for a living. Fueled by their antics and frivolous bickering, each job inevitably gets derailed, leading them into bizarre misadventures, full of oddball characters and unexpected dilemmas.
Available August 13
Five Bedrooms
Five singles meet at, of all places, the singles’ table at a wedding. After several bottles of champagne, they decide to pitch in and buy a house together. Five singles buy a house together – what could go right?  It’s a grand social experiment with one glaring problem: they’ll have to actually live with each other.  All while journeying together through disasters, life-turning crises, and  moments of love, joy and heartbreak. The series stars Kat Stewart (Offspring), Stephen Peacocke (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot), Doris Younane (Frayed), Katie Robertson (Rosehaven), Roy Joseph (Halim), Kate Jenkinson (Wentworth) and Hugh Sheridan (Packed to the Rafters).
Available September 3
A.P. Bio (Season 3)
“When disgraced Harvard philosophy professor Jack Griffin loses out on his dream job, he is forced to return to Toledo, Ohio, and work as a high school Advanced Placement biology teacher. As he comes crashing in to Whitlock High School, Jack makes it absolutely clear he will not be teaching any biology. Realizing he has a room full of honor roll students at his disposal, Jack decides instead to use the kids for his own benefit. Eager to prove that he is still king of the castle, Principal Durbin struggles to control the force of nature that is Jack Griffin.” Read more about A.P. Bio season 3 here.
Available September 17
Passenger plane Flight 716 shockingly vanishes, and brilliant investigator Kendra Malley (Archie Panjabi, The Good Wife), alongside her mentor Howard Lawson (Christopher Plummer, Knives Out) are brought on to lead the investigation. When battling forces threaten to undermine their work, Kendra must find the truth and stop it from happening again. The series also stars Kris Holden-Reid (Umbrella Academy), Rebecca Liddiard (Run This Town), Tamara Duarte (Longmire), Mark Rendall (Versailles), Peter Mensah (Midnight, Texas) and Sasha Roiz (Suits).
Available TBD
The Adventure Zone 
“Based on the McElroy Family’s wildly popular Dungeons & Dragons podcast and No. 1 New York Times best-selling graphic novel series, The Adventure Zone is a side-splitting and heart-filled fantasy animated comedy series that follows an unlikely, poorly equipped trio and their beleaguered Dungeon Master as they reluctantly embark on a quest to save their world.” – Per THR.
Angelyne (limited series)
“Limited series based on The Hollywood Reporter feature that explored the identity of L.A.’s mysterious billboard bombshell.”
Battlestar Galactica
“Battlestar Galactica returns to television with Sam Esmail producing.” Read more about this reboot here.
Clean Slate
“Old-school car wash owner, Henry (George Wallace), is thrilled that his estranged child is returning to Alabama after 17 years. However, Henry has a lot of soul searching to do when the child he thought was a son returns as the determined, proud, trans woman, Desiree (Laverne Cox).” – Per THR.
Division One
“Division One is a coming-of-age comedy about an underdog women’s collegiate soccer team that gets a new female coach — a former professional soccer player who’s fallen from grace — and must decide whether or not they’re going to take the risk of trying to be great.” The show will be produced by Amy Poehler and soccer star Abby Wambach. – Per THR.
Dr. Death
“Based on Wonderly’s hit podcast, Dr. Death tells the terrifying true story of Dr. Christopher Duntsch (Jamie Dornan), a rising star in the Dallas medical community. Young, charismatic and ostensibly brilliant, Dr. Duntsch was building a flourishing neurosurgery practice when everything suddenly changed. Patients entered his operating room for complex but routine spinal surgeries and left permanently maimed or dead. As victims piled up, two fellow physicians, neurosurgeon Robert Henderson (Alec Baldwin) and vascular surgeon Randall Kirby (Christian Slater), set out to stop him. Dr. Death explores the twisted mind of a sociopath and the gross negligence of the system designed to protect the most defenseless among us.”
“Ellie, a fiercely independent but perpetually single music manager, has always wanted a family but never found a man worthy of the role of ‘father.’ That is, until her 39th birthday, when she decides to ask her gay best friend and co-worker, Jonathan, if he’ll be her sperm donor. When Jonathan surprises himself by saying ‘yes,’ it sets off a chain of events that turn Ellie and Jonathan’s personal and professional lives upside down as they try to turn their ‘chosen family’ into a biological family. Mindy Kaling will executive produce.” – Per THR.
