#comment or reblog or send me an ask
porcupine-girl · 2 months
I am sick so please entertain me
I know that some of you, my lovely followers, have managed to never fall down any Chinese rabbit holes no matter how hard I've pushed.
So if you have NOT watched The Untamed or read MDZS, only gleaned what you can from Tumblr posts being foisted upon your dash, please tell me what you believe to be the plot of The Untamed. (If you have watched it, reblog this because I'm sure you also have followers who have not seen it and I will take all comers.)
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paintpanic · 3 months
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Res AU Joronia drawings. Character rambling and bonus doodles under cut.
This AU takes place a good while after the events of Triple Deluxe happened. Since then, Taranza's mostly recovered mentally from everything. He was able to move on from his grief and (somewhat) forgive himself. Now that Joronia's in his life again, seemingly back to her former self, some of those wounds he'd thought were fully healed have started to ache again. He still feels ultimately guilty for what happened to her.
He's thrilled that Joronia's been given a second chance at life, but is somewhat wary deep down. This feels to good to be true, that she's just back with seemingly no strings attached. The other shoe could drop any day now, and he could lose her all over again. Fearing this, he wants to make the most out of what could be a short time to be together again with his friend.
Joronia senses that there's a distance between the two of them now that wasn't there before. It shouldn't be surprising; he's probably still hurt from what she did. Other people definitely are. She's determined, though, to work hard to make it up to everyone she's hurt, and to prove to them (and herself) that she's not really like that, that she's capable of being better.
The Mirror's influence twisted her mind and her perception of reality. It made her feel like she was inadequate, and that everyone else were enemies to be subjugated. Now, she's supposed to be normal and better, but she still feels like there's something wrong with her head. She still doesn't feel good enough, and it still feels like everyone hates her. It's hard to trust herself. She's not sure if it's some lingering effect of the Mirror, or if there's just something inherently wrong with her now. She's scared.
She's afraid that something will happen, that she'll revert to how she was as Queen, and that she'll hurt Taranza again. Someone who'd always helped her, who'd stuck with her even when she was absolutely horrible to him, and who's kindness she's relying on again now, staying at his home as she worked on getting her life back together. She's a burden on him, and she always has been. She hates it.
Still, her deepest, most selfish wish is that they could be real friends again.
These two need to have a long, honest discussion about their feelings toward each other and themselves. Both of them are absolutely terrified about that prospect, though, because they each think that the other secretly resents them to some degree. If they actually talked through it, they'd quickly realize that they both want the same thing.
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mrfleshwizard · 1 day
Hazbin Hotel Critcs of Tumblr, tell me what do you think about Eve x Lucifer?
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I'm personally don't like it but I wonder what rest of us thinks.
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francesderwent · 2 months
deeply curious. to what extent do y’all buy into generational discourse and stereotypes?
for instance, personally I think the names to delineate generations are helpful specifically when we talk about the way people use technology, because that’s something very much influenced by the year you were born. is there anything else where you’re like “yeah, all else being equal, one generation is this way and another generation is a different way”?
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onepiece-polls · 9 days
Since you were curios, I thought I'll tell you my predictions:
Side A prediction:
Reiju/Tashigi wins it all. I think Ace/Law could beat Ishho/Dadan since its an already established ship, but lose to the sapphics. Perona/Reiju wins over Enel/Gild Tesoro. I was actually conflicted on the outcome of Kureha/Brook vs Kid/Usopp vs Tsuru/Kureha. I knew Kidd/Usopp would have likely been the least appealing (as in funny. C'mon kureha is in the other two) I settled on the grannies losing to brook but they apparently are winning. Who ever wins, they lose to Perona/Reiju who lose against Reiju/Tashigi.
