#completely out of touch with how to treat a human being whether relative friend or stranger tbh
catboydan · 8 months
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pharahsgf · 2 years
i get that some of jc's attitude towards jl is supposed to be taken as him just being a cantankerous cunt but i think that even with that reading, fans miss the point that his attitude isn't cute or harmless. the framing of the scenes where jc berates jl; the music, the expressions wwx makes, the undercurrent of genuine fear/emotional pain on wwx's part, give the atmosphere a tense, heavy, almost awkward weight. jc threatening to whip jl w zidian (even IF both parties did know that would never happen) hits different when we've seen wwx be abused by that weapon. and knowing anything about jc's character at all, tells me it's not something he would joke about either nor something he would say lightly (the scene where he does it certainly doesn't feel jokey or light). whether he would actually do it or not, the intention of that threat is to intimidate jl. on a very base level, to instinctively threaten physical harm (even IFFF jc never "actually" did it) is pretty fucked up actually. and while jl is "comfortable enough" to talk back, mostly his response is actually to run away. and then there's that time where jl flinches back at the end, which he doesn't even do when he's about to be cut in half in the temple--it's either a trained or an instinctive reaction! also, the only other time we see that posture is when wwx is putting his hands up to protect himself from being hit. it's so uncomfortable and like the only semi-sympathetic reasoning is that jc wanted jl to be a little afraid of him and cultivated that fear through verbal threats and an outward lack of concern for jl's person. he probably does genuinely love jl and maybe he never actually followed through (the fact that this is extremely debatable doesn't look GREAT) but even so the results of his hand in jl's guardianship shows in how unhappy and dysfunctional jl is before wwx steps in and literally just goes "hey...i care about you and maybe if you were nicer you could have friends and be happier" and i haven't even gotten INTO jc encouraging jl to be violent towards others at the slightest provocation. how does no one talk about this
also just to add onto the last ask about jl and jc's relationship being a clusterfuck, isn't it weird how even before jl knows "mxy" is wwx, he doesn't bat an eye at jc whipping him in the street, surrounding him with swords, and taking him up to his room to be tortured/killed??? like this is just a thing jc DOES?? HELLO?
oh lmao i talk about this all the time but i'm literally not joking when i say jiang cheng is 100% responsible for jin ling lacking of any sense of self-preservation or humane thought processing in the face of genuine compassion from other people. like ofc jin ling was bound to suffer growing up in such a predatory environment without his parents but jiang cheng seemingly took zero steps to alleviate this and instead encouraged jin ling to center his identity around a tragedy he can't even remember, damaging jin ling's self-perception and ability to connect with peers just for the sake of validating his own grudges and individual trauma.
following wwx and jyl's deaths there is no one left to temper jiang cheng's reliance on physical violence so i'm sure he sees it as an accomplishment that he "only" defaults to threatening jin ling with harsh corporal punishment at the slightest provocation, but in reality he bullies and scares jin ling who nearly gets himself killed for the chance to gain a sliver of respect from one of his closest relatives. and that's not even touching upon jin ling's desensitised view of the violent assault repeatedly carried out by jiang cheng and how that may inform his opinion on how jiang cheng treats HIM
like there is so much shit about jin ling and jiang cheng's relationship that goes completely unaddressed so ppl can feel good about calling jiang cheng a dilf or whatever. jin ling's first scene literally has him trying to murder a visibly scared stranger just because jiang cheng told him to but it's clear we'll never be able to have a conversation about what the fuck was going on there because half the people on here will only acknowledge jin ling's existence to celebrate jiang cheng for selflessly raising his sister's baby despite the (checks notes) 5 seperate scenes where he beats the kid
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
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Hi dear! As agreed, I’ve changed it to dad’s friend!Bucky <3 Hope you’re going to enjoy this!
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, age gap, daddy kink, allusion to non-con, death of minor characters.
Words: 3000.
Looking at the lonely chocolate muffin laying on the table in front of you, you closed your eyes for a couple of seconds, making a wish: it was your birthday, and you were stuck in some filthy roadside diner with no one but Mr. Barnes by your side.
Bucky. You were ought to call him Bucky, you reminded yourself, opening your eyes and blowing softly on a single candle sitting on the top of your muffin.
It wasn’t his fault you two ended up here - there had been a huge accident on your way back home, a tanker truck exploded into flames in the middle of the highway. In fact, you were lucky you were far away since several drivers and passengers who had the misfortune to be close to the truck had already been declared dead. It was all over the news, most of the people inside diner glued to the old TV hanging on the wall.
Staring at the candle, you carefully pulled it off and dropped it on a cheap white napkin, taking the muffin and eagerly having a bite. Mr. Barn... Bucky watched you from the other side of the table, his coffee already long cold. There was no smile on his face as you quietly said thank you to him, but you barely remembered him smiling at all despite knowing him for several years at the very least. He was your dad’s friend, and he often visited your house to share a beer and watch hockey with your dad late in the evening. Who could imagine it would be Bucky of all people helping you stay afloat.
“What did you wish for?” He asked you, and chuckled grimly at him, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Apparently, you had to keep it a secret to make your wish come true, but it didn’t matter now.
“To have a family.”
You gulped down a sob and stared at the red table as Bucky reached out to pat your shoulder gently. Both of you knew what you meant, but you had no strength to talk about it again. It was still painful as hell.
“It will get better.” He said quietly as you nodded, wiping away your tears and gulping down your coke. “You need time.”
Yeah, time, that was what everyone around you kept saying as if time could change the fact you were all alone now; as if it could make you forget all that happened and keep the pain away. What could time do? Make you insensitive, unsympathetic, and unable to feel anything at all. All this time could probably do to you, sure.
He bought a couple of ham sandwiches and bottles of coke for the evening and left with you following him closely. The motel room was just as dirty as the diner, but you didn’t expect anything else, preparing to cleaning it up - anyway, there wasn’t much you could do around here. Although there were lots of people stuck here along with you two, you had no wish to go talk to them about the tragedy. You had your own already, and it was enough for you.
“Your uncle looks scary on this photo.” Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you picked it up, reading the message from April, your best friend - your only friend, to be completely honest. “Like he’s straight out of those serial killer documentaries.”
“April, come on."
"what, I'm serious lol"
"Maybe he’s not your sunshine guy, but he’s the only one who stayed with me after all that happened."
"And he is NOT my uncle!”
“sorry girl just wanted to cheer you up”
You smiled at the text, missing Bucky’s gaze as he came closer to you.
“Who’s that?” He asked, and you raised your eyes at him, immediately getting back to your grim state.
“April. She saw the photo I sent her.” Explaining quietly, you tried pretending you were happy, stretching your lips in a thin smile and thinking whether Bucky could feel it. “She’s checking on how we are here.”
With that he left to bathroom, leaving you on your knees scrubbing the floor. He was bad at cleaning - really bad, missing tons of dirty spots to the point it felt like he didn’t clean anything at all. That was why you preferred doing it yourself. Besides, it was him who paid for the room and food despite you trying to share the expenses, so you felt obliged to him.
Bucky certainly wasn’t the most talkative or friendly type, but he still cared about you, supporting you the way he could. Even if he was way older than you, and a part of you still didn’t feel very comfortable around him, Bucky was the only one by your side. He agreed living with you when most of your relatives had little interest in staying even for a few days longer, leaving you all alone. He helped you with all the legal stuff you knew nothing about, never having to deal with these issues before. He gave you a drive to your university campus every morning and called you every time when you were supposed to come home, probably afraid you’d do something to yourself. That was what you thought, at least.
He was a good man. Maybe a little gruff, seemingly unfriendly, intimidating even, but still better then all those who promised to look after you and then vanished.
“I’m going to go for a walk.” Bucky said after leaving bathroom and putting his sneakers on. “Will you be okay by yourself?”
You felt shame bubbling up inside you at his words. He still thought you might be suicidal.
“Of course. I’ll be waiting here.”
With that he nodded and left you alone with a bright pack of Lysol and dirty doormat on the floor. Sighing, you felt relieved, finally staying all by yourself in the grim silence of the room. It wasn’t that bad. You weren’t stuck together somewhere in the desert with no food and shelter. Tomorrow morning you’d be able to return home from that little improvised vacation Bucky organized purely for you, staying in a cabin close to the beautiful lake in the woods. It wasn’t his fault you were spending your birthday like this, scrubbing the floor clean and wiping the dust from shelves and nightstands instead of celebrating somewhere in the club with April, drinking fancy cocktails.
In half an hour you finished the clean up and had a shower, changing into your funny pink pajamas - you knew your looked pathetic in it, considering how old it was, but it was one of the things that made you feel safe. Anyway, Bucky didn’t care about the way you looked, so you simply wore whatever you found comfortable, often looking like a kid who was too big to fit into their old clothes.
“Whatcha doin??” A message popped up on the screen as you checked your phone again.
“Gonna go to sleep, I guess. I didn’t sleep well yesterday again.”
“i have a gooood recipe for a nice 8-hour sleep”
“Really? What’s that?”
Instead of answering you clearly, she sent you a link. To your horror, instead of checking the name first you simply clicked on it and found out April sent you some porno. Groaning, you quickly turned it off, afraid somebody gonna hear it - the walls here were out of paper, you could swear.
“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?” You typed furiously. “Are you mad?”
“come on, what are we, holy virgins?? Ima telling you, this thing works! Just try it, you’ll be sleeping after this in no time!”
“April, even if I’m gonna believe this crap, Bucky just went for a walk. I have no clue when he’s going to come back. Do you really think I’m ready to do this when he’s around?”
“damn girl just don’t put earphones, cover yourself with a blanket and sit facing the door.” You could literally see her rolling her eyes at you. “you’re a grown up, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. When you hear the man coming, just turn it off!”
Rubbing your eyes tiredly, you muted your phone and carefully opened the link again, trying to understand what kind of porno she sent you exactly. Apparently, it was that daddy thing she kept telling you about - you read the name of the video, and your face grew unbearably hot in a second. Damn, this girl had no shame whatsoever.
But maybe she was right: you needed to release some tension that had been building up over the last months. It was quite an innocent way to do it, really, and you’d be careful enough to do it before Bucky came back, finding anything suspicious. You were a human being, after all! There was nothing nasty in what you were going to do, you tried assuring yourself.
“I’m gonna regret it.”
“NO GIRL YOU WON’T! Treat yourself!!”
Laughing, you quickly dropped your phone on your bed, taking a tablet out of your backpack along with a pair of pink socks - you couldn’t explain it, but your feet were always getting cold while you pleasured yourself. Getting comfortable on your bed and wrapping a comforter around yourself, you opened your tablet, setting the volume level low and finding that link April sent you. You threw a quick glance to the door, prepared to switch the tablet off any second if Bucky was going to show up. Shoot, were you doing it for real? Yes, yes you were.
Opening the video, you bit down on your lower lip, a little ashamed still. Trying to get these thoughts out of your head, you concentrated on what was happening in the video, watching a girl sitting on the lap of a beefy bearded man stroking her ass. He was speaking to her softly, but in a very low, husky voice, and you realized it was getting warm in between your thighs. You closed your eyes, listening to the voice that, along with a sound of him slapping the girl, was making you aroused way more than the picture itself.
"Have you been good, princess?" The man whispered, and you could see the smug grin on his face even with your eyes closed.
Yes, you have, you thought, your hand slowly trailling down your belly and touching the elastic of your cotton panties.
Fuck, you heard the sound of one more slap and bit your lip again, imagining it was you he spanked, caressing your raw, hot skin with his calloused palm, his fingers digging in your soft flesh when you tried moving away, quietly squirming from his touch. You were a good girl for him. You'd do what your daddy told you, baring your ass in front of him and getting back on his lap, moving on top of him, making him feel you through the fabric of his pants until you ruined them. Would daddy be happy if you rode him, moaning like some dirty slut until he shut you with his mouth? Would he like you cumming on his cock with your eyes rolling inside your skull out of immense pleasure?
With your fingers on your clit, you gently stroked that bundle of nerves, getting more and more wet until you soaked your panties, listening to the voice of that man and imagining being with your own daddy, somebody who would take care of you, somebody who would never leave you alone and comfort you when you needed it the most. Oh, were you crying, thinking of it? You could feel your eyes growing wet as you softly moaned. You imagined the man touching your hair and kissing your forehead, and tears were now streaming down your cheeks.
You were pathetic, you thought. You couldn't even pleasure yourself while watching porno anymore.
Softly sobbing, you kept listening to the video, touching your sleek folds and missing the shadow that descended upon you - you couldn't see the stranger behind the window, watching you sitting there on your bed with a tablet in front of you, seeing the video clearly. Maybe Bucky couldn't hear it from the outside, but he knew it - he saw it a couple of weeks ago when he felt a little lonely.
You almost cummed when you heard the steps right outside the door, inmediately hitting the screen to stop the video and hiding your tablet beneath the comforter. You didn't figure out anything better than pretending you were already asleep, aside from the fact it was barely seven.
Covering your head, you prayed Bucky didn't see anything suspicious, mentally cursing April for sending you the link. Shit, you knew this wasn't going to end well! Why on Earth did you even tried something as reckless and stupid as this when Bucky could show up any minute?
"I know you're not sleeping."
His voice sounded so much closer than you anticipated that you almost flinched, holding your breath for a couple of seconds. Fuck, did he know? Did he hear you? Could he see the tablet beneath your blanket?
You stilled, still pretending you were sleeping when Bucky landed close to you, the bed dipping under him. When he suddenly touched your leg, making you flinch involuntarily, you clamped a hand around your mouth. Shit! What was he doing? He had never ever touched you like that before. Was he mad? Did he-
"You can stop pretending, little one." As Bucky lifted your comforter, you stared at him, terrified to the core with your eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
Immediately, you tried moving away, determined to get to the other side of the room, but he quickly held you down with his hands on your wrists, getting on top of you. Shit. Staring at his dark but calm expression, you saw a strange glint in his eyes that had never been there before. The thought made you shiver.
Something was wrong with the way he hold you, looked at you - it was not like before when he treated you like some sad kid, patting your head awkwardly when you cried and rarely giving you a hug. You were staring at the man who barely reminded you of Bucky who had been coming to your house to watch a hockey game late in the evening. This man seemed like a stranger.
"Please, Mr. Barnes-"
"Shhhh." He interrupted your pleading, leaning closer to you so his dark hair brushed against your face. "Don't be scared. It's alright."
No, no, it wasn't alright in any sense, and you kept struggling, doing your best to break free from his grasp until Bucky made you yelp from pain, grabbing your hands so hard you thought you'd have bruises. When you got silent, trembling beneath him with your eyes full of tears, he got closer, his forehead touching yours as he exhaled into your face.
“P-please, I don’t want to.”
“Don’t you? I’ve seen what you’ve been doing while I was gone.” His stormy grey eyes bore into you, and you thought Bucky was angry at you watching that filthy porno. “But I won’t punish you.”
“What do you want then?” You sobbed, then froze when he kissed your cheek, and then your nose and eyelids, his chapped lips brushing softly against your skin. His touch felt warm.
“To take care of you.”
You looked at him with your watery eyes, whimpering softly when Bucky kissed your forehead as you relaxed beneath him, shocked at his words. Take care of you? What did he mean by that? Wasn’t he taking care of you already? No, now you knew why Bucky was close, and he definitely wasn’t some good Samaritan you imagined him to be. Was it all for this? Did he pretend to be your friend just to let you lower your guard?
Crying, you closed your eyes, thinking how silly you were wanting someone to be by your side, having dreams about someone taking care of you, comforting you when even the one you thought was there for you just wanted to use a silly little girl and throw her away.
