#complete with cliffhangers and A/B/C storylines
There are some fantastic arguments as to why Izzy won't be the one dying in episode 8, ranging from the fandom backlash, all the way up to some fantastic character and scene analysis. There are some fantastic posts about it happening too – don’t want to diminish that, despite how it makes my heart hurt and my brain very sad.
The key thing to remember is that we still don't really know much about episode 8, other than from a few of the shots we’ve seen from BTS and from the teaser (which I wager, only really shows the first 15 mins or so, if that). I've tried to piece the scenes together into a somewhat cohesive storyline, trying to work out how the crew escapes and why they go back, and how they end up with Ricky (in naval costume), where they're going with him etc and when the funeral scene we’ve seen slots into the episode. It’s so hard, and there may be a multitude of reasons as to why Izzy isn’t in that shot, from a) he is captured still b) he is unable to make it due to the state he's in c) he's lying on a beach somewhere drinking mimosas (which is the headcannon I have)
DJ has said that the season will end on a satisfying note, well enough to be satisfied with if HBO don’t give a 3rd season, which also suggests that maybe Izzy won’t die, or it won’t be left on a 'is he dead?' cliffhanger as that would be as unsatisfying as it comes. He has also said that the opening scene will be incredibly satisfying as well, which may counterargue the above point, but I'm not sure Izzy dying would make that any more satisfying?
Now we've all seen the review that came out, saying that the crew suffers a devastating loss and this gives the 'dying' corner a potential point, but people have also made some real good points about it being the Revenge or someone else entirely.
From my perspective (which has nothing to do with anything really) is that this entire Izzy-dying situation just seems a bit too forced/heavy handed for me - its foreshadowed heavily in the first three episodes (Christ, we think he's dead like 3 times?) and I find it so very hard to believe that they would let a KEY spoiler scene be leaked in their promo footage? I honestly think that all the info we have gotten so far has been fed to us in this way on purpose, so we build it up in our heads, DJ and co know we would analyse everything and by god we have so far, so much - maybe it is all a giant red herring? Maybe someone does die, but it’s a complete 180 from who we think it is?
I dunno, but if he does die I'll be disappointed, not just because I like him, and what that means for him as a character, but because we were able to figure it out mostly from promotional shots and one would think that something as heavy and as big as Izzy’s death would be, would be the furthest thing they'd want to put in there.
I dunno, as we get closer to Thursday, I just have to keep remembering that it will all actually be okay and DJ and co know what they are doing.
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not-poignant · 2 years
Pia I'm curious, FFS feels so unlike a traditional story, sure it's got it's arcs and ups and downs but it feels like we're just following alone in someones life. How do you wrap up a story like that? Or do you plan on just continuing it until it stops working for you or a natural conclusion presents itself?
Hi hi!
(Just a heads up there's some spoilers for future plot points in this).
The story is actually slowly already starting to wrap up. While I don't have a concrete final chapter in mind, I do know that we have very few beats left to hit basically before the end.
I always knew this story would end around the point where readers could feel like Efnisien had grown enough to basically keep growing in the 'right direction.' I.e. We can trust that he's reaching out to his support network, he's better at communicating, he has a positive hospital experience which sets him up if he needs future ones, he gains not only one therapist and another partner, but friends (and groups) he likes outside of that.
Because this story is ending on a hopeful ending, it's important to me to end where basically it's possible to feel like Arden and Efnisien have a handle on things.
So the few beats we have left to hit are things like - I'd like Efnisien to visit Professor Adayemi, he needs to have his talk with Gwyn (in fact this was probably one of the biggest signs that FFS is ending sooner rather than later - we came full circle on something introduced in chapter one as an open and unresolved plot point, that is now approaching its resolution), there needs to be at least one more scene with Arden, and there needs to be a couple of specific conversations with Dr Gary. And then... well, that's it! (That's not the order, they're just the beats I'm looking for before the end).
Idk how many chapters that will take, but I do know we're very much heading towards the end now. That's why the tone of the chapters recently have been a little different, even when things are stressful. There's always support there, things are working out, even when Efnisien is crying or upset, someone is caring for him, slowly but surely, we're seeing that Efnisien's life has kind of radically changed from where he was at in the beginning. He's safer, he's more resilient, he's more emotionally authentic, he doesn't shame or hate himself in the same way for crying anymore, he admitted he's a person, he's admitted he doesn't want to be abused or treated badly by Gwyn anymore.
A lot of my stories - both those with traditional and non-traditional structures - always tend to end around the point where my MCs are mature enough that once they get their hopeful or happy ending, you can generally trust they're going to keep going in the right direction. So even if everything isn't resolved it's like 'oh that's okay, they've got this, I believe in them.'
As a result, I've actually been getting a lot of comments from people along the lines of: 'I feel like this is going to end soon' or 'I feel like this story is winding down' and that's exactly what I'm going for. It is winding down, Efnisien is not the same person he was, and he's got a pretty clear road towards becoming a much more comfortable and self-accepting person, slowly, and with time. He'll never completely heal, so that was never my aim. I just wanted to get to a point where we could all have some faith in him and his support network, and then...shore that up a little.
Once Falling Falling Stars is over (which I suspect will be around the 150-160 chapter mark, which sounds like a ton of chapters, but really isn't in the grand scheme of FFS), I've definitely left myself open to writing kink oneshots and more for this story! It's such an open and expansive story I don't plan on 'leaving it for good' (though I absolutely am not writing a sequel), I think there's a lot of potential to explore Efnisien/Arden's kink life, for example, that might weight down FFS itself, but might be really fun to read anyway.
So yeah! That's basically it! I do kind of know how I'll wrap it up because I'm doing it. FFS gets a long, comfortable denouement with some angsty and hurt/comfort moments. There's going to be nothing as painful as the bridge/hospital breakdown coming up, we hit the most painful part of the story, the one that really tested Efnisien to make a choice between life and Dr Gary, or death and Crielle.
A few more beats to go, and then the story will reach its own natural conclusion. :D
(ETA: I should probably add that I write more like someone writing a TV drama than a novelist. So I actually am following a pretty traditional structure in terms of serial TV storytelling with A/B/C storylines! It's probably important to mention here that if you think I'm writing like a novelist, when I'm not writing novels, and I'm writing serials, you'll come up against a 'how is this working.' It makes way more sense if you look at it like a TV show broken down into seasons and episodes - and then in that sense, I do actually follow quite a few structural rules).
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ultrahpfan5blog · 3 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Season 6 Retrospective
After the euphoria of everything that happened with B99 being cancelled and then revived, B99 returning for a season 6 felt like a gift. Basically a bonus in a way. It was a quasi relaunch of the show in NBC and I have to say that NBC promoted it a lot more than I remember Fox promoting it. Having finished season 6, it is a mixed bag. The season has a lot of really great episodes, a few mediocre ones, and one that I despise with every fiber of my being. And because of those handful of episodes that don't live up to the mark, season 6 ranks as my least favorite season. However, B99 even at its worst is considerably better than almost everything else on tv so its not a very heavy criticism of the season as a whole.
The previous season left the question of Holt becoming Commissioner unanswered. And while it would have been interesting to see B99 tackle Holt becoming Commissioner, it would have fundamentally been impossible to continue it as a singular workplace comedy if Holt and maybe Gina were working elsewhere permanently. So it was obvious he was not going to become Commissioner. The premiere is a delight. Its a honeymoon episode for Jake and Amy with a depressed Holt right in the middle of it. This episode is has plenty of great moments for Holt's variety of novelty t-shirts, to Jake and Amy's Die Hard roleplay, to Amy standing up for Jake and going off on Holt, to the hilarious 'this B needs a C in her A' moment which was clearly the writers having a lot of fun with having lesser language restrictions. The B and C stories are ok, but the A story is a delight. The next episode is a Hitchcock and Scully episode which is nice because we get to see them as studs in the 80's. There is a problem that it does not match up to flashbacks they have done in the past but I kind of ignore that. The next two episodes are dealing with Chelsea Peretti's departure from the show. Tbh, when Chelsea was on maternity leave for the first half of season 5, I didn't really feel her absence. Plus, it did start to feel at times that the writers weren't sure how to include her organically. The Tattler is a cute episode. I love the 90's look of the episode. Melissa Fumero looked adorable. Its probably one of the best Jake and Gina episodes, a dynamic which was strangely underserevd over the course of the show given Andy and Chelsea are childhood friends. But this episode and also their stuff in 'Four Movements' bring up the best in their dynamic. 'Four Movements' is a sweet goodbye although i wish Terry and Boyle had gotten a personal goodbye like Holt, Jake, Amy, and Rosa got.
