#commander wolffe x original female character
wild-karrde · 1 year
Karrde's Fandom Friday Rec #2 (8/4/23)
My second rec this week has to go to @cyarbika for her fic Walk Me Home. I've written Bee entire book reports about how good this fic is, but words honestly fail me. Bee has created a cast of original characters that are so wonderful and rich that they fit perfectly in with canon while also being immensely relatable. The way she writes Wolffe is absolute perfection, and I already loved Cherise based on NSA (I know she wasn't technically Cherise then, but she already felt like a fully-flushed out character even then), but I have fallen even more in love with her with every chapter of WMH. Bee has written such a devastatingly beautiful story about love, perseverance, and finding your way in a galaxy rocked by tragedy, and I cannot recommend it enough, even for those that aren't necessarily Star Wars fans. I could go on and on (and have done so in Bee's comments lol), but I just gotta say that everyone should check it out for themselves.
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Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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Chapter 3
fic masterlist // series masterlist // previous chapter // next chapter
Relationships: Commander Wolffe/fem!Jedi!OC (it’s about the slow burn y'all)
Rating: Mature (this fic as a whole is still Explicit/18+ so if you are a minor pls GTFO)
Tags/Warnings: death, corpses, blood, injuries, canon-typical violence (listen it's the Malevolence Arc, you know what's about to happen)
Word Count: 6k (ahahahahha i know i know alright)
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divider by: @djarrex
Location: Escape Pod in Abregado Airspace // Year: 22 BBY // Five Hours Post-Malevolence Attack
It’s the silence, Lyra’s decided. Space has always been quiet, but the quiet doesn’t bother her. The silence, though. 
Lyra stares up at the ceiling of the escape pod that she’s stuck in, laying on the floor. She’s enjoying the artificial gravity, for as long as she can. She’s going to have to turn it off in approximately fifty-five minutes, to reserve power for the life support system. Air to breathe is more important than gravity.
Lyra refuses to look out the viewport of the escape pod. If she could cover it, she would. She already knows what’s floating past the glass, bumping into her escape pod every few seconds. She doesn’t need to keep seeing it. She resists the urge to look at the chrono on her wrist. She’s pretty sure it’s still been five hours, seven minutes, and approximately thirty-six seconds since… since Malevolence.
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Location: The Triumphant in Hyperspace // Approximately Five Hours Earlier
“That’s why your name is Stitches?” Lyra all but yells across the medbay at the clone medic in question. Stitches shrugs his shoulders while spinning a stylus between his fingers as he avoids doing the inventory Lyra asked him for earlier. 
“It made sense and I thought it was funny.” Stitches smiles as Lyra rolls her eyes. The large ship shudders slightly and they both look around. “Feels like we just dropped out of hyperspace. Shouldn’t you be on the bridge?” Lyra huffs and stands up, walking over to the supply tower in the center of the large medbay. 
“Plo doesn’t need me up there. Besides, Commander Wolffe doesn’t want me anywhere near that bridge. He made that very clear.” Lyra looks at her own datapad and starts doing the inventory herself, as she does her best to keep her feelings to herself. She reaches up and taps her earcomm twice, tuning into the bridge’s surveillance system so she can hear Plo and Wolffe. 
“-large energy reading from the target, sir.” Lyra’s fingers still in the bin full of gauze as she hears Wolffe speaking. 
“They found it.” She whispers and Stitches looks up from across the room. 
“The weapon?” He asks, standing up finally and walking towards her. She nods and transfers the audio to her wrist comm so Stitches can listen with her. 
“Open fire.” Plo’s voice sounds calm, but Lyra can detect the slightest undercurrent of fear. 
“We’re not in range yet, sir.” Wolffe replies and Lyra feels a tremor in the Force. The hair in her arms stands up and she suddenly senses a strong urge to run. She grabs Stitches wrist, who balks in surprise.
“Brace for impact!” Plo is now clearly shouting, but his warning is too late. All the power in the medbay flickers and then shuts off. Stitches runs to the doors and holds them open, because the power loss causes a quarantine shutdown in the medbay. Lyra bolts to the bacta tanks and tries to turn on the emergency generator, with no luck. The doors slide back open, and Stitches turns to face Lyra and panic wipes across her face.
“The shields.” She almost whispers it, but Stitches hears her. 
“-as left us defenseless!” Wolffe’s voice shouts from Lyra’s wrist, her comm barely holding on to the signal. “They’re tearing us apart, one by one.” He finishes as a loud crashing sound echoes from somewhere.
“The other ships in the fleet…” Stitches trails off as Lyra starts thinking about the two teams of medics under her command on the other two ships. She starts to reach for them in the Force when a wave of death almost knocks her off her feet. She stumbles backwards and Stitches catches her. 
“Quickly! Into the pods!” They both hear Plo shout before Lyra’s comm finally fizzles out. Lyra grabs Stitches by the arm and they both start sprinting. Lyra can see red hot fissures start to appear in the hallway as they run.
“We’re running out of time!” Lyra yells as they sprint around the corner. There’s only one pod left and that’s when Lyra remembers that the pods have to be launched from an exterior control panel. The moment the thought enters her mind, she’s lifted off the ground. She lands on her hands and knees on the inside of the pod, and turns to see Stitches already closing the hatch. “No!” Lyra shrieks and tries to stop him, but it’s too late. She slams into the hatch, tears streaming down her face. Stitches looks down at the control panel and then back up at her. 
“Keep my brothers safe for me, vod’ika. Okay?” He says something in a different language and hits the panel. Lyra watches through her tears as her escape pod is jettisoned from the ship. Barely a second later, the Triumphant explodes in front of her eyes. 
She can see bodies being flung into open space by the force of the explosion. She turns away from the small viewport at the back of the pod and looks through the large viewport at the front.
It takes her a moment to realize that the noise she’s hearing is a scream from her own throat. Her entire focus is locked on the view out her front viewport. 
Clones. Soldiers. Men she was responsible for keeping alive. Floating. Suffocated. Dead by the thousands.
Lyra collapses, sobs ripping from her throat. She pounds her hands against the durasteel grate of the floor in frustration and anger and grief. She tears at her robes, gashing holes in them.
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Location: Escape Pod in Abregado Airspace // Two Hours Post-Malevolence Attack
It takes her two hours to stop crying. To pull herself off the floor and start taking inventory of her supplies. 
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Location: Escape Pod in Abregado Airspace // Three Hours Post-Malevolence Attack
It takes her another hour to mask her power supply and set up an emergency beacon. The power supply was already damaged from the energy pulse that shut down the Triumphant, but mechanics were never her strong suit. She realizes that she’s running out of power and so she starts planning how much longer she thinks she can survive in this tiny pod. She sits next to the transmitter for longer than she will ever admit, praying to hear a voice. 
She doesn’t.
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Location: Escape Pod in Abregado Airspace // Four Hours Post-Malevolence Attack
It is four hours, nine minutes, and about twelve seconds after the Triumphant explosion when the pod hunters find her. She channels her grief into the Force and rips the droids apart with frightening ease. She can feel a crackling of electricity in her veins, and a terrifying low voice whispering in the back of her mind about how good it feels to unleash her anger. 
Lyra lays down on the floor afterwards and closes her eyes. She reaches a mental hand out to the Living Force, away from the voice in the back of her mind. 
“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.” Lyra whispers into the air.
The Living Force envelops her and she swears she can feel cool fingers run across her brow and down her cheek. A few tears slide out of her eyes and pool in her ears as she feels the warm light radiate through her mind, casting out the low voice. She lets the light radiate down through her whole being, physical and spiritual, as she falls into meditation.
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Location: Escape Pod in Abregado Airspace // Six Hours Post-Malevolence Attack
Lyra stays in meditation until her chrono beeps; telling her it’s officially time to turn off the artificial gravity. She sits up and sighs as she tears a long strip of fabric from the bottom of her tunic. She ties one end around her ankle and the other around the back of the pilot’s chair. She wastes time double checking that her emergency beacon is still active and waits for a few seconds to see if she hears a voice. 
She doesn’t. 
She pushes a few more buttons to redirect the leftover power from the artificial gravity to her oxygen recycler and takes one more deep breath. She relishes the feeling of her feet on the ground, of her weight being anchored to something, and flips the switch. Her body floats up in the air, and Lyra tries to center herself when she remembers that she can’t do that without gravity. The tether on her ankle pulls taut and Lyra is left floating mostly horizontal in the center of the escape pod. Her loose robes drift around her body, blocking her vision. 
Lyra closes her eyes and feels the tears float off her cheeks as she starts crying again. How did she get here? How had this become her life? Could Yoda have been right all those years ago? She hears the echo of his voice in the back of her mind, at the center of all her insecurities.  
“Ready to be a Jedi, she is not.” 
“Not fit for service, you are.”
“Being attached to them, caring for your family means, youngling. Forsake these dangerous attachments, you must.” 
She brings a hand up to wipe away her tears, and accidentally catches a glimpse of what is outside the front viewport again. Lyra’s silent tears turn into hiccupping sobs as she sees Stitches’ body thud into the glass once, and then twice before drifting out of sight. Stitches had no choice in being on the ship today. None of the clones did.  
Lyra tries to calm her breathing down by praying for all the men she lost today. That’s the last thing she remembers doing before drifting off to sleep.
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Location: Scout Ship in Abregado Airspace // Eight Hours Post-Malevolence Attack
Lyra blinks awake and winces away from the bright light shining through the pod’s viewport. She realizes that she’s facedown on the floor, and as she tries to sit up, she hears the screech of metal being pulled apart from her left. 
“General?” Lyra hears a voice she doesn’t recognize as she feels a cool hand brush across her forehead and down the side of her face. Lyra’s nose erupts in pain as she speaks, and she registers for the first time the amount of blood pooled on her face. Her vision is blurry, nothing but shadows moving around as she tries to reach out for whoever found her. 
“Stitches?” Lyra manages to get the name out as she feels two arms lift her up and start carrying her out of the escape pod. 
“You might need stitches, Naberrie, but you definitely need some water and oxygen.” A new voice says, and it takes a moment before it sinks in. 
“Skywalker?” Lyra feels her body get laid down on a table. “Why are you dead?” She hears him snort as her vision slowly returns, and she looks down to see an IV in her arm and a medical droid hovering over her. “Holy shit.” Lyra’s head hits the pillow as she stares at the ceiling in shock. 
“Language, Lyra, small ears are in the room.” Lyra turns her head to see Anakin Skywalker leaning against a counter across a very small room. He’s smiling, but Lyra can feel the worry radiating from him and from someone else. Lyra shifts her head to see a small Togruta girl standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. 
“Small ears, Master?” The girl speaks and Lyra can hear a hint of Anakin’s own signature sarcasm in her voice. 