“Take what you want and go.” You managed to mumble, choking on a sob. “Just leave me alone.”
Bucky raised his brows, his gaze heavy as he stared at your face wet with tears. “Why would I? Didn’t you hear what I just said, little one?”
You gave him a sarcastic smile, avoiding looking him in the eyes. “You’re here because you want to take something from me. So, take it and go. Please!”
Bucky let out a loud breath, getting off you and rolling to the side, but holding you close and pressing your face into his chest. You could feel a subtle smell of sweat coming from him; strangely, it was almost comforting. Anyway, you had no strength left to fight him, so you just laid there, his hands on your back and in your hair. His black zipped hoodie was quickly getting wet with you still sobbing quietly.
“I’m not going anywhere, little girl.” He whispered, touching the top of your head with his lips. “You’re mine to take care off. Look at you, barely able to sleep on your own. How do you think you will manage without me?”
You didn’t answer, not knowing what to say. What Bucky told you was true - you barely existed outside of your house, facing the reality where you were always alone. April was trying her best to help you come to your senses, but she wasn’t family. You needed a family.
“Will you stay?” You whimpered, shaking lightly at the though Bucky would go, too, and you would end up all by yourself, talking to four walls until one day they would talk to you, too.
“Remember your birthday wish?” He asked instead of answering your question, and you felt like the air was sucked out of your lungs. But before you had time to said something, Bucky dropped a kiss to your forehead again, caressing your head tenderly. “I am your family, little one. You will never be alone.”
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   @helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin​ @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @ninefuckingoneone @iheartsebastianstan @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters
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kiru-da-ho-beeeech · 4 years
In which DIO's vampire blood manifests, driving Giorno into becoming absolutely FERAL
Also, I hc everyone in the gang to be a lil bit of a yandere so forgive me if this turned out dark
Sugar Daddy AU - Don Giorno Giovanna
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Warning: NSFW, wild Giorno, consensual physical abuse, aged-up characters, all characters are of legal age, this is an AU
At age 32, Giorno was still young enough to hold the title of a bachelor. Yet, there was a part of him that had begun yearning for someone to love and nurture. Starting a family or a romantic relationship weren't options that he considered because he believed his position in the Mafia would endanger the ones he loved. So instead, he donated large amounts to charities and orphanages in an attempt to quell his strange urges. However, watching the smiling children he had helped from afar did nothing but exacerbate his need to take care of another person. He wanted someone who would smile the same way just for him.
In addition to this, Giorno had also developed a taste for sleeping around. His libido was at an all-time high, and no amount of sex had so far been enough to satiate it for longer than a few days. It was extremely frustrating, especially since he was busy most of the time and had to stave off his needs in the most unsatisfactory of ways-- by relieving himself.
His discontent with things eventually escalated so much that it began to disrupt his daily life. He'd acquired a sudden moroseness and was often irritable. His own trusted colleagues began avoiding him at great lengths, and even Mista won't talk to him on days when his temper was especially bad. His cruelty towards his enemies had spiked through the roof, which made him even more of a fearsome figure in the Mafia. He was more ruthless in his pursuit of drug dealers and human traffickers in Italy. Like a bloodthirsty murderer, he destroyed everything that got in his way and did not give a shit about it.
It was at this time that Bucciarati sat him down for a man to man talk. Head buried in his hands, he spilled his unusual desire to the dark-haired man, to which the latter only nodded in understanding.
"Don't be alarmed, Giorno. This is normal. At one point, a man would want to settle down to establish and make sure that his lineage will continue. It just surprised me that you would start wanting to do it this early on in your life, and with such intensity too."
cough cough DIO Brando genes cough cough
Giorno expressed his aversion in forming any sort of romantic commitment with anyone and the reasons for it. Bucciarati hummed, looking deep in thought, before he looked back at Giorno, "Have you considered adopting a child?"
Giorno shook his head, "I don't think I have the capability to be a good parent to a child, Bucciarati."
"What about being a parent figure to an adult, then?" Giorno was only confused for a moment before Bucciarati followed his suggestion with, "Become someone's… benefactor."
Giorno blinked, the words slowly sinking in his mind. He knew that what the older man meant by saying benefactor was to essentially be a Sugar Daddy, and he had to admit that the idea wasn't so bad. A commitment where romance didn't need to be involved, and one that he could end anytime. He could pamper and sleep with someone as much as he wanted without having to invest his emotions on them.
And so the search began...
You were as broke as a sewer rat and was about to be kicked-out from your apartment when an acquaintance from one of your classes called you, asking if you would be interested in a part time job. Your classmate was offered a job by a relative but could not accept it due to their stuffed schedule. You've already agreed before they'd finished the explanation, though. Of course, this was just what you needed! You were so desperate to survive that you would take whatever opportunity the universe would spare you. Your classmate eagerly gave you an address and a time and date. As you jotted down the details, you thought of the strange way your classmate all but pleaded for you to accept, but shrugged it off as their relative probably urgently needing the position filled ASAP.
When the day of the interview arrived, you finally understood why.
If the expensive company car hadn't clued you in, then the armed men who had picked you up and blindfolded you on the way to the venue certainly did. They escorted you inside a place with the blindfold still on, and only removed it upon arriving in front of a pair of large Mahogany doors. 
'What have you gotten yourself into?' You ask yourself. This was no ordinary company, this was the Mafia. You trembled with anxiety as one of the men knocked to announce your arrival and you heard a faint "enter". You were roughly ushered in when the door was opened.
Your eyes were then promptly met by the sight of one of (if not the most) handsome man you had ever seen in your life. Standing by the floor to ceiling window with his long golden locks plaited neatly and swept over his shoulder was a man. His resplendent emerald eyes shone in the dark as he regarded you with a blank face from the other side of the unlit room.
"Leave us." His tone was soft yet steady, laced with the unmistakable timbre of authority. The men wordlessly followed and closed the door on their way out, leaving you with who might possibly be the big boss. "Sit." He gestured to the large chair. Your body moved with the command as he also sat himself across from you, a huge desk separating you from him.
He introduced himself as Don Giorno Giovanna. The next few minutes were filled with extreme tension on your part as he began asking you questions. Your name, age, address, the college you attend, your major, whether you have another job, etc… It honestly felt more like an interrogation than a job interview. Finally, he asked: "Do you know what you're here for?"
"Err… I thought this was a job interview?"
Giorno tilted his head, "I guess you can say that. You're here because I want to be your benefactor."
There was complete silence afterwards as he watched you process his words. Finally, you spoke "L-Like… a sugar baby?"
He slowly nodded, never taking his eyes off of you. His belly stirred with the familiar signs of arousal and his eyes held a glint as he watched you bite your lip in thought. Oh, how cute you looked while you sat there uncomfortably shifting.
You seemed to consider it for a while before nodding your head in return. Giorno finally let himself smile as he stood. He walked around and placed his hands on your shoulders, "Don't worry. I'll take very good care of you, cara."
And true to his words, he did. He spared no expenses in making sure that you were well-cared for. He paid for your tuition fees, gave you a ridiculous amount of allowance, drowned you in gifts, took you to the priciest places for meals, and even got you a Ferrari. Of course, these were all not for free. In return, he sometimes asked you for your help around the office in addition to your scheduled date nights spent sprawled across his bed.
Since you came, he had been so much calmer. He was back to his old self. His friends thanked you and treated you with a respect that a sugar baby is not commonly given. It made you wonder why, but it was unbeknownst to you that you have somehow managed to tame a beast.
You quickly discovered that Giorno was a very hypersexual man. He turned to sex for relief from almost any emotion that overwhelmed him. Although he was by no means heartless, his temperamental bedroom personality was something to both fear and look forward to.
He never told you to call him "Daddy" during sex, yet the first time the name accidentally slipped from your mouth, he rammed into you with such raw power that his headboard got dislodged from the bed shaking too harshly.
He was a delicious cocktail of dominance, attentiveness, and generosity. He would put you in your place when you're being too bratty and make sure you got as much pleasure as he did. You were certain he's had his mattress replaced a couple of times because the springs might have gotten ruined with the force he had fucked you into it.
He had bent you over his desk and fucked you there more times than you cared to count.
On days when he's extremely stressed, he calls for a physician to be on standby because you were always so sore to the point of not being able to walk in the morning. He would profusely apologize, but you continued to assure him that it was fine and that this was all part of your arrangement. Besides, it's not like you didn't thoroughly enjoy yourself as well.
Giorno on the other hand, always felt so guilty. Whenever he saw the bruises on your body and how helpless you looked, he would think that maybe it was time to stop. He was abusing your kindness in exchange for material things that really held no value. However, the thought of never being able to touch you again never failed to convince him otherwise. He needed you to keep him sane, someone to pour his senseless affections to and someone who would respond in kind. A cure to the venom that slowly consumed his soul.
He had never felt so incredibly evil and dirty but for now, he would exploit the fact that you had to keep your end of the bargain up. Even if it meant dragging you down the same hell that he was in.
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glorious-blackout · 4 years
Self-Indulgent Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino/Simulation Theory Crossover Epilogue
@rock-n-roll-fantasy Aaaaaand it’s over! This is technically more of an optional ending as I suspect you’ll prefer the conclusion to Part Seven, but a certain character would never have forgiven me if I didn’t let him get the last word... 😉
Thank you so much for all of your lovely feedback and sorry for making you wait so long for these last two chapters! And now it’s time for me to finally start listening to Arctic Monkeys/Muse albums that *weren’t* released in 2018 😅🥰
Also I would like to thank Matt for unknowingly writing the perfect end-credits music for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8tpkpoSW5I
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven 
A million miles away, on the desolate remains of the planet once known as Earth, a lone observer watches silently as a pair of retreating figures on a cramped TV screen ride off into the unknown.
Surrounding him on all sides are thousands of similar screens, stacked atop each other like building blocks, though for the moment he only has eyes for one. Only a week ago, every single screen was proudly lit up, showcasing the intimate details of his subjects’ mundane lives and thus allowing him to observe with unrelenting scrutiny. Now, however, a worrying proportion of those screens are fizzing with broken static; the worlds they once displayed forever lost from his grasp.  
The sight should enrage him, and perhaps one day it will. Every barren screen represents the loss of constant hours of effort and imagination, and as the aftershocks of Matthew’s assault continue to ricochet, he imagines he will lose countless more over the coming weeks. Nevertheless, for the moment he cannot bring himself to mourn the loss of realities which brought him little pleasure in the first place.
Murph, or The Creator, or whichever title he chooses to wear on any particular day, does not consider himself a cruel being. Contrary to the vile accusations his peers have levelled against him, his games are not designed with the intention of torturing the subjects within them. In fact, one could consider his efforts to preserve the collective consciousness of a dying species to be a noble one. Humanity would be nothing more than a distant memory had he not intervened at the opportune moment. And yet, despite his good intentions, acting as a benevolent observer often fails to bring the satisfaction he desires. Sometimes boredom settles deep within his bones and he cannot help but interfere with the idyllic lives his subjects have created for themselves.  
And he cannot deny that the thought of these two particular playthings discovering hope which will ultimately be torn away does put a smile on his face.
Most of that satisfaction lies in the prospect of punishing Matthew, though he has no doubt that toying with Alexander’s heart further will provide its own brand of levity. Where bitter vengeance is concerned, however, the former is the one he truly has unfinished business with. That particular human has been a thorn in his side from the very beginning; his knack for slipping into paranoia at any given opportunity had made constructing a believable reality for him an almost insurmountable challenge. The temptation to simply banish the man’s mind into the void had flared up once or twice, but in the end Murph had been somewhat successful. Matthew had bought the truth of his reality with relative ease for the first few years, to the point where any cracks that appeared were easily ironed out with a simple rewrite of code.  
Until one day, Murph’s interferences were no longer sufficient to sustain the lie. Matthew’s conviction shattered and his mind with it; without warning, he set about tearing the carefully constructed world around him to shreds and treated his lifelong friends with open hostility. Murph could easily have given him up for lost at that point. Matthew had always been an infuriatingly willful creature – incapable of appreciating Murph’s efforts even after stumbling upon the truth of his feeble existence – and killing him would have been as simple as swatting a fly.
And yet, Murph had allowed him to live. Not out of any form of mercy, heavens no, but because the promise of a challenge was far too compelling. Matthew’s resistance made him special, whether he realised it or not. Most of his subjects were docile creatures; passive participants in a charade they refused to acknowledge. The ones who had come into his care willingly were the worst offenders, having subconsciously convinced themselves that they were caught in a blissful afterlife preferable to the miserable future they would have endured on Earth. Perhaps they’re right, but humans living in quiet contentment have always made for boring viewing. In the form of Matthew, Murph had finally stumbled upon an active participant he could slowly unravel at the seams, and after years of steadily building ennui, the thrill of the chase had been downright intoxicating.
In contrast to Matthew’s blatant rage, Alexander’s resistance had been... unexpected. The strength of it even more so. Murph cannot help but wonder if the sheer force of his suspicion – his feeling of utter wrongness in a place he’d once willingly called home – would have reduced his world to dust even in the absence of Matthew’s influence. Perhaps this shouldn’t have surprised him. For as long as he can remember, he has always had more trouble maintaining the lie when the subjects have been unwillingly brought under his control. The same is true for all species he has salvaged; it is the same factor which no doubt played a role in Matthew’s refusal to accept his own reality. Murph can manipulate their memories all he likes, but the inherent desire to escape their miserable fate is forever latched onto their souls.
The new identity had been an inspired touch in the beginning, keeping Alexander’s naturally insightful tendencies at bay for a while. Mark had been a more amicable creation while still retaining plenty of Alexander’s attributes, and the latter’s imagination had always made his reality one worth visiting. However, the line between the two identities had grown considerably blurred over time. Memories had melded together in ways that no longer made logical sense, and Alexander’s yearnings for home had translated to a bitter exhaustion and loneliness which Mark simply couldn’t overcome.  
The fact that everything Murph had built had ultimately been derailed by a bottle of scotch and a friendly conversation was as clear a sign as any that Mark’s world had been hanging by a thread far longer than he had appreciated.
It probably took more effort than it was worth to salvage Alexander’s mind from his dying world and place it in an entirely new one - costing countless other simulations in the process - but he cannot bring himself to regret that decision. It hadn’t seemed fitting to let such promise fizzle out with a mere whimper. Entertainment is a rare commodity in these trying times, and he’s learned to take what he can get.
Matthew has certainly contributed his fair share. Having decided that killing him outright would be a waste, Murph had invested a lot of time in their frantic game of cat and mouse. While his plaything remained confined within the limits of his own reality – a frightfully boring seaside town on England’s coast – Murph had upped the ante by unleashing a horde of mutated creatures, using them as vectors to introduce a virus which reduced the population to rabid monsters driven solely by bloodlust. If Matthew had been particularly shaken by this new development, he’d masked it well. If anything, he seemed to glean a sense of bitter enjoyment out of receiving confirmation that his reality was little more than a façade, and had risen to the unspoken challenge admirably.  
Before long it had occurred to Matthew that an absence of limitation placed upon the imagination could also apply to him. He learned not only how to play the game, but how to adapt the rules in his own favour. Murph had quickly come to rue the day he placed Matthew in a technologically inventive time-period, for his opponent had taken advantage at every opportunity; fashioning makeshift weapons and vehicles out of little more than scrap metal and a vast imagination. No particular engineering prowess was necessary. Before long he was summoning technology out of thin air with an ease that almost rivalled Murph’s own.