The season's main storyline is Holt's fight with John Kelly, the new Commissioner. I thought Phil Reeves was pretty damn great as John Kelly. He was just slimy enough to know why he got on Holt's nerves and still charming enough so you could see why other people might like him if they didn't know him. The show continues to do some strong experiments. I love 'The Crime Scene', which is very much centered on Jake and Rosa. The episode doesn't have any B plots and just lets Any and Stephanie carry the episode with a fun appearance from Michael Mosley. It also effectively resolved the pending story from season 5 regarding the issues between Rosa and her mom since she came out as Bi. In terms of platonic friendships between a guy and girl, I feel Jake and Rosa is one of the most well created friendships I have seen on tv. There is also a real time episode in 'Ticking Clocks' guest starring Sean Astin, who was one of the celebrities who championed B99 when it was cancelled. I enjoyed that episode quite a bit because it got the whole ensemble involved. My only issue with it is that it made me dislike Jocelyn. I didn't like the way she broke up with Rosa on her way to the airport and put Rosa under the pump when she saw that they were in a high pressure situation. Holt was pretty right to be mad at the end of the episode. the show also tackled sexual assault with 'He Said, She Said' which is a home run in terms of acting performance for Melissa Fumero. Definitely some of her best dramatic work on the show. She's very ably backed up by Andy Samberg and Stephanie Beatriz who also directed the episode. The episode isn't a complete home run because there is a tonal inconsistency. Its a tough subject to be funny about. There is B plot that is completely unrelated connected to Holt's pursuit of the Yo Yo strangler and its a hoot. But it clashes in tone with the A plot which is pretty serious for the most part. Whereas an episode like Moo Moo managed to connect both the A and B stories with the single topic with Jake and Amy having to explain to Terry's kids about Racism. But honestly, this was about as well an episode on this topic that I can imagine.
The middle of the season is when the show hit a bit of rough patch, starting with Gintars. I like what the episode says about adoption and it was refreshing to see Charles be more assertive to Jake, but the whole deportation angle left a bit of a sour taste in the mouth. The B plot also has Holt and Amy being uncharacteristically mean spirited and while they apologize to Rosa at the end, the episode didn't make it feel they actually learned their lesson. The Therapist is kind of meh. Its another Jake going behind Charles' back episode. While the episode comes around at the end by giving a reason why Jake doesn't like therapy and Jake admitting that he needs to got to therapy, the rest of the episode involves a lot of jokes at patients and therapists which just isn't all that funny. Casecation is my least favorite episode on the show. Its an episode that is so tone deaf and inconsistent in characterization that it just irritates me. The rewatch is only the 2nd time I have watched the episode. I tend to skip it during the rewatches. Its bizarre how badly OOC almost every character is. I think Terry and Charles are the only ones who aren't OOC. While Jake's fears about parenthood are grounded in realistic concerns, we have had several moments where Jake has talked about having kids in the future. So the fact that he comes off as not wanting kids is inconsistent with what we know of him. I was not surprised with Amy being pro family, coming from a big family herself, but the fact that an organized person like her didn't outright have this conversation with Jake before marriage is not believable at all. The episode is also really mean spirited. The structured debate part has Amy, Holt, Kevin etc... all making fun of Jake's fears, Amy being emotionally manipulative and issuing ultimatums, Rosa offering to bully Jake into agreeing with Amy. In general, this maybe the only episode where I disliked Amy, whom I otherwise adore. I understand her perspective, but the way she handles it is unkind. I could honestly go on a long diatribe about why the episode is terrible. In the end, the mean spirited nature of the episode is what turns me off because the thing I love about B99 as a whole is the optimistic and idealistic nature of the show. Gina's return in 'Return of the King' is also not a favorite. Again, the episode just makes Gina look like a bad friend for blowing off Jake and Terry without explanation for so long.
However, thankfully, these 4 episodes are just a blip on the radar. The rest of the episodes are filled with a lot of hilarity. The Bimbo is one of my favorite Holt episodes. Jake and Holt is a dynamic that can never go wrong. Add Kevin to the mix and you have solid gold. Holt as "the bimbo" is a damn funny idea and its executed brilliantly. Cinco de Mayo is the first heist episode not on Halloween and its my third favorite. Mainly because I always root for terry since he always gets underestimated or made fun of during the heists. The Golden Child brings Lin-Manuel Miranda, another B99 celebrity fan, in as Amy's brother and its a lot of fun to watch Jake play the straight man whereas we see Amy being the crazy competitive one with Lin being up to the challenge as well. Craig Robinson makes a welcome return as Doug Judy, and The Honeypot is another hilarious Jake and Holt episode. The season ends really strong with Sicko and The Suicide Squad, bringing back Caleb the cannibal, Wuntch, The Vulture, and CJ. CJ is still a bit much but the others are all a hoot. It was nice to see Wuntch on the right side of things for once and we yet again see why Jake is considered the best and brightest of the 99 with his plan to take down John Kelly. The season doesn't have a cliffhanger, more a rejigging of the 99 dynamic with Holt being demoted to patrol officer temporarily.
Overall, it still a fun season. But the four episodes that didn't work bring the grade down a bit. Its a 7.5/10 overall. Now, onto season 7 with just days left before season 8 begins.
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cheryls-blossomed · 4 years
this is gonna be a mini-rant. while i love the flash so much, despite its occasional cheesiness and its tendency toward melodrama (but these aspects also make it really endearing to me) was i the only one that was like WTF to whatever 6b was. like the I/B storyline was the only thing interesting and keeping me watching even tho parts of it were really annoying. i could count 3-4 different b-plots and c-plots like it was honestly incoherent. there was no real story arc tbh {part 1}
{part 2} the first 3-4 seasons of the show were stronger storywise. even s5 had a good premise but maybe s6 was too ambitious while seemingly dropping important foundations of the show (i.e. the handling of the man in yellow, crisis). it's just lazy writing imo. what frustrates me the most tho, is that i feel like i care about these characters wayy more than the writers do as the show has become far less character driven and just seems to do stuff just to do it. i could go on but okay, rant over
Yeah, you make a lot of good points, especially about the earlier seasons of the show. Say what you will about how season 3 constructed the big bad arc (and yes it was very messy and very clear they were winging it where Savitar was concerned towards the end), but what it did extraordinarily well is that it honored the most important relationships on the show. There was no greater Team Flash; there was very little of what frustrates me most about later seasons, namely writing to a plot instead of writing for the characters. We got to see the West-Allen family at the heart of the show, whether it was in Flashpoint or otherwise. We saw the bonds between the Wests: between Joe and Iris, between Iris and Wally, and between Wally and Joe. Barry and Wally’s dynamic was fleshed our and better developed. Westallen’s love story was at the forefront of the season, and the writers made the effort to write them sweet, meaningful moments even when they’re relationship was not the focus of the episode. Even with regards to Caitlin and Cisco, as messy as the Killer Frost arc was, the show focused on Cisco and Caitlin’s relationship. And Julian was a solid addition to Team Flash, honestly. He was seamlessly written in; he didn’t overtake the narrative, and he simply enhanced the existing dynamic at STAR Labs. Truly, the back half of season 3 especially struck that balance perfectly, even though the season was messy in terms of plotting. However, I am of the opinion that messy plotting, but meaningful character development is far better than over-planning, writing to a plot, and neglecting the characters completely. When was the last time we had a a really nice Iris and Joe scene? I don’t even remember, quite frankly. 
Admittedly, season 5 is still my least favorite season, and the one I find the most boring. I agree with you, though, that season 6B was trying to do way too much, and it became frustrating very quickly. Season 6B is far better than season 6A, but I think the issue is that season 6B tried a new formula with the big bad. Eva is stuck in a mirror for a great part of the season, and while she does have Mirror Iris, Mirror Singh, and Mirror Kamilla working to liberate her, Team Flash isn’t focused on them, because they don’t even know that these mirror minions are not the real Iris, Singh, and Kamilla for most of season 6B.  And that, in itself, was not the issue. The issue is that because the plot necessitated that the reveal as to who Mirror Iris is needed to be dragged out, the writers needed to write plots for the rest of the characters, mostly Barry, to pass the time, essentially. So Barry gets this whole plot about losing his speed. As an isolated episode, “Death of the Speedforce” is great, but we subsequently have episodes with this whole creating an artificial speed force, which is still not even built by the end of the season. Meanwhile, Nash is possessed by Eobard, but this doesn’t exactly go anywhere, because he’s essentially exorcised. All of this just served as hints as to what’s to come for Thawne, but now we don’t even know what the original cliffhanger is. Carver and Black Hole serve as an interim hindrance to Team Flash until Eva is liberated, at which point Carver is killed, because he no longer serves his purpose. We also have three episodes of saying goodbye to Caitlin and dealing with Frost’s mommy issues. Then, there’s also Sue and Ralph, and the apparent necessity that Sue suddenly get a story-line connected to Black Hole. Cisco gets shipped offscreen frequently, because apparently the show doesn’t have a place for him despite the 5,000 ongoing story-lines. Add to this, Nash and Allegra’s pointless arc, and Chester being integrated into Team Flash in an episode.
