#community 6x4
maybe-i-will-fandom · 8 months
Anyone got any essays on 6x4 Queer Studies & Advanced Waxing?
Abed wanting to let the birds stay so they won't scare away the mom. Talking about his mom taking his half brother to AZ, leaving Abed behind. His speech to Elroy. Elroy relenting.
Dean having a queer issue and immediately calling Jeff and Frankie. Jeff. And. Frankie. Alone. Separate from the rest of the Save Greendale Committee. Gaydar?
Frankie practically coming out. Jeff and Craig's little pantomime about that.
Jeff's "unfortunately" about how anything that isn't straight is perceived as gay. His "we're afraid deep down that all of us are a little political"
The message against Imperialism and America's Japanese Internment somehow buried in what seemed initially like just a pile of racism.
Elroy and Abed raising the birds together. Burying them together.
All the gay students that came up to the Dean to thank him and tell him how much his visibility meant to them.
Them all crying at Chang's performance. The Dean apologizing to Abed from it 😂. The unarmed black man vs the unarmed gay dean speech. The Dolly Parton parody
The cat mask ceremony Abed planned and everyone went along with 😭
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Buck probably thinks of himself as Christopher’s “spare dad” (like spare parts) while it’s been clear since The Will Reveal that Eddie views Buck as Christopher’s “second dad”.  Buck’s role in Christopher’s life is defined differently by the two of them because Eddie never verbally specified to Buck in terms that he could understand the way he sees Buck as his equal in their relationship during their conversation at the hospital.  Even though he did tell Buck that he’s Christopher’s legal guardian if anything were to happen to him, it’s likely that Buck heard ‘if something happens to Eddie then and only then can I be Christopher’s dad’. That wasn’t Eddie’s intention but based on Buck’s actions, it’s more than likely what Buck heard. Buck and Eddie communicate in several ways including silently but that day they had a failure to communicate with each other and it was based on both what Eddie said and the way Buck interpreted it.
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Make no mistake, Buck knows that Eddie is the love of his life just like Eddie knows Buck is the love of his life but whenever they need to DTR (define their relationship) they don’t know how to communicate with each other.  Eddie was literally giving Buck his heart and telling Buck that he was in love with him when he told Buck about his will but Buck MISUNDERSTOOD it just like he misunderstood the lessons Thomas, Red and Lev tried to give him before they died.
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Sometimes Buck doesn’t fully understand the things people say to him unless they say what they mean and mean what they say.  So when people talk to him, they must be very specific and use regular words like ‘I’m in love with you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want us to raise Christopher together as a family’ instead of just saying “If I die you become Christopher’s legal guardian”. While Eddie’s will does make Buck the legal guardian for Christopher if Eddie dies, Buck didn’t understand the underlying meaning of what Eddie was trying to tell him.  Buck put his emphasis on the “if I die” part of Eddie’s statement and that’s why he’s back on that physically reckless BS again.
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In 6x4 “Animal Instincts” Buck reverted to being the physically reckless version of himself because he still believes that everyone else’s lives are more valuable than his since they have families and children waiting for them to return home. In 4x14 “Survivors” he told Bobby that he couldn’t handle it if anyone else got hurt after he risked his life and climbed up a crane with no protection.  Even though Bobby told him that Eddie being shot by a sniper was not his fault, Buck still felt like it should have been him instead of Eddie and he told Eddie that after Eddie woke up from his coma.  Eddie told Buck while he was being discharged from the hospital that he was wrong for thinking he was expendable and that helped to calm Buck for a few months but now it seems like he doesn’t care if he gets hurt.  The only way he got attention from his parents while he was young was whenever he acted reckless and that’s exactly what he’s doing again.  He’s willingly sacrificing himself so that other parents, i.e., Eddie, Chimney, Bobby and Hen can live.
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Buck hopped on a victim’s bicycle in 6x4 to chase the car that had Chimney trapped inside of it with a drunk driver.  Buck was probably thinking that Chimney is the father of his niece Jee-Yun; therefore he needs to live because it didn’t matter what happened to him even though Eddie yelled, “Buck, where the he!! you going?” Eddie doesn’t want Buck to get hurt because he’s been planning for them to be together forever since he changed his will in 3x15 “Eddie Begins”. Buck wants to build a life with Eddie too but he’s scared Eddie will reject him so he’s just choosing to keep things exactly the way that they are instead of running the risk of losing it all.  
With the way things are now, Buck probably doesn’t believe he will ever have a family because everyone he knows already had or currently has one, except for him. The sperm donor situation with Connor is SOMETHING and it’s causing Buck to act impulsively and irrationally because he may see it as his only chance to leave a piece of himself behind even if he wouldn’t be allowed to be in the child’s life.  While he was talking to Connor and Cameron, it was extremely clear that’s not what he wants, to be “a donor, not a dad” but it’s probably all he thinks he can have. Seeing Connor with a wife and learning that he wants to start a family only highlighted for Buck that he doesn’t have a family of his own (he does with Eddie and Christopher).  Buck has an idea of the way his family is “supposed to” look to someone who’s on the outside looking in just like Eddie had the same idea in season 5 before he finally decided to breakup with Ana. Eddie even said it during the breakup conversation, “I thought it would work, I…I did…the idea of us…”.   Well Buck’s having a similar experience now but the show isn’t allowing Buck and Eddie to talk to each other so…it would be helpful for Buck if he and Eddie could communicate with each other in CANON.  