Side B predictions:
I love Sabosaji, but even sanji fans love torturing the blonde man, so Iva/Zeff wins (itsfunny). Nami/Hiyori features much more beloved characters than Uroge/Sadie, so it wins. Zeff/Garp gained some following since last year, so I think its more than enough to beat out Rosi/Smoker. Marco/Law, once again, features more popular characters that Granfall/Shandia chief, so it wins. And between this and Zeff/Garp I am sure the old men would thrive. I think Nami/Hiyori could beat Iva/Zeff due to the larger appeal of F/F ob this site, But I'm not sure. Either way, both ships should be able to beat Zeff/Garp since they are either funnier or cuter.
Side C predictions:
Shanks/Rosi could beat Enel/Croc. Its more wholesome, and I've seen a few fics already. Baby5/Sanji is also something that I've seen people enjoy, so it could beat Iceburg/Shanks. Ceasar/Judge has been a thing for a while, so I think it could veat Brook/Big Mom. Both are toxic, but which one is more hilarious? Tera/Sora has more appeal that Niji/Uta due to being Zosan's moms, so it clears. And I think they could beat the toxic old man yaoi. Between Shanks/Rosi and Baby5/Sanji I'll say 5/Sanji would more likely win, mostly due to their appeal from their respective backstories. And between Tera/Sora and 5/Sanji... I'm not really sure. I'll go with Zosan's moms since, once again, people love torturing sanji.
Side D predictions
Crocodragon CLEARS and its the final survivor. On a more accurate note, Coby/Sabo would make more sense than Iceburg/Drake, Croc/Rosi is an already esblashed ship so it wins over Mihawk/Kaku. Cricket/Wiper does the sane witj Mihawk/Benn. Croc/Rosi would win against them, but lose to the shier power of Crocodad.
Side E predictions:
Rosi/Bellemere is already established, it beats Cobra/Croc. Same with Yamato/Hiyori vs Speed/Tashigi. Between Boa/Uta and Boa/Alvida I think the ship with Alvida is funnier. And this time, the lesbians Reiju/Nojiko could probably well defeat Kata/Rosi. I think Rosi/Brllemere would lose to Yanato/Hiyori, its just a way bigger ship. And Rwiju/Nojiko has been a thing longer than Alvida/Boa, I've seen it more. But they would lose to Yamato/Hiyori since they are just that big.
Side F predictions:
Nami/Koala has been a thing longer than Zeff/WB. It clears. Boa/Barto is too hilarious for people to pass it on, it wins over Boa/Robin. Kuhera/Kokoro would have an advantage to Mihawk/Rosi since people fw old woman yuri on here. And I've seen kata/king way more tgan Belleremere/Makino. But I think Jata/king could be strong enough to win over them. Boa/Barto is gaining some traction so i think it beats the first mates as well.
Side G predictions:
Rosi/Buggy is much bigger than Killer/Pen, so it clears. I have seen a few people complain that the princess polycule isn't cracky at all, so I think it could lose either this round with Tatch/Sanji or the next with Rosi/Buggy. Kuina/Hiyori has been gaining a LOT of traction, it woukd easily beat Bon/Inazuma. Between the old gen shipping and Rei/Pudding... I couod see both winning, actually. But wither way, I think they would lose to Kuina/Hiyori for different reasons: for the old gen, I've seen someone complain is not that much crack, and F/F is more preferred here. And for Rei/Pudding, I could see people complaining about the age gap. Yeah. And between Kuina/Hiyori and Rosi/Buggy.... I think the lesbians could win again. I've really seen people go Very crazy about Hiyoku.
Side H predictions:
Zeff/Sora clears against Zoro/Kata. Fake frobin is too funny to let go against Shakky/Rouge but I think they wpuld lose to Zeff/Sora. I could see either WB/Dadan or the NB boys winning, but either wpuld lose agains Kiku/Perona, who wins over Bellemere/Rouge but lose to Zeff/Sora.
So we have:
Reiju/Tash vs Either Iva/Zeff or Nami/Hiyori
Sora/Tera vs Crocodragon
Yamato/Hiyori vs Boa/Barto
Hiyoku vs Zeff/Sora.