And the fact of the matter is, nothing was accomplished by the time 6x19 aired. The only important plot developments were that Barry figured out Mirror Iris was not Iris and Eva was freed from the mirror. Iris is still stuck in the mirror with Kamilla and Singh; she’s undergoing extreme neural dissonance, and she vanished after pushing herself to locate Singh. The artificial speedforce is still not built. Team Flash went against former Black Hole agents and failed miserably; they also failed to protect the horrible, villainous white man they apparently chose to expend their energies protecting. Allegra still hates Nash. Eva frames Sue for Carver’s murder. Cisco isn’t back from Atlantis yet. Joe was sent to WitSec for two episodes, and he is now back (which tells you that the show wasted episodes on new story-lines for the sake of filling episode quotas, instead of advancing the plot of any of the 5,000 other ongoing story-lines). 
Everything I like about season 6B is pretty much relegated to Iris’s story-line, and the brief Barry vs. Thawne showdown tease we were promised, but which never came to pass. That’s why 6x10 and 6x17 are easily my favorite episodes of the season. I think there was an attempt to really give Iris a fascinating arc, but the show was doing way too much, and so Iris’s story in the mirror was heavily neglected. Indeed, Iris and Eva’s dynamic was also neglected, which is frustrating, because for the first time, we have a Big Bad who is Iris’s nemesis first and foremost. But instead of showing us Iris’s investigations in the mirror and showing us how Iris and Eva’s dynamic develops, the show focused on nonsensical side plots. 6x17 was obviously fantastic for the Barry vs Mirror Iris content and for the Westallen content, but also for Iris and Eva’s acquaintanceship and camaraderie disintegrating. Candice and Efrat have great chemistry: that scene where Iris realizes that Eva is losing control of Mirror Iris and she starts taunting her, and in turn Eva grows more and more agitated, losing complete control of Mirror Iris, was such a great scene. As was the portrayal of Iris’s fury at what Eva had done to her and to Barry. There was so much here: so much more potential that could’ve been tapped into. And that’s what’s perhaps most frustrating about season 6B: it had the potential to arguably be the show’s strongest run ever, but they completely dropped the ball, choosing to focus on nonsensical plots, and then they didn’t even resolve those plots, before they introduced even more side plots.
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sillytorch · 5 years
Okay since Neo is about to face JNOR and Blake or Yang MIGHT be looking for JNOR from what they said, Neo is literally gonna be against potentially... SIX people!!!
I don’t think Neo’s gonna die this volume. Like I know everyone wants to dismiss her as just some fanservicey literary device just to accompany Cinder in Atlas but like...
1. Neo here is not the same Neo back in Volumes 2 and 3 where she’s smiling cuz she’s treating everything like a game. In fact, the only time we’ve seen Neo smile when doing any mission Cinder sends her on is when she got what she wanted (i.e. the ship, finding Ruby and the gang at Schnee Manor, and getting the relic from Oscar and being disguised as him to dupe JNR and anyone else.) And right now, Neo does NOT look happy seeing JNOR. She pointed her parasol at them and gave a serious look. Not a smirk. Not a smug sneer. A dead serious glare.
2. Neo’s a wonderful fighter but she’s gonna be overwhelmed by so many fighters. JNOR and possibly Blake and Yang if they join the fight. And even if she does gain the upper hand, I think I recalled Kerry saying that “farmboi is [my] favorite part of this volume]” and Oscar did point out about him not having a semblance this volume... so maybe he’ll finally find his in the finale? And I think that’s what could stop Neo?
3. Since Neo’s most likely not gonna die this volume b/c that would be a complete waste cuz she hasn’t even interacted w/ Ruby yet also no model of Roman yet... CRWBY BLS... I think she’s either gonna escape w/ or w/o the relic, get knocked out by one of the heroes, or get arrested. Maybe she might actually meet Ruby and it’ll end on a cliffhanger right there lol
4. I really REALLY doubt Neo’s gonna kill/maim Blake. I get that people are worried over that ad that was up this past week w/ the B getting slashed similar to the ad back in V5 where the W got slashed and Weiss almost died to Cinder. But let me reassure you for the last time... Neo may be a villain, but she’s a sympathetic villain. No doubt she’ll do bad stuff, but I’m not expecting her to stoop to Cinder or Adam’s levels. Especially since it’s pretty clear she’s not fond of Cinder at all and wants to get things overwith. So no, Neo’s not “gonna do something that’ll make us hate her.” (which btw, put that damn rumor to rest already! It was back in V3 when it started circulating and Neo wasn’t even meant to be in V6 until the writers decided to bring her back for Cinder’s storyline! You really think they’re gonna make us feel sympathy for Neo by having her mourning over Roman and her partnership w/ Cinder being clearly rocky and tense only for us to have Neo do something horrible on par with Cinder/Adam?)
TL;DR: Neo’s not gonna die this Volume, she’s not gonna maim/torture/kill Blake but she’s most likely gonna lose and PROBABLY (I’d say 50/50) meet Ruby by this Volume’s tail end (like I’d say at the Volume’s last minute).
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ifeveristoday · 5 years
(welcome to the) Hellmouth 2019
This crossover event, you guys. You guys. I want to talk a little about the team-ups and the change in chemistry among the characters and what I think it signifies for the future issues. I’ve included some panels from the comic, but really this is an issue worth owning either in digital or hard copy format.
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I just want to point to how perfectly creepy this panel is - I’m guessing they’re either Sunnydale students who ditched the dance early and are catching a late-night film in their costumes or theater employees enjoying their perks. The demon arms emerging from the darkness though? Fantastic.
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And look at this, Giles knows Anya. Something the Boomverse has been exceedingly good at is fleshing out/giving a different spin on familiar characters, particularly ones that may have been ill-served by the TV canon. Anya being recognized as the powerful demonic ‘adult’ entity she is vs the ‘newly human fish out of water who take things literally’ is such a delight. Not that I didn’t enjoy that incarnation of her - but by the end of the series it was clear that the writers had no idea where to go with that. Anya’s been around longer than most of the vampires/baddies Buffy’s faced and only got asked intermittently about her knowledge? And she and Giles had excellent chemistry. 
So it’s fantastic that this happened - and that Giles may have known about Anya’s shop before he sent Buffy to look for it  - but Buffy still had to use a vampire as GPS. I don’t think Anya’s shop is necessarily warded, but Buffy was in full grieving/vengeance mode and may not have understood Giles’ instructions/if he even gave her any - Buffy complains about him not telling her how to do/acquire things (#3 Buffy) - but Giles finds it easily. Anya remains pragmatic as ever and points out that she’s lived through and seen similar events go down and there’s nothing she can do. All she has is her shop and magic portals to demonic storage solutions.
But look at Giles’ idealism and how firmly he is on Team Buffy. “Her spirit and her heart...” Giles is forever Buffy’s hype man, even if she’s not around to hear him praise her.
I’m hoping Giles can convince Anya to stay and do...something in future issues, but her expression sure looks like she might have second thoughts. Another thing I really enjoyed about this issue - the expressions. The way panels are arranged and the physicality/action of the character's movements are perfect for an apocalyptic themed mini-series. It’s very dynamic looking. And it’s also askew in the best ways:
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Also, it’s one of the funnier issues of the Boomverse - there’s always been humor/background gags and throwaway lines - but this issue brought together Scooby Gang 2019 - Cordy and Robin are accidentally drafted but Cordelia seamlessly transitions in as she helpfully points out the obvious WTFery going on, the boys’ reaction to her observation, and Buffy tuning out anything that isn’t immediate Danger, Will Robinson. In just two panels, the characterization is clear and spot-on.