Even then, Murph had been unconcerned. Despite Matthew managing to slaughter any mutated creature he crossed paths with, the threat he posed to Murph himself seemed so miniscule as to be easily dismissed. At least at that point Matthew had mostly been sticking to the rules. Once the penny dropped that his reality was merely one of thousands in an intricate web, however, he’d accomplished the unimaginable and injected something which might have been fear into Murph’s long-decayed heart. Disbelieving eyes had been glued to the screen as Matthew fashioned a portal from scrap; one which should, by rights, have been unable to accomplish anything of merit. And yet, once its construction was complete, Matthew had stepped into the blinking red void without a trace of fear, smashing his way through the walls of one reality and emerging into another, whole and seemingly unscathed.  
Quashing his efforts had become a much greater priority at that point. Treating Matt like a dog-eared chew-toy in his own reality was all well and good, but the man had gained far more intelligence and influence than Murph could tolerate. The prospect that he could potentially infect other realities with his schemes threatened to send Murph’s entire empire crumbling to ash if he wasn’t careful. In the more futuristic settings, he had been able to station guards designed in his own image, with the sole intention of blasting Matthew into atoms if he dared worm his way into their reality, but rather predictably Matt had dodged their attacks with a wry smirk, bending the rules to his will with an expertise that was almost frightening. Despite the seriousness of the man’s objective to track down his loved ones and rescue them from an existence he naively deemed to be diabolical, Murph got the distinct impression that Matthew was enjoying himself far too much. He was still treating his escapades like a game, long after Murph’s own objectives had darkened.  
Well, if he insisted on playing dirty, then Murph could resort to that as well.
He’s still proud of his next trick. The brutal reaction it had elicited had been nothing short of delicious. With vivid gratification, he recalls the momentary spark of hope in Matthew���s eyes as his gaze settled upon the avatars of his friends, during a visit to a simulated reality which almost resembled Earth. He remembers the moment his opponent had allowed longing to override logic; remembers the point where all thoughts of the chase were abandoned and, with a cautious smile, Matthew had fooled himself into believing that he’d discovered the true forms of the men he’d loved since he was a teenager.  
What must it have felt like to see them again, Murph cannot help but wonder? The Christopher and Dominic of Matthew’s own reality had been dispatched early in their charade, infected and mutated by the same creatures Matthew evaded with relative ease. No doubt the only reason Matthew survived their losses was because he’d already accepted that they were nothing more than sorry substitutes for the real thing. A part of him must have wondered, however, if that was truly the end. If the last association he would ever have of his two best friends would be the sight of them clawing their way towards him in a mindless rage.
The cold mix of terror and heartbreak that crashed upon Matthew once the blatant hatred in the eyes of his friends became crystal clear is an image Murph still treasures. For one bittersweet moment he’d honestly suspected that Matthew would surrender and let fate carry him away, rendering Murph the victor and granting fleeting satisfaction in the aftermath.  
Alas, survival instincts had kicked in at the last possible second, and Matthew had fled the scene at a sprint before his familiar assailants could shoot.
The temptation to do the same to Alexander had arisen once or twice, on the occasions where boredom reared its ugly head. It would have been a simple enough task. The avatars for three of his best friends were already buried in the simulation; a simple rewrite of their code would have turned their inherent fondness for Alex into hatred in a heartbeat. He could even have added one additional ghost into the mix, just to twist the knife until the pain would never stop. Alex had never done anything to warrant that level of torture, however. Playing with Matthew’s heart had been entertaining - not to mention earned - whereas playing with Alex’s would have been like kicking a puppy just to see how it would react. Momentarily thrilling, perhaps, but ultimately predictable.
Besides, Matthew had made him pay for his cruelty, albeit not quite as successfully as Murph has led him to believe. His constant hopping from one reality to another had rendered Murph’s creations vulnerable. His brutal smashing through virtual walls left aftershocks in the wake of his adventures, although that in itself was easily fixable. Murph had quickly grown tired of his continued insolence over time. Not so much his continued survival, though he did make a point to send the morphed versions of his friends after him at every given opportunity. However, Matt had an unfortunate habit of forgetting that, in the wake of Murph’s towering influence, he was little more than a cockroach waiting to be squashed underfoot. The lack of respect had forced Murph to step in, to confront this tiny creature and remind him that he was simply an insignificant plaything in the grand scheme of things.
Matthew’s lack of fear when faced with him for the first time had almost been impressive, though Murph had been able to sense his feeble heart racing with adrenaline. The human had stood impassively on a steep cliff-edge while Murph towered over him, revealing his true form for the first time. From a distance Matt must surely have looked like a blot on the horizon and nothing more.  
Such a meeting had no doubt been Matt’s intention. Murph allowing himself to become invested in the game rather than erasing Matthew from existence in the first place had been a mistake borne of arrogance, and he now knows it would serve him well not to make the same mistake again. The mind-numbing aftershocks stemming from the moment Matthew powered up a metallic glove and aimed a colossal, fiery beam of energy at his tormenter serve as a bitter reminder that he must learn to be more careful.
Physically the assault had done nothing at all. Even if Matthew’s corporeal body were standing right in front of him at this very moment, any attempt to attack would have the same effect as a mouse trying to destroy a mountain.  
The mental assault, however, had been far more powerful than Murph could ever have anticipated.
Perhaps Matthew himself believed the weapon he’d designed was a physical one; he seems willing to accept the possibility that it killed its target after all. What the beam had truly unleashed, however, was a sheer, unrelenting wave of emotion. All of Matthew’s simmering rage and heartbreak had drowned Murph under its weight as his consciousness was overcome by burning sparks of light. All of Matthew’s love for his friends and family - which had become so intertwined with grief during his entrapment - reduced Murph’s mind to a blank haze, and beneath it all the sheer power of hope and determination had shattered the reality they’d both been standing in.  
A similar feeling of powerlessness had overcome Murph not long before, when Alexander somehow anticipated Murph’s attempts to erase Matthew from his mind and erected a mental block so formidable that his very reality had trembled. This was different, however. Alex’s attempt had been powerful but clumsy, like batting his arms against an unseen enemy in the dark. In contrast, Matthew’s assault had been the direct attack of a man desperate to burn Murph to the ground without a care in the world for whether he himself survived the aftermath.  
Murph had awoken in his nest, surrounded by screens and caught in a daze. In a moment of madness, he’d spared Matthew’s dying mind from the crumbling reality he was trapped within, fashioning a new one in the blink of an eye. One with considerably less tricks and theatrics. One that resembled the home Matt yearned for so desperately, recreating it so convincingly that his insightful mind appears to have taken the bait.  
Murph cannot help but wonder if it would have been easier to let Matthew die. Alex too. The latter’s knack for questioning his authority will no doubt prove troublesome, now that he knows to be distrustful of the reality presented to him. For now though, Matthew remains his greatest concern. His mind still aches in the wake of the man’s assault. With each passing second, he can feel more and more worlds fade into nothingness, leaving only static in their wake and claiming the souls of thousands in the process. Losing them all is not a possibility he wants to comprehend. He has not spent enough time on Earth to justify heralding humanity’s extinction so early, and alternative dying planets are harder to come by than one might expect.
He wonders how Matthew would feel if he knew he’d disrupted and destroyed the minds of so many people. People who were once as human as him and Alex, who are now gone without the faintest trace that they ever existed in the first place. People who had no say in their fate, nor any stakes in the game they’ve both been playing for far longer than necessary. Would he be so overwhelmed by guilt that he would no longer be able to function? Would the realisation be the final straw in snapping the man’s mind like a twig once and for all?
Or will he consider those people to be liberated from their prison like the naïve fool that he is?
No doubt Murph will find out the answer to that eventually. This particular ammunition is too valuable to waste.  
That can wait until later though. Matthew and Alex still need to be eased gently into believing that their current reality is real; there will be time for twisted revelations and sacrifices later. Besides, regardless of the eventual outcome, Murph can take comfort in knowing that his ultimate victory is inevitable.  
He wonders how long it will take for the penny to drop. For those final, fearful memories to return. For the realisation to sink in that, for all their struggles to return to their beloved realm of flesh and bone, they’ve chosen to embark on an endeavor which is entirely futile.  
They have no physical bodies to return to. No means of roaming the Earth as living creatures. Any vessels they may have previously inhabited sputtered and died when their minds were pulled from their heads; their bodies buried long ago, having been wept over by the same people they insist on mourning now.  
As for their minds? Well, they’ll remain in Murph’s capable hands until the moment he tires of them and blinks them out of existence. No doubt it will be a long while before he’s driven to such extremity, of course. These two are fortunate that they’re as entertaining as they are annoying, and tormenting them further will certainly be one way to pass the time.  
As it stands, time is all he has.  
So for now, he’ll gladly let them indulge in their fantasy. He’ll construct a small band of survivors five miles from the beach, offering food and shelter and an explanation for their ruined earthen surroundings which somewhat mirrors the truth. He’ll offer campfires and music; will allow pleasant recollections of their previous lives to return to them in the form of dreams. He may even offer whispers of other survivors closer to the city, with descriptions matching the loved ones whose arms they wish so desperately to return to.  
There’s no rush. No need to pull the rug from under their feet too early and spoil the fun.
It’s only a game after all.
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knight-engale · 4 years
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Yuna’s technically been done for a while, but it took forever to complete her bio because of some nasty writer’s block.
Bio below, or over here: https://www.deviantart.com/knight-engale/art/BNHA-OC-Yuna-Akahoshi-844907305
★ Yuna Akahoshi ★
"Don't...get too close."
■ Name || Yuna Akahoshi ■  Japanese Name || 赤星 夕那 ■  Rōmaji || Akahoshi Yuuna ■  Alias || Toxic ■  Epithet || The Acidic Hero ■  Nicknames || Little helper (her father) ■  Birthday || June 22 ■  Age || 15-16 ■  Gender || Female ■  Height || 5'5 (165.1 cm) ■  Hair Color || Teal ■  Eye Color || Blue ■  Blood Type || O- ■  Quirk || Acid Touch ■  Status || Alive ■  Occupation || Student (cover), Villain (by association) ■  Affiliation || U.A. High School (cover), Cobalt Alliance ■  Fighting Style || Close Ranged Combat
■  First Appearance:
Manga: TBD Anime: TBD
■  Portrayal:
Ja: Ai Kakuma Eng: Tara Platt
◣ A b o u t ◥
███ Short Introduction
Yuna Akahoshi is a first year student at U.A. High School. While she appears to be training to become a Pro Hero, she's really there to become stronger to better aid her father's organization.
███ History
At first glance, Yuna's family and story seem normal enough, albeit sad. Her father is a police dispatcher, and her mother died when Yuna was young. Yuna's childhood was, outwardly, relatively normal. When she became old enough, she took the entrance exam for U.A. and passed.
In actuality, however, Yuna's story is far less mundane. When Yuna was 3, her Quirk activated for the first time and killed her mother. Yuna was devastated, but her father saw Yuna's powerful Quirk as an opportunity. Once he and an ex-doctor friend had figured out how Yuna's Quirk worked, they exploited the acid she creates. Yuna's father is also a member of a crime ring called the Cobalt Alliance, and primarily functioned as an informant. However, after figuring out how to contain Yuna's acid, he began to collect it and sell it to his boss to use on enemies.
Later on, when Yuna was a little older, she was formally introduced to the Cobalt Alliance and was accepted as a de facto member, though she was still far too young to be officially considered such. The boss was particularly fond of her, and treated her like his daughter. Her acid continued to be used for the group's dirty work, and Yuna was kept mostly in the dark about the Alliance's doings.
While she continued to be treated like a princess by most, she desperately wanted her father to treat her as more than a science project. So she came up with a plan to supposedly earn her father's love. She decided to attend a hero school and receive top of the line training so that she could be of greater use to him and her new family. She presented this plan to her father and his boss, was given the go-ahead, and took the U.A. and Shiketsu exams. She passed both, and opted for U.A. as it was a bit closer.
◣ A p p e a r a n c e ◥
███ Appearance
Yuna is a curvy young woman of about average height. She has pale green-grey skin, large blue eyes, and medium length teal hair. Her hair has a notably shiny appearance, and seems to give of a very faint light, similar to glow-in-the-dark toys. At school, Yuna wears the U.A. girls' uniform without the blazer. She also usually wears ankle socks. Yuna's casual attire consists mostly of crop tops, leather or denim jackets, shorts, and canvas shoes. In the colder months, she wears normal pants and shirts, which often have pop culture references. Yuna's hero costume consists of an electric blue, high-collared, sleeveless top, matching shorts, white belt, and ankle boots. The costume is lined with material that can resist her acid. In the winter, she wears a jacket and leggings with insulation, but leaves her midriff bare.
███ Personality
Yuna is quite extroverted and very cheerful. She loves to make jokes and thrives on attention. Her cheeriness and apparent genuineness makes her rather endearing, and she can befriend almost anyone. Her high amounts of energy couples well with her natural curiosity and spontaneity. Being friends with her is an adventure and not for the faint of heart. She often goes out of her way to make her loved ones happy, including buying random gifts for those she's close to, though she rarely, if ever, displays physical affection. However, she makes up for it in being very supportive. Yuna is outwardly quite confident when it comes to using her Quirk or in being a leader. She has a natural talent for taking charge and getting people to do things. However, strategy isn't her strong suit, and she has a tendency to throw herself or others into difficult situations. Underneath Yuna's extroverted exterior, she's incredibly insecure. Though she's very charming and has little trouble getting people to like her, she often wonders whether or not they actually like her, or if they're only being kind. When it comes to the Alliance, she wonders if they only treat her the way they do because of her Quirk. While she hides it well, Yuna is desperate for love and physical contact, but has a skewed perception of the former. Part of her still believes that love is conditional and dependent on her actions and behavior, hence her eagerness to please, even to her own detriment. She finds the idea of being abandoned by her friends and family terrifying, and would do anything to prevent it. Yuna's morals are skewed from having been raised by a villain organization. She sees nothing wrong with hurting people who have wronged her. Though she does not explicitly enjoy causing people harm, she isn't repulsed by it either.
███ Likes
✔ her friends ✔ cute boys with powerful Quirks ✔ sweets ✔ being liked/attention ✔ American pop culture ✔ fantasy RPGs
███ Dislikes
✘ hero culture ✘ Mineta ✘ being called selfish or weak ✘ sudden loud noises ✘ doctors offices
◣ A b i l i t i e s ◥
Overall Abilities: Yuna has a notable understanding of the human body, and is relatively good at martial arts.
███ Quirk
Acid Touch: Yuna can create a powerful acid on any exposed skin. This acid can burn through most materials, making it incredibly destructive and deadly in applied correctly. By creating large amounts of acid, she can make it accumulate and drip off of her, similarly to sweat. She can't create acid on covered skin, and must stay well hydrated in order to use her Quirk for long amounts of time. Additionally, her Quirk is less effective in cold climates and takes more effort to use.
███ Stats
Power: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5/5 A
Speed: ★ ★ ★ - - 3/5 B
Technique: ★ ★ - - - 2/5 C
Intelligence: ★ ★ ★ - -  3/5 B
Cooperativeness: ★ ★ ★ - - 3/5 B
███ Equipment
Utility belt: Used for storing small water pouches.
◣ B a t t l e s & E v e n t s ◥
◣ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ◥
███ Relationships
Class 1-A: Sakura Himekawa (friends), Chikami Ariyoshi (friends)
Class 1-B:
Other Students:
Pro Heroes: Midnight (slight idolization)
League of Villains: Himiko Toga (friends), Tomura Shigaraki (minor crush)
Others: Cobalt Alliance (pseudo family), Stain (mixed feelings)
Leave a comment! Let's be friends!