“Zip it, Snips.” Anakin’s response is drenched in the aforementioned sarcasm. Lyra brings her hands up to her face to wipe away her tears, but winces when her fingers brush against her nose. It’s then that she realizes the liquid pooling under her eyes isn’t tears, it’s blood. “I’d hold off on touching your face, at least until the droid sets your nose.” Lyra bats away the hands of the meddroid and sits up on the bed. 
“I can set my own nose, Skywalker.” Lyra tries to sound strong, but even she can hear the quiver in her voice. The girl in the door takes a few steps forward, arms slightly outstretched as if to catch Lyra if she falls. Anakin huffs and takes two big steps across the room.  
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” He looks like he wants to say more, but a glance over his shoulder at the girl stops him. “Ahsoka, go back to the cockpit and see if we’re picking up any more emergency signals.” Lyra turns to watch her as the girl, Ahsoka, perks up at being given a job. 
“Yes, Master!” She chirps and darts out the door. Lyra raises an eyebrow. 
“And Padme would have my head if I let you set your own broken nose.” Anakin finishes his thought once his Padawan is out of earshot. 
“Or something else.” Lyra concedes and cracks a smile at Anakin’s offended gasp. “I still can’t believe they gave you a Padawan.” She says under her breath and is met with a sharp burst of pain. “Ow!” She flinches away from Anakin’s fingers and grabs her newly set nose. “That was uncalled for.” She mutters as she runs her fingers at the edges of the jagged cut across the bridge of her nose. Anakin shrugs indifferently at her pain and holds his hands out again. 
“Let me heal you up.” Lyra backs away and raises her eyebrows again. 
“You don’t know how to Force heal.” Anakin sputters at her sentence. 
“It can’t be that hard.” He brushes away her concern.
“It can literally kill you if you do it wrong– Hey!” Lyra starts to pull back again as Ahsoka comes back to the door. 
“Master? There’s a comm for you.” Anakin straightens up and makes one last face at Lyra before leaving the room. “Do you need anything?” Ahsoka’s voice is kind and Lyra can’t help but smile.  
“Can you find a mirror and bring it to me?” Lyra asks and Ahsoka takes a moment to search the room and brings Lyra a small mirror and two packages of something. 
“We don’t have a lot on board, because this is just a scout vessel, but these should help!” Ahsoka starts to unwrap a package of towels to clean off the blood and Lyra sees the small container of dermobacta next to her.  
“This is perfect, thank you.” Lyra gratefully takes the wipes and clears the pooled blood from under her eyes. 
“I can assist you.” The meddroid speaks up from next to Lyra’s bed, but she waves it off.  
“A shock blanket would be nice.” She smiles at the droid who spins away towards a cabinet. Lyra takes the mirror and holds it up so she can get a good look at the gash on her nose. She rests her fingers against the gash and closes her eyes. 
“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.” Lyra starts chanting and she feels the familiar warmth bloom through her body. She focuses on the cut, stitching the edges down and encouraging the growth of the scar tissue. She hears Ahsoka’s voice join her on the last refrain of her prayer.  
“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.” Lyra opens her eyes to see the last few sparks of golden energy fade away from the now pink scar cutting across her nose.  
“Not bad.” Lyra wipes the last few traces of blood away and turns to see Ahsoka watching her with wide eyes. 
“I’ve only ever seen Healer Allie do that.” She whispers and Lyra cracks a smile.  
“I’ll teach you a bit, if I get the chance.” Lyra nudges Ahsoka with her shoulder as she hops off the exam table. Lyra pulls the shock blanket from the meddroid’s hands and wraps it around herself. “Let’s go find your master.” Ahsoka smiles at the offer and leads Lyra to the cockpit.  
“I decided we couldn’t just give up on Master Plo, Healer Naberrie, or their men.” Anakin says as Lyra and Ahsoka enter the cockpit.  
“A noble gesture, Anakin. But the council feels your nobility may put others in danger. Please listen to me, Anakin. Return at once.” The hologram of the Chancellor implores Anakin as Ahsoka sits back down in the copilot chair. Lyra leans against the doorway and does her best to hide her surprise at Anakin being on a first name basis with the Supreme Chancellor.
“Yes, Excellency.” Anakin nods and the holo flickers off. Ahsoka looks shocked at Anakin’s response. “Time to go, Ahsoka.” Lyra doesn’t move from the doorway. 
“We have to stay!” Ahsoka gestures out towards the viewport. “We found Healer Naberrie, Master Plo has to be out there.”  
“Ahsoka,” Lyra pipes up from behind them, “I want to believe Master Plo’s alive more than anyone, but I just--” Ahsoka spins away from her and grabs onto the controls. 
“I know he’s alive! I can sense it.” Ahsoka says firmly as she flips a switch and starts piloting the ship herself. Lyra slams into the opposite side of the doorway as Ahsoka swerves the ship through the debris field. 
“Ahsoka!” Anakin shouts as he is tossed from his chair to the floor, away from his own controls. Lyra can barely hear him over the ringing in her own ears and the screech of R2 as the small astromech slides across the cockpit floor. Ahsoka rights the ship a few moments later and Lyra feels the equivalent of a flash of blinding light in the Force. 
“There!” Lyra shouts, pointing her finger in the direction of the flash. Ahsoka swings the ship around again, and through the viewport they see Master Plo and two clone troopers outside an escape pod, with another figure inside. Anakin makes it back to his seat and takes control of the ship back from Ahsoka. 
“Ready tow cable.” He says, the exhaustion clear in his voice. Ahsoka jumps up from her seat and runs to the back wall. 
“Cable loaded, Master.” Ahsoka beams as Anakin gets them in position. She fires the tow cable and turns to Lyra, her excitement flowing off of her in waves. “C’mon!” She takes off at a run down the short hallway to the cargo bay. Anakin stops at the doorway and puts his hand on Lyra’s shoulder. 
“She reminds me of you.” Lyra quips out, her breath still heavy and her ears still ringing.  
“Don’t have to tell me that.” Anakin huffs out under his breath as Ahsoka opens the door. 
“Are you okay, Master Plo? There's someone in the pod!” Lyra brushes Anakin’s hand off her shoulder at Ahsoka’s words and leans against the wall to make it to the doorway. Ahsoka is kneeling on the floor next to Plo, who is coughing on the ground. 
Lyra reaches a hand out towards the escape pod and tears off the viewport as two troopers slide off the top. Commander Wolffe falls forward and starts coughing. Anakin rushes forward and catches him before he hits the ground. Lyra leans against the door, stars finally starting to fade from her vision and the ringing in her ears starting to slow. Anakin turns to the meddroid as it gently pushes past Lyra to enter the airlock.
“Will they be alright?” Anakin directs his question to the droid, but before the ancient machine can answer, Lyra pipes up.
“Their suits are pressurized, which should have offered some protection, but they’ll need Force healing or a medical frigate for recovery.” At the sound of her voice, Plo pulls away from Ahsoka’s hug and looks up at her. 
“Lyra.” His voice is gravelly and Lyra takes a few steps forwards and drops to her knees next to Ahsoka. 
“Master.” She whispers, and then reaches forward to pull him into a hug. Plo wraps his arms around her and squeezes tightly, and Lyra can feel the tears finally starting to pool in the corners of her eyes.
“I‘ve been so worried.” Plo says, not breaking the hug. “Were there any other survivors?” Lyra pulls away and wipes at the corners of her eyes, feeling much more like a scared Padawan than a General in an army.
“We couldn’t find anybody else. I was alone in my pod.” Lyra feels Ahsoka’s hand rest on her shoulder as Plo takes a good look at Lyra. He raises a hand and hovers a few fingers over the fresh scar on her nose, sighing.
“The hunters must have destroyed the rest.” A weak voice says, and Lyra turns her head to see Commander Wolffe leaning against the pod with the other two troopers. 
“I’m sorry, Master Plo.” Ahsoka says, and Lyra winces slightly. She rises from her knees and walks over to the three clones as Anakin and Ahsoka usher Plo away to the cockpit. Lyra takes the blanket from her shoulders and wraps it around Wolffe. He barely moves. 
“We need the rest of the shock blankets. And any extra oxygen you have on board.” Lyra turns to the meddroid and rattles off the things she needs. It turns and walks back into the hallway, leaving Lyra alone with the three troopers, the last remaining troopers of the 104th. Wolffe won’t make eye contact with her, but the other two are looking at her expectantly. Lyra remembers briefly, the meeting she had when her and Plo joined the 104th, and got introduced to all the commanding officers. “It’s Boost and Sinker, right?” She asks and then two men take off their helmets. 
“Yes, sir.” Boost replies. Lyra winces slightly at the honorific.
“Please, just call me Lyra.” She asks and reaches out her hands for both men. “May I?” They look confused, but reach out a hand and grab onto her. Lyra feels the Force humming through their bodies and closes her eyes. “I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.” She chants the phrase as she pushes the Living Force through their forms, boosting the production of hemoglobin to increase oxygen intake and sealing up any wounds or bruises they had. They both take deep breaths and settle back against the pod as Lyra finishes her chant and opens her eyes. 
Boost and Sinker both have their eyes closed, but Wolffe is looking at Lyra. She turns as the warm glow fades from her hands and arms, and sees Wolffe looking at her with his mouth slightly open. She kneels in front of him, and reaches for his shoulders when the lights in the airlock flicker off.
“Hey, what’s with the lights?” Boost calls out to the meddroid as it reenters the room. 
“The power’s gone out.” Wolffe says, sitting up straighter. “Maybe that ship has returned. We should get up to the bridge.” He tries to push off the ground, but falls back against the escape pod.
“Absolutely not. You’re too weak.” Lyra stands again, determinedly ignoring her own shaky rise. She walks over to the meddroid and shuts it off, and lifts the supplies out of its arms. “I’ll go see what’s going on.” She places the blankets and oxygen tanks on the floor between the three men and starts walking back towards the hallway. She opens the door as she hears Ahsoka’s voice carry through from the cockpit.
“They’re coming back!” She sounds nervous and Lyra sees Anakin tighten his grip on the flight controls. 
“We’ve got to get the power back on, now!” Ahsoka jumps up at Anakin’s words and starts turning the ship back on. Anakin turns over his shoulder to see Lyra in the doorway, and shouts. “Brace yourselves back there!” 
“On what?” Lyra shouts back, gripping the door frame as Anakin swings the ship around. 
“Anything!” He yells over his shoulder, “R2, program the navicomputer. Get ready to get us out of here!” He turns his head to shout at the astromech and Lyra watches his face fall.
“You for-got.” Lyra hears Ahsoka sing the words at Anakin and then drop into a deadpan. “We turned him off.” Lyra ignores the look Anakin gives Ahsoka and turns back to the clones. 
“How are you feeling?” She directs her question at the two clones she had already healed. They had both stood up at Anakin’s shout. 
“Better.” Sinker says, and Boost nods in agreement. 