Reitash and crocodragon clear easily, so does Yamato/Hiyori with Boa/Barto. I think Hiyoku would be extremely popular at this point so it could beat Zeff/Sora.
I would have Crocodragon at 1st place, Reitash at 2nd, and either Yamato/Hiyori or Kuina/Hiyori at 3rd.
Okay, I love reading this. and since you took the time to send me this, I'll share my predictions as well:
I'm with you on the A side in every bit (I expected Brook to do better with Kureha too, but apparenlty not).
One the B side I'm with you on most, but I think Zeff/Iva could beat Nami/Hiyori (but i'm not sure either), but nevertheless I think Zeff/Garp can beat either ship and will win that side. Though I wouldn't be too surprised if Zeff/Iva won.
C side I agree with all you said. The finale might become a tight battle, but probably zosan moms win.
D side... Yeah Dragon/Croco wins. But. I do think they'll face Wyper/Cricket. I don't think CrocoRosi would win from them, honestly (I had never heard of that ship before this tournament, but that might just be my corner of the fandom). They are Calgara/Noland reincarnated, so I think they'll do good. But yeah... try to beat Luffy's biological parents, you know?
E side I agree, except I think Rosi/Bell-mère will win from Yamato/Hiyori (and so, win the final battle of that side as well). Don't underestimate their fanbase, they had a few submissions in the previous 'normal' ship war as well.
F side I think is really hard to predict. First battle already. Nami/Koala probably wins, since lesbians seem to do really well in the tournament so far, but idk, I think Zeff/Whitebeard might surprise people and they love the ship name! I agree with the other outcomes of that round and Barto/Boa probably wins the next round as well. KataKing is one of my own ships (though submitted by 2 more people) that's still in the running and so, I hope they'll beat Kureha/Kokoro, but I think it'll be hard. I do think, no matter which of those two ships wins that round, they'll both win from barto/boa as both Barto and Boa are actually just in love with Luffy.
G side: "Rosi/Buggy is much bigger than Killer/Pen" - Well on your side of tumblr maybe! On my side, however... *Follows several kilguin-loving blogs*. Ugh. I don't wanna admit you're right. But... you're probably right. Still... don't write kilguin off yet! I They will fight hard 😛 Wait, let me check AO3 real quick.... killer/penguin: 207 fics. rosi/buggy: 18 fics. You might wanna reconsider which one is "much bigger" 😛 (still, I would not at all be surprised if rosi/buggy won - they did have more submissions - like... 6 vs 0 - kilguin is my submission only 🙈) *clears throat* Anyway... I think princess polycule will win from thatch/sanji but lose from lovebug. Kuina/Hiyor wins their battle indeed, and I dreamt about RoRayShaRouge last night (though... the men were an afterthought 😂 it was very spicy), so they win their battle too, I just know it 😂 But they might indeed just not be cracky enough to beat Kuina/Hiyori. Still, I think the final winner of this side will be Rosi/Buggy (unless they were beaten by kilguin, in that case Kuina/Hiyori wins).
H side:
Zeff/Sora wins, yes. But, maybe Shakky/Rouge wins over fake frobin (I dreamt about them, remember? It gotta mean something). I think WB/Dadan will win from North Blue boys because they are 1)more crack, and 2)still have a solid basis (Ace's parents). Although, NB boys just being the Sanji-fanclub is funny too so... could go either way. (still betting my money on Ace's parents). The last one is hard, because Bell-Rouge is my IRL friend's ship. I think it has great potential. But it might lose to Kiku/Perona. I'm not really sure. Lesbians are doing really well though, so whoever wins will probably win the next round too. But at the end of the day, Zeff/Sora will be the winner of the H side.
So in the end for my predictions we have:
Reiju/Tashigi vs Zeff/Garp = ReiTash wins.
Sora/Tera vs CrocoDragon = I don't think it's an easy win, but CrocoDragon wins.
Rosi/Bell-mere vs Kureha/Kokoro (or KataKing) = oooh really hard to say. Probably Rosi/Bell-mere.