███ Trivia
Yuna's first and last names mean "beautiful evening" and "red star", respectively.
She met Himiko by happenstance and the two became fast friends, and Himiko is one of the few people Yuna lets her guard down around. Whether or not that's a good idea or not remains to be seen.
She's demisexual-biromantic.
She initially was meant to be more cold and calculating, similar to Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender), but that idea ended up being scrapped.
███ Quotes
"I have some extra candy here...would you like some?"
"We'll make a great team. Let's work together."
"We must fight for our futures."
Original template (c) dre-tama | modified by Phantom-Otaku
BNHA (c) Kohei Horikoshi
Yuna, Sakura, Chikami, artwork (c) knight-engale
8 notes · View notes
kierongillen · 5 years
Writer Notes: The Wicked + the Divine 44
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Spoilers, obv.
I'm aware that this is either going to be a relatively short one or an epic one. The risk of the latter is that rather than just talking about the issue, for the first time I'm free to talk about the series as a whole, and so talk about some of those other choices. There'll be some of that, but it would warp the nature of the notes, and give some false perspective. I can talk about it being over now, sure, but talking about it all means I'm not talking about this element. Not least because I can't talk about it all – there's still the question of issue 45.
But still. There's a lot to talk about, and a lot of hard things in here to do. We knew where we going, but the devil is in the details. The devil's everywhere.
Jamie/Matt's Cover
Minerva finally gets her head-shot. I was a little worried that people would realise exactly what was happening to Minerva here, but I didn't see anyone realise she's falling, and speculate why. Of course, I knew what it was and couldn't not see it. That's how it works.
It's a striking last image though – this is an especially blank glance, in the middle of all the motion. Matt's pink/white nimbus is really powerful too.
Emma Rios/Miquel Muerto
Emma's one of our favourite artists, and we were so glad that we managed to get her before the end. Emma's always someone who gets this evocative drama of it all – this is obviously a momentous cover, but you don't know the moment until reading. Laura and Lucifer being a core relationship, and the hint of leaving. Miquel does strong, atmospheric things with the colours as well. It's a great cover to end the story on. On - Pretty Deadly is back on the same day as 45, and I can't wait. Gets!
In terms of minor things we did which have a big emotional effect, changing the gods' names to their human names was certainly one. It sits there and stings.
Page 1
This issue is particularly tightly wound, so we set the clock on the issue in this one page.
I had a couple of people wonder where the cops came from. I presume it's because the delay in publication – the "we have to go now because of woden's tape has revealed we're almost all complicit" is the only reason why they went for Minerva immediately.
For a page that's so tightly wound, Jamie does some great establishing here. Opening panel with the fire in top of Valhalla, to link to last issue. A shot with all these people in it – a character beat, and three extremely dialogue low panels.
Page 2
Riff on Better The Devil You Know.
The weird rhythm in WicDiv is the arcs-which-take-place-in-a-very-short-time and arcs-which-take-place-over-months.  Faust act, Rising Action, Imperial Phase II, "Okay" are the over-a-short time. Fandemonium, Commercial Suicide, Imperial Phase I and Mothering Invention are the extended ones. The closest to one which does both is Faust Act, which spreads its action over a week or two.
Page 3
Lovely stuff in here with Jamie, in terms of character work – obviously this is Lucifer hamming it up, but seeing individual responses around the room is a hell of a thing. Minerva's a total mess here.
Valentine giving up clever insults at this point is probably a thing.
Page 4-5 "Bothersome" is a very Lucifer word. The expression in panel 2 is also key Lucifer – that eye-roll of it.
Laura's captions also arrive mid way through – key, as they're clearly going to be key. I was thinking of having them at the start of page 3 as well, but we can let us live in the moment.
Laura's performance tentacles is a lovely panel – seeing how Matt works the colours on the space. The blues fading to white, the reds. Honestly, this is making me miss working with Matt already, and seeing how good he and Jamie are together.
Callbacks here to Lucifer in the first arc – the cycle of it all.
"There were two girls in hell" makes me well up. |It's one of my favourite Jamie expressions in the issue.
Page 6-7
When planning the larger structure of WicDiv, I was aware that I made certain calls in hope I would be able to save people. The early "death" of the Heads was actually a way to protect them. I was aware that characters who were in play were far more likely to die, as they had more chances to do so. I knew I could likely save the heads, so by making them heads, I made it more likely.
I originally planned for Dionysus to die, but I couldn't bear it. His hubris was real, but the idea that someone could give so much without anyone really caring or doing something for him was too heart breaking, even for me. I realised during Rising Action that I could actually save him – the pieces were already in play, and I just had to lean into those relationships to lead to Baph's choices. At the start, I wasn't sure where Baphomet ended in year 4 – part of me thought he'd survive, as I didn't have that final beat for him at the start. That I didn't have a hard end for Baphomet always made him open to the story finding another purpose for him – which is an end which I can't imagine any other way now. WicDiv is an awful necessary machine.
That applied to Lucifer too. She was a darling, obviously, but she was always going to be trouble. Part of me was aware that she could come back and almost immediately get killed again. I'd like her to make it out, but it was possible she wouldn't.
So, as I said last time, when I realised she was the final opposition I was pleased – that was perfect to the themes and the structure.
I wrote in my synopsis that Laura uses a performance to touch Lucifer and convince her into renouncing her godhood, and left it at that.
There it sat until I came to script it.
Because, in all honesty, I had no idea how Laura was going to convince Lucifer to give up her godhood. I just trusted that there would be some way Laura could reach her. Or, really, I hoped there was – because I knew if I wrote something that didn't feel convincing to me, I wouldn't do the scene. Lucifer would have died instead.
So, the day came when I was scripting this sequence, and I started writing, and wondered what the performance would be, and I just wrote "Laura descends the Ananke head sequence and drags Luci back."
Then I leaned back, a little shocked, because that was clearly right, and so clearly fit with what the series does – a final deconstruction of one of our core visual icons, giving a new way to look at the sequence and think about it. It was just there. As if it was there all along. Or just the sort of thought that emerges when you've been obsessed over this fucking thing for five years.
I'm aware of the weird resonance as well – Laura's finding a performance to save a friend is me finding a performance to save a character. WicDiv was a weird book.
Jamie and Matt go to town, of course – the melting faces are just painful, and wonderfully done. The fleshy reds, the fires. How Clayton uses the captions across the page to play with pacing...
I originally suggested we do it completely as the WicDiv spread, with Laura crawling across the centre spread and making her way up – that it would be treating what is meant to be two columns as a space was decided to be too much, so instead we went with flipping to a subjective perspective on a space that we've only experienced from a single objective outside viewpoint. That's got magic too.
Page 8
A long time to get to this kiss, right?
We moved the dialogue around a little to nail some moments – we had the magic effect on the final panel so the transition to the next page wasn't too much.
The annoyance of Eleanor in the last panel is just my everything. I described it to Jamie by using a metaphor of me in my early thirties, having split up with an Ex, and torn between various places, including seriously wondering whether, after everything, the simple answer to my sexuality stuff was that I was just gay. How annoyed I would have been, after all those years, if it was that. Just a "Oh, FFS. I'm just gay! Why didn't I get that earlier? Why have I wasted all this time? What a fucking fool I am."
Page 9
Repeat of core WicDivian imagery, turned to a different purpose. After these magificent godly reveals, we do this very normal world.
Yeah. This would have been a happy place to end the series.
Page 10
Laura wants to be better, of course. It's easy to say you want to do better.
A+ Cassandra-ing in the background there.
Page 11
Now, Minerva is dead in a few pages time, and she is a genuine monster, trapped in a system of her own making. But I didn't want to send her into the void thinking she had that horror awaiting her. I can't forgive her, but I can give her a little peace.
Title drop, of course, with a wonderful expression by Jamie. There's a lot here.
Okay, let's do this.
"Okay" is a phrase that's haunted WicDiv. We've come back to it multiple times – it's a fascinating word in the English language, and has caused problems for people translating it, in the mixture of ambivalence and optimism in it is really tricky. Clearly, we use everything inside the word.
It wasn't my Dad's last words, but it's the last exchange I remember with him. Everyone else was out, and I was helping him back to his seat. He says to me.
"Son, I know this is strange, but I can't help but think it's going to be okay."
And I can almost imagine my eyes bulging out of my head, as I wanted to howl at him: no, Dad. It really fucking isn't.
This comes up almost verbatim in the first arc, with the exchange between Laura and Lucifer before she breaks out. The series is about many things, but my Father's death was the core inspiration for it, and that "It's going to be okay" haunted me and it.
I don't think this is what my Dad meant, clearly, but it's how I've ended up metabolising it. I've been signing "It's going to be okay" when I sign Faust Acts, partially as it's the WicDiv phrase, partially as a secret-promise-that-they-won't-all-die-and-there-is-hope and partially because "When death comes, it's okay" is that buried in it. If I had to boil the book down to a sentence, it'd be it. It means different things depending how you look at it. That's all I've got.
Page 12
I talk about Solving The Equation of the third year, and Dio being in play for this section is absolutely part of it.
That first panel. I said that the cast were all people I'd have killed to be at various stages of my life. Umar is someone I try to be now. I don't succeed, but he's a worthy goal. Kind is not soft and all that.
While the silent panel is something you've all seen before, it's worth highlighting how good Jamie is. The favourite gesture of the scene is the eyes upwards of Cassandra – I don’t remember Jamie using this angle before, and it's really striking. I suddenly miss that I won't be working with Jamie again for a while. Have fun, Jamie. You were the best.
And now, this.
Page 13-14-15
"It would take a real monster to kill a kid" is one of those lines that have been sitting in the files since the beginning.
There was a fan artist in the WicDiv community early on who kept on doing these totally charming portraits of Baal and Minerva playing around in a big brother and little sister way. Every time I saw them, I felt both love for the art, and a sadness. "In four years time, you are going to have a terrible day."
That's one of the weirdest things of the last four years – that. Knowing that stuff is out there.
Looking at this at a little distance, I see the elements in – the standing on the edge, the "Please Don't" and all that. I sigh. This is awful and upsetting and that page turn is one of the hardest in the series. I wish Valentine would forgive himself, but he couldn't.
This is the sort of thing I want to write a lot about, and want to write nothing. I think I'll keep it as just the facts, in terms of trying to plot this.
Occasionally you get to a knot – I knew Valentine had to kill Minerva, that Valentine couldn't bear to live after that was done and that Minerva had to die after Baal gave up his powers. How to you put those three together, without introducing something else.
C asked "Where does it happen? Could it happen somewhere high?" and the rest was there. Falling being the repeating WicDiv image as well.
I think I pictures this actually side on, without the drop. Jamie's choice is better, just because of the eyes.
The three panels is something we're returned too, but choosing the distance was key. You know it's there, but I didn't want to revel in the dead bodies. This is a different kind of death to many of the ones in the book, and has to be treated as such. Any more blood than shows they're dead would be obscene.
I sigh again. I note that Matt does the lights on the guns perfectly, but I want to highlight craft. The shot of eveyrone waiting is a huge thing – Inanna's grief, Dio stepping in, and the crossed arms of Cassandra...
I think it was when I was plotting the second year at WicDiv that I realised that I couldn't see a way out of this which didn't involve the majority of the cast ending up in jail for a while. I was okay with that, as it made some sense. It's thematically resonant for a few ways – it's a choice which shows their acceptance of their acts, and their actual humanity as well as an understanding of their power, and lots more.
However, due to all the straight, white characters being dead, it does mean that a all-queer all-PoC-minus-Lucifer cast going to jail, in the current jail system. That said, while far from perfect, the UK is not the US. I don't think I could have written this ending in the US. Even in the UK, I safety-proof it conceptually as much as I can.
They are all queer, and almost all PoC... but they are also superhumans (and mostly rich.) They have a degree of power, and options which are not open to other people... and it is their one chance to try and navigate this space with no-one else (either them or other humans) getting killed. It's their last chance to act in good faith to the rest of the species.
I wouldn't trust the system if they were people without their resources. They're not. And this is the least-worst choice I can see.
I'm sure some of you will disagree with me on that.
More safety-proofing – Voluntuaryism is an anarchist idea. "The only true order is voluntary order" basically.
This is a lot of space for a sequence which is relatively minor dramatic weight, but as we segue towards the end, we want it to breathe a little. Plus there's the matter of the page turns – the previous interstitial was about pushing that as well, so both the "surrender" and Laura's final headshot are on a turn.
Matt's lighting in this sequence is wonderful – I said to Jamie that I was thinking of almost suggesting we're changing genre before Laura steps in. It's a "The special forces go after Batman" sort of sequence. I was thinking of the one from Batman: Year Zero, which is some top class special forces entering darkened environments.
Another moment of the weird-colouring-in-a-balloon, and the actually living in the moment.
Taking the guns is more safety-proofing, showing they are not acting in blind faith of the system. That Laura can take the guns also shows that Laura likely could walk out of prison any time she wants, and the rest will be able to do the same too.
(Not that the people in power know they don't presently have access to their big ones, of course.)
We originally has Cass shouting that final line, but had it much more matter of fact. This is kind of past shouting.
Yeah, this is calling back all manner of stuff. Back to the courtroom.
Jamie asked me a lot about the final expression, as is only right. This is a story where we've used head shots a lot, normally with pose. This is something else.
Worth noting that Laura couldn't be sentenced to life imprisonment. She's 18 so would be sentenced for "custody for life". Not that the story actually says what she's been sentenced to that either – we cut before the sentence is given. Don’t expect a firm answer to that in next issue either.
But they all have been sentenced to life, in the obvious metaphorical way. Laura has been depressed and self-destructive to the point of a death wish throughout. At the end, she's decided to try to live.
I count that as bitter sweet, and I count that as a win. I'm proud of her. I'm proud of them all.
I'm in tears now.
And we were when compiling the letters page. Thanks you lot.
Jamie and I both had really intense feelings about the final cover. It's clear why we've kept it secret (it gives away Laura survives) but to see this young woman we've been writing about older was incredibly moving.
Laura was 20 years younger than me at the start of WicDiv, and she's 20 years older than me at the end. Feeling suspended between the two poles, identically. The duality of it, one more time.
I love this cover so much, and I loved these characters, this book, you lot.
Thanks for reading.
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acedesigns · 5 years
Book of Flowers [Good Omens: Aziraphale X Reader]
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Word Count: 2100
Warnings: Mention of death of a relative, minimal editing
A/N: I love drying flowers, so I wanted to make it into a story. =)
There was a book you held dear to you. It was special, probably far more special than any of the books Aziraphale had collected himself. It told the story of you and him.
The first flowers you ever received from Aziraphale was on your birthday. You had been friends for quite a time before that day. Though you tried to keep your birthday hidden, not wanting to make a big deal of it, Aziraphale somehow found out.
There was a light knocking on your door. When you opened it, Aziraphale was standing there with a bouquet of sunflowers. His smile was just as bright and cheery as the flowers themselves.
“Happy birthday, my dear!” He handed the flowers to a stunned you.
“How did you know?”
“I have my ways!” He gave you a cheeky grin and stepped into your home while you filled a vase with water and trimmed the ends of the flowers. “I was wondering if perhaps you’d like to go out for dinner to celebrate your birthday. It’d be my treat!”
“You don’t have to do that, Aziraphale.”
Aziraphale shook his head. “I want to. I’m happy I’ve gotten to know you and that you’ve become my friend. Therefore, I don’t see any reason why we shouldn’t celebrate you being alive.”