“Good. Can you help him to the side closet?” She gestures towards the Commander still on the ground. “I can heal him once we get up there.” They both nod silently and hoist Wolffe up onto their shoulders. Lyra slides to the side so they could get through the door before her and takes one last look at the two escape pods in the airlock before closing the door behind them. They deposit Wolffe on the same small cot and step aside for Lyra. Wolffe tries to stand up, but falls back onto the cot. The two troopers rush to grab his shoulders but Lyra beats them to it. 
“Will he be alright?” Sinker asks. Lyra looks at him.
“Yes. I promise.” He doesn’t look very sure as his eyes flick back to his unconscious Commander. Lyra takes a step towards him and puts a hand on his shoulder. “I promise, Sinker.” She repeats, and Sinker inhales deeply.
“Of course, sir.” He says and Lyra flinches slightly at the honorific.
“Just Lyra, please. We’re all the same here.” She squeezes his shoulder. “Sinker, can you take Boost and head up to the cockpit? I’ve got everything handled here.” Sinker lets out a deep breath at her words and nods. “Thank you.” She says as both men leave the room. She turns back to Commander Wolffe on the bed, trying again to sit up.
“They need me.” Wolffe breathes out, barely making it through the sentence. Lyra pushes him gently back onto the cot.
“You’ll be no help to them now. Let me heal you.” Wolffe flinches away from Lyra’s hands and she sighs. “Commander, I’m just trying to help.”
“I’m fine.” Wolffe says gruffly, weakly batting away Lyra’s hands. Lyra huffs again. 
“Commander, you are not fine. You just spent eight hours in an escape pod with a failing life support system and barely any gravity.” Wolffe stops fighting and his hands fall to his chest.
“What would you know about it?” Lyra closes her eyes at Wolffe’s question and takes a deep breath.
“Because my escape pod had no gravity and I was alone.” She whispers, and Wolffe’s eyes go wide. 
“General…” She places her hands on his shoulders as he looks up at her with regret and another emotion she can’t place. 
“I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me.” Lyra chants the words and feels a pulse from the Living Force in the room around her. She’s done a lot of healing today, and she has to focus hard to keep her own life force out of the stream of energy she’s using to heal Wolffe. The noise from the ship is distracting her.
“Master?” She hears Ahsoka sound nervous and almost afraid and her grip on the Living Force slips for a second. R2 is beeping furiously as Lyra feels the ship jolt into hyperspace. “We’re clear!” Ahsoka calls out again and Lyra’s grip slips again. 
“Damnit.” She mutters and loses her grip entirely. Lyra scrambles to pull away, to pull her life force away from Wolffe’s injuries. She claws at her life force, and feels her mind going fuzzy.
“..for that. She always said you guys would pull through.” Lyra hears Anakin’s voice faintly, like he’s far away from her. 
“General?” She opens her eyes to see Wolffe, looking significantly better than before, practically holding her up. 
“General Plo said someone would come for us. We’re glad he was right.” Lyra hears one of the other troopers, Boost she thinks, as they all crowd around the door to the room. Lyra finally pulls all her energy back into herself and lifts her hands from Wolffe’s shoulders. 
“Lyra!” Wolffe lunges for Lyra but he’s too late as she falls to the floor. The last thing Lyra sees is the three troopers hovering over her as her vision goes black.
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Location: Republic Medical Frigate in the Ryndellian System // Three Days Post-Malevolence Attack
Lyra wakes up in a bed that she doesn’t recognize, and she feels terrible. She goes to say something, but her mouth feels dry as a bone.
“Water?” She manages to croak out and someone lifts a straw to her lips. She drinks greedily and then opens her eyes. “Padme?” Her older sister smiles and sets the water cup down on a tray next to Lyra’s bed. 
“It’s nice to see you awake.” Padme reaches up and brushes a curl of hair off of Lyra’s forehead. 
“What are you doing here?” Lyra still can’t quite wrap her head around the idea that her sister is next to her bed. “Where is here?” Padme laughed and scooted her chair closer to Lyra.
“A medical frigate in the Ryndellian system. You passed out after the hyperspace jump back to the fleet.” Padme explained and then hesitated. 
“Padme,” Lyra said quietly, raising an eyebrow. “How many days ago was that?” Padme sighed.
“Three.” She looked over at Lyra with a grimace on her face. “These frigates got attacked, I think. I wasn’t actually here for that part.” Lyra let out a deep sigh and leaned back against the pillows, closing her eyes. “I was headed back to Coruscant from Naboo when my ship got intercepted by Grievous.” Lyra’s eyes shoot open and she tries to sit up. Padme puts a hand on her shoulder and eases her back down to the bed. “I’m okay. 3PO and I snuck off our ship before they boarded, and then Anakin and Obi-Wan came to rescue me.” Padme explains, rubbing Lyra’s shoulder with her thumb.
“Speaking of Skywalker, where is he?” Lyra asks, taking Padme’s hand off her shoulder and holding it. 
“Somebody ask for me?” Lyra groans at the sound of Anakin’s voice as she turns her head to see him sauntering into the room. “Naberrie! You’re awake!” Anakin smiles as he pulls up a chair next to Padme, trying and failing to keep a respectable distance between the two of them. Lyra rolls her eyes again and looks around the room; it’s empty except for the three of them and one powered off meddroid.
“Just kiss already, Force. There’s nobody else in the room.” Lyra drops Padme’s hand and finds the remote for her bed. She finally gets herself into a sitting position as Padme and Anakin pull apart. Padme is blushing like a schoolgirl and Anakin has a smirk on his face as he throws his arm around Padme’s shoulders.
“How’re you feeling?” Anakin asks, his voice growing slightly more somber. “You gave us a good scare.” Lyra waves him off.
“I feel fine. I’m ready to get out of this bed.” She looks at him pointedly and he looks down at the floor.
“You’ve only been awake for a few minutes.” Padme says sternly, and Lyra rolls her eyes.
“I feel fine!” She starts to say more when her and Anakin both perk up. Anakin stands up and drops his arm from around Padme. Lyra uses the Force and quickly moves his chair to the other side of her bed. Anakin barely makes it around the foot of her bed when the doors to Lyra’s room slide open.
“Lyra.” Plo walks into the room with three clones behind him. “It is good to see you awake, young one.” Lyra smiles at his familiar energy, and ignores the air of panic radiating from Anakin.
“It’s good to be awake.” Lyra responds and leans her head over to look at the three troopers behind him. They take off their helmets, and Lyra is happy to see Boost, Sinker, and Wolffe in front of her, healthy and whole. “How are you all feeling?” She asks and Plo steps to the side behind Padme. 
“Like new, but better.” Boost winks at Lyra and she smiles. “We can’t thank you enough, General.” 
“We’d be in these beds next to you or worse if you hadn’t been there.” Sinker tacks on to the end of Boost’s sentence, setting his helmet down on the end of her bed. Wolffe sets his helmet down next to Sinker’s but stays silent.
“You’re to remain on bedrest for a few more days.” Plo says, and Lyra’s eyes widen. “Until Healer Allie gives the word.” Plo’s voice is stern, but Lyra still makes a noise in protest.
“That’s ridiculous! I’m just as much a Healer as Allie is, and I say I’m fine!” Lyra says, doing her best not to yell. 
“Regardless, bedrest.” Plo says, his tone leaving no room for argument. Lyra grumbles but says nothing. “I think our resident Healer needs some time to herself, if we could give her the room?” Plo says, and Lyra can see the assigned meditation for what it is. She squints her eyes at her old Master, but says nothing. Plo gestures for Anakin to follow him out the door, and Anakin waves goodbye to Lyra with his eyes on Padme.
“I’m headed back to Coruscant tonight, come see me when you get back.” Padme stands and squeezes Lyra’s hand, before leaning forward and giving her a kiss on the forehead. 
“It was good to see you.” Lyra says back, squeezing Padme’s hand in return before letting it go. Boost and Sinker both give her a salute, and Lyra watches as Sinker whispers something in Wolffe’s ear before the sergeant and the corporal leave the room. Lyra is left with only Wolffe, standing at the foot of her bed. Lyra folds her legs up and rests her hands on her knees. “Do you need something, Commander?” Wolffe opens his mouth to say something and then closes it again. Lyra releases a breath and closes her eyes, and waits. She keeps her awareness in her own body, assessing it for lingering injuries as she waits for Wolffe to find his words.
“Why did you do it?” Wolffe’s voice is quiet when he asks her, and Lyra’s eyes open to find Wolffe’s eyes locked on hers. 
“Do what?” Lyra asks, genuinely confused. 
“Save me. You almost died. For me. Why?” Wolffe almost sounds angry, but Lyra can feel his emotions radiating in the Force. For the first time, she feels Wolffe’s Force signature, but it’s blurry.
“You’re a person.” Lyra answers honestly; she feels like it’s all she can do. This space that her and Wolffe have created feels like it’s begging her to tell the truth. “And people are always worth saving.” She can tell that Wolffe is taken aback by her answer, but she keeps eye contact with him as she waits for his reply.
“There’s millions of me.” Wolffe replies, looking down at Lyra’s bed. Lyra frowns and leans forward. She reaches out and touches the back of his hand on the railing of her bed. His Force signature is thrown into clarity, and Lyra has to hold back a gasp at the beauty of it.
“Physically, yes. But you are your own person, with your own mind. And you are worth saving.” Wolffe looks up at her during her sentence and their eyes lock. For a brief moment, Lyra lets herself get lost in the brown of his eyes. Wolffe flips his hand over and their fingers weave together. Lyra has this sudden feeling that she can’t quite place, but she sees the same feeling in Wolffe’s eyes. Wolffe blinks and they both quickly let go and pull away from each other.
“Thank you.” Wolffe’s voice is low, but Lyra hears him all the same. 
“Hey, wanna do me a favor?” She asks, and Wolffe raises a single eyebrow at her.
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Location: The Briefing Room on the Resolute in the Ryndellian System // Three Days Post-Malevolence Attack
“Naberrie. How did you get off the medical frigate?”
“Shut it, Skywalker. The briefing is about to start.”
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rexmeshlasblog · 4 months
Give up?!
Commander Wolffe x Jedi Reader
Summary: Jedi Reader wants to train during shore leave, ‘cause she got defeated by Ventress on their last mission. Commander Wolffe offers himself as her sparring partner.
Word count: 1700 words
Warnings: feelings, fluff, battle, fighting, war, use/mentioning of guns and war stuff, use of Y/N, Female MC, mentions of loss, intimate moment, cuteness, sexual tension, flirting, teasing, scared of losing in a match and losing people, bit angsty maybe?, Canon typical violence
A/N: Let me know if you like how I write Wolffe and what I could do better. (Not just with character arc but also with my writing style) thank you for reading.
Ps I just found this in my drafts from like a year ago and thought its time to finally post it.
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Where the kriff was he? Commander Wolffe, my sparring partner on this evening, was late for our first session. Normally he was always in time, but today, when the 104th left the cruiser for shore leave, he wasn’t.
I was walking up and down the training room while waiting. Biting my lip and clenching my fists over and over again. It made me more anxious than it should, that he made me wait for him.