Rosi/Buggy vs Zeff/Sora = Zeff/Sora wins easily.
Seeing this outcome it's honeslty really funny because... so many parental figures who are shipped 😂
I think the end result would be:
(Which would mean ReiTash won from CrocoDragon and ZeffSora won from CoraBell) However, I could be very mistaken everywhere! 😂 and that's what I love about this competition. I actually hope one of the ships I wrote off early on will make it to the finals to surprise me.
I also love that in the end, our predictions are quite different.
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yantao-enthusiast · 2 months
“taylor swift is putting so much carbon in the air by flying private” musicians who are nowhere near taylor’s level who fly public already get fucking harassed (see: chappell roan*). genuinely think about it: taylor swift at the airport would never in a million years work. the airports would be crowded, delayed, and cause so much unnecessary trouble and stress that y’all would shit on her for going to an airport instead of going on a jet. and what are they gonna do about all her equipment for the tour and all the crew members? some of y’all jump too quick on a reason to hate taylor that you completely forgo critical thinking.
*video of a “fan” talking about being weird towards chappell at the airport: https://x.com/rmjroan/status/1816593837231407184?s=46
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wrathofrats · 5 months
Also a fun reminder!
If you want to see more of something specific, nothing helps your case better than reblogging and sharing some nice comments ;)
When you support work you like, you’ll get more of it!
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legallybrunettedotcom · 3 months
i have a question for everyone trans, non-binary, or just anyone who has a complex relationship with gender AND also speaks more than one language, do you feel like your feelings, expression, the way you use pronouns etc changes depending on the language you speak? not just what you like explicitly ask from ppl in regards to pronouns, but your internal life too. especially bc not every language offers the same freedoms in that regard.
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juno-infernal · 9 months
idk about you guys but i’m ready for 2023 to be over. there’s a lot i want to leave behind with this year, and i’ve decided to light a big fucking bonfire about it.
any of you have something you’d like me to ritually burn tomorrow night? 🖤🔥
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irbcallmefynn · 7 months
so to everyone who may have been excited to see me play rainworld. yeah no, thats not gonna happen. Played it for not even an hour and im getting mad thinking about the game.
The accessibility issues are a fucking nightmare. dont put that shit in the menu called "Remix" cause i assumed thats for people who want to shake things up. The accessibility mods that are there feel like they're all for content i didn't see or don't solve my issues.
i needed something to guide me to the nearest shelter. i need a decent (IN GAME) map. i need the screen to not go fucking insane when its about to rain.
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purrassicjet · 4 months
Space Rocks: Track list;
1. The Space We Find Inbetween
2. Captain's Log (My Moon and Stars)
3. Planet of Danger
4. Interns (Boss's Boss's Bosses)
5. Minesweep
6. Deep Space
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I don’t know what to do with the other ask blogs that aren’t receiving attention; i don’t know if it’s because they’re AU’s or what but if anyone’s curious about say, the role swap verse or other things — just ask me! Or… idk interact with this post somehow and I’ll gladly share more-
No one has to interact with the other blogs, but huffs. They’re kind of just sitting there and at the same time, I don’t want to get rid of them sooo what do I do?
Anyway, I’m debating opening a blog for the Outsiders (either rp style) and/or the infection AU, but for AU’s and crossovers I’m open and willing to talk about - these include;
Role Swap
Project Zero (up to an extent)
Into the Ninjaverse
Xiaolin Showdown crossover
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a-dash-in-the-middle · 3 months
the memory is limited, which songs do you suggest i download onto my little phone
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atlasthecactus · 2 months
does anyone have any undertale or deltarune drawing prompts/requests?
(no guarantee that i’ll do them but i really wanna draw some stuff rn)
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capricioussuns · 2 months
What are some lyrics that unexpectedly cut through you? Like, you completely wouldn't have expected them to, or on paper they look mediocre, but hearing them just hurts
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sailor-aviator · 3 months
Really glad you’re reading my fics, but REALLY wish you’d do something other than like them, besties.
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