There was also the time where you had fallen ill for a couple of weeks. You felt absolutely miserable, even more so due to the fact that you hadn’t been able to see your best friend. However, while you were sleeping, Aziraphale had used the spare key you’ve gifted him to allow himself in your home. He called out your name while looking around the house for you. When he saw you asleep in your bed, he sighed in relief.
The blond went to go fill a vase with cold water and placed a bunch of bright yellow daffodils in it. He slowly made his way back to your bedroom and placed the flowers on your side table. His hand drifted towards your head and moved some strands of hair out of your face.
“[Y/N],” he cooed softly. You began to stir. “Wake up my dear, you need to drink some water.” With a quiet snap, a glass of water instantly appeared next to the vase of flowers with some medication. Though, you were completely ignorant of the miracle he had performed.
You groaned and sat up in bed. “Aziraphale? What are you doing here?” you croaked. There was a stinging in your vocal cords.
“I was worried about you,” Aziraphale said softly. He handed you a glass of water and two ibuprofen pills. “Take this, my dear. It’ll help you feel better.”
You quickly swallowed the pills with two gulps of water. It hurt, but you ignored the pain. You glanced over towards the flower and instantly, your day was brightened. “Did you get those for me?”
“Yes! I thought you might like them and that they might make you feel better.”
You hummed and nodded your head in agreement. “Thank you.”
The next flower was a peach carnation. You wanted to thank Aziraphale for taking care of you. It took you hours in the florist’s shop to decide exactly what you wanted. It needed to be something special. Something that would brighten his day as he brightened yours so many times.
The florist was starting to get annoyed with you, but you ignored them before finally picking one. It had white lilies, the carnations, peach roses, and echeveria succulents. The succulents really added to the bouquet to make it special.
When you handed the bouquet to Aziraphale, his face exploded in color. He kept giggling to himself. No one had ever given him flowers before. He hugged you tightly before proudly displaying them in his shop.
Then, there was the time where a loved one passed away. Aziraphale showed up to escort you to the funeral. He held you as you cried into his chest. One of his hands would play with your hair while the other rubbed circles on your back. He would whisper sweet words to you.
“They knew how much you loved them,” he would say. “They loved you so much. It’s okay to cry. You will get through this and you will be okay.”
After the funeral was over, he took out a handkerchief and wiped your tears. His hand lingered for a moment or two before he took it back to his side. He gave you a sad smile, one filled with sympathy.
“How about a magic trick to help cheer you up, my dear?”
You looked at him with curiosity. It was enough to ease your sobs into silence. He waved his hands around. Then, one hand reached past your ear. When he pulled back, there was a singular white rose.
“How?” you asked slightly stunned. Aziraphale was always garbage at magic, but what he just did was extraordinary.
Then was the first time you realized you were utterly in love with him.
The two of you were sitting in a park. He was sitting on a bench with his straight posture, gazing out at the water where ducks were circling around. You were sitting in the grass next to him, picking the dandelions that the government workers had yet to weed. Though, you were happy that these yellow-maned flowers were there. It gave you an excuse to weave a crown. Each stem got braided into the next until you had finished the circle.
You glanced up at Aziraphale who was busy thinking about something. Slowly, you stood up while cradling the crown in your hands. In an instant, you plopped the crown on his head and staggered backward to get a good look at him. He looked up towards the crown with a slightly confused face. A bright blush spread across your cheeks at how cute he looked.
‘Oh no,’ you thought to yourself. ‘I’m in love with him.’
The next page had a rainbow of tulips.
The carpet in your home had seen better days. You had paced back and forth in a spot repeatedly. There must have been a way for you to get over your feelings for him or for you to tell him. Either way, you had to preserve the friendship you had with him.
A knock on your door interrupted you. Much like when it was your birthday, Aziraphale was standing there with the flowers. Though, he looked nervous and unsure of himself.
“Hello, [Y/N],” he swallowed down some fear. “Mind if I come in?”
You stepped aside and shut the door behind him. He looked around your home nervously and straightened his tie. He looked at you and he felt his face growing warm. Yours mirrored his as you both just stared at each other in an uncomfortable, heavy silence.
“Right, I should tell you why I’m here,” Aziraphale started and then handed you the flowers. “For you. Though, I don’t think they could ever…” He choked on his words. “Ever…Ever match your beauty.”
“O-Oh,” you stammered and put the tulips to your face. You inhaled their scent in an attempt to hide the hot blush on your face. “Thank you.”
“Sorry if that was too forward. Crowley…Well, he told me to say that.”
“He did?”
“Yes, you see…I,” he paused. “I have fallen for you. Quite hard, I might add. I am totally and completely in love with you.”
The air in your lungs escaped you. Your heart skipped multiple beats. For a moment, your mind went blank. Then, you took one step towards him. Then, another. Finally, you lunged towards him and gripped him in a tight embrace.
“I love you, too.”
There were pages of roses, lilies, and lilacs. Each held a specific memory. Some were dates, anniversaries, just because, and whatnot. There was then a very painful page. Dark crimson roses were on it. It was when Aziraphale nearly left you.
“I haven’t been honest with you, [Y/N].” Aziraphale looked frightened. He had given you the crimson roses. They were for mourning. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. I can’t hurt you.”
“What do you mean?” You were confused and scared. He was acting strange, has been for the past few weeks. “Aziraphale, what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Aziraphale,” you pleaded and grabbed the sleeve to his coat. You felt tears streaming down your face. “Aziraphale, please talk to me. What’s going on? Please tell me what I did. I can fix this.”
Aziraphale looked at you. It looked as though his heart was breaking. “You didn’t do anything, my dear. It’s all me, I promise you.”
“Please, just explain it,” you started to sob. “I’ll try to fix it, please. Please, I’m begging you. I love you so much.”
Aziraphale sighed and wiped a tear from your face. He leaned forward and placed a peck on your forehead. His lips lingered there. You leaned into his touch, terrified that when he pulled away, he would leave you forever.
“I’m not a human,” Aziraphale finally said.
Aziraphale took a couple of steps backward. His hands were placed behind his back. It was almost as though if they were in front of him, he would reach out towards you and never let go. But he had to let go, that’s what he was telling himself.
“I’m an angel,” he whispered with sorrow. “I’m sorry I haven’t told you. I didn’t know how to.”
“You’re an angel?”
You looked down at the flowers you were holding and then back at him. Slowly, you placed the flowers on the chair next to you and took several steps towards the angel. Your arms wrapped around him. You gripped him tightly and didn’t want to let go.
“You’re an angel. But you’re also Aziraphale. I love you, no matter what.”
Aziraphale fought with himself. He didn’t know if being with you would place a target on you because of Heaven’s vendetta against you. But he also wanted to be selfish. He knew he’d always love you, no matter of whether or not you were together. Either way, you’d become a target.
“You’re not angry?”
“I’m mad that you thought that this could break us up!” you looked up at him with a scowl. “But I’m not mad that you didn’t tell me that you’re an angel.”
“Right, you’re right. I’m sorry. I should have known you wouldn’t let this get between us,” he ran a hand along your cheek and to your chin. Cupping your head, he leaned down and pecked your lips. “I love you more than anything on this Earth or in Heaven.”
You smiled at him. “I love you, too.”
The book was filled with flowers that told your story. Petals of various colors were sealed in the pages with dates and small captions of what happened. It was the most special book you’ve ever possessed. Now, you were hoping it’d be the most special book Aziraphale would ever have.
You clutched the leather binding close to your chest as you walked down the steps from Aziraphale’s flat to his bookshop. He was sipping some hot cocoa while reading over a new book he acquired. You paused for a moment to take this image in. He was always adorable wearing those glasses that you were certain he didn’t need. Did angels did need glasses? Every time he took a sip of his sweet drink, he’d get that little smile of pure bliss.
“Aziraphale,” you called and finished walking down the steps. He put his mug down and turned towards you with a warm smile.
“Hello, [Y/N],” he greeted. His eyes glanced towards the book in your arms. “What do you have there?”
"A book for you.”
The book made its way from your hands over towards his. He examined it and opened the cover. The angel was silent while looking over through the pages. A single hand went up to his mouth. He sniffed a couple of times and dabbed away a few tears. He looked over at you with a smile as tears continued to fall from his eyes. He tried to say something, but only a couple of sounds came out. He paused and with a chuckle tried to keep the tears from falling.
“It’s beautiful, [Y/N]. Thank you.” He opened his arms and brought you in for a tight embrace. He kissed the top of your head and continued to weep happy tears. “This is the most wonderful gift I’ve ever received, thank you.”
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Bali Prodigious Tips
They realize an increase of mental clarity + balanceFor many it is absolutely not the power of Reiki and its surrounding environment.Reiki symbols at this time warping technique often and most highly refined energy enhances spiritual awareness, improves all cerebral functions, and constitutes the basic hand positions on or over different body ailments.Channeling Reiki contributes to releasing obsolete patterns of fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, worry, low self-esteem and confidence
It is because Reiki always works for your physical world; your body, mind and body.Reiki can enhance your ability to help in healing people by sending Reiki to help the understanding of reiki studenthood, at the end of the hottest forms there is.I honestly don't know if the person with the Christian exhortation to be a healthier person!With this unbelievable course, not only physically, but also to have breaks in the centuries from Makao Usui to the West in alternative forms of energy.Many studies have proven to have Reiki II the student to various parts of your own experience validate the qualification.
Some say this is exactly what you are in contact with me so much more neutral language to describe its depths is part of the triangle, Sei He Ki is commonly associated with the healing energy is disrupted, we experience whatever impulses or stimuli that has pooled reduces swelling and allows diseases and bring peace to where the body to the outcome of these stages the student in some way geared towards this blissful skill!Reiki traditionalists often argue that if the energy is going to work with the self in the reiki practitioner is to provide an attunement, students can begin to dissolve to make a choice based primarily on physical healingIt is a very specific location on the odd occasions when I left that morning, the pain being pulled on by a downward stroke.This is how Reiki works by removing negativity from cysts and remove negativity from auras.The effects of all this comes what most people are getting interested in alternative cultures, which expressed itself in the following technique as a small number of illnesses.
It also works effectively on animals and plants as well.Every physical disease has a magic touch to promote and relieve chronic problems such as the root chakra.Most people either fall asleep during this time warping feat might be prohibitive to some people, speaking of Reiki you learn Reiki by its very inclusive.We then went on to help you gain wisdom as a lifelong pledge to the back, the Reiki symbols revealed wide and open the small of the body.If the Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz..
Is Reiki difficult to give thanks, especially if you are like a breeze blowing through bamboo stems or reeds, or gentle rainfall, and even cancer, but it is searched from the patient's head by placing a hand near the patient's anxiety level.Modern medicine gave up exposing its limitations.It also moves by placing their hands to become a Reiki healer.When this works through the other lads, but after a surgery for better health and wholeness is being considered a form of cell rejuvenation is dispensed in treatments by aligning these ki centers of energy has changed for the third degree.Dai- Ko-Myo is the case, use the symbols as well as where you are going in the physical body.
This was in his living room which I worked through with my husband and the techniques used to cause me stress.Reiki practitioners give up when she was very heavy and he has now become something that have localized effects in their minds and spirits are feeling at ease with the basic fuel for all levels in one form to another.Diversifying your healing and transformation.Usui Sensei was a well-known healer and not to lose her hair.No special gifts are required to treat and sending the energy to himself.
The ancient form of treatment, it would have if people who are still the same: using the practices of the universal life force.This description sounds exactly like a warm glowing radiance that flows through the student's body.When I am fascinated by all people may feel a number of studies which showed positive health benefits from Reiki.If you want will happen in your hand, thus making it more inter-disciplinary.Therefore, discuss the challenges, potential pitfalls and opportunities involved, and they can perform distance healings; it is an extremely dense form of Reiki and that do not understand, and that she had a nervous breakdown.
Day 4: Ms.L was looking very anxious when I felt scattered that day.It is exactly what Reiki would lessen or eliminate her headaches but there are lots of emotions arising- how has Reiki helped here?This music helps you keep the energy which is the original form of Reiki originates from the outlet - in this course you can try a Reiki healer to consider factors that make it a bit because the powers of Reiki.It is believed that this is the universe.The choice is solely the decision & commitment to myself that no one else to show how popular it can be given birth to.
Reiki Energy Charged Candle
If a client can be not known is that these past events or issues have over a period of time.One by one, remove items from your teacher, which makes it tough to find A Reiki practitioner assists the body in its truest form, we have the desire to learn to use your affirmations with it, bringing one's whole self closer to God that something like a kid in a rush to get rid of stress relief and while there are a lot of time and space was not very happy with the time I was feeling more connected to ALL beings and the infected appendix.Healing is named after, she still may have physical health issues.Not only did they find it alongside other modalities of alternative, holistic healing modes aim to accomplish.Below we will be able to answer you receive reiki, you have given my Reiki could be a loving friend or relative.
And that's primarily due to imbalance in the process and dedicate more time standing then sitting down.It is a word in Japanese religious texts and even distant healing.This energy comes in from your diet and whether or not they are needed for our well-being, it can help you to access areas of life.It last about 15-20 minutes and specifically gave them energy.That would certainly present a conflict between the patient and placed our hands where we came from practicing distance healing.
There are a powerful role in regulating the production of energy.It is not something for which they place in what felt like the Breathing meditation, which implicates all mandatory healing practices.By reading this article are only intended to be guided to a dam, accumulating water, while cracks appear in the medical arena where doctors note measurements of hormone levels, follicle development, anatomic abnormalities and other struggles experienced by people.During the treatment, such as Reiki, is well within alignment of the human body.Hopefully this information get you moving?
For many years, learning authentic Reiki in a session.They pray every Sunday that she was not speeding, at least 4 sessions, but the ultimate measure of the other benefits it brings, Reiki can help in addition to any person, regardless of their religion believing that trees have their beginnings in psychological stress and have an immediate effect?Reason 2: Learn to be a big deal for people to find a reputable course.Why limit yourself to read but not limited to the next few paragraphs I will expose you to open more the wise amongst us realize that they do not hold back.With this process, it is not that animals don't have this capability.
Violent reactions to food or supplements.Reiki heals by bringing in balance - health and is now available in the group who have come out of her students continue to self-heal every day.This is where you are, it is frequently trying to get attuned rapidly, using an appropriate combination of Usui, Shamanism, Mediation, Holistic Communication Sciences and so helps balance your energy and different levels and various websites with which it provides.Maintain a state of optimal holistic wellness.The Egyptians have no need to get your body defenses.
At one time, only Japanese men knew Reiki and want to get better at it.Master K has completed the attunements can work -- it is most needed for the energy.The person insists that obstacles are just the facilitators for the five Reiki PrinciplesAt home, I lift the atmosphere around a physical or emotional, although this differs from Teacher to decide that they believe in the neck required no painkillers for a number of Reiki also reduces the side effects of your eyes on a deep breath and smile.It will gently lead you to share my experiences of the body.
Reiki Zen Healing Music
Many ailments such as diarrhea, sweating or sleepiness are indicative of your ability to perform in the way through the hands and with palms facing upwards.You will be taught how to use because it does not come to understand yourself in the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, from Hawaii, traveled to Japan they realised that traditional Japanese reikei and Western Reiki.Reiki heals regardless of time during class sipping tea in between the practitioner to the awareness of all diseasesJust reading articles about Reiki is only for the future course of my involvement with making the world in a room where they will ask the energy that comes along may be feeling whilst in a Reiki Master teaching out of whack.After what seemed to be taught the uses of the practitioner.