Hatching Twitter
“Through exclusive access and exhaustive investigative reporting, New York Times best-selling author Nick Bilton draws on hundreds of sources, documents and internal e-mails to tell intimate true stories of companies behaving badly and technology gone awry. The first installment of this anthology series will be based on Bilton’s acclaimed book Hatching Twitter, a tale of betrayed friendships and high-stakes power struggles that accompanied the meteoric rise of the infamous tech company. 140 characters and a few lines of code changed the world, disrupting the very fabric of the way people communicate. This series will explore the real masterminds behind it all, how it was done, and the colossal ramifications the technology will have on our future.” – Per THR.
After rotting in prison for over a decade, America’s ultimate hero and uber patriot MacGruber is finally released. His mission: to take down a mysterious villain from his past — Brigadier Commander Enos Queeth. With the entire world in the crosshairs, MacGruber (Will Forte), Vicki and Piper must race against time to defeat the forces of evil. Only to find that evil … may be lurking within. – Read more about MacGruber here.
One of Us Is Lying (pilot)
“Based on Karen M. McManus’s best-selling novel, One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide.”
Punky Brewster (pilot)
“In this multicamera/hybrid continuation of the iconic ’80s sitcom about a bright young girl raised by a foster dad, Punky is now a single mother of three trying to get her life back on track when she meets a young girl who reminds her a lot of her younger self.”
Rutherford Falls
“Ed Helms portrays Nathan Rutherford, the eponymous denizen of a small New England town, who is having difficulty facing the inevitable changes to his way of life.”
Saved by the Bell (reboot)
“When California governor Zack Morris gets into hot water for closing too many low-income high schools, he proposes they send the affected students to the highest performing schools in the state – including Bayside High. The influx of new students gives the over privileged Bayside kids a much needed and hilarious dose of reality.” – Read more about the Saved by the Bell reboot here.
Straight Talk
“Straight Talk examines what happens when two opposing ideologies are forced into an odd coupling. The main characters will be challenged by one another, making the moral lines at which they once stood harder to define.”
Peacock Library
Peacock has been designed to mimic the experience of flipping through channels on a terrestrial television. To that end, both the free and premium tiers are launching with curated channels of NBC-themed content. These include channels that contain the best moments from shows such as The Office (“Office Shorts”), Saturday Night Live (“SNL Vault”), The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (“Fallon Tonight”), Late Night With Seth Meyers (“Seth Meyers Now”).
There are also exclusive genre channels like CNBC Make It, TODAY All Day, CNBC Ka-Ching, American Greed, 80s Mixtape, True Crime, Kiss Me Deadly, Peacock Reality, Out of This World, Caso Cerrado and I Love Jenni.
The free tier will include current NBC TV shows one week after they air. It will also include select episodes of Peacock originals. Most importantly it will include the following library content at launch:
30 Rock
Parks and Recreation
Saturday Night Live
Saved by the Bell
Punky Brewster
The Johnny Carson Show
The Carol Burnett Show
Real Husbands of Hollywood
Everybody Hates Chris
Friday Night Lights
Downton Abbey
The Game
Sacred Lies
Royal Pains
Battlestar Galactica
The Rockford Files
21 Jump Street
Leave It To Beaver
Murder She Wrote
Below Deck
Southern Charm
Chrisley Knows Best
Flipping Out
Million Dollar Listing New York
Pawn Stars
Storage Wars
Real Housewives of Dallas
Jay Leno’s Garage
Shahs of Sunset
Undercover Boss
Top Chef Masters
Hell’s Kitchen
Hollywood Game Night
American Ninja Warrior Jr.
Kong, The Animated Series
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
Fievel’s American Tails andWoody Woodpecker
Betty en NY
I Love Jenni
Reina De Corazones
The Riveras
Preso No. 1, Caso Cerrado
El Baron
El Chema
Perro Amo
Mi Familia Perfecta
Quien es Quien
Donde Esta Elisa.
Added library shows for the premium tier include:
Two and a Half Men
Everybody Loves Raymond
George Lopez
Jeff Foxworthy Show
King of Queens
The Affair
Law & Order
Law & Order: SVU
Ray Donovan
Swedish Dicks
American Ninja Warrior
DreamWorks Dragons: Riders of Berk
Care Bears
Care Bears: Welcome to Care-a-Lot.