Maybe he just forgot our arrangement, which consisted of him training with me my hand to hand combat skills, but I hoped he didn’t. I needed him to get better and back in my original shape.
Our last mission was a pretty tough one. We lost good men and friends. They were a part of this family and I wasn’t good enough to safe all of them. It was a misery.
To our surprise Ventress was with the droid army and I had to fight against her. While I tried my best to protect my men and myself I wasn’t able to defeat the woman with her red lightsabers. She was too strong and I too distracted at the wrong moment. Which she used.
Master Plo Koon was the one who had to save me. Luckily he came right in time as Ventress was about to shatter my heart. She nearly killed me and when I closed my eyes just a bit I still felt the heat of her lightsaber on my skin.
A shiver ran through me. It was a close one this time. Death was never as near as in this exact moment. Her lightsaber was on me and ready to slide right through. Thats what this thing was made for, but still I quite couldn’t believe how fast I could’ve been dead. There were screams around me from different troopers. Barking commands. It was Wolffe who screamed my name as Ventress was about to kill me. I’d looked at him as he tried to reach me, but he was way too far away to save me. As I reached through his force signature I just felt pure panic and angst. We held eye contact for what felt like forever before I noticed the figure appearing behind me. My old beloved Master was the hero in last minute. After all I came away with a scar on my chest. Lucky me.
The day after, when I still had to be in the medbay, the Commander offered me to train with him. At least for the time in shore leave. Then we’d see how much progress I made and decide if I’d still need his training, but I was confident that I’d need it. Obviously I would ask him to keep training with me, not just, because I wanted to stay in shape and don’t want to get killed as easily. But also because I kinda had a thing for the grumpy Commander with just one original eye.
“There you are”, I greeted him with a small smile.
Wolffe finally arrived only grunting something, which you could call one of his friendlier greetings. I was grateful that he didn’t seem in the baddest mood. Surprising that I could tell by now how his mood was depending on how he grunted and furrowed his eyebrows. Wolffe was a grumpy one and so you had to check the waters before you let the cat slip out of the bag. When I saw him hours ago he was shouting at some Shinies which broke the caf machine. A hilarious picture to look at. Wolffe had this big furrow between his eyebrows and that annoyed look in his eyes and was obvious on the edge of his nerves while the Shinies looked like they wanted to run away as fast and as wide as they were able to do.
Wolffe was only in his blacks as I noticed now. Showing off his muscles and letting zero to the imagination. I gulped feeling the heat in my cheeks growing. Kriffing maker.
“What would you like to start with, General?”, he asked politely. His voice sounded deeper than normally. If he noticed my darkening cheeks, he didn’t say anything about it.
“Maybe some simple sparring? Just starting easy in this session.“ Starting easy. Yes, for sure.
Wolffe only nodded. I knew that the clones were good at fighting. Not just with their blasters, but also with their hands and body’s. So it was clear that it would be a difficult task to defeat Wolffe.
A few seconds later I was already on the floor again. I stopped counting after the fifth time. And I was a Jedi? Not even able to protect myself without my lightsaber and the force. How should I protect others then?
Above me Wolffe smirked a grin right out of hell. He was enjoying this far too much. 
“Already giving up, General?“ One eyebrow raised a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. There was a sparkle in Wolffes eyes one I rarely saw and which he only showed when he was truly in the mood for some fun.
“You think I’m defeated after a few times on the ground? Then you don’t know me well enough, Commander.“ With a simple jump I was right back on my feet. My arms in front of me in a defensive position. Wolffe switched into fighting position right away, but not before giving me a sarcastic eye roll. He really was one of a kind.
“Then we keep going.“ Wolffe murmured more to himself.
Half an hour was going by. Wolffe only hitting the floor a few times when I remembered some old Jedi tricks from time to time. But now, while he was also slowly losing his power, his movements were slower and less precise. A advantage I’d happily use. I had saved my strength to be able to counterattack at the right moment, when he’d get more tired.
Just as Wolffe was about to punch me in the stomach, a spot I had deliberately left uncovered, I grabbed his other arm, twisted it behind his back and threw him to the ground, all while also pulling his feet away. Too bad I hadn't calculated that he could pull me along with him, because that's exactly what he did. Wolffe grabbed my jedi robe and I fell right with him to the floor. Me above him. For a second I hesitated before I used the position to pin his arms and legs with my own. I got him. The big bad Wolffe was defeated.
“Give up?“ I asked out of breath. Wolffes breathing was as heavy and loud as my one while his chest brushed over mine with every deep breath he and I took. I felt his breath on my lips. His pupils were blowing wide and sweat visible on his forehead. He smelled better than I expected. More like himself and less like everyone else on the ship. More like the real Commander and not the cheap lemon soap the Clones got.
As I noticed now he was wearing a small smirk again. “You should know better.“ And with that he used his power and rolled us over. Now he was on top of me. One of his legs between mine while he pinned my hands above my head. Wolffe was obviously stronger and every attempt to break free failed.
“Give up, Mesh`la?“ Eyebrows raised and a confident smile was all I could see. Kriff, he really got me now. Unless I’d use this situation and my body to my advantage.
“I don’t know, you tell me Wolffe“, I whispered against his lips.
Wolffe growled under his breath before he brushed his lips against mine. Now I got him where I wanted.
“You’re doing things to me you don’t know ‘bout“, he mumbled deeply and I was sure that he felt my heart drumming against his chest. Wolffe had this special power over me and it was clear that I made him feel the same way. We never spoke about our feelings, but we both knew, that this between us was something more than a friendship. Maybe a dangerous game, because if anyone found out about our mutual feelings, they would take each other away from us. After the war, I always told myself, maybe after the war there’d be an opportunity to get together, but not now.
Wolffes hands which pinned mine loosened its grip while one of it went straight to my waist. His eyes were hooded and his breath was quicker than usual. The Commander really thought our little game was over.
“Maybe you should tell or show me then.“
His breath hitched after my respond, “I don’t want to scare you off.“ His eyes were showing pain I’d never seen in them before. Was he scared of losing me? He could never. I knew about his reputation. He was the big bad wolf the little Shinies and other clones were afraid of. But I wasn’t scared of his hard case. I actually adored it. It made him intriguing.
“I’m a Jedi. It’s not easy to scare me off, Wolffe. And you’re definitely not someone I could ever be scared of.“
He shrugged, wanting to say something, but before he could, I wrapped my legs around his hips and turned us over once again.
“Who has the upper hand now?“ I smirked. This time pining him, so he couldn’t roll us over once again.
“Looks like you won this time, Cyare.“
“Obviously, Commander.“
I got up to my feet, before giving Wolffe a helping hand which he agreed to take. This little moment between us was over.
“But I don’t think the Clankers will fall for a move as such.“ Was all he said all while giving my butt a little smack, as I was slowly walking away. All I could do was smirk. Typical Wolffe.
I winked at him, “You aren’t one of the Droids and also, it was a move I specially made up for you.“
Wolffe crossed his arms, not before giving me one last of his typical eye rolls. “See ya, Wolffie.“
I heard him chuckle while walking away. Excited how our next interaction would go on.
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MOVING ON - Mini Series - PT 2
A/N: Hello lovelies, here’s the second instalment of the Moving On Series.  Thank you all for loving the series, I really hope you like where it’s going.  I throughly enjoyed writing it, can’t wait for you guys to get to the last part.  
As mentioned previously, I have taken some liberties with the Star Wars’ ‘verse.
Summary: Jirli is finding her footing; Wolffe voices his opinion
Warnings: Slight mention of anxiety, specifically not eating.  If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
Words: 3,174 (slightly shorter)
Italics = Reader’s other voice
Italics and bold = telepathic communication
Bold = Commander Wolffe’s POV
Italics and indented = Reader’s enhanced hearing
AO3 Link
As always drop some love, a comment or a reblog, always appreciated.  If you wish to be tagged on the next part or any story, just let me know.
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“Hey vod’ika!”
I turned to the voice, I knew it could only be Sinker, and sure enough there he was motioning me over.  What I didn't expect was for everyone else in the mess hall to turn to look at me too.  The attention was a little unnerving, and caused me to blush something fierce.  I shook my head and refocused, walking over to Sinker with my tray of food.
“Hey Sinker”
“Sit with us” he motioned to the space in front of him.
I smiled at the table and took the seat, “this is Corporal Comet, over here we have ARC Trooper Blackout, and ARC Trooper Night, they’re batchmates, if you can’t tell”
“It’s nice to meet you all”
“Commander Stonn, why does Sinker call you vod’ika?” Asked Comet
“Why not?” I offered with a shrug
“Because I’ve decided to look after her”  Sinker answered
I couldn’t hide my admiration for Sinker, Curl would have liked him, “thank you Sinker, I’m sure Curl… I mean Commander Curl would have appreciated it,” I couldn’t help the smile that appeared.
“Commander Curl? Oh wait, you’re that Jedi…”
“Comet!” Sinker cut him off, with a glare, “It’s okay Sinker.  Yes, I’m the Jedi who lost her entire squad.” I looked down at my food and just played with it.  
“You’re not eating vod’ika” Blackout noticed
“I’m not really hungry”
“When was the last time you ate?” Night inquired, looking at my sunken cheeks with a stern countenance.
“What day is it?”
“Zhellday” Sinker answered
“Then almost two days ago”
“WHAT?!?” they shouted in unison, “What’s the problem?” Master Plo’s voice broke in, as he walked over to our table, “oh nothing special General, it just seems the Commander here hasn’t eaten in two days”, I gave Sinker an annoyed expression.  I knew I had to eat, but he didn’t have to call me out like that in front of my older master, my father.  I mean really.
“Is this true, little one?”
I couldn’t bare to bring my eyes to look at him, “uh maybe”
“Hmm” was all he offered, “Sergeant Sinker, I need you to assign one soldier for each meal to make sure Commander Stonn is eating, make up a roster, and put myself and Commander Wolffe on the list”.
“If I promise to eat, can we forego the roster, and we don’t need to put Commander Wolffe on the list”
“No, and yes we do.  Unless there’s a specific reason you don’t want him looking after you” I shook my head no.
He doesn’t like me.  
Little one you can’t know that for sure.
I heard him after the war meeting, he thinks I killed my men, and that I’ll get his men killed.
I can speak with him.
No! It’s okay.  I’ll… I’ll deal with him.
Master Plo simply nodded, “let me know when the roster is done, Sergeant Sinker”
“Yes, sir”
“Yes, Master?”
“You still haven’t touched your food, I’m not leaving until I see at least one spoonful go into your mouth.”
I nodded, I’m sorry Master, it’s just … it just slipped my mind, between my anxiety and starting the new commission, I just couldn’t bring myself to eat.
I know little one, but you can’t neglect your well being.  Have you mediated yet?
I tried … ugh, but my voice was too loud.
We can try together once you’re done eating.