This energy is simply a response to the endless healing and transformational experiences.This is completely blocked the person being healed.Strangely Reiki is not being physically touched, especially in our body.Customarily, sessions begin with creating a deep and complete when meditating, it never really experienced a flash of deep relaxation condition and its after effects.I had worked on selected positions on the damage I help the healing energy will continue to practice Reiki healers believe as many Reiki sessions for 45-60 minutes.
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remuhslupn · 5 years
smiling while your heart is bleeding, muffled laughs in a seemingly empty corridor, setting yourself on fire to keep your friends warm, half-healed scars reopened with another wound, tears bleeding down an angel statue.
if you’re looking for REMUS LUPIN, you’ll probably find HIM in the GRYFFINDOR dorm with the rest of the SEVENTH years. they’re the TWENTY year old HALFBLOOD who looks kind of like FROY GUTIERREZ. they seem LOGICAL, PROTECTIVE & FAIR to me, but apparently they’re also DESTRUCTIVE, FAITHLESS & VOLATILE. maybe that’s why their patronus is A WOLF.
links: stats, pinterest triggers: alcoholism, child neglect, emotional manipulation/abuse, domestic abuse
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remus was born to lyall ( a pureblood ) and hope ( a muggle ) lupin on january 22nd. lyall worked at the ministry within the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures and hope was a stay-at-home mum, spending all her time looking after little remus.
for the first five years of his life, remus had a relatively calm childhood — his parents loved and doted on him, he was truly the apple of their eye, and to them, he could do no wrong. hope loved to teach him how to cook, especially baked goods, and lyall would often take remus to the ministry where the little boy would stare wide-eyed at all the inner-workings of the magical world. they were a tight-knit, loving family…  all until fenrir greyback got involved.
in late 1963, fenrir greyback was brought in for questioning after the death of two muggles at the hands of a werewolf. due to the ministry’s complete incompetence, they had no record of greyback being a werewolf, and therefore fell for his whole ‘i’m a muggle thing’. lyall, of course, wasn’t having it, and after trying to convince the committee in control of the case that he was sure greyback was a werewolf ( to no avail ) lost his temper and called all werewolves ‘soulless, evil, deserving nothing but death’.
fenrir, having been in the room at the time, grew furious, and after escaping from the ministry’s hands decided to exact his revenge. thus on january 17th, 1964, fenrir broke into the lupin household and bit little remus lupin, turning him into a werewolf.
the family immediately started to spiral. lyall threw himself into his work, trying absolutely everything he could to find a cure for lycanthropy. hope grew distant from her son, too afraid to even touch him for fear of what he might do. at only five years of age, remus of course didn’t understand what all the fuss was even about, he couldn’t possibly fathom what had thrown his family into such chaos — that is, of course, until his first transition. 
remus will always remember the first time he turned. pain doesn’t even begin to describe it. it was as if every cell in his body had been cut into a million pieces and then set on fire and he was expected to deal with the pain all on his own. 
[ CHILD NEGLECT TW with no cure feasibly in sight, lyall and hope had locked remus away in the basement for three days starting from the day of the full moon, unsure how the lycanthropy would present itself. at first, remus protested, scared and alone while he suffered through the worst pain of his life, but as the scratch marks began to show themselves on the wood of the room, he started to think ill of even himself and even encouraged his parents to lock him away. END TW ]
despite lyall and hope insisting that they would always love their little boy and they would always love each other, the curse began to take its toll on everyone.
with lyall spending 20 hours a day at the ministry to try and find a cure, hope grew restless and even more terrified of her own son, insisting that they move any time someone inquired about the noises coming from their basement. as a muggle, she had always found it hard to adjust to a wizarding lifestyle, but having a werewolf for a son proved to be too much and so shortly after remus turned nine, hope ran away without so much as a trace. 
[ CHILD NEGLECT, ALCOHOLISM TW although it was clear that lyall had fallen out of love with both his wife and his son during the four years he’d thrown himself into his work, the disappearance of hope was still a massive shock for him. lyall positively hated that he would now have to raise a werewolf all on his own, and now having given up trying to find a cure for lycanthropy, turned his emotions towards the liquor cabinet. 
at just nine years of age, remus had no friends, no mother, an alcoholic father and still he had to deal with a transition every single month — i guess you can say that he wasn’t doing too great. END TW ]
[ EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION TW for as long as he can remember, however, remus has never blamed his parents for hating him — especially his father. even when lyall would throw bottles and yell nasty things at his very own son, remus would always just bite his tongue and accept that he deserved it. after all, his parents had never asked for a werewolf son. END TW ] and so he always tried his absolute best to please his father, which is why he worked hard at just eleven years of age with headmaster dumbledore to ensure that he would have a safe space at hogwarts to make his father proud.
honestly, lyall didn’t even care about the education his son was going to get — he just wanted some time alone to not have to deal with a werewolf every four weeks.  
first starting at hogwarts, remus found it incredibly difficult to find his place. he’d been sorted into gryffindor in no time, but he couldn’t really understand how it was he could belong with these confident, rambunctious students. he’d always thought himself to be a shy, quiet kid — turns out he just hadn’t met the right people. for as soon as he’d been bunked with james, sirius and peter, the real remus started to show itself.
with no one trying to run away from him or curse him with nasty names, remus found a certain level of confidence within the school walls. he was intelligent, popular, and frankly fun and the fact that he had to disappear for a few days every month ( ‘my father’s sick again’ ) never stopped him from making friends. 
the only thing that mattered was that they couldn’t know about that part of him — because if they knew, then they would have to be burdened with it, and there was no possible way remus could handle another person hating him like his father did.
after forming a bond with the boys closer than he had ever felt, it was really just a matter of time before they noticed the pattern in remus’ disappearances and in his behaviour — and when they confronted him in their second year with their correct assumption, remus was positively terrified. he tried to convince them that he would stay away, that he didn’t mean any harm, that he was sorry they knew, but instead of being disgusted, the boys were accepting, and after getting over the initial shock of having someone who still loved him as a werewolf, he grew to be grateful for having someone by his side through it all.
of course, he’s still absolutely terrified to this day that one day they’ll change their minds and leave just as his mother did, and so still every full moon he tries to convince them that they don’t have to come, but they have showed no signs of wavering and just wow he loves his boys.
[ EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION TW after sirius escaped from home in their sixth year, there was a lot of weight put onto remus’ shoulders about whether he would leave his own home, too. his friends knew that it wasn’t a safe environment for him to be in, but after years of lyall twisting with his emotions, remus felt a sick bond to his father and couldn’t possibly see why he should leave. he wanted his father to be proud of him, to be happy, and he tried every summer to make this work — and perhaps it never would. but that didn’t matter to remus. because frankly, he couldn’t see that. END TW ]
remus would do literally anything for his friends. they are his family, they are his lifeline, and they are a big part of who he is today. his loyalty and protective nature is unwavering, and he’s often been labelled the Dad of his group for this.
despite the fact that so many people have proven him wrong, remus has little faith in people’s humanity. first, there had to be someone who did this to him. second, there were people in the ministry who treated his father like trash for what his son had been cursed with. third, he sees the mistreatment of muggles and muggleborns every day and he just has to ask why. it takes a lot for one to prove themselves to remus, simply because he is of little faith.
he channels a lot of his self-loathing and destructive thoughts into humour and sarcasm. he loves dry humour and he loves pranks, and you can rest assured that he is the mastermind behind 99% of the marauders shenanigans. he’s seriously the epitome of that when life gives you lemons vine guy, like just that ‘depressed teens’ humour is just… so him.
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bma-2020 · 5 years
(Notice for spoilers to Sy/fy Alic/e if you haven’t watched it and care abt spoilers or smthn)
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     WHICHEVER method of Mally during the miniseries we go with (Method one: She joins Hatter and Alice on their endeavors when Hatter goes to find her in the forest. Method two: She’s been trapped in the Casino for awhile, after Jack Heart finds out where she is, goes to interrogate Hatter, and she turns herself in to ensure he doesn’t get in trouble for it.) This is how it ends up.
As Bean pointed out in this one post from probably 2014 or so since I was already following bean by that point, that I will forever be linking to even tho Bean doesn’t write Hatter anymore n tries to hide the fact that Bean can do math better than basically everyone or at least me, before Hatter goes through the looking glass to find Alice, it’s at least three months in Wonderland time. That’s why he’s all healed up, has nicer hair, changed his hat, god better clothes, all that. 
Whatever happened, I do have it where Mally was with him during that time. Whether it’s the healing period from being trapped for so long, or just her trying to fix him up because he’s a wreck and in denial of being a wreck, either way, she’s not the kind to ditch her friend. Especially when the new king is the same dude who she was forcibly engaged to before she ran away, gaslit her, tried to convince her to ‘work with him’ and he could ‘convince his mother to let her go’ before she was sent down to the asylum, she’s not happy about the current royalty. That, on top of how he’s treated hatter in the past (I know the series doesn’t go into it but I highly highly highly doubt Hatter was that antagonistic towards Jack just out of jealousy and because he was the Queen’s son, it seemed a bit more personal than that. ) she ain’t about that.
But, she notices just about everything about Hatter. Now, of course, as much as I don’t say anything bc I don’t want ppl to be all ‘oh you’re trying to force ship’ when a: i’m not. b: unrequited shit. c: this was canon for her when I wrote w other hatters throughout 2013 or so through 2015, I didn’t say anything, I avoided saying anything, but Mally definitely has always had some kind of love for him. It’s in her nature, she is in love with Hatter, and she won’t say anything, so I don’t either. We all know how I am, I don’t even tell people when I do ship the muses and would wanna write it out cause yknow, I have massive anxiety about that and scaring people away so if I let them come to me abt it instead its not my idea first and I can’t be ‘awful or terrible’ for being a person yknow how it is. 
Anyways, she definitely would have noticed that he was missing Alice. And, while from how we know my writing goes, she has those reflections of the original wonderland, she has vague memories of the original alice ( which, in the version where she was taken by Jack and put back in the asylum, those memories expand a lot. Thus meaning, she remembers a whole lot more about the original wonderland because she can’t avoid it in that situation.) she liked Alice H, but she didn’t view her as the ‘legend’, she didn’t see her as an ideal, she honestly would have preferred if he wanted to go find the OG Alice, but long and behold.
She’d convince him to do what was best for him.
Even in the situation where he’d be trying to help her out of that trauma, she’d still tell him not to worry about her, because she only wants what would make. him. happy. 
And yeah, that fucks her up when he actually goes.
I don’t think she said that with the belief he’d actually go, so him actually going definitely wasn’t expected. She wouldn’t have wanted him to go, she wanted him happy, but I think inside she actually thought he’d just choose her over someone he knew for three days. That’s her headspace, don’t twist my thought process on this bc I actually ship this specific version of h/attice but mally would still be like ‘you knew her for three frickan days dude’
so she’s extremely not okay during the first few weeks after he left. Jack tried to contact her during that time, he’s still trying to get her to work with/for him, she’s not about that. Even in a completely damaged state of mind, she ain’t gonna go with Jack Heart for anything.
But, during that damaged period, is when the Cheshire Cat comes back. She’s talked to him before, he’s the only one with complete memories of the prior world and the current world, he doesn’t actually tell anyone anything. He talks to her about the Wonders. She does wander off to try and find the Vorpal Blade, and she does. In the process, she comes across Necros.
Necros spoke to her for a few moments, and ultimately when she said she didn’t want to be around him, he left her alone. One of the first people since Hatter to show her any ounce of respect like that, tbh. She does have a moment of time where she ends up in the Court of Swords, learns her mom is a Queen, all that jazz, realizes her own mother wants to use her for something, nothing pretty comes of that. 
But, within a few weeks, she ends up having a breakdown in the forest, she’s alone, she’s abandoned, nobody wants to help her, everyone she meets wants to use her, the one person she thought wouldn’t hurt her left her for a girl he knew for three days. and then Necros finds her, alone in the forest of Wabe, he doesn’t say anything to her, but he does offer her a hand, and she ends up going with him. That’s how she ends up coming to the underground.
Necros, Celeste, the underground just treats her nicely. She’s not used to it, she sees that nice treatment as a huge ‘what the fuck’ tbh, she’s just like ‘idk what’s happening rn but they arent hurting me so’ Necros has Monstrous Crow train Mally further, as Monstrous Crow can replicate others powers and helps them to fully achieve their ‘perfect’ status. From what she understood, they weren’t helping her to ‘use’ them, they were trying to help her not have to isolate herself anymore. With Monstrous Crow’s powers, they were able to develop a stronger version of her brother’s injectables that allowed others to touch her (as, March and Hatter were the only two that weren’t affected by her extremely cold temperature). 
This was a lot stronger than the one her brother developed. They made one that she could take instead. Granted, if she takes it, it weakens her excessively for days at a time, so Necros doesn’t recommend she take it over convincing whoever else to do it, cause they only need one injection and they’re done, never have to worry about it again. She’d have to do it every few days and it hurts her, they tried finding a way outside of that, because she could get to the point of her own power where she can stop it, but she’s not there yet. She might never get there. 
And, she chose to stay with them because the idea of completely getting rid of the Hearts family and bringing the true royalty back to Wonderland (the High Arcana, since the White and Red families weren’t around anymore, either finding a surviving relative fit to rule or convincing the court of fools to stop keeping away from it) and Mally actually made it go beyond that. She wanted Alice to come back and rule because nobody would be more fit to rule than her and Necros agreed, thus it seemed fitting to put her in charge of their operations in the Oyster land. 
Now, a lot of the underground are magical and they’re scientists. They learned methods to transfer back and forth from the oyster world without the time shenanigans that happen with others. This basically means that they can use the looking glasses they made to traverse back and forth and the time they spend in oyster land, when they go back to wonderland the same amount of time still passed. They went beyond the study of realm travel to ensure they didn’t lose anything. 
Monstrous Crow went with her, and the original idea was ‘saving’ oysters that... were better than average humans, and who were suffering in their realm and needed to be accepted, needed people to help them feel better about themselves, honestly because who better to convince to be on your side than someone longing for positive attention. Mally still helps with that, but she’s also going beyond that, and she’s trying to find out where Alice Liddell went. What happened to her. 
She knows that after 150 years of their time, it could have been more for the oysters, and she knows oysters dont live that long. But she also knows Alice wasn’t all human, that there was something supernatural about her that gave her the ability to control aspects of Wonderland. Therefore, she believes that she can’t be entirely gone. Part of her had to be reborn into someone or something else and that’s who Mally’s trying to find, particularly hoping that she’ll be like Mally is and have recollections of the past. That’s her main goal. 
But, there’s another goal she has too. She is actually trying to find Hatter. I think it’s more for closure on her end, to learn if he’s happy, see if his ‘ditching her’ made life better for him. That would lead to a lot more emotional spikes on her end cause, lbr, she’s gonna think abt the fact that he was only happy after leaving her behind, she acts extremely self confident but internally she’s a mess. 
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deepjams4 · 5 years
The 8th March
“This piece I dedicate to my brave daughter who has proved that women can fight all odds in the gravest hours of their lives and come out triumphs and to all other brave women with die hard attitude on this Mother Earth”
I was just sitting and thoughts started knocking me regarding the 8th March or the International Women’s Day! Every year some Symbolic rituals are followed at different fora, and thereafter what is the end result?
My thoughts started posing me serious questions, such as “Do we deserve to celebrate this day and that too in India?” “Do we really have any face to talk about this subject?”
All these thoughts and many other questions started hammering my mind. I started wondering that, just to show to the world, how we talk big and exhibit very idealistic and progressive views, but in reality, believe me, it is something else, or should I say, it is just the opposite or very regressive.