While Willow’s absence is notable (her cameo in Buffy #8 signifies something wicked this way comes), the trio of Robin, Cordelia, and Xander running to save the day is still a great match up. 
The library scenes were easily the funniest in the issue, actually. Not included in this post but in my tumblr, is Angel’s iconique entrance - and this aftermath:
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Angel doing his Angel thing and abruptly disappearing. Buffy’s not letting that mysterious creature of the night thing slide though -
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Please admire the tiny Mayoresque snake demons scattering the landscape and the way this is laid out - it’s a proper action chase, with Buffy running after Angel while blithely saving bystanders. Also, people still dress up as Dr. Evil? 
(And the significance of Buffy saving a person dressed up as a vampire -- probably coincidental but her polite - ‘hi try not to die’ aside is hilarious)
Hellmouth is breathlessly paced, and the final cliffhanger -- I can’t wait until November comes and we find out what’s going down in the demonic rabbit hole.
predictions/guesses for Hellmouth:
Spike’s loyalty has been severely tested and we know he ends up in Los Angeles - either through his own volition or as a scout for Dru? Their partnership seems to be on rocky ground lately, but I’m sure there’s going to be more twists and turns, and let’s not forget the Cordy detour.
With Buffy and Angel literally inside the Hellmouth now, I’m guessing the mini-series will primarily focus on their reluctant partnership blossoming into...something, while their namesake comics deal with their crews figuring out how to fight the demons left behind. Which I think is a genius move, because it’ll give them space to explore the B/A relationship separate from the other storylines and for fans who are not invested in B/A, they can still read the other comics and not miss too much of the story, and also enjoy other characters taking the spotlight for a while. The next issue of Buffy feels like it’ll be Xander-centric.
I personally don’t think, after this issue that reading Hellmouth is optional anymore, and that it’ll also delve more into Buffy and Angel as characters, not just partners. Also, Kendra is arriving - and with Robin being part of the Watcher’s council, the Slayer mythos not completely laid out in the Boomverse - does this mean a) Buffy’s technically dead because she’s in a demon dimension b) is Wesley showing up?  c) are we going to see Mr. Zabuto, Kendra’s watcher from OG canon d) KENDRA BEING PART OF THE PLOT d) oh no, does this mean Giles will think Buffy’s dead when Kendra arrives? e) YIKES
Four more issues of Hellmouth left, but plenty of Buffy and Angel to come! 
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spiderninja1 · 6 years
I went on this rant on a couple of days ago explaining why the way they got rid of Jibby was badly-written. I went off on a tangent as to a huge potential storyline they could've done if we found out Jonah was still with Libby, and therefore, cheating on her. Then I realized, I could write about it! So here's the story...
Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus all watched in shock as Jonah and Amber shared a kiss under the gazebo.
"Anyone else feel like their eyes are burning?" Andi asked. The other two didn't answer.
Once the kiss ended, Jonah and Amber shared a hug after, then proceeded to split up, prompting the trio to run from the scene.
They make their way to the Spoon, and drop onto a table, completely out of breath from sprinting. "What did we just witness?" Cyrus says, "Because I think we just saw something we shouldn't have seen."
Buffy remarks, "Jonah and Amber? Back together? I thought they were a really toxic couple. How did that happen?"
"And what about Libby?" Andi mentions. "Did they break up? Last I checked, they were still together!"
The three take a moment to recollect their thoughts. Andi takes a deep breath. "What are we going to do?"
Cyrus shrugs. "We could either stay out of this—"
"Which we probably aren't going to do," Buffy interrupts.
"—or we could try tell someone."
"Which we also probably won't do." Andi checks her phone, before coming to a realization. "Maybe we should check in with everyone to make sure we're on the same page. Cause as of right now, we're assuming a lot of things."
Cyrus raises his hand. "I'll take Jonah. He'll be more open if it's a guy to guy talk."
Andi shakes her phone a bit. "I'll talk to Libby and see if they broke up first. That leaves Buffy with..."
"...Amber. I'll ask about Jonah and see if she knows anything." Buffy stands up with her fists clenched, causing Cyrus to stand and block her way.
"B, don't fight her, okay? It's just a talk."
"C, I don't care what happens to her."
Cyrus looks at Andi. "A, a little help?"
"Buffy, Cyrus is right. We need her alive."
"I'll be fine, Andi. She will too, assuming she's innocent." Buffy walks out to locate Amber.
"Should we be worried?" Cyrus asks.
"I have faith Buffy can control herself." Andi stands up as well. "I'm going to go try meet up with Libby; see what I can uncover."
Cyrus takes out his phone and sits back down in the booth. He sends Jonah a quick text asking to meet him at the Spoon, and Jonah agrees. The waitress comes up to Cyrus asking for an order. "Just water, please."
Buffy spots Amber near a clothing store, checking out some new outfits. "Okay, Buffy. Spill, don't kill." She walks over, waving at Amber. "Amber, hey!"
Amber looks up and waves back. "Hi, Buffy. What are you doing here?"
"Just trying to see if I can find some exercise clothing. My old ones are getting a bit small."
"There's a rack of them next to me if you want to look."
"Sure." Buffy begins to look through some of the outfits. "I just noticed. You seem... peppier than usual. You got something on your mind?"
Amber covers her mouth, thinking she was smiling. "Am I that obvious?"
"You have no idea," Buffy replies.
"Well, there is... a guy."
"Really? Tell me all about it!"
"You promise you won't judge? Cause it's kind of dumb."
"I'll try, but I make no promises."
"Jonah and I are back together."
"Really? I never would've guessed. What happened?"
"We just realized we liked each other again. So we thought we'd give it another go. Don't worry, I'm not going to go all mean girl again," Amber says as she slides a piece of hair away from her eyes.
Buffy holds up a neon pink exercise shirt, to which Amber shakes her head. "It's weird. Last I checked, Jonah was dating someone else."
"You mean Libby? Jonah mentioned her. Said she broke up with him before we started dating again. It's weird that he moved on so fast, but I won't question him about it." Amber points at the navy blue shirt hanging on the rack. "Try that one."
Buffy holds it against her, releasing a sigh of relief. "Well, if you're happy, then I am too."
Andi finds Libby and Jonah sitting underneath a tree in the park. Immediately, her suspicions begin to dial up. "Jonah, Libby!"
Jonah looks up, prompting Libby to as well. They both wave at her as she jogs towards them. "Hey, Andi," Jonah says. "What are you doing here?"
"I texted Libby earlier, and asked if we could hang out."
"That's great. I was actually about to go meet up with Cyrus. Guess you can keep each other company." Jonah hugs Libby, then proceeds to hold out his palm, close it, and open it again. The sign for "goodbye."
Andi sits next to Libby and Jonah strolls away. Andi didn't stall for a second, signing as she speaks, "So, you and J-Dimple? How's that going?"
"(It's going great. I'm teaching him sign language,)" Libby signs.
"Teaching him? That's pretty cool. But I mean, how is your relationship?"
"(Better than before. We're going ice-skating soon. Something he's planning to teach me.)"
Andi felt discomfort from that statement, but managed to keep a happy expression. "That's so adorable! I'm just... so happy for you!"
Cyrus waits patiently for Jonah to enter the diner. To pass the time, he texts TJ a list of his favorite muffins, to which he replies with some of his own. Jonah enters the door and Cyrus slides his phone into his pocket. "Jonah!"
"Hey, Cy. Why'd you want to meet up?"
"Oh, you know. Just to have some guy talk. Like we used to."
Jonah sits down across from Cyrus. "Okay. What do you want to talk about?"
"Whatever you want."
Jonah finds difficulty in thinking of a subject. "Umm, you're gay. What's that like?"
"It's... different than what I'm used to, but I'm starting to accept it. Uh, how are you and Libby?"
"She's teaching me sign, so that's something. I know how to spell my name now," he replies as he begins to move his hands around.
"Ehh, you're close. But that spells, 'Jomah.' It's two fingers before the thumb, not three."
"Oh... sorry."
"Don't be. You're getting better. And I'm glad you're trying something new. And how about Amber?"
Jonah's head shoots up. "Amber?"
Red lights were flashing in Cyrus' head. "Yeah. You're able to confide in her because of the thing. It must feel great having a friend to talk to about this.
Jonah begins to show a nervous look. "Uhh, Yeah. She's a great friend. I just remembered, I have to go. Catch you later?"
"You know it. Later."
As Jonah exits, Cyrus slips his phone back out just as the girls return to the Spoon. "I was just about to text you both. Jonah's cheating. He says he and Libby are still together, and when I brought up Amber, he got scared and left.