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Buck should already know that he can build a life with Eddie because Thomas already told him how it worked for him and Mitchell. Thomas was the first person to tell Buck that he could love any person he wants to and build a life with them. Buck and Eddie were both on the scene of that call in 2x8 “Buck Actually” but Buck was the one who talked to Thomas; therefore he received the assignment of “You don’t find it son, you make it”.  Then Buck met Red in 3x16 “The One That Got Away” and he told Buck that it’s ok to be the firefighting hero and save lives but he warned him when he said, “don’t neglect having your own”.  He was trying to tell Buck to build a life for himself while he was working so that he wouldn’t end up like he did, dying alone with regrets. Then Buck talked with Lev in 6x2 “Crash and Learn” and Lev told him how he had spent the last 40 years of his life doing everything he was “supposed to do, marriage, kids, big house, fancy cars and weekends at the shore” but the most important part of what he said was it all ended up being a blur for him because he could barely remember any of it.  He finally understood right before he died that he could have been happy a long time ago if he had chosen to live his life the way he wanted to instead of the way everyone else said he was supposed to.  That’s one of many of Buck’s problems because he spends too much time trying to live his life for others instead of for himself.  He’s not happy and he keeps looking past the life and family he wants even though it’s right in front of him (Eddie and Christopher).
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Buck is already a DAD to Christopher and he’s practically Eddie’s HUSBAND because he gets to be himself when he’s with Eddie.  He’s relaxed, confident and most importantly he’s HAPPY whenever they’re together. He’s comfortable in his own skin and he doesn’t look like he’s pretending the way he did in his previous relationships.  Buck and Eddie move seamlessly whenever they’re around each other and they both understand one of their top priorities is to take care of Christopher.  They love each other and will do anything to keep the other one safe.  Buck listens to Eddie and Eddie takes care of Buck.  They understand their relationship is give and take instead of one of them always giving while the other just takes.  That was one of the problems they’ve both had in their previous relationships.
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Buck told Maddie in 3x11 “Seize the Day”, “This is Eddie’s house, I’m not really a guest” and his statement was very true.  He’s at home when he’s there with them and he’s confident in his role within their family dynamic.  His statement to his sister was proof that he knows who he wants to spend the rest of his life with and his actions every time Eddie almost died are further proof of that too but Buck’s issue is he doesn’t want to lose Eddie so he’d rather keep things exactly the way they are even though he could have it all if he confesses his love for Eddie and their family.
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For Buck and Eddie to become a romantic couple, it’s very likely that Eddie will have to be the one to confess his love to Buck first and the reason for that is Buck believes that his and Eddie’s current relationship and the time he gets to spend with Eddie and Christopher is all he’ll ever get.  He’s chosen to accept that for what it is and it’s unlikely that he’ll ever question Eddie about it. Therefore Eddie will have to take Christopher’s advice that he gave him in 5x11 “Outside Looking In” and be brave.  He will have to explain to Buck how he’s been in love with him for years but he was too scared to tell him since he didn’t want to risk everything they’ve already built together.  Additionally he will have to tell Buck again that he’s not expendable and explain why that’s true so that Buck will stop risking his life and understand that just like the rest of the 118, he has a family that needs him to come home too.  If Buck believes he can only be a father to Christopher if Eddie is dead, i.e., be “his spare dad”, then he would rather sacrifice himself so that Eddie can live because he wants the three of them to be a family together.  Buck has two fears, one is losing Eddie and the second one is being left behind so if he does lose Eddie, then he believes he will automatically be left behind because Eddie is the only person that he wants to build a life with so they can be happy together.  Eddie thought he took care of Buck’s fear about being left behind and not having a family when he named Buck to be Christopher’s legal guardian in his will.  He wants them to have each other but none of them, including Eddie want to live a life without the other two. Buck is so scared of losing Eddie that he’s willingly sacrificing his happiness to keep things the way that they are between them.  That means Eddie will have to initiate the conversation especially since he’s comfortable and confident in his own actions now that he’s been in therapy for several months. Will it take Buck being in the hospital due to a life-threatening injury for Eddie to finally confess his love to Buck?  Who knows but Buck’s recent actions illustrate how he is headed towards a breakdown and Eddie should be there to help him pick up the pieces just like Buck was there for him in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia”. They’re in love with each other but they’re both too scared to be the first one to confess, so someone will have to make the first move and it shouldn’t take another near-death experience for that to happen.  But it appears that’s the direction the show could be going in before they make them a CANON couple.
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Lucas Bryant as Agent Damon Keller in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 6x1 The Missing Piece 6x2 Window of Opportunity 6x4 Code Yellow (2019)
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[Code Yellow written by Nora & Lilla Zuckerman]
Earlier this year[2019], Bryant had an arc on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and says it was a fantastic experience. “That was a blast. First of all, it’s an awesome show that has been going on for a while and has tons of fans, for good reason. It shoots here in LA [where I live], which is a lovely departure from [working away from home]. So that was a beautiful thing to do,” he shares.
“We were so spoiled on Haven to have such a great community around the show, really fantastic friends, all the actors and crew and production. It was just a really incredible family that we developed over a number of years out in that weird place in Nova Scotia.”
“[Since then], I have learned not expect that necessarily on other projects. And my experience immediately on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D was that they have also created something really warm and welcoming and loving and a beautiful family that they’ve got going on. I was really, really lucky to be welcomed there.”
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monkmain · 1 month
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Wallpedes are imobile ambush predators, similar to stowaways. Like stowaways, wallpedes only activate on certain cycles. Unlike stowaways, however, there is no way to tell if they are active or not.
Wallpedes appear as brown blobs on walls, hidden behind foliage so as to not stick out against the background. They can appear in any region aside from The Triplets.
When active, any creature that comes within range of the wallpede it will lunge towards and grab. It functions like a red centipede in terms of both health and stun resistance. If it succeeds in returning to its original position with its prey, it will electrocute the creature and drop its body.
They give 10 points.
Like spearmaster, despondent has access to various broadcast nodes scattered throughout the facilities. 
I only have one so far because I was going to do more then I got distracted by the wallpede
Luck • Orange (TD_A22)
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE The Triplets, Silken Strands Of White
SSOW: let.UPER>3x1let.LWER>6x3let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>1x1let.LWER>4x5let.LWER>7x3let.LWER>6x3let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>19x1[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>4x5let.LWER>6x3let.LWER>1x1let.LWER>11x2let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>3x4[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>2x1let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>5x5let.LWER>3x5let.LWER>2x7let.LWER>2x2[sent.INQ]
OL: all but the purple one. She couldn’t ascend, as they predicted. He has sent her out to visit the echos, in hopes that it may help.