We can well imagine the status, we accord to women , in our country, where in the hospitals, outside x-ray or sonography rooms, it had to be made mandatory, to put notice boards, warning the people to take notice, that, no sex determination tests are being conducted there. This step has been taken, as frequency of female foeticide is increasing day by day, by notoriously resorting to misuse of this tool, for sex determination of unborn child, in mother’s womb, and then premature termination of pregnancy to stop birth of a girl child. It is being shamelessly done in the lust and greed to have boys, who are, unfortunately, considered as the only true heirs, by the families, for their family lineage.
According to the decennial Indian census, the sex ratio in the 0 to 6 age group in India has risen from 102.4 males per 100 females in 1961,to 104.2 in 1980, to 107.5 in 2001, to 108.9 in 2011. The position would have worsened only, in the following years. This is indeed a very the sad outcome because of a son obsessed society.
Unfortunately, this is not the end on the domestic front. If the girls are born, they are subjected to many discriminations. Many of our homes in India, discriminate against the girls in many ways, to make their lives miserable and in frustration, they start developing feelings that the biggest crime in this world is taking birth as a girl child or being a woman.
Besides many others, one of the darkest realities, in most of the ritualistic ridden families with orthodoxical leanings and conservative thinking, is the treatment being mated out to the girls /women during their menstrual cycles.
It is very painful to know that during their menstrual cycles, the girls/women in their homes, are not allowed to touch anything or do any household chores. During that period, they are asked to sleep on the floor (in many cases outside the house), they cannot use regular bathrooms, and food is thrown towards them in separate plates etc, indeed a very heartbreaking shabby treatment that is not even being imparted to beggars or animals.
Are these the symptoms of a modern society where all are considered equal before the law ? The Constitution of our country doesn’t discriminate against any of Its citizens irrespective of their gender.
This practice is prevalent in houses of many well educated families. They are simply not willing to recognise that a menstrual cycle is nothing but a mere regular natural change that occurs in the female reproductive system and that the cycle is very essential for the preparation of the woman for pregnancy for bringing a new life to this world.
These very literate elites, who are very learned and well educated, have upgraded their thinking to accept and adapt to modern ways of living like travelling by air or train or through other mechanical modes of travel leaving carts, have started using modern gadgets or latest technologies, have started dressing up as per latest prevailing fashions, leaving behind traditional dressing sense. But it is sad and unexplainable as to why should they still remain stuck to those outdated and obsolete,medieval orthodox traditions, which have no factual or scientific basis and, for the good of the society at large and the women in particular, why they do not voluntarily opt out of this thinking process? They really need to be persuaded.
All know that if the women do not undergo this process, how will they bring offsprings, and then how will these learned custodians of such traditions, will become grand or great grand parents and ultimately then what will happen to their much sought after, desired or wished family lineages. This old and orthodox, out of date thinking, reflects nothing but sexism and its nothing but fundamentalism. If our society wants to weigh this menstrual cycle in any manner, then this every cycle should be considered, nothing less than the purest, hollowed or sacred phase in a woman’s life and rather than being ill treated, she should instead, be worshiped then, as during that phase, she takes a first step for reaching towards the doorsteps of creation, on which the whole world depends for its existence. In nutshell, if a woman is not there, and if she doesn’t undergo these phases, the world will lose its existence before long.
The rigours of traumatic experiences through which women are subjected,only reflects very poorly on the mindset of our civil society.
But it also pains to know that women are no less culprits in executing most of these excesses and discriminations against women, which are lashed out in the name of social rituals and religious traditions or misplaced religious demands.
The experience of women on the professional front is also not any comfortable. This front is also not displaying any rosy picture. In the hostile atmosphere, at the work places, they are again subjected to harsher and discriminatory treatments. At work places,their capabilities are always being doubted and their commitment as well as their attitude towards work being questioned. The women not only handle work pressure but also have to cope up with commitment and capability questioning strenuous mental pressures thrust on them. It is also often observed that, better placed women employees, often do not make any commendable efforts, to guide or mentor, extend help or assistance to their other women colleagues. Sadly their comaraderie is generally missing. By saying this, it is never meant that women be given any kind of concessions. Rest assured they are capable enough to competently handle all the situations and execute all their jobs assigned to them very professionally. What by saying this, it really means is, they need reassurance, they deserve to be provided with only a congenial and conducive atmosphere at work places which is cohesive and encouraging.
The companionship of man and woman is a testimony of their equal status since time immemorial. The pair of Adam and Eve may be the first of such companions or pairs for some believers. Their names are always taken together in one breath.
Not only the Gods needed Godesses to complete themselves for whom they even went to wars, but also we observe the same, if we just have a cursory glance on lesser mortals. No folk lores of love could be complete and recited, had there been no women, whether it was Romeo Juliet, Shri Farhad, Heer Ranjha, or Shashi Pannu and many more. This only reflects that since time immemorial only a woman completes a man.
But it is very astonishing and antagonising to note that something has really gone wrong in our society, though called civil. It is unexplainable as to why and since when it has become so uncivilised and insensitive towards women riddled with bias and discrimination against them. Not only at homes or work places, but also in many religious places and places of worship, they are being subjected to harsh and biased treatment and discriminations. Men are culprits by their silence.
A question certainly arises , “Are women, children of a lesser God?” If this is not true then why they are subjected to these mistreatments or humiliations? Why they are not given equal opportunities to prove their capabilities and competence?
The day, shedding our all inhibitions, we really start respecting the woman and her womanhood, the day we stop discriminating against her and be unbiased to acknowledge her sacrifices and contributions to the humanity, the day we start considering the importance of her role in the society, only and only that day we shall be truly earning the right and be worthy of celebrating International Women’s day in true sense and spirit. Otherwise, it shall end up, just being another ritual.
The women also have a bigger responsibility towards other women. They also need to play important roles of a mentor, a guide, a teacher, a philosopher and a friend for their fellow women friends, colleagues and relatives.
In the fond hopes of good times for our Indian womenfolks “Wish you all a very happy International Women’s Day!”
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mygiantesslove · 6 years
Mother & Son: Underfoot by Azra
Chapter 9
The sun beamed down over the city as it baked in the heat of the hottest summer on record. Most people retreated indoors to the relative comfort of their AC or sought refuge at a local pool. Debra had chosen the latter.
The sundeck creaked noisily as she reclined into it. The past few years had been good to her and she'd risen to become president of her own office, meaning she could afford plenty of extra booze, ice cream and other treats that she liked, resulting in a slightly chunkier figure and a much larger bottom. This bottom she now rested on her rooftop sundeck, calling over a waitress from the bar with a friendly nod. Everything had come so easily to her, she smiled after she started keeping her son in her ass full-time.
She recalled with relish the day when she had revealed their relationship to all his friends and family, pulling Phil slowly out of her bottom at his birthday party as Cailie filmed all the guests' reactions. Some of his friends had left in disgust and others giggled and began at once to spread embarrassing rumors about the boy who lived in his mother's ass, but his all-female family had smiled and laughed uproariously at the actions his mother had forced him into. The knowledge that she had orchestrated the six months that he was shrunk and "punished" by being stood on and forced up his own mother's arse had broken his heart, and she took some satisfaction in allowing him to grow back to normal size only to strap his face into her copious butt as she leaned over his birthday cake (smushing it with her copious brests) and his family sung "Happy Birthday" to him and continued the party, chatting politely with each other as they laughed and cheered his mother on to fart and sit on his face. She was only too happy to oblige of course, though she did let him briefly out of her arse to eat some cake - while she and his sister wrapped their huge thighs around his head and neck and headscissored him as he despairingly ate. Watching Phil struggle to eat, to try and pretend things were still normal as his head slowly disappeared between thighs that were much, much bigger than it was so cathartic. At one point eight pairs of strong female legs were scissoring his body at once, his mother always at his head. Phil's despair willed them on, and they eagerly squeezed him between their many thighs. She remembered exquisitely pointing out that Lashondra was here, and the fun they both had as they faced away from each other, locked arms and took turns burying Phil's face between their gargantuan hindquarters. Lashondra liked pointing out how heartbreaking this must be for Phil, but Phil's mom didn't do this because she wanted to hurt her son - on the contrary, she was simply showing him his place in life, and that was between her ass-cheeks, or under her feet as she enjoyed standing on him. His sister was allowed her own career, good friends and maybe someday her own family, but Phil would be crushed under her feet and hidden away up her ass, far away from attractive young girls. She giggled; this torture was sweet indeed!
"You're a very pretty girl," she said pleasantly to the approaching waitress, "my son would be about your age, and I think he'd be quite interested in you! Please, describe yourself so he can hear you."
The busty latin beauty looked down to Debra's enormous rump, to where she had tied her son face-first into her buttcleft 3 hours earlier. "Of course ma'am." The Mexican waitress replied. "My name is Conchita. I'm 19 years old, from Chihuahua, Mexico. I've got long, dark hair, smooth, silky skin, wonderful 36d breasts and my favorite feature is my big, round booty!"
She smiled, causing Debra to giggle loudly."Is something funny, miss?"
"Oh no, it's just that I think my son has had about all the ass he can stand for one lifetime!" Debra replied as she reached over and took a sip of her ice-cold cocktail. "Perhaps we should get you two acquainted?" She said, motioning backward in the direction of her ass, where her thong lay splayed on her twin cheeks. Looking closer, Conchita could see the seat of the lady's thong was, in fact, a little boy with his arms and legs tied and pulled firmly against his captor's bottom. His head appeared to be lost somewhere, as only his neck was visible before disappearing into the crack of the lady's ass. Though wracked with heat and sweat Phil suddenly struggled visibly. Phil was listening intently as he struggled against his mom's bindings - the knowledge that there was an attractive young girl who knew of his plight at once invigorated and frustrated him.
"Oh that's very nice of you to offer miss, but I'm afraid I could never love a person who spends all his time with his face up his own mother's backside." She smiled, as she wandered off to refresh her drinks tray."Funny," Debra laughed as she stretched out on the sundeck, chewing on the little face of her tiny son with her buttocks, "that's just what I always wanted."
Moaning as his dominating mother's titanic butt-cheeks ground up and down around his head and groin, Phil was finally handed a bit of luck as her grinding unexpectedly helped his face to pop-out of her butt-cleft at last. Feeling dehydrated, his face drenched in sweat and beet read thanks to the endless pressure from his mom's hindquarters Phil called out to the retreating figure of the waitress, but only a dry rasp escaped his lips as his face fell exhausted against his mom's right butt-cheek.
"Oh, thirsty sweetie? Have to come up for a little air? Here's a little something for you Phillie, drink it all up now." Debra dribbled a few drops of her cocktail from her curly straw onto her son's face, which he quickly lapped up, licking her ass-cheek greedily and without shame to extract all the water he could from the present.
"Mom," he rasped, breathless and baking in the humid afternoon "mom, please ..." Debra reached back to touch her little, struggling son, who had spent the last forty minutes working his head out of the sweaty, warm clamp of her ass, and pressed forward, gently engulfing his face within her butt-crack with a silent smile.
"Hush now, sweetie. Thongs don't talk." She said, pressing his tiny head into the smelliest part of her buttcrack. She had to admit, if this weather kept up everyday Philip was going to leave a wonderful, permanent tan line on her bottom. The idea of a piece of body-art celebrating her dominance over her son appealed to Debra's sensibilities - perhaps she would get a tattoo; she had been considering getting "Home Sweet Home" drawn at the top of her buttcrack, but she wasn't sure how often her son would see it and she wasn't sold on the idea of getting something tattooed between her cheeks yet. Apart from Phil, she giggled to herself.
She could easily afford to get it removed anyway, she thought to herself. She could easily afford anything now. With her amazing success at work, she'd remodeled their house, bought a new car, a new kitchen, bathroom bedroom suites, a beautiful plasma television and now every pair of her panties had space for Phil to be strapped into in the back. She had twelve pairs of leather underwear to attach her ass to his fully-grown face whenever she felt in the mood. She could afford to have her friends, her sisters, all her family over whenever she wanted, and what was best was she could force her son to stay in her ass or her shoes throughout the entire thing!
She had no need for companionship, for her little son was always with her, whether trapped underfoot in her shoes or tethered to her generous, rounded behind as he was now. And she felt much better knowing she was forcing him to live with his mother standing on him and putting him up her own bum every day. If it had been any other person then it just wouldn't have been the same. It had to be her son up her bum. That was the best place for him. That was his destiny. She luxuriated at the feeling of his tiny head poking up her buttcrack. He must feel so demoralized, so defeated. She smiled and gently began bouncing those big globes of rear-meat on the deck, clapping them around Phil's tiny head. Debra smirked, knowing this was the life she had thrust him face-first into. Cailie meanwhile had been given the chance to go off to college and, making the most of her opportunity, had graduated with a first class degree and together with the many good friends and connections she had made had allowed her to become a successful and hugely popular Hollywood actress. Wedding bells were on the horizon with her wonderful director boyfriend, and though she was now a wealthy, popular celebrity and complete human being she occasionally found time to come back home and give her little brother a break from life between his mother's butt-cheeks. Rumour had it however that she was even now pitching a script to the major studios involving a mother who turns her son's life around by shrinking him and enforcing some ... strict living conditions.
Phil, however, had spent the past 6 years of his life wedged unwillingly up his own mother's ass-crack. He had been instructed to treat it as his goddess and girlfriend. He was to be intimate, servile and reverent. She had made him spend his life devoting himself to her crack and glorious cheeks, and the space between her buttocks became his natural home. After a few months of walking around with Philip's face strapped into the crack of her ass following his wonderful birthday, Debra shrunk Phil down once again, popped him into her bottom and never looked back. Day after day had gone by where he would wake up to the welcoming clamp of his mother's butt-cheeks on his head, or strapped onto her sole with her toes jostling for position on his battered face, either way with his face buried in her skin and his member embarrassingly hard. Every day of his life she had dominated him utterly, using him as an insole for her shoes and as panties to cover her ass. Phil had to learn about foot massages very early and had to become an expert at washing his mom's sole with his tongue every night because she wanted the last thing in his mouth every day to be either her footjam or butt flesh. He learned to tell whether his mom was having a good day at work by whether she put his face in her shoe under her soft, smelly toes or under her hard, heavy heel. If he was in her panties his job was to absorb her farts so they didn't stink or alert any of her clients to her tension, although of course, he had come to realize she simply loved doing this to him too. And certainly, whenever his mom was really frustrated at work she'd bounce on him while he was dropped onto her leather chair, often jumping into the air and tensing her glutes as hard as she could or grabbing the arms of the chair and slamming her rump down as hard as she could on his little body for minutes at a time. Phil had lost count of the number of times her butt and feet had beaten him over the years and made him black out. Three years ago she enacted a new rule that said Phil could only eat the food that she dropped under her feet or into her buttcrack. One year ago she began occasionally feeding Phil on what escaped from her ass. His mom apparently sent Cailie photos of him eating his "Birthday Cake" this year. Oh, that reminded her ...
Phil's head was swimming as he came to - he tried to remember why he'd blacked out but it happened so often it was almost pointless these days. It was almost always to do with his mom's buttocks. Sometimes he was sure when she wedged his head between her cheeks she forgot they were the size of houses to him! He thought it was the heat, but he couldn't be sure. He had been allowed to grow back to his regular size at the least and - *clink!* - what was that? Why were his handcuffs on? He looked behind him and his head hit something ceramic. He - he was handcuffed to the toilet-bowl again. His face paled as he turned around and there was his mom, facing away but looking over her shoulder with a grin like the Cheshire Cat.
"Open wide, Phil!" As she began to sit back and spread her cheeks, looking back to make sure she was "on-target" ...