"That can't be true," Buffy says. "Amber told me Libby broke up with Jonah."
Andi shakes her head. "Libby said that she and Jonah were still together. He lied to Amber."
Cyrus places his water glass down. "Why would Jonah do this?"
"What's more important on the moment is whether we should tell Amber and Libby."
"We're telling them," Buffy says.
"No we shouldn't. That's going to make things way worse."
The two look at Andi, who is now the deciding vote. "It's on you, Andi. Is it going to be a lie where everyone is happy, or a truth where no one is?"
To Be Continued... Because I'm Evil and I Love Cliffhangers...
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imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 27} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
 Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received before this IWSY chapter was posted ^^)
Anonymous said: IWSY is the first fanfic I've been reading for so long! Seriously, this is a story like a drug. I'm that type of impatient reader, so I'm curious to know how long you plan to continue this story? When will my life be over?
Thank you for reading it for this amount of time!! But I’m really sorry, I can’t answer your questions because I don’t know myself. I get people always asking me this question but I honestly don’t know xD You guys will know when I do! It probably won’t be for too much longer; we’ll just have to see!! ^^
@btsfanficss said: I'm so excited for IWSY!! Thank you for your hard work and please remember to rest properly ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much bby!! I will try :) but this week is so busy for me and I am currently in London *sweats* lol I hope you have a great week and that you’ll enjoy the new chapter!!
Anonymous said: i binge read I wont stop you, my emotions were all over the place AND IM STILL NOT DONE. you are such a good writer omg. i love you and your writing😚
WAAAh thank you for binge reading it lol! thank you so much you’re so sweet and I love you too deary!! :D
Anonymous said: Girl, I'M READY *DRAMTICALLY GRABS TISSUES*   Ps: i read a lot of  filipino readers here. Hello guys *waves*  -fanfrmph
GRAB THE TISSUES AND HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS! hehe~ Actually I’ve always been interested to know where the majority of people who red my fanfiction live. I wish there was a way I could know without exposing people’s identities hehe~ I hope you’ll enjoy the update tonight love!
@mocking-butts said: It's Tuesday oh god oh god I'm not ready I'm going to sob mumsy what do i do it's Tuesday oh my goodness I'm going to die I'm not ready for this help meeee i hope im not going to die and sob my eyes out even though I will oh god.
aHHHHHH I hope you’ll like it my love please don’t cry!! :c
Anonymous said: heyyy, i just wanted to ask when is the new chapter coming? I rly enjoy reading the fanfic and the storyline is great, can't wait to see how will it develop in the future 🌌💟💟
I upload new chapters of IWSY every Tuesday evening between 9pm and 10pm UK Time (this is written at the beginning of every chapter^^) thank you so much for enjoying the story my love!!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: ITS TUESDAY
Anonymous said: I'm actually fucking sobbing at this point
Me everyday tbh
@im-that-chesire-jax said: OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO GOOD. and I kept having theories about her changing and Yoongi being her master and I kept thinking "she's a domitor, she's special so what if she can't have a master?" AND IM SO HYPE AND EXCITED THAT I FINALLY PREDICTED SOMETHING. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR WRITING I WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT YOU FOR AS LONG AS YOU CONTINUE WRITING
Anonymous said: Hahahaha even tho Yoongi's the loml, i hope he gets the fucking revenge he deserves and y/n ruins him and his existence
We will see what happens!! Thank you so much for reading :D
*Jungkook voice* ohmygod!
Anonymous said: I know she's not actually bound to him, but my heart still aches for Jungkook and Taehyung because as far as they're aware, they've both lost the person the love and a person they care about. I'm happy Namjoon is feeling now, and as hopeless as it might be, in genuinely happy the there's still /something/ between Tae and Yoongi.
Yes - because they have no idea what she has just experienced! :( And of course, Yoongi may not be *good* like the other characters in the story, but he still has some empathy and love inside of him, or so it seems! Thank you so much for reading the chapter dear :)
@sundaymorningblues14 said: Wow. I am speechless, that was beautifully written. You truly have a gift! I absolutely loved the way you described the spirit (is that the right term?). I can't wait to see what the protagonist is going to do next! Thank you darling xx
Thank you so much beautiful ^^ I’m so so happy you loved how the sine nomine was described! You can refer to them however you wish - a spirit, a god, a power; whatever feels right to you! You’re so welcome and thank you very much for reading it *hug*
*screams with you* THANK YOU SO MUCH BABE! I didn’t mean tto hurt you though I am sorry :(
Anonymous said: Omg... THE FEEEEELLLLSSS MAN. How could u do this to me... I don't know what I'm feeling right now... I feel, almost... lost? You are an incredibly amazing writer and I feel blessed to be able to have read that and felt the way I did. Please continue on to make my, and many other people's lives happy with what you are writing xxx luv uuuuuu ☺️❤️
Don’t be lost - I’ll find you! *cheesy* Ahhhh thank you so much you’re really too kind to me but I am so happy that you got to feel all those emotions from the story. Thank you and I love you too dear ^^
@animeimmortal said: DO YOU HEAR MY HEART? IT STOPPED LIKE HALF WAY I am still so flipping amazed at all the scenery and detailed descriptions you put in there WHAT WAS WITH THAT ENDING but then again if thats a prank that she's just saying that for the lulz then I would honestly do the same 😊 i don't know what to expect in very excited about the next chapter ❤❤❤ much love
I’LL BRING YOU BACK TO LIFE HOLD UP~~~ I’m glad you liked the scenery and the detail, I personally really enjoyed writing that part. It felt very serene and calming to write it ^^ hehe, thank you so so much for reading my love!
Anonymous said: Questions: 1)What? 2)WHYISJIMINSTILLDEADYOUTOLDMEHEWAS- 3)Am I messing with Yoongi or....? 4) Hoseok's  gonna wake up and be like '...What the-' 5)Serrena's gonna come in and be like '...What in the-' 6)YAY JOONIE ISN'T DEAD 7)Why didn't I ask the gender ambiguous person if Jimin is deads?! 8)WhAt? 9)Can we be friends? 10)Do you know the Muffin Man? 11)Wow I asked a lot of questions, but you did this to yourself. 12)Some of these weren't even questions lol  LAST QUESTION: WHaT? - <3 Vampnip anon
Hello Vampnip anon! My, my! You have a lot of questions...but I guess you will have to wait until the next chapter to see if I answer them in it :3 BUT I CAN SAY RIGHT NOW THAT YES LET’S BE FRIENDS BECAUSE I KNOW THE MUFFIN MAN LET’S GO EAT MUFFINS :3
Anonymous said: I've literally just been sat, staring at my wall, for the past hour. This chapter gave me feelings I ain't never had before. I'm surprised I haven't burnt holes into my wall with how intense my thinking stare is 😂😘😘
I’m rather glad that you haven’t burnt holes into your wall, that would be rather unfortunate you and the landlord to find yourselves in that predicament D: This chapter gave you feelings you never had before? Well...perhaps I am a domitor - giving you feelings? *ba dum dum chiiii* excuse me my dad jokes are lame I’m leaving GOODNIGHT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING
Anonymous said: Idk man i want iwsy to end happy, but at the same time i want it to be angsty. KILLS ME IM EXCITED AF TO SEE HOW IT ENDS, IM READY
I wonder how it will end!!!??? :3
@mysr3 said: This Ch is OMG, took my breath away at every details- like a ray of light in darkness! Thank you so much! Cant wait to know what her motive is! Next CH is going to b on FiRE! JK at the end is pricelss! U r such a talented writer even I already said it but ill say again bc it fact! U r Awesome! Thank you for bringing such another wonderful scenario to us! I love you ❤ Plz take care of urself n Hope you have a good night/ good week n wish you all the luck in the world Love ღღღ
You’re so sweet I’m smiling like a complete idiot oh my god?? D: what did I do to deserve you, you little ray of sunshine?! hehe :3 I love you too and i also hope that you will take good care of yourself and have a great week!! :3
Anonymous said: I DONT EVEN CARE I JUST NEED CHIM CHIM TO BE ALIVE #savechimchim #praytothelord #heissocutehecantdie #immadieifsomeonedoesntsavehim
Anonymous said: No...just no...how could you do that to me... and then make me wait another week to find out what happens?!?!!?!?!!?!