As soon as I grabbed a spoonful and ate it, true to his word my master left our table and headed off, “Comet, would you mind staying with her and making sure she eats everything” Sinker asked without looking at Comet.
“You got it, Sergeant”
“Guys, really, there’s no need…”
“Uh, yeah I think there is, you haven't eaten in two days, clearly there is a need” offered Blackout.  “Listen, we know it’s difficult when we lose someone.  Especially, someone we love” I looked up at Blackout, he simply gave a smirk, and looked at the pendant that hung off my neck.  It was a fancy curl that had been made from an armour’s plastoid, without thinking, I began fiddling with the curl, “but you’re not doing him or yourself any favours by not taking care of yourself.  You’re also not doing us any favours, we need you in top shape when we go to battle.”
“I know, I’m sorry” I couldn’t face any of them, my eyes drifted back to my food, they were right, if Curl was alive, he would be the first one to yell at me for not taking better care of myself.  “Hey vod’ika, look at me” Sinker said, pulling me out of my own thoughts, “we care okay, that’s why we’re going to make sure that you take care of yourself.”
I nodded and kept eating, true to his word Comet stayed by my side the entire time, making sure to nudge me to keep eating.  He was sweet, reminded me a lot of Coil, Coil always made sure everyone was taken care of, that they looked after themselves.
- - - - - - -
“Double check your gear, triple check it, I want to make sure we are prepared for any possible scenario, understood?” Commander Wolffe’s voice rang through the hangar.  Regardless of how he treated me over the past few days, or what he thought of me, his men hung on his every word, they trusted their Commander.  As such I did my best to continue to show him respect, regardless of how every time we were in the same room, I could feel nothing but animosity from him.  Every time he looked at me, it was with the strength of a thousand vibroblades cutting to my very core.
I continued the briefing “team Alpha will join General Skywalker’s team, to begin the planting of bombs to the West ridge.  Team Bravo will be joining General Kenobi’s team and planting the bombs to the North Ridge.  Team Capital will be with me and Commander Cody’s team planting the bombs along the canyon route, and Team Delta will be with General Plo waiting for the opportune moment to grab the tactical droid.  Should the droids head toward the canyon on their own, Team Delta will rendezvous with Team Alpha and Bravo and converge at the coordinates by the canyon.  Should the droids not change tactics, and capture of the tactical droid is not possible, Team Capital will attack from the East, using the high ground of the canyon walls for tactical advantage.  Any questions?”  I looked over the battalion of men that were ready to follow my plan.
“No sir!” Came the resounding boom, they had just as much confidence in me as they did in their Commander Wolffe, please let this plan work.  Please.  Only time will tell, who knows, you may be responsible for the deaths of an entire battalion of Republic Soldiers.  Oh please, not right now.
“You did well, young one”
“Thank you, Master”
“However, I sense doubt in you”
“I just want the plan to work.  I don’t want to be the reason we lose men”
“This is a war little one, no matter how well we prepare and plan, sometimes losing men is inevitable, but how many men we lose defines how well a plan is executed.”  My master left my side when someone called him over.
He was right of course, but it didn’t make it any easier:
‘well this plan better work, or I’m coming for your head’
Wolffe muttered under his breath.  Maybe I should tell him that I can hear him, so he can stop doing that around me.  But then you’ll lose the advantage.  What advantage? We’re on the same side.  You never know when that might come in handy.  I don’t have time for your nonsense, not today.  Fine, just saying.
“How are you feeling, vod’ika?”
“I’m okay Blackout, just pre-attack jitters.”
“We got your back, and in truth, it’s a good plan.”
“I hope so” I gave him a smirk, showing I appreciated his kind words.  He glanced from my eyes to the floor, and I could see a small blush creeping up on his face.
“Hey if Blackout is saying it’s a good plan, you can take that to the bank”
“Ha, thanks Night, but maybe you have too much faith in me”
“Nonsense, we have the right amount” Night said with an added wink, I was able to get to know Blackout, Night, Comet and Sinker a bit more over the past few days.  They were all good men.  Blackout wasn’t afraid to call people out when he needed to, Night was a constant flirt, although it was harmless, he was often able to distract me from my voice.  Comet was kind, he always was checking in to make sure I was okay, and Sinker was always there with me at meal times, even though he made up the roster, he would sit with me and the other trooper, even if he had reports to write, he would bring them with him so we could always eat together.  It wasn’t like my old squad, but it felt nice to be looked after.
I just shook my head at their antics, although I had just met them a short while ago, I found we were able to get along quickly.  Without thinking I grabbed the pendant hanging off my neck and started playing with it, something I noticed I had started to do when I felt comfortable, “what’s that?” Came the booming Commander’s voice.
“What’s what?” I asked looking around, I hadn’t even realized I had the pendant in my hand when he asked.
“What are you holding?”
“Oh” I looked from the pendant to Commander Wolffe, to Blackout, to Night, “oh, it’s … it’s a pendant”
“I know it’s a pendant,” the Commander answered angrily, “what does it mean?”
“It was just a gift from my … my …”
“From your squad, right?” Offered Sinker, everyone turned to look at him.  I'm not sure when he had walked up to us, but he came to stand right beside me.  His left hand resting on my shoulder, I turned to look at him and mouthed a silent ‘thank you’.  
“Yeah, like Sinker said, I got it from my squad.  It was to indicate they would always have my back, and I would always have theirs.”
“Commander Stonn?” A voice from beside one of the shuttles got my attention.
“Excuse me, boys. Commander” I bowed and walked away.
“Blackout, Night, I’m sure, you boys have something to do, right?” Sinker directed at the two men standing in front of me.  They simply nodded and walked off.
“I don’t trust her”, I needed to tell Sinker what was on my mind, she hadn't even been here a week and she had some of my men around her finger.
“She got her whole squad killed.  It doesn’t seem as though she really thinks things through, her plan is reckless.  It’s probably what got her men killed.”
“Commander, with all due respect you don’t know what you’re talking about” I looked at Sinker, he never contradicted me.  Especially when it comes to my intuition.
“What did you say, Sergeant?”
“I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about Wolffe”.
“That’s Commander Wolffe, and yes, I do.”  Sinker’s face twisted to show his annoyance with me, well he can be annoyed with me all he wants, but I know I’m right.  She can’t be trusted.
“Really? How?”
“I read the report”
“You mean the report which clearly stated they were overrun by two battalions and three tankers.  The one that also indicated they were given bad intel, and how she did everything she could to save her men.”  How could he be defending this woman?  
“Not everything is in that report”
“What does that mean?”  He didn’t know, because I never told him, well get ready to be shocked your little pet isn’t perfect.
“Listen Sinker, your little pet isn’t perfect, alright, the day before they were going to leave for the mission, Curl contacted me, he said he had to tell me something.  He said that his General, huh, if she even deserves that title, that his General had a bad feeling about it, before he could tell me more, I had to walk away to a briefing with General Plo.  Tell me this, if she did everything she could, and  she had this so-called bad feeling, why didn’t she fight the order.  Hmm?  Why did she force them to go?  She’s a Jedi, she should have known better.  Her arrogance cost her the lives of ten good men, one of whom was my batchmate.  She got my brothers killed.”
“Commander, she’s a Jedi, she’s not perfect! I mean look at Skywalker, look at the other Jedis, they try their best to bring home our brothers, but sometimes things happen.  Also that’s not what Curl was going to tell you.”
“How do you know?”
“Because she told me”
“How can you trust her?  She could be lying, saying anything to save her skin.  Maybe she’s like Krell, ever thought of that?”
“She’s not lying! She’s nothing like that monster!  Do you honestly think the General would have allowed her on this ship, if she was” well he has a point there, the General loved us as his own children, he would never put us in danger, or have someone on the ship that didn’t respect us as people.  
“How do you know she isn’t lying?”
“Because she blames herself, she tried to get more information about the intel, she tried to get someone to listen to her, that they shouldn’t go on that mission.   They didn’t listen to her.  She blames herself more than you can know, there’s nothing you can say that she hasn’t already voiced in her own mind.  Commander, she’s been through hell and back.”
“You got a thing for her don’t you?  Some girl just flaps her eyelashes at you and you go crawling into whatever hole she tells you.”  Why was Sinker being interested in this woman getting me angry?  Who cares if she had soulful eyes?  Sinker can have her.  Yet at the thought of him being the one to touch her sent my stomach into knots.
“Are you insane?  I’m not interested in her, she’s like my little sister.  I  simply don't have the issue, you seem to be having. I  trust her.”
“What am I then?  Am I not your Commanding officer? Am I not your vod?  I’m more your family, then she is, you should trust my gut when I tell you, there’s something about her.”
“Sir, I respect you to the ends of the universe, I will fight by your side till my last dying breath.  But you are wrong about her.” Sinker took a deep breath, looked to the ground and focused his attention on me, “Commander, you should know Curl was leaving the GAR for her.”
“What?” No, that’s not right.  My batchmate would never … he wouldn’t just abandon the GAR.
“They decided before they received their orders for the mission, she was going to leave the Jedi Order, he was going to leave the GAR, and they were planning to have a family with unruly kids.  He was going to tell you.  They made a decision to be together, and that pendant was the last thing he gave her, it was the promise between them, despite the twists and turns of life, they would be together always.”
“You learned all of this in two days?”
“Partly.  The pendant, Curl, told me a few days before he contacted you, he had called to get my opinion on it.  He also told me, he had a bad feeling about the mission.  He made me promise that if anything should happen to him, I would look out for her.  He was my brother too, Wolffe.”
We didn’t say anything for a while, the idea that Curl was her … he was going to leave?  She had lost more than just her squad,  she lost her future.
“Also…” Sinker cut in, “just FYI, the only reason she told me all of that, is because I walked in on her having a panic attack.  She opened up to me, and I listened.  She’s not responsible for her men’s death.  For her fiancé’s death.  He sacrificed his life to save her, and putting the blame on her cheapens his death.  With all due respect Commander, I won’t let you do that to Curl, he was a good man, and he made the decision of putting her life over his.  I’m sorry, but I won’t let you cheapen his sacrifice for the woman he loved.”
“Okay Sinker.  Okay”, I wonder if I had been the one to find her having the panic attack, if I had just been willing to have a conversation with her, or even just asking the General about her, I would have found out about all of this.  
“Get to your ship Sergeant.  We’ll be heading out soon.”
“Yes, sir” Sinker saluted and walked off, that was the first time Sinker had ever stood up for someone not connected to the Wolf Pack, usually he would keep his opinions to himself, but this woman.  No, this Commander Stonn really meant a lot to him, because of his promise to Curl.   I wish Curl had been able to tell me, I wish I got a chance to say a proper goodbye.   I heard a pair of boots walk up beside me.
“Commander Wolffe?”
“Yes, General” I turned my full attention to the man in front of me.
“I think we’re ready”
“Yes, General”
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, General”
“Then why do I sense hesitation from you?”