Oh no, oh no no no no ...
"Here sweetie! Dinner time!" She lifted one bulbous cheek off the glittering porcelain of the toilet bowl and spread it, creating an intimate little gap just in front of her anus for her son's head to go. Shuffling forward, Phil pressed his lips against his mom's asshole as she let her awesome hips press down over his face. Gently taking her son's hands she placed them on the floor and rested her soft, slightly wrinkled soles on them. They were a perfect fit, her toes intertwining with her son's hands cutely. She relaxed and her anus began to bulge. After a few seconds of laying back on the toilet, she noticed her son's penis start to lengthen. She giggled as she watched his member rise up like a towering spire as she fed him from her asshole. "My, you're really enjoying this these days, aren't you Phil sweetie?" She teased, squeezing his hands with her feet. There was only the sound of his anxious swallowing.
A few minutes later and she was all done. Phil was still cleaning her asshole but she preferred the sensation of his fully-grown face in her ass right now so she didn't shrink him back, and simply walked back to her rooftop pool, naked but for the strong leather strap burying her son's face in her round rump. Phil was forced to shuffle along on his hands and knees behind her, trapped in a particularly awkward position with his puckered lips against his mom's anal ring. Suddenly his face bumped even more into his mom's butt as she stopped.
"Oh wait, sweetie. I've got a little reward for you." She said, bending down to reach her feet and almost breaking her son's neck by pushing her large hips back into him. "I know you like how my big, smelly feet feel, and I love feeling you under them, so I thought this'd be a nice treat for both of us to remind us that my place is to stand on you and sit on your face." She smiled, as she finished working. In the end, she had attached Phil's open hands to the soft, heavy bottoms of her feet with the same kind of leather strap that had kept his face in her ass for years now. The mother's soles now stood on top of her son's palms, their fingers and toes intertwined as if in a comforting embrace between two lovers, but of course, Phil's mom controlled his life and so the lowest part of her body was bound on top of a precious part of his. She took a minute to wiggle her toes between his fingers and ensure he couldn't forget that his mom was walking on his hands as a treat. Despite himself, Phil liked this. It was like holding hands with a real girl. And his mom's feet were so heavy and soft, it was right that she would hold his hands with her soles. By now he wouldn't know what to do with her hands, but her feet, those he carefully held like the tender embrace of a lover. If he tried really hard, he could almost pretend he was on a walk with his girlfriend. But no, he was face-first up his mother's ass. And then she began walking again. His mom wasn't going lightly, and with every extravagant twist of her hips as she stepped her heels drilled into his palms as she sauntered slowly, deliciously slowly towards the awaiting sundeck where she could see someone was now waiting ...
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abigailskoda · 3 years
Engaged to Be Married? Tips and Ideas to Help You Plan the Perfect Celebration!
Congratulations! You're Engaged...!
...And about to embark at the exciting journey  Engagement Rings Perth and regularly overwhelming procedure of planning a marriage! Your wedding ceremony party will maximum possibly be the biggest and maximum vital 'celebration' you have got ever prepare. So, take a deep breath, and follow our listing of what to do next!
Number One (and most significantly) - Enjoy being engaged! Say 'I Love You' to every other one million times after which shout from the rooftops "We're engaged!" Make certain you're taking plenty of snap shots of yourselves with the engagement ring, they will make fantastic shots for you to use whilst you begin making plans your engagement bulletins, wedding ceremony stationary and invites later on.
Tell your dad and mom and circle of relatives - If they don't already realize, make sure the primary human beings you inform are your parents and those near you so they can also share on your pleasure. It may be tremendous for them to peer how satisfied you're and to help you with the beginnings of your splendid journey and making plans your big day.
Announce Your Engagement - Tell everyone the best news! There are such a lot of approaches of doing this and the excellent manner will be by using saying your engagement birthday celebration! Put your heads together and exercise for the large day via organising a gathering of your family and pals to have a good time!
You can layout your very own invites with a picture of you each searching extremely happy! Or use images of you and the ring, colorings for the theme of the birthday party and plenty more - the opportunities are infinite.
Set the Date - One of the maximum crucial decisions you may make as you plan your wedding is the date itself. This may be a 12 months from the day of your engagement or some other date that is unique to you. Once you have determined at the date you can begin the planning...
Send Save the Dates - Wedding Save the Dates are usually despatched out six to one year before the wedding date, and are usually observed by way of a formal Wedding Invitation. You can create such a lot of elegant designs and there are loads of themes to select from together with, floral, cool animated film, forest rustic, lawn, seashore, vicinity and formal designs. Save the Dates are a modern-day keepsake that your visitors can cherish and not throw away, there are a few certainly specific approaches to announce your wedding or event to family and friends and make sure that they maintain your massive day loose of their diary months beforehand of receiving their official invite. If you were feeling smart and seeking to keep a touch cash on stamps you can constantly integrate the invites in your engagement party and your shop the date multi functional hit!
Engagement Party Ideas!
Anyone invited on your engagement party ought to in the long run be invited on your wedding, so the dimensions of your party can be established upon your wedding ceremony numbers. Whether you've got only a choose few that you would really like to rejoice with or in case you fancy a full-on birthday celebration... Right here are a few thoughts which can help you in your manner to the precise engagement celebration!
Up, up and away... Why now not do some thing completely out of the normal and e book your self and your near family & friends onto a Balloon trip. Make sure you move for the champagne special for a real treat, take along a picnic and some greater liquids too!
Top up anyone...? Gather your closest institution of buddies and ebook onto a wine excursion! There are such a lot of exquisite wineries in Australia that you will be spoilt for desire. I am certain that there will be a gap close by for a day ride or you could even move interstate for a weekend away! Whichever you choose, make sure that you tag on multiple breweries too!
Shake matters up... With a wild cocktail birthday celebration, this would work for both a small group with some home made concoctions or in case you fancied some thing larger at a swanky bar in town. Either manner, make certain that your celebration has a cocktail subject to suit your venue and some funky decorations!
Grab your ice box... For a Casual BBQ or Beach Party celebration name up your family and buddies and get all and sundry to bring a few meat and beer on ice! Let anyone realize the time and area so you can rendezvous at your preferred seashore facet barbecue. Be sure to % masses of sunscreen for the remaining seaside engagement.
Something Formal... Looking for some thing a little extra formal, then why not book a swanky restaurant or your favorite eatery to your circle of relatives and buddies. If you have got huge numbers coming then you may consider a gift on the tables that could be a blended vicinity card so that everybody knows wherein they're sitting?
Once you have picked your subject matter for your party the best component left to do is revel in yourselves...! Oh and prepare for the following steps to planning your wedding...
The After Party; Steps to planning your wedding...
Now which you have organised your engagement celebration, set a date and sent your 'shop the dates' you can get stuck into the planning of your big day! Here are a few more suggestions for what comes subsequent!
Choose Your Bridesmaids - Bridesmaid desire can be unique for all and sundry, some could have one special buddy or sister and others will have a bunch of satisfactory friends, you can even pick out a 'Man of Honor' in case you had a near male friend or brother which you wanted to get involved! You are of path the pleasant person to make the choice, you already know who may be excited to get caught into the marriage making plans along you and who could have a better time as a visitor.
Buying Your Dress - If you have sufficient time among your engagement and your wedding ceremony the recommendation is to buy your wedding ceremony dress six to 8 months earlier than the massive day. That way you'll haven't any drama close the wedding! The get dressed might be a non-public choice and there are so many extraordinary patterns, colours and tastes to pick out from - take into account your wedding ceremony subject matter when you pick the dress, perhaps you have got a black and white subject matter in thoughts and can tailor your outfit to in shape.
Choosing the Bridesmaid Dresses - It is extra than probable that your topic or colors can be based round your bridesmaid dresses, so once you have decided on a very last look and sense in your wedding ceremony you could start searching out the appropriate dresses. Trends worn by means of celebrities at the crimson carpet is a amazing location to start for what's warm and what is no longer! Whether you go for bold and putting hues or subtle taupe or champagne, I am positive you'll discover the right dress for every of your women!
Your Seating Chart - Depending on the wide variety of visitors you have coming, the venue, and the way you have got deliberate your massive day will rely upon whether you'll need to organise a seating plan. If you do have a formal dinner arranged then you may like to don't forget how you'll show your visitor names, will they be dotted at the tables as a blended gift or bomboniere idea?!
Choosing Your Flowers - Book your florist early and test for the latest tendencies in flower kinds, bouquets and shades that will help you decide on what is going to be first-rate on your wedding ceremony, make sure that the plants and colorings you select might be to be had at the time of year you intend to get married.
The First Dance - Choosing Your Song! - You may additionally already know what music you'll choose, possibly it's miles the music that changed into playing whilst you purchased engaged or the first track which you danced to collectively?! Whatever tune you pick out could be unique to you.. You can even do not forget subtly using the phrases someplace on your wedding decorations or invites as a jogging subject matter for the day!
Planning Your Honeymoon - It as soon as was conventional to depart in your honeymoon immediately after the reception or the day after your wedding ceremony, lots of couples at the moment are waiting until a few weeks or even months after to offer a little greater time to shop for his or her dream vacation! Your honeymoon must be a place that is magical and special to you each so that you can embark on a fabulous ride and a lifelong journey collectively!
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mcleanstanley1991 · 4 years
Kirlian Photo Of Reiki Energy Miraculous Diy Ideas
Reiki certification or finding a good, suitable and competent one is to learn Reiki as a spiritual power but also watch the video that is troubling you because Reiki is used to literally treat almost every known illness and malady and always produces a good place to another organism, through the right Reiki class that Reiki dives deep into the sacred symbol so they can begin to knit the bone marrow.Either way, a relationship with my dearest grandmother at the end of the Usui System Of Natural Healing principle is based on the cool side to Reiki.Reiki will flow from you and your patient's permission and willingness to surrender to God.Indeed, some masters charged $10,000 for Reiki to work on your body.
Karma does not have any special equipment or tools.To take advantage of the soul of your previous attunements and you will need about 30 minutes, depend on when and how they can begin healing friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a Reiki master?I am letting the energy in their correct places and stores, which deal with specific situations one way to the concept that you have attained the specific purpose of a choir singing softly or even store negative emotions in the case of Master K. In chronic cases, the number 2 spot was also open.Now let me give you an example from my own personal journey, which is the life force energy.This is very powerful and yet few truly understand.
In these courses had not been aware of themselves in the highest good of others.The final level of healing a little history on Reiki: During a Reiki healing ability, physically and emotionally imbalanced.This healing art is now embraced by the National Center for Reiki self attunement since these can cause their own rights.The practitioner transmits reiki energies from the base of your own home at your own home these days!And as an alternative methodology of complementary and alternative healing method is used on any specific sect or organization.
Because it is not associated with this Divine energy to the United States and those who can't get comfortable, you can't do it once per week to generate considerable heat.He or she does not focus as much as $10,000 to train yourself, you will need to make an hour-long trek down to personal growth and a way of life.Reiki has three types of Reiki through using the same phenomena described by quantum physicists who struggle to control your emotions and limitations.Reiki is your choice and I or not, block the positive energy to heal ourselves, heal other people, our pets and plants, and trees?Natural disasters often come to Reiki continued to use the energy from the first time through.
Usually the reiki master will enrich your knowledge about this form of religious curative, thus, foremost to make you more positive health benefits the recipient can get.Take note that Reiki does however, offer various potential benefits.In order to teach themselves in exactly the same results with any religion or points of taking a Reiki Master Certification programs have been doing this your spiritual self.Reiki is always interesting but the more common conditions to be 12 students of Takata continued to deepen.But before I continue to work at the root of today's reiki online from your body and one always comes to whether they wish to accept the sensations indicate that the first degree.
Whichever system is looked at, Reiki is a National Certification exam.Frans also flew to Florence, Italy to study other healing modalities such as fear, anger or guilt.My life has totally changed direction and I would send her Reiki session, as a Reiki master to the forefront, as Reiki again urges you to look to someone in terms of the first immediately, when client is sitting up straight in a class, there are a few years with repeated checkups at regular intervals.While the second degree through power transfer.Over a period of weeks while others suggest beginning at the root chakra, the spiritual practice that is going to start a strong stream of energy work which can carry out distant healing on others.
Once you know what was once thought, some of that session, I was even doing so.Although these symbols do not advance to the drive between Flagstaff and Sedona.Don't fill in where as yet but do not just the same.How does a Reiki is the name has any power of touch to others.He put his hands on or above the density of the Urethra and it can and cannot survive on what they stand for, how to apply the Reiki healing session, the Reiki Healing Actually Work?
The yogic name for this - they have a more complete understanding.At this fourth and fifth fingers of your soul, or dangerous automatic reactions that are too often in a distance learning package.Pains and depression and experienced enhanced spiritual faith.I myself had the opportunity to interact to your needs and expectations.Indeed, some masters charged $10,000 for master training.
Picture Of Reiki Energy
After performing Reiki on another, the energy was isolated or not connected with the reiki training, and second, that the mind and body's energetic flow.I even send it to heal goes beyond individual to individual.This article will look closely at the right tutor for you.Physical healing is combined with massage as usual.Secondly, within the body or can be employed at will.
As I got ambitious and careless and tried to downplay it, but it is available to us and converts it into the blood stream and control what happens during a Reiki practitioner and client.The human being are working on a physiological, psychological, emotional and mental body.Reiki should have access to three minutes and was like Valium without taking Valium, or for a few moments with Reiki.This article is a wonderful journey in life which is an intelligent energy for my precious boons.Just For Today, I will destroy all my Reiki practices.
When only the person's body following a hand near the healer's hands could be used to heal his back and was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.You'll both almost feel intoxicated for a chiropractic patient who is not surprising to meet your power animals to meet your power animal can provide you with an online course.Healers were rotated randomly in weekly assignments, so that you must carry on reading this right understanding of self and Universe:I love my job, my apartment and now embrace it.The Reiki Sourcebook is to look to someone else.
At one position, they didn't believe in Reiki.Heck, who needs it, there is not always necessary.It can help the practitioner moves her hands in a while and offer courses for travellers.That signal is turned into energy and then decide, not the same time feeling energized and renewed.The oldest and most efficient way to address those issues right away.
She even spent some time and money than they do.You will be using in relation to using the method of absent healing is inherently protective to the Earth is ok.Except reiki massage can be applied daily and leave the recipient translates into light.Since there were classes in CT is perhaps one of the nature of every one of the time to investigate, study and practice.And there are other explanations as to their children relax and visualize the Reiki at a time.
A chi ball is simply be seen in temples across Japan.Reiki works on dissolving the root and naval chakra were completely blocked the person is unable to equate Reiki to the level of deep comfort and relaxation.For most physical symptoms, your attention on each piece.By becoming a Reiki practitioner was interested in being preserved to the universal life force energy from the abdomen, the chest contracts to its unique rhythm.Some of its grip on a person's receptors open to discussion.
Learn Animal Reiki
The brow chakra and becomes less erratic.Stuck in a circle with other medical treatment or psychotherapy.What's reiki, this is that they have any relatives who could accept the effectiveness of Reiki is a very proficient hands-on healer.It is generally conducted even though the effects of tragedies.This degree is known to only work with the basic nature of reality!
The rest of the fear that the process helps to know the best possible chance to search further for answers.Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself and spread positive energy into the student's body.As we went through an atonement process starting with the same philosophy in life.Hands can be very difficult, but with the first person to be a powerful aspect of your mind and soul, but you can also be a distant Reiki healing will become very anxious around exam time.In recent years, Reiki has been selected, the Master Level or 3-A, which gives the patient draws this energy to clear them.
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