SSOW: let.UPER>23x1let.LWER>2x4let.LWER>1x1let.LWER>4x5[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>5x1let.LWER>3x1let.LWER>2x4let.LWER>3x5let.LWER>19x1[sent.INQ]
IL: they did not tell you? The echos around their facilities have become clearer lately. She knew it must mean something.
SSOW: let.UPER>3x3[wrd?BREAK]let.LWER>23x1let.LWER>3x3let.LWER>19x1let.LWER>2x4[wrd.BREAK]let.LWER>3x4let.LWER>7x3let.LWER>3x1let.LWER>11x1[sent.END]
OL: as does he.
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alright quick run down
a letter will have the let.UPER> or let.LWER> before the code for the letter itself
for example, lowercase x would be let.LWER>6x4
there are never any spaces between anything and I will not be translating it for you because I don’t feel like it
[wrd.BREAK] indicates a space and [wrd.EXTD] indicates a dash.
Brick lizard
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Female and infant
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Brick lizards are heavy, armored tanks of creatures that live in organized family groups. The males hunt in packs while the females raise the infants.
Female Brick lizards have the ability to body-slam creatures, using a lunge similar to a green lizard. The lunge deals 1 damage if the creature’s mass is the same as or less than the brick lizard, and stuns if the mass is greater. Females use this ability both as a form of self-defense as well as to hunt if all the males in the pack are out of commission.
Male brick lizards can telepathically communicate as well as shoot an item known as spiked drone rubbish. Spiked drone rubbish are small mechanical drones that target the creature it was shot closest to. They deal 0.01 damage to everything, including slugcats, and will not stop chasing their target until they are either destroyed by an outside source or short-circuited by water. When short-circuited, they can be picked up and thrown like regular rubbish, the only difference being they still damage slugcats and float on water instead of sink. Male Brick lizards have a ten second cooldown between shots.
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Brick lizards are highly mechanical, and they have a huge advantage over most creatures because of it. They do not feel pain, meaning they will never stop chasing a creature until they are dead and will not collapse randomly when in bleedout. They also have two hard shells wrapped around their body, protecting all parts of their body apart from their throat. As despondent’s low damage prevents her from performing side spears, the only way to reach this soft spot is to be caught by one and receive good RNG so as to not die. They are, however, extremely vulnerable to explosives, which deal two damage when hitting a protected spot and five damage when hitting their soft spot.
The packs brick lizards live in consist of 2-5 females, 4-6 infants and 3-7 males. The males go hunting and bring their food back to the females and babies. The highest dominance female always gets the first catch, followed by the lower dominance females, and the males are left to fight over the scraps. The males always have the same length antenna despite their dominance levels, and the only way to disconnect them from each other is to either tame or kill the highest dominance female. Taming the highest dominance female also taimes every infant in the pack, regardless of their proximity to the taimed female. The second highest dominant female then takes over the next cycle, and all the pack connections are re-established, along with newly spawned infants.
Infant brick lizards grow up in five cycles. Their IDs change along with their appearance, as the three types of brick lizards are considered three separate species in the code to simplify things. Their ID before they change, however, does affect their gender; if the first digit is an odd number, they will be male, and if the first digit is an even number they will be female. Taimed infants keep their same relationships when aging up, meaning if your infant grows up in a shelter with you they will not be untamed the next cycle.
Infant brick lizards have a Plays With relationship with each other and a Considers As Its Pack relationship with every other variant, while females and males have Considers As Its Pack relationships with all other lizards in the pack. All brick lizards have Fights For Territory With relationships with all brick lizards in other packs. They ignore all other types of lizard. 
Each variant of the brick lizard has unique stats:
Male Stats:
Health: 7-9
Can climb poles? No
Can climb walls? No
Basespeed: 6.7*
Toughness: 3
BodyMass: 7
VisualRadius: 900
BiteDelay: 20
BiteDamageChance: 1/4
BiteDamage: 4.3
AttemptBiteRadius: 80
SwimSpeed: 0.5
WaterVision: 0.2
ThroughSurfaceVision: 0.75
TongueAttackRange: N/A
TaimingDifficulty: 5
Female Stats:
Health: 10-12
Can climb poles? No
Can climb walls? No
Basespeed: 6.7*
Toughness: 4
BodyMass: 9
VisualRadius: 950
BiteDelay: 50
BiteDamageChance: 1/3
BiteDamage: 4.6
AttemptBiteRadius: 70
SwimSpeed: 0.2
WaterVision: 0.3
ThroughSurfaceVision: 0.75
TongueAttackRange: N/A
TaimingDifficulty: 5
Infant Stats:
Health: 1
Can climb poles? Yes
Can climb walls? No
Basespeed: 3
Toughness: 0.5
BodyMass: 0.5
VisualRadius: 400
BiteDelay: N/A**
BiteDamageChance: N/A**
BiteDamage: N/A**
AttemptBiteRadius: N/A**
SwimSpeed: 0.4
WaterVision: 0.2
ThroughSurfaceVision: 0.45
TongueAttackRange: N/A
TaimingDifficulty: N/A***
*Brick lizards use the same walk cycle as green lizards.
**Infant brick lizards cannot bite.
***infant brick lizards are taimed when the nearest female brick lizard is tamed or the highest dominance female is taimed.
Males and females give 15 points and infants give 2
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footyware · 8 months
***Indoor Soccer Dimensions and Sizes***
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Indoor soccer brings the beautiful game inside! Fields allow year-round play in any climate. However, determining the optimal field size and layout takes careful planning. Professional indoor soccer leagues require full-sized fields up to 200 feet long and 120 feet wide. Youth and amateur teams thrive on smaller fields that fit into community rec centers. No matter the skill level, a field with ample perimeter space allows fast-paced gameplay near the walls. Goals measure 12x6.5 feet tall in the pros down to just 6x4 feet for kids. With the right turf, lighting, and energy-efficient HVAC systems, indoor soccer facilities can host intense competitions and pick-up games alike. Let us know if you need help designing a field tailored to your athletes!