“It’s not about the mission sir”
“About Commander Stonn?”
Kriffing Jedi! “Sir…”
“It’s okay Commander, she’s unsure about you too.  You both just need to get to know each other.  You don’t need to worry about your men, she will fight till her dying breath for them and even you.  Your men are in good hands, Commander” the General laid a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it to reinforce his words.  How did he do that?  How did he know when I needed to be reassured?
“Yes, General”
“I think we should board our shuttles, wouldn’t you say?”
“Yes, General”
As I walked over to my shuttle, I noticed how Commander Stonn had her arms around a shiny, she was laughing with him, calming him down.  She clearly cared, but maybe caring just isn’t enough.
As I boarded my shuttle, I felt eyes watching me. I looked over my shoulder while I was walking with the new trooper, Strut, and caught a prosthetic eye watching me with fierceness.  It sent a shiver down my spine, I really hope he isn’t planning my murder.
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skyguy-snips · 3 years
Chapter 4: Together
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Words: 2544
Chapter 3
note: final chapter!!! thanks for reading, i had a lot of fun putting these bitches through pain writing this story! likes and reblogs are always appreciated, and i'd love to hear your thoughts if you'd like to share! :)
After hauling her unconscious father on board the moderately-sized ship, she cuffed one of his hands to a pipe in the back before racing to the controls. She plugged in a data rod that she found in a pouch on his belt, keying up the clearance codes for takeoff.
Once she had put some distance between them and the super star destroyer, she pulled apart her buir’s comm and rewired it, making any transmission untraceable. He’d taught her a lot during the war, especially how to save herself in a tough situation.
She dialed up Rex’s comm, not willing to risk either Jedi if the call was intercepted. She just hoped he was okay. The last she saw him he was unconscious on the forest floor.
“Who is this? How did you get this frequency?” Rex answered, his voice slightly modulated.
“Rex?” she asked, a sob trying to tear its way from her throat.
“Gods, Liana?” he whispered. “What the hell happened? Where are you?”
“I’m on a stolen imperial cruiser with my buir cuffed to a pipe in the back. I need help, please,” she begged, tears pouring down her face. She heard Rex curse under his breath.
“Alright kid, take a deep breath. Are you hurt?” he asked.
“A little, but he didn’t mean to, I swear. It’s the chip, he--”
“Sith hells, they made Cody hurt you? I’ll comm Kenobi and Ahsoka and we’ll--”
“No!” she interrupted, “I don’t want them involved yet, his chip is still activated and he’ll immediately attack if he sees either of them.”
Rex sighed. “You’re probably right. Can you meet me on Bracca? Wolffe and I are here with a few other troopers, and we can get the chip out and patch you up.”
“Yeah, yes. I can be there in a few hours,” she replied. They figured out a few other details and disconnected the call. A ping with the exact coordinates came a few seconds later, and she inputted them in the navicomputer before throwing the ship into hyperspace.
A few hours later, the ship gently pulled out of hyperspace over the junkyard planet. She landed in an opening of one of the upturned hulls, spotting two other ships in the space. As she lowered the ramp, she spotted Rex running towards the ship. She sprinted off and threw herself into his arms with a sob.
“Kark, Liana. What did they do to you?” he murmured, pulling back to look at her. She had electrical burns around her wrists from the table, as well as scrapes and bruises littering her face and body from where they made Cody try to force the information from her. All of it was on display in the tank top she wore, and Rex knew there were more injuries hidden by the rest of her clothes.
“It doesn’t matter. Please just help him,” she begged, tucking her head back into his neck. The civvies he wore were soft, and she relished in the gentle contact as he held her close.
“We will, I promise. You’ll get your buir back, kid.”
As Wolffe and Rex carried Cody to the medbay on the downed ship, Liana spotted a group of troopers off to the side speaking quietly with each other. She left them to it, not overly concerned with them until she heard someone call her name.
“Liana?” he called. She turned and saw someone she thought was long gone.
“Echo?” she gasped, running over to the group. She remembered him from years ago in her brother’s battalion, him and his batchmate Fives always causing trouble much like their General. “I can’t believe you’re alive!”
“I could say the same about you!” he said, pulling her into a hug. She noted the metal prosthetics covering his body and felt a pang of sadness. “I’ve been traveling with Clone Force 99, we narrowly escaped when the Order went out.”
The name rattled around in her brain before she placed it: Clone Force 99 was her buir’s special ops squad. She turned and looked at the three other men and a young girl looking at her.
“You’re the bad Batch?” she asked. The one with long hair and a skull tattoo nodded. “You worked with my father.”
“Wait, you’re Liana.” the man said, recognition blooming on his face. “You’re Cody’s ad. He talked about you all the time.”
Liana smiled a bit at that.
“I’m Hunter, and this is Wrecker, Tech, and Omega. And you seem to already know Echo,” Hunter continued.
“It’s nice to finally meet you all. I don’t mean to run off, but…” she trailed off, pointing over her shoulder with her thumb in the direction Rex and Wolffe took Cody.
“No, go ahead. We understand. We need to get going anyways,” Hunter said, corralling his group towards their ship. “It was nice to finally meet you.”
Liana turned with a wave goodbye, hustling through the halls until she found the medbay. When she walked in, Wolffe and Rex were talking quietly in the corner and Cody was inside the surgical pod. She froze in the doorway, eyes glued to her father.
“Liana,” Rex called, pulling her attention. “He’ll be fine.”
She nodded and moved to the chair next to the pod, sitting down with her arms crossed over her chest as her leg bounced anxiously. All she could do now was wait.
Thankfully she only had to wait 15 or so minutes. The pod beeped, signaling that it was done with the procedure, and Liana jumped up from her chair. Wolffe stepped over to the control panel and pressed the button for the bed to slide out. As it did, Rex moved to stand slightly in front of her, hand hovering over his blaster. He caught her worried look.
“It’s just a precaution,” he said, and she nodded. A quiet groan drew their attention, and they watched as Cody sat up with Wolffe’s help.
“Wolffe?” he mumbled. “Rex?”
Before either of them could answer, his eyes landed on his daughter. His face immediately fell and tears pooled in his eyes.
Rex nodded subtly to Wolffe, both of them leaving to give them a moment alone.
“Li?” he whispered.
Cody was off of the bed in a flash, running and scooping her into his arms as they both cried.
“I’m so sorry, ad. I tried to fight it, I swear. I--”
“I know, it’s alright,” she interrupted, holding him tighter. “I was so scared that I would never see you again. I couldn’t lose any more of my family.”
Cody’s eyes fell shut at that, his face filled with guilt. “Obi-Wan, I--”
“Didn’t kill him.” she interrupted again. “He’s alright, I swear.”
Cody pulled back and looked at her in shock.
“I honestly need to contact him, he’s probably worried sick,” she continued. Cody frowned.
“You got captured and tortured for almost a week by the Empire, by Palpatine, and calling your father wasn’t the first thing you did?” he scolded.
“My first priority was you. Besides, I knew he’d fly out to wherever I was, and I didn’t want to risk it with the chip still in your head,” she defended. He just sighed, knowing she was right.
“Alright. But we should head out and find him soon. It might still be too risky to comm him from this far out,” Cody said. She just stood and looked at him for a moment in silence.
Then, she threw her arms around him again, burying her face in his neck and letting out a gut wrenching sob. He cradled the back of her head, holding her close as his own tears continued to slowly fall.
“I was so scared. I missed you so much. I’m sorry we didn’t find you sooner,” she rambled between hiccups and sniffles. He shushed her, swaying side to side a bit.
“I know, I know. But it’s over now. We’re going home.”
After saying goodbye to Rex and Wolffe, Cody and Liana boarded a small ship Rex had salvaged and headed out of the atmosphere. Liana inputted the coordinates for Tatooine and then threw the ship into hyperspace. They had roughly half a rotation of travel ahead of them, and they both desperately needed rest.
Cody took the first shift, staying in the cockpit to watch over the ship’s systems while Liana got a few hours of sleep. He sat and watched as the stars blurred by, his heart fluttering at the thought of seeing his love again. He couldn’t help the immense feeling of guilt that rose in him, though. Mind control or no, he was the one that gave the order to fire. He had to stand and watch, trapped inside of his own mind, as the man he loved with every fiber of his being fell into the ravine below. He had to follow orders and torture the young woman that had quickly become his ad.
A gentle knock on the doorframe behind him broke him from his thoughts. He turned to see a drowsy Liana smiling at him.
“Hey buir, your turn to get some shuteye. Gotta make sure you look well rested or dad will throw a fit,” she joked, moving to sit in the copilot’s chair. Had it already been a few hours? Cody huffed a laugh.
“If he even wants to see me.”
Liana’s head snapped towards him in disbelief. “Are you insane?”
“Not at all,” he bit back. “When he finds out what I did for the Empire, he won’t want anything to do with me.”
“He knows about the chips already, and he knows you didn’t have a choice to fire on him on--”
“But can he accept that I tortured his daughter?” he whispered, the chill in his tone sending shivers down Liana’s back. “I tortured someone that I vowed to always protect. I-- I beat you and electrocuted you and--”
“Considering I’m not holding a grudge, I don’t think he will either,” she interrupted gently. “And you forget: I’m your daughter, too. It doesn’t matter who raised me, you’re both my dads and neither of you would ever harm me if you could help it.”
He just shook his head. “But I still hurt you.”
“Buir,” she murmured, standing from her seat and kneeling in front of him, “you can’t do this to yourself. I can’t stand to see you feel guilty for something so out of your control.”
They sat silently for a few minutes, a small sniffle coming from Cody every now and then.
“How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?” Cody eventually whispered, his eyes finally meeting hers.
“Oh, I don’t know about lucky. I seem to recall you always complaining about how much of a handful I am,” she teased. He smiled a bit at that.
“I’ll take it.”
After Cody switched with Liana and got a few hours of rest, he felt the ship slowly pull out of hyperspace. He walked to the cockpit, newly changed into a set of civvies that Rex had given him, the green shirt fitting snugly across his shoulders with dark cargo pants and a well worn pair of boots.
“Wait, Tatooine?” he asked, watching the sandy planet grow closer through the front viewport. “How has the Empire not figured that out yet?”
“Anakin always liked to pretend this planet didn’t exist. I guess that extends to Vader now,” she replied, frowning a bit at the thought of her brother.
“I’m sorry about Anakin, Li. I had no idea until Palpatine mentioned it,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around her shoulders from behind the chair and resting his chin on top of her head.
“I know. I just have a lot to talk to dad about, apparently,” she mused, flying them into an empty landing bay in Mos Eisley. Before they disembarked, they pulled tan ponchos over their heads to protect them from the heat and prying eyes. Clones may have all looked alike, but that made them even easier to spot in a crowd.
“C’mon, he’s out in the Wastes.”
They bartered for a cheap landspeeder, and once Cody triple checked it for trackers, they headed out. The normally hours-long walk lasted just 30 minutes in the speeder. When Cody shut off the engines, Liana paused and turned to him.