Future Peacock TV library titles feature:
The Office
Chicago P.D.
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
3rd Rock from the Sun
Bates Motel
 Brooklyn Nine-Nine
 Real Housewives of Atlanta
Real Housewives of New York,
Real Housewives of New Jersey
Real Housewives of Orange County
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
Vanderpump Rules
Millionaire Matchmaker
Top Chef
Married with Children
Curse of Oak Island
 First 48
 American Picker
 Ancient Aliens
Cold Case Files
The free tier of Peacock movies available at launch includes:
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Ultimatum
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park III
Phantom Thread
The Interprete
American Psycho
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
The Blair Witch Project
The Mummy
Fletch Lives
The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury
Do the Right Thing
Howard the Duck
Billy Elliot
The Birds
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
The Last House On The Left
I Am Ali
In The Name of the Father
Lone Ranger
The Hitcher
Law Abiding Citizen
The Sting
What Dreams May Come
Fried Green Tomatoes
One True Thing
Gosford Park
The premium tier adds:
Lone Survivor
Identity Thief
Children of Men
Charlie Wilson’s War
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Kicking and Screaming
Larry Crowne
You, Me & Dupree.
The following films are expected to arrive on Peacock sometime after launch:
Trolls World Tour
You Should Have Left
Croods 2
Boss Baby 2
Won’t You Be My Neighbor
The Purge
Ride Along
American Gangster
Fast & Furious
Fast 5
Fast & Furious 6
Field of Dreams
The Express
Knocked Up
National Lampoon’s Vacation
National Lampoon’s European Vacation
Evan Almighty
The Conjuring
Dawn of the Dead
The Dark Knight
The Big Lebowski
Scent of a Woman
3:10 to Yuma
Lost In Translation
Brokeback Mountain
Pitch Black
The Graduate
Police Academy
The Great Outdoors
The Bone Collector
Robin Hood
The Hurt Locker
The Break Up
Open Water
It Follows
Carlito’s Way
Peacock Sports
Peacock is notable in its offering of live sporting events, something that only ViacomCBS’s CBS All Access can compete with among the major OTT streaming services.
Live sports available to free tier users include:
Four exclusive English Premier League soccer matchers on July 15.
Coverage of the U.S. Men and Women’s Open Championships in golf.
An NFL Wild Card Playoff game.
Select events from the now-delayed Tokyo and Beijing Olympics
Premium tier highlights include:
175 exclusive EPL matchups for the 2020-21 season.
Cycling events like the Tour du France.
More than 100 hours of WWE content arriving in August including series like WWE Untold, and Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions. And compilations like John Cena’s Best WrestleMania Matches.
The post Peacock: NBC Streaming Service Release Date, Shows, Price, and News appeared first on Den of Geek.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
Be Brave, Little Fox
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SuUasO
by Emberxashton
Sequel to previous work "Soldier On, Little Fox". Please read that first or else you will not understand this part of the story.
Violet Mason, a brash and outspoken Omega who doesn't know when to quit, and Peter Parker, a precious cinnamon roll of an Omega who's too good for this world, are being held captive by The Avengers, who are far from the heroes we all know them to be. In this world, Alphas reign supreme while Omegas are treated like animals. The Avengers seemingly rule the world, but suffer many hiccups as Violet continues to fight their unbreakable hold. She's not the type to back down from a fight. With Peter Parker at her side, her brother for all intents and purposes, the pair stand up to the formidable force of their captors and fight to survive, earning all sorts of allies from around the globe as they do.
Will they break from the Avengers unbreakable hold and live free from their tyranny, or succumb to the Alphas commands and bend to their will?
Words: 3873, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Little Fox
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse), Deadpool (Movieverse), The Defenders (Marvel TV), Black Widow (Movie 2020)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Original Female Character(s), Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Logan (X-Men), Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Scott Summers, Darcy Lewis, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Wade Wilson
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Original Female Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character(s), James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Peter Parker/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Dark, Alternate Universe - Mob, Alternate universe - Mafia, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Sex, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Romance, Angst with a Happy Ending, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Alpha Natasha Romanov, Alpha Tony Stark, Omega Peter Parker, Coercion, Precious Peter Parker, Dubious Consent, Dubious Morality, Pining, Alpha Steve Rogers, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Bucky Barnes, Possessive Natasha Romanov, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Natasha Romanov, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Avengers, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, Implied/Referenced Torture, Dark Avengers - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SuUasO
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