Because...I’m evil...but I love you...:3 *runs away*
@namjoonismybias said: Oh my god IWSY was- I can't even😵 keep up the good work!😁✌️❤
Thank you so much for reading my little sugarplum!!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: my mom thought i was dying, but i was actually just reading IWSY so yEP IM CRYING AND SCREAMING I LOVE THIS SERIES IM EMOTIONAL. i need more soodkckvkgkgkkh
OMG LOL SORRY MUM xD Thank you so much and I apologise if your mum had a heartattack cos she thought you were dying lolol :3
Anonymous said: You really are an incredible writer
*blush* you’re too kind, but thank you so much. Seriously.
Anonymous said: Damn damn damn. I knew it! I knew she was gonna be turned AND PREGNANT all at the same time mmhm mmhm. Y/N bout to fuck shit up. You had me dying at "you'll never walk alone" I was like no she didn't just go there. Excited for next week whioooop
YAY YOU GOT THE YOU’LL NEVER WALK ALONE REFERENCE YAAAAAY! ehehe :3 thank you so much my love, I hope you’ll enjoy next weeks too ^^
@snoopy198712 said: Please let some of her powers be able 2 bring Jimin back 2 life & let her be the one 2 either kill Yoongi or Turn him over so the other vampire can kill please allow Namjoon 2 be good please I love this story so much I wait every Tuesday luv it
I hope she’ll be able to do all that and that everything will work out fine in the end! :( but thank you so much for reading and I’m so happy that you look forward to it each week my love :)
@ohheyitsebonyrose said: AAAHHHH OMG SNEAKY SNEAKY Y/N!! Even though it breaks my heart it's good to know it's not because he's actually her master. Another great chapter again Sara!!
Sneaky lil fox! :3 Thank you so much my love, I’m really glad you enjoyed it! ^^
Anonymous said: Yeah just take my heart u already have my feelings take it all  --wifey anon 🐇 (cont.) For once I am not worried because I know YN knows exactly what she s doing  Also I cannot help but think about (Y/N) x Jungkook sex like yn can feel so much things it ll take this expérience to the next level I believe  --wifey anon 🐇
me: collector of souls, hearts and feelings :3 ANd yes! At least you know what her intentions are - despite the cliffhanger! And ooooooog you’re the first person to have mentioned that :3 yes!! I bet it will hehe~ thank you so so much for reading wifey anon! ^^
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG! OMG! OMG! It was fantastic! Despite the fact that you made me cry for a moment, it was still a perfect chapter. All the answers you provided, made a smile grow and widen in my face. And she becoming much more glorious and strong... I just loved it! I knew she would call him master, she's smart and I love her. Thanks for this amazing part of IWSY. Love you!!
I’m sorry for making you cry :( but thank you so much my love! and I love you too~ i’m so happy you liked it!
@doubletroublesince1994 said: I mean yeah, it's perfectly normal for me to read this at past midnight when my finals are just in 45 days and I also have an exam in physics and chemistry in 2 days (For which I'm not ready AT ALL)  THE THINGS YOU DO TO ME OH SARA
Awwwww babe I’m sorry your finals are so close! :( I APOLOGISE FOR ANY PAIN I’VE CAUSED YOU PLS DON’T HATE MEEEE
I love you too! You’re so so sweet thank you so much my dear ^^
Hopefully everything will work out in the next chapter :3 Thank you so much tall anon!
@rainbowluversunite2011 said: IWSY had me SCREAMINGG. I hate that i have to wait a week 😖 It's soooo good! It's amazing, i can't breath right oh lord. You're awesome btw. and so is your story 💜✨
You are awesome too my love! Thank you so much for reading and I’m really glad you enjoyed the update :D
I’m glad that this chapter could bring out all these feelings for you :3 that makes me super happy hehe! Thank you so so much my love ^^
NOPE NO DEAD FOR REAL hehe~ I love you too but I offer no mercy :P Thank you so much for reading the update my dear I’m glad you liked it!!
@clara-licht said: *woke up* *checked watch* Oh, it's 4.30 AM.... IWSY should be updated already. *read story* .....NOW I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WHOLE WEEK *tried to go back to sleep* *couldn't sleep due to excitement* Well there goes the rest of my rest XD Seriously though, the newest one left me shook. That last bit kinda excites me, what would Kook do about that? And how will Yoongs react? After all, domitors aren't tied to anyone, so that bit over there must be an act.
Oh my god I’m so sorry to hear that you couldn’t get back to sleep my dear :( But I’m glad that you enjoyed the update! And yes - how will Yoongi react D: I wonder! D: Thank you so much dear for reading :D
@fashionkilla124 said: I'm dying at the end if the new chapter cuz I know she GON BEAT HIS ASS 😂😂 YOU ALREADY KNOW ITS ABOUT TO GO DOWN NEXT WEEK IM CRYING FROM LAUGHING SO HARD SEND HELP 😂😂💀💀
SHE’S GONNA BEAT HIM UP YAY hopefully :3 thank you so much love!
@pandafish said: ooohoh!!!!! why is she calling him master though?? i hope it's just a trick.  i wonder if she'll kill yoongi :O
You’ll just have to wait and see! :3
Anonymous said: Just a random question, Sara.... WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO END ON A CLIFFHANGER?! wait, but then again, leaving off on a cliff hangers gives all of us the opportunity to come up with mostly inaccurate theories about what will happen next... hmm, okay then, no complaints. IWSY part 27? (jeez it's been so long since the beginning, I'm starting to loose track...) anyways, pt 27 was really really good! Hah! Take that, Yoongi! Your little plan didn't work! I'm looking forward to next week!- army anon
Because, dear army anon, I am a bitch ^^ hehe~ And I love reading people’s inaccurate or accurate deductions so much :3 Thank you so much for thinking that the chapter was good dear, it means so much to me ^^
Anonymous said: please bring Jimin back, please!!! (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) he means so much to Taehyung!
He hasn’t even died and you want him to come back! lol
Anonymous said: daaaaaaamn sara, back at it again with the cliff-hangers. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 from now on i'm calling u the cliff-hanger goddess, featuring ur most notable work "i won't stop you [from cliff-hanging]" 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
I am satisfied with this title *smug face* :3
Anonymous said: "You will never walk alone" ahhhhhhh I'm crying for multiple reasons ... man I was waiting all week for that chapter and I'm not disappointed!!!! I'm so excited for more and I'm still on edge for next week and!! Your writing is so good!!! Thank you so much k thx bye <3
I’m so happy that you and a few other people seem to have gotten the reference that I slipped in there :3 hehe thank you so much for reading my love and I hope you enjoy the next part too! :D
@rahrah25 said: This chapter of "I Won't Stop You" was just  breathtaking I'm still in awe of how wonderfully and beautifully you read this chapter this is my favorite fanfic thank you for sharing your incredible work:) ❤❤
I’m smiling so much of my goodness c: thank you my love, your words mean the world to me! Thank you even more for reading my series^^
@purrfectcupof-tae said: Omg you used the "you never walk alone" phrase in IWSY and I'm just weak 😭 i love your writing and I hope to become just as great as you 💕
I did use the never walk alone phrase :3 thank you for picking up on it!! :3 And I am sure you are already a great writer - honestly, mine is mediocre at best :D thank you for your wonderful words regardless my love ^^
@mnmiyukiko18 said: Hun bun, I love you and your work so much... But I swear if Jimin dies in IWSY I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you.
I really hope he won’t die then! *scared face*
Anonymous said: I (an almost 20 year old) literally squeeled when I remembered it was IWSY Tuesday. And oh boy was I blessed this week. Chapter 27 was (literally, haha) an out of body experience. I am so in love with how you've developed this plot. And the sine nomine? Incredible. Unexpected. Amazing. It's clear how much thought and detail you've put into this series, and it is such a complete pleasure to read. Also, the JK stan in me is so ready for eternal power couple Y/N and Jungkook like HELL YEA. - 종달새 <3
I’m so thankful that you loved the sine nomine character - I was really hoping that it would be a nice, fresh organic arch to a vampire story! ETERNAL POWER COUPLE HELL YES LET’S GO! Thank you for always being such a sweetheart, I appreciate it more than words can describe - thank you ^^
@sinae said: I've been following along with I Won't Stop You for a while now and I am so amazed with your writing! I check every Tuesday for a new update because I am so curious as to where the story leads! This chapter was amazing as always, and I am so excited for the next one!! Thank you for sharing your writing! I hope you are doing wonderful♡ (Pls tell me Jimin is okay don't hurt me like this lol)
Ahh, thank you so much for following it for a long time ^^ Even tho it has been running for 27 weeks now! You’re welcome for the stories but thank you even more for reading them ^^ I hope you are also doing wonderfully love!!