#indoorsoccerfield #footyware
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ssbmetal · 1 year
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Performance and also performance in the workplace can be enhanced by using the appropriate writing materials as well as hardware to maintain your papers organized while aiding you and also your associate's sorting and also getting rid of unneeded documents easily. There are numerous type of office creating products and also hardware, but you might not be ensured to need them all. On the off opportunity that you have a restricted budget, essentially put sources into the main ones that will certainly be practical to you. Ssbmetal.com.  is thought to be the only way for the writing instrument industry to advance, it has started to think more about new trends and development.
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nicolerosegelormino · 2 years
Public Painting Pop-Up: DTLA Arts
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They Breathe In Me As Angels
a small works pop-up
Saturday September 17, 2022
Red Building, Mateo and 7th Streets
Artist Statement
“[T]hey breathe in me as angels]” is taken from a line in the poem Integrity by Adrienne Rich (1978). I give form to private experiences and sensations in painting and sculpture. I am most preoccupied with the feelings that are difficult or uncomfortable to verbalize. Seeking a color, texture and form that embodies that experience provides me perspective on those sensations and the opportunity to peel my identity away from them. They have a life, an existence outside of me. I can appreciate their importance, their power, their beauty, their smallness. And then I can put them away. My confessionalist practice honors ugly, nuanced or difficult experiences. Each abstract landscape or figure becomes a jewel in the box of the psyche. Each carries its own memories. Each is responsible for shaping me. Each has whispered triumphs and grievances into my muscles and my dreams. In this box are confessions of that which makes me human and makes me whole.
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Panel 1
Clockwise from upper left:
Ipe, 2021, oil on canvas board, 8 x 6"
A Wild Patience, 2021, oil on canvas board, 6 x 8"
Parenting #6, 2018, oil on canvas panel, 6 x 4"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 6 x 5 x 4.5"
Jenny Linsky, 2021, oil on canvas on wood panel, 7 x 5"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 5 x 4 x 2.5"
Childbirth #1, 2017, oil on canvas on board, 6x4"
Parenting #10, 2019, oil on canvas panel, 6 x 4"
Return Home, 2021, oil on canvas board, 7 x 5"
Childbirth #20, 2017, oil on canvas on board, 6x4"
Untitled (Encounter 3), 2021, oil on canvas board, 5 x 5"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 8 x 4.5 x 2.5"
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Panel 2
Clockwise from center left:
Parenting #4, 2018, oil on canvas panel, 6 x 4"
Parenting #11, 2019, oil on canvas board, 6 x 4"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 7 x 5.5 x 2"
Childbirth #22, 2017, oil on canvas on board, 6x4"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 5.5 x 5.5 x 2"
Parenting #9, 2019, oil on canvas panel, 4 x 6"
Untitled, 2016, oil on pizza board, 9 x 9"
Childbirth #21, 2017, oil on canvas on board, 7x5"
Parenting #3, 2018, oil on canvas panel, 6 x 4"
Parenting #7, 2018, oil on canvas panel, 4 x 6"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 5 x 7 x 3.5"
Parenting #15, 2018, oil on canvas on board, 4 x 6"
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Panel 3
Descending from the upper left:
Puck, 2016, oil on canvas, 7x5"
Untitled (Encounter 1), 2021, oil on canvas board, 5 x 5"
Childbirth #34, 2017, oil on canvas on board, 6x4"
Megan, 2021, oil on canvas on wood panel, 8 x 6"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 4 x 5.5 x 2.5
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 6 x 5.5 x 4.5"
Untitled, 2021, oil on canvas on wood panel, 7 x 5"
Childbirth #18, 2017, oil on canvas on board, 6x4"
Untitled, 2022, ceramic and glaze, 6.5 x 6 x 2.5"
Solana, 2021, oil on canvas, 5 x 7"
Orifice #2, 2016, oil on board drink coaster, 4 x 4"
As soon as I leaned one of the 3 painted wooden panels against a shut-up doorway, a tall middle-aged white man walked from the bar next door to me. I chose to begin the conversation, "I was hoping to display some artwork in this doorway because it doesn't seem to be in use." “It’s our building,” he proclaimed several times. I asked if I could use the door around the corner for just 2 hours. It’s entryway was flooded with dust and debris. He grunted his permission. I served as a reminder that artists have made this a desirable location to invest in. Most passerby stopped to look. One visitor exclaimed, "nice show!" It was fun to install in an appreciative community.
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grandmoments · 3 years
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The embodiment of the voice in my head whenever I try to do something.
Community 6x4
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systemynt · 2 years
Modernized Experimental 3-TUBE Regenerative Radio
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What is Modernized Experimental Radio..? Yap, it's the radio to enjoy, learn, understand and play with a tube circuit. The purpose is let our youngsters know how it works and how it's fun to make by themselves. And it's also good for seniors to re-activate their brain for the thinking. The circuit is mostly very primitive, approx. a century ago, yet the physics and electronical principals are still being important for all of communication devices nowadays. Until the end of 1960s, we Japanese had to learn about 3-TUBE Regen Radio, the tubes earlier were 6C6-6ZP1(41)-12F(V1) later 6AU6-6AR5-5MK9(6X4), in J.H.School housecraft & vocational class. It actually was very difficult, not easy to understand, for 15 years boys there but they were eager beavers. Then as you know, that could become the core I think, Japanese consumer electronics conquered the world market later days. So education in younger days is VERY IMPORTANT!