“Wait here for a second, okay? I don’t know how he’ll react without a warning,” she said. Cody nodded.
“Just wave for me when you’re ready,” he agreed.
She got out of the speeder, walking quickly towards the hut. She felt a sense of deja-vu as the front door swung open, her father standing in the entryway.
“Liana?” he called, already sprinting through the sand towards her. “Gods, you just can’t stay out of trouble, can you?”
He pulled her into his arms, squeezing her tightly. When he pulled back, he looked over her, noticing the mostly-healed wounds and bruising.
“What did they do to you?” he whispered in fear. She placed a hand on his cheek, her thumb catching a stray tear under his eye.
“I’m alright, dad. But I need to tell you something,” she said, waving a hand behind her back. When he looked up from a particularly nasty bruise on her forearm, his eyes skipped hers and landed on something behind her. In one swift motion he had pushed her behind him and drawn his saber, the bright blue blade held out in warning.
“Liana, what have you done?”
“Dad, stop for just a second. What do you feel?”
She watched as Obi-Wan closed his eyes, reaching into the Force before he opened them with a gasp.
“Cody?” he breathed, his saber deactivating. Cody, who was then only a few paces away, smiled at him.
“Hello, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan ran forward, launching himself into his lover’s arms. They held onto each other with fierce grips, both men sobbing.
“Ni ceta, cyare. I’m so sorry, I hurt you both. Please forgive me,” Cody cried as they sank to their knees in the sand, hands scrambling for purchase against each other.
“Please don’t apologize. It wasn’t you, Cody. I know it wasn’t,” Obi-Wan said. They pulled back and looked at each other, eyes searching the other’s face before they met in a long-overdue kiss.
Liana could feel happy tears running down her cheeks, finally having her family whole again. She let them have a few more minutes to themselves before she called them.
“Alright, you two. Why don’t we head inside?”
They turned to look at her before looking back to each other, smiles splitting their faces as tears still fell from their eyes.
“You’re very right, my dear,” Obi-Wan said, standing with a helping hand from Cody. Liana led the way to the hut, pushing the door open and kicking her sandy shoes off by the door. The other two followed suit, and soon they were all three settled on the couch. Cody and Obi-Wan bracketed Liana between them, both resting their cheeks on her head as they calmed down.
They all had a lot to discuss. Vader, Liana’s capture, and what they were truly doing on Tatooine. But for now, they were content in each other's presence. Because here they finally were.
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echoingbirdsofprey · 4 years
Do I write this so that Order 66 happens or doesn't happen? 🤮🤮🤮
Do I write both versions? 🤕🤕🤕
Do I let Sky and Atom save the day? 😎😎😎
In the words of Obi-Wan;
Also I had a thought....if Samson never died....he would've fallen in love with Isra and she would've reciprocated. 😍😍😍💕💕💕💔💔💔
If you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, go read my story. 😁😁😁
Also sticking with the canon timeline is driving me up a wall. I keep forgetting the episodes aren't in chronological order... Oops. Why you do that Dave Filoni? 🙃🙃🙃
Life is kicking my ass at the moment and I'm minimally productive... I apologize. I'm re-writing some pieces of some chapters first... Then I'll continue on with the story. 👎👎👎👍👍👍
Thank. Have a nice day 😚😚😚🌸🌸🌸
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tobitofunction · 4 years
Master List:
Captain Rex: Love Maze - Captain Rex x OC
Captain Rex never thought he could find love until a very specific mission. Poster originally on Wattpad, making few changes to the story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Clones x Reader
The Clones Beloved Jedi
The Clones Beloved Jedi Part 2
The Clones Beloved Jedi part 3 final
The clones beloved jedi: Christmas edition
A song for you Fives x Reader
Jesse the babysitter Rex x Reader
Jolly Sailor Bold Part 1 Sinker x Reader
Jolly Sailor Bold Part 2 Sinker x Reader
Family Time Captain Rex x Reader
Wedding Bells  and Blaster fires Commander Cody x Reader
White Lace Captain Rex x Reader
Scaredy-cat Fives Fives x Reader
Heartbreaker Commander Wolffe x Jedi!reader
Still Youthful to me rebels rex x reader
War of Hearts Part 1 Rex x Senator!reader
War of Hearts Part 2 Rex x Pregnant Senator! reader
The Princess and the Soldier Rex x Reader
Other Star Wars character x reader
Baby Star Kylo Ren x Reader
Baby Star part 2 Kylo Ren x Reader
Baby Star part 3 Kylo Ren X reader
Baby Star part 4 Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x reader final
Training time Kylo Ren x reader
Just Relax Rose Tico x Reader
The Protector Cobb Vanth x Reader
Training Finn x Reader x Poe 
Slave 1 Fun Boba Fett x Reader x Fennec
Din Djaren( The Mandalorian) x Reader
Looking for a Jedi
Non-reader inset stories
The Calm after the storm
Happy Ever After Finn x Poe
Into the New World Part 1
DC comics:
Happy Belated Birthday Jason x Reader
Reunion Jason x reader
Flowers of Love Part 0:Beautiful Life Morpheus x reader
Flowers of Love Morpheus of the Endless x reader
Flowers of Love Part 2 Morpheus x reader
Dream Kids Morpheus x reader
Romance Tropes Lucienne x reader
Dance if Jealousy Morpheus x reader
Dragon of Dreams Morpheus x reader
Dragon of Dreams  part 2 Morpheus x reader, Aemond x reader
Dragon of Dreams part 3 Morpheus x read, Aemond x reader
Marvel Comics:
Golden One Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Everything I ever want Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Cooking With Yelena Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Together Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Mine Yelena Belova x fem!reader
Through the Multiverse Wanda x fem!reader
Other Fandoms:
Resident Evil Village:
Mommy - Lady Dimisctruce daughter reader
Legend of Zelda:
Breath of the wild: Losing Game Link x female!reader
Corruption Link x reader
Sweet Child of Mine Link x reader
Sweet Child of Mine
Silver of the Past Link x reader
House of the Dragon
the pact of fire and ice part 1
the pact of fire and ice part 2
the pact of fire and ice part 3
the pact of fire and ice part 4
the pact of fire and ice part 5
the pact of fire and ice part 6
the pact of fire and ice part 7
Avatar the Last Airbender
🐉 Part 1 Zuko x reader
🐉part 2 Zuko x reader
🐉 part 3 Zuko x reader
🐉part 4 zuko x reader
🐉 part 5 zuko x reader
🐉 part 6 zuko x reader
🐉 part 7 zuko x reader
🐉 part 8 zuko x reader
🐉 part 9 zuko x reader
zuko x reader
Oh Baby Daichi Sawamura x reader
Oh Baby Part 2 Daichi Sawamura x reader
Oh baby part 3 DAICHI SAWAMURA x reader
Oh Baby Part 4 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 5 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 6 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 7 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby part 8 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 9 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 10 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 11 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 12 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 13 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part14 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 15 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 16 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby part17 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 18 daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 19 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 20 Daichi x reader
Oh Baby Part 22 Daichi x reader
The Maniac and The Witch  Part 1 Eren Jaeger x Scarlet Witch!Reader 
The Maniac and The Witch Part 2 Eren Jaeger x Scarlet Witch!Reader
The Maniac and The Witch Part 3
The Maniac and The Witch Part4
The Maniac and The Witch Part 5
Delinquent Princess Kuroo x female!reader, Baji x female!reader
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kriffingunlucky · 4 years
Hello friend! I too am trash for our great Commander Wolffe. If you wouldn’t mind, could I make a request of Wolffe x Mechanic! Reader where the rest of the Wolfpack is really close with her and Wolffe gets kinda jealous so he starts grilling both the troopers and the mechanic ends up getting distracted trying to defend them and hurts herself accidentally while she’s working? I’m sorry if that’s really specific (-.-;)
A/N: That’s cute, dear! I love the idea. :’)) And really, who isn’t trash for this big angry man?? I don’t mind specifics, but I’m a bit better with writing if I have a good bit of freedom! I can’t usually stick to the original idea anyway. I tend to stray down a random path I thought of on the spot,, sorry if this isn’t what you wanted. :(
It was just a normal day for you, a pretty good one at that! You were chatting with the boys and tinkering on Plo’s starfighter because you’d completed your quota for this shift. Laughing when Boost made a joke about Sinker’s grey hair, about him being old or whatnot. You slide out from under the fighter to grab another tool, looking at the defending Sinker with a smile.
“You are kind of old, you know.” You add in with a smirk, gaining a glare from the clone that was trying to prove his point.
“It’s individuality, sweet cheeks.” Sinker scoffs.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I wouldn’t get that because you’re clones and I’m much different. And a female.” You quip and stick your tongue out, laying back down and rolling underneath the fighter again.
Loosening some parts and taking them out, slowly, to get to where you needed to add a new item. You were good at multitasking. You did it everyday! You and the boys would do this, when they were supposed to be eating in the mess they’d take their food over here and eat while you finished up. Keeping you company. This had been going on for a week or so, and it made you feel special.
Although you wished your stubborn commander would join you.
Snorting when Comet walks up, interjecting his own conversation over their argument. It wasn’t much better than what they were fighting about, but it was funny nonetheless.
“I saw the hottest woman ever. She was a medic.” The corporal sighs, sounding like a love struck teenager.
“Do tell.” Boost grins, leaning towards his brother who’d just sat on a crate.
“Um, guys, (Y/n) isn’t a medic.” Sinker states, furrowing his brow then breaking into a grin when the clones start laughing.
It took you a moment before you got it, but with a wire between your teeth you roll your eyes with a chuckle. “Har har, Sinker. Thanks for that.”
“What’s going on out here?” You here a deeper voice ask, making you flinch.
Uh oh.
“We’re just eatin’ with (N/n), sir!” Boost replies, not knowing why it’s an issue.
The looming man flicks his eyes to Comet, “Aren’t you supposed to be in the medbay, solider?”
“Yes, sir. But-”
“Well then leave (Y/n) to her work and get going.”
“I wasn’t the only one bothering her, Commander!”
Wolffe almost growls, his eyes narrowing as he scans over the three men sitting down. “Well then all of you leave her the hell alone. You sergeants should have something better to do.”
Sinker speaks up, “Well, sir. At the moment it’s time for our midday meal. So we can spend this time in whatever way we please as long as it’s still in the time frame of lunch.”
“I think he’s just jeal-”
“Boost, not a good idea.”
“You think I’m what now?”
You grunt loudly, trying to finish up your adjustments to the fighter. “Would you guys shut up? It’s not that big of a deal, Wolffe.”
But they didn’t hear you, and kept arguing.
More and more shouting over each other, until they all stopped when you yelped harshly.
You’d gotten so distracted and frustrated that you’d cut your hand and wrist badly on a piece of sharp metal, blood gushed out of it as you whimpered and forcefully shoved yourself out from under the wing. “Well shi-”
You were asked tons of questions immediately, but couldn’t quite tell who had said any of them. You were too focused on your pain.