Anonymous said: I hereby invite you to this poor army's funeral. She will be dearly missed after we found her screaming and sobbing in her room after reading the last chapter of IWSY.   Please bring flowers (and Jeon Jungkook if possible)
Listen; no funerals will be had because I refuse to let you die! I 100% wish I could bring you flowers and Jeon Jungkook~ Those two things could heal ANYONE’S broken heart I think!
Anonymous said: NOOOOOO I need the next chapter right N O W :( every chapter literally keeps me at the edge of my seat.... praying that this series will never end so I can have my weekly dose of fantasy ㅠㅠ -bunnykookie96
Hello bunnykookie96!! my fellow 96liner :D I wish I could give you the next chapter right now but...I don’t even have it written yet ::( I’m sorry!! but thank you so much for reading it dear ^^
@kookieslaugh said: wait wait wait, when y/n wakes up from her ''death'' is Jungkook slowly dying?? I mean he was in a fight with Seokjin and kind of got rly beat up? bc if he's slowly dying then so aM I!!! Btw I love I won't stop so much like you have no idea how much I'm looking forward to every Tuesday ahhhhh ❤️
Ahhh no, it was more like - her calling Yoongi her ‘master’ killed Jungkook on the inside because he doesn’t know what’s really going on ^^ Thank you so much sweetkins!!
@lostheretics said: shit is gettin real im jungshooked
me as fuck
@koreaisanaddiction said: MY THEORY WAS CORRECT!!!! so good this is an amazing chapter i want more!!!
YAY YOU GUESSED CORRECTLY!! Thank you so much for thinking it was amazing :D
@killingalltheflowers said: Omg this chapter was so beautiful. I have no words to describe it.. And I feel the badassness coming in the next chapter *^* AW I' M SO EXCITED!! YOU'RE THE BEST.
*sobs* thank you so much my love!
I’M TRULY SO HAPPY THAT YOU ENJOYED IT!!! Thank you so much beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: IM SCREAMING SARA OH MY GODNJSDKK IM A 3RD YEAR COLLEGE STUDENT AND I MAJOR IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE THE MOMENT I SEE SINE NOMINE I SCREAM youre prob aware of it but we use sine nomine [s.n] in cataloguing when theres no author mentioned in a book and sine loco [s.l] if theres no publisher stated sjsjsjsjsjs i just okay i flip my shit out im sorry anYWAY i mentioned last time i had some theory it didnt cover most of it so im still waiting for the next tHIS IS AN AWESOME UPDATE IM
Awwww yesssss! sine nomine is latin for ‘nameless’ so I wanted this powerful entity to have some kind of name. I thought that was most fitting ^^ hehe language is so amazing and how we use it, right? ^^ Thank you so much love and I hope you will be able to see if your theories are correct or not soon! :D
Anonymous said: Even tho my spring break ends this week, I can't fucking wait till next tuesday. Tuesdays are my favourite days of the week thanks to you ❤
My spring break will also end this week :( I’m still in London tho so it’s fun!! I’m so happy that Tuesdays are good days for you because of IWSY - thank you for being amazing and lovely :D
@xtigerlily said: I usually don't like to read anything longer than a oneshot but I'm hooked on I Wont Stop You. I can't stop thinking about it all day. You're a fantastic writer and i'm so glad I found your page :) keep it up!
Well I feel honoured that you gave IWSY a chance even thought it’s not a oneshot! Thank you so much!! :3
Anonymous said: holo Sara!! i've been wondering about this a lot. in IWSY, where did the names 'natum lamia' (i think thats how you spell it) and 'sine nomine' come from? did you learn Latin? :o
I don’t speak Latin fluently but I know some odd words here and there! But the reason as to why I have included Latin names in IWSY is because of the lore I chose to make as the background of my story. I didn’t just want to use English because I believe that the story would have lost it’s depth and feel! :D
@noceurash said: WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS BJFGH,, i love you very much bby but you've killed me eternally gdgh. Iwsy was good aaah , have a lovely day~~~~ ♡
I love you too and Im so sorry for killing you eternally :( But thank you so much my love and I hope you have a great day too!! ^^
@idgaf97 said: I just want to say I've been a long time reader of IWSY and I absolutely love it. I think it's one of the best stories I've read (fanfic or not.) Jungkook has always looked like a vampire prince to me lol. Much love from The States (Chicago)!
Thank you so much for being a long time reader! :3 And yes -- Jungkook has always given me Vampire vibes~~ Conversely, Taehyung has always given me Werewolf vibes lol I did write a oneshot smut about Werewolf!Taehyung :3 He’s such an adorable little puppy hehe ^^ And heeeeey Chicago! Thank you my love :D
Anonymous said: Sara, why the cliff-hanger? Oh god now im dying in here.whyyyyyyy
I don’t know I swear it’s my evil twin that does it :(
Anonymous said: Hi yes hello, I'd just like you to know that I just spent the whole day reading I Won't Stop You, and I have to say that you're an incredible writer!! I legit was reading it during my uni classes!! Anyway thank you for writing such a wonderful story and I'm looking forward to the future chapters :D (Jimin though :'(
Gah thank you so much sweetkins! And tut tut you should be focusing on Uni work you naughty student you (jk that’s like me everyday lol) Thank you so much for reading my story as it means a lot to me!! Good luck during your University classes :D
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
2017 WWE Conflict of Champions outcomes, recap, grades: Did Daniel Bryan lastly flip?
Whereas the construct towards WWE’s last pay-per-view card of 2017 was nothing wanting pedestrian, Sunday’s Conflict of Champions card delivered above expectations as a complete. AJ Types exited his second full-time 12 months in WWE as the corporate’s high champion following an thrilling primary occasion towards Jinder Mahal, and a pair of multi-person matches that opened the cardboard produced drama and power in entrance of a sizzling Boston crowd.
However the greatest reveal popping out of Sunday was additionally essentially the most anticipated storyline coming in as Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon proved unable to coexist as referees. Ultimately, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens retained employment and a powerful cliffhanger was created heading into Tuesday’s SmackDown Stay episode concerning whether or not Bryan’s actions have been that of a heel flip or just the blue model’s common supervisor standing up for what’s proper.
Both approach, it has our consideration because the sluggish construct towards WrestleMania 34 continues.
Massive fan of WWE? Remember to subscribe to my podcast In This Nook with Brian Campbell the place I break down the whole lot it is advisable to know every week.    
2017 WWE Conflict of Champions outcomes, grades
Mojo Rawley def. Zack Ryder through pinfall (Kickoff Present): Rawley continued to construct his intriguing heel persona on this grudge match following the implosion of the Hype Bros. Rawley talked trash all through – “The place is your killer intuition, huh?” – whereas handing out a deliberate beating. Ryder rallied late however his pin try following a pair of Broski Boots got here up quick when Rawley put his leg on the ropes. Mojo adopted with a chop block and working forearm to get the pin. Grade: C+
United States Championship — Dolph Ziggler def. Baron Corbin (c) [via pinfall] and Bobby Roode to win the title: This one actually heated up late, incomes “that is awe-some” chants from the Boston devoted whereas setting a powerful tone for the night. Close to falls and late interference turned the norm, together with an obvious Roode pin on Ziggler damaged up by Corbin pulling Roode out of the ring from behind. Ultimately, Corbin’s try for an Finish of Days on Roode was concurrently interrupted by a ZigZag from Ziggler in a sizzling end that arrange the pin. After the match, Corbin minimize a promo on Ziggler backstage saying, “I did not squander something, I used to be cheated” earlier than throwing a rubbish can. Grade: B
Two refs too many? Basic supervisor Daniel Bryan was proven backstage asking a referee jersey that regarded prefer it was made for Earthquake be returned for a smaller measurement. Commissioner Shane McMahon then walked up and gave Bryan the enterprise for inserting himself into the primary occasion as a second referee. The 2 then agreed they might work out find out how to name the match collectively as each need to be within the ring concurrently.