--- (c) 2021 Osamu Terao, Allrights reserved ---
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Buck & Eddie act like an old married couple
Buck and Eddie are husbands in their early to mid-thirties (Buck is 30 or 31 years old and Eddie is 34 or 35 years old) but even though they’re nowhere near the age of retirement, they act and talk to each other the same way old married couples do. They’ve been trusted partners for more than four years and they have developed different ways to communicate with one another including their perfected body and silent languages (related post: “The night Eddie met Buck 1.0” and related GIF set: “Silent conversations”). They can always anticipate exactly what the other one needs before either of them has to say anything. They flirt, tease, touch, argue and bicker with each other all day long which is similar to the ways some older couples communicate with one another (related post: “CANON arguments-1st argument was reenacted in the background during their 2nd argument at the grocery store” and related GIF set “Simultaneous POVs-The Grocery Store Argument #4”).  Eddie can get Buck’s attention by simply saying his name one time, he makes exasperated sighs when Buck won’t give up whenever he’s trying to get Eddie to answer his questions, he rolls his eyes when Buck acts overzealous and he makes quick-witted comments that perfectly align with Buck’s clipboard antics, comments, questions, ramblings and occasional reckless behaviors. 
Sixteen examples are included of Buck being Buck and Eddie being Eddie while they continue to love each other endlessly.
GIF #1 2x1 “Under Pressure”
GIF #2 3x1 “Kids Today”
GIF #3 3x5 “Rage”
GIF #4 3x6 “Monsters”
GIF #5 3x9 “Fallout”
GIF #6 3x9 “Fallout”
GIF #7 3x18 “What’s Next?”
GIF #8 4x6 “Jinx”
GIF #9 5x1 “Panic”
GIF #10 5x2 “Desperate Times”
GIF #11 5x5 “Peer Pressure”
GIF #12 5x6 “Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1”
GIF #13 5x11 “Outside Looking In”
GIF #14 5x16 “May Day”
GIF #15 6x1 “Let the Games Begin”
GIF #16 6x4 “Animal Instincts”
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(6x4) | Ver This Is Us Temporada 6 ONLINE (SUB ESPANOL)
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★ CLIC AQUI ➔ https://t.co/eCZx3K0LWw
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Vista general : Jack vit à Pittsburgh avec sa femme Rebecca, sur le point de donner naissance à des triplés. Arrivé à l'hôpital, le couple est pris en charge par le docteur Katowski. Kevin, jeune acteur lassé par la futilité du rôle qu'il tient dans une série, s'interroge sur sa carrière tandis que sa sœur jumelle, Kate, toujours au régime, est désespérée par ses kilos en trop. Abandonné à la naissance devant une caserne de pompiers, Randall, brillant juriste, a fait mener des recherches pour retrouver son père biologique mais hésite à le rencontrer. Ils ont en commun d'être nés le même jour et s'apprêtent à fêter leur trente-sixième anniversaire...
Ver serie This Is Us 6x4 Online Espanol , This Is Us 6x4 Ver Online, This Is Us 6x4 Online espanol Serie completa, This Is Us Temporada 6 Capitulo 4 Online En Español Latino Subtitulado,
Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. The verb to stream refers to the process of delivering or obtaining media in this manner.[clarification needed] Streaming refers to the delivery method of the medium, rather than the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method krom the media distributed applies specifically to telecommunications networks, as most of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs). There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet. For example, users whose Internet connection lacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. And users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content. Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time much as live television broadcasts content over the airwaves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it krequently is. Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user can use their media player to start playing digital video or digital audio content before the entire file has been transmitted. The term “streaming media” can apply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are all considered “streaming text”.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States. Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed] These rights krequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution. Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent. Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration. It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc
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TWIGW March 18-24th
Happy Spring, amazing fandom!
Check out all the cool stuff we have for you this week below, and remember to show the creators some love!
Thanks for all you do!
-Mod CB
A Little Piece of Gundam Wing
The archive is being ported to AO3! Check it out!
Amberly with @yourbloodlikewine
In This Light
Duo spent the last semester working in his older brother's coffee shop. He's resigned himself to a boring spring when a stranger appears, shaking up his entire life. Eli left home last fall, choosing to spend the last six months living out of his van on his travels from the Midwest to the East Coast. By the time he arrives at Ink's, the novelty of traveling alone has started to wear off. Still, the last thing he's expecting is to meet someone who's going to change all that for him
Pairings: 2xOMC, 3xOMC, Solo x OMC,
Warnings:  Rape/Noncon, Original Characters - Freeform, Alternate Universe, child abuse mention, Sexual Assault Mention, homophobic parents, Re-Written Characters, Drug Use, Violence, off screen murder, gratuitous author indulgence
The Shinigami and The Silencer
They say a person only needs three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.  I had all three, despite my rough start in life. I had a lover, a hobby that I loved, and I had a hope… hope that my lover would get better, that we would be together forever. But he didn’t. He died in a hospital bed, cold and alone as I watched through a window, my body covered in chains. I wasn’t even allowed to bury him as the prison sent his body off to be cremated. My heart broke that night and the next day, on the way to my execution, I killed five of my guards before the others opened fire. I was dead before I hit the floor, my blood staining it. Why was I being executed you ask? Let me tell you the story of The Shinigami and The Silencer.
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Major Character Death, death, angst
Dr. Trowa Barton has a problem - he's this close to figuring out the secret to manufacturing a nanocarbon black pigment that could compete with Vantablack.  But he's also hit a dead end, and he's tired and maybe a night of drinking beer and painting Beagles is exactly what he needs to get his research back on track.
Pairings: 2x3, 3x5, 2x3x5
Warnings: Art, Science, Chemistry, singularity - Freeform, AU, ex-lovers now friends, Threesome, Threesome - M/M/M, drunken sexy times, sober sexy times, weird art, i mean. maybe it's not weird. to each their own, nanocarbon black, paint pigments, what are these tags, Quatre is a good wingman
Silver Strand
Summary: The world had shifted, boundaries had been crossed, right and wrong had long ago been abandoned. A dark story of revenge, love, loss and drug smuggling. AU set in Coronado, California in the 1970s. Based on/Inspired by Joshuah Bearman’s “Coronado High”
Multiple pairings including but not limited to: 1x2, 2x5, 2x3, 2x3x5, 13x2, RxH, 9xS, 6x4
Warnings: Angst, drug use, Vietnam-era politics
@claraxbarton , @kangofu-cb
Bad Company
"The only hell and the only paradise are the ones we build ourselves." - Unknown Years after the wars, Preventers has decided to tackle one of the most powerful and oldest of all the Terran crime syndicates. Embedded dangerously deep in an undercover operation targeting the violent and bloodthirsty Sinaloa Cartel, Trowa Barton is pushed beyond even his flexible morals - and when his new "partner" arrives in the very unexpected and unwelcome form of Duo Maxwell, the one person he'd been trying to protect at all costs, both men must deal with the realization that preserving peace for humanity is turning into a bloodsport.What follows is race against time to uncover the evidence they need to bring Sinaloa, and its beautiful but deadly leaders, down - all while keeping each other alive in the process
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Post-Canon, Undercover Missions, Undercover as a Couple, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Human Trafficking, Gang Violence, Canon Typical Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Moral Dilemmas
Foopy, kirallie
Knights of Avalon
Multi-series crossover fic
The Galaxy is a weird, wonderful and dangerous place. There is far more to history than anyone remembers.