You were so quickly hoisted up it almost made you dizzy, but you found yourself in Wolffe’s arms, him speed walking to the medbay. His face set in a scowl.
The trio behind you two looked at his retreating back wearily, but decided not to follow. They’d check up on you later. You just needed to find out what caused Wolffe to act the way he did. He never does that!
Tears in your eyes but you kept them at bay, you thanked the maker Wolffe was silent in his journey. Because if you were asked any questions you were sure you’d bust out crying.
Luckily he set you on a bed soon enough and called over the pack’s medic. The medic proceeded to shoo the hovering commander away and treat you, giving you pain meds first.
“You’re gonna be fine, but these might leave some scars.” The medic smiled gently as he finished bandaging your arm up.
“Thank you.” You chuckled. “It will add character!”
He mumbles something along the lines of “that it will” while he walks off, allowing Wolffe to come back and stand by where you were sitting. Watching him closely.
“(Y/n),” The Commander starts. “I apologize if my men were the cause of your injury.”
You raised an eyebrow, looking at him expectantly.
That caused a large sigh to escape his lips, his voice was low but sincere. “I shouldn’t have said those things to my men, and our yelling was what distracted you and caused you to mess up. I acknowledge these things and apologize. I never meant to cause harm.”
You smiled and laid your head against his shoulder, looking up at him with a big smile. “It’s fine, Commander. I forgive you.”
Your (e/c) eyes meet his brown and white ones, making your smile turn less teasing and more soft. “You know you’ll always be my favorite-”
“I was not jealous!” Wolffe snaps, frowning at you.
You laughed, but couldn’t ignore the pink that dusted his face.
Just decided not to address it and enjoy using him as a pillow.
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justaparsec94 · 3 years
Chapters: 4/6 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-3636 | Wolffe/Original Character(s), CC-3636 | Wolffe/Original Female Character(s) Characters: CC-3636 | Wolffe, Plo Koon, Yoda (Star Wars), Bail Organa, Clone Troopers (Star Wars), Sinker (Star Wars), Boost (Star Wars) Summary:
Five Times Commander Wolffe Nearly Kissed That Annoying Doctor (And the One Time He Did) Wolffe x OC
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Happy Fandom Friday!
I want to shoutout three WIP, OC fics, and a one-shot reader.
A Shattered Peace: (@writteninthesw) Danielle has written such an emotionally tense story between Amara and Wolffe. Both characters are struggling, and their pains are real and raw, and it’s an incredible story with a recent chapter update that left me reeling.
Sweet True Lies: (@sleepingsun501) Within the first three chapters, Erin has created a story that is looking to be both intense and romantically satisfying. Keeda and Fox are so precious, and I’m eagerly awaiting for them to reconnect (and dreading the trauma sure to come).
Unwritten: (@rexxdjarin) Julie has explored depths of emotions that are vulnerable and so relatable. Mari and Rex have a beautiful connection and I’m excited to see how their connection develops amidst the trials of war.
Fireworks: (@imarvelatthestars) I don’t know much about Hound, but this one-shot was so sweet and fun, and now I want to know everything about this man. Anyway, I loved seeing Hound step into training with reader (and his personality), and it was all around a cozy feel.
ALLI THESE ARE ALL SUCH GOOD RECS!!! A Shattered Peace has been on my to-read list FOREVER (I PROMISE I AM GOING TO GET CAUGHT UP ONE DAY, DANIELLE!!). Amara seems like SUCH an awesome OC and I cannot WAIT to learn more about her. I am behind on both STL and Unwritten (notice a trend? I HATE MYSELF I AM SO SORRY), but I am SO VERY INVESTED in both of those stories and the immaculate OCs Erin and Julie have created. And a Hound fic you say??? He's a lesser-written-for character that I always get excited when I find fics for him so THANK YOU for sending each and every one of these in! They are all OUTSTANDING!!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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221bshrlocked · 7 years
One Shot Masterlist
Fics marked with * are smut! Please go away if you’re younger than 18. This is for 18+ only.
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Why Bother? *The Secret Garden  *Glad You Came  “Don’t Look”  *The Buck N’ Roll   In the Night   “Did You Just Stab Me?”  *Animals Awaken - ABO Dynamics *Snowflakes and Mistletoes   Evermore  *Keep You Warm  *I Can Feel your Heartbeat *Something to Wind Down  *Secret Rendezvous *More than Friends Start of Time *Bad Intentions You’re Enough Joke’s On You Always Love You *Take My Hand ***Softly, Gently - Needy Bucky Done Properly *A Gentle Touch - Robin Hood AU *For Heaven’s Sake - ABO Dynamics Touch *Trust Me *Sexy and Condescending the edge of love Plan Your Seeds *Spread Some Skrewball & Lick It *Welcome Home (Bucky x Male Reader) *Suspended Memories (Bucky x Original Female Character) *Test This Theory Can’t Remember, Huh?
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*I Feel It Coming *Dreaming of You - Professor AU
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*A Restless Night Crying in the Club *Touch My Body Who Stole the Cookies?
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*Music to Watch Boys to  ***Anyway you Want - Infinity War Nomad looking soldiers!!!
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Breaking News! *That Southern Hospitality
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*Follow Your Heart
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*Here Right Now
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*Is This Seat Taken? *Paint a Devil and You’ll Find an Angel
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*Let Me Make You Feel Good Glad You Were Late *rated r - Professor/TA Student *Hands Lights, Camera, Kiss What are you waiting for? *rescue my heart - Professor/Vampire/Vampire Hunter AU daddy? sorry. daddy? sorry. daddy?
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*Fever in my Eyes - Sex Pollen *Be My Enemy, Be My Remedy *taste you on my tongue *sweaty hands, reluctant hearts Wishing for a Release Don’t Worry Mesh’la *Beneath a Felucian Sky A Sky Full of Stars - Soulmate AU Stranger in a Strange Land     Most Beautiful Distraction Unbreakable Bond - Vampire AU *Ready to Let Go - Size Kink *flowers & sex Written in Starlight - Victorian Supernatural AU *You’re Mine Riduur - Possessive Reader *bruises & bitemarks - Hand/Gloves Kink unfold me I Want You to Be Near Me Far Too Long *tell me - Beskar Spear Kink Like a Bantha in time i could only hope *You Feel... *Stripped Down to the Bone
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***Dangerous Line - Gun Kink! *I Won’t Ask Again *Old Enough - Tummy *ruined Mistletoes in the Moonlight
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*You’ll Take What I Give You
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*Cloud 9 *Let Me Feel You
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*As Sweet As Honey, As Tempting As Death - Religious Kink? *Unhinged Desires - Lactation Kink Waiting on the Sunset *When Evening Falls *You Have My Permission - Knife Kink
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*Read For Me... *Did you just-? *Show Me Your True Colors I Wish I Told You Crazy About you One Too Many La Serenissima - Regency/Supernatural/Hunter AU sapphire nights  |drabble| Nature’s Altar *Thoroughly F*cked If You Want *You Should Know *Good to Know
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*where it wasn’t *empty me out
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*thoughts of your consume me (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) *interesting indeed (Tech x Fem!Reader) *desire for obedience (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) warm hearts (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) *i remember... (Captain Rex x Jedi Fem!Reader) *don’t you know (Echo x Jedi Fem!Reader) *shut the door (Commander Wolffe x Jedi Fem!Reader) floating senses (Hunter x Fem!Reader) Finding the Heavens (Captain Rex x Fem!Reader) *breaking point (Wrecker x Fem!Reader) don’t go (Hunter x Fem!Reader)  Broken and Grazed, Loved and Saved (Crosshair x Jedi Fem!Reader)
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Going to throw in my own fic here too!
I Need You is my Wolffe x OC explicit fic and is my first time posting smut 👀
Okay I think I'm done for this week lmao, Happy Fandom Friday again 🥳❤️
AS YOU SHOULD, MAIA! You know we love a good self-rec round these parts! And I personally love ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you write about Sadhbh. And to make it a SPICY FIC with Wolffe? I'M ALL IN. HOW COULD I NOT BE? LOOK AT HIM.
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THANK YOU for sharing your work with us and for all the recs you sent in this week!! And HAPPY FANDOM FRIDAY INDEED!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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wild-karrde · 1 year
I have to recommend Out of Our Element by @rexxdjarin for Fandom Friday. It’s literally everything Captain’s Log!Wolffe deserves, and it’s an incredible addition to the Captain’s Log series.
I am also absolutely in love with Julie’s OC, Zeeta. She’s sassy and fiery and tough, but she’s got such a tender side, too. She and Wolffe take each other for the rides of their lives and I am obsessed!!
YESSSSS I haven't read this yet, but I am HYPED for it. I have been EXCITEDLY AWAITING this fic since Julie first posted about Zeeta and the art of her was just STUNNING. I love how strong her OCs' personalities are and I cannot WAIT to see how Zeeta's personality plays out with Wolffe because that promises to be PERFECTION. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS IN ERIN!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Karrde's Fandom Friday Rec #3 (5/5/23)
Last rec for me has to go to @cyarbika for her fic Walk Me Home. Bee posted Chapter 10 this week, and I am SO VERY INVESTED. Like of course I love Wolffe and how Bee writes him, but she is stuffing this story full of compelling OCs, and I cannot get enough of them. I have adored learning more about Cherise and how she ticks, and I fall in love with every new character that gets introduced. Bee's characters are so wonderful and flawed and all just doing their best with what they have, and when motivations are revealed, everything just fits SO PERFECTLY. And every emotional beat just hits SO HARD. I have actually felt my chest clench at some points, and it is just SO GOOD to find writing that can spur on those emotional reactions.
I cannot rave about this fic enough, and I cannot WAIT for the next part (I can, I know you're busy Bee, but please know I'm counting the seconds).
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Karrde happy Friday 🥳!
I want to suggest @imabeautifulbutterfly for the Moving On series 🥰 It's a Wolffe x OC series that I love to reread!
Another rec for Mimi's work! And a re-read rec, no less! That certainly is some high praise! I don't know that I've seen this one pop up before, but it looks super interesting! I cannot lie, the moment I see the "Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence" tag, my ears perk up in the hopes that there's JUST A SMIDGE MORE HAPPINESS (along with some angst and suffering because that's just part of the deal). Will absolutely be adding this to my to-read list. Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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wild-karrde · 2 years
Happy Fandom Friday 🤩!
I want to give a shoutout to Writteninthesw's A Shattered Peace series! I've been making my way through it and I really love it 🥰
And thank you Karrde for organising these!
And THANK YOU for your submissions, Ul!!!! I had one of @writteninthesw's one shots with Wolffe get rec'ed last week, and LOVED it, so I am HYPED to get into this fic.
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Love the way Danielle writes Wolffe, and her OC Amara sounds like a total badass! Thanks so much for the rec!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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