Tag Crew Championship — The Usos (c) def. Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin [via pinfall], The New Day and Rusev & Aiden English to retain the titles in a Deadly Four-Approach Match: For as hectic and messy as this match was all through with 4 (and typically eight) males within the ring directly, it positive was enjoyable. A collection of sturdy performances late from the likes of Chad Gable and Rusev helped save issues total. The Usos finally prevailed in opportunist trend after a collection of failed rallies from all three of the difficult groups. Gable’s tour de drive of rolling German suplexes on three totally different opponents got here to an finish when Jimmy Uso hit him with a pair of superkicks. Jey Uso adopted with a splash off the highest rope for the 1-2-Three. Grade: B
Girls’s Championship — Charlotte Aptitude (c) def. Natalya through submission to retain the title in a Lumberjack Match: Discuss a sizzling mess of a match with psychology everywhere. The lone vivid spot was Carmella’s tease towards a money in of her Cash within the Financial institution briefcase as Natalya laid susceptible within the ring, however she was intercepted by Ruby Riott. As anticipated, the lumberjacks performed a key function in continuously beating Aptitude outdoors the ring (whereas performing because the cushion for Naomi’s springboard splash and Charlotte’s moonsault). After chaos took over outdoors the ring late, Aptitude countered a sharpshooter try to use her Determine Eight for the tapout win. Afterwards, Natalya fought again tears as she berated the viewers for disrespecting her. The promo felt like a heel flip, and the truth that it was delivered by somebody who was already a heel summed up the missing high quality of this match. Grade: D+
Backstage — The Singh Brothers: The duo minimize a promo stating that Jinder Mahal is so poised to win again his WWE championship from AJ Types that he does not even want their assist in doing so. Requested by Dasha Fuentes whether or not meaning they will not be a part of him at ringside, the brothers mentioned she must see for herself.
The Bludgeon Brothers def. Breezango through pinfall: The Harper and Rowan squash tour continued because it took them mere minutes to beat down Breezango outdoors the ring earlier than hitting their finisher on Fandango. After the match, each heels repeated the quick promo they ship every week on SmackDown promising carnage. Grade: D
Backstage — Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn: The perfect mates promised that “The Sami and Kevin Present” is not getting canceled anytime quickly and that the “Yep! Motion” would proceed. After being challenged by Fuentes about what occurs in the event that they do find yourself dropping and get fired, the 2 heels gave soiled seems to be and walked away.
Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn def. Randy Orton & Shinsuke Nakamura through pinfall: McMahon and Bryan have been each particular visitor referees. If Owens & Zayn misplaced, they might be fired from WWE. The vast majority of the time on this match was spent build up the storyline, which made it really feel lengthy and typically dragging match. Fortunately, the story — on this case — was a superb one because the frustration between dueling referees McMahon and Bryan slowly elevated. With their counts not in sync and every taking part in favorites, McMahon determined to attract an imaginary line within the heart of the ring so that they did not bunch. It is a technique, after all, that went out the window late.
In a match largely dominated by relaxation holds, Owens delivered one of the best spot when he hit a working frogsplash on the announce desk on Nakamura. Shortly after, Orton hit a DDT and RKO on Zayn contained in the ring however McMahon’s pin depend was interrupted after Owens pushed Bryan into him. McMahon received revenge when he refused to complete his depend on Zayn’s roll up of Orton. Tempers flared as Bryan and McMahon argued and pushed one another. The end got here when Zayn blocked an RKO and rolled up Orton, permitting Bryan to depend a fast three earlier than a diving McMahon may break it up. With the victory, Zayn and Owens had their jobs saved. Take into account this an uneventful match with an awesome story that, whereas informed a bit clunky down the stretch, nonetheless set the desk completely for what’s to come back subsequent. Grade: B
WWE Championship — AJ Types (c) def. Jinder Mahal through submission to retain the title: For a feud that had grown stale and seemingly went on for a month too lengthy, Types and Mahal saved their finest for final. In reality, Mahal put for the best effort of his primary occasion run. In a match that was booked much like Types’ basic with Brock Lesnar at Survivor Collection, Mahal bodily dominated all through the primary half. However Types’ eventual rally introduced dramatic close to falls and a slowly constructed electrical energy from the gang. The Singh Brothers made their presence felt late by saving Mahal from a 3 depend after Types hit a springboard 450 splash. That is when chaos ensued. After Types made each brothers pay outdoors the ring with a Phenomenal Forearm and Types Conflict, he was compelled to kick out of a pin try seconds later when Mahal hit The Khallas. The end got here when Mahal tried to mock the Types Conflict finisher however A.J. reversed out of the it right into a calf crusher and compelled the previous champion to faucet within the heart of the ring.
Types was at his finest right here, serving to elevate Mahal to an awesome match. Contemplating how a lot he has delivered to shut the 12 months — producing high shelf pay-per-view matches towards Finn Balor and Lesnar in losses — it was additionally good to see him win a giant match once more. Whereas Mahal’s experiment as champion produced just a few vivid spots and positive elevated him, seeing Types enter 2018 with WWE’s high championship marks a return to much-needed sanity for the blue model. Grade: B+
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neoraven · 7 years
What’s Joe Watching? 10/4
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Here are the recurring shows I’m watching and some brief thoughts and a letter grade! There are way more to come, as well as a later post on some of the new shows I’m also peeping.
Kevin Can Wait: season 2: C+ -The way they're dealing with the departure/death of Erin Hayes' wife character is undeniably ghoulish, but the show still keeps going along with enough physical comedy and comic timing to keep me watching.
Lethal Weapon: season 2: A-
-A new season does actually nudge along Riggs toward being healed from all of his emotional traumas. It feels like the show is less directly referencing the old movies, even if his new paramour is quite similar to the Rene Russo character.
Brooklyn 99: season 5: B- -The two parter that leisurely unrolls the status-quo-wrecking cliffhanger from the season finale is a Brooklyn 99 tradition. It goes a little too dark with Peralta's Tim Meadows cellmate character, but he is really really funny anyways, despite feeling like he's from a different, much darker show. Last season was great, and I'm beyond ready to get back to hijinx. Holt's delivery of "Yas Queen" from the premiere is one for the record books.
Bull: season 2: C -Michael Weatherly is a very charismatic man, and quite the dependable TV leading face. This show keeps grabbing great supporting characters from other shows, including two of my favorites from The Night Shift. This still doesn't really rise above background procedural noise to me, though. I still mostly enjoy it, with episodes kind of ebbing and flowing with how intriguing each weekly case is.
Modern Family: season 9: B- -So far this season only consists of this bottle episode, which more or less dodges the creaks of the aging show by putting them all on a boat for a mildly chaotic bottle episode. Most of the gags work, but it's still a creaky old show and I'm hoping this season can bring some changes.
American Housewife: season 2: B -Still one of my favorite funny, sharp family sitcoms with enough of a twist to keep me interested. Katy Mixon's lead performance is still pretty great. Not sure I'm totally on board with the set up of a season storyline around a spring fling dance planning, but it could be funny.
The Good Place: season 2: A+ -The best new show of last season is now nearly the best show airing period. They dodged the sophomore slump after the crazy, twisty first season by keeping the foot on the proverbial gas pedal. I don't want to spoil any bit of it without a dedicated/spoiler warned post, but it is still going strong and still not a huge amount of episodes to invest and get on the train ride.
Superstore: season 3: A- -A good reset episode after the very large scale, destructive second season. In both physical and emotional ways. This is still a really funny show as well as being an honest portrayal of a workplace for actual poor people. The best example of the show comes when two characters have a very serious, weighty conversation while being in nearly the most ridiculous costumes possible completely obscuring their facial expressions and reactions. This is a spiritual sequel to the show line with The Office and Parks & Rec, and the scene really reminded me of an inverse example of Jim & Pam's silent scene together on the Booze Cruise.
Great News: season 2: B- -The first season of this show was a little messy and had a couple of duds. But with a surprise second season renewal and a little retooling, it has a bright future. Not only is the network behind it, but producer Tina Fey is gracing the show with her presence as a recurring character not much unlike Jack Donaghey from 30 Rock.
Grey's Anatomy: season 14: B -I love the twists and turns of Grey's, and how a show that's almost old enough to drive still has enough left in it to be mildly shocking and have some weird and wild medical drama to boot. Normally the two hour premieres, finales, or midseason affairs seem a little overstuffed, but this one flew by. Here's to another wild Shondaland ride.
MacGyver: season 2: C+ -Last year, I missed a few episodes here and there, but I'm not letting that stand in the way of this mildly interesting background entertainment. I like the new addition to the cast, as well as them leaving Murdoc unresolved for now. The effects look delightfully cheaper and cheesier in addition to some of the text on screen explaining parts of the MacGyver-ing.
The Last Man on Earth: season 4: A -No clue how this is still on the air after a handful of rocky, bizarre seasons. But I'm definitely not complaining, since I love it. Kristen Wiig somehow slips into the ensemble seamlessly as well.
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