Warnings: Very AU, Stargate pushed up to movie in '04, sentient weapons, many dates have been played with to fit
If You Let Me
If Trowa could give the new residents one rule for surviving the ICU, it would be ‘Don’t Touch Anything. (Especially The Patients.)’.  In reality, he’d actually give them a lot of rules, possibly with diagrams for clarity.  But his main rule essentially covered the bases. When you worked in one of the largest ICUs, in the biggest medical center in the country, at a hospital known for taking on unstable patients for the most complex and risky surgeries that were performed no-where else, new residents were a menace. Until he meets Dr. Maxwell, the newest anesthesia resident.
Pairings: 2x3, background HxD
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Medical, Doctor/Patient, Nurses & Nursing, Fluff and Smut, this is literally my feel good thing guys ok, I mean I'm not saying there won't be any angst, but basically this is all WAFF, Explicit Sexual Content
Friend Zone
Duo and Hilde's wedding is fast approaching but after a heartwrenching breakup, how will Trowa and Quatre get through the weekend?
Pairings: 3x4, 2xH, 1xR
Warnings: Drama and Romance, Post-Canon
LadyLilyAnne, Melfice13
The Trials & Tribulations of a High Society Shinigami
Duo was a very caring woman, an open book so to speak, always there to help those that needed it with a smile on hand. The problem was she was surrounded by insane men who needed to be watched over like kids and her fellow women left her to it. Resigning herself to being the team mom Duo did her best, but she hadn't planned on Heero admitting he loved her. Things are weird now...
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4
Warnings:  Fem Duo, oblivious characters, Developing Relationship, Obssessed Relena, Obssessed Zechs, The Pink Thing, Explosions, Non-Graphic Violence, Duo and Trieze Have a Weird Friendship, Non-Chronological, Related Drabbles, gratuitous cursing
Duo watches Heero leave his bed every time the phone rings. All he wishes is that, for once, he would stay.
Pairings: 1x2, 1xR
Warnings: Angst, Songfic
2018 Comment Fic_Feburary
Drabbles and short fics written for the Live Journal community Comment Fics which can be found here: http://comment-fic.livejournal.com
Multiple fandoms/pairings, please see chapter specific warnings
Life is War
Multi-series crossover fic
Sequel to 'Life is Fringe'. Five years later, Max, Chloe, and Kevin have settled into their new lives. However, they soon find themselves caught up in a power-struggle between two powerful men competing to control the fate of the world. Loyalties will be tested but a greater threat looms in the darkness, ready to strike.
Characters: Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price, Kate Marsh/Original Character(s), Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Kate Marsh, Olivia Dunham, Treize Khushrenada, Natasi Daala, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une
Warnings: Science Fiction & Fantasy, War, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Original Character(s), Post-Canon, Crossover, Multiple Crossovers, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, pricefield
The Taste of Peaches
A @gwcocktailfriday submission
Relena's had a long day, and so she stops off somewhere for a drink or two.
Pairings: none
Warnings: AU- modern setting, introspection
The Source of All Things
Center, a planet where magic and technology blend. Or more accurately, fight tooth and nail. A planet of Sources, holes in our boring dimension letting through arcane power, chaos and pseudo-deities. In this hot-house of myths and very real dangers, Trowa and Quatre find a mysterious man at the end of a shamanic voyage. Portents suggest this Heero Yuy is crucial to Center’s survival. He’s important enough to have some interesting enemies after him, at any rate: a devious killer and thief called ‘Shinigami’, and a very irate Dragon. Beyond them looms an even greater threat. Indeed, the greatest of them all.
Pairings: 3x4, 2x5, eventual 1x2x5
Warnings:  alternative universe, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Plot Twists, fairly graphic depiction of sex, Mild description of self-harm, Mathematical Magic, weird science, crones - Freeform, Magic and Technology brawling and eventually screwing, Eventual Threesome, Kinda, Insanity of arcane origin, The universe is a pile of marbles and other dubious allegories
Two Halves
The two kingdoms of Sanq and Lin were at war for years; a conflagration involving magic, armies and political murder. The conflict left both nations devastated and strewn with refugees. The king of Sanq finds his infant son, lost at birth, among the death and the ruin, a miracle he barely dared to hope for. But there isn't just one boy, there are two, clinging together like two halves of a whole that cannot be separated. Decades later, the truth behind that second child’s existence will put a hole in the world, or possibly save it.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Fantasy AU, medieval setting with magic, starts with our heroes as children, Cousin Incest, sort of, eventually, being royalty this is in fact the norm and rather expected of them, Canon-Typical Violence
It started that first night that I got him out of the hospital. I don't know where he found the time between raiding my gundam for parts and fixing his, but he did. He slipped into my room, managing not to wake me up until he got into bed with me.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Yaoi, Lime, Implied Lemons, post war-ness, Angst, Sappy, POV Alternating, Spoilers, but if you haven't seen the series by now - what's wrong with you???, Original Character(s), Preventers (Gundam Wing), but no action, well - not THAT kind, Suicide Attempt, Misunderstandings
The Cabin
Trowa’s debut novel became a best-seller and now he is failing at writing a follow up. In order to find peace and quiet to write, he rents a secluded cabin near a small town to find inspiration. Yet writing becomes hard when he keeps hearing howls from the woods in the middle of the night and even harder when he meets a charming diner owner named Duo…
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Explicit Sexual Content
Open Book for @weiclown (Moreena)
One would think being skewered on a rapier was the worst part, but then Quatre was always full of surprises.
Pairings: 3x4, 1xR
Warnings: Humor, Canon Compliant, Takes Place Between the End of the Series and Odds and Evens, Trowa's POV, Injured!Quatre, Delirious!Quatre, Love Doctor!Duo, Iatrophonia - Fear of Doctors and Hospitals, At Least Sally Has Her Shite Together, Fluff, Friendship
The Story of Wrong
Duo recounts his experiences during the war in order to explain... well, why he was wrong.
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings:  Angst, Drama, Tragedy, slight AU, Spoilers, very dark, Heero and Duo don't dieI,  promise, Yaoi, slowburn, Mental Instability, Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown, If those are in any way an issue for you then go ahead and skip this, Eventual Smut, VERY eventual, this is mostly canon-compliant but I've changed a couple things here and there
@passingdestinies​ (MorbidBirdy)
A ghost of Heero's past takes possession of his life, relationships and his identity.
Pairings:  1x3, 2xH
Warnings:  Post-Canon, Psychological Torture, Blood and Violence, Explicit Sexual Content
Super Robot Wars GQ
Multi-series crossover
Long gone are the Ancient Ones and the will of Mankind triumphs, yet with catastrophes and wars that beset them, will their reign soon end?
Original Character(s), Mecha, Giant Robots, Gundams, Crossover, Multiple Crossovers, Action/Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Alien Invasion, War, Canon Rewrite, Space Battles, Cthulhu Mythos, Pseudoscience
Over Tea & Other Things
The first fan-fiction piece that I wrote back in 2010 on FF.net. I've edited it a little. "Tea" is the first of a series I decide to write about general moments and life rather than on any significant story line or plot point. They're all stand alone pieces so I'll keep them here as chapters rather than in separate posts. Comments are welcome. :)
Souls for the Bayou for @maevemauvaise and written for @fandomtrumpshate
For Trowa Barton, exploring the bayou is the ultimate adventure. Drawn to its borders since before he could walk, he spent his childhood learning its paths and uncovering its secrets.  But a chance encounter sets him on a path that spans across time, challenging everything he thought he knew, plunging him deeper into its mysteries than he ever thought possible.
Pairings: 2x3
Warnings: Supernatural - Freeform, Fae & Fairies, Fae Magic, Bayou, Cajun, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Mystery, Slow Burn, Technically Speaking, Young Love, Use of accents, Original Character(s), Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I don't want to give it all away at once, Fandom Trumps Hate
Finding Home Again
Harry Potter crossover
Morgan lost any family he had left during the horrors of the Canadian Civil War, he lived on his own and carved out his own existence at eighteen years old. Adventure and magic only existed in fairy tales and daydreams, survival is all he knows anymore. The Civil War ends a little before the Eve Wars. So when the new laws after the Eve Wars come into place, his world was turned upside down and Canada's new government left little choice to the die-hard patriots. Finally escaping to the Sanq Kingdom wasn't the sanctuary he had hoped it would be. Add the former Gundam Pilots to the mix and he might just find his escape, or will he never find the freedom he craves?
Pairings: 4x5, 1x2, 3xOMC, Sx11xOFC
Warnings: Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Mental Health Issues
A/U - Meilan is learning, not everything happens the way you thought it would. Sometimes you fall for the perfect girl next door when she gets knocked off her pedestal.
Pairings: Meilan x Relena
Warnings: None
@the-indomitable-bhg, @passingdestinies (BHG and Morbidbirdy)
End of Line
The Grid, the legendary Tron System, has always intrigued Duo Maxwell. After years of dreaming and months of tireless work, he finally receives the final part he needs to unlock the door to the digital frontier. A blast of a digitizing laser later he finds himself in the world of his dreams. However, soon that dream becomes a nightmare as he comes to realize that his existence in this new world is both a danger to him and to the programs who reside there. With the help of Security Program Trowa and a mysteriously damaged and glitchy program named Heero, he embarks on a journey through The Grid to seek help from a mysterious entity known as the Gatekeeper. Will he be able to get out of the Tron System, or will the organizations who are hunting him manage to derez him first?
Pairings: 1x3, 3x4
Warnings: Slash, AU, Angst, Post-Tron: Legacy, Action/Adventure, implied sexual violence, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Complete
Life Is A Highway
On an impulsive plan to travel from California to New York City to propose to his longtime girlfriend, Heero Yuy did not plan to pick up a hitchhiker in nowhere Texas. Faced with some setbacks and a growing attraction to his passenger, Heero goes through more challenges than he planned on facing.
Pairings: 1x2, 1xR
Warnings: light slash, Fluff, Road Trips, Dubious Morality
LAM!verse - Duo and Trowa chatting
Snippet Saturday
Photo Edits/Manipulations
What if Gundam Wing was real? - Chang Wufei’s office ft. Sally
What if Gundam Wing was real? - Une
What if Gundam Wing was real? - Sally’s table ft. Wufei
Whose Line photo edit - “Gundam Wing, where everything’s made up and the ‘canon’ don’t matter.
Multiple Contributors
Come at me Yuy
Headcanons / Meta / Discussions:
L1′s origins and history
GW and cars headcanon
Relena ice skating
Just Wild Beat
Gundam Wing re-watch comic
Heero doodle
Human Sandrock
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Friday
A new prompt every Monday!
Submissions should be posted Fridays between 3 and 5pm EST, and tagged with @gwcocktailfriday
Interview with a Creator by @remsyk-blog @interview-with-a-creator
Remsyk has created an online interview for fandom creators to fill out and then she features one each week so that everyone in the fandom can learn a bit about each other.
If you haven’t filled out her interview, go! do! now!
This week’s featured creator is @cosmostar - check her interview out here!
Calling all GW COSPLAYERS by @ahsimwithsake
Metrowing—our gundam wing cosplay group that comes to metrocon (Tampa Florida) every year—will be hosting a panel at Metrocon 2018!
We’re looking for additional cosplayers to round out the cast for a Q&A panel on Friday 7/20 at 4 pm.
If you’re interested, please private message me here on tumblr. I can provide you with more information and set you up with a group Skype chat with the metrowing cosplayers.Help us celebrate 25 years of Gundam Wing!
Check post for more information.
NHK is running a poll for the 40th anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam!
Voting is open here
You can vote for your favorite series (TV, OVA, and Movie only), mobile suit (pick 3), characters (pick 5), and songs (pick 2). Unfortunately the site is in Japanese but with the help of Google Translate, it’s easy enough to navigate. Let’s vote our GW boys to the top!
Gundam Wing Stream Rewatch by @the-indomitable-bhg and @amyole
Post found here - they are currently looking for interest/time suggestions/platform suggestions.
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ssbmetal · 1 year
All stationary items which are easily available on online store
Effectiveness as well as efficiency in the office can be improved by utilizing the ideal writing materials and also hardware to keep your files organized while helping you and your associate's sorting and throwing away unneeded records easily. There are lots of sorts of workplace creating products and also equipment, however you might not be ensured to need them all. On the off chance that you have a limited spending plan, essentially put resources right into the primary ones that will certainly be practical to you. Ssbmetal.com has a list of the best stationery brands in India. Look through the list of top stationery brands in India to find the best card, paper, envelope, pen & pencil, and other stationery products for your business. 
Equipment that you can use to take care of classified published papers without painful over the information, efficiently sorting out what remains in them. Look over manual strip cut, cross cut, and disc cut shredders or a mix of both cross and CD cuts. They are accessible in numerous dimensions. A 10-liter cross-cut shredder is terrific for a little to tool workplace. Low volume customers can utilize a passage level handbook strip cutter. Twelve to 15-liter shredders are fantastic for high-volume use. 
A laminator can be a handy gadget for offices that need to make professional-looking aesthetic guides, pennants, business indicators, and also show products. Why spend for cover administration from an outsider when you can do your own overlay? You can unquestionably overlay printouts to update as well as guard tones, work on their look, and widen their lives. Laminators are either A3 or the common A4 dimension. A couple of producers make them with smooth and also space-saving strategies that are adaptable for any type of kind or dimension of office. 
A picture laminator can be practical in creating product equipment for your office, specifically in the event that your company is fretted about showcasing, advertising, or visual communication. Grab photograph-covering pockets that are planned for 6x4-inch photographs. They conserve time from cutting, too. Picture Laminators furthermore come in tag-sized variations that are intended for making equipment or pack tags. 
Cleanliness is substantial for proficient archives, making paper clippers essential. A paper leaner can conserve you time when you want to reduce huge setups of documents, as well as it allows you to achieve a perfect, straight edge conveniently wrongly. An A4 paper trimmer is one of the most usual and also usually available. Acquisition a paper trimmer that can reduce various papers at once. There are A4 paper clippers that can take care of 10 sheets with their solid steel reducing table and changeable cutting sharp edge.
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a--movic · 3 years
Letter Projects by Contemporary Designers
Craig Oldham - Hand Written Letter Project
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The hand written letter project by Craig Oldham is an example of a piece of work that re-visits the art form of letter writing. He contacted many famous designers, requesting a letter reply of their choice. 
I like this idea of involving audiences within the project. The participation idea produces unexpected results also allowing people to have their own influence on the project. 
As a designer it can be risky as you may not get the results you are expecting but this is part of experimentation. 
The variety in letters throughout the book displays the wonderful unexpected properties of letter writing. Some used pen, some used printers others used stencils etc. This collection sums up the art of letters nicely. 
‘Letters to Andy Warhol’
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Hate Mail - Mr Bingo
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Mr Bingo plays on the idea of hate mail, illustrating postcards that insult people with some also telling them to fuck off. He has an active following on twitter which supplies him with the names and address of people that receive his mail.
The postcards offer him a platform to exercise his creativity thinking about different methods of communication and symbolism.
Harriet Russell
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Snail Mail Project - Sumedha Sah 
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The snail mail project by Sumedha Sah is a project where she simply illustrates letters as a response to those who send her letters. She has had responses from all over the world allowing her to create numerous illustrated pieces.
Me and EU - Nathan Smith 
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Me and EU is an example of a collective group creating forms of physical communication together to create a big picture. The project displays the induvial styles of creatives and the possibilities of a single format, the 6x4 postcard. 
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bethkerschen · 5 years
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I went to @maryhillmuseum yesterday to witness a 66 foot long woodcut print be made with a steamroller! (Only really the way to do large format printmaking!). It is a scene of the Columbia River made from 10 artists each making a 6x4 foot woodcut that connects together. Swipe to see the fun...the amazing registration rig, the steamroller making the print, then a team slowly pulling the print! Epic!! This took a ton for organization and planning to pull this off. So impressed! My understanding is, the 66 foot print will be shown at the Maryhill Museum the first week of September and then it will travel to different locations for viewing! . . #columbiarivergorge #cokumbiariver #maryhillmuseum #maryhillwashington #artinthegorge #community #communitymade #communitymadeart #steamroller #steamrollerprintmaking #printmaking #woodcut #woodcutprints #largeformat #largeformatprintmaking (at Maryhill Museum of Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1l3zdBhVGm/?igshid=aprqu54fy1o
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Business cards.  Rather than go for the traditional business card for the purposes of meet ‘n’ greet, I decided that I’d make some 6x4 photo business postcards to communicate my visual aesthetic.  The SUPER77 brand is something I’ve had on the go for a while and it also encompasses design and audio work.  I decided to go with 4 different designs ranging from gritty glamour, to the more graphic style of the third image through to the more conceptual final image which contains almost no information at all (and neither did Unknown Pleasures and it kinda worked out ok for that).  Number 5 (Brown Paper Tom) was a happy accident.  I